HomeMy WebLinkAboutMashburn, Brady Youth Council Application (EXPIRED)Abou"it Ou".1 Winter SpHings Youtti Council The Winter Springs Youth Council (WSYC) is an ad -hoc advisory board that provides appropriate ki 2 City. The Winter Springs Youth Council shall consist of no more than twelve and no fewer than six members. WSYC responsibilities include: • To make recommendations to the City Commission on matters affecting youth in the City • To increase and make recommendations regarding increasing youth participation a involvement in local government; n • To seek and recommend ways to improve communication with students in area schools; I • To organize and perform service projects, events or functions that benefit the City of Wint Springs community, subject to approval of the City Manager; • To recommend the creation of recognition programs for youth; and • To perform any other youth -related matters assigned by the City Commission or Ci Manager. Member &Teiiw,rn Requirei irients Resident of the City of Winter Springs for a minimum of six months preceding appointment and shall maintain said residency during their term Between the ages of 14 and 18 years old Enrolled in high school or entering high school, which may be a public school, private school, or home school Members shall serve terms one year in length and may reapply each year of enrollment in high school. Members shall be appointed on or before August 1 of each year. Members shall be automatically removed for lack of attendance at three consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings or failure to attend at least two-thirds of the regularly scheduled meetings during a calendar year. Z I � , fl, , , , ' H 0 " As Public Officers, members are required to abide bythe Gor` Iill) S rV �­,i lbHc ffkers, and the If appointed it is the member's sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws. Applicant It"iformatiolli n* aAM UP 0 Winter Springs, FL32708 or email to Brady Patrick Mashburn 1-11111111- .. ................ Full Name Street Address Winter Springs city Florida . . .... . ... . . ....... ............ ...... . State r 'tovember 15 200,1 Da t e of B irt h (407) 576-8148 bradypmashbu�irn@gmaii.com . ....... ................. . ------ --------- . .. ........... . . ..... Pl-mne Number ErnaH Address Sophomore (Dviedo High School ................. . . . . w-- 't)/2021 Schooi Year Grade School Narne (if horne schooled, write "I �orne Scho6ed") Are you a to attend meetings and activltNes of Youth Councill for one year? y`es - El N o Do you have reHaL)le transportation to rneetings and activities? io Yes 11 NO Are YOU in good acadery-flc standing? * Yes 11 No Please list all activities that you participate in during the scho6 year. inclUde sl,-)orts, er-riployment, school grot..Aps, cor-nirn- u nNty serye, and extra-curriculurn activlties. At Oviedo High School I was inducted into the Beta Club. Additionally, last year I was a member ofthe Oviedo I figh School Marching Band. I aiso play, . ..... . . . ...... ....... ......... - .. . . ...... . ... . ....... --- ..... . . .... . trUirnpetfor the St. Luke's I utheran Church Orchestra L ast, I attend high school rniNstry at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, SI,ioirt Answer Questions 1. Why do you wish to serve on the Winter Springs Youth Council? What do you hope to gain by this experience? 2. What are the most important issues to you, your friends, and your family concerning our community? The most important issues to my family, friends and myself are additional . .............. . ..... .. ..... .... ..... retail, restaurant, and recreational options. We believe that additional retail and restaurant options will help the local economy, as well as provide .......... .. . ........... --- . ..... . - job opportunities for people my age. Also, in the current COVID-19 environment, adonal recreational options are needed. 9.. What characteristics or skills do you possess that make you a great representative? I have a great ability to listen, to learn from others, and to problem solve. ...... ...... . ..... Today's controversial issues require leaders to think outside the box and be ...... . ... creative to reach a compromise. surrounding our community ad e ncosystem. ---- - --- — ----- - - - ------------------------ ----- - - --- . . . .... . . . . . .......................... . . ........ . . ............. . ..... Letters of IIII ecoi niiyieiindatiol�i Please submit two (2) letters of recommendations from a teacher, counselor, parent (home schooled students), or coach. Parent /Lee l Guardiar i Agreement I give my permission for the above named applicant to seek a position on the City of Winter Springs Youth Council and I have read and understand the commitments required for the Council. Printed Name jackietmashburn@gmail.com . ............. Email Address F �M Guardian Signature Commitment statennent (407) 701-1379 P ho n e N umber A Relationship to Student Via... .. Date fou nci arries certain i uncierstandTffa-f -Ue--fn-g a MemB-eTUVTffe—UYj,-Uf-TI' prings ou responsibilities. I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner as a representative of my city. You hereby represent to the City of Winter Springs under penalties of perjury that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and the City if Winter Springs has the right to rely on that information. Student SignatuFe 7-zy_---- ------.......... Date (]J I UFI/� Sf ... .... . . . 11-1�1�1'1'(11`11)'Nl 111-1a 11 FST, l' l!,!�, I a, 2111 11 0111ill I would like to tell you about a young man that would be a great addition to your Youth Council. Brady Mashburn was a student at St. Luke's where I am the principal and in my Boy Scout Troop. He is a quiet leader that gets the job done. He has a great personality and is very easy going. Brady gets along with everyone and makes friends wherever he goes. While as a student, Brady did a great job in the classroom and had many extracurricul activities going on. He was involved with our troop, band, and church youth events. He knows the importance of high academics and has been successful both at St. Luke's and Oviedo high school. He knows how to time manage and will be a great addition to your team. I I give Brady my highest recommendation for this committee and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Greg Register Principal St. Luke's Lutheran School (407) 314-3142 St., Luke's Lutheran Clmrcli and Sclioot 407-365 3408 Fax� 40 7 -�366-9346 ht tjx/d�sflcs� org " I t J � K, S, 41� 't", SK—AK)(M John Glanzer St. Luke's Lutheran School 2O25VVState Road 42S Oviedo, FL]27G5 City ofWinter Springs 1126E State Rd434 Winter Springs, FL3I7O8 Dear Members of the Winter Springs Youth Council Nominations Committee, | have known Brady Mashburn for three years and have been impressed bvhis maturity and his desire to know and understand our nation, culture and history. | also had the privilege toteach Brady /nboth religion and US History classes and he did an outstanding job in both. When he was in my classroom, Brady was very interested in learning more about our nation's history and civic process. Hewas attentive and asked many excellent questions. Brady was able toapply concepts from US History to the reality of our current day and political climate. Hewas always interested infinding those correlations. | also knew | could trust him to make good choices and heatrustworthy friend tohis classmates. He is kind, friendly, and courteous to his classmates and adults. I can't remember one instance of him failing toact inaway that showed anything but these qualities. These qualities help Brady tobuild a productive community in our classroom and led to real and open conversations about our world. Brady |salso cheerful and respectful ofhis teachers and classmates. Hewants todothe right thing as he knows it honors his faith, his parents, his school and himself. He is great role model for his classmates inthis way. I know Brady is an excellent candidate for the advisory council and am proud to recommend him. Sincerely, ~^ John Glanzer Eighth Grade US History and Religion Teacher