HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 07 01 Planning and Zoning Board LPA Regular Meeting Agenda - GranicusPLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2020 - 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of Minutes from the Wednesday, June 3, 2020 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Review of Ordinance 2020-04 Amending Chapter 20 of the City Code authorizing the operation of “mobile food dispensing vehicles” as a temporary accessory use in certain limited zoning districts in furtherance of section 509.102(2), Florida Statutes and at Special Events authorized by the City; providing general standards for operating mobile food dispensing vehicles; providing for the repeal of prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions; incorporation into the Code; severability; and an effective date. Ordinance 2020-04 Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles Zoning Map 2019-08 REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used 2 REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JUNE 3, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Kok Wan Mah called the Regular Meeting of Wednesday, June 3, 2020 of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency to Order at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708.) Roll Call: Chairperson Kok Wan Mah, present Vice-Chairperson Kevin McCann, present Board Member James Evans, absent Board Member Michael Ferrante, present via telephone Board Member Bart Phillips, present City Attorney, Anthony A. Garganese, present Assistant to the City Clerk, Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Board. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – JUNE 3, 2020 PAGE 2 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 2 OF 4 CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of the Minutes from the Wednesday, April 1, 2020 Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Chairperson Mah asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2020 Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. “MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES.” MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON MCCANN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Accessory Dwelling Unit – Cale Matthews and Jade Matthews Mr. John Cooper, City Planner, Community Development Department introduced the item and relayed concerns from surrounding residences about runoff and drainage. It was noted these concerns would be looked into and resolved during the engineering and building inspection portion of this project. Further discussion ensued on tree removal, prevention of income properties, and water flow concerns. Mr. Cale Matthews, 1208 Howell Creek Drive, homeowner and Nathan Pool, Mid-South Contractors, 4401 E Colonial Dr. #203b, Orlando, Florida were present to answer or respond to any questions, comments, or concerns towards the proposed ADU. Chairperson Mah opened “Public Hearing” for Item 400. Tom Waters, 1033 Antelope Trail, Winter Springs, Florida; expressed concern on multiple ADUs to be built in the future and possible future renting of the ADU. 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – JUNE 3, 2020 PAGE 3 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 3 OF 4 City Attorney Garganese noted the City Code and Declaration of Covenants requires the owner to occupy accessory units and does not allow rentals. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Hearings” for Item 400. “MOTION TO PASS [ITEM] 400 THE ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT WITH A LOOKING AT THE DRAINAGE.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 401. Review of Ordinance 2020-03 Amending Chapter 5 of the City Code regarding tree protection and preservation; providing conforming amendments to other provisions of the City Code consistent with chapter 5; providing for the repeal of prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions; incorporation into the code; severability and an effective date. Mr. Cooper reviewed proposed changes set forth in the Ordinance. Discussion continued on caliper, tree removal and permits. Chairperson Mah opened “Public Hearing” for Item 401. No one spoke. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Hearings” for Item 401. “I MAKE THE MOTION TO APPROVE.” MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – JUNE 3, 2020 PAGE 4 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 4 OF 4 REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Board. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Mah adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:18 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the __________, 2020 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 400 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA | JULY 1, 2020 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Review of Ordinance 2020-04 Amending Chapter 20 of the City Code authorizing the operation of “mobile food dispensing vehicles” as a temporary accessory use in certain limited zoning districts in furtherance of section 509.102(2), Florida Statutes and at Special Events authorized by the City; providing general standards for operating mobile food dispensing vehicles; providing for the repeal of prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions; incorporation into the Code; severability; and an effective date. SUMMARY During the 2020 Florida Legislative session, the Florida House and Senate each passed bills, HB 1193 and SB 474, which results in the regulation and definition of a mobile food dispensing vehicles. The bills also preempt municipalities from outright prohibiting mobile food dispensing vehicles. However, the bills do allow for municipalities to regulate and define locations for mobile food dispensing vehicles. Currently the City has no regulations regarding mobile food dispensing vehicles and staff was instructed to draft language to address HB 1193 and SB 474. The proposed Ordinance was prepared at the City Commission’s direction. The proposed Ordinance will require several publicly noticed and advertised public hearings including one hearing before the City’s Land Planning Agency, today’s hearing, and two hearings before the City Commission. At the May 11, 2020 City Commission hearing, the first reading was completed and the Commission recommended review to the City's Land Planning Agency. The second reading of the attached Ordinance is tentatively scheduled for the August 10, 2020 City Commission Meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Board / Land Planning Agency forward a recommendation of approval of Ordinance 2020-04 to the City Commission. 8 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page1of11 ORDINANCE 2020-04 Draft: May 26, 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, GENERALLY RELATED TO LAND USE AND ZONING REQUIREMENTS; AUTHORIZING THE OPERATION OF “MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLES” AS A TEMPORARY ACCESSORY USE IN CERTAIN LIMITED ZONING DISTRICTS IN FURTHERANCE OF SECTION 509.102(2), FLORIDA STATUTES AND AT SPECIAL EVENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY; PROVIDING GENERAL STANDARDS FOR OPERATING MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature recently enacted Section 509.102, Florida Statutes, which defines the term “mobile food dispensing vehicle” as any vehicle that is a public food service establishment and that is self-propelled or otherwise moveable from place to place and includes self-contained utilities, including, but not limited to, gas, water, electricity, or liquid waste disposal; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes that effective July 1, 2020, Section 509.102, Florida Statutes provides a limited state preemption regarding “mobile food dispensing vehicle” and that a municipality may not require a separate license, registration, or permit other than the license required by the state, or require the payment of any license, registration, or permit fee other than the fee required by the state, as a condition for the operation of a mobile food dispensing vehicle within the municipality; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also recognizes that Section 509.102, Florida Statutes, provides that a municipality may not prohibit mobile food dispensing vehicles from operating within the entirety of a municipal jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further finds that although Section 509.102, Florida Statutes does preempt municipalities in certain areas, Section 509.102, Florida Statutes is intended to be a partial preemption of municipal home rule authority because it expressly states that “this section may not be construed to affect a municipality, county, or other local governmental entity’s authority to regulate the operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles other than the regulations described in Section 509.102(2), Florida Statutes; and 9 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page2of11 WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that despite Section 509.102, Florida Statutes, municipalities continue to enjoy significant home rule authority to regulate land use and zoning and operational standards related to mobile food dispensing vehicles; and WHEREAS, under regulated circumstances, mobile food dispensing vehicles provide a valuable and convenient service to the community by providing food and beverage options at special events and other appropriate venues; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to support convenient food and beverage options at special events and other appropriate venues and encourage and support local business and entrepreneurship by adopting uniform regulations to allow the operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles within the City consistent with the preemption provided in Section 509.102, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the use and operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles on real property directly affects the use of land within the City, and therefore, such uses are subject to the City’s legitimate land use and zoning powers under the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Community Planning Act and other applicable law. See also, Village of Euclid, Ohio v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926) (The concept of planning and zoning is a legitimate exercise of the police power of municipalities.); and WHEREAS, unless the operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles within the City is limited to certain commercial and industrial zoning districts or temporary special events, and subject to some level of site plan review by the City to ensure that the real property on which they operate is suitable to accommodate such use, the operation of such vehicles may negatively impact the use of real property and surrounding properties and create public nuisances; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to avoid such negative impacts and public nuisances; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also finds that the use and operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles should be governed by other traditional land use and zoning requirements as more specifically stated herein in order to avoid adverse negative effects which may be cause by the operation of such vehicles on real property and safeguard the community; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further finds that for mobile food dispensing vehicles to successfully operate their respective businesses for profit within the jurisdictional limits of the City, such vendors must also rely upon and use City streets; and WHEREAS, the City Commission additionally finds and recognizes that Florida courts have long held that municipalities have the historic ability to regulate commercial use of City streets and that the use of public roads for profit is a privilege, not a right, and can be regulated and controlled by the government in furtherance of the public health, safety and welfare. See 10 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page3of11 Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. v. Wells, 100 Fla. 1027, 1034, 130 So. 587, 591 (Fla. 1930); Pennington v. Quigg, 94 Fla. 1056, 1065, 114 So. 859, 862 (Fla. 1927) (The right to use city streets for conducting private business is not an inherent right and can only be acquired by permission or license from the city); Jarrell v. Orlando Transit Co., 123 Fla. 776, 778, 167 So. 664, 665 (Fla. 1936) (There is then no such thing as a natural right to use the public highways for commercial purposes. A city may grant a limited right to use the streets for private business, but such is “a privilege that may be restricted or withdrawn at the discretion of the granting power. The power to do so is plenary and may extend to absolute prohibition”); and WHERAS, the City Commission deems that it is necessary to regulate mobile food dispensing vehicles operating upon streets within the City so such vendors operate in areas with sufficient pedestrian traffic and in a manner that avoids traffic conflicts and congestion and otherwise generally protects public safety and does not detract from the aesthetic beauty and attractiveness of the surrounding streetscape and properties; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as legislative findings and the intent and purpose of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs. Section 2. Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles. The City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Zoning, Article VIII, Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles and Other Mobile Vendors is hereby created as set forth below (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions): CHAPTER 20 – ZONING ARTICLE VIII. MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLES Sec. 20-650. Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this section is to establish land use and zoning regulations for real property upon which a mobile food dispensing vehicle is authorized to operate within the jurisdictional limits of the City. Mobile food dispensing vehicles, except for those operating on real property authorized in this section, are prohibited and unlawful on other real property not so authorized. This section is neither intended to prohibit mobile food dispensing vehicles from operating within the entirety of the City nor regulate the licensing, registration, permitting and fees of mobile food dispensing vehicles preempted by the state under section 11 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page4of11 509.102, Florida Statutes. (b) Definitions. As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates that a difference meaning is intended: Accessory shall mean clearly incidental or subordinate to and customary in connection with the principal building or use on a developed site and which is located on the same lot or parcel with such principal building or use. City Manager shall mean the City Manager or designee thereof. Developed site shall mean real property upon which a building and other permanent improvements have been legally constructed and which is currently in compliance with all land development regulations and the City Code. Food shall mean all substances commonly used for human consumption as food, beverage, confectionery or condiments, whether simple, mixed or compound, and all substances or ingredients used in preparation thereof. Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle shall have the same meaning as that term is defined in Section 509.102(1), Florida Statutes, and upon the effective date of this Section means any vehicle that is a public food service establishment and that is self-propelled or otherwise moveable from place to place and includes self- contained utilities, including, but not limited to, gas, water, electricity, or liquid waste disposal. Public road shall mean any public right-of-way for cars and trucks in the city. Special event shall mean any organized, temporary public or private celebration or gathering of people which requires a City special event permit including by way of example events relating to athletic contests, carnivals, fairs, cook-offs, entertainment, dancing, music concert, dramatic productions, art exhibitions, parades, fundraisers (such as religious, charitable, patriotic or philanthropic events), or the sale of merchandise, food or alcohol, or any combination of the foregoing. (c) Authorized Locations. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in subsection (d), mobile food dispensing vehicles shall be allowed to operate within the jurisdictional limits of the City in the following authorized areas: (1) As a temporary accessory use on property which is designated I-1, C-3 or C-2 on the City’s official zoning map. (2) Within a clearly delineated area on City property or a public road which has 12 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page5of11 been specifically and temporarily set aside for a mobile food dispensing vehicle to operate during a special event which is open to the general public, provided the event has been lawfully permitted by the City and any mobile food dispensing vehicle has been contractually arranged by the event organizer to be part of the event. (3) Within a clearly delineated area on public or private school property which has been specifically and temporarily set aside for a mobile food dispensing vehicle to operate during a school sponsored event held entirely on school property which is open to the faculty and student body, provided the event has been lawfully permitted by the City and any mobile food dispensing vehicle has been contractually arranged by the school to be part of the event. (4) Within a clearly delineated area on private property which has been specifically and temporarily set aside for a mobile food dispensing vehicle to operate during a special event held entirely on private property which is private or open to the general public, provided the event has been lawfully permitted by the City and any mobile food dispensing vehicle has been contractually arranged by the event organizer to be part of the event. However, a mobile food dispensing vehicle shall not be allowed to operate on any existing single or multi-family residential use property unless the area being used is common area of a residential project with at least fifty (50) dwelling units. Additionally, a special event allowed on private property under this subsection shall be limited to no more than one event per calendar quarter. (d) Conditions of Land Use and Operational Standards. The following land use and operational standards shall apply to all mobile food dispensing vehicles operating within the City: (1) When the mobile food dispensing vehicle will be operating on private property, a notarized affidavit signed by the property owner indicating that the vehicle has permission to operate and vend on the property. The affidavit must also indicate that the property owner acknowledges the following requirements: a. The property owner shall comply with all ordinances regarding solid waste disposal and must provide the vehicle access to solid waste collection on the subject property; b. The property owner shall require that the vehicle meet all applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, laws, ordinances, rules and codes including, but not limited to, applicable land use and zoning requirements regarding the subject property including site plan requirements; c. The property owner shall acknowledge that the property owner 13 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page6of11 understands the regulations governing mobile food dispensing vehicles and will be held responsible, along with the vehicle owner, for any code violations; and d. The property owner shall ensure that the property will be continuously maintained in a neat, clean, and orderly manner, and that the mobile food dispensing vehicle shall be limited to operating as a temporary accessory use on the subject property. (2) The subject property must be a developed site. The subject property must not be vacant or unimproved. (3) No more than one (1) mobile food dispensing vehicle shall be parked or in operation on a single property at any given time, except multiple mobile food dispensing vehicles may be allowed with express written permission of the City during an authorized special event. (4) A mobile food dispensing vehicle may operate at a single location up to a maximum of four (4) days per week but no more than three (3) consecutive days, or if operation is allowed as part of a special event permit, said vehicles may operate in accordance with the duration of the special event permit. (5) Except with the express written permission of the City during an authorized special event, hours of operation shall be limited between 7a.m. and 10p.m. The person in charge of the mobile food dispensing vehicle when in operation on the developed site must be present at all times during hours of operation. (6) When the mobile food dispensing vehicle will be operating on private property, the vehicle must be parked when in operation within an area on the property specifically authorized for accessory temporary outdoor sales on the property owner’s master site plan previously approved by the City Commission. If the property owner does not have specific site plan approval for accessory temporary outdoor sales on the master site plan, the property owner shall be required to obtain supplemental site plan approval by the City Manager before the mobile food dispensing vehicle may operate as an accessory use on the subject property. For purposes of obtaining supplemental site plan approval, the property owner shall submit a site plan or detailed sketch depicting the proposed location of temporary mobile food dispensing vehicle operations; all parking spaces, entrances and exits to and from the site; and distances from any buildings or structures, sidewalks, rights-of-way, fire hydrants, fire lanes and landscaped areas, and such other information or documentation deemed by the City Manager to be reasonably necessary to authorize outdoor accessory temporary sales on the 14 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page7of11 subject property in a manner that is compatible with the existing uses on the subject property and the surrounding area and protects the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. The mobile food dispensing vehicle temporary sales area must be on a paved surface and not exceed an area of 600 square feet unless the City Manager determines more area is required and the subject property clearly has ample space to support a larger sales area. The approved area must not adversely affect existing uses on the subject property or the flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the developed site. There must be an adequate number of parking spaces available for the general public visiting the developed site. Supplemental site plan approval granted by the City Manager under this subsection is subject to being suspended or revoked pursuant to subsection (e) or at such time the master site plan is revoked or modified by the City Commission. (7) Outdoor dining areas are prohibited including, but not limited to, tables, chairs, booths, bar stools, benches, and standup counters, except if dining areas are allowed with express written permission of the City during an authorized special event. (8) Mobile food dispensing vehicles selling or dispensing of food to customers in a moving vehicle or otherwise engaging in drive-up sales is prohibited. (9) A mobile food dispensing vehicle shall not be located on private property upon which uncorrected code violations exist, or which is under citation for code violations. (10) Mobile food dispensing vehicles and all materials associated with such vehicles must physically be moved at least daily and cannot remain on the subject property outside the approved hours of operation unless otherwise allowed by the City for special events. Overnight parking of mobile food dispensing vehicles is prohibited unless located within an enclosed garage or on property zoned for an authorized open storage use and said storage complies with the requirements set forth in section 20-256 of the City Code. (11) Mobile food dispensing vehicles shall not sell alcohol unless specifically approved as part of a special event or other permit approved by the City. The alcohol-related restrictions of Chapter 3 of the City Code are applicable unless otherwise authorized by the City Code, or, expressly waived by the City. (12) The operation of a mobile food dispensing vehicles must not obstruct or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, building access, fire lanes, crosswalks, driveways, fire hydrants, loading areas, stormwater drainage systems, or landscape buffers associated with the principal use. 15 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page8of11 (13) Mobile food dispensing vehicles must not enter or park upon playgrounds, playing fields and courts, sidewalks, footpaths or bicycle paths. (14) Mobile food dispensing vehicles must not enter or park upon any “no parking” area, loading zone, driveway, handicapped parking space, or designated public safety lane (e.g., fire lanes) or within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk or within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant or storm drainage structure. (15) No additional signage shall be permitted on the developed site related to the mobile food dispensing vehicle except as to signage permanently affixed and displayed on the vehicle. (16) Amplified music or other sounds from any mobile food dispensing vehicle or from audio equipment installed on the developed site by the property owner or person in charge of the vehicle for purposes of vending, attracting or encouraging the congregation of customers shall be prohibited. (17) Mobile food dispensing vehicles shall maintain an appropriate number and size of operable fire extinguishers. (18) The operation of a mobile food dispensing vehicles shall not create or cause nuisance conditions to include, but not be limited to, displaying flags or unauthorized signage, loud noises, visual glare, flashing or animated lights, shouting or amplified music or sound, excessive fumes or smoke, environmental hazards, and any vehicular or pedestrian hazard. (19) The grounds around the mobile food dispensing vehicle and within the vending space shall be kept free of litter, trash, paper and waste at all times. Waste containers shall be provided and all trash shall be taken with the vehicle when the vendor leaves or with the permission of the property owner, placed inside a commercial dumpster in use and located on the developed site. (20) Mobile food dispensing vehicles must not discharge waste, fat, oil, grease or such other similar substances from the vehicle. All such substances related to or generated from the vehicle shall be taken with the vehicle when vehicle leaves the subject property. (21) Mobile food dispensing vehicles must comply, as applicable, with the standards specified by Chapter 5K-4.002, Florida Administrative Code, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administrative 2001 Food Code, as such codes may be amended from time to time. It is also prohibited and unlawful for a 16 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page9of11 mobile food dispensing vehicle to fail to comply with all state and City traffic and parking, and stopping and standing laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations. (22) A copy of the appropriate license(s) issued from the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (Division of Hotels and Restaurants) shall be maintained on the mobile food dispensing vehicle at all times when the vehicle is in operation on real property located within the City, and shall be made available for inspection upon request by the City’s law or code enforcement officers. (e) Penalties. (1) Owners and operators of mobile food dispensing vehicles, and property owners on which such vehicles operate, shall be joint and severally liable for any violations of this section. The penalty provisions set forth in section 1-15 of the City Code shall apply to violations of this section. (2) In addition to the penalties authorized by subsection (1), the City Manager may also suspend or revoke the property owner’s site plan approval for accessory temporary outdoor sales and/or special event permit, as may be applicable, upon a finding that a mobile food dispensing vehicle was operating on the subject property in violation of this section. Prior to suspending or revoking the applicable site plan approval and/or special event permit, the City Manager shall: (i) Afford the property owner notice of the violation(s) and a reasonable, informal opportunity to be heard regarding the violation(s); (ii) Consider the property owner=s past record of compliance with this section and related laws; and (iii) Consider the degree of risk to public health, safety, and welfare arising from the alleged violation(s) in evidence. (3) The City Manager=s decision under subsection (2) shall be rendered in writing and shall be deemed final. (4) Any site plan approval or special event permit suspended or revoked pursuant to this subsection shall immediately be void and of no further use and effect to any person. If revoked, the property owner shall be prohibited from seeking subsequent site plan approval for accessory temporary outdoor sales or a special event permit for the subject property for a period 17 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page10of11 of one (1) year from the date of the revocation. (5) The operation of a mobile food dispensing vehicle without a valid site plan approval for accessory temporary outdoor sales or special event permit (including if operated during a period of license suspensions or revocation) shall subject the owner of the property and the owner of the vehicle and operator thereof to code enforcement action, civil action, or action as otherwise allowed by state law or the City Code. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, this _____ day of _____________, 2020. ____________________________________ CHARLES LACEY, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN, Interim City Clerk 18 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2020-04 Page11of11 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. _____________________________________ ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Reading__ _________________________ Second Reading: _________________________ Effective Date: __________________________ 19 Y WEEWAA N N NN S SN KEEC N DOKLETSDOOWROHPMAC RICDOXB NDOWEDLA TSAEV NROHTWAHSC TCTSUCOL AMANAP EVADOOTIURF DRYPRUMAMAAPNSTS NRICBENLEGEN DR ST ST ST LN LN LNDR DR DR CVCV CV CT CT CV CTDR DRRDRDRD RD CT CTSTCT CTST LN LN DR CT CT CT CT CT CT CTDR CT DRDRDR CTCT DR CTCT DR DR CV CTPLDRCTDR DR DRDRDR CTCTSTCT LNDR CTCTCT ON CTCTCT ST STCT CTCT LN CTDR LADR DR ST ST ST DR CTDRDR DR DR DR DRDR DR STRD DR DRDR PL DRRD DR DRCTDR DR DR DRDRDR DR LN LN DR DRCTDR LN RDCTCT CTRD ST CT CT STCT DRCT CT CT CT CTRDCTST CTCT CT CTDRDR CT RDCTCTCT LNDRCTCTLN RD CTCT DR RD CT TR RD LN RD DR CT CTCT RDCTPL DR TRLN CT CT DR CTCT CT CT CT CT CTST CTCTLNCT CTCT CTDR ST ST ST STCT CT CTCTCT WAYWAY WAY CIR CIR TRLCIR CIR CIRTRL CIR OAKAVE CIR CIR WAYRUNWAYDR TER TERTERAVEAVE CIR TER SANTHE CIRWAY WAY AVE CIR CIRCIR LAS WAY1STCIR TERWAY WAY TER TER TER CT CIR CIR LAUREL HOWELLOSPREY FALCONSHEOAH KRISTI SPRING SPRINGGAZELL KIM CTFORESTCANOPY LITTLE PAPAYA STREAM LAMOKA WANETA BAYTREE BENNETT CIR 3RDAVEWAYRUN CIRCIR ANNCIRCIRWAY CIRCIR CIRCIRCIR WAY WAY WAYCIR WAY CIR WAY CIR SAN SAN CIR CIR HILL GARY TRCE TRCEFOOTLOOPLOOP LOOPLOOP LOOP LAKE LAKELAKE BENDGOLFBLVD BLVD GLENLONGBLVDOAKSBLVD CT SCT N NESTVIEW WOOD WOOD WOOD BAY- RYAN MARK ACREBLVD PARK CASAPARKCASAMOSS WOOD BLVD PARKBEAR ERIE FAWN COVE GOLF BLVD BLVDBLVD W PANAVERY STONE STONE CHASE HILLS GABLE STONE GABLESTONE CREEK CHASE GREEN CREEK CREEK CREEKSHELLCREST GROVEGROVE COURT GREEN EAGLE TRINAVISTAALMASCASA FRANKELGIN SHADY BERRY BIRCH HOLLYOSAG E DARONMARNIMARNIERICA CREEK HAYESWHITETROON GREEN GREEN GREEN WHITEBROWN HURONO'DAY GREEN RIDGECLOUDWHITE OAK L N LEW DRN WIND WALNUT SENECASENECA THOMASSILVER WATERS HOLLOW TIMBER WATERS CREEKSLITTLE WINTER SPRINGCHERR Y SISSO FLOWER GOLDEN HOLLOW TWELVE BLACK HOLLOW INWOODGALWAY CHERRY SILVER COSTA DUNBAR SHEOAHDUNBARFOREST WILLOW TANGLE GRETNAGRETNA TAM CTS MOSS BANYAN CORTEZBALFOURCHESTERHARBOUR HARBOUR MEADOWSMEADOW S LUCERN E LUCERN ECRESEN T WINDSOR TERR ACE PARKIN-WINDING PHOTINAWINDING WINDING SHADOWSWINDING SEVILLE NAND I N A HORIZON GOSHAWK NANDINATUSCORA TUSCORA NANDINA REDTAIL WINDING CHERRY GABRIEL WINDING TINA LN LAKE DRSEVILLE LIDO RD OAK RD EL PASOGRANDE 2ND ST WADE ST FALKIRK GALSTON THIST L E HEAT H ER REDWOOD CYPRESS ELMWOOD GUMTREE INKWOOD ELMWOOD SHEPARD KILT CT CYPRESS DOGWOOD SHEPARD JEFFREY DOVE LNANHINGA IBIS CT CORY LN WADE ST CLUB DR CLUB DR DOLPHIN PUMA TRSWAN STLYNX TRPONY CT SPRING S BORG LN ONTARIOBEAR CTRUNNING BENT L E Y GABRIE L ANDOV E R DEWAR'S CRANSTON CRANSTON TALMO STRIDGE ST DYSON DR DYSON DRJAMES CT N ELK CT S ELK CT CREEK CV DORAN DR S.R. 426 BLENHEIM BLENHE IM TRACE PT BLENHEIM BRAEWIC K COURT N E Y BURL E IGH AVONDALE LOBLOLLYSYCAMORETREYMORE AVILA CT VIANA CTPANORAMA THUNBERG WOODLEAFFLATWOOD PLEASANTPLEASANT JULIE LN WINGSPA N TIVERTON TIDES RD MOSSWOODMOSSWOOD HELEN ST HAYES RD COSTA CIR AZTEC DREDWIN ST STIRLING WILDWOOD LAKE S I D E SHERWOOD WILDW OOD HIGHGATEWOODLAWNFORTROSEGALLOWAY GALLOWAY GALLOWA Y ABERDEENCAMPHOR-MAPLE CT PERTH CT KEITH CTDEER RUN GATO R L N OTTER LNBIRKDALEBIRKDALE SABLE C T DEER RUN NORTHERN DEER RUNNORTHERNOXBOW LNDYSON D R IRWIN CTNANCY CTEVERT CT O'DAY DR ALOHA C T MICHIGAN BRAEWICK HAZELNUTCHEST N U T KEUKA CTTIOGA CTOLEAN CT GEORGE STMELTON DR WOOD LEAF WOOD LEA F N 1ST CTCHAPEL STSAGECREEKTAVEST O CK TAVESTOCK ANDREA DRMILKY WAY TENNIS CT LISA LOOP ALEGRE C T SONATA CT ATRIUM CT WOODCREST LITTLETONKENTSTOWN MOHAWK TR APACHE TRPAWNEE TR PAPAYA LNBONITA RD HAYES RD GINGER LN PEARL RDDORADO DR RHODEN LN ALBERT ST GATEHO USE RIDGEWOOD LINDEN DR WOODHAVEN BRIARW O OD BRENTWOODCLEARN CT WISHAW L N MORTON LNARNOLD LNMORTON LN ALDERWO O D MURPHY RDEVERGREEN S MOSS RD ELDERWOOD MURPHY RD SPOONWOO D BLADES CT SHANE CIR CEDARWOO D WALDEN CT HUNTLY LN GARDEN DR PAPAYA LN SENSATION SPOONBILLNIGHTHAWKNIGHTHAWK S MOSS RD KIRKCALDY COURT "G"COURT "F" COURT "E" COURT "C"COURT "B" COURT "A"COURT "M"COURT "L"COURT "O" COURT "N" COURT "K" COURT "J"COURT "H"COURT "I" MASSON CT BROOK S CT BALTIC LN HIGHLAND SYBILWO O D GAZELL TRJAGUAR CTDUNCAN D RMARCUS CT CALICO C T DYSON DRMORGAN ST CELLO CIRCELLO CIR BRIDIE CT TANNER LNADIDAS R D WILSON R D GOOLAGON GWILSON RDCOUGAR CT NATURE CT ASPENWO OD CREEKS I D E WHITEHALLWHITEHALL CREEKSIDEOWASCO STCAYUGA DROSWEGO CTDE LEON ST PHILLIP STGEORGE S T DAVID STDELANEY DR BRASSIE DRBRIDGEW OOD STONER RDBURGESS DRPAMVIEW CTCONTRAVEST CONTRAVEST MOWBRAY LN DAVID'S LNASHFORD DR TORCASO CT STREAMVIEWALMERIA CTPALENCI CTGOLDENRAINSEASONS CT SHEPARD RD SADDLEWOOD ARROWHEAD BROO K SHIRE S PINTO CT N PINTO CT WARRINGTO N WARRINGTON CARRING T O NSPRING AVE ARAPAHO TR LEOPARD TR DUNMAR CIR DUNMAR CIR LANCERS DR ORANGE A V E SAN MIGUE L MOREE LOO P N MOSS RD STONER RDSHORE RD SHORE RDHOLIDAY LN TEMPLE WAYCORAL WAYALTON R D MAJORCA DR BONITA CIR BURGOS RDDAVID ST CHARLES ST BENNETT ST SHERRY AVE SHEOAH CI R SHEPARD RDCASTLEWOODGLASGOW CTFISHER RD MORTON LN FISHER R D W BAHAMA RD COTTONWOOD MIMOSA CT MACDU F F L N BUTTONWOOD WALDEN WAY SHEPARD RD SAN RA F AEL COTT O N T A I L FOX DEN C T RED OAK CTSAPLING DR ALMADEN CT SEQUO IA CTSEQUOIA DR FORES T CIRFOREST CI RFREEDOM LN VENTURE CT TUSCORA DRBARRIN G T O N BARRINGTONTUSCORA DR OSCELOT TR ERMINE AVETARPON C I R LEOPAR D TR CHEETAH TR CARIBOU C T CHEET A H TR MUSTANG C T DOLPHIN RD LANCERS D R LANCERS DR DORNOCH CT GLEN ABBEYCONNORS LN DUNLAP CIR WARRINGTONWILDCAT CT GRIZZLY C T GABRIE L S T WHITE D O V EONEIDA LNWHITE DOVESARANAC DRSARANAC DRWRENTHAM CTVERANDAH CTN GREENLEAF SHAWNEE TRLOAK HILL DR BELLE AVESANDRINGHAMSANDR I NGHAM FOX GLEN CT SPRINGS CIR TIMBERWILDE WICKLOW WAY NATURES WAYSHADOWBROOK FOX G LEN CTFOX GLEN DR SUNDANC E C T HEATHERWOODHEATHER W O O D TIMBERWILDE TIMBERWILDE EAGLEWINDTER TIVERTON ST IRONWOOD CT CHEYENNE TRSAILFISH RD MARLIN RD SHEOAH BLVDORANGE A VE BELLE AVE FLORIDA AVEHOLIDAY LN HACIENDA DR LOMBA RDY RDN BOMBAY AVE N BOMBAY AVE MEADOWBROO KABERDEEN CT HERRELL RD MORTON LNWILLOW WAY MONTROS E S T KNOLL WOOD WINGED FOO T CLUBWOOD C T ANTELOPE TR ARABIAN AVE ARABIAN AVESTALLION CT GULFSTAR DRRIUNITE CIR RIUNITE CIR SPALDING R DBEAR PAW CTTIVERTON ST SEAFARER L N DEERSO N G D R ANDOVER C I R ANDOVER CIR SENECA BLVDOTISCO WAY CONESUS LNCANADICE CTCANADICE LNSENECA BLVD SENECA BLVDSTATE RD 434TRADITION LN TRADITIO N LN CONSTITUTION BENCHWOOD DR E TRADEWINDS W PANAMA RDSTATE RD 419 STATE RD 419STATE RD 434STATE RD 434 PARK LAKE DRNURSERY ROA D NORTHE R N WAY STRATFOR D D R FOUNTAINTREE SHEPARD ROAD STATE RD 434 CROSS SE M I NO L E TR A I L OVERLOOK W A Y STOCKPORT ST STATE RD 434 STATE RD 434 DUNM A R W A Y SAILFISH RD DOLPHIN RD COLUMBUS C I R S DEVON AVE N DEVON AVEN DEVON AVE 3RD STALGIERS AVE SWEETGU M C T LANCEWOOD DR STATE RD 419 LORI ANNE LN NIGHT OWL LN BENCHWOOD CT BENCH W O OD D R E BAHA MA RDCHOKECHERRY PEBBLE BEACH MACGREGOR RD JACKS O N CIR AYERS W O O D C T WHITE OAK D R HOWELL CRE EK WOLVE R INE T R PHEASANT CIRROYAL O AK DRSHETLAND AVENORTHER N W A Y MT LA U R E L DRNORTHERN WAY NORTHERN WAY WOODCHUCK C T BIG BUCK CIR BIG B UCK CIR NORTHER N W A YWOOD DUCK DRSENECA BLVD MACGREGOR R D WESCOTT LOOPWESCOTT LOOPBLUE CREEK DR BLUE CREEK DRBLUMBE R G B LVD E PANAMA RDW LA VISTA DR E LA VISTA DR E LA VIS T A DRE LA VISTA D RCLIFF ROSE DR VIEW POI N T PL TUSCANY P LACE TUSCANY P L A C EPEREGRINE CT PEREGRINE CTSADDLEWOOD LN SPRING V IEW CT TUSKAWILLA RDSEMINOLA B L VD GLEN EAGLE D RVISTAWILLA DR STATE RD 4 3 4 TUSKAWILLA RD TUSKAWILLA R DTUSKAWILLA RD S CORTEZ AVE S EDGEMON AVE N EDGEMON AVE N CORTEZ AVE N CORTEZ AVE SUMMERLAND DRTANGLEWOOD RD WILLI AMS RD SUNRISE AVE LOMBARD Y RD TUSC A W I L L A TR TUSKAW ILLA RD MARCH H ARE C T TUSKAWILLA RD NIGHTHAWK CIRE BAHAMA RD E BAHAMA RDINGLENOOK CIR INGLENOOK CIR OAK FO REST DR TROTWO O D BLVD TROTW O O D B L V D SYBILWOOD CIRTUSKAWILLA RDPARTRIDGE CIR CHEOY L E E C I R CHEO Y LEE CIR OLD WHITE WAY TUSCAW I L L A T RBENITAWOOD CTBEAR CREEK CTVISTAWIL LA D R CARRINGTON C T BLACK B EAR CTGREENBRIAR LNTROTWOOD BLVD TROTWO OD B L VD GREENBRIAR LNGREENBRIAR LNBROOKSIDE D R BLACK ACRE TR L BLACK ACRE TRLE PANAMA RD E PANAMA RD N ALDERW O O D ST EXCELS I OR P K WY DEVON CREEK RD PARKSTONE BLVD TWELVE OAKS DR W STATE RD 434W STAT E R D 4 3 4 SHALLOW BROO K S GREENLEAF CT WINTER PARK DRSTATE ROAD 426 EAGLE NEST C I R TIMBERLANE TRLSTATE ROAD 419 N EDGEM ON A VE LAUREL OAK S D RSARA NICOLE LNCASA GRAND E CTEL CAMINO REAL CASA GRANDE C T S FLAMINGO AVE S FAIRFAX AVE N FAIRFAX AVE N FAIRFAX AVE CHO KECH ERRY DR CHOKECHERRY CT CHOKECHE R R Y DR HIGHLANDS GLEN N ENDEAVOUR DRBARRINGTON CIRBARRINGTON CIRS EDGEMON AVE S EDGEMO N AVEYELLOW PINE CTBLUE SPRUCE CT S ENDEAVOUR DR CYPRESSWOOD CT ENDEAVOUR DR N TORREY PINE DR GLEN ABBEY CIR BEAR CREEK CIR BEAR CR E E K C I R BEAR CREEK CIR EAGLE NEST CIREAGLE NEST CIR EAGLE NEST C I R ARBOR GL E N CI R ARBOR GLEN CIRSAN GABRIEL STWINTER SPRINGS MOCKINGBIRD LN TREE SWALL O W D R STONE G ABLE CIRMac GREGOR ROA D RED B U G LAKE R D N FLAMINGO AVE HOWELL CREEK DRS BLACK ACRE CTHERITAGE PARK ST FREEDOMS RING DR E STATE R OAD 434W STATE ROAD 4 3 4 SEVILLE CHASE DRCHERRY CREEK CIR CHERRY CREEK CIR LA VIST A DR WE S T PONCE DE L E O N DRN HAWTHO RN CIRPEBBLE BE ACH C I R DAPPLED ELM L NSLEEPING ROCK CT E TRADEWINDS R D E TRADEWINDS RDW TRADEW INDS R D TURKEY HO L LOW C I R TURKEY H OLL O W CIR AUGUSTA NATIONAL LITTLE SPARROW CT U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92U.S. HIGHWAY 17-9 2 WEATHERED WOO D C I R WEDGEWOOD DR WINTER SPRINGS BLVD WINDING HOLLOW BLVD WINTER SPRIN G S BLVD WINTER SPRINGS BLVD WINTER SP R I N G S B L V D WINTER S P R I NGS B L V D WINTER SPRINGS BLVD ST. JOHNS L A ND I N G D R AUGUSTA NATIONAL BLVD OLD SANF O R D - OVIEDO R D OLD SANFORD-O V I E D O RDAUGUSTA NA TIO NAL BLV D CENTRAL FLORIDA GREENEWAY CENTRAL FLORIDA GREENEWAY CENTRAL FLORIDA GREENEWAY MR OW OWO ORT WHTYRE ER OAK OLD KING SONIAMARSH RICA BLACKWHITE TROON VILLA POINT WINGED FOREST LAURE L DUNDEE BUCKIE TANGLE GRETNA NEWTON AUSTIN SHEPARD SUNBURY ANDOV E R VILLAGEBENTLEY WINDING BENTLEY HONORS HILLS RD SEA ROAD GALLOWAY LAKEVIEW SUPERIOR MICHIGAN MICHAEL'SHAZELWOODDAVENPORTDAVENPORT CRESTW O O D ALDERW O O D NIGHT OWL COURT "D"WHITE OAK PARTRIDG EGOLFPOIN T BITTERWOOD TAPROOT DRPHILADELPHI A 3RD ST FORES T CRE E K DR HERITAGE P A R K S T CONSTITUTION WA Y WINTER SP R I N G S BLVDSPRING DRBOAT CLUB DRJESUP DR LAKE S T NANCY DR NANCY D R SPRING AVETUSCA TRLTUSCA TRL TUSC A TRL FISHER RD JETTA PT MACASPH A L T PL TOWN PLAZA CT DE LEON STCRESS RNFLORIDA AVPAWN E E TRL CHERO K EE VILLAGE TRL BALTIC L N FREEDOM LNCLIFF ROSE DR PINEBRANCH CIRCRUZ BAY CIRCANEEL B AYTERAMALIEDR MESQUITEDR HARBOR WINDS CTHARBOR WINDS CTTIMBERLANE TRL TANGLE-WOODDR SOLARIS WHARF STMCLEODS WAY OLD FARM L N CRIMSON LNROBE RT'S FAMI LY LNASHBURYAYARS L N PITNER R I N N L N ORRINGTON PAYNE PL ORRINGTON PAYNE PLFANNING DR GAINER WAYWAKULLA LN GINNIE WAY BUCKHORN A V E CRAYS R I SE AVE MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD HICKS AVE CENTRAL WINDS P K W Y AMBERLY JEWEL WY AMBERLY JEWEL WYSAPPHIRE STAR DR MILL PON D L NWINTER WH A R F LN CEDAR B A Y L N CLIFTO N S P RING S L N JESUP SPRINGS LN DOVERA DR GARDENRIDG E C T MICHAEL B LAKE BLV D CONGR E S S I O N A L C T CORKERY CT OAK LAKE LN GEE HAMMOCK LNMILL STREAM L N MARLEY L N JESUPSPRINGS LN CLIFTONSPRINGS LN EAGLE BA Y ST TREEH OU S E STFANNING DRBUCKHORN AVEFERN HAMMOCK ST SEVEN OAKS BV MAPLE LEAF D R OAKSTEAD L N VIA CAPRETTI RDHIGH OAKS WAYROBIN NEST DRMYRTLE OAKS TRLMYRTLE OAKS TRLLEMONLEAF LNGINGERLEAF LNTRUMPET LEAF LNMARDUN LN JESU P BAY WAY MAJEST I C B A Y L N INTEGRA LAND WAYSPRING POND PT BUTEO WAYTALON PLTREE SWA L LO W DR SEA HAWK C V EAGLE EDG E LN EAGLE ED G E L N DANCINGWATERDRRUSHIN G R A P I D WAY WOODEDVINEDR DANCINGWATERDRTRAILHEA D P T SINGINGTREELNEAGLEWINDTER WILLOWSCOVECT BRAVE HUNTER L N SILVER MOON LN GOLDEN LIGHTNING LN BRAVE WOLF PTSTRONG TREE WAY BRIGHT S TAR WAY MICHAE L B L A K E B L V D LITTLE BEA R W A Y GRACEFULDOELOOP CITY CT R 1.01.0 4.A1.B 137.03.0 1 TRACT A 7.C 9.A1519E1.A 104.B36.0 5 110.0 10A.01.0 7.L4.C8.080.0 TRACT I . 3913.A 1.0 13.0 611 2 D1.B 21.026.B 13.B7.C81.0 TRACT B 4.A 11.0 TRACT F D - 2 110.C 3.A 352.0 714616.01011.0 5 4.0 551.03 2.A 21 91.A TRAC T B - 1 21 8.010 1 24 19.B 1.C 10 1890.014 21.0 2 55.C 48.01114.BTRACT ATRACT H1 1831 4.C2 129.C2 13.0 8TRACTS A - F7.AE. 32 1.E3 14.0 3.D 24.0 3.0TRAC T D 726.A12 TRACT A 1D1.B115.B110.A76 16.ETRACT B 226.0 1.A0.177 TRACT J 1 4.C TRACT A 9.E62.F56.A121218.A376 DTRACT A 6 26 18.0 131.A8.Q126.F59.0TRACT E2.A 16.0F.0 4.B9 24.B 1.A 4.0TRAC T I . 4 7 TRACT F 5 54.A 5.0 1 819.H16.0 1.B27.033 7111.09.B 1 49.KTRACT A 1.0 TRACT A93.A2 9134.07.0 TRAC T F 2 1.A5 992 1 85 25 137 1 7.0 2 3 7.A52.D3147.H3 1.A4.0 16.G 58 U.1 6.A1 12.02 TRACT C TRACT FD-42.02 1.0137 16.H 1 1.C1TRACT A92.A1.D 163 3 11.ATRACT B2.01.A 78.0 2 61 1 92.0118.011.0 94 2.B 147.E 1 2028 3 TRAC T H 317.0TRACT A TRACT C 48.A1 4.A9 E.0 147.J1.0 6.A 6 7 5 84 147.F2.B 2155.B 126.B 1 TRACT H 4 TRACT D . 0 TRACT A.0 142.016.024.A184134.F7.A16612 8.01516.A9 1 1.A5 142.A95 5 8134.B 65 134.D134.C3 134.E 3 10.A126.D5.A249 4.A 134.J9.A12.09 26.0 3 142.B8820 3 21 29.A 12.H134.A10.A1 7.0 2 147.G3 2 8.AA.11 6TR.A1 142.D134.G91 142.E525.B13 126.E 3 12.0 TRACT C8.A 19.F 8 8.0 4111364TRACT A5 4126.C3147.D27 1 22 1405 9.F 7 TRACT B 26 4 511.0 118.C1.0556 525 4.0 5TRAC T E TRACT G206 72 601 153 3221 8 65.02 2832 7.A 19.K1 13657 13 3.08.A28.0 3C.1 1 10.04 23 6 3 135 A 5 98 201 8.C6 1.A 90 3 83 8.0 TR A CT A 5.A72 13.A 9 1947.0 8 8.B 8.B61244 85 22 9.H 1346 45.A 79.E 49.0 54.0 189.M4315.0 C12 939 67 9.A8.B 5 5.B 10.0 6.A9921 4.0 5 3.B 3A 76 6.0813.B9TRACT H B1255.0 7 47 11.E 42.B 1999.C75 29 7 4 117.A306 1 3.074 33 72682.0TRACT DTRACT A5.C 6.05113 2.0134 81 8.A 51 473.A 2.A 2.A67.0 182121 122 2 17TRACT C98 9 1415.0 220 21356.A7710 44.A177 115 7 1911 25.0 44 106.B 320 65.0 918 3 2 9 332 8 5124 53 8488 11 93 353510 87473617.N9 586 18 9 7 13 6 519 38 52114TRACT A17 29 766 102TRAC T B 34 836 110 1.A18839 10 15 2 6.0 63 31025 4861 226 11 1242 77.042184 67121 3161853 73243 91 66294 33 5390 15 3935 4 449 69 TRAC T C 71 1313.E TRACT A773.A7.A 9027 3 2 C7 133 4 3TRACT D8 6 D41.A28.A28 9.A 19 14121 8 10.0 162133 TRACT C TRACT B TRACT I . 0 6.0 8 4 4.0 5.A 127 TRACT B 47.0886913 132 2 2.0 70 7.0 4.A 141 120TRACT B9 1233 10.A8 1194 124 E.05 1TRACT FD-528.06.0 9 833 1195863 9 152 129 66.ATRACT C5866 428 345 119 6 TRACT A 28028 TRACT B 23.065 6.A 129 18.A 84 37.0 223 627 788 6.A16 7.A4 73 120 4.02.D 8 9312812 6.0 54154 165 7.A982 11819.A8427.0 6332001605 E.146 U.0851313015.A311 98 916189266 2 72 56 5 2.C 8.03131 41.A 17.B16152.A129 TRACTS A & B 2 3 104.0 8 30207 151 871106089 9 121182 5 4 2 169 31127 5TRACT B 5 374.0104 8180 8 66 18 3209 4 16163 217216 32 9.0TRACT A32 734 6.09.F26 20898 D99 6 1.0 351.0 531171.0 1555.06 168 3 3TRACT C68.0 6 TRACT E 1644 20 722731 66 29167 2.0 7 24 49139 41.B 1038 9 568.02253.03334Tract D 126144 8.A 208 916TRACT D TRACT A 10227 112114 50 4.B TRACT A2.0 2U.3 953 138128 163 8.0 81711579 TRACT G193 6 21828 3.B 7 19TRACT H 1 2.0 TRACT H.015 183 TRAC T C TRACT D 145 TRACT A 17 67 TRACT A1.A26 97242 TRACTSA B & D 2224.C190TRACT B 173 192 33.012 TRAC T C 5 1884 4.A109517.0 2.E TRAC T B TRACT C111624 TRACT B 7.010191 435 13773018.E 6.040 1147 166 65.A 6139 2.A13 76 38 8 TRACT G 167172 7 130 59 14316879 16996 5.A 25 15.0201 33 11 4.A9 83.A 32 204 101203 6732 202 7125 933129 203 1.07213 4 9 95 1489 51642 15 18.A53116TRACT B . 0 4.0 147.BTRACT C147 627 74 56.04.0 41221 119.DTRACT H 68224 89 209 12.E 2 71.B5170176 21024 6118 4 8 3.A 3 TRACT A 83 22.049 1 115 8.D 74 2155274.0TRACT D 111 58143.0415 11415921148.C122 31 66555 104 186 50 67 2.A 207.0 29 55 4 2 906 5.A92 3334 741468712 8 9116TRACT A174 14 2151 78 4.ATRACT B5226.035 8TRACT F93 183 515.A 3 21248A65 29.A214111 1402 24.A 61 7 73.12.V 213158 5712 43 2.B 76 A13591961.028.A17928 41 19.0 182 70 10.B 17864 219 454 TRAC T C TRACT A60 1432 8 1 147.C 10.A 3 10 3.C94 6 10 23 30.D 2 197 61 9 131 52 30 8844 6 5820447 1321.C175 13591 3029.0 18175 6.A TRACT A 2.0 94 26.A 62TRACT F 150 6 9.A 57 13642.C 28.B 15712 7 8 29 205 6.05.069 8 71 31.A715 68 TRACT CTRACT A 99184 4142.A5TRACT D 13 751592 25 A4.0 29 151 1451.0 D 13 89 73 19844818 221.0 43 614 6 36.A46 8.0 1871414273 4 13 507.0 14921.B591 7.0108147.A 2.0 8 3 4 11206117 1 15 17 46 2 3452 9 1412.GTRACTI-12632 82 2.A1.A528 156 9 74 24 18518 7103 15 77 62TRACT D10.03.A8 E.49 1001019.J 9 155 64123 102.T 6.A 2105499 462.A 65 48 148.A 42 83.A 19 TRACT I5TRACT B-2 45 7.A48301.0 18 32 5 121 770 4.04 45 60TRACT B 847 39 86 7 127 TRACT C 5463TRACT A 95141.0 52.C15 15 3.A841 1 7.B34 5531 362551 TRACT A561265 135118 2 35 39 1 2 27 8 U.1 193.A3 93.B 533.E10.0 3.0 262 31.A4 5.A44 E.36 6112142 2 107 252 4 27.A55 11113 3 72 5641317 26.B 12 720 9 2.K 438 1178 5 34.0 106 8 38 118 63 23 13 5 9 9 149 2 5 79 93.0 3 8 6 4 62 245236 34.C1508 157 5 10 11 7136 105 72 10 1 3 13 22 232 958859 544019 11437147 3723 13510319 26 46 39 TRACT I 12056105711.07 148 38 14TRACT F 27 12 570 9 61.A 11 7134061 30 146 6 162 10 119 4 4 15233 352 37 2 10 17 2.A 11 18 16 1 2830 5.B 19 511 TRACT C 3.056 14333 TRACT E1717 11 8.A 49136124 7 5.01610.A 1152128.E112 4 733 15 1614 TRACT A 196 6627891 20110 TRACT B 13 7 10 282 301.A 66 4 53 8.I17 1423 122 4 145 TRACT CTRACT A 24 12 115 138144 320 71 96 54 2 3521 TRACT C . 0 48.B1.0 1224845 1517 19 422 8 18 115.C 18 1254 17 93 26 435 20TRACT K 7602 291 2110 35 882 TRACT D 23 61 TRACT A1TRAC T A 32 1728 12 7 36 32C84 2128316TRACT B 2 63988 249 284 10 6TRAC T B 26411 121 44 43 1 16 7 563 10 9 22 9 33 8 6 19.C 8018 15 6 5 51829 8 3332721 21 19 9 82 7 46 12 7 519928127 8 1 17 24642594 12 3E.0 71214 2381 5 6 4TRACT A 59596 8 92 19735 7 57 78 50 2126 5 187.04 5 9 287 3 266200 75256783.0 60 5 10 465202656 6 58 4104 1318 14 94 20 320TRACT A 8 1440 1071 11 761 4733.D109 516 149 5 169 75 1436 81 28.019611 914 7 9.0471 3 195 7 495536 12654711 TRACT D 4 89 3626 102 67 328779752 8 5172647 316 4254 4 7 4 51 2088151 361 5293 9 6 798 5 2136 7 182 50 9 8 35 26 81 10156510 4 942 10 20 9 1858 5 17.A916 1.A566 7 9 13 19 198 16 90 7 4373 72 59E.732 51595 7949112456 917.0 12.A 746 2 48 6 25 82521 682 17 71 55641117 351358 43 202 74 83 45 7 1 805 TRACT F 12232 89 95 9 115 96 51 23 87 5 4517 23229 629.G 7 412922 10816869 8127 47TRACT M42 68 3 2467 TRAC T G 19 275437 2122 492490136 5446.021 4 78782 15 6 1 5.024 80 22 10689 34415 40 43 861 14 2 68 562123 39 545 TRACT B5 44 51 523 7 8 563421355 2256 1021 3 6 161277 142 513 18.0233 9 845 11911 25 3 1510 574045 6 692 7 689 3567 31169 331 12 15 855.B5 9 4 8 6 25 2 39 1 14 163 8 7248 3214917133 61 163 3 47762517 1161TRACT C 4249 613 788 55121.0214 17 33 2 412.P1351481 16 547159 11 1610 7 2 28 20 9TRACT A72 1236 419759 82 17 47 7 546 1452.D8 TRACT CE.6299 1 70 6 7125 4 25 23 2 5 13 548 62 22 27402 121 7 238 6 1181 82 25521 22 126 58 57 93 6 7 4976 3476594069TRACT H4356916 79 12.J 1 2 204385270306299 45 1 57 9568 21 125 67795 30120 2312181 619315280142 132241 1672 3037 10 2826 19 316 54 42 5 6 6 7215 284 1 6 7 66 1173 50 TRACT E . 0 21 768 4 56 775 231.03835 1623 4 4.A 1485 66 5497978 92 8533135 17 3536 8 TRAC T B 477 1 9 152 2462322 81 489 53.A 3 12998 1724 286 5 23 6 2 2TRACT A2331.B6138 431 17492 14TRACT C726 9 838 431 121 5 6 2422 55059 205 64 3239 5624 58124042243 95246 13 7199341 278 315852.E 5 32 5967 76 TRACT D1027 39 26.A6514550457 1166 4.A19119 179 99 58 TRACT H-254 70746746 3266476 669 481 71 239 325 29577 20 53 9 357758163300 268 4423667529 71094 34TRACT C 2765 31 72 812207355 18 62448 2 1604663TRACT D851 352 3 347 431 1282 108 164037 110835 2421535 308 68 973277 757142 4 162929648 12 4923 767643 59TRACT A4916 8 TRACT D30 20126 38 4 10 12 30 3170 838 96 8 31 6519 9 55 221525 153 1 1 4213288 65 9850 1 7 31 80 754144530347674221 24 219977 4 2822.0 68 3574 186160 1218 51 86 35300471260 411 57 4TRACT A6 13 58726 7216 42 23783 33 332 1 23 219 697.014573243101 4361 4 5 999 54 750 10.0 9 40 89577TRACT A7 44 67 1859 4 1 49 4621 193417 3181.08 1937 1978TRACT I 3410 921.A 481342 60 26 36376 22 53346 4 392879 8 306 51712735511 22053 89 6TRACT A464 231116 218 5965 7 2 4 346 26.C5535 27 23 3575 38 50 18 335237801 10960 12 2254 5 475746 54615 15441 8 5421225 21879.0 9 537 98 2 5 1126696 19369TRAC T E 147391 1276579 234 76 1252603 5 5211335 81.A6 3837 54 30544 111 36 38740 53422012534 13 5 8362234 4410 33 105151392 196 6312 52211 46 2 14 2 8 8 798 144 37 547 7544 555 13 94 1646 4 39 5193 377 83 874 842 653 17 TRACT E . 0 7 2 317 167 532 206 171418 87816 7359 2982 64 597 8 8 56 431254 627 4214230 13 6729 7559 328 270 18.BTRACT A 2 104 1 7 68 17.F9 48.D37 3 3005 829 357 1037316 6 20 479 15 1131 48 31 9 6873645 66 7 19 1 323 38 4 2.0 238 736 47 7 7 932 28 67 4 66 27 268 4 75 4235269 4 7961625 1 1 64.05758 37 646334 36 6 248241 8 18.0 2 780 34 2 31575 45198 379 69 3.A 97 211 152 4722641 6 67 561.09 83 5 84 41 4 12039 912270 55 121 13601246 39 28 63 5 1556200 4 10058 84445 5.0151147278814 2474647 40 2 266 TRACT C 740 3 2632 10 58.C 42 TRACT A 4 3 2259 68843 25 344 250214265 7 8730.E 1416182841 179 30235 213745 451 65 2087 2 110 333 313463 8277486 47 57844251 3.A735554 31145 9 2 58641292 44 242 112562 9 52 8.0 45 86717 373 5 249 10 1 3.0 224 47 9 168TRACT B 30135 4 115 5 10 33 61236 82 6.B 28TRACT A 85 37533163224 476 15 29 91 TRACT A 29211 9 858436185 18 9 1 812318 81 1213 75 35.A 83714934030 13.0 2449 77 6 230 3 6 46 614363261 443 25473 50 104 3726235 89 2 90 782 2638 43 9 30 77 189 32835939 28771995 4 9.A 13 168 23 C 61 270 TRACT B718 2941114 3216114660 3 7297613119797 54.A17835281528.C443 1239 16 247 1215 TRACT A86 5.01 122057335221 36 10 154 7 2649 408767384 TRACT A 6 1387 21 8542 5127 TRACT A 6832107 34360 8 45 1187 46 30 62 17.I68848 6247 4196 1442214 8TRACT F 36 175 7 50 TRACT A2 611 64 23 87 3 18 15 2625792 84 741 2915 542 11 554 102 8519565 48 13 558318.0 163 2 366582 9 44 74 TRACT B 55766 3171 18 163338.F 75921 431122 72 11 4173 2 77 2532 7.A 514 1.A 18612 38 11TRACT A 84.0629 342378 1141 43531572148 16 7 6522 19 60 15721441 115330 375362109 60626 1910 34811 64 89 2 44 1828151 88 9 5425 7871551124 3 TRACT E 33 749383828156 43 80 9 741263 194 8330 2175 90 26 21 70 948 2 71 232015 69 67 82 16 159 6 580 154 158 8876 1086 746424519 19 63 16 13 14024 4870583 6109765 66 2252274817 21 4 32 6 18 181 811315 109 63220 896794 191 9115 150 245 26233 424315.A6 25 8 66 TRACT 2 8 21 7 77TRACT D 572 7 9915 6124593 5741.0 2220 31368 61 73552 14.017598 37 95 17 111 3 55950255 52.J2 2210232118 60 76623711 4557 216 9828462 49540 30 342919 3 273 26356 5.02797222 965 2854.0 4 110 4 9914 37 317 TRACT A8289 30 51 64 1045821 21 6185 56 2925 15 13 427 91430 571.01481104.012 78 2219 206 2 C67065 28326TRACT A15 63 1145113 83998559 56 79 67187 190 TRACT A 79 114021031517416581621 92 70 55505 802 4 372239 18 41 81 57 27 12 428 25 59350412 33 4954 13 72 36 14 732153222 19 26382 84 23.096 1756 763.039 385.032 681 10 25 681911515132 209 15 A.032 8.E661938921 2187100 345 71694 17 862.W 328108 7 85 90155.A 45 16 1912105 448811 3458420 16 12 38296 578 40 1911 483 411 27 35949 418 378B1 917 1611181526 1.B 17 3615 91934 149 51069 829 14 19 27 162 57207166 13 106 71148146 271038 17.K194 20466 8733297 10652524116718278 43 58558372 710164 104 9670 4 367192 13393117489 560165419 9163 35172 63013220 10 190 64 10302 45 31 41 30.A305 18 6 3258 2 1034 23 518329 7 616 1588293 3C27 822 1411 17534404 737914 107 1021 14 6 125182633 50142 586216 247822101973 TRACT A 438 3 78237111024751A4 561643 7 16 287228 588159 98 7110910 43491231311113 37 41490 2 417 442240 27 25 74313 3980 822269 81532 401 8 103107 117 12 413 TRACT E 587749 105 33 2.027 4704655 13 12.0 13 15 12824.02 3748.034244 3231021112 17.J 9.04003685827 7 12202 164 712478 4 87 24273 14184268 29 194921 147 112246 16 85 27211106217 1711114TRACT C 37111434 9 266226 474845926721511 16913134992271 261386 5 46113 11744 38521625 67 5 9587 5617 219 3210.A 1528 6 311720392497 155 18 27117 D 139 393494 24 17 23 191 106 50 1956 2 TRACT D 36 25 3 23 26 D 656 52 3 1413 627535251504948474645444342414039383736353433 4044 8 202920 8 39391233 228238 9 32 556541256 8 24 13 19 498599 274163 59 1032 4 365942034 11320 4915 2211232 11231 279728 6233 416 48 21 3131 32200 275 1441 18715143176 149 6 4369 17 33231 188447 627 13 103241 16222 490 214 415277 29 20 9399539 21132.0233554 333116 3589456 30 E.1 2.012 14 29 18618 60 51 21 114954 207 369 3.0 28410 26 2.X20 46914509 15 2125 15TRACT D719783343650 222713384 307 2479.ATRACT C5186 6757 1438 280488249 16 82738285414319 529 178 3311 39 31 50 70 521388595598 575101452243 49676 15 443603 39 37 333 409 TRACT D 576 89319274 348 60 323064111 25 3730 34 538 3 32 10 141 231055364 6023 52562 340299 10 461245918 82 19 103636973466 2010810221733 522 437 12 5 912 35 44 1.A 12 408 2731 26 29559010122851 362552.P463 43318 66 1112 26236457 349555888 389 36 530 276 20277 1969 14TRACT A 1741349170 5268 15922 1834 19 862824 12 406 26 227 486487 1B 24 528 35 247 25160 386 1128286 594 121225915 268 33 TRACT B23 483.0 13 3528 24523 4 2818 295 531 13109 52 19 18 4251213 30271.03635913317 379230 27 208748627 28 132 441 6532 22 113 481489 257 21 21 106 13 438 2238729 492 28231831 453 16223 38811218276654935 33.A93 15 5052788527 TRACT A 597 67 50717 47929 25 596 898 37648374 22 56 22 86 43 37329 982946520345123 11 14156 2140 299.0298439 12 162 16 1 1914TRACT G . 2 252897 57 13 2305817 473 309 243455165910 1323420916541 480 34 5211 35499 12 4 471 60224272 504 45 22795 52 191230540 412014 31 1811 43 1020 68 94 29 114 17813 8586 1744 226 181562 1411 25 14 12 18767 2.0582103 118 18820 40 363 16 43 398 216 11287 3032251 3952421 84 2612268360 505 74 371338611144290 1285 659171724 1567 3066446195510 5322 174 41 25 155 1032319497641 139988383 19 183298 52 1155774 283211696 79 15 367298 56 5595 472 6332841058 637519 2530 83944126 17163233708 81108201474197544112E.2573 1915276 158 285 595 111603141411 41 16474248 677 86 10 133370 11 10 21336661 83 83837 1011315 30 9 612209 80446 496 422171227 405 27 500 2 10104101362235 11 1422 16 1.A 466 75 467 22 7 13 1389 31530 170 6 14 157 367 407 235114172 10 10817 3047 15 506 10 12 17475 8 1910 508 1424 21 1754 2 12 20 1512 444 30 44 39 20 482 33 2228 10655 27 318 1114 3 14110171 13 11 18 42421477 26 2.A16 60 131214 13 26 28338173 22935524224 20 42 309 13 3581657.A319 13 322 220 291537 17 3131241 32723611116 2323183.0 45 40 6011170 48353 21279 1130413110 503 1323198 3 3773 454 144 45 39 29 43 223 52 5 234 1641 14 63 3644128 1846600132.B21 21623240 538 30 321 314 18 29 105432 472 22239 162612 6410 20 14233105149 455 43 316 91 15231 1 12 34 110 3223235 52.H 242018 134 592 15303 62242482013 133 159 284 44020 354 23 2712 81 42 84 293 24 7 17 38 89TRACT C233 6 5721142 161 173342228 495 4521TRACT A 35219 1812.A44605 15 2231 272 38 216 25 6026661 48717 2811910859962 28299498 134 15 2197536335 19 17 19 2227542232 28 2743113042 1434258 66 9 138 3327273 82 232 1248 24453417.L25105 468304 28846 40 11312 224 4977054 104 18 2040 26 56 259 346 6416351 172943013015 40218 34 1544665 19352 43219 1810 29875 24 39 24520 23 46485 319 13 131 27462 92 429107627 15 1229 58 781943 102447 132499147 247 100 41 166 46 2525 153196 32 29552 3212016111 1328445 151114 38 899 58 124232918 2114123179460462 343151132 44 152 425 401 67 426 53523 21217 6649 260 13 3739617.E 424201 16.0 303 14 248 14 500 29793 23 683 23 5 32319 5 283 443071 289 10 51 137 17.A22336600 35 315 10 3 324109 258 11 394 296 A.110 69 24350 4337 38931 1955282318 4587532485117 2455 162 8.D11 30225 64139.A5247 250397480 316 156 197 30613643 129 313 16 43 486872 106.C3568 D 99 459 73 318776923776 292 1 398375320 9733 6 33312 574 185 533 19 21 45099 344 30 28223 5477448 496 22561484118 184024 262118 10 119 10045 668 180 222131325341 27 2420 601 72 287 3211 13514 249 483 406 3532 290818367 312263 235 1617 2023868 12 20 104829431488 23 290 481 337 302228 17021039518 8418.C TRACT A32697 4792 3453 70 TRACT H 6 113 255307 52 12 9277 4 44 1118291 381 TRACT A359279553TRACT A.2 96 28 257 5373427289 163 22 14.034725110 1114 13 45 254 294540 22526 9828911 17917 55 9914 30 242881410340626 16 10 37358 66261173 38 146 1722541819 47918 1114 654 25026 4014 1836 240231 131047280 29 2059 16 251571447821756523 380 65 54666522 45 52 361578747 255 49 253TRACT B 256160 176 12467 34 62 17 50 140 252106847 43 44 72 1812032 10841 183.A41 10.0 349.A 2526181 107 162 307169 35 64 383 28 12 17 TRACT A . 0 1810991 27845135 49 10818 770155 14 16 39 872928824 112177 17253102613 41 10382 10 12 20 11235 2113 47 287 7496291422164193 6570716766686972 49520330317 106637145 36 18172 6 71 38 15 10TRACT A70 42 4020 214 107182 226 82105898 29 211 161 81 1621 124 136241 32 80 221 126 183070 228224 11379 53 12 42 202 39 12 10 78 1.A 20226 1977230 15 99226 76 51 42 20268.02297513818227 15 18 1210 23 90562229225 205 216 26 329 1890 2013 29 9694185 2255815 21 83 65140 10518 20 2810 179641 18 137 208 191 180 12317 22 2561.A2115 268 92 24326103102 95 361688 1690112 60212242 30 364TRACT 1661254718 143 309 325 8.A93313 5319 35 301636 26794 1959 18 209 17 211 308 158 210 266 13 384243212110 251291624 12159910 5022 13993 63 2754215630101 18315924 21215 19384 13 100 44 91274127 1512861 79698268 23 44 1423147203 1892492 197 57312 52 3598 22428TRACT A12 6 20 332276 11.0 13 11 20 1411960 246 2328 33 3915 26232 9117 83 3626556 23 198 242454391 202 17 16 11946737201 143 51 19638 194 680118 239199 253 13 90 24112910 232441952834 12 46 99 2001791030213243 12 152 59014 211 2363922324 8.B22151 227137 4612 218 2193589 18 10 11 678 14 44 154 21494 42331U.61137403 14711 96 97 7326 62252 204180 1011527968 113889 90114 4522388 178 52 17 1817 65 217 85 153 117 15016 23515 148 238 271718 2544362 19234 586 38 63 19368 203 591 3901760 27 105.A691.0 77 233 1637 3610.017733 242 13 15 11 82 4883 3611 2131.A 177 18897 38237 22 16 90 8794 10 16 9283 39 41 65 19 47 8.D 14 18 1985 312315 93452913 12 48629 58413 18 30 TR A C T G 313 10 330 48 392 12 2311054 1046 79417225 52105297 1126862063493 19.0 85 116491 12 19018258425 1376851636 593 1067228 32 3520.037 18984121 12628 2461 10 351131 31 47 24 5314 21 251215 1513 6116 5946585 40 3419 1733286281 9 15 391216 9855386 2419 554559420810 14 64 28 588 391 30 501 25 10 2611 10 23 17344 14 16 17348524 88 1625 42139 2820 2147672 64901478026 14 209 42 3059 16 12 11 15 18.0111 1452 681698 54 TRACT B . 0 15.053 3612TRACT BTRACT I173754 13 583 23 35 66 411315 46 3189019 61 369 12 26 204229312115 1558745 64 133141 6338 2057118 579 11 63 30 8949622192 14 17 48 57 12818416 3538 22 17 23 54301913230 112714 57 611608 2461015240 2920 89 17TRAC T B . 1 TRACT B 29 5633 57723 2011 101385 16 31 28710 83.B 16430 73519 152616892 214 23113 1544357104445 2525 18 1521 37 1618 10 13 3019 581 2551420511 2471223 21 37 7322 122113 39 8015 21 14 43TRACT J902 3024609 22 6957 871 3.01316 211238 32492359 3638 26 4023105332440 15 17 578 19673 121665720 285 6 2111 16 57560650542 1416510 461.0 TRACT A 219 15325 67 284 224722 201912 61 286 15022276815 20 65580607 4814 2022 1911927 11 10 11576 25 595 TRACT B 8 82 81 23 39317.0 2231 283 718 22 17 70 171 4619 51783 1963821 34 383 27 20 14 5124 1119 332 252358 23341312 1918 439253522092220771222824 1533 533850 618924 344 11 10 727720 120 73 28960 1822 2228295 61237 3 53918752613TRACT B20 716 297123 16447 40 221887511 TRACT B39 2121235123901361 2110 17 1037 51 73 336 3564 12 23200 5991351420 71723 2424 16 212 2211 44 2524726321 3 72 17 457 2122 3111 722 TRACT B 212916 28 17 54 59 13 11 9921 3462 11 283231 24 365 11 317 57261775 88 723726 8513721173 28 12 26 TRACT C 2119 17 76916 6522300 213 41 15 1612 132362650 18 19 18 63 7254071939 7 23 4632 11 40 72 91 1392.B1827 86 3914757111364 724 23 3054 924 82 663 18 14 36 394 25 110 532 18 1064795 8827 12 582730290 2010105 10 78 351223 242 10 530 11531 42153 520 11951528 2613 17 45 60 1917 293833 145 535176 154817 24 10 25 4838 13 28 167131237 371 4624 315 15 26 11 29 106 27 1892 171 126 14 13327 203951 31TRACT B102388 721 78 1512 529218 93 1344614 29 33 176 214 40 7151613 12 5027 372 12695109635 17.0 92.D 14 23300873 11 25 16 613 34 1612104 37531891 17 40073.028 50 55 2736111 17 56914 653 74 333353 4814 56838 2018.0 391651943 29 565 31 32 17 13 12 12 222562041 15 1116671 21 903 144316401419 28 151119 22 26 67946 24 15 682215.033 63 563 241 16 17 219 12520 14267 16 21 5367456628 43 2152890043 14 570 51872 59 20 10 6019 5118071572729 79832 808360231 38272617 154722622 4715187 3339 274519 60 685 5272156422 4914 468 19 872 2037313 56684 2466717 93 10995 2456 32 36244 23343 12 75 201 11.A12.F 551 79 397 54 17.T 1715 730 36 3356 26 355 17 1115 21 2528522 198 96 97 690 15 62 100174408 969 2064 18 21 1275 1684931391882316 16 2999 TRACT A 53 299134 23 89 21 1035334249 639 93687 13 11 2754 68619160 362023 439811 1066468 396 242320 4529 94 3024TRACT L 30 6330 688 14 87U.612 693 193 294 14895 95 114 60 2149 5 2975 52389625116359 175201013817876788 81 90672065 30 