HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 03 28 Public Hearing 401 - Second Reading Ordinance No. 2021-08 Amending Comprehensive Plan (Recreation and Open Space Element) • PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 d CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I MARCH 28, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE Second Reading/Adoption of Ordinance 2021-08, an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, amending the text of the City's Comprehensive Plan related to the Recreation and Open Space Element. SUMMARY After June 02, 2011, local governments have had more discretion in determining whether they need to update their local comprehensive plan. As such, local governments no longer need to submit evaluation and appraisal reports to the department for a sufficiency determination. Instead, local governments must, at least every seven years, pursuant to Rule Chapter 73C- 49, Florida Administrative Code, determine whether the need exists to amend the Comprehensive Plan to reflect changes in State requirements since the last time the Comprehensive Plan was updated. The evaluation and appraisal should address changes in state requirements since the last update of the comprehensive plan and update the plan based on changes to local conditions. The attached documents include EAR based Comprehensive Plan amendments, specifically to the Recreation and Open Space Element. Subsequent EAR based amendments to other Comprehensive Plan Elements will follow in the next few months during upcoming public hearings. The revised language will allow the Element to come into full compliance with the Evaluation and Appraisal Report that was due in 2017. On October 14, 2021 the Local Planning Agency unanimously recommended approval of the Element to the City Commission. On November 08, 2021 the City Commission discussed several policies within the Recreation and Open Space Element during the public hearing. The City Commission approved this item for transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). 1 Fiscal Impact The amendment is not expected to have any fiscal impact. Applicable Law and Public Policy Section 2 (b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution. Florida Statute 163.3194 Legal Status of Comprehensive Plan Florida Statute 163.3201 Relationship of Comprehensive Plan in exercise of Land Development Regulatory Authority Florida Statute 166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15. Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Fiscal Impact The amendment is not expected to have any fiscal impact. Proposed Timeline 01 . October 04, 2021 Advertisement runs in Orlando Sentinel (10 days prior to LPA) 02. October 14, 2021 Local Planning Agency/Planning & Zoning Board 03. November 08, 2021 City Commission - 1 st Reading/Transmittal 04. December 16, 2021 Transmit to Department of Economic Opportunity 05. December 23, 2021 Department of Economic Opportunity Receipt Confirmation 06. February 07, 2022 Department of Economic Opportunity Receipt Confirmation (letter of no objections) 07. March 21, 2022 Adoption Ad runs in Orlando Sentinel (5 days prior to City Commission) 08. March 28, 2022 City Commission - 2nd Reading/Adoption 09. April 07, 2022 Adopted Plan Amendment Submittal to State (within 10 days after 2nd Reading/Adoption of City Commission) 10. May 08, 2022 Department of Economic Opportunity (30 day compliancy review) 11 . May 09, 2022 Effective Date (no petitions filed) RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department, Planning Division requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for the Second Reading/Adoption of Ordinance 2021-08 amending the Comprehensive Plan related to the 2 Recreation and Open Space Element and authorize transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity. 3 EXHIBIT A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS A. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES.................................................................................1 B. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................10 C. INVENTORY OF EXISTING RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES..........................10 1. Public Parks and Open Space .......................................................................................10 a. Regional Parks............................................................................................................................1 1 b. Community Parks........................................................................................................................15 c. Special Use Facilities.................................................................................................................16 d. Neighborhood Parks..................................................................................................................17 e. Mini-Parks and Tot-Lots.............................................................................................................17 f. Open Space................................................................................................................................17 g. Urban Plazas and Squares ...................................................................................................... 17 h. Nearby County Facilities ..........................................................................................................24 i. School Facilities...........................................................................................................................26 2. Private Facilities............................................................................................................26 D. EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS.............................................27 1. Population Trends and User Needs...............................................................................28 2. Outdoor Recreation Planning Guidelines......................................................................29 3. Recreational Facilities...................................................................................................42 4. Meeting Future Recreation and Open Space Needs......................................................42 5. Public Participation in Recreation Planning ..................................................................42 i 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT LIST OF TABLES Table VI - 1: Park and Open Space Acreage, Based on Level of Service Standards. ..................7 Table VI - 2: Inventory of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities and Open Space, . ....19 Table VI - 3: Inventory of Private Recreational Facilities, 2009................................................27 Table VI -4: Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, .............................29 Table VI - 5: Population Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, ..................31 LIST OF MAPS Map VI — 1: Inventory of Public Parks, Recreation Facilities and Open Space...........................8 Map VI —2: Seminole County Trails Construction Map............................................................14 MapVI — 3: Park Service Areas ...............................................................................................36 MapVI —4: Target Areas for New Parks .................................................................................38 MapVI— 5: Sites for Purchase Consideration..........................................................................40 Map VI —6: Conceptual Trails Network Map...........................................................................44 H 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT CHAPTER VI RECREATION & OPEN SPACE ELEMENT A. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: To provide adequate open space, parks, and recreation facilities to enable high quality participation for all residents and visitors. Objective 1.1: Level of Service Standards for Parks. To ensure that the City has an adequate acreage of park lands and open space, the City shall utilize Level of Service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.1.1: Utilize the following LOS standards: Total Overall Public Park and Recreation Land Acreage (including Open Space): Eight (8) acres per 1,000 residents. For purposes of implementing this policy, the City may utilize State and County park lands and trails that are located within the City's jurisdictional boundaries. This standard includes land with passive and active uses. City Owned Open Space: Four (4) acres per 1,000 residents. Open space is defined as "undeveloped lands suitable for passive recreation or conservation". Policy 1.1.2: [Establish Continue thea Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee made up of residents who will work together to review parks and recreation facilities and programs and make appropriate recommendations to the City Commission. Policy 1.1.3: --Maintain an inventory of the location, size, condition and amenities available at each public park, recreation area and open space. This inventory shall be updated every year. Policy 1.1.4: Implement and periodically update recreation guidelines and criteria for park sites and facilities based on industry standards and comparison with those of neighboring and comparable jurisdictions. Policy 1.1.5:1 ---Rely upon the State of Florida and Seminole County park facilities and wilderness areas located within a 30-mile driving distance of the City for their value as regional resource-oriented facilities. These areas generally serve a population of over 100,000 and feature outdoor recreation resources and facilities that capitalize on and promote appreciation of the natural environment. Policy 1.1.6:, Rely upon private development to provide and maintain neighborhood parks in areas of new development. A neighborhood park is a facility that serves an entire neighborhood and which is located no more than VI - 1 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT one-half (1/2) mile from the residents served. In cases where a greater distance cannot be avoided, a paved parking area shall also be provided. The size of a neighborhood park shall be dependent on the number of units served as described in the land development code, but shall not be less than one-half acre. Infill development of 20 units or less shall be exempt from this provision. Typical facilities provided in a neighborhood park often include a swimming pool, cabana or clubhouse with restrooms, playground area, paved multi-purpose court, picnic area:, fitness trail, and/or open free play area. Open space may also be one component of the ceded-neighborhood park area. Policy 1.1.7: Protect and enhance open space areas and natural features within existing City parks, and do not allow active recreational uses to unnecessarily encroach upon them. Policy 1.1.8: Require preservation of ecologically sensitive open spaces in the Greeneway Interchange District and promote connectivity of these natural features for habitat continuity and sustainability. Additionally, require a network of public plazas with interconnected sidewalks to promote an urban pedestrian environment. Policy 1.1.9: Pursue additional sites for active public recreational opportunities for current and future residents through land acquisition and/or public/private partnerships. Policy 1.1.10: Acquire park land and develop appropriate facilities by utilizing a variety of funding sources as available, such as the general fund, grants, developer contributions, impact fees, and user fees, as well as creative funding solutions, such as special taxing districts, foundations, private donations,endowments, partnerships, and bond referendums. Policy 1.1.11: Explore opportunities to provide