HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2020 10 12 City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES IO DAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson called the Regular Meeting of Monday, September 28, 2020 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, absent Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Deputy Mayor Johnson noted Item 301 had been removed from the agenda A IIIII'ZIIII'� a AIIIN°t! IIIIIII'ii°"' IIIII" °°°IIIIP°°°ATI1"MINI 100)f „.t.wtof.,Mpd.. Mr. Rob Nicholas, Vice President of Resource Optimization, Veolia and Mr. Todd Petrie, Director of Asset Management, Veolia gave an update on the Water Works projects schedule and reviewed actions taken over the last year in both water and wastewater. They noted that in the last eleven (11) months many improvements had been implemented. Speaking about upcoming projects, Mr. Nicholas noted high attendance at a pre -bid meeting that had been held for scheduled improvements at water treatment plant one (1) and spoke about the use of heavy machinery which will be required. Discussion followed on taste and odor improvements, including the installation of large diameter lines and a change to the chemical feed point for disinfectant. Continuing, Mr. Nicholas discussed the need for a 400 kilowatt generator to be installed at Water Plant #2 to ensure that it could operate through hurricanes and other storms. Regarding wastewater, Mr. Nicholas mentioned the planned dewatering to occur in late October. Mr. Petrie noted that it would take several weeks for staff to dewater and then an additional four (4) weeks for a contractor to perform the remaining dewatering. Both Mr. Nicholas and Mr. Petrie assured the Commission that everything would be done to notify residents and minimize impacts. In response to a question from Commissioner Cannon, Mr. Nicholas noted that CPH, Corrolo, Kimley-Horn (CCI as well for wells) are all playing a role as independent experts to consult and implement projects at the water plants Discussion then turned to hydrogen sulfide and Mr. Nicholas noted that this sometimes forms harmless black flakes. Continuing, Mr. Nicholas noted that all the work being done will further reduce TTHMs. Mr. Nicholas noted that the Environmental Protection Agency and State have both said the City is in compliance and assured the Commission that the City is moving as fast as it can to correctly and effectively implement improvements. 101) Con'ipilll�°� ( gnsll ve . ���°Illl���luu � IIIII wluu llll l .., Ipd, °t Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department reviewed the process of bringing the Comprehensive Plan in to compliance and noted that review of all elements with the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council was almost complete. Continuing, Mr. Schimdt noted that once reviewwith the Regional Planning Council was done it would next go to the City Attorney and then the City Commission. Mr. Schmidt noted that the Comprehensive Plan is currently in compliance Because it is actively being reviewed and worked on. II IIIII IIIII'°°'m IIIIPi' IIIR' Tim Q IIIII IIIII'° 200) Current Economic and Community Development Projects Summary ovelll,°, IIIII a � f P'IIII ct S! IIIII iI,III t,ar ` ... 201) Notice of General Election - Tuesday, November 3, 2020 Coil ivt IIIII �.,�.u. 0 .Elll44 w .� .. ' . e IIII g115,i '�), C �ullll� IIIII„ IIIII t IIIIIIIII, IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII' i"""'lull""" Deputy Mayor Johnson opened Public Input No one spoke. Deputy Mayor Johnson closed Public Input. IIIIM S E111 """i""" IIIII'l' IIIII"° 300) Police Vehicle Purchase �,2vuir� IIIIP�^2� uiiii y . 2t S4Ies Soi jrcieweflll t Qlobal IIiiiui llll'Iiiic 2,�,.��� lets a to u2 t2 c� 301) Letter of Preliminary Support for Creation of Little Lake Howell (Tuskawilla Lake) Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) 41 1e111er ,sg.2 Lettie2 o Preliminary S,tip � i i, H... I� �iSBI,,,,,,,1 This item was removed from the agenda and is not included in the approval of the Consent Agenda. 302) Water & Sewer Revenue Refunding Note, Series 2020 Cover,, IIIII a 2� Ciiii ky of _ liiiiiiiii°heal, °2� rings IIIII � Seiiii.iiies 2020 � � � �Illl ii�i �iuu iiii � „��4 � , �,;�''' `� of °WiriterSprh i g s Awpenreiii it 2020IIIIP,,,,ri gii 2" ri 9ll,uueet iarn III ruiiiiist 9.1 .20°8d Commissioner Cannon asked for a brief explanation on this item. Ms. Maria Sonksen, Director, Finance Department spoke about the history of the bonds in question and noted the City was combining loans to reduce the interest rate resulting in $218,000 in total over the 12 year period over the same period of time as original loan. 303)Approval of the Minutes from the Monday, September 21, 2020 City Commission Workshop 304)Approval of the Minutes from the September 28, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting IP'l��i��:::°IIR "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. NOT USED. REGULAR AGENDA "MOTION TO APPOINT JOHN RIPLEY TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND JANICE BLACHSTEIN TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "MOTION TO NOMINATE SOLEIL SANABRIA TO THE YOUTH COUNCIL." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 600)0y !'' ' ari ge Illlr:awn IIII 1gyllllly • Spoke about reports of water problems reported from non-residents of the City. Urged people not to get information from Facebook. We have professionals on hand to help and provide information. • Asked Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT & Administrative Services Department to give update on the measures being taken and considered for the Senior Center process. o Ms. Howard noted weekly meetings were taking place and that the goal is to open in a safe and complete way, • No report 602) City Clerl( Cis: jIGo • Noted that residents could now apply online for City Advisory Boards and Committees. 603) 15t IIIIL iiiiiioiio Geoff • Noted more students would be participating in in -person learning and urged residents to keep an eye out while driving. • Thanked staff for addressing line -of -sight issues quickly • Noted his planned attendance at the virtual Ethics conference being held by the Florida League of Cities this Wednesday, October 14, 2020. • Reminded everyone of the upcoming Hocus Pocus drive-in movie and food truck event coming up and encouraged all to come out and join 604) Mayor Charles Lacey • No report 605)'Soot e C,IIDrr ' o C .3ean Hov • Asked for a status update on the recognition garden. o Ms. Howard noted that staff was still waiting on final drawings and were hoping to get them back before the end of the year. Ms. Howard also said that staff would be bringing back updated criteria. 606) °! ooe _.,I I,N'O Co i 'l� ssio Ct, Keiiiiin C.a.. ru. ) t ------------- • Commissioner Cannon asked Chief Deisler if he was aware of any threat posed by the water. Chief Deisler responded that he has not received any reports to indicate this. Continuing, Commissioner Cannon asked Anthony and Shawn if Veolia was awarded a no -bid contract. Attorney Garganese noted that Veolia went through a competitive bidding process. Manager Boyle agreed. • Commissioner Cannon stated his hope that the community would come together once the election is behind us. Continuing, he encouraged everyone to watch Social Dilemma on Netflix. 607) �t I ro .0 o.m............. ssioner Depi iy Mayof iiilID o�.._____ on. • Remind everyone early voting is beginning next week • Noted that the dedication of the new entrance at Trotwood Park would take place at 10am on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. 608) Seat iiirtit Commissioner i iiAn a..Hale • Asked for an update on the Veterans & Veteran's Family Advisory Committee o City Clerk Gowan noted that the application process was open and interested individuals could apply on the City website. • Thanked staff for their work in the parks • Reminded everyone of Ghoulishly Good Times happening Friday, October 16, 2020. • Noted the food truck event being held at Trotwood Park on Saturday, October 24, 2020. Commissioner Cannon noted conversations with other elected officials and commended Ms. Howard on the great landscaping work throughout the City. G' UCi IIIIIC IIILIIIII" IIIIG..�U.....' Deputy Mayor Johnson opened Public Input No one spoke. Deputy Mayor Johnson closed Public Input. ui�'�i�� IIIII' J �U IIIIG'��' IIII"'�� IIIII" IIIIIIII�III U7" Deputy Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:40 P.M. PUBLIC NOTICE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITT4D: CH RISTIAN GOWAN ;��:' • �A re '• CITY CLERK 0:41 4k 0 :o APPROVED: •'• r , .•,1 NI �'OR CHARLE�f°t,CEY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 26, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting.