HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 01 05 Letter to Van Kleunen - PARAC Reappointment 'loll %14
-~���— WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA sarne'z7ee
Telephone (4u7) s27'laou
January S.2O2]
Mr.James Van K|eunmn
lO28Cheetah Trail
Winter Springs, Florida 33708
Dear Mr.Van K|munen:
First of all, thank you very much for your dedicated service tothe City of Winter Springs as
one of our Board Members. As you probably are aware, the present Term ofOffice that you
are currently serving, as a Member of the City of Winter Springs' Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee expires February 1, 2021. | am in the process of notifying all applicable
Board Mernbera, along with the Mayor and City Commission astoTerms ufoffice that will be
expiring soon.
If you are interested in being considered for Aeappointnnent, please provide written
correspondence ofintention and also please complete a Board and Committee Application
(which is needed to update our records and available on our website). Both documents
should be forwarded to my attention by Friday, January 22, 2021 please. Shortly thereafter |
will forward copies tothe Mayor and City Commission for their review and consideration.
Should you prefer to not be considered for Reappointment, then please forward such
information, in writing,tonnyattention, also prior toFriday,January Z2.2O2l.
As always, if we can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact us at (407) 327-5999.
Christian Gowan, MPA
City Clerk