public recreation access to Lake Jesup. Policy 1.1.12: Perpetually hold in public ownership, for recreation and open space purposes, those lands owned by the City which are identified in this element on Map VI-1 and Table VI-2. Policy 1.1.13: Prior to the disposal of nonrecreational City-owned land or facilities, evaluate the potential use of such land or facilities for recreation, and whether such land or facilities are needed to maintain or enhance the City's recreation program. Policy 1.1.14: Prior to the vacation of any right-of-way, evaluate the potential of the right-of-way for use as part of a future trail corridor or other alternative transportation linkage. Policy 1.1.15: Periodically update and take action to implement the recommendations of the City of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Master Plan. VI - 2 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Objective 1.2: Trails. Pursue the expansion of te e)tpeimd the existing Cross Seminole Trail system to include a network of City trails, thereby improving access for pedestrians and cyclists to schools, parks, open spaces, and businesses and for the additional public outdoor recreation opportunities trails provide. Policy 1.2.1: Encourage public participation in planning and development of all phases of City's trail expansion program. Policy 1.2.2: Partner with appropriate agencies to study and implement options for future coordinated provisions of a bike/trail network. Policy 1.2.3: , rnaimteneimee.Cemfimue to fe"awThe City may follow Seminole County Trail development and maintenance guidelines. Policy 1.2.4: Work with utility providers to co-locate trail easements in utility corridors. Policy 1.2.5: Encourage homeowner associations whenever possible, to incorporate existing trails into the public trail system. Policy 1.2.6: Acquire property or easements that can be integrated into the City's existing recreation and proposed trail network system as illustrated on Map VI-6: Conceptual Trails Network System. Policy 1.2.7: Make providing trails a priority in the new planning horizon for the connectivity they provide to schools, parks, natural lands, and businesses. Objective 1.3: Study of Recreation Preferences. The City shall determine the recreational preferences and needs of City residents. Policy 1.3.1: Periodically survey organized leagues and primary users of active recreation facilities to determine participation rates and demand for services and to determine adjustments to active land use programming. Policy 1.3.2: Identify demographic changes in the community and incorporate adjustments in recreation provision planning accordingly. Policy 1.3.3: Reflect neighborhood input in specific park recreation plans. Policy 1.3.4: Utilize national and regional park planning data trends to proactively adjust programmed park facilities. VI -3 8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Policy 1.3.5: Develep and implement aConduct the City-wide recreation survey every five years. The recreational needs survey shall inquire about recreational preferences in terms of facilities and recreational/educational programs, frequency of use of parks and recreational facilities, location of most frequently used facilities, willingness to pay user fees, location and age profile of respondents, household size, and travel method to preferred/most used parks and recreational facilities. Policy 1.3.6: Reflect the results of the community's recreation preferences and needs in prioritizing funding expenditures for maintenance and capital improvements. Objective 1.4: Park Maintenance. All City parks shall be maintained and improved in a manner that is consistent with the needs of the City residents, and which maximizes the potential of the individual recreational facilities. Policy 1.4.1: Renovate and/or upgrade the City's parks and recreational facilities as needed to provide improved recreational opportunities. Policy 1.4.2: Continue the user fee system for City recreation programs and facilities to offset the cost of maintaining and programming facilities, when appropriate. Except in the context of a City-County cooperative agreement, fee-based recreation programs shall be designed, administered and priced so as to give preference to City residents over non-City residents. Objective 1.5: Accessibility. The City shall provide and maintain appropriate, operational park and recreation access for all segments of the City population. Policy 1.5.1: Continue to provide adequate and appropriate automobile, bicycle and pedestrian access to all public parks and facilities. Policy 1.5.2: Design all public recreation facilities as barrier-free as possible to accommodate accessibility by the elderly, disabled and very young. Policy 1.5.3: Continue to provide adequate parking space, including handicapped parking, and bicycle racks at recreation sites. Policy 1.5.4: Continue to enhance the public's awareness of park and recreational programs and events through a variety of print and electronic media formats such as the City's website, brochures newsletters, etc. VI -4 9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Policy 1.5.5: Work to increase public awareness of the need for and benefits of healthy and active lifestyles. Policy 1.5.6: Gentinue te previde a sehelarship pregrani fer lew ineeme families.- Provide assistance to low-income families to obtain scholarship opportunities to participate in recreation programs. Objective 1.6: Private Parks and Recreation Facilities. The City shall encourage the preservation and use of private lands for park and recreation facilities and open space. Policy 1.6.1: Require residential developments outside of the Town Center with over 20 units, to provide and maintain neighborhood recreational facilities. Standards for these facilities shall be described in the land development code. Policy 1.6.2: Revise open space regulations for subdivisions and other new developments in the land development code. Policy 1.6.3: Assess park and recreation impact fees to new residential development as a pro rata share of the costs required to expand or acquire capital facilities or equipment made necessary by the new construction from which the fees are collected or for principal payments on debt instruments for these facilities and services. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element, Policy 1.4.4) Policy 1.6.4: Encourage new developments falling within the planned trail network to provide public trail linkages either through or adjacent to their development. Objective 1.7: Interagency Cooperation and Joint use of Facilities. The City shall continue coordination efforts with agencies and developers to provide quality development of recreation areas, and to avoid duplication of recreation facilities including provisions for joint use of facilities,to meet the recreation demands of the City's citizens. Policy 1.7.1: Coordinate park and open space planning with adjacent jurisdictions. Policy 1.7.2: Work with the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Transportation and other trail-related advocacy and support agencies for assistance in developing a local trail network with connectivity to the regional trail system. Policy 1.7.3: Continue coordination with the Seminole County School Board, to allow the use of school board facilities by the general public. Parks and schools shall be collocated to the extent possible to optimize the shared use of facilities. (Cross Reference:See Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.1 1.9) VI -5 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Policy 1.7.4, Reyiew upelates to the Geumty Parks amid Recreation Master Plan, and Make the neeessary updates te this element te achieye eensistency. VI - 6 11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Table VI - 1: Park and Open Space Acreage, Based on Level of Service Standards Tote' Overall Parkland (14 Open Space W (8 ac;Fes per 1,000 FesideMi4 (4 aeres r 1,000 sid,.nts Yew Pepuleifien E*istinq Required s 2004 -341433 380.50 275.46 105.04 147.10 137.72 20i9 7 380.50286.88 93.62 147.19 143.44 �6 2015 38,863 38839 9 i 55.44 8.34 2020 40,319 322.56 67.94 T47zM 11.100 2925 42,376 38830 " 147.10 X46 -�4 8 3030 ^^� 3gA 59 356.32 24.48 178.16 38839 31.06 Total Overall Parkland (1) Open Space (2) Year Population (8 acres per 1,000 residents (4 acres per 1,000 residents] Existing- Required Surplus/(Deficit� Existing Required Surplus/(Deficit) Acreage Acreage 2017 35,050 402 280.40 121.60 169.91 140.20 29.71 2021 37,773 410.88 302.18 108.70 175.43 151.09 24.34 2025 39,551 410.88 316.41 94.47 175.43 158.20 17.23 2030 41,119 410.88 328.95 81.93 175.43 164.48 10.95 2035 42,994 410.88 343.95 66.93 175.43 171.98 3.45 2040 44,572 410.88 356.58 54.30 175.43178.29 -2.86 Source:American Community Survey'^', 04-72015-2019; Proiections by Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, based on 4OW2010 and 204-02020 U.S. Census data and population projections by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida. 1) Includes the total of all public parks and recreational lands including any State and County facilities within the City limits. Therefore the Cross Seminole Trail is included_eind jette Reint Geunty PeFIE voill be ineluded enee eleyeleped. 2)Includes the total of all city-owned open space. Some of this land is noted on subdivision plats as"park"but are undevelopable wetlands and are included on the Future Land Use Map - 20302040 as"Recreation and Open Space". The remainder of the lands are conservation lands under the City's jurisdiction and are included on the Future Land Use Map - 2030 2040 as "Conservation". Conservation lands owned by the St.John's River Water Management District are not included. T'-- --' "'-- -` The addition of the continued expansion of Central Winds Park(7.66 acres)will eliminate the 2040 deficit of 2.86 acres. VI -7 12 v a 0 o m h a Z O 6 Lo 0) O V) O � 3 v 0 a � a'r a Y J CL f daCL , Q. O • ia ��� `•` V Y f � • I � Q a y Q I ' '■ 00 tA = . o LL __° h......_ ra-m-1-1 Ci r +� dF �s Ll U, ; !r i . r • x Y .V �V 4 I w .�. _- z 7 /l O �' • _ isIL I 0 _ d C r � 3 a 13 O — O .a a a3 C = 6 Y Y U ♦ a ' n U w a- ;- ' I • a Z W swJI��I1� O � g /p a z t Y� \•tom � C d Z I �o �o 141 z zoLL z. Y Ql u p W � b: c o e op � : i _ 00 L O Q W o 1 W LL _ va waMcy,^1. > I P: -I « i•s w � U CL W m t ^J Y u n Y��rn P•'� p�f.. 4A :I w • N K K '♦. •o f I I� 000 Y 1 a s 14 B. INTRODUCTION The quality of life for Winter Springs' residents is linked closely to the development and management of a well-maintained, accessible system of public parks, trails and open space. The City is well known for its award-winning Central Winds Park and the quality of recreational programs and events offered there. Such facilities play a key role in shaping both the landscape and the quality of life of Winter Springs' residents through the conservation of natural resources and provision of recreational facilities. It is the intent of the City to provide an appropriate balance of both active and passive recreation for the community. The quality of life for residents of Winter Springs is not only linked to the availability of a well-maintained system of public park and recreation facilities, but also to the quality of the natural resources they contain. Privately managed parks, open space and facilities provide additional components of the open space and recreational system serving City residents. As additional parks are developed, consideration for the balance between conservation issues and the provision of active recreation becomes an important ingredient in the park development process. The City's lead office in charge of parks and recreational programs is the Parks and Recreation Department. The purpose of this data is to identify existing and planned open space and recreation facilities, review Level of Service (LOS) standards for these facilities, and analyze current and projected park and recreational needs which support the Recreation and Open Space Element. The Element includes specific goals, objectives, and policies to guide the provision of recreation and open space facilities through the year 2040. C. INVENTORY OF EXISTING RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Parks conserve open space and natural resources and provide recreation opportunities. In general, parks are categorized as being either activity-based or resource-based. Activity-based parks provide user-oriented, recreation facilities designed for a specific purpose such as tennis, basketball, softball or soccer, while resource-based parks utilize the natural environment to provide more passive activities such as picnicking, hiking, fishing, swimming, or boating. The City provides a wide range of recreation opportunities to its residents. The City's park inventory includes numerous parks and recreational facilities where citizens can enjoy both active and passive forms of recreation. (See Table VI-2: Inventory of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities and Open Space, 20092020). 