HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 01 19 TLBD Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOPIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JAN UAPY 19, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Ellen Paul called to order the Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting of theTuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee at5:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present via phone Vice-Chairperson Ellen Paul, present Committee Member Terri Bivona, present Committee Member Skip Arok, present Committee Member Sandy Scholl, present Assistant to the City Clerk Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500)Election for Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 Mrs. Ellen Paul was nominated for Chairperson but declined the nomination. "I NOMINATE TOM VAGNINI FOR CHAIRPERSON." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BIVONA. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PAUL (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE); AROK (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 19,2022 PAGE 2OF4 501)Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 "I NOMINATE ELLEN [PAUL]." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: AROK (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); PAUL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) First Quarter Fiscal Year 2022 Year-To-Date Expenditure Details Discussion ensued regarding taxes and specific line codes within the first quarter Tucawilla Lighting and Beautification District Expenditure Detail. Chairperson Vagnini suggested that the Committee should start discussing and looking into a possible rate increase for the assessment.The City Manager spoke in regards to inflation and gave a brief overview of the process that would take place if the Committee agrees to increase the taxes within the Tuscawilla neighborhood. Discussion followed on the timeframe and a Workshop regarding lighting changes (LED; street and Flag pole), infrastructure for irrigation system, and formulating a ten year plan. "MOTION THAT WE NEED A WORKSHOP ON FEBRUARY 24TH AT 5:15 PM." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VAGNINI (AYE); PAUL (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 "I MOVE WE SET A SPECIAL MEETING FOR MARCH 23RD AT 5:15 PM." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: SCHOLL (AYE); PAUL (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 19,2022 PAGE 3OF4 PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Shawn Boyle, City Manager relayed news about the East wastewater plant smell and the progress of current City efforts. Chairperson Vagnini questioned the lifespan of plants within the medians and if the PH within the water affected them. Staff addressed and answered the questions with how staff is combating the PH imbalance. Mr. Kevin Cannon, PO Box 79S447, Winter Springs, thanked the committee for their work and time. Mr. Cannon relayed some issues observed with specific streetlights and their coverings as well as an issue with the pump on the north fountain. Mr. Ted Johnson, 7707 Pheasant Circle, Winter Springs, brought forth a concern with the signage at some of the entrance monuments, suggested it could be considered under the ten year plan, and spoke about switching lighting to LED on the large telephone poles. CONSENT AGENDA 300)Approval of the Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOVE ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 20T" MEETING." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PAUL (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502)Update on Fountain Project and Landscape Lighting Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Operations Department gave an update on street lighting and repairs on a faulty transformer. Additionally he relayed that theflag polewas nowfully lit bysolar power lighting and informed CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLOR D MINUS TIFICATION TUSCAWILI A LIGHTING AND DIST DISTRICT ADVISORY UCOMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUPAGE 4OF 4 t tree installation in the medians that would be taking the Committee about ect and place in the near future. an update on the fountain resurfacing pro j Mr. Maddox then provided had been Impacted by supply issues.The Committee noted that the start date gave thanks to Staff for their hard work. REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT opened "Public Input". Vice-Chairperson Paul No one addressed the Committee Vice-Chairp erson Paul closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Paul adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:34 p.m. Vice-Chairperson RESPECTFUL iSU13MITTED: TRISTIN MpTfER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK 00 �.�• � • ,� . 0 31a .•gib NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the April 20,2022 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee.