HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 02 22 Thomson, Harold Application for CEB City of Winter Springs, FL Boards &Commissions Submit Date: Feb 22, 2021
Application Form
Please be aware that documents submitted to the City are public records available for
inspection to the extent allowed by Chapter 1
Florida Statutes.
Harold J Thomson
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
931 Ginnie Way
Home Address Suite or Apt
Winter Springs FL 32708
City State Postal Code
What district do you live in?
District 2
Email Address
Mobile: (407) 341-8232 Home: (407) 327-4904
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Code Enforcement Board: Appointed
Are you duly registered to vote in Seminole County?
• Yes r No
Are you duly registered to vote in the City of Winter Springs?
• Yes r No
Do you live within the city limits of Winter Springs
• Yes r No
How long have you been a resident of Winter Springs?
24 years
Harold J Thomson
Have you ever been convicted or found
regardless of
of a felony in any
guilty, adjudication,
jurisdiction? Any plea of nolo contendere (no contest) shall be considered a conviction for
the purposes of this question.
Yes • No
Do you currently serve on any other City of Winter Springs board or committee?
Yes • No
above,If yes to the
please list each
Do you have any private or personal interests which might conflict with serving the City's
interests if you were to be appointed to serve on this board or committee?
Yes • No
City ordinance requires that all persons applying for a City board or committee must
voluntarily consent to a standard criminal background check before being appointed to a
board or committee. Do you voluntarily consent to having a standard background check
being performed on you by the City of Winter Springs?
• Yes r No
Are you related to a City of Winter Springs Commission member by blood, adoption, or
Yes • No
If yes to the above, please provide relation
Interest & Experiences
Why are you interested in serving on a board or committee?
would like to contribute to the running of the city
Briefly state any specialized knowledge or prior experience you have that would be useful in
assisting the board or committee in accomplishing its purpose.
have been on the board of the Winter Springs Village HOA as well as an ARC member.
Briefly state any experience you have in serving on any governmental board or committee.
See above
State Reporting Requirements
Harold J Thomson
Florida law requiresi 1y submit a report to the Secretary of State disclosing ,
physicalgender, and i iiicommittee
Date of Birth
Do you have a physical disability?
Yes • No
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You hereby represent to the City of Winter Springs under penalties of perjury that the
information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and the City
of Winter Springs has the right to rely on that information
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You hereby acknowledge the existence of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and the
Florida Sunshine Law which may pertain to you if you are appointed to a City Board or
Committee. If appointed it is your sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws.
Harold J Thomson