HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeist, Meghan Updated Youth Council Application - 2021 07 30 Inovrpmated 1959 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA YOUTH COUNCIL APPLICATION About the Winter Springs Youth Council The Winter Springs Youth Council (WSYC) is an ad-hoc advisory board that provides appropriate recommendations to the City Commission regarding issues of special interest to youths within the City. The Winter Springs Youth Council shall consist of no more than twelve and no fewer than six members. WSYC responsibilities include: • To make recommendations to the City Commission on matters affecting youth in the City; • To increase and make recommendations regarding increasing youth participation and involvement in local government; • To seek and recommend ways to improve communication with students in area schools; • To organize and perform service projects, events or functions that benefit the City of Winter Springs community, subject to approval of the City Manager; • To recommend the creation of recognition programs for youth; and • To perform any other youth-related matters assigned by the City Commission or City Manager. Member & Term Requirements Winter Springs Youth Council requirements include: • Resident of the City of Winter Springs for a minimum of six months preceding appointment and shall maintain said residency during their term • Between the ages of 14 and 18 years old • Enrolled in high school or entering high school,which may be a public school, private school, or home school Members shall serve terms one year in length and may reapply each year of enrollment in high school. Members shall be appointed on or before August 1 of each year. Members shall be automatically removed for lack of attendance at three consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings or failure to attend at least two-thirds of the regularly scheduled meetings during a calendar year. Members of the Winter Springs Youth Council are considered Public Officers of the City of Winter Springs. Members are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. As Public Officers, members are required to abide by the Code of Ethics for Public Officers, and the Florida Sunshine Law,which pertain to members if appointed to the Winter Springs Youth Council. If appointed it is the member's sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws. Applicant Information Applicants for the Youth Council may be requested to interview with the respective appointing City Commissioner or Mayor and the staff liaison. Please return completed applications to the City of Winter Springs Winter Springs Youth Council Coordinator, Meghan McNeil, at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 or email to mmcneil(awinterspringsfl.org. Meghan Geist 09/25/2003 Full Name Date of Birth 201 Williams Rd. Street Address Apt/Unit Number WinterSprings FL 32708 City State Zip Code 321-430-5440 Meghangeist33@gmail.com Phone Number Email Address 12th Winter Springs High School 2020/2021 School Year Grade School Name (If home schooled,write"Home Schooled") Are you able to attend meetings and activities of Youth Council for one year? 0 Yes ❑ No Do you have reliable transportation to meetings and activities? 0 Yes ❑ No Are you in good academic standing? 0 Yes ❑ No Please list all activities that you participate in during the school year. Include sports, employment, school groups, community service, and extra-curriculum activities. Wshs Leadership (SGA Vice-President) Wshs Varsity Lacrosse Captian Wshs Dance Team Wshs Rho Kappa and Science Honors Society Short Answer Questions You may include additional pages to complete answers if necessary. 1. Why do you wish to serve on the Winter Springs Youth Council? What do you hope to gain by this experience? I wish to serve on the Winter Springs Youth Council to learn how young adults,such as my self can make a difference in their community.Gaining insight to how my community decisions are made,operated,and how changes and events benefit residences,is something I have a great interest in.As someone who is apart of a younger and more diverse generation,making sure everyone is accounted for and heard can provide different perspectives as to how new events and future developments of community projects can be created. Being a part of this generation, I would be able to provide this perspective and present new ideas for all ages to come together, and to make our community stronger by having the voice of all ages counted for. 2. What are the most important issues to you,your friends, and your family concerning our community? The most important issues to my peers, family, and I concerning the community is how new changes are affecting the community, and if no one is informed about these changes what resources can be provided to assure their voice can be heard, no matter if it is in a negative or positive perspective. Additionally, finding new ways for children and adults of all ages to become involved in the community, through events, projects, clubs, sports, etc. 3. What characteristics or skills do you possess that make you a great representative? Characteristics and skills I possess that qualify me to be a great representative are my determination and dedication to complete any task that is given to the best of my abilities.All while staying very organized,on time,which then allows for maximum creativity and precise work. I also have certifications in Microsoft PowerPoint,Word,and Excel spreadsheet. Public speaking is also something I enjoy,as I never shy away rom speaking out on issues and speaking up for those who can't. I also enjoy working and collaborating with others in order to gain new perspectives, learn new skills, and find new strengths that I could then potentially possess myself. 4. Describe past experiences that have prepared you for this leadership role. Past experiences that have prepared me for this leadership role is being my high schools student government vice-president. Having this role comes with a multitude of responsibilities,one of which has allowed me to created events to allow students of all grades and interested to come together to enjoy themselves while being able to be themselves.While having this role I have also possesed new skills in leading my peers, learing how to manage different kinds of people in a group setting when attempting to complete a task,and how to aid others in any situation. Letters of Recommendation Please submit two (2) letters of recommendations from a teacher, counselor, parent (home schooled students), or coach. Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement I give my permission for the above named applicant to seek a position on the City of Winter Springs Youth Council and I have read and understand the commitments required for the Council. Dan Geist 321 -229-0723 Printed Name Phone Number Standing seam@yahoo.com Father Email Address Relationship to Student a. 7/30/21 Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date Commitment Statement I understand that being a member of the City of Winter Springs Youth Council carries certain responsibilities. I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner as a representative of my City. You hereby represent to the City of Winter Springs under penalties of perjury that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and the City of Winter Springs has the right to rely on that information. You hereby acknowledge that you must abide by the Code of Ethics for Public Officers, and the Florida Sunshine Law, which pertain to you if you are appointed to the Winter Springs Youth Council. If appointed it is your sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws. 7/30/21 Student Signature Date