HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 05 05 Vagnini, Tom Application for Reappointment01/13/2014 17:37 FAX a 001 WJ"I E CA T'Y C EF,,A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE Applications may be submitted in person at City Hall, facsimile (407-327-4763), or email, CityClerkDepartment Dwinterspdngsfl.o ). Applicants may attach a resume, references, recommendations, or other such documentation that the applicant desires to have the city Commission consider. Please be aware that documents submitted to the City are public records available for inspection to the extent allowed by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Please complete the following in the space provided: A. GENERAL - 1. Name: 2. Home Address: 3. Occupation: 4. Telephone (cell): Telephone(other): 9=-:Z/ -7—T 7 5. Email: _Lz_k 13. ELIGIBILITY The information provided in this section is for purposes of determining whether you are eligible to serve on a City board or committee, 1 a. Are you duly registered to vote In Seminole County: I b. Are you duly registered to vote in the City of Winter Springs? Y)_Z(N)_ 2a. Do you live within the City limits of Winter Springs:Y)_Z(N)_ 2b. What district do you reside In? 2)_ (3)_(4)_(5)_ 2c. How long have you been a resident of the City? 3. Have you ever been convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, of a felony inanyjurisdiction? Any plea of nolo contendere (no contest) shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this question. Y)_ 4a. Do you presently serve on any other City of Winter Springs board or( Y) com N) 4b. Please list each: 5. Do you have any private or personal interests which might conflict with serving the City, interests, if you were to be appointed to serve on this board or committee? Y)_(N) 01/13/2014 17:37 FAX 0 002 6. City ordinance requires that all persons applying for a City board or committee mustvoluntarilyconsenttoastandardcriminalbackgroundcheckbeforebeingappointedtoaboard or committee. Do you voluntarily consent to having a standard background check being performed on you by the City of Winter Springs? Y) ,—/ (N)- 6a. Are you related to a City of Winter Springs Commission member by blood, adoption or marriage? Y)_(N)z 6b. If yes to 6a, please provide relation: C. INTEREST AND EXPERIENCE Please see attached descriptions for each of the following boards or committees and indicate below on which board or committee you wish to serve. Please indicate your preference with a one (1) Indicating your first choice and rank any additional choices with successive numbering. 1. Please indicate to which board or committee you are applying; Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Board of Trustees Code Enforcement Board Districting Commission (every 3 years, 2016) Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Other/Ad Hoc Committee 2. Briefly state why you are Interested In serving on this board or committee (attachadditionalsheetsasneededIfinterestedinmorethanoneBoard): 3. Briefly state any specialized knowledge or prior experience you have that wouldbeusefulInassistingtheboardorcommitteeInaccomplishingitspurpose (attachadditionalsheetsasneededifInterestedInmorethanoneboard): 4. Briefly state any experience you have in serving on any governmental board or c 0 m m I t t e 0 01/13/2014 17:37 FAX U 003 ZZ D. STATE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Florida law requires that the City annually submit a report to the Secretary of State disclosingrace, gender, and physical disabilities of board and committee members. Please check the appropriate boxes: African-American Male Asian-American Female Hispanic-American Not Known Native American Caucasian DISABI Not Known Physically disabled YOU HEREBY REPRESENT TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS UNDER PENALTIES OFPERJURYTHATTHEINFORMATIONPROVIDEDHEREINISTRUEANDACCURATETOTHEBESTOFYOURKNOWLEDGEANDTHECITYOFWINTERSPRINGSHASTHERIGHTTO RELY ON THAT INFORMATION. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THE EXISTENCE OF THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR PUBLICOFFICERS, AND THE FLORIDA SUNSHINE LAW, WHICH MAY PERTAIN TO YOU IF YOU ARE APPOINTED TO A CITY BOARD OR COMMITTEE. IF APPOINTED IT IS YOUR SOLE OBLIGATION AND DUTY TO COMPLY WITH SUCH LAWS. Signature: Date: Please return to:City of Winter Springs The Office of the City Clerk 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 2799 ynM E IVI V 6 I n it%{ k Reviscd 5/13/2015 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA — ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES, AND CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee; This five (5) member advisory committee will further the development of an interconnected network of trails, sidewalks, and bikeways Christian Gowan From: Charlene Pike <pike@voteseminole.org> Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 8:57 AM To:Christian Gowan Subject: Re: Winter Springs Voter Registration Confirmation EXTERNAL EMAIL: CaIIIi:IILf k)iV"iN„ D tlVfll;d gtick m ggtlVks r1 rpxm "'Irly lI's utlVk"ss y pu"Il,glasi, aril kril r%Av p'bVlA",gpll; 'b.l!! s" l', I Our records reflect that he has been registered at the above address since 9/29/1992. Charlene Pike Chief Administrative Officer Representing Chris Anderson Seminole County Supervisor of Elections 407-708-7706 yolggnunoue.org votoseminoue. NT or SUPERV'ISO,R OF ELECTIONS Under Florida law,email addresses arepublic records.Ifyou do not want your email address released in response to apublic-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact this office by phone or in writing. On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 8:22 AM Christian Gowan <cgowan(ea,winterstarin, m sg®org>wrote: At your earliest convenience,could you please advise if your records show the following individual as a registered Winter Springs voter? Thomas Vagnini 1214Jaguar Court Winter Springs, FL 32708 If so, can you please advise as to how long the individual has been registered at this address? 1 Thankyou Christian GowanNI „ Interim City Clerk 0 407) 327-6560 : (407) 327-4753 1126 East State Road 434 INllu Winter Springs, Florida 32708 00001 os•afklenfl ak)} N4otr l'Ns r -a may , usaa usa, ,mfl mhmcnt to ft c op•atas ns nf+;;oswamfl os•a ntesa+kd+:ns ) for tho uso of tho r fi,,'ds:k u!d°",o or ent¢t), m,macd on tho r-nm'H &t tho Wea iJr;; of tNs e-x?mH ps not tho pntcmma e J W"w(;:rpkmt,o; tho r mN'yAo;'ee or IVgent pe',H„vr;r"?,,bk)foy der +I"Q'dng pt t o tho pd?tcx?akd W"r u`qppcnt You VW"e h+rebh'Y n otifiod t,hs,'ut r aiJrn+ ft s st,rrctly proh'Ntc iJ ff You Nv,e r c o r,od tNs r-n m'H rn r m r,p aso r t°Urn'ft to tho ;omJ uml dc cte'ft t'aom Yrour; st m,"h usak You Under Florida taw,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your email address released in response to a public-records request do not send electronic mart to this entity.Instead,contact this office by phone or in writing. 2 5/5/2020 SCPA Parcel View: 12-21-30-5EK-0000-0690 iaA au' ell: 12-21-30-5EK-0000-0691I°II'4Dp'AQ:II;; II a44DII;;dt;aalyd PA 0 A fNolpeutyp Addu esn: 1214 JAGUAR CT WINTER SPRINGS,FL 32708 Paaircell Ilinfoirumnaatiiorr Vaallue Su n nir naairyp P ff I g........ 2019ParcelI,..2-2.-30-5EK„0000„0690 2020 Working..................................................................................................................................................................................a Certified VAGNINI THOMAS J Tenancy by Entirety Enhanced Life Estate Values Values Owner(s) VAGNINI IRIS Tenancy by Entirety Enhanced Life Estate l Valuation Method Cost/Market Cost/Marketf1214JAGUARCTPropertyAddressWINTERSPRINGSFL32708NumberofBuildings11 Mailingf 1214 JAGUAR CT................................................................................................................................................................................................................ f WINTER SPGS FL 32708 3720 Depreciated Bldg Value $151,460 148,794 Subdivision Name 1,.. 141E..CFt\(yIL..L.Ft 4IIVI.....0..............................................................................................................................................................................................J Depreciated EXFT Value $1,720 1,720 Tax District(W1-WINTER SPRINGS J DOR Use Land Value(Market)60,000 60,000 Code(01 SINGLEA,FMILY......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Exemptions(00-HOMESTEAD(1994) Land Value Ag 1 u.s[/IMarkec............................................".."..213,180 210,514 Portability Adj Save Our Homes Adj $64,769 65,440 Amendment 1 Adj 0 0 P&G Adj 0 0 Assessed Value 148,411 145,074 AR Tax Amount without SOH: $3,461.78 CJ1c) lyyx Bill Ftirrcyul:ij, $1,716.76 N Save Our Homes Savings: $1,745.02 s egaall IDesciriipyiiazi n LOT 69 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 6 PB21 PGS32&33 Taxes Taxing Authority Assessment Value Exempt Values Taxable Value COUNTY BONDS 148,411 50,000 98,411 WINTER SPRINGS BONDS 148,411 50,000 98,411 SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) 148,411 50,000 98,411 CITY WINTER SPRINGS 148,411 50,000 98,411 FIRE FUND 148,411 50,000 98,411 COUNTY GENERAL FUND 148,411 50,000 98,411 Schools 148,411 25,000 123,411 Saalles Description Date Book Page Amount Qualified Vac/Imp TRUSTEE DEED 3/1/2019 C,J;)323 1,,598 100 No Improved TRUSTEE DEED 3/1/2019 C,J;)323 1,s97 100 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 10/1/2002 C04.608 0 1_9 100 No Improved WARRANTY DEED 7/1/1988 C„11,O;,/,5 1,,53 102,500 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 8/1/1979 1„...2 72,000 Yes Improved WARRANTY DEED 4/1/1978 01,1_Ct6 CJ;737 15,000 Yes Vacant aa i nd https://parceIdetaiIs.scpafl.org/ParceIDetaiIPrinterFriendly.aspx?PID=1221305EK00000690 1/2 5/5/2020 SCPA Parcel View: 12-21-30-5EK-0000-0690 Method Frontage Depth Units Units Price Land Value LOT 1 60,000.00 60,000 I!IWiilldiimng Ilmmtm.in naatiiazmn Description Year Built Fixtures Bed Bath Base Area Total SF Living SF Ext Wall Adj Value Repl Value Appendages Actual/Effective 1 SINGLE 1979 6 ,, 20 1,698 2,328 1,698 CONC $151,460 $189,325 FAMILY BLOCK Description Area GARAGE 594.00FINISHED OPEN PORCH 36.00 FINISHED Permits Permit# Description Agency Amount CO Date Permit Date 01978 CHANGEOUT A/C EQUIPMENT(SAME SIZE)DUCT WORK Winter Springs 13,200 9/14/2009 02031 REROOF W/SHINGLES Winter Springs 7,600 8/13/2007 02293 REMOVE&REPLACE WINDOWS Winter Springs 8,845 7/20/2006 Permit data does not originate from the Seminole County Property Appraiser's office.For details or questions concerning a permit,please contact the building department of the tax district in which the property is located. I:xtlraa II':':eaatmailres Description Year Built Units Value New Cost SCREEN PATIO 1 12/1/1979 1 600 1,500 FIREPLACE 2 12/1/1979 1 1,120 2,800 zoi niimng Zoning Zoning Descriptionun Future Land Use Futurel-andUseDescription PUD PUD Low Density Residential Low Density Residential https://parceldetails.scpafl.org/ParcelDetailPrinterFriendly.aspx?PID=l221305EK00000690 2/2