1. Public Parks and Open Space The public park system within Winter Springs includes approximately 410.88 acres. This acreage includes City-owned parks and open space, as well as State and County- owned recreational facilities located within the City limits, such as the Cross Seminole Trail (jette Point County Park is net eum-n-ently included, but will be ineluded enee deyelepetk.) Map VI-1 illustrates the public park system. Also included are Seminole County facilities located near the City. City parks have been classified in congruence with guidelines set forth in Florida's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan ( -DO720 19) published by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and 9i 5, . The categories utilized by the City include regional parks (State and County), community parks, neighborhood parks, tot lots, urban plazas and squares, and open space. Only sites that are publicly owned have been included in this section. VI - 10 15 As noted on Table VI-2, many City parks offer both passive and active recreation opportunities. Some examples are Central Winds Park, Ranchlands Park, and Sam Smith Park, all of which offer active recreational facilities as well as passive areas for fishing and picnicking. a. Regional Parks Regional Parks are large, resource-based parks serving more than two communities and featuring outdoor recreation resources and facilities that capitalize on and promote appreciation of the natural environment. Regional parks should serve a population of over 100,000 (generally located within an hour's driving distance of the park) and should range in size from a minimum of 250 acres to as much as several thousand acres. The City relies on the State and the County for the provision and maintenance of regional parks. There are numerous regional resource-based parks and wilderness areas accessible to the City's residents (see Florida Managed Habitat Conservation Areas Map located in the Conservation Element). Florida State Parks within 25 miles of Winter Springs include: Driving Distance* Name of Recreational Area Acreage: 12.5 miles Wekiva Springs State Park 6-4999,504 23 miles Rock Springs Run State Reserve 1500014,165 23 miles Lower Wekiva River Preserve State Park X017,375 23 miles Lake Lotus Park 120 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center St John's River Water Management District Recreation Lands include: Driving Distance*- Name of Recreational Area: Acreage: 9.2 miles Lake Jesup Conservation Area 576,220 11.7 miles Little-Big Econ State Forest 956310,279 25 miles Buck Lake Conservation Area 9.6 39,606 25 miles Seminole Ranch Conservation Area 292236,000 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center Seminole County Wilderness and Preserve Areas include: Driving Distance* Name of Recreational Area: Acreage: 3.8 miles Spring Hammock Preserve 1,500 (includes Environmental Studies Center) 6.9 miles Black Hammock Wilderness Area 700 8.5 miles Lake Jesup Wilderness Area 490 10.5 miles Black Bear Wilderness Area 1,650 10.6 miles Econ River Wilderness Area 240 10.8 miles Geneva Wilderness Area (Includes Ed Yarborough Nature 180 13.6 miles Lake Procter Wilderness Area 475 VI - 11 16 15.7 miles Chuluota Wilderness Area 625 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center Source: FDEP Division of Recreation and Parks, Septeniour zU 1 7; greenways Natural Lands Seminole County, September 2019; St. Johns River Water Management District September 2019. Trails (in or near Winter Springs): A network of trails provides a range of economic, aesthetic, environmental and recreation benefits to citizens of a community, beyond the benefits that accrue to private landowners. A trails network can increase residential and commercial property values, encourage the revitalization of declining area, attract tourist, and provide an alternative to the use of automobiles that can help reduce traffic congestion. The City has participated in regional trail planning and development activities in recent years that have substantially increased access to trail recreational opportunities for City residents. Cross Seminole Trail The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Office of Greenways and Trails owns, and has sub-leased to Seminole County, the Cross Seminole Trail, a portion of which is located in Winter Springs. The Seminole County Parks and Recreation Department is in charge of maintaining the trail. An interlocal agreement exists between the City and Seminole County regarding use and maintenance of the Cross Seminole Trail. The City's Parks and Recreation Department assisted with the design of the restroom facility located at the Black Hammock Trailhead (State Road 434 at State Road 417 (Seminole Expressway), and is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the restroom facility. the Cross Seminole Trail begins at its connection to the Cady Way frail just south of Aloma and Howell Branch in Winter Park. It heads north for 23 miles where it connects to the Seminole Wekiva Trail at the pedestrian bridge over Interstate 4 in Lake Mary- The trail near and through Winter Springs -currently runs s» through Layer Elememery gr-'--1 !_ XA/ 4ei, Springs te the interseetien ef State Read 434 and State Reed ,1 downtown Oviedo to Layer Elementary in Winter Springer where a small gap i-�exists- Othe., built _aeon_ of the ti-ail include fi-em GR 46A south to Green Way Beuleyeird in Lake Mary and frem Milder Read te the GFeinge Ceunt-y Upon completion, the Cross Seminole Trail will be a 34.5 mile long continuous trail connecting Altamonte Springs, Longwood, Lake Mary, Winter Springs, and Oviedo and connecting to the Cady Way Trail and the Orange County Trail System. The trail will run from Spring Hammock Preserve in Winter Springs to Howell Branch Road at the Orange County Line and will connect several parks including: Central Winds Park,Soldier's Creek Park, Big Tree Park,Greenwood Lakes Park, Sweetwater Creek Park, Lawton House Park, and Spring Hammock. The trail connect seven schools: Layer Elementary, Winter Springs High School, Indian Trails Middle School, Keeth Elementary, Trinity Preparatory School, Oviedo High School, Lawton Elementary, and Choices in Learning Charter School. VI - 12 17 New segments of Phe Cross Seminole Trailinclude segments --u� men from the Oviedo Mall to State Road 434. Design is eemplete en Mikler Road to Red Bug Lake Road, J- is scheduled te begin in late 2008. Read and constmetion Aa pedestrian overpass ' eenstrue over Red Bug Lake Road , with a connection to State Road 426 near the Oviedo Mall. The trail will else bewas also realigned by the FDOT State Road 426 widening project. The to-am' and cross._ at the signalized intersection of Marketplace Boulevard ice& State Road 426, which connect with the trail corridor along Aulin Avenue. Map VI- 2 depicts existing and future portions of the Cross Seminole Trail. VI - 13 18 Map VI -2: Seminole County Trails Construction Map Seminole County Trails L ke Afa nroe Lnop Wekr— Expresaway Trail Se minofe We ki" Ffagrer Tra rl Wil"e ss Trail Grose S e m i nd F e Ped rdg. Tra rr Goaar to Ca at Trarf N Trail Status Trail Naas Ca \ aa�easlg de�l Tri POP—d LZR Mmma LODP C a d Y. IN a y n Dwgn V"r. rra rr ;r MW CrrasudlonC—t m cease mat t inm-rspso it J.aNsar-FIIaNdyII rltlt Wa4F�Yq eM9or @R:9Afirdn9 81b�SfPklw9�l]a14Nas�'TrNriTl�,n� Construction Map Existing Under Construction Riverwalk Programmed for Constructior. Proposed $ All Seminole WekivaAer Trail Cross Seminole Trail y CST South III •��(CST 1A&1B APEC ro Flagler Tra i I l . a a p -- CST South 11 Cathcat Special Projects section c August 20D8 v -seminolecountyB.govJtrails 1 (407)6652092 - Si.SPTMapsTmnsaucfwnAuyoB VI - 14 19 Florida National Scenic Trail The Florida National Scenic Trail was congressionally established in 1983 and is a hiking trail network that provides access to scenic wilderness areas. A portion of the Cross Seminole Trail coincides with the Florida National Scenic Trail. The Great Florida Birding Trail The Great Florida Birding Trail is a program of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, supported in part- by-the- Florida Department of Transportation and the Wildlife Foundation of Florida. In Seminole County, self- guided designated trails are included at the Little-Big Econ State Forest, the Lake Procter Wilderness Area, and the Geneva Wilderness Area. Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail The Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail is officially designated as part of Florida's Statewide System of Greenways and Trails. Access to this scenic wilderness river is provided via a canoe launch site beginning 2.5 miles northwest of Chuluota on State Road 419 (only 11 miles driving distance from Winter Springs). The trail winds eastward through 18-miles of forested flatlands, swamps, and pasture, and eventually feeds into the St. John's River. This river flows northeasterly to its junction with the St. Johns River where the trail ends 1.5 miles downstream (north) of the confluence. Bear Creek Nature Trail Bear Creek Nature Trail, owned and maintained by the City, provides a passive area with a .5 mile nature trail paralleling Bear Creek. b. Community Parks Community parks are defined as "ride to" parks that should be located near major streets or arterials. Community parks are designed to serve the needs of four to six neighborhoods that have residents within a radius of up to three (3) miles. Typical facilities found in community parks are designed to serve all ages and may include both passive and active recreation opportunities such as playground areas, recreation buildings, sports fields, paved multipurpose courts, picnic areas, open or free play areas, swimming pools, and landscaping. Community parks include: Central Winds Park, Sunshine Park, Torcaso Park, Trotwood Park, Blumberg Blvd. (Blumberg Park) and Veteran's Memorial in the Town Center and; the Black Hammock Trailhead„ . Some parks may fall under more than one category. Most County parks are considered community parks, but those that host national competitions and tournaments can easily be classified as regional parks. Central Winds Park, located on Lake Jesup, for instance, has been classified as a community park, due to its geographic area and the type of recreational facilities and activities offered. However, numerous civic festivals and special events are held in the park, drawing citizens from all over Seminole County and the Central Florida area. For this reason, Central Winds Park has been locally considered a regional park. This park offers competition quality baseball, softball, and soccer fields, which are reserved for league-play