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2021 08 24 Code Enforcement Regular Meeting Agenda
M} CODE ENFORCEMENT €oMoratiEd BOARD REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021 - 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge Of Allegiance Approval Of The Agenda Swearing in of Code Enforcement Officers and Other Individuals giving testimony AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used CONSENT AGENDA 200. Approval of the Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes. Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED CASES 300. Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS - REPEAT CASES 400. Case# 2017CE000965 250 West State Road 434 Realty Income Properties ATTN: Family Dollar Stores, INC. WS City Ord. 13-2(C)Junk and Debris Related Case Information Presentation PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 500. Case# 2021 CE000173 1002 East Pebble Beach Circle Catherine E Conochalla IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage Related Case Information Presentation 501 . Case# 20210E000174 1055 West Pebble Beach Circle Orlando Nunez - Tenancy by Entirety 2 Diliam G Ruiz Nunez - Tenancy by Entirety IMPC 304.7 Roof and Drainage Related Case Information Presentation 502. Case# 2021 CE000201 612 Nighthawk Circle Joan Nail - Tenancy by Entirety Howard Nail - Tenancy by Entirety IPMC 304.7 Roof Related Case Information Presentation 503. Case# 20210E000358 229 Bitterwood Street Laurie Hernendez - Tenancy by Entirety Neil Hernendez - Tenancy by Entirety IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage Related Case Information Presentation 504. Case# 2021 CE001318 627 Murphy Road Brandi Roberts -Joint Tenants Right of Survivorship Derek Gillard -Joint Tenants Right of Survivorship WS City Ord. 13-2(b)Junk and Debris WS City Ord. 40-411 Boat and Trailer Storage Related Case Information Presentation PUBLIC HEARINGS - NON-COMPLIANCE CASES 600. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 700. Not Used ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and 3 Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING AP R I L 27, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Matthew Criswell called to Order the Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Code Enforcement Board at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Roll Call: Chairperson Matthew Criswell, present Vice-Chairperson Maurice Kaprow, present Board Member Michael Burns, present Board Member Stephen Gildea, present Board Member Carole Giltz, absent Board Member Dennis Robinson, present Senior City Attorney Jennifer Nix, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Captain Matt Tracht informed the Board that Item 500 would be pulled as they were in compliance. The Board agreed to the changes and no further agenda changes were made. City Clerk Christian Gowan swore in all those offering testimony- Deputy Chief Matt Tracht, Code Officers Terri Guerra and Mariah Quinn, and Respondents. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used CONSENT AGENDA 200) Approval of the Tuesday. March 23, 2021 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 2OF10 "I MOVE WE ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED." MOTION BY VICE- CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BURNS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: KAPROW(AYE); ROBINSON (AYE);CRISWELL(AYE); BURNS (AYE);GILDEA (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 500) Case#2020CE002561 122 South Moss Road Christine A. Raditz -Tenancy by Entirety Dale Raditz -Tenancy by Entirety IPMC 304.7 Roof and Drainage This item was pulled from the agenda. 501) Case#20210E000373 55 Hayes Road John Pendarvis -Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship Christine Abruzzese - Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship WS City Ord. 40-411 (b) Trailers in Residential Areas WS City Ord. 20-431 (fl Parking. Storage of Recreational Vehicles The Respondent was present. Deputy Chief Matt Tracht testified, "It was an anonymous phone complaint handled by myself. I investigated this complaint, observed the RV (Recreational Vehicle) it's parked on the south side of the driveway. I monitored this for a couple weeks before any official action was taken. During that time I noticed it had moved off the property once and then it returned. It is consistent with what their camping plans were. On the 261" I sent out a Notice of Code Violation (NCV) indicating the two violations. I forwarded them a compliance date of March 261", 2021. That letter was returned unclaimed back to us." Photos of the property were shown from "Presentation." 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 3OF10 "On April 51" I hand delivered the Notice of Code Board and returned a copy of the NCV to the property owners. That is the only time I have had discussions with them and gave them some options what they needed to do with the PV to get it into compliance. Additionally, posted it at City Hall and mailed certified in accordance with Florida State Statue 162. - [After] talking to the owners they do have plans of coming into compliance. They are going to move the trailer behind the front end of the property to the south side; there are some trees that need to be removed which they are in the process of getting permitting for that. Sounds like the end of Maytheywill be in compliance. I ask thatyou find then in violation of these ordinances; I don't know the length of the PV so that might bring more Ordinances. I recommend another thirty (30) days maybe till the end of Mayto come into compliance. - If they cannot come into compliance bythe end of May I would say a fifty ($50.00) dollar fee be imposed from that day on." Board Members asked for clarification of the recommendation and noted with the work needed to be done that they wanted to give sufficient time. Mr. John Pen darvis and Mrs Christine Pen darvis, 55 Hayes Road, Winter Springs, Florida testified, "We are trying to move forward to be in compliance, our length [of the PV] is only twenty-seven feet so we are in compliance with the permit. We have a tree service under contract, they gave us a date of May 201" and they are trying to push it forward, we are in their calendar sooner when they have an opening.The fence company is on board to do work after that." Mr. Pendarvis spoke, "We hired Tree Monkey out of Oviedo, they're permitted, licensed and insured and the fencing company we hired is called All County Fence. We are trying to make sure it is done properly in order to come into compliance." Discussion ensued on the timeline of the tree removal, permitting for the fences and dates for the respondents to have enough time to get the work done and come into compliance. Additional dates were suggested. City Attorney Jennifer Nix clarified violations for the Board's motion. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPPPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL JUNE 4, 2021 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) SHALL BE IMPOSED EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 4OF10 THEREAFTER." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GILDEA. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: GILDEA(AYE);CRISWELL(AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 502) Case#20210E000660 207 Bennett Street Kathleenn M Thomas Trustee City Ord.20-434 Commercial Vehicles City Ord.20-438 Vehicles Parked on Yard City Ord.17-1 Obstruction of Sidewalk City Ord.12-53 Abandonment of Motor Vehicle (Expired tagj The Respondent was present. Code Officer Mariah Quinn introduced the case and testified, "So the date of the complaint came in on January 21, 2021, 1 had gone out to verify but it was not there the date of my inspection but I did verify the violation on January 23, 2021. 1 wrote a written warning and placed it on thevehicle and then I sent an NCV (Notice of Code Violation) on February 1, 2021. On, February 15, 2021 1 amended the NCV because there was no valid business licenses for the commercial business being run out ofthe home and he was advertising on Facebook that 207 Bennett was his business address. On, February 27, 2021 1 spoke to Todd Degroat, he is the tenant and it is his mother that owners the property, he lives at the property regarding the violations at the property. At that time he was very eager to bring everything into compliance, he immediately took down off of Facebook his business address being at 207 Bennett. He told me that he was going to go down and get his business license renewed because it had expired. He asked if we called call his mother and let her know that he was going to work with me on getting those violations corrected. So, we did contact his mother, Kathleen M.Thomas, to discuss the steps that he needed to take to get the property into compliance." Code Officer Quinn continued, "On, March 9, 2021 1 spoke with Todd about the status of the property. The commercial truck was still parked at the residence but the large trailer and construction equipment were no longer present. He told me at that time that he had been in an accident and that his personal truck got totaled in the accident. He 8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE SOF10 needed that truck [the commercial truck] to get back and forth to the property. At that time I discussed with him as long as he did not bring any of the commercial equipment [back] - if he could park his F350 flatbed where he is not blocking the sidewalk I could work with him and give him a little time until he bought a newtruck. On, March 21 1 received a call from one of the neighbors about construction equipment being back at the property. So, I called Todd and he advised me that he was working on a landscaping project at the home and he would move the equipment as soon as the project was completed the following day. He told me it would be gone on Sunday, which it was. March 23 all construction equipment was removed from the yard and I had closed the case on the condition that all construction equipment would be no longer parked at the property and the commercial vehicle would no longer be parked at the residences. At that time, he told me he was in the process of buying a truck. He wasn't going to need to be parking the commercial truck there any longer. He asked to give him a few days to purchase the vehicle. I agreed to close the case with the stipulation that if he were to bring any of the commercial equipment back to the property it would be immediately beset for Code Board which he agreed to. On April 3, 2021 a new case was open for a commercial vehicle being parked at the residence blocking that sidewalk. A personal truck was purchased so the commercial truck would no longer be parked at the residence but both vehicles were on site April 3rd. I wrote him a written warning with a compliance date of the following morning. When I went back the following morning, April 41" 2021, the commercial vehicle was parked in the driveway and the new truck that he had purchased was parked in the front yard. On April 131", 2021 1 sent an updated NCV, the property listed as a business was removed and hand delivered Kathleen Thomas a new NCV posting of the violations. She has been keeping in contact regularly about the ongoing issues with her son at the property and she gave me her updated address." Photos of the property were shown from "Presentation." "As of this hearing, I ask that you find the homeowner in violation of ordinancesthat I've given testimonyto, and would extend no more than thirty (30) days (May 27, 2021) to come into compliance. If no compliance is met after that additional time, I ask that a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) a day be imposed. I'm available for any questions if you have any and the property owner, Ms. Thomas, is here as well." 9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 6OF10 Discussion followed on the business license and appropriate timelines for compliance. Attorney Nix asked for clarification about the April 131" hand-delivered NCV and the noticed violations and suggested the Board look at only Sections 20-434 and 20-438 which were included in the Notice of Code Board Hearing. The Board confirmed that they would only consider Sections 20-434 and 20-438. Ms Kathleen Thomas, 744 Shadow Trail, Longwood, FL, "I was provided all these complaints. He thinks because you own something you can do whatever you want. She [Officer Quinn] personally came to my house and handed me all these notices. I hired a lawyer to do an eviction on this kid, then he convinced me he would never do it again. That was a week ago and so far nothing. But I still have an eviction started in case he parks the equipment there again, and if he does I have kindly asked that she [Officer Quinn] call me and I will put in the court paperwork." After brief discussion Ms. Thomas confirmed that May 27, 2021 would be sufficient time to comply and was also fine with an earlier date. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE, CITY ORDINANCE 20-434, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND CITY ORDINANCE 20-438, VEHICLES PARKED ON YARD, AND ORDER THAT REPPPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL APRIL 29, 2021 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENTTHE RESPONDENT FAILSTO COMPLY BYTHIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); BURNS (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); GILDEA (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 503) Case#20210E000310 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 7OF10 1613 Wood Duck Drive Mary A. Kenny WS City Ord. 6-195 Maintenance of Fences WS City Ord.17-1 Obstruction of Sidewalk WS City Ord.13-2 (b) Yard Trash WS City Ord.13-2 U Overgrown Yard IPMC302.1 Sanitation I PMC 301.3 Vacant Structures The Respondent was present. Code Inspector Guerra introduced the case and testified, "On Feb 18 2021 1 verified the complaint, on February 19, 2021 NCV was sent to the owner of the property with a correction date of March 22, 2021. On March 31, 2021 1 checked the property and the fence still had several slats broken. The walkway to the front door had weeds and leaves covering it. The tree in front of the house, there is branches hanging into the sidewalk that hit my forehead, so I'm pretty sure that it's pretty low. The yard is still overgrown and the backyard looked overgrown as well. On April 1, 2021 1 posted the property for Code Board and at City Hall. I also sent notice certified and first class to the owner. On April 16, 2021 1 checked the property again and the notice was gone from the front door. There was also a keybox attached to the front door. Violations stil I persist except the front sidewalk was blown off, but the trees are still hanging into the sidewalk." Photos were shown from the "Presentation." Continuing, Inspector Guerra testified "as of this hearing, I ask that you find the homeowner in violation of ordinances that I have given testimony to, and would extend up to 30 days - May 27, 2021 - or at the board's discretion, to come into compliance. If no compliance is met after that additional time, I ask that a fine of $250.00 per day." Board members asked about the possibility of the house being for sale Mr. Colin Kenny 693 Palm Ave, Goodland, FL testified, "I've been coming to the place about once a week. My mom owns the house, she lives in an assisted living facility and is incapable of leaving, and she has been on lockdown. I have been cutting the grass, twice, I blew leaves off the sidewalk. I've been coming there approximately once a week. I repaired the fence on one side and actually I'm going to repair the fence on the 11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 8OF10 other side. My brother was living in the house, Dennis Kenny he died in November, November 91". He was maintaining the yard. We're trying to figure out what to do with it. I don't know anything about the key thing. I am trying to get everything done." Discussion followed on a sufficient timeline to get in compliance and the possibility of hiring a lawn service to assist with the yard waste. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPPPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL JUNE 11, 2021 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BYTHIS DATE AFINE IN THE AMOUNTOFTWO HUNDREDAND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BURNS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GILDER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CRISWELL(AYE); KAPROW(AYE);GILDEA(AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NON-COMPLIANCE CASES 600) Cases#2020CE001964 492 Lancers Drive Lydia Willamil-Heir WS City Ord. 6-195 Maintenance of Fences WS City Ord.13-2(b) Junk and Debris WS City Ord.13-2(c) Overgrown Yard Original Hearing Date: February23.2021 The Respondent was present. Code Inspector Guerra introduced the case and testified, "On February 23, 2021 1 presented this case to the board. The owner was found to be in violation, and a corrective action date of March 23, 2021 was afforded. If not corrected, a fine of $250.00 per day would be assessed. During my re-inspection, the owner was still in violation. I attempted to call a number I found in our Cafe system for a daughter Myrian Villamil and left a message. I also attempted to call owner's husband Francisco Villamil with a number I located and was unable to get in contact with anyone. 12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 9OF10 On April 1, 2021 1 posted the property and City Hall with non-compliance notice of hearing. I also sent the notice certified and first class to the owner." Inspector Guerra showed photos from "Presentation." Inspector Guerra continued, "In regards to this case, I recommend the original order from the Board be imposed as a 250.00 fine per day until all the violations are in compliance." Mr. David Villamil, 492 Lancers Drive, Winter Springs- "The reason she wasn't able to get ahold of anybody was because everyone she tried to call has passed. I recently moved in almost a year ago. I didn't know this was going on until this month. I did cut back the trees and that is not a blanket. To my knowledge I don't have to have a privacy fence up - that is a screen to keep my ducks in. She [Inspector Guerra] showed a picture of debris on the side of house, I saw a child's bike - I recently tried to throw away a bed frame but they didn't take it so I pulled it back to the side of the house. I have a lawn guy that comes to cut the grass, he didn't for a while but he is back. Other than that I don't see where I am in violation. If the screen can't be there, tell me and I will take that down." Discussion followed on possible Homeowner's Association requirements, violations that still exist, and the original order. "I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND THAT PENALITY SET FORTH IN THIS BOARD'S PREVIOUS ORDER DATED MARCH 1, 2021 SHALL BE IMPOSED CONSISTENT WITH THAT ORDER." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BURNS (AYE);GILDEA(AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW(AYE);CRISWELL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Attorney Nix commented on the lien reduction process and explained the process. ADD-ON) Provision of Public Information about Mediation to Respondents 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING-APRIL27,2021 PAGE 10OF10 Vice-Chairperson Kaprow noted receiving some information about Mediation Programs for Residential Property Claim Disputes operated through the Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida's Office, explained the process and referenced a brochure. It was asked that the Board be able to provide this a copy of this brochure to individuals that come through with roof issues as a piece of public information, not offering legal advice. The Board would ask the City Clerk to print and have available. Attorney Nix confirmed this was above board and reiterated it was not the City giving legal advice. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BURNS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GILDEA. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CRISWELL(AYE); BURNS (AYE); ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW(AYE);GILDEA (AYE); MOTION CARRIED 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA 700) Not Used Chairperson Criswell adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:40 p.m. RESPECTFUL L Y SUBMI TTED.- CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2021 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting. 14 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I ( CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road-Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax(407)327-6652 N�y April 17, 2017 REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES 29 LLC ATTN PORTFOLIO MGNT 4223 11995 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130-2539 Case#: 2017CE000965 Service Address: 250 W SR 434 (FAMILY DOLLAR)WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the most recent date for the following violations: Inspector Date Capt. C. Deisler April 17,2017 The cited violation follows: Violation Description WS City Ord. 13-2(c)(Junk&Debris/Dead Landscaping) There is dead landscaping and debris on the property. Replant new landscaping and/or remove all of the dead material.There is also inadequate material to conceal the irrigation drip system which is causing the property to become an eyesore.Address this with additional mulch as needed to cover up the drip tubes. There is a large amount of trash/debris located inside the dump- ster enclosure. Please discard ASAP. Failure to correct the violation(s)and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to$500.00 for repeat offenses per day that the violation remains. Please note the latest date to have the cited violations corrected: Corrective Action Comments Due Date Notice of Code Violation See specific correction comments provided. 05/17/2017 Municipal Code Code Text WS City Ord. 13-2(c) The existence of excessive accumulation or untended growth of weeds, undergrowth or other dead,or living plant life;or stagnant water, rubbish,garbage,refuse,debris,trash, including but not limited to household furnishings,and all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter upon any lot,tract or parcel of land within this city be it uncovered or under open shelter,to the extent and in the manner that such lot,tract or parcel of land is or may reasonably become infested or inhabited by rodents,vermin or wild animals,or may furnish a breeding State of Florida Accredited Agency 15 place for mosquitoes,or threatens or endangers the public health, safety,or welfare,or may reasonably cause disease,or adversely affects and impairs the economic welfare of adjacent property,or any other objectionable,unsightly substance or material tending by its existence and/or accumulation to endanger or adversely affect of health,safety,lives,and/or welfare of the citizens of the city,is hereby prohibited and declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful. rc o ly, CaO D isier Certified Mailing Numbers: 7014 0150 0001 6336 5998 2 16 Postal RECEIPTCERTIFIED MAIL. co (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) n- o For delivery information visit our websilte at www.usps.coma - `o m - +� M Postage $ c( .. Certified Fee 1-3Postma�Return Receipt Fee p (Endorsement Required) ^"`7 C31 Restricted Delivery Fee ,f� E:3 (Endorsement Required) L) Total Postage&Fees $ �Gfe O Street,Apt IJo.;-------^--- -or PO Sox No c fVf,6 01 GA I'Z110 PS Form 3800,August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions- 17 COMPLETEtlUS SECTION • • ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Sign t r item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Recei y(Printed Name) C. ate of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deli ddress different from item 1? ❑Yes _ If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No Z� LLB ATirA FDAiF0Llo M;M/i- (4 11995 EL CQ AiND KCAL 3. SeC.tType LJ Certified Mail® ❑Priority Mail Express'" SA (1 I�� A 7 3 C� ❑Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise N �/ l l.. ❑Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 1 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number 7014 0150 0001 6336 5998 (1Pansfer from service label) PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 18 19$9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, COMPLAINT NO: 2017CE000965 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: REGISTERED AGENT: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES 29, LLC CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY ATTN PORTFOLIO MGNT 4223 1201 HAYS STREET 11995 EL CAMINO REAL TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301-2525 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130-2539 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M.on June 27,2017 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows. The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation:250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Property Owner Name: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES Property Owner Address: 11995 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 The cited violations are as follows:Winter Springs City Ordinance 13-2(c) If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined up to$250.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case.You have the right to present evidence,exhibits,written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City Of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board,you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings.You may,at your own expense,arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on 5/12/17,posted on the property,and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162.The cited code language follows: The existence of excessive accumulation or untended growth of weeds, undergrowth or other dead, or living plant life;or stagnant water, rubbish,garbage, refuse, debris, trash, including but not limited to household furnishings, and all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter upon any lot, tract or parcel of land within this city be it uncovered or under open shelter, to the extent and in the man r that such lot, tract or parcel of land is or may reasonably become infested or inhabited by rodents, vermin or wild animals, or may u�mish a breeding place for mosquitoes, or threatens or endangers the public health, safety, or welfare, or may reasonably cause dise s , or adversely affects and impairs the economic welfare of adjacent property, or any other objectionable, unsightly substance or j mat tending by its existence and/or accumulation to endanger or adversely affect of health,safety,lives, and/or welfare of the citizf ri f the city, is hereby prohibited and declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful. 1 Pr cff i Wally, Certified mailings: 7014 0150 0001 6336 6438 7014 0150 0001 6336 6520 Capt. C. Deisler 19 SENDER:COMPLETE- THiS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items f,2,-and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restrictdd.Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by rinted Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 5 q or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery ess different from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No ATIC�, P�U.iFouD m6N� yZZ3 ►Cj;S t_ c AA-4 N R 3. Se ice Type CA Xcertified Mail® Priority Mail Express`" Y ❑Registered eturn Receipt for Merchandise (�J I ❑Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery l l• 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number 7 014 0150 0001 6336 6438 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 20 AL SENDER:COMPLETE L SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete natu item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑ dressee so that we can return the card to you. g Aec�jyed+bu(�y�(fl lyapie) D very ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, (` IV'!i 7ir ry�c:l r y or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from ite 4 ❑ es 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address bel . ❑No Cov-F-bP-ri JoN S�(�v'C6 CID, 1Zo> ljQIN S T T4LlA Ug�31E& 15:t 3. Service Type 5-00 d Certified Mail® ❑Priority Mail Express'" Registered return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (rransfer from service label) 7 014 0150 0001 6336 6520 PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 21 r WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT l CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 "sg Business (407) 327-1000- Fax (407) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following properties have been posted with the NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING 250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 AND 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2017CE000965 Posted on the following date: brs ay 12, 2017 The undersigneffirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE Valerie A.Riddkk CAPT.C.DEISLER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Caw#FF901M Expires 7/21/2019 STAMP: NOTARY SIGNATURE DATE 22 ��959 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, COMPLAINT NO: 2017CE000965 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: REGISTERED AGENT: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES 29, LLC CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY ATTN: PORTFOLIO MGNT 4223 1201 HAYS ST 11995 EL CAMINO REAL TALLAHASSEE, FL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 32301 NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE HEARING Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M. on August 22,2017 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine if the property described below is still in violation after their order was issued on:June 27,2017. The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation:250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Property Owner Name: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES 29, LLC Property Owner Address: 11995 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO,CA 92130 The cited violations are as follows:Winter Springs City Ord. 13-2(c) If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code you can be fined up to$100.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case.You have the right to present evidence,exhibits,written and oral testimony.The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board,you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings.You may, at your own expense,arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on 7119/2017,posted on the property,and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162. P of sionally, Capt. C. Deisler Certified Mail: 7014 0150 0001 6336 6810 7014 0150 0001 6336 6803 23 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signa u I.—. item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Xl ,Q Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ddressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Re g�by,� ed Name) C. to o el' ery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, �fl U.r(TUtf 1 Z or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1 ❑ es If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ o C-OWCtATC O rlI C,o. I2� i N��S Si 3. Service Type E Certified Mail® ❑P iority Mail Express" ❑Registered turn Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number 7014 0150 0001 6336 6803 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 24 SENDER: 1 •N COMPLETE THIS SECTIONON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Receiv y(Pnnted Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No K-C, �« P U F60 61 ►E� 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail® ❑Priority Mail Express" Uri 9 J i� O ❑Registered ❑Return Rpoeipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 7 014 015 0 0001 6336 6810 BPS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 25 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION UInimpnwt d l957 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327-1000- Fax(407) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE HEARING 250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 and 1126 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2017CE000965 Posted on the following date: July 24, 2017 The undersigned swe rs an ffirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE ValansA.RiddCk CHRIS DEISLER,CAPT NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMW FF901822 Expires 7/21/2019 STAMP: JOTARX Y SIGNATURE DATE 26 ti N 11,k Qf », 321, ro a k fi am :s xa tg u M rHylun Eva ]©® o a CJ 9n ¢r_. ern F- crt�7�,,,,,�✓Y 9TIO 0062 2000 0990 42OL 99TO 0062 2000 0990 'd` OL 00 C4 nag a QIV a g w2ya OR 25 Ep—L a else 2 tp -.6 4 owa-T W am yugm W-..- -e. R.Q avElp I. a V =0 K. 8gof iff45 0 W 111 a 90- to xi 4 MRS � �.U -WN A It RE f j A 1 g RHE 0' 2 1 1 a R" d en 1 A? za- goal 8i E 118'Luz g Se 0 0 .i o.W C? log-to 0- 6F E.M w Jim q , &c am 8 NMI M =V� SAM& E L4 s HIM mom co C) MIR fib..AIHS THE minim!" 0) 04 E3 E3 1313 13 0 El "Ikgl= Ag-M a fig od x88, 160113001 -D E:3 12 R" == o m 0 cr) co C\j ru. cn 'lot ci E :5 0 1, -0-0 75 -t a CF) CE3 4 co r� -D �n 0z C3 E V 00 8 R ---------------------------- R. S) ID c 0 LL- 0 0) 5: *c- 4o L" z OL o C5 0 CW) C3 c CL b- m N 4) C3 a ni C3 zr Ln ru = cr C3 CO) cr Ln Er CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD SPRINGS,CITY OF WINTER COMPLAINT ND� 2O17CE0OO965 PETITIONER, «s. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES /TTN: FAMILY DOLLAR STORES. INC 500V{]LVOPK}NY #28815 CHESAPEAKE, VA2332O-1804 NOTICE OF REPEAT VIOLATION HEARING Please take notice that at 5:38 P.M. on August 24 2821 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine if the property described below io|n repeat violation of the city code described below, The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation:250VV SIR 434WINTER B9R|NGS, FL327OB Property Owner Name: REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES ATTN: FAMILY DOLLAR STORES INC. Property Owner Address: 5ODVULVC}PKyVY#28Q15CHESAPEAKE. VA2332O'16O4 The cited violations are as follows: WS City Ord. 13-2(C)JUNK&DEBRIS G RBAGE ALL OVER THE GOLINDS AND PARKING LOT FOR SEVERAL DAYS. DUMPSTER AREA HAS GARBAGE ALL OVER THE GROUND PILED UP. |f the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined upto$50O.00per day for each day the violation continues, beginning with the date the repeat violation is found to have occurred by the code inspector,and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 182.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-GO and Florida State Statutes Chapter 1O2,You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence, exhibits, written and onm| testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City Of Winter Springs Clerk's Office,The case may be presented\o the enforcement board even if the repeat violation has been corrected prior to the board hearing. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board,you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may,at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. ( certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on 0806{2021. posted on the property, and at o government office as per Florida State Statute 1G2.The text of the associated violations, asit appears in the City Code, is stated below: WS City Ord. 13-2(C) The existence of excesswe accumulation or untencled growth of weeds, undergrowth or other dead, or living plant life; or stagnant water, rubbish, garbage, refuse, debris,trash, including but not limited to household furnishings, and all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter upon any lot, tract or parcel of land within this city be it uncovered or under open shelter, to the extent and in the manner that such lot, tract or parcel of land is or may reasonably become infested or inhabited by rodents, vermin or wild animals, or may furnish a breeding place for mosquitoes, or threatens or endangers the public health, safety, or welfare, or may 31 reasonably cause disease, or adversely affects and impairs the economic welfare of adjacent property, or any other objectionable, unsightly substance or material tending by its existence and/or accumulation to endanger or adversely affect of health, safety, lives, and/or welfare of the citizens of the city, is hereby prohibited and declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful. certified Mail:7018 0680 0002 2900 0186 Professionally, COD FFIC- -E IGUERRA 32 0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ci 0 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 • 51954 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA 32708-2799 TELEPHONE'(407)327-1B00 WWT FACSIMILE: (407)327-4753 WEBSITS:www.winterspringr.ft.org CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD THE CITY OF WT4M SPRINGS, Cue#2017CE000965 A Florida municipal corporation, Complainant, V. Realty Income Properties 29,LLC Owner of the Property located at: 250 West State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 Parcel:34-20-30-5 AV-1800-00AO Respondent, FINDINGS OF FACT,CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER[FIRST VIOLATION) THIS CAUSE having come on for consideration, after being duly noticed, before the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, on June 27, 2017 to determine whether any violations ofthe City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances("City Code")exist or existed on the Property. The Board, having heard the arguments of the parties and the evidence and testimony presented, and having reviewed the record and being otherwise My advised,issues the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law which are incorporated into this Order as set forth herein. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Based upon the evidence and testimony presented at this hearing, the Code Enforcement Board finds: 1. That Respondent was provided a Notice of Violation in accordance with Section 2-59, 2- 60 and 2-61 of the City Code and consistent with sections 162.06 and 162.12, Florida Statutes; 2. That violations of Section(s) 13-2.(c)Junk And Debris/Dead Landscaping of the City Code exist or existed upon the Property and that the Respondent was further provided a reasonable time to correct said violation(s); 33 Crry OF WINTER SPRINGS,F1,ORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER#2017CE000965 DUNE 27,2017 PAGE 2 OF 3 3. That Respondent either failed or refused to correct such violation(s)within the reasonable time period provided in the Notice of Violation; 4. That the Respondent was provided Notice of Hearing before the Code Enforcement Board, in accordance with the City Code and consistent with sections 162.06 and 162.12, Florida Statutes and was not present at the hearing; 5. That based on the testimony and evidence presented, Respondent has violated the City Code,to wit: 13-2.(c)Junk And Debris/Dead Landscaping, 6. That said violation(s) exist(s)or existed within the City of Winter Springs and that such constitute(s)violation(s)of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances. BASED UPON THE FOREGOING FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Respondent be given until July 14,2017 to correct the violation(s)of the City Code on the Property; and 2. If Respondent fails to correct the violation(s)within the time period set forth herein, the Code Enforcement Officer shall schedule a compliance hearing before the Code Enforcement Board and Respondent shall be duly noticed and given an opportunity to appear and present evidence as to the status of the violation(s) on the Property. Upon a finding by the Code Enforcement Board that the Property remains in violation,a fine will be entered in the amount of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS($100.00)per day until the violation(s) come(s)into compliance. Respondent shall be responsible to provide notice of such violation(s) being corrected to the Code Enforcement Officer. Upon such confirmation, the Code Enforcement Officer shall promptly file a Notice of Compliance, 3. If Respondent fails to correct any and all violations on the property within the time period prescribed herein, the Clerk of the Code Enforcement Board may be directed to record a certified copy of this Order in the public records for Seminole County, Florida, which shall serve as a lien against the Property and any other real or personal property owned by the Respondent; 4. Any and all future recurrence(s)of any violation(s)addressed herein, after same have been corrected, shall necessitate further proceedings before the Board. While the Code Enforcement Officer shall give Respondent notice of the repeat violation, the Code Enforcement Officer is not required to provide Respondent(s) a reasonable time to correct such repeat violation(s). The Board, upon finding such repeat violation(s)exist(s),may impose a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars($500-00)for each day the repeat violation continues,beginning with the date the repeat violation is found to have occurred by the Code Enforcement Officer. 5. The Code Enforcement Board hereby reserves the right to take further necessary action against the Respondent(s)to enforce this Order, in accordance with Section 162.09, Florida Statutes, and City of Winter Springs Code,Chapter 2,Article 111,Division 2. 34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER#2017CEOM65 TUNE 27,2017 PAGE 3 OF 3 DONE AND ORDERED at Winter Springs, Florida,this *Z C day of July, 2017,nuns pro tunc to June 27,2017. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA Matthew Criswell,Chairperson Copies famished to: CERTIFIED MAIL 7015 0640 0000 0518 4623 Realty Income Properties 29 LLC, Respondent 11995 El Camino Real San Diego, California 92130-2539 Case#2017CE000965 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order(First Violation)has been furnished by certified mail to the Respondent(s) and/or Respondent's authorized representative on this T-Q day of July,2017. Antonia Della ard.Secretary 35 tq 6P WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1959 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407)327-1000 - Fax (407) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following properties have been posted with the NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING 250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 AND 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, IFIL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2017CE000965 Posted on the following date: AUGUST 6, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: ;imp ace" MELISSA L YOST OFC TERRI GUERRA Notary Public-State of Florida 13 Commission#GG ZB4813 20Z My Comm,Expires Dec 17,2OZ2 Bonded through National Notary Assn. 1 oil t)�� STA M P: NOTARY SIGNATURE DATE 36 8/17/2021 $CPA Parcel View:34-20-30-5AV-1800-OOAO > f i I yi , (https://www.scpafl.org/) Lx "L .l � 'tn (, , ` i ° �ru Property Record Card Printer Friendly Tax Estimator 2020 Tax Bill ( TRIM Notice i TRIM Delp Parcel Information Parcel 34-20-30-5AV-1800-OOAO Owners) REALTY INCOME PROPERTIES Property Address 250 W SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Attn: FAMILY DOLLAR STORES,INC Mailing SOO VOLVO PKWY #28915 CHESAPEAKE,VA 23320-1604 Request Mailing Address Change Subdivision Name REPLAT OF PART OF NORTH ORLANDO FIRST AND SECOND ADDITIONS Tax District WI-WINTER SPRINGS DOR Use Code 1100-RETAIL STORE Exemptions None - Appy For Homestead Online Agricultural Classification No - Additional Information JhLps:f/www.scpafl.org/Agriculturalf). 1 ' a 13 11 1 1.1{Y 5 1 1 y Ae �r .GI II .a�YJ+724 a f! A F A I` 37 https://parceldetalls.scpal1.orglParcelDetaillnfo,aspx?PID=3420305AV180000AD 1 iz 00 CV) jig k� C3 0 13 C- b. 0 13 0 -ILM 92 4ft lb io 1 6, 4 x led cs :� -0 C3 C3 co C3 CD ru m i- ru co C3 -,o C3 C� C3 C3 c Lo co 0w co C3 cc T.: �n C) co 651 to 00 0) C3 0) r ■ 180., ID k OD CL C4 E ce 0 W z O 0 cl) C3 m CL a) RZ cr EL o EC) V ru C3 ........... Ln ru Ir C3 Er Ln Er 0 n� W O rn rn tV� � O O . - 0 o � +� N � p � c6 c, 1 N o E �' Q o 4� � � p O 4D O p U Q a--� E - •- , � Q > O >' 4 . — U +, O � M E 0 (L) r- m 0 DL I LL 4� Ln > DC O p Q . . 4-j >) W U CY) DC L 4-j O O Q O M U � , O O w O o � u U N � O r N � M >) � e4 , U Q a a T O • r-n Q r • - N O N r n 4-' U N m W U v (.rSW o r2 N >> � � (6 a--) a--' a--' > �• U. 000 Q0 � r 0 L- c0 N OS OOU QUO NO 0 �� O NO OQC MQ � . — � O � • — :3 a4--) > r n Lf) a) n *Z; > C C � 0� 00 r-F- 4--) — � O Ncn 0 —) c6� 0 O >) c6 �4 � c6 � c6 � 0 O00-C E 4- O xIj -0 > � M— Q O�� w O — O O o� � � O � .� +� " � Noa OHO O . 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Ln 1 � E1 11E11 .�. . :� ;��� , • �� 1 1 IE1l1 _ • i 1 � 1 ll o � I R � fw ,. � �l��l�1�#�r� yam`•'_ �v4���r. ° ���i�. ••.,�,����' " she W� a cG E >) 0 4-j E o ' O >> >) 4-j � c >) m O � -C E Ln O ' -j c W Ln O O � �' 'Ln > +� O >' O O � � > c6 Cn +, 0 O 0 E • - cn w •- c6 m > L- � C E w O >>4- M ,m - ELn 0 -0 0- E c m E +, E 4— 4—J 0 U —C 4-, DOO to 0 O 0 0 O +� > U Q '> .� Q -C 4) ry CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPLAINT NO 20210E00173 PETITIONER VS RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER 07-21-31-5FN-0000-1760 CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIR. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-4232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING & VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5 30 P M on AUGUST 31 2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Cade as follows The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Spnngs Flonda Address of Violation. 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner[Jame CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA Property Owner Address: 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA The cited violation follows. IPMC. 304 7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in vbolation of the above referenced City Code (s)you can be fined up to S250 00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a Jaen filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Seclion 162 09 The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Spnngs Code 2-60 and Flonda State Statutes Chapter 162. You may appear in person or by an authonzed representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence exhibits.written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board. you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings You may at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on JULY 28, 2021. 2019. posted on the property, and at a government office as per Flonda State Statute 162 Professionally. /i, /4 Z, Deputy Chief of Police M Tracht Certified mailing. 7018 0680 0002 2900 0247 57 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPLAINT NO 20210E00173 PETITIONER vs RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER. 07-21-31-5FN-0000-1760 CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA 1CO2 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708-4232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING & VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5 30 P M on AUGUST 31,2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434. Winter Spnngs. Florida Address of Violation 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE. WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner Name CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA Property Owner Address: 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The cited violation follows: IPMC: 304 7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code (s)you can be fined up to $250 00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien tiled against the property in accordance with Flonda State Statute Section 162 09 The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Flonda State Statutes Chapter 162 You may appear in person or by an authorized representative If you choose to not attend the heanng you can lose your right to present facts in this case You have the right to present evidence, exhibits, written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings You may. at your own expense arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on JULY 28, 2021, 2019. posted on the properly and at a government office as per Flonda State Statute 162 Professionally, '%6 Z' Deputy Chief of Police M Tracht Certified mailing 7018 0680 0002 2900 0247 58 1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPLAINT NO 20210E00173 PETITIONER. vs RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER. 07-21-31-5FN-0000-1760 CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708-4232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING & VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5:30 Ill on AUGUST 31, 2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs Flonda Address of Violation 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner Name CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA Property Owner Address 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE, WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA The cited violation follows IPMC 304 7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code (s)you can be fined up to$250 00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the properly in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162 09 The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Spnngs Code 2-60 and Flonda State Statutes Chapter 162 You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case You have the right to present evidence, exhibits,written and oral testimony The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerks Office In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board. you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the heanng I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on JULY 28, 2021 2019. posted on the property and at a government office as per Flonda State Statute 162 Professionally Deputy Chief of Police M Tracht Certified mailing 7018 068C 00O2 2900 0247 59 Property-Record Card (Pfi'r&6 Parcel. D7-21-31 5FN-G000-1760 srr..nrtir rilylr r:.01LM Property Address. 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 arcel Information Value Summary Parcel 07.21-31-5FN-0000-1760 2021 Work+ng 2020 C-enrTieo Ownerlsl CONOCHALLA.CATHERINE E Values Values Property Address 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR Valuation MelhoC Cost+Markel CoSLMarket WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH C1R Number of Buildsn5s 1 1 Mailing WINTER SPGS FL 32708-4232 Depreciated Bklg Value 5202.071 S201+352 SubdnrisionName �_.,)NTa' Tax District W1-WINTER SPRINGS Depreciated EXFT Value S2 234 S2.330 DOR Use Code 01-SINGLE FAMILY Land Value iMarket) S58.000 $60•000 Exemptions 013 HOMESTEADl2020) Land Value Ag Agricultural NO.Addai•++ aI Inturrrrdt,.. Classiricatior l $262 305 S271 182 7— j� — Pcirlab4ty Adl `+ Save Our ttornes Adl SO s0 1i1 Amenament t Adl S(I SO 1 r 1 174 r3 P&G Adl 50 5G ig- - Assessed Value S262 305 S271 182 wfwfl Tar ,Amoirnl without Exemptions S4.396.59 $3.734 31 2020 Tax Savings wish Exemptions $662.28 I _ 131 Mac NnT Wrl i rnF Nnn Ar11fa9nr..n+Aecoc¢ —ft egal Description OT 176 OUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 3 B 25 PGS 33 TO 37 axes Taxing Autnrxny Assessment Value Exempt Values Taxable Value SJWMISamt Johns Water Managemenll $262,305 $50000 5212.305 CITY WINTER SPRINGS $262.305 $50.000 S212.3D5 FIRE FUND $262,305 $50.000 $212,305 COUNTY GENERAL FUND S252.305 $50,000 $212.305 Schools $262',305 S25 000 $237.305 ales DescnpLnn Date Book Page Amount Qualified VacAmp WARRANTY DEED 12,112012 -- $212.000 Yes Improved PROBATE RECORDS 12,1+2011 __ S100 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 10A11993 S1a5.300 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 211,,1988 S2.362.000 No Vacant WARRANTY DEED 3f1/1987 ? 51,778.00ti No Vacant WARRANTY DEED 10r111981 S1 ADO 000 No Vacant and Method Frontage Depth Units Units Prue Land Value 60 i [C9 nnn nil C5 7• :uilding Information # Description Year Wit Fixtures Bed Bath Base Area Total SF Living SF Ext Wall Ad;Value Repl Value Appendages Actual/Effective 1 SINGLE 1993 & 4 2_5 2,0711 2,516 2,071 CBISTUCCO $202,071 $227.046 Description Area FAMILY FINISH OPEN PORCH 25.00 FINISHED GARAGE 420.00 FINISHED it erm its Permit# Description Agency Amount CO Date Permit Date E I 00832 10'X 21'6'SCREEN ROOF PATIO$PAVER DECK Winter Springs 54,050 4l1612013 ink den dm xet eriylnal.Tram da C—nty Prbhwty AWakrL D l_Fe daraiY a auaaliaaa cw ming a ywmk,plaaaa mrnaV IM huiklmp depz,bnard nT the L:diabic[in which 1he arpaany is keeled. .xtra Features Description Year Built Units Value New Cost SCREEN ENCL 1 211/2013 1 $1,834 $2,5130 PATIO 1 21tl2013 1 $400 $500 oning Zoning Zoning Description Future Land Use FutureLandUseDeacnption PU❑ Medium Density Residential 61 PLACE STICKER AT TEMP OF ENVELOPE TQ THE RIGHT QF THE f�ETURN AijbAESS, FQLD AT DOTTED LIi+IE 1141 7018 0680 7018 0680 0002 1 0247 N '� ■ ■ ■ 0 ■ o • 62 m � � m o s �, m 3 n o- o = C') �, ua b cs rr+ 7s c> q° � , °` � � � � 0C-, Cat, Z;3 � " � � � c a ma a r' 2 m to act in W o f DO n CD CD o CO o per, e O cc CAp C: ^ G] C +C n ti f0 C �j C1 {� ♦! CD CD CD CL � c _ � 2 � m cs m S c n Q c c7 cn p o m -, rn Gn m E o Qj a C7 _= g 'C 5c cols 0 { cacc c�3r �� r " a c it cp �q+ cs1 G OD CL E; CL Eli CD 3 —ct cu m m 9 Cu m a c n rp S m m Z 4col a � -. —6' n � � m � � Qon oa � � ti; � cz roc _ cti co z o o rn - ti -- c� m cc c = ate ' �, m o m m ,a -�' c� aa g C m y C3 cLao ct o — m � 5z 63 ti D r ■ ■ 0 �- U) n � D (R$ CD w (p Z Uri 2 5 '. p r co a Co �� m a' 1� 50 3 '3 � : � � �' aim W ' cm N) o cn v ry �. CD0 0) — � a N o CD 14. ff cD o m0 cti °- a z ni � (� � � to Q © 0 � ,� N w m' r4 C] W b O m • o — J -. F , CD o �.w CP r!, CD V 0 w ru 'W m loCl D® 4' o ' o p x n Ei- ` D cn omQ < C ' w �o ^ z7 3 a m yCD m 'Q m Q Cl. Er �. SO CD o -' .z im � � • C '* Cb o C 0 p❑ � ❑ � `° �t7 cm [A pm m 'p n � 'mmm _, amp z @ ° gat :p D a co CD' n_ i 'Z CD 64 i �v C 0 Ln CD ��,• tirrr■�w 0 o ru Ir- C7 L--j 25 o ! Z Qcr m o �. u, 5I m mL' ru OTJ �. m wQ ' a ca i � m 00 a N .rt -0 OCO T 5' 9 .0 0 w« N ErC7 Z m o go x � m p (A .� m Q. 65 c l` EoY4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, COMPLAINT NO: 20210E00173 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: 07-21-31-5FN-0000-1760 CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CiR, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-4232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING & VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M.on AUGUST 24, 2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows. The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation: 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE, WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner Name: CATHERINE E CONOCHALLA Property Owner Address: 1002 EAST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE,WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The cited violation follows: IPMC: 304.7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined up to $250.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09, The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence,exhibits,written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on JULY 28, 2021, 2019,posted on the property, and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162, Professionally, r Deputy Chief of Police M. Trachl Certified mailing: 7018 0680 0002 2900 0162 66 4 I� CL r�11s CL ir L w Tf CC -&. § 0 mom > Ot it th 2 CL Ln w N mom 440- �� # CL LL r l !! Grp - MCL ' �- r � r le • ai fat • � ; is lra may, iww ,i +f r rr Ala/ � �r i, iy CL It W C;. 4; -- L-� CL JN Lr, CA. .60 -M 41— ci �m .- 97 w .may 3 T;A, 0 FJ2 ca- 4— Z > 73 r_- qj C, Tj 13 x-- NIL I- 6— .vi Ore ML 7:1 ED 'ro 2:5 Dow _6 zi "TA, Mi 0 ca a 0 cc 71 Tiw. -5 E. zi Clay wvi i5 "I,;, CL 68 M +-� > o m r� CL �, M ' ¢ v z Ul E D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 is s T— .. C o a ��'iu�snoc ❑ ©© o C p m Ir a� co loc x m vi 0 ois 0C RJ rq IODLn o m _ C]Er Q .0 A CDG RJ O �y Q ru N am " ` r�rrrr� C) q 0 to M ca Of ^ Cc ],r ..�. n • 0CD ,.. � © 7 (D �, . 0 c T- CL o.� L "�-+ LO M 2 CCU C3 ri8 o �° CO ■ ■ ■ cr J -72 Cv 0- 69 .ir •A� nn� 0`R- �r VF [ILU 6 d ca Z s rn� U .60 a E i7 i a + a N m 0 w W � o o oo� co CL °, rn U Q- c cr- CL .. C3 . �" mLn o�.. M V _n rtj rWrr�. C3 t =r Q3 W w cr . Ln w 2 arr� U) on n 70 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes Agency Report#: W WFO .juvenile: No 20210E000173 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI: FLO590600 Dating Violence: No 20210261035 Reported Day/Date: Time Dished; Time Arrived: Time Completed; Date Occurred From: Date Occurred To: Tue 1126/2021 8:37 1/26/2021 8:37 1126/2021 8:37 1/26/2021 08:37 Tue 1126/2021 8:37 Tue 1126/2021 8:37 Subdivision: Forced Entrv: Occupancy_ Type of Location Type Municipalltv:_ COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE N/A RESIDENCE/SINGLE WS Incident Address: Dispatch Address: 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 #Offenses: #Victims: #Offenders: #Prem.Ent: #Arrested: Drug Related: Alcohol Related: Call Disposition: Signal Code: Clearance: 01 00 00 0 00 1 501R Open OFFENSES SECTION AttempU Off# Descripticin Statute# UCR Ordinance Commit Warrant# DVR Drug Activity 1 WS CITY ORDINANCE.304.7 ROOF JULY 25 2021 77-777 9800 Yes C No NARRATIVES Rpt Date:01/2612021 725 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open NarType: O Mod B :WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:101126/2021 09:32 Related Case Parcel 07-21-31-5FN-0000-1 760 Owner(s) CONOCHALLA,CATHERINE E Property Address 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Mailing 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPGS, FL 32708.4232 Subdivision Name COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 3 Tax District W1-WINTER SPRINGS DOR Use Cade 01-SINGLE FAMILY Exemptions 00-HOMESTEAD(2020) The roof is covered by a blue tarp.The owner has 180 days to come into compliance.July 25,2021.NCV mailed. I swearfaffnn the above statements are true and correct: Sworn to and subscribed before me,the undersigned officers signaturen authority,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namelntk of Person Authorized to Administer oath. Name and Employee a(Printed} Rpt Date:07126/2021 14:49 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type:1 S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:07/2712021 08:14 Related Case# Tarp is still on the roof. Photo taken.Set for Code Board I swearlartnn the above statements are We and eorma Swom to and subscribed before me,the undersigned Officer's Signature: authority,this day of in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 NamerritleofP.—irA.therisedtoAdnimisterGain. Name and Employee#(Printed) 2021 CE000173 Printed On:08120/2021 9:28 Page 1 of 2 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGSSmtracht 71 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes AgencyReport#: W WFO ,juvenile: No 20210E000173 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI: FLOS90600 Dating Violence: No 20210261035 Rpt Date:07130/2021 10:26 1 Reporter:ITracht,Matthew t69849 I Clearance:Open I Nar Type:j S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:10713012021 10:26 1 Related Case# Today I had to reissue the code board notices as I sent the first ones with the wrong date. I s—arlaffirm the above statements are true and correct- Smm to and subscribed before me,the undersigned Officers signature: authortty,this day of in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namerrille of Person Authorized to Administer Oath. Name and Employee#(Printed) ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Was Crime Scene Processed: No Processed By: Officer Reporting: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Officer Shift: Section: W Unit W3 Date:01126/2021 Reviewed By: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Review Date: 01126/2021 Routed to: Assigned To: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Assigned Date: 01/26/2021 Assigned Dept: Clearance: Open Clearance Date: Referred To: Comments: ROOF i I 2021 CE000173 Printed Or:08/20/2021 9:28 Page 2 of 2 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht 72 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Wtnter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax(407) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF COKE BOARD HEARING 1002 E PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 and 1126 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 20210E00173 Posted on the following date: JULY 28, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: f SIGNATURE tl Deputy Chief,r1AATTHEW TRACHT E I STAMP- NOTARY S NAT OA E .*}"• ICLISSA L YOST kotary Public-State of Florida �p Commission a GG 234613 'orb df' My Comm.Exo+res Dec 17.2022 BontIed through National Notary msr. 73 `e�" ca WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1W y I4"4 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax (407) 327-6652 .January 26, 2021 Conochalla, Catherine E 1002 E Pebble Beach Cir Winter Springs, FI. 32708 Case k 2021 CE000173 Service Address: 1002 E Pebble Beach Cir. Winter Springs, FL 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATIONS The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the following violations: Inspector Date Capt. M.Tracht January 26, 2021 The cited violations are as follows: Violation Description Comments/Corrections Needed IPMC 304.7 (Roof} Roof in need of repair. Covered by insufficient blue tarps for an extended period of time. Failure to correct the violation(s)and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to$500.00 for repeat offenses per day that the violation remains. Please note the date to have the cited violations corrected: Corrective Action Comments Due Date Notice of Code Violation letter See specific correction comments provided. July 25, 2021 Municipal Codes Code Text International Property Management Code 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and dashing shall be sound,tight and not have 304.7 defects that admit rain Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance Professionally, Capt. M.Tracht 407-327-7997 Certified Mailing Numbers: 7018 1830 0001 0778 6225 State of Florida Accredited Agency 74 y 7 RECEIPT 1. Ln Ln Domestic Mail Only r1J I U C" .13 l CO iCeft ied Mail FF © © F%traerv�ces&Fees-,theCA hox,aad ter us appnorr faJ ❑Pe,m F-Opt r—1 ❑Return Receipt re:earon:cl 5 Postmark - . Cl C:3 ❑Gerbfled kdai:Res!,mc d D�!'.vorq _._-_....................... Hare © © ©Nd_!t Signahwe Required S ._ ++ *+� G hdolt Signatory i7es[n;tctii pE�irvcry$ C3 O Postage m n+ S cO cp Total Postage and Fees — € cc '0 Sent To Ir--1 --- ---------- ....�. ..�.�� O O Street and Apt?lo-,or PO Box No. f~ kti ---- -- ------ -------- ---------------- 5t,ator-2IP+d i I I I 75 4 COMPLETEr .MPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3,Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery III Attach this card to the back of the i allpl ce, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item i? ❑Yes 1 i. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No t0DVC.?&$1&L6 D End C tf. I ak r-� -smi N G irt 3. Service Type Certified Mail® ❑ Priority Mail Express' ❑Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail 12 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes y z. (T " "(r. 7018 1820 0001 2778 6225 r Ps Form 3811,duly 2oi 3 Domestic Return Receipt "! 76 SENDER: CO/WjP��.TE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature r item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. [�, ��' D'Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X Y L' rt` � L' 0 Addressee p so that we can return the card to you. g. Received bar(Printed� } C.Date of slivery F ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail ce, rr. l ,L t -� f or on the front if space permits. 1 Li G. C ``'h 1 �."'�' ` D. Is delivery address different from item t? Yes t. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: L3 No Conbc�tA�ti�a , C�►��.��E a e 3. Service Type i NCertified Maly 13 Priority Mail Express' 13 Registered ](Return Receipt for Merchandise . © Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. A., . .. f fr 7018 1830 0001 0778 6225 PS Form 3811,July 2o13 I)omestic Return Receipt i i 77 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407)327-1000-Fax (407)327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF COBE BOARD HEARING 1002 E Pebble Beach Cir WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 and 1126 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2021 CE00173 Posted on the following date: July 30, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE Deputy Chief,MATTHEW TRACHT STAMP: NOTARY SIOATIJ71TE DATE E s p :cornmlisjon MELISSDF tary Publicdacomm.ExpG22througt+Natssn. r' 78 rn ti V) 4- 0 O L 70 L O co CY) co +-) '- N L ,� o co o -P N L C: C: N •— O •— L U U Q� � co V) U 0- 44 U O w Co E U .— N L L N O L m � 4. O O -0 o z - 4 > W o LL U = U W • — .- O M �L c- O O N (D . . N C: U w O N C 0 Q -0 U O 1 3: to =3 N O C: L +-) U , � O • • O O c J J N V) •— •— >) 2�� / W+�� - - •- Co 70 Co L •— O •— O U Q a- 0- > — U3: U • c t \ � �,•ram. '•fi� �,_; m <x CD 00 eWx9a • 1 � "' � r f • - • �.'r r • � • " 1 t 1 Ul 1 . • • Ul 1 • = • • • 1 • m 0 0 T- oo tS.}1 M T �r iL J�c I i r'wl� O - kr ry U fir- fi r � O N O O N N CO N >) O c� 4- +-� N 00 U � c� >) X m L N — c� 4- •— L — N N +j O N IL a--) C: c� N -P O N U N U N +� 4- O L C: 1-- 4- +-) L > E •— >) Oca — Lcv O C: — N OL L N L N U N co _0 N 0 O O C: CO L +� -0 U i�: C: O NO O •- 4- EO O to c� - -0 L u) V) O � •- U M E O O co m a--) (1) N +- O N U V) m O •— U -�eI� -PN 0 - - E -0 cv � -0 = E �vOf.°`Q"''- WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, EL 32708 Wtw'4 Business(407) 327-1000-Fax(407) 327-6652 January 26, 2021 Nunez. Orlando-Tenancy by Entirety Ruiz Nunez, Diliam G-Tenancy by Entirety 1055 W Pebble Beach Cir Winter Springs FI. 32708 Casek 20210E000174 Service Address: 1055 W Pebble Beach Cir. Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATIONS The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the following violations: Inspector Date Capt. M. Tracht January 26, 2021 The cited violations are as follows: Violation Description Comments/Corrections Needed fPMC 304.7(Roof) Roof in need of repair. Covered by insufficient blue tarps for an extended period of time. Failure to correct the violation(s)and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to$500.00 for repeat offenses per clay that the violation remains. Please note the date to have the cited violations corrected: Corrective Action Comments Due Date Notice of Code Violation Letter See specific correction comments provided. I July 25, 2021 Municipal Codes Code Text International Property Management Code 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have 304.7 defects that admit rain. hoof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains,gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance Professionally, Capt. M. Tracht 407-327-7997 Certified Mailing Numbers: 7018 1830 0001 0778 6232 State of Florida Accredited Agency 83 CERTIFIED MA rJ RECEIPT 3 rL1 ru Domestic Mail Only ( ,.. m m �.....�— ru ru co cc Certified Mall Fee j [] ExL a Sen'ces$F es<-rech bex,ad.7feeopr:ar�f ' 7 Return Rec IPt 4 n d oPY; 5. .. • �+ � r-9 r3 E Return Rcce(`t, ct„nld S __. POSfrTli�fk Q CealSad M,-1 Here �Ativlt Slgnat;�rrn Req tl 5, _____T__ - 0 r-3 j]Ac;rti S�gcat:.re Rastrieted fieiiverf S __�_ 1 L3 Fos+ago ED CO Totad Postage and Fees j I � � toen St To.. . --I � - - -- -- -- -- -- - efox--- --- - -- ...---.--__ _---. Street and Apt.NO or P No. (� ! ..-..-.-J �Ciry Stale,71P+4; - - ._..,-------... ......-'.'- - - - ------------- ji �. 84 Q COMPLETESENDER a r DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee so that we Can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery K Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ©Yes 1. [cle Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below. ❑ No LkO cL C)QUmb 'D-ui-L r)uoa- T)i IiAm 3. Service Type (fled Maila 0 Priority Mail ExpreW Registered Neturn Receipt for Merchandise 0 insured Mail El Collect on Delivery j a. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes i 7018 1830 0001 0778 6232 PS Foyrn 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt a 85 COMPLETEDELIVERYCOMPLETE THIS SECTION ON ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete I A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. i I f r PfAgent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ! li' (��' F` "� l v'� ©Addressee F so that we can return the card to you. B, eceived by(Printed Name) C Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, n or on the front if space permits. � `n� it ti-' D. Is delivery address different from item 14 ❑Y6s 1. cl'e1Addressedd�to: p� If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No ez- D- I'L 13Ul Oa, T)1 I4 AIA Tj 3. Service Type 1 ertified Mail® ©Priority Mali Express- Registered eturn Receipt for Merchandise . ©Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) p Yes i 7018 1830 0001 0778 6232 PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 86 o.ild .s►� Property Record Card Parcel: 07-21-31-503-0000-0400 _^ Praperty Address: 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 Parcel Information Value Summary Parcel 07-21-31-503-0000-0400 2021 Working 2020 Certified NUNEZ,ORLANDO-Tenancy by Entirely Values Values Owner(s) RUIZ NUNFZ,DILIAM G-Tenancy by Entirety Valuation Method CosVMarkei CosUMarket Property Address 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 Number of Buiidings 1 1 Mailing 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPGS,FL 32708-4209 Depreciated Bldg Value $170,037 $176,434 Subdivision Name COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT I Depreciated EXFT Value $1,272 $1,272 Tax District WI-WINTER SPRINGS Land Value(Market) $58,000 $60,000 DOR Use Code 01-SINGLE FAMILY Exemptions 00-HOMESTEAD(2019) Land Value Ag Agricultural No-Additional Information Just/Market Value $229,309 $237,706 Classification - - Portability Adi +' •'soj@ ?1 49 Save Our Homes Adj $59,716 $70,455 +s 1 o1ra= Amendment 1 Adj $0 $0 rti 6 5 y, P&G Adj $0 $0 p:_ 1 �7tiy CA Assessed Value $169,593 $167,251 hti;1 2020 Tax Amount without Exemptions: $3,853.86 00{' �•,., 126 s8 2020 Tax Bill Amount $2,049.31 0115 4�4_y �A8 121 129 L I Ipj 1001 003' 10 I 2020 Tax Savings with Exemptions: $1,804.55 Does NOT INCLUDE Non Ad Valorem Assessments Legal Description LOT 40 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 1 PS 22 PG 4-0 Taxes Taxing Authority Assessment Value Exempt Values Taxable Value SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) $169.593 $50,000 $119.593 CITY WINTER SPRINGS $169,693 $50,000 $119,593 FIRE FUND $169,593 $50,000 $119,593 COUNTY GENERAL FUND $169,593 $50,000 $119,593 Schools $169,593 $25,000 $144,593 Sales Description Date Book Page Amount Qualified Vacllmp WARRANTY DEED 411/2018 09108 0961 S255,000 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 31112008 06951 1790 $213.000 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 91112001 04210 0508 $170,000 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 81111989 02100 2020 $84.000 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 211/1980 01266 1901 $87.000 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 11111979 01205 1127 $72.000 No Vacant Land Method Frontage Depth Units Units Price Land Value LOT 1 $58,000.00 $5E 87 Building Information # Description Year Built Fixtures Bed Bath Base Area Total SF Living SF Ext Wall Adj Value Repl Value Appendages ActuallFfrective 1 SINGLE 1981 9 3 225 1,265 2,558 1,732 CB/STUCCO $170,037 $210,572 Description Area FAMILY FINISH SCREEN PORCH 112.00 FINISHED OPEN PORCH 16,00 FINISHED GARAGE 542.00 FINISHED OPEN PORCH 52.00 UNFINISHED OPEN PORCH 52.00 FINISHED OPEN PORCH 52.00 FINISHED UPPER STORY 467.00 FINISHED Permits Permit# Description Agency Amount CO Date Permit Date 01447 HVAC CHANGEOUT-TON 1 13 SEER 1 HP Winter Springs $2,680 5/612012 02070 REPIPE Winter Springs $2,000 71V2002 00525 INSTALL 50 AMP GFCI TO SPA Winter Springs $0 3/1/2000 C0392 INSTALL SCREENED PORCH WIMETAL ROOF ON EXISTING CONCRETE Winter Springs $1.943 3/1/2000 P.—ft data does not originate tram the Seminal.County Property Appralder's o171—For details or quastlons concaming a permit,pleas.conecl the building department of the tax dlstrlct In which the prcperty Is located. Extra Features Description Year Built Units Value New Cost SCREEN PATIO 1 211/2000 1 $600 $1,500 FIREPLACE 1 121111980 1 $672 $1,680 Zoning Zoning Zoning Description Future Land Use Futurel-andUseDescription PUD Medium Density Residential 88 0Q) � N m cn -0 O V m Q Q t� _ Z Y ❑ ® q' ❑ ❑ � ❑ a > C? 3 w E .� ° m a E v LL 0 ,r 0 La CE 0. -0 0 �-- C > ? •� +� CD + . v El 11 Q x Q] Ci eri Dc Ls1 d r,u - C3' a o a ' Q- zJ �.. ru • ® +if0)0 _ _ ` '2 C7 C6 � � Ca z Q ACD "0 LZ con CD a) w can N Q �- C3 CO }, U :Wti ° o a r_�1 ■ �■ ■ r .L � 89 I 'G 0- 0 � L • U) � � z � CM _ 0 CL O . o w 4 u. IL D 0. c a. N +� au w cn NCN . v rn E � cu . . c `w o con , 0 � 4 .� w - - a co ui Q c (D U) z a 90 From:9norid Hamrnar•Thomn Fax:19547604239 To: Fax:(4071 327-6652 Pane: 1 of 3 021020021 3:43 PM FAX FROM TO Ingrid Hammer-Thompson Winter Springs Polica Department HL Law Group, PA 2G01 E oaklaod Park Dtid S.ita G03 C OCIP Fr1f(7r(P.f7lant (}iVicinn Fort Lauderdale Florida 33316 Phone (954) 1-1J-12-12 -f/d Phone Fax Number(954)7bO-4239 Fax Number 414073276652 DATE 02/02/2021 NOTE J!.a. t�v•• Svc,JCVOtl,ri 91 Frain;Ingrid Hammer-Thomp Fax:19547604239 To: Fax:(407)327.6652 Page:1 of 3 0210212021 3:49 PM FAX FROM TO Ingrid Hairimer-Thompson Winter Springs Polica Department HL Law Group, PA 2601 E Oakland Park Bvd Suite 503 Code Enforcement Division Fort Lauderdale Florida 33316 Phone (954) 7131212 ' 178 Phone Fax Number(954) 760-4239 Fax Number +14073276652 DATE 02102/2021 NOTE Case No.: 20210E000174 92 From:Ingrid Hammer-ThomP Fax:19547604239 To: Fax:(4071 327-6652 Page:2 of 3 0210212021 3:49 PM HL LAW GROUP , P .A. 2601 EAST OAKLAND PARK BLVD., SUITE 503. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33306 (954)713-1212 Fax (954)760-4239 www.HLLawGroup.com February 2, 2021 Submitted via Fax: (407) 327-6652 Winter Springs Police Department Code Enforcement Division 300 North Moss Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 Claim Information: Re: Case No.: 20210E000174 Insured: Diliam G. Ruiz Nunez and Orlando Nunez Property Address: 1055 West Pebble Beach Circle, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Claim: CMS6508 Policy Number: FSIH1358308-02-1040 Date of Loss: On or About,lure 13, 2019 RFOUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TIME TO COMPLY To Whom It May Concern: Our office is aware of the January 26, 2021 correspondence, and I art) writing you with information that may be relevant to the issues raised therein, As an initial matter.our Firm is actively pursuing an insurance rabove-referenced ra ei� that we strongly believe should have been • property damages to the claim for p ape y gp P y covered by the homeowner's insurance carrier. Please note that the damage for which we are seeking coverage is the same damage that is the subject of your letter. In addition, please note that the tarp that you reference in your letter is required to be installed on the roof because the insurance policy requires that the policyholder mitigate the damage (i.e. prevent the damage from becoming worse). We have advised the homeowner that they need to remain in compliance with their policy so that we can increase our chances of a successful recovery on the claim. This process has placed a significant financial burden and stress on the horneowners who have expressed their desire to fix their property in compliance with Winter Spring's City/Seminole County's requirements at the earliest possible point. i assure you that we are working diligently on this matter and will continue to pursue the claim until it is properly resolved. We would very much appreciate if you could take these extenuating circumstances into consideration and temporarily withhold further action until the claim has been resolved. Should you have any questions or need anything from our Firm, don't hesitate to contact me directly. 93 From:Ingrid Hammer-Thomp Fax:19547604239 To: Fax:(407)327-6652 Page:3 of 3 0210212021 3:49 PM ATTN: Claims Department Florida Specialty I11SUrance Company LORIRFI -- Ruiz Nunez Feb(wry 2, 2021 Page/2 Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in providing the requested information in a timely manner. Very Truly Yours. lsl . )i'iaP f� a�r•�. , '. Brian K. Lewis.,Jr., Esquire 94 `ias`6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, COMPLAINT NO: 2021 CE00174 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER NUNEZ, ORLANDO-TENANCY BY ENTIRETY 07-21-31-503-0000-0400 RUIZ NUNEZ, DILIAM G-TENANCY BY ENTIRETY 1055 WEST PEBBLE BEACH CIR. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 327084232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING &VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M. on AUGUST 24,2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows. The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation: 1055 WEST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE.WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner Name: NUNEZ, ORLANDO-TENANCY BY ENTIRETY& RUIZ NUNEZ, DILIAM G-TENANCY BY ENTIRETY Property Owner Address: 1055 WEST PEBBLE BEACH CIRCLE, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The cited violation follows: IPMC: 304.7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR if the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined up to$250.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you can be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the properly in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162. You may appear in person or by an authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence, exhibits,written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on JULY 28, 2021, 2019, posted on the property, and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162. Professionally, Deputy Chief of Police M. Tracht Certified mailing: 7018 0680 0002 2900 0155 i i 95 C A � y a! d w.. t 10 IY E �0yy IA 4 4l ` W W •M � ID V I Am C cc cr fY 0 EJ Ell El w R • A 55T 1 116 11 / 1991 1 SSTO 0062 I I M 0990 VTOiL r�r € €to milli J.HJl�! 3H.1.Cx,L �c1013Ahd� �U dC}.I.1►f ZI���II� 3��1d 96 CL al 0 L5 r4 Q, DP m V7 g_- - u "rN ct; W 77' rz 77- c, Q r A Aa 7n j ml cz m C; m Vi tv w 0 7� C3 MI tt 5 17 �u > a; r,3 CL �71 z IA zz Ll > co .71 R 4:- 'n ZZ 97 C- y O � Oco Ln =` a 3 © O l' a �, @ ....a Q" i Cfl T O n t� W O • ■ cn O �. CA) RJ N O CA) cl oo r•. ..._.- m CD -'� CD Ln ----- Ln 10 1 OQXODSJ ' 00 P99 no _ a ap §w m o 0 ��aatp � � m (D PL CL $. g ❑❑ ❑ ❑ � s � ?o = () IRV ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ m ' z -� o b v gn ; C a C. a 98 O !d wrr..rr r.L CD err .........ru cr U' ■rrrwwrwwr�� ".� Cl) 0 tr CD -, L WLn _ 5CD a a V IwW• h C Q W �. 00 N_ � co ca cn � �. �(, n i z m0) Cr ° ga g o G) -n .�. m �. o m a� C. 99 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road-Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax(407) 327-6662 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING i The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF COBE BOARD HEARING 1055 W Pebble Beach Cir WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 and 1126 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2021 C E00174 i Posted on the following date: July 30, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE Deputy Chief,MATTHEW TRACHT 2 ) STAM P: NOTARY$1 E DATE d��r MEL155A L Y05'r Notary Public-State of Florida E� 7 Commission 0 GG 284E+3 ' to, µy Comm,Expires Dec 17,2022 Baeded through National Notary Assn. r. 100 ate-- °IOU"" WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT Ar ,IN I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs 132708 Business (407) 327-1000 - 'Fax (4C7) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF CORE BOARD HEARING 1055 W Pebble Beach Cir WINTER SPRINGS. FL 32708 and 1126E SIR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2021 CE00174 Posted on the following date: July 30. 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE Deputy Chief,MATTHEW TRACHT - io - ,^> I STAMP: NOTARY SI E DATE ,.',r MELISSA L YOST Notary Pubtic State at Florida �'1y. _" Coranmizsu�a GG i!x!'3 My Comm Expires Oea '7,I022 Sanded throuth Natianal Notary Assn 101 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes Agency Report#: W WFO ,Juvenile: No 20210E000174 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI: FLOS90600 Dating Violence: No 20210261040 Reported DaWDate: Time Dispatched_ Time Arrived: Time Completed: Date Occurred From: Date Occurred To: Tue 1/26/2021 8:38 1/26/2021 8:38 1/2612021 8:38 1126/2021 08:39 Tue 1/2612021 8:38 Tue 1/2612021 8:39 Subdivision: Forced Entry: Occupancy- Type of Weapon: Location Type: Municipality: COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE NIA RESIDENCE/SINGLE WS Incident Address: Dispatch Address: 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 #Offenses: #Victims: #Offenders: #Prem.Ent: #Arrested: Drug Related: Alcohol Related: Call Disposition: Signal Code: Clearance: 01 00 00 0 00 1 501R Open i OFFENSES SECTION Attem pU Off# Description Statute# UCR Ordinance Commit Warrant# DVR Drug Activity 1 WS CITY ORDINANCE-304.74 ROOF JULY 25,2021 77-777 9800 Yes C No NARRATIVES Rpt Date:01/26/2021 09:33 1 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 I Clearance:Open I Nar Type: O Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:10812012021 09:08 1 Related Case The roof is covered by a blue tarp.The owner has 180 days to come into compliance.July 25,2021. NCV mailed. Parcel 07-21-31-503-0000-0400 Owner(s) NUNEZ, ORLANDO-Tenancy by Entirety RUIZ NUNEZ, DILIAM G -Tenancy by Entirety Property Address 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Mailing 1055 W PEBBLE BEACH CIR WINTER SPGS,FL 32708-4209 Subdivision Name COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 1 Tax District W1-WI NTER SPRINGS DOR Use Code 01SINGLE FAMILY Exemptions 00-HOMESTEAD(2019) I sweadaihrm the above statements are true and correct Sw m to and subscribed before me,the undersigned Officers signature: authority,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namemtie of Person Authonzed to Administer oath, Name and Employee#(Printed) Rpt Date:0213/2021 12:58 I Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type.1 S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod bate:021312021 13:03 Related Case# Today we received a letter from the Law office of HL Law Group who is representing this client.They are requesting more time to come into compliance as they are in litigation with the insurance company. Brian Lewis who is the attorney was not available to speak with me, I left his assistant my name and direct line for him to call as he choices. I swearfaffirm the above statements are"a and correct: Sworn to and sub-.ibed before rne,the undersigned Offices signature: authority,this day of .in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Narnelraie of Perann Aethnnzed to Administer Oath. Name and Employee At(Printed) 2021 CE000174 Printed On:0812012021 9:28 Page 1 of 3 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht 102 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes AgencyRepert#: W WFO ,juvenile: No 20210E000174 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI:FL0590600 Dating Violence: No 20210261040 Rpt Date: 77126 22021 14:50 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type.1 S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht Mod Date:0712612021 14:51 Related Case# ! The tarp is still on the roof.Photo taken, i � I sweadaffum the above statements are[me and correct Swum to and subscribed before me,the untlersig red officers Signature: authority,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 NamelrilleofP"onAutho-edln Administer oatn. Name and Employee#(Printed) Rpt Date:07130/2021 10:27 1 Reporter:ITracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open Nar Type:1 S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:10713012021 10:27 Related Case# Today I had to reissue the code board notices as I sent the first ones with the wrong date. k sweanaffirm the above statements are true and correct Swam to and subscribed before me,the undersigned offi.es Signature: authority,this day cl in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namerrnle of f ersnn Authori:ed to Administeroau,. Name and Employee#(Printed) Rpt Date:08/20/2021 08:27 1 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type:1 S Mad By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:08/20/2021 08:28 Related Case# Hi Matt, Thank you for forwarding the letter from the Nails'attorney. I have reviewed the letter and would recommend that you proceed both as you originally intended and would in any normal code enforcement case, i.e., provide a reasonable time to correct the violation based upon your reasonable estimation of time it will take to do so and based upon the testimony of the property owner regarding their view of the same. Ultimately the code enforcement board will decide the amount of time to correct the violation that is appropriate, based on the testimony. A six-month period to correct the violation as you suggest does seem to be generous to me, and the letter merely states that they are seeking understanding based on the circumstances and object to immediate "sanctions" being imposed. Obviously,a six-month period to correct would not constitute immediate sanctions. I would also note that Mr.Mancuso states in his letter that he believes the circumstances of the case are"distinguishable from recent case law on fines." I am not aware of any recent case law that would impact the recommendation above. It appears to be very clear from multiple cases that there is an exception to the automatic stay to pursue prosecution of code enforcement cases during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy,though it may be a violation to record a lien. See,e.g., In re Nease,391 B.R.470(Bankr. M.D. Fla. 2008)(county's actions in notifying Chapter 13 debtors that they were in violation of county ordinance prohibiting any excessive vegetative growth on developed lot,for failing to maintain residential property to which they still held legal title,came within "police and regulatory power"exception to automatic stay); Callaway v. Hernandez, No.207-CV-132-FTM-29SPC,2010 WL 1249936, at`6(M.D.Fla. Mar.25,2010)(The exception to the automatic stay... recognizes that the government must be able to enforce its laws uniformly without regard to the debtors position in the bankruptcy court.Consequently,Congress permitted a suit by the government to prevent or stop violation of fraud,environmental protection,consumer protection,safety,or similar police or regulatory laws to proceed.). If you need further advice as the code enforcement proceeding progresses regarding recording a lien, please let me know. Thanks, Kristin I-eadaffir"the above statements are true and=merit' Swom to and subscribed before me,the undersigned Officers Signature: authority,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namemlle of Person Authorized to Administer Oath, Name end Employee#(Printed) ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Was Crime Scene Processed: No Processed By: Officer Reporting: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Officer Shift: Section: W Unit: W3 Date:01/26/2021 Reviewed By: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Review Date: 01/2612021 Routed to: Assigned To: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Assigned Date: 01/26/2021 Assigned Dept: Clearance: Open Clearance Date: Referred To: 2021 CE000174 Printed On:08/2012021 9:28 Page 2 of 3 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht 103 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes Agency Report#: W WFO Juvenile: No 20210E000174 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI: FL0590600 Dating Violence: No 20210261040 Comments: ROOF 2021 CE000174 Printed On:08/20/2021 9:28 Page 3 of 3 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht 104 LO 0 V/ T 4- O O L A0A i..fi L • ■ • O L > O CO •— N N N L � (D � 4 N U Z +J CO 4� � O z U U O -0 N CO E E co � co = co O O •— 4� Q — � U I L a� O � -0 O = � N a N ' O w a- M •- M V) N p O 0 U = U - � � •- O M L c- O O LO r- N • • NC: U w LO N c o Q -0 U O to N O C: L 4-J U O • • O O r CO CO L •— 0 .— O U Q a- 0- > — UR: U 1 • y , 1 • 1 CD 1 1 - • • • • P r � ... •� i, • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • � o�F q.r. 4� q I f 4 I ✓i' • • • • 1 • • • 00 0 T U � N c� >) x L N N E N �•- - 4- •- L 4-) - O N IL N L +- •- •- O E +J O CO +J 4J •— E CO E -0 ca N +j O 0 N U N M U N •- -0 4--) C: •- E - N U -P N CO .- O N L L m _0 N 0) N CL O O C: CO L u) > +) 0 •- 4- 1-- EO O to cv O - -0 L u) V) >) V) O •- C: V) U M E +-� O O 00 I-_ C: ca a--) (1) (!) a--) >> (1) L •- O L�- - O N +) +) O N U V) cv ca •- O •- •- U O O � - E E Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the publIc:Yes Agency Report#: W WAO ,juvenile: No 20210E000201 Winter Springs Police Department DomesticViolerce: No Event#: Agency ORI:FLO590600 Dating Violence: No 20210290958 Reported Day/Date: Time Dispatched_ Time Arrived: Time Completed: Date Occurred From: Date Occurred To: Fri 1129/2021 8:45 1/29/2021 8:45 1/29/2021 8:45 1129/2021 08:45 Fri 1/29/2021 8:45 Fri 1129/2021 8:45 Subdivision: Forced Entn+: Occupancy: Type of Weapon: Location Type: Municipality: GREENSPOINTE NIA RESIDENCE/SINGLE WS Incident Address: Dispatch Address: 612 NIGHTHAWK CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 612 NIGHTHAWK CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 #Offenses: #Victims: #Offenders: #Prem.Ent: #Arrested: Drumselated: Alcohol Related: Call Disposition: Signal Code: Clearance: 01 00 00 0 00 1 501R Open OFFENSES SECTION Attempt! Off# Description Statute# UCR Ordinance Commit Warrant# DVR Drug Activity 1 WS CITY ORDINANCE-304.7 ROOF JULY 28,2021 77-777 9800 Yes C No NARRATIVES Rpt Date:0112912021 10:27 Reporter:ITracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type:j O Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:01129/2021 10:30 Related Case# The roof is covered by a blue tarp.The owner has 180 days to come into compliance.July 25,2021.NCV mailed. Parcel 33-20-30-522-0000-0440 Owner(s) NAIL,JOAN-Tenancy by Entirety NAIL, HOWARD-Tenancy by Entirety Property Address 612 NIGHTHAWK CIR WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Mailing 612 NIGHTHAWK CIR WINTER SPGS, FL 32708-2368 Subdivision Name GREENSPOINTE Tax District W1-WINTER SPRINGS DOR Use Code 01-SINGLE FAMILY Exemptions I sweadatFrm the ahove statements are true and correct Sworn to and suhscribed before me,the undersigned ofRcera signature. autharity,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Name/ntle of Person Authonzed to Ado mister oath. Name and Employee d(Printed) Rpt Date:07/15/2021 15:38 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 Clearance:Warrant Issued Nar Type: S Mod 8 :WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:07/15/2021 15:39 1 Related Case# Tarp is still on the roof. I sN arra#rm the stove statements are true and correct: swam to and subscribed hem.me.the undersigned otfiars Sgnamre, authobty,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namefrtle of Person Aulhonzed to Administer Cato_ Nam.and Employee A(Printed) 2021 CE000201 Printed On:08/2012021 9:29 Page 1 of 2 Printed by:WINTERS PRINGSImtracht 109 Region: CSA: Grid: CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT For the public:Yes Agency Report#: W WAO .juvenile: No 20210E000201 Winter Springs Police Department Domestic Violence: No Event#: Agency ORI: FL0590600 Dating Violence: No 20210290958 Rpt bate:08/2/2021 15:29 1 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew 1:69849 Clearance:Open I Nar Type:j S Mod By:WINTERSPRINGSImtracht 1 Mod Date:08/212021 15:30 Related Case# Still on the roof,set for CB. I swearlatfirm the above statements are tme and correct Swam to and subscribed before me.the undersigned Officers Signature, authority.this day of in she year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namefritle of Person Authodred to Administer Oath, Name aId Employee#(Printed) Rpt Date:08/3/2021 10:26 1 Reporter:Tracht,Matthew t69849 I Clearance:Open I NarType:j S Mod B :WINTERSPRINGSImtracht I Mod Date:0813/2021 10:27 Related Case CB posted at the residence at CM.Mailed certified. I swearlaffum the above statements are true and correct Swom to and subscribed before me,the undersigned Officers signature: authanty,this day of ,in the year Tracht,Matthew t69849 Namemtleof Pamir Author�edto Administer oath. Name and Employee#(Printed) ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Was Crime Scene Processed: No Processed By: Officer Reporting: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Officer Shift: Section: W Unit: W3 Date:01/29/2021 Reviewed By: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Review Date: 0112912021 Routed to: Assigned To: t69849 Tracht,Matthew Assigned Date: 01129/2021 Assigned Dept: Clearance: Open Clearance Date: Referred To: Comments: ROOF 20210E000201 Printed On:08/20/2021 9:29 Page 2 of 2 Printed by:WINTERSPRINGS%mtracht 110 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax (407) 327-6652 January 29, 2021 Nail, Joan-Tenancy by Entirety Nail, Howard-Tenancy by Entirety 612 Nighthawk Cir. Winter Springs, FI. 32708 Case#: 2021 CE000201 Service Address: 612 Nighthawk Circle Winter Springs, Fi, 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATIONS The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the following violations: Inspector Date Capt. M.Tracht January 29,2021 The cited violations are as follows: Violation Description Comments/Corrections Needed IPMC 304.7 (Roof) Roof in need of repair. Covered by insufficient blue tarps for I an extended period of time. Failure to correct the violation(s)and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to$500.00 for repeat offenses per day that the violation remains. Please note the date to have the cited violations corrected: Corrective Action Comments Due Date Notice of Code Violation t erier See specific correction comments provided. July 28, 2021 1 4 Municipal Codes Code Text International Property Management Code 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have 304.7 defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance Professionally, Capt. M.Tracht 407-327-7997 Certified Mailing Numbers: 7018 0680 0002 2899 6923 State of Florida Accredited Agency 111 x COMPLETE1N COMPLETE THIS SECTIONON ■ Complete items t,2,and S.Also complete A. Signature item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Z D D. Is delivery address different from Rom 17 ©Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 3. Service Type kcertifled WHO CI Priority Mail Express- ©Registered %Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 7018 0680 0002 2899 6923 ps Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 112 i a RECEIPT f CERTIFIED B M m nj ru s, Only �r.wrw.ww. � rD Er Er For delivery information,visit our website at wwwxspsxom�'. r�rr,wrrrwrwrrw ..,, - wwtwr� 0' Er Er Er Certified Mail Fee - CO CO R"! Extra Services S Fees;chock box,odd lee as approp,^ate; E]Ret.R ReCeipl(hard Copy) $____...................... ❑Retarn Recalpl{electronic; $ _..__._ __ Postmark - � 00 []Cerured t.W Restricted D)I.very $ ........... ....-..___ Here a [l Adult;ignarur©Required 5_....._ []Aduit Slgrrawre RasU!cted t>ellveN$ _.._......_......,.._...._. M E3 Postage CO EG -a .0 5 A Q Total Postage and Fees .............. tO cO Sent Po - — - --� � -- ----- -----------------_ - .._.-_------- -- ---------- Streef and Apt.NO.,or PO BON�No, City,State.77P+4 r r�r 113 COMPLETE SECTION COMPLETE THIS secnONON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,40d 3.Also complete A. Slg to item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ,+ PIA ent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X � ' Addressee so that we can return the card to you, B. Receiv (Printed Name) Czle of elivery r • Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, 3 or on the front if space permits. z 47 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? es 1. Article Addressed to: if YES,enter-delivery address below: 0 No �Ui f ti N l b i't F'i T1 LO 3, Service Type. , kCertifiedd Malls Priority Mall Express' LN r\L r L N V) L C ©Registered .Return Receipt for Merchandise f ❑Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 1. 7018 0680 0002 2899 6923 S Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt 5 114 �I9S9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, COMPLAINT NO: 20210E00201 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: 33-20-30-522-0000-0440 NAIL, JOAN NAIL, HOWARD 612 NIGHTHAWK CiR. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-4232 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING & VIOLATION Please take notice that at 5:30 P.M.on AUGUST 24,2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found in violation of the City Code as follows. The hearing will be held at Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida. Address of Violation:612 NIGHTHAWK CIR,WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 Property Owner Name: NAIL,JOAN& NAIL HOWARD Property Owner Address:612 NIGHTHAWK CIR,WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The cited violation follows: IPMC: 304.7 ROOF IN NEED OF REPAIR If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined up to$250.00 per day for each day the violation continues and you Gan be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. 1 In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be a lien filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 162.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may appear in person or by an authorized representative, If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case. You have the right to present evidence,exhibits,written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings.You may, at your own expense,arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on August 3, 2021, posted on the property, and at a government office as per Florida State Statute 162. Professionally, X;7,v� Deputy Chief of Police M.Tracht Certified mailing: 7018 0680 0002 2900 0148 115 WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax(407) 327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following property has been posted with the NOTICE OF COBE BOARD HEARING 612 Nighthawk Cir WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 and 1126ESR434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 20210E00201 Posted on the following date: August 3, 2021 I The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been pasted: SIGNATURE Deputy Chief,MATTHEW TRACHT Q� STAMP: �J!C 21 M&'_4�._TAII IIGNAWJRE DATE ;+�`• ME:ISSALST Notary Pub of FlorndaCOr MIU264E13My Comm. c 17, 30ded throulh otary Assn, 116 C O t� � C UCDQ H ■ .y LL W 3 , Ja �¢ ea e Eo Q .� s cc u ■ • co • _ _ • ►.� sr a R2000 0990 016 101 I ' " M 1 117 3N41 a31100 111 Ci�4� 'SS3li0�111 Nklf113l� 3Fll �Q ,LNJI!! 3Hl Ol 3d0'�3hN3 ��0 d�lY 1tt d3ai�I.LS ��V�d VI :.f � _ C N � G C2 nu CL Rf a �m3 sip N 0 � m rn 9 �, tv w G I B '." 'A > na m p a ►' G' vs ti J ti c a ' _ cs c sJ E v m Fcc +� tv z' o � s5 ? � CD „yam acsrz n cc E IZOR E refig iv in sr' � u � c co E ca CM LE M � 47 � cr a' s C/' f m cc G ''= L' t 4 CD rara amp ® a E3wy � c� c pCO ;� L• = C �' tit c � css C C w G E as i7 Cal w a _E Ccec cn = o Ly c E t a c C c x� c as CC co- ti 0 w r� a � wn ¢ 'd0 � r [i � c3 3 . 1u W 118 / ■ ■ ■ ■ �+ ■ ■ ■ ■ CL o CL 16 Ti cc cr¢ Q v LU ao00 lu El El w E 2 21 ID 41 r; T :� rn Vs } co P7 = •t) O CJ c. CC 0:0 u] U) [C E n ❑ U 0 � C � p CD y > O a U a 7r CJ m cl m Q� F= co � ro m0Cl a+ 7 ? CIJ c 022 C Lm CUE • CD Z3 } .V GO [n �O � � �p O .. .. .�_ C.) y Q1!A • Cn =J TJ Q1 G1 O O _ .. _ d x Ca o ¢ Q UUU r'i ❑ ❑ ❑ co m --I- � U D � � � c r-� an c3� Q t CA Cl o 2ro � © = o +, a) +� Ln O I"U LO p ^ �� cn cn cu 1.j �r C3 v�i ED co75 C7 L = _.L] a E E tU N ... CD r— co a) O d Lo Z C'7 a E ' co E C p •L O tl � O U Q u7 D V ts_ r CU Q.. 119 •v is a mm CD ■ U- C0 0 o m Z C] Owca `- 1i a- CD 0 + ♦.+ a. N v r O ca t-- cn 10 EA m 'v 4 v� E �F c a bh Lin VCID s o ca M d O m c ? o Y ra N U ..—. ■ ru m _., o d c� CD o V? w Er Ln Er- ._ N co 120 2 a.. Q y .- 00 N to 0 ISO 22 4 _rri rn m to aa)i o ci � ¢C� inina E •t ❑lb o o As • � �, m 5 Ci 2 -0 a _ m CD T D. v a a: Lh r m a) D aC Co ci '2a c3c) c) . cvif7 ❑ CSC ca — L v .a ' `-� — ao oCD Q .0 a a) O (n ,0 o :t:! ru N ru co CL ca c m CO �= C7 m CS1a p O cm . 2 PO � p CD 75 '-2 3 C CD co N 0 s Q Lh z co E O Uav°� Q Q 'f C U) G u7 i ■ ,r cv 121 10 erw. w 'L � N O V �i C7 0 Z 0)Cl) a. i rim i a v 00 .."" tp vd 0 CL S- V _ N Q m .�� ��/� .4 cm � C o v cr cr.. Stu Er �c o 122 M N T O v / ■ '- \ N L ,/_ O � Q N � o z � E �' - L U 7C3 o z L M70 O 0 o L 4- 0 0 W Co N O M 41 p 4--) U O = I '--" m > — 0) N 0) O Ul +-) 70 U `� - O z M L � o o U W N N 0 cn U i to (D M O ll-� . . . . N M C: L 4-) .F 0-4 w — Co Co L •— O 3 U Q 0- > — U k ��4 r • 1 1 � • a {1' a� Ca • R' �i. • ' • • F' 1 . . mow, • � `""�,� � �' ';ram. . a • • • • 1 • • • • ILO N T U � >) L 4- •— L — N N +j O N IL a--) C: c� N -P O N U N U N +� 4- O L C: 1-- 4- +-) L > E •— >) Oca — Lcv O C: — N OL L N L N U N co _0 N 0 O O C: CO L +� -0 U i�: C: O NO O •- 4- EO O to c� - -0 L u) V) O � •- U M E O O co m a--) (1) N +- O N U V) m O •— U -�eI� -PN 0 - - E -0 cv � -0 = E WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION mw.n+ceaAHS'Y 300 North Moss Road-Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327-1000 -Fax (407) 327-6652 March 18, 2021 LAURIE HERNANIDEZ-Tenancy by Entirety NEIL HERNANDEZ-Tenancy by Entirety 229 BITTERWOOD ST. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Case#: 2021 CE000358 Service Address: 229 BITTERWOOD ST, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATIONS The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the most recent date for the following violations: Inspector Date CODE OFFICER TERRI GUERRA February 24, 2021 Violation description CommentslCorrections Needed IPMC 304.7 ROOFS AND DRAINAGE FIX ROOF ON RESIDENCE. TARP IS COVERING IT RIGHT NOW. Failure to correct the violation(s)and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to S500.00 for repeat offenses per day that the violation remains. Please note the date to have the cited violations corrected; Corrective Action Comments Clue Date Notice of Code Violation P See above JULY fig, 2021 Municipal Code Code Text IPMC 304.7 Roofs and drainage, The roof and flashing shall be sou rid,ti,p'ht and not have defects that admit rain. Roofdrainage shall be adequatc to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions.Roofwater sh a]I not bed ischarged by arnannerthat creates a public nuisance. Professionally, C" Certified Mailing Number:7018 0680 0002 290D 2272 CODE OFFICER TERRI GUERRA State of Florida Accredited Agency 127 co C4 _ • \ �\ �� � � : J . . \ ill \7,IR / \ ` ƒ 2�.22 DOLO 2000 O§)O QTO� 2±22 DOL2 20DO O§)O VTD� 0) CN 8 —z im umi 15 ff,�! 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'��j "I'll, � � ` �. ,, +ZIr � �� o µ',xo��� idry�u „I�'' � "!,�' i'1 „uol�r�'I "� m'au W W.wr muo n ow wre n+ru ww rmmt wu o ma ww�;wn mmm m��su�. �tlN mw�uv.��, wm mw xwu v��xwr uu ��4'p,+N. u�mm.,ww mmW e w mm uw mx ww wm.,moo w.w�r mxr ( W P � IIIIIIII �`�mr �I� w 4 0 rvM 134 8/5/2021 SCPA Parcel View:03-21-30-503-OH00-0250 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... e. n crrm I�ir lla�a 9y Record Care, Parcel: 03-21-30-503-OH00-0250 Property rty Addres,,w. 229 BITTERWOOD ST WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 lla,rcel Imforrnadon Valhi{:Surnrnzrr-f Parcel 03-21-30-503-OHOO-0250 2021 Working 2020 Certified HERNANDEZ,LAURIE "Tenancy"by"Entirety" Values Values Owner(s) HERNANDEZ,NEIL-Tenancy by Entirety Valuation Method Cost/Market Cost/Market Property Address 229 BITTERWOOD ST WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 Number of Buildings 1 1 Mailing 229 BITTERWOOD ST Depreciated Bldg WINTER SPGS,FL 32708-2940 Value $132,589 $123,604 ...., ..... .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Subdivision Name NOR 11 RI.A\["1 � TE PP ACE UNI T c I ....... ......... ......... ......... ....s:. Tax District W1-WINTER SPRINGS Depreciated EXFT $800 $800 Value DOR Use Code 01-SINGLE FAMILY Exemptions "None"-"Apply"For"Homestead"Online Land Value(Market) $50,000 $50,000 ....,Agricultural.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Land Value Ag Classification No Additici7allnfarmatior7 ........ u 1/M-rk t Ilia;;, $183,389 $174,404 Portability Adj 25 Save Our Homes Adj $0 $0 1L Amendment 1 Adj $0 $2,347 -24 1 Y L P&G Adj $0 $0 ` �26 7.-1Assessed Value $183,389 $172,057 5�'p n . A ,�12020 Tax Amount without Exemptions: $2,827.56 40 7 ........a l ill .....::_t!.ar $2,803.44 4,'� 1 2020 Tax Savings with Exemptions: $24.12 / ....... ....... ......:: LOT 25 BLK H NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE UNIT 1 SEC 2 PB 16 PG 64 T.xvs Taxing Authority Assessment Value Exempt Values Taxable Value SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) $183,389 $0 $1 CITY WINTER SPRINGS $183,389 $0 $1 FIRE FUND $183,389 $0 $1 COUNTY GENERAL FUND $183,389 $0 $1 Schools $183,389 $0 $1 .a I,,_ Description Date Book Page Amount Qualified Vac/Imp SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 6/1/2015 !h.....):(, 1„';., $155,000 No Improved CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 3/1/2014 r2.0, ? .'?. $100 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 8/1/2002 :,......... 133,000 Yes Improved SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 12/1/1998 .) 5v' !)i3.;'. $67,100 No Improved SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 10/1/1998 li;509 1,) ,', $100 No Improved CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 4/1/1998 0 :';;;. $100 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 4/1/1987 .L3 7 1, n ; $60,000 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 1/1/1974 0;:, ', 023.::. $34,200 Yes Improved Land 135 https://parceldetails.scpafl.org/ParcelDetailPrinterFriendly.aspx?PlD=0321305030H000250 8/5/2021 SCPA Parcel View:03-21-30-503-01-100-0250 Method Frontage Depth Units Units Price Land Value LOT 1 $50,000.00 $ Building In-forrrlation # Description Year Built Fixtures Bed Bath Base Area Total SF Living SF Ext Wall Adj Value Repl Value Appendages Actual/Effective 1 SINGLE 1973 6 2.,t;. 1,540 2,298 1,540 CB/STUCCO $132,589 $181,629 FAMILY FINISH Description Ai UTILITY UNFINISHED OPEN PORCH 1: FINISHED GARAGE 4E FINISHED OPEN PORCH FINISHED OPEN PORCH FINISHED OPEN PORCH FINISHED flen"itlt i Permit# Description Agency Amount CO Date Permit Date 01324 REROOF W/SHINGLES Winter Springs $6,500 5/22/2007 00713 INSTALL SCREEN WALL&ALUMINUM ROOF Winter Springs $2,100 12/1/1999 Permit data does not originate from the Seminole County Property Appraiser's office.For details or questions concerning a permit,please contact the building depart) the tax district in which the property is located. I::.titr: Fe,-Auras Description Year Built Units Value New Cost SCREEN PATIO 1 6/1/1999 1 $600 PATIO 1 6/1/1973 1 $200 l�:;r7in Zoning Zoning Description Future Land Use FutureLandUseDescription R-1 Single Family-8400 Medium Density Residential https://parceldetails.scpafl.org/ParcelDetailPrinterFriendly.aspx?PlD=0321305030H000250 1,36 ti M P 0 lad R. w ° vQ GP U dY'f NJ u 11 LJ&J �IJ ..J h600 0062 2000 0990 "COL h600 0062 0000 0990 9TO?- F � � 00 cm !T too SR 8 om .1 O WI -K 82WHS tag Q 110 W pyq gq e "Wo, �N A A-3- Al Off 2 WIN a RES i� Mtn T 8 v "PEI Im vi.-�_; 0 6o 0- - E �q JOE E R R8 25hala g W Ew jmG.-j n - agg u2 Q-11 A A Ig"L N 1 1 M 2 1 gig An EN - 200 TA5,18 Off— M 6 . 1 E E qq- 2 e 2 a tons" E cn cn 13 - go 00 CL - - ' - sod 0 Z. CL:D?L r. CL C*4 70 CL to to LU 4) z c CD o m V C m CL ru M Ir co ru C3 Ln nj En too Er C3 (A Er- Ln U, Ir ---—---—————————————————————— CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, COMPLAINT NO: 20210E000358 vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL O—WNER. BY ENTIRETY NBLHEKN �u `~``'~- '—A� |EZ-TEMANCYBYENTIRETY 229BITTERN0OD ST. WINTER SPRINGS, FL327O8 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING Please take notice that a\5:3OPKA on August 24.2D21 the Code E�o�eme/�Board v�Khold eheedng�d� m� inewhy you ehouN not found inviolahunmf'the City 'Code oyfollows. The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East Road 434.Winter Springs,Florida. Address ofV\m|aMow22BB|TTERVVOODST� WINTER SPRINGS, FL32708 Property Owner Name: LAUR|E HERNANDEZ-TENANCYBYENTIRETY Q NE|LHERNANDEZ'TENAMCY BY ENTIRETY Property Owner Address:23O8|TTEF8WC)OUST.WINTER SPRINGS, FL327O@ The cited violations are asfollows: D. F NEEDS TO REMOVED AND ROOF REPAIRE IPMC 304.7 ROOFS AND DRAINAGE BLUE TARP ON THE ROO |f the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can bafinadupioe per day �h violation Unueaandyouoanbaohangmdforthecomtatbe\ornincurredby\hmo�/mp»ooecu"/'V �''=°== . In the with f»r*aohday � onnon t sddw�hina �auonab|adnethee can beoUem filed against the pmpodymaccomenoe w �van�v\oi�donhneamndthano��mreno p Florida State Statute Section 182OA. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Code 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may in appear in person orbyanauthor�ednepruaentad attend rig ht this case. You have the dght\o present ev�enoe.exhUbha.m/hdenand om . '. oral |n�uoueoo�,u� .�""p°^ a witnesses on your behalf upon written request tu the Code Board through the City[f Winter Springs Clerk's Office, In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board, you will be required to have an official record ofthe proceedings.You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. | certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail onO/5/2O21 . posted on the property,and eto government office umper Florida State Statute 182. Certified Number: 7U18QO80DQO22AOOOO$4 141 The text of the associated violations,as it appears in the Municipal Code,is stated below: IPIVIC 304.7 ROOFS AND Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound,tight and not have defects DRAINAGE that admit rain.Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstructions.Roof water shall not be discharged in amannerthat creates a public nuisance. COD FFICER TERRI GUER�� 142 to SlopAyrhS WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT I CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business(407) 327-1000- Fax(407)327-6652 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following properties have been posted with the NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING 229 BITTERWOOD AVE. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 AND 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 2021 CE000358 Posted on the following date: AUGUST 5, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: MQ SIG (URE MELISSA L YOST of Florida pv' Commission#GD OFC TERRI GUERRA Notary Public-State of Florida #GG 284813 3 My Comm.Expires Dec 17,2022 Expires 202a2 National Notary 55" Bonded through National Notary Assn, STAMP: NOTARY SIVIATME DATE 143 8117=21 USPS.coni@-LISPS Tracking Results USPS Tracking' FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70180680000229000094 Remove X Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 on August 9, 2021 at 11:49 am. Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery CD (, August 9, 2021 at 11:49 am CL WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 °�' Get Updates �✓ Tent & Email Updates Tracking History Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. 144 https:tftools.usps.com/gorrfackConfirmAction?tRef=fullpage&tLc=3&text28777=&tLabels=70180680000229000094%2C%2C&tABt=falser — LA It T T T O N •+J N •+J > • 0 No >> >> Q N O m a--) �t Ln N N >> >> Q� n O 4� U 4� U �--� Q O m m E Q O .(D •- I. m O D Z O O O m O °° oo M Ln O 0 O 0 M w L W U O 4-J I O 4-' O 4D O m M U w r O U N N r O u N N NO O O � M M L w - U Q a a r2 to It T O • r-n Q r o N r n 4--) m Wj E L Q) Q • — U co 1. o m C6 O m O 0L.- m O o>) W u U O � O '- __ o 4-j m •— U Q (.r o r2 ti T /1 //1 V 4- � U 0 .� 4-) � p 4- -0 0 � O m 4� N L 0 4� N Q '+� 0 M � O � U c >) ° .> m 0 +, 4� O m 4- 4� U 0 � .c n m O 0 LL -C L ° m E Ln -a - E E 4-j 0 +-jw -d >;) -C Ln E4� Ln 0 p 4� 0 .(D � � � -C > p � m 4-J r C6 u O p O 004� O O (J) N N U S a� •� L Ln m 0 4� N � +, - p � , 0 4� m U m 0 � _C 0 z 4-1 0 u ifY Q � N V aY , — w _ m. Aw � & 21 N l '. r *r*iyAWL Iry k 4 At ac �' ! R ,.�' fir= •. s d� w' . . .. .. .' � ° \ s , ' ■ » \. . � . � .� . . . � � } } j � � / • ) , ' « /; / . • , . \ T L() n, T W m c m m E 4� m I.- � � 0 O O -Y O N cn >> O >> N m a--) 4D c O ` — m E O N o E • , N U ,E cn 4� Ln >> M 4-J O Ln E .0 •> 4� 0 �L >) O O m m >> > C �, m m +, 0 � M O 4� p E oa� • � U Lq U � m — c O �O 'm a, Ln 4- U 4� E - O � •- C 0 E UOUO C E X -0 C6 . 'a-- OOtn — O .� � � � Ln OM EmbNq O O O ° o > U Q � Q -C G) ry WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North W1omn Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 ~� Business (407) 327-1000 -Fax (407) 327'0652 June 2. 2O21 BRAN DI N RO8ERTS'J{J|NTTEM8NTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP DEREKVV G)LLARD-J(J|NT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP 627 N\URPHY RD. WINTER SPR|NGS, FL 32708 Case#: 20210E001318 Violation Address: 627 K4UFlPHY RD. WINTER SPR|NGS, FL 32708 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION The above mentioned property has been inspected on the dates below. Please note the most recent date for the following violation: Inspector Date Code Officer Terri Guerra June 2^2D21 Violation Description Comments/Corrections Needed WS CITY ORD. 20-411 BOAT AND TRAILER STORAGE BOAT AND TRAILER MUST BE STORED BEHIND FORWARD PART OF RESIDENCE IF IT IS GOING TO BE AT THE PROPERTY FOR MORE THAN 48 HOURS. WS CITY ORD, 13-2(B)JUNK AND DEBRIS REMOVE ITEMS BEING STORED BEHIND BOAT. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Division of the corrections will result in charges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to$250.00 per day for first offenses or up to$500.00 for repeat offenses per day that the violation remains. Please note the date to have the cited violations corrected: Corrective Action Comments Due Date Notice of Code Violation See specific correction comments provided. I JUNE 15, 2021 Municipal Code Code Text WS CITY ORD. 20-411 � (a) No house trailers will be permitted in residential zone areas except for residential zones specifically providing for mobile homes. Except as provided in Subparagraph(b), campers, ��� State of Florida Accredited Agency M e e 4 m 6TUh VT92 'GOOD 09fi2 020? 6`L9f WT92 ZDd® OSf,2 020L qq way '. 0 UBWISE 6 E S, de R_ Zee 0 a S1 =Q ...Y mg?j lzop 8K i1gy "RA . . I a-A. Q Rip! tp -U_ Off. O"j-, yo Y._ 5- 2 q ,.-I E Sun 8ggj 0 A my E Qu A - Bar!- 2gs. EQw8 =1E Ong, EM dw Nu Es 12 . 60, jp -'JEM R, RE 01 E Q I Et, av Fib 5 An 0 u SK MIA Y2 E lay A 2 A S E mE %,E"- out Cl) al 2 Q Q <<M m m 0 1 LO LO 13 13 13 0 C- V CIO x co zr � � c ru C3 CIA co rLi P- rU E M Cf) d al co LO eL CO) tz CO FL (D -0 E6 � LUZ ' C> 0 a0 CA Er FL ru tm _1 - ----------------- Ln -D ru C3 cr Ln Er :9 CL --------------------------- camp trailers and boats and trailers will be permitted if kept in a garage,carport,rear yard or side yard not fronting any street, providing no one occupies them. (b)Campers,camp trailers and boats and trailers may be parked temporarily in the driveway of residential zone areas for a period of time not to exceed forty-eight(48)hours within any ten(10) consecutive day time period for the limited purposes of loading, unloading and general maintenance. For purposes of this section, "driveway" shall mean the private access area designed and approved for the parking of private vehicles. WS CITY ORD. 13-2(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit junk,scrap metal,scrap lumber, wastepaper products,discarded building materials,or any unused abandoned vehicle, or abandoned parts,machinery or machinery parts, garbage,trash or other waste materials to be in or upon any yard,garden, lawn,outbuildings or premises owned, rented,leased or otherwise occupied by him/her in the city unless in connection with a business enterprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same. Professionally, Code Officer Terri Guerra Certified Mailing Number: 7020 2460 00012818 4818 2 157 co LO T . N €€ cr 0130 YkQ 15 atDo {"7qp�! � N� 44Y d r ci 8 882 a" C6❑cull❑❑ r9 O � co co N A r. w— r w CTs ru Cc,r v o a '9 U M 4•— '-'o�"y � I Im � EEL a ,"",bra tt3 t�G N LO Q O E ma cli P= wCo� FU hh Cd' .0 i tLt v_Y a—ID gy (� s" 4 " q M z 0 c � 4 a (L tr 4 v 4 Ul2` c°n O C a to a) LO 08 ca Z 6 to 0 Z C 2§a FL (D Of m E U- LL, z CD 0 CO) CL en Ir C3 Ir ru C3 / . / Lrl ru C3 C.3 --I- Er vmmw�1 C3 A cr Lrl to 4� Certiffed Mail Fee ' ibe Fees c m, awlI °` d Mail f, estri ed Dell Adult &gnature Riastricted D,I v, $ Postage f�"d lu�wVmM V!bNOwr m+wWN:� vnwmfa�lr v i�vu nnk�',".�r,Mtmr vnv�m,v,M^rY& 'Pb f+Wy r�9x!%+= 0f4 Nmb,�a'JY4eaa✓2aom�+'�" nj nj uuuxxnu a mm ww,wx � �uwa��, �...oomw�,raow Jwwwwtawrnwnow�+wwwi�a..momww,rouwavawwmw�mmwwrmnwwoimn�twwua.u ». C3w " � _77j, i �� � 1 4 u wig f" , tflu � � wo w afis, u 160 r __ C4 tD tL 59L Go CL C,r-j 0 E 2 0 C;) 22 Z OL c 5 = o C'S CL 2c ni m CD © tr CL 4k CC) .00 ru c M 0 U" -D ru W r-3 Ir in Ln Ir = ------------------- M tG t "8CL s i c. 4 a° RA- - .✓ iry c4 PFb a/5 GT � �� .� 31 a &' Su ul � � N p� � ap ¢. a� � �' tiro fif C r'1 i•h.,._.�W� L; E E V3 w' .» p5 Cl. �6`""i RAF ter• ✓ •• �n �rs ¢cci �m u4 ' 2TE 990E TOOO OSEO T2EL fi2TE 990E TOOO 05Ed T20,L m° a Iq P-S 6 G .,F F5 uvi E E,Wcc jF,Z jen Q.--Q.-6- i -P U -14 gi§5 8 w Fl� 'a 4,5 r= wR A:g A-5 g 8 75-.M 'teaTIR IR -lz -o-I �-'"] LS�5-..-- Tw g F x t- a-vi u-,. <" 12 a 6 E 09 IF co < <F� 2 Li_ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD SPRINGS,CITY OF WINTER COMPLAINT NO: 20210E001318 PETITIONER, vs. RESPONDENT PARCEL OWNER: BRAND| N RO8ERTSJO|NT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OFSURV*ORSH|P DEREKVVG|LL/\RD-JD|NT TENANTS WITH RIGHT(]FSURVIVORSHIP 827K4URPHYRD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL327Q8 NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING Please take notice that at6:3OP.M.on August 24,2021 the Code Enforcement Board will hold a hearing to determine why you should not be found im violation of the City Code aofollows. The hearing will be held at the Winter Springs City Hall located at 1126 East State Road 434.Winter Springs, Florida. Address ofViolation:827h1URPHY RD.VVINTER SPR|NGS, FL327O8 Property Owner Name: 8RAN0 N ROBERTS & DEREKG|LLARD Property Owner Address: 627MUPRHY RD. WINTER 3PR|NGS, FL327D8 The cited violations are as follows: WS 13-2(b)Junk&Debris REMOVE ITEMS BEHING STORE BEHNID THE BOAT. WS CITY ORD. 20-411 BOAT AND TRL BOAT AND TRAILER MUST BE PARKED BEHIND THE MOST FORWARD PART STORAGE OF THE RESIDENCE. If the Code Enforcement Board finds your property in violation of the above referenced City Code(s)you can be fined up to per day for each day the violation continues and you ran be charged for the costs that are incurred by the city in prosecuting the case. In the event violation fines and the costs are not paid within a reasonable time there can be ||an filed against the property in accordance with Florida State Statute Section 182.09. The hearing is conducted within guidelines of City of Winter Springs Coda 2-60 and Florida State Statutes Chapter 162.You may appear in person mrbyan authorized representative. If you choose to not attend the hearing you can lose your right to present facts in this case.You have the right to present evidence, exhibits,written and oral testimony. The Code Board will subpoena witnesses on your behalf upon written request to the Code Board through the City Of Winter Springs Clerk's Office. In the event that you appeal the Order of the Code Enforcement Board,you will be required to have an official record of the proceedings. You may, at your own expense, arrange for the official transcript of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. I certify a copy of this document was sent by Certified Mail on 8/6/2021 , posted on the property,and at a government office as per Florida State Statuie163. Certified Number: 7021 03500001 30863124 The text ofthe associated violations, as it appears in the K4un|o|po|Code, is stated be|ow� Winter Springs City It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permitjunk, scrap metal, scrap lumber, Ordinance.1 3-2-(b)- wastepaper products, discarded building materials,or any unused abandoned vehicle,or abandoned parts, machinery or machinery parts,garbage, trash or other waste materials 165 to be in or upon any yard,garden, lawn., C)Utbuildiw4s or premises owned,rented,leased or otherwise occupied by him/lier in the city unless in connection with a business enterprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same. WS CITY ORD.20-411 No house trailers will be permitted in residential zone areas except for residential zones specifically providing for mobile hornes. Except as provided in Subparagraph (b), campers, camp trailers and boats and trailers will be permitted if kept in a garage., carport, rear yard or side yard not fronting any street., providing no one occupies thern. SIGNATURE inspector Terri Guerra 166 �jm '000M OP Op WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 300 North Moss Road -Winter Springs, FL 32708 Business (407) 327-1000 - Fax(407) 327-6652 A /-%FFIDAVIT OF POSTING The following properties have been posted with the NOTICE OF CODE BOARD HEARING 627 MURPHY RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 AND 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Case Number 20210E001318 Posted on the following date: AUGUST 6, 2021 The undersigned swears and affirms that the property has been posted: SIGNATURE ... - i. MELISSA L YOST OFC TERRI GUERRA Ay Notary Public-State of Commission#GG 284813 LL G 284 FloridaJ3 �W MY Comm.Expires pec 17,1202 Z D .:1 7,202Z I Notary ", Bonded through National Notary Assn. 14 A STAMP; NO'rARY SIGNATURE DATE 167 co ID IV 0 z ti c E.0 Z :04 m jil=4 p 0 'D ENS czNR 88 0 0 <e x Cd ¢antiQ 0 13 ru m CP C\J 'D C-1 CC13, (D 0 rn co LD cli CD M z c 4 is C- 'a'v cj Ln CM 0 1-21 M CN a rz 83 'o CO M ce) Lo z too ro- 0 0) IL 0 m m R if MIT 0 I pa Z d 0 15 o No w EL 0!.., CIL lco N 0 CL 04 E 12 4) lu is r fL c Lu Z 0, r .0 C5 CL c ru m tr �W ru ca C3 q Ln -0 ru ■ M US Kr C3 Lncr cr 0 ti T O / I � > � c6 • - O O • � 0 0 > •- > Q , N > v >� O O � � � ( � o, O z a--) O O 4D Q a--j • - 0 O a--j -C m DC m 0 O O m 00 00 � . . 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