HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2022-10 East WWTP Conceptual Design RESOLUTION NUMBER 2022-10 A RESOLUTION OF TILE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (I+DEP) STATE REVOLVING FUND (SRF), ADOPTING THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EAST WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY j IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS,SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Florida Statutes provide for loans to local government agencies to finance the design, and construction of wastewater facilities; and the Florida Administrative Code requires the City Commission to formally adopt a facilities plan outlining necessary wastewater facility improvements to comply with State of Florida fiinding requirements; WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs intends to adopt a more specific Facility Plan for the East Water Reclamation Facility to apply for such financing; and WHEREAS, the formal adoption of the proposed Conceptual Design Report for the East Water Reclamation Facility is intended to guide the creation and preparation of the Facility Plan required for the City of Winter Springs to participate in the State Revolving Loan Fund Program and shall be the conceptual basis for the design and construction of the East Water Reclamation Facility; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida agrees with the findings and summary of necessary improvements as outlined in the Conceptual Design Report for the purpose of designing and constructing a Water Reclamation Facility to replace the existing East Water Reclamation Facility; and NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida as follows; SECTION 1. FINDINGS The foregoing findings are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT. The City of Winter Springs Florida, is authorized to and does hereby adopt the proposed Conceptual Design Report for the Cast Water Reclamation Facility, attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City Manager is hereby designated as the authorized representative to provide the assurances and commitments that will be required by the Conceptual Design Report, The City Manager is hereby designated as the authorized representative to execute the Conceptual Design Report, which, in conjunction with the Wastewater Master Plan adopted via Resolution 2022-08, will become the foundation of all activities related to the wastewater facility improvements. The City Manager is further authorized to represent the City in carrying out the Conceptual Design Report. The City Manager is authorized to delegate responsibility to appropriate City Staff to carry out technical, financial, and administrative activities associated with the Conceptual Design Report. The legal authority for adoption of this Conceptual Design Report is pursuant to the City Charter, City Code of Ordinances, and the Laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 3, REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS. All Resolutions or part of Resolutions in conflict with any of the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY, If any section or portion of a section of this Resolution proves to be invalid., unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidated or impair the validity, force, or effect or any other section or part of this Resolution. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall tape effect upon its approval and adoption by the City Commission. APPROVED AND ADOPTION THIS 2nd DAY OF MAY,2022. CITY COMMISSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA N� t/ (7,3 Y ce KEVIN MC ANN,MAYOR (SEAL) ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: r lIJ CHRISTIAN GOWAN,CITY CLERK ANTHONY A. ARGANESE,CITY ATTORNEY City of Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT April 2022 337 City of Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT April 2022 This document is released for the purpose of information exchange review and planning only under the authority of Brian J. Graham, April 2022, State of FL PE No. 44683. 338 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | i Contents 1.0 Introduction, Summary of Existing Facilities, and Wastewater Flow and Load Projections 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Basis for Conceptual Design 1 1.3 Summary of Existing Facility 3 1.3.1 Existing Treatment Process and Effluent Disposal 3 1.3.2 Condition Assessment 5 1.3.3 Site Boundary and Contour Survey 5 1.3.4 Environmental Review 6 1.3.5 Odor Survey 8 1.3.6 Geotechnical Investigation 10 1.3.7 Wastewater Characterization and Population Flow Projections 10 1.3.8 Wastewater Flow and Loading Characterization 10 1.3.9 Population Projections 13 1.3.10 Proposed East WRF Design Capacity 14 2.0 Liquid Stream Alternatives Evaluation 15 2.1 Evaluation Overview 15 2.2 Selection of Liquid Stream Treatment Alternatives 15 2.2.1 Preliminary List of Potential Process Alternatives 16 2.2.2 Biological Nutrient Removal to Achieve AWT 18 2.2.3 Potential AWT Treatment Alternatives 19 2.3 Descriptions of Proposed AWT-Capable Treatment Alternatives 21 2.3.1 Five-Stage Activated Sludge BNR (5-Stage BNR) 21 2.3.2 Membrane Bioreactor 22 2.3.3 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) 25 2.3.4 Aerobic Granular Sludge – AquaNereda® 27 2.3.5 Ballasted Activated Sludge – NuvodaTM 29 2.3.6 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge 31 2.4 Structured Decision Analysis 33 2.4.1 Process Evaluation Criteria and Sub-Criteria 33 2.4.2 Paired Comparison Results 35 339 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | ii 3.0 Shortlisted Alternatives Evaluation 37 3.1 Objectives 37 3.2 Conceptual Design Criteria 37 3.2.1 Influent Flows and Loads 37 3.2.2 Regulatory Requirements 40 3.3 5-Stage BNR Alternative (“Buildout” Scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT) 40 3.3.1 Process Design 40 3.3.2 Conceptual Site Layout 45 3.3.3 Hydraulic Considerations 47 3.4 MBR Alternative (“Buildout” Scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT) 49 3.4.1 Process Design 49 3.4.2 Site Layout 54 3.4.3 Hydraulic Considerations 56 3.5 Common Processes and Shared Facilities 56 3.5.1 Odor Control Technology 56 3.5.2 Chemical Systems 56 3.5.3 Reclaimed Water Storage and Reject Storage 59 3.5.4 Solids Handling 60 3.5.5 Potential Industrial Load Influences 61 3.6 Conceptual Level Cost Estimates (“Buildout” Scenario) 61 3.6.1 Cost Estimating Accuracy 61 3.6.2 No Action Alternative 61 3.6.3 BNR and MBR Capital Conceptual Cost Estimates 62 3.6.4 Annual O&M Conceptual Cost Estimates 62 4.0 Final Recommendation 66 4.1 Recommended Alternative 66 4.2 Recommended Plant Capacity and Treatment Standard 66 4.3 Recommended Conceptual Site Layout and Cost Estimate 67 4.4 Funding Considerations 70 4.4.1 SRF Funding 70 340 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | iii Appendices Appendix A Existing WRF PFD Appendix B East WRF Survey Appendix C Ecological Assessment and FNAI Tracking List Appendix D Odor Control Assessment Appendix E CWSRF Planning Document Requirements Checklist Tables Table 1 East Permit Renewal Effluent Disposal Site/Water Quality Requirements Request 4 Table 2 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary 9 Table 3 East WRF Historical Monthly and Annual Average Daily Flows 10 Table 4 East WRF Influent cBOD5 and TSS Concentrations and Loads 12 Table 5 Winter Springs Population and Flow Growth Factors 13 Table 6 5-Stage BNR Fact Sheet 22 Table 7 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Fact Sheet 23 Table 8 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Fact Sheet 26 Table 9 Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS) Fact Sheet 28 Table 10 Ballasted Activated Sludge (BAS) Fact Sheet 30 Table 11 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Fact Sheet 32 Table 12 Major Evaluation Criteria and Corresponding Sub-Criteria 34 Table 13 Major Evaluation Criteria and their Relative Importance 35 Table 14 East WRF Influent Design Flow and Mass Load Peaking Factors 38 Table 15 Conceptual Influent Design Wastewater Flows and Loads 39 Table 16 Headworks Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR 41 Table 17 Secondary Treatment Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR 42 Table 18 Filter Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR 43 Table 19 Chlorine Contact Chamber Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR 44 Table 20 Headworks Design Criteria for MBR 49 Table 21 Secondary Treatment Design Criteria for MBR 50 Table 22 Chlorine Contact Chamber Design Criteria for MBR 52 Table 23 MBR Chemical Cleaning System 53 Table 24 Supplemental Carbon Storage and Feed Design Criteria 58 341 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | iv Table 25 Alum System Design Criteria 58 Table 26 Solids Handling Design Criteria 60 Table 27 AACE International Guidelines for Cost Estimating Accuracy 61 Table 28 5-Stage BNR Conceptual Capital Cost 63 Table 29 MBR Conceptual Capital Cost 64 Table 30 Conceptual Annual O&M Cost Comparison 65 Table 31 1.5 mgd BNR Conceptual Capital Cost 69 Figures Figure 1 Existing East WRF Process Flow Diagram 3 Figure 2 East WRF Site and Contour Survey 6 Figure 3 East WRF Environmental Survey Area 8 Figure 4 OdaLog Installation Locations at East WRF 9 Figure 5 East WRF Annual Average Daily Flows 11 Figure 6 East WRF Historic Monthly cBOD5 and TSS Loading 12 Figure 7 East WRF Flow Projections 14 Figure 8 Overview of Biological Treatment Technologies for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Wastewater 17 Figure 9 Biological Treatment Technologies for Achieving AWT in Municipal Wastewater 20 Figure 10 5-Stage BNR Process Flow Diagram 21 Figure 11 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Flow Diagram 23 Figure 12 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Process Flow Diagram 25 Figure 13 Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS) Process Flow Diagram 27 Figure 14 Ballasted Activated Sludge (BAS) Flow Diagram 29 Figure 15 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Flow Diagram 31 Figure 16 Process Alternative Ranking Using Weighted Criteria 36 Figure 17 5-Stage BNR Conceptual Site Layout (2.1 mgd with AWT) 46 Figure 18 Hydraulic Profile for the 5-Stage BNR Alternative 48 Figure 19 MBR Conceptual Site Layout (2.1 mgd with AWT) 55 Figure 20 1.5 mgd Conceptual BNR Site Layout (1.5 mgd) 68 342 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | v Abbreviations AADF annual average daily flow AC acre AGS aerobic granular sludge alum aluminum sulfate AWT advanced wastewater treatment BAS ballasted activated sludge BNR biological nutrient-removal BOD biochemical oxygen demand Carollo Carollo Engineers, Inc. CAS conventional activated sludge CBOD5 5 day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand City City of Winter Springs cf cubic feet cfm cubic feet per minute cfs cubic feet per second EBPR enhanced biological phosphorus removal EPA Environmental Protection Agency EQ equalization F.A.C Florida Administrative Code FDEP FOG Florida Department of Environmental Protection fats, oils, and grease ft feet gpm/ft2 gallons per minute per square foot HLD high level disinfection HRT hydraulic retention time IBC intermediate bulk container IFAS integrated fixed-film activated sludge IMLR internal mixed liquor recycle lb/d pounds per day MBR membrane bioreactor MDF maximum daily flow MG million gallons mg/L milligrams per liter mgd million gallons per day MLSS mixed liquor suspended solids MMADF maximum month average daily flow 343 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | vi O&M operations and maintenance PHF peak hour flow psig pounds per square inch, gauge RAS RFI return activated sludge request for inclusion rbCOD readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand SBR sequencing batch reactor SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition scfm standard cubic feet per minute SFAS step feed activated sludge SHT sludge holding tank SRT sludge retention time SWD side water depth TDH total dynamic head TMP transmembrane pressure TN total nitrogen TP total phosphorus TRC total residual chlorine TS total solids TSS total suspended solids WAS waste activated sludge WRF water reclamation facility 344 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | ES-i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Winter Springs owns and operates the East Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). The facility is permitted for 2.012 mgd AADF by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection but currently experiences flows at approximately half this capacity. The East WRF was originally constructed in the mid-1970s and has consequently reached the end of its useful life, requiring both replacement and modernization. Carollo and Wekiva Engineering conducted assessments of the East WRF as part of this project and the priority repairs projects over the past year and concluded that no major component has permanent value worth restoring. While some existing infrastructure and minor components may be rehabilitated and reused, they generally only serve temporary purposes and have no permanent value. Based on the condition of the current facility, this CDR focuses on the construction of new replacement of the East WRF. Specifically, the goal is to conceptualize a new facility which can meet current and future water quality requirements while planning for growth over decades to come. This facility should also be built for resiliency and reliability, such that the City does not experience the current facility challenges again. To conceptualize the future facility, a boundary survey, ecological assessment, and odor study were completed as part of this CDR. Carollo then performed an analysis of all liquid treatment technologies to determine which treatment alternative best suits the City. As part of this evaluation, Carollo performed the following: • Prepared a working list of liquid-stream technologies proven to meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) standards, • Performed a conceptual-level review of the selected liquid-stream process alternatives, • Developed evaluation criteria to rank each of the process alternatives in terms of their ability to meet the City’s values, • Hosted a paired comparison exercise with a City-appointed selection committee for City to apply a value (or weight) to each evaluation criterion, and • Shortlisted two alternatives from the working list for further development and in-depth analysis (i.e., conceptual site layout and capital/operational cost estimate). The working list of liquid-stream technologies proven to meet AWT included: • Five-stage activated sludge BNR (5-stage BNR). • Membrane bioreactor (MBR). • Ballasted activated sludge (BAS). • Aerobic granular sludge (AGS). • Sequencing batch reactor (SBR). • Integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS). 345 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | ES-ii The paired comparison exercise with the City-appointed selection committee, as well as the decision analysis, resulted in the list of treatment alternatives below. The alternatives are ranked from highest to lowest based on the City’s applied values: 1. Five-stage activated sludge BNR (5-stage BNR). 2. Membrane bioreactor (MBR). 3. Sequencing batch reactor (SBR). 4. Ballasted activated sludge (BAS). 5. Integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS). 6. Aerobic granular sludge (AGS). Conceptual designs, site layouts, and capital/O&M cost estimates were developed for the top two scoring technologies: 5-stage BNR and MBR. The design flows and loads used to compare the BNR and MBR conceptual designs and costs to provide a final recommendation correspond to a true “buildout” scenario. This scenario represents what the City may require in the far-term future, i.e., post-2045, in terms of quantity and quality. These far-term future needs include a flow of 2.1 mgd AADF, and a production of AWT-quality effluent. However, a final recommendation for a conceptual East WRF, sized for today’s needs, is later provided. The conceptual capital cost estimates for the 5-stage BNR and MBR alternatives at “buildout” (2.1 mgd with AWT) are approximately $48,082,000 and $53,922,000, respectively. The MBR alternative proved slightly more costly than the BNR (as the MBR alternative requires additional fine screening, flow equalization, increased chemical storage, etc.). An annual O&M comparison shows that the MBR alternative is also more costly to operate and maintain, costing approximately $150,000 more than the 5-stage BNR alternative on an annual basis. Class 5 accuracies were used to determine the conceptual cost estimates and have a 20 percent contingency applied due to the conceptual level of design. Both BNR and MBR are established technologies in the United States, with a track record of successfully meeting stringent nutrient discharge limits. However, 5-stage BNR is known as the “Gold Standard” of CAS technologies and is more highly implemented in Florida, creating a large, local resource pool for operators to turn to when in-need of support. Additionally, the 5-stage BNR process is similar to current operations and does not require a high degree of additional operator training. On the other hand, while MBR has a smaller footprint in comparison to the 5-stage BNR, it requires a higher pumping/energy and chemical use, and more mechanical equipment, which ultimately creates more required maintenance. Based on these non-economic factors, as well as the conceptual capital cost estimates, it is recommended that the City select the 5-stage BNR alternative as the proposed treatment process for the East WRF. Limited growth is expected within the City of Winter Springs over the next 20 years. Results from the population analysis indicated that 2045 flows may range anywhere from 1.04 to 1.43 mgd AADF. Additionally, the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn projects that population growth within available parcels and potential septic to sewer conversions may result in flows up to 1.49 mgd over the next 20 years. Both projections are far less than the current permitted capacity of 2.012 mgd. 346 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | ES-iii Rather than designing, constructing, and paying for an oversized facility today, and consequently having to operate and maintain the oversized facility, Carollo recommends that the City “build for today but plan for tomorrow” (i.e., right-size the WRF for near-term growth). To elaborate, since flows are not expected to surpass 1.49 mgd AADF in the next 20 years, Carollo recommends that the proposed East WRF be designed for a capacity 1.5 mgd AADF, while also allocating space onsite such that the capacity can be readily expanded to meet future needs. Additionally, because AWT is not required today, it is recommended to phase the construction process to ensure current treatment standards are being met but allow AWT build-out to meet future requirements. A proposed conceptual site layout for this 1.5 mgd scenario (to meet today’s treatment standards) was developed. It is recommended that the City initially construct a facility based off of this conceptual design and modify as needed to meet future quantity and quality needs, ultimately to the full buildout scenario of 2.1 mgd with AWT (if required). The conceptual capital cost estimate for the recommended 1.5 mgd East WRF is approximately $34,792,000. By right sizing the East WRF for today’s needs, the City would save approximately $13 million dollars, today, on capital costs, with additional savings on annual O&M costs. The City would also have the flexibility, reliability, and redundancy to take basins offline, while still operating efficiently and meeting effluent requirements. 347 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 1 1.0 Introduction, Summary of Existing Facilities, and Wastewater Flow and Load Projections 1.1 Introduction The City of Winter Springs (City) owns and operates two Water Reclamation Facilities (WRF): the East (FLA011068) and West (FLA011067) WRF. The East WRF consists of two separate package wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), known as WWTP No. 1 and No. 2. These plants were constructed in the mid-1970s and early 1990s, respectively, and have a total combined capacity slightly above 2 mgd. These plants, and the entire east facility, have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement. Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) has been tasked with assessing and summarizing the current facility, and further recommending two treatment process alternatives for the City to incorporate in the design of their new WRF. Rather than replacing the East WRF in-kind, the proposed plant process will be planned for the future ability to meet more stringent treatment requirements and effluent criteria, which will inevitably be required with future environmental regulations. The purpose of this Conceptual Design Report (CDR) is to provide the City with two proposed treatment process alternatives for the new East WRF, and a final recommendation with an associated conceptual design, site layout, and cost estimate. This CDR will form the basis for the subsequent detailed design, permitting, bidding, and construction phases of the new facility construction. Overall goals of this project are to provide a new wastewater facility that is reliable, meets current regulations with the ability to achieve future regulations, aligns with the City’s growth and associated treatment needs, and emphasizes City values. 1.2 Basis for Conceptual Design The East WRF currently operates as a secondary wastewater treatment facility under the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP) domestic wastewater facility permit No. FLA011068. The facility is permitted to treat annual average daily flows (AADF) of up to 2.012 mgd but experiences flows at approximately half of this capacity. The existing treatment processes at the East facility provide the level of treatment required for its effluent to meet the following water quality requirements under the current permit: • A 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBOD5) concentration of less than or equal to 20 milligrams per liter (mg/L), when calculated as an annual average. • A total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of less than or equal to 5 mg/L for any single sample. • A total residual chlorine (TRC) concentration of 1 mg/L, minimum, for any single sample. • A total nitrate, as nitrogen (NO3- – N) concentration of less than or equal to 12 mg/L for any single sample. 348 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 2 The FDEP sets forth the regulatory requirements for effluent discharges from wastewater treatment facilities and addresses end-use effluent water quality standards. Effluent disposed via public access reuse (PAR) has higher disinfection requirements compared to non-beneficially discharged effluent. Furthermore, effluent that is discharged for groundwater recharge and surface water discharges in protected watersheds typically require the achievement of the highest level of wastewater treatment, known as Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT). AWT is defined in F.S. 403.086 (4)(a) and requires that wastewater be treated beyond the secondary state, providing an effluent that has annual average values, including: • A 5-day cBOD5 concentration of less than or equal to 5 mg/L, • A TSS concentration of less than or equal to 5 mg/L, • A total nitrogen (TN) concentration, expressed as nitrogen, of less than or equal to 3 mg/L, • A total phosphorus (TP) concentration, expressed as phosphorus, of less than or equal to 1 mg/L, and • Received high-level disinfection (HLD) as stated in 62-600.440 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). HLD requires an effluent which meets the following criteria: - Any single sample shall not exceed 5 mg/L TSS prior to application of a disinfectant. - Any single sample shall not exceed 25 fecal coliform values per 100 mL of sample. - On a monthly basis, 75 percent of the fecal coliform values shall be below the detection limits. - When chlorine is used for disinfection, a TRC of at least 1 mg/L shall be maintained at all times and the minimum acceptable contact time shall be 15 minutes at the peak hourly flow (PHF). The current East WRF operations do not include disposal of treated effluent via any methods that require AWT. However, there are strong indications that state regulatory agencies will enact future regulations that will require the City to treat its effluent to achieve AWT standards. For example, the City of Winter Springs is surrounded by protected watersheds defined by the St. John’s River Water Management District (SJRWMD). Any treated effluent applied to these protected watersheds must be treated to a higher standard, with stricter nutrient limits. Over time as these protected watershed basins are expanded, it is logical to assume that in the future, the City may be located within a protected watershed and will be required to treat any site-applied effluent to the higher standard. Additionally, more stringent treatment standards are required for Surface Water and Backup Discharges, which are application methods not currently used by the City but may be in the future. To summarize, while AWT is not required today, there are strong indications that it will be in the future. It is recommended that when designing the new East WRF, the City plan for a facility that does not necessarily meet AWT today, but has the foundation in-place to allow for future modifications to do so. Consequently, the proposed conceptual designs outlined in this report are intended to meet current effluent requirements with the ability to be readily modified to achieve AWT, if required in the future. 