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Waste Water Facilities Plan
The City of Winter Springs has initiated the process of selecting / designing
the new treatment processes for East and West Waste Water Treatment. We
will be investigating use of the State's Revolving Fund and grants to
supplement City funding. Included in the proposed plan will be a capital
improvement element and a rate study which is necessary when requesting
loans or grants. This consultant will incorporate information from other
consultants into this plan. The projects will take twelve months to complete at
a cost of$246,700.
Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order with Kimley-Horn to
prepare a Waste Water Facilities Plan which will be used for the future
grant/loan applications for funding of the two new waste water treatment
plants and other associated infrastructure.
Kimiey) Horn
June 18, 2021
Dale Smith
Public Works and Utilities Director
City of Winter Springs
400 Old Sanford Oviedo Road
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Wastewater Facilities Plan
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ("Kimley-Horn" or "Consultant") is pleased to submit this
letter scope (the "Scope")to the City of Winter Springs. FL ("City")for providing design and
construction documents for a Wastewater Facilities Plan. This Scope is for a work release
authorization under RFP#01-21 Civil Engineering Continuing Service Contract.
Project Understanding
The City desires to develop a comprehensive Wastewater Facilities Plan for the purpose of
identifying and prioritizing capital projects.This scope of services describes the specific tasks
to gather information, develop future needs, perform necessary hydraulic analysis, develop
costs, report recommendations, and produce a prioritized list of capital project needs. The
Wastewater Facilities Plan will focus on capital improvements required to serve the existing,
5, 10, and 20-year future needs of the utility service area.
The Wastewater Facilities Plan will generally consist of the following elements.
• Prepare system demand projections for the 5, 10, and 20-year time horizons.
• Demand projections will include septic to sewer conversion projects identified by the
• Prepare wastewater and reclaimed water master plans based on the 5, 10, and 20-
year demand projections.
• Review the FDEP wastewater treatment facility (W ffF) capacity analysis report (CAR)
update provided by others.
• Review and integrate a WWTF expansion/replacement plan provided by others.
• Identify potential projectfunding sources with support to Angie Brewer and Associates,
With this project understanding in mind, the specific scope of services to be provided by
Kimley-Horn are described below.
Specific Scope of Basic Services
Task 1 — Data Collection and Utility Demand Projections
A. Kimley-Horn will prepare for and attend a project kick-off meeting with City staff. Project
objectives, schedule, milestones, communication methods and frequencies, and base
information will all be discussed.
B. Kimley-Horn will collect and review updated utility information provided by the City. The
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
City will provide Kimley-Horn with the following information:
• Any available AutoCAD and/or GIS files of the City's existing wastewater collection
system mapping.
• The most recent 12-month electronic water billing records.
• Discharge monitoring reports(DMR)and monthly operating reports(MOR)forthe past
• A complete inventory of the City's lift station equipment and physical data including
existing pump curves,pump make and model,impeller diameter,wet well dimensions,
invert depths, operating pressures, and forcemain sizes in MS Excel format. Kimley-
Horn will provide the City with a formatted MS Excel spreadsheet to be used by the
City to document the required data.
• One year of lift station run-time history in MS Excel format (used for demand
• Current (within 3 months of model development) lift station drawdown test results.
Kimley-Horn will provide the City with the draw-down test procedure and results log.
The City will provide Kimley-Horn with drawdown test data in MS Word and Excel
format. The drawdown test information will be used to calibrate the system model.
Inaccuratetest results may cause delaysand additional workduring model calibration.
Such delays and additional work will be considered additional services subject to
reimbursement per the "Additional Services"terms below.
• The recent WWTF capacity analysis reports and WWTF expansion/replacement plan
C. Kimley-Horn will review system permits and updated regulatory issues affecting the
City's wastewater and reclaimed water systems. This task will include a review of the
City's current operating procedures and programs with respect to the proposed FDEP
Chapter 62-640 rule amendments. Kimley-Horn will identify potential program changes
needed to comply with the proposed rule amendment and review the findings with City
staff. The results of the reviewwill be compiled for City staff input and will be summarized
in the Master Facility Plan report.
D. Kimley-Horn will use data provided by the City, SJRWMD, and US Census Bureau to
prepare utility system demand projections as the basis for future wastewater system
growth. Kimley-Horn will also meet with City staff to discuss additional large-scale
developments and specific projects that should be included in the analysis. The
projections will include estimated demands resulting from converting the existing 766
septic systems within the City's service area to central sewer systems.
E. Kimley-Horn will allocate future growth into specific-areas within the-service areaforthe
purpose of calculating future utility needs and allocate utility demands. This allocation
will be performed based on known projects, engineering judgment,and discussions with
City staff. System demands will be calculated for the present year, 5, 10, and 20-year
Task 2—Wastewater Facility and System Hydraulic Modeling Analysis/Evaluation
A. Kimley-Horn will utilize the current wastewater system model for the wastewater collection
system hydraulic analysis. Using information provided by the City, Kimley-Horn will update
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL 32801
Kimiey) Horn
the model to include new lift stations, force mains, and modifications to existing lift
stations. Kimley-Horn assumes the existing model is fully functioning and generally up
to date with only minor updates(such as new infrastructure and/or corrections to existing
infrastructure locations) needed. Comprehensive modifications such as recreating
corrupt files and major mapping/model file revisions are not included in this scope of
work but can be performed as an additional service. The City's gravity system will not be
included in the hydraulic model. However, portions of the City's gravity system that
convey wastewater directly to lift stations or receive flows from force mains will be
analyzed by estimating the gravity line capacity assuming minimum pipe slope.
B. Kimley-Horn will assist the City in two lift station drawdown tests to support proper
measurement and pumping assessment of each lift station. The testing procedure and
measurements will be identified for City staff to review and participate for use in further
drawdown testing of the City's lift stations. The drawdown testing results will have a
significant impact on the proper assessment of the City's capacity within the existing
collection system and proper assessment is critical to the planning assessment for the
C. Kimley-Horn will produce a draft master map of the wastewater collection system for the
City's review and comment. Kimley-Horn will meet with City staff to review corrections
and updates to draft collection system mapping prior to finalizing the collection system
D. Kimley-Horn will create sewer shed service areas for all lift stations within the City's
collection system. Present day wastewater demands will be assigned based on water
system billing records. The demand allocations will be compared to lift station run-time
and pumping rate historyalong with measured wastewater treatment plant influentflows.
The estimated demands will be verified by comparing the average per connection
wastewater generation rate to the number of active connections within the lift station
service area and wastewater treatment facility DMR reports. Future system demands for
vacant parcels will be allocated based on future land use designations at maximum
allowable density.
E. Kimley-Horn will attempt to calibrate the model as close to measured field conditions as
reasonably achievable. Generally, model predictions within 15% of observed pumping
rates will be considered as acceptable. The City will be notified if this level of accuracy
is not achieved with a reasonable amount of effort. If additional field data is required,
Kimley-Horn will advise the City of those needs and re-calibrate the model until the
system model is reasonably accurate. Additional services may be required to identify
system problems that are contributing to prediction error and/or additional model
calibration effort due to unforeseen conditions.
F. Kimley-Horn will include additional modeling related to any septic to sewer study efforts
to identify alternatives to provide service and evaluate potential system wide impacts, if
needed. In-depth septic to sewer conversions beyond conceptual level can be completed
through an additional services request.
G. Kimley-Horn will prepare a series of system hydraulic models for the present year, 5-
year, 10-year, and 20-year demand projections. Kimley-Horn will evaluate the existing
collection system performance under these conditions and identify areas that are not
EMMM 189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL 32801
performing up to the City's hydraulic standards. and make system improvement
recommendations needed to meet the hydraulic standards. Kirley-Horn will review the
initial improvement recommendations with City staff and include staff's input for the final
H. Kimley-Horn will conduct a one-day workshop with City staff. During the workshop,
Kimley-Horn will provide an overview of the hydraulic model, present the model results,
and conduct additional live model analyses based on staff input. The results of the
additional analyses conducted during the workshop will be included in the Wastewater
Facilities Plan report.
Task 3— Reclaimed Water System Hydraulic Modeling Analysis/Evaluation
A. Kimley-Horn will create a reclaimed water system model to reflect the existing reclaimed
water distribution system. Kimley-Horn will perform hydraulic modeling analysis to
identify potential system deficiencies in meeting the current and future demand
B. Kimley-Horn will prepare a conceptual reclaimed water plan for expanding the existing
distribution system based on the City's future plans. Kimley-Horn will use the reclaimed
water model to identify distribution line size requirements to meet future demands of the
expanded system.
C. Kimley-Horn will include a reviewof the reclaimed water system hydraulic analysis during
the one-day workshop review of the wastewater collection system results. The results of
the additional analyses conducted during the workshop will be included in the
Wastewater Facilities Plan report.
D. To facilitate expedited project execution during the current fiscal year, Kimley-Horn will
prepare a list of early projects priorto the completion of the Facilities Plan.These projects
will be used bythe City to help facilitate expansion and connection of the City's reclaimed
water and reduce the overall water use by the City.
Task 4— Review WWTF Expansion Plan/CAR
A. Kimley-Horn will review the preliminary condition assessment and review operational
and maintenance history included within the City's Facility Expansion Plan (provided by
others). Kimley-Horn will workwith City staff to identify renewal and replacement projects
to be included in the 5-year CIP project list. Kimley-Horn will review project descriptions,
conceptual project sketch,and an opinion of probable construction cost for each project
The project information will be included in the Facility Plan report.
B. Kimley-Horn will review the updated CAR completed by others and provided by the City
prior to submittal to the FDEP in accordance with FAC 62-620 and FDEP guidelines.
Kimley-Horn will provide comments for consideration prior to submitting to FDEP.
Task 5 Capital Improvement Program Development
A. Kimley-Horn will meet with City staff to update the City's 5-year utility capital
improvement project plan. Kimley-Horn will provide brief project narratives and develop
opinions of probable construction costs for each project.
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL 32801
B. Kimley-Horn will work with City staff to update the CIP priority list. Kimley-Horn will
prepare for and attend up to two working meetings with staff to reach consensus on a
draft CIP.
C. Kimley-Horn will prepare documentation for the City's utility system financial planning
consultant to provide capital improvement project estimates for inclusion in the City's
budgeting analysis. Kimley-Horn will modify the 5-year CIP list based on the
recommendations made by City staff and the City's financial planning consultant.
D. Kimley-Horn will revise the 20-year long range CIP to identify improvements beyond the
5-year planning horizon. The 20-year CIP will identify utility system requirements that
are anticipated beyond the 5-year planning horizon.
E. Kimley-Horn will prepare a draft Wastewater Facilities Plan document. The Wastewater
Facilities Plan will include a section that identifies and describes potential funding
sources for the recommended CIP projects.
F. Following a draft review and receipt of comments from the City, Kimley-Horn will revise
the draft Wastewater Facilities Plan documentto incorporate staff comments and finalize
for the final Wastewater Facilities Plan. Kimley-Horn will provide up to three hard copies
and one electronic PDF copy of the final Wastewater Facilities Plan.
G. Kimley-Horn will prepare for and attend a presentation of the final Wastewater Facilities
Plan at a City Commission workshop.
Task 6 Usage Rates Study Support
A. The City will contract directly with the City's financial planning consultant to support a
utility revenue sufficiency analysis to be completed by the City's financial planning
consultant. The revenue sufficiency analysis will consist of the input of all financial,
statistical, capital, and operational data and assumptions, preparation of a comparative
rate survey, two interactive work sessions with City staff to review the results of the
analysis and develop scenarios, individual presentations of the analysis to each
Commissioner, participation at two public meetings, and review of a report documenting
the results of the analysis generated by the financial planning consultant.
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL 32801
These services will be completed as expeditiously as possible. An estimate of the project
schedule is as follows:
Task Description Timeframe
1 Utility Demand Projections Report 12 weeks
2 Wastewater Facility and System Hydraulic Modeling 12 weeks
3 Reclaimed Water System Hydraulic Modeling Analysis/Evaluation 6 weeks
4 Review WWTF Expansion Plan/CAR 4 weeks
5 Capital Improvement Program Development 6 weeks
6 Usage Rates Study Support 6 weeks
These timeframes are non-consecutive and may overlap. The overall project time is project to
be completed within 12 months.
Method of Compensation
Kimley-Horn will perform these services for the total lump sum fee of$246,700.00, inclusive
of office overhead expenses. Invoiceswill be billed on a percent basis per task.A breakdown
of the fee by task is as follows:
Task Description Lump Sum Fee
1 Utility Demand Projections Report $29,300.00
2 Wastewater Facility and System Hydraulic Modeling $70,130.00
3 Reclaimed Water System Hydraulic Modeling/Evaluation $44,800.00
4 Review WWTF Facility Expansion Plan/CAR $10,520.00
5 Capital Improvement Program Development $69,600.00
6 Usage Rates Study $22,350.00
Total $246,700.00
Services provided underthis will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices will include a
description of services provided.
In an effortto expedite invoices and reduce paper waste, Kimley-Horn submits invoices via
email in an Adobe PDF format. We can also provide a paper copy via regular mail if
requested. Include the invoice number and Kimley-Horn project number with all payments.
Please provide the following information:
Please email all invoices to
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
Kimley>>> Horn
Additional Services
Services requested that are not specifically included that may be requested by the City will
be provided under a new and separate authorization or can be performed using an
amendment to this scope of services. Kimley-Horn can complete these or other related
services upon written authorization by the City.
