HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 05 02 City Commission Special Meeting Minutes CITY COMMISSION ' ,T59 SPECIAL MEETING ts *' MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 29 2022 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Special Meeting of Monday, May 2, 2022 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present via phone Commissioner Matt Benton, present via phone Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Rob Elliott, present Deputy City Manager Casey Howard, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter, present AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon arrived via phone at 6:33 pm. Mayor McCann opened Public Input Mr. Ed Measom, 2247 King James Court, Winter Park, Florida; relayed information and experience he had with regards to raised sewer/drain fields and converting from septic to sewer for homeowners and encouraged the Commission to vote in favor of proposed wastewater improvements. Rabbi Maurice Kaprow, P.O. Box 795233, Winter Springs, Florida; relayed concern and expressed anger over a social media post. Commended the Commission for what they do for the City of Winter Springs. Mayor McCann closed Public Input CONSENT AGENDA 300) Not Used CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I SPECIAL MEETING I . PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400)Wastewater/Reclaimed Water Master Plan I East and West WRF Conceptual Design Reports Mr. Jason Norberg, Director, Public Works and Utilities Department gave a brief review of the items originally presented at the April 251" City Commission meeting and reiterated that the proposed resolutions would need to be voted on individually. Discussion followed regarding critical lift stations, hurricane preparations, current backup generators and pumps, as well as planned future updates. Further discussion followed on future projections and build out calculations. Commissioners suggested airing on the side of caution. Regarding costs, Ms. Casey Howard, Deputy City Manager relayed that the costs for the items would be paid out of a mixture of fund balances and the SRF (State Revolving Funds). "MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-08 THE MASTER PLAN." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. Mayor McCann opened the Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-08. Mr. Art Gallo, 799 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs, Florida; expressed support of the master plan but suggested a required annual review of the master plan. Mayor McCann closed the Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-08. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Norberg then introduced the Conceptual Design Reports put together by Carollo Engineering and noted an expressed desire to make odor control one of the main focus areas. Brief discussion followed on future developments and making sure the new plants were able to adapt to dynamic capacity needs. Mayor McCann opened Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-09. No one addressed the Commission. Mayor McCann closed Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-09. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I SPECIAL MEETING I . "MOTION TO APPROVE [RESOLUTION 2022-09]." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE); BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Norberg reiterated for the Commission that these Resolutions were just the first steps of planned improvements for City wastewater plants and would help lay the foundation for future efforts. Mayor McCann opened the Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-70. No one addressed the Commission. Mayor McCann closed the Public Hearing for Resolution 2022-70. "MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2022-10 ADOPTING EAST WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ELLIOTT (AYE); HALE (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); CANNON (AYE); BENTON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA 500) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Mayor McCann opened Public Input No one addressed the Commission Mayor McCann closed Public Input Deputy City Manager Howard asked about potentially canceling the scheduled May 9th City Commission Regular Meeting and sought input from the Commission. Discussion followed regarding the need to bring back the School Board Interlocal Agreement and revisions to the remaining elements of the Comprehensive Plan at a future meeting. Staff indicated that these items were still being worked on and would not be ready for the May 91" meeting. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 7:37 PM. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I SPECIAL MEETING I . RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: TRISTIN MOTTER A. ''• AT i ASSISTANT CITY CLERK �'• QO� F4 0 CC APPROVED: MAYOR KEVIN McCANN NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the June 13, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting.