HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 06 14 Consent 302 - Revised Public Input Form .44 Prt. • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 302 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I JUNE 14, 2021 REGULAR MEETING 1959 00 WE TITLE Revised Public Input Form SUMMARY Section 2-28(k), Winter Springs City Code requires the City Clerk to create and maintain a short public input form, subject to the City Commission's approval. The last revision was approved in 2017. The proposed public input form removes "Guidelines on When to Speak," "Guidelines on How to Address the Mayor and City Commission," and "Notes." The Commission has routinely had the Mayor, or presiding Commissioner, read a short script before each Public Input section which presents this information. Name, address, contact information, a statement on allotted time, and a notice that the form is a public record remain unchanged. Both the current and proposed form are attached to this item for your review. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting the City Commission review and approve the revised Public Input Form 1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PUBLIC INPUT FORM - REQUEST TO SPEAK Please complete this form if you wish to address the Mayor and City Commission on any subject. ADDRESSING THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION Please print clearly and neatly! Date: Name: Address: City: State/Zip Code: Email address: Phone number (optional): GUIDELINES ON WHEN TO SPEAK: • Consent(300's) and Regular(500's) Agenda Items and miscellaneous matters not on the Agenda should be addressed during the 11t Round of Public Input • Public Hearings (400's) Agenda Items have separate and dedicated Public Input and any Public Input must be given during the applicable Public Hearing Agenda Item • Miscellaneous comments may be made during the 2nd optional Round of Public Input, if time permits. Would you like to address a topic that IS on this Agenda? 1. Which Agenda Item do you wish to comment on? 2. For the Record, regarding the Agenda Item above, are you IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSED ❑ ? 3.a) Do you wish to verbally address the Mayor and City Commission on this Agenda Item? YES ❑ OR NO* ❑ 3.b) If you said NO* to 3.a), but wish to submit a brief statement for the record of the meeting, please use the space below to note your comments (please print clearly): Would you like to address a topic that is NOT on this Agenda? Please use the space below for your comments (please print clearly): 2 Revised 11/13/2017 For important information,please see other side -thank you for your input! GUIDELINES ON HOW TO ADDRESS THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION: 1. Please complete this form and present it to the City Clerk BEFORE the Meeting begins; then be seated. 2. When your name is called, please promptly approach the podium, and using the microphone, clearly state your name and address for the Record. 3. Individual comments must be limited to 3 minutes, and persons representing a recognized group or organization will be limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise provided under City Commission Rules and Procedures. 4. If you are speaking on behalf of a group or organization, please state the name of the group or organization for the record. 5. If you are representing a company or organization, it would be very helpful if you could please provide to the City a business card for the Record. 6. If you have a written statement, please provide that to the City Clerk for the Record. In accordance with 'Roberts Rules of Order" civility and respect should be afforded to all. NOTES: - Please address all comments to the Mayor or the presiding officer, even if you wish to ask a specific question to someone else. All comments are channeled through the presiding officer. - If you are showing ANY documents, photographs, maps, etc. to anyone on the dais, please note that the "Original" or a duplicate copy will be considered a public record and will be kept as part of the Record. - If you are presenting ANY documents, photographs, maps, etc. to the City Commission at the meeting, please note that nine (9) copies should be provided to the City Clerk so each person on the dais is afforded a copy to review. Should you need additional space for any other written comments, please use the below area — (please print clearly): PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PUBLIC RECORD FORM IS A PUBLIC RECORD AND IS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE UNDER FLORIDA LAW. FURTHER, THE CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND THE RULES AND PROCEDURES ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE II OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY CODE. 3 Revised 11/13/2017 To complete this form,please see other side -thank you for your input! Z OEl El0 M � o O Elw ; � LL (.. 0 :3 v d a o p OD 0 O J El o z O O N O ZZ LL v Q , c - Q) z 0 Lj w o ° m LO cri Z OU E o a� +j o °� Ln a z E � _ Z u v � z 4E .o :3 +J o z c cn Q v Q o +� m U � o o An C (D _C n ° a) J � o o c o 0 Q w 0 LL Z