only, as well as basketball courts, volleyball courts, horseshoes, VI - 15 20 playground, concession stand, the City's Parks & Recreation Office, and restrooms. Additionally, a passive area located on the west side includes a fishing area, pavilions, picnic grills, and an amphitheatre. A recent expansion to the park added additional baseball, softball, and soccer/football fields, as well as lacrosse fields and a dog park with large dog, small dog and training areas. Together,the Central Winds Park and the expansion total 98.5 acres. C. Special Use Facilities Special use facilities are designed to serve the unique recreational needs of certain population groups. The elderly are afforded the Senior Center Complex, a 13,500 square foot facility,located at Sunshine Park. The complex was expanded in 2007 and includes a new indoor therapy pool, a large multi-purpose room, billiard/game room, kitchen, restrooms, arts and crafts room, conference room, lounge area, and two offices. The therapy pool is one of only two public facilities in the County. The center is operated by City staff and a senior organization. Membership can be obtained for a reasonable fee. Members can utilize the Senior Center to enjoy the following activities: Arts & Crafts Dance Classes Bingo/Card Playing Lunch on Wednesdays Charity Benefits Movies Social Functions Medical Examinations Computer Classes Exercise, Yoga & Tai Chi Recreation Classes Billiards Senior Field Trips The young are afforded the Civic Center Complex, a 4,000 square foot facility, also located at Sunshine Park and connected to the Senior Center by a covered breezeway. This facility includes a commercial type kitchen, restrooms, stage, and dance floor. The Civic Center offers many recreational opportunities for the young, including the Winter Springs Summer Youth Program. During the program, children have the opportunity to participate in activities such as trips and tours, swimming, arts and crafts, and outdoor games. Additionally, the Civic Center offers meeting space for Boy/Girl Scouts, civic, religious and private organizations, charity benefits, City meetings/training/parties, homeowners associations, etc. The Civic Center Complex also offers rental of the facility for weddings, receptions and parties. Both the Senior Center and the Civic Center are wheelchair accessible. VI - 16 21 i d. Neighborhood Parks Neighborhood Parks are "walk to" parks that are generally located along streets where people can walk or bicycle without encountering heavy traffic. They serve the population of a neighborhood in a radius of up to one-half (1/2) of a mile. A neighborhood park size usually ranges from 2 to 10 acres. Typical facilities provided include playground areas, recreation buildings, sports fields, paved multi-purpose courts, picnic areas, open or free play areas, and landscaping. Neighborhood parks include Moss Park, Sam Smith Park, Ranchlands Park, and Bear Creek Nature Trail. e. Mini-Parks and Tot-Lots Mini-parks are small facilities that serve a concentrated or limited population, as well as specific groups such as toddlers. Mini-parks include tot-lots and are designed to serve the needs of a neighborhood within a radius of up to six (6) blocks. A minimum of one half (1/2) acre for each stand-alone park is recommended. Mini-parks primarily offer passive recreation and typical facilities provided include playground areas, benches, open space, picnic tables, and landscaping. Mini-parks include Fruitwood Park, Winding Hollow, Oak Hollow,Market Square and Magnolia Square. Most of the neighborhood and community parks offer the facilities typically found in tot-lots and mini-parks. Many homeowner associations include private recreational facilities within their developments. In many cases, these serve as private mini-parks to those residents. f. Open Space The term "open space" is widely used with a variety of meanings. However, its meaning herein (and throughout the Comprehensive Plan) is teiken f.,em Rule "' 5 ,is "undeveloped lands suitable for passive recreation or conservation." Open space does not refer to land found in medians, buffers, or retention areas. In Winter Springs, most of the publicly-owned open space was conveyed to the City at the time of subdivision platting, as "parks" or "parkland". However, most of these areas are composed of undevelopable wetlands, such as the 69.5-acre Tuscawilla Open Space donation. Winding Hollow subdivision also includes a large 55-acre open space with only .5-acre in addition, available for active recreation. Not all open space or conservation areas within Winter Springs are owned by the City, many are privately owned. However, only City-owned open space is inventoried within this Element and included on Table VI-2 (with one exception - the Hickory Grove Park in the Town Center is included, but it is owned by the State Office of Greenways and Trails). g. Urban Plazas and Squares "Urban plazas" or "squares" are small urban pocket parks which vary in size from 1/10-acre to several acres depending on their intended use. Their primary function is to intersperse congested urban environments with aesthetically pleasing VI - 17 22 areas for people to gather as groups or to sit individually. These plazas and squares may contain benches and tables, commemorative structures, fountains, and landscaping. Within the Town Center, numerous urban plazas and squares are planned. Several have been completed and include: Blumberg Blvd., Market Square, and a portion of Magnolia Square. Blumberg Blvd. also includes the recently completed Veteran's Memorial, located at Tuskawilla Rd. and Blumberg Blvd. Most of these urban plazas and squares will serve as mini-parks. However, in some cases (such as Blumberg Blvd. (Blumberg Park) and Veteran's Memorial, and the recently acquired pocket park along Michael Blake Blvd.), these facilities serve as community parks because of the activities offered there and the significance of the facilities. Table VI-2 shows an inventory of public parks and recreational facilities and open space within Winter Springs. Table VI - 2: Inventory of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities and Open Space, 20092020 Parks Active Acres Passive Total Acres Resources and Facilities Acres (1) Trails Natural Resources: Creek, Bear Creek Nature Trail 0 8.7 8.7 environmentally sensitive area. Recreational Facilities: None Other: 1/2-mile nature trail Black Hammock Natural Resources: None Recreational Facilities: included in Cross Tr ncd ** (acreage 0,10 0, 0.0 Cross Seminole Trail nclu Seminole Trail) Other: Paved Parking and Restrooms Florida National Scenic Natural Resources: Wetlands Trail ** 0.0 4.4 4.4 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Undeveloped Natural Resources: Creek, natural vegetation Recreational Facilities: Cross Seminole Trail ** 0.0 59.4 59.4 Paved Trail Other: 6-miles in the City connecting with regional trail system Community Parks Natural Resources: None Blumberg Park Recreational Facilities: Adjacent to Blumberg Blvd. ** & Cross Seminole Trail Veterans Memorial 0.0 a-44.26 a-44.26 Other: Fountains, pergolas, walkways, seating, manicured landscaping. Veteran's memorial with sculpture. VI - 18 23 Natural Resources: Nature/Environmentally sensitive area. Recreational Facilities: 4 baseball fields,4 softball fields,7- seeee_, , feetb_ll field, 2 ..,inti 8 multipurpose fields (soccer/frisbee/football/lacrosse)1 Central Winds Park 78.6 m-LOA 21.44 9-85 half basketball court, 2 volleyball 100.04 courts, 2 playgrounds. Other: Dog park (small dog, large dog and training areas), fishing area, grass amphitheater & event space w/ power and stage platform, nature trail, cooking grills, 2 picnic pavilions, parks & recreation office, concession stand, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake (1.5-acres) Recreational Facilities°-- : 2 baseb-'�ekis-,�3 softball fields, 1 full basketball court,4- playground, Sunshine Park (a) 6.7 3.5 10.2 1 pickelball court, 1 horse shoe pit, 1 shuffle board court Other: Civic Center, Senior Center with indoor therapy pool, fishing area,cooking grills 4-1 picnic pavilions, restrooms Natural Resources: Pond (1.9- acres) Recreational Facilities: A42 full sized basketballs with lighting- sheeting bes! ,_tel eeuFt' 1 Torcaso Park 4.8 3.19 X7.99e-/feetba"multipurpose field, exercise course, 1 4m-playground Other: Fishing area, splash pad , eeek4nej-qjfi49, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake Tuskawilla (6.4-acres) and smaller lake (1.6- acres) Facilities: FacilitiesRee. 7""�'' es: 2 L_.__I._ll t:_IJ_ 4-3 softball fields,4 seeeen Trotwood Park 23.0 5.0 28.0 fieWsmultipurpose fields, 2 full basketball courts, 2 tennis courts,4 pickelball courts, adult fitness area -2- tet 1 yeu-tir VI - 19 24 playground, 1 splash playground. Other: Fishing pier, eeeking go-illsi- 3 4pieniemedium pavilions, 1 4,000 s%ft.pavilion restrooms Unnamed Pocket Park 0_0 0.36 0.36 Proposed Pocket Park (0621315080P100000) Neighborhood Parks Natural Resources:fie-Creek Recreational Facilities: Ree. C--,- =1 full basketball court,4- Moss Park 2.08 0.3 2.3 , 1 yeath- playground, Other:eeeking grills,-2-1 picnic pavilions, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake (11.5- acres) Recreational Facilities: Ree. 2 Ranchlands Park 0.5 0.5 1.0 cornhole courts, 1 outdoor table tennis, 1 BBQ grill Other: Fishing area,eeeking-gr+µsl picnic pavilion Natural Resources: Lake (4.6- acres), nature area ekecreational Facilities: Ree. Sam Smith Park 0.08 8.3 8.3 , 1 you+ playground. Other: Fishing area,Vis, 2 picnic pavilions, restroom Mini Parks . VI -20 25 Natural Resources: Lake Fruitwood Park 0.30 0.0 0.3 (2.1-acres) Recreational Facilities: 1 playground Other: None Natural Resources: None. Recreational Facilities:Ree- Magnolia Square 0.08 0.3 0.3 des: Adjacent to Cross Seminole Trail Other: Fountain and seating Natural Resources: None Oak Hollow Park (linear Recreational Facilities: 2 park) 0.00 1.0 1.0 playgrounds Other: Paved walking trail (0.1 miles) Natural Resources: Adjacent to natural open space Winding Hollow Park (b) 0.5 0.0 0.5 Recreational Facilities: tet 1 playground Other: Picnic pavilion_,r, ee ' Open Space Natural Resources: Creek Alton Creek 0.0 0.2 0.2 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Foxmoor Park Unit 1 0.0 1.9 1.9 Recreational Facilities:- None Other: None Natural Resources: Lake Foxmoor Unit 2 0.0 1.6 1.6 (2.1-acres); Wetlands Recreational Facilities: None Other: None Natural Resources: Lake Foxmoor Unit 3 0.0 4.89 4.89 (1.0-acres); Wetlands Recreational Facilities: None Other: None VI -21 26 Hickory Grove Park ** Natural Resources: Native hickory (Town Center) 0.0 4.5 4.5 trees Recreational Facilities: None North Orlando Ranches Natural Resources: Wetlands Sec. 5 0.0 6.7 6.7 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation North Orlando Ranches Natural Resources: Wetlands Sec. 9 0.0 6.5 6.5 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation North Orlando Ranches Natural Resources: Wetlands Sec. 10 0.0 5.1 5.1 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation North Orlando Terrace Natural Resources: Wetlands Sec. 5 0.0 7.2 7.2 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation North Orlando Terrace Natural Resources: Wetlands Sec. 9 0.0 7.4 7.4 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Tuscawilla Open Space 0.0 69.5 69.5 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Unnamed Park (2620305AROA00007N) 0.00 3.82 3.82 Natural Resources: Wetlands Wetland Park Natural Resources: Wetlands (3120315TC000000B0) 00_0 22.92 22.92 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Winding Hollow Park (b) 0.0 31.6 31.6 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Total Open Space 0 1471 175.43 147.1 175.43 Total Overall Park 91 16.40 X6294.48 380.5LIands 410.88 VI -22 27 Note- Lacrosse is growing in popularity and can be played on soccer,football and multi-use fields. (1) Passive Acres includes both developed areas as well as undeveloped open space acreage. Lake acreage is not included. (2) Acreage is from the City's Geographic Information System mapping. Lake acreage is not included. (a) Park is a Special Use Facility (b) One-half acre of this park is developed for active recreational use. 55.5 acres are conservation land. * Seminole County-owned **State-owned (Greenways and Trails) Source: City of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Department, 2021 h. Nearby County Facilities Seminole County operates and maintains several park and open space facilities that are available to the citizens of Winter Springs. Some of the County parks closest to Winter Springs, in addition to the Cross Seminole Trail, are Overlook Park, Red Bug Lake Park, Soldier's Creek Park, and Spring Hammock Preserve. Overlook Park is a 3-acre facility located on Spring Avenue off State Road 434, west of State Road 417 (Seminole Expressway / Greeneway). The park is located on the southern shores of Lake Jesup and includes a designated State Historic Site (White's Wharf) and Clifton Springs- a natural springs area. Amenities include a small pavilion, fishing pier and a mooring dock. Red Bug Lake Park is a 60-acre community park adjacent to the 28-acre Red Bug Lake. This park is located 2 miles east of State Road 436 on Red Bug Lake Road and offers picnicking, playgrounds, fishing, boating, tennis, racquetball, basketball, sand volleyball, softball, flag football, soccer, exercise trail, pavilions, and restrooms. Soldier's Creek Park is a 315-acre park adjacent to the Spring Hammock Preserve, 1 mile east of U.S. 17-92 on State Road 419. The park offers soccer fields and ball fields, which are used by community groups for youth baseball and softball. Spring Hammock Preserve offers visitors access to more than 1,500 acres of wilderness on the western border of Lake Jesup. Highlights of opportunities offered within the Spring Hammock Preserve are the Environmental Studies Center (located on the east side of State Road 419), nature trails, boardwalks; anct fishing at Soldier's Creek, r-y�errlF. Facilities provided within the Seminole County Park System include: Lakes and Rivers with Boat Ramps Overlook Piers Canoe Launch Support Facilities (including Restrooms and Paved Parking) Mooring Dock Wildlife Fishing Piers Natural Vegetation and Marsh Lands with Environmental Learning Center Boardwalks Wildlife Wilderness Areas with Wildlife Campgrounds And Primitive Camping Hiking/Biking Trails Horseback Riding Trails VI -23 28 Sports And Recreation Facilities Basketball Courts Kids Playgrounds Tennis Courts Picnic Pavilions Racquetball Courts Support Facilities (Including Restrooms, Paved Parking, and Lighting) Roller Hockey Rink Dog Parks Sand Volleyball Courts Historically Significate Sites Soccer/Football Fields Jogging Trails/Exercise Stations Softball/Baseball Fields Seminele Ceunty pleins te censtruct jette Peint Park en a 43 eiel-e site within Winter Springs, seuth ef State Read 434 just west ef its interseetien with State Read 417 (Semi a:e€)Eess=:off=-rGreeee The me,o, je##e PeinTC—eunty oei.,l. will _erg and tournaments. It is expected to host national seftball competitions as well els seeeer/lefresse andwill aIsse inel ye th .,.I.,..,....,..und, tet .,.I....,.,..,....nd, ei i jettei Point e i s Go-eek County Park will be conyerted to baseball facHities fel- leagues and teul-nameitts Seminole County Parks include: Driving Distance* Name of Recreational Area: Acreage**: 2.7 miles Overlook Park -34 3.8 miles Soldier's Creek Park 2531-5 4.2 miles Big Tree Park_- Longwood 11 5.9 miles Pawmosa Dog Park-- Casselberry 1 6.4 miles Sunland Park.-- Sanford -1-56 6.7 miles Lake Dot Park-- Sanford -135 7.4 miles Red Bug Lake Park_- Casselberry 60 7.6 miles Winwood Park_-Altamonte Springs 4 7.7 miles Jamestown Park 1 8.0 miles Kewannee Park_- Casselberry 6 8.5 miles Lake Jesup Park_- Sanford 6 8.7 miles Greenwood Lakes Park_- Lake Mary 14 8.9 miles Seminole Co. Softball Complex 38 9.4 miles Sanlando Park_-Altamonte Springs 40 10.3 miles Paw Park- Sanford 1 10.4 miles Little Big Econ Park (Canoe Launch) VI -24 29 1 1.4 miles, Seminole County Sports Complex 22 11. 8 miles Lake Mills Park-- Chuluota Cdr? 12.7 miles Roseland Park - Sanford 12.8 miles Midway Park-- Sanford 2 13. 9 miles Lake Monroe Wayside Park-- Sanford 15.3 miles Cameron Wight Park- Sanford 3 17.3miles Bookertown Park 4 17.6 miles C.S. Lee Park_- Geneva 3 19.3 miles Mullet Lake Park =— Geneva 151 20.0 miles Sylvan Lake Park=— Sanford 126 21.2 miles Wilson's Landing Park— Sanford 19 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center ** acreage does not include lakes i. School Facilities The City maintains an Interlocal Agreement with the School Board of Seminole County related to recreational use of educational facilities. The agreement states that the two parties concur to collectively utilize the recreational and educational facilities of Winter Springs High School. Through this agreement,: Parks and Recreation conducts youth basketball leagues and camps, youth football games, and all sports training programs at Winter Springs High School, as well as youth basketball leagues and programsaz and special City events_, including the einnual Halleweeig Dence, eFe he'd eit Indian Trails Mi Scheel. In addition, the City has a cooperative arrangement with several of the local school principals for co-use of their facilities. 2. Private Facilities Some recreational facilities and services such as golf courses, dance studios, fitness clubs, movie theatres, etc. are provided by the private sector, and are available to the public through a membership or a fee. The provision this type of recreational resources is normally based on market studies. Therefore, it can be assumed that the quantity of such resources will increase as the city's population increases. Some of the Private Recreational Facilities in or near Winter Springs • Tuscawilla Country Club & Golf Course 1 500 Winter Springs Blvd., Winter Springs , inn r l Cortez Aye. • Lifestyle Fitness 5852 Red Bug Lake --- - Pi,e Fliqht Amhei- 280 E. State Read 434 • Sadkane School for Dance & Aikido Terree Swei lee Dr 1013 W. SR 434, Casselberry VI -25 30 • Studio 511 Dance Stu 1303 1323 Winter SpFings Blyd 1425 Tuslteiwil1 e D..J • /1'Mei \A/shu USA A 1 13Z State Read 43.4 • United Theatres ef I I Altangente Springs- 473 Cam-d'nal Galts Gt., Lake Mary • Regal Cinema Oviedo Crossing 22 1500 Oviedo Mktpl. Blvd., Oviedo • Gentral.Sports Heaven Batting Cages 1 271 Belle AyemueAve.,Winter Springs • YMCA 7900 Red Bug Lake Rd., Oviedo • Planet Obstacle 1150 Emma Oaks trail, Lake Mary • Boing 532 S. Econ Circle, Oviedo Other private recreational facilities are found in residential developments within Winter Springs. The facilities provided typically include community/exercise rooms, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Some of the developments providing this type of recreation are listed in Table VI - 3: Inventory of Private Recreational Facilities, 2008 2020. r"1 -Ifita still being qlathered+ Table VI - 3: Inventory of Private Recreational Facilities, 2008 2020 Development/Facility Pool Club Golf Shuffle Basketball Tennis Playground Volleyball Other Name house Course Board Highlands PUD 3 1 1 5 5 1 Trail Wildwood PUD 1 2 1 Trail Seminole Pines 1 1 1 1 Tuscawilla Country Club 1-18 8 hole Hacienda Village 2 2 1 Howell Creek/Eagles 1 1 1 1 Watch Integra 360 1 1 Trail The Blake 1 1 The Rize 1 1 Southern Oaks 1 Tuskawilla Crossings 1 1 1 Trail Wedgewood 1 1 Winter Springs Village 2 2 1 Trail NOTE: This inventory does not include all the private recreational facilities in the City, but accounts for many of those within residential subdivisions which have one or more acres of activity-based recreational opportunities. Source: Winter Springs Planning Division,- d. yDecember 232+ D. EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS Recreational demands do not remain constant over time, but grow with population increases and change as population demographics change. Attitudes and opinions can be drastically altered from a shift in the demographic makeup of a community. Therefore, it is necessary to assess recreational needs and future demands for facilities in order to plan for the future. VI -26 31 I. Population Trends and User Needs The City's population is prejectee-anticipated to increase by ever 10,0490by over 7,000 residents by2030 2040. According to the U.S. Census, the median age increased from 34 to 37 from 1990 to 2000 to 42 in 2010 and is estimated at 43 in 2017.E The percentage of persons aged 65 or older increased from 9.2% to 10.8% eye- the -- ` from 1990 to 20 70 and continued to increase to 17.4% of the population according to the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) estimates. The prejeeteel. niedian age (US Census) inel-eased te 40 by 2007. This trend is expected to continue through the long-term planning period. The City is well prepared to serve an aging population. During 2007, the City completed a 9,200 square foot expansion of the Senior Center which added a new therapy pool along with a large multi-purpose room. However, the City should continue to add recreational facilities and programs which address the changing demographics of the City, while continuing to support a wide variety of programs to serve all of its residents. To accurately reflect changes in public demand, tools are needed to identify them. One method is to survey the citizens for their input. The City has conducted several informal surveys, many of which have not been documented. A City-wide survey was conducted in 1990. It questioned residents about the recreational activities they practiced on a regular basis. The results showed that, at that time, residents wanted more playgrounds, baseball fields, swimming pools, bike paths, and tennis courts. Since that time, the City has added numerous playgrounds and baseball fields, and the State has added the Cross Seminole Trail. This type of survey should be conducted regularly on a five-year basis to maintain consistency and to monitor progress and changing demands. An opinion survey of registered voters was completed in 2004, to explore interest and support for a multi- purpose athletic facility and an aquatic center. The support was greatest for the multi- purpose athletic center with 44 percent of those surveyed in support of such a facility even if it increased property taxes, 21 percent opposed and 35 percent requiring more information. Support dropped slightly (40 percent) and opposition increased (32 percent) for an aquatic center. Support fell further (36 percent) to a level nearly equal with opposition (35 percent) when respondents were asked if they would support both facilities with a combined tax increase necessary to support both facilities. During the Winter Springs 2030 and Beyond survey in 2019, a number of questions focused on parks and recreation and open space. Purchase of green space (i.e. natural lands) was a top priority for residents. Comments stronger suggested including arts, culture and theatre into recreation programming. Other comments included natural resource activities such as fishing and biking, a community pool and providing for more facilities/fields for a variety of sports. Willingness to fund facilities through increased taxes scored below a neutral rating at 2.95. Comments made it evident that a tax increase was not truly the way to go. Suggestions included looking in the budget for reallocation, user and event fees, partnership with the high school, or finding other sources of funding. Proponents in suI212ort of using tax dollars to pay for recreation facilities provided comments that if there was an increase it should be for specific projects vetted by the public and be primarily uses for natural areas, arts/culture or an aquatic center. Not only did the option of "Funding for a Sporting Complex" rate unfavorably (2.11 ), the comments provided were very clear that there are already existing larder facilities throughout Seminole County and there are plenty of existing facilities in the City. There were concerns about traffic, costs, and the large amount of greenspace that would be lost. Additional comments also focused on the need for arts and culture facilities. When asked about priorities for the City,the City-Wide Interconnected Trail System VI -27 32 ranked highest (35%), followed by the Lake Jesup Boardwalk (26%). The Aquatic Center ranked next (20%),followed by the Library (12%). Indoor Recreation was the lowest ranking option (8%). In addition,- during the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2020, a recreational survey was administered to the residents. 2. Outdoor Recreation Planning Guidelines Three types of guidelines are commonly used in outdoor recreation planning according to Florida's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (2807-2019). The first type, use guidelines, are employed as a means of stating the amount of use a resource or facility can accommodate under certain conditions. The second type,- population guidelines, are used in determining the amount of resources and facilities that are required to serve a given population. The third type- site guidelines, are used primarily for estimating acreage needs for local parks and recreation areas and open space. Many variations exist in outdoor recreation environments. Therefore, each jurisdiction must determine for its planning purposes how these guidelines will best serve their interests and in most cases develop their own guidelines. Table VI-4 identifies the median value of the survey results for nine user--oriented facilities for which information on use was collected. Table VI -4: Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities,28072019 Act-V4 ReseurceiFaeffffy 6uode"ne e�f�tt Feed. ed' IseerCeF Fie' J 17.0u5eFS peFfield p .. dei-, Ge r I. A Reseuree Feel ity Guideline Physical exercise (urbein- Lineep Fnfle ef- 1(K) usen-9 pen- rnile ef ti-ail pen- day Rd hiking) exemr-4se,/parceurs trail per peel per day SWiffiffliMg Stjfnniing Pee" _. 30 users per ee u m-t-den Tennis Tennis Gewt VI -28 33 Activity Resource/Facility Guideline Baseball/Softball Basketball/Softball Field 120 users per field per day Basketball Basketball Court 90 users per court per day Football/Soccer/Ru by Football/Soccer Field 175 users per field per day 200 users per 9-hole course Golf Golf Course (9-hole) ep r day Physical exercise (urban ioin and Linear mile of 100 users per mile of trail per hikin exercise/parcourse trails day Racquetball/Handball Racquetball / Handball Court 40 users per court per day Shuffleboard Shuffleboard Court 20 users per court per day Swimming Swimming Pool (1) 256 users per pool per day Tennis Tennis Court 30 users per court per day Source: Florida's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (200- 201 9). Population guidelines are hypothetical estimates of the amounts of outdoor recreation resources and facilities that are required to support a given population. Generally, population guidelines make no distinction between the varying requirements of different segments of the population, but are used to assess community recreational needs by determining the minimum number of resources and facilities required to serve the local population. When used in concert with facility use guidelines and park/open space site guidelines, population guidelines can prove a useful tool in outdoor recreation planning. Table VI- identifiesguidelines for user-oriented recreational activities. Site guidelines are a set of general criteria for determining the specific types and amounts of park lands necessary to accommodate the recreational needs of local communities. The criteria define the acreage, facility type and service area requirements for various types of community recreation sites and areas. They are most commonly used as a means of expressing outdoor recreation needs, based on population guidelines. The site guidelines described graphically applied to the City and depicted on Map VI-5. The areas not served by existing parks primarily are parts of the City having larger lot sizes in some cases, are areas still to be developed, such as the Greeneway Interchange District. VI -29 34 Table VI - 5: Population and Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, 2008 2020 � �eea�iew E*95toRg �-.�� �� ^ etwal nn / :r./nne /nn,..1 �@ 1/2,00C) 1�n D,tee II Cie1dS !41 G .,Shine Park/71 q 0 --- --== w 1 /22 Fi..I.J r, r rl�.. Tr.,+4.d.,.,.d D_rL (2) 11 /1� " � i/2,999 120 users C .F+h II Wpld�* /A1 G nshine Park(1) s T field per -1/3,182 Tri.+.s npd D;rL (1) 1 /11 (I half) Mass Park (1 Fell\ q i A.P D-,rL(1 / E 1-5w onDn urs r...,,r Basketball Ceurt TT9 E S8 P-aFIETTT i/5,000,00 (a sheeting baskets) PA a " 1 mi/1,50 Inn Qi,yelenys CFe5- Seminole TFam � 1�R90/cnnnwFnni lc-of tFail z-Fnrmr/aTrev . iI„ P +y\ 1 r.,��i,,/}m-^^^ono pe"-ay Ce.n+r-.I \A.Ion Jr D-;rL 175 users T� 145-19W aRy r F.,.,rh-.II NerJ.,rJir-,+.,�J 1/4,000 17C 6acrosse��ek�s * -009 eF and/or multi u � field ay 1/3,428 1 / 8 ..m.J D rL 009 1 7C users T Saco,r G„lds* (7)Tr + f4} 17 g field peF w 1/25,00 ,500 40 useFS P S i/i n6 1 /'n nnn VI -30 35 T-Fetweed Pad414 10 pub! 1/-5w Sam Smith 111 1/15,000 Winding Hellew(1) Oak Hell,,... 1 /��** 175 users T field peF Mess 11//11009 Ge ur+r/DiG-1 1,--h-ll . 1/2,()()g �v-a�pcT �46 Geurts 1 /1 Ccp—m+ral I./A.1�an S Dart T-Fetweed Pak(1) g 1/44,572 Therapy E 256 u_ .fpe-r- (publj.e) SWiFflFA*Rg Peek Peel, Sunshine Pak 15 PFivate i�50,000 peelpeFday 1/2,786 Nete Leiel,es in pepulan,ity and eam be played en any seecer, feetbeill and multi use fields. *DEP eembimes and i ** e September,2008. VI -31 36 Existing Population Actual Facility Location Number Guideline (Min/Med/Max) Central Winds Park (4) Baseball Fields* Sunshine Park (2) 8 fields Trotwood Park (2) 1/2,000 1/ 3.182 115,000 Central Winds Park (4) 1/10,000 Softball Fields* Sunshine Park (1) 6 fields Trotwood Park (1) Central Winds Park (1 half) Moss Park 11500 1/ 4434,052 (1 full, f) �9 public Basketball Court115,000 Sunshine Park (1 full) 2 private 1/20,000 Torcaso Park (4 shooting baskets) Trotwood Park (2 full) 14 miles 1 mi/1,500 1 Bicycle ways Cross Seminole Trail (6 miles in 1 mi/5,000 mi/2-,4693,180 the City) 1 mi/10,000 Football Fields* Central Winds Park (1) 1 fields Can be played on any No 1/4,000 Lacrosse Fields* soccer,football and/or dedicated1/ 3$43.428 multi-use fields. fields 1/6,000 1/25,000 Central Winds Park (7) Soccer Fields* Trotwood Park (4) 12 fields Torcaso Park (1) Racquetball/ 1/2,500 1/+7,,N-72 Handball Trotwood Park (2) 2 courts 1/10,000 286 1/20,000 VI 3 37 Existing Population Actual Facility Location Number Guideline (Min/Med/Max) Central Winds Park (2-teeth) Sunshine Park (', tet, 1- ye�l) Torcaso Park (I tet,1- tev+_ ) Trotwood Park (I tet, 1- Equipped Play Ohl) X10 11500 Area Moss Park (4 et-, public 1/10,000 1/' fel) 6 private 1115,000 2,786 Sam Smith (4-4e� Winding Hollow (-I-- tet, 1 t1�1) Oak Hollow (21 N Fruitwood (l -teuth) Multipurpose Central Winds Park 1/500 1/ Fields (2)** 3 public 1/3,750 1', Moss Park (1) 1/10,000 Tennis Trotwood Park (2_ 1/1,067 Courts Pickle TC and 2 portable -2-4 public 1/2,000 1/ ball Courts ) 15 private 1/10,000 2.34 Central Winds Park (2) Renehiends Pad( (1 ) 1/4,000 1/. _ _ Volleyball Courts Sunshine Park (1) public 1/6,000 TeFeese Ped( (1 ) 1/12,000 Trotwood Park (1) 1/1"000 1/ 44 Swimming Pools Senior Center Therapy 1 public 1/25,000 .572 Pool, Sunshine Park (1) 15 private 1150,000 (public) 2,786 Note- Lacrosse is growing in popularity and can be played on any soccer,football and multi-use fields. *DEP combines baseball and softball, and soccer and football. ** Includes the amphitheater Source: Florida's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (20G;�2019) and City of Winter Springs, September, 2008 2020. VI -33 38 Levels of Service (LOS) Standards Level of Service (LOS) standards are a measure for determining the specific types and amounts or acreage of parkland necessary to accommodate the recreational needs of a local jurisdiction. Winter Springs has historically defined its LOS based on acreage per 1,000 residents. To better reflect the growing needs of the City for parkland, and in support of the desire for increased greenspace as further discussed under the major issue of "Population, Density, and Greenspace" (2008 Evaluation and Appraisal Report), Winter Springs WM increased the Overall Parkland LOS acreage from 5 acres per 1,000 residents to 8 acres per 1,000 residents. Additionally, a LOS for Open Space has been implemented. This LOS has been set at 4 acres per 1,000 residents to encourage the provision of public open space in Winter Springs. Table VI-1 illustrates the existing park and open space acreage through 20-392040, based on LOS standards. VI -34 39 a� D f s O o N V S 4 � Eg 3 i I � �n � •w 7 M r o 6`o y h { `l N 3 N O d S N N O � 4 } O C; 3 ■ m • -. J " N w Q • � •i N y L N Lf 1 U ) " •♦ M > a , • O C c� • i a L : I • CCL 7 fC } I PN CL C3 40 i �� V y•� : C Dov �, aS (/1 N m ` C 7 6 -0 U- V t, dL/N J N } Q r. -0 O Y t�1 a � a _ N ' O = O a Z � 40 8 B � � n r r S � r • `s i • v°� . &5 r , — � r LU r Lu LU ro. w r CL �. CL Am s p . i 4 .. • 5.....>.1 � - - its rar.-- t*-� 41 a & C; t d 5 A) E ) � 3t \ > � / k _0 / a 6 7 � % 72 cs m B / }\ 2 � a elk ® � . AND = o ? ? » \ • s 4- C'4 E \ , CL /- _ -0 g -0 $ o � . / DT § § cm ` 1 \ ' a u (Am % » & _ . , ; 0 0 s - � j - � \ \ a 0 \ § § 3 &G ■- \ % j \ § C3 0 0 � ± % 7 § ; § e _ CL /_ \ 7 ƒ ■ ` � \ ; s &'0 \ ~ \ \ D� 0 \\ / « % 0 e & Zj � wu CL e - -0 2 � ■ � ( $ \ e > z z a t G § ; 42 L x 6 3 o z n � }4 } M r / CL r LU .. N Z r 0LL * ! �} W m LLJ p'�.. CL 13 r � vl + _ • # � i N +MF f Mst � r Ak • r x 43 • AqR s IL I a �R f oa � N Y 4m 0 � a } 0 L _ .N '� • } 0, N0000T M a ' t ii b OWN 4AP 040j _r_ 4W M BOW age � 1 N 't • ■. •. �� • } 3 Z a 44 L C7 � i• .. s i;) ui CS 'L' 4i'---• 1p UL 0 jq IL A a ■ 45 3. Recreational Facilities Access to existing parks is available to many special needs groups. All of the City parks provide parking for persons with disabilities and most provide paved paths and pavilions that are wheelchair accessible. Special considerations will need to be addressed on a site- by-site basis, for deficiencies in the special access needs of these groups. For example, while people with disabilities are provided parking areas at most of the parks, and wheelchair accessibility is provided in many, internal access to facilities is still limited in a few of the City's parks. Consideration to these access issues will need to be given at the time of new park development or renovations. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA ADA, an important aspect of accessibility to be considered when constructing new parks or altering existing parks, is the issue of stable ground surfacing, which allows a person with mobility impairment to negotiate with dignity. For example, a large area of loose fill such as sand or wood chips is not easily accessible. Rather, a design following ADA guidelines might use a combination of more rigid surfaces such as an engineered wood fiber, rubber surfaces along accessible routes, clear ground spaces, and maneuvering spaces, in conjunction with small areas of loose fill. Per ADA standards, consideration should be given to the general layout of youth play areas, particularly to the integration of elements and spaces that can be accessed by children who are disabled. Specifically, in areas where elevated play components are provided, additional ground level play equipment must be provided and incorporated into the same play areas. Additionally, the ADA requires that at least 50% of elevated play components must be located on an accessible route and connected by a ramp. The inclusion of soft contained play structures would also provide recreational opportunities for children with disabilities. The existing system of neighborhood and passive parks affords access to cyclists and pedestrians, as the parks are numerous and dispersed in residential areas throughout the City. Bicycle path facilities should continue to be designed so as to join recreational areas together with residential areas to upgrade the accessibility for all citizens to recreation areas. Access issues will be addressed specifically within the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Element. 4. Meeting Future Recreation and Open Space Needs As illustrated on Table VI-1, the City does not expect to have any verallPa-', Park deficiencies through 20302040. The aeldifien ef Seminele Caunty's SpFings) will fuFtheF incFeese the suFplus ef QyeFall Paddend. A slight deficieney is pFejeeted in Open Space by 2033. , _k ated An impeFteint actien needed by the City in the immediate futuFe is the planning ef ei City tFail system te interconnect with the Go-ess Seminole To-aik The City eum-'ently owns a pen-fien of FP&L easement which could be the beginnings ef this netwerk. In en-den- te aecemplish this, seyeral pelieies i-elating te ti-ails heye been added to the element, as well as a new objectiYe in suppert of this effet+ 5. Public Participation in Recreation Planning The City has provided numerous opportunities for citizen input into the recreational planning of the City. The Parks and Recreation Department has held a number of public meetings, during which time,citizens were able to contribute their ideas and make requests for future recreational opportunities. An ad hoc advisory committee helped develop the Central Winds Expansion Master Plan. For improvements at Trotwood, neighborhoods were notified and input was requested door to door. Similar outreach has been conducted for Torcaso Park, with a Master Plan process initiated in September 2008. The City of Winter Springs finalized the Parks and Recreation Master Plan in July 2021 . As noted above, the City will continue to conduct periodic surveys to identify future activity-based recreational preferences. That survey will need to identify not only preferences in terms of fields and courts, but also whether City residents would be willing to pay user fees for improved amenities, etc. VI -41 46 During the Winter Springs 2030 and Beyond survey in 2019. a number of questions focused on parks and recreation and open space. Purchase of green space (i.e. natural lands) was a top priority for residents. Comments stronger suggested including arts, culture and theatre into recreation programming. Other comments included natural resource activities such as fishing and biking, a community pool and providing for more facilities./fields for a variety of sports. VI -42 47 m U V �n 3 O a V p. •y � O Q •F .• •'• 0 3 N • O a i O � � B •_ y • ` •.m,m,oe,, N ci -L3 CL z a L N Mf I •• ~ 1 •�•'•0 • P I N CL a : I O O ••...t.,..'• as mulM.l.l C oww % v � on 'M mollCL i ! ; u s s ! 1 3 j v � i e `cb• .i O. • Q • s a � z V 48 y 4 U Cr ' O c 0. h O d `a • 4aa•.a� r � Y J�: f •if�aa�..� I , • f./� .. Y� � 1 I q i8 F- `' 0• ,sir '� +� � dA pr F � R ya.ray LU I� • It ■ � + .. •. jAl H • oa ■ > CCL... D to ► , rfi0 rL •+> R LU mom / �l .t+. - s e 0 _ 4 ....r�..yJ! 3 49 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-08 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT BASED ON THE CITY'S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3191, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS;SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous and ongoing process; and WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, established Community Planning Act; and WHEREAS, consistent with the Community Planning Act, the City Commission has adopted the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, as required by section 163.319 1, Florida Statutes, the City has conducted an evaluation of its Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element, to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements since the last update of the City's Comprehensive Plan,which is required to be adopted every seven(7)years to assess the progress of implementing the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan,Recreation and Open Space Element,set forth herein,held an advertised public hearing,provided for participation by the public in the process,and rendered its recommendations to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after considering the Local Planning Agency's review comments and recommendations for amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Element,desires to adopt the amendments set forth herein; and WHEREAS,the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,Florida,hereby finds this City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-08 Page 1 of 3 50 ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health,safety,and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3184 and 163.319 1, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt text amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan as set forth herein, which are based on the City's evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 163.3191,Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element. The Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element is hereby amended only as specifically enumerated and set forth in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and �..�tt type indicates deletions). It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan not specifically enumerated and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for state coordinated review and to any other agency or local government providing timely comments, in accordance with Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence,clause,phrase,word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,whether for substantive,procedural,or any other reason,such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-08 Page 2 of 3 51 Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be pursuant to the state land planning agency's notice of intent. If timely challenged, an amendment does not become effective until the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance as defined in section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission,the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments,the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan, and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2021. Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: Christian Gowan, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Transmittal Hearing: Adoption Hearing: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2021-08 Page 3 of 3 52 12 QT,nd05entind I Sectlonl I Monday,October 4,2021 Orlando Sentinel WEATHER MON TUE WED,THU FRI SAT SUN NUNN 20% 20% 30% 30% 40% 40% 40% NETRUST THE WSIV w 90 91 91 91 88 88 86 71 73 74 73 73 72 AccuWeather - - -` Get the NEN app Rainfall •^,• i ) - 2wnourtTrsre 11 MOMhte d date 018 Jacksonville - l` 1 Normal momhto date 049' World O oberremM 910"in 1915 87/69 veartodate 3588" I'3 ' "^A Galnesvllle Rdationtonormal 733" ay enA sb h Nation Skywateh bagand sunr se Jzo a.m. Sunset ]Oxp.m. 17 Lee.bb/rg NN t Sa8n8 rd Moonr se 516am. ClermontF „ Trtusv lie Moonset e22Rm. 90/]2 � k`-�X:afr: esnl - Orlando 88/72 elbourne e]/]4 VV index:3 5�' V61 51 11 11 Th.hi9-th.A--sh---V 'll `14 Y' t 89/]3 I d ^^umber,tM1e RreatxrtFe need rye M1iaM1 f[he da>SM1Owns f lZ n IN—a xi6h v.xi6h Lrtroma this Ie— Law e rera Tlm cell,bane _ _ eMelates 91/ - h.Ry--t ' T? Pollen report n i Ibl Mold Orlando almanac Hghyeete,'day 90 Miami --yesterday 73 ae/7a Av&for 0c43 88/70 nal Allergy bureau Record high yest. 96 in 1923 Record law yest. 541n 192 -- - - Hlghtlde Lowtlde Water Wind Seas Waves Daytona ONO 646' 7:103 12:38,12'.57p 12 St Augusxne-lupiterldet E6-12 1-5 Moderate New Srni ONO 7.171 7373 1.03, 1.16, S2 lupiterldet-Key 0190 ENE 6-12 1-d u11t Key West L'eCoaONO 6.338 6:583 12.26112'.363 83 Key Urg0-DIY to1111ga5 E7-14 2-4 light 86/]9 — MHboume Beach 6;428 7:063 12:36112'.173 83 Cape Sable-Ur N.Springs EG-8 1-2 light Sebastian lNet 6'/+71 711p 12:38,12'.69, 82 UWnSprings-AWKhiCda ESE 13 1-2 light NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING&ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY THE PLANNING&ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AND CITY COMMISSION AND CITY COMMISSION PROPOSE TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: PROPOSE TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE 2021-07 ORDINANCE 2021-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, WINTER SPRINGS,SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA,SETTING FORTH FLORIDA,SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT BASED ON THE PLAN,CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT BASED CITY'S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ON THE CITY'S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3191,FLORIDA STATUTES;PROVIDING OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND SECTION 163.3191,FLORIDA STATUTES;PROVIDING RESOLUTIONS;INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS;INCORPORATION SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PLANNING&ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING&ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY WILL BE HELD ON PUBLIC HEARING THURSDAY,OCTOBER 14,2021 WILL BE HELD ON AT 5:30 P.M.OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE THURSDAY,OCTOBER 14,2021 COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT AT 5:30 P.M.OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION FIRST READING CITY COMMISSION FIRST READING PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,2021 MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,2021 AT 6:30 P.M.OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE AT 6:30 P.M.OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVES THE RIGHT POSTPONE THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO POSTPONE OR CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING THIS ORDINANCE AT OR CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ORDINANCE AT THIS MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. THIS MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. The proposed ordinance may be obtained by interested parties The proposed ordinance may be obtained by Interested parties between between 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,from the office of 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,from the office of the City Clerk, the City Clerk,located at 1126 E.SR 434,Winter Springs,Florida.For located at 1126 E.SR 434,Winter Si Florida.For more information, more information,call(407)327-1800#237.Persons with disabilities call(407)327-1800#237.Persons with disabilities needing assistance needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator,48 hours Relations Department Coordinator,48 hours in advance of the meeting in advance of the meeting at(407)327-1800,#236.This is a public at(407)327-1800,#236.This is a public hearing.Interested parties are hearing.Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance.If you to the proposed ordinance.If you decide to appeal any recommendation decide to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City or decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, considered at this meeting,you will need a record of the proceedings,and you will need a record of the proceedings,and for such purposes, for such purpos s,you may need to re that a verbatim record of the you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is proceedings Is made upon which the appeal is based. I made upon which the appeal is based. 53 Ron DeSantis Dane Eagle GOVERNOR SECRETARY FLORIDA DEPARTMENTo' ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY February 7, 2022 The Honorable Kevin McCann Mayor,City of Winter Springs City Hall 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mayor McCann: The Department of Economic Opportunity("Department") has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment for the City of Winter Springs (Amendment No.21-04ER), which was received and determined complete on December 22, 2021. We have reviewed the proposed amendment in accordance with the state coordinated review process set forth in Sections 163.3184(2) and (4), Florida Statutes(F.S.),for compliance with Chapter 163, Part II, F.S.The Department does not identify any objections or comments to the proposed amendment and this letter serves as the Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report. Review comments received by the Department from the appropriate reviewing agencies, if any,are enclosed. The City should act by choosing to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed amendment. For your assistance,we have enclosed the procedures for final adoption and transmittal of the comprehensive plan amendment.The second public hearing,which shall be a hearing on whether to adopt one or more comprehensive plan amendments, must be held within 180 days of your receipt of the Department's attached report, or the amendment will be deemed withdrawn unless extended by agreement with notice to the Department and any affected party that provided comment on the amendment pursuant to Section 163.3184(4)(e)1., F.S. If you have any questions related to this review, please contact Paul Lim, Planning Analyst, by telephone at(850) 717-8511 or by email at Paul.Lim@deo.myflorida.com. Sinc y, Li Z mes D. Stansbury, Chief Bureau of Community Planning and Growth JDS/pl Enclosure: Procedures for Adoption Agency Comments cc: Christopher Schmidt,CPM, Economic and Community Development Director, City of Winter Springs Hugh Harling,Jr., Executive Director, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Florida Department of Economic Opportunity I Caldwell Building 1 107 E. Madison Street I Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850)245.7105 1 www.FloridaJobs.org I www.Twitter.com/FLDEO I www.Facebook.com/FLDEO An equal opportunity employer/program.Auxiliary aids and service are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TTD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. 54 SUBMITTAL OF ADOPTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR STATE COORDINATED REVIEW Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED: Please submit electronically using the Department's electronic amendment submittal portal "Comprehensive Plan and Amendment Upload" (https.Ilfloridaiobs.secure.force.com/cp/) or submit three complete copies of all comprehensive plan materials, of which one complete paper copy and two complete electronic copies on CD ROM in Portable Document Format(PDF) to the State Land Planning Agency and one copy to each entity below that provided timely comments to the local government: the appropriate Regional Planning Council; Water Management District; Department of Transportation; Department of Environmental Protection; Department of State;the appropriate county (municipal amendments only);the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (county plan amendments only);and the Department of Education (amendments relating to public schools); and for certain local governments,the appropriate military installation and any other local government or governmental agency that has filed a written request. SUBMITTAL LETTER: Please include the following information in the cover letter transmitting the adopted amendment: Department of Economic Opportunity identification number for adopted amendment package; Summary description of the adoption package, including any amendments proposed but not adopted; Ordinance number and adoption date; Certification that the adopted amendment(s) has been submitted to all parties that provided timely comments to the local government; Name,title,address,telephone, FAX number and e-mail address of local government contact; Letter signed by the chief elected official or the person designated by the local government. ADOPTION AMENDMENT PACKAGE: Please include the following information in the amendment package: In the case of text amendments, changes should be shown in strike-through/underline format; In the case of future land use map amendment, an adopted future land use map, in color format, clearly depicting the parcel, its existing future land use designation, and its adopted designation; 55 A copy of any data and analyses the local government deems appropriate. Effective:June 2, 2011(Updated March 2021) Page 1 of 2 Copy of executed ordinance adopting the comprehensive plan amendment(s); Suggested effective date language for the adoption ordinance for state coordinated review: "The effective date of this plan amendment, if the amendment is not timely challenged, shall be the date the state land planning agency posts a notice of intent determining that this amendment is in compliance. If the amendment is timely challenged,or if the state land planning agency issues a notice of intent determining that this amendment is not in compliance, this amendment shall become effective on the date the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance." List of additional changes made in the adopted amendment that the Department of Economic Opportunity did not previously review; List of findings of the local governing body, if any,that were not included in the ordinance and which provided the basis of the adoption or determination not to adopt the proposed amendment; Statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes not previously reviewed by the Department of Economic Opportunity to the ORC report from the Department of Economic Opportunity Effective:June 2,2011(Updated March 2021) Page 2 of 2 56 From: Plan Review To: cschmidt(Qwinterspringsfl.ora;DCPexternalagencycomments Cc: Plan Review Subject: [EXTERNAL]-Winter Springs 21-04ESR Proposed Date: Wednesday,January 19,2022 5:50:54 PM Attachments: imaae001.12np To: Christopher Schmidt, CPM, Economic and Community Development Director Re: Winter Springs 21-04ESR—Expedited State Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment The Office of Intergovernmental Programs of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department)has reviewed the above-referenced amendment package under the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Department conducted a detailed review that focused on potential adverse impacts to important state resources and facilities, specifically: air and water pollution;wetlands and other surface waters of the state; federal and state-owned lands and interest in lands, including state parks, greenways and trails, conservation easements; solid waste; and water and wastewater treatment. Based on our review of the submitted amendment package,the Department has found no provision that, if adopted,would result in adverse impacts to important state resources subject to the Department's jurisdiction. Please submit all future amendments by email to P1an.ReviewnFloridaDEP.gov. If your submittal is too large to send via email or if you need other assistance, contact Lindsay Weaver at(850) 717-9037. u 57 From: Maiolo.Channina To: cschmidt(a wintersorinasfl.ora Cc: Hammock.Rebecca;mmoskowitzOseminolecounW.gov;Tara McCue;Garcia,Heather;Shams Steve;Carver. Jennifer;DCPexternalauencycomments;Corvin.Kelly D. Subject: [EXTERNAL]-City of Winter Springs Proposed 21-04ESR Review Date: Wednesday,December 29,2021 12:05:35 PM Attachments: imaae001.una December 29, 2021 Mr. Christopher Schmidt, CPM Economic & Community Development Director City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Subject: Winter Springs Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 21-04ESR. Response Type: No Remarks Dear Mr. Schmidt, FDOT has reviewed the transmitted amendment for the City of Winter Springs. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is not anticipated to have significant adverse impacts to transportation resources or facilities of state importance. We appreciate the opportunity to review the proposed amendment and request that a copy of the adopted amendment, along with the supporting data and analysis, be transmitted within ten working days after the second public hearing for FDOT review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at Channing.M_aiolondot.state.fl.us or 386-943-5457. Sincerely, M. Channing Maiolo Systems Planning Coordinator cc: Rebecca Hammock, Seminole County Mary Moskowitz, Seminole County Tara McCue, ECFRPC Heather Garcia, FDOT Steve Shams, FDOT Jennifer Carver, FDOT D. Ray Eubanks, DEO Kelly Corvin, DEO 58 From: Steve Fitmibbons To: cschmidt(@winterspringsFl.org Cc: DC13gdernalagencycomments Subject: [EXTERNAL]-City of Winter Springs proposed comprehensive plan amendment 21-4ESR Date: Friday,January 14,2022 10:30:09 AM Attachments: image001.ona Dear Mr.Schmidt, St.Johns River Water Management District(District) staff have reviewed City of Winter Springs proposed comprehensive plan amendment 21-4ESR in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163,Florida Statutes. Based on review of the submitted materials, District staff have no comments on the proposed amendment. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Please note that all proposed and adopted comprehensive plan amendments can be submitted to the District by email at sfitzJbbons,&sirwmd.com. Sincerely, Steve Fitzgibbons Steven Fitzgibbons,AICP Intergovernmental Planner Division of Strategic Planning and Initiatives St.Johns River Water Management District 7775 Baymeadows Way,Suite 102 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office (386) 312-2369 Website: www.sjrwmd.com Connect with us: Newsletter, F ce o k,Twitter, Instagram,YouTube, Pinterest www.sjrwmd.com/ePermit We value your opinion. Please take a few minutes to share your comments on the service you received from the District by clicking this link Notices • Emails to and from the St. Johns River Water Management District are archived and, unless exempt or confidential by law, are subject to being made available to the public upon request. Users should not have an expectation of confidentiality or privacy. • Individuals lobbying the District must be registered as lobbyists (§112.3261,Florida Statutes).Details, applicability and the registration form are available at http://www.sjrwmd.com/lobbyist/ 59 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION PROPOSE TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE 2021-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT BASED ON THE CITY'S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3191, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY COMMISSION SECOND READING/ADOPTION PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022 AT 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO POSTPONE OR CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ORDINANCE AT THIS MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. The proposed ordinance may be obtained by interested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, from the office of the City Clerk, located at 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information, call (407) 327-1800 #237. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, #236. This is a public hearing. Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. If you decide to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. 3/21/2022 7162181