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2022 02 14 Regular 500 - Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant – Feasibility Analysis
• REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 500 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 1454 TITLE Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant - Feasibility Analysis SUMMARY The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation plant is located on the Southwestern shore of Lake Jesup within the boundaries of Central Winds Park. On July 11th, 2011, the City Commission authorized Killebrew, Inc. to construct the Lake Jesup Reclaimed water Augmentation Project at a cost of$2,325,293.30 plus a 5% contingency. On July 25th, 2011 the City Commission reviewed the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility. The Commission requested additional information regarding the appearance of the facilities the ability for the site to accommodate public access and the ability to integrate the site with future activities at Central Winds Park On August 22nd, 2011, the City Commission approved the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility with changes to meet public access standards. Designed to augment existing reclaimed infrastructure, the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant was constructed to meet peak irrigation demand periods by supplying filtered water from Lake Jesup. Adjacent to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation plant is a suspected artesian well located in the Parkstone neighborhood of Winter Springs (known as the Parkstone Artesian Well). While there is no current physical connection between the Lake Jesup Augmentation Plant and the Parkstone Artesian well, the Parkstone Artesian well and the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant are both permitted through the StJohns River Water Management District(SJRMD) under the City's Consumptive Use Permit(CUP)#15763-1 to supplement the City of Winter Springs reclaimed water system. The City's CUP, #15763-1 allows for a combined maximum withdrawal from Lake Jesup plus groundwater from the existing free-flowing artesian well (Parkstone Artesian Well) not to exceed 2.23 million gallons per day average. The Lake Jesup Augmentation Plant was constructed and commissioned in 2013. Since that time, the plant has only produced 11 million gallons of reclaimed water for irrigation, and due to operational issues has not produced any measureable reclaimed water since 2017. 137 A feasibility analysis of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant is necessary to evaluate the cost and effort required to restore operational capability and to evaluate rehabilitation vs. plant replacement. The study will include a condition assessment of mechanical and process equipment to determine what components require rehabilitation, and replacement as well as overall rehabilitation/construction costs. Additionally, the feasibility study will provide recommendations focused on operability and reliability, and investigate seasonal water quality of the St.Johns River and surficial aquifer in the vicinity of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant. The scope of work, Exhibit A titled "City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Station - Feasibility Analysis January 2022"also includes an investigation of the Parkstone Artesian Well. The Parkstone Artesian Well currently flows into an underground structure, which is then captured into a gravity pipe and flows into Lake Jessup. It is believed to be a historical agricultural well, which was abandoned during development of the Parkstone Community. However, it is also possible that this is a natural, surficial fracture. For unknown reasons, the development construction resulted in the inability to positively cap and contain the artesian well, leaving the community with a free-flowing artesian feature. Contingent upon the Parkstone Home Owners Association (HOA)granting access to the well property, the CONSULTANT(Carollo Engineers) and SUBCONSULTANT (Connect Consulting Inc.)will provide data collection, investigation, and recommendations for long term solutions and potential "capture" improvements for the Parkstone Artesian Well. Exhibit A outlines the overall project scope, along with individual tasks and descriptions. Exhibit B identifies associated costs related to each task and sub-task. Execution of Task 5- PARKSTONE ARTESIAN WELL INVESTIGATION, as described in Exhibit A, and associated costs identified in Exhibit B is contingent upon the ability to access the Parkstone Artesian well for the purpose of investigating, and conducting subsurface geophysical surveys, and mapping. If adequate access to the Parkstone Artesian Well is not granted to the City of Winter Springs, it's CONSULTANT and SUBCONSULTANT by the Parkstone Community to carry out investigation(s), Subsurface Geophysical Surveys, and mapping, the preponderance of Task 5 will not be accomplished. Task 5.1,Task 5.2, and portions of Task 5.4 will not be executed, and NO costs associated with Tasks 5.1, 5.2 and those portions of Task 5.4 related to the Parkstone Artesian Well Investigation will be incurred by the city. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order in the amount of$126,930.66 with Carollo Engineers to prepare a comprehensive Feasibility Analysis for the purpose of determining the viability and cost to fully recommission the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant. 138 139 COMMISSION AGENDA CONSENT INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 02 PUBLIC HEARING X REGULAR July 25, 2011 MGR /DEPT Meeting Authorization REQUEST: The Public Works Department requests the City Commission review the Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park near the shore of Lake Jesup. SYNOPSIS: The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility is a major component of the City's long-term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation and to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose. This agenda item is for the Commission's review of the Final Engineering/Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the site and related improvements. CONSIDERATIONS: • APPLICABLE ZONING& FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Zoning: Town Center Future Land Use Designation: Town Center District APPLICABLE CODE: Chapter 6, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS Chapter 9, LAND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 20, ZONING • This agenda item is for Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review approval for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park at the shore of Lake Jesup (see Figure 1 — Vicinity Map on the following page). • At the July 6, 2011 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review to the City Commission. • This project is a major component of the City's long-term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation to decrease the use of groundwater for that 140 City Commission—Regular Meeting July 25, 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#502 Page 2 of 4 purpose. The City has received a Consumptive Use Permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District to withdraw up to an annual average of 2.23 million gallons per day of water from Lake Jesup and a nearby artesian well as reclaimed water augmentation during peak demand periods. FIGURE I Project Vicinity Map s n t u • The City currently owns and operates two water reclamation facilities (WRF), the East WRF and the West WRF. These facilities currently supply reclaimed water meeting public access criteria for residential irrigation, public irrigation areas (such as parks and roadway medians), and to the Tuscawilla Country Club. The city has expanded its reclaimed water system over the years to maximize the operation of the system due to seasonal variation in usage. With the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project, the City will augment the reclaimed water system to be able to supply irrigation quality water to many more residents as an alternate to potable water, even during the dry season. This will benefit the City and the environment by reducing the potable water demands and thereby reducing groundwater withdrawals. The City's current Consumptive Use Permit for the water system includes reference to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility CUP permit and allocates groundwater withdrawals based on use of the reclaimed water system for irrigation. 141 City Commission—Regular Meeting July 25, 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#502 Page 3 of 4 • The Project will withdraw and treat the water from Lake Jesup to the public access level of treatment consistent with reclaimed water. The treatment will consist of a two-stage filtration process using automatic backwashing 80 micron mesh stainless steel pre-filter followed by a 7 micron microfiber filter capable of producing water with less than 5 milligrams per liter (parts per million) of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The water will be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite solution prior to entry into a 240,000 gallon cast- in-place storage tank onsite, which will be partially buried to reduce its visibility. High service variable speed pumps will draw from the tank as required based on reduced pressures caused by demands on the distribution system. A turbidimeter and chlorine residual analyzer will ensure that the water leaving the facility meets reclaimed water TSS and chlorine residual standards, respectively. • The primary environmental benefit of the project will be the offsetting of the need to withdraw up to 2.23 million gallons per day of high quality groundwater for irrigation, reserving it for drinking water. In addition, the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility will benefit the water quality of Lake Jesup, which has a designation as "impaired" by FDEP, by removing up to 2.0 MGD of the relatively polluted water. The project's stormwater management system also is designed to remove pollutants from runoff that would normally discharge directly into the lake. • An intake structure will be constructed from the shore into Lake Jesup on existing City property. The structure will be constructed as an observation platform, which in the future could be setup to allow the public to walk out and view the lakefront. The intake piping will be under the walkway and the observation platform is at the end of the dock. The dock/walkway will be constructed to protect the intake piping of the augmentation system from debris and boating activity. • A low head pumping station will lift the water from Lake Jesup into the treatment unit(s). This pumping system will initially include two pumps, but will be setup as a triplex station to allow for the future expansion of the augmentation treatment system, and also provide for the back-up capabilities required for environmental treatment facilities. • Onsite Storage of the treated lake water will be provided by a cast-in-place 240,000 gallon concrete tank. The tank will be constructed below the ground surface and serve as an observation deck. The building style storage tank will also shield some of the other treatment units. An electrical and chemical storage building will be constructed adjacent to the storage tank. Sodium hypochlorite storage and feed pumps will be provided for disinfection of the treated lake water. High service pumps will supply the augmentation water directly into the City's reclaimed water distribution system. • The expansion of the City's reclaimed distribution system to residential areas that do not currently have reclaimed water available is a long-term, multi-phase program that is expected to be implemented over at least a 12-year period. • Site improvements include a stabilized access road, a stormwater system with a wet detention pond, fencing, security features and signage, work pads, seeding and mulching, and final site restoration. 142 City Commission—Regular Meeting July 25, 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#502 Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT: This agenda item is requesting approval of the Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review, which has no fiscal impact. At the July 11, 2011 City Commission meeting, the Commission authorized entering into a contract for construction at a cost of$2,325,293.30. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor And City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, And All eAlert/eCitizen Recipients, And Is Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server. Additionally, Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals Noted Above; And Which Is Also Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server; Has Been Sent To City Staff, Media/Press Representatives On File With The City, And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information; And Has Been Posted Outside City Hall; Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies Available For The General Public; And Posted At Five (5) Different Locations Around The City. This Agenda Item Is Also Available To Any New Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item With Any Interested Individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review Plans by CPH Engineers, Inc. 143 F- 1� z N� U O D 0 LU f N O LL o z z O z O N Z Z Z O Z Z z z 'L Q awz z n� o W 0 a ZNnN� o F a w 0 UOMMO w iW Fa 2 0 LL W W F F a Z N 6m cc >0 "Z < N Z;ZwUUOScc poz,�O,w owoz���� zoo 00 Q W Q 0 0 0 .300 m Y V V Y Q R Q 7 0 7 7 R ?ZLLZN �¢'a' U0 Ua00a Y¢Y a00 00 �' ■ N Q2a Z w7 D�WQa wOI Q000 4n 00 00 V W �1W�wDL z au aulaoou�ozpzz � nWoo 00 W I O) 0 2 U W r y 4f 0 0 0 z Q N F F N F N O O N W Z>Q Q Q Q Z 2R W�Ff NNtiW dap IZ, ¢ZW W 2 Q2�QNh W O 1 W F F SFF Z >z 2 W f W 1 O W FUN o Q Q W W Q F F Q u)O m M 2 F 0 0 0�J J W J J U N N N O¢I U U m O N N FN W W W O z z U 0 U 0 Q N N 6 N F I W W 0 W W - W Q 2 60,N V 016!.0,60,60,0'a 00 000)YIN r 0 (f) U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U N W W N N W N N w w w w w w w w w w w :E LL e CL N ® A.m. - Q Z � a W L Li L "i a LL W U � m U F Y x 3 2 Y w N 0 LLIOMOW m W Q J Q Q Z Y � Q 0 2 O U W Q a zz LU 000azzo LL N N N N N w U _ LL f < O¢ 0 0 0 O O R 0 V O J O D U U U V V f U U U U U U o.5, LO ;i CO F— z LU C) 0 LU wcc w cc F- OLL 0 z z0 w Z W -n— P. s a T H, U, Nk-3 3 2 2 o HW" ".4 w LZL CL 0 w 4 F- F- LU R 1s t w26 S Y LU 0 < AN 0 Uw 01H., z 7 Z'H E33 E 'Z' OWN Pm "M HH-VU EE x s & g § < H" y H 67� - "M i'p E '.H OH -�M M, u-, M� Hl,z 83 z z P, i<d Erg it 11 61 A go i 1 Mot 9 1 ' TI III A--- il lip Nd IT ------------ Ez RIM Olio H 1 IMMA Rai ---------------- H Ak 55 ----------- ----------- II r II ------------ -- K--- "I------- --- AL vk� g 1 n- as ltik�!'d5 RNLRO'� 56� ... 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SYNOPSIS: The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility is a major component of the City's long-term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation and to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose. This agenda item is for the Commission's review of the Final Engineering/Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the site and related improvements, and has been updated based on the Commission's input at the July 25 City Commission meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: • APPLICABLE ZONING& FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Zoning: Town Center Future Land Use Designation: Town Center District APPLICABLE CODE: Chapter 6, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS Chapter 9, LAND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 20, ZONING • This agenda item is for Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review approval for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park at the shore of Lake Jesup (see Figure 1 — Vicinity Map on the following page). • This item was reviewed by the City Commission at the July 25, 2011 City Commission meeting. The Commission requested additional information regarding the appearance of the facilities, the ability for the site to accommodate public access, and the ability to integrate the site with future activities at Central Winds Park. 179 City Commission—Regular Meeting August 22,2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#503 Page 2 of 6 • Mr. Terry Zaudtke from CPH Engineers will present information on the appearance of the site including demonstrating that the treatment facilities at the site will remain relatively hidden from view. • The project includes two items that could be made publicly accessible. The first is the partially buried concrete storage tank, where the top of the tank could function as an observation deck. The south side (park side) of the deck is at grade, and the north side of the deck, which faces Lake Jesup is approximately 4.5-feet above grade. The second item that could be publicly accessible is the pier over the intake structure, which extends approximately 60-feet into Lake Jesup from the shoreline. • The following changes would have to be made to the current plans to make the observation deck and pier accessible to the public in accordance with the applicable codes: Table 1 — Changes Required to Meet Public Access Standards Estimated Item Cost 1. Provide a stabilized parking area with at least one handicapped parking space located closest to the accessible route to the accessible facilities $10,000 2. Provide a 5-foot wide accessible route from the parking area to the accessible facilities (observation deck and pier). The accessible route must be firm, stable, and slip-resistant. $7,000 3. Upgrade the handrails at the observation deck and the pier meeting the Florida Building Code requirement for passing a maximum 4-inch sphere for the first 34-inches of the railing, and then a maximum 8-inch sphere between 34 and 42-inches. $20,000 4. At the end of the pier, the grating on the deck over the intake structure can have spaces no greater than '/z-inch in one direction per the Florida Building Code. $1,000 5. Site landscaping around the pond and for screening the augmentation plant facilities $20,000 Total: $58,000 • The Commission also asked about the possibility of utilizing the pier as part of a dock in the future for boating activity. The pier as currently designed could be converted to a dock through the following procedure: 180 City Commission—Regular Meeting August 22,2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#503 Page 3 of 6 1. Determine the capacity of the docking system, i.e. number of slips/boats to accommodate. 2. Keep the dock size as small as possible because dockage for more than two boats has additional requirements. 3. Determine the size of the added facilities. 4. Submit a permit modification for the existing pier. The package and requirements depend on the size of the facility. 5. The hand rail on one side of the pier would be removed to allow access to a floating walkway. 6. Attach a floating walkway, platform and docking stations to the existing fixed pier. Staff recommends that the conversion from a pier to a dock be performed when a potential dock user has made a financial commitment to the City for a docking system. The cost to convert the pier to a dock that accommodates two small boats is in the range of$30,000 to $50,000. • At the January 26, 2009 City Commission meeting, the Commission was presented with several alternatives for constructing the reclaimed water facility at Central Winds Park. The Commission selected "Option 2" at that meeting, which consisted of providing an onsite partially-buried 250,000 gallon concrete storage tank that partially screens the treatment facilities and has the top of the tank available as an observation deck. The current site plan is substantially similar to the Option 2 site plan selected in January 2009, including the storage tank with observation deck. The intake pier was also presented at the January 2009 meeting, and the current plan for the intake pier matches the 2009 plan, with the exception of a covered platform at the end of the pier, which was determined by CPH to not be feasible for structural reasons. The pier was shown with handrails in 2009, which are recommended for public safety until the pier is ready to be utilized as a boating dock(as discussed above). A copy of the Option 2 site plan is enclosed for reference. • At the July 6, 2011 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Engineering / Site Plan and Aesthetic Review to the City Commission. • This project is a major component of the City's long-term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose. The City has received a Consumptive Use Permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District to withdraw up to an annual average of 2.23 million gallons per day of water from Lake Jesup and a nearby artesian well as reclaimed water augmentation during peak demand periods. 181 City Commission—Regular Meeting August 22,2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#503 Page 4 of 6 FIGURE 1 Project Vicinity Map Op s n t s d . u "7 11 • The City currently owns and operates two water reclamation facilities (WRF), the East WRF and the West WRF. These facilities currently supply reclaimed water meeting public access criteria for residential irrigation, public irrigation areas (such as parks and roadway medians), and to the Tuscawilla Country Club. The city has expanded its reclaimed water system over the years to maximize the operation of the system due to seasonal variation in usage. With the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project, the City will augment the reclaimed water system to be able to supply irrigation quality water to many more residents as an alternate to potable water, even during the dry season. This will benefit the City and the environment by reducing the potable water demands and thereby reducing groundwater withdrawals. The City's current Consumptive Use Permit for the water system includes reference to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility CUP permit and allocates groundwater withdrawals based on use of the reclaimed water system for irrigation. 182 City Commission—Regular Meeting August 22,2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#503 Page 5 of 6 • The Project will withdraw and treat the water from Lake Jesup to the public access level of treatment consistent with reclaimed water. The treatment will consist of a two-stage filtration process using automatic backwashing 80 micron mesh stainless steel pre-filter followed by a 7 micron microfiber filter capable of producing water with less than 5 milligrams per liter (parts per million) of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The water will be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite solution prior to entry into a 240,000 gallon cast- in-place storage tank onsite, which will be partially buried to reduce its visibility. High service variable speed pumps will draw from the tank as required based on reduced pressures caused by demands on the distribution system. A turbidimeter and chlorine residual analyzer will ensure that the water leaving the facility meets reclaimed water TSS and chlorine residual standards, respectively. • The primary environmental benefit of the project will be the offsetting of the need to withdraw up to 2.23 million gallons per day of high quality groundwater for irrigation, reserving it for drinking water. In addition, the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility will benefit the water quality of Lake Jesup, which has a designation as "impaired" by FDEP, by removing up to 2.0 MGD of the relatively polluted water. The project's stormwater management system also is designed to remove pollutants from runoff that would normally discharge directly into the lake. • An intake pier/structure will be constructed from the shore into Lake Jesup on existing City property. The pier/structure will be constructed as an observation platform, which can be made accessible to the public with the handrail and access upgrades shown in Table 1. The intake piping will be under the walkway and the observation platform is at the end of the pier. The pier will be constructed to protect the intake piping of the augmentation system from debris and boating activity. • A low head pumping station will lift the water from Lake Jesup into the treatment unit(s). This pumping system will initially include two pumps, but will be setup as a triplex station to allow for the future expansion of the augmentation treatment system, and also provide for the back-up capabilities required for environmental treatment facilities. • Onsite Storage of the treated lake water will be provided by a cast-in-place 240,000 gallon concrete tank. The tank will be constructed below the ground surface and serve as an observation deck. The building style storage tank will also shield some of the other treatment units. An electrical and chemical storage building will be constructed adjacent to the storage tank. Sodium hypochlorite storage and feed pumps will be provided for disinfection of the treated lake water. High service pumps will supply the augmentation water directly into the City's reclaimed water distribution system. • The expansion of the City's reclaimed distribution system to residential areas that do not currently have reclaimed water available is a long-term, multi-phase program that is expected to be implemented over at least a 12-year period. • Site improvements include a stabilized access road, a stormwater system with a wet detention pond, fencing, security features and signage, work pads, seeding and mulching, and final site restoration. 183 City Commission—Regular Meeting August 22,2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item#503 Page 6 of 6 FISCAL IMPACT: This agenda item is requesting approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plan and Aesthetic Review, which has no fiscal impact. The changes needed for the public access improvements are projected at $58,000 which would increase the construction costs by that amount. Sufficient funds will be available from the State Revolving Loan fund for these added costs. At the July 11, 2011 City Commission meeting, the Commission authorized entering into a contract for construction at a cost of$2,325,293.30 plus 5% contingency. Staff would request the contingency be increased by $58,000 to incorporate the public access improvements. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor And City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, And All eAlert/eCitizen Recipients, And Is Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server. Additionally, Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals Noted Above; And Which Is Also Available On The City's Website, LaserFiche, And The City's Server; Has Been Sent To City Staff, Media/Press Representatives On File With The City, And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information; And Has Been Posted Outside City Hall; Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies Available For The General Public; And Posted At Five (5) Different Locations Around The City. This Agenda Item Is Also Available To Any New Individual Requestors. City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item With Any Interested Individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Final Engineering /Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility, and provide direction regarding the upgrades required to meet public access standards. Staff requests the previous construction contingency authorization be increased by $58,000 if the public access improvements are included in the site plan approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review Plans by CPH Engineers, Inc. (35 sheets) 2. Alternate 2 site plan from January 26, 2009 Agenda Item#601 (1 sheet) 184 LO 00 F- 1� z N� U O D 0 LU f N O LL o z z O z O N Z Z Z O Z Z z z 'L Q awz z n� o W 0 a ZNnN� o F a w 0 UOMMO w iW Fa 2 0 LL W W F F a Z N 6m cc >0 Z< N Z;ZwUUOScc poz,�O,w owoz���� zoo 00 Q W Q 0 0 0 .300 m Y V V Y Q R Q 7 0 7 7 R ?ZLLZN �¢' I JM 11 M a' U0 Ua00a Y¢Y a00 00 �' ■ N Q2a Z w7 D�WQa wOI Q000 4n 00 00 V W �1W�wDL z au aulaoou�ozpzz � nWoo 00 W I O) 0 2 U W r y 4f 0 0 0 z Q N F F N F N O O N W Z>Q Q Q Q Z 2R W�Ff NNVW wap IZ, ¢ZW W 2 Q2mQNh W O 1 W F F S Fff F Z >z 2 W f W 1 O W FUN o Q Q W W Q F F Q u)O m M 2 W 0 0 0�J W W J W U N N N O¢I U U m O N N FN W W W O z z U 0 U 0 Q N N 6 N F I W W 0 W W - W Q 2 60,N V 016!.0,60,60,0'a 00 000)YIN r 0 (f) U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U N W W N N W N N w w w w w w w w w w w :E LL e CL N ® A.m. - Q Z � a W L Li L "i a LL W U � m U F Y x 3 2 Y z N 0 LLIOMOW m W Q J Q Q Z Y � Q 0 2 O U W Q a zz LU 000azzo LL N N N N N w U _ LL f < O¢ 0 0 0 O O R 0 V O J O D U U U V V f U U U U U U o.5, CO F— z LU C) 0 LU wcc w cc F- OLL 0 z z0 w Z W -n— P. s a T H, M 2 2 x HWN o w LZL CL 0 w 4 F- F- LU R 1s t w26 S Y LU 0 < AN 0 Uw z 7 z'H E33 E o'E' OWN Pm "M HH-VU EE x s & g § < H" y H H. 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