HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2021 01 25 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes CITY COMMISSION 95 REGULAR MEETING 1959 MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2021 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL-COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 4.34, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Lacey called the Regular Meeting of Monday, January 25, 2020 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present via telephone Commissioner Rob Elliott, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Monsignor John Bluett offered the invocation. The agenda was adopted without changes. Commissioner Cannon noted that he would like to pull Item 300 for discussion. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100)Current Projects Update presentation Mr. Rob Nicholas, Veolia addressed common questions being asked by residents 1. Why are repairs needed and what is being done? a. Mr. Nicholas noted the age of the plant,fifty (50)_years old, and a number of issues which had been discovered once work began. Among these issues was sand, broken aeration piping due to rags and other debris, and rusted/broken parts. Mr. Nicholas explained the plant had to be taken offline, drained, and cleared to start making necessary repairs. Mr. Nicholas then detailed the repairs being made, including the installation of 56 air headers which would be installed the next day. 2. Why unexpected problems, odors, & issues a. Mr. Nicholas noted that many issues arise when items that should not be flushed end up in the plant and create a "fatberg" which creates blockages. To deal with this specific issue, Mr. Nicholas noted the installation of new screen filters which would be ready to go once the plant was back online. Other issues which were discussed were air line failures and dying bacteria. Mr. Nicholas stressed how rare an air line failure is and also noted the use of a diver in the plant, also rarely done, to further address issues. 3. What is the repair schedule? a. Referencing a timeline in the presentation, Mr. Nicholas explained that the current work at the West Plant would be finished and then staff would meet and reevaluate next steps to avoid a reoccurrence in future work. 4. What is causing the smell and when will it stop? a. Mr. Nicholas distinguished between normal wastewater treatment plant odors, impacted by time of day, humidity, wind, and operations, and construction related odors, described as those coming from or caused by the reject pond, dewatering, and the die-off of bacteria. Continuing, Mr. Nicholas noted that the East Wastewater Treatment Plant experienced similar issues about a year ago which was addressed, and further noted that odor monitoring technology was being brought in to help determine next steps. 5. Why is reclaimed water off? a. Mr. Nicholas explained that reuse water could only be provided when it meets a certain standard for turbidity and currently, although close, the water from the plant was not at that standard. A photograph was shown of water from the plant and Mr. Nicholas expressed hope that the reuse water would be back on in the next day or two. 6. When will new plants be built? a. Mr. Nicholas noted that the master plan was already completed, priority repairs were currently underway to allow the facilities to be operational through the construction of new plants. Continuing, he explained that a facilities plan must be completed, an engineer must be hired and complete a rate study, public hearing requirements must be met, and then design and going after state financing would follow before moving to the first phase of construction. Mr. Nicholas expressed hope'that state financing could be pursued and secured by the start of next year. Ms. Donna Kittell, S08 Osprey Lane, Winter Springs was invited to speak as a representative of her Homeowners Association. Ms. Kittell asked about the restoration of the ecosystem, shared concerns about any residual material in the reclaimed water once it was turned back on,the odor,Veolia's environmental record, and impacts on property value. Ms. Kittell then asked how the community could assist the City to ensure this doesn't reoccur. Mr. Nicholas responded that the state would issue approvals to resume the provision of reclaimed once the water was at the proper levels and that a flushing plan would be required. Mr. Nicholas also reiterated the utilization of odor monitoring technology and commented that the plant was recovering, treating water, and odor levels should return to normal within a short time. Ms. Kittell shared further concerns about the source of the lingering odor, inconsistent delivery of notice letters, and expressed interest in seeing any report produced by Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Manager Boyle commented that he believed the odor was generally dissipating but that odors may be stronger at times due to more frequent use of the belt press. Manager Boyle then went on to address some of the questions and concerns brought up. Manager Boyle noted that there is still a wildlife presence on the property, shared that he was working with FDEP and the landowner and hoped to have a solution to present in February. It was also mentioned that the landowner was not in favor of the public continuing to access the property. Discussion followed on new odor control technologies, acting quickly and safely, and expediting processes to address resident concerns and any possible future issues. Regarding the restoration of fish and following conversations with the landowner, Manager Boyle conveyed that this was not the landowner's priority. Discussion followed on the process that had to befollowed. Mr. Nicholas commented that the process is standardized and noted that the expedited hiring of an engineer and completion of a facilities plan would speed up the process. Manager Boyle addressed concerns expressed about Veolia building a plant, noting that Veolia does not build plants, they only operate the plants. Continuing, he noted that an open bid process was currently out on the street and that responses would come before the Commission. Addressing questions about the timeline for resuming operations of the plant and stopping future discharges, Mr. Petrie and Mr. Nicholas explained that aerators would be installed the next day and it would then take two to three (2-3) weeks to have the plant resume operations due to the biological processes. Mr. Nicholas also explained that the line that was part of the discharge had been plugged to prevent a similar situation. Manager Boyle committed to sharing all reports and information received from FDEP in a timely matter with the Commission and residents. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Chandrasheykar Ayyalaraju, 677 Contravest Lane, Winter Springs announced the Health for Humanity Yogathon happening January 16-31, 2021, explained the history of the event, thanked the Mayor for issuing a proclamation, and encouraged community members to participate in the Yogathon. Mr. Andrew Koberlein, 643 Nighthawk Circle, Winter Springs asked when formal documentation detailing what was in the discharged water would be available and asked if the overflow event was an accident or malfeasance. Ms. Carol Seibert, 640 Nighthawk Circle, Winter Springs shared concerns aboutyards dying and asked if the City would be providing a refund of any kind to those who have to use potable water while reclaimed water is unavailable. Ms. Juanita Blumberg, 747 Bear Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs noted she has not had problems with her well water, asked who was responsible for plant maintenance, and wondered how the plants were allowed to get to their current state. Manager Boyle reaffirmed that the City nor Veolia ever intended for the water in question to leave the plant and confirmed that the discharge to the private pond was accidental, occurring due to a bypass.Addressing other questions that had come up, Manager Boyle noted the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is working with the City to determine what was in the water and that any report would be available once it was received by the City. Trace ammonia and chlorine were known to be detected, but Manager Boyle said a final report would be issued and would detail what was in the water and what levels were present. Regarding the plants, Manager Boyle explained that the City owns the facilities and Veolia is the contractor that operates the plant. CONSENT AGENDA 300)Authorization to enter Electric Vehicle Site Host Agreement with Duke Energy FL and Park & Plug Program. Cover Paqe `� Park and Plug Site Host Agreement `� Commissioner Cannon shared concerns about the absence of listed sites on the contract. Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department noted that City Hall, the newer Town Center Parking Lot, and Central Winds Park near the CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEET]Nr, I MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2071 1 PAGE 5 OF 11 new trailhead were the sites being considered. Continuing, Mr. Schmidt noted that Duke Energy still needed to assess the feasibility of these proposed sites. Further discussion followed on the proposed sites, concerns of usage potential, the requirement that charging stations be placed on City-owned property, the incorporation of charging station installation for new construction, and engaging businesses to install charging stations in other locations. In response to questions about costs to the City, Mr. Schmidt noted that installation was covered by Duke and that the City was only charged for the electricity used. 301)Purchase of Five (5) Ford F150 Trucks Funded by the CARES Act. Cover Page COWS Declaration of Civil Emergency COWS EO 2020-01 Enforcement of COVID19 County EO 2020-06 `-':Zb PO 21-339 Prestige Ford Duval Ford Response to Available Trucks Peacock Ford was non-Responsive to Request No discussion. 302)Purchase of new infrastructure server appliances and backup system funded by the CARES Act Cover Page No discussion. 303)Minutes of the Monday, January 11, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting No discussion. "MOTION TO ACCEPT CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON:AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON:AYE COMMISSIONER HALE:AYE COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT: AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON:AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400)Creation of Little Lake Howell (Lake Tuskawilla) Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) Cover Page � Ordinance 2021-01 Little Lake Howell MSBU Interlocal w Winter Strings-Lake Howell-Tuskawilla Lake-Draft LLH Mailed Notice 12-31 Final LLH Published Notice lzz�,-, Attorney Garganese confirmed that the Interlocal Agreement could be approved separately from the ordinance. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2021-01 by title only. Ms. Maria Sonksen, Director, Finance Department was available for questions. Mayor Lacey opened the Public Hearing for Item 400. No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed the Public Hearing for Item 400. "MOTION TO APPROVE ORDNINACE 2021-01 ON FIRST READING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER CANNON:AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "MOTION TO APPROVE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE:AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON:AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON:AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA 500)Non-Binding Preliminary Review for Hickory Grove. Cover Page ---.!) 01 -Cover and Application 02-ALTANSPS Land Title Survey '` 04 -Building Elevations -'zz� 03 -2020.12.03 WSTC CONCEPT SITE PLAN 05-School Impact Analysis `z::�b Hickory Grove Presentation Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department briefly reviewed the site and informed the Commission that no action was required on the item. Mr. Dwight Saathoff and Mr.Jose Chaves were introduced to present their proposed project. Mr. Saathoff presented the proposed Hickory Grove Neighborhood, and noted he would welcome input to be considered as plans continue to progress. Mr. Saathoff then reviewed the project site, known commonly as the Blumberg site, and reviewed the history of acquisitions and easements provided by the Blumbergs, land use designations, and the history of the Town Center. Mr. Saathoff presented the proposed site plan,traffic analysis, and school capacity and noted that he envisioned a timeline of two to three years for completion. Mayor Lacey asked if Mr. Saathoff was aware of the Arbor Ordinance and potential fees that would be incurred. Mr. Saathoff confirmed he was aware of the ordinance, mentioned an estimated fourteen (14) specimen trees on the property, and noted his effort in previous projects to preserve and work around trees. 501)Appointment Opportunities for City Boards and Committees Cover Page "MOTION TO APPOINT BRIAN K. MASHBURN TO BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "MOTION TO REAPPOINT LORETTA AMES TO THE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIOENR ELLIOTT: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON:AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "MOTION TO ACCEPT MEGHAN GEIST TO THE YOUTH COUNCIL." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIOENR HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON:AYE COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT:AYE COMMISSIONER BENTON:AYE MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS 600)City Manager Shawn Boyle • Apologized for a lack of communication and pledged to get better • Introduced Mr. Dale Smith, the new professional engineer serving as Public Works and Utilities Director. • Noted efforts under way to reorganize city departments and operations over the next thirty to sixty days and asked for patience as this occurred. Manager Boyle confirmed that changes would be communicated to the Commission. 601)City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese lb No report 602)City Clerk Christian Gowan No report 603)Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale • No report 604)Seat Five Commissioner Rob Elliott Suggested the City Clerk reach out to all faith organizations in Winter Springs inviting them to offer the Invocation. "MOTION TO EXTEND THE MEETING THROUGH THE SECOND PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. Invited Mr.Christopher Caudle to speak on the Community Work Day initiative. o Mr. Christopher Caudle, 5439 Albert Drive, Winter Park of New Covenant Anglican Church spoke about efforts to reach out to fifteen (15) churches to gauge interest in organizing people to help neighbors. Mr. Caudle noted that many are struggling due to the pandemic and hoped the City could connect those in need with those willing to assist. 605)Mayor Charles Lacey No report 606)Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Asked for an update on the review of the Comprehensive Plan. o Mr. Schmidt noted that staff recently finished working with the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and that the City Attorney's Office was now reviewing proposed changes. Mr. Schmidt said that proposed changes would be brought to the Commission in the next thirty to sixty days. 10 . 607)Seat Two Commissioner Kevin Cannon • Let Commission know that will be attending February 8-9 groundbreaking ceremony in Apopka to have discussions with the St. Johns River Water Management District. Continuing, he noted a pilot program to utilize smart irrigation meters and asked consent to explore that possibility more as it could be beneficial to the City. • Thanked everyone involved in remedying issues with the Wastewater Treatment Plant and encouraged expedited solutions whenever possible. Commissioner Cannon noted that he believed there was no advantage to moving slowly. • Encouraged the use of email to communicate important information to residents and, if possible, a Reverse 911 line. 608)Deputy Mayor/Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Noted going to see the progress being made at Ranchlands Park and commented on the great work done by Parks and Recreation and Public Works staff. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Kenneth Spalthof,, 337 Wooded Vine Drive, Winter Springs shared positive comments about the City being made on social media. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Charles Lacey adjourned the meeting at 8:48 P.M. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CHRISTIAN GOWAN o Q' CITY CLERK APPROVED: SEA1.l Z MAYOR CHAR . ES L;� EY �j NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the February 8,2021 City Commission Regular Meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, 2021OF