HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 04 12 City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesThis email was read into
the record by the City
Clerk during the 1st
Round of Public Input at
the Monday, April 12,
2021 City Commission
Regular Meeting
From:Rustic Journeys
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Public Input: Rustic Journeys - Luanne Parker City Commission Meeting - April 12, 2021
Date:Monday, April 12, 2021 12:03:36 PM
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Good afternoon,
I would like to submit the following two items for this evening's CityCommission Meeting. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend in person.
City Commission Meeting - April 12, 2021 – Public Input
Luanne Parker, Owner of Rustic Journeys located in the Winter Springs TownCenter 1192 E SR 434. 407-542-3589
1. Minutes from March 22, 2021 City Commission Meeting - Items 606
& 607 Reports of the City Egg Hunt Event
Rustic Journeys and I most specifically want to publicly thank the City andthe efforts of Meghan McNeil, Events Coordinator and Ilana Berman,Marketing & Events Manager for creating this first ever event, “The Egg-Citing Egg Hunt” and supporting small businesses like ours. We were veryhonored and proud to be a sponsor and provide Family Gift Baskets fromour store which highlights local artisans and to create the paint kits for allchildren who attended. We look forward to participating in morecommunity events in Winter Springs.
2. April 12, 2021. Agenda Item 200. Current Economic and CommunityDevelopment Projects Summary
First and foremost, I am proud to be a small business owner in WinterSprings and thank the City and residents for welcoming us. As a smallbusiness owner, I want to share that we are still struggling amidst thepandemic and would like to implore that the City be open to assistingsmall businesses in any way possible. We moved our business fromOviedo to Winter Springs to grow alongside the local community.Instead, we are now faced with a compounding astronomical lease andwhereas the community is slowly coming back and getting out; we havesuffered the equivalency of 3 years of growth placing us back to wherewe were in 2017. Perhaps a Small Business Advisory Committee could beformed and participate with working alongside other committees as well
as provide representation in larger community development forums. Iam willing to be part of a solution as more and more small businesseswill be moving into the City’s growing retail development projects.
Luanne Parker, Owner
Rustic Journeys
1192 E State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708407-542-3589www.rustic-journeys.com
The following emails were
read into the record by the
City Clerk during Item 500 -
Consider Applications for
Appointment to the Office
of the Mayor- at the
Monday, April 12, 2021 City
Commission Regular
From:Dom Commesso
To:_City Clerk Department
Cc:Ted Johnson
Subject:Support for Mayor
Date:Thursday, April 8, 2021 3:57:12 AM
EXTERNAL EMAIL:[Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know
the content is safe.]
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to see Ken Spalthoff appointed Mayor for his true and heart-felt dedication to
the city of Winter Springs. His volunteer work for the school food pantries, his many daysof help with the free hot lunches through Dominick's last summer, forever supporting the
business owners of Winter Springs, has been absolutely amazing and so very muchappreciated. I appreciate Mr. Spalthoff and respect his volunteer work and dedication to the
community. I can't think of anyone else that would be better suited to lead our city, asMayor, than Ken Spalthoff.
The City of Winter Springs Commission would be lucky to have this successful and highlyeducated professional to assist them in representing the great city of Winter Springs.
Dominic A. Commesso
Proud Winter Springs Resident --
Dom Commesso, TreasurerDominick's To Go & Catering
"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money;it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
From:The Daily Dose
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Ken for Mayor
Date:Thursday, April 8, 2021 3:35:03 PM
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Hey there!
This is George Naldjieff, one of the owners here at The Daily Dose in Winter Springs towncenter!
We wanted to write this letter, due to the fact we could not attend the meeting, to endorse &
support Ken in his appointment of Mayor of Winter Springs.
I’ve met him, we spoken & I truly respect what he does for the community! We appreciate thesupport he’s given us as well as his leadership in the community. He’s extremely informative,
support, & has a great feel for the community. I think he would be an asset to the City ofwinter springs.
We are looking forward to seeing this community THRIVE & absolutely think Ken Spalthoff
is the man for the job! I’m sorry again that we could not attend!
Let’s continue to grow as a community & support one another! Have a blessed day!
APRIL 11, 2021
Christian Gowan 1126 E SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Christian, As I am not a good public speaker, I respectfully request that this be read into the record at the next City Commission meeting on April 12, 2021. I moved to Winter Springs in 1985, We moved away for awhile but when my in-laws past we purchased their home in Tuscawilla to provide our daughter a great school experience and a great place to grow up, she passed in our home at 17 years old, and we have lived there since. My father used to cover the commission and politics of Winter Springs for the Oviedo Voice years ago but I never really paid much attention to things going on in our little city until the out-of-control growth explosion. I started following the politics and activities of the elected officials at that time and was very disappointed, as it seemed developers ran the show. I have heard how the State gutted local Government’s ability to restrict growth, but I believe the right mind set with the right set of zoning and code requirements can limit the growth to quality and community friendly trends. I watched in surprise as a pseudo “Community Association” popped and started to rale against the Commissioners and the direction the voters selected by large majorities, I am fully aware of a “survey “conducted by the afore mentioned “association “stating that 84% of the residents believe the city is going in the wrong direction, as we all know surveys can be swayed by how the question is posed, in my humble opinion the only survey that matters is the ballot box. Our former mayor chose to fight that direction, by vetoing a freeze on certain types of development until a review could be performed. He then resigned claiming he could no longer support the direction the commission. I believe he was a good Mayor and a good man but times and situations have changed. I respectfully request the Commission select a new Mayor that shares the vision that our commission and most important the voters of Winter Springs demanded in recent elections and I believe that man is Ken Spalthoff.
Warm regards,
J Gary Horner
J. Gary Horner 1109 Winter Springs Blvd, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Tel 407.921.3212
From:michele nelson
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:In support of Ken Spalthoff for mayor of Winter Springs
Date:Sunday, April 11, 2021 1:32:09 PM
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Christian please read the below into the public record at Monday 4/12 commission meeting
We have known the Spalthoff family for over 7 years as neighbors and have become
good friends. Ken is a great family man and has strong leadership skills. He has always beeninvolved in our community,
He has hosted multiple charity events and activities in our community.
· Coordinated multiple 5K Runs -raising money for local food pantries
· Sponsored and hosted numerous outdoor movie nights at his home for local families
Ken agrees with a Pro-Smart Growth Agenda, he is also pro local business as long as ourinfrastructure is able to handle it. He opposes the over development of large multi-unitapartment complexes.
In closing we believe Ken Spalthoff is not only the right choice he is the only choice formayor of Winter Springs
Steve & Michele Nelson
1107 Shadowbrook Trail
Winter Springs, Fl 32708
From:Steve Gildea
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Mayor Replacement
Date:Sunday, April 11, 2021 7:50:19 PM
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Dear City Commissioners,I am reaching out as 14 year resident of Winter Springs and Winding Hollow subdivision. I
would like it to be on record that I support Ken Spalthoff as the Interim Mayor of WinterSprings. Having sat back and taking in all of the smear campaigns against Ken and the way he
responded has made me quite convinced that Ken is the man for the job. He has shownpatience, and in an extremely non- partisan way, while setting our community straight in how
he has explained the construction of housing in Winter Springs as well as other issues. AMayor for the people is what we need and I strongly feel Ken is the man for the job and
support him.
Respectfully,Stephen Gildea
346 Twelve Oaks DriveWinter Springs, FL 32708
Sent from the all new AOL app for Android
From:Jessica Kingston
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Commissioners please read during first public input section at commission meeting
Date:Sunday, April 11, 2021 10:19:39 PM
[Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and knowthe content is safe.]
Please read this during the first public input section at the commission meeting:
I am writing to speak up for Jesse Phillips and say that I think he should be appointed Mayor.
Our city faces so many challenges, beginning with the mishandling of the water system, whichmade parts of the Highlands where I live unbearable for months. I know Jesse Phillips and the
Winter Springs Community Association had been trying to warn about these issues for a longtime, and I am very grateful our city had people willing to speak up when not accept the status
quo. I wish the city had listened to him then, but we have a chance to benefit from his voicenow. Our city needs for you to appoint someone with a different perspective as Mayor. Jesse is
the only one who has the experience to do this job right out of the gate. Please appoint him tobe our next Mayor.
- Jessica Kingston310 3rd Street
Winter springs, fl 32708
From:Jamiee Miller
To:_City Clerk Department
Date:Monday, April 12, 2021 7:57:17 AM
EXTERNAL EMAIL:[Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know
the content is safe.]
Jamiee Jordan-Miller
708 Briarwood Dr.Winter Springs, FL 32708
Please read this comment during public input:
I ask you to please appoint Jesse Phillips as our next Mayor. Mr. Phillips has faithfully
sounded the alarm on our water system, and fought relentlessly for improvements to thequality and safety of our drinking water. When it seemed nobody else was listening, he was
there, speaking up for his neighbors and asking the city to fix its problems. He has been atireless advocate and is exactly the person we need to speak up for our city’s residents. The is
a time for a new direction and Mr Phillips is the only candidate who can offer that.
Thank you for your time and considerationMiller family
From:Karen Bagwell
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Candidate for Winter Springs Mayor
Date:Monday, April 12, 2021 10:54:33 AM
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To be read during public input:
I would like to encourage you to appoint Jesse Phillips as our next Mayor. Mr. Phillips is myneighbor and I have enjoyed seeing his four children brighten our neighborhood for the last
3.5 years. He's also that neighbor that is there to help in any way he can and continues todemonstrate his care for his fellow neighbor.
I've also had a chance to work with Mr. Phillips directly to help launch the Business Alliance
Council with the Seminole Regional Chamber of Commerce to try to bring attention to ourcity's hard working small business owners. His hard work and resources were invaluable to its
His advocacy for our community makes him a great candidate to be Mayor and I hope youconsider appointing him.
Karen Bagwell
1133 Duncan DriveWinter Springs, FL 32708
From:Jeff Crandall
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Request to be read into record at City Council Meeting tonight please confirm receipt
Date:Monday, April 12, 2021 1:34:25 PM
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To our elected Winter Springs Commissioners:
I wish that I could attend the meeting this evening, but due to the Covid 19 pandemic, I respectfully
ask that my letter be read into record as a public input regarding the appointment of our city Mayor.
First and foremost, thank you for your service to our community.
The leadership of Winter Springs is vital to our community.
I ask that you respectfully consider the appointment of Kenneth Spalthoff to the position of Mayor.
Mr. Spalthoff is the only candidate to submit for appointment that received any vote from the
citizens of our City.
Mr. Spalthoff received 43% of the Mayoral votes for 2018.
I think Mr. Spalthoff will work hard for our City and will represent our interests well.
Jeff Crandall
1239 Stone Harbour Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Good Afternoon,
My name is Rebecca Holcomb, and I have been a lifelong resident of Winter
Springs. Having moved here when I was 5 years old, I have seen this city go
through many changes. From 434 going from a 2-lane road to a 4-lane road, the
building of Indian Trails Middle School and Winter Springs High School, the
expansion of Central Winds Park, to the addition of many neighborhoods. All these
changes are good for the progression of our city but there can be too much of a
good thing.
In the recent years, we have seen our bedroom community, one with a small-town
feel, turn into a concrete jungle taking down most of Winter Springs greenways.
Our streets and trails are now lined with buildings (some empty) and numerous
apartments. Much of Winter Springs charm has been lost through this progressive
This is one of many reasons why I think Ken Spalthoff would be a great choice as
Winter Springs Mayor. I understand that the Mayor of Winter Springs does not
have the ability to vote on issues, but his vision is in line with our current
commission; to stop the overdevelopment of our City. This will make the
Commissioners work easier because they will finally have the support of our
Ken truly cares about our City. He always has his ear to the ground listening to
peoples’ concerns, needs, and wants. Ken played an instrumental role in helping
many of our current Commissioners become elected. He volunteered his time
campaigning for himself, but also those Commissioners who felt the same way he
did. Ken has been a direct line from the citizens of Winter Springs to the
Commission. Through his Facebook page, Ken is able to relay important
information to our citizens, but he is also able to help provide the Commissioners
insight into how the community is feeling.
Ken has been visible throughout our community for several years now. He has
been a part of the Mentor Program at Winter Springs High School, sponsored 5K
races that raised food for food pantries in our community, held movie nights on his
own front lawn to help build the sense of community and the list goes on and on. It
would be nice to finally have a Mayor take part in our community and to help
make Winter Springs the best that it can be,
Thank you for your time,
Rebecca Holcomb
FCCI Insurance Group
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From:Derek DeGeer
To:_City Clerk Department
Subject:Support for Ken Spalthoff
Date:Monday, April 12, 2021 3:58:24 PM
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To the residents of Winter Springs,
I’d like to take a moment to show my support for the appointment of Ken Spalthoff for mayor of
Winter Springs.
I met Ken in 2015 shortly after moving to Winter Springs. In that time, Ken has repeatedly shown
himself to be hard worker, determined, a family first man and someone that has repeatedly given
back to his community. Ken identifies a problem, quickly works to find a solution and then acts
before most would think to help. Ken truly is a community steward that cares for the well-being of
Winter Springs and its residents for now and the future. Ken’s values are also a reflection of our
current elected Winter Springs commission having set a vision of smart growth and smart
development that resonated so well with our citizens.
Ken’s values, vision and leadership is needed in Winter Springs in these trying times and I hope my
support will be considered.
Derek DeGeer
100 Trace Point
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The following documents
were added to the record by
Commissioner Kevin Cannon
at the Monday, April 12, 2021
City Commission Regular
Meeting during the
discussion of Item 500 -
Consider Applications for
Appointment to the Office of
the Mayor
- List of Questions
- Examples of Meetings to
- Letter(s) to Applicants from
Commissioner Kevin Cannon
Examples of Meetings to Attend
*** This list is not comprehensive, rather it has been compiled as an example of meetings
which the Mayor would attend as representative of the City of Winter Springs.
Mayor & Manager Meeting
•Monthly lunch meeting (11:30 AM -1:00 PM) with Seminole County Mayors and City
Managers. Location rotates.
Public Schools Facilities Planning Committee (PSFPC)
•Meet as needed to hear recommendations from the Planning Technical Advisory
Committee (PTAC) – meets at 9 AM
MetroPlan Orlando – Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC)
•MAC meets on the Thursday before the MetroPlan Orlando Board meeting (generally
the first Thursday of the month). Meetings start at 9:30 a.m., at the MetroPlan
Orlando office (250 S. Orange Ave., Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801). All meetings are
open to the public and include opportunities for public comment. In 2021, there are
no MAC meetings scheduled for January, April, August or October.
•Council of Local Governments in Seminole County Meets bi-monthly (February, April,
June, August, October, & December) at 6 PM. Location rotates through member
South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (SSNOCWTA)
•Meet bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, Septmeber, November @ 8:30 AM)
Oviedo/Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce
•Monthly luncheon (11:30 AM - 1:15 PM) held at Oviedo Cultural Center
Seminole County Chamber of Commerce
•Business Alliance Council (1 PM – 3 PM) – meets monthly at Oviedo Brewing
Tri-County League of Cities
•Monthly lunch meetings in various locations (12PM – 1:30 PM)
Florida League of Cities
•Annual Conference (August 12-14, 2021 at the World Center Marriott – Orlando) – The
Mayor traditionally serves as the City’s Voting Delegate
The following letter was
added to the record by City
Manager Boyle during his