HomeMy WebLinkAboutLearning for Life (Explorer Program) Memorandum of Understanding 2011-2020 crew tic"
r 0 Cheek tine: ]Middle SdWl Fxplow Club
❑ Explorer At1at
New l'osdClab ❑ ttenelval(lJnII No.)
Memorandum of Understanding
!n this Program operated or ,XnRil rained by Learning Co Life,a Diand understands
rkA Of Cohnubia nonprofitt corpotatlon tions for participating
("Learning Far
Life"),and dtaircs to enter into this agreement regarding participation in this program.The respnnsibilitics(Lea
Organization include: g
rfffddle Schno,! .,! rer Clr 0-_a .t-
-Screening and selecting at letrst two adults, including a sponsor and associate spons
School Explorer Club participants. or,t0 work direc[iy with the Middle
�Linrer,Pi�.s_/a afr u:
- Screening and selccting at least four adults, including committeechalrtman, two
advise, who will work directly with the past offiears. committee members,and an
Afiddl� S•tao �,f rrr r,,f�s�xr1 E>rcEorcr P�sts�
Ensuringthal nil participating adults complete the requircd Learning ror Life Youth Protection training.The training is
available at exl)loring,iearningforilfe org.
• Providing adequate facilities For the participants to meet On a regular schedule wilh a time ttn
• Participating in an initial program Orientation session. d place reserved. &Y
• Participating in or ]cast 0110 evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each year,
Note: Adeps may serve in mblfjPje posLr and Chrbs,
is progillm is part or
r Life's
nhccssary to ctp the Participating Lgonrganizaetdiora succeed tin thiftc e O ra of gram Learning fur We provides the support service
the program.
These services Include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality leaders; progrant 1esOurces;and
primary general liability insurautce to corer the participating Organization, its board quality
y learec ars and/or trustees,and its
and employees in their official and individual capacities against personal liability judgments arising from DfrIcial
Learning for!_ife aeiiviries.
This Annuul MenlOrandnm of Understanding shall remain in effect through the registrrtion expiration of the po
Miller nrganixfrtirnt may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice 40 the other organisation. st or club,
Dule: l _
Signature oforg.6ration head or designee j Signature°
.. ,. r ?,ntt7I1
of Learningf re rCpe9 '—
(Print name) _ Pr
( t name)
RMSG0Augua 201e
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Check One Middle 6cbool
8xpiamer,Qub 0 rrp[nter Aust
New FkOSVOub RAMewar w t
'�¢lilGrvl. unuw!w.�.'rkw^✓rvimnrxw'S'um uum@WWW�'ywu'e uw; uw�uvNvbx w.� MWV9 �},m!mJJWr'muWWw.mdwaxvmti�Tl aw''nWwandNlf. ttB Rti',SNyyHA V!T2fnott Lw�wacrNW_Fn-NO.C.AW'�—�;C^...�s'✓i..
!° '' ':•i.'v has read and understands the following combdons for participating
in!iris program operated and maintained by Learning for Life,a District of Columbia nonprofit c-0rposat cm. ("La&ngft
L f ft),and desires to enter into this agreement regarding participation it,this program.The rt±spoasibllities of the
organiratfon Inch ie:
AwAff A r wl&RkM(Uk orrice.
•Screening and sebath:g at least two adW%.including a spoxwar and asuonte,spwwor to work directly with the Middle
School Explorer Club participants.
Bxdnv>sr l:'bsfs_neriv:
•Screening and selecting at least four adults.including committee chairman,two committee members,and an
advisor,who wiI(work directly with the post officm,
A&WRW Chlbs Old Rwk=&rrtr:
•Ensuring that all parfidpe tg adults complete the required Darning for Ltfe youth protection training.The training is
available at wtplorfrrg.leanrdngforftfLcn g,
•Providing adequate facilities for the participants to meet on a regtilar schedale with a time and place reserved.
•Participating in an initial program orientation session.
•Participating in at least one evaluation with Darning for Life representatives each year
Note.AduUs may serwe in mutt*posts and clubs.
This program is part of Learning for Life's education resource pr egram.Learning for fife providea the support service
necessary to help the participating organizations succeed In their use of the program.
These sr rvices include year-round training techniques and methods for selec dng quailty leaders,progum resources;and
primary general liability insurance to cover the participating orgaa4tation.its board of directors and/or trustees,and its
officers and employers In their official and individual capacities against personal lk&UUty jw%M tts arWng from ofBdal
Darning for life activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Uudeteta uft&hall remain in effect through the registration expiration of the post or chub
Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice to the other orgudutlon.
Date: — - L` rk.A—... .,___..,..,..
1 r
Signature of organization head or design true ie
seeing far Life representative
(Print game) (Print nena)
tL3e�mF tdrgerErapC :alCas Check One School Explorer Club E] Explorer I o.it jf jf
New Post/Club Renewal(Unit No.) ,
Il p 111 S1 1'BY Il Z�'e$&.Ck IJI 1111-1
'�. 1 F I'` l l � � �a 4
{,.�„r,mwwwasrk�.nWw�w irarmoiPwm rr�raala•I'oovur!ww�uri�wuumv�r u�louuuawiwrua.�www�urcaw,u.wan�i�i�iw^�amwalwuasdWr�muamremt+•-4+�¢:a�:�en.+�,:[,.✓wNs�t*xa�wrrr�rew��u�pr,�yrmf+utu�mw!mmoi i�;uuounrvmumio�e >Nuummrnooirrx,n�m uiwwwramnuamrY
lt=d'KiaA J 1,1VAL1rIr has read and understands the following conditions for participating
in this program operated and maintained by Learning for Life, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation ("Learning for
Life"), and desires to enter into this agreement regarding participation in this program. The responsibilities of the
organization include:
Middle School Explorer Clubs orale:
Screening and selecting at least two adults, including a sponsor and associate sponsor, to work directly with the Middle
School Explorer Club participants.
Explorer Posts only:
- Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two committee members, and an
advisor, who will work directly 'wi,"a the post officers.
Middle School Explorer Clubs and Explorer-Posts:
Ensuringthat all participating adults complete the required Learning for Life Youth Protection training. The training is
available at exploring.learningforlife.org.
- Providing adequate facilities for the participants to meet on a regular schedule with a time and place reserved.
Participating in an initial program orientation session.
• Participating in at least one evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each year.
Note: Adults may serve in multiple pasts and clubs.
This program is part of Learning for Life's education resource program. Learning ib: Life provides th:; support service
necessary to help the participating organizations succeed in their use of the program.
These services include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality leaders; program resources; and
primary general liability insurance to cover the participating organization, its board of directors and/or trustees,and its
officers and employees in their olficial and individual capacities against personal liability judgments arising from official
Learning for Life activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in effect through the registration expiration of the post or club.
Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice to the other organization.
Date; R`z '24q
J' 4�it
Signature of organization head or designee Signatu of Learning for Life representative
'ILA1} Y,
(11n" ( name) (Print name)
PlevisedAugni 2014
Post Advisor has read and understands the following conditions for
participating in the Exploring Program operated and maintained by Learning for Life, a District of
Columbia non profit corporation ('Learning for Life"), and desires to enter into this agreement regarding
its participating in the Exploring Program. The responsibilities of the organization Include:
Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two committee
members, and an Advisor who will work directly with the post officers.
All registered adults are required to complete Learning for Life Youth Protection Training every 2
Providing adequate facilities for the Explorer post to meet on a regular schedule with time and place
Participating in an initial program orientation session.
Participating at least one evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each year.
The Exploring program is part of Learning for Life's education resource program. Learning for Life
provides the support service necessary to help the participating organizations succeed in their use of
the program.
Ttiiese services include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality leaders,
program resources, and primary liability insurance to cover the participating organization, Its board,
officers, and employees against all personal liability judgments arising from official Exploring Program
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in-effect until December 31. Either
organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice to the,other organization,
Signature of organization head or designee "" 5inatureTof fbMryg Representative
r (Print Name) (Print Nan e)
Ev Mamoraredum of 'J:,;erstanding.r Rev.2010-8-9 i
rregrtiVorhi career 8�P$rlcrtces�
f,�v�'a [M'!rwmta;'br�rm!eiwrrrRifilml�Wrei��IdifKi'IDUdwotaU ��e'�` ...
�If ��t ��W4�LNPAIUll1lll0udnlil — wV " ih ,fiVNNVGPVwu�NlldilRfitlPfWwd�74w'wuwumiovmvklANfoi�wl�Wa(rtrto'NN1wwN'�muJIVf9VA��wlileiP�w9n
ti, �> �, r,e r '�' has read and understands the following conditions
for participating in t e Exploring Program operated and maintained by learning for Llfe, a
District of Columbia non profit corporation ("Learning for Life"), and desires to enter into-this
agreement regarding its participating in the Exploring Program. The responsibilities of the
organization include:
Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two
committee members,and an Advisor who will work directly with the post officers.
All participating adults are required to complete Learning for Life Youti Protection
Providing adequate facilities for the Explorer post to meet on a regular schedule with time
and place reserved,
Participating 4r1 an initial program orientation session.
Participating 'ins at least one evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each year,
The Exploring Program is part of
eifor ea garlic gating organizationion resource program. s ming
for Life provides the support service necessary tohelp th
succeed in their use of the program.
These services include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality
leaders, program resources,dias and employeeary s against alllto cover the participating
l personal liability judgements
organization, its board,
arising from official Exploring Program activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in effect until
Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice to the other
organization. y
Daae: r w_`�""�"
a ra 4. g for to
Stgnature of manintlan head or designee
� >� �, k
P nt Name)
(Print Name)
Revised Nov 2011
`fiaaf-i�Yarfd Card .perfences
klFil�vMl .. wtlw�'fN7P!Iil@il� �AOi!�°,'rJ('n -. II' IIVI�' uufIVMPNmuVmmmuuuuuuuuumumiml�VV@UMWNUmoNUDmuWrNiViIWP. V1fPN11G' 7i�wMfIVNIuMi@Uu iPo
( -AL kikA /412
til has read and understands the following conditions
fol participating in the Explorin Program operated and maintained.by Learning for Life, a
District of Columbia non profit corporation ("Learning for Life"), and desires to enter into this
agreement regarding its participating in the Exploring Program. The responsibilities of the
organization include:
Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two
committee members, and an Advisor who will work directly with the post officers_
All participating adults are required to complete Learning for Life Your'•, Protection
Providing adequate facilities for the Explorer post to meet on a regular schedule with time
and place reserved.
Participating clime an initial program orientation session.
Participating in at least one evaluation with Learning for t.ife representatives each year.
The Exploring Program is part of Learning for Life's education resource program. Learning
for.Life provides the support service necessary to help the participating organizations
succeed in their use of the program.
These services include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality
leaders, program resources, and primary liability insurance to cover the participating
organization, its board, officers, and employees against all personal liability judgements
arising from official Exploring Program activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in effect until
Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice to the other
5 ture of organization head signee sig, aturs o Lea,^it y c r L fe 'epresentative
(Prini Name) (Print Name)
Revised IJo� :ani
r Po
has read and understands the following
conditions for participating in the Exploring Program operated and maintained by
Learning for Life, a District of Columbia Pon profit corporation ("[earning for Life"), and
desires to enter into this agreement regarding its participating in the Exploring Program.
The responsibilities of the organization include:
Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two
committee members, and an Advisor who will work directly with the post officers.
Encourage all adults to complete Learning for Life Youth Protection Training.
Providing adequate facilities for the Explorer post to meet on a regular schedule with
time and place reserved.
® Participating in an initial program orientation session.
Participating in at least one evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each
The Exploring Program is part of Learning for Life's education resource program.
Learning for Life provides the support service necessary to help the participating
organizations succeed in their use of the program.
These services include year-round training techniques and methods for selecting quality
leaders, program resources, and primary liability insurance to cover the participating
organization, its board, officers, and employees against all personal liability judgements
arising from official Exploring Program activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in effect for one year from this
date. Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice
to the other n//rganizati
Date: ..Z64
Signature or organization head ah designee Signature earnin for Lire Reprosentalive
-6&Ze—vl� -aaaX --
(Print Name) (Print Naha)
has read and understands the following
conditions for participating in the Exploring Program operated and maintained by
Learning for Life, a District of Columbia non profit corporation ("Learning for Life"), and
desires to enter into this agreement regarding its participating in the Exploring Program.
The responsibilities of the organization include:
Screening and selecting at least four adults, including committee chairman, two
committee members, and an Advisor who will work directly with the post officers.
Encourage all adults to complete Learning for Life Youth Protection Training.
Providing adequate facilities for the Explorer post to meet on a regular schedule with
time and place reserved.
Participating in an initial program orientation session.
Participating In at least one evaluation with Learning for Life representatives each
The Exploring Program is part of Learning for Life's education resource program,
Learning for Life provides the support service necessary to help the participating
organizations succeed in their use of the program.
These services include year-round training techniquQs and methods for selecting quality
leaders, program resources, and primary liability insurance to cover the participating
organization, its board, officers, and employees against all personal liability judgements
arising from official Exploring Program activities.
This Annual Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in effect for one year from this
date. Either organization may discontinue the program at any time upon written notice
to the other organization.
Signature of organization head or designee Signature of earni for Life Representative
h IR.`S go 121 tq A10
(Print Name) (Print Name)