349 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 3 1.3 Summary of Existing Facility A condition assessment, as well as various surveys and studies, were conducted to gather an overall understanding of the facility and the condition of the existing components. The following subsections summarizes the findings of these assessments and the current condition of the East WRF. 1.3.1 Existing Treatment Process and Effluent Disposal The East WRF is comprised of two separate package treatment plants (circular field-erected steel tanks) originally designed to use an activated sludge process, known as contact stabilization, and a third concrete tank dedicated to sludge thickening and holding (Digester No. 3). The treatment units consist of a surge tank, influent screening, concentric aeration basins (made up of reaeration and contact tanks), and a clarifier in the center. RAS is also part of the aeration process and is provided using air lifts. The clarified effluent then flows from the treatment tanks to the tertiary moving-bed filters (DynaSand® filters), and finally to the chlorine contact chamber. A 0.18 million-gallon (MG) concrete sludge digester/holding tank, 3 MG covered reclaimed water (RW) storage tank and combined 5.61 MG combined wet weather and reject storage pond are all onsite components of the East WRF, as well. Solid residuals are stored in a sludge holding tank (SHT) that is aerated for mixing and preventing septic conditions prior to dewatering. Stored solids are dewatered using a mobile belt filter press and then hauled offsite for processing. A process flow diagram (PFD) of the existing East WRF is included in Appendix A, with a snapshot shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Existing East WRF Process Flow Diagram 350 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 4 The East WRF supplies PAR-quality effluent to the City’s reuse service area for irrigation purposes. To be considered PAR-quality, reclaimed water must have experienced secondary treatment, contain no more than 5 mg/L total suspended solids (TSS), and achieve HLD. Effluent that meets PAR quality but is generated in excess of customer demand (e.g., during heavy rain events) is stored onsite at the facility in the GST, and combined wet weather / reject storage pond. The City also has alternate disposal sites, including the Oak Forest Spray Field land application site and Owasco rapid infiltration basin (RIB) which can accept 0.201 mgd and 0.61 mgd AADF, respectively. However, these alternate disposal sites are permitted under the same reuse system, ultimately requiring the same effluent requirements as their primary PAR disposal method (R-001). Therefore, any effluent that does not meet PAR quality is diverted to the onsite reject pond – of which 2 MG of the total 5.61 MG is dedicated reject storage. The current East WRF permit (No. FLA011068) expires in March 2022, and Carollo recently supported the City on the completion and submission of the facility permit renewal. With the renewal, the City requested the State to designate the Owasco RIB as a R-003 discharge location and change the water quality/effluent requirements for discharge to this location. In doing so, this site (R-003) would be permitted under a separate reuse system and used for disposal of non-spec effluent which does not meet PAR standards. The East Permit would then match the permit conditions for non-PAR discharges in the City’s West WRF Permit (FLA011067). These non-par discharge quality requirements are shown below in Table 1. Table 1 East Permit Renewal Effluent Disposal Site/Water Quality Requirements Request Site ID Location Effluent Quality Requirement R-001 PAR System [cBOD5] < 30 mg/L(1) [TSS] < 5 mg/L(2) [TN] – Report [TP] – Report Fecal Coliform < 25 #/100 mL(3) R-002 N/A(5) [cBOD5] < 30 mg/L(1) [TSS] < 5 mg/L(2) Fecal Coliform < 200 #/100 mL(4) R-003 Owasco RIBs [cBOD5] < 30 mg/L(1) [TSS] < 30 mg/L(2) [NO3- - N] < 12 mg/L(2) Fecal Coliform < 200 #/100 mL(4) Notes: (1) Monthly Average. (2) Single Sample Maximum. (3) Single Sample Maximum (Samples Collected 7 days/week). (4) Monthly Geometric Mean (Samples Collected Weekly). (5) The Oak Forest Spray Field has potable wells located within a 500-foot buffer surrounding the site, and consequently, cannot accept non-PAR quality effluent (FDEP Rule 62-610.421 F.A.C.). 351 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 5 1.3.2 Condition Assessment Over the past year, Carollo has visited the East WRF numerous times, through which a condition assessment of the existing unit processes was completed. Part of this assessment has also included priority repairs to the current facility in order to maintain operation until the facilities are permanently replaced. Since the facility was originally constructed in the mid-1970s (with an expansion in the early-1990s), a majority of its components have reached the end of their useful life and are visibly degraded/corroded. As a subconsultant to Carollo, Wekiva Engineering also performed a structural assessment of the primary assets at the East WRF in December 2021 and concluded that no major component at this facility has permanent value worth restoring. While some existing infrastructure and minor components may be rehabilitated and reused, they may only serve temporary purposes and have no permanent value. One exception to this is the existing chlorine contact chamber. Structurally, the chlorine contact chamber is in acceptable condition and could be rehabilitated to lower construction costs, including new repumping equipment costs. Some components still require replacement, such as the effluent gates. However, the existing chlorine contact chamber may not fit into the hydraulic profile of the new East WRF. This must be further analyzed during subsequent design stages. The existing electrical equipment is also outdated and does not meet current National Electric Code (NEC). As such, for conceptual design purposes, no unit process equipment (e.g., mechanical, structural, or electrical assets) will be preserved for the new East WRF. There are, however, some non-unit process items which have the possibility of being maintained for storage purposes, including the reuse GST, onsite storage/reject pond, and one of the three circular steel structures. The GST and storage/reject pond are in good condition overall and can continue to store treated effluent for the new WRF. One of the three steel structures may also be repaired or rehabilitated and temporarily used to store solid residuals from the new treatment scheme, allowing the City time to plan and design for a permanent solids handling facility. Like the chlorine contact chamber, the feasibility of reusing these existing assets must be further assessed during later design stages. 1.3.3 Site Boundary and Contour Survey L&S Diversified (L&S) completed a conceptual-level boundary and topographic survey to facilitate the planning stages of the project. The established boundary of the East WRF totals approximately 50.6 acres, although this includes a number of trees and wetlands which have been preliminarily identified. Figure 2 shows the limits of the site boundary and contour survey. In addition to displaying boundary lines, easement information, and contour lines, the attached survey (included in Appendix B), also displays existing buried mains, as well as the elevations of key hydraulic infrastructure. 352 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 6 Figure 2 East WRF Site and Contour Survey 1.3.4 Environmental Review An environmental review was completed of the site based on the planned concept facilities. Environmental Science Associates (ESA) completed an environmental constraints review within the review area shown in Figure 3. Appendix C includes the ESA environmental constraints review and the Florida Natural Area Inventory (FNAI) tracking list. In general, and as further described below, there are minor site constraints which will need to be addressed in design, primarily including wetland impacts in some areas of construction. The following items are addressed to meet state, federal and potential funding requirements: • List threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate species and designated critical habitats that may be present in the project area (may be obtained from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). A list of potential threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate species and designated critical habitats that may be present within the general area of the proposed Project is attached as Appendix C, Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Habitat does not exist within the Project review area for a majority of these species, with the exception of the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), as identified in the General Environmental Constraints Review (Appendix C). The Audubon Florida EagleWatch Nest Locator database was reviewed, and no nest trees were identified within 600-feet (protective nest buffer zone) of the Project review area, therefore impacts to the bald eagle are not anticipated. Additionally, during the environmental review, no gopher tortoise burrows were observed within or directly adjacent to the Project area. However, a 100-percent gopher tortoise burrow survey will need to be performed within the upland limits of proposed Project footprint, at least 90 days from construction initiation in accordance with the 353 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 7 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission gopher tortoise survey and permitting guidelines (reference in Rule 68A-27.003, Florida Administrative Code). No other listed species, or critical habitat was observed or identified within the property limits. • Discuss any significant adverse effects upon flora, fauna, threatened or endangered plant or animal species, surface waterbodies, prime agricultural lands, wetlands, or undisturbed natural areas. No listed flora or faunal species were identified within the attached Environmental Constraints Review (Appendix C). The proposed Protect is anticipated to impact approximately up to 2 acres of forested wetlands that were identified as medium quality and jurisdictional to the state and federal agencies. Other areas that may be impacted from the Project activities include highly disturbed, maintained upland areas that are inclusive of the treatment facility. No other undisturbed natural areas exist within the footprint of the proposed Project. The facility is located within the City of Winter Springs Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zone; therefore, no prime or unique agricultural lands exist within the proposed Project footprint. • List any significant adverse environmental effects and what project features will mitigate such effects. It is anticipated that the Project activities will impact approximately up to 2 acres of medium quality forested wetlands. During the final design phase of the Project, all impacts will be minimized, where feasible, to further reduce the footprint and the Project impacts. All construction activities will obtain and comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permits and employ Best Management Practices to assure no impacts to water resources during construction. The site development associated with the Project will follow state water quality and quantity regulations to avoid alteration in drainage patterns or soil erosion or runoff. The Project will obtain construction and operation phase permits from the required state and federal agencies and will operate in accordance with all relevant regulations. In addition, appropriate state and federal permits will be obtained and mitigation will occur to off-set those impacts. Mitigation options for this area include: - Utilization of an approved mitigation site within the Lake Jesup Basin, - Construction of a wetland mitigation site within the Lake Jesup Basin, either utilizing land owned or purchased by the City of Winter Springs, or - Investigations with FDEP to utilize an out-of-basin, regionally significant mitigation bank (within the same watershed – St. Johns River Watershed) with a Cumulative Impact Analysis. • Discuss any significant adverse human health or environmental effects on minority or low-income communities. The East WRF is located in the eastern area of Winter Springs, primarily surrounding by residential community. Recent data from the EJSCREEN Census Summary Report (Accessed April 2022) indicates an overall City population demographic index of 26 percent with low income being 19 percent. For the immediate area around the East WRF, the demographic index is 16 percent, with low income being 3 percent. All values are under the state and national averages. Furthermore, this project considers the replacement of an existing WRF with a new facility. An improved and modernized WRF will benefit the entire community with improved reliability in wastewater treatment and effluent water quality which meets or 354 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 8 exceeds regulatory requirements. Therefore, disproportionate high or adverse environmental effects to a minority population is not anticipated. Figure 3 East WRF Environmental Survey Area 1.3.5 Odor Survey Webster Environmental Associates, Inc. (Webster) completed an odor survey at the East WRF in November 2021. This study was done to assess the Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas odor impact on the local area, for consideration with the design and construction of a new treatment facility. Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in sewers, manure pits, well water, oil and gas wells, and volcanoes. The health effects of hydrogen sulfide depend on how much H2S a worker breathes and for how long. The odor threshold for hydrogen sulfide gas falls in the 0.01 to 1.5 ppm range and some will begin to notice the “rotten egg smell” at these concentrations. The odor becomes more offensive at 3 to 5 ppm. Prolonged exposure in confined areas at these concentrations may cause nausea, tearing of the eyes, headaches, or loss of sleep. However, because wastewater facilities are mainly open to the atmosphere, operators and visitors are generally not at risk for negative health effects from H2S during routine operation. Six OdaLog™ units were installed around the facility and recorded Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas concentrations for nine days. These OdaLog™ units measure H2S in the range of +/-300 ppb and were installed at the following locations: flow splitter box/headworks, surge tanks, SHT, digester, and belt filter press. The sixth OdaLog™ unit was installed on a tree outside of the WRF property, near the public park entrance, to understand how odors may disperse from the treatment site and migrate to the park area. The locations of each logger are shown graphically in Figure 4. 355 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 9 Figure 4 OdaLog Installation Locations at East WRF The OdaLog™ data from the nine-day monitoring period is included in Table 2. All locations were found to have low to moderate concentrations of H2S (with an average of 0 to 3 ppm), apart from the surge tank which had very high, brief spikes each day. These spikes then quickly dispersed, only lasting approximately 5 minutes. They would occur daily between 11am and 2pm and range from 100 to 1,200 ppm. While it is not confirmed, one potential cause of these brief spikes could be attributed to the master lift stations experiencing peak flows. A number of wastewater lift stations discharge directly into the surge tank at the East WRF and because they likely turn on at the same time during peak flows, high loads will be discharged into the surge tank at these times. Webster noted that these concentrations are likely to also cause offsite odor detections. The park entrance instrument surprisingly recorded two brief spikes of 0.1 ppm, also lasting approximately 5 minutes, which may be the result of the high H2S coming from the surge tank. A full copy of the Odor Study report can be found in Appendix D. Table 2 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary Instrument Location Instrument Range (ppm) Logging Duration H2S Average (ppm) H2S Peak (ppm) Influent Splitter Box 0-1,000 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.12 2 Surge Tank 0-1,000 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 3 1201 Thickener Tank 0-1,000 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0 0 Aerobic Digester Tank 0-1,000 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0 1 Belt Press 0-200 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0 7 Park Entrance 0-50 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0 0.1 356 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 10 1.3.6 Geotechnical Investigation At the time of this report, no geotechnical investigation has been conducted at the East WRF. This information will be needed prior to the design stages but is not necessary within conceptual design. A complete geotechnical survey and determination of structure locations should therefore be performed as part of the final design. 1.3.7 Wastewater Characterization and Population Flow Projections Based on the identified service area, population growth, and historical facility flows, a projected flow was developed for the East WRF to use when sizing the new facility. The following subsections summarize the existing historical water quality and quantity data, as well as population projections, to develop design criteria for the future facility, including flows, loads, and peaking factors. 1.3.8 Wastewater Flow and Loading Characterization Historical flow data was gathered and analyzed as part of the recently completed East WRF permit renewal. Table 3 provides historical monthly flows observed at the facility over the past 10 years, as well as minimum, maximum and annual average flows. All data was obtained from Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) submitted by the City to FDEP. Table 3 East WRF Historical Monthly and Annual Average Daily Flows(1) Month/Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January 0.99 0.80 1.03 1.10 1.03 0.99 1.02 1.00 1.04 0.97 1.03 February 0.95 0.85 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.03 0.95 0.96 1.10 1.00 1.00 March 0.95 1.03 1.07 1.01 1.05 1.01 0.91 0.96 1.05 1.04 0.97 April 0.91 1.02 1.04 1.00 1.02 1.11 0.98 0.96 1.10 1.05 1.04 May 0.84 0.99 1.08 1.00 1.01 1.05 0.96 0.96 0.99 1.02 0.95 June 0.83 1.05 1.05 0.98 0.92 1.07 0.95 1.06 1.04 0.96 0.94 July 0.90 1.12 1.21 1.01 0.98 0.96 1.10 1.07 1.07 0.90 0.97 August 0.91 1.08 1.17 1.03 1.04 0.96 1.07 1.07 1.05 0.98 1.11 September 0.84 1.17 1.06 1.07 1.13 1.05 1.35 1.04 0.97 1.09 1.13 October 0.96 1.21 1.03 1.12 1.02 1.13 1.16 0.88 1.00 1.03 1.01 November 0.88 1.06 1.10 1.03 1.08 0.99 0.94 1.03 1.00 1.06 - December 0.88 1.13 0.98 1.06 1.02 0.99 1.16 1.07 1.00 1.01 - Minimum 0.83 0.80 0.98 0.98 0.92 0.96 0.91 0.88 0.97 0.90 0.94 Maximum 0.99 1.21 1.21 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.35 1.07 1.10 1.09 1.13 AADF(2) 0.90 1.04 1.07 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.05 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.01 Notes: (1) All units of flow are in mgd. (2) AADF for 2021 is the average from January to October. 357 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 11 Figure 5 is a plot of AADF, long-term average flow, and the permitted capacity at the East WRF. This figure shows that the yearly AADF never exceeded the permitted capacity of 2.012 mgd between 2011 and 2021. Additionally, the long-term average flow was 1.02 mgd AADF and the maximum monthly flow observed was 1.35 mgd over this 10-year period, indicating that East WRF has operated at roughly half of its permitted capacity. Figure 5 East WRF Annual Average Daily Flows In addition to flows, historical loading information over the past year was compiled for the East WRF. Table 4 and Figure 6 present average monthly influent cBOD5 and TSS concentrations and loadings observed at East WRF between October 2020 and October 2021. No influent TN and TP data was available as these parameters are not required to be monitored in the facility’s influent under its current permit. Consequently, industry standard ratios of 1:5 and 1:11 were used for TKN:cBOD5 and TP:cBOD5, respectively. It should be emphasized that these factors should be refined during later design stages following a detailed influent sampling campaign. Influent TSS and cBOD5 both exhibited similar trends, with maximum loads observed in February 2021 and average annual loads of 1,970 and 1,980 lb/d, respectively. Minimum loads were observed in October 2020 and May 2021. Additionally, a statistical analysis was performed to remove data outliers prior to calculating the relevant design peaking factors – results of this analysis are presented in Section 3.2.1 Influent Wastewater Flows and Loads. 358 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 12 Table 4 East WRF Influent cBOD5 and TSS Concentrations and Loads Month/Year Influent cBOD5 Concentration mg/L Influent cBOD5 Loading lb/day Influent TSS Concentration mg/L Influent TSS Loading lb/day Oct-20 122 1,043 130 1,111 Nov-20 126 1,110 180 1,585 Dec-20 182 1,538 296 2,501 Jan-21 212 1,821 292 2,508 Feb-21 341 2,838 452 3,762 Mar-21 341 2,753 254 2,051 Apr-21 275 2,374 220 1,899 May-21 213 1,682 125 987 Jun-21 322 2,522 260 2,036 Jul-21 276 2,224 266 2,143 Aug-21 228 2,118 266 2,471 Sep-21 188 1,693 61 549 Oct-21 201 1,695 135 1,138 Average 230 1,960 230 1,900 Minimum 122 1,043 61 573 Maximum 341 2,838 452 3,762 Figure 6 East WRF Historic Monthly cBOD5 and TSS Loading 359 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 13 1.3.9 Population Projections Population data and projections for Winter Springs were obtained from a combination of reports prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR). Because the U.S. Census reports current populations on a city-basis, while the BEBR report lists population projections on a county-basis, a number of assumptions were applied for this analysis to draw meaningful conclusions from the data available. However, these assumptions were verified with the analyzed data made by Kimley-Horn in the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” for consistency and accuracy. Additionally, internal meetings were held with the City Planner to gain an understanding of future potential growth or other wastewater contributors that may impact the East WRF’s future wastewater flows. One assumption made is that the City of Winter Springs will experience the same growth projected for Seminole county through 2045, and that wastewater flows would increase proportional to this population growth. Another assumption was that all of the citizens reported by the U.S. Census were connected to the City’s sewer system, and that the City’s wastewater service area exhibits an even split between East and West WRFs. This even-split assumption is consistent with the analyzed data within the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn. Based on these assumptions, the growth factors listed in Table 5 were developed and used to project wastewater flows through 2045. Discussions with the City Planner revealed that generally limited growth is expected in the near future since no large, new developments within the City’s wastewater service area are currently planned. Additionally, a majority of City property has been developed and the City does not plan to acquire any considerable portion of additional land. Table 5 Winter Springs Population and Flow Growth Factors Projection Type(1)(2) 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 Low Series -1.2% 0.8% 2.3% 3.1% 3.2% Medium Series 6.0% 10.9% 15.0% 18.5% 21.5% High Series 12.8% 21.3% 28.9% 35.9% 42.3% Notes: (1) All factors shown in the table above correspond to population growth relative to the current Winter Springs population. (2) Sources: U.S. Census Bureau (2020), Winter Springs population estimates base and BEBR (2020), Projections of Florida Population by County, 2025-2045. In addition to the factors provided above, an average 2020 wastewater generation rate of 65 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) was calculated for Winter Springs, based on the ‘even split’ assumption between the East and West WRF. The 65 gpcd is also consistent with the per capita rates used within the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn. The calculated per capita wastewater generation rate is slightly less than the typical industry standard range of 70 to 80 gpcd for residential communities but aligns with the City’s development projections. 360 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 14 1.3.10 Proposed East WRF Design Capacity Figure 7 displays the resulting flow projections for East WRF after synthesizing population data for Winter Springs from the 2020 BEBR and U.S. Census reports (i.e., Table 5). Results from this analysis indicate that 2045 flows may range anywhere from 1.04 to 1.43 mgd AADF, which are less than the current permitted capacity of 2.012 mgd. Additionally, the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn projects that if growth were to occur with available parcels, along with potential septic to sewer conversions, flow may reach 1.49 mgd over the next 20 years. This CDR considers replacement of the facility at its current capacity, evaluating a WRF at 2.1 mgd AADF. However, right-sizing the facility to account for near-term growth will be evaluated in Section 4, the Final Recommendation section. Figure 7 East WRF Flow Projections 361 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 15 2.0 Liquid Stream Alternatives Evaluation 2.1 Evaluation Overview The conversion of the East WRF to an AWT-capable facility requires modernization all of its existing liquid treatment processes. To determine which treatment alternative best suits the City, an analysis of all available liquid treatment technologies was completed by the project team, as well as a thorough and well-vetted selection process based on City values. As part of this evaluation, Carollo performed the following: • Prepared a working list of liquid-stream technologies proven to meet AWT standards, • Performed a conceptual-level review of the selected liquid-stream process alternatives, • Developed evaluation criteria to rank each of the process alternatives in terms of their ability to meet the City’s values, • Hosted a paired comparison exercise with a City-appointed selection committee for City to apply a value (or weight) to each evaluation criterion, and • Shortlisted two alternatives from the working list for further development and in-depth analysis (i.e., conceptual site layout and capital/operational cost estimate). It is important to note that the removal of key constituents from domestic wastewater (i.e., BOD, TSS, TN, and TP) is achieved primarily during a wastewater treatment facility’s secondary treatment process. While an overall, conceptual-level recommendation is provided within this CDR for the entire East WRF, the paired comparison exercise focused only on the alternatives for secondary treatment processes and did not compare alternatives for preliminary treatment, secondary clarification, biosolids handling, odor control, and pumping requirements. These processes have been analyzed by Carollo and subconsultants, with recommendations provided in Sections 3 and 4. 2.2 Selection of Liquid Stream Treatment Alternatives Municipal wastewater treatment plants in Florida rely on a relatively low number of treatment processes to remove nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus). Most of these processes are variations of the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process, often incorporating different sequencing and configurations of process tanks with anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic zones. However, from a global perspective, a larger number of process configurations for nutrient removal have been developed and many of these configurations are currently in-service at municipal wastewater treatment facilities abroad. When compared to physical or chemical processes, biological processes have generally been proven to be more economically efficient in removing nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater. Additionally, land-based technologies, such as natural or constructed wetlands and algae scrubbers, are not typically used to remove nutrients from municipal wastewater due to their very large land requirements and limited operating capacity. Consequently, only biological treatment-based technologies have been considered in these evaluations. 362 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 16 Biological treatment uses either suspended- or attached-growth processes to maintain biological activity. These are defined as: • Suspended-growth: Processes that use biomass suspended in wastewater (activated sludge) to perform the required biochemical transformations. Examples are sequencing batch reactors using in-basin clarification and continuous-flow reactors using separate clarifiers or membranes for solids separation. • Attached-growth: Processes that use biomass that attaches to, and forms a film on, media (i.e., biofilm). Examples are trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, and packed bed reactors. Biological processes typically operate in a continuous-flow mode of operation but can also be operated in a batch-process mode. A recycle stream is typically used to maintain the microorganism population within the treatment process. The solids retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the biological processes are critical to achieving the required secondary treatment. It should be highlighted that not all biological treatment processes can remove nutrients from domestic wastewater. To do so, a biological treatment process must foster the growth of certain microorganism communities. These microorganisms help remove nitrogen through the two-step process of nitrification and subsequent denitrification: 1. Nitrification: Oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2) and then to nitrate (NO3). 2. Denitrification: Reduction of nitrate to nitrite and then to nitrogen gas (N2). Biological phosphorus removal, on the other hand, is accomplished through an enhanced biological process that encourages certain microorganisms to uptake phosphorus in greater (stoichiometric) quantities than required for their normal growth. When these microorganisms are wasted from the system, phosphorus removal is achieved, and the overall process is termed enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). 2.2.1 Preliminary List of Potential Process Alternatives To begin, Carollo created an extensive list of biological wastewater treatment technologies capable of achieving some degree of nutrient removal. This list is referred to as “The Universe of Alternatives”, and includes a broad spectrum of proven technologies that can be grouped according to the following physical characteristics: • The use of microorganism communities (i.e., suspended growth or attached growth), • The physical configurations of the treatment processes (i.e., land-based, aquatic, or mechanical facilities), • The location of the solids-separation/clarification unit process, which further categorizes suspended-growth processes into single-sludge and multiple-sludge systems, • The physical configuration of single-sludge systems distinguished as processes with multiple stages or phases, and Concentrations of nutrients in sidestreams with separate sidestream treatment processes required for facilities with significantly elevated concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in their sidestreams. Figure 8 shows a graphical representation of these groupings. 363 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 17 Figure 8 Overview of Biological Treatment Technologies for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Wastewater 364 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 18 2.2.2 Biological Nutrient Removal to Achieve AWT To achieve an AWT-quality effluent, a biological nutrient removal (BNR) process must be configured with different sequencing and configurations of process tanks with anaerobic (no free oxygen or nitrate), anoxic (no free oxygen), and aerobic (oxygen rich) zones. These zones create various degrees of oxidation and reduction potential which favor the growth of specific bacteria with different capabilities of metabolizing cBOD5, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The primary purpose of each zone is briefly summarized below: • Anaerobic Zone: Wastewater enters this zone and is depleted of oxygen or oxidized nitrogen (i.e., nitrate), which allows both the uptake of readily biodegradable organic material and the release of soluble orthophosphate from by certain microorganisms into the wastewater. This zone significantly reduces cBOD5 and, in terms of nutrient removal, mainly serves the purpose of increasing enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) efficiency in O2. • Pre-Anoxic Zone: This zone consists of internal mixing to maintain anoxic conditions and not introduce dissolved oxygen. Mixed liquor from the anaerobic reactor and recycle flows from the aerobic zone enter this zone while heterotrophic bacteria use the cBOD5 in the wastewater to reduce nitrates recycled back from the aerobic zone to nitrogen gas. The lack of dissolved oxygen in this zone encourages the biomass to use chemically-bound oxygen in nitrate for growth, thus removing nitrogen from the system (i.e., denitrification). • Aerobic Zone: Following the pre-anoxic zone, the mixed liquor enters the third zone, which uses supplemental aeration to provide dissolved oxygen to organisms that oxidize nitrogen in the wastewater from ammonia to nitrites and nitrates (i.e., nitrification). An internal recycle pump sends a portion of the flow, rich in nitrates and nitrites, to the pre-anoxic zone for denitrification. This zone also oxidizes any remaining cBOD5 and removes phosphorus by absorbing orthophosphate in the biomass in excess which is later wasted as sludge. • Post-Anoxic Zone: This zone further reduces nitrogen in the effluent. Any unreduced nitrate that was not recycled to the pre-anoxic zone is reduced to nitrogen gas here. Compared to the first anoxic zone, the denitrification reaction rate within this second anoxic zone is generally endogenous and slower because of a lower ‘driving force’ due to the reduced cBOD5 concentration compared to pre-anoxic zones (most cBOD5 is removed in the aeration zone). However, the size of the second anoxic zone can be reduced by adding an external carbon source such as glycerol or other forms of supplemental carbon. • Reaeration Zone: This final zone is a small aeration step that strips nitrogen gas and inhibits phosphorus release. To remove phosphorus, sludge must be wasted from the process, typically from the clarifier underflow (i.e., from the RAS) or in the membrane tank when membranes are used for solids separation. As discussed above, the process basins for a BNR configuration have anaerobic zones to facilitate phosphorus removal, anoxic zones to achieve denitrification, and aerobic zones to achieve nitrification, phosphorus, and cBOD5 removal. The effluent from the process basins consists of treated wastewater and suspended solids, which are composed of microorganisms, biodegradable, and non-biodegradable (inert) matter. These microorganisms consume organics in the wastewater during their growth process and need to be periodically wasted from the 365 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 19 system to maintain a stable biological community in the BNR process. To accomplish this wasting, effluent is transferred to a subsequent solids separation system (e.g., secondary clarifiers or membrane bioreactors) to separate the suspended material from the treated wastewater. Most of the separated suspended solids are then recycled back to the BNR process to maintain the desired concentration of microorganisms in the treatment process, while the remaining suspended solids are wasted from the system via a sludge stream for subsequent treatment. There are many process variations to achieve an AWT-quality effluent, each with slight changes to the arrangement of the process basin zones and the type of solids-liquid separation employed. However, not all variations can meet the strict effluent limits required for AWT. The following subsections detail a number of technologies that have proven success with consistently achieving AWT. 2.2.3 Potential AWT Treatment Alternatives To prepare a working list of technologies for further evaluations, Carollo refined the initial list of all available nutrient removal processes shown in Figure 8. As noted in this figure, not all processes shown are capable of achieving both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Hence, this extensive list was shortened to Figure 9 to produce a refined list of technologies that can consistently meet AWT standards using BNR. The 5-stage BNR process configuration is the most commonly used technology for achieving AWT, and was thus selected as the first, baseline alternative for further review. The remaining alternatives were then selected on the following basis: • National experience and use of the process. • Record of performance for full scale installations. • Representation of viable forms of emerging treatment processes or technologies. In addition to the 5-stage activated sludge BNR process, Carollo selected viable candidate processes from Figure 9 that represented processes from the following categories: • Single Sludge: Multiple Stages. • Single Sludge: Multiple Phases. • Ballasted Activated Sludge: Aerobic Granular Sludge. • Ballasted Activated Sludge: Ballasted Activated Sludge. • Attached Growth: Moving Bed. According to this selection process, Carollo chose the following technologies for further analysis: • Five-stage activated sludge BNR (5-stage BNR). • Membrane bioreactor (MBR). • Ballasted activated sludge (BAS). • Aerobic granular sludge (AGS). • Sequencing batch reactor (SBR). • Integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS). 366 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 20 Figure 9 Biological Treatment Technologies for Achieving AWT in Municipal Wastewater 367 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 21 2.3 Descriptions of Proposed AWT-Capable Treatment Alternatives This section presents technology fact sheets for each of the six process configurations on Carollo’s working list. Each fact sheet includes the following information: • A brief description of the process. • A simplified process flow schematic that shows the general arrangement of various secondary- and tertiary-treatment unit processes including recycle streams. • A table of basic facts about the technology, i.e., perceived process reliability, major advantages and disadvantages, operational considerations, relative energy usage, footprint, sludge production, chemicals used, and impact on neighbors. Because it is the most common process for achieving AWT effluent quality and because of the large number of installations of the 5-stage BNR process, it will be used as a baseline process that the other process configurations will be compared against. 2.3.1 Five-Stage Activated Sludge BNR (5-Stage BNR) The 5-stage BNR process is a conventional activated sludge BNR process which is configured with the five zones as described in Section 2.2.2 and has proven to achieve the strict AWT effluent requirements. Figure 10 shows the 5-stage BNR process flow configuration while Table 6 outlines additional considerations and information concerning this technology. Figure 10 5-Stage BNR Process Flow Diagram 368 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 22 Table 6 5-Stage BNR Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment None known. No sole-sourced or proprietary equipment required. National Experience/Success Successfully used at many plants in Florida and elsewhere. Process Reliability Reliable and well-proven in the U.S. Major Advantages • Consistently meets AWT effluent quality. • Operational familiarity that does not require additional training. • Large local and national peer communities available for operations to reach out to for troubleshooting. Major Drawbacks Requires a larger footprint than the other alternatives. Pre-Treatment Requirements Single-stage screening and grit-removal. Operational Considerations Similar to current operations. Chemical Requirements • Possible use of alum or ferric chloride for phosphorus removal during process upsets. • Possible use of supplemental carbon depending on carbon to nitrogen ratio in the influent wastewater. Footprint Larger footprint than those of other alternative configurations. Residuals Management Increased WAS production due to nitrogen and phosphorus removal. This increase is comparable to other treatment configurations. Energy Use Moderate energy use compared to other technologies. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade Expansion requires additional parallel trains. Impact on Neighbors Noise and odor comparable to those of other configurations. 2.3.2 Membrane Bioreactor Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is a variation of BNR in which MBR tanks and equipment replace secondary clarifiers and tertiary filters. Compared to what is achieved in conventional clarification processes, an MBR provides a high degree of solids separation and can operate with much higher MLSS concentrations while also producing effluent with low suspended solids (TSS <1 mg/L). Unlike activated sludge processes which rely on secondary clarifiers for suspended solids separation, MBR process basins can operate at significantly higher MLSS concentrations (6,500 to 7,500 mg/L compared to 2,000 to 4,000 mg/L for CAS systems) and are therefore much smaller. Plants operating MBR processes require two-stage screening typically using coarse screens followed by 2 mm perforated secondary screens to protect the membranes. The membrane causes a significant head-loss on the forward flows, which requires an additional set of permeate pumps to convey flows from the membrane tank to the downstream disinfection process. Figure 11 shows the MBR process flow configuration. 369 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 23 Figure 11 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Flow Diagram Table 7 outlines additional considerations and information concerning MBR. Table 7 Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment • Each membrane system is unique and proprietary. Over recent years, competition has increased with multiple manufacturers entering the field, which has driven innovation, changed perceptions, and closed gaps in costs with conventional technologies. • Hollow-fiber and flat-plate configurations available. • Early selection and procurement are recommended. National Experience/Success • Well-established and largely successful technology with approximately 500 installations nationally and thousands of installations worldwide. Process Reliability • Very reliable. Major Advantages • Consistently produces effluent of very high quality meeting AWT requirements. • Smallest footprint of all the alternatives. • Volume of the process basins is relatively small since they can be operated at higher MLSS concentrations. • Eliminates secondary clarifiers and filtration processes. • Highly automated process. • Helps pre-position future potable reuse options. • Membrane systems have a positive public perception since they are state-of-the-art technologies. • Improves disinfection efficiency, because of the very low TSS and turbidity in the effluent. 370 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 24 Parameters Description Major Drawbacks • More mechanical equipment and maintenance than required for five-stage BNR. • Higher energy use than what’s required the five-stage BNR process since the aeration basins operate with higher MLSS concentrations and have a higher aeration demand. • Chemical and scouring equipment required to maintain membranes increases energy costs. • Higher chemical usage to keep membranes clean. • Higher pumping than required for five-stage BNR process. • Flow equalization required to attenuate flow and minimize membrane cost. • Physical-hydraulic barrier at the membranes can cause hydraulic bottlenecks during wet weather flows, making flow equalization or membrane redundancy critical. • Shifts in operational strategies (e.g., towards automation, analyzers, sensors) can challenge operations staff. • Fine screenings may result in cBOD5 loss in primary treatment while also requiring additional screenings-material handling. Pre-Treatment Requirements Two-staged screenings with perforated fine screens (≤2 mm) to remove fine solids such as hair and fibers. Operational Considerations • More mechanical equipment to maintain. • Automated membrane process. • Periodic membrane cleaning required. • Reliable access to the membranes is key. Chemical Requirements • Higher chemical use than five-stage BNR process since sodium hypochlorite and citric acid are needed to chemically clean membranes. • As-needed use of alum or ferric chloride to trim phosphorus. Footprint Smallest footprint of the configurations or any other proven full-scale biological treatment technology. Residuals Management • WAS produced comparable to that of five-stage BNR process. • Total quantity of solids produced is moderately higher than that of BNR since additional screenings material is produced from fine screenings. Energy Use Higher energy consumption than the five-stage BNR process. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade • Expansion requires constructing additional process trains and membrane units. • Depending on the initial design of process trains, upgrade, and expansion of the MBRs can be modular and may only consist of adding additional membrane units or cassettes. Impact on Neighbors • Noise and odor comparable to those of the five-stage BNR process. • Smaller footprint can allow MBRs to be enclosed. 371 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 25 2.3.3 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) SBR is another variation of BNR that accomplishes the 5-stage BNR process through a series of time steps in a single reactor. Typically, a single cycle for each SBR reactor consists of five steps: • Step 1, Fill: Influent raw wastewater is added to the reactor, and anoxic and anaerobic conditions are created. • Step 2, React: Influent flow is continuous with aeration applied continuously or intermittently. • Step 3, Settle: Aeration is stopped, and solids/liquids separation occurs. • Step 4, Draw/Decant: Clarified effluent is withdrawn from the top of the reactor via a decanting mechanism. • Step 5, Idle: Sludge is wasted. Figure 12 shows SBR’s process flow configuration. Activated sludge aeration and liquid solids separation occur in the same tank, thus RAS or secondary clarifiers and their associated pumps are not required. Under SBR, flexibility is allowed in the duration of aerobic and anaerobic phases to encourage optimum nitrogen and phosphorus removal rates. Figure 12 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Process Flow Diagram Table 8 outlines additional considerations and information concerning SBR. 372 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 26 Table 8 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment Several SBR equipment manufacturers exist. Process tanks are customizable, although some configurations are proprietary. National Experience/Success More than 1,300 facilities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe employ SBRs. Process Reliability Handful of plants in Florida use SBRs and successfully produce effluent meeting AWT quality. Major Advantages • Biological treatment and secondary clarification can be achieved in a single reactor vessel. • SBR processes can handle large seasonal variations in flow and loads. • Process modification is flexible. • No internal MLSS or RAS recycle required so less pumping energy required than what BNR uses. Major Drawbacks • SBR processes are more commonly used at facilities with flowrates of 5 mgd or less in the U.S. • Requires larger-sized blowers than what’s used for the five-stage BNR process. • Requires flow equalization downstream of the process tanks and upstream of filters. Without equalization before tertiary filtration, the filters must be “oversized” to accommodate extremely high peak flows. • Sludge settleability can create adverse process conditions. • Greater operator involvement than what’s required for the five-stage BNR process. • Some SBR equipment and control systems are proprietary making repair, replacement, and troubleshooting of control systems difficult without involving the equipment manufacturer. • Equipment failure (e.g., decanter, mixer, aeration systems, etc.) requires taking the entire SBR process-train offline, affecting redundancy and available capacity. Pre-Treatment Requirements Traditional screening and grit-removal. Operational Considerations Requires a sophisticated system of units and controls, as well as a higher level of maintenance for controls, switches, and valves, compared to what’s required for BNR. Chemical Requirements Similar to BNR with as-needed use of alum or ferric chloride for phosphorus removal. Footprint Slightly smaller compared to the five-stage BNR process. Secondary clarifiers can be removed but footprint is still required for multiple SBR basins. Residuals Management WAS produced similar to that of five-stage BNR process. Energy Use Low to moderate energy use compared to five-stage BNR process. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade Fairly modular construction is possible. Impact on Neighbors Noise and odor comparable to those of five-stage BNR process. 373 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 27 2.3.4 Aerobic Granular Sludge – AquaNereda® Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS) is a novel method to remove carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a single bioreactor. Aerobic granular sludge itself consists of dense granules of mixed microbial communities that do not coagulate and, therefore, settle much faster than activated sludge flocs. The AGS treatment process is similar to that of SBR but operates in three steps: 1) fill and draw, 2) react, and 3) settle. Similar to SBR, separate secondary clarifiers or recycling of RAS is not required. Compared to the 5-stage BNR process activated sludge, AGS granules settle very rapidly so process basins can be much smaller. The granules’ high settling velocities allow bioreactor operation at very high MLSS concentrations (8,000 to 12,000 mg/L), thereby reducing the overall footprint of the process tanks. The outer layers of the granule are aerobic and support nitrifier growth, while anoxic and anaerobic zones occur in the center or the granule. As such, AGS can perform carbon removal, nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal all in one bioreactor. There is currently only one operating AGS facility in the United States, but there are several operating throughout the world. Figure 13 shows the AGS process flow configuration. Figure 13 Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS) Process Flow Diagram 374 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 28 Table 9 outlines additional considerations and information concerning AGS. Table 9 Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS) Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment Limited providers of AGS systems for municipal wastewater treatment in North America. National Experience/Success In the U.S, one full-scale AGS facility is in in operation. As of January 2020, there were over 75 installations worldwide. Process Reliability Largely unknown. At the time this report was written, there were no full-scale operating plants in the U.S. that were treating to AWT standards. Major Advantages • AGS granules settle faster than five-stage BNR process sludge, thus requires less reactor volume. • Process train can be operated at a higher MLSS concentration than what can be done with five-stage BNR process without affecting performance. • Requires no internal MLSS or RAS recycle so demands less pumping energy than what five-stage BNR process uses. Major Drawbacks • Local and national peer communities not available for operations to reach out to for troubleshooting. • Proprietary dependence to operate and troubleshoot equipment. • Limited national presence. • Largely unknown process. • Multiple means for a single point of failure with higher consequences of failure. • Process failure requires taking the entire AGS process- train offline, affecting redundancy and available capacity. Pre-Treatment Requirements Single-stage screening and grit-removal. Operational Considerations Largely unknown process. Operational requirements were unknown when this report was written. Chemical Requirements Similar to those of BNR with as-needed use of alum or ferric chloride for phosphorus removal. Footprint Slightly smaller compared to that of five-stage BNR Modified Bardenpho™ process. Residuals Management WAS produced similar to that of five-stage BNR process. Energy Use Slightly less energy use compared to what five-stage BNR process uses due to reduced pumping requirements. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade Fairly modular construction is possible. Impact on Neighbors Similar to those of five-stage BNR process. 375 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 29 2.3.5 Ballasted Activated Sludge – NuvodaTM Ballasted Activated Sludge (BAS) is based on BNR with one variation: the addition of ballasting material to the process tanks. The ballast material supplements BNR by significantly improving the settleability of MLSS in the secondary clarifiers, which allows for higher operational MLSS concentrations in the process tanks without stressing the secondary clarifiers. There are several types of ballast material, ranging from the traditional material Magnetite to more novel organic media like Kenaf. Magnetite is an inert, fully-oxidized, and very fine magnetic iron material that requires intense mechanical equipment to separate the ballast media from the waste stream. Kenaf, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring lignocellulosic material harvested from the rapid-growing Kenaf plant (Hibiscus Cannabinus) that is recycled with less energy-intensive equipment from the waste stream compared to Magnetite. New ballast is introduced to the system via a ballast-mixing tank and is recovered from the WAS streams using recovery drums, which then feed the recovered material back into the ballast-mixing tank. New ballast is reintroduced to the process stream with the RAS flow to compensate for any ballast lost through the wasting process since the ballast recovery is not 100 percent efficient. Because BAS can improve the capacity of existing process tanks without modifying its footprint, it is highly suited as a retrofit process. Figure 14 shows BAS’s process flow configuration. Figure 14 Ballasted Activated Sludge (BAS) Flow Diagram 376 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 30 Table 10 outlines additional considerations and information concerning BAS. Table 10 Ballasted Activated Sludge (BAS) Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment BAS sidestream includes the ballast-mixing tank, dispersion mills, and recovery drums, which are proprietary equipment. Some examples of ballast material are magnetite and kenaf. National Experience/Success No BAS plants in Florida but there are several successful BAS plants across the US. Process Reliability Comparable to the five-stage BNR process. Major Advantages • BAS process can meet AWT effluent water quality goals. • Volume of the process basins is reduced when compared to that of BNR since the basins can be operated at higher MLSS concentrations. Major Drawbacks • Local and national peer communities not available for operations to reach out to for troubleshooting. • Shift in operational strategies and additional operations training required to operate the ballast-recovery equipment. • Proprietary dependence to operate and troubleshoot equipment. • Limited national presence. • Ballast recovery rates are not 100 percent, so new ballasts are required on an on-going basis to replenish the wasted amounts. Depending on recovery rates, sizing of the system, and shipment availability, ballast replenishment can be an expensive O&M item. • More mechanical equipment and maintenance needed than what’s required for BNR. • More pumping than what’s required for the five-stage BNR process. Pre-Treatment Requirements Single-stage screening and grit-removal. Second stage (fine screening) is preferred. In the absence of fine screening upstream of the WAS, dedicated WAS screening may be required. Operational Considerations • Proprietary dependence to operate and troubleshoot equipment. • Ballast and MLSS concentrations must be monitored to schedule ballast shipments. Chemical Requirements Similar to the five-stage BNR process. Footprint Comparable to BNR. Process basins are smaller than what’s used for BNR, but the reduced footprint is offset by the space needed for ballast-recovery equipment and ballast-storage areas. Residuals Management WAS contains irrecoverable ballasts, which may help with thickening. However, total solids produced will be higher compared to what’s produced in BNR. Energy Use Higher energy consumption than what’s consumed for the five-stage BNR process due to the ballast-recovery equipment. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade • Expansion requires additional parallel trains. • Compared to the five-stage BNR process, additional considerations are required due to the use of ballast-recovery equipment (shear mills, larger and additional magnetic drums, larger and additional ballast tanks, and additional pumps). Impact on Neighbors • Noise and odor comparable to those of the five-stage BNR process. • Ballast system equipment can be contained in a building but will result in additional truck traffic to the facility. 377 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 31 2.3.6 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Attached-growth processes, when coupled with suspended-growth processes, provide enhanced nutrient removal. Integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) is one such process in which attached- and suspended-growth biomass is combined within the same reactor. In IFAS, floating or fixed media is introduced inside the aeration tanks. The combination of suspended and attached biomass results in a concentration of biomass that is significantly higher than what can be expected in a suspended-growth process alone. This provides two important benefits. First, the required volume of the aeration tank is substantially reduced. Second, the attached biomass places no additional load on the final clarifiers, so the solids loading to the clarifiers is substantially reduced when compared to what’s imposed by a suspended-growth process with the same SRT. Figure 15 shows the IFAS process flow configuration. Figure 15 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Flow Diagram 378 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 32 Table 11 outlines additional considerations and information concerning IFAS. Table 11 Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Fact Sheet Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment There are several IFAS media and equipment manufacturers, but most are unique and proprietary. Available types of media include rope, sponge carriers, hard plastic carriers, trickling filter media, kenaf, and flat sheets. National Experience/Success Many installations in the US with more widespread use in Europe. Process Reliability Comparable to that of five-stage BNR process. Major Advantages • Reduced solids loading to clarifiers due to retained biomass in aeration basins. • Volume of process basins is reduced compared to that of five-stage BNR process since the basins can be operated at higher MLSS concentrations. Major Drawbacks • Higher dissolved-oxygen concentrations are required in the aerobic tanks resulting in higher energy usage than what five-stage BNR uses. • Additional screens are required in the process tanks to retain media in the tanks. Additional pumping within the process tanks may be required to move any media clogged on the screens. • Forward flow velocity through the process tanks is critical to prevent unequal distribution of media within the tanks. • Proprietary dependence to replace the media and troubleshoot. • Taking basins offline for maintenance is problematic since media must be removed. Pre-Treatment Requirements Single-stage screening and grit-removal is adequate. Screening size depends on the type of media used. Fine screening may be necessary to prevent blinding of media-retaining screens. Operational Considerations • Normal life-expectancy of the media is 10 to 30 years depending on the media. • Proprietary dependence to replace the media and troubleshoot. • Media retaining screens affect additional hydraulic losses. • Potential for plugging and media-clogging in the media-retaining screens thus requiring more maintenance. • Maintaining the aeration system requires media to be removed and displaced. Chemical Requirements Similar to those of five-stage BNR process. Footprint Smaller than that of the five-stage BNR process but larger than that of MBR. Residuals Management Similar to that of five-stage BNR process. Energy Use Higher energy consumption than that of the five-stage BNR process. The attached biomass requires higher dissolved-oxygen concentrations, thus lowering the field-oxygen transfer efficiency. Additional pumping inside the process basins may result in higher energy demand. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade Expansion requires additional parallel trains. The capacity of the existing tankage could be increased to a certain point by introducing additional media. Impact on Neighbors Similar to those of five-stage BNR process. 379 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 33 2.4 Structured Decision Analysis A structured decision analysis was used to characterize the AWT-capable treatment process alternatives and rank them according to their ability to meet a prioritized set of evaluation criteria established by the City and Carollo. These five evaluation criteria include: 1. Established Technology, 2. Treatment Effectiveness, 3. Operability, 4. Constructability and Sequencing (Implementability), and 5. Footprint and Flexibility for Future Upgrade. The City selected a committee to participate in a paired comparison exercise where values (or weights) were applied to each of the evaluation criterion. These weights ultimately established the relative importance of each criterion to use in evaluating and comparing the liquid stream process alternatives. The weighted scores developed by the selection committee were combined with technical criteria developed by Carollo (representing each alternative’s ability to satisfy the criteria/sub-criteria) in a decision model. The decision model calculated a unitless “decision score” and the alternative that best satisfies the most valued criteria (according to the City’s selection committee) received the highest score. The top two alternatives are further evaluated in Section 3 of this CDR and include conceptual site layouts and cost estimates (including present worth). The evaluation criteria set did not include any economic factors such as capital and operating costs. Although these costs will be evaluated for the two shortlisted technologies (in Section 3 of the report), it was intentional to exclude these from the evaluation criteria. Doing so eliminated any financial bias or appeal for the City to select the “cheapest” alternative. 2.4.1 Process Evaluation Criteria and Sub-Criteria To effectively measure the performance of each alternative against the five established criteria, additional sub-criteria were developed to provide a further breakdown for evaluation. The importance of each sub-criterion was assigned a numerical value by a team of senior wastewater process specialists within Carollo according to understanding of key project drivers and industry standards. The sub-criteria were presented to the City’s appointed scoring committee and given as a rubric to follow when the committee completed the paired comparison exercise in January 2022. Table 12 lists the five major evaluation criteria, along with their corresponding sub-criteria. 380 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 34 Table 12 Major Evaluation Criteria and Corresponding Sub-Criteria Major Criteria Sub-Criteria 1. Established Technology a. Number of installations in the U.S. of similar capacity. b. Number of installations in Florida of similar capacity. c. Maturity of process technology. 2. Treatment Effectiveness a. Proven processes and technologies for meeting Florida’s AWT limits. b. Robustness of treatment (e.g., ability to handle a range of influent conditions; ease of recovery from upset). c. Redundancy and reliability. 3. Operability a. Safe work environment, operational flexibility, complexity of operation, staffing requirements (e.g., special skills or training), residuals/process additives production. b. Process monitoring and control effectiveness (including industry-recognized process control methods, accessible peers to discuss process control options, and effective troubleshooting methods established). c. Chemical requirements. d. Maintenance requirements (number and complexity of process equipment components and required frequency of maintenance, storage requirements (e.g., for media), special maintenance equipment). 4. Constructability and Sequencing (Implementability) a. Safe construction. b. Maintained plant operations, minimize shutdowns (phasing/sequencing). c. Potential schedule impacts (e.g., equipment manufacturing and delivery timeframes). d. Space requirements for construction. e. Permitting. f. OSHA/NFPA requirements. 5. Footprint and Flexibility for Future Upgrades a. Footprint required. b. Expandability. c. Adaptability for potential future regulations or effluent uses. d. Truck traffic impacts. e. Sustainability (energy use, solids handling). 381 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 35 2.4.2 Paired Comparison Results The City formed a selection committee (made up of four City employees of various departments) to participate in a paired comparison exercise in January 2022. During this exercise, the criteria were weighted against one another using a paired comparison method. Members of the selection committee individually and privately scored each of the five criteria against each other in terms of highest value/prioritization. This ultimately developed the average weight for each criterion. Results of this exercise are presented in Table 13. Table 13 Major Evaluation Criteria and their Relative Importance Major Criteria Average Weight (Percent) 1: Established Technology 18 2: Treatment Effectiveness 23 3: Operability 30 4: Constructability & Sequencing (Implementability) 17 5: Footprint & Flexibility for Future Upgrades 12 The City placed the highest value on Operability, followed by Treatment Effectiveness, Established Technology, Constructability and Sequencing (Implementability), and lastly Footprint and Flexibility for Future Upgrade. Footprint and size of the plant is not a concern for the City since the new WRF will be built on the existing plant site and sufficient area is available, explaining why that criterion has a lower average weight. By placing the highest average weight on Operability, the City is emphasizing their value in constructing a WRF that is easy and safe for operators to operate with minimal additional training. The unweighted scores from Carollo’s alternative scoring matrix were then combined with the weights established by the selection committee and inputted into a decision model. The decision model calculated a unitless “decision score” and the alternative that best met the most valued criteria (according to the City’s selection committee) received the highest score. Figure 16 shows the results of the structured decision analysis. Based on the City’s applied values established by the selection committee, 5-stage BNR and MBR were the top two scoring technologies. Both of these processes are mature, with a track record of successfully meeting stringent nutrient discharge limits. BNR was considered to be preferable to MBR in terms of Operability, which is the most important criterion to the City (average weight of 30 percent). This is partly attributed to the number and complexity of process equipment components associated with MBR. On the other hand, MBR scored better than BNR in terms of Footprint and Flexibility for Future Upgrades. AGS (Nereda) and BAS (Nuvoda) were ranked lower than the other processes, largely because they did not score well relative to Treatment Effectiveness and Established Technology. 382 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 36 Figure 16 Process Alternative Ranking Using Weighted Criteria These results were discussed and agreed upon with the City at a Process Selection Scoring workshop held in January 2022. These top two alternatives are further evaluated in Section 3 of this CDR and include conceptual site layouts and life-cycle cost estimates. 383 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS    APRIL ͮͬͮͮ | ͯͳ  3.0    Shortlisted Alternatives Evaluation  3.1   Objectives  The decision analysis discussed in Section ͮ resulted in the list of treatment alternatives below,  which are ranked from highest to lowest based on the City’s applied values:  ͭ. ͱ‐stage activated sludge BNR (ͱ‐stage BNR).  ͮ. Membrane bioreactor (MBR).  ͯ. Sequencing batch reactor (SBR).  Ͱ. Ballasted activated sludge (BAS).  ͱ. Integrated fixed‐film activated sludge (IFAS).  Ͳ. Aerobic granular sludge (AGS).  This section of the CDR evaluates the conceptual process modeling, sizing, site layouts, and life  cycle cost estimates for the East WRF’s top two scoring treatment process alternatives: ͱ‐stage  BNR and MBR. A final treatment alternative recommendation will be provided in Section Ͱ to  support the City in making the informed decision of which AWT‐capable process to select for the  upgraded East WRF. An associated conceptual site layout and cost estimate are also provided for  the final recommendation within Section Ͱ.  The design criteria presented in this report are conceptual level and must be further refined  during the Project’s subsequent design stages.  3.2   Conceptual Design Criteria  The following subsection evaluates the design criteria used to conceptually size, layout, and cost  the ͱ‐stage BNR and MBR alternatives. It should be noted that the criteria used to compare the  conceptual designs of the two shortlisted treatment alternatives within this section are not the  final design recommendation for the East WRF at this time. As is explained further below, the  design flows and loads used to compare the BNR and MBR conceptual designs and costs  correspond to a true “buildout” scenario. This scenario represents what the City may require in  the far‐term future, i.e., post‐ͮͬͰͱ, in terms of quantity (population growth) and quality (AWT  requirements). The conceptual designs and costs included within this section are used to  compare/evaluate the two shortlisted treatment alternatives to later make an ultimate design  recommendation. The conceptual design and cost estimate for the final recommended  treatment process – sized for current quantity/quality requirements – is included within Section Ͱ  of this report.  3.2.1   Influent Flows and Loads  The East WRF’s historic wastewater flow and loads were previously analyzed in Section ͭ.ͱ. To  further characterize the facility’s influent wastewater, Carollo relied on historical monthly data  obtained from DMRs over the past three years to identify representative flow and loading  peaking factors, which are key in the design and operation of a WRF. Factors were determined  for a range of conditions including annual average, maximum month, maximum day, and peak  hour.  384 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 38 Although it is common practice for the capacity of a WRF to be described in terms of the annual average daily flow (AADF), this value is not used to directly size any unit process or operation. Rather, sizing is based on the parameters which directly impact the performance of each unit process or operation. For example, aeration MDL and process volume requirements for BNR systems are designed around a maximum month average daily mass load (MMADL), while hydraulic elements such as pipes, pumps, and filters are designed around maximum day (MDF) or peak hourly flows (PHF), depending on if flow equalization (EQ) is provided. Appropriate peaking factors for the proposed East WRF were determined based on a combination of historic data and Carollo’s experience in designing facilities of similar capacity here in Florida. Maximum month peaking factors and annual average flows and loads were calculated from historic East WRF influent data over the past three years. Accurate daily and hourly influent data was unavailable during the conceptual phase of the Project, and thus standard industry estimating methods were used where applicable for max day and peak hour factors. References used include the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (2014) prepared by the Great Lakes – Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers (also referred to as the 10-State Standards), and Munksgaard and Young’s Flow and Load Variations at Wastewater Treatment Plants (1980). Table 14 lists the East WRF’s proposed design flow and loading peaking factors for the CDR, determined from the methods described above. Table 14 East WRF Influent Design Flow and Mass Load Peaking Factors Peaking Factor(1) Value Hydraulic Peaking Factors Maximum Month Average Day Flow (MMADF)(2) 1.1 Maximum Day Flow (MDF)(3) 2.0 Peak Hour Flow (PHF)(4) 3.0 Loading Peaking Factors Maximum Month Average Day (MMAD) – TSS(2) 1.9 Maximum Month Average Day (MMAD) – cBOD5(2) 1.5 Maximum Day (MD) – TSS(3) 3.5 Maximum Day (MD) – cBOD5(3) 2.4 Notes: (1) All peaking factors are relative to the long-term annual average day conditions experienced between Jan 2018 and Oct 2021. (2) Calculated using East WRF historic influent data from Jan 2018 through Sep 2021. (3) D.G. Munksgaard and J.C. Young, "Flow and Load Variations at Wastewater Treatment Plants," JWPCF. 52 (8) 1980: 2131-2144. (4) Fair, G.M. and Geyer, J.C. “Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal” 1st Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1954), p. 136. Carollo recommends that the City perform a detailed influent load and flow analysis during the subsequent design phase to refine the factors provided in Table 14 to provide the most accurate design for the East WRF. As they stand, these factors – primarily MMAD TSS and cBOD5 – are greater than those of typical medium-strength domestic wastewater facilities, which may result in the oversizing of process basins or mechanical equipment. For example, the historic organic (i.e., cBOD5) maximum month loading factor was calculated to be 1.5, which is greater than the typical range of 1.2 to 1.3. A higher loading factor correlates to a greater process volume 385 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 39 requiring larger basins and greater calculated air demand and consequently, more blowers or larger blowers to provide the required process air. Due to the cost and process efficiency implications associated with under or oversizing unit processes, these factors require verification via a detailed influent sampling campaign. Table 15 provides the resulting design flows and loads used within the conceptual design for the two shortlisted technologies based on the factors in Table 14. For the comparison of the conceptual designs for the BNR and MBR alternatives, a design AAD of 2.1 mgd and PHF of 6.3 mgd was used. A 2.1 mgd design flow evaluates replacement of the East WRF to meet its existing capacity and avoids de-rating the plant’s capacity. The conceptual design for 2.1 mgd ultimately represents a true “buildout” scenario, demonstrating what the City may require in the far-term future, i.e., post-2045, in terms of quantity (population growth) and quality (AWT). A conceptual design and cost estimate for the final recommended treatment alternative – sized for today’s needs – is included within Section 4 of this report. Table 15 Conceptual Influent Design Wastewater Flows and Loads Parameter Unit Minimum Day AAD(1) MMAD MD PHF(2) Influent Flow mgd 1.9 2.1 2.3 4.2 6.3 Concentrations cBOD5 mg/L 150 220 300 260 - TSS mg/L 120 260 450 450 - TKN(3) mg/L 30 44 60 50 - TP(4) mg/L 13 20 28 24 - Loads cBOD5 lb/d 2,300 3,800 5,700 9,100 - TSS lb/d 1,840 4,600 8,700 15,600 - TKN lb/d 460 770 1,200 1,800 - TP lb/d 210 350 530 840 - Notes: (1) Based on historic East WRF influent from Jan 2018 through Sep 2021. (2) PHF provided only for the design of hydraulic elements. (3) Influent TKN: cBOD5 assumed to be 1:5 due to lack of absence of influent nutrient monitoring. (4) Influent TP: cBOD5 assumed to be 1:11 due to lack of absence of influent nutrient monitoring. Unit processes for the new East WRF will be sized to handle the targeted design flows and loads after the applicable peaking factors are applied. The process and hydraulic design of unit processes will include multiple treatment units, which builds reliability and ensures each treatment process can be maintained with any one parallel unit removed from service for inspection or maintenance. The upgraded East WRF will not only meet the minimum Class 1 reliability and redundancy criteria established by the EPA and enforced by FDEP [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid Systems and Component Reliability (1974, EPA 430-99-74-001)], but also provide operators with unit processes that can be readily taken offline for maintenance or repair without disrupting the overall treatment process. It should be noted that although no low-flow or low-load analysis was performed as part of this CDR effort, they will be required during the later design phase to ensure mechanical equipment is properly sized for such scenarios. 386 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 40 3.2.2 Regulatory Requirements The treatment goals for the new East WRF were previously established in Section 1.2, Basis for Conceptual Design. From a process design perspective, one key goal is to ensure that the facility is capable of meeting AWT requirements in the future (when required). As mentioned previously, FDEP regulates the discharge of effluent from wastewater treatment facilities and sets the water quality requirements that reclaimed water must fulfill to comply with regulations. These regulations may become more stringent in the future, and thus the facility should be planned for potential future regulations. For the comparison of the conceptual designs for the BNR and MBR alternatives, the facilities were designed to meet all AWT requirements. Doing so ultimately represents a true “buildout” scenario, demonstrating what the City may require in the far-term future, i.e., post-2045, in terms of quality (meeting AWT). A conceptual design and cost estimate for the final recommended treatment alternative – designed to meet current effluent requirements – is included within Section 4 of this report. 3.3 5-Stage BNR Alternative (“Buildout” Scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT) The 5-stage BNR process is a conventional activated sludge BNR process that is configured with the five zones. Ranked as the City’s top AWT-capable alternative, the 5-stage BNR is compared below to evaluate process design and hydraulic considerations, and ultimately determine a conceptual site layout for the East WRF. As explained in Section 3.2, this conceptual design for the 5-stage BNR alternative corresponds to a buildout scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT-quality effluent. The conceptual life cycle cost estimate for this alternative is provided in Section 3.6. 3.3.1 Process Design The following subsections present the conceptual design criteria for processes associated with the 5-stage BNR (2.1 mgd with AWT) alternative. The conceptual designs suggested in this report will meet the minimum Class 1 reliability requirements as established in the Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and Component Reliability, EPA 1974, and will provide operators with the flexibility to properly take unit processes out of service for maintenance or repair without impeding the overall process performance. Headworks It was determined through a condition assessment that no existing unit process components at the East WRF have permanent value to be restored. The headworks structure was further deemed unsuitable for retrofit at the new East WRF due to structural and capacity concerns and will consequently be demolished with the new design. The proposed headworks facility will be located just North of the process basins, and will consist of a common influent channel, a coarse-screening channel with space for two mechanical screens in parallel, and two equally sized grit-removal units. The screening and grit-removal units will be hydraulically designed to handle peak hour flows, and all channels will be interconnected to allow the transfer of flow to either screen, thus reducing potential points of failure within the headworks facility. To reduce the potential for overflows, the headworks will have an emergency, passive bypass with an in-line manual bar rack that directs flow to the onsite reject pond. 387 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 41 Conceptual screening evaluations determined that each coarse screen must handle a minimum of 6.3 mgd at PHF, with a proposed screen opening of 6 mm. Several screening technologies can meet this requirement, such as center flow, multi-rake, and step screens. Further discussions will be necessary during the design phase to determine which screening technology will best suit the upgraded East WRF. Screened material will be washed with facility water and compacted before transfer to a dumpster for removal and ultimate disposal. Washing the screenings reduces odors and reintroduces organics into the wastewater stream which are required in the biological process to reduce the need for supplemental carbon sources, particularly in the second anoxic basins. However, even if the screenings are washed and organic material is reintroduced, supplemental carbon may still be required (this is discussed further in Section Grit-removal will be provided downstream of preliminary screening; however, the exact removal technology and relevant design criteria will be determined during the design phase. Although hydraulically designed around PHF to ensure throughput of flow, the grit-removal system performance will be based around MDF conditions. The system will thus be able to handle flows up to the PHF, but with slightly reduced removal efficiency (i.e., grit capture efficiency will be slightly degraded at the PHF). Grit debris removed from the wastewater stream will be washed to return organics to the biological process, dewatered, and compacted to reduce its weight and volume before being disposed into the screenings dumpster. Table 16 outlines the proposed headworks equipment for the 5-stage BNR alternative. Table 16 Headworks Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR Parameter Unit Value Coarse Screening Number of Screens # 2 Size of Opening mm 6 Flow Capacity (each) mgd 6.3 Grit System Number of Units # 2 Design Flow Capacity (each) mgd 4.2 Peak Flow Capacity mgd 6.3 Grit Capture Size μm 105 Biological and Secondary Process Mass balance calculations were performed to determine the BNR process basin sizes, and results for the 2.1 mgd AADF buildout condition are summarized in Table 17. This table lists the conceptual design criteria used for the aeration, mixed liquor recycle, secondary clarification, return activated sludge, and sludge wasting processes. Mechanical equipment (e.g., chemical feed and blowers) for the BNR system were conservatively designed around max day loads. Non-aerated zones will be thoroughly mixed to prevent settling within the BNR basins, but the exact mixing technology and associated design criteria will be established during the design phase. 388 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 42 Table 17 Secondary Treatment Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR Parameter Unit Value Plant Influent MDF mgd 4.2 Number of Trains # 4 Liquid Volume Anaerobic Zone per Train MG 0.03 Anoxic Zone per Train MG 0.13 Aeration Zone per Train MG 0.33 Post Anoxic Zone per Train MG 0.13 Reaeration Basin per Train MG 0.01 Total – All Zones per Train MG 0.63 Total – All Trains MG 2.50 Operating Parameters @ MDF MLSS in Process Basins mg/L 2,500 Aerobic SRT days 8.2 Total SRT days 16.0 Process Air Required Actual Oxygen Requirement (AOR) lb/d 10,500 Standard Oxygen Requirement (SOR) lb/d 26,600 Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) % 28 Air Requirement scfm 3,900 Number of Blowers # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) Blower Size (each) hp 125 RAS Total Flow mgd 4.2 Number of Pumps # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) WAS Total Flow gpd 67,300 Number of Pumps # 5 (4 duty, 1 shelf spare) Internal Recycle Total Flow mgd 12.6 Number of Pumps # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) Clarification Number of Clarifiers # 3 Diameter ft 70 Surface Area (each) ft2 3,850 Sludge Volume Index (SVI) mL/g 150 RAS Return Ratio - 1.0 389 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 43 Filtration Tertiary filters for the 5-stage BNR alternative were sized based on modern cloth media disk filter design criteria. Average and maximum hydraulic loading rates of 5.1 and 6.5 gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/ft2), respectively, were assumed with a peak influent hydraulic flow of 6.3 mgd. The proposed filter system design criteria is summarized in Table 18. For the East WRF conceptual design, three new filters will be constructed to remove suspended solids from the waste stream and will be equipped with 5 disks per unit. Each filter will have a peak capacity of 3 mgd, thus achieving Class 1 reliability which requires adequate filtration capacity to treat 75 percent of the PHF with the largest unit out of service. Table 18 Filter Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR Parameter Unit Value Plant Influent AADF mgd 2.1 Plant Influent Peak Hour Flow mgd 6.3 Number of Filters # 3 Number of Disks per Filter # 5 Surface Area per Disk ft2 53.8 Total Surface Area ft2 807 Hydraulic Loading Rate (Average) gpm/ft2 1.8 Hydraulic Loading Rate (Peak)(1) gpm/ft2 5.4 Peak Capacity per Filter mgd 2.5 Total Maximum Capacity (All Filters Online) mgd 7.5 Firm Capacity (One Filter Out of Service) mgd 5.0 Notes: (1) Maximum hydraulic loading rate of 6.45 gpm/ ft2 used based on a recent design of a WRF of similar capacity to that of East WRF. Chlorine Contact Chamber The existing East WRF uses liquid sodium hypochlorite for disinfection. The existing chlorine contact basin was assessed to determine if it can be repurposed for the new facility. Structurally, the chlorine contact chamber is in acceptable condition and could be rehabilitated to lower construction costs, including new repumping equipment costs. Some components still require replacement, such as the effluent gates. Additionally, a new chlorine contact chamber may still be required if the existing does not fit into the hydraulic profile of the new plant. This should be further evaluated during later design stages. Consequently, for conceptual design purposes, a new chlorine contact basin will be constructed. The design is based on Class 1 reliability and HLD disinfection requirements. Class 1 reliability requires a design flow capacity of at least 50 percent of the total design flow with the largest unit out of service. The HLD requirements outlined in 62-600.440 F.A.C requires: 1) a minimum chlorine residual of 1.0 mg/L is maintained at all times and 2) the minimum acceptable contact time is at least 15 minutes at PHF. HLD also requires a specific CT (i.e., Concentration x Time) for treated wastewater based on the observed fecal coliform concentration, before disinfection. Because the new East WRF is designed to treat to AWT, it is assumed that the 1,000 fecal coliforms per 100 mL limit applies, and thus a CT of 25 mg-min/L will be required. 390 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 44 For the new East WRF, disinfection will be provided by dosing 12.5 trade percent liquid sodium hypochlorite into two equally sized chlorine contact chambers sized for PHF. The total chlorine contact volume provided for the 5-stage BNR alternative will be 65,600 gallons. The contact time at the peak hourly flow of 6.3 mgd would be 15 minutes, thus meeting the minimum requirements established by 62-600.440 F.A.C. For a CT of 25 mg/L-min, the minimum chlorine residual would be 1.67 mg/L. New sodium hypochlorite storage and feed systems would be required at the East WRF due to the condition of the existing system. Preliminary calculations revealed that, for a conservative sodium hypochlorite dose of 8 mg/L, a 30-day storage volume equates to 8,000 gallons of 12.5 percent sodium hypochlorite solution at MDF conditions. Thus, two 4,000-gallon storage tanks with two chemical feed pumps will be provided. Table 19 provides a summary of the proposed 5-stage BNR disinfection capacity. Table 19 Chlorine Contact Chamber Design Criteria for 5-Stage BNR Parameter Unit Value Plant Influent AADF mgd 2.1 Plant Influent Peak Hour Flow mgd 6.3 Disinfectant Type - Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Concentration % 12.5 Number of Trains # 2 Volume per Train gal 32,800 Total Volume gal 65,600 Contact Time (AADF) min 45 Contact Time (PHF) min 15 Design CT mg/L-min 25 Min Chlorine Residual (AADF) mg/L 1.0(1) Min Chlorine Residual (PHF) mg/L 1.67 Number of Chemical Storage Tanks # 2 Tank Capacity (each) gal 4,000 Number of Feed Pumps # 2 (1 duty, 1 shelf spare) Feed Pump Capacity (each) gph 12 Notes: (1) The actual required chlorine residual is 0.55 mg/L, but a minimum of 1.0 mg/L will be provided as required for HLD. 391 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 45 3.3.2 Conceptual Site Layout Figure 17 presents a conceptual site layout for an AWT-capable, 5-stage BNR facility at 2.1 mgd. The facility will be constructed at the existing East WRF site (1560 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, FL 32708) with a primary flow path from north to south. The conceptual BNR layout includes a new headworks facility located at the north-end of the facility, consisting of two 6-mm coarse screens and two grit-removal systems upstream of secondary treatment. The secondary treatment is comprised of five basins in a Modified BardenphoTM configuration, comprised of an anaerobic zone followed by an anoxic and aeration zone, a post-anoxic zone, and a reaeration zone. These five zones provide a total secondary treatment basin volume of 2.5 MG. Flow is then directed to a new MLSS splitter box and three 70-foot-diameter clarifiers, which are designed such that one whole unit can be taken out of service without interrupting the plant process or its efficiency. The effluent from the clarifiers then flows through three new cloth media disk filters for tertiary filtration, and finally to the chlorine contact basin. From there, the transfer pump station can divert flow to either PAR, the onsite 3-MG RW storage tank, reject pond, or alternate disposal method (i.e., RIB or spray field). These proposed site plan also includes a new odor control facility, blower/electrical building, RAS/WAS pump station, chemical storage and pumping, and a reject return/backwash return pump station. This conceptual site layout for the 5-stage BNR alternative represents a buildout scenario of 2.1 mgd with AWT-quality effluent. A proposed conceptual site layout for the ultimate treatment recommendation at the East WRF is included in Section 4 of this CDR. 392 FIGURE 1SITE LAYOUT2.1 MGD BNREAST WRF®SCALE80'40'0Aerial Photography Source: FDOT APLUS March, 2019NOTES:LEGEND:BUILD-OUT - 2.1 MGD AADF WITH AWTWWTP No. 2OPERATIONSBUILDINGBLOWERROOMELECTRICALROOMGENERATORROOMWWTP No. 1NEWCLARIFIERNo.1NEW BLOWER BUILDING/ELECTRICAL BUILDING #1CHLORINE CONTACT BASINREJECT PUMP STATIONTRANSFER PUMP STATIONDIGESTERNo. 3PLANTENTRANCEGATE5.61 MGREJECT AND WETWEATHER LINEDSTORAGE POND3.0 MGRECLAIMED WATERSTORAGE TANKFUTURERECLAIMED WATERSTORAGE TANKELECTRICALBUILDINGRECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTIONPUMP STATIONDEMOLITION AREA(SEE NOTE 1)NEWCLARIFIERNo.2FUTURECLARIFIERNo.3NEW RAS/WASPUMP STATIONPADNEW MLSSSPLITTER BOXNEW DISK FILTERS(SEE NOTE 5)NEW REJECT RETURN/BACKWASH RETURN AND IN-PLANTRECYCLE PUMP STATIONSODIUM HYPOCHLORITESTORAGE AND PUMPINGNEW CHLORINE CONTACT BASINNEW TRANSFERPUMP STATION2.5 MGBNRTRAIN N o . 1 TRAIN N o . 2 TRAIN N o . 3 NEW HEADWORKS INCLUDINGSCREENING AND GRIT REMOVALELECTRICAL BUILDING No. 2TERTIARY FILTERSNEW ODOR CONTROLFACILITYCONNECT TO EXISTINGCOLLECTION SYSTEM(SEE NOTE 2)CONNECT TO EXISTINGRECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM(SEE NOTE 2)TRAIN N o . 4 1.AFTER NEW PROCESS EQUIPMENT IS IN SERVICE,STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS AREACAN BE DEMOLISHED AS NEEDED. THIS AREA CAN BEUSED FOR NEW OPERATION BUILDING AND PARKING,SLUDGE STORAGE AND HANDLING, ETC.2.CONCEPTUAL YARD PIPING LAYOUT SHOWS JUST THEPRIMARY FLOW PATH THROUGH THE PLANT.Figure 17393 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 47 3.3.3 Hydraulic Considerations As described in Section 1.4, the condition assessment of existing processes revealed that there is too much risk associated with preserving existing unit processes in the new East WRF design due to structural concerns and hydraulic limitations. With this in mind, the hydraulic profile for the 5-stage BNR alternative was developed by selecting the existing reject pond elevation to serve as the key hydraulic control point. From this setpoint, calculations were performed to set the required elevations upstream of the reject pond and transfer pump station to ensure gravity flow throughout the facility. Once the hydraulic profile was generated, the final water surface elevations were predicted for each of the key treatment process areas. It should be noted that calculations were performed at the 2.1 mgd flow rate with one treatment train offline for each key process area. This includes one screen at the headworks, one biological treatment train, one secondary clarifier, and one tertiary filter. This conservative approach accounts for the hydraulic capacity when unit processes are out of service, thus ensuring redundancy and reliability are maintained for ‘worst-case’ conditions. The resulting water surface elevations for each process area are presented in the hydraulic profile of the 5-stage BNR alternative (Figure 18). 394 FIGURE 4CONCEPT HYDRAULIC PROFILE2.1 MGD BNREAST WRF®NOTE:LAST TWO DIGITS ONLY OF ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN FOR CLARITY4035302520151051.THIS HYDRAULIC PROFILE IS A CONCEPT TO SHOW THAT THE PROFILE WILL FIT WITHIN EXISTING CONDITIONS.2.RAS RECYCLE FLOWS: 100% INFLUENT FOR AVERAGE ANNUAL DAY FLOW OF 2.1MGDWATER SURFACE ELEVATION AT 2.1 MGD (ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY FLOW)T/WALLEL 37.59T/WEIRGATEEL 35.20T/WALL EL35.91WEIR EL 30.6020" FE PIPE28.2130.11DISK FILTERS(3 UNITS)NEW MLSPLITTER BOX20" ML PIPECLARIFIER NO. 3SCREENMECHANICAL(2 UNITS)38.78T/WALLEL 42.4320" RWW PIPENEW GRITCHAMBER(2 UNITS)T/WALL EL 39.93T/WEIR EL 37.00NEW BNR BASINANAEROBICANOXICAEROBICANOXICAEROBIC24" ML PIPENEW35.5934.7020" ML PIPETO NEW CLARIFIER NO. 120" ML PIPE20" ML PIPENEW CLARIFIERNO.2NEW CLARIFIERNO.133.91V-NOTCHWEIR 33.833.31DISKFILTERS20" ML PIPETO CLARIFIER NO. 3TO CHLORINECONTACT TANK39.184550120.64121.30WATER SURFACE ELEVATION AT 6.3 MGD (PEAK HOUR FLOW)38.2337.8335.4534.0733.8732.43403530252015105455036.4935.6837.9337.7437.5337.34V-NOTCHWEIR 33.8V-NOTCHWEIR 33.833.9133.3133.8732.4333.9133.3133.8732.43FROMCLARIFIERNO. 1DISKFILTERSDISKFILTERS32.6132.3530.8531.11FROMCLARIFIERNO. 2 AND 340.4339.4820"20"PUMPING TO GSTT/WEIR EL 27.7528.25CCT TRANSFERPUMP STATION28.00CHLORINECONTACT TANK3025201560553527.2427.01M12"EXISTING WEATHERSTORAGE/REJECTPOND24"24"FROM TRANSFERPUMP STATIONEXISTING RECLAIMEDWATER GROUNDSTORAGE TANK20"RECLAIMED WATERGROUND STORAGETANK (FUTURE)58.42FROM TRANSFERPUMP STATIONTO RECLAIMED WATERPUMP STATION58.42TO RECLAIMED WATERPUMP STATIONHWL EL 24.15REJECT PONDDISCHARGE EL 25.3430252015605535FROMFILTERS20" ML PIPETO CLARIFIER NO. 2Figure 18395 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 49 3.4 MBR Alternative (“Buildout” Scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT) MBR is a variation of 5-stage BNR in which membrane tanks and equipment replace secondary clarifiers and tertiary filters. Ranked as the City’s second highest scoring AWT-capable alternative, the MBR process is compared below to evaluate process design and hydraulic considerations, and ultimately determine a conceptual site layout for the East WRF. As explained in Section 3.2, this conceptual design for the MBR alternative corresponds to a buildout scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT-quality effluent. The conceptual life cycle cost estimate for this alternative is provided in Section 3.6. 3.4.1 Process Design This section presents the conceptual design criteria for several processes associated with the MBR treatment alternative at 2.1 mgd with AWT. Headworks The proposed MBR layout will have the same preliminary treatment processes as those of the 5-stage BNR, including two coarse-screening channels, a bypass channel with a manual bar rack, and a grit-removal system. However, the layout for these processes is different for the MBR alternative due to the addition of flow EQ and fine-screening. The coarse screens, grit removal units, and fine screens will all be hydraulically designed to handle 100 percent of the PHF with one unit out of service. Flow EQ will be provided downstream of the fine screens to attenuate flow to the membranes such that peak flows are of similar magnitude to max day events (i.e., EQ reduces peak flows from 6.3 to 4.2 mgd). Coarsely screened, degritted flow will pass through two fine screens with 2-mm perforated openings to remove fine particles that may damage the membranes. The fine-screenings will require washing and compaction equipment similar to the coarse screens, and each component of the MBR headworks will have the ability to be bypassed to the onsite reject pond in case of high-flow or maintenance events. However, all flow must pass through the fine screens prior to secondary treatment to protect the membrane filters. Table 20 outlines the proposed design criteria for the MBR headworks. Table 20 Headworks Design Criteria for MBR Parameter Unit Value Coarse Screening Number of Screens # 2 Size of Opening mm 6 Flow Capacity (each) mgd 6.3 Flow Equalization Number of Units # 1 Basin Size MG 0.53 Grit System Number of Units # 2 Flow Capacity mgd 6.3 Grit Capture Size μm 105 396 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 50 Parameter Unit Value Fine Screening Number of Screens # 2 Size of Opening, Perforated mm 2 Flow Capacity of (each) mgd 6.3 Biological and Secondary Process A process mass balance was performed to identify the required basin sizes to treat East WRF’s predicted maximum day flow and loads for the MBR alternative. The layout for MBR is similar to 5-stage BNR in the sense that both have the same five key BNR process basins. One key benefit of MBR compared to 5-stage BNR and other CAS alternatives is that the MBR process basins are approximately half of the volume. This has some tradeoffs, as the thicker mixed liquor in MBR systems requires greater blower capacity to meet the required oxygen demand compared to CAS systems. MBR also distinguishes itself from 5-stage BNR because the membrane systems perform liquid-solids separation and filtration, thus no clarifiers or tertiary filters are required. Effluent from the four BNR trains will flow to a common influent channel to be distributed to four MBR trains. A fifth MBR train will also be constructed to provide 100 percent reliability in case one train needs to be taken offline for maintenance, and the basic infrastructure for a sixth future train can be constructed since costs would be negligible. Each MBR train will have space for five membrane modules, but only three will be required to achieve target effluent limits. Additionally, each module can house a total of 48 membrane cassettes but the City may choose to install fewer initially to retain space for future cassette installations. If the influent flow at East WRF increases in the future, then additional treatment capacity can be readily added by either constructing additional MBR trains or installing more modules or cassettes in the existing trains. Thus, this alternative provides great flexibility for increasing treatment capacity if needed in the future. WAS and RAS will be pumped from a common influent and effluent channel in the membrane basins to the SHT and the aeration basin, respectively. MBR also has two internal recycle streams to help balance the biomass inventory and prevent the overloading or fouling of the membrane filters. On a final note, small blowers will be required to provide air scouring to further mitigate membrane fouling. Table 21 details the equipment and operating parameters required for the MBR system design, including basin volumes, MLSS, SRT, and process air requirements. Table 21 Secondary Treatment Design Criteria for MBR Parameter Unit(1) Value Plant Influent AADF mgd 2.1 Plant Influent MDF mgd 4.2 BNR Process Basin Liquid Volumes Number of Trains # 4 Anaerobic Zone per Train MG 0.01 Anoxic Zone per Train MG 0.07 Aeration Zone per Train MG 0.17 397 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 51 Parameter Unit(1) Value Post Anoxic Zone per Train MG 0.06 Reaeration Zone per Train MG 0.01 Total - All Zones per Train MG 0.32 Total-All Trains MG 1.27 Operating Parameters @ MDF MLSS in Process Basins mg/L 3,750 Aerobic SRT days 8.4 Total SRT days 16 Process Air Required Actual Oxygen Requirement (AOR) lb/d 10,500 Standard Oxygen Requirement (SOR) lb/d 33,300 Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) % 28 Air Requirement scfm 4,900 Number of Blowers # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) Blower Size (each) hp 150 Internal Recycle (Aeration to Anoxic) Total Flow mgd 12.6 Number of Pumps # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) Internal Recycle (Anoxic to Anaerobic) Total Flow mgd 8.4 Number of Pumps # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) Membrane Basins Number of Trains # 5 (4 duty, 1 standby) Number of Membrane Modules per Train # 3 Membrane Cassettes per Module # 48 Air Scour Blowers Total Aeration Rate scfm Variable 300 to 600 Number of Blowers # 5 (4 duty, 1 standby) Max Blower Discharge Pressure psig 7.0 Blower Size (each) hp 30 RAS Total Flow mgd 16.8 Number of Pumps # 3 (2 duty, 1 standby) WAS Total Flow gpd 45,800 Number of Pumps # 2 (1 duty, 1 standby) Notes: (1) MDF equals PHF for the MBR alternative because influent flow is attenuated by flow EQ. 398 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 52 Chlorine Contact Chamber The existing chlorine contact basin was assessed to determine if it can be repurposed for the new facility. Structurally, the chlorine contact chamber is in acceptable condition and could be rehabilitated to lower construction costs, including new repumping equipment costs. Some components still require replacement, such as the effluent gates. Additionally, a new chlorine contact chamber may still be required if the existing does not fit into the hydraulic profile of the new plant. This should be further evaluated during later design stages. For the conceptual design, a new chlorine contact chamber is proposed. Disinfection will be provided by dosing 12.5 trade percent sodium hypochlorite solution into two equally sized chlorine contact chambers sized for the attenuated PHF of 4.2 mgd. The total chlorine contact chamber volume for MBR is lower than that provided for the 5-stage BNR alternative because of the addition of flow EQ. Conceptual evaluations calculated a chlorine contact volume of 43,800 gallons. The resulting contact time at the peak hourly flow of 4.2 mgd would be 15 minutes, thus meeting the minimum requirements established by 62-600.440 F.A.C. For a CT of 25 mg/L-min, the minimum chlorine residual would be 1.67 mg/L. The same design criteria used for the 5-stage BNR alternative would be required for the MBR system because the same chlorine dose of 8 mg/L is proposed for MDF conditions, however slightly more sodium hypochlorite is required for MBR systems due to the need for maintenance and recovery cleans (discussed in Section Thus, two 4,500 gallon storage tanks with two sodium hypochlorite feed pumps are provided in this conceptual design to meet the suggested 30-day storage volume. Table 22 provides a summary of the proposed MBR system disinfection capacity. Table 22 Chlorine Contact Chamber Design Criteria for MBR Parameter Unit Value Plant Influent AADF mgd 2.1 Attenuated Influent Peak Flow(1) mgd 4.2 Disinfectant Type - Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Concentration % 12.5 Number of Trains # 2 Volume per Train gal 21,900 Total Volume gal 43,800 Contact Time (AADF) min 30 Contact Time (PHF) min 15 Design CT mg/L-min 25 Min Chlorine Residual (AADF) mg/L 1.0(2) Min Chlorine Residual (PHF) mg/L 1.67 Number of Tanks # 2 Tank Capacity (each) gal 4,500 Number of Feed Pumps # 2 Feed Pump Capacity (each) gph 12.5 Notes: (1) Influent PHF will be attenuated by the EQ basin. (2) The actual required chlorine residual is 0.83 mg/L, but a minimum of 1.0 mg/L will be provided as required for HLD. 399 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 53 MBR Cleaning Chemicals To achieve the desired degree of treatment, the MBR system must be maintained via two cleaning methods: 1) maintenance cleans, and 2) recovery cleans, which require specific cleaning chemicals depending on the type of membrane foulant present. Maintenance cleans both sustain the system’s desired transmembrane pressure and increase the time between recovery cleans. Under this cleaning type, sodium hypochlorite is applied to remove organic foulants while citric acid is applied to remove inorganic foulants. One membrane train is cleaned at a time, while the remaining trains continue to treat the plant’s flow. Maintenance cleans are generally performed without removing the membrane cassettes from the membrane tank. The membranes temporarily stop filtering the flow and are back-pulsed with the appropriate chemicals, which pass through the membranes and are consumed by the mixed liquor present in the membrane tank. Recovery cleans are an intensive cleaning operation performed when the membranes’ permeability is less than 50 percent of the initial stable permeability. The same two chemicals — sodium hypochlorite and citric acid — are used and, compared to maintenance cleans, recovery cleans generally consume more chemicals. Storage volume for the cleaning chemicals must be sufficient to accommodate several recovery and maintenance cleans. The proposed cleaning system will use IBC totes citric acid, while sodium hypochlorite will be stored in a shared storage tank used for MBR cleaning and primary disinfection. Both chemical storage facilities will have sufficient storage capacity to handle 30-days’ worth of maintenance and recovery cleans. Two chemical dosing pumps will be provided for sodium hypochlorite as discussed above, and a single pump will be sufficient to dose citric acid. Because the required storage for citric acid is minimal, a small holding pad capable of storing 3 IBC totes is suggested. Then, when recovery cleans are needed, operators can transport a single IBC to the citric acid pump station for cleaning. Table 23 details the proposed MBR chemical cleaning storage and feed systems. Table 23 MBR Chemical Cleaning System Parameter Unit Quantity Sodium Hypochlorite Concentration % 12.5 Required Storage gal 1,900 Number of IBC Totes # 7 Number of Sodium Hypochlorite Pumps # 2 Citric Acid Concentration % 50 Required Storage gal 700 Number of IBC Totes # 3 Number of Citric Acid Pumps # 1 400 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 54 3.4.2 Site Layout Figure 19 presents the conceptual site layout for an AWT-capable MBR facility with a design flow of 2.1 mgd. The conceptual facility will be constructed at the existing East WRF site (1560 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, FL 32708) with a primary flow path going north to south. The conceptual MBR headworks facility will be located at the north-end of the facility. Raw wastewater will first flow through 6-mm coarse screens, grit removal, 2-mm fine screens, and finally through an off-line equalization (EQ) basin to protect the MBR system from sharp fluctuations in influent flow. Screened, degritted, equalized flow will be collected in a common effluent channel prior to flowing to secondary treatment. MBR uses suspended microbial growth in the process basins and membrane filters for solids-liquids separation. The membrane filters also achieve tertiary filtration prior to disinfection, thus removing the need for both secondary clarifiers and filters. In contrast to 5-stage BNR, the MLSS concentrations in the aeration basins within an MBR process are neither limited by the solids-loading capacity of secondary clarifiers, nor influenced by the settling characteristics of activated sludge. Hence, MBR configurations are referred to as ‘intensification processes’ because they can handle significantly higher MLSS concentrations in a much smaller footprint compared to CAS processes, while still achieving the effluent limits required by AWT. The conceptual MBR configuration consists of four BNR trains in a Modified BardenphoTM configuration for a total volume of 1.27 MG. This is then followed by five MBR trains with three membrane modules each, as well as the associated aeration and RAS/WAS systems. Following membrane filtration, permeate pumps will distribute treated effluent to the chlorine contact chamber for final disinfection. From there, the transfer pump station can divert flow to either PAR, the onsite 3-MG RW storage tank, reject pond, or alternate disposal method (i.e., RIB or spray field). The conceptual site plan also includes a new odor control facility, blower/electrical building, chemical storage and pumping, and a reject return/backwash return pump station. This conceptual site layout for the MBR alternative represents a buildout scenario of 2.1 mgd with AWT-quality effluent. A proposed conceptual site layout for the ultimate treatment recommendation at the East WRF is included in Section 4 of this CDR. 401 FIGURE 3 SITE LAYOUT 2.1 MGD MBR EAST WRF ® SCALE 80'40'0 Aerial Photography Source: FDOT APLUS March, 2019 1.AFTER NEW PROCESS EQUIPMENT IS IN SERVICE, STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS AREA CAN BE DEMOLISHED AS NEEDED. THIS AREA CAN BE USED FOR NEW OPERATION BUILDING AND PARKING, SLUDGE STORAGE AND HANDLING, ETC. 2.CONCEPTUAL YARD PIPING LAYOUT SHOWS JUST THE PRIMARY FLOW PATH THROUGH THE PLANT. NOTES: LEGEND: BUILD-OUT - 2.1 MGD AADF MBRWWTP No. 2 OPERATIONS BUILDING BLOWER ROOM ELECTRICAL ROOM GENERATOR ROOM WWTP No. 1 NEW BLOWER BUILDING/ ELECTRICAL BUILDING #2 CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN REJECT PUMP STATION TRANSFER PUMP STATION DIGESTER No. 3 PLANT ENTRANCE GATE 5.61 MG REJECT AND WET WEATHER LINED STORAGE POND 3.0 MG RECLAIMED WATER STORAGE TANK FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER STORAGE TANK ELECTRICAL BUILDING RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTION PUMP STATION DEMOLITION AREA (SEE NOTE 1) NEW RAS/WAS PUMP STATION PAD IN-PLANT RECYCLE/DRAIN PUMP STATION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE AND PUMPING NEW CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN NEW TRANSFER PUMP STATION BNR TRAIN No. 1NEW HEADWORKS STRUCTURE4INCLUDING COURSE SCREENING, GRIT REMOVAL AND FINE SCREENING TERTIARY FILTERS NEW ODOR CONTROL FACILITY CONNECT TO EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM (SEE NOTE 2) CONNECT TO EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (SEE NOTE 2)TRAIN No. 2TRAIN No. 3TRAIN No. 40.53 MG EQUALIZATION TANK MBR BASIN MBR BLOWERS REJECT RETURN PUMP STATION NEW ELECTRICAL BUILDING #1 Figure 19 402 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 56 3.4.3 Hydraulic Considerations MBR systems produce treated water, referred to as permeate, that is typically pulled through the membrane system via pumps. Because this permeate is repumped, the plant’s flow is not as restricted by elevation compared to the 5-stage BNR alternative, which relies on gravity flow. In general, MBR hydraulics are more flexible than for 5-stage BNR because there are fewer constraints (e.g., no secondary clarifier weirs). Additionally, the flow EQ provided in the headworks allows for downstream processes to be sized around a smaller peak flow. Permeate pumps will be sized to transfer flow to the chlorine contact tanks, and RAS and WAS will be collected via common effluent and influent channels in the MBR tank, respectively. 3.5 Common Processes and Shared Facilities The 5-stage BNR and MBR alternatives share several common process components, all of which have minimal effects on their evaluation and comparison. Regardless of the selected treatment alternative, these common processes are essential to their treatment performance and any minor differences between the two alternatives are discussed in the respective subsections below. 3.5.1 Odor Control Technology As discussed in Section 1.3.5, Webster completed an odor survey at the existing East WRF in November 2021. This study was done to assess the existing H2S odor impact on the local area and provide a general, high-level discussion of potential order control technologies that may be appropriate with the design of the new WRF. Webster noted in their Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Report (which can be found in Appendix D), that a number of odor control technologies may be considered for the proposed East WRF, including bioscrubbers (also known as biotrickling filters), engineering media biofilters, wood media biofilters, carbon adsorbers, chemical scrubbers, photoionization, ozone, thermal oxidizers, and others. Based on Webster’s experience at similar facilities in Florida, three of the mentioned technologies were further evaluated within their report: • Bioscrubbers – suitable for applications with moderate-to-high H2S, • Biofilters – suitable for applications with low-to-moderate H2S and other larger-reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs), and • Carbon Adsorbers – suitable for applications with low H2S and can act as a polishing stage downstream of a biological system (2nd stage of a two-stage system). All three of these technologies have known odor-removal mechanisms with proven performance and can be recommended as the odor control technology for the proposed East WRF. Exact technology selection and sizing are beyond the scope of conceptual design and should be evaluated within later design stages. 3.5.2 Chemical Systems In addition to sodium hypochlorite for disinfection, facilities for the following bulk chemical storage and feed systems will be required at the new East WRF: • Supplemental carbon, • Chemicals for phosphorus precipitation, and • Cleaning chemicals (for MBR). 403 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 57 The following subsections provide background regarding the need and purpose for each of the chemicals listed above. Although conceptual estimates for chemical storage and feed systems are provided below, these values should be further refined during the Project’s design phase. For this conceptual design, between 7- and 30-days of chemical storage are suggested to protect against emergency weather events and supply chain uncertainties. Additionally, storage tanks will be adequately sized to accept full-load quantities in order to prevent the increased delivery costs associated with chemical short-loads. All chemical storage and feed systems will be equipped with the appropriate safety protection devices, including 150 percent chemical containment, eyewash stations, alarm beacons, etc. Sun protection will also be provided for all chemicals to prevent ultraviolet degradation. Supplemental Carbon The East WRF’s ability to efficiently denitrify and meet stringent effluent nitrogen limits (a requirement of AWT) partially depends on the availability of carbon in the system. Supplemental carbon is used when there is insufficient endogenous organic carbon in the process basins to achieve denitrification and meet permitted effluent nitrogen requirements. Supplemental carbon not only enhances the denitrification capacity by removing the biological process’s organic carbon bottleneck, but also aids in biological phosphorous removal. Numerous sources of supplemental carbon exist including methanol, ethanol, glycerin products, and alternative products such as whey or corn syrup. Methanol and ethanol, although used in wastewater treatment facilities, are highly flammable and present significant explosion hazards. Hence, their storage and feed systems have to be carefully designed with special systems in place to ensure that the risk of fires and explosions are mitigated. Glycerin-based products are colorless, odorless, viscous liquids produced as byproducts of biodiesel production and are environmentally friendly, sustainable supplies of supplemental carbon. Additionally, several biodiesel and chemical-production companies offer proprietary carbon-based products. Manufactured by EOSi, MicroC 2000 is a glycerin-based proprietary product that is commonly used in wastewater treatment facilities. It has readily biodegradable COD (rbCOD) concentrations of over 1,000,000 mg/L. MicroC 2000 is non-toxic, non-flammable and, unlike other carbon sources such as methanol, does not require special handling methods. It is typically shipped as 70 to 74 percent glycerol and 26 to 30 percent water in quantities that range from as low as 5 gallons up to large bulk shipments of 4,600 gallons. Chemical facilities for MicroC are simple and neither require special construction or materials to store or pump, nor does it readily degrade or off-gas like sodium hypochlorite. Preliminary calculations revealed that a MicroC dose of 115 gpd would be required at max month conditions to aid in achieving the effluent nitrogen limit of 3 mg/L required for AWT. Thirty days of supplemental carbon storage is suggested, resulting in 3,500 gallons of storage. However, to help prevent against the increased rates associated with short loads, a 5,000-gallon storage tank is suggested with two chemical feed pumps. Table 24 outlines the design criteria for the proposed supplemental carbon storage and feed facility. 404 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 58 Table 24 Supplemental Carbon Storage and Feed Design Criteria Parameter Unit Quantity Carbon Source - MicroC 2000 Required Dose gpd 115 Number of Tanks # 1 Tank Capacity gal 5,000 Number of Feed Pumps # 2 Feed Pump Capacity (each) gph 5 Chemicals for Phosphorus Precipitation To further remove phosphorus from wastewater, many utilities use metal salts to promote the chemical precipitation of phosphorus, followed by sedimentation and filtration. When metal salts react with soluble phosphate, insoluble solids (i.e., precipitates) are formed that can be removed from the system via waste sludge. Chemicals such as aluminum sulfate (alum) are typically added near the end of the BNR process basins where they form a precipitate, such as aluminum phosphate. Alum is a metal salt commonly used for coagulation and flocculation and chemical phosphorus removal and can be shipped in a liquid form in intermediate bulk container (IBC) totes, roughly 1,000 L in size, or in bulk shipments. It forms a corrosive, low-pH solution which is typically diluted in water as 48 percent alum by weight. Alum is a non-flammable liquid which, without a flashpoint, does not show oxidizing properties and is not reactive with water. This conceptual design will provide operators with the flexibility to dose alum at the following locations: 1. Head of the BNR trains, 2. Influent stream to the secondary clarifiers (for the 5-stage BNR alternative), and 3. Influent stream to the tertiary filters (for the 5-stage BNR alternative). Because alum is not critical to consistently meeting effluent limits, only seven days of alum chemical storage are suggested for the upgraded East WRF. Preliminary calculations revealed that 2,500 gallons of 48 percent alum solution would be sufficient to meet this storage, and a holding pad capable of storing 10 IBC containers with an associated chemical metering station are suggested. However, because of the infrequent use of alum during typical operations, East WRF staff could simply store 3 IBC containers on-site and request additional alum deliveries on an as-needed basis. Table 25 details the conceptual design criteria for the proposed alum storage and feed facility. Table 25 Alum System Design Criteria Parameter Unit Quantity Concentration % 48 Required Storage gal 2,500 Number of IBC Totes(1) # 10 Number of Alum Pumps # 2 Feed Pump Capacity (each) gph 15 Notes: (1) IBC totes have a storage capacity of 1,000L. 405 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 59 Sodium Hypochlorite Bulk sodium hypochlorite, also known as bleach, is an effective disinfectant that has been widely used for years in the wastewater treatment industry, including at East WRF and numerous other local plants. Bulk sodium hypochlorite is considered hazardous and is commonly delivered as a 12.5 percent available chlorine solution. The associated chemical system has simple components — mainly bulk chemical storage tanks and chemical metering pumps — and the feed process is relatively easy to operate and maintain. Although the storage and feed systems are inexpensive to construct, the chemical costs associated with bulk deliveries are relatively higher than those of other chlorination processes such as generating sodium hypochlorite on-site. Sodium hypochlorite solutions degrade rapidly under elevated temperature and exposure to sunlight, both of which reduce the concentration of effective chlorine content. Therefore, storage tanks are commonly installed under canopies or in buildings to protect against ultraviolet light and temperature degradation. This chemical also has operational challenges such as the potential for air binding (due to off-gassing), plugging, and mechanical malfunctions. As discussed in Section, sodium hypochlorite is also used for maintenance and recovery cleans for MBR systems and required doses may vary for each cleaning type depending on the membrane supplier. The required sodium hypochlorite bulk storage facilities were detailed in Section and Section for 5-stage BNR and MBR alternatives, respectively. 3.5.3 Reclaimed Water Storage and Reject Storage Design criteria for effluent storage is based on F.A.C. Chapters 62-600 Domestic Wastewater Facilities and 62-610 Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application. These regulations require storage facilities with sufficient capacity to ensure the retention of reclaimed water under adverse weather conditions. At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be equal in volume to three times the AADF (i.e., 6.3-MG of wet weather storage shall be provided). Regulations also require reject storage with sufficient capacity to ensure the retention of reclaimed water of unacceptable quality equal to one day’s flow at AADF conditions (i.e., 2.1-MG of reject storage shall be provided). The facility currently has one 3-MG GST and one 5.61-MG combined wet weather and reject storage pond to store treated effluent – it should be noted that 2-MG of this 5.61-MG capacity is dedicated to reject storage. For the upgraded East WRF, an additional 0.1-MG of the existing storage pond will need to be dedicated to reject storage to meet the minimum requirement. Neglecting this dedicated reject volume, the existing wet weather storage (6.51-MG) exceeds the minimum wet weather storage requirements. Aside from the dedicated on-site GST and wet weather/reject storage pond, the City’s reuse system has two additional GSTs, which have shared access with the City’s West WRF. These are the Oak Forest (3-MG) and Lake Jesup (0.25-MG) storage and re-pumping facilities. Although the existing storage facilities at East WRF meet the minimum requirements listed above, a second 3-MG GST is suggested to provide the City with increased flexibility and storage to meet their reclaimed water demand. This additional storage will provide additional benefit by alleviating the need to store AWT-quality effluent in the combined storage pond. 406 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 60 3.5.4 Solids Handling Although the East WRF solids handling design was outside the scope of this Project, a general recommendation for WAS storage and treatment is provided here. The East WRF historically stored solids for thickening in an aerated SHT and was subsequently dewatered using a mobile belt filter press before being hauled offsite by a contractor for ultimate disposal. It is assumed that the new WRF will continue this operation and as discussed in Section 1.4.1 Condition Assessment, that one of the existing circular structures (most likely Digester No. 3) will be temporarily rehabilitated to serve as an interim aerated SHT until a permanent solids handling facility is installed at East WRF. The level of biosolids treatment provided is dependent on the nature of final disposal or beneficial reuse (i.e., landfilling, incineration, or land application). For example, treating to Class B will allow the City to land-apply biosolids at select sites across the State of Florida, providing greater flexibility with ultimate solids disposal in comparison to conventional incineration or landfilling. To achieve Class B, it is proposed that 15-days of solids storage be provided. For the 5-stage BNR alternative, with an assumed solids content of 2 percent TS after thickening, conceptual evaluations estimated that 15-days of storage equates to roughly 0.28-MG. While Digester No. 3 provides only 0.18 MG, or 9.5 days of storage, it can be used temporarily utilized and provide the City with some time to determine a long-term plan for the East WRF’s solids handling. It is not recommended to permanently use Digester No. 3 for sludge holding. The exact SHT and dewatering system design will be determined during the further design stages. Table 26 outlines the conceptual design criteria for solids handling at the East WRF. Table 26 Solids Handling Design Criteria Parameter Units Value Design Plant Influent Flow, AADF mgd 2.1 WAS Flow Rate(1) gpd 64,800 Design Solids Content Post-Thickening % 2 Dewatering Type - Belt Filter Press Sludge Holding Tanks Number of Tanks # 1 (rehab existing) Type - Circular Steel Volume gal 323,000 Days of Storage Provided days 17.2 Notes: (1) WAS rate assumed to be diverted from the clarifier underflow for the 5-stage BNR alternative, at an assumed TS of 0.58%. 407 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 61 3.5.5 Potential Industrial Load Influences Future City development may introduce industrial loads to the East WRF’s influent stream (e.g., the incorporation of a FOG-processing facility). It is recommended that the City contractually require the processing facility to pre-treat their effluent to industrial standards. This industrial pre-treatment facility would be subject to inspection by the City. Additionally, the third-party should be required to pay a monthly fee to the City to account for the influent flows they are adding at the East WRF. In theory, they would “rent” a percentage of capacity at the WRF to account for the monthly operating/processing fee placed on the City for the additional load placed on the plant. 3.6 Conceptual Level Cost Estimates (“Buildout” Scenario) High-level conceptual costs have been developed for the top two shortlisted treatment alternatives at the “buildout” scenario: 2.1 mgd with AWT. A proposed conceptual cost estimate for the final conceptual design recommendation is included in Section 4 of this report. 3.6.1 Cost Estimating Accuracy The level of accuracy for cost estimates depends on the level of detail to which the project is defined. Planning level cost estimates usually represent a Class 4 or Class 5 level of accuracy, while final plans and specifications present the highest level of accuracy (i.e., Class 1 estimates). The Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International guidelines for anticipated cost estimate accuracy, based on type of cost estimated are provided in Table 27. For this conceptual cost estimate, Class 5 accuracies were used to determine the cost estimates provided in the following subsections. Table 27 AACE International Guidelines for Cost Estimating Accuracy Type of Cost Estimate Anticipated Accuracy Class 5 (Conceptual) +100% to -50% Class 4 (Planning Level) +50% to -30% Class 3 (Preliminary Design) +30% to -15% Class 2 (50 to 70% Design Completion) +20% to -10% Class 1 (Pre-Bid) +15% to -5% 3.6.2 No Action Alternative In addition to cost comparisons for the two shortlisted treatment alternatives, analysis of a “no action” alternative is also included herein. Under this alternative, the City would take no action to address rehabilitation or replacement of the existing East WRF. This alternative would prevent modernization of the facility, and ultimately force the City to continue to operate and maintain a facility that is outdated. Because a majority of the East WRF’s assets have met the end of their useful life, they prove more costly to operate and maintain. Ultimately, under this alternative, the facility would continue to operate as-is until one single asset (or multiple assets) becomes the point of failure. This would further put the City at risk in its ability to meet environmental and regulatory requirements, and will ultimately lead to the facilities failure to perform and treat wastewater. 408 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 62 The “no action” alternative also prevents modernization of the facility to meet AWT standards in the future. If this alternative were selected, the City would only delay their need to upgrade the facility to meet future environmental regulations. This alternative is consequently uneconomical and unviable and was rejected. 3.6.3 BNR and MBR Capital Conceptual Cost Estimates The conceptual capital cost estimates for the 5-stage BNR and MBR alternatives at “buildout” are approximately $48,082,000 and $53,922,000, respectively. These detailed costs were developed for the buildout scenario of 2.1 mgd with AWT and are included in Table 28 and Table 29. The MBR alternative proved slightly more costly than the BNR (as the MBR alternative requires additional fine screening, flow equalization, increased chemical storage, etc.). The estimated conceptual costs were obtained from a combination of recent bid tabs and schedules of values for similarly sized facilities in Central Florida, as well as recent equipment costs obtained from local vendors. All costs have been escalated to 2022 dollars and have a 20 percent contingency applied due to the conceptual-level of design. This contingency factor will be reduced within the subsequent project stages as the proposed facility design is further refined. However, it should be noted that current market conditions pose a challenge in cost-estimating as prices continue to escalate. The City should closely track economic conditions and prices during the final design phase to confirm market conditions and cost estimates. 3.6.4 Annual O&M Conceptual Cost Estimates Annual operations & maintenance (O&M) conceptual costs have been developed for the two alternatives at 2.1 mgd with AWT and are included in Table 30. These O&M costs were evaluated for three main categories: power, chemical costs, and maintenance requirements. Power requirements were determined by identifying all key process mechanical equipment for each alternative and applying a power utilization factor based on the estimated frequency of use. Chemical costs were developed by comparing the significant differences in chemical requirements between the two alternatives and applying current chemical costs to those volumes. Maintenance costs were developed by assuming 3 percent of the capital cost assets would be maintained each year. The comparison table shows that the MBR alternative is more costly to operate and maintain, costing approximately $150,000 more than the 5-stage BNR alternative on an annual basis. All conceptual costs are shown in 2022 dollars. 409 1 Pretreatment 1 LS -- $ 3,200,000 2 Secondary Treatment 1 LS -- $ 12,970,000 3 Tertiary Treatment 1 LS -- $ 2,100,000 4 Pumping & Chemical Systems 1 LS -- $ 1,935,000 5 Facilities / Buildings 1 LS -- $ 1,729,000 $ 21,934,000 6 15% $ 3,291,000 7 25% $ 5,484,000 $ 30,709,000 8 10% $ 3,071,000 9 7% $ 2,150,000 10 6.5% $ 999,000 $ 36,929,000 11 20% $ 7,386,000 $ 44,315,000 12 8.5% $ 3,767,000 $ 48,082,000 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Contractor's General Conditions Contractor Fees, Overhead/Profit, and Risk Sales Tax (% cost of equipment) Subtotal C (items 1-10) Project Contingency Subtotal D (items 1-11) Subtotal A (Items 1-5) Site/Civil Development (Excavation, Dewatering, Site Preparation, Paving/Grading, Stormwater Management, Yard Piping) Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls General Administration, Legal, Engineering Fee Subtotal B (items 1-7) City of Winter Springs East WRF 5-Stage BNR Alternative (2.1 MGD with AWT - Buildout Scenario) Conceptual Capital Cost ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST'D. QTY.UNIT % of Subtotal TOTAL PRICE Table 28 410 1 Pretreatment 1 LS -- 6,108,000$ 2 Secondary Treatment 1 LS -- $ 13,106,000 3 Tertiary Treatment 1 LS -- 600,000$ 4 Pumping & Chemical Systems 1 LS -- 2,008,000$ 5 Facilities / Buildings 1 LS -- 1,929,000$ $ 23,751,000 6 15% $ 3,563,000 7 30% $ 7,126,000 $ 34,440,000 8 10% $ 3,444,000 9 7% $ 2,411,000 10 6.5% $ 1,120,000 $ 41,415,000 11 20% $ 8,283,000 $ 49,698,000 12 8.50% $ 4,224,000 $ 53,922,000 TOTAL PRICE General Administration, Legal, Engineering Fee ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Contractor Fees, Overhead/Profit, and Risk Sales Tax (% cost of equipment) Project Contingency Subtotal D (items 1-11) Subtotal B (items 1-7) City of Winter Springs East WRF MBR Alternative (2.1 MGD with AWT - Buildout Scenario) Conceptual Capital Cost Subtotal C (items 1-10) Subtotal A (Items 1-5) Site/Civil Development (Excavation, Dewatering, Site Preparation, Paving/Grading, Stormwater Management, Yard Piping) Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Contractor's General Conditions ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST'D. QTY.UNIT % of Subtotal Table 29 411 Item No. Item Description 5-Stage BNR ($/year) MBR ($/year) 1 Pretreatment 19,000$ 28,000$ 2 Process Basins 164,000$ 193,000$ 3 Clarifiers 14,000$ -$ 4 Filters 1,000$ -$ 5 Membrane Tanks -$ 44,000$ 6 Chlorine Contact and Effluent Transfer 37,000$ 37,000$ 7 Reclaimed Water Pump Station 104,000$ 104,000$ 8 Sodium Hypochlorite - MBR Cleaning -$ 4,000$ 9 Citric Acid - MBR Cleaning -$ 31,000$ 10 Annual R&R 1,053,000$ 1,101,000$ 1,392,000$ 1,542,000$ Chemical Requirements Maintenance Requirements Annual O&M Conceptual Cost Comparison East WRF City of Winter Springs Power Requirements Grand Total ($) Table 30 412 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 66 4.0 Final Recommendation Based on the City’s applied values established by their selection committee, 5-stage BNR and MBR were the top two scoring treatment technologies. A final treatment alternative recommendation is proposed below based on the process design, site layouts, and life-cycle cost outlined in Section 3. This recommendation is intended to support the City in making the informed decision of which AWT-capable process to select for the upgraded East WRF. 4.1 Recommended Alternative Both BNR and MBR are established technologies in the United States, with a track record of successfully meeting stringent nutrient discharge limits. However, 5-stage BNR is known as the “Gold Standard” of CAS technologies and is more highly implemented in Florida, creating a large, local resource pool for operators to turn to when in-need of support. Additionally, the 5-stage BNR process is similar to current operations and does not require a high degree of additional operator training. On the other hand, while MBR has a smaller footprint in comparison to the 5-stage BNR, it requires a higher pumping/energy and chemical use, and more mechanical equipment, which ultimately creates more required maintenance. Additionally, MBR technology is dissimilar to the current treatment process at the East WRF, which requires a shift in operation strategies and can potentially pose challenges for operations staff. Based on both these non-economic factors, as well as the conceptual capital cost estimates outlined in Section 3, Carollo recommends that the City select the 5-stage BNR alternative as the proposed treatment process for the East WRF. 4.2 Recommended Plant Capacity and Treatment Standard As discussed in Section 1.4.2, limited growth is expected within the City of Winter Springs over the next 20 years. Results from the population analysis indicated that 2045 flows may range anywhere from 1.04 to 1.43 mgd AADF. Additionally, the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn projects that population growth within available parcels and potential septic to sewer conversions may result in flows up to 1.49 mgd over the next 20 years. Both projections are far less than the current permitted capacity of 2.012 mgd. Rather than designing, constructing, and paying for an oversized facility today, and consequently having to operate and maintain the oversized facility, Carollo recommends that the City “build for today but plan for tomorrow” (i.e., right-size the WRF for near-term growth). To elaborate, since flows are not expected to surpass 1.49 mgd AADF in the next 20 years, Carollo recommends that the proposed East WRF be designed for a capacity 1.5 mgd AADF, while also allocating space onsite such that the capacity can be readily expanded to meet future needs. Additionally, because AWT is not required today, it is recommended to phase the construction process to ensure current treatment standards are being met but allow AWT build-out to meet future requirements. 413 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 67 This initial proposed BNR facility would be constructed with only one screen and grit removal unit online, while still accounting for additional space for the future units when increased capacity is required. Additionally, only three total BNR trains and two secondary clarifiers would be constructed but again, leaving the footprint and basic infrastructure in-place to allow for the future buildout of 2.1 mgd AADF. As wastewater flows increase over the years, the City could then install the remaining BNR train and clarifier as needed to provide the required capacity. A similar approach can be used for the tertiary filtration system, where the three disk filter units could be initially constructed with four disks per filter and as flows increase the additional disks could be installed in the existing filter units. Construction could also be phased from an effluent quality perspective (i.e., to achieve AWT). For example, if the East WRF’s current effluent requirements are still in place, then the BNR system could be initially constructed with anoxic and aeration basins in a configuration referred to as the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process, while also allocating footprint for future basins. An anaerobic basin could also be constructed initially to promote settling in the secondary clarifiers (improving overall treatment) but would not be required to meet current effluent requirements. When AWT is then required in the future as part of new regulations, the remaining post-anoxic and reaeration basins could be constructed. 4.3 Recommended Conceptual Site Layout and Cost Estimate A proposed conceptual site layout for this 1.5 mgd scenario (meeting today’s treatment standards) is included in Figure 20. It is recommended that the City initially construct a facility based of the conceptual design shown in Figure 20, but modify as needed to meet future quantity and quality needs. A full buildout of this 5-stage BNR facility to meet a capacity of 2.1 mgd and produce AWT-quality effluent, was shown previously in Figure 17. Additionally, a revised cost estimate for the 1.5 mgd scenario is provided in Table 31. The conceptual capital cost estimate for the recommended 1.5 mgd East WRF is approximately $34,792,000. By right sizing the East WRF for today’s needs, the City would save approximately $13 million dollars, today, on capital costs, with additional savings on annual O&M costs. The City would also have the flexibility, reliability, and redundancy to take basins offline, while still operating efficiently and meeting effluent requirements. 414 FIGURE 2SITE LAYOUT1.5 MGD BNREAST WRF®SCALE80'40'0Aerial Photography Source: FDOT APLUS March, 2019NOTES:LEGEND:1.5 MGD AADFWWTP No. 2OPERATIONSBUILDINGBLOWERROOMELECTRICALROOMGENERATORROOMWWTP No. 1NEWCLARIFIERNo.1NEW BLOWER BUILDING/ELECTRICAL BUILDING #1CHLORINE CONTACT BASINREJECT PUMP STATIONTRANSFER PUMP STATIONDIGESTERNo. 3PLANTENTRANCEGATE5.61 MGREJECT AND WETWEATHER LINEDSTORAGE POND3.0 MGRECLAIMED WATERSTORAGE TANKELECTRICALBUILDINGRECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBUTIONPUMP STATIONDEMOLITION AREA(SEE NOTE 1)NEWCLARIFIERNo.2NEW RAS/WASPUMP STATIONPADNEW MLSSSPLITTER BOXNEW DISK FILTERSNEW REJECT RETURN/BACKWASH RETURN AND IN-PLANTRECYCLE PUMP STATIONSODIUM HYPOCHLORITESTORAGE AND PUMPINGNEW CHLORINE CONTACT BASINNEW TRANSFERPUMP STATION1.5 MGBNRTRAIN N o . 1 TRAIN N o . 2 TRAIN N o . 3 NEW HEADWORKS INCLUDINGSCREENING AND GRIT REMOVALELECTRICAL BUILDING No. 2TERTIARY FILTERSNEW ODOR CONTROLFACILITYSUBMERSIBLE INTERNALRECYCLE PUMP (TYP)CONNECT TO EXISTINGCOLLECTION SYSTEM(SEE NOTE 2)CONNECT TO EXISTINGRECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM(SEE NOTE 2)1.AFTER NEW PROCESS EQUIPMENT IS IN SERVICE,STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS AREACAN BE DEMOLISHED AS NEEDED. THIS AREA CAN BEUSED FOR NEW OPERATION BUILDING AND PARKING,SLUDGE STORAGE AND HANDLING, ETC.2.CONCEPTUAL YARD PIPING LAYOUT SHOWS JUST THEPRIMARY FLOW PATH THROUGH THE PLANT.Figure 20415 1 Pretreatment 1 LS -- $ 2,950,000 2 Secondary Treatment 1 LS -- $ 8,146,000 3 Tertiary Treatment 1 LS -- $ 1,600,000 4 Pumping & Chemical Systems 1 LS -- $ 1,646,000 5 Facilities / Buildings 1 LS -- $ 1,529,000 $ 15,871,000 6 15% $ 2,381,000 7 25% $ 3,968,000 $ 22,220,000 8 10% $ 2,222,000 9 7% $ 1,556,000 10 6.5% $ 723,000 $ 26,721,000 11 20% $ 5,345,000 $ 32,066,000 12 8.5% $ 2,726,000 $ 34,792,000 Table 31 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST City of Winter Springs East WRF 5-Stage BNR Alternative (1.5 MGD) Conceptual Capital Cost Contractor Fees, Overhead/Profit, and Risk Sales Tax (% cost of equipment) Subtotal C (items 1-10) Project Contingency Subtotal D (items 1-11) General Administration, Legal, Engineering Fee TOTAL PRICE Subtotal A (Items 1-5) Site/Civil Development (Excavation, Dewatering, Site Preparation, Paving/Grading, Stormwater Management, Yard Piping) Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Subtotal B (items 1-7) % of Subtotal Contractor's General Conditions ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION EST'D. QTY.UNIT 416 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 | 70 4.4 Funding Considerations 4.4.1 SRF Funding The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program provides low-interest loans to local governments to plan, design, and build or upgrade wastewater, stormwater, and nonpoint source pollution prevention projects. This CDR, as well as the “City of Winter Springs 2022 Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Master Plan” prepared by Kimley-Horn, were prepared with the intent to meet a majority of the requirements of the FDEP’s CWSRF program for the funding of the proposed East WRF. Should the City desire to pursue funding for design and/or construction of the proposed East WRF, they may apply for a Request for Inclusion (RFI), using this document as an appendix. A copy of the CWSRF Planning Document Requirements Checklist is included in Appendix E. The City should also monitor other potential funding sources which may arise from recent and upcoming federal and state programs. 417 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 Appendix A EXISTING WRF PFD 418 )/: /(*(1')25021,725,1*/2&$7,2163(53(50,7)/$ 0$67(5)/2:0(7(5$79127&+:(,5,1&&& &$/&8/$7(86,1*)/: 5$:,1)/8(1772685*(7$1. )/2:0(7(5$7786&$:,//$*2/)&2856( )/2:0(7(5$77527:22'3$5. )/2:0(7(5$72$.)25(67635$<6,7( )/2:0(7(5$72:$6&25,%6,7( 6833/(0(17$/*5281':$7(5)/2:6725(86(6<67(0 &+/25,1(&217$&7&+$0%(5())/8(17 ),/7(5())/8(1735,2572&+/25,1$7,21 *5281':$7(5 &$/ ,1) )/: )/: )/: )/: ()$ ()% 27+ (;,67,1*)$&,/,7,(6 )8785()$&,/,7,(6 /,48,')/2: 62/,'6)/2: )/2:0(7(5 *5281':$7(5:(// ),/7(5('())/8(17 5(7851$&7,9$7('6/8'*( :$67($&7,9$7('6/8'*( 6(&21'$5<())/8(17 0,;('/,4825 683(51$7$17 )( 5$6 :$6 6( 0/ 683 : )/: &/$5,),(5 1R ),/7(56 0* 5(&/$,0(' :$7(5 6725$*(7$1. 5$:6(:$*()520 &2//(&7,21 6<67(0 6&5((16 6&5((1,1*6 72/$1'),// 6&5((1('6(:$*( 685*( 7$1.685*(38036 ::731R ::731R &/$5,),(5 1R )/2: 63/,77(5 %2; &217$&7 7$1.5($(5$7,21 ',*(67(5 1R 5$6 :$6 6()/2: &219(5*(1&( %2; &+/25,1( &217$&7 %$6,1 )(6(75$16)(5380367$7,21 5(&/$,0(':$7(5',675,%87,21 380367$7,21 : )/:)/:)/:)/: 786&$:,//$ *2/)&2856( 7527:22' 3$5. 2$.)25(67 635$<),(/' 2:$6&2 5,%6,7( )/: 5(6,'(17,$/ 5(86( 6833/(0(17$/ *5281':$7(5 &217$&7 7$1. 5($(5$7,21 ',*(67(5 1R :$6 5$6 ),/7(5%$&.:$6+ /,)767$7,21 5(-(&75(7851 380367$7,21 0* 5(-(&7:(7 :($7+(5 6725$*( 321' 5(-(&7 380367$7,21 1& 9$/9(),/7(5%<3$66/,1(6(',*(67(5 1R 683 ,1) )/: ()% ()$ 7$1.'5$,1 6836( 3257$%/(%(/7 ),/7(535(66683 '(:$7(5('6/8'*( +$8/('725(6,'8$/6 0$1$*(0(17)$&,/,7< 32/<0(5%8,/',1* 380367$7,21 527$7,1*'580 7+,&.(1(5 Attachment No. 2 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS EAST WRF Š 419 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 Appendix B EAST WRF SURVEY 420 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V1001V203V205V202V204V201421 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V20020GRAPHIC SCALE200'100'50'100'1 INCH = 100 FEET422 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V2013MATCHLINE: A-A SEE SHEET V202MATCHLINE: C-C SEE SHEET V2040GRAPHIC SCALE40'20'10'20'1 INCH = 20 FEET423 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V2024MATCHLINE: B-B SEE SHEET V203MATCHLINE: C-C SEE SHEET V204MATCHLINE: A-A SEE SHEET V201MATCHLINE: C-C SEE SHEET V2040GRAPHIC SCALE40'20'10'20'1 INCH = 20 FEET424 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V20350GRAPHIC SCALE40'20'10'20'1 INCH = 20 FEETMATCHLINE: B-B SEE SHEET V203MATCHLINE: D-D SEE SHEET V205MATCHLINE: D-D SEE SHEET V205 425 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V2046MATCHLINE: E-E SEE SHEET V205MATCHLINE: C-C SEE SHEET V202MATCHLINE: C-C SEE SHEET V2010GRAPHIC SCALE40'20'10'20'1 INCH = 20 FEET426 489 STATE ROAD 436 | SUITE 117 | CASSELBERRY, FL | 32707PHONE 407.681.3836 | FAX 407.681.6541WWW.LSSURVEYOR.COM | INFO@LSSURVEYOR.COMPROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER BUSINESS LICENSE | LB#7829DiversifiedL & SProfessional Surveyors and MappersWINTER SPRINGS EAST PLANTBOUNDARY ANDTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCAROLLOLOCATED INSECTION 08, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EASTCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDADESCRIPTIONBYDATEREVISIONSNo.BRAD ALEXANDER, PSM - LS# 6885THIS SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THESIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE ABOVE.SURVEY BYDRAWING No.SHEETOF7PROJECT No.N.WILKE210120SURVEY DATE 2021.OCT.08DRAWN BY C.HENNDRAWN DATEREVIEWED BY B.ALEXANDERAPPROVED BY S.MANOR2021.OCT.15SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE,INFORMATION, AND BELIEF. IT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5J-17OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO TO CHAPTERS 177 AND 472 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES.V2057MATCHLINE: E-E SEE SHEET V204 MATCHLINE: D-D SEE SHEET V203MATCHLINE: D-D SEE SHEET V2030GRAPHIC SCALE40'20'10'20'1 INCH = 20 FEET427 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 Appendix C ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND FNAI TRACKING LIST 428 5401 South Kirkman Road Suite 475 Orlando, FL 32819 407.403.6300 phone 407.403.6301 fax esassoc.com September 2, 2021 Meera A. Joshi, E.I. Carollo Engineers, Inc. 200 E. Robinson Street, Suite #1400 Orlando, FL 32801 Subject: City of Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility General Environmental Constraints Review On August 10, 2021, Environmental Science Associates (ESA) completed a general Environmental Constraints Review for Carollo Engineers (Carollo), for the City of Winter Springs East Facility Conceptual Design Report (Project) in Seminole County, Florida. The Area of review for the Project was identified by Carollo (Exhibit 1A). Both wetlands and listed species habitat were assessed within the area of review, described below. Field Assessment ESA field biologist completed a wetland delineation utilizing a sub-foot Trimble GPS unit, within the review area as depicted on Exhibit 1A. The remaining wetland features within the parcel boundary were aerial interpreted and the approximate limits were confirmed during the site review. The delineated forested wetland system within the review area is extensive and contains the following vegetative species: laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), swamp bay (Persea palustris), American elm (Ulmus americana), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), musclewood (Carpinus caroliniana), dogwood (Cornus foemina), shield fern (Thelypteris kunthii), and Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica). Vegetation observed is indicative of a typical hydric hammock community type. The wetland system is jurisdictional to both the state and federal agencies. Therefore, under the new state regulations (December 2020) the federal 404 permitting was delegated to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for waters not retained by the United States Core of Engineers (USACOE). Under the new state guidelines, the FDEP will be the coordinating agency for both the state and federal 404 permitting process. Overall, the wetland feature is anticipated to be assessed as a medium quality system and appears to support an appropriate hydroperiod. The wetland system is located within the Lake Jesup Drainage Basin, which is considered impacted by the permitting agencies. In addition, there are no mitigation banks located within the basin to address potential Project impacts to the wetland system. Therefore, there are a couple of options provided below that may be available to offset unavoidable impacts to the wetland system. 