HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 04 04 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting MintuesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 04, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Hogaboom called the Regular Meeting of Thursday, April 04, 2019 of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Bill Hogaboom, present Vice -Chairperson David Mander, present Committee Member Dan Finley, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500) Election for Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2019 "I AM GOING TO NOMINATE DAVID MANDER FOR CHAIRPERSON." NOMINATION BY CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE VICE -CHAIRPERSON MANDER: AYE DAVID MANDER WAS ELECTED THE CHAIRPERSON CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR M EETI NG - APRIL 04,2019 PAGE20F4 501) Election for Vice -Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2019 "I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE MR. HOGABOOM." NOMINATION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON MANDER. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HOGABOOM: AYE CHAIRPERSON MANDER: AYE BILL HOGABOOM WAS ELECTED THE VICE -CHAIRPERSON AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Vice -Chairperson Hogaboom opened "Public Input" No one spoke Vice -Chairperson Hogaboom closed "Public Input': * AGENDA NOTE: ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER * PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-APRIL04, 2019 PAGE 3OF4 REGULAR AGENDA — PART 11 502) Fiscal year 2018-2019 Budget Ms. Kelly Balagia, Budget Analyst, Finance and Administrative Services Department gave a review and briefing of the Maintenance fund and Capital fund from the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Ms. Balagia stated that, "the funds are right on target" and explained that there was funds left for additional projects. Discussion followed regarding additional Bids and Landscaping. 503) Overview Regarding Landscape and Hardscape Mr. Guy Myers, Construction Project Manager, Operations Department gave a recap of the projects done within the past year such as the wall repairs and the LED lighting repairs. Suggestions on further improving the lighting and repainting at the entrances were given from the Board. CONSENT AGENDA 300)Approval of the Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 (Rescheduled From Thursday April 5, 2018) Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes "I'll MOVE TO ACCEPT AS WRITTEN." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON MANDER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE -CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: AYE CHAIRPERSON MANDER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 04, 2019 PAGE 4OF4 PUBLIC INPUT Vice -Chairperson Hogaboom opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Vice -Chairperson Hogaboom closed "Public Input" ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chairperson Hogaboom adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:52 pm RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: r TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANTTO THE CITY CLERK '. �• .. ED.. W446 eve ILU SIC NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the April IS,2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.