3991512178 17 317 1449109185203329 407689 23318 371774332691 110TRACT A.1 356 660 70 103 51511 77299103 16 19.E3265 16 692538259370 10 11 512 13.F 662 359 291340201791112 69 58712TRACT D26 781340502 35124 350 771 21 84 581251 14 55 12918706 62 1114 61 1213422 57 7018658 16 49789935 763120 759 25 11 42 80 4294 6829 86818 102 11113 358 13 650 56180 24 1228310 5110 625 2226 92 13 261823 7341 18 132 29 23466 2.A10799 5610 30 446912 3382 107 41 271441323659436161311 1120 26 29661648640 1994856 90930 25 31244833 481 417 2834 240534591821 528 142 1423632380 5410630 25 57 3112 18 107117 28141 201 4525 10 84 59 61 TRACT C 43 78 21 10 TRAC T A 35 517715313 47 7819 824116 307 16448 61 293 43734910 60 14 76 16740 856321171011 8847449099 74 15 223332053 60 24 19 18 4151 779 473 904 28 74322138 32412 257 18 87256255 31716.0112105 89 318 54127322 21 50 108 260 23 11532567525TRACT G 59 109 1.0 54 53101 267 1 114 103 51 101 465626 21 18 57 52 20 47 22 38124110 28 132 1749 101 56 227 3110 524410 8213.A 78 2355 773.B 71711 24 1811 17.090 33115 91489 95 76751778 206 16 136 55 84 36 58 55 512220 1 87 758 1398 1071953 107 415 30177 302 81 169 141 150 259431219 22 1321916327261130152705 120149 4 32 8594 554 2431158 30 23 160674881811592815969927 2591560 2512 1913 262 14 16 27 589147 304 166 473333813125250 120 11228161321 26 10817770066202651120 20471116 13.A14 7650 27 504 31436567 271727 5043 54315113 37 11926 3852444 79 69 93116 23 117140 29 10227 295 1520102100 92 47 66 27 296 1488142362257 32441 3965 106 179 28 2248 14 33 20TRACT A 55 70 72 47143 111 44 637 401986 69895 40 23TRACT C11 63 328 386 503 63810065382 2014 11 16 10 15 10117362 8220326 32 151 294 49 205 22 889 260 15 74 10 58 184 3315109121 442345 94 101 117 115 196 291929 239 305104103102 100109106108101105107 32614847 115 1473 38 268 69 42 2979766 15 282 113 38765546414 303384 940171 191822 176 114 172152 241 105 36 92636440 2211869916817358 40 12327347 17039122469107225615113 66 24112 48 10070297 38 28 93279629 6591 21 544 167TRACT H55 251134 88572 243 190 25037188 254 87788830 28 38 61178 3776E.1238 376.A 266 31 9022 182 31 1892 124 19717 10125117248 17 19 206884302 119316 78 53 559 192 924 10436176 55516372178 17782585228272 87 25829 61459 49 158 1328 550470 341 33993332 94 1242675 63506 412 184 59851 292 39 370521198 166 126 8711671 435558 6476 17531588381 8010 11 2783 263 433227334 9725 167 17968 64549 857 375 15 369 409 548697 366 376 12 31145377373 374157713 2462 361378 28116652368 142249 37941344 37960378189310308 313311307309312306 61411934 259371 11723 3767327012 80291336 TRACT K 24421258 338 6569 878130164 64 38264 124826 33753 130 10143 293380 102174 9226924389 239193 556 55 104340 335547 26 33 49 70 31424 43 524 274 89 3310 3725 287126 858 27 11 360 1353454 48 36 319 828 86 72 22 5 31 717532 34 26491 7876145273275611676152131 24530273801710 4850913 377225 7584624 380 846855 807 134 9013 14253 78672276 79 908106 201048302682 11 23769 280192191 21186 132 36812733919 72 33915 50155 141815 320 12562678668 242385 246129315671291008123725 278 869 185149127 13 14296525 1468 38 420 280 18 17279545 35115806 432 41121 10118784860159 308 46383 6310 5085609771465310 2382625 571740485800128 137207139 489 570 265348 782152119146 14277236 785 354 15221 245 129 1386 4830995 122 13458113557 1267353 1623 634350108349 342 120364 845 28 118 146109 14468615 35712 13284011059157 150 136271 345 341344 343342 111 827 585756 251109 69682916 832 551.B133 54 906 53 129 112 5210458 51 75 131 145 193461706674 36111346124 223 31 114138 701 47114 418 178 25329135 79147434152 14169 11596 66 40614866116 143922971731 1640441551411076 838 16560 25083446347 2214526136 247 80 10 351 105 352 361631011121110 126 843 27 7.J 16 617 43 TRACT E 123 35693831334847 20 33677 1317 926 16849 228 458 13 937949282411 5813 292 307961693964283 140139632 122 879131 254454444 147252707633 853 13718884197 2116 44 75393 10 6590718 128 8 214 18 117444 333 338 3881918.D 50997822835880 10 836 453 837 276 82 870 19 620347267 631 138618 156 37 887 90588339049 96 442 73 46023 918195 452 15422247397120777 3218137 622 757 98 64466331 26 881 162 2080393 7909824 30 85092969125455 3181 330 943111051146455 337 146736 97 65 73450 95782 70984 140 52 335350252 25 732 693394 54105 36 10387 448 36 329181 1835 161 7641697174 486864405737 4960 72 54 425052536239 65473859 51 36 61 46 73 4370 117805 784 45910079752 116 52 405 26 TRACT G912445773911738844 67 36 64842 81011910960 814 153158248851 53775813 3450 4755 805227 62394 50925 886104 794 32 74936696174 215219 75544975645164722091 85466734 35 281139405677145 335534 96 8112 2835 113 5596648 347 44 45 79266 67 12 739 25 6524650728783644 29860 811 1 3989123 82 2945 148 99225 733 802804 795 762 760 319 171 73564592 9309593TRACT D44370 621 35 97 123167 42 791 15 10 33 24 13512 83 65 304387 731 38 793 212646 882 93810 4 776 3211631334 643 30619 348 13 31 108 84 56 1171233 56 70583181533015465 23 7373184 32 9.0297832 85 346136 849 35 462 35 6214977 44638761 81231 189 304 427 2177237 8677437 9495 1142148809 82 37 35919 296 1664933 303399391 41 97105 11 86742 221188718 429 33 30209862 7546 87 923 3239 21864 21017.R 86 79 1231952425 27 76 22 343 332 96 72 77228 45 22938980 17 37 66 3549037 32 2110 704171 865 362 94 82 96 21827 917142 31 62 223453934220 8618665124703 4 863 9035678231195683 134 349 792118 22427344285081 1321856015133401012841 49 87474125 39423424 48165 35588 14 36 37 25 83384142 3940494647454819212324 45 4 4 46 48 43 47 51 4 9 50 54285352 33 29 1832 30 1731 222027 3322 353417270261 211 10305 83 859 917046372863 99 15 488076 229 42 23112079171337 81 74 78 25 208 36 92 23 11957 65 42 43 93 921 186 1289 344325 75 14220 2305019 39 5318 42645 33 35 17 95 16 7226 89341TRACT A.O 3 33 3 3 33 68 731566 50 64 17 1411 98 4 4 44 44 44 36 56 37 4 4 444 447138 2208438 1634 TRACT J 3264 3893 177 232 67 6181 333 33 333 40 189208863 30 363 21 86199227097 102 125275 125 88 72 56585891657 4922851 174198 23 67 34 64 29 34 29051 98 13910918 14 1130118 63 55 31 51 80 90 92.C 7381 264 62 9240867145 289 9675 18 118 12183864849114 291214014 9753 18.A 7679 149873980 173 1515311 52 269 5459 43 4362 54372 195413 60 54 43132128TRACT A174108145 277 17821617 101 57 582151449288 14 23 1277 7 7 777 77 7 119 165 346 51 55902 18 150 8161 118 102271 3 99 30.B 16 29 548584 15 393142 14.0613 99 76 28 71 2214698 56 91110 15 130 4397172199 105151 962 22222 2 22 2354728 861 42 111 54 10617.082 59TRACT E 87265 50 18 2243080 72 5340 127 2517531 50 116 57905181 8618028492 88 98 270 27293637 141 22189775810777 106 8899112 41 230 5921480 177 85179 175715412368 90691378540 148 30 3052265 4185 5798 91 11 182 56513595 5 55 5555 55 TRACT A2823 432 54 14113 931981484 444 4 4 44 4 4 113 42 82 17.U 55 170 42 83 123 42 120 83175298 99 253 74 100 222192 78 44 10244 8183 85255 194 89 60 703450 45 72 283 75 19719634868 19582 78 TRACTB381 2317 1438427972 431376271031.A 1766667 86 257 11141 4778262190 254 76 2599 69131218 119 178 2274 11377206 246210768 79 861403894 2629191 10 136 12193256 357 1423705773 71 22175 58384 TRACT B 73285 271121092669713104 82 17918 46 99 89 219274 9814150445 180 13376117 1953 12813919 31.077 12013 4182048176 39 69 303378358 TRACT J129158220 1139 174 4641 49 115 122TRACT A25817.A 46 24 4118413333 153 802389 85 93 48 TRACT J 48 2714792 308 80148 273 262.088214116121 15 295 2001642 124 458 133 9479 754828790 1047924 555 555 5237 150 272152 112 3401533210479112 6876 53 161292 2 22 2222 259 6394250404543441314 38 222 2 22 26234287 87 3.C96 48 261 116 158260137TRACT B 9110555107 164178143293 14826.0294 5 5 55 5 555 30 14.A95120 42309 32 96 268124 143 271161 105208 150192 35123 13818877 54 13 119 115 26315 35 3 267 6 666666 66 4762239 3 3 3333 3 3 3 3 1072202331663956 786697411252128 71 13313846137 279 140 70 116 207 188 4722 345217 353 162163 95 35 129610 38108 152 136 115TRACT B 25 90137 111386316 27 72 28636 6743 1 315 8111.0 9 7398100314 385 336 243323 128 38111 206 12914177 264 162 313 217 26 TRACT D 377 10625 2.0 312 179 114231 146 35 1140 311 133 244 180 2357 310 119100 62 72 213 119 110.D72 211102149 120 15488 117 34 178 52 103 122437 307 11380160 632616126306 91 116 373 14620.A 121305 11.ATRACTB.1 118 104 223 136472 15 123168 142147 7918 471 200 122 157 5117 174 59396233 1418 18 1 26 425 27268 176 118 83159158 37546012541 77349173 20010727 23245137 116175 73301 24139106 22492 409298 8995416205 227 22 621051379 278 65 3 77 6159 138286374130 108204 76203220 201170 84 6124 6 160 78281 314375 78 242145 39 1 125 217426419135 158 226 299262228365 464 221 6121 311 1 8 4 81 291 TRACT A 2346 104139 150127304 1 144 136 216 8 1388 447 81816 1426157 135107133134 67 175 36 1 4 E.1106 1118 1071 482265 1223356470 11718184 230457111 128 639096 3514434 120 1836 130 8 148 160 206 121 1 1 6 46 1938 21681818 1001 202 1 8119 185 225 102 2506 233 252 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 27 2226 666 66 66 6 25406192 106.D 6 14213018627016836 71108131 44552078231 8150810870 4246 45 11712086 6 106232 29 16 1141459 TRACTA.2 1111 11 1 6 66 6 6 666 101 1631472128 156 1107 124125 63109448100206 170 144 64 1096 624666233135262.A1 80 101129128 6 169 TRACTA.4627 2096112 15 16195 162 6 413 103101 TRACT B 126 107287 100127 138212 31 99 127288 10579 118 48433106161106173102122 TRACT E2081 101 730.0468121 172 330 10755 119 302 143 116 143 6 6 111 186 366149 210316 145 6 105 149 142 111491356 1431 329189 136 334 170191 D127 C 56.0917242245101 193118 229 46 907 23 6264 35 4 44 137 54 2 47 6 40393837363534474645 333231 444342 494850 30101146 104 147 144 226106 102 100 6 117 23 1031 354271511 301 126 163 104103110103 454382148117743601411128 169 469 160106 162 165 35 11640207 202124105 164 187 219 114 126154 380 150TRACT A16711529835 427243209TRACT A11 1111111 116521049166395 14394 320 393 113 236392 169391390389TRACTC.1388 110 321 387 191384 322 136355323 212324352 12632510 189376103109 326377 304 21 378 327379 8888888 8 88111380 328 48.E 108381329382383 TRACTC.8 330 187384331 193136332 289 104127299168140333334208 102275203160 222 128235249 438 101 30998211144 205156105161 159 154155134 209135201 12811531229397 339 327204182 TRACT A 206 121 19436713417 202368 6 417369370 194 8 192371 292121 372 D7 120278373 155156195TR AC T F 118229 157180 115 317474273191 473366 35 189103 183179158 42.0 277 465 182 302 143 154 147 38819630 297 169412TRACT A 444 185 1920 274 193131127 243 112181184121 1202 125197123134 269226 105151155 429 147 435 31928 166 106 211120428164 367 5 127318 108 140216 303 TRACT F 251190284224 204 371 6436 29338 109222 134 104 124 179 113456 201124175 415156A 171 157 145 374198414 110 349 6 296 247TRACT C28153 128 223 118 1262661106 134 159 112 109203161139112 130 305 131 227 6B311199203 176 TRACT B 129 182202155313121383 174 5 8 45329 307 24 362185 9303 348 335 1111081909248 144 213111188 102161 106.A139120 1047 1186183 173114 194 16 46 241105 2232425 181126 TRACT C . 5 1361 6222116 49 1331192141721461648 137 129 143 197 131 132 114113 146 209 449312361 215154 149 3 128 156 125TRACT A167134159 481 2346 113 52.0145157115 142 137 162 138 5.A 15813350.0 217 387 113152161294 115 147 135117 130 118 160 122 132 155 100 153290 144 108 1414 268148 103195 337 304 310 146160 2211227164 204 100197 451308 152 122 326 167 163 58.042.A109 41231 10113527.0 392306239 1 8 343 103 186 220169131165130 11159 185 183101 TRACT I 1450331 166167347 218 4341168238 105104 341 100 20517 100 218 1685 356386 122 423 1 135 389 128 137 3226133125263 189 219331 1 119126233 166 225164127407102223161 101131218124 460 32 1981 203 276 32.Q103109170169 2100 172171 154 102124341 101 125 430159 132 333 126 212 202369 6398 115123 158 123 153 267312364 186 TRACTC 1 1 196165136184 11 422110182 2253 1 234363160 3531 15521522 351 187 123 240396 4 111441 123 1 14 TRACTC.420135340 40 1 34 1 73 156 113 1 2818451TRACT B29155 125157 209129163103 45 1824211150 132 25295 24 2171 19 1903149 130 134103 129 7 81 110509 30053 30 21 8 15 208420264 41122121 20 139313319.A44TRACTC.7 1 4 244 165 TRACT E 132 16752 161 4 79 138 183 1162164 38 1228370 1243183 168 134 187 114 43.0 116121 155 8462110110 154 174TRACTA3 16 2541 18TRACT B 100 77.0 13213321 13 2143685 12021037 80 153 184122 1112TRACTA2 84 615 19480342113328 484 210 200166 102 109 17.P213111215 408 354 130211255185 115 18.B173 440 194 207 653 73 199 142 40567 466 23725618.A 2 235115 178223 TRACTA4 403 10752 345117 51.0 257439463 196401 195 2 198156 34 393102119 239190 3240 137 191 10821 212 136236152 116 227 2241929 225259 238 175 8135204 23.078 18842 114 442 2 5126 12258421 199 291129 D.1 21615719 151 228 157 171 151 352 475229 180200144 391 158 34 205 150 102 TRACTC.6117 293395114123126 2303245201177875.0 2263 159213485120 107168 260 149 4 141 320 205 105 443167156 241 47616916394350166 466 106 404 127 TRACTC.3104TRACT I 14 54 321 148 140 204 201202203 145 170106TRACTA1 TRACTG 147132 TRACTC.22 20 146 262 45.0 1345 4024477321 4133355399 26148400478 22 75 63.0 60 68.0 108 131 TRACTA 179 TRACT E 109A 73 40.0 11 225172 69.0 479 257 224.044.0 19 146 17E.5 124 TRACTB 385 20174.0 344 TRACT A5 10 39.0 1287 62.0 1015 3 TRACT J 130110 16 TRACT A 9 TRACT E12.C 31 40 45 62 TRACT J 54 35 TRACT A1 43 453 6 57 61159 79 32 785650 91312 15 56 65 934 165 40781287 145 872134 TRAC T E 2.YTRACT H 21 57 439 21 242.C23 88 4.A 10 TRACT E 11TRACT A26.0 34 TRAC T D 5.C16 45 14 2878 46 515668 44 733.B 91 58.Q763931TRACT C 49 55 13 12 67186657 6322 6814 53 36TRACT C224 47 58 54 69 24 9148 7236 6 79 68 15 1384 42 931 86 7520 75 32 41 27797 35 83 2 4457 27 61 64 45 8 24 626 74 3 92 87 50 21 5239 51 42 9 28 33 54 5 TRACT B 34 411 6235 67 33 63 4.0 3TRACT D4243 13 46 3447 3 744292 3962485 73 49 77198451 53 48 2 8077 51787068 46 74 3 93 5281439435243731 13 66 30 72 6778 84 25 85 79 91 60 55969790 7361 19 374036 1812 5272 663 37 69 87 54 25 53 69 5661 64 66 5844384 692 57 57 88 21757840 5 TRACT C 88 96 5976 337016.C827655 89 54 4363 5 563 96 80 84 2 4 9373 7106559 55 86955 6115 47.072 7763 67 5 2638776 97 687 99TRACT B422 507492 3 9162 982 83 4211 52143 79 753 2 5 3 89 60 TRACTD.334 5 4 86 2 6 71 8.A 90 12 2 94 5 5 20.0 2 54 5 5 22 74 2 78 2 2 7525 5 2 72 4 25 3 2 85 5 28 29565 35 3 53 5 6 63 64 672 35 3 4273 4 329 7 47.A 52 4 27 3 45 4 2 2 320 3 7098 10 2164 39 35 89 1475 5759 8193 88 3269 178392 7074 6256 95 33 16 5827282686 63 82 77 1587 34 6876 2338 71 94 2220 29 119980 65 4577 4 3 34 5 2444 174 10 32 726910 2 5 6 4635 3 16 5 5 12 32 3 4 51563 31 72 23 5 5 6 528 66 183 43 163 99 551513 2 3 26 82 22 52 64 47 514565 TRACT A85 3421 4 22 4 8343124 3 197164 27 4 32 84 43 6 584 2 16 3 56 4765205421216 32 341 67294 48163 5 97 34415 59 6152 479 2 22512 65 2 3 3 6025 13 3 5 77 30 48 2D.2 6014 73 592329 53 61 22 6272 17 TRACT A 3 9420 4 19 11 30 424TRACT C54490 5843 2038 TRACT F29 54 57 1817 1113 18 41TRACT D 5581 47 56 35 82 7475 17 17.A 12 14 76 23 89 80 6733 73 37 41 TRACT A 55 19 74 6485 34 4.I 5.I 53 36 61 50498624 TRACTA.1 75 4225 56 66 30 49 442423 37 93 1038 22212019 621148 451817 63 25 5094 53658 72 54 26 527173 26 96 1718 115161314 4955 138 70 2019 43 1211 95 51 137 46 115 5777 127 124 TRACT A 96870TRACT D 69 56 7824203212 164036484428 4445 16 59 32 11 71 1123194727 1539 35 43 31 51 33 37 5058 5967658381 43 139313 1 21 1312 3 22234 4 44 4 236018 70604931 68 1071573 11330 3872 58707 65 27 3257 112 5.F 4.F 798466 26146130 155 115151 120 131 109108 136102103114 147 154 150 143124121125 142 158 131 TRACT C 109104 1038029 3152718 116 151324 118 109 101100 46 2642 18 14 34 22103038 7169717 120 133 112 71 2729 132 1314 104 31 2325 102 21 2143 12513613582107 3 3729334125 4513 21 171035553 7 114 6567 110101 2325TRACT H 113105 1718 25 3937 27.A 40 719 100 11112 5957 113537 720 1715 1112 114 26 6163 10 134 1920111117 2927 129 3537 17 108 64 1113 4847 119 107 42 1063.F 45 19 2927 1.F 4344 1261516 10216153025 1314 110 115 3335705 5.E 4.E 2423 3331 TRACT D14619 313227283933311920 3941 412 142413224 2334213243121 134 3341 136 10 25 11125149 18172122 135 5 39 140 127140 13928 2526 138 142 129134 123123128 157 148 153 135134 117111110 101 113 126104 145 133 141 132 150 100 149105107 144106 152 129119127116118122 112 156 32122145133 1.E 40141 123132 105 126144 152137147 13922 2.F 7.F TRACT C143108118 140117141 2827 121122116 3014826.03.D138 1819 2625 7.A 2.A 120119 4.B 5.B 13015 106 128706128 21 151 17.I 3.B 1491247.H 16 7.E 2.E 131 TRACT G 714 2.C7.C 39 130 17 4.H4.C 5.H 125 121 702 TRACT B 207.A 713 716 3.H 23 TRACT I22242725 11 1.ATRACT C 7.D2.D709 701 26282321 101211 1.I 30.F708 4443 10 24 TRACT A 35363334703 1412 1.C TRACT DTRACT B3.CTRACT E 4142 704 7.B 2.B 1.D5.D4.D 37TRACT E1.H1.C17.A 15.F 1.G 5.G TRACT C19 712711710 TRACT C 15.E TRACT D 10 17.F 3.E 16.E16.B TRACT A381943 16.D 39 17.D 4.A 5.A 27 3741 253517 16.A 17.C 33 3.A16.G 1.A16.H 17.G 2319 11 TRACT D18TRACT B 1516 TRACT A 12 1211 TRACT A28 2218 1016.F 13 15.I 17 TRACT F 17.B 2930 TRACT A13 TRACT H 27 16 15.D22 TRACT G 15.H 19.G 23TRACT N31 10.A 32 TRACT C 1514 33 34 26 TRACT I 2524 2331 21 11 3520 TRACT CTRACT B 29131521 17.E 12.I 55.D11.I1 18.I 37 14.I 15.A15.B 19.DTRACT ITRACT KTR A C T J TRACT G18.F 4 14.F40 11.F12.F 11.A 9 14.A45 18.A 12.A 41 11.E 14.E 18.E 5 12.BTRACT K TRACTB 11.B 18.B 8 44 14.B12.D 14.H38 11.H 18.H 2 TRACT G 12.C14.C43 18.C 7 11.CTR A C T L 642 14.D11.D 12.G18.G 11.G3914.G3 TRACTB TRACT B TRACT D 14.A TRACTC.1TRAC T C TRACT B TRACT B TRACT A TRAC T D TRACT A38.ATRACT G 92 . JTRACT C92 . F TRACT E.192 . E 92.KTR AC T D1.ATRACT E TRACTC TRACTC.2 TRACT G.1TRACT A TRACT B TRACT FTRACT F TRACT ATRACTH.1 TRACT H TRACT ATRACT BTRACTA.1TRACT BTRACT G 40.A24.A 2.A 4146 29 2.H 5.C 20 13 3.G 4.G 7.G 2.G1.B 2420172114 17.H 15.C15.G16.C 18.D 92.H92.GTRACT F TRACTE COMMON AREALAKEPARK PARKLAKE LAKE BOTTOMSTRACT B COMMON AREACOMM O N E L E M E N T S PARKPARK LAKECOMMON AREACOMMON AREA & STREETSPARKCOMMO N A R E A PARK PARKCOMMON AREAPARK DRAINAG E R / WTRACT FD-6LAKEPARK COMMONAR E A PARK TRACT FD-1PARKRECRE A T I O N A R E A PARK PARK COMMON AREAPARK COMMON AREALAKE B O T T O M COMMON A R E A COMMON AREA COMMON A R E A TRACT GCOM MON AREADRAINA G E R / W PARKCOMMONAR EA COMMONAR EA COMMONAREA COMMO NAR E A COMMON AREACOMMONAR E A TRACT FF COMMON AR E ACOMMON AREA DRAINA G E R / W COMMON AREA COMMO N AREAPARK COMMON A R E A COMMON AR EA WALKWAY RECREATION AREAWALKWAY UTILIT Y &DRAINAGEEASEM E N T WALKWAY PARK COMMON AR E A COMMON A R E A DRAINA G E R / W PARK COMMON AR EA PARK CANAL R/W PARK 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6 788.B7.F 7.H2426252728293031323334351234567Tract E 8151617181920212223 910111213Tract JTract ITract N Tract HTractKTract G Tract D Tract M14 Tract ATract B Tract B Tract B Tract B 657.K TRACTDTRACT EE TRACT I-2TRAC T C - 1 TRACT DDTRACT U TRACT F D - 3 TRACT ETRACT S-1TRACT S - 2 TRACT ATRACT FD-7 TRACT J TRAC T K TRACT H-1 TRACTGG 229 230231232233234 349 348347346345 344343 342341 340339 338379 378374375376377 373 372 371370369 333334335336337 213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228 354 357358 359355 356 353352 351350170169168167166 165164163162161160181 182183184185186187188146 190191 192202201200199198197196195194193308 307306305304303302 301300299298 TRACT CC297296295294293292 189145144143142141140 147148149150151152153 139138137136135134133 102154155156157158159 132 105104103106TRACT XTRACT W101100999897969594939291908988878685 TRACT V TRACT MM TRACT LL 525150494847464539383736TRACT T 303132333534TRACT P292827262524232221201918 TRACT Y TRACT HH - 2 TRACT H H - 3 26 2 5 2 4 2 3 27 28293031323334 42 4 1 40 3 938 37 363522TRACT D2.B OUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUT OUTOUTOUT OVIEDOWINTER SPRINGSOVIEDOSEMINOLE COUNTYLONGWOODWINTER SPGSCASSELBERRYCASS ELBERRY SEMINOLE CO.SEMINOL E CO.WINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRING SWINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRINGSWINTER SPRIN GS WINTER SPRINGSSEMINOLE COUNTYSEMINOLE COUNTYSEMINOLE COUNT YSEMINOLE COUNTYSEMINOLE COUNTYSEMINOLE COUNTYSEMINOLE COUNTY CITY OFOVIEDOCITY OF LONGWOODLittleLakeHowellLake JesupCITY OFCASSELBERRYGee CreekSoldier's CreekBear CreekHowell CreekHowell CreekBear CreekBear CreekHowell Creek Howell Creek Gee CreekGee CreekHowell CreekBear Creekμ1,500 0 1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000FeetCERTIFICATIONTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS THE OFFICIALZONING MAP REFERED TO IN ARTICLE III, SECTION20-102(c) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITYOF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA.ATTEST:CITY CLERKMAYORDATENOTES:1. RC-1 REPLACES ALL RU ZONING PER POLICY 1A OF OBJECTIVE A OF GOAL 3 OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.2. PARCELS DESIGNATED AS "ANNX" MAINTAIN THE SEMINOLE COUNTY ZONING CLASSIFICATION UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT IS EFFECTIVE AND THE CITY'S REZONING PROCESS IS COMPLETED.ZONING CLASSIFICATION LEGENDR-1PUDGIDR-3R-TC-1C-2I-1ANNXT-C(Minimum 6,600 sq. ft. lot)(Planned Unit Development)(Multi-family)(Greenway Interchange District)(General Commercial)(Neighborhood Commercial)(Mobile Homes)(Town Center District)(Annexed, Zoning Pending)(Light Industrial)C-C(Commerce Center-Light Industrial Use)CITY OF WINTER SPRINGSZONING MAPAugust, 2019R-C1(Minimum 1 Acre lot)R-1AA(Minimum 10,000 sq. ft. lot)R-1A(Minimum 8,000 sq. ft. lot)20