HomeMy WebLinkAboutZilj, Chloe Youth Council Application - 2020 07 21CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOPlDA
The Winter Springs Youth Council (WSYC) is an ad -hoc advisory board that provides appropriate
recommendations to the City Commission regarding issues of special interest to youths within the
City. The Winter Springs Youth Council shall consist of no more than twelve and no fewer than six
members. WSYC responsibilities include:
• To make recommendations to the City Commission on matters affecting youth in the City;
To increase and make recommendations regarding increasing youth participation and
involvement in local government;
To seek and recommend ways to improve communication with students in area schools;
• To organize and perform service projects, events or functions that benefit the City of Winter
Springs community, subject to approval of the City Manager;
To recommend the creation of recognition programs for youth; and
• To perform any other youth -related matters assigned by the City Commission or City
Winter Springs Youth Council requirements include:
• Resident of the City of Winter Springs for a minimum of six months preceding appointment
and shall maintain said residency during their term
• Between the ages of 14 and 18 years old
• Enrolled in high school or entering high school, which may be a public school, private school,
or home school
Members shall serve terms one year in length and may reapply each year of enrollment in high
school. Members shall be appointed on or before August 1 of each year, Members shall be
automatically removed for lack of attendance at three consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings
or failure to attend at least two-thirds of the regularly scheduled meetings during a calendar year.
Members of the Winter Springs Youth Council are considered Public Officers of the City of Winter
Springs. Members are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
As Public Officers, members are required to abide by the Code of Ethics for Public Officers, and the
Florida Sunshine Law, which pertain to members if appointed to the Winter Springs Youth Council.
If appointed it is the member's sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws.
Applicants forth e Youth Council maybe requested to interview with the respective appointing City
Commissioner or Mayor and the staff liaison. Please return completed applications to the City of
Winter Springs Winter Springs Youth Council Coordinator, Brooke Rissi, at 1126 East State Road 434,
Winter Springs, FL 32708 or email to brissiCbMinterspringsfLorg.
Chloe Zijl
Full Name
611 Marni Dr
Street Address
Winter Springs
Phone Number
Email Address
Winter Springs High School
July 28, 2003
Date of Birth
2020/2021 School Year Grade School Name (if home schooled, write "Home Schooled")
Apt/Unit Number
Zip Code
Are you able to attend meetings and activities of Youth Council for one year?
k Yes El No
Do you have reliable transportation to meetings and activities?
F� Yes El No
Are you in good academic standing?
RR Yes LJ No
Please list all activities that you participate in during the school year. Include sports, employment,
school groups, community service, and extra -curriculum activities,
Cross country (2 years), 113 program, Leadership (4 years), Leadership president,
Community Service Club founder and president, Committee chair for leadership/
homecoming event, coordinator for atrium restoration hosted by Community
Service Club, entrepreneur (working on virtual tutoring business), English Honors
Society, and National Honors Society.
Short Answer Questions
You may include additional pages to complete answers if necessary.
1. Why do you wish to serve on the Winter Springs Youth Council? What do you hope to gain by
this experience?
This is a valuable opportunity to broaden my communication and relationship building
skills. I have also noticed areas for improvement in Winter Springs' approach to
community service and hope to make opporunities more available.
2. What are the most important issues to you, your friends, and your family concerning our
Community service and youth representation both leave room for growth. I noticed most students
volunteer with familiar organizations like the Orlando Science Center but miss or overlook less
advertised service opportunities. I have worked with Colleen from GROW Central Florida who sets -up
elementary school cross country meets and noticed most volunteers were family/ friends of Colleens.
Organizations like these need better outreach in our community!
S. What characteristics or skills do you possess that make you a, great representative?
My self -motivation and involvement in both the Winter Springs and high school communities,
whether that be, on my team, leading my club, or organizing a community -school event, makes me
familiar with different people and programs. My perspective will be valuable when
making recommendations on how to integrate both communities.
4. Describe past experiences that have prepared you for this leadership role.
My leadership experience has helped build my communication skills, my entrepreneurial experience
made me understand the value of stepping outside of my comfort zone, and my position as the
founder of Community Service Club made me realize that areas of growth were opportunities
for service.
Please submit two (2) letters of recommendations from a teacher, counselor, parent (home
schooled students), or coach.
I give my permission for the above named applicant to seek a position on the City of Winter
Springs Youth Council and I have read and understand the commitments required for the
Paula Zijl
Printed tame
Email address
r i
Parent/Legal Guardian S
40-7- .-�1- 1110
Phone Number
Relationship to Student
7/21 /20
I understand that being a member of the City of Winter Springs Youth Council carries certain
responsibilities. I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner as a representative of my
You hereby represent to the City of Winter Springs under penalties of perjury that the
information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and the City
of Winter Springs has the right to rely on that information.
You hereby acknowledge that you must abide by the Code of Ethics for public Officers, and
the Florida Sunshine Law which pertain to you if you are appointed to the Winter Springs
Youth Council. If appointed it is your sole obligation and duty to comply with such laws.
Student Sigin
7121 /20
Dear Winter Springs Youth: Council committee,
Chloe is kind and trustworthy and is involved in her high school and neighborhood. She would make a
great addition and would be a valuable representation of the student body.
YIhI pw I A' K
Ashley M. Navarro, Ph.D.
Professor, Education Program Coordinator
Seminole State College of Florida
To whom it may concern,
Chloe has been nnyneighbor for almost 4years and is anexceptional student and motivated young lady
who would contribute a great deal to the Winter Springs Youth Council. Her consistent hard work and
dedication is apparent in everything she does. Chloe strives for excellence.
She is caring and compassionate and is active in her community. Both a kind neighbor and motivated
student, her vigor is an asset to be admired,
I would highly recommend Chloe for the Youth Council and believe that she would be an essential part
ufthe team.
�) `
Dawn Vezina, President
Probate and Property, Paralegals, LLC