HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 Election - General InformationCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ON THE 2018 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION*   On Tuesday, November 6th, 2018, the City of Winter Springs will hold a General Municipal Election in which the Voters will elect a Mayor, a City Commissioner in District Two, and a City Commissioner in District Four.   For anyone interested in running for Elected Office in the City of Winter Springs, PLEASE contact the City Clerk at (407) 327-5955 first, to make sure you are familiar with the steps required to run for Office.   Please note that BEFORE any campaign contributions are accepted, one must first file with the Winter Springs' City Clerk an "APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES" (DS-DE 9) form – for access to this form, please click this link: http://dos.myflorida.com/media/693631/dsde9.pdf and then also open a Campaign Account; and then file with the Winter Springs' City Clerk, a "STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE" (DS-DE 84) form – for access to this form, please click this link: http://dos.myflorida.com/media/693280/dsde84.pdf REPORTING DATES FOR CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORTS: Campaign Treasurer's Reports are filed electronically via the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections website, once the "APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES" (DS-DE 9) form as well as the "STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE" (DS-DE 84) form have been filed with the City of Winter Springs’ City Clerk. The following is an excerpt from http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/campaign-finance/ as it relates to Campaign Finance “Campaign Finance Information By Florida law, campaigns, committees, and electioneering communications organizations are required to disclose detailed financial records of campaign contributions and expenditures. Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, regulates campaign financing for all candidates, including judicial candidates, political committees, electioneering communication organizations, affiliated party committees, and political parties. It does not regulate campaign financing for candidates for federal office. The laws governing campaign finance reporting and campaign financing limitations are complex. For more detail, please refer to Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, and the candidate and committee handbooks.”   The following link provides access to the Florida Statutes and specifically, the Election Code: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Index&Title_Request=IX#TitleIX  and/or http://election.dos.state.fl.us/publications/pdf/2013/2013_Election_Laws.pdf The following link provides access to Florida's Division of Elections: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/   In addition to compliance with Florida Statutes, Candidates for Winter Springs Elected Office must also comply with the Winter Springs Charter, and portions of Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION, and a link to this information is available by clicking on the following link:  https://www.municode.com/library/fl/winter_springs/codes/code_of_ordinances QUALIFYING: In the City of Winter Springs:  Qualifying Period Begins:  Monday, August 27, 2018 at 12:00 p.m./Noon:   Qualifying Period ENDS:   Friday, August 31, 2018 at 12:00 p.m./Noon Qualifying Packets are estimated to be available during early to mid August 2018. If you would like to be notified when the Qualifying Packets are available, please contact the City Clerk at aluaces@winterspringsfl.org or (407) 327-5955. During the Qualifying Period in Winter Springs, along with other forms to be completed and turned into the City Clerk, a Petition form with fifteen (15) signatures will be required (by using a form supplied by the City of Winter Springs and which will be available with Qualifying Packets), as well as payment of the following: Qualifying Fee: $150.00 AND A 1% Assessment Fee as noted below: The Mayor Receives: $1,200.00 per month $1,200.00 x 12 months = $14,400.00 annually The 1% Assessment amounts to: $144.00 Each Commissioner Receives: $1,000.00 per month $1,000.00 x 12 months = $12,000.00 annually The 1% Assessment amounts to: $120.00 POLITICAL SIGNS: Sec. 16-60. - Supplemental temporary sign requirements. (a) In addition to any other applicable provision of this article and code, the following minimum standards shall apply to all temporary signs: (1) Temporary signs shall be removed within three (3) days after the date upon which the sign has fulfilled its purpose (e.g., the scheduled event or occurrence has concluded). However, in cases where the temporary on-premises sign is advertising products or services for sale on the property, the temporary sign may only be erected during the time period when a person may actually purchase the products or services on the property. In addition, temporary off-premises signs shall be governed by the time limits set forth in subparagraph (7). (2) On property zoned residential or used for residential purposes, no temporary sign shall exceed six (6) square feet and the total number of temporary signs on any one residential property shall not exceed four (4). Temporary signs authorized by this section may be erected in one (1) or more designated common areas of the residential subdivision that is owned and maintained by a homeowners association provided such signs meet all applicable requirements of this section. The property owner is responsible for obtaining permission from the homeowners association as may be required by law and the association's covenants and rules. (3) On property zoned other than residential or used for non-residential purposes, no temporary sign shall exceed nine (9) square feet and the total number of temporary signs on any one non-residential property shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet. However, on property with multiple commercial tenants, each tenant may erect one (1) temporary sign on or facing each street frontage adjacent to the property even if the total square footage of temporary signage for the entire property exceeds thirty-six (36) square feet. (4) If the temporary sign is a ground sign, the maximum height of any such sign shall be four (4) feet on property zoned or used for residential purposes, or eight (8) feet on any non-residential property. (5) Such signs shall also meet the following minimum standards: (i) the sign must be at least five (5) feet from any right-of-way; (ii) the sign must be at least ten (10) feet from side and rear property lines; (iii) the sign shall not be illuminated. (6) Upon issuance of a building permit, areas under development pursuant to an existing development order approved by the city shall be permitted one (1) additional non-illuminated temporary sign not to exceed a sign area of sixteen (16) square feet and six (6) feet in height for a single family lot or thirty-two (32) square feet and ten (10) feet for multi-family, commercial, industrial, and institutional development projects. Signs permitted hereunder shall be permitted for one (1) year or until the building permits for the area under development have expired or been revoked. All signs shall be removed when the project has been completed, suspended, or abandoned for at least three (3) months. (7) Temporary off-premises signs may be erected upon issuance of a permit by the city, provided the temporary off-premises sign(s) meets the following conditions: a. The sign may only be erected on property during weekends and national holidays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. b. The sign may only be located within one (1) mile of the activity, event or place being displayed or promoted on the sign, and the activity, event or place so displayed or promoted on the sign shall be required to be located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the city. c. The owner of the property on which the sign will be erected has consented to the placement of the sign. However, the property owner shall not allow more than four (4) temporary off-premises signs on any one property. d. The size, height, and placement of the sign shall comply with the requirements set forth in this section. e. No sign shall be erected on or within any right-of-way. f. Any permit issued for an individual property under this subsection shall have a maximum duration of forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days. If the permit is for purposes of promoting a specific activity or event, there shall be a maximum one-permit limit for each activity or event, provided, however, there shall also be a two-permit limit per calendar year for any particular place of business or residence. Special events which are sponsored or cosponsored by the city, county or school district, and which are intended to be open to the general public and community at-large using public facilities, shall not be subject to the two-permit limit. (b) Balloon displays. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, balloon displays may be permitted subject to the following: (1) Balloon displays may only be permitted for one (1) grand opening period not to exceed forty-five (45) calendar days. (2) Balloon displays shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height above the roof to which it is attached. If the balloon display is not attached to a roof, it shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height above ground level. (3) Balloon displays comprised of tethered balloons shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet in height above ground level. At the discretion of the community development director, this height allocation may be reduced or the balloon permit application may be denied if site conditions such as trees, aerial utility lines, adjacent roadways, or other circumstances warrant, in order to ensure the safety and welfare of the public. Tethered balloon displays shall not be displayed between dusk and dawn each day or on excessively windy days where the wind causes the display to be offset more than thirty (30) degrees from vertical. (4) Balloon displays secured by a cable, cord or rope may have small pennants attached thereto for visibility purposes, but shall not contain additional advertising. The following link will also provide access (as outlined above) to the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinance and the information on signs provided in Chapter 16 SIGNS AND ADVERTISING: http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=12019 AGAIN - For anyone interested in Candidate information for the 2018 City of Winter Springs’ General Municipal Election, PLEASE contact the City Clerk at (407) 327-5955 to make sure you are familiar with the steps required to run for Office. *NOTE: The information provided here is simply an overview of basic information and commonly asked questions, and is not intended to be a complete and definitive guide to running for local Elected Office. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------