HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoesner, Thomas Updated Youth Council Application 2021 07 16 n
About the Winter Springs Youth Council
The Winter Springs youth Council (WS C) is an ad-hoc`adv sory board that provides appropriate
recommendations to the City Commission regarding issues of special interest to youths within the
Cityn The "winter Springs"youth Council shall consist of no more than twelve and no fewer than slix
members, WSYC responsibilities Include,
• To make recommendations to the city'Com'mission on matters affecting youth in the Clty�
• To increase and make recommendations regarding Increasing youth partucip ation anr.l
involvement in local government;
• To seek and recommend ways to improve communication with students in area schools;
To organize and perform service projects, events or functions that benefit the City, of Winter
Springs cornru uinity, subject to approval of the City Manager;
To recommend the creation of recognition ro r ms for youth; and
0 To perform any other youth-related matters assigned by the Cray ;.Cor mi issr n or City
Member & Term Requirements
Winter Springs youth Council requirements include;
Resident of the City of Winter Springs for a minimum of six months preceding appointment
and shall maintain said residency during their term
et.v+»zeen the ages of 14 and 18 years old
• Enrolled in high school or entering high school,which may be a public school, private school,
or home school
Members shall serve terms one year in length and may reapply each year of enrollment in high
school, Members shall be 'appo'inted on or before ,August. 1 of each, year. Members shall be
automatically removed for lack of attendance at three consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings
or failure to attend at bast two-thirds of the regularly scheduled meetings during a calendar year,
Members of the Winter Springs Youth are considered public Officers of the City of Winter
Springs Members are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all tinnier.
As Public Officers, members are required to abide by the n .�..��.(:1�..�.wof h"l�u.p. S f rui,.% u�ubfi1t � rliic_�.M s, andrMii
Flt ,ru nu
d � un)r�,h 11(n,I n ,M which pertain to'mernbers if appointed to the Winter "springsYo�,uthCoUncH,
If appointed it is the member's sole obligation and duty to comply with such laves'.
Applicant Infos " '
14,F)pficantsf'orthie,y,outh Council ri�iay be requested �to interview withthe respectil appoiritfi i,g City
completed rill�°�is,sioner or Mayor andtl�nini st lliur~� nirn Please �rtnr"u!r°�� � � ���
Springs Winter ri n � OILJt Cot.nr1cil Coordinator, ��in,g n� IMcNeil,, � t�� 11126 rpt. ��Winterrl�rn b. 8 r ai t� Iur ,lv �...4„7i ".' II`irr .r �w'`.,;',r � $��rfrr�;.
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Date of Birth
Stre�--t Address
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Phone r`~umber rmaH Address
N_ a
020,'2021 scticiol Year Graid "., choo�Nairne(Ilf ho;ne schoollc w vj,rft�""Ho Er , :hoop ”)
Are YOU able t attendImeetings n u t� des ,�OUth ,n�u �. �� ��,�� rnrr �� r.
,des D No
Do,YO,Lj have r tl abl transportation to meetnings and activities?
Are n you in good academict lrna< i ng?
ir s EI No
Please list aIH activides that yok.i participaw in CiLVIilr"ng the school year. lnclude Includesports, eirnpIf,,,))f 1eiri,t,,
nna.11°nool groups, comrnunity slervice, and extra-•C'Urr'uc allun°n m acti nt es.
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Shoff Answer QuIesi � s
You may includeadditional pages to complete answers If necessary.
Why doyou wish to sere on the Winter rings "ouch Council? 'What do yon hope to gain
this experience?
a w had v Nw � ,�
� mm
2. Why t ire the most importa ntissues to YOU,your firiencls, a ind your faMO ^ conce,rninig our
..Ane...... :VkAfAlf
What characteristics or skills, io you possess that make you a great representative?
4,, scribe past - erlenc erh a h�` repave � ,you for this lea r h p role,
Or oto n--.50-p- w�
� � et. �"
/, 4fters o ecommel Il Mwlll Aw"7.
Please submit, two (2) letters of recommendations from a teacher, counselor, parent (hornie
��lr alt
students), or coach,
Pare,nt/Legal Guardian Agreement
I give my permission for the above nairned aipplicant to seek a position on thecid, off'Wint r
SlPr°inns a tl' Co�,ncil''an l have rea n Under tan the r�r mitr- eats required for the
Painted areae r hong Nurn r�,
........ ......................
m ami addressabonsN a to Student
Commitment Statement
I understand that being a member of the City of Winter Springs Youth Council l carries certain
responsibilities. l agree to conduct myself in a'professional manner as a representative of my
you hereby represent to the City of Winter Spriggs Launder penalties of er ury that the
information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and the City
of Winter, Springs has the right to rely on that information.
You Thereby acknowledge that you must abide by the Code thics dor, !w ird ,��� , and
the Florida unishine Ili „ e which pertain to you if you are appointed to the Winter Springs
'Youth Council. If appointed it is your sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws.
tudent Signiature Caste
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P'laFebruary 5th202'0
To Whom It May Concem,,
I have had the pleasure ofworking with Thomas Ra ner dia a Teen Team Volunteer. In
the time II have known him, he has rade a wonderful Impression on imself and mi of
the staffhe works,with.
Th rnaa has volunteered at the Central Florida Zoo& Botanical Gardena from January
f 2018 through h u w and completed over'127 hours of service, which h is well above and
beyondthea yearly requirement,
During his time here,Thomas has always expressed his passion for,conservation of
wildlife and dlrive to educate the public.
The Zoo has been very, grateful to have his helps during his time here. II would!
recommend him, as 11, know hie is passionate and driven to succeed.
If roup have any qluestions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to nye at (487) 323-
44,50, ext. 127 or atow a nteer @ce tralflorlda,o�or
Best Wishes,
Brio 51dwell
'volunteer Manager
Central Florida Zoo, & Botanical
M o
o onrpe,,,Florida 32747
4,61"4323,445,0 ACCREOWTED by TFIFIE
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