1. Utilization of an approved mitigation site within the Lake Jesup Basin. There is one agency approved mitigation site that has limited forested credits available at this time. Based on the current pricing index for this site, credits start at $400,000.00. 2. Construction of a wetland mitigation site within the Lake Jesup Basin, either utilizing land owned or purchased by the City of Winter Springs. It is important to note that land utilized for this purpose should not be encumbered by conservation or other restrictions. 429 September 2, 2021 Page 2 3. Investigations with FDEP to utilize an out-of-basin Mitigation Bank (but within the same watershed – St Johns River Watershed) with a Cumulative Impact Analysis. At this time, there has been NO approved Cumulative Impact Analysis provided for any of the out-of-basin mitigation banks within the watershed. A review of state and federally listed species habitat was also provided within the facility property boundary. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nests were not identified within or near the subject parcel. Although no gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrows were observed during the site assessment, a Florida Fish and wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved 100-percent burrow survey should be performed within the upland limits of the area of review, at least 90 days from construction initiation. No other listed species habitat was observed within the property limits. Should you have any questions regarding the site review, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-709-9615 or by email at SSHAW@ESASSOC.COM. Sincerely, Susan Shaw ESA Program Manager, Orlando 430 Source: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, 2020; Seminole County 2021, Carollo 2021, ESA, 2021Date: 9/2/2021CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS EAST AND WEST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORTSEXHIBIT 1A WETLAND AND OSW FEATURES LEGEND Review AreaGPS LocationsDelineated Wetland/OSW LimitsWetland FeaturesOSW FeaturesEast WRF Property Boundary U:\GIS\GIS\Projects\2021xxx\D202100879.00_City of Winter Springs Parcel Review\03_MXDs_Projects\Memo\East WWTP Wetland Features.mxd0 300 Feet N 431 FNAI Tracking List Seminole County, Florida January 2022 Vertebrates Group Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status Stat e Stat us Fishes Ameiurus brunneus Snail Bullhead G4 S4? N Fishes Pteronotropis welaka Bluenose Shiner G3G4 S3S4 ST Amphibians Lithobates capito Gopher Frog G2G3 S3 N Reptiles Alligator mississippiensis American Alligator G5 S4 SAT FT(S /A) Reptiles Drymarchon couperi Eastern Indigo Snake G3 S2? T FT Reptiles Gopherus polyphemus Gopher Tortoise G3 S3 C ST 432 Reptiles Graptemys ernsti Escambia Map Turtle G2 S2 N Reptiles Lampropeltis floridana Florida Kingsnake G2 S2 N Reptiles Pituophis melanoleucus Pine Snake G4 S3 ST Birds Antigone canadensis pratensis Florida Sandhill Crane G5T2 S2 ST Birds Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida Scrub-Jay G1G2 S1S2 T FT Birds Aramus guarauna Limpkin G5 S3 N Birds Buteo brachyurus Short-tailed Hawk G4G5 S1 N Birds Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle G5 S3 N Birds Mycteria americana Wood Stork G4 S2 T FT Birds Pandion haliaetus Osprey G5 S3S4 N Mammals Mustela frenata peninsulae Florida Long- tailed Weasel G5T3? S3? N 433 Mammals Podomys floridanus Florida Mouse G3 S3 N Mammals Puma concolor coryi Florida Panther G5T1 S1 E FE Mammals Sciurus niger niger Southeastern Fox Squirrel G5T5 S3 N Mammals Trichechus manatus latirostris Florida Manatee G2G3T2 S2S3 T N Mammals Ursus americanus floridanus Florida Black Bear G5T4 S4 N Plants & Lichens Group Scientific Name Common Name Global Rank State Rank Federal Status State Status Plants and Lichens Calopogon multiflorus many- flowered grass-pink G2G3 S2S3 T Plants and Lichens Campyloneurum angustifolium narrow- leaved strap fern G4G5 S1 E Plants and Lichens Carex chapmannii Chapman's sedge G3 S3 T Plants and Lichens Centrosema arenicola sand butterfly pea G2Q S2 E 434 Plants and Lichens Chionanthus pygmaeus pygmy fringe tree G2G3 S2S3 E E Plants and Lichens Coelorachis tuberculosa Piedmont jointgrass G3 S3 T Plants and Lichens Ctenitis submarginalis brown-hair comb fern G5 S1 E Plants and Lichens Cucurbita okeechobeensis Okeechobee gourd G1 S1 E E Plants and Lichens Dennstaedtia bipinnata hay scented fern G4 S1 E Plants and Lichens Eriogonum longifolium var. gnaphalifolium scrub buckwheat G4T3 S3 T E Plants and Lichens Gymnopogon chapmanianus Chapman's skeletongrass G3 S3 N Plants and Lichens Illicium parviflorum star anise G2 S2 E Plants and Lichens Lechea cernua nodding pinweed G3 S3 T Plants and Lichens Nemastylis floridana celestial lily G2 S2 E 435 Plants and Lichens Nolina atopocarpa Florida beargrass G3 S3 T Plants and Lichens Ophioglossum palmatum hand fern G4 S2 E Plants and Lichens Pecluma plumula plume polypody G5 S2 E Plants and Lichens Pecluma ptilota var. bourgeauana comb polypody G5?TNR S2 E Plants and Lichens Pteroglossaspis ecristata giant orchid G2G3 S2 T Plants and Lichens Pycnanthemum floridanum Florida mountain- mint G3 S3 T Plants and Lichens Rhipsalis baccifera mistletoe cactus G4 S1 E Plants and Lichens Salix floridana Florida willow G2G3 S2S3 E Plants and Lichens Zephyranthes simpsonii redmargin zephyrlily G2G3 S2S3 T 436 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 Appendix D ODOR CONTROL ASSESSMENT 437 Winter Springs East and West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Report 12/21/2021 Prepared for City of Winter Springs Prepared by In Association With Webster Environmental Associates, Inc. Carollo Engineers 13121 Eastpoint Park Blvd, Suite E 200 East Robinson Street, Ste 1400 Louisville, KY 40223 Orlando, FL 32801 438 Winter Springs East and West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Report Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Site Tours and Weather Conditions ................................................................1 3.0 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring .....................................................3 4.0 West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring... .................................................3 5.0 Odor Control Technology Discussion... ........................................................5 Index of Tables Table 1 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary...........................................3 Table 2 West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary .........................................3 Index of Figures Figure 1 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Locations .........................................2 Figure 2 West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Locations ........................................4 Appendices Appendix A East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts Appendix B West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts 439 Page | 1 1.0 Introduction The City of Winter Springs owns and operates the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs). These facilities have both reached the end of their useful life and will be replaced with new facilities currently being designed by Carollo Engineers (Carollo). The existing facilities do not currently utilize any type of odor control equipment. Carollo contracted Webster Environmental Associates (WEA) to monitor hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions at both facilities. The primary objective of this project is to provide Carollo with baseline H2S data for the existing WRFs as well as to present potential odor control technology alternatives for the new facilities. The findings and recommendations in this evaluation are considered preliminary as this evaluation does not include any laboratory analysis or modeling. This project includes the following tasks: • Review relevant background information • Conduct H2S monitoring for a period of one week • Analyze H2S monitoring results • Discussion of potential odor control technologies • Prepare draft and final reports 2.0 Site Tours and Weather Conditions Site tours were conducted on November 10, 2021, by WEA and Carollo to become familiar with each facility and to identify the specific H2S monitoring locations. The loggers were deployed on the same visit and were left in place for a period of nine days (November 10- 19, 2021). Carollo retrieved the instruments at the end of the monitoring period and shipped them back to WEA to download the data. The weather was mild during the monitoring period, with highs in the 70s and 80s and very little rain. 3.0 East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring H2S monitoring was conducted at six locations at the East WRF. The results of the monitoring are provided as follows: Figure 1- East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Locations Table 1- East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary Appendix A- East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts 440 Page | 2 Influent Splitter Box FIGURE 1 EAST WRF HYDROGEN SULFIDE MONITORING LOCATIONS Surge Tank Thickener Tank Aerobic Digester Tank Belt Press Park Entrance 441 Page | 3 All locations were found to have low to moderate concentrations of H2S except for the surge tank which had very high, brief spikes each day, lasting ~5 minutes, occurring between 11 am and 2 pm. These concentrations are likely to cause offsite odor detections. The park entrance instrument recorded two brief spikes, also lasting ~5 minutes that may be the result of the high H2S coming from the surge tank. 4.0 West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring H2S monitoring was conducted at four locations at the West WRF. The results of the monitoring are included as follows: Table 2- West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Summary Figure 2- West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Locations Appendix B- West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts All locations were found to have low to moderate concentrations of H2S except for the influent screen which had a regular diurnal pattern of high H2S each day. These concentrations are high and have the potential to cause offsite odor detections. Instrument Location Instrument Range Logging Duration H2S Average H2S Peak Influent Splitter Box 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.12 ppm 2 ppm SurgeTank 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 3.00 ppm 1201 ppm Thickener Tank 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.00 ppm 0 ppm Aerobic Digester Tank 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.00 ppm 1 ppm Belt Press 0-200 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.00 ppm 7 ppm Park Entrance 0-50 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.00 ppm 0.1 ppm TABLE 1- EAST WRF HYDROGEN SULFIDE MONITORING SUMMARY Instrument Location Instrument Range Logging Duration H2S Average H2S Peak Influent Screen 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 20.00 ppm 204 ppm Aeration Basin Tank 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.02 ppm 2 ppm Aerobic Digester Tank 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.28 ppm 3 ppm Belt Press 0-1000 ppm 11/10/21 to 11/19/21 0.00 ppm 0 ppm TABLE 2- WEST WRF HYDROGEN SULFIDE MONITORING SUMMARY 442 Page | 4 Influent Screen FIGURE 2 WEST WRF HYDROGEN SULFIDE MONITORING LOCATIONS Aeration Basin Tank Aerobic Digester Tank Belt Press 443 Page | 5 5.0 Odor Control Technology Discussion The purpose of this section is to provide a general, high-level discussion of potential odor control technologies that may be appropriate for the new WRFs that will replace the existing facilities. Technology selection, sizing, and estimated costs are beyond the scope of this project. There are many technologies that could be considered, including bioscrubbers (also known as biotrickling filters), engineered media biofilters, wood media biofilters, carbon adsorbers, chemical scrubbers, photoionization, ozone, thermal oxidizers, and others. Based on WEA’s experience at similar facilities in Florida, the following three technologies will be discussed: • Bioscrubbers- applications with moderate to high H2S • Biofilters- applications with low to moderate H2S and other larger reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) • Carbon Adsorbers- applications with low H2S and can act as a polishing stage downstream of a biological system (2nd stage of a 2-stage system) All three of these technologies have known odor removal mechanisms and proven performance. A general description of each technology is included below. Bioscrubbers Bioscrubbing is a biological process with synthetic media contained inside an FRP vessel, with water circulated over the media. It is excellent for high H2S concentrations and is a well proven odor control technology for that purpose. No chemicals are required, except that nutrient may be required if potable water is used in the system. Plant water can be used, and the media comes with a 10-year warranty (or longer). Pictures of a typical bioscrubber and media are included below. 444 Page | 6 Biofilters Biofilters also utilize a biological process, where air flows up through a bed of shredded wood or engineered media. The engineered media can typically provide a higher efficiency of odor removal with less media than wood fiber and also comes with a 10-year warranty. A biofilter is excellent treatment for H2S and other odorous compounds. No chemicals are required, but a relatively long contact time is required. Biofilters can be open bed or covered. Pictures of a typical covered biofilter and engineered media are included below. Carbon Adsorbers Activated Carbon is a dry adsorption process. The carbon has a very high surface area to volume ratio and the contaminants are captured within the pore spaces. It is excellent for low H2S concentrations. No water or chemicals are required, and it is a simple proven technology. Moisture removal traps would be required on the inlet for more effective air treatment. Carbon can be installed in different types of vessels, such as single bed, dual bed or radial flow. Pictures of a typical carbon adsorber and carbon media are included below. 445 Page | 7 Two-Stage Systems In an application with high H2S and odor, a carbon system can be connected in series downstream of a bioscrubber or biofilter to provide an additional level of treatment. The concept is to utilize the biological stage to remove the majority of the H2S and other odorous compounds, and then utilize the carbon to polish the air, thus extending the carbon life. The pictures below illustrate typical 2-stage configurations (the left picture is a bioscrubber followed by carbon and the right picture is a biofilter followed by carbon). 446 Appendix A East WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts 447 No H2S recorded after this reading. Sensor may have become fouled. 448 449 450 451 452 453 Appendix B West WRF Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring Charts 454 No H2S recorded after this reading. Sensor may have become fouled. 455 456 457 458 EAST WRF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT | CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APRIL 2022 Appendix E CWSRF PLANNING DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST 459 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 1 Revised 8/3/15 This checklist is in accordance with subsection 62-503.700(2), F.A.C. and Rule 62- 503.751, F.A.C. The questions below are used to verify that the planning requirements of the rule have been met. Complete the questions by checking the appropriate response or providing the requested information. SECTION I. GENERAL 1)Project Number and Sponsor 2) List below the title, date and author of all major reports, sources of information, documents, and correspondence that comprise the complete planning document. These documents may be referenced by section or page number on the “source” line in subsequent questions. 3) Briefly describe the major components of the proposed project. 4) Is there sufficient illustrative detail of the local area to identify where the project or activity is located? [62-503.700(2)(a), F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 5) Does the planning document include a description of the existing and recommended facilities, estimated capital costs, estimated operation and maintenance costs, and repair and replacement costs, if applicable? [62-503.700(2)(b), F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 460 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 2 Revised 8/3/15 6) What is the need or justification for the project and what are the environmental and economic impacts and benefits of the project? [62-503.700(2)(c), F.A.C.] 7) For projects that include new collection areas, is the number of existing septic tanks to be eliminated documented? Yes N/A . If so, how many? 8) For reuse projects, is the quantity of water to be conserved provided? Yes N/A If so, how much annually? SECTION II. COST COMPARISON AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE 1) Is a cost comparison of at least three alternatives documented? [62-503.700(2)(d), F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 2) Does the planning document discuss the various factors that affected the decision- making process that lead to the “selected alternative” and was a rationale for selecting that alternative given? Yes Sources/Comments 3) Is a project cost breakdown given and does the total cost reflect the data used in the cost comparison? Yes Sources/Comments SECTION III. COST AND EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS {33 USC section 1382(b)(13)} 1) Did the planning document include a cost and effectiveness analysis of the processes, materials, techniques, and technologies for carryout the proposed project? Yes No 2) Does the selected alternative maximize the potential for water and energy efficiency considering the cost of constructing, operating and maintaining, and replacing the project or activity, as necessary? Yes No 461 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 3 Revised 8/3/15 3)If not, is therH certification that a cost and effectiveness analysis has been conducted? Yes No SECTION IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental review is required for each project to be funded. This review includes the preparation and publication of an Environmental Information Document (EID) by DEP staff. 1) What type EID was issued and on what was the date of publication? [62-503.751(1)(a), F.A.C.] FFONSI FCEN FEIS/FROD FRAN Date: 2) If a FCEN was issued, what categorical exclusion(s) criteria have been met? N/A Rehabilitation of existing water pollution control system components or replacement of structures, materials or equipment. Water pollution control systems that do not change the existing discharge point or permitted pollutant concentration limits and that do not involve acquisition of undisturbed land. Water pollution control systems that serve less than 10,000 people in unsewered communities that involve self-contained individual or cluster systems providing both treatment and disposal of wastewater that will take place near the buildings from which the wastewater is to be discharged. Water pollution control systems in areas where streets have been established, underground utilities installed, or building sites excavated. Treatment plant upgrades that are solely to enable public access reuse. 3)Does the planning document include a list (obtained from U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service) of threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate species and designated critical habitats that may be present in the project area? Yes N/A Sources/Comments 4) Will the proposed project have any significant adverse effects upon flora, fauna, threatened or endangered plant or animal species, surface water bodies, prime agricultural lands, wetlands, or undisturbed natural areas? No Yes Sources/Comments 5) Will the proposed project have any significant adverse human health or environmental effects on minority or low-income communities? No Yes Sources/Comments 462 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 4 Revised 8/3/15 6) List any significant adverse environmental effects and what project features will mitigate such effects? N/A Sources/Comment 7) Does the project require U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service review and comments? Yes No 8) If yes, has the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service issued comments? Yes N/A Source & Date/Comments SECTION V. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION [62-503.700(2)(g), F.A.C.] 1) Was a public meeting held to explain the proposed project, the capital cost and the long term financial impact on the customers; and was the public able to participate in evaluating project alternatives? Yes Sources/Comments 2) Date of Public Meeting Date of adopting resolution 3) Have copies of the Notice and minutes of the public meeting been provided and was the notice in accordance with the local requirements, or 14 days, whichever is greater? Yes Sources/Comments SECTION VI. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY 1) Does the financial information demonstrate the ability to repay the loan including the coverage factor? [62-503.700(2)(h)1., F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 2) Does the planning document include completed capital financing plan worksheets signed by the chief financial officer or the authorized representative? [62-503.700(2)(h)2., F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 3) Does the planning document include the proposed system of charges, rates, fees, and other collections that will generate the revenues to be dedicated to loan repayment (e.g. user charge rates)? [62-503.700(2)(h)3., F.A.C.] Yes Sources/Comments 463 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 5 Revised 8/3/15 4) Has a Fiscal Sustainability Plan or Asset Management Plan been developed? [33 U.S.C. section 1383(d)(1)(E)] FSP AMP No 5) If not, is their certification that a fiscal sustainability plan was developed and is being implemented and will be provided for review before the final disbursement? Yes No SECTION VII. UPDATED REQUEST FOR INCLUSION [62-503.700(2)(i), F.A.C.] 1) Does the planning document include an updated request for inclusion that includes an updated schedule? Yes Sources/Comments 2) Is there sufficient illustrative detail of the local area to confirm the service area census tracts? Yes Sources/Comments SECTION VIII. PROJECT AUTHORIZATION 1) Has the project received state clearinghouse review and approval or has a DEP permit, or permits, been issued for the entire project? [62-503.700(2)(f), F.A.C. and 62-503.751(6), F.A.C.] Yes 2) Does the planning document include an adopting resolution or other action establishing a commitment to implement the planning recommendations? [62-503.700(2)(j), F.A.C.] Yes Sources & Date/Comments SECTION IX. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 1) Is there anything about the proposed project that appears questionable from an engineering, environmental or financial perspective and therefore requires resolution? No Sources/Comments 2) List any proposed service agreements or local contracts necessary to implement the selected alternative. Also describe the status of each agreement or contract. N/A Sources/Comments 464 PLANNING DOCUMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST WW-02a 6 Revised 8/3/15 3) List any DEP permits (other than a construction permit) needed to implement the selected plan. N/A Sources/Comments SECTION X. INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE PROJECT DESIGNATION [62-503.700(2)(k), F.A.C.] 1) Is this project to be listed as an Innovative/Alternative (I/A) project? Yes No 2) If yes, does the planning document include documentation of how the project is categorically I/A or a business case detailing how the project or its components meet the federal requirements for IA projects in Attachment 2 of EPA’s “Procedures for Implementing Certain Provisions of EPA’s Fiscal Year 2012 Appropriation Affecting the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs”, March 2012? Yes SECTION XI. PLANNING DOCUMENT COMPLETION 1) Is the planning document signed and sealed by a professional engineer? Yes 2) Has the FEID been mailed to the appropriate parties? Yes 3) Have all of the planning related approval dates been entered into the database? Clearinghouse Approval Yes U. S. Fish & Wildlife Acceptance Yes Capital Financing Plan Acceptance Yes Date of Public Meeting Yes Date of Adopting Resolution Yes EID Publication Date Yes Facilities Plan Acceptance Date Yes 4) Is the planning document approval letter included with this checklist? Yes ACCEPTANCE Project Manager________________________________ ___________________ Effective Date Program Administrator__________________________________ 465