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00 - 2020 04 13 CPH Inc. City of Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Final Draft
CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN FINAL DRAFT June 2019 »lr»>rr»iia�/ offl f ,,, Incal,irporated j F,aa�'eneea" CPH,Inc.—Orlando SueyPlanners Latidscap,eArchitacts 1117 East Robinson Street sa��e,pars Orlando,Florida 32801 0mitructimi Msmagement (407)425-0452 DesegiVByaald CPHProjectNo. W04175 <'er k rJiru to rnf A:r RNn a m tv it iV n. AP 11 t1�927 a MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe CHAPTER 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Overview 1-1 1.3 Overview of Wastewater Suppliers in Winter Springs 1-2 1.4 City Service Area Future Wastewater Treatment Strategy 1-7 CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION 2.1 Purpose of this Plan 2-1 2.2 Geographic Location 2-1 2.3 Climate 2-6 2.4 Topography and Drainage 2-6 2.5 Surface Water 2-6 2.6 Soils 2-7 2.7 Ecology 2-7 2.8 Air Quality 2-7 2.9 Archaeological and Historical Sites 2-7 2.10 Flood Plain 2-7 2.11 So mic s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2-7 2.12 Ma geria p ty 2-10 2.13 Sc e of th to itati 2-10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2.14 Re e Prog IIIIIII 2-10 2.15 Op tions rm for th in Sprin E t Water Recl nation 2-11 Fa11111111111 2.16 Operations Permit for the Winter Springs West Water Reclamation 2-12 Facility CHAPTER 3 - EXISTING FACILITIES 3.1 General 3-1 3.2 Sewer Collection and Transmission System 3-4 3.3 Storage Requirements for Meeting Public Access Criteria 3-6 3.4 Reclaimed Water Distribution System 3-13 3.5 Reclaimed Water Disposal Sites 3-20 3.6 West WRF Facilities 3-28 3.7 East WRF Facilities 3-40 3.8 Sludge Handling and Disposal: Summary of Revisions to Rule 62-640, 3-52 F.A.C. 3.9 Advanced Treatment 3-54 3.10 Wastewater Collection and Transmission System 3-56 CHAPTER 4 - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CRITERIA - 3.0 MGD 4.1 General 4-1 4.2 Water Reclamation Facility Components 4-3 4.3 Reclaimed Water 4-14 CHAPTER 5 - POPULATION, WASTEWATER FLOWS AND SERVICE AREA 5.1 Population and Future Land Use 5-1 5.2 Wastewater Flow 5-6 5.3 Wastewater Reuse Program 5-11 5.4 Service Area Growth 5-11 5.5 Septic Service Area 5-11 CHAPTER 6 - EVALUATION OF WASTEWATER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 6.1 General 6-1 6.2 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the West WRF Site 6-2 6.3 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the East WRF Site 6-10 6.4 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the Oak Forest Spray 6-15 Irrigation Site 6.5 Transport all Flow to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility 6-21 6.6 Maintain Separate Facilities and Re-construct the East and West 6-31 Facilities 6.7 Temporary Interim Facilities 6-44 CHAPTER 7 - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF WASTEWATER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 7.1 General 7-1 7.2 Observations and Recommendations 7-3 CHAPTER8 - IIII DU TALI OVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8.1 Sc duled it Improv ent 8-1 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MAPS/FIGURES IIIII 1-1 Wi s S vice A p 1-4 1-2 East WRF Service Area—Septic Tanks 1-5 1-3 West WRF Service Area —Septic Areas 1-6 2-1 Location Map 2-2 2-2 Existing Wastewater Service Areas 2-3 2-3 Soils 2-9 3-1 East WRF 3-2 3-2 West WRF 3-3 3-3 Sewerage System Map 3-5 3-4 Reuse Service Areas 3-17 3-5 Lake Jesup 3-18 3-6 Oak Forest 3-19 3-7 Map of Existing WRF Disposal Sites 3-22 3-8 Dayron Ponds 3-23 3-9 East Percolation Ponds 3-24 3-10 Mt. Greenwood Ponds 3-25 3-11 Site 16 —Site 17 —Oak Forest Spray Site 3-26 3-12 Tuscawilla Golf Course 3-27 3-13 Winter Springs Collection System Map 3-58 3-14 East Collection System Map 3-59 3-15 West Collection System Map 3-60 3-16 Diurnal Flow Curves West WRF 3-90 6-1 West Water Reclamation Facility— 3.0 MGD Option 6-7 6-2 Pretreatment West Reclaimed Facility 6-8 6-3 Transfer of Flow from East Water Reclamation Facility to the West 6-9 Water Reclamation Facility 6-4 East Water Reclamation Facility— 3.0 MGD Option 6-13 6-5 Transfer of Flow from West Water Reclamation Facility to the East 6-14 Water Reclamation Facility 6-6 Oak Forest Water Reclamation Facility 3.0 MGD Option 6-19 6-7 Transfer of Flow from West and East Water Reclamation Facilities 6-20 to the Oak Forest Water Reclamation Facility 6-8 East Side Forcemain to SSNOCWTA 6-27 6-9 West Side Forcemain to SSNOCWTA 6-30 6-10 West Water Reclamation Facility— Rehabilitation 6-35 6-11 East Water Reclamation Facility— Rehabilitation 6-39 6-12 Pretreatment and Field Erected Advanced Wastewater Treatment 6-43 Schematic Layout —3.0 MGD Capacity TABLES 1-1 Recommended WRF Project Alternatives and Preliminary Opinion 1-9 of Probable Construction Cost 1-2 FY 2018/2019 Budgeted Capital Improvement Wastewater Systems 1-10 1-3 Back-U Pump Installations Covements Five 5 1-11 Ye RAMds IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3-1 Inv tory of isIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3-9 3-2 Inv tory of isr a Facilities 3-9 3-3 Inv xis 3-10 3-4 Inventory of Existing Reclaimed High Service Pumping Facilities 3-16 3-5 Winter Springs West Wastewater Reclaimed Facilities — Existing 3-38 Design Capabilities 3-6 Winter Springs East Wastewater Reclaimed Facilities — Existing 3-50 Design Capabilities 3-7 East Lift Station and Locations 3-61 3-8 East Lift Station Connector Summary 3-72 3-9 West Lift Stations and Locations 3-74 3-10 West System Lift Station Connection Summary 3-81 3-11 Private Lift Stations and Locations 3-82 3-12 Model Data Table for Extended Pump Simulation 3-91 4-1 Historical Water Quality Data 4-2 4-2 Winter Springs Wastewater Reclamation Minimum Design 4-12 Parameters 5-1 Existing Service Area Population Projections 5-5 5-2 Historical Wastewater Flows (AADF) 5-6 5-3 Historical Wastewater Ratios — East 5-7 5-4 Historical Wastewater Ratios —West 5-8 5-5 Summary of Flows and Peaking Factors 5-9 5-6 Projected Wastewater Flows in MGD 5-10 6-1 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost —West WRF - 6-4 3.0 MGD Capacity Treatment— Contact Stabilization 6-2 Summary— Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — 6-6 West WRF - 3.0 MGD Project 6-3 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — East WRF - 6-11 3.0 MGD Capacity Treatment— BNR AWT 6-4 Summary— Preliminary Opinion of Probably Construction Cost - 6-12 East WRF — 3.0 MGD Project 6-5 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—Oak Forest WRF - 6-16 3.0 MGD Capacity Treatment— BNR AWT 6-6 Summary— Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost —Oak 6-18 Forest WRF — 3.0 MGD Project 6-7 Iron Bridge Partner and Capacities 6-24 6-8 Summary— Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost - 6-29 SSNOCWTA Connection Project 6-9 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West and East 6-38 WRF — Rehabilitation — 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment Each 6-10 Preliminary Opinion of Probably Construction Cost—West and East 6-40 WRF - New FETPs - 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment Each 6-11 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West and East 6-41 WRF — New Facility— 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment— Each Site— FETP AWT Technology 6-12 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West and East 6-42 WDIIIR,,A,,)F 5y T ment J�IIIII nology 6-13 Le3 Ca ity Treatme 6-45 6-14 Le a 35 pacity reatrr 6-46 6-15 Pri cti Cost—Wes nd East 6-47 W5Treatm t ch Site — Pr abricated 7-1 Summary of Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 7-2 8-1 FY 2018/2019 Budgeted Capital Improvements Wastewater Systems 8-1 8-2 Back-Up Pump Installations Capital Improvements Five (5) Year Plan 8-4 APPENDICES A. Operating Permits — East WRF and West WRF B. IBRWRF Capacity Emails C. Land Use Data D. Opinions of Probable Construction Cost and New FETP Description and Rehabilitation Descriptions E. Modeling Information MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS AADF - Annual Average Daily Flow ABW - Automatic Backwash AWT - Advance Wastewater Treatment BEBR - Bureau of Economic and Business Research BMF - Biosolids Management Facility BNR - Biological Nutrient Removal BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand CCC - Chlorine Contact Chamber CF - Cubic Feet CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute CS - Contact Stabilization CT - Concentration Time DIP - Ductile Iron Pipe DO - Dissolved Oxygen EPS - Extended Period Simulation F.A.C. - Florida Administrative code FDEP - Florida Department of Environmental Protection FETP 1n111111111JJJJJJJ�j Fi d Treat pnt Pla iiilfilfllllllllll FM - F e IVlaii'� �, GID - G enwa terc g� istr G I S - G ��1,cal I n f S1 ��1111t11 111111 i GPCD - F G ons �Ca� ;a�e, y GPM IW11111'Ifllll G ions Pe! 41, toy HDPE - High Density Polyethylene IBRWRF - Iron Bridge Regional Water Reclamation Facility KW - Kilowatt LandAP - Land Application LS - Lift Station MG - Million Gallons MGD - Million Gallons Per Day mg/I - Milligrams Per Liter mL - Milliliter MLSS - Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids MPS - Master Pump Station NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical Datum NMP - Nutrient Management Plan NOWSCO - North Orlando Water and Sewer Company PHF - Peak Hour Factor PSI - Pounds Per Square Inch PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride RAS - Return Activated Sludge RIB - Rapid Infiltration Basin ROW - Right of Way SBR - Sequencing Batch Reactor SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SF - Square Foot SJRWMD - St. Johns River Water Management District SRF - State Revolving Funds SRT - Solids Retention Time SSNOCWTA - South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority SWD - Side Water Depth TDH - Total Dynamic Head VFD - Variable Frequency Drive WAS - Waste Activated Sludge WRF - Water Reclamation Facility WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant J/%o, IIIIIIIIIIIIIII))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� iaii��rrrrrrrrrrrJlll�ll�f City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-1 CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Background The Winter Springs Wastewater Facilities, the East Water Reclamation Facility (EWRF) and the West Water Reclamation Facility (WWRF), operate as"Public Access"water reclamation facilities and they provide reclaimed water to golf courses, commercial, recreation and residential areas for irrigation. The first Master Wastewater Plan for the City of Winter Springs was generated in 1987. Amendments were provided in 1989 and 1992. No revisions or new reports have been written since 1992. The existing wastewater treatment infrastructure, as well as the East and West Water Reclamation Facili a agin �an is req ed to e� r utility system into the next decades. e exist tewat reat yste are reachin a end of the useful life � rt ,r for the existing eq ment. ; is � aste , an was ater treatment plant portion of the utili llllll�flllllli 1 It s ass e t the t�i ing of this a ysis that the existing t�, i�,, wastewater treatment facilities will require either major re-construction or full replacement. The analysis of the re-construction/replacement of the wastewater treatment facilities is the main part of this Master Wastewater Plan. Since this study evaluates system changes and new facilities, the Master Wastewater Plan is written in accordance with the State of Florida State Revolving Funds (SRF) Facility Plan model format to position the City for future loans from this program. The Master Wastewater Plan projects sewerage demand for a 20-year period. The Master Wastewater Plan addresses demand for the City's service area through the year 2040, which is approximately a 23-year planning period. 1.2 Overview 1.2.1 Plan Objectives The Master Wastewater Plan incorporates and continues the progressive plan that the City has been implementing since they purchased the private utilities in 1984 (North Orlando Water and City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-2 Sewer Company— NOWSCO) and 1990 (Seminole Utilities). The City Master Wastewater Plan is based on seeking economical and environmentally sound solutions for wastewater treatment and disposal. The plan includes: 1) An analysis of the existing and future sewerage needs of the City (population and flow) 2) It evaluates the possible consolidation of treatment facilities 3) It contains a new sewerage system model of the lift stations and the main gravity connection piping (it does not contain the residential subdivision gravity sewers per project scope) 4) The consolidation analysis uses the model to determine sewerage routing needs 5) It provides alternatives for new treatment facilities. 1.2.2 Reclaimed Water The reclaimed water system was originally created in the City to dispose of wastewater effluent. Over several ye ;" /////o, e, " ' ` waterjs be "' " rlrrrint '��' IIIII� /// Ileviate potable water/groundwate ithdra ,"Is d incr e th b� oft CM Potable ater System to serve � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII���III new customers out e ' n 'g ing �I a Reclaimedtc ater has been very successful in achi " �(1 h g is. Ho 6 for mu i enterprise f utilities, decreased potable water consumption directly correlates to decreased revenues, because reclaimed water is typically less expensive than potable water.Although when available, homeowners will typically use more reclaimed water for irrigation purposes than potable water, but these differences are not always significant enough to overcome the gaps in revenue. See the Winter Springs 2017 Water Facilities Work Plan for more information on this subject. 1.3 Overview of Wastewater Suppliers in Winter Springs Winter Springs is located in Seminole County, Florida. A wastewater service area map is included as Figure 1-1. Within the incorporated area of Winter Springs, wastewater service is supplied to customers by the City of Winter Springs utilities system(s) and onsite disposal (individual septic tank) systems. 1.3.1 Winter Springs Utilities The City of Winter Springs owns and operates two wastewater treatment plants within its corporate City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-3 limits. The East wastewater treatment facility (approximately 2 MGD) is located on Winter Springs Boulevard in Tuscawilla just east of the Tuscawilla Golf Course. The West wastewater treatment facility (approximately 2 MGD) is located north of SR 434 on Casselberry Lane just west of the former Winter Springs Golf Club. Both facilities are permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Public Access treatment. 1.3.2 City of Casselberry The City of Casselberry serves approximately seven (7)commercial/warehouse customers on Belle Avenue. 1.3.3 City of Longwood The City of Longwood serves some of the area along US 17-92 north of SR 434.These customers are within the City limits of Winter Springs.These are direct customers of the City of Longwood and are part of an interlocal agreement. � IIIIII �y�� /f lllllllllllffffff 1f 1.3.4 Cit Sewe u lie D lincorpAted U e� /�/l�11111, Winter Springs do not su �y t amo east GIffiiervice lullin corporated areas. It is a general polio� � ty t � serve o " in core t �imits.The onl 11 ite served is a tract of land (commercial/industrial parcel)at the most northern part of Winter Springs just north of Shepard Road on US 17-92. The property is currently unoccupied. 1.3.5 Self-Disposal Systems There are residents in the City of Winter Springs that are on septic wastewater self-disposal systems. We estimate that there are an equivalent of approximately 766 single-family lots in this category (estimated population of 2,014 persons at 2.63 persons per household — census data). There are also two commercial/industrial areas in the West Service area and the Georgetown Clubhouse on septic wastewater self-disposal systems. These septic wastewater self-disposal systems have an estimated flow of 177,918 gpd AADF.This flow rate can be accommodated by the existing infrastructure if the septic areas are converted to public sewer. The septic areas are identified in Figure 1-2, East WRF Service Area -Septic Areas and Figure 1-3,West WRF Service Area — Septic Areas. o z O LL (n Q w Ir w W w I-- J YJ 4 Y„ a o rr LU N F lr�cI u � u ' \11111 u LL a� h _ = .-B o O A y c Ow(Lu2 44 a L O O A wa !! J 1 — C L 1 � v O Y Z U m Q m 0 O LL N 0 N N CO F F F- t� L on 0 0 U Q ° N z ° LU ii W W a w a z LJJ a z a uwi M w (LF M w w� III W �Z a w ° U) w z cn �1`11111` CD L a � w a w U) w W a � e 1� Z g=aaaez° U V y�rn�J7 z �a W 0 U U C y D C 0�`0 ,.r O LLO.UF W 0 U F a 0 p ¢ a to y o •� s3 ad2r- A y r==aF awW0 a y wa c m 0 Q. • U L N Q � 0 g � 3 G G G G w w w w „_ cwoJ cwJ w y �O LL— U 'o 'o 'o 'o o N . . . . ` 0U LL O o o o a z : 0 � : U F a F F F a a � Y o o U a in N (O LU N O W o 0 N ct z l Cl) V wO y W N W ":�Yl / Z O z� U,g a za w ?� �w Cl) LU W Q W W r W z(D — — af F`�_o w o z U U) > w p p ° w W Hcn W W Q W ~ z z z = o N ¢ LL ¢ p o w p z C, ¢ C7 w z .� 0 o� Q.... z o p z z > z o Ua °y 1{ v a cw7 v F y Y v 2 W N� o wwa02� ~ ^ Q z0 LI 0 O . O o z a.7ia z w c 0 rn = F :m D w aY2 Y 0 1{ 0 W z Z w G U o W K 2 o �) " Z Z °M Y c .. m Y J N ¢ ¢ Z ¢ Z \ —W F H a 1 ¢a � w0 `, o 2E (7 d C cl U G) y v A z ¢ m w o y E¢ c m 2 w 0 r m a 0 � m 0 0 � wa w o w z z J z u) < Q F o Q z z L M Q. 3 3 N ' m z a a a a a v z z o w ww O ou u u u u z oo o o a LL 0 z 0 0 U ¢ (n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-7 1.4 City Service Area Future Wastewater Treatment Strategy We recommend that the City's approach to meeting the projected wastewater demand over the next 20 years is to continue with the two plant sites. This strategy is based on the following basic principles: 1) There is a large existing infrastructure investment at each of the two sites. 2) The existing collection/transmission system is divided into two service areas and there are no interconnects. 3) The interconnecting piping between the two collection/transmission systems is expensive because of the long distances between the facilities. 4) No public hearings would be required to maintain operation at the two existing sites; whereas, a new site would need public participation hearings to proceed. 5) Environmental audits and studies are not required on existing sites. 6) Archeological studies are not required on existing sites. 7) Flora and f dies p quired existin fffflfl II !llllllllllfffffffaf 8) Consolidat and re re, the pan f the rrent facilitie o a larger capacity at 1 i J 1 M,either the Ist WRF t � ��, RF er artici n;whereas, re air/re- i� err: 9 J � p p build/re-co t Hof t se e apaciti , a facilities wo not trigger the same level of public participation. 9) Instrumentation and controls can be set-up to make one of the sites an operational center and the other site as "remote" site. Minimal staffing would be required at the "remote" facility.This is an advantage because it is harder to find trained wastewater treatment plant operators and maintain a staff at both facilities. 10)The reclaimed water distribution and disposal systems are centered around the existing WRF sites. Therefore, it is better to maintain the current reclaimed water distribution and pumping systems.There are piping interconnects that already exist for reclaimed, but most of the lines are sized for operation from the existing sites. 11) Effluent disposal sites are based on the existing configurations. Additional piping would be required to utilize the sites from a consolidated site. 12) Repair/re-build/re-construction appears to be the most cost effective solution to the future needs of the City. 13) Expansion of the capacity of the facilities is not required to meet the projected needs of the population and growth of the City of Winter Springs.The existing permitted wastewater flow City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-8 capacity (2.07 at the WWRF and 2.012 at the EWRF) is greater than the projected flows. 14) Repair/re-build/re-construction can be performed in multiple phases over the years without disruption of exiting services. It will spread out the expenditures and complete the most pressing projects up front. 15)The construction of new pre-treatment facilities at the West WRF were requested by staff. 16) New operations buildings were requested by the staff(one at each site). 17)The opinions of probable construction cost include 30% of the construction equipment cost estimate in order to provide new electrical systems as well as replace old electrical gear. 18)The opinions of probable construction cost include 10% of the construction equipment cost estimate in order to provide enhanced instrumentation and controls. 19)The filter systems at each facility will be replaced with new equipment. 20)All opinions of probable construction cost include a 20% planning contingency; a design allowance of 7%; Construction Administration services of 10%; Sales tax of 2.5%; and, an administrative allowance of 5%. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J11���� � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111�Jy��� p� iric" lllllffffffff(ffTable 1-1 Reco ende Pro Alt as a �lminarpinion of Probable ��Construction Cost sts thre (3) corr ' nde ti Me have ideed three (3) because gi the final choice de �� he put fro Staff ar ,M agement. Fan Engineering and longevity perspective, we recommend the Reconstruction alternative unless significant funding is available for the advanced treatment option. The first is the lowest cost alternative. It is a re-build of the existing systems as they exist today, but provide new materials to place the projects into a condition that will last another 20 years. It is intended to bring the facilities into a "Like-New" condition. However, the City may decide to invest a larger sum in order to expand the service life of the facilities. Therefore, we have included the second alternative. The second alternative is a combination of new facilities and existing facilities. It would provide new construction of the biological systems (the package plants)and the filtration systems. Disinfection and reclaimed water systems would be re-used. The third alternative would incorporate advanced levels of treatment into the system. It includes nutrient removal into the process. The City may be eligible for funding from either the SJRWMD or City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-9 FDEP for nutrient removal within the watershed basin. If the City would receive significant funding, this alternative may be an acceptable alternative to the City. e e e e e e e Rehabilitation of East and West WRF — $30,135,186 2.0 MGD Each to match existing Reconstruction of East and West WRF — $ gg 2.0 MGD Each FE r J act'�f11'1'111111 n %��/// T3111 In l �ffflffff ff Alternative -Act ((' nced e II Nutrient Remo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� ��/iJ. O�, New construction of East and West WRF — 1.5 MGD Each Facility - FETP —Advanced $51,947,540 Wastewater Treatment—Total 3.0 MGD City Wide SBR Option City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-10 The City has the projects described in Table 1-2, FY 2018/2019 Budgeted Capital Improvements Wastewater Systems, scheduled for construction within the 2018/2019 Budget. liiiii III IIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII.III III III IIIIIIII IIIIIII III, III III II II IIIIIIIIIIIII I III III IIIII �p pp ��������d���������ppp ��pppp Electrical Panels; LS 2E, 4E, 4W and 10W $106,000 Permanent emergency by-pass pumps; LS 3E, $320,000 14E, 22E, and 4W (Also See Table 8-2) LS 7W replacement $450,000 LS 10W relocatefII �I11111J1 Ives UJJJ� /J/ �ffll�llll�ll� flffffffffffi Control upgrades est W !O $300 00 Sewer pipe re-linin I %/ lllllllll Jj $250 00 The City has established a goal of upgrading all lift stations with the capability of either back-up power or back-up pumping systems during emergencies.This project will be implemented over the next ten (10) years. Table 1-3, Back-up Pump Installations, Capital Improvements, Five (5) Year Plan, shows the twenty lift stations programmed for the installation of back-up pump systems for use during emergency operations. The City currently has 27 lift stations in the East system and 23 lift stations in the West system for a total of 50 lift stations. Nine (9) lift stations are provided with generator emergency power. The total project involves the remaining 41 lift stations and the preliminary opinion of probable construction cost is estimated at $3,280,000. Four (4) lift stations are scheduled for emergency back-up pumping systems in the FY 2018/2019 budget. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 1-11 IIIII III III MEMO „ � (IIIIIIII„ e II II IIIIIIII II IIIIIIII (IIIII (III III II I IIIIIIII II III III IIIII III I II I I III III(III I II „III, I . LS 2W —619 David Street at Frank Street 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 4W —870 Sheoah Circle 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 14E — 160 Nandina Terrace 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 22E — Fanning Drive —Winter Springs Village 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 14W — 130A Tuskawilla Road 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 16W —222 Torcaso Court 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 3E — 728 Sybillwood Circle 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 20E — 361 Pad �j ,� �0 $80,000 LS 5W —51 East L Vista D edl �� 1 $80,000 LS 6W —710 Tan wood ad 20/2021 $80,000 611 Tuscany ace °" 20/2021 $807000 LS 11 E- 1839-B Seneca Boulevard 2020/2021 $807000 LS 15W — 137-B Seville Chase Circle 2021/2022 $807000 LS 20W — 398 Harbor Winds Court 2021/2022 $807000 LS 13E — 590 Vistawilla Drive 2021/2022 $807000 LS 19E — 1599 Wrentham Court 2021/2022 $807000 LS 13W —2501 Shepard Road 2022/2023 $807000 LS 19W —4201 SR 419 2022/2023 $807000 LS 10E — 1163 Trotwood Boulevard 2022/2023 $807000 LS 18E — 310 Tuskawilla Road 2022/2023 $807000 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-1 CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Purpose of this Plan The purpose of this Master Wastewater Plan is to analyze the current and future needs of the City's wastewater treatment systems and to project a minimum 20-year program for further development. The wastewater treatment infrastructure, specifically the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities, are aging and a plan is required to extend operation of the utility system into the next decades. The existing wastewater treatment systems are reaching the end of the useful life for the existing equipment. The analysis includes several options which are discussed in Chapter 6, Evaluation of Wastewater System Alternatives.Three of the alternatives include combining the East and West sewerage treatment systems into one facility. This combination has the potential to reduce operational and logistical staff and would centralize the sewerage system operations. 1�11 l llll Jai �% 11��/%/// '� t Jl14 However, consoli ���e treat plant e reduce staff and operations.With t Jimprov in II �JJionthat a , available,operational 0 11 and logistical staff n be p ed tone ati oni ring the othe cation. Periodic visits ...will be required to i ored cation. fit fiacilities o be linked to t +;system wide SCADA within one operations center. The Plan includes evaluations of the capacities, preliminary locations of additional needed facilities, and a description of techniques which may be appropriate for implementation of the system described by the Plan. 2.2 Geographic Location The City of Winter Springs is centrally located in Seminole County; it borders the south end of Lake Jesup; it is north of the City of Casselberry and portions of unincorporated Seminole County; it is east of U.S. 17-92 and mostly west of S.R. 417 (the Greenway); it abuts the City of Oviedo on the east side by S.R. 417; and abuts the City of Longwood on the west side by U.S. 17-92. The City of Winter Springs stretches north and south along the S.R. 434 corridor from US 17-92 to the Greenway. The City is served by a number of arterial highways including U.S. 17-92; State Roads 417,419 and 434; and,Tuscawilla Road. Figure 2-1 shows the location of Winter Springs within the county and state. O � N Z N a s, ry9� z W 0p A Q U J w OL LU P Z U) ILL IIIIIIIII � � , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �� w Q IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r* � YNY 1 " q IT r oWii-M--r Ms r � e'VW�2 a s dam .z z o� �tras = op" tl w N t 4 r J d ' e� E r$ .,P r "N o m�' f M�'lo n w ) r sln d J r h I Jp1 " '��' 1 r � Mi v dviv 5 W O w r°"� c� � d•, z uw �, � a:� o F -11 M i F la rn c a mH N a �,..u�m.� ( �JI .� Q o � � (D� 'fir � � ��. ( 0 LI 3NI ro a '��" �^.„ �lh �• '� A� �i,'�,°gyp y �ry /�F e ate° A62iN a r�iVv rN �� �• ��� a w`a U Cy ml Q f .4 apa S Q�i WbH�ybN,l.,, m..�, .. .... lioll.lli i., etas Y U 1 ,,.,,3.Mv 2NAd 103 Q m O N N N CO ~ ~ ~ z al � t o m L fl- m n 0 0 U Q (n O � M Z N ii a � 0 > w z Q a s ¢ U a /1 f7 u wLLI z U � cn W �'Q ............."�.... IL... co W'4 'IVt91N� N 3hW 7b3l1N. S 9Hl VAVI, Ir �UJ F "env��ssri s z 3 CO a w W� '" UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I�I�II�IIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "� zLLI a I W �s 41 wwwr111 0 u w z J � U. � � M 0 0 O CON N^O�^J S. aZ Zao W y000 Z env aaaaNvs s a a �- �l p aHVw n� Y 0cr Q i" i i ;2 i VV w a��I Z co O Z / x 5 LLI go 4;9_ OR LLI cn UJ it H-," 2fQ b "l W O= IIIW" Y W y 1 , NNr N ---'�' J ",, V) J n = r R Y r x �lJ w c J " ✓ ILL P: , „ r, ; ° Il lllllllllllll11 �, ➢ , z �, a w � �® �� c5 �.,: .w. o © a aror .- a ILL W -..� Q 92 aL9O3 4 CL U LLI a 0m 3 J � � v Z — ,*M„ �2i tfQFR MNY' � � R,V✓'^V ".,, w �W 3 U a �� •,.w„ o ..:...� mivvvvoqmv C,77— N N N CO ~ ~ ~ z t o m L fl- m n 0 0 U Q (n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-4 2.2.1 Wastewater Service Area The projected future wastewater service area, the planning area and the City limits (one in the same)is shown in Figure 1-1. The wastewater service area was established in cooperation with the City staff. Figure 2-2 shows the relationship of the Winter Springs Service Area with the surrounding communities. 2.2.2 Self Disposal Areas The City has several areas within the City limits that are developed, but are on septic systems for their wastewater disposal source. The East Wastewater Service Area subdivisions are known as: 1) Winter Springs Unit 2 (66 lots) 2) Winter Springs Unit 3 (130 lots) 3) Dunmar Estates (31 lots) 4) Tuscawilla Unit 5 (7 lots) 5) Tuscawilla Trail Subdivision (3 lots) 6) New Cove ch ( ���///� i WI 7) Tali's Cros Ing (4 lob d � Areas 3 through 7 ove a ir 'tly a cent, st J astewater Se ice Area facilities and are included in thDD that ; ason. �; are apoxi,,ately 242 sin family lots on septic wastewater self-disposal in the East Wastewater Service Area. The West Wastewater Service Area subdivisions are known as: 1) North Orlando Ranches (NOR) Section 1 (56 lots remaining, 3 lots served), AND the subdivided lots of: a) Moss Road Ranches (3 lots remaining, 1 lot served) b) Bahama Ranches (3 lots) c) Siebert Ranches (1 lot) d) Vandergraaf Estates (3 lots) e) Morie Subdivision (3 lots) f) Oak Hill Estates (4 lots) g) Susan Woods (3 lots) h) Total NOR Section 1 — 76 lots remaining, 4 lots served 2) North Orlando Ranches Section 1A (39 total lots) 3) North Orlando Ranches Section 1 B (26 total lots) City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-5 4) North Orlando Ranches Section 2 (28 lots remaining —26 lots are connected to the sewer line on Alton and Shore Road and 8—inch sewer stub-outs exist at Coral Way—each end), AND the subdividision of: a) Alton Creek (2 lots remaining — 1 connected); b) Total NOR Section 2 — 30 lots remaining, 27 lots served 5) North Orlando Ranches Section 2A (198 lots) 6) North Orlando Ranches Section 3 (32 lots) 7) North Orlando Ranches Section 4 (12 lots) 8) North Orlando Ranches Section 5 (27 lots) 9) North Orlando Ranches Section 6 (40 lots) 10) North Orlando Ranches Section 7 (44 total lots). There are approximately 524 single family lots on septic wastewater self-disposal in the West Wastewater Service Area. There are approxi�� N 16 si "4 � lots "/l/ eptic gt&Me �� fiosal in the City of Winter Springs. ere ar �miple �ts o co ecti for the ab �e areas. Preliminary Il�fflllllll� ' � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII engineering analy and f 1 i ny, uld �� d connect the (areas to the existing wastewater syste %�%%rrrr j%iJ, l , The Georgetown clubhouse at 1407 Whitehall Boulevard is on a septic wastewater self-disposal system. The flow from this facility is a small average annual daily flow. Estimated flow is approximately 1000 gpd AADF. There are two industrial areas that are currently served by septic wastewater self-disposal.The first area, Entziminger Farms Addition No. 2, is along Old Sanford-Oviedo Road/Wade Road (19 lots remaining—the two City-owned lots, the Public Works Complex, are served by LS 22W;the School, Layer Elementary, is served by LS 19W; and, the Seminole County Bus Barn area is served by LS PC and LS PD).The second area,Winter Springs Industrial Park, is along the North side of SR 419 between Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road (11 lots).All of these lots can be connected to the West WRF via the 4-inch and 6-inch forcemains that run (from LS 19W and LS 22W to the West WRF) down Old Sanford-Oviedo Road and then south along Moss Road to SR 434 and on to the West WRF. Estimated flow is approximately 50, 000 gpd AADF, based on approximately 50 Acres and 1000 gpd per Acre.The estimated flow from all septic systems is approximately 177,918 gpd AADF City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-6 (41,097 gpd AADF East and 136,821 gpd AADF West). 2.2.3 Wastewater Areas Served by other Utilities City of Casselberry The City of Casselberry serves approximately seven (7)commercial/warehouse customers on Belle Avenue.These customers are in the City limits of Winter Springs.These are direct customers of the City of Casselberry and are not part of a wholesale or interlocal agreement. These are very small users and should be adequately served by Casselberry since they are a small fraction of their service capability. City of Longwood The City of Longwood serves some of the area along US 17-92 north of SR 434.These customers are within the City limits of Winter Springs.These are direct customers of the City of Longwood and are part of an interl eeme- irrr� P�j are ver mall us i- �Y�- ��quately served by Longwood since t are a� a Fraction f the' tice c )ability. 9 Y 11J�r II IIIIIIIIIIIIII)�J�� ////lllllllllfU11111D1111111 f� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2.3 Climate IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(� Central Florida is generally humid and warm with long summers and mild winters. Rainfall is generally greatest in July and August with annual rainfall between 45 and 50 inches. April and May are generally dry months with a high irrigation demand. Irrigation demand is also high during the summer due to high evapotranspiration. 2.4 Topography and Drainage The Winter Springs area is relatively flat with numerous streams such as: Gee Creek, which flows through the center of the City; Howell Creek,which flows through the southern and eastern ends of the City; and Soldiers Creek, which flows through the northern and western end of the City. All streams flow to Lake Jesup. Elevations range from 10 to 50 feet NGVD. The planning area is predominantly developed with only minor infill areas remaining. Redevelopment is occurring along U.S. 17-92, S.R. 434, SR 419 and Tuscawilla Road. 2.5 Surface Water There are no Outstanding Florida Waters in the planning area. All surface waters are designated City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-7 Class III waters, suitable for recreation and for propagation of fish and wildlife. 2.6 Soils Soils have been mapped by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This information is shown in Figure 2-3, "General Soil Characteristics". Sand, sandy clay, muck and "made land" make up most of the soils in the area. The muck is concentrated along the streams and lakes. Made land consists of a variety of "fill" soils that are not native to the localized area. These soils represent the surface soils of about 20 feet deep with the Hawthorne formation to 100-foot depth over the Floridan Aquifer. 2.7 Ecology Wetlands border the surface water bodies that drain the City. No encroachment on existing wetlands is proposed or anticipated for the City's Wastewater Facilities. The area is predominantly developed and there are no known prime or unique farmlands or plant and animal communities. IIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111111J11��j Illlllllllllllllll�y��� IIIIIIIIIIIIII !llllllllllffffffff(ffi �/ 1J 2.8 Air QualitOn Air quality within plann ge a is nsid ', ir ttainment of ie State and Federal Ambient Air Qualit i'� � rds. NIL 2.9 Archeological and Historical Sites There are no known significant archaeological and historical sites in the planning area. 2.10 Flood Plain Flood plains are generally confined to the areas immediately adjacent to the streams of Gee Creek, Soldiers Creek, Howell Creek and Lake Jesup. The latest report is Flood Insurance Study, Seminole County, Florida and Incorporated Areas, dated September 28, 2007. 2.11 Socio-Economic Conditions 2.11.1 Population The current population for 2018 is approximately 37,000 people. More detailed population and wastewater flow data is contained in Chapter 5. This includes all people within the City limits, not just those served by the wastewater collection systems. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-8 2.11.2 Land Use and Development The planning area is primarily residential with limited commercial and light industrial uses. Land use is established in the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Figures showing Land Use are contained in Appendix C. n !llllllllllfff 11f IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M M S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE UNIVERSITY NAP FLORIDA FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS G SENUNOIX COUNW, A SOIL ASSOCATIONS �2 BLANTON-LAKELAND ASSOCIATION: UNDULATING,MODERATELY WELL DRAINED TO SOMEWHAT EXCESSIVELY DRAINED, SANDY SOILS INTERSPERSED WITH LAKES, PONDS AND WET, DEPRESSIONS. �3 BLANTON-LEON-PLUMMER ASSOCIATION: NEARLY LEVEL MODERATELY WELL DRAINED, SANDY SOILS INTERSPERSED WITH AREAS OF SLIGHTLY WET AND WET SOILS, AND DOTTED WITH LAKES AND PONDS. ® LEON-IMMOKALEE-PLUMMER ASSOCIATION: NEARLY LEVEL, SOMEWHAT POORLY DRAINED, SANDY SOILS UNDERLAIN BY A BROWN, STAINED PAN,AND VERY POORLY DRAINED SOILS IN SLOUGHS, SWAMPS,AND PONDS. �5 LEON-DELRAY-ST.JOHNS ASSOCIATION: NEARLY LEVEL, SOMEWHAT POORLY DRAINED TO VERY POORLY DRAINED SOILS THAT ARE SANDY TO A DEPTH OF MORE THAN 30 INCHES. © POMPANO-DELRAY ASSOCIATION: NEARLY LEVEL, POORLY DRAINED AND VERY POORLY DRAINED SOILS THAT ARE SANDY TO A DEPTH OF MORE THAN 30 INCHES. 10 ISTOKPOGA ASSOCIATION: NEARLY LEVEL,VERY POORLY DRAINED WOODY PEAT SOILS. 11 SWAMP ASSOCIATION: JJ1illlla VE � lllll�ii � FRES ,, ` TER S JTER MOST OF THE TIME. ��i, !!/%llllll(IIIIIIIIIJI VII I,,, r /w111r �, slv, my/nf b,w' r/i+%1, /^ �,,wrr �///r'^sO ,.. ��I� r N r,1� if 1 1 Pu Drain w �i � frIfAg, 70 / X/RRI, f, �i�r� � Fr %1,!!A/ r I�lf j k✓h➢" 's%/ ,40,///lrrIlPflrr � i V 92i�%,i rrrrrrrrmp�'/oioioaiii/r uw, urr � r G L � " u i� � k/ p ,pq,IVy,�r44{ i',"Awrt!, f/✓Y�� ��I/ ����I/I���r,.i;i� �1NU S A� 1�I�� rl I / ���� 1 .,, r,rr /.oiarnirr//OJ�� wwaioiirr, 1 ci is,r/i/�,/lr /%,� as p n4^,vnvr"'Al. vy, ✓l% �� "�,v� rV a rd � u ,ivwewwln wNri�a OIL', r I / to '^Lw»„rw< � ,nr r „e l »~mn".mwvv F/' "✓ rrt,oa,+ ^n ee r ,,, ,.,.. �„�, ,,ym,... "; Al���, � � Plan Prepared By: Date: 6/13/19 C CPH, Inc. GENERAL SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Licenses Job No. W04175 FIGURE Eng.C.O.A.No.3215 Survey L.B.No.7143 Scale: NONE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 2-3 Arch.Lic.No.AA2600926 www.cphcorp.com Lndscp.Lic.No.LC0000298 File: FIG. 2-3 MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN 1117 E.Robinson St.—Orlando,FI.32801 —Ph:407.425.0452 02019 SEMI NOLE/FLORIDA Page 2-9 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-10 2.12 Managerial Capacity The City of Winter Springs has the sole responsibility and authority to build, operate and maintain the wastewater system. The operations of the facilities are provided by City employees. 2.13 Scope of the Study and Limitations This study generally presents a long-range plan to meet the expected demands on the wastewater collection, transmission, treatment and disposal system. It includes discussion on phasing, financing, and flexibility that will provide general information and guidance to the City as the systems are developed. The opinions of probable cost presented in this report are only to planning level accuracy. Costs of all future facilities are projected at an average unit cost (for given sizes) without regard to specific details such as differing site conditions, soils, necessary valves, hydrants and appurtenances, etc. The estimated project costs for items such as surveying, soils testing, engineering, legal, and administrative, ar 'J'" in t res. T' hasi (1f11� impr m s a starting point and provides a ger ral con apt IItIII IIIlU1JJ� JJin w & phy Illllllllllllllllllllyfllllltem m develop and improve over the years. Irn ovem% , ti g wl1�pe '�� ct I needs at va us times in the future, and the financin� 'Lies ailablet ose ti is. iming of th improvements in the undeveloped areas is dependent upon the actual construction implementation schedules of the developers. Therefore, the City has only limited control over the timing of line improvements in these areas. However, the City will need to provide treatment capacity for the areas. The timing and density of the projected development presents the most unpredictable limitation on the study. The nature of projected development can have a significant impact on the amount of wastewater demand. If land use density(of the geographical areas)changes,then the wastewater demand will also change. When that occurs,the Master Wastewater Plan should be reviewed and modified. 2.14 Reuse Program The St. Johns River Water Management District has implemented a program encouraging the reuse of wastewater effluents to decrease the amount of withdrawal from the Floridan Aquifer for nonpotable uses such as irrigation. The City currently provides effluent to the Tuscawilla Golf Course, and residential areas. The effluent is treated to an unrestricted public access standard, City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-11 meaning it has been filtered and disinfected to high-level disinfection standards. The expansion of the irrigation program into residential areas has and will continue to reduce the demand for water from the potable system. The benefits of the reuse program are significant for several reasons including: reducing the withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer,decreasing surface water discharges, providing a cost effective effluent disposal method and increasing groundwater recharge. 2.15 Operations Permit for the Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Permit Number FLA011068 was issued March 14, 2017 with an expiration date of March 13, 2022 for the Winter Springs East WRF. A description of the permitted facilities is provided below and is an excerpt from the preamble of the permit: "This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statues (F.S.), and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This permit does not constitute authorization to discharge wastewater other than as expressly stated in this permit. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to operate the facilities in accordance with the documents attached hereto and specifically described as follows: JIIII 11111111111J11��i, Illlll�y��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iti WASTEW ERAn existin 2.012 � nn aver flo ,�, F) ptted capacity contact l stabilizatio domew tewatf e entp t nsistingof equalization, influent screening, and raerati ��� `ondaryr cation, filtra , chlorination, aerobic digestion and dewatering of residuals (vacuum assisted sand drying beds). REUSE OR DISPOSAL: Land Application R-001: An existing 2.012 MGD AADF permitted capacity slow-rate public access system. R-001 is a reuse system which consists of a 3.0 MG reclaimed water storage tank, a 5.61MG lined reject/wet weather storage pond, a 40 acre restricted access sprayfield(the Oak Forest Spray Field) having a capacity of 0.201 MGD AADF, a 6.8 acre restricted access rapid infiltration basins (RIB) having capacity of 0.610 MGD AADF, and public access irrigation within the permitted reuse service area, to the major users identified in Condition IV of this permit, with a permitted capacity of 1.720 MGD. Because a common transmission main is used for the reuse sites, the public access effluent limitations apply to all of the land application sites. The existing supplemental supply well at the golf course, which discharges into the existing reclaimed water storage tank, may be used to augment the supply of reclaimed water." Condition IV of the operations permit is "IV. ADDITIONAL REUSE AND LAND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS' on page 17 of the permit. We have not listed the conditions here. Major users listed therein are the Tuscawilla Golf Course (1.083 MGD—155 acres)and the Trotwood Park and Roadway Median (0.118 MGD — 9 acres). City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 2-12 A full copy of the operations permit is contained as Appendix A: Winter Springs East Operations Permit. 2.16 Operations Permit for the Winter Springs West Water Reclamation Facility Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Permit Number FLA011067 was issued January 21, 2014 with an expiration date of January 15, 2024 for the Winter Springs West WRF.A description of the permitted facilities is provided below and is an excerpt from the preamble of the permit: "This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statues (F.S.), and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This permit does not constitute authorization to discharge wastewater other than as expressly stated in this permit. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to operate the facilities in accordance with the documents attached hereto and specifically described as follows: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: An existing 2.07 MGD annual average daily flow (AADF) permitted capacity dual-train contact stabilization domestic wastewater treatment plant(2.5 MGD design capacity for all units except the filters) consisting of influent scree aeration secondary clarification, filtration, cl JJr�nJ�rf ariJ {� igesti nd d111 ° %�G % Arai 1J ISPO L ff rrr((((IJ REUSE O J/ r %lllllllllll�����ffflflll��j/ Land App � � -00 An � ty 2.07 IOnnual avers daily flow permitted capacity slow-rate public access system. R-001 is a reuse system which consists of a 3.0 MG reuse storage tank and pump station shared with Winter Springs East, a 2.2 MG on site storage pond, a 2.0 MG reclaimed water tank, and two ponds at the golf course that hold a total of 1.4 MG. Reclaimed water that does not meet public access is either sent to the 1.3 MG reject pond for additional treatment or it may be diverted to the other reuse systems, R002 or R003. Land Application R-002: An existing 0.200 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity slow-rate restricted public access reuse system. R-002 is a reuse system which consists of spray field having a capacity of 0.2 MGD located approximately at latitude 28018'17"N, longitude 81°16'13"W. Wet-weather storage is also provided at the treatment plant, as noted above. Land Application R-003: An existing 0.740 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity rapid infiltration basin (RIB)system. R-003 is a reuse system which consists of the Dayron RIBs having a capacity of 0.530 MGD located approximately at latitude 2804241"N, longitude 81°18'46"W, the Mt. Greenwood RIBs having a capacity of 0.110 MGD located approximately at 28°41'28"N, longitude 81°17'3"W, and Site 17 RIBs having a capacity of 0.100 MGD located approximately at latitude 28041'27"N, longitude 81°1721"W." A full copy of the operations permit is contained as Appendix A: Winter Springs West Operations Permit. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-1 CHAPTER 3 EXISTING FACILITIES 3.1 General The City of Winter Springs wastewater system consists of: sewer laterals;sewage collection mains; lift stations; forcemains; wastewater treatment works and disposal systems. The wastewater treatment works consist of two (2) water reclamation facilities (WRF). The East WRF currently serves approximately 17,342 people and the West WRF currently serves approximately 17,448 people. Based on U.S. Census Bureau population data, each household consists of an average of 2.63 persons. This factor (persons per connection) has remained relatively unchanged since the first Master Wastewater Plan for the City of Winter Springs in the early 1990's. This yields approximately 6,598 connections on the East system and 6,634 connections on the West system. The City owns, op �y 11t�J� J�1I 111J �11� //1 �11�1�t111' .'�1�JJ// /�/,//t p �' mawaste , � rtrea �� li s corporate limits. Many components com f the Ci � f i`, ings as ate nt facil es have reached their �o f�l�i II���I�i'I�r ���ii fly, � a useful service life. ,he bas �tre 'men ste �� en are listed in ctions 2.15 and 2.16. The wastewater tr 1 aciliti s are clai d as coin final treatmen nits and consist of ring steel plants with aeration and clarification. It is the intention of this report to evaluate whether these treatment systems will be repaired, re-modeled or replaced.We have described them in this chapter in an effort to analyze the capacity and condition of each treatment component involved in the existing treatment plant; e.g. aeration, clarification, sludge processing, digestion, filtration and chlorine contact. In Chapter 7, Evaluation of Wastewater System Alternatives, we describe the facilities that will be utilized with the new treatment facilities, such as the existing collection and transmission systems and the reclaimed storage, pumping, distribution and disposal systems. We also describe the proposed wastewater treatment systems for each alternative. The existing East WRF is shown in Figure 3-1, "East Water Reclamation Facility".The existing West WRF is shown in Figure 3-2, "West Water Reclamation Facility". //i''' 1 r ,N.r �; % // rs !s N 'r r ���//'�� � 6N;u/ / I s,�.I, r''✓l �ii;, r„ /%/r r�r�" f,r ai a�� to .,. �/// w9aNtl i w � ( ��%� �7 �/II �J �^/ / r rrr//r".. ❑ I o� i m ,I �i II rlll I IIIII� I II�I� r rU ( it / f� ✓ w ✓ N nh i r l N �'�% ; LL a�/i/N r� by ,rr r in c, Im to Srn r ,' f/ O w C Q LLI W WIr �Q N �,.o�r J +9 Y" Q f r rr IiIIIIIIIIIIIOf mm n w �MlapdN N�W r rr / m r,, � w O w }F— L:U) Y irr�, a iV u'p r N r /� slr a cv 1❑r ! mr + U Q r �° I N ir7UN riP( ur O X r e/r an 1'Jr r r W �,r Y1 �A"In" w1d�Jdj /r �GG��j Ir Ni ❑ �/� � n � f �N NJr� W t rYa� tt'ow� dR+/uu %/r �� rr 'a r 1 r q! r ✓�Ji I;c r. r' /`r 1 r �; w N/ yrru� /r� ���� P�( r��irhr � m Y /ri r � �/N�r� i❑ �t �`� fi"'' U r 1 lw ,�✓ ,a %i N z ,N,e "" rn //���f Q z llq,a `� '^ E F e o' «—e e z°z° rf ➢r Io' r ,I' � , / // ❑ 7� C, z z° u a::i'�' U� w rn a` ,�4 nu�r W��4 �/ �, r✓.: it i /�r n / /��� Y n � rill/r/r r ��j%� �� w i V r 0 s n r l ❑ N r r / � � � � o c ri/ rii iX A O w A / r r o W 0 x %// r// r// /r/ r � O . O A y ww a U� ro r � u � tl ri %r r; aN �! � r r i �. f/� r�✓%r�/N t� 0 i, r a r a w G n r w � w u iy u y/jws, r ,uw �(r. r� ri, lil Nw o/ ✓ �v r � r �2 / r m rr, ,'F ✓ �� i� v r,,. , i N� � a f (&>' d C' f��s P/�/ a //%//r///% /i ///' o 'Iw/`� ��, r4',�,11 f ' �� r �� )�"�`, r" '✓ s� � �o�i%// r� / �/ ��%ii/r%%r/O /; Q YN V V!, s rfls, n),, V W', i rii///ii ❑ r /rllld w % s u Ti✓/ l��r�� r N ✓� N w� i^ r w /' I r� � li w w �.r ,� r r v z N N N 0_ �dm ✓, N /rso" n^ k ,. � / �� � �;„ � /%i� �%fir lr% � r� I n d Q � d o o C) a n 1'J !;iY �. t ,.� jr• .,,, //, ,,�,, „/%i .//�/�/„/�/ /�///%r//� /„i, ✓: 1� o ir'i/jri r�/�F r...� I,;n,r!/� uu,�l/�%�/i/rl/ /// �•/ ��/r � ,,�u%r;�//��,,, ,, ",osrr:,, r, 1 � �J,>„, �r�/� rN ,✓ ///�///��l„ ����///�r����,rf���/f�i � � 1 ;, �"„ ...:Fur✓ /��fi//%i/ri�/��/,/����j��//r%r/i,�; „•+,r,/f/��i„ u ,,,;,.u (rr/�r r,,;;,,, � � it /r.. t,=.: r/I/�/i ��/�������/����%§/%//////ir//% r�///iir/- ,,;/r//�/�,;Ir� � ✓ J,,; V A),.,,, r�I.' i, 1,, ) .C'Y. J tz (D¢ � J �d IM 'If //,��a/�;�%///ii/ d f/ Y� '%fr %; r��;, d vi ,u✓�`a"I� r( d, r(,,, �Yodri',�r 'sa //%t� f/' � d w CO~ Of LLI W F U z CO w ¢ / y' /ln i is r�„�/%/.% ���r//�,.;yJ��,✓aa/��ir�;,///rr;, r��/ o rr�a � � w U w w CO rn C9 o-i' r, '"'; ,,V ,.../I/�r•// � (V( 1%���,r�� ;�,r, �/� ,.i{ ����t�if� Y'` ,....,, a=,, } w w ,,�. /i/.����/// ...� „f,,,i� �� ,r ✓/ // �.r it/�/i����� V ,;,r U¢ w a rr �i/�,// T,✓// Ili/�i,,,� �///i� /s,pf �,.� y ;�r ��o;1 �l,�r� , rNr�.� ,/ir � �%µ,,,r ;; '-,fG/ ��„ ,./��j, :< �11 /��„ // %r w(7 , : /��/�:, ap ✓�f a �e �`3 e e m ///%/ I/ ;� f% / ////fI1VIINrrl ➢ll, r/,�/��I/I�JI/ %%lO/%////�.. II//' j%%��� // //�� N'O 0 C f0 N /i A � a a U m r q II V 2�Vr a 0 o ! 'Q r�ir, ➢;//� If !�� �i n 4Ni uu/n�� Q `o r _ e a „a � / r IY' / n � V//y,/ /�l/l�6�r/ / �r V7 fya � /Ir ,✓/ ` 1S dIlllHd G 0 o f, r1lil p/ � fi 6' ',' O ;r I�I r�i Iy /l/ %➢ rror �,,' r C. / t>r�Gu a N Id r �t o 0 ll N a N N a Jr r "l�a I��JJ v P��;�,, / ( /✓ r / a�i Q t d o ui r r /l, r n lipl'/�G/, City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-4 3.2 Sewer Collection and Transmission System Figure 3-3, "Sewerage System Map" shows the existing lift stations and the transmission system (force mains) along with the "color coded" sizes of the forcemains. J/%I, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)yy��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllffffffffffi IIIIIIIIIIIIIII))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� iaii��rrrrrrrrrrrJlll�ll�f D z o Z m O z o z z z z z Q w w O O — w o O O O O O O O O O O O U O 0 0 - a w o r� v io m N N w m o w O" U� (7 F f - / W w 0 I � © w w �r z �. u a CO Y w LLI ,w W W z(n 0 W W 1w Z O W _(n U Q �M 9 M w a r- v o o ¢ O ° W � w ¢ z O 1 < � i a w z O W � 0 g � h5 z a a ea w w ;,,i, a «F1e z i a .��� m o„ ee a '; o O U „` U o z r w t- e`mdau 'z° " m z S a„o�i . j as o' w 'a rcr w cl U F w p �\\\`\1 x ,,,, � W a"�^, r' a� 4 U a Z S Y w II`I� W O Om u s" c O o < O G �w p V 0 � 0 A ✓ !; ii, W m 0LLd U�H . W Z o w-» a`m9 ° u m y 1. w awo z a a F '- zI �S W H = a a a O O m UWg w O z N n o 0 z S i no a ❑,�„ 0 0 °o t wo a C, 3 ¢ �z " O 3 a� �a z> �. w. N S N N W Z r Z, w w -; u) a� O w n�" LL w w. ..- w (7" z w Y > .. m n 0 0 U ¢ (n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-6 3.3 Storage Requirements for Meeting Public Access Criteria "Reject water" is treated effluent from the City of Winter Springs East and West Water Reclamation Facilities that does not meet Public Access treatment levels of FDEP Chapter62-610. If the effluent has not met high level disinfection criteria, or if the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration exceeds 5 mg/I, then the effluent is considered "reject water' and it needs to be "rejected" by storing in a separate tank or pond and then returning the water for further treatment later to the treatment facility.As an alternative, it can be disposed in a percolation pond and/or Non- public access disposal area if a dedicated pipeline exists between the wastewater treatment facility and the percolation pond disposal area. Reject water is not a routine occurrence and FDEP Chapter 62-610 requires a storage capacity equivalent to one day of the permitted treatment capacity of the WRF. "Wet weather storage" is effluent storage needed when the public does not use the reclaimed water for irrigation If s dur1 fe -° ather lllllllllllfffffff1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDJJ�III�r � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "Diurnal Storage s the of en�tora e e ' 'l ` th ay to balance etween the production of the effluent an 1, %� �e of tie efflu�t r reclai��i II igation. Diur I storage is generally provided in a covered ground storage tank to maintain the "freshness" and "cleanliness" of the effluent prior to distribution to public access irrigation. Diurnal storage is included as a part of the wet weather storage system. "Public Access quality" is WRF effluent that has been properly disinfected and filtered.The TSS concentration in the WRF effluent is less than 5 mg/I. "Non-public access quality" is WRF effluent that has been properly disinfected and where the TSS concentration can be greater than 5 mg/I, but less than 25 mg/I. Non-public access quality can be disposed on a controlled/limited access disposal site or area as long as there is a dedicated pipeline for such use between the WRF and the disposal site. 3.3.1 Reject Water Storage The City has two reject water storage ponds. The East WRF reject pond is an off-line pond and serves as a combined wet weather and reject pond of 5.61 million gallons. Any effluent placed in this pond is City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-7 considered as reject and requires the re-filtering and disinfection processes prior to use as reclaimed irrigation water or other means of disposal. Facilities are in place for this action.The pond is lined with a synthetic liner and includes a clay soil bottom to hold the liner in place. The West WRF reject pond has a capacity of 1.3 million gallons. The West pond is an off-line pond. It was designed to serve only as a reject pond. Water from this pond requires the re-filtering and disinfection processes prior to use as reclaimed irrigation water or other means of disposal. Facilities are in place for this action. 3.3.2 Wet Weather Storage The requirements for public access criteria wet weather storage is covered in FAC Chapter 62-610.464 with reference to 62-610.414. The percolation ponds can be used as a deduction against the wet weather storage requirements. FAC 62-610.464(2)(a) states; "At a minimum, system storage shall be the volume equal to three times that portion of the average daily flow of the reuse capacity for which no alternate reuse or disposal system is permitted.". The percolation ponds and dedicated spray sites within the Winter Springs system provide an alternate means of disposal under FAC 62-610.464(2)(a). Since the reclaimed water distribution system is interconnected,we will look at the wet weather storage as one system. T '«�r Y Spri to dis al sys f � �j��, g ty of 1.75 MGD. See i�j�j . i Table 3-1, "Invent of Exi ng ispos ites" If the new treatme �� areesigne�� 'permitt�rr c acity of 3.0 D,then storage would be calculated on the basis of 3.0 MGD minus 1.75 MGD of available alternative disposal (percolation ponds and dedicated spray sites), or approximately 1.25 MGD times the number of days required by calculation (minimum of 3 days). The current covered storage is equivalent to 8.25 MG, See Table 3-2, "Inventory of Existing Reclaimed Water Storage Facilities (All Covered Ground Storage)".This is equivalent to 6.6 days at the 1.25 MGD rate.This exceeds the minimum FDEP requirements. In the anticipation of a tropical storm, it is advisable to draw the volume down to the lowest level in the storage tanks to allow for the storage that may be needed during the storm event. An alternative to this approach is to temporarily increase the flow to the percolation ponds and utilize some of the depth of the ponds for storage. Percolation ponds are rated on an annual average basis and can be loaded at higher daily loading rates and still not exceed the annual average. The current "Pond" (not covered)wet weather storage is equivalent to 5.81 MG. See Table 3-3, "Inventory of Existing Reclaimed Water Storage Ponds". This is based on a 3.61 MG at the East WRF City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-8 (5.61 MG from the combined pond minus 2.0 MG for Reject storage) and a 2.2 MG pond at the West WRF at the northern end of the site (the triangle shaped pond). The 1.4 MG ponds on the Winter Springs Golf Club (described in the FDEP Operations Permit for the West WRF)are no longer used by the City of Winter Springs even though they are available for use through the "Air Rights Easement Agreement" over the golf course. The current combined wet weather storage is equivalent to 14.06 MG. This includes the available covered tank storage and the pond storage at the East and West Systems (reject storage has been deducted from the East pond combined capacity). The combined wet weather storage capacity provides a total of 4.69 days of equivalent storage based on a permitted capacity of 3.0 MGD; not including alternative disposal sites. The combined wet weather storage capacity provides a total of 11.25 days of equivalent storage based on a permitted capacity of 1.25 MGD (3.0 MGD permitted capacity minus 1.75 MGD for the alternate disposal sites)when the alternate disposal sites are included in the calculations. See also Section 3.5.3 for information on LandAp2010 for wet weather storage calculation. n !llllllllllffffff If IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-9 IIIIIU 81111111 IIIIIU 81111111 IIIIIU 81111111 Dayron 530,000 Mt. Greenwood 110,000 Site 17 100,000 Site 16 200,000 Oak Forest 201,000 East Perc Ponds 610,000 IIIII���� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll)yl�l1�� %� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�if11�11?�i 0�'J � ����������((((((ff� o East WRF 3,000,000 West WRF 2,000,000 Oak Forest 3,000,000 Lake Jesup 250,000 TOTAL 8,250,000 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-10 81111111 East WRF Combined Pond 5,610,000 (total) Reject 2,000,000 (reserved) Wet Weather 3,610,000 West WRF 1,300,000 Reject West WRF 2,200,000 Wet Weather Total 9,110,000 Reject 3,300,000 Wet Weather 5,810,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111�J� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�)�� �// IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllffffffffffi i o 3.3.3 FDEP �� f 10 "LandAp2010: A Spreadsheet Tool for Evaluating Slow-Rate Land Application Systems in Florida"is an acceptable water balance program for evaluating the number of days required for wet weather storage (see FAC 62-610.414(2)(d)above). LandAp2010 has limitations.They are: 1) LandAp2010 does not account for variations in reclaimed water demand of public access systems. 2) LandAp2010 does not determine the storage required for reliable irrigation supply during dry periods 3) LandAp2010 does not determine the storage required for reject water 4) LandAp2010 does not account for within-month variability of rainfall 5) Surface runoff in LandAp2010 is assumed to be a constant fraction of monthly rainfall We assumed that all effluent disposal is by residential irrigation for the entire 3.0 MGD permitted capacity. We estimated that approximately 6,400 reclaimed customers were needed for a flow City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-11 rate of 3.0 MGD. These customers represent approximately 1050 Acres of land at 1/3 Acre lots and 50% impervious area. The Tuscawilla golf course covers approximately 150 Acres of irrigable area.This results in 1200 irrigable acres for the input value into LandAP2010.All other parameters are in accordance with the LandAp2010 user manual. The results of our analysis are shown in this "picture shot" of the LandAp2010 program spreadsheet. The results indicate that the"three-day minimum storage"is required in accordance with FAC 62-610.464(2)(a). For a 3 MGD AADF flow rate (not including alternate disposal sites), the system needs a wet weather storage capacity of 9.0 million gallons. By utilizing the FDEP criteria, that includes the alternate disposal sites mentioned in Section 3.5.2, we need a wet weather storage capacity of 3.75 million gallons. The Winter Springs storage systems exceed the minimum wet weather storage requirements calculated using LandAp2010. 111111111111J1JJ%/��, !llllllllllffffff Rf IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� iaii��rrrrrrrrrrrJlll�ll�f .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. c5, c5l cu o O ,lmwlll� 1 txb L.0 LLJ PRI R 1111P E2 LWL co -rl City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-13 3.3.4 Daily Reclaimed Storage Alternatives — Diurnal Storage It is important to have adequate diurnal storage during peak demand periods, i.e. the dry months of April, May and June. Because incoming wastewater flow does not match the reclaimed water demand flow, this is quite a challenge. Please note that diurnal storage is part of wet weather storage capability. However, the converse is not true. Adding additional wet weather storage in ponds will not provide the City with additional diurnal capability.The two items are closely related but not totally connected. Diurnal storage needs to be accessible near the treatment facilities or have separate pumping capabilities to feed reclaimed water into the reclaimed distribution system. In Winter Springs, the covered storage facilities (8.25 MG) all have distribution system pumps and can be used at peak demand times to supply reclaimed water to the customers. We recommend at least two-day diurnal covered storage equivalent to the permitted treatment capacity for meeti "1� � nal " ' � of inc !�ng the" ' �� w1f "' i�posal sites). If we �j i j assume that all of tent is po d via ide I i ati land that the rture flow is 3.0 MGD, IIII Illll�� � �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII then the conserve ve valu fo Turn for - //// ��d i ,equivalent t .0 MG. The existing covered storage o ex eds thi J' � JJ�% /0%, II IIIIIIIII re. 3.3.5 Reclaimed/Surface Water— Supplemental Water Supply Surface water supplemental supply is covered by Condition 19 of the Winter Springs Consumptive Use Permit Number 8238. The West and the East WRF systems have the option of the Lake Jesup Augmentation Water Facility to supplement the reclaimed water source. The capacity increases each year and ranges from 1.22 MGD AADF in 2009 to 2.73 MGD AADF in 2029. See also Section 3.6, Reclaim Water System below. 3.4 Reclaimed Water Distribution System The reclaimed water service area of the City of Winter Springs is shown in Figure 3-4, "Reuse Service Area". Figure 3-4 also shows the location of the reclaimed water sources and storage sites. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-14 There are four (4) facilities that can supply reclaimed water and/or augmentation water into the reclaimed water distribution system. They are: 3.4.1 East WRF Reclaimed Water The East WRF Reclaimed Water supply is located at the East Water Reclamation Facility south of Winter Springs Boulevard and west of Sam Smith Park. See Figure 3-1, East Water Reclamation Facility.This wastewater treatment facility has a current inflow of approximately 1 MGD AADF.The East WRF produces Public Access quality reclaimed water and is permitted by FDEP. It is currently permitted for 2.012 MGD of capacity. It predominantly supplies reclaimed water to the eastern part of the City. The reclaimed facilities include: a 500 gpm (30 Hp)jockey pump; two (2)— 1200 gpm (75 Hp) high service pumps; one (1) — 1800 GPM (100 Hp) high service pump; and, a 3.0 MG ground storage tank. The electrical system for the pumps and controls are provided from the separate electrical operations buildin e pL a gro s t o r a f4WON, fid"NEb'�%'�'�F has a generator O/ for emergency po r back 11111111111111���9� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII j��// lllllllllllllfU11111D1111111J�j/ 3.4.2 West WRF Water The West WRF Reclaimed Water supply is located at the West Water Reclamation Facility north of SR 434 on Casselberry Lane. See Figure 3-2, West Water Reclamation Facility. This wastewater treatment facility has a current inflow of approximately 1 MGD AADF. The West WRF produces Public Access quality reclaimed water and is permitted by FDEP. It is currently permitted for 2.07 MGD of capacity. It predominantly supplies reclaimed water to the western part of the City. The reclaimed facilities include: a 300 gpm (20 Hp)jockey pump; two (2) —650 gpm (40 Hp) high service pumps; two (2)—950 GPM (60 Hp)high service pumps; and, a 2.0 MG ground storage tank The electrical system for the pumps and controls are provided from the operations building. The West WRF has a generator for emergency power back-up. 3.4.3 Lake Jesup Augmentation The Lake Jesup Augmentation Supply site is part of the City of Winter Springs CUP and is located City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-15 on the south shore of Lake Jesup directly west and adjacent to the Central Winds Park facilities. This facility will predominantly supply flow to the Central Winds Park irrigation system during peak demand periods, as it is the closest user to the source. The Lake Jesup Augmentation Supply consists of an intake structure which extends into Lake Jesup as the water source; an intake pumping system that feeds into a filtration system; a 250,000 - gallon storage tank; a 500 - gpm jockey high service pump for low flows; and two (2) - 1500 gpm high service pumps for larger demands. See Figure 3-5. 3.4.4 Oak Forest Reclaimed Water Storage and Pumping The Oak Forest Reclaimed Water Storage and Pumping facility is located to the west of the Oak Forest subdivision and north of the Oak Forest non-public access spray irrigation site. This facility can receive flow from all three water supply sites. Its purpose is to provide additional storage volumes during low demand periods and to feed the stored reclaimed water back into the distribution system during peak demand periods to any sector of the City due to the centralized location of the facH tors - be fi durin t M to 4 PM)when irrigation is prohi d by r 'ul cns 5 is t, e th %is restricted SJRWMD for water IIIIIIIIIIIl11�J�� � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII conservation purpi 3es. D (ig `e rep; f the%ca geed water in the reclaimed water distribution syste � ll'' cond y supp�� rce as d. It can also fed water to the other non-public access facilities that surround the site. Figure 3-6, Oak Forest Reclaimed Storage and Pumping, shows an aerial view of the existing facilities. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-16 Lake Jesup 41 Fairbanks Morse 10D 500 40 All VFD 42 Fairbanks Morse 121 1500 125 98 psi #3 Fairbanks Morse 121 1500 125 228' Oak Forest 41 Ideal 10RC54 500 50 All VFD 42 J�RDS15 15lllllllll f !llllllllllfff IIIIIII 80 psi 43 lell 1Yff11J11JlJJ%%/ 1 DS 1 , 185' 15 100 #4 uture � IIIIIIIIIIIl11U1 gg1D 45 uture �0 %//l1011lllfU111111111111 Illlllllllllllllllllfllflli �i,,,, f O/////�n EWRF Fairbanks Morse 500 30 All VFD 41 1200 75 Except jockey 42 Fairbanks Morse 43 Fairbanks Morse 1200 75 pump 44 Fairbanks Morse 1800 100 WWRF 41 Ingersoll Rand 650 40 All VFD 42 Deming 650 40 43 Deming 950 60 44 Deming 950 60 Jockey 45 Ingersoll Rand 300 20 Total Pump output is 15,200 gpm; (13,400 gpm with the largest pump out of service). * Model Numbers Unknown O Z m m a_ i� a LL - � z �z--cm a - w w za w a aLU w UQ W F _ rr W z< I D w IL...... � O a a w a- w F LU LU Ir III r z . � I W � v1 wa w� " IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII w 2 � C- C i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ������ ���� ae� IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII � �, Ea � o aF � W G w o I O OO N Q m� Y Q g E o 01 �. 02 w a C w' 3 �\ w J 0 In > �c�� _ — o < CL W cp a w0 ILL m z w w N } } w U U : p � � F LL OC 0 z W Q Q Q (A / W Q m W -i a o m 0 0 U Q (O 1 NOW, ly n t r rim am ///// //// %// /f Y / UQ , ra f, / V r/ r r ✓/ ZLLI UJ ,�¢✓ 'w Mi / r �� / frd r p dry "i ,;, r� LL 0 idll rj,"rl, Q Y F rr" r � rJW�� ,I t ��y,�l �J�f�, h✓r �� Jy �"� t � err / , 07m o J So" flltr r� ✓ ii r';+�/; / ap � �n "=d au 3o z° � r U�- a rc� Earn! /i � rr pN✓ M r rAMU % rii D / ;r6r� l r p ~r r 1/ yI i r,� �+ ✓r %'D a i � r � � � ) "m t�✓/r ��� Yl r � r dw� � "� G + J —y � � �'� � ��K �"der � r/�n a ld , �r✓ � m F fir � ell rf �� / � "� f �g �1�"�r% //l r � sr "%�rf�✓ � �J L ��w� pdr r f i ie if✓'�a �(r // �`� ,�� � f�(� /r;�ID� w u r� PI � w`5 M V0 J a� 1 >✓ r t a� 1 � �i� �6i ^r /��'m� ��E r / / ✓ ru JJ m r w ^r >A d /l�v rj�, i rill j/%/m"� ✓ rr��r/✓i fi. � �+✓ �� J Yr�it/� r % ���f� ��/ /a"9%r/Gad i � �' `;„tf � � � � � `„ o , t.�n� Yn"a� ti r o / r/��"r✓� �' e„ � wr����r/ V � 1°ir'• o i� it ✓/ rill / r Oil SMO tl3W tl�3N3S f a o ooi x r; s w i l Cl i'�✓ / /r r r�.fo r f �` i e;�„ �� rp;:^',.Vµ� /� �����/i jN'M� � a� n m r �i� V�,';, o o a . ✓.� r IB ay i y,f R lwr it "lv r i� I, j ,% � i ry✓!"r� S^,' i/1/( J�� %fir i' i �� �r /y✓�l °Y / yll(�" tr. Gr��, I�,� �7 ," r i ,i `r m ✓✓ �i7rjW� rr i 1 �� �� t �r!✓�Grh �, ���/i/'ors � f F "r✓✓n i^' ✓//�l" of rv✓,�, a�:" ° � � 6 � /�"i yr°rir✓�� rq �� `J r d/is �,� � a ,,m z �c%� ✓ r� r � � fywo 1, f�� Y /✓ r r�' I I ^Jr � � U ry / r✓ 1 7li � rr✓i r s �I r✓„ G'7 f �7r rf✓ ✓S ��f� i� IJ✓�� r ���r. ����// /i rr�r�j ✓ o� � fir y r li y tyi,, r �� r o�T✓"✓ l //r +�' (�� 1 /[ ! Y' ID IL f1 � ( f r,tr l;ry�tJr � ✓ � /%""'"�; a /�;. � Al �fl err �r ✓r r u fir»Y r� T �r Yr"'�i it �` ri r""n' �d�,�J�J m✓'�'r. � qy�yy � u�� /" z � � � J1� ����r����� i r��✓✓r r„,,. ���i � 'm /���", r/ JH mii*,s.;✓, 'I'✓V e ✓N ��.1 r�� i�� n � r��ii /,�y�INI! r ��1y� r//�� "+�i`,�f r����. V�y�n r r ✓�"`1Y �~<�;j liIXr��� %i� �J � ;r � :,°Y�!%i O, r,�' IV r�� �lum�,y r/�iln' G�li, �1 1� °�47iy�,a:/M r �u ✓/// rm':�r y y W ym �..; l�, .., ri „u f:�✓ Vr(✓✓/nflp�',or' / �r�� mP � JH w� � r r �f � ✓ �r�' � Z dl i / r� �'//� a r (( ✓ r d� r V - r �r m Y i � 9 mi r r r� v�n iri✓�r ,�" P �ie�u�r � 1 G o 4 �W r�'� � "� r r f � MBN'M d J; �. r���r )y y,,'' f��F J. V����,%� ✓,��i iri�l���ir,%yjiy r �,r r P r rV ���r�� ��, (�' � i' lrl,9 4�j1�! n ri ✓ � a ,. ,�,� r r �� r �f�i0/ J%/�%////�l///� rD �li,r�,r, d ✓a r ✓ rr,�iiUn y ✓r"' �yr��r�i��0�i" lr �� "10�"r� (r� r Z Z Q Ill V / ✓ /i Q ry tiii7i Il��� /nto/�/� )'�,� ✓ 1 r� OnlB 3SV /ii%l✓✓' W / J� r✓,1/U� i i✓ ✓ a r� ��✓�' yrl yl // 'wjj�%OiJ/1 i�/k✓//�/ ri,H��JNIONIM � �i //,,,� Z IL r r;;/r'-r"�l r ,�//i%� i ylr�'✓ ,, r it �,� r / r r , iJ "" "� Q � ��r r / r r i rr "� ✓ r✓ rd 7 r �y v K Y � /� � l tN r l%1✓' W l r �� l� (y r /, l�l r a✓r�r/ �/ r l ,'r 9 u r aVi CC d H ( yr; i�J/� �a � l� ��r f�h ✓, �r��J' �l�l� r y. �y N u�, � ��J y � Y ri/jil fq Q � ,! r � ✓ �/_ ✓rrr ,;elf ly��! rJr'�Ord/ (�l Y hVl� rl✓ ii � la 1� r% f�' � r/„,6^�' ✓J 1 ✓� ✓� .� � /, "; � rr r1' y ' /� i r - F �' rr J li✓J ilja��gcq ✓, y j, a�r i SY +✓mw''1""✓✓ ,r C H F W Z(A W� �i✓ 1 �i �' J yJ„� J��/l gu r�� � IfJ ,r Q LL W �r r mr Y a ✓1 � �^, i, „✓' ` x r �� l/A O CC !r am r, r✓ r l�'7 Rllr/ ri d r W U W LU F U) �! �err✓ �'�� ma!,�r ,�✓� a, ",9 '� J rr �/ r ���� H U Q � �yd 8r Gr s ✓fir✓ CO q r ✓ " � y✓l,lq�✓r O LL ����� � f✓�rfr � �,w�r f��. �y✓r�lN�" 141,E r'r � r� ✓/ ✓ � t i Q r'�' / uI ✓ l l Y, mf" u r t o✓,j� Q ✓ � %d'��1✓ f� �i �r /frl J��l"�J c M1i r. G i U + r r ' m'j // ~ti F/�r i ��+ r�; r J 1 � r,";W � 9,�i G�i �//ri%%/%//%'r✓ri i y// "f/r�'rl� ✓ i%1f rrrlr /�t /� �r,,i yy'�., f� f �°"y � � a a z°z°O a i �✓D V i"''M'u'Gl r ri',i ��N "� i J f✓ � l r ✓, � rii".r pP Hw, ooau oz° ✓Fi �r �� I ' e��r yr✓/ ��/�m��� P / � l) p rM y✓- � �� u a�d�, Jlrr' r/r rr>✓i 1?t:. ,�✓'/� �N✓a�"�W a �iy „.. '� ��� ���✓ rmn *'N l tirp /y� ��✓ � �a 5 l pr � r r7" � P l ir�G 1✓, F ✓ r (1 � 7 �� rw/ r ��✓ ��� 6 ri r ✓✓� / d Mi h' r� � y/ b ✓i t r ulll � tl r r r W V c ✓ r / r �ry r ✓ ✓ r r ✓ 0 5 I, ✓ wa ✓ l w w fu' v r� Sri' o 2 u c r Im l� �r o3a Y� ✓ r�r yv o c EL If U0 lo A y � r( ° �F � r �y /� ✓ f o t _ 9 � ri✓ ✓ � ��"��n f h�114 r ✓ � rL y✓lili r y w ,��� 6 rar r 1 r �� ✓ � �l�i, �� i J r �„I N O . . (f � J ��i ��✓f � f , � iJ il�f� �' t i, ✓ ��r � r :Gr r ✓ .� is�'y � rmZr (l �, r i _a�m n m✓ � r r r � r ✓ 6"/ °,r ✓a ti ��� y�i a a w' `o i 1 :l ✓%.r � " � � u,r� � � w w, Jrr� C„ar< I x'p. (' ,(j m � o✓ rr 111�r� f✓/'� r//� r� 'w rr`ail ,'� i �r � r� z��� r%"re �f�rl x /��" � y 1 ✓rrr ✓ a pggggg � r e � ''°' c i��r rrr �✓ �° l ,y frUr. ,, a � �fr✓ ��I»i r,.r �/ �, L L w�� u ✓ 1 �� r faro� .i J ��J � �"rl, Ui%i r i � v�E 4 l /�✓ "rr „" � y�r �i!rn�lf r/ ,� � ✓ yf � 4 v /' a f< /;+, r._ � �!f �ri'y/fVN l ,; �`✓" krl r� i� y � W!����� 1�m�f - � f�%i,. ll�l Vr1l�/�/ili' r r„ f�✓i�;, r r 1,� `�' � ��w a r mr✓�j"" r r: � Ni l ✓' v�!��Ji; r I r ✓ ` %l��t 0 '� � f f� ��� //� Q �*,W/ V �✓rG� pi( r /�/�Jy 1 1 ii +r� r �lV�w ii>rrl ��y� � d ✓� ��r��r� b �i (I,✓�iilli' i��1' � �fr � ✓ i ✓rf' " ��'"'�11%i�r ��� � y� >w i^�/ rl". `{��� �� N Ij �I %rA i+. 71 ariir �i J ✓ Q p /� d/%J 1 "rm,(ir�"b � � k" a ✓rif r �i/ r �� l� i r f/��� p �f I�re '✓!� � ll� 6 Hr ,'/ N`6 n✓ ik �o lalyr dim syl �r r� l�j / O � K x A' ✓r% 9r� frt 'j, ✓ y yN� r� ✓ +"1" ';l, r ✓ l� r r + r of �✓I� r r w l /f y � � r r�r (l � J �'✓ �'✓ � Jr r,... r Jri, , f %�irf "' � af co �� I ( � r✓a'' r � h�,u�� i 'd o g ,ir �� r / r r`H�3r'"+i"ird r✓ y �>i r f� ° Jti lrr%i✓� o o i y / �; �' ✓'rfy r �i��i ��IY rf� r l Y z p i � ? r1/ll�ti qa Y�1J;� ✓%,� /mrf/✓ 7 r t � � r✓ � r r „✓/ n � Q a� r J y'�✓ I i r k r I r f,� J / '� o 'R✓� ilm ���^J�rl p�y ,?�t �r m v m�a; � y r y� ,?Y /r r� y . 0 � iL � ,� i`f �„f ib ✓� rrr i�4J � �,�� , r�/ r/ 1 %f%I r�� �, i p� y� r N w4f, f !� r r,.�� o i''eTi �Pr� rfi" ,/ ✓il'J�G, li r y�r frail",✓ o 7 r4i r rr / H rb. l Ir ri "W. NP1 o N N N �, � ^��i��, l rrr% ri 1 r r�i �,r ✓;fir Jid i �ar�"w ,r Yl�u P r r ✓ 1l l �� y`� ✓,r � l fr ✓`li ,rpw Ir/�� f Sri / f�f a9,cr r�i r / r r✓, i� i r ✓ � !( �i r 1 ✓l f 'r�I�; r�"'�1�'er r "R y LrW"r r mtrl J(T/� i"/ ' / � Y� '� � �� � or ✓J, � r � ��", all '. �� r rp t, .. .. iu r ✓ r m r„ r � 1/�� f 1� J u r�,,✓ri�Y'✓ /r ht� ;✓ 1 Ni��J r � f'� �rri rrr' � .. Q � �✓ /Irl ✓ r � r r✓ r r m I r iv Il %J �r��l rr 1 'ti ✓ > r w r y r r r1f rr r ri r ) / l;l 7f iifiypv ,'�!l a Orly rj✓l kr �r V r/ 1, ii�i� lml �r m ,+✓ � `; ,v ;/'l '° °� Q A r�,� I,Lyr r'"tl* ` ,r L✓l / r rl✓ /„ J r✓, ¢ rf✓, r�i',��r%? '!^rl9 Ol o� u;'"y,�rpi r Jlifl o rj U ,y in City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-20 3.5 Reclaimed Water Disposal Sites The Winter Springs disposal sites are shown in Figure 3-7, "Map of Existing WRF Disposal Sites". 3.5.1 Dayron Percolation Ponds The Dayron Percolation Ponds are located on the west side of the City. They are due west and adjacent to Shepard Road, due east of the former Winter Springs golf course, south of Marni Drive and north of MacGregor Road. They have a permitted capacity of 0.53 MGD. The site is shown in Figure 3-8. 3.5.2 East Percolation Ponds The East Percolation Ponds are located on the east side of the City. They are due west of and adjacent to SR 417 and south of SR 434. They have a permitted capacity of 0.61 MGD. The site is shown in Figure 3-9. 111111111111111e»� J 3.5.3 Mt. Greenw� er '<< do ,.Pon s l/ U The Mt. Greenwoc Percol on loc d the & of t he ity. They are north of Bahama Road be 'een D ihi oad � es d. a ponds are Jac to the Power easement corridor on a north side). They ave a perms ed capacity o 0.11 MGD. The site is shown in Figure 3-10. 3.5.4 Site 17 Percolation Ponds The Site 17 Percolation Ponds are located on the west side of the City. They are on the northeast corner of Shore Road and East Panama Road. The ponds are adjacent to the Power easement corridor(on the north side). They have a permitted capacity of 0.10 MGD. The site plan is shown in Figure 3-11. 3.5.5 Site 16 Dedicated Sprayfield Site The Site 16 Dedicated Sprayfield Site is located on the west side of the City. The site is a restricted access spray field site. The site is on the northeast corner of Shore Road and East Panama Road and is directly northeast of Site 17 and northwest of the Oak Forest Sprayfield site. The sprayfield site has a permitted capacity of 0.20 MGD. The site plan is shown in Figure 3-11. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-21 3.5.6 Oak Forest Dedicated Sprayfield Site The Oak Forest Dedicated Sprayfield Site is located on the west side of the City, but serves the East WRF. It is in the same area as Sites 16 and 17. The site is a restricted access spray field site. The site is on the northeast corner of Shore Road and East Panama Road and is directly east of Site 17 and Site 16. The sprayfield site has a permitted capacity of 0.201 MGD. The site plan is shown in Figure 3-11. 3.5.7 Tuscawilla Golf Course The Tuscawilla Golf Course is located on the east side of the City.The site is a public access spray site. The site is south of Winter Springs Boulevard and north of Northern Way(southern portion of the looped road). Hole number 11 is directly adjacent to the East WRF. The site has a rated capacity of 1.08 MGD (per the permit). The site plan is shown in Figure 3-12. 3.5.8 Residential Irrigation 011J), P11111),��ir , �lll IIIIIIIIIII�IIIII�I�I The City of Winter ring s a� EP p itted , e se a area that is qua to the city limits of 1 , 1 the City of Winter rings. T r 1 rous sid �tial i mites th ughout the City.There , 11111111111111t�ff1ffI11111� are 15 subdivision hat ar ry by r im wate� r i ation purpos They are connected IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(( irr,, ffff to the distribution sys em that also feeds various disposal sites descri ed in this Section 3.7. The distribution system is supplied from the various supply points described in Section 3.6. The disposal sites, residential, parks, golf courses, dedicated spray sites, Florida Power easement irrigation, SR 434 median irrigation and percolation ponds are shown in Figure 3-7, Map of Existing WRF Disposal Sites. z--am :, O N Z z CW m w � F a ° z 0 0 a w 0 a a w o OD ° W w ° a w c7 w U ro 0 � f w ; 0 w U) w O H Cl)w LL LL Z ° J J (D J O a Cl) Z z a �Ir W z a� U o LLI a Y �� LL w - w o Ir Cl)_ w o I� z ( ;`, U Q a ° LL � ¢ p 0 a 0 w ": 0 Y f ' 0 x a < v w ...� , ee w / m O ^" � ww e U a z°z° F . z add au oz° :id '�J y � ' a rc� co cN U d ? w J fD m o 1 p :a¢ 0 <00� o p- 0 U D C 3 y 0 0 W N W'C o N „iiiii OLLO.U�H �^ m w co .,. � a u A uW a n 0 a ,-. n 0 2 x n O(D w a d Q U 0 Z — II Or U C. z1L w� a� � �o a, 3 20 3 UmU o � o n� o O r J° o $ a wO w - LL fj U Q w z D F_ � 0 ✓ z z o w z u) �a LL w w w� m (D z w Q Y > .. m n 0 0 U a (D ii d 1✓�/j r/%l/ley off r/: v,G �. ' '�� '1" 'r ,�"�,',� ,'r/y,. rr I(�i%%�`_, �9i '^' "r���i/"� /��/ l l/ti /!':,,�i i ��" cn Z z U) a O (7 W c IL a L O F 0� F(O r � r aid r✓ � �� J/r /' m /%/ i rri�rr r;'%/��/' �jr �% ?rClil i I r n r r U O � O � y i i r I 4 2 z yj 4 r S n o o LL o o I ✓✓ H ( / lyi,l�' ///r M"�/;, 1 J ,r � -, 1;��,r, e �iy�^ ��r J{, �,�i, N N N � Sri f1Uw`rly� µ '� ' ' �r yll � /i�'�r/ // r a g f +� /��� n µ�r'"✓s �"� � .. Q �> o .. a in ��Iv �� � f� 7�F r I r!IN,jiv� ' /i % �n IJ, � r r' l�✓� r. �r r� /w / f � �"/ yj° s �/"d�hr�/off r4�"�` M � / ri ��ry�� ✓��%r s roi' i(rr ° N ,r�✓m' �� / i � ! n r/ li ! V I ap r 7 lsf s / sr£ / /Y ,r � l /w .. s,�'?o+�w/ fP/✓y1��iwV� p fu;f� �' r s� r rr� I f.. , J�°/ �,✓1 s r,. �✓�� I i ,./ ?fif f r ,:� � �1�`1�y��il ( ���r � r � �nirr�l��//7 ,v ',i ul, ,""w '� I r /� r�/ ✓�r lfi��///„ �� i��ikn, v � / i9 '�7N( ��r �l`�PK fA�r'"�`dkh 1�� lT wr, r �i'" 'i,.i r� "dlY a��l `> ;mb` li i//%/ 1%%%/r%/i%�/���GIInn��//�/r%i ✓///G/i/ %%lilyr Z rt � i ' t�I£' roro,'nevpf%, .", ��` ��MI i //;�/ / / //r / /i /i/r it/%/r%//%/�ii�i//r/✓'�,'��: 0 U)Q /;' >r ii Y�o ✓ r' ,r,,. ,,,.,- M �/ n/'' i''d ��,�k'1�111ry�,/,✓'�dij7 /ii / !�in�/lri�ii/�/� //j/ ��///i//�/. Z w U) W W zU) O rri0i � ���es�pri sxr, vn�y�p�y�f r. �/rF�,I Pr` ;�1 ��� /r f//�� !/%/ //,✓i /�-, u� U Z Q / _ Of LL w LL W "r* Ory��+a 1�ri I��Itlu I�shIV m " I J r,Jl r fry t F f o d W U Ir Y 1�4 ✓Jwl /;, ,r,. �' ,�,�� t / r // // � A�/1//%r (.; / NZ � N� ° / ✓ " � /�„� / Jill nil %��„� /���///l�h ////%/ a }I; i�//t i I. ✓� �Il",17," �// ,nd��� ���/� l/%� ��/ //�J ¢ C9 ` �l tier; Y r f! 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P4y � ^, PV,. ik/� �`�'(��,r r V l ✓TM (�1��� , c` �, � rl/ n� b/(c; r r+, r, t`T,rk �"n ri ur✓lYr r r �irr � fr j Q a� v,� r r `" ' uL!� ��1Wr, � r � ?✓ r 7 ����, � nr �✓k y ���� '���, 4� i,� "�,r,� � �/ r r� 1 G /� a � r Q fr/ll f� r/ �� e a 4�e e 'IGl �' � NI �a ✓i r i �� r � � in�P�, 1 r � �d z°z° r i r y IIIf4a�r/;f 6� i, 1 N y „ r tll d d ro o z° v h a 5 �. r a���� ��r ���� � � ri r % � ✓ 1 r 1 w m'$ �i t^ VY� �� �i1 f� � r � S r � ut 4 r / �✓ r u dum ✓� �`�� 6i s�+ Im. v u c o w A y -5,A a a U '� '✓ U i + r t J'r� r i � � 1 r N � �`,. ry� /� F rk�li � ��r � � a w��� rr ✓rU ,rt 1 P rt ;� i� �'� r � w�— " �� � �r. ��°IG�i N 1 � n& ���i r✓ r� l;p� �r rrY'- � a �✓,-- Y w�"'p�� n„� r���h--�, � a " f��r � 'r' �?�sa "�vaP a 1/ fr, r✓/ �W � tl � p � � ,' o<� O O t�� V ✓ „ "i8i � 1 w�� �1 � �� '� ry"/7) Jt�i&! i�A~' 4Prr:r1 0 N w r O ✓ r kr n a, O �, uuu uuu I�'fv~p P r�u Yoh fo yfr m �� 1 Ar` � �^ uuuuou u u � � ,r�`� ��-�H/l i="�� �, �M �C^rr°x,�. t�0 ,��>�l f � ✓ r/ �i 1 LU 'r9� �� ��. r �,!✓(r..a di r?i1d'�tl w k��r 9/��i � r%;6�' i➢/u byr �yl�"'J,/j�r�% '�' �' rt� � mfl n� r r 4 / t '� r r u I rr!" (rjrle �firS�w P 6 o Of /r '✓ ��;✓r ✓r e �,�r�t�J' �'r a aoHs� , � �,�;:� � r rr 4 r�i .i� � �r�� � �r r �,� IA ���,°^'��t� � ��d,lrr '� i � ✓ rP r,i � yo ,fir r ti.�. it � '7r �k MN r i,�'��,F"F ;,✓�uiv�r r u�(., i � r 1;.. r � ". h� � � �i� k��°i> r. F �,1 r� a ��$,� F���f o �o iL MH �;/r�+ )/ r b xru Y ;� V (k iE f ✓ N N N o �'� �rr dui/% . ' /' (�, / ���/ M ✓ �� f J rj, r� r` 0 �1''`r v ��1 r *7 +� � r✓� ) � i li l� pb a3HSld� 8 r t� I i f !fi,,, 1, � �elr r I � ✓� � rr � r r r ��✓` �` 0 �.:; `�/� fvr r 7/r N f: f Ir lr r, ✓ ' �I '`��a ry �V �GI�;7 a r�-0 J % C ICI-4 rw £�m9 I �, ,}✓„ Ni r / f rat ,' r �! � « ,.a'"� ''V,� I {''i o �r� f O m"r f kWa 1 „YfM'Ir ,ru, d�� Yb)Y r, N!f pV'W'h, r➢!� r I � d/ '�'` s � W I `„ �" + ' � LL f1 z aylav, ��� e }dp I ae � Y r '' ilf r oV'�eV m I�/ � � Ym p t✓ ��! � I'f�� rru!'�I,u, J'� � O� i,�tr✓`` j,k i�r^ �'� ,-,��� rl r of « � �� /r r- v 1-I( N rr ,o f,Nr/F a fl err f r V 'r: r I N rrittiN %/// 7'rlaa- w < Q a ,qr➢ d r I r'r� Ir / /r rrr a� N I P w al dd� b r D a / /�Ir � �F— i �Y a r �r a i I / �� c� r ✓; r IY p Y a}n r d r � �i��6 � _Q F— f l i', /rr 7w'' m r'' %' + r ✓r ✓uar} J i' r �' Y / � ,,; ;�I yl G ' N � / 91 I/r,,y^''`«�Imr'i r"NJrY!r� � ✓ yr, r c� � ;f W �w /✓ a ;�w6 Ir f f a� �yl�y/r� r7�/�( i irk nk� f r � �� �� �/ ?' .., , I I /�' a Y� �� «'^" r >" r r� ✓rV 9�,,,� r /rt r'r Q 2„ w�°.+✓'(r. � �f i/ ,.I�, � m W� 17g�/- '� u t!k. r' kir %� i`�„r �.dV � yr e-✓,, � '"' �r rir wel" M F 19 rrr r �' n" f i r/ p( �/ ��✓,, �� "� f 7 n / 1 I r ml t � r r �� i f f 11 ,� `" flr e l ✓i fir. / r ,r / r r / /I any rk�rri r�F 9 wr �!. ll^"'^"ron,;. 4� •n w Irr rfi r d p ( / �frf�r i w �` v, w✓� aq r� "u4 // r �a t:� I r � I fikli I d r w ¢c r Iw r rr // +,o Y n { z / l "O �7 rii k� r w I,.��i rry�Yi+ 'wlaI`�r�i ✓yr �«MP'✓��',�yrf� �;1 r/��%�/��ir � r i I r'� �11 �a a y o Il�h�w�V � J/ l�k /�r//� r W r , ✓/��� �d� uPp ''fir E 4 "N r.�� c7 � a Jry/ r�, ' r r 'I' r IY ✓ � r r "� i� � w � fir " y `o � �A a w p I� y ��Nk(p 1 hA� r /iv N Pr� v � "�+ r,r �v,�/l ,�M'✓I V�� I u�t# I�u m ,qk.G �"�' r ;i„v � �I ✓2 IY"�« �'' mum" r f w �r I � ! /rq IW« r�Y �: f tivo- d'r�d � � ^^`<'GEI' Q OO Y r r � + i /r '°Irr✓%�,�. k4" �'r nrN'hi ur ,, � I i� I,� � a yli, l ri� I/ � r lr / r r � G ( r��% d �� �{�IAIb/r R� 'mar r r fwi r9 d7 P4 � ✓u + p �r �" `� r � �'� �� r�. ��/ I m!i av/r r�r. ry �kN P NlrYll� '�`J ✓ �fl {mryN,; O�r / � 3 "r 6 r � wu+ t� '�/ ��1�/ ii a,,� r^ ri„r, m� a�y✓/r v! .' lug: �f��� � �4f ' y 1/ Jf �, !i �//I /i r O h ✓r r ,�Yr / ` � I � r i i 2 v / y y N N N �IN" ,�/ / �+i�/% lY� di ��!✓+�lp // ''r'"'.'I�� '�f'YI Iry M A� � l �:cC 0 cC cC � « /!'k � / �. rc d✓r r/ii/i - � �f 'r-J;�rr tr+�� ? ,,^� �d0 l l i/'Ir n2� "' - rr � I /rr / r �%g� �" r � r � ANY �Jil �r y �✓ ✓rr4�K pY iw: 4 �Ff i ��� h ��� � G ;� / rrq R y I „'" /r �ewN um f r ✓ r� � � r f I ✓ "Y r � � �Fdr rr ail( foil ' ,! u„F f' �Y / ,N r A re ° rN 4f I m as Q m a '""'f �>' �`/ (,,'�ir � } �,il � � City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-28 3.6 West WRF Facilities The Winter Springs West Water Reclamation Facility(West WRF)currently operates under Permit Number FLA011067 issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on January 21, 2014 with an expiration of January 15, 2024. A copy of this permit is included in Appendix D. We have listed the design criteria of the existing facilities in Table 3-5 later in this Chapter. We present the existing capacity of each component/process in the West WRF. WWTP#2 is a circular field erected steel wastewater treatment plant with a clarifier in the center of the system. It is approximately 112 feet in diameter and the clarifier is approximately 60 feet in diameter. WWTP #2 was purchased as a used facility and re-erected at the West WRF in 1987. During re-erection, all metal surfaces were rehabbed or replaced and re-coated. Hydrostatic walls were constructed between digester 1 and 2; between digester 2 and the contact tank; between digester 1 and the effluent tank; and between the effluent tank and the re-aeration tank. There is a non-hydrostatic wall between the reaeration tank and the contact tank.The tank was constructed on a new concrete sIjloorructed ide th ' Yrge collection/rake system was re-bui % New a i IIIIIIIII grann wa s, Jled ii ide I tIIIIIIIe catw Iceinl988.WWTP#l � frames. After installation o °� 2, TP#1 � , `mporar ,.r oved from se is a circular field erected steel wastewater treatment plant with a clarifier in the center of the system. The overall plant is approximately 120 feet in diameter and the clarifier is approximately 60 feet in diameter (2,827 SF). A complete rehabilitation of the WWTP #1 was performed in 1987, after WWTP#2 was completed and placed into service. Hydrostatic walls were constructed between the digester and the contact tank; and, between the digester and the reaeration tank. Non-hydrostatic walls were re-constructed on both sides of the effluent tank (the effluent tank separates the re- aeration tank into two parts); and between the reaeration tank and the contact tank. The sludge collection/rake system was re-built, the clarifier floor was re-leveled and the catwalk system was rebuilt with new aluminum grating installed inside the catwalk frames. New galvanized steel diffuser pipes were installed and all diffusers were re-habilitated. The existing FDEP Permit lists the facility capacity as follows: City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-29 "WASTEWATER TREATMENT: An existing 2.07 MGD annual average daily flow (AADF) permitted capacity dual-train contact stabilization domestic wastewater treatment plant(2.5 MGD design capacity for all units except the filters) consisting of influent screening, aeration, secondary clarification, filtration, chlorination, and aerobic digestion and dewatering of biosolids. REUSE OR DISPOSAL: Land Application R-001:An existing 2.07 MGD annual average dailyflow permitted capacityslow- rate public access reuse system. R-001 is a reuse system which consists of a 3.0 MG reuse storage tank and pump station shared with Winter Springs East, a 2.2 MG on site storage pond, a 2.0 MG reclaimed water tank, and two ponds at the golf course that hold a total of 1.4 MG. Reclaimed water that does not meet public access criteria is either sent to the 1.3 MG reject pond for additional treatment or it may be diverted to other reuse systems, R002 or R003. �� Illllllllllll�ullyy���S IIIIIIIIIIIII���!llllllllllfffffffffffi 111111111111)l�//�%/ /// The following surf wate�' u m ' e us tojgm ��the jllllllllll (lllllhpply eclaimed water:Lake Jesup. lUl1011lllfU11J1JDD11111 01(l �j/i,,, Land application R-002:An existing 0.200 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity slow-rate restricted public access reuse system. R-002 is a reuse system which consists of spray field having a capacity of 0.2 MGD located approximately latitude 28'41'27"N, longitude 81° 16' 13" W. Wet-weather storage is also provided at the treatment plant, as noted above. Land application R-003:An existing 0.740 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity rapid infiltration basin (RIB) system. R-003 is a reuse system which consists of the Dayron RIBs having a capacity of 0.530 MGD located approximately at latitude 28 42'41"N, longitude 81° 18' 46"W, the Mt Greenwood RIBs having a capacity of 0.110 MGD located approximately at latitude 28' 41'28"N, longitude 81° 17'3" W, and Site 17 RIBs having a capacity of 0.100 MGD located approximately at latitude 28'41'27"N, longitude 81° 17'21"W." City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-30 The West WRF facility component capacities based on Class I Reliability criteria are described in more detail below. Class I Reliability criteria is required on all Public Access Treatment Facilities. Because the West WRF provides reclaimed water to residential customers, we have classified the entire West WRF as"Public Access Reuse". However, FDEP provides for an exemption if there is an alternative treatment or disposal system. In the case of the West WRF, flow leaving the plant and going to the Dayron percolation pond is an alternative disposal site. The flow going to the Dayron percolation ponds (0.530 MGD) is on its own service line and is not connected to the residential reclaimed water distribution system. If the facility does not meet public access criteria, flow can be diverted to the Dayron ponds. 3.6.1 West Water Reclamation Facility Components Public Access Reuse facilities must provide components that meet Class I Reliability per FDEP rule 62-610.The criteria are based on EPA-430-99-74-001; Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric,and Fluid System and Component Reliability. We have listed the criteria for each component section described below, i fo lllllllllllffffffIf IIIIIIIIIIIl11�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Pre-Treat nt IIIIIIIIIIIIIfU11111Dlllllllf r %, The purpose of pr ��� �trea� ent is ,� ove lar���,,o eavy solids am,d inorganic materials from the wastewater which might otherwise damage or impede the performance of downstream equipment and/or treatment processes. Barscreen and Grit Removal The manual bar rack removes larger solids by screening. Grit removal facilities are not provided at this facility. Grit will accumulate over time in the aeration basins of the WWTPs. This grit is removed periodically by a mechanical device (Vactor truck system). Class I Reliability Criteria:A back-up bar screen shall be provided. It is permissible for the backup bar screen to be designed for manual cleaning only. Works with only two bar screens shall have at least one bar screen designed to permit manual cleaning. The system has one manual barscreen per treatment plant. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-31 Flow Equalization Tank The West WRF does not have flow equalization capability. Class I Reliability Criteria: No criteria for backup exists for flow equalization. 3.6.2 Biological Treatment and Clarification The biological treatment system consists of two separate package treatment plants. Each plant consists of a circular/ring steel outer wall with a center clarifier (the "donut hole"). The "donut" contains the biological contact tanks. Each plant can be operated in the Contact Stabilization Mode. Aeration The primary objectives of the treatment of domestic sewage are to coagulate and remove the non-settleable colloidal solids and to stabilize the organic matter. In the aeration ll 1 �/ r JrJ l�I i/i�f Pt. P u�„ m i/i�, process, di �, f �,� m co ssed in via air diffusers to support e micro al till)it d to c N%�pas land stabilize a organics in the raw III 1111�J�� � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII influent of - mestic w `e. o�� %I/l1011lllfU1111JDD11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO�(� '� �j/i,,, r I 0% Flow from the west wastewater collection and transmission system is routed to the West WRF site where it is divided by piping to Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)#1 (the north tank)and WWTP#2 (the south tank). The wastewater secondary treatment units are similar in size and process flow. The raw wastewater is pumped into an influent box at the top of the plant where it passes through a manual bar screen and then into a peripheral launder which allows the raw wastewater to be fed at several different locations around the concentric aeration basin. Each plant can process approximately 1.5 MGD AADF. Each treatment unit consists of a concentric aeration basin with a sidewall depth of approximately 17 feet and a sidewater depth of 15 feet. WWTP #1 is divided into three aeration tanks (a split reaeration tank and a contact tank) with hydrostatic and non- hydrostatic divider walls for use in modifying the process flow. Each treatment unit has individual drop pipes extending down into the aeration basin from City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-32 an overhead air header on the outside perimeter wall of the internal clarifier. The diffused aeration system consists primarily of 2-inch drop lines extending into the mixed liquor solution with coarse bubble stainless steel diffusers on the ends of the laterals to the drop pipes.The incoming raw wastewater is mixed with the recycled activated sludge drawn from the bottom of the internal clarifier via an air lift located near the influent box to the aeration basin. Reaeration tank 1 volume is 27,726 cubic feet (CF), reaeration tank 2 volume is 27,682 CF and the contact tank volume is 27,609 CF. The total WWTP #1 aeration tank volume is 83,017 CF. WWTP #2 is divided into two aeration tanks (a reaeration tank and a contact tank) with hydrostatic and non- hydrostatic divider walls for use in modifying the process flow. Each treatment unit has individual drop pipes extending down into the aeration basin from an overhead air header on the outside perimeter wall of the internal clarifier. The diffused aeration system consists primarily of 2-inch drop lines extending into the mixed liquor solution wi �ub / (f s ste user ' �f ° terals to the drop pipes.The coming`w l to r is e ith t 'IIIIIIIIIIIIII II�ffff�led acti ted sludge drawn from II III 111��� /� the bottom the intt 'na larifi is a ��� at near the infl nt box to the aeration mei ' 72 CF n a contactta : ;volume is 34,929 CF. basin. The n to volumeg The total WWTP #2 aeration tank volume is 76,601 CF. To provide the oxygen transfer and mixing for the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), there are three blowers. One blower is required per plant with the third blower serving as a back-up. A single air line feeds both plants from the blower system. The aeration basins of both WWTP#1 and WWTP#2 were designed to operate at a solids retention time (SRT)of 5-15 days and at a MLSS concentration of 2,000 —3,500 mg/I. Class I Reliability Criteria:Aeration Basin:A backup basin shall notbe required;however, at least two equal volume basins shall be provided. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-33 There are two separate and equivalent volume aeration basins(by virtue of the two package plants). No additional aeration basins are required. The aeration process is rated at a 3.0 MGD capacity (the design flow rate). Class I Reliability Criteria:Aeration Blowers: There shall be a sufficient number of blowers to enable the design oxygen transfer to be maintained with the largest unit out of service. It is permissible to be an uninstalled unit, provided that the installed unit can be easily removed and replaced. However, at least two units shall be installed. There are three blowers, one for each package plant and an installed back-up blower for either WWTP. This is sufficient for the current operating flows and future flows up to 3.0 MGD. Return activated sludge (RAS) is part of the aeration process. Currently in both treatment plants, RA �'' ��ed �'� !llllllllllfffffffIf p �i�f�" -r lifts. �9/� Ci icatio The seco ////' i e r o provides/ a uiescen,z e for settlin lof the Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)from the aeration process units.The clarified effluent flows to the effluent tank within each WWTP. Settled solids are returned to the head of the treatment process as return activated sludge (RAS)to maintain the system's solids balance.A portion of the settled solids, waste activated sludge (WAS), are periodically wasted by the air lift system to the digester to maintain a constant MLSS concentration. The aerated mixed liquor from the annular aeration basin is transmitted to the stilling well of the internal clarifier. From the stilling well, the mixed liquor is allowed to flow by gravity into the quiescent zone of the clarifier.The heavy sludge material settles and thickens via gravity to the bottom of the clarifier and is collected by the center pivoting sludge collection system. The clarified effluent is transmitted radially outward toward the peripheral launder with V- notch weir plates attached. The secondary treated effluent is collected in the peripheral launder and discharges through a common header to a chlorine contact basin contained in City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-34 the annular portion of the treatment unit. The activated sludge is collected in a center hopper and is air lifted and is either recycled back into the aeration basin or wasted to the aerobic digester. There are two (2)circular clarifier basins at the West WRF, one clarifier in each WWTP.The clarifiers are 60 foot in diameter and have a SWD of 13'-8", providing a surface area of 2,826 square feet (SF). Ten States Standards (paragraph 72.33 Final Settling Tanks — Activated Sludge) has established an overflow rate of 600 gpd/SF (average design flow)for the Aeration Treatment Processes for plants needing to meet 20 mg/I suspended solids (secondary treatment). The clarifier component capacity, based on this criteria, is an average design flow capacity of 1.7 MGD per treatment plant. Ten States Standards has a maximum weir loading rate of 30,000 gpd/LF as the standard for plants over 1 MGD. The weir overflow rate at 3.0 MGD (PHF) is 16,667 gpd/LF. Class 1 ReC f � // teri ` °f all be ''f ufficie` 1W � rl�`&MA "� �a size, such that with the lar st flow p 't 1D1Jni t of. iI the II IIIaiIIIIIIiIIII g unit all have a design flow capacity ol f least p ent 6t e t ���� t unit operati This West WRF capacity, based on Class I Reliability Criteria above, is 1.7 MGD divided by 0.75, or 2.27 MGD. 3.6.3 Filtration From the internal effluent basin of WWTP #1 and WWTP #2, the effluent flows by gravity to the tertiary filters. There are two automatic backwash (ABW) filters on the West WRF site. Each unit has a filtration surface area of 360 SF (9 feet by 40 feet). The design filtration rate for an ABW filter is approximately 3 gpm per SF AADF.At this rate, each filter has a capacity 1080 gpm (1.55 MGD). Design filtration rates can be as high as 6 gpm/SF for ABW type filters, so there is additional capacity in the filtration system. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-35 Class I Reliability Criteria: There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 75 percent of the total flow to that unit operation. Two units are provided, each with a 1.55 MGD capacity.With one unit out of service,the remaining filter has a capacity of 1.55 MGD divided by 0.75 equals 2.07 MGD which equates to the FDEP permitted plant flow rate of 2.07 MGD. 3.6.4 Disinfection FDEP requires High Level Disinfection for all public access wastewater facilities after filtration.The chlorine contact chamber provides a zone for the destruction of disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses and anaerobic cysts. The public access reuse system chlorine contact chamber consists of two separate compartments within a single co E rtmen//h"s five et wide by 5 feet deep by 48 feet lo g each. 'D dIIl11i in, tion to is b IIIIIIIed on IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII conce :ration time (CT). The formula requires a letentic i an A ini '� ' I o hlorine conc �tration. The CT value depends on the c ol vets t rior t � h ination). Ea ; r unit has a volume of 35,028 gallons, for a total volume of 70,056 gallons. Alternatively, the chlorine residual can be increased, without increasing the detention time, to provide additional system capacity. The increased chlorine use results in a higher cost for chemicals and this annual cost should be balanced against the capital cost of a larger contact chamber. From FAC 62-600.440, High-level disinfection: 'I. For a reclaimed water or effluent containing 1,000 fecal coliforms, or less, per 100 mL before disinfection, the product of the total chlorine residual used for design (expressed in mg/L) and the contact time at peak hourly flow (expressed in minutes) shall be at least 25." Assuming a CT equal to 25; a 2.0 PHF; and, a 1.0 mg/I chlorine residual, the AADF flow rate with both tanks operating would be 1.78 MGD. To comply with the current FDEP criteria, the chlorine residual would need to be 1.16 mg/I to obtain the permitted capacity of 2.07 MGD AADF. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-36 Class I Reliability Criteria:Disinfectant Contact Basins: There shall be a sufficient numberof units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 50 percent of the total design flow to that unit operation. The criterion is met with two separate chambers of equal size. 3.6.5 Effluent Disposal The following is a general description of the effluent disposal system for the West WRF. Public Access Irrigation (Golf Course) The West WRF is permitted to deliver 0.35 MGD of reclaimed water to the Winter Springs Golf Course for spray irrigation. The Golf Course is closed, but the City maintains "Air Rights" over the golf course area for effluent disposal. No capacity is currently being used on the golf g 5W"ope' ''%l/lllllllllll!lU111111���j� i j IIIIIIIIIIIl11�J� d�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII No; Publi N cc ss ola s c Rapid Infiltr on Basins RIBS The West p;1 er lation p-- ffluent�p I capacity to 'ling 0.740 MGD, they are: Dayron site — 0.530 MGD; Mt. Greenwood site — 0.110 MGD; and, Site 17 — 0.100 MGD. These facilities have been constructed in several phases since 1986. The locations are listed in section 3.5 above. Dedicated Non-Public Access Irrigation Winter Springs West WRF has a permitted 0.200 MGD dedicated non-public access spray site known as Site 16. Public Access Irrigation— Public Sites or Easements Winter Springs West WRF supplies Public Access reclaimed water to the Florida Power easement and SR 434 medians for Public Access irrigation. Public Access Irrigation City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-37 Winter Springs West WRF currently provides reuse to the following residential areas: A) Greenspointe B) Highland Lakes C) Highland Village D) The Oaks E) City Recreational Center F) North Orlando Terrace Section 1 G) Seville Chase H) Stone Gable 1) Winding Hollow 3.6.6 Sludge Holding, Aerobic Digestion and Thickening WWTP#1 has a single aerobic digester of 46,511 CF.WWTP#2 is divided into aerobic digester#1 (21,227 CF) and aerobic digester #2 (11,487 CF). WWTP #2, Digester #2 is equipped with a thickener that take°'�' �romlfjj ' l 1 and j TP#2 `' (�' l r (( rr s the sludge and stores it in digeste 2 for f he roce g. O ff111111111111111JJ�//// Class 1 ReliabilityLability n hast been developed for the treatment of residuals (sludge) nor the residuals handling facilities. There are three tanks, so repairs could be performed on one tank and/or system while the other tank remains operational. Planning for such an event would be desirable to maintain treatment parameters. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-38 I. FLOWS A. Overall Design Average Daily Flow (ADF) 2.07 MGD B. Permit 2.07 MGD C. Design Peak Hour: 4.0 MGD D. Design average influent concentrations 1. BOD: 200 mg/I 2. Suspended Solids 220 mg/I 11. PRETREATMENT (None) 111. WEST WRF AERATION (WWTP Number 1) A. Number of aeration basins Three (3) B. Water depth 14.7 feet C. Tank 1 volume - reaeration: 27,726 CF D. Tank 2 volume - reaeration: 27,682 CF E. Tank 3 volume —contact 27,609 CF F. Total volume: 83 017 CF a da s G. � f so n ti m �j�j Y H. DesigS cons ;trati 2,600 mg/I 1. Deten 10 hours IV. WEST WR ERAz N l WT D um %j/J A. III er o eratio �s Two (2) B. Water depth 14.7 feet C. Tank 1 volume: 41,672 CF D. Tank 2 volume: 34,929 CF E. Total volume: 76,601 CF F. Design solids retention time 9 days G. Design MLSS concentration 2,600 mg/I H. Detention time at 1.5 MGD ADF 9.2 hours V. WEST WRF CLARIFICATION (WWTP Number 1) A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Dimensions: 1. Diameter 60 feet 2. Average water depth 13.7 feet 3. Total surface area 2826 sf C. Overflow rate 1. @ ADF (1.5 MGD) 531 gpd/sf 2. @ PHF (3.0 MGD) 1,062 gpd/sf D. Total weir length 180 feet E. Weir loading rate 1. @ ADF (1.5 MGD) 8,333 gpd/LF 2. @ PHF (3.0 MGD) 16,667 gpd/LF City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-39 IBM �111181 I L.Ih IIIIIV 8111111 ® """ ® 8111111 VI. West WRF CLARIFICATION (WWTP Number 2) A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Dimensions: 1. Diameter 60 feet 2. Average water depth 13.7 feet 3. Total surface area 2826 sf C. Overflow rate 1. @ ADF (1.5 MGD) 531 gpd/sf 2. @ PHF (3.0 MGD) 1062 gpd/sf D. Total weir length 180 feet E. Weir loading rate 1. @ ADF (1.5 MGD) 8,333 gpd/LF 2. @ PHF (3.0 MGD) 16,667 gpd/LF VII. DISINFECTION A. Public access chlorine contact tanks Nu'11!rtpi���i 1 IIIIIIII%o (2) � �, its 2 ir nsion (ea 1 . � 3.5 feet (l 2 C. Ave ater de 50 t feet 3. Total volume 4,200 CF 4. Total volume 31,416 gal 5. Detention time a. @ ADF (1.5 MGD) 30 min each b. @ PHF (3.0 MGD) 15 min each 6. CT (per FDEP) 25 Assuming a PHF of 2.0, a 1.16 mg/I Chlorine residual is required to comply at the permitted flow. VIII. FILTRATION (Aqua Aerobics —ABW units) A. Number of Units/Tanks Two (2) B. Length (ft) each Forty (40) C. Width (ft) each Nine (9) D. Surface Area (SF) each 360 E. Maximum Filtration Rate 6 gpm/SF F. Design Capacity (based on 3 1.56 MGD gpm/SF— each) G. Capacity— Class I Reliability Criteria 2.07 MGD City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-40 �IIII8II i.lh IIIIIV 8111111 ® """ ® 8111111 IX. SLUDGE HOLDING AND THICKENING TANKS A. Number of Units: Three (3) B. Volume WWTP #1 46,511 CF C. Volume WWTP #2, tank #1 21,227 CF D. Volume WWTP #2, tank #2 11,487 CF E. Sidewall water depth (freeboard one 14.7 feet foot): F. Total volume (EA): (405,200 gallons) 54,160 cubic feet G. Solids retention time (Design): 40 days F. Hydraulic detention time: 12 days X. STAN A. Num o f Jlnits /j One (1) B. T e: � k dies engine generator Yp �0 11�11��11r����1% 9 C. Conti ou powdi pa 750 kW XI. RECLAIMEIOj�gW�&, fi C EREDV jr AGE A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Volume: 2.0 MG C. Dimensions 1. Diameter: 98 feet 2. Depth: 27 feet XII. RECLAIMED WATER STORAGE PONDS A. Number of Units: Three (3) B. North Pond Volume: 2.2 MG C. Winter Springs Golf Course Volume: 1.4 MG D. South Pond Reject Volume: 1.3 MG 3.7 East WRF Facilities The Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility consists of two separate package treatment plants.WWTP#1 was constructed in the mid - 1970's. It was approximately 1.0 MGD in capacity. In the early 1990's, the private owner constructed WWTP#2. It is approximately 1.44 MGD in capacity and includes a surge tank in its design configuration.All flow goes into the surge tank of WWTP#2 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-41 and is distributed to the aeration/treatment systems of WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 by the surge pumps and a flow splitter box. The Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility (East WRF) currently operates under Permit Number FLA011068-014-DW1 P issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on May 14, 2017 with an expiration date of May 15, 2022. A copy of this permit is included in Appendix A. We have listed the design criteria of the existing facilities in Table 3-6 at the end of this Section. The existing FDEP Permit lists the facility capacity as follows: "WASTEWATER TREATMENT: An existing 2.012 MGD annual average daily flow(AADF)permitted capacity contact stabilization domestic wastewater treatment plant consisting of flow equalization, influent screening, contact and re-aeration, secondary clarification, filtration, chlorination, aerobic digestion and dewatering of residuals (vacuum assisted and sand drying beds). "REUSE OR DIS ��j� p�l � � Land Application 001:Aex, Illllling ��MG �AFpe���llll�lllllll�(IIIIIIIIII�(apacit low-rate public access system. R-001 is a euse s err hic A nsi M reclaimed w r storage tank, a 5.61 MG lined rejecbw ;� ! stoe pone acre ri d access sp field(the Oak Forest Spray Field) having a capacity of 0.201 MGD AADF, a 6.8 acre restricted access rapid infiltration basins (RIB) having a capacity of 0.610 MGD AADF, and a public access irrigation within the permitted reuse service area, to the major users identified in Condition IV of this permit, with a permitted capacity of 1.72 MGD. Because a common transmission main is used for the reuse sites, the public access effluent limitations apply to all of the land application sites. The existing supplemental supply well at the golf course, which discharges into the existing reclaimed water storage tank, may be used to augment the supply of reclaimed water." In addition, there are plant capacity issues based on Class I Reliability criteria that are described in more detail below. Class I Reliability criteria come into play on all Public Access Facilities. Because the East WRF reclaimed water distribution system provides reclaimed water to residential City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-42 customers, dedicated sites and percolation ponds, the facility is considered to be 100 % Public Access. No consideration is given for alternative methods of disposal. 3.7.1 East Water Reclamation Facility Components Public Access Reuse facilities must provide components that meet Class I Reliability per FDEP rule 62-610. The criteria is based on EPA-430-99-74-001; Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and Component Reliability. We have listed the criteria for each component section described below, in the italics font. Pre-Treatment The purpose of preliminary treatment is to remove large or heavy solids and inorganic materials from the wastewater which might otherwise damage or impede the performance of downstream equipment and/or treatment processes. lll001ffff11 The manu Mbar rah ire bI IIIIIIIIIUIJJ ��er s ds sc IIIIIIIII1i11IIIII�jr G r oval facilities are not provided a his faci it wi�r cud % r ti,, in the wast ater treatment plants (See belo OI/l11/rrrrrr j%iJ, l' O, Class I Reliability Criteria:A back-up bar screen shall be provided. It is permissible for the backup bar screen to be designed for manual cleaning only. Works with only two bar screens shall have at least one bar screen designed to permit manual cleaning. This criterion is written around a mechanical barscreen. This system has only one manual barscreen with an overflow channel to the surge tank. Flow Equalization/Grit Tank From the barscreen, all flow goes into the flow equalization/grit(surge)tank. The system is equipped with and emergency by-pass to allow flows directly to WWTP#1 and WWTP#2. The surge tank is an "online" surge tank. The surge pumps pump all flows from the surge tank back to the top of WWTP#2 and into a"splitter box"from which it flows, by gravity, into City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-43 two locations. One weir allows flow to WWTP#1 and one weir allows flow to WWTP#2.The flow equalization tank is used to equalize flow throughout the day.Treatment plants operate more efficiently with a consistent or steady flow rate.The flow equalization tank is located in WWTP#2 and has a total capacity of 440,000 gallons. This represents 22% of the AADF. Typically, surge tanks are equal in volume to 15 to 20% of AADF. Flow equalization and grit removal are accomplished in the same tank. Grit is removed by a vacuum truck system.The grit is removed by bypassing the flow past the grit tank and connecting a vacuum truck to the six-inch valve on the outside of the grit tank and vacuuming the sand and grit out with high pressure water to wash sand and grit to the six-inch outlet. Class I Reliability Criteria: There is no criterion for surge tanks. Flow Equalization Blowers The flow equalization tank is aerated by two (2) positive displacement type blowers located in the o er" '"'"'� I'din � � o Cla �'pj/Relia i tirge tank system. The followii 3 is for ra' 'nl blob IIIIIIIIIIIIIJJ�/// Class I R �� ,�� rite Aera 6h, dowers Sr , chanical Aer ro rs: There shall be a sufficient number of blowers or mechanical aerators to enable the design oxygen transfer to be maintained with the largest capacity unit out of service. It is permissible for the backup to be an uninstalled unit, provided that the installed unit can be easily removed and replaced. However, at least two units shall be installed. The above criterion is written specifically for the aeration basins of the wastewater treatment biological process. Flow Equalization Pumps Flow equalization pumps are used to pump wastewater from the surge tank to the treatment plants. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-44 Class I Reliability Criteria:A back-up pump shall be provided for each set of pumps which performs the same function. The capacity of the pumps shall be such that with any one pump out of service, the remaining pumps will have capacity to handle the peak flow. It is permissible for one pump to serve as a backup to more than one set of pumps. The flow equalization pump system has three pumps. By following the criteria, the third pump is considered a back-up. Each pump has a capacity of 1050 gpm @ 20 ft TDH. 3.7.2 Biological Treatment and Clarification The biological treatment system consists of two package treatment plants. WWTP 1 was originally erected in 1970 and was rated for a treatment capacity of 1.0 MGD contact stabilization mode.The treatment capacity was down rated to 0.760 MGD contact stabilization when WWTP 2 was constructed.The capacity was based on the capability of the automatic backwash filters in place at the time. !llllllllllfffffffI( WWTP 2 was con I i=ucted ir .9 d hJ�Ja tre e,jcap �iIf of fffllllllllll 440 M contact stabilization �I DJJ mode. This plant hLiln int raI 440i I�P infl fli 4v storage equ ization tank. A splitter box in WWTP 2 is end ow to e WTP. Aeration From the flow equalization tanks, raw wastewater is pumped, via the splitter box, to one or both of the separate biological treatment units lying adjacent to each other at the site. The primary objectives of the treatment of domestic sewage are to coagulate and remove the nonsettleable colloidal solids and to stabilize the organic matter. In the aeration process, dissolved oxygen (DO) is added to the basin to support the microbial activity used to decompose and stabilize the organics in the raw influent of domestic sewage. The treatment units consist of concentric aeration basins with a sidewater depth of approximately 15 feet and a total volume of approximately 914,870 gallons. The aeration basins are divided into two tanks with hydrostatic divider walls for use in modifying the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-45 process flow. Each treatment unit has individual drop pipes extending down into the aeration basin from an overhead air line on the perimeter wall of the internal clarifier. The diffused aeration system consists primarily of 2-inch drop lines extending into the mixed liquor solution with coarse bubble stainless steel diffusers on the ends of the laterals to the drop pipes.The incoming raw wastewater is mixed with the recycled activated sludge drawn from the bottom of the internal clarifier via an air lift located near the influent box to the aeration basin. WWTP 1 aeration volume is 316,400 gallons and has a side water depth (SWD) of 14'-8", and the WWTP 2 volume is 600,270 gallons. To provide the oxygen transfer and mixing for the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), each basin is equipped with blowers that supply air to both biological treatment units. The aeration basin is designed to operate at a solids retention time (SRT)of 5-15 days and at a MLSS concentration of 2,000—3,500 mg/I. Class I Reliability Criteria:Aeration Basin:A backup basin shall not be required;however, at least two e t pr '� ed. llllllllllffffffffI ��� IIIIIIII lll��� /� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII There are o sep to ut n ;��qu 1 , ��ae 'ion basins. virtue of having two package p "'% qua back-u44 rovided O, Class I Reliability Criteria:Aeration Blowers: There shall be a sufficient number of blowers to enable the design oxygen transfer to be maintained with the largest unit out of service. It is permissible to be an uninstalled unit, provided that the installed unit can be easily removed and replaced. However, at least two units shall be installed. There are three aeration blowers, one for each package plant (one blower is available for backup). Return activated sludge (RAS) is part of the aeration process. Currently in both treatment plants, RAS is provided by using air lifts. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-46 Clarification The secondary clarifiers provide a quiescent zone for settling of the MLSS from the aeration process units. The clarified effluent flows to disinfection. Most of the settled solids are returned to the head of the treatment process as return activated sludge (RAS)to maintain the system's solids balance. In addition, a portion of the settled solids are periodically wasted to the digester to maintain a constant MLSS concentration within the process. The aerated mixed liquor from the annular aeration basin is transmitted to the stilling well of the internal clarifier. From the stilling well, the mixed liquor is allowed to flow by gravity into the quiescent zone of the clarifier.The heavy sludge material settles and thickens via gravity to the bottom of the clarifier and is collected by the center pivoting sludge collection system. The clarified effluent is transmitted radially outward toward the peripheral launder with V- notch weir plates attached. The secondary treated effluent is collected in the peripheral launder a �=1�� � es �' �; tch w intor y '°'� n'ffff ����t��rll�ich flows to the filtration sy 'em. Th ! ct tad s Age is 11 ted i center hopp� and is either air lifted IIIIIIIIIIIl11�J�� j IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and recyclf back ,o i aae� n as to to the aero digester on site via external tr 1 ,% `'f s. There are two (2) circular clarifier basins at the East WRF. WWTP 1 clarifier is 46.5 feet in diameter; has a SWD of 13'-8"and provides a volume of 134,640 gallons.WWTP 2 clarifier is 51 feet in diameter; has a SWD of 13'-2", and provides a volume of 188,323 gallons. WWTP 1 clarifier has a total surface area of 1,698 square feet (SF) and WWTP 2 clarifier has a total surface area of 2,043 square feet(SF). Ten States Standards(paragraph 72.232 Final Settling Tanks —Activated Sludge) has established an overflow rate of 1000 gpd/SF (at the Design Peak Hourly Flow Rate) for the Aeration Treatment Processes for plants needing to meet 20 mg/I suspended solids. The surge tank system provides a flow buffer to the treatment units and the clarifiers. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-47 Class I Reliability Criteria: There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 75 percent of the total flow to that unit operation. According to the available information, WWTP 1 has a design treatment capacity of 1.0 MGD (ADF)and WWTP 2 has a design treatment capacity of 1.44 MGD. If one unit is out of service, the other unit must be able to treat 75% of that flow. This results in a Class I Reliability Criteria flow rate of 2.0 MGD AADF. 3.7.3 Filtration The clarified effluent flows by gravity to the tertiary filters. The filters are "Dynasand" filters. The filtered effluent goes to the chlorine contact tank prior to pumping to the ground storage tank for distribution to the golf course and the residential reclaimed system. Class 1 Reliability suffic numb 11 UNisf16 WeNtuch that with the largest flow capac unit od f �� ice l rem in nit hall have ad ign flow capacity of at �f � IIIIIIII II�� " /i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII least 75 percent o (, a total o� tha',,' it o /j/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(l � �j/i,,, Eight filter cells are provided each with a 0.378 MGD capacity (total capacity 3.02 MGD).With one unit out of service,the remaining filters have a capacity of 2.646 MGD which equates to a plant flow of 3.5 MGD (75% of 2.0 MGD equals 3.5 MGD AADF). The filters have more capacity than is required by permit. 3.7.4 Disinfection FDEP requires High Level Disinfection for all public access wastewater facilities. The East WRF utilizes sodium hypochlorite for the disinfectant. The chlorine contact chamber provides a zone for the destruction of disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses and anaerobic cysts. The disinfection process is typically operated by contacting the clarified effluent with a chlorine solution for a designated period of time. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-48 The public access reuse system chlorine contact chamber consists of two tanks, each of which is 128 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 7.5 feet deep, providing a volume of 28,723 gallons for each tank (total of 57,446 gallons). Based on this volume, and a flow of 2,0 MGD AADF, the public access reuse system chlorine contact chamber provides approximately 41 minutes of contact time. Based on FAC 62-600.440, disinfection criteria are now based on concentration time (CT). The formula requires a detention time and a minimum level of chlorine concentration. It depends on the coliform levels in the effluent (prior to chlorination). If we assume levels of less than 1000 fecal coliform per 100 mL;AADF of 2.0 MGD; a peak hourly factor of 1.5 (because of the damping effect of the surge tank, the contact time would be 27 minutes. The CT would be 27 at 1.0 mg/I dosage of chlorine, exceeding the 25 requirement. From FAC 62-600.440, High-level disinfection: "1. For a reclaimed water or effluent containing 1,000 fecal coliforms, or less, per 100 mL before disinfection, the product of the total chlorine residual used for design (expressed in mg/L) and the contact ti '!�� ho�' 9�' ��� xpres ' in mirf lfiW 25.„ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDJJ�11J�r �0 Class I Reliability "teria: "nf �tant �' tac W he shall lbe a su f -ient number of units of a size, such that ��t rgesw cap its snit outs ice, the rem ding units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 50 percent of the total design flow to that unit operation. 3.7.5 Effluent Disposal The following is a general description of the effluent disposal system for the East WRF. The WRF utilizes primarily two (2) separate effluent disposal sites and numerous residential public access reuse sites. Irrigation (Golf Course) The East WRF provides reclaimed water to the Tuscawilla Golf Course for spray irrigation. The reclaimed water is pumped from the effluent pump station, located on the plant site next to the ground storage tank. Percolation Ponds City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-49 The Winter Springs East WRF percolation pond effluent disposal facilities have a permitted capacity of 0.610 MGD. The ponds are located adjacent to SR 417. The entrance to the southern end of the ponds is on Owasco Street. Dedicated Non-Public Access Irrigation Winter Springs East WRF has a permitted 0.201 MGD dedicated non-public access spray site south and east of Site 17 RIBs and Site 16, known as the Oak Forest Spray Site. Public Access Irrigation— Public Sites or Easements Winter Springs East WRF has a permitted capacity of 1.72 MGD for Public Access irrigation. Public Access Irrigation Winter Springs East WRF currently provides reuse to the following residential areas: A) SR 434 Medians B) Tu Witt", pad���IIIIIIIII D/ C) Wi �� r Sprin B j,!,IIIIIIIIIv�r1 D) Gra Rese IIIIIIIIIIIIIfU11111Dlllllllf E) Tu F) Arrowhead Unit 2 G) Trotwood Park H) Creeks Run 1) Eagles Watch J) Chelsea Woods 3.7.6 Sludge Holding, Thickening and Digestion The East WRF has three (3) sludge digestion/holding/thickening tanks. WWTP 1 digester has a volume of 225,103; WWTP 2 digester has a volume of 323,322 gallons; and, Digester 3 has a volume of 178,446 gallons. Digester 3 receives sludge form digesters 1 and 2 via a drum thickener; the WAS is thickened, stored and then processed for disposal. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-50 IIIIIIIIIIII iii"p IIIIIV iiilllll ww ® ""' ® i R6 i 8111 I. FLOWS A. Design Average Daily Flow (ADF) 2.144 MGD B. Permit 2.012 MGD C. Design Peak Hour: 4.0 MGD Peak Hour with Surge tank operational GD Peak Hour with Surge tank operational 3.0 MGD D. Design average influent concentrations 1. BOD: 200 mg/I 2. Suspended Solids: 220 mg/I 11. PRETREATMENT A. Screening 1. Manual (By-Pass and Overflow) One (1) B. Surge Tank 1. Side Water Depth (varies with flow) 15' A 1� e Volu II ;��44P,000 allons ' �� �� 9 C Su6i", l ers (P tive �ceME t) 1. N J 0 Two (2) 2. Si 1 //l1011lllfU1111JDDJllllj 7 scfm @ 7.5 psi D. Surgg, t u %�, Three (3): Two (2) 4�IIIIIIIIIIIIO�f111�� N fiber rimary; one backup 2. Size (EA) 1050 gpm @ 20 ft. TDH 111. AERATION (WWTP Number 1) A. Number of aeration basins Two (2) B. Water depth 14.7 feet C. Total volume: 316,400 gal IV. AERATION (WWTP Number 2) A. Number of aeration basins Two (2) B. Water depth 14.7 feet C. Total Volume: 600,270 gal City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-51 III III�III ii�u III; u III w ® ® u. V. CLARIFICATION (WWTP Number 1) A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Dimensions: 1. Diameter 46.5 feet 2. Total volume 134,640 gal 3. Total surface area 1,698 sf 2. Total volume 188,323 gal 3. Total surface area 2,043 sf C. Overflow rate 1. @ ADF (1.2 MGD) 600 gpd/sf 2. @ MDF (1.5 MGD —max surge 900 gpd/sf pump rate) D. Total weir length 160 feet E. it load�� fr r wIIIID���� I� MGD) % ���IIIIIIIIII 00 gpd/ft 2. %J / DF 1 CMG x su, e 11,250 gpd/ft u VI. DISINFEC �ON A. rinelintact. 1. Number of Units Two (2) 2. Dimensions (EA) a. Area 506 sf b. Average water depth 7.5 feet 3. Total volume 56,773 gal 4. Detention time a. @ ADF (2.012): 40 min VII. FILTRATION (Upflow Filters - Parkson Dyna Sand) A. Number of Units/Tanks Eight (8) B. Area (SF) —Total 400 SF C. Loading —Surface Rate 5.25 GPM per SF VIII. SLUDGE HOLDING AND THICKENING TANKS A. Number of Units: Three (3) B. Digester 1 400 SF C. Digester 2 323,322 gal D. Digester 3 178,446 gal E. Total volume (EA): 726,872 gal F. Solids residence (Design): 25 days G. Sludge Age: 55 days City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-52 IM IIIIIIIIii ;'u I I IIIIIV IIIII w ® ""' ® RI IX. STANDBY POWER SOURCE A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Type: diesel engine generator C. Continuous power capacity: 750 kW X. RECLAIMED WATER STORAGE - Covered A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Volume: 3,000,000 gal C. Dimensions 1. Diameter: 120 feet 2. Depth: 35 feet 3.8 Sludge Handling and Disposal: Summary of Revisions to Rule 62-640, F.A.C. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J11�/� Illllllllllllllllll�y��� �% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��� !llllllllllfffffffffffi The City of Winte Spring uri�)), tly tre the id lidsI a Class B t sludge criteria. The 1,, lr;/Florida Departme of En o �y rote �� Ecompleted rule revisions and implementation o ifA. an efftidate ofAugu ��29, 2010. The FDEP indicated that the primary changes to the rule included language that requires site permitting for biosolids land application sites, permitting of nutrient management plans (NMPs) to replace "Agricultural Use Plans", and designating Class AA biosolids to be called fertilizers if the material is distributed and marketed, as well as other important revised requirements. Based on a review of the revisions to Rule 62-640, F.A.C., some of the key rule changes that could pose potential impacts to permittees are as follows: The rule states that"no later than January 1, 2013, all facilities that land apply biosolids shall use permitted application sites."...and further states that "After an application site is permitted, management and application of biosolids at the site shall be in accordance with the application site permit, which supersedes the site management and application requirements of any existing facility permits." All biosolid application sites shall have a valid FDEP permit as a "biosolids management facility" (BMF), or if used exclusively by a single facility, the applicant can choose to have the site City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-53 permitted through the Department permit for the wastewater treatment facility, biosolids treatment facility, or septage management facility. If permitted individually, the permit fee for biosolids land application site shall be $1,000.00 per application site. If permitted in a facility permit, the biosolids land application site application and information shall be submitted with the application for a new permit, permit renewal, or substantial modification to the permit. The required fee for permitting will be in accordance with the type of application submitted. Submission of a "Nutrient Management Plan" (NMP) is required in place of an agricultural use plan (AUP). The rule addresses extensive requirements and necessary information for a NMP to be approved and permitted by the FDEP. The NMP shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Florida, and renewed every 5 years. Minor per a t ill � ' uired ` n th JJJJJ� //ll� 1r � �� changes to the physical boundari of the r patio; it revi dresse in the site permit and NMP; or when th are `n to agr r petions of appl tion site, including a change in crops ���� gem t pract that wiles e ' It in increa nutrient loading or application rates not addressed in the NMP. A revised signed and sealed NMP shall be submitted with the minor permit revision application. Existing application sites shall be permitted prior to applying biosolids from facilities required to use a permitted site in accordance with subsection 62-640.300(2), F.A.C.All existing application sites shall be permitted no later than January 1, 2013. As part of the facility permit application, the permittee shall submit a biosolids storage plan. The rule requires sufficient storage capacity for various adverse conditions that precludes land application or disposal of biosolids. The rule was revised to included additional soil monitoring including testing for soil fertility and other required parameters listed in subsection 62-640.700(5), F.A.C. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-54 The rule revision related to ground water monitoring states that a monitoring program shall be established by the site permittee, and approved by the Department for land application sites when the application rate in the NMP exceeds more than 400 Ibs/acre/year of plant available nitrogen. The rule revision incorporates enhanced reporting requirements to be included in the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR),and an annual summary of the shipment records shall be submitted to the FDEP by February 19th of the following year. The storage of biosolids shall not be stored at a land application site for more than seven days, and shall meet the applicable setback requirements. Application sites shall post appropriate advisory signs in English and Spanish which identify the nature of the project area, and the posting shall be as required by rule. Also, biosolids shall not be stored within 1,320 feet of a building, and Class B biosolids shall not be applied within 75 feet from property lines, unless applied to the medians or roadway shoulders of restricted public access roads. Public access land restrictions �'J' ' l . /� 1 1 i have been enhan ap �ne an �it the of time between uses and the type uses, i� III Ill ing, o 'op' The City of Winter Iprinf(ffllllllllll rre 'Iy use n tract h a �� dispose oft sludge generated by h"Ill � c l �>>, the facility. The regulations do not require any changes to the current disposal system in place for the City of Winter Springs, provided that their contract remains valid and in compliance with FDEP regulations. 3.9 Advanced Treatment In recent years, it has become evident that higher treatment levels will become required throughout Florida. We have seen increased treatment in the Florida Keys and the Wekiva Protection Area. Advanced treatment systems are required in these areas.Advanced treatment requires lower levels of the two primary pollutants of nitrogen and phosphorus. The primary concern in the Wekiva area is nitrogen and in the Keys both nutrients are a concern. Nitrogen and phosphorus can be removed in the biological processes. Nitrogen is primarily removed by controlling the amount of oxygen at key points in the treatment process. Nitrogen exists in wastewater primarily as ammonia. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-55 The biological process consists of using bacteria and oxygen to convert the ammonia nitrogen to Nitrites and Nitrates.This is accomplished by adding air and return activated sludge to the first tank in the treatment process. It is important to convert all the ammonia nitrogen. In the next tank,the air is reduced to form an anoxic zone.This tank is mixed and the oxygen level is kept at approximately zero mg/I.The combination of bacteria and zero oxygen level causes the bacteria to use the oxygen from the Nitrates (NO3) and Nitrites (NO2) to survive. This produces a nitrogen gas. The nitrogen gas is dissipated into the atmosphere. Then the wastewater flows into the normal biological treatment system.This process requires additional tanks sized appropriately. Phosphorus can also be removed by the biological process. For example, in the Bardenpho process, a sequence of anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic steps is used to achieve both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Phosphorus is removed by wasting sludge from the system. Phosphorus can be removed by chemical precipitation. Alum is used to precipitate phosphorus and an aluminum-phosphorus particle is formed and removed as a sludge. Chemical precipitation creates more cost of operation, including increased sludge volumes. It also creates disposal problems in sludge disposal due to the aluminum in the sI't°Pon �� The levels of treai ient in kiva°� ote ��� ar not as string t for land application / n facilities. Using re ater or irrigate ows nitr' e u nd phospho to be used within the grasses and soils at the irrigation sites.Therefore,treatment levels are less stringent. In the Wekiva Protection Area the effluent in Public Access Reuse quality water is allowed to have a total nitrogen level of 10 mg/I on an annual average basis.This level can be met by closely monitoring aeration in the surge and biological tanks. A portion of the aeration basin will need to be converted to an "anoxic"zone. Lower requirement levels will require a complete process change. The same is true for phosphorus removal unless we use the precipitation process. At the Wekiva Wastewater Treatment Plant (now owned by Utilities, Inc.), we were able to add Sodium Aluminate prior to the clarifiers (very similar package plants exist at this facility) to remove phosphorus to less than 0.4 mg/I monthly average. The cost of improvements will depend on the nitrogen and/or phosphorus limits that will be established by the regulatory agency. If based on land application similar to the Wekiva Protection Area, the cost to meet this requirement would be less than higher levels of treatment. If full City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-56 advanced treatment levels are enacted for the both Nitrogen and Phosphorus,then a new treatment system may be required and the costs would be on the order of millions of dollars.A new advanced wastewater treatment plant for removal of nutrients would cost approximately$10 per gallon or$20 million for a 2.0 MGD facility. 3.10 Wastewater Collection and Transmission System The Winter Springs wastewater collection system operates as two independent systems: East and West. The east system predominately collects flow from the Oak Forest subdivision and the communities on the west side of Tuskawilla Road and extends east to the Central Florida Greenway (State Road 417).The west system collects from subdivisions at the intersection of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road and heading west to U.S. Highway 17-92. Figure 3-13, Winter Springs Wastewater Collection and Transmission System Map shows the entire sewage collection and transmission system. Figure 3-14, East Collection and Transmission System Map shows the East Collection System and Figure 3-15, West Collection and Transmission System Map, shows the West Collection S IIIIIIIIIIIJJJJJII�� d�" �j IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3.10.1 East Servic Area j %lllllllllll ffflflll�fJj I I I�UD1DJll�- r , �0% The east collection "sllyls em consists of a toga of twenty-seven lift stations ocated throughout the eastern part of the City. The lift stations are interconnected into three main systems. These three systems pump flow directly to the East WRF. System LS1 E consists of lift stations 1 E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 7E, 9E, 10E, 11 E, 15E, 18E and 20E. In System 1 E, all the flow is collected into LS 1 E and pumped directly to the East WRF via a twelve (12)—inch forcemain.The forcemain connects directly to the flow equalization tank at WWTP #2 at the East WRF. System 5E consists of lift stations 5E, 6E, 8E, 12E, 13E, 14E, 16E, 17E, 19E,21 E,23E and 27E.In System 5E, all the flow is collected into LS 5E via a gravity system and pumped directly to the East WRF via a ten (10)—inch forcemain.The LS 22E system also connects with the 10-inch forcemain. The 10-inch forcemain connects directly to the flow equalization tank at WWTP#2 at the East WRF. System 22E consists of lift stations 22E,24E,25E and 26E. In System 22E,all the lift stations come together in a single forcemain which runs from LS 22E via an eight (8)-inch forcemain and City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-57 combines with the 10-inch forcemain at LS 5E on Winter Springs Boulevard and continues on to the East WRF.The 10-inch forcemain connects directly to the flow equalization tank at WWTP#2 at the East WRF. n !llllllllllffffff Rf IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� DJ�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� iaii��rrrrrrrrrrrJlll�ll�f cp.. m m m o iL I a L— I� �— w I M " m ` a I y I N� I I a N za �a -- -- wH za_ 0U) U)¢ L 16.— �p ww w� z¢ 3 a w Z L to U UJ a wz 1--- a N w f I w W e zz N nern �1 > e wee m ON �neO Z �U J - ' J _ " . . . . . 14 u A �a � wL I lm� I a Q u 1 3 V" Z LL O w u u w w w w0 O N Q r m4 fl I o w w Q O LL Lcl I Z � � y 0 0 U Q (n m m I a op I W a w M LL Lu z N �W g c� a a LUw LL fll z L a U U L— ILd- J _--� O i J lLu U � F .r a W I w LU z W -- z ` w f LU w I g..id N /r oVrcd�dj � LU > F� M1 U aT= W; n f w — O 1 J W/ () \ J W — --_.._ LU N �. - Lu f d 3 N^ LU dLU d W ^2 d 2 Vl r Q a w I v uw r d� dye d !— Wm_ y �cEa . \ `w> ° a d L_ r � W a J ♦. `o � 3 m 0 Z LL O A N 0 N N U z z z z z z z z z z Q Q Q Z LLJ o O O O O w w w w w Y O O O O O a o m W � a� n A I 1 z �o I WA2 m m _I I w I � z z } > __ U Z o � Z J � O (D d w LU LU z y / - -- Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Q ;�... z 0 Z W W W W W W W W W Q W III y LLI U U U U U U U U U w z w C- LL, O O O O O O O O O 0 —> < J r� v io o ry m o N Z L>L LU LU 0 C) F- U) L, s " 0.5 I , V a �7 O LL a U H _ =a _ 1 <: W W i d N N c .- - v� r gym. Ay rf rn u2 v m m b 0 Z LL O 0 O LL N N N (n 0 F LL F- F F z 0 0 0 Q n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-61 81 ® ® e ® IIIIIV e ® e 111911111111 1 E1IM"I5 Winter Springs Boulevard Back of East Sewer Plant 2E 872 Chokecherry Drive Papaya Lane Power Easement 3E 728 Sybilwood Circle Power Easement Water Plant 1, Behind 729 Sybilwood Circle 4E 611 Tuscany Place Rear of Tuscany Place, Across from Building 9 5E 800 Austin Court Winter Springs Boulevard, at the Bridge 6E 1600 Grizzly Court Northern Way and Grizzly Court 7E 1627 Wood Duck Drive Wood Duck Drive near White Cloud Court 8E 1757 Seneca Boulevard Seneca Boulevard and Owasco t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI 9E 9 ,F Id 'hite ////� Old White ':ay and Torrey Pine rjye (Gre 'briar Subdivision) 10E 116 r oo oulev � �������� ro' ood ulevard and Venture Court (Oa orest) 11 E 9-B neca B l and Seneca Bc6flevard near Winter Springs Boulevard 12E 127 Cherry Creek Circle Cherry Creek Circle (Reserve at Tuscawilla) 13E 590 Vistawilla Drive Vistawilla Drive, near Eagles Watch Subdivision 14E 160 Nandina Terrace Nandina Terrace next to storm water pond (Howell Creek Reserve 15E 101-B Bridgewood Court Bridgewood Court (Grand Reserve) 16E 314 Streamview Way Streamview Way Creeks Run 17E 1109 Courtney Lane Courtney Lane (Legends Apartments /Old Courney Springs) 18E 310 Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road, near Avery Park Subdivision 19E 1599 Wrentham Court Wrentham Court (Barrington Estates) 20E 361 Pawnee Trail Pawnee Trail Tuskawilla Trails 21 E 587 Pine Branch Circle Pine Branch Cr (Barclay Res. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-62 22E Fanning Drive Fanning Drive behind lot 33 in Phase 2 (Winter Springs Village) 23E Southern Oaks Subdivision 24E Integra 360 25E Michael Blake Blvd. Winter Springs Apartments 26E Tuscawilla Crossings 27E SR 434 Northern Oaks Major Basin: Lift Station 1E LS 1 E is located in the southwest corner of the East WRF property. It collects flow from eleven lift stations and numerous gravity collection systems. It receives flow from the gravity lines from the northwest, the west and the southeast. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J111�// Illlllllllllllllllll�y��j %///// IIIIIIIIIIIIIII�� lllllllllllffffffff(ffi The furthes comm ty e s st coil isw fr Mlle ins in Je p's Reserve. Jesup's Reserve is cated is r th Sta oad H th Illlltersection wi Tuskawilla Road.The communit 61 angle fay times is Cl by a single g wity collection system. The wastewater flows to LS 20E.A four(4) inch forcemain from LS 20E directs flow into the Avery Park gravity system. The Avery Park community is comprised of 88 residential units.The flow from Avery Park is combined with the flow from Jesup's Reserve into LS 18E.The lift station transfers the flow south via a 6-inch force main that runs parallel to Tuskawilla Road within the west right-of- way. The flow is discharged into the neighboring gravity wastewater system, Oak Forest Unit 7. The neighboring gravity wastewater system serves the communities of Tuscawilla Office Park, Oak Forest Units 7, and 6. The flow collection begins in Tuscawilla Office Park which is transferred south to Oak Forest Unit 7 system through gravity. At the intersection of Endeavour Dr. N. and Gulfstar Drive, the 6-inch force main from LS 18E connects to the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-63 gravity system of Oak Forest Unit 7. The combined flow from the collection system for Oak Forest Unit 7 and Tuscawilla Office Park, and LS 18E is transferred south to the Oak Forest Unit 6 gravity collection system. Oak Forest Unit 6 contains 153 residential units. The wastewater generated from this community is collected via a gravity system. The gravity system transfers its flow along with the flow received from Oak Forest Unit 7 gravity system to LS 10E. LS 10E is located in the south right-of-way at the intersection of Trotwood Boulevard and Venture Court. A total of 191 residential units discharge their flow into LS 10E from the north. LS 10E also receives flow from the west via a gravity line. The gravity line runs along Trotwood Boulevard to connect the Oak Forest Unit 8 collection system. Oak Forest Unit 8 subdivision contains 131 residential units and is serviced by a single gravity collection system. The wastewater generated is discharged to LS 10E. LS 10E pumps its flow southwest into the nearby gravity wastewater system via an 8-inch force main. The Oak Forest Unit I/ n sue ; Ives t ' ow int rrr m serves the Oak Forest Unitti subdiv -onffflh�Il0if111JJ '»>"' ately 3 i d e �IIIIIlIIIIIunits)via a ngle gravity collection �' �0" ��� �' . system. T waste der c Sys; it low south to charge into LS 2E or gravity // y t y 3/1 the ravit m loca � rectl s South of the Oak Forest Unit 5 collection system, another system collects wastewater from the communities of Oak Forest Units 4, 2, 2A, 2B and 1. There are 561 units that are serviced by this single gravity collection system.The system begins collecting flowfrom the Oak Forest Unit 1 system to the Oak Forest Unit 2B and 2A system. The flow is directed north along Chokecherry Drive into the Oak Forest Unit 2 system via gravity. The Oak Forest Unit 2 system directs its flow and the incoming flow north to the Oak Forest Unit 4 collection system. The combined wastewater flow from these subdivisions is directed northeast to discharge into LS 2E via a gravity line. Prior to discharging into LS 2E, another system connects to this gravity line. Oak Forest Unit 3 subdivision collects their flow in a separate gravity system. The flow from this system is directed northwest to connect to the gravity main from the Oak Forest Unit 4 system to discharge into LS 2E. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-64 LS 2E pumps the flow from the communities on the east side of Tuskawilla Road across Tuskawilla Road via an eight (8)-inch force main to the 15-inch gravity main on Northern Way. There are two connections along the eight (8)-inch force main. Before crossing Tuskawilla Road, a four(4)-inch main discharges its flow from LS 15E. LS 15E collects the wastewater produced from the Grand Reserve Subdivision. This subdivision contains 16 parcels and is serviced by a single gravity collection system. On the east side of Tuskawilla Road, LS 3E ties into the eight(8)-inch force main via a four (4)-inch main. LS 3E collects flow from subdivisions Tuscawilla Unit 8 and Tuscawilla Parcel-90, in addition to flow from lift stations 4E and PE. LS 4E services the Casa Park Villas and Tuscany Place gravity collection system. The flow from LS 4E is transferred into Tuscawilla Unit 8's collection system via an eight(8)-inch main. LS PE also discharges its flow into Tuscawilla Unit 8's collection system. LS PE collects wastewater from Keeth Elementary School and transfers it east via a four (4)-inch main. J!ll001fff11 Tuscawilla nit 8's g Vill col!,e Sys ran gins �IIIIe1i Ilil�llllg flow m lift stations PE and ROO 4E and dir is it so lecti , l#low ivision along a way. There are 78 residential �� a Tu ,;awilla �( i subdivi�n. the subdivisio"Vis serviced by a single gravity system which discharges its flows into LS 3E. LS 3E collects additional flow from another gravity collection system.Tuscawilla Parcel 90 is located south of Tuscawilla Unit 8 subdivision and contains 39 residential units. The wastewater generated from the Tuscawilla Unit 8 subdivision is collected via a single gravity collection system and directed north to flow into LS 3E. The combined flows from lift stations 2E, 3E, and 15E are designed to connect to a fifteen (15)-inch gravity main which runs along the west right-of-way of Northern Way. Additional flow is collected from the communities on the east and west sides of Northern Way, as the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main continues south. Beginning with Tuscawilla Unit 6 subdivision, the gravity collection system serving the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-65 majority of the subdivision directs its flow east to connect to the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. On the west side of Northern Way, another gravity collection system discharges flow from parts of Tusca Oaks subdivision, approximately 54 residential units. As the 15-inch gravity main directs the flow south, before crossing the intersection of Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard,flow from Tuscawilla Plaza is discharged into the main. After crossing the intersection, two gravity lines connect to the fifteen (15)-inch discharging flow from the Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 1 and parts of Tuscawilla Unit 4 subdivisions. The fifteen (15)-inch gravity continues along Northern Way and receives flow from the east. Wedgewood Unit 1 (approximately 43 units) collects its flow from a single gravity collection system and discharges it west to the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. Parts of Tuscawilla Unit 4 connect to the gravity main at different connect points along Northern Way. At the inter Ho Drive North't»� � �fW '� ��� discharges flow from the TL cawiIIa it ravit, Ilect' s t e m the fifteen (1 'inch gravity main.The Tuscawilla nit 4 co cti s be a ',of Tuscawilla nit 6 subdivision. The flow is dire A "/ h a ass Wi prings %uI and into Tus Willa Unit 4 collection system.A single gravity collection system services Tuscawilla Unit 4 subdivision.The flow is directed south to connect to Wolverine Trail. From Wolverine Trail, the flow is directed east along Howell Creek Drive to discharge into the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. Wedgewood Units 2 and 3, located on the west side of Northern Way, are serviced by a separate gravity wastewater collection system.This system connects to the 15-inch main at the same intersection of Howell Creek Drive and Northern Way.The fifteen (15)-inch gravity main cross Howell Creek, the 15-inch gravity main turns northeast. The fifteen (15)-inch gravity main continues northeast following Howell Creek's path to connect to the Wicklow Greens at Tuscawilla and Woodstream gravity collection system. Combined, the two subdivisions contain approximately 70 residential units.The flow is directed north to connect to the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-66 Another gravity collection system discharges its flow to the gravity main.The communities of Country Club Village Units 1, 2, and, 3 are located north of the Wicklow Greens at Tuscawilla subdivision across Howell Creek. The Country Club Village subdivisions (approximately 245 residential units)are serviced by a single gravity collection system.The system begins collecting from Country Club Village Unit 1 and directs the flow south to Augusta National Boulevard.A gravity line connects the flow from the Country Club system to the fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. The fifteen (15)-inch gravity main continues northeast crossing Tuscawilla County Club property to connect to the next system- the Greenbriar collection system. The Greenbriar collection system begins in Phase 1 of the Greenbriar subdivision. A single gravity system collects flow from Phase 1 and parts of Phase 2 of the subdivision. The flow is collected into LS 9E. LS 9E pumps the flow north through a 6-inch force main to connect to the gravity lines of Phase 2. The residential units of Phase 2 Greenbriar subdivision not collected by LS 9E discharge directly to fifteen (15)-inch gravity main. lllllllllllffff11 IIIIIdhIIIIIIIIIII As the 15-i h gravi me Illlonti Ois ea a in crin iIIIIIIIq Tuscawil (County Club property, it enters t Bentle Gr nIIIIsdo,; visi yen Unit 1 a the Bentley Club at Bentley G % i v i s i (appr tely 66Sitial units) serviced by a single gravity collection system which connects directly to the 15-inch gravity main. The main crosses Greenbriar Lane, the Tuscawilla County Club golf course, and discharges its flow into LS 1 E. LS 1 E also receives flow from the north. There is a separate gravity wastewater collection system that services the communities of Chelsea Parc at Tuscawilla, Braewick at Tuscawilla, and Fox Glen at Chelsea Parc Tuskawilla. There are approximately 200 residential units in this system. The gravity wastewater system begins collecting flow in Chelsea Park subdivision along Creekside Circle and directs it across Greenbriar Lane to the subdivisions of Braewick at Tuscawilla and Fox Glen at Chelsea Parc Tuskawilla. The flow is collected from the subdivisions and continues south to connect to LS 1 E via a gravity line. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-67 Another gravity line connects to LS 1 E from the south. This gravity line runs along the west side of Tuscawilla Country Club until it splits into two lines. One line receives flow from the Glen Eagle collection system. Glen Eagle Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 are collected by a single gravity wastewater system. The flow is directed west to connect to the gravity line along Eagle Nest Circle. The gravity line on Eagle Nest Circle flows north to Ironwood Court to connect to the gravity main which discharges directly to LS 1 E. The other line collects flow from the system serving the communities along Northern Way. The Northern Way collection system receives additional flow from two communities located across Winter Springs Boulevard via force mains. An 8-inch force main connects to the Northern Way gravity collection system to discharge flow from lift stations 7E and 11 E. LS 11 E collects flow from the subdivisions of Chestnut Estates, Seneca Bend, and Tuscawilla Unit 14B. LS 11 E pumps its flow into an eight (8)-inch force main which interconnects with the collection system of LS 7E. LS 7E pumps flow from the collection system serving the Tuscawilla ub J °� J part '% Tuscitllllli /// %glen Eagle Unit 4 subdivisior into th or Ile n ���coll io yste IIIIIY111aIIIIIth,e eight )-inch force main. II I I11111111)) ii�aaii�rrrrrrrrrrrrrl�f�j The North llec ron syst Nr eives fl from both lift sta ins and directs it west. Along the way, the gravity line collects from Tuscawilla Unit 13 subdivision. It is combined with the flow collected from the east side of the system. A gravity line along Northern Way collects from Tuscawilla Unit 7 subdivision. The combined flow is directed north and receives additional wastewater from the west.This flow is collected from the Chestnut Ridge community, Fairway Oaks Unit 1, and the Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 1 subdivisions.This comprises the Northern Way collection system. It discharges its flow north to connect directly into LS 1 E for treatment. Major Basin: Lift Station 5E LS 5E is located off of Winter Springs Boulevard on a City owned parcel. This lift station collects flow from seven lift stations which serve communities in the northeast parts of Winter Spring. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-68 The furthest lift stations to its discharge flow into the major basin of LS 5E are lift stations 19E and 21 E. LS 19E serves the residents of Barrington Estates. Barrington Estates is located east of Central Florida Greenway (State Road 417) and north of State Road 434. The community is comprised of 110 residential units. The flow from the Barrington Estates collection system is pumped from LS 19E into a six (6)-inch force main to connect to another six (6)-inch force main. The single family homes east of Barrington Estates are known as Southern Oaks. The community is comprised of 54 single family units. The flow from the Southern Oaks collection system is pumped from LS 23E via a four (4) —inch forcemain into the six (6)-inch force main from Barrington Estates. The townhomes located west of Barrington Estates are known as the Barclay Reserve Townhomes. There are approximately 88 residential units in this subdivision. It is serviced by a single gravity wastewater system and LS 21 E. LS 21 E discharges the flow to the same 6-inch force main along State Road 434. The single family homes west of Barclay Reserve Townhomes are known as Northern Oaks. The community is comprised of 35 single family units. The flow from the N"% aks1! ' [° syste pum '' f' L llll� a four (4) —inch forcemain o the s ',(6Iross Illllch f ' ma' fr* Ba (ff� llllllllllEstate 'et.al. The six (6)-inch 'V force main ns par elth S �r 34 � its a flow from I stations PB, LS 19E, 21 E, 23E flll est S&e oad 417/� force main c 'tinues west and turns south when intersecting Vistawilla Drive. After crossing Vistawilla Drive into the west right- of-way, the six (6)-inch force main expands into an eight (8)-inch force main. The force main continues south following Vistawilla Drive within the west right-of-way.Along the path, neighborhoods on the east and west sides of Vistawilla Drive discharge their flow into the force main. From the west side, LS 17E collects flow from Tuskawilla Tract 15 parcel. The parcel contains apartments and commercial space. The wastewater produced from the parcel is collected by a single gravity system which directs its flow into LS 17E.The flow is pumped from LS 17E via a 6-inch force main into the 8-inch force main. As the eight (8)-inch force main continues south, it receives flow from a four (4)-inch force main on the east. On the east side of Vistawilla Drive, another gravity wastewater collection system collects flow for the Eagles Watch community. This community comprises of 110 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-69 residential units. Wastewater is collected by a single gravity system and pumped into the eight (8)-inch force main by LS 13E. The eight(8)-inch force main reduces into a 6-inch force main as it intersects with a four(4) inch force main on the west.The four(4) inch force main transfers the flow from LS 14E. LS 14E provides service to the Howell Creek collection system.This system receives flow from two communities-Creeks Run and Howell Creek Reserve. Creeks Run is comprised of 82 residential units and is serviced by single gravity collection system.The flow is collected into LS 16E which transfers the flow south to the Howell Creek collection system. The Howell Creek collection system receives flow from all the three phases of the subdivision, or 153 residential units. LS 14E collects the flow from the Howell Creek collection system and LS 16E, and directs it along Nandina Terrace to the force main on Vistawilla Drive.The six(6)- inch force main directing flow south along Vistawilla Drive to the Tuscawilla Unit 11A gravity collection system. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J111�// Illlllllllllllllllll�y��j %///// IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII Init The Tusca Ila Unit A Iive��w fr t six � iorcenon the north and six I(6)-inch fo main ng ene� oul �� fl -, received alSeneca Boulevard is " � / collected %r� ska Unit , , subdi o , Tuskawilla 14A subdivision (approximately 140 residential units) is serviced by a single gravity collection system which transfers its flow into LS 8E to be pumped into the Tuscawilla Unit 11A gravity collection system. The flow received in Tuscawilla Unit 11A is directed south along Vistawilla Drive, collecting flow the path. Near the intersection of Vistawilla Drive and Northern Way, LS 6E discharges its flow into the Tuscawilla Unit 11A gravity collection system via a six (6)-inch force main. LS 6E transfers flow from five different subdivisions-Tuscawilla Unit 11 B, Carrington Woods Units 1 and 2, Davenport Glen, and Tuscawilla Unit 12A. The total number of residential units served by LS 6E is 196 residential units. The flow from these units is collected by a single gravity collection system and directed to LS 6E. Adjacent to the Tuscawilla Unit 11A collection system is the Tuscawilla Unit 11/Bear Creek City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-70 Estates gravity wastewater collection system. It begins collecting flow from Tuscawilla Unit 11 subdivision. The flow is directed south across Northern Way into Bear Creek Estates. The Bear Creek Estates gravity collection receives flow the Tuscawilla Unit 11A collection system and LS 6E. The flow is directed south through the community, providing service to the residents, around 67 residential units, along the way. The combined flow from Bear Creek Estates and the communities mentioned above are transferred into LS 5E. Additional flow is collected in LS 5E from the west. Collection begins with the Reserves at Tuscawilla Road subdivision, located south of State Road 434/419. The gravity collection system begins in Phase 2 of the subdivision and directs the flow east across Tuscora Drive via a gravity line. The gravity collection system receives the flow from Phase 2 and combines it with the flow of Phase 1 of the subdivision. In total,the system provides service to 92 residential units. The flows are pumped into a six (6)-inch force main via LS 12E.The six (6)-inch force main connects the flow from the Reserves collection system to the Tuscawilla '� term ' K y ' °% " o rWfl' � ` the eight (8)-inch irectl th wi force main i inning nc us co T rive IIIII I IIIIDJJ�//// �jj����������fU11111D1111111 f i Subdivisio � /i .� walla � nits 9 �9B ha �,.a��interconnecti�g gravity wastewater collection system providing service to a combined total of 100 residential units. Tuscawilla Unit 9 collection system receives additional flow from communities southwest of Tuscawilla Unit 9, across Northern Way. The flow received into the Tuscawilla Unit 9 gravity collection system begins in the Tusca Oaks subdivision (approximately 84 residential units).The flow is directed north into the Georgetown collection system. This system collects from all three units of the Georgetown subdivision (approximately 313 residential units).The Georgetown collection system directs its flow northeast to the intersection ofTuscora Drive and Northern Way to connect to the Tuscawilla Units 9/9B collection system. Wastewater from Tuscawilla Units 9, 9B, and Georgetown subdivisions is collected via a gravity line and directed east along Northern Way. It is then introduced into the.This system provides service to 220 residential units. The Wedgewood Tennis Villas gravity collection system directs the flow south to discharge into LS 5E. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-71 LS 5E also collects flow from the communities that lie south of Winter Springs Boulevard. The Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 subdivision is approximately 30 residential units and is serviced by a single collection system. This system directs its flow east, collecting wastewater from the Tuscawilla Country Club, into LS 5E via a gravity line. The combined flows from the collection systems mentioned above are discharged into LS 5E to be pumped to the East Water Reclamation Center via a 10-inch force main along the south right-of-way of Winter Springs Boulevard. The ten (10)-inch force main connects to an eight (8)-inch force main after crossing Winter Springs Boulevard. The eight (8)-inch force main discharges flow from LS 22E. Major Basin: Lift Station 22E LS 22E services the Winter Springs Villages. This subdivision is located east of Tuskawilla Road and north of State Road 419/434.There are approximately 120 residential units in the subdivision which are serviced by a single gravity wastewater collection system. LS 22E collects th theJ, d dire t sout'r " ll ��N Ill "° ( force main along Michael BI a Boul r Illlld a �s S e ad /419. The e - t (8)-inch force main IIIII DJJ „j 1 continues ng Sta R�d 43I/ 19 in rig Illlllollfllllll�lhllllay to Tu 'ora Drive.At Tuscora Drive, the n tur south Ilows .c a Drive to Wi er Springs Boulevard. The force main crosses Winter Springs Boulevard into the south right-of-way discharges into the 10-inch force main. The ten (10)-inch force main combines the flow from LS 5E and the eight (8)-inch main. It continues to run east in the south right-of-way of Winter Springs Boulevard to the East Water Reclamation Facility. LS 25E serves the Winter Springs Apartments (279 multi-family units) on Michael Blake Blvd. and connects into the 8-inch force main on Michael Blake Blvd. from LS 22E. LS 26E serves the subdivision of Tuscawilla Crossings (379 single family units) and connects via a 6-inch force main into the 8-inch force main on SR 434 from LS 22E and LS 25E. The connection occurs on the western end of where the 8-inch force main was relocated from the old SR 434 ROW to the new SR 434 ROW. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-72 LS 24E serves the apartments known as Integra 360 (279 multifamily units) and connects via a 6-inch PVC; 8-inch PVC; and, 10-inch HDPE force main system to the 8-inch force main from LS 22E, LS 25E and LS 26E at Tuscora and SR 434. The LS 24E system connects to a 12-inch DIP line that runs underneath SR434.This 12-inch line was meant to be a sleeve under SR 434, but was installed with 45-degree bends in its alignment and could not be used for a sleeve. sonIIVI II iiilll 1 E Discharges directly by 12-inch FM into the EWRF surge tank WWTP #2 2E Starts FM and Connects with 15E FM; 3E FM; to 1 E gravity 3E Connects to FM with 15E FM and 2E FM and discharges into 1 E gravity 4E Discharges into 3E gravity system 5E Disghpirg,es by 1 M directlnto the u WTP #2 6E Di jg�/,, to gra �,jsyste 7E C n alon j - ith 1 a dis r es into 1 E -�ravity 8E Di h "to t9E Di hito gra .�%10E Diinto gravi /%ran, < 11 E Discharges into 7E gravity 12E Discharges to 5E gravity 13E Connects to FM along with PB; 14E; 17E; 19E; 21 E, than discharges into 5E gravity 14E Discharges into 5E gravity 15E Connects to 2E FM; 3E FM; to 1 E gravity 16E Discharges into 14E gravity 17E Connects to FM along with PB; 13E; 14E; 19E; 21 E 18E Discharges to 16E gravity 19E FM to 5E gravity; Connects with PB; 13E; 14E; 17E; 21 E 20E Discharges to 18E gravity 21 E FM to 5E gravity; Connects with PB; 13E; 14E; 17E; 19E 22E FM to 5E where it connects to the 5E FM and goes directly to EWRF 23E 4-inch FM connects to 6-inch from Barrington Estates 24E 6-inch;8-inch;10-inch FMs tie into 8-inch FM from 22E, 25E and 26E. The connection is at Tuscora and SR434. 25E 4-inch FM connects to 8-inch FM from 22E 26E 6-inch FM connects to 8-inch FM from 22E and 25E 27E 4-inch FM connects to 6-inch FM on SR434 from 19E, 21 E and 23E City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-73 3.10.2 West Service Area The west wastewater collection system provides service to the communities from the west side of Tuskawilla Road to the west end of Winter Springs' city limits. The collection system is serviced by a total twenty-three lift stations. There are five major basins that discharge their flow directly to the West Water Reclamation Facility. n !llllllllllffffff If IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-74 81111 w iw ® e ® IIIIIV e ® e 1W 156 Cory Lane Cory Lane, behind 154 2W 619 David Street David Street, rear yard behind 618 and 620 3W 600 Sheoah Boulevard Sheoah Boulevard at the bridge 4W 870 Sheoah Circle Sheoah Circle at Falkirk Drive 5W 51 East LaVista Drive East LaVista Drive and Bonita Circle (Hacienda Village) 6W 710 Tanglewood Road Tanglewood Road and Brentwood Drive (Wildwood) 7W 607 South Edgemon Avenue South Edgemon Avenue at the bridge 8W 306-B Panama Circle North Panama Circle between 304 and 306 9W 492-B Club Drive Club Drive, between 492 and 494 D11111111J11��j y��� II(rl Wei oree Loop) 10W 8064 Itol oad /j End of Alt 31�Lane Road, after III Ill l skin b 11 W 500 of in R � lIll1011lllfU1111JDDl / Dolph (Mod �t Gacross from reenwood)tennis j 12W 1000 State Road 434 West Sewer Plant, far left near sand beds 13W 2501 Shepard Road Shepherd Road, between Lisa Loop and MacGregor Road 14W 130-A Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs High School, across from driving course 15W 137-B Seville Chase Drive Seville Chase Drive between Sonata Court and Almeria Court 16W 222 Torcaso Court Torcaso Court, far right corner of the subdivision (St. Johns Landing) 17W 100 Windsor Cresent Street Windsor Cresent Street before 102 Parkstone 18W 299 Constitution Way Constitution Way and Freedoms Ring Drive (Heritage Park) 19W 4201 State Road 419 Layer Elementary school, left side of entrance 20W 398 Harbor Winds Court Harbor Winds Court, far right of subdivision (Harbor Winds) City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-75 WIN III�II III III ��� IIIIIII 21 W Jesup's Landing Jesup's Landing, front left of property near Orange Avenue 22W 150 Hartman Lane Opposite southeast corner of Public Works building 23W 900 East State Road 434 Lake Jesup Reclamation Plant Major Basin: Lift Station 3W LS 3W collects flow from the gravity main that runs along Sheoah Boulevard. This gravity main collects from the communities located on the east and west side of Sheoah Boulevard. The Sheoah gravity collection system begins north of State Road 434. Wastewater from Sheoah Section 1 community discharges into the gravity main. The main directs the flow north. As it continues north, a gravity line intersects the main to discharge flow from the III ))ll1111111U11llllll ��)JJJJ11111111ff JJJ1 �% 1 y J))))1ltttttlll�111Jlg) U!l�yJJJJlll1111111111 JIIJ""��"a"""h""'� Highlands en s ivis n. n eas of S oa ou ev another gravity line discharge ow fro �fhe Senj om j��/ lllllllllllllfU11111D11111111�j North of thr ands S,Action 6, ogle coll ti ' system servel the Highland Village Units 1, and 2 communities. The collection system begins by receiving flow from a four(4)- inch force main. The force main connects to LS 13W. LS 13W discharges its flow from the Oaks and Highland Lakes subdivision. The wastewater from LS 13W flows south along MacGregor Road via a gravity line. The gravity line collects flow from the residential units along the road. The flow from the Highland Village collection system is discharged into the gravity main. The wastewater flow continues north along Sheoah Boulevard. At the intersection of Sheoah Boulevard and Silver Sea Road, the Golfside Villas collection system connects to the main and discharges its flow. The Golfside Villas collection system receives flow the Golfside Villas and Seville on the Green apartment complexes. Across the intersection, additional flow is received from Sheoah Section 2 via a gravity line. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-76 Sheoah Section 3, the Highland Section 2, and Cypress Club Village each have their own collection system which directs the flow west across Sheoah Boulevard to tie into the gravity main. On the west side of Sheoah Boulevard, Greenspoint collection system discharges its flow directly into the gravity main. The flow received from these communities is directed north to flow into LS 3W. LS 3W also receives flow from the north. Collection begins by receiving flow from an eight (8)-inch force main along Sheoah Boulevard. The force main connects to LS 4W. LS 4W receives flow from the system serving the Highlands Section 1. The Highlands Section 1 collection system receives flow from parts of Highlands Sections 4 and 5,and all of Sections 7 and 8 via an interconnecting gravity system. The flow is directed north to the Highlands Section 1 collection system.The Highlands Section 1 system also collects flow produced by the Highlands Patio Homes and Highlands Section 1 subdivision. The gravity system discharges into LS 4W and pumps the flow south across Shephard Road. 1111111111J11��� Illllllllllll�l�y��� ///� IIIIIIIIIIIII�����!llllllllllfffffffffffi rl An adjace syste e �IIIIIIIIII the/imai dig arts llllllil fffflfllands 'ctions 4 and 5. The Highlands ' ions ' n col61 on ;�� ei flow from L °Wand directs it south to LS 3W �eo Boule /, he graty iiiiiiiiiiii ne also cc , ;s approximately 116 residential units from Highland Sections 4 and 5. The flow from the Highlands collection system is discharged into LS 3W to be pumped west via a twelve (12)-inch force main.The twelve (12)-inch force main flows intersects with an eight (8)-inch force main. Major Basin: Lift Station 6W The eight(8)-inch force main discharges flow from LS 6W. LS 6W services the communities of Oak Grove Park and Wildwood, located south of Shephard Road and west of the Highlands community. Oak Grove Park has its own collection system which directs the flow east to discharge into the Wildwood collection. The Wildwood collection system directs its flow into LS 6W. Approximately 260 residential units are serviced by Wildwood collection system. Wastewater from LS 6W is south to connect to the twelve (12)-inch force main. It connects with the flow from LS 3W and is transferred west and then south to discharge at the West WRF. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-77 Major Basin: Lift Station 2W LS 2W collects flow from the North Orlando Townsite system, located between State Road 419 and State Road 434. A commercial plaza located at the intersection of State Road 419 and 434 is serviced by private lift station which directs its flow to the North Orlando Townsite gravity collection system. The combined flow from North Orlando Townsite and the plaza is pumped west along the north right-of-way of State Road 434 by LS 2W via a 6-inch and 10- inch force main to the 20-inch forcemain that flows to the West WRF. Major Basin: Lift Station 7W LS 7W is located on Edgemon Avenue by Gee Creek. It pumps directly into the twenty(20)- inch forcemain which follows the power easement to the West WRF. It crosses State Road 434 and is increased to a twenty-four (24)-inch force main to the West WRF. LS 7W is located near Moss Park. It collects flow from the surrounding neighborhoods through its gravity collection system. An additional eleven lift stations discharge their flow into the gravity wa ''� ' l��ySt e` '�� servic -J LS �'�° 11 III lllllllllllfffffffffff� 9 Y �� �Y Beginning uth of e 7 lox r 2, Foxmor Ea and Fruitwood Lake subdivisio �r�vice Eby a snit astew�rvity collecti system. This system serves approximately 185 residential units. The wastewater is pumped north into the neighboring collection system by LS 8W via a 6-inch force main along Murphy Road. The Foxmor Unit 1 collection system receives the flow. Beginning with the flow from LS 8W, the flow is directed north via gravity. The Foxmor Unit 1 gravity system also collects from Foxmor East. The Foxmor Unit 1 collection system connects its flow to the North Orlando Terrace Section 8 collection system. The wastewater from the North Orlando Terrace Section 8 system discharges into LS 7W. LS 7W also receives flow from the north. Beginning with Moss Cove apartments, the wastewater flows through the interconnecting gravity systems along Moss Road. This collection system is the North Orlando Terrace gravity collection system. It collects the following: North Orlando 2nd Addition subdivision, Garden Club Apartments,Winter Springs City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-78 Plaza, North Orlando Terrace Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 subdivisions. There are two (2)force mains that tie into the North Orlando Terrace gravity system.An 8- inch force main connects to the system at the intersection of Moss Road and State Road 434 and a four (4) inch force main connects near the intersection of Moss Road and N. Alderwood St. The eight (8)-inch force main runs north along Moss Road, crosses State Road 434 to LS 1 W. At the Winter Springs Senior Center, a six (6)-inch force main is connected to the eight (8) — inch forcemain and the six (6)-inch forcemain continues up to the Winter Springs Industrial Park to connect LS 22W and LS 19W. These lift stations are located north of State Road 419 and collect wastewater from Hartman Industrial Park and Entziminger Farms Addition No. 2. LS 1W collects the flow generated by the communities on the east and west side of Moss Road. On the west side, a single gravity system collects the flow generated by the North Orlando su ' , an j " ' °i(((f r Spri Centr der ' e communities of �j f % . Deersong its 1-3� o has �of In edge $ion, s Place apartments, Dougs Unii and 'el ' r Bu ess % se ced by a sing gravity system which flows into %11 The other connection to the LS 7W gravity sewer system is on Moss Road and is across the street from Mosswood Apartments.A sixteen (16)-inch force main discharges into the North Orlando Terrace gravity collection system.The connection point is near N.Alderwood St. in the west right-of-way of Moss Road. The flow discharged into the system is collected from nine lift stations- 11 W, 5W, 15W, 10W, 17W, 18W, 14W, 21 W, and 16W. Beginning with LS 16W, it collects flow from St. John's Landing, located south of Lake Jesup, and Tuscawilla Town Centre through a single gravity system. Flow from the sports complex on Orange Avenue is transferred into the Tuscawilla Town Centre gravity system via a four (4)-inch force main. The flow from LS 16W is transferred west via a four (4)-inch force main. The 4-inch force main transitions into a six (6)-inch force main and discharges into LS 14W. LS 14W also collects flow from Winter Springs High School and parts of the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-79 Tuscawilla Town Centre. The wastewater from LS 14W is pumped through a six (6)-inch force main.The six (6) inch force main intersects with another six(6)-inch force main at the west entrance of the high school.This forcemain discharges flow from lift stations: LS 21 W; LS PM (private); and, LS 23W (Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water reject lift station). LS 21 W collects wastewater from Jesup's Landing gravity collection system. As the combined six (6)-inch force main (LS 14W; LS23; LS 21 W)transitions into an 8-inch force main, a 4-inch force main from LS 18W connects from the north. LS 18W collects wastewater from Heritage Park Townhomes' gravity system. The combined flow from these communities is directed west to the gravity collection system of Winding Hollow Unit 1 and Stone Gable subdivisions. The Stone Gable collection system receives additional flow from the north (across SR 434) via a 6-inch force main from LS 17W. LS 17W is located in the Parkstone community. The Parkstone community contains four (4) subdivision units (approximately 500 residential units) and "0 no Roa 4. LS " �ena 1 ifW from this gravity system so ` along rk le B�var cr4sing atad 434urns immediately west after crossi State 'a 34 a '' nt ��ty s 'tem in the cua-sac of Tennis Court in Stone GZ61111�Alll its. �O�, The combined wastewater from the 8-inch force main/6-inch force main, the Parkstone system via LS 17W and the Stone Gable gravity collection system continues to flowwest via gravity lines to the connecting system and on to LS 10W. This system collects from the North Orlando Ranches and the Winding Hollow Units. These subdivisions are located along the east and west side of Shore Road. The system collects from North Orlando Ranches Section 2, 2A, 8, 9, and 10, and Winding Hollow Units 2, 3, 4, and 5. Winding Hollow Units 2, 3, 4, and 5 generate flow from approximately 360 residential units which is directed west through gravity mains to be discharged into the North Orlando system. The North Orlando gravity system also receives some flow from the south community of Seville Chase. Seville Chase subdivision is comprised of approximately 110 residential units. The City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-80 wastewater generated is collected via their gravity system into LS 15W. LS 15W directs the flow north through a four (4) inch force main along Shore Road to connect to the North Orlando Ranch gravity wastewater system.The flows from lift stations PM, 14W, 15W, 17W, 18W, and 21 W and the North Orlando collection system is collected into LS 10W. From LS 10W, the flow is pumped west via an 8-inch force main. The 8-inch force main transitions into a 12-inch force main and then a 16-inch force main before discharging into the North Orlando Terrace gravity wastewater system.Along the path,a 4-inch force main connects to the 12-inch force main to discharge flow from LS 5W. LS 5W collects the flow from Hacienda Village subdivision. This subdivision is located south of State Road 434 and extends from S. Moss Road to Hayes Road and contains approximately 485 residential units.An 8-inch force main ties into the 12-inch force main as the location where the 12-inch forcemain transitions into a 16-inch force main. The flow from the 8-inch force main is collected by LS 11 W. LS 11 W services Units 1-4 of Mount Greenwood subdivision and the Seasons subdivisions. There are approximately 160 residential units in the Mount Greenwood'i ' ( ioni /1r its in Seas " i DJJ 11Jr 0 LS 7W als receiv w tewa7�fro //�e tlllelllllylllllllsurroun g neighborhoods via gravity flo n t s he flo /the su ' ,iv' ons via lift st ; ons and force mains. The triplex lift station discharges all of its flow through 20-inch force main west for about 4000 feet before turning north for approximately 5,000 feet to discharge directly into the wastewater plant. The 20-inch force main transitions into a 24-inch force main before crossing State Road 434.After crossing the road, a four(4) inch force main ties into the 24- inch main. The four (4) inch force main discharges the flow from LS 20W. LS 20W collects wastewater from the gravity system serving the Harbor Winds community, approximately 62 residential units. LS 12W serves the Park at Laurel Homes apartment complex's gravity collection system. LS 12 W is located at the southern end or the West WRF site. The flow from these apartments is discharged directly to the entrance of the West Water Reclamation Facility via a 3-inch force main. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-81 1W Discharges to 7W gravity via FM - with 19W; 22W 2W Connects to 20-inch FM to WWRF - connects with 7W; 20W; 12W 3W Discharges directly to the WWRF —Connects with 6W FM 4W Discharges to 3W gravity 5W Connects with FM to 7W gravity — connects with 1 OW and 11W 6W Discharges directly to the WWRF —Connects with 3W FM 7W Discharges directly by 20-inch FM into the WWRF -connects with 2W, 12W and 20W 8W Discharges to 7W gravity 9W $)nnecti harges to 3W ravity 10W ith �' ravi onne 11 W ith M to 7,r%gray % nne ` with 5Wan OW 12W di ���' � WR13W to grft 14W o 1 ravi //r 'FM wit 6 /; 18W; 21 W; I W 15W Discharges to 10W gravity 16W Connects to 1 OW gravity via FM with 14W; 18W; 21 W; 23W 17W Discharges to 1 OW gravity 18W Connects to 10 W gravity via FM with 14W; 16W; 21W; 23W 19W Connects to 7W gravity via FM with 1 W; 22W 20W Connects to 20-inch FM to WWRF —connects with 2W, 7W,12W 21 W Connects to 1 OW gravity via FM with 14W; 16W; 18W; 23W 22W Connects to 7W gravity via FM with 1 W; 19W 23W Connects to 1 OW gravity via FM with 14W; 16W; 18W; 21 W City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-82 .III III III , a IIIIIV e e PA 1005 State Road 426 (West Northwest Corner of Sonic Broadway Street PB 282 West State Road 434 Left side of Ladybird Academy PC 822 East State Road 434 Southeast corner of bus maintenance garage PD 820 East State Road 434 Right front side of School Board PE 425 Tuskawilla Road Southeast corner of Keeth Elementary School PF 1055 Nursery Road Between 1055 and Nursery Road PG #qjp> E a s rp,ad 434 PH 78 ,FIRI as t a t e R d 43 , j Behind Ke l ee Entertainment 0 ing PI N o 000,fse Not Used Pi 6 � or U.S. -, 17-9 Behind Mit bishi Kia PK 1 Mos ood Cifae Mosswood"Circle and Trina Lane PL 190 East Bahama Road Left side of Straight Baptist Church PM Orange Avenue with Central Winds East side of Central Winds Park Park maintenance building PN 1100 East State Road 434 Choices in Learning Charter School, SE corner 3.10.3 Summary of Systems The East Water Reclamation Facility receives its flow, at the surge tank of WWTP#2,from LS 1 E via a 12-inch forcemain and from LS 5E and LS 22E via a 10-inch forcemain. LS 1 E receives its flow from the numerous lift stations that feed into a 15-inch gravity sewer that flows to LS 1 E. The area each facility serves is determined by its location in relation to the facility or the nearest gravity collection system. Through this system, adequate collection service is provided to the city of Winter Springs. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-83 The West Water Reclamation Facility receives its flow via a 3-inch, 12-inch, and 24-inch forcemains from the west collection system of Winter Springs. 3.10.4 Collection/Transmission System Model A hydraulic model was created to evaluate the City of Winter Springs collection and transmission systems.The model was developed in Bentley SewerCAD,which is a standard engineering application used to develop and analyze gravity collection systems and forcemain transmission systems. A SewerCAD model was previously developed for a portion of the East Collection and Transmission system. This model was expanded to incorporate the entire east system as well as the west system.At the present time,there are no interconnections between the two systems to allow for transfer of flow from one system to the other. The City will be able to use this new expanded model to provide further analysis of their collection and transmission system. T ! "� r the ' �� as sp cally t"' '° � f� "'%° of flows from the East WRF the We IW F for v��Ners n om IIIIIIIIIIII lwo locati s to a new centralized IIIIIIIlocation. /llll1011lllfU1I111DD11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO�(� � The modeling process (setting up the model) was a significant part of the project. We requested and were provided with data as follows: 1) Data on every lift station in the system, including some that are under construction/designed. Two spreadsheets were prepared which include the detailed information of each lift station. They are contained in Appendix F, Lift Station Data. 2) Gravity sewer information such as diameter, lengths of run between manholes and elevation data was provided by the City based on record drawings and input into the model. 3) The data acquisition process was based on available data and did not include new investigations, land surveys or new research. 4) Flow data and pump run times for each lift station were not gathered or analyzed. 5) No pump drawdown tests were performed.We used the pump curves(three data points: low, medium and high) based on the published pump data (flow-head curves)from the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-84 manufacturer. 6) Pump drawdown tests for comparison of actual flow to the pump curve flow were not performed. 7) CPH identified population and flow for each lift station basin/subdivision based on a review of lots and an assumption that all lots were constructed and occupied. This data was input into the model to arrive at the flow inputs for each lift station. A 24-hour extended period simulation (EPS)was used to model the system. A wastewater diurnal pattern is needed for EPS analysis. Typically, they are obtained from gravity systems. Since so much flow is pumped in Central Florida and gravity systems are usually small and lead to a lift station, the next best thing is using an influent flow curve from the wastewater treatment plant. We were provided recently flow input data from August/September 2018 for both the East and West facilities. From this data, we plotted multiple daily flow curves and determined an "Average Curve" based on the data. The East influent flo infl" the su 'lf tank (�' � ��� �d treatment facility. Therefore, i e chos u the Onal fl � tern m the I West ility for both systems. ll11D�J� The Wintei 3prings re rs l i li prtmin � en ' I and is not luenced by industrial flows. The � � urve re show Figure //�t,1 J�Diurnal Flow rues from the WEST WRF.The average diurnal curve is also shown in Figure 3-16, Diurnal Flow Curves. It is the orange colored line. Table 3-5 shows the diurnal curve data table used in the model. The existing flows in the Winter Springs system are approximately 1.0 MGD AADF per facility (2.0 MGD total). This yields approximately 60 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). In order to equalize the system to the 3.0 MGD flow in the model, we increased the GPCD to achieve a flow of approximately 3.0 MGD. 3.10.5 Collection System Model Results Although it was not part of the initial scope, we did evaluate the existing system as a whole for head capability and velocity in the forcemains. The model outputs provided the information on two issues. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-85 Issue number 1: Under current conditions, the 20-inch and 24-inch force main from LS 7W to the plant exhibits low velocities. This is very understandable. The line was put into service by the Private owner many years ago, and they were expecting a much larger flow.This prediction never came to fruition. The line has never been taken out of service and investigated for deposition of sand and other grit. It is likely that there is an accumulation of such materials in this force main. Issue number 2: The six-inch forcemain on Vistawilla Drive, from Nandina Court south to the Bear Creek Gravity sewer(+/-500 LF), exhibits high velocities during the peak flow time of the day.This is not an immediate problem or concern, but should be addressed in the next five years. The Bear Creek gravity sewer also indicates surcharging during peak flows. This is not an c �/// shoul ` ' ` %th immediate �� r � � ; % addr years. / �j IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDJJ�III�r �/ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII J, As flows g� ' in thi � re r the ���.ch '' �i "H or main will ne to be upgraded to an Y eight-inch '� �In dition, ended f� : 'ain will be re tired to take flow away from the 8-inch Bear Creek gravity sewer discharge that leads to LS 5E directly to the East WRF. Such a forcemain will be routed south on Vistawilla Boulevard to Northern Way and then proceed east and south down Northern Way to Winter Springs Boulevard. From the intersection of Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard,the forcemain would head west to the East WRF. This route is approximately 7500 lineal feet. An 8-inch forcemain would cost approximately$1,000,000, including contingency,engineering design and construction services and City administrative costs. In 2013,the City was projecting a large amount of development in the area north of SR 434 from the Town Center (Tuscawilla Road) to SR 417. We analyzed the effects of such development on the collection/transmission system of the East WRF; concentrated on the Vistawilla system. Flows are not expected to reach the levels predicted in 2013. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-86 Under the current development projections, we do not recommend a 12-inch forcemain. If the Greeneway Interchange District becomes a reality, than the City should probably construct a 12-inch forcemain instead of an 8-inch forcemain. The estimated cost for a 12-inch forcemain would be $1,537,500. In a June 4, 2013 letter report, CPH recommended the following: 'The wastewater collection system in the eastern portion of Winter Springs was analyzed to remove a portion of the system from the gravity collection system which transfers flows from the Vistawilla/Northern way area west to Lift Station 5E. The lift stations currently connected to this gravity system included: 6E, 8E, 13E, 14E, 17E, 19E, and 21E. These seven lift stations are planned to be piped directly to the wastewater facility. This analysis was prepared to evaluate the size of the force main necessary to convey these flows as well as propose ro ose � n� lows �' //� the fa � Prel r lR %/ I�' 1lll"' etermined that a f (l ref�k� �' 16-inch force main1 ould b � e d to c , ey o e pr nt and futur ows without having to JJJJJJJJ�1�tt���%� 1 � % 1JJJJ 111111II IlII N((l i modify any of the isting li `to ns. 1,1�e pro" �j��ws u e 188,00 ` pd of residential flow and 1,152,000 gp ���rci € low. T� was c� e d about addi �� a 16-inch force main, with capacity that may not be fully used within its service life. Would the capital expenditure for a 16-inch force main not be recovered within the useful life of the force main? Therefore, they requested that we look at the options available by adding a 12-inch force main. What flows could be handled and what phasing could be implemented? Was there a better and more cost effective solution? Additional analysis was required for three modifications to determine system capacity: 1) Install a 12-inch force main with no modifications to existing stations 2) Install a 16-inch force main 3) Install a 12-inch force main and maximize the flow capacity in a 12-inch force main by leaving some stations on the gravity system or modifying the lift stations. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-87 The following paragraphs provide information on each option: The first task was to identify how much additional flow could be handled by a future lift station at SR 434 and Vistawilla using a 12-inch force main without modifying any of the existing lift stations. Based on the SewerCAD model we developed for the City, up to 840,000 gallons per day can be added to the new lift station. The projected development flows were set up with two different flow patterns, one for commercial flows and one forresidential flows. This is important because the flow peaks at different times and can impact the other lift stations in the system differently depending on the proportional breakdown.At a total flow of 840,000 gpd from the future development areas, there is 188,000 gpd in residential flow and 652,000 gpd in commercial flow. If all of the flow is pushed to the commercial side with no residential development, only 700,000 gpd can be added to the system. The second task was to verify the capacity of the 16-inch force main in the model. The model was run with the 16-inch force main starting at the new lift station and connecting all seven lift stations directly to the East ' �% cla J 1 / , "lity.A/ the fut'1 , 0 ' 111 ° an be added to all of the existing flo 0.37 thout ly pr e in existing lift s ions. The force main velocities remain i Ider 5 f �t Illllse �, for % you nalysis perio�% The system was not modeled beyond t� � ed acity future d elment area t etermine the ultimate capacity of the 16-inch force main. The third task was to adjust the model to allow some of the lift stations to remain in the gravity system in an effort to maximize the usage of the new 12-inch force main. Several iterations of the model were performed to determine the most beneficial configuration. As determined in the first task, without any changes to the existing lift stations, the 12-inch force main could handle an additional flow of 840,000 gpd(future flow, not including existing pump stations). To get additional future flow capability in the 12-inch force main, the first step would be to have LS 14E remain in the gravity system. This increases the future flows by 200,000 gpd up to a total of 1,040,000 gpd. LS 14E is currently connected to the gravity system through a 6-inch force main on Vistawilla which would need to remain in place. The next step would be to have LS 8E remain in the gravity system. The future flows in the 12-inch force main can be increased to 1,140,000 gpd. LS 8E currentlyflows into the gravity system at the intersection of Vistawilla and Seneca. Finally, to increase the future City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-88 flows up to the full projected capacity of 1,340,000 gpd, LS 6E needs to be modified. A newly configured LS 6E would discharge to the 12-inch force main. The lift station pumps will need to be larger to add 15 feet of additional head at the current design point. These improvements are summarized in the following table. Also included in the table is an alternate analysis changing the orderof improvements to the system to illustrate the impact each improvement has. Projected Flows Improvement Residential Commercial Total (1,000 gpd) (1,000 gpd) (1,000 gpd) 12"FM 188 652 840 LS llI///j / 85 LS T(1 95 �Ifllllllllll 140 LS 18 j.,1 134 Alternat LS 8E 188 702 890 LS 14E 188 952 1,140 LS 6E 188 1,152 1,134 (PLEASE NOTE, THIS TABLE IS NOT NUMBERED AS IT IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE PREVIOUS MEMORANDUM) In summary, there are significant cost savings associated with reducing the force main from a 16- inch to a 12-inch pipeline. The system will need to become a combination of pressurized and gravity mains in order to accommodate the currently projected capacity of the system. This analysis provides a framework for an effective plan to meet the capacity needs of the City and allows for some flexibility should the development projections change." City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-89 Issue number 3: This is a minor concern under the scenario where flows are pumped from the East WRF to the West WRF. LS 1 E cannot pump all the way across the City and would need to be replaced. LS 1 E and LS 7W were the only stations of questionable capability under the 3.0 MGD scenarios. We assumed that both LS 1 E and LS 7W would be replaced in all future scenarios (pumping flows to the West WRF in combination with the East WRF flow; pumping flows to the East WRF in combination with the West WRF flow; or, pumping flows to the Oak Forest site). LS 1 E and LS 7W would also be replaced for pumping each facility separately to SSNOCWTA. There were no other"alarms"in the West or East systems under all the future 3.0 MGD scenarios. There were no high velocity issues in the West system forcemains at a flow rate of approximately 3.0 MGD AADF for the entire City. We assumed that LS 1 E was to be re-built with higher capacity pumps for both the Oak Forest and West WRF scenarios. LS 1 E would also be rebuilt for pumping to SSNOCWTA. There wer a "ala ' �'% Y West er. T WWM 661 111 NHW&Ibcity issues in the East systei forcer s IIII flog jr to of p xim 1I�IIIIII 3.0 MGD A DF for the entire City. IIIIIIIIIIIJJ�� jj�������rrrrrrrJlll»ll�J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(� O �O m m U v' bjo biD bo tlo m w d d d d E a ww a LL z cs ~ Z o w W 00 2 U Q W W w z ai U �< JJJ U< O oo as m0 ��� �"''� %lll����������� �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L.L Jf fff1111�� oN (A a��sdam z �d—iz N^ CL o j EL . a .O . N N ,/yN4 NC m 2 N 1� < a u �o �,�o 1 `3) w, ��awyMnn�Nm 1% wre � w a Wmumi,wm 'un�m 1 All00 0 Q. C1 3 a 00 a ',SAW © p LL Cj C) C3 0 0 C] 0 0 0 0 , p C3 Q m m Oo h lD Ln r t N. cy N 0 LL 1-4 ujdg`Moi...,j N N N W 0 F a F- F- z z 6 p m 0 0 0 Q n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 3-91 e IIIIIV 8111111 IIIIIV ® ® ® RIII6 8111111 """ a """ IIIIIIII 8111111 IIIIIV 8111111 IIIIIV """ """ ® e 12:00 AM 1 1:00 AM 0.9 2:00 AM 0.5 3:00 AM 0.4 4:00 AM 0.4 5:00 AM 0.6 6:00 AM 0.9 7:00 AM 1.2 :00 1.4 i � 1 9:00A, M 1.5 AM j 1.2 11:00 AM 1.2 12:00 PM 1.3 1:00 PM 1.4 2:00 PM 1.3 3:00 PM 1.2 4:00 PM 1.1 5:00 PM 1 6:00 PM 1.1 7:00 PM 1.5 8:00 PM 1.7 9:00 PM 1.7 10:00 PM 1.5 11:00 PM 1 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-1 CHAPTER 4 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CRITERIA— 3.0 MGD 4.1 General The future combined Winter Springs WRF capacity analysis is based on obtaining a minimum treatment capacity of approximately 3.0 MGD by using the following described equipment and processes. Effluent disposal methods and sites are based on using the existing facilities of the City of Winter Springs. We have not evaluated the various types of treatment processes that can be used for the wastewater treatment. Our analysis is based on conventional activated sludge treatment. Other methods/processes will require further analysis as it requires the City to determine the level of treatment required (possibly advanced treatment for the removal of nutrients). Our analysis is based on providing, at a minimum, a treatment system that complies with the FDEP Public Access Criteria for the ����/ /1�� r1��1������r1� � �o� treatment facilities use of recl �r a, 1&kk irror existi iIi j0 already in I 3ce. IIIIIIIIIIIJJJJJII��dJ � // IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �I i>>aaii�rrrrrrrrrrrrrl�f�j J ' i Replacem air o the Wa b Ater Tre Plant Facilitriswill require that the facilities meet Class I Reliability EPA criteria, as outlined in the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-610.462, Reliability and Operator Staffing. The guidelines are contained in the US EPA publication, "Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric and Fluid System Component Reliability (EPA-430-99-74-001)". The treatment process design should be based on the wastewater parameters shown in Table 4-1, "Historical Water Quality Data". The City may wish to pursue biological nutrient removal for any new facilities. We believe the future regulations may require "Advance" treatment levels. In addition,the removal of nutrients from the reclaimed water can be used as credits within the storm water basin. It may be cost effective to pursue the higher level of treatment now rather than adapt the facility in the future. If nutrient removal is pursued, we recommend effluent concentration levels of 5-5-3-1 (5 mg/I BOD, 5 mg/I TSS, 3 mg/I total City of Winter Springs-Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-2 nitrogen and 1 mg/I phosphorus). These concentration levels are obtainable with current wastewater treatment technologies. East 2017 Annual Avg. 89 195 4.7 2.7 17.5 4.3 2.2 Max Month 137 253 11.4 10.0 27.6 10.1 4.3 Max Single 300 330 Sample 2016 nual " 151 i � 22 /! 2.5 0.9 1 ! 5.4 3.0 x Mon 2 4.1 U 2 !D 8.7 8.0 �x Si IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� Sample West 2017 Annual Avg. 129 178 2.1 4.0 6.9 4.4 10.2 Max Month 172 227 3.6 10.0 12.5 8.9 13.8 Max Single 260 270 Sample 2016 Annual Avg. 121 183 1.6 3.7 17.7 3.1 9.2 Max Month 186 253 3.3 6.7 78.0 10.8 21.0 Max Single 330 480 Sample City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-3 4.2 Water Reclamation Facility Components Public Access Reuse facilities must provide components that meet Class I Reliability per FDEP rule 62-610. The criteria is based on EPA-430-99-74-001; Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and Component Reliability. We have listed the criteria for each component section described below, in the italics font. Following that, we have identified any modifications or changes that would be required to meet the criteria. 4.2.1 Pre-Treatment The purpose of preliminary treatment is to remove large or heavy solids and inorganic materials from the wastewater which might otherwise damage or impede the performance of downstream equipment and/or treatment processes. Barscreen The mechanical barscreen/manual bar rack removes larger solids by screening. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J11�/�/�� Illllllllllllllllll�y��� //////� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII !llllllllllffffffffffh Cla 1 Rel/� ili Criter� Mec 'iijpall leaned Bar greens or Equivalent De es:A b 1 k �� �� ens ill b rovlll permi ible for the backup bar scr n to be es ed an � ��H�"�lk ng ly. Works wi only two bar screens sh , 0111�1fr(( lea one b Jc111� n des�� a permit man� l cleaning. The system will have a mechanical barscreen with a back-up manual barscreen and an overflow channel. The barscreen shall be sized for peak flow conditions. Based on historical data, the peak flow for the 3.0 MGD AADF capacity would be approximately 5.0 MGD. Grit Removal Class 1 Reliability Criteria: Grit Removal: The system shall contain components to remove grit and other heavy inorganic solids from the wastewater. This requirement shall not apply to types of treatment works which do not pump or dewater sludge, such as waste stabilization ponds. The grit removal system shall be designed with a by-pass capability and will be designed for peak flow conditions. Based on historical data, the peak flow for the 3.0 MGD AADF capacity would be approximately 9.0 MGD. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-4 Master Pump Station The City will have the option of placing the WRF Master Pump Station (MPS)before or after the barscreen and the grit removal system. The MPS will pump the raw wastewater into a flow equalization tank. Class I Reliability Criteria:Pumps:A back-up pump shall be provided for each set of pumps which performs the same function. The capacity of the pumps shall be such that with any one pump out of service, the remaining pumps will have capacity to handle the peak flow. It is permissible for one pump to serve as a backup to more than one set of pumps. By following the above criteria, a four (4) pump MPS is recommended. The fourth installed pump is considered a back-up. Since the peaking factor is generally 3.0 for a MPS,then each pump should have a capacity equivalent to the AADF (3.0 MGD). This is equal to a capacity of 2083 gpm @ 32 ft Total Dynamic Head (TDH). Two pumps will provide approximately 6.0 MGD (4166 gpm) of flow; three pumps will " // fU � %pro r GD ( gpm) a peaking factor of 13J for the ci at 3 GD p ty. ffIfIIIIIIl11�J�� � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII %//l1011lllfU11J1JDDJJJJIj 4.2 I�fl�lffffhllll� l� qu (��zation'� n The flow equalization tank is used to equalize flow throughout the day. Treatment plants operate more efficiently with a consistent or steady flow rate. Flow equalization tanks are normally sized in a range of 15 to 20 percent of design flow. Piping will be designed to allow for the by-pass of the flow equalization tank in case of an emergency.A tank with a useable volume of 600,000 gallons is recommended (20% of 3.0 MGD). Class I Reliability Criteria: No criteria for backup exists for flow equalization tanks. Flow Equalization Blowers The flow equalization process requires aeration to not only keep the sewage from septicity but also to maintain a homogeneous mix. The amount of air pumped into the flow equalization tank needs to be adjusted in accordance with the depth. One flow equalization blower will meet the needs of the wastewater up to half full and a City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-5 second blower will be started as the tank fills above 50%. As the tank is drawn down, the two blowers will automatically reduce to one blower at the 50% level. Positive displacement blowers are required for surge tanks to be able to supply the same amount of air to the system as the head condition changes. Three positive displacement blowers will be provided; the first will do the first half of the tank; the second will do the second half and the third will be a back-up. All blowers will be placed on a rotation cycle to provide equal wear. Positive displacement blowers will be provided with sound enclosures to minimize offsite noise. Class I Reliability Criteria:Aeration Blowers or Mechanical Aerators: There shall be a sufficient number of blowers to enable the design oxygen transfer to be maintained with the largest unit out of service. It is permissible to be an uninstalled unit, provided that the installed unit can be easily removed and replaced. However, at least two units shall be installed. The blowers will be designed in accordance with these recommendations. 4.2 qur umps lllllllllllfffffffI Flo a�equaliz io us to m p 7terfro,,, the flow equalization i fe � tan to the at 1nt pl ) lllllllllllllfU11111DD1 / IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�fI � j/i,,, 0% Class I Reliability Criteria: Pumps:A back-up pump shall be provided foreach set of pumps which performs the same function. The capacity of the pumps shall be such that with any one pump out of service, the remaining pumps will have capacity to handle the peak flow. It is permissible for one pump to serve as a backup to more than one set of pumps. The flow equalization pump station system will have four pumps. By following the Class I Reliability criteria, the fourth pump is considered a back-up. Each pump will have a capacity of 1042 gpm (1.5 MGD) @ 25 feet TDH.Two pumps will provide the AADF.Three pumps will cover a pumping range of 50% to 150% of the AADF.With the use of the flow equalization tank, the treatment process (all downstream processes) will see a more consistent flow rate. 4.2.2 Biological Treatment and Clarification City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-6 The biological treatment system consists of aerobic aeration and sedimentation. This category has been combined because in some treatment systems,these two processes are linked into one tank; such as in the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) System or a Membrane treatment system. No clarifier is used in an SBR or Membrane system. Aeration The primary objectives of the treatment of domestic sewage are to coagulate and remove the nonsettleable colloidal solids and to stabilize the organic matter. In the aeration process, dissolved oxygen (DO) is added to the basin to support the microbial activity used to decompose and stabilize the organics in the raw influent of domestic sewage. From the flow equalization tank, raw wastewater is pumped the biological treatment units. The biological treatment units are similar in size and process flow. The raw wa� pu distri 1 'on b0 tion basin. Within eac biologi I t Illllltmegg, px nit, e � omi raw waste her is mixed with the rec led acf; to Iudd**/ raw f b om of the int nal clarifier. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO�(��� , ��j%i,,. Class I Reliability Criteria: Aeration Basin: A backup basin shall not be required,- however, at least two equal volume basins shall be provided. a) Two separate and equal volume aeration basins will be provided. The size will depend on the process selected for treatment and will be based on 3.0 MGD AADF. b) For SBR and Membrane type systems, we recommend that three tanks be provided of equal size. Class 1 Reliability Criteria:Aeration Blowers or Mechanical Aerators: There shall be a sufficient number of blowers to enable the design oxygen transfer to be maintained with the largest unit out of service. It is permissible to be an uninstalled unit, provided that the installed unit can be easily removed and replaced. However, at least two units shall be installed. We recommend three blowers of equal size; one blower per aeration basin plus a third for back-up. If we assume an Annual Average BOD of 250 mg/I, then at 1.5 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-7 MGD flow per basin, 2,850 pounds of BOD are produced and 4090 CFM of air per basin is required. Turbo blowers equipped with VFDs that are capable of linking with oxygen monitors for control are recommended.This involves installing three(3) 100 Hp blowers.A secondary benefit of the Turbo blower is reduced noise from the unit. No monetary consideration has been estimated for the improved efficiency created by the installation of the dissolved oxygen probes and control instrumentation. The use of the probes connected to the blower speed should provide additional efficiencies not currently available to the system. Return activated sludge (RAS) is part of the aeration process. However, RAS is not part of every technology on the market. Some treatment systems use the sludge contained in the tank and only provide a waste sludge system. This is true for Membrane and SBR technology. The RAS pumps shall be provided with VFDs in exterior mounted panels next to the pumps. VFDs are necessary to allow the op ° r;'f, ntr / nt of ' ge ret'J o'rf° tem. IIIIIIIIIIIl1111111J�JJJ�'' Wa e Activ ��d u AS ill b used. dllllllllllIn addi 'n,we recommend that pip" talle R/l/to cycle ximate A 0ercent of the WAS or WAS to the flow equalization tank. This would provide improved odor control and biological pre- conditioning for activated sludge treatment in the flow equalization tank. It will also help to reduce odors emanating from the wastewater treatment system. Clarification The secondary clarifiers provide a quiescent zone for settling of the MLSS from the aeration process units.The clarified effluent flows to disinfection. Most of the settled solids are returned to the head of the treatment process as return activated sludge (RAS) to maintain the system's solids balance. In addition, a portion of the settled solids are periodically wasted to the digester to maintain a constant MLSS concentration. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-8 In a conventional treatment system,the aerated mixed liquor from the aeration basin is transmitted to the clarifier. From the stilling well,the mixed liquor is allowed to flow by gravity into the quiescent zone of the clarifier. The heavy sludge material settles and thickens via gravity to the bottom of the clarifier and is collected by the center pivoting sludge collection system. The clarified effluent is transmitted radially outward toward the peripheral launder with V-notch weir plates attached; the clarified water flows over the weirs; is collected in the peripheral launder; where it is discharged through a common header to the filtration units. Activated sludge is collected in a center hopper of the clarifier and is either recycled back into the aeration basin or is wasted to the aerobic digester on site via external waste activated sludge pumps. We recommend two (2) circular clarifier basins. Ten States Standards (paragraph 72.232 Final Settling Tanks—Activated Sludge) has established an overflow rate of 12 ' ///, °�/, (at 1 Pea / ourly °"'O ' )IIIN" ration Treatment Pro sses f plc, tlllll g to ne e��20 lI sus,ended olids. A seventy-foot I I»lll�� Q� ��«i�llllllllllllllllllllll� y diat ater cla er III pr e 3 �r� u e area.A flo , ate of 1.5 MD G and a �� j J 2.0 1 r pe ing, wi ���i ow equzn basin, yie� -s an overflow rate of approximately 780 gpd/SF. At AADF, the overflow rate is 390 gpd/SF. The flow equalization tank system provides a flow buffer to the treatment units and the clarifiers which is included in this calculation by using a 2.0 peaking factor instead of a 3.0 peaking factor. Ten States Standards has a maximum weir loading rate of 30,000 gpd/LF as the standard for plants over 1 MGD. Class I Reliability Criteria: Final and Chemical Sedimentation Basins, Trickling Filters, Filters and Activated Carbon Columns: There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 75 percent of the total flow to that unit operation. With one clarifier out of service, the remaining clarifier shall provide treatment for a minimum of 75% of 3.0 MGD or 2.25 MGD AADF/4.5 MGD peak. One clarifier City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-9 provides an overflow rate of 585 gpd/SF at 2.25 MGD (AADF) and 1,170 gpd/SF at 4.5 MGD peak flow rate (with a surge tank). At the maximum overflow rate of 1200 gpd/SF, the clarifier can provide a flow rate of 4.6 MGD.We do not recommend that the system be designed to the maximum rate as it provides no buffer for flow rate changes. 4.2.3 Filtration Class I Reliability Criteria:Final and Chemical Sedimentation Basins, Trickling Filters, Filters and Activated Carbon Columns: There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 75 percent of the total flow to that unit operation. Class I Reliability Criteria requires that the filter capacity maintain a minimum of 75% of its rated capacity with one unit out of service. Disk filters operate based on the capacity per disk installed. We propose that, while the disks are in the same tank, each disk is still a separate fi isk � ove ��thout tff� �t process. Each remaining sk ha i i l idu apask fi rs can IIIIIIIIII be a lusted under Class Djj Reliability iteria b ak a dl out ra r than the e ; re unit. Two separate units (1.5 % � city ach) wik�bbirovide��ita total of 12 14 disks to provide a capacity of 3.0 MGD AADF based on a surface area loading rate of 3.0 gpm per square foot. With one filter disk out of service, the remaining filter disks have a capacity of 2.75 MGD which equates to a plant flow of 3.67 MGD (75% of 3.67 MGD equals 2.75 MGD AADF). To meet Class I Reliability for a 3.0 MGD facility, 75% of 3.0 MGD equals 2.25 MGD.Therefore, the facility can provide 2.25 MGD with three disks removed from the filters. The disk filtering system is a relatively simple process. The influent flow fills the holding tank. The influent is filtered through the disks and conveyed, by gravity, to the chlorine contact chamber. This filtering process involves no pumps to move the effluent, minimal power, and a single rotating shaft. Periodically the disks will backwash.The backwash pump draws water from the inside of the filter out, opposite filtration flow, essentially vacuuming the filter fabric. The disks are backwashed two at a time. The`vacuum' cleans the fabric in a radial strip as the disk slowly turns. In this way the entire disk is cleaned while it is still on- City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-10 line.This filtering system consists of the disks, the motor and drive to turn the disks and the backwash pump. The motor and drive for the disks are above the water su rface and can be easily replaced while the filter is on-line.The backwash pump is external to the tank and can also be replaced while the tank is on-line.The backwash system also has a feature to pump any accumulated settled solids from the tank bottom to the backwash reject system that goes to the head of the facility. The disks are divided into multiple wedges. Each wedge is held in place by two bolts. Replacing a disk can be completed in under an hour, minimizing the down time of the filtering system. If a disk fails, a `blind' disk will be installed in its place to keep the filtering system operational while a replacement disk is obtained. Please note that the disk filter systems are certified to California Title 22, a nationally recognized standard for reclaimed water filtration,to operate at AADF rates from 3 gpm per square fool '��� m "�'" °' g i V �" I greatly increase q foot.A in hi - r ti . the ca aci ati III I st�� Pwith lUl1011ltllf U11J1JDD11111 rad he efl ' nt ualit . 4.2.4 Dis �1 FDEP requires High Level Disinfection for all public access wastewater facilities. The chlorine contact chamber provides a zone for the destruction of disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses and anaerobic cysts.The disinfection process is typically operated by contacting the clarified effluent with a chlorine solution for a designated period of time. The design of Chlorine Contact Chambers is based on FAC 62-600.440 (see below). Disinfection criteria are now based on concentration time (CT). The formula requires a detention time and a minimum level of chlorine concentration. It depends on the coliform levels in the effluent (prior to chlorination). Since there will be two tanks, it also meets the EPA Class I Reliability Criteria. From FAC 62-600.440, High-level disinfection: "1. For a reclaimed water or effluent containing 1,000 fecal coliforms, or less, per 100 mL before disinfection, the product of the total chlorine residual used for design City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-11 (expressed in mg/L) and the contact time at peak hourly flow(expressed in minutes) shall be at least 25." Class I Reliability Criteria:Disinfectant Contact Basins: There shall be a sufficient numberof units of a size, such that with the largest flow capacity unit out of service, the remaining units shall have a design flow capacity of at least 50 percent of the total design flow to that unit operation. The disinfection system will be designed in accordance with these recommendations. 4.2.5 Reclaimed Water Transfer Pump Station The reclaimed water transfer pump station transfers flow from the chlorine contact chamber to the ground storage tanks for distribution to the reclaimed water system and the percolation ponds. Class 1 Reliability Criteria:Pumps:A back-up pump shall be provided for each set of pumps which performs the same function. The capacity of the pumps shall be such that with any one pump 16 �� 1 ice,�` % /� f ing pu will " Yj CHI J l e the peak flow. It is permissi 1 for o p p to se as b ' kup t ore than on set of pumps. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDJJ111 � This pump ation Id e eq� len th llllollllwll�llllllllellllqualiza !I] pump station. 11111111111111111111111� % � �i �i,, III 4.2.6 Slu geolding, ickening and Dgestion 0/ We recommend that the system have two (2)sludge digestion/holding/thickening tanks.The tanks receive the waste activated sludge from the secondary clarifiers. The digester supernatant is returned back to the process return wet well,from there it is pumped back to the pretreatment facilities and mixed with incoming raw sewage. The digester system provides treatment, storage and thickening of the sludge prior to being dewatered and transported. Class I Reliability Criteria:A reliability criteria has not been developed for the treatment of residuals (sludge) nor the residuals handling facilities. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-12 I. FLOWS A. Design Average Daily Flow (ADF) 3.0 MGD B. Permit 3.0 MGD C. Design Peak Hour: 6.0 MGD Peak Hour with Surge tank operational 4.5 MGD D. Design average influent concentrations 1. BOD: 220 mg/I 2. Suspended Solids: 200 mg/I 11. PRETREATMENT A. Screening 1. Automatic Bar Screen One (1) B. Master Pum Station to pretreatment m (3 pumps) 11 ft ll /, (Il// C. IIIIIIIII II��� au ���� nk IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII App im `e Volu O 600,000 gallons D. Flow u low or xin �lllllllllllllllllllllllllf � 11111/I/ll�lltl�111 E. Flo qu Izatio um F 780 gpm (5 pumps) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(�I�i � � �� 111. AERATION (WWTP Number 1) A. Number of aeration basins Two (2) IV. CLARIFICATION A. Number of Units: Two (2) B. Dimensions: 1. Diameter 70 - 80 feet 2. Total surface area 3846- 5024 sf C. Overflow rate 1. @ ADF (1.2 MGD) 600 gpd/sf 2. @ MDF (1.5 MGD —max surge 900 gpd/sf pump rate) D. Weir loading rate 1. @ ADF (1.2 MGD) 7500 gpd/ft 2. @ MDF (1.5 MGD — max surge 11,250 gpd/ft pump rate) City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-13 V. DISINFECTION Public access chlorine contact tanks 1. Number of Units Two (2) 2. Dimensions (each) a. Width 12 feet b. Length 25 feet C. Average water depth 7 feet 3. Total volume (2 units) 4200 cf 4. Total volume (2 units) 31,416 gallons 5. Chlorine Residual for CT of 25 1.4 mg/I VI. FILTRATION (Disk) !llllllllllfffu A er1061 "� ksight (8) B. Area; F Total (//% 400 SF C. Load Rate .25 GPM per SF VII. SLUDGE G AN 'THICK1 G TANEC " l� A. Number of Units: Two (2) B. Solids residence (Design): 25 days C. Sludge Age: 55 days VIII STANDBY POWER SOURCE A. Number of Units: One (1) B. Type: diesel engine generator C. Continuous power capacity: 1200 kW IX. RECLAIMED WATER STORAGE - Covered A. Number of Units: Two (2) B. Volume each: 3,000,000 gal X. RECLAIMED WATER TRANSFER PS A. Number of Pumps 3 B. Flow 2083 gpm City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-14 4.3 Reclaimed Water 4.3.1 State Regulations There are a number of references pertaining to reclaimed water or reuse water in the Florida Administrative Code (FAC)and the Florida Statutes. Chapter 403.064 of the Florida Statutes states that a City's reuse program is considered when applying for a Consumptive Use Permit. Chapters 62-610, 62-503, and 62-330 of the FAC provides design and maintenance criteria for land application (i.e. spray irrigation) of reclaimed water. FDEP Storage Regulations The City of Winter Springs wastewater treatment system is covered under Part III of FDEP 62-610 (effective date 2-16-12).The following System Storage (aka Wet Weather Storage) design considerations are from FDEP 62-610.464 Storage Requirements: ii 1 0 J o ,oG/ (1) Sy � e �0 a req whe er reuse system or effl nt disp alstem i corp a into� 'e system des to ensure continuous face -y opera f n an th t f re 1s of C ; ter 62-600, F.A.C. If � �� l r SY'S `m stor e i of re �/p�,""red { of w equalizati I or storage should be e he eerfrthat reclaime water flows will match the demand pattern during a diurnal cycle. (2) Unless exempted by Rule 62-610.464(1), F.A.C., system storage ponds shall have capacities determined as follows: (a) Requirements for system storage pond capacity shall be as contained in Rule 62-610.414, F.A.C., for restricted access slow-rate land application systems. System storage or a limited wet weather discharge authorization shall be required for wet weather conditions. At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to three times that portion of the average daily flow of the total reuse capacity for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted." (3) In addition, a separate, off-line system for storage of reject water shall be provided, unless another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is capable of discharging the reject water in accordance with requirements of Chapter 62-600, F.A.C. Reject waterstorage shall have sufficient capacity to ensure the retention of reclaimed water of unacceptable quality. At a minimum, this capacity shall be the volume equal to one dayflowat the average dailydesign flowof the treatmentplant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less. Provisions for recirculating this reject water to other parts of the treatment plant for City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-15 further treatment shall be incorporated into the design. (4) Requirements for system storage and reject water holding ponds shall be as contained in Rule 62-610.414, F.A.C., except for the following: (a) System storage ponds do not have to be lined. (b) Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage. (c) Existing or proposed lakes or ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reclaimed water and stormwater management if all Department rules are met and the use of lakes or ponds for reclaimed water storage will not impair the ability of the lakes or ponds to function as a stormwater management system. Rule 62-610.830, F.A.C., contains permitting requirements for these types of storage lakes or ponds. Lakes or ponds (such as golf course ponds) used to store reclaimed water are not required to meet the storage pond design, construction, and operation requirements in subsections 62-610.414(7)and (8), F.A.C. (5) The permittee shall maintain an inventory of storage systems. The inventory shall be submitted to the Department at least 30 days before reclaimed water will be introduced into any new storage systems. The inventory shall be submitted an y �� � j the D t with t nnual, tU ° lllbysubsection 62- �" 1 ill, 'rll0 61 870 , .A. The ° nto ill incl��a the followi (a) me or n /� sto ge*i ste 11JJJ��llttttlll 01111111 (b) cation th s W I syst �1111 1� de ,ingi ude). (c) nctio f th stora�D/ Y m (sy ,orage or reje ;storage). (d) cilit ' cove � 7c, uncov stank, Tined po A�, unlined pond). (e) Indication of whether or not the storage facility is a water of the state or discharges to a water of the state. (f) Distances to the nearest public water supply wells and to the nearest potable water supply wells which are not public water supply wells. The following is from Rule 62-610.414, F.A.C: "62-610.414 Storage Requirements. (1) System storage ponds as described herein shall not be required where it is documented in the engineering report that an alternative system(e.g.,permitted surface water discharge, deep wells)is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 62-600, F.A.C. If system storage is not required, provision of flow equalization or storage shall be evaluated in the engineering report to ensure that reclaimed water flows will match the demand pattern during a diurnal cycle. (2) Unless exempted by subsection 62-610.414(1), F.A.C., system storage ponds shall have capacities determined as follows. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-16 (a) System storage ponds shall have sufficient storage capacity to assure the retention of the reclaimed water under adverse weather conditions, harvesting conditions, maintenance of irrigation equipment, or other conditions which preclude land application. (b) Storage capacity ora limited wet weather discharge system shall be provided for wet weather conditions which preclude land application and shall be described in the engineering report and subject to Department approval. The system storage period shall be established by determining the volume of storage that would be required for a ten-year recurrence interval, using weather data that is available from, or is representative of, the area involved. (c)At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to three times that portion of the average daily flow of the reuse capacity for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted. (d)Analytical means(waterbalance calculations or computer hydrological programs such as the Department's LANDAP program) of determining system storage requirements shall be used and shall account for all water inputs into the system.Analysis shall be based on site specific data. (e) The methods and assumptions used for determining the system storage requirements shall be described and justified in the engineering report. (f) A minimum of 20 years of climatic data shall be used in storage volume determinations. (g) effic Jrainfall ficienci 1ji��llllf�°��r 1" (ffiin storage volume determinat `Tl j s. 11111111«�1111111 111 /, 11��111�1011��I111���rr� (3) � stems fra po s and t 'a T 11 b esigned for tinuous flow-through or off-line prageth eclai er fro a eatment pla For continuous flow- through, th �� �i tan �3hall be�b fined su °�t reclaimed w�der can be retained for the required storage period. For off-line ponds or tanks, the reclaimed water transmission system shall be designed such that all produced reclaimed water can be diverted to the pond or tank and retained for the required storage period under conditions which preclude land application. (4) System storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage. The permeability, durability, strength, thickness, and integrity of the liner material shall be satisfactorily demonstrated for anticipated pressure gradient, climatic, installation and daily operation conditions. A quality assurance/quality control plan which substantiates the adequacy of the liner and its installation shall be incorporated into, or shall accompany the engineering report. Synthetic liners shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. Documentation of quality assurance and quality control activities on liner installation along with permeability or seepage test results shall be submitted with the notification that the facility will be placed in operation. (5) System storage ponds may be unlined if designed to provide both storage and percolation functions. When designed for percolation such ponds are subject to the provisions of Part IV of this rule. System storage ponds may be unlined if high-level disinfection is provided. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-17 (6)Provisions for monitoring ground waterquality adjacent to unlined system storage ponds shall be incorporated into the ground water monitoring plan. (7) System storage holding ponds shall provide a minimum three feet of freeboard. Holding ponds shall be provided with an emergency discharge or overflow device to prevent water levels from rising closer than one foot to the top of the embankment or berm. The overflow device shall have sufficient capacity to discharge excess flows. Disposition of the overflow discharge shall be identified in the engineering report. (8)Provisions for the control of algae shall be included in the design, operation, and maintenance and shall be described in the engineering report. Pond design shall also address the control of mosquito breeding habitat. Minimum pond depths (excluding freeboard but including the design operating range)of six feet, with inside bank side slopes steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical), but no steeper than 1:1, are required to discourage growth of rooted aquatic weeds. Maintenance of a minimum pond water depth of 18 inches is required. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of pond embankments and access areas are required. The use of other depth criteria for mosquito con trol shall be justified in the engineering report. all b JI r, void ar of un i holes,pockets of t"IIJJ i/ J rl i organic m r or o r' r u J table ,i s unl s are made f J heir correction. Ponds used to imf and reC rm dove t l gra a desi ; ed to prevent failure of J 11� � the emban ent du to tic for a 1 piping ' ind and wave action, Jr�ff�JJrJ� erosion, a other ticiJ ted 0, s. Re ��t�s J�m field and 1 oratory tests from an ° s'! n adequate ��%,r �'� �f to ;boring ��.1 soil sa ale (shall be the psis for computations pertaining to seepage and stability analyses. 4.3.2 Winter Springs System Storage (Public Access Reclaimed) - Reject Storage Please see Chapter 3 for the definition of Reject Storage.The West WRF has a reject pond with a volume of 1.3 MG and the East WRF has a combined reject/wet weather storage pond with a volume of 5.61 MG, of which,2.0 MG is reserved for reject storage.The system has a total of 3.3 MG of reject storage capability. The following is from FDEP 62-610.464(3): "(3) In addition, a separate, off-line system for storage of reject water shall be provided, unless another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is capable of discharging the reject water in accordance with requirements of Chapter 62-600, F.A.C. Reject water storage shall have sufficient capacity to ensure the retention of reclaimed water of unacceptable quality. At a minimum, this capacity shall be the volume equal to one day flow at the average daily design flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less. Provisions for recirculating this reject City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-18 water to other parts of the treatment plant for further treatment shall be incorporated into the design." For the projected future wastewater flow of 3.0 MGD, the reject storage required would be equal to 3.0 MG of storage. The existing system capacities exceed the minimum required. 4.3.3 Winter Springs System Storage (Public Access Reclaimed) - Diurnal Storage Diurnal storage is needed to effectively match the disposal of the reclaimed water (Public Access effluent)with the reclaimed water irrigation demands. Only the covered storage is considered as diurnal storage herein. Please see Chapter 3 for the definition of Diurnal Storage. For the Winter Springs WRF,we recommend an equivalent of two days equivalent storage at the wastewater system AADF. Please note that Diurnal storage and wet weather storage are linked in purpose for wet weather capacity. The system has an existing 0.25 million �gallon (M a ke J Aug �ai��� ,,, Aug /1� , tan e ation d ity, an ex is g .0 MG tank at the West WRF n exist i k at O For ,�rr ,'j,Wd nd an isting 3.0 MG tank at 0 111001�11!101I111111J the East F.Thi / a t �al of��°� M fo co �d orage to me ,he daily flow changes J11J����rrrrrffffff�((�� of reclaime wa er demand. For the projected flow of 3.0 MGD,the recommended diurnal storage would be equal to 6.0 MG of storage.The existing covered system capacities exceed the minimum recommended. The percolation ponds also provide the operational staff with an additional disposal site capacity that can be used, if needed, to lessen the amount of diurnal/wet-weather storage required. We have not used this capability in our analysis above. 4.3.4 Winter Springs System Storage (Public Access Reclaimed) -Wet Weather Storage The system has an existing 0.25 MG tank at the Lake Jesup Augmentation facility, an existing 2.0 MG tank at the West WRF, an existing 3.0 MG tank at the Oak site and an existing 3.0 MG tank at the East WRF.This is a total of 8.25 MG of covered storage to meet the daily flow changes as well as wet weather conditions. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-19 In addition to the covered storage, the system has a combined reject wet weather storage pond at the East WRF of 5.61 MG. we consider 2.0 MG (current permitted capacity) of the volume of this is for the reject requirements. This leaves 3.61 MG for wet weather storage. There is a 2.2 MG pond at the West WRF. The City still has the"rights"to store water in the golf course ponds on the abandoned Winter Springs Golf Club. These ponds provide 1.4 MG of storage. This yields a total of 7.21 MG of storage ponds. Combined with the covered storage, there is a capacity of 15.46 MG of wet weather storage. For the projected flow of 3.0 MGD, the minimum wet weather storage required is equal to three (3) days of equivalent flow capacity or 9.0 MG of storage. The existing system capacities (15.46 MG —5.15 days) exceed the minimum required without consideration of the percolation ponds, see below. Under the "'J' (6��( r er ", '' acity, " variou"l' " 'ti ' " n the system can help with I wets atl III stor sit/ ti�cap t Percolati ponds represent an alternate ans of po I du r the ���di wet weather nditions. Usually, the r S percolatior an t 'e wate - rdless A weather situ Lion. Based on FDEP regulations,the percolation ponds(1.75 MGD capacity)are an alternative form of disposal. Therefore, the percolation pond capacity can be deducted from the total plant flow for determining wet weather storage. Wet weather storage under the current permit can be based on a reclaimed water flow of approximately 1.405 MGD of reclaimed water disposal with the percolation ponds as an alternate means of disposal.With the consideration of the use of the percolation ponds, we would only need 4.21 MG (3.0 times 1.405 MGD) of wet weather storage. Having the percolation ponds in the total mix has a significant effect on wet weather storage capacity under the current regulations.The percolation ponds provide the system with a lot of flexibility to make sure all flows received can be properly disposed of. FDEP requires a water balance to determine the minimum number of days of wet weather storage that would be required for the facility. We used the FDEP program called LandAp2010 and determined that the facility needs to provide a minimum of three (3) days City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 4-20 storage. The LandAp2010 analysis is based on the full 3.0 MGD projected future flow and existing and future associated disposal sites.Although the LandAp2010 analysis indicates that the minimum wet weather storage is required, additional wet weather storage is always a good policy. J/%I, lllllllllllffffff Rf IIIIIIIIIIIIIII))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-1 CHAPTER 5 POPULATION, WASTEWATER FLOWS AND SERVICE AREA 5.1 Population and Future Land Use Historical population data and historical flow data was obtained from the City of Winter Springs. Projections were developed separately for the East and West WRFs.The projections are based on a combination of sources: 1) historical flow data based on Winter Springs FDEP filings; 2) a lot count based on GIS maps; 3) population data from the 2017 Water Supply Plan; 4) separation of sewered and septic tank areas; 5)Build-out projections from the City files; and, 6)2010 US census data. During the development of the Water Supply Plan 2017, we verified/compared the current Winter Springs population data with known historical information for the City of Winter Springs and the Planning Department records for "Build-out" of the City of Winter Springs within the existing corporate limits. T �� '� ure -� ' � inated -° the Cf' �� I I t IIr ��1Jtility Department and the Planning id Dev p nt De1ll, rtme t rriv t a result th was reasonable and � ������rr�1111«fJ1� � ll������rrrtffffffff(�IIIIIIII. . acceptable for the ng-ran pl nin eds ty the City. A uild-out Development Spreadsheet"was t, rlj# ; y t , Planni b),, artme�,o111, ur use during �a evaluation. The City of Winter Springs population projections herein are based on the specific local land use data for each parcel of land within the City Limits and the projected "build-out" based on the land use as described above. The 2010 Census Data revealed the following information about Winter Springs: 1)there are 2.63 persons per single family household;2)there are 1.5 persons per each multifamily unit; and, 3)the population was estimated to be 33,282 persons.This included all residents within the City and was not adjusted for sewered and non-sewered areas (septic tank service). The Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEER)at the University of Florida estimates the 2018 population of Winter Springs as 37,639. This represents a 13% increase from the 2010 Census. This number is slightly greater than the estimated number based on the data received. However, the BEBR number includes all persons and is not adjusted for septic tank areas. If the City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-2 BEBR number is adjusted for septic systems, the sewer population served (2018/2019) would be approximately 35,359 (there are approximately 2,014 residents on septic systems in Winter Springs). We have projected a population of 34,790 for 2020 in Table 5.1 "Existing Service Area Population Projections". In October 2017, a detailed lot count was performed in response to a SJRWMD request for future 2040 reclaimed water availability estimate. The following information is from the Memorandum issued to the City for reporting to the SJRWMD: We delineated the East and West wastewater service areas on the basis of lift station service basins. Each lot was counted using the City Wastewater GIS maps which are based on subdivision plats. Each subdivision within each lift station basin was calculated separately. General Information for the entire City: 1) Not all wa " '11 Il` ers(�` by t ' ity se"" ' jr � "eke are septic tank J 1 treatment E stems i o the E and a st s ice areas. 2) No sewer tem s , is xpa n in, � tic nk service ar 's was included in the e estimates. �' r, th ��lows f ese are be accom :dated by the existing infrastructure. 3) Future Development and the associated growth is estimated to be in the East service area and is approximately 2,290 persons. This number apparently does not include the development of the Greeneway Interchange District (GID). There is a potential capacity needed of 300,000 gallons per day for the GID. The City provided data that indicates a three-month AADF of 1.072 in 2015. The outstanding permitted development (partially connected to date) since 2015 totals a capacity of approximately 380,000. The permitted capacity generally is greater than the actual capacity received after occupation. Permitting is based on approximately 100 GPCD, whereas actual flow appears to be 60 to 65 GPCD. This provides a 35 percent difference. The current flow at the East WRF is approximately 1.04 MGD AADF. The total of all East wastewater flow, existing and future, is 1.72 MGD (1.04 MGD current plant AADF plus 0.3 MGD GID AADF plus 0.38 MGD outstanding City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-3 permits). This projected flow is less than the current permitted capacity of 2.012 MGD. A minimum 2.0 MGD treatment facility would be a correct choice for the East WRF site. 4) No sewer future growth was estimated for the West area at this time. Redevelopment of the Winter Springs Golf Course on SR 434 is a possible site of West future growth, but the growth and capacity was not included at this time. No project exists to date. Redevelopment of the Winter Springs Golf Course has the potential of generating a flow of approximately 125,000 gallons per day based on permitting values of 300 gallons per day per single family unit; 250 gallons per day per multifamily unit; and, 0.1 gallons per day per square foot of commercial space.When this projected flow is added to current flows for the West WRF,the total treatment capacity generated would be 1.225 MGD AADF, which is less than the current permitted capacity of 2.07 MGD.A minimum 2.0 MGD treatment facility would be a correct choice for the West WRF site. 5) The 2017 Water supply Plan anticipated a growth of 2,160 persons. The two growth estimates are very comparable as all new development will be required to be placed on public sew' 6) The AADF Dr each ' cifl h ittle rit'�ce fr ''lll,,,,llly((ff�lllllllllll to yea in the last five years. (��flll�lllJll�� Growth ha een m� ma I in th st fi j ith i each serviCE rea. III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID1111J)l ��/////j�,,, We determined the following for the East sewer service area: 1) The East service area has an existing estimated sewered population of approximately 17,342 persons. 2) The East septic service area has an existing population of approximately 636 persons.This population number is not included in the East wastewater service area population estimate above. However, the flows from these areas can be accommodated by the existing infrastructure. 3) The five-year average AADF of the East WRF was approximately 1.04 MGD (range 1.022 MGD to 1.081 MGD). Historical data is very consistent for the East WRF and the facility does not have a history of meter discrepancies. 4) Based on the above data, 1.04 MGD (AADF for the last five years) divided by the East estimated existing population (17,342 persons),the existing East per capita flow is 60 gpcd. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-4 5) Future Development is estimated, in the East service area,as approximately 2,290 persons. The 2040 East population is projected to be 19,632 persons (growth is based on available future development data. 6) The East WRF 2040 AADF is projected to be 1.18 MGD (60 gpcd times 19,632 persons). 7) An East WRF Design flow of 2.0 MGD is prudent and matches the existing permitted capacity. We determined the following for the West sewer service area: 1) The West service area has an existing estimated sewered population of approximately 17,448 persons. 2) The West septic service area has an existing population of approximately 1178 persons. This population number is not included in the West wastewater service area population estimate above. However,the flows from these areas can be accommodated by the existing infrastructure. 3) The five-YE N ("' e A F is t %//,'� GD (range 1.002 �j/ ff MGD to 1. MGD . a IIIIIIII e o stori nt,er d inconsisten s,we set the five-year IIIIIIIDJJ�1� average a .1 MG t Hi �oric a� flue tonot 11 tbe acc ate. However, staff is comfortabl �' r� cracy 011, �tifluent eta. The efflu, t data indicates that additional flow is generated after treatment (which is not possible). Therefore,we fixed the influent data and the individual metered disposal sites as "true". Then we calculated the Residential Reclaimed and Other Public Use by subtracting the metered disposal sites from the influent value. 4) Based on the above data, 1.10 MGD (AADF for the last five years) divided by the West estimated existing population (17,448 persons),the existing West per capita flow is 63 gpcd. 5) The West WRF 2040 AADF is projected to be 1.1 MGD. (No Growth/Re- development/system expansion is projected). 6) A West WRF Design flow of 2.0 MGD is prudent and matches the existing permitted capacity. Conclusions: City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-5 1) The 2040 East population is estimated to be 19,632 and the 2040 West population is estimated to be 17,448.The total Winter Springs 2040 Wastewater Service area population is estimated to be 37,080. Septic areas would be added to the above if they are served. 2) This sewer service area population of 37,080 is very comparable to the Water Supply Plan population for 2040 of 37,789. It is anticipated that future growth will be in the East service area in the vacant land areas north of SR 434 and the southeast corner of SR 434 and Tuscawilla Road. The total growth projected for the East service area is 2290 people for the 23-year period from 2017 through 2040. This growth is a function of the build-out planning data which is based on the zoning maps and each available parcel of land. This is a growth rate of approximately 6 percent for the 23-year planning period.Changes in growth projections would result if existing areas were to be re-zoned and re-developed. We are unaware of any such action at this time with exception of the GID and the Winter Springs Golf course in the West service area.There are no existing re-development plans for these properties at this time. /// i The projected o P tion d �'is owns% ,Tabl � �IIIII $stirServiceArea ulation Proections". p J p p j p J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO�(1�� j/i,,, O�, au a°c aw au a u'au East Area 17,342 18,487 19,632 West Area 17,448 17,448 17,448 =Total34,790 35,935 37,080 Source: City of Winter Springs Census data and property build-out calculations. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-6 5.2 Wastewater Flow The historical flow data (2012 through 2017)for the East and West Service areas is shown in Table 5-2, "Historical Wastewater Flows (AADF)". The data reveals very little change over time and reflects the minimal growth that has occurred during the timeframe. 2012 1.042 1.002 2.044 2013 1.081 1.067 2.148 2014 1.031 1.076 2.107 2015 1.022 1.071 2.093 2016 1.028 1.043 2.017 2017 1.032 1.090 2.122 Average U11�� dV � 2.098 JJlllJlllll0lll�f�l � �JJ�111111�1111lJ1J�D�Jlllll From review oft existi �+ p Vu�ai dat hi rica data p sented in Table 5-2, "Historical Waste (pf j s � F)",th v gage daif� o ,Hof approxima y 60 gallons per capita per day(GPCD)for the East service area and an average daily flow of 63 GPCD was calculated for the West service area. Based on the six (6) years of historical records, usage has been relatively flat. It should be noted that this wastewater flow rate is not just the quantity of wastewater that an average person uses daily, it includes all wastewater usage. The historical wastewater flows, AADF and MDF for the East WRF are shown in Table 5-3, "Historical Wastewater Ratios- East". The historical wastewater flows,AADF and MDF for the East WRF are shown in Table 5-4, "Historical Wastewater Ratios -West". These numbers are based on the monthly submitted FDEP Discharge Monitoring Report data. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-7 """ IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII""" """ IIIIIIIII mm Illllu Illllu u Illllu Illllu 2012 1.042 2.70—October 29 2.59 2013 1.081 2.152- November 29 1.99 2014 1.031 1.720- October 10 1.67 2015 1.022 2.901 — March 22 2.84 2016 D11JJ1 �dYy��� 1.935 III� I � IIIIII i 1.88 2017 03253— ptember 10 4.22 Average f 2.53 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(l '� �j/i,,, Oj;, Hurricane Matthew occurred in October 2016. Hurricane Matthew created the Maximum Daily Flows of 1.322 MGD for the East WRF (ratio to AADF is 1.29). The Maximum Daily Flow for the year, however, of 2016 at the East WRF occurred in June; 1.935 MGD. Hurricane Irma occurred in September 2017. Hurricane Irma created the Maximum Daily Flow of 4.353 MGD for the East WRF (ratio to AADF is 4.22). City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-8 mm Illllu Illllu u Illllu Illllu 2012 1.002 1.504—June 24 1.50 2013 1.067 1.786—June 6 1.67 2014 1.076 1.982—October 23 1.84 2015 1.071 1.834—August 30 1.71 2016 1.043 2.230—October 6 2.14 2017 1.090 2.012—September 11 1.85 Average 1.060 1.891 1.79 Hurricane Matthew occurred in October2016. Hurricane Matthew created the Maximum Daily Flows 1 llllffR of 2.23 MGD for t eJJs/l�� do U1D � 2.16, 1Jr 00 �, IIIIIIIIIIIl111�J���� //////lllllll�111111111�f IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hurricane Irma oc rred I `ep ber r 17. ,Grnca I rr created the . aximum Daily Flow of 2.012 MGD for the est RF (ratio to AA is 1.85). The Hurricane Irma event reaction at the East WRF should be considered an "anomaly/outlier"and should not be used as the sole parameter to calculate the Maximum Daily Flow to AADF ratio shown in Table 5-4, "Projected Wastewater Flows in MGD". For design purposes, we recommend the use of the average historical ratio. The projected average annual daily flow for the City of Winter Springs wastewater system through the year 2040 is provided in Table 5-4, "Projected Wastewater Flows in MGD". It can be seen from the table that average daily flow for the existing City of Winter Springs service area (East and West combined) will reach 2.24 million gallons per day (MGD) by the year 2040 based on 63 GPCD. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-9 I Average Daily From Historical EAST Flow Per Capita Records 60 GPCD 60 (last six years) Maximum Day From Historical 2.53 2.5 Factor Records Peak Hour Factor Operations Flow Surge Tank 3.0 Dail �� lllllllllJJJJI�� Hi ical 63 Urn ,'� �Ilj Pe �api� 16113111GIIIIPIC WEST (/st five a Re 11�Da !Historic Factor Records 1.79 1.8 Peak Hour Factor Operations Flow No surge tank. 3.0 Note: These values above include all uses within the City. The Existing East WRF has a surge tank to help control peak flow rates. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-10 I EAST Population 17,342 18,487 19,632 Average Annual Daily 1.04 1.109 1.180 Flow Max. Day 1.664 1.774 1.888 Peak Hour 1.716 1.830 1.947 WEST Population 17,448 17,448 17,448 Average Annual Daily 1.060 1.060 1.060 Flow IIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J11�� ��1��J��1'���//� 1/�,# Illllli'!!!!ft' t,' IIIIIU IIIIIIIIIIIIIII U'rrrrft'r r Pd 7 .749 CO INEDr P ulatio' A 34,79 lj 35,935 7,080 Average Annual Daily 2.100 2.169 2.240 Flow Max. Day 3.360 3.470 3.584 Peak Hour 3.465 3.579 3.696 The project scope identified the future capacity as 3.0 MGD AADF. Based on the data, this design flow would be adequate for many years and allow for other non-accounted flow. If the individual WRF option was initiated (two facilities), each plant should have a minimum capacity of 1.5 MGD AADF. The reserve capacity in 2040 would be 21% for the East and 29% for the West. If a combined treatment facility is initiated, the reserve capacity would be approximately 25%. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-11 5.3 Wastewater Reuse Program The City has implemented a wastewater reuse program which uses the effluent from the two Winter Springs Water Reclamation Facilities to irrigate the Tuscawilla Golf Course and over 1,720 residential sites. The reuse system reduces the per capita potable water demands through the use of reclaimed water for irrigation of residential areas, commercial and industrial uses and other sub- potable purposes. The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) is increasingly requiring public water suppliers to implement methods of wastewater reuse to reduce groundwater withdrawals from the aquifer. 5.4 Service Area Growth The City of Winter Springs is highly developed and is surrounded by other highly developed areas. To the West of U.S. 17-92 is the Longwood service area; to the South is the Casselberry and thwe �� the Oilat 14I &V �d to the North is Seminole County , �`// eas, - , Lake Jesup. The nter Sp g ity li �touc p sinshe CV limits ' the listed communities III � � IIIII�and there are limit F oppo iti for ice � � , h. atever gro that will occur, will be in-fill at higher dea sm r parc vacant �Ld will bed eloped. No sewerage service area growth is anticipated for the planning period. The City of Winter Springs has a Reclaimed Water Service Area Permit. The existing reclaimed water service area is defined as the City limits. No reclaimed water service area growth is anticipated. 5.5 Septic Service Area Every area of the City of Winter Springs is not served by the wastewater systems. The population for the septic tank service areas is not included in the wastewater service area populations. The East septic service area has an existing population of approximately 636 persons (242 lots)on septic system disposal. The subdivisions served by septic systems in the East Service are:Winter Springs Unit 2; Winter Springs Unit 3; Dunmar Estates; Tuscawilla Unit 5; Tuscawilla Trail City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 5-12 Subdivision; New Covenant Church and Tali's Crossing. The West septic service area has an existing population of approximately 1,178 persons (524 lots) on septic system disposal. The subdivisions served by septic systems in the West Service are: North Orlando Ranches Sections 1, 1-A, 1-B, 2, 2-A, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. There are two industrial areas that are currently served by septic wastewater self-disposal.We did not estimate a population equivalent for these two commercial areas. The first area, Entziminger Farms Addition No. 2, is along Old Sanford-Oviedo Road/Wade Road (19 lots remaining—the two City-owned lots,the Public Works Complex, are served by LS 22W;the School, Layer Elementary, is served by LS 19W; and, the Seminole County Bus Barn area is served by LS PC and LS PD). The second area, Winter Springs Industrial Park, is along the North side of SR 419 between Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road (11 lots).All of these lots can be connected to the West WRF via the 4-inch and 6-inch forcemains that run (from LS 19W and LS 22W to the West WRF) down Old Sanford-Oviedo R en I °! ' g Mos r oad tof1ai %"' ' fie West WRF. LOi 111�111J1111>tllrlll These septic was ater s -d yste an ���d flowf 177,918 gpd AADF (41,097 East and 111Y1(� 'est his floc can be modated by t existing infrastructure if the areas are converted to public sewer. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-1 CHAPTER 6 EVALUATION OF WASTEWATER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 6.1 General In this chapter,we evaluate six(6)alternatives for sewerage treatment.The evaluation is based on serving the current service area of the City of Winter Springs. The six (6) alternatives are: 1) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the West WRF site. 2) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the East WRF site. 3) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the Oak Forest site. 4) Transport all sewage flow (3.0 MGD)to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility via SSNOCWTA. 5) Maintain the existing separate facilities and reconstruct the East and West Water Recla coati 1, -1- s (all prftfoj�`ely 1.5 D to % 0lle'' , 11M 6) Lease a TP fo, n l terim a to Io j reh Iitation or re nstruction of existing facilities. ���� //j/l1011lllfU1111JDD11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(l '� �j/i,,, % Oj;, No land is available for purchase beyond the existing boundaries of the existing sites; East WRF; West WRF; or, the Oak Forest Spray Site. All future work will have to be contained within the existing property boundaries. Detailed Opinions of Probable Construction Cost are contained in Appendix D. Summaries are shown in this chapter and include: contingency; an Engineering design and Permitting allowance;a Construction Engineering Inspection allowance; a 2.5% (not all project costs are taxable) sales tax on the total project cost allowance; and, an administrative allowance. All estimates are based on using field erected wastewater treatment plants (FETPs). This was done so that the cost comparison is done on an equal basis. However, the new facilities use FETPS that have AWT capability (higher cost for the added treatment capability). We show one exception.This exception is new treatment construction using SBR AWT Technology at the East WRF (1.5 MGD) and the West WRF (1.5 MGD). City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-2 6.2 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the West WRF Site 6.2.1 General An evaluation of the consolidation of treatment processes was performed on the West WRF site. It has been determined that a 3.0 MGD facility at the West WRF could be provided by adding a flow equalization system that would allow the existing sized tanks the ability to provide 3.0 MGD of treatment capacity. A totally new treatment system (aeration and clarification) could not be constructed without additional land. A preliminary site plan layout, showing the addition of some new facilities, is provided as Figure 6-1, West Water Reclamation Facility — 3.0 MGD Option. This site plan shows a facility that could provide a 3.0 MGD capacity by adding a pretreatment system and a surge tank to reduce peak flows to the clarifiers. Clarifiers are designed on the basis of surface overflow rate and should not exceed 1000 gpd/SF based on the design flow. At 1000 gpd/SF, the existing 60 foot clarifiers can handle a flow rate of 2.826 MGD each (5.652 MGD total). This yields a peaking factor of 1.9 (ratio of maximum flow to the AADF).This reduced peaking factor 11111111111111111111UD�J�j 1 1111111111111111111111D1111�1�j�, %; 1 )1JJJJJJJll1111111111fff1111Dllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID�JJJJJJJ111111111f1f11� is attainable by a ng artank ulat he flow to th astewater treatment plants (clarifiers). ' ducing a �, also ha ' es ��diftoves t biological process. A steady consistent i w imp, 1, es a sta o l e org1s and stabilize a dissolved oxygen in the activated sludge. II surge tan can reduce the maximum daily flow ratio to approximately 1.5 and also reduce the peak hourly flows to the clarifier, thereby reducing the peak surface overflow rate within the clarifier. 6.2.2 Treatment Improvements and Upgrades An upgrade of the existing plants in conjunction with a surge tank would provide a flow rate of 3.0 MGD AADF. The following items would be required: 1) An elevated pre-treatment system consisting of a mechanical bar screen and grit removal. The pretreatment system will discharge by gravity into the surge tank. 2) A surge tank of approximately 38-foot radius and a 15-foot working water depth provides approximately 500,000 gallons or approximately 17 percent of 3.0 MGD. 3) A pumping system,with variable speed pumps, from the surge tank to the treatment plants based on an AADF of 3.0 MGD. This is accomplished by using two pumps with a flow range of 1500 to 3000 gpm at a head condition of 25 to 30 feet total dynamic head (TDH). City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-3 4) A detailed site plan showing the configuration of the pretreatment system, the surge tank and the reuse of existing facilities is Figure 6-2, Pretreatment West WRF. 5) Surge tank aeration system. If blowers are used, then either turbo blowers on variable frequency drives or positive displacement blowers are required to achieve air flowwhen the head conditions change.The positive displacement blowers will require sound enclosures. If mixers are used, variable speed capability is recommended in a sequenced capability for low tank and full tank volume to adjust oxygen input and to provide the necessary mixing to prevent solids settling. 6) Provide mixing in the surge tank to prevent solids settling. If blowers are used to provide aeration,then additional mixers are required in the surge tank to provide the mixing needed to prevent settling of biological solids and to prevent too much oxygen in the surge tank.As noted above, using only mixers can provide both functions. 7) A return activated sludge line into the surge tank to provide biological activation is recommended. re 8) Two (2) ne ' ctf 1 " e Trent PI ' F °' fl�rrexisting size and ��j0 ,i configuratic i. This i o ced" a wat ent s m. 9) Expansion f the fi ti sys � to recommend a replacement of the existing filt' tem ith disk . 10) Expansion of the chlorine contact chambers (CCC) by doubling the size of the existing system. We recommend a new tank parallel to the existing CCC. 11) Removal of the old sand drying beds. 12) Expansion of the reject storage to 3.0 MG. Table 6-1, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West WRF—3.0 MGD Capacity - Treatment, shows the estimated value of the treatment cost to expand the existing capabilities of the West WRF. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-4 III III IIII III III (IIII IIII .III . IIII III IIII III III. Pre-Treatment Facilities $5,635,000 New FETPs $9,198,735 Mobilization $644,945 Planning Contingency (20%); Engineering Design (7%); Construction Services (10%); $6,888,012 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $22,366,692 IIIIIII III lo®r 6.2.3 Transfer ol ows fr th %East ode t sic J % , The majority of th ide col ction an t nsmissio s tem of the EatI WRF culminates into two primary lift stations, LS 1 E and LS 5E. LS 1 E is located at the southern end of the East WRF site and collects flow from the Tuscawilla golf course area; the Oak Forest area (to the west of the golf course); and, the area south and north of Trotwood Park. LS 1 E also collects flow from LS 7E and 11 E, which are east of the East WRF. LS 1 E pumps directly to the flow equalization tank of WWTP #2. LS 5E is located just north of the East WRF site along Winter Springs Boulevard and predominantly collects flows to the north of Winter Springs Boulevard and east of Trotwood Park. The area within the northeast quadrant of SR 434 and SR417 also flows to LS 5E. LS 22E, LS 24E, LS 25 E and LS 26E pump, via connected forcemains, flow to the 10-inch force main in front of LS 5E. The combined flow is pumped directly to the flow equalization tank of WWTP #2 of the East WRF. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-5 Under the transfer scenario, the 10-inch forcemain from LS 5E located on Winter Springs Boulevard would be extended to LS 1 E (past the existing WWTP#2). A new lift station would be located at the existing East WRF site to replace LS 1 E. Anew 18-inch forcemain would be constructed from LS 1 E to connection with the 20-inch force main at the LS 7W site. The East Service Area has an existing AADF of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF (4.5 MGD peak— 3,125 gpm). The new LS 1 E triplex pump station would consist of three (3)— 1,560 gpm pumps on variable frequency drives and would utilize two (2) pumps for flow conditions and the third pump as a back-up. The remaining east system lift stations within the east service would remain as they currently exist and operate in their current status and configuration. LS 1W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W pump flow directly to the West WRF. LS 1W, LS 2W and LS 20W um ��" t" � 0-into Jl� in at ! 34 ar���(Y�� s{f��� Ilr�fance. According to the model result forthis w � ;I Ista n S, 1 � and L >> OW do not need to be II�(IIIIIIIIl11����f�" �j � Il�lllll�fll re-sized with high head m to �� p t t WRF due to t extra flow and head conditions created ��� ast s ice ar 1 E)co a on to the exis h g 20-inch force main. LS 6W and LS 3W pump directly to the West WRF and do not require an upgrade to pump under the changed head conditions. LS 7W would require an upgrade to allow pumping with the additional flow from LS 1 E in the 20-inch forcemain. The remaining west system lift stations within the west service would remain as they currently exist and operate in their current status and configuration. The preliminary alignment of the forcemain from the East WRF site to the West WRF site is shown in Figure 6-3, Transfer of Flow from East Water Reclamation Facility to the West Water Reclamation Facility. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-6 Table 6-2, Summary— Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost —West WRF—3.0 MGD Project, shows the estimated cost to construct the West 3.0 MGD WRF Project. �� ������ IIII� ����� ����� . III� IIIIII IIII,,,III III III IIII Iliill IIII IIIIIIIIIII,I I � �����Hil III IIIIIIIII III IIII� III IIII,I III Treatment Facilities $22,366,692 Collection Transmission Facilities — East to $14,478,900 West Transfer Total Estimated Project Cost $36,845,592 : J rnF'•" >'l 1 f / 1.�/l� 0 u�r",' Ir ,, r/.!%o r � a� �� ;� M1 �i/ /llwJ:.. /i,� jfr. r,�11,�r �i e ih� ,%✓'�r� ���//�� � � ,,;, ,, ( � ,, ,,,,, � ✓i //i,,, � ,<;, a 'C /,�, !ri /i ,i/ .,;,,, /;��'//fir✓/,! ry�mr,r, l�� �t, % d///- ai/� �r ,i// //,✓o � ✓ W ,,. / .;,r�,� .�i,r /�i /�„� lr � ,/�,/ ; u , ,:, Ir. l/i✓l ,.�/ r/,.,,%/i�/,r/Vr. /���.////Q//�� ,r....; � o� .�, ,dir r rV rl/r�i<.. :�,"s. ,/ ,� � �ti;, l/�i ,� /1/// r�/,r�r�/�j��� 1✓�///r���%�/�, / J r Y�l �,?wil/ � //„ I r� �/� �;-�,/��/�/l/��/,,;r /ll,,/�li/�i r%�r %��,����/F�,✓.�,r I .,ri��,, fiu! 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'`r: i z ,;i1 h.. r„y I ,, 1 '�,n,F'1 r�'.`rruV d,'',�°w��✓;,.n+w i �� r �u�i';,:�," �` i �,,� ✓ryr m�4,'vy',.., i� "'w'% n ,'r;� v Y,c,-,�m,r s"�� ¢ FOd I �,;'r1Y,y✓4ti re S��" I ��;-,?�f tit�, r, Y, .� �w� a q Vy �,"� : p � co /F""/ ry I' / •f t dy ;V r w F ,i " 1," rG°.r N ✓rr P' ,. m h P Y. ✓ ,eu r� J� .,r��� O m ...��✓.;.rY � mm!,w a a m r yr,,sl � rir� In�,,,,.cmue.,�m O , i ,., LLz , ��,.;:. ✓�*�kl'X,:�, r r�u ��, �,� f U �f( i ,.f nr. r„4 r„-7y O yI�^7r afiu u m ✓rc l N "gyp ,b rein $�l ��� ! 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", � r,��*r�' �,��,� ��V,� n�m rre ,r N6 ' „ w.,; ,�`,✓' r ro;;9h''. ^'i' f�!�+w,�r;r '✓'''r'PE�° w_ C9 IL �"� W '✓1/,,✓ r w '",�Ikr( f1:�r bk`!Pc�'�" V P r ,a n �l ,/,,, 'w rva u j w r r�!;", 4f„µ+ r yv� s rf�� � 0-W 0 9 � r PY,la�`� ���k �� � ,, r^,,: �/a��'�I ,�:,,� ✓ '�� re�9 r'✓drrm,a�' I,,�_�` �°ra�� ��'�`l�i�r'"�,' re � W 0-� -� § r ; �re k✓ w r is re' mr r ;' I ( °o, µ f a re, ry ✓.,�. N,,�ri ri'�'' q"��"'.,, 4a✓ aw I 'e Y i l ' '''+�l ,',�,y�: r ,re. %a'r'r" n F f' b. m w. U 0-'�i mo%'„ rare' ✓,,Ur ?" rYf, �„, res ?�°V. ,"'",. Y s msrt✓P�,�' '. '��. `j,,, 'y"r�al��y F ✓r.✓w+r r,^'y ::;9, w H F �f, ,.;i,�y��i,,✓°..: �Y". , �/ �i % m ;; a :' *�p�� P. bl I�aulr j z u) ,,„i'al r 3'n ;f >✓i o f v a„'i'u !I' uY re!re, W ¢ W LL �w, w (Di O W F p y i r rre ✓I q,I�a re 7r �yyres are w � y , p ivy r� Vim,'` LL U Q r�r✓ u+ n r r'w yd I /�W41a ka �r.re ✓ MI re ? i r ✓" ;//i ;p � F✓ ial r i4b� ✓drip s; ';k' ,IPi i urcY H:', vY y v 6�� � r " �' r,.,r �'iv'! °V�. 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Tr ✓.. /r ": a /«¢ i i �v a' n l� �� ��Y� W �—may ` � ✓ n r �" a W m��Ida+ r /r � � ° mr 4ua/"�� ^� � ���/ �i� % � r��r q r C1 � `m � I + ,/ �ahr'���b"yr ��� wa�� �,6't y'�4 ;�Y ✓!!Y�f�"r� I��r� ;; ,t' ��ii��%o;r w, � L �w�s u k� ✓ s i a'<,+ f�f iif✓ er/r�rlre'ls E a`m y ✓ru re4J rrr re )i w r ti l lri � k� I, atl m r o`a r 1I 111 w` ✓y�ic Mm� , „;yi n ✓��" 'Jiro rrn a*�s r 1 R�' �'�° � ry�r l re �'; ,+�µ f'f 11/11) npl�I // r�, ¢ � dl l k yyr�Y�✓4V Pik rr✓dldr J%InW M mu,, f(riV yp I r ➢�q✓//4 ' P u 4 ��(�!✓,,fm9'�' ��f / ,"'If " � w a_ ytlX ird"Y'"�,r✓ rh( re✓f »< f � 'w r,✓ye. f i � � w s w.� re � ' h'�i a'������ ✓ !�m���✓� 3���r ", a", trrvarw✓� '�rw �,a