HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 06 28 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING J U N E 28, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Matthew Criswell called to Order the Tuesday,June 28, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Code Enforcement Board at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Roll Call: Chairperson Matthew Criswell, present Vice-Chairperson Maurice Kaprow, present Board Member Michael Burns, present Board Member Stephen Gildea, absent - excused Board Member Howard Parsons, present Board Member Dennis Robinson, present Board Member Harold Thomson, absent Senior City Attorney Jennifer Nix, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Captain Kevin Presley noted there were no changes to the agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used CONSENT AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED CASES 300. Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS - REPEAT CASES 400. Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 500)Case #20210E000433 427 Boxwood Circle, Winter Springs Theodore A. Marinitz CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-JUNE 28,2022 PAGE 2OF5 Madelyn T. Marinitz IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage IPMC 302.1 Sanitation IPMC 304.6 Exterior Walls IPMC 304.9 Overhearing Extensions IPMC 605.1 Installation WS City Ord. 13-2(B) Yard Trash/Outside Storage WS City Ord. 12-53 Inoperable Vehicle Note: The Respondent was not present. Ms. Terri Sanchez, Code Enforcement Specialist, Winter Springs Police Department introduced the case, offered testimony on the procedures of notice and the present violations, and showed photos from the "Presentation." The Board accepted the packet as published into evidence without objection. Ms. Sanchez noted that the violation related to City Ordinance 12-53, Inoperable Vehicle had come into compliance. Ms. Sanchez recommended a compliance date of July 28, 2022 and a two-hundred and fifty dollar ($250) per day fine if this was not met. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE, IPMC 304.7; IPMC 302.1; IPMC 304.6; IPMC 304.9; IPMC 605.1; AND CITY ORDINANCE 13-2(B) AND ORDER THAT RESPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL JULY 28, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO-HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250) A DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BURNS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PARSONS (AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 501) Case #2022CE000889 411 North Hawthorn Circle, Winter Springs SFR XII Orlando Owner 1LP WS City Ord. 13-2(E) Stagnant Pool Note: The Respondent was not present. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-JUNE 28,2022 PAGE 3OF5 Ms. Terri Sanchez, Code Enforcement Specialist, Winter Springs Police Department introduced the case, offered testimony on the procedures of notice and the violation, and showed photos from the "Presentation." The Board accepted the packet as published into evidence without objection. Ms. Sanchez recommended the respondent be given no more than 15 days, until July 13, 2022, to establish compliance and in the event the violation was not corrected within the time allotted, requested the City perform or contract work to bring the property into compliance. Discussion followed on the current state of the property and Ms. Sanchez noted the City had already secured the fence to ensure nobody could access the property. "I MOVE TO FIND RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE, 13-2(e) PER THE SPECIFICATIONS PRESENTED TO US AND ORDER RESPONDENT BE GIVEN UNITL JULY 13 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO-HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250) SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER. FURTHER IF RESPONDENTS FAIL TO REPAIR OR SECURE THE PROPERTY AND THUS FAIL TO COME INTO COMPLIANCE BY JULY 13, 2022, I FIND THE CITY SHOULD CORRECT THE VIOLATION AND THEREFORE THE CITY SHALL EITHER PERFORM OR CONTRACT FOR THE NECESSARY WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN ORDER TO REPAIR OR SECURE THE PROPERTY OR RENDER IT SAFE. THE COSTS AND EXPENSES OF SUCH WORK SHALL BECOME A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY, WHICH MAY BE ENFORCED BYLAW." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PARSONS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PARSONS (AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 502)Case #20210E003474 431 Boxwood Circle, Winter Spring Yolanda M. Serrano IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage Note: The Respondent was present. Ms. Terri Sanchez, Code Enforcement Specialist, Winter Springs Police Department introduced the case, offered testimony on the procedures CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-JUNE 28,2022 PAGE 4OF5 of notice and the violation, and showed photos from the "Presentation." The Board accepted the packet as published into evidence without objection. Ms. Sanchez recommended a compliance date of July 28, 2022 and a two-hundred and fifty dollar ($250) per day fine if this was not met. The respondent, Ms. Yolanda Serrano, 437 Boxwood Circle, Winter Springs offered testimony and admitted to the violations which were noted by Ms. Sanchez. Ms. Serrano further noted that the tarps had been removed, temporary repairs had been made, explained there was litigation currently underway, and requested time to further correct any issues. Discussion followed on the Code Board's options "I MOVE BASED ON EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PROVIDED TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE, IPMC 304.7 AND ORDER THAT RESPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL DECEMBER 30, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO- HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250) A DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PARSONS (AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NON-COMPLIANCE CASES 600)Case # 20210E003327 110 North Devon Ave, Winter Springs Irma Rodriguez Building Code 105.1 Permit is Required Original Hearing Date: March 22, 2022 Note: The Respondent was present. Ms. Terri Sanchez, Code Enforcement Specialist, Winter Springs Police Department introduced the case, offered testimony on the procedures of notice and updates since the original hearing in March, and showed photos from the "Presentation." The Board accepted the packet as published into evidence without objection. Ms. Sanchez recommended CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-JUNE 28,2022 PAGE 5OF5 imposing the two-hundred and fifty dollar ($250) per day fine set forth in the Board's previous order. The respondent, Ms. Irma Rodriguez, 710 N Devon Avenue, Winter Springs offered testimony noting she had attempted to obtain a permit from Seminole County and submitted a "Notice of Commencement" which she had obtained. Discussion followed on the proper procedure to obtain a permit from the City of Winter Springs. Captain Presley testified that following the respondent's initial appearance at the Code Enforcement Board, it had been explained in detail to the respondent how to properly apply for and obtain a permit. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE, BUILDING CODE 105.1 BASED ON THE EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY PROVIDED BY CITY AND RESPONDENT AND THAT THE PENALTLY SET FORTH IN THIS BOARD'S PREVIOUS ORDER DATED MARCH 29, 2022 SHALL BE IMPOSED CONSISTENT WITH THAT ORDER." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PARSONS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PARSONS (AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA 700. Not Used ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Criswell adjourned the meeting at 6:22 PM �*!;••' , 3 re,, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: oil F�IlPdO� CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the7l'y 2022 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting.