HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 07 11 Regular 500 - Waste Pro Annual Performance Review + , REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 500 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I JULY 11, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Waste Pro Annual Performance Review SUMMARY In accordance to the City's franchise agreement, please find attached the "Winter Springs Customer Satisfaction with Waste Management Services" survey report for solid waste service as provided by Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. As in years past, the survey was conducted by the University of Central Florida's Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences. As detailed within the report, the survey was conducted via email between April 27th and May 13th. The result of the survey was a satisfaction rating of 90.9%, which is slightly higher than the 2021 satisfaction rating of 90.3%. A separate attachment displays a historical graph of surveyed customer satisfaction results since 2007. According to Table 3 of the survey, 35 respondents asked to be contacted in order to discuss comments and/or complaints related to the survey. Staff from the Finance Department, led by Utility Services Manager Melanie Stallard, has reviewed all comments and attempted to service all requests. In addition to the survey, please find attached the "Annual Evaluation Report" completed by staff in accordance with the franchise agreement. Staff met with a Waste Pro team led by District Manager Eric Saxton, during which both the survey and evaluation were reviewed. Results and comments within the survey were discuss at length, which primarily concentrated on tagging and recycling efforts. One of the themes that resulted from the discussion was the ongoing need for communication and education related to the recycling effort. As such, please find attached a picture of a rear load recycle truck utilized here in Winter Springs. The picture displays separate hoppers on the same truck, one for newspaper and cardboard versus the second side which is for bottles, cans, and glass. Based on the results of the survey and the staff evaluation, Waste Pro has qualified for the annual bonus per the terms outlined in the franchise agreement. The gross amount of the bonus is $15,000. Following the survey 1 cost share with the City, the net amount of the bonus paid is $13,176. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission affirm the Solid Waste survey results and approve Waste Pro, our solid waste franchisee, to receive the performance bonus of$15,000 (less shared survey cost), and also receive the Annual Evaluation Report for Waste Pro for the period of March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022 as submitted by staff. 2 rsity (A Central Florida Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences Winter Springs Customer Satisfaction with Waste Management Services May 2022 Amy A Donley, Jacquelyn Reiss, and Brian Hall 3 Table of Contents Overview................................................................................................................................1 DataCollection.......................................................................................................................1 Results....................................................................................................................................3 Overall Customer Satisfaction............................................................................................3 Specific Comments & Complaints .....................................................................................3 Customersto Contact.........................................................................................................4 DamagedTrash Bins..........................................................................................................5 4 Overview The Institute for Social and Behavioral Science (ISBS) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) contracted with the City of Winter Springs, FL to conduct a survey to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the City's solid waste disposal subcontractor, Waste Pro. A list of emails was given to ISBS by the City of Winter Springs. A link to the survey was sent through email to each individual on the list. The survey was available to be taken from April 27 to May 13, 2022. The survey consisted of a structured, electronic questionnaire that is used annually to determine consumers' satisfaction with Waste Pro. The survey design included an initial screening question to ensure only residents who currently live in the City of Winter Springs and are charged for trash collection services are included. Participants are asked the following screening question: "Does the monthly water bill that you get from the City of Winter Springs include a charge for trash collection services?" Individuals who responded "no" or "don't know" during the survey have their surveys ended and are excluded from the final sample. Data Collection As shown in Table 1, the response rate for the online survey distributed between April 27 to May 13, 2022, was 11.03%, down slightly from last year's response rate (12.83%). The sample frame was comprised of 8,666 customer email addresses. The first e-mail to customers was sent on April 27, 2022. A reminder e-mail was sent to customers who had not yet completed the survey on May 4, 2022. Out of the 8,666 e-mail addresses, 809, or 9.3%, of customers could not be reached because the email either bounced back or failed. Approximately 6,880 customers, or 79.4%, did not open the survey link. Of those that did receive the email and opened the survey link, 956 customers, or 97.8%, completed the survey. Although 97.8% of people who did open the link submitted a survey, some cases were excluded because they were not 18 years of age or older(n=1), they did not live in Winter Springs (n=3), and they did not answer "Yes" to the screening question, "Does the monthly bill you receive from Winter Springs include a monthly charge for trash collection?" (n=266). After eliminating those survey respondents, the final sample of Waste Pro customers was 686 (7.91% of all total emails sent). 1 5 Table 1. Survey Collection Total Opened Survey, But Did Not Submit 21 Total Completed Surveys 956 Waste Pro Customers 686 Was Not Over 18 Years Old 1 Did Not Live in Winter Springs 3 Did Not Answer "Yes" To Screening Question 266 Bounced Emails 791 Failed Emails 18 No Response 6,880 Total Emails Sent 8,666 2 6 Results Overall Customer Satisfaction After asking participants the initial screening questions, the survey asked participants about their overall satisfaction with the trash collection services. The question is as follows: "As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private contractor, Waste Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection services you receive at your place of residence?" Of the 686 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, 94.3% (n=647) customers responded to this question. The results, which are highlighted in Table 2, show that customer satisfaction with Waste Pro (90.9°/x) does meet the 90% satisfaction rating required. Compared to the 2020 and 2021 reports, customer satisfaction with Waste Pro has remained relatively consistent (91.4% in 2020, to 90.3% in 2021). About 2.3% of the sample (n=15), chose "Other"when asked about their satisfaction. Of the 14 participants, 5 left comments describing why they may have chosen this response. Of those 5 comments, all mentioned something that did not pertain to the survey or had no comment. Table 2. Satisfaction With Trash Collection Services Frequency Percentage (%) Satisfied 588 90.9 Unsatisfied 44 6.8 Other 15 2.3 Total 647 100 Specific Comments & Complaints The satisfaction questions were followed by an open-ended question asking participants about specific comments or complaints they have about their trash collection services. The question is as follows: 3 7 Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like express?" While the satisfaction with Waste Pro's services was high, like past years, many satisfied customers still took the opportunity to express their comments or complaints with Waste Pro's services. Out of the 686 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, 83.4% (n=572)responded to this question and 49.5% (n=283) of customers answered that they had a comment or complaint to express. Out of the 283 customers who had a comment or complaint, 97.9% (n=277) completed a comment. Approximately 44.0% (n=122) of customers left some type of positive comment. Out of those positive comments many stated that Waste Pro and the trash collectors do an "outstanding"job, they are "excellent," "courteous," "consistent," and that they are "very friendly." Many of these customers mentioned that they are pleased with the "polite," "respectful," efficient," and "personable" service. Approximately 3.3% (n=4) of customers said the trash collection service was good, but complained about the size of recycling bins or had minor complaints about rare mishaps when their trash was collected. Alternatively, 56.0% (n=155) of customers chose to leave a complaint, or partial complaint, about the service. Of the 155 customer complaints, 29.7% (n=46) expressed various concerns about recyclables. The main complaints were that many customers would like larger bins and issues about the care of the recycle bins. A few customers also stated that they are not sure what is approved and can be recycled and would like clearer guidance on this matter. Additionally, customers complained about recyclables and trash being spilled or left in the street, not collected all the way, not collected regularly, their recycling and trash bins being left in the street or thrown/put back roughly to the point that the collection containers break, spills caused by garbage trucks, inconsistent pick-up times, inconsistent trash collection, and all trash not being collected from the bins regularly. The "Comments" and "Complaints" sheets in the attached Excel document shows the verbatim responses from customers. Customers to Contact Customers who expressed any sort of comment or complaint, regardless of whether they reported overall satisfaction with their trash collection services, were asked if they would like to be contacted by the City of Winter Springs to discuss their specific comments or complaints. Table 3 shows that out of the 283 customers that answered that they had a specific comment or complaint, 97.9% (n=277) of customers left a comment in their survey response. Out of those 4 8 283 customers who had a comment or complaint, 99.3% (n=281) answered the question asking whether they wanted to be contacted. Out of those 281 responses, 12.5% (n=35) customers answered that they would like to be contacted about their comment or complaint. The customers' contact information, as well as their complaint, is listed in the "Complaint Contact" sheet in the attached Excel document (Tab 2). Table 3. Comments, Complaints,And Contact Information Has A Comment Left A Comment Wants to Be or Complaint or Complaint Contacted Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Yes 283 49.5 277 100 35 12.5 No 289 50.5 246 87.5 Total 572 100% 277 100 281 100 Damaged Trash Bins Lastly, all respondents were asked if their trash collection containers are damaged to the point that they need replacing. The question is as follows: "Is your trash collection container (bin) damaged to the point where you would like it to be replaced?" Out of the 686 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, 93.9% (n=644)responded to this question. Most customers who responded indicated that they are satisfied with the condition of their containers 90.5% (n=583). Table 5 shows that 9.5% (n=61) of customers' containers are damaged to the point where they would like them replaced (Tab 3 in the Excel sheet). Table 4. Damaged Trash Collection Containers Frequency Percentage (%) Yes 61 9.5 No 583 90.5 Total 644 100 5 9 Historical Customer Satifaction Results with Waste Management Services provided by Waste Pro, LLC. Survey Results 96.00% 94.00% - 92.00% 90.00% - 88.00% - it - 86.00% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Survey Fiscal Year Result 2007 93.20% 2008 93.40% 2009 97.00% 2010 94.20% 2011 96.80% 2012 97.10% 2013 95.20% 2014 94.50% 2015 93.40% 2016 94.78% 2017 95.20% 2018 94.60% 2019 90.80% 2020 91.40% 2021 90.30% 2022 90.90% 10 T T 0 WASTE PRO OF FLORIDA INC. . 145 ANNUAL EVALUATION REPORT 1959 For the Period March 1, 2021 —February 28, 2022 AUTHORITY: In accordance with the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, 2006 and amended on May 10, 2021 between the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Section 9.3, Contractor's performance shall be annually evaluated by City's Authorized Representative and/or City Commission. The evaluation shall be based in the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph 9.1 of the Solid Waste Agreement. For each criteria the Authorized Representative shall evaluate and grade Contractor's performance as Unacceptable, Acceptable but Needs Improvement, or Good. For each review criteria in which Contractor receives an unacceptable grade, the Authorized Representative shall provide Contractor a written explanation of why Contractor's performance was unacceptable and Contractor shall be given a reasonable period of time, as determined by the Authorized Representative, to bring its level of performance up to levels acceptable to the Authorized Representative. EVALUATION: Grade Sccde: Good, Acceptable but Needs Improvement, Unacceptable (requires ex lancrtion CRITERIA A: The number of complaints received pursuant to paragraph 9.2 of the Solid Waste Agreement and Contractor's performance in resolving the complaints in a professional and expedient manner. GRADE: Acceptable but Needs Improvement EXPLANATION: As seen in Table 2 of the survey, the satisfaction rating this year was 90.9%. This represents a slight increase from the rating of 90.3% last year. Complaints received by City staff and communicated to WastePro averages 45 per month. City staff will continue to track the complaints received, work with WastePro to resolve all complaints, and discuss concerns & observations with WastePro representatives. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: Ongoing CRITERIA S: Contractor's responsiveness to direction given by the Authorized Representative. GRADE: Good EXPLANATION: Contractor has generally been very responsive to City direction(s). The working relationship between the City's CSR team and WastePro staff has been very good which has increased responsiveness, improved education efforts, and helped with service issues in recent years. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: N/A CRITERA C: The number of times that Contractor had to pay liquidated damages pursuant to paragraph 25.0 of the Solid Waste agreement. GRADE: Good EXPLANATION: No liquidated damages have been paid by the contractor during the evaluation period. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: N/A N T CRITERIA D: Contractor's participation in community meetings/events sponsored by City. GRADE: Good EXPLANATION: Contractor provided a$5,000 donation to City's 4"'of July event in accordance with the agreement. Special event support included provision of toters and roll-offs, as was well coordinated and executed. In attendance and well- represented at all requested meetings. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: N/A CRITERIA E: Contractor's financial viability to continue performing the collection and disposal service as required by this agreement. GRADE: Good EXPLANATION: Received and reviewed Audited Financial Statements at 12/31/21 Vestal& Wiler CPAs EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: N/A CRITERIA F: Contractor's compliance with its"Customer Service Policy"required by paragraph 9.4 of the Solid Waste Agreement. GRADE: Acceptable but Needs Improvement EXPLANATION: WastePro has provided staff a policy which sets a high commitment standard towards customer service. The policy outlines training and education of WastePro staff, including"education on the specific needs of the municipality". Additionally,the City and WastePro utilize a direct report system to communicate and monitor customer service requests. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: Ongoing CRITERIA G: Inspection records of all collection vehicles. GRADE: Good EXPLANATION: WastePro provided documentation stating that all Winter Springs collection vehicles are inspected by a third party, and compliant with annual DOT inspections. Technicians perform routine service and safety inspections approximately every 300 engine hours. Repairs are scheduled as needed. EXPECTED RESOLUTION DATE: N/A CERTIFICA ON: Certified tl rndersi ed Authorized Representative of the City of Winter Springs, Florida: Scott Borror, Director of Finance Dat—e Re by Cont r W Pro of Florida: r Date Y r i k al. a 13