HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Member List � SA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Imtnrporated I959 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 Gb17 WE-kFACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building Mr.Arnie Nussbaum,Chairperson City Hall-Commission Chambers 687 Andover Circle 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)359-0849 [Residence] MEETING DATEM: email: AmLee687@aol.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Term Expires: February 1,2025 Quarter(February/May/August/November) Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr.Arthur Gallo 5:30 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2022 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Wednesday,February 2,2022 email: art.gallo@icloud.com Wednesday,May 4,2022 Term Expires: February 1,2023 Wednesday,August 3,2022 Wednesday,November 2,2022 Seat Three: Mr.James Van Kleunen,Vice-Chairperson STAFF REPRESENTA TIVEM: 1208 Cheetah Trail Mr.Christopher Schmidt,Director, Community Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: Development Department (407)383-3667 [Mobile] email: jvankl@aol.com Mr.Brian Dungan,Parks Manager,Parks and Term Expires: February 1,2025 Recreation Department Seat Four: TERM OF SERVICE: Mr.Rick Lecky 4 Years *With the approval and passage of Ordinance 2015-12 1155 Duncan Drive on April 27,2015,the following excerpt [Sec.2-45(b)] from this Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Ordinance relates to "Term of Service": Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] "Effective April 27,2015,the term of each committee email: RLLecky@gmail.com member assigned by seat number shall be retroactively Term Expires: February 1,2023 staggered to run concurrently with the same corresponding city_ commissioner seat,except that the committee member term shall Seat Five: expire on February 1 immediately following the expiration of the Ms. Sabrina Parsons *PENDING term of the corresponding city commissioner seat. The four 1049 Chokecheny Drive at-large committee members shall be retroactively staggered Winter Springs,Florida 32708 whereby the first two at-large committee members,currently Telephone: (407)733-9554 serving on the committee on April 27,2015 and identified by email: sabpar2Ahotmail.com alphabetical order of their respective last names,shall have a Term Expires: February 1,2025 term that expires on November 1,2017 and the remaining two at-large committee members shall have a term that expires on November 1,2019.Thereafter,all appointments shall remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Revised 02/03/2022 � SA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Imtnrporated I959 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 Gb17 WE-kFACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building Mr.Andrew Zacharias City Hall-Commission Chambers 222 Oak Road 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)242-6190 [Mobile] MEETING DATEM: email:zack2656@gmail.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Wednesday Of Term Expires: November 1,2025 Each Quarter(February/May/August/November) At Large: MEETING TIME: 5:30 p.m. VACANT 2022 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE. Term Expires: Feburary 1,2023 Wednesday,February 2,2022 Wednesday,May 4,2022 Wednesday,August 3,2022 Wednesday,November 2,2022 At Large: Mrs.Karen Ownes STAFF REPRESENTA TIVEM: 1114 Pheasant Circle Mr. Christopher Schmidt,Director, Community Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Development Department Telephone: 407-694-4140 email:van9@aol.com Mr.Brian Dungan,Parks Manager,Parks and Term Expires: November 1,2023* Recreation Department At Large: Mr.Charles Tabscott TERM OF SER VICE: 1119 Pheasant Circle 4 Years *With the approval and passage of Ordinance 2015-12 Telephone:(407)506-2969 [Home] on April 27,2015,the following excerpt [Sec.2-45 (b)]from this Email:catabscott@yahoo.com Ordinance relates to "Term of Service": "Effective April 27,2015,the term of each committee Term Expires: November 1,2023* member assigned by seat number shall be retroactively- staggered to run concurrently with the same corresponding city_ commissioner seat,except that the committee member term shall expire on February 1 immediately following the expiration of the term of the corresponding city commissioner seat. The four at-large committee members shall be retroactively staggered whereby the first two at-large committee members,currently serving on the committee on April 27,2015 and identified by alphabetical order of their respective last names,shall have a term that expires on November 1,2017 and the remaining two at-large committee members shall have a term that expires on November 1,2019.Thereafter,all appointments shall remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Revised 02/03/2022 � SA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA U 0 1 126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Imtnrporated I959 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 Gb17 WE-kFACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: Seat One: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building VACANT City Hall-Commission Chambers Term Expires: February 1,2025 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 MEETING DATEM: Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Tuesday Of Each Quarter(February/May/August/November) Seat Two: MEETING TIME: Mr.Arthur Gallo 5:30 p.m. 199 Nandina Terrace(District 2) Winter Springs,Florida 32708 2022 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE: Telephone: (407)977-4353 [Residence] Wednesday,February 2,2022 email: art.gallo@icloud.com Wednesday,May 4,2022 Term Expires: February 1,2023 Wednesday,August 3,2022 Wednesday,November 2,2022 Seat Three: Mr.James VanKleunen,Vice-Chairperson STAFF REPRESENTA TIVEM: 1208 Cheetah Trail(District 3) Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)383-3667 [Mobile] email: Mr.Brian Dungan,Parks Manager,Parks and jvankl@aol.com Recreation Department Term Expires: February 1,2025 Seat Four: TERM OF SERVICE: Mr.Rick Lecky 4 Years *With the approval and passage of Ordinance 2015-12 1155 Duncan Drive(District 3) on April 27,2015,the following excerpt [Sec.2-45(b)] from this Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Ordinance relates to "Term of Service": Telephone: (407)719-0614 [Mobile] "Effective April 27,2015,the term of each committee email RLLecky@gmail.com member assigned by seat number shall be retroactively Term Expires: February 1,2023 staggered to run concurrently with the same corresponding city_ commissioner seat,except that the committee member term shall Seat Five: expire on February 1 immediately following the expiration of the Ms. Sabrina Parsons term of the corresponding city commissioner seat. The four 1049 Chokecherry Drive(District 5) at-large committee members shall be retroactively staggered Winter Springs,Florida 32708 whereby the first two at-large committee members,currently Telephone: (407)733-9554 serving on the committee on April 27,2015 and identified by email: sabpar2Ahotmail.com alphabetical order of their respective last names,shall have a Term Expires: February 1,2025 term that expires on November 1,2017 and the remaining two at-large committee members shall have a term that expires on November 1,2019.Thereafter,all appointments shall remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Revised 12/09/2022 � SA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA U 0 1 126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Imtnrporated I959 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE: (407)327-1800 Gb17 WE-kFACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITE: www.winterspringsfl.org PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Of 2 MEMBERS: LOCATION: At Large: City Of Winter Springs Municipal Building Mr.Andrew Zacharias City Hall-Commission Chambers 222 Oak Road(District 1) 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone: (407)242-6190 [Mobile] MEETING DATEM: email:zack2656@gmail.com Regular Meetings Are Usually Held On The First Wednesday Of Term Expires: November 1,2025 Each Quarter(February/May/August/November) At Large: MEETING TIME: 5:30 p.m. VACANT 2022 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE. Wednesday,February 2,2022 Wednesday,May 4,2022 Term Expires: November 1,2025 Wednesday,August 3,2022 Wednesday,November 2,2022 At Large: Mrs.Karen Ownes STAFF REPRESENTA TIVEM: 1114 Pheasant Circle(District 3) Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Telephone:407-694-4140 Mr.Brian Dungan,Parks Manager,Parks and email:van9Aaol.com Recreation Department Term Expires: November 1,2023* At Large: Mr. Charles Tabscott TERM OF SERVICE: 1119 Pheasant Circle(District 3) 4 Years *With the approval and passage of Ordinance 2015-12 Telephone: (407)506-2969 [Home] on April 27,2015,the following excerpt [Sec.2-45 (b)]from this Email: catabscottAyahoo.com Ordinance relates to "Term of Service": "Effective April 27,2015,the term of each committee Term Expires: November 1,2023* member assigned by seat number shall be retroactively- staggered to run concurrently with the same corresponding city_ commissioner seat,except that the committee member term shall expire on February 1 immediately following the expiration of the term of the corresponding city commissioner seat. The four at-large committee members shall be retroactively staggered whereby the first two at-large committee members,currently serving on the committee on April 27,2015 and identified by alphabetical order of their respective last names,shall have a term that expires on November 1,2017 and the remaining two at-large committee members shall have a term that expires on November 1,2019.Thereafter,all appointments shall remain staggered and shall be made for a term of four years." Revised 12/09/2022