HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 02 14 Consent 304 - Approval of the January 10, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes CITY COMMISSION Incorporated 1959 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MON DAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 120 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Regular Meeting of Monday, January 10, 2022 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present by telephone Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present by telephone Commissioner Rob Elliott, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Commissioner Elliott provided the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor McCann asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Commissioner Cannon asked that Item 304 be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and vote. Manager Boyle asked that a discussion be added on golf carts on the regular agenda as well. There were no objections to the changes. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200)Current Development Projects Summary No discussion. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Pat Secord noted previous attempts to establish a car wash at the corner of SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road and expressed opposition to the proposed project. Ms Erin Mandell, Principal, Choices in Learning, 7700 EState Rd 434, Winter Springs introduced herself and invited the Mayor and Commissioners to come visit or speak at anytime. Ms Pia Valenciano, 377 McLeod's Way, Winter Springs - representing the HOA of Jesups Reserve - shared concerns about development impacts on Roberts Family Lane, aesthetics, traffic, and safety. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 2 OF 9 121 Discussion followed on the possibility of setting up a meeting with the HOA. Manager Boyle noted previous meetings had been held with representatives of the HOA. Deputy Chief Tracht addressed traffic violation concerns and noted that more resources could be devoted to that area. Further discussion followed on the potential of gating the road, potentially getting a traffic count, and setting up a Workshop meeting to discuss concerns with residents and the developer. The Commission noted they were in favor of setting up a Workshop and asked Staff to work with the developer to set a date. Mr. Brian Henry, 7205 E State Road 434, Winter Springs noted he was the owner of the Mobil gas station, expressed concerns about proposed car wash, and noted he was opposed to the project. CONSENT AGENDA 300)Surplus Assets No discussion 301) Establishment of the 2022 Districting Commission No discussion 302)Crescent Capital Group Authorization No discussion 303) Resolution 2022-02 recognizing the retirement of Ofc. Michelle Angeloff from the Police Department. No discussion "MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE);JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARPI ED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 3 OF 9 122 400. Not Used PEGULAP AGENDA 500) Non-Binding Preliminary Review for Tuseawilla Property Investors, LLC Mr. Schmidt introduced the item and Mr. Ryan Stahl to provide a presentation. Mr. Stahl presented on the proposed project, a car wash on the corner of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road, and briefly addressed concerns brought up by the Jesup's Reserve HOA representative. Mr. Stahl noted previous discussions on a proposed convenience store and difficulty finding other interested businesses. Discussion followed on ownership of the parcel, current permitted uses, timeline for demolition of the existing Pinch-A-Penny building, and what types of businesses could potentially occupy the space should a car wash fail. Mr. Stahl noted his group did now own the property and that demolition could begin soon, potentially tied to construction of a proposed bank. Regarding permitted uses, Mr. Schmidt noted that a car wash was not currently a permitted use in the T-5 zoning district. Further discussion followed on associated water consumption and the possibility of getting a restaurant to come to the corner. 501) Non-Binding Preliminary Review for Anthem Care Management Mr. Schmidt introduced the agenda item, noted the property was not currently in the City limits but that the applicant would seek annexation and zoning designation should they proceed with the project. Mr. David Kirkland, representative ofAnthemCare, presented on a proposed 86-unit assisted living facility (ALF), customer characteristics, and his belief that there was a need for the facility. Mr. Kirkland also briefly commented on associated water usage. Discussion followed on current permitted uses, aesthetics of the building compared to other parts of the Town Center, and parking. Mr. Schmidt noted that while an ALF was not an outright permitted use, it is a conditional use in the T-4 zoning district. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 4 OF 9 123 S02) Discussion regarding the 2017 Fertilizer Ordinance Mr. Schmidt introduced the item, provided a brief background, and invited discussion. Discussion followed on the previously passed ordinance which modified the Seminole County model ordinance, the desire to revisit the issue and adopt the model ordinance, the potential need for a lakeshore protection ordinance, and the fact that Winter Springs was the only municipality that had not adopted the more comprehensive model ordinance. The Commission agreed that this issue should be revisited, noted some concerns about ability to enforce residential fertilizer restrictions, and spoke about the importance of education and sharing information with residents. Commissioner Elliott asked about the installation of baskets in stormwater drains and if Staff had done a cost-benefit analysis. Manager Boyle noted this had not been done currently but that Staff could look into it. Brief discussion followed on the potential of removing the enforcement section of the ordinance. Attorney Garganese noted that it could be done if the Commission desired. Several Commissioners voiced some concern about "MOTION TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AND ADVERTISE THE MOPE COMPREHENSIVE FERTILIZER ORDINANCE - AND THAT WE SET THIS ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR ADOPTION." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE);JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CAPPI ED S-0. In response to a question about budget impacts related to an education campaign, Manager Boyle noted that a social media campaign would not impact the budget but anything additional would need to be discussed further. "MOTION TO APPROVE EXTENDING THE MEETING THROUGH SECOND PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 304)Approval of Minutes from the Monday. December 13, 2021 City Commission Regular Meeting *THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR A SEPARATE VOTE* CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 5 OF 9 124 Commissioner Cannon asked that more information be included in the minutes, noting that some important discussions were not included. Brief discussion followed on the possibility of transcripts being generated and changes that could be made. Manager Boyle explained that the City's agenda management software Granicus potentially had an option to produce a transcript, and that Staff could look into this and present at a future meeting. Brief discussion followed on the current meeting minutes policy. Attorney Garganese reviewed the options available for minutes and thought the Commission was suggesting a move towards discussion minutes rather than the current action minutes. The Commission expressed the desire for more information and Staff agreed to bring this to a future meeting. "MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2®21 CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BYCOM MISSIONERJOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (NAY);JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARPI ED 4-1. ADD-ON ITEM) Golf Cart Discussion Manager Boyle noted Staff was looking for direction on a potential future agenda item, reviewed previous discussions on the allowance of golf cart operation within the city, and the current ordinance in place. Manager Boyle noted the requirement that streets be designated safe for golf cart operation and that signage be installed advising operators. It was suggested that the City begin looking at Tuscawilla and the Highlands first and then expand designated use areas. Discussion followed with Commissioners noting confusion in the City about this topic, the likelihood that the City would need to look beyond golf carts and include electric bikes, scooters, and other low-speed vehicles, the possibility of involving the County to ensure proper enforcement and designations on the Cross-Seminole Trail, and expressing that safety was the number one concern. Deputy Chief Matt Tracht, Winter Springs Police Department commented on the complications associated with the issue, among them determining the difference CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 6 OF 9 125 between legally defined golf carts, low-speed vehicles, etc. and determining the applicable laws. Further discussion followed on the Ranchlands as a potential site for consideration given the prevalence of current golf cart use. The Commission agreed that the legal definitions of golf carts needed to be updated and/or expanded. There was also discussion about potentially limiting permitted hours of operation and the potential of including gated subdivisions, where possible, and potentially seeking new agreements. Attorney Garganese asked for some clarification, noted limitations of the state manual and definitions, and spoke about the unfinished business of the current ordinance including designation of safe roads, developing a process for this designation, and posting of signage. Attorney Garganese further opined about potentially designating specific communities for trial runs, the potential of engaging with other jurisdictions if crossings are desired over county or state roads. Manager Boyle noted that this issue was necessary to address due to actions of external law enforcement agencies. After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the process should start with golf carts and low-speed vehicle definitions and designations. 503) New Business Mayor McCann noted the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce was looking for a name to attend the Tallahassee trip, noted he was willing to go, and asked if anyone else was interested. After brief discussion, the Commission agreed Mayor McCann should attend. REPORTS S03)City Manager Shawn Boyle • Noted the Father-Daughter Dance would be held at the Senior Center on Sunday, February 13, 2022 from 7-9 PM. • Congratulated and thanked Jason Norberg, Public Works Director, Veolia, and contractors for the work being done at the water treatment plants. S03)City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese • No report S03)City Clerk Christian Gowan • No report CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 7 OF 9 126 S03)Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Noted the upcoming Highland Games and encouraged attendance. S03)Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon • Noted a shortage of substitute teachers in Seminole County schools and asked people to consider offering their support. • Complimented the Parks team and City Staff for their tireless work • Complimented Jason Norberg and his team on work at the plants and noted that he goes out and checks odor complaints when he hears about them. S03)Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Noted the recent National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and expressed his appreciation for all at the Winter Springs Police Department. • Recognized Jason Norberg and Christopher Schmidt for their work with Hacienda Village and resolving issues that had arisen there. • Noted receiving a letter praising Clifton Mullis for his work and shared his appreciation for Clifton's hard work. S03)Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale • Wished everyone a Happy New Year • Noted the Florida League of Cities Legislative Action Days would take place on February 8-9, 2022 • Noted the upcoming Highland Games • Announced that the VFW would be having a chili cook-off and encouraged residents to attend. 503)Seat Five Commissioner Rob Elliott • Thanked Jason Norberg for his work on the sewer plant and noted he was pleased with the progress. S03) Mayor Kevin McCann • Complimented the great Christmas/holiday season events in the City • Noted Tri-County League of Mayors meeting attendance and their discussion on home-based business ordinance CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 8 OF 9 127 PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Ken Spa/thoff, 337 Wooded One Drive, Winter Springs noted his difficulties with outside law enforcement regarding golf carts and shared suggestions for potential ordinance language. Mr. Maurice Kaprow, P.O. Box 795233, Win ter Springs w i s h e d everyone a Happy New Year, noted his observations of improper use of golf carts, and commended the city's work to improve. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 9:31 PM. RESPECTFUL L Y SUBMI TTED.- CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK APPROVED.' MAYOR KEVIN McCANN NOTE: These Minuteswere approved atthe -----2022CityCommissionPeg uIarMeeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, JANUAPY 10, 2022 1 PAGE 9 OF 9 128