• GIS Database Development
• Creating/developing the Wastewater Master hydraulic model
• Creating/developing the Reclaim Master hydraulic model
• Creating/developing the Water Master hydraulic model
• Lift station analysis and efficiency assessments using our patent pending XAC-
PAC (pronounced zac-pac) to evaluate existing lift stations motor, pump and
hydraulic effectiveness
• Additional lift station drawdown testing services and field assessments beyond
those specifically listed above
If you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the services, please
have authorized persons execute a task authorization for this scope of services and transmit
via email to Lance.Littrell(a)Kimley-Horn.com. We will commence services after we have
received a fully-executed task authorization.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me at your
earliest convenience with any questions regarding this scope of services.
By: Lance R. Littrell, P.E. Jon Martin, P.E.
Senior Project Manager Senior Vice President
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Dale Smith, Public Works and Utilities Director
Dale Smith
(Print or Type Name)
dsmith _wintersprinasfl.org
(Email Address)
(Print or Type Name)
189 S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
Kimley>>> Horn
Tabl e A
Electricat Upgrades Desipi and Consumcdon
7 Data Collection and Utilit•Demand Projections
Kick Off Meetine and Pre aiadon 5 6 6 2 $3,074
Collect and Review Data Provided By City 6 18 32 10 $9,152
Develop and Frn-mulate Demand Projection, 6 24 40 4 570,596
Allocate Future Cnowth Areas-Demand Probctions 4 10 30 2 ,$6,470
TaskTmal 529,292
2 Wastewater Facility and System Hydraulic Modeling Amlysis/Evaluation
Update Existing Wastewater S ystcm Modcl PI-ovided By City 3 12 20 32 5 $9,953
Lift Station Drawdown Testi (2stations) 4 10 12 4 $4,790
Master Ma Develo enentand Review 2 8 12 24 2 $6.662
Inte ate Demands,Lift Station and FM System Fi eld Dtlta 2 20 8 30 4 $8,910
Model Calibration based en Collected Data 2 6 34 48 6 S12,874
Septic to Sewer Modeling 1 4 12 16 1 $4.701
Seenariu Develo Inept and Model Simu1a6— 4 16 32 48 6 514.654
Model Review Workshop 8 10 12 16 4 $7,590
TaskTotal 570.134
3 Reclaimed Water Svstem HvdrauGe Modeling/Evaluation
Create the Reclaimed Water Sy.tcm Model 2 12 36 44 4 513,448
Reclaimed Water Plan 6 18 24 28 2 Sl 1,452
Reclaimed Water System Model Workshop 8 10 12 16 4 $7,590
Evaluate the Reclaimed System for Early Out Project Support 12 28 40 572,332
Task Total 544,822
4 Review W WTF Facility Expansion Plan/CAR(By Other)
Review Condition Assessment,Expansion Plan,and 5-year CIP List with OPCCs 4 12 8 24 4 $7,368
Review CAR Sunmittal and Comments 4 8 6 2 $3,152
Task Total S10,520
5 Capital Improvement Program Development
Updates-yearutilityeapitalimprovemetuprojectplan 81 1 18 16 32 4 511,442
Ul)date CIP Priori uv List 10 20 12 32 6 511,830
Financiat Plarwinq Cotvuhaut Support&CIP Revisions 4 12 8 16 4 $6,368
20-Year,CIP Improvements 4 14 81 20 3 $7,101
Wastcwatcr Facilities Daft 12 24 30 40 6 12 517,846
Wastewater Facilities Final Report 4 8 12 26 4 6 $8.252
Cit,CornJusionWorlishop 12 16 8 4 $6.764
Task Total 569,603
6 Usage Rates Stud
Uility Revenue Saficiency Analysis Support to Financial Consultant 6 10 4 $3.530
(2)Workshos with City Stiff 8 12 16 6 $6.598
Commissioner Presentations 10 151 0 4 10 $6,155
2)Public Meetings 6 81 4 2 8 $4.152
Review ofReveunue Sufficiency Analysis Report 4 6 0 $1,914
Task Tom I 522,349
TOTALHOURS 0i 1711 01 31)51 308 682 18 125 $0 $246,720
LABOR $/HOUR $ 260.00 1$ 240.00 1$195.00 1 159.001S 14,5.001's 125,00 1 S 130.00 IS 85.00
SUBTOTAL $ $ 41,040.00 $ $ 62sos.00 s 44,660,00 $ ss.2saoo s 2,340.00 5 10625.00 s $246,720
• • :• S OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801 �1 :•: