HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2020 09 28 City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson called the Regular Meeting of Monday, September 28, 2020 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present via telephone Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Deputy Mayor Johnson noted a presentation from the City Manager would be added to the agenda as Item 102. No objections were noted. IIIIIZIIIIJIIII1 IIIIII' IIIII' S IIIII' � � IIIII 0 IIIII" 100)cviitiitficii�!:te ,1 : es.�������������::tati i �t New, m.__C d igiim f iiiii � �:neiirit ,,, icia:l4 Deputy Mayor Johnson invited Chief Chris Deisler, Winter Springs Police Department up to recognize employees recently named as Code Enforcement Officials that will assist with education efforts regarding common Code Enforcement issues (irrigation and dog waste). Certificates were awarded to the following employees: - Mr. Brian Dunigan, Parks Manager, Parks and Recreation Department - Mr. Timothy Lynch, Park Ranger, Parks and Recreation Department - Mr. Kevin Monser, Construction Inspector, Community Development Department - Mr. Jacob Parker, Park Ranger, Parks and Recreation Department - Mr. Ryan Ruedlinger, Park Ranger, Parks and Recreation Department - Ms. Julie Sharpe, Park Ranger, Parks and Recreation Department 101). ygivie o . . i,III, �iiii........or�llh�., ,.. e y ------------------------- Ms. Lena Rivera, Director, Public Works and Utilities Department introduced Mr. Todd Petrie, P.E., Director of Asset Management, Veolia, to give an update on the water works projects. Discussion followed on the point of introduction of disinfectant products with a note that the goal was to minimize contact and maximize disinfectant property. Commissioner Cannon noted some City residents are billed for water through the City but provided water by Seminole County. One such example, Dovera, has separate water quality report. Commissioner Cannon asked that slides from a presentation given at the July 8, 2019 City Commission Meeting be shown to illustrate this point. Manager Boyle noted the significant savings that partnering with Veolia has, and will, provide to the City and ultimately utility customers. Discussion then turned to the need to ground lines at the plants to avoid lightning damage, hurricane preparedness at the water plants, and the process for determining generator movement/placement/installation. Commissioner Kendrick reiterated the different types of work being completed at wastewater versus water plants throughout the City. Mr. Petrie later discussed the prospect of a Reuse Water Master Plan in response to questions about "watering -in" periods in Tuskawilla Crossings and other new development. Commissioner Cannon then referenced a presentation originally shown at the July 13, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting and asked for clarification about the impact of the ion exchange system as it related to certain contaminants tested for in the water supply. Commissioner Cannon asked that the video of this presentation be shown (starting at 00:18:27 - Water System Improvements Schedule). The video was shown from this point through the end of the video where Mr. Lance Littrell, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. noted the City was in total compliance. 102) MY Re peiiii t, 111yeilia r;I Manager Boyle briefly discussed current projects and noted the statutory requirement of reporting on certain criteria, among them government spending, government debt factors, government size, and crime. Manager Boyle explained the data provided is analyzed and presented as a City Report Card and was happy to announce that the City of Winter Springs received Straight A's. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA IIIIII� Il. IC INPUT 'T Mark Gordon, 924 Oak Forest Drive, Winter Springs, Florida representing the Oak Forest Lake Homeowner's Association (HOA) was called to speak, showed a PowerPoint presentation, and discussed lake management solutions to address algae blooms on Lake Oak Forest. Continuing, he asked for ways the City and HOA could work together to protect the health of the lake. Bryan Wilson, 702 Heather Lane, Winter Springs, Florida spoke about the lack of electric vehicle charging stations within the City of Winter Springs, encouraged the City to work with Duke Energy, and offered to share more information with City staff. Commissioner Cannon asked Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department, about allowances in the Code. Mr. Schmidt noted no issues in the Code with electric charging stations and spoke about efforts currently underway to secure funding through grants for charging stations in the City. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida asked the City to install lights on Tuskawilla Rd and Michael Blake Blvd. Continuing, she noted she believed city water quality was good and encouraged proper maintenance. Ms. Shafer then asked that extra handicap parking be added to the parking lot by McDonalds and she thanked City Staff for their responsiveness in addressing issues. iu' � L IIIII°°°IIIIC°°" �iud � I�Iu 300) K-9 Ballistic Vest Donation Acceptance o &ir Il a '� 301) Bank Authorizations I'(!:G III„�,�tior� 020-� �a ���� � ��� Q'�.�����u��;u�.� N u��'�:IIh If�� "Iii.p,,d Il���:�ri �°flrid q �������i��..n�� a�J. Vvai iiz�_ed, 0 -4.. r ea l-g,) u zk-A, n..e: ° .1.�zed to-1 era s- ."ZesdI � j� t ii 1r. ri 20 C 5 u_!_ii a u i _�_ft II i .1-h li �°�;. V i � a r n < ����� ii e �� i � ii � n� �_ , it f u„�_q_ i � �s � ii) d :. ""Heir V�^"'�`„czl ue.:;;.)s � � ii q I � � . ii a 1 �.0 uw.0 . �, 302) Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Safety Grant for COVID-19 303) Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant Agreement (DEO) for Parks Master Plan 304) UCF Incubator Contract Extension 17_- u � u . II'� °1 u��d i .a t. o ii-u P.� M V 1: II u.. ii ii a 1 ii II ° iiT a p Il 11 wl ll.m. 305) CARES Act Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County °` we 1 _ Commissioner Kendrick asked for further discussion on this item before voting on the Consent Agenda. Manager Boyle discussed the money and the purpose of the agreement in question, explaining that it provides a means for the County to provide the City with reimbursement for eligible expenditures made in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. 306)Approval of Minutes from the Monday, September 14, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting iiri u des"` "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400)�....'i, jgj,.��I1.111��.,� p 11"�,�,7e fbri � �I Yiq."11a1 11 .E0121 Ms. Maria Sonksen, Director, Finance Department introduced the item and noted there were no changes from the Tentative Millage Rate. Deputy Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing for Item 400. No one spoke Deputy Mayor Johnson closed the Public Hearing for Item 400. 9 MOVE TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2020-16 ESTABLISHING THE FINAL FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 OPERATING MILLAGE RATE FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AT 2.4100 MILLS AND PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE THAT THE FINAL OPERATING MILLAGE RATE IS 4.22% MORE THAN THE COMPUTED ROLLED -BACK RATE OF 2.3124 MILLS." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 401) E, ll ......... d00 f � ���� i is gal Year, 0' 0 2����I� .....p II )'ar, - esor a ft� ku 1 '1020 i II„i i ll II a uaet Ms. Sonksen introduced the item and noted there were no changes from the Tentative Budget. Deputy Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing for Item 407. No one spoke Deputy Mayor Johnson closed the Public Hearing for item 407. "I MOVE TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2020-17 ESTABLISHING THE FINAL BUDGED FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON 11CTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 30,2021." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 402)500qnd of ttie S&rid l,,,.and tilse Map A........... . . . . .n....... ..e..........n.d............r.....n..........e.i.....i......t............a. ...........i.dReone, O.............r..dh.. . . . .'i.... .a.....n...ce20202020-05. ............ .. Co--�V&, I )age-�� S t a ..f..j. :� i) e [,,- Z .......... . . e,Zo 111 E��hflo�t 02 1)roposed . ..... ---- ------ -- . EA iib�t 03 - 0" &,)arice 2020-06 E,Xhibt 04 0�rdina�,)ce 2020,05 1z�Dne`-,4-, Exhb� l �ci -n rtA ve -T ------ e ---- -------- �Uon- )1ec IliJjcz C etni)&r �019"zb . ........... .......... ---------------- II°,uit III it 08 !odcei ett&,"�-) Attorney Garganese read Ordinances 2020-06 and 2020-05 by "title only" without objection from the Commission. Continuing, Attorney Garganese noted that the Commission would be conducting one public hearing for both ordinances and recommended approval of the Development Agreement with Ordinance 2020-05. Mr. Schmidt briefly discussed the item and noted changes to the Development Agreement, as requested, related to permissible maximum height (reduced from five (5) feet to two (2) feet). Deputy Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing for Item 402. No one spoke Deputy Mayor Johnson closed the Public Hearing for Item 402. "MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2020-06 ON SECOND READING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "MOTION TO EXTEND." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. "MOTION TO APPROVE THE PASSING OF ORDINANCE 2020-05 ON SECOND READING, INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, WHICH PROPOSES REZONING FROM R-1A TO C-1 AS PRESENTED IN THE STAFF REPORT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 403) Sec r li!° 4 'ui ' _�ml ruin i It _ uql � __�oi�''�f'°m,p�08 uiio� triiiii: i:2 0 14 IIIV q. �.. iiii:: u i old � Illllt C i9P, y. m m�Q g iui� o uiir�i�i� uiu u l g Illh ro r� � les and res iii s:lllll �ii l s it: o l lllll � e City C�lllll iiii� lllll � i n City lull � r� ����; _goiiiu Purr s�iiii J i it i�lll � IIIII ke City , ! roiiiii r���� iiii� it. �oo .iiiuiiiu r 9. iiiir .fJIIII.I� 11� epqAIL pf tiiii,igi ii iuii.pgi kc.�r.i ii i is_giiitft..��..iiiir iuiii iirm4 iii��I s hill _ _uiureso lllVt ioiiii % pro:. or at, i o: 111 :1 wto tl mo code- s ooiiiu ,Illl r:i ty uii rd orb effective gate. Cover aii ce ' ? (l()83 ( !!.0/ 01 ejtll _+ kd a� Ad 12(_) 0!3'"zn Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2020-08 by "title only." Deputy Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing for Item 403. No one spoke Deputy Mayor Johnson closed the Public Hearing for Item 403. "MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2020-08 ON SECOND READING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used �'�°���� E IIIIP�°°°IIIII'°°° 600). ,ky'.M.iip .agg-S��t3_ van IU�: 11114 - Noted the most recent Executive Order from Seminole County rescinding penalties for not wearing a mask. 601)1i1P .)ty toiii, n y � iiiir°: tllll: i91°why 11' niiii. pji pg ,lull„ g puigpiii - No report. 602) f iiiii a ,Illllniiii i���� °��Il a stiva: i� (m�;Ioiw - No report. 603) Snr:° 1114 n iruii,, n�iiiiiig�piiimiiq,uu�iiiii��giiiiiniiiu:nriaIIIIIiie - Encouraged residents to follow guidelines related to COVID-19 - Expressed thanks for the donation of a K-9 vest accepted earlier in the meeting (Item 300) Thanked Ms. Brooke Rissi, Marketing & Events Manager, IT & Administrative Services Department, for her efforts in keeping events safely going Thanked Mr. Schmidt for his efforts in getting the Department of Economic Opportunity Technical Assistance Grant (Item 303) 604)Sgin 119,ioi pq�, ;��i�ll piu iiq���� �� cc �iiii �i�ll' u��IIIII IIIII'�� 4111(iandricl� - Mentioned his attendance at the ribbon cutting of the new Trotwood Pavilion - Thanked Brooke and events staff for all their great work - Noted the next Drive -In Movie Night would be held on Friday, October 16 at 6:30pm 605) Mayoiiim CIIII a prl s IIIII �E,we�y - Thanked the Deputy Mayor for his well wishes 606) a rm oumi� ii°niiiiisskMiiu mo i eciiiu m Illllo py Thanked City employees for all the work they do Encouraged people to register to vote by October 5, 2020 Noted it was Yom Kippur and wished all those observing a good holiday. 607)ent�°o����� pg uiu �� �c �oiiiii I Iiiq?v� uiq,°i� - Resolution 2020-26 asked that be signed tonight (asked that attachments be included) - Slides/docs used today in presentation add to record - Noted position on DOH Committee and shared pilot programs implementing innovative septic systems. - LMARS intensive class, noted participants and licensing, 2 were city employees 608) IIIII i uu. _ ., gi_09n IIIII cp/Illlltuty 't p 1 ��IIII Vq icou° - Noted his attendance at the Florida League of Cities Committee Meetings and shared concern about the Legislature's targeting of the Burt Harris Act. - Mentioned the Community Dialogue Workshop held on September 21, 2020 and said he thought it was a productive meeting. - Shared story about the pride and enjoyment of City staff in their work at Trotwood Park. - Noted skill and great work of team at the parks and expressed pride. - Asked Ms. Howard about Senior Center reopening o Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT & Administrative Services Director explained that the City has been working with the County and interested groups to develop a plan for a safe reopening of the Senior Center to protect our vulnerable populations. Commissioner Cannon noted visiting Ranchlands Park and reiterated thanks and pride for the skill and great work of city staff working on the projects in the city parks. Mr. Matt Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida discussed water quality and noted his appreciation for the work that has been done. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida asked if the City could contact Seminole County to get a timeline for how long masks would be required. Continuing, Ms. Shafer asked about the possibility of putting police on bikes on the trails and asked about progress on the Youth Council. Commissioner Cannon asked about the possibility of placing full-size stop signs on the trail rather than the small ones currently in place. Mr. Schmidt noted he has been working with the County and that the City would likely have to pay for any changes. IIIII �� IIIII'��IIII@ IIIII'���� IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII'"""'""'" Deputy Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:01 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITT�D: CHRISTIAN GOWAN APPROVED: DEPUTY MA" O ED JOHNSON •�• by 1%6 c.. • o' cc p :: JE>U1t�flL NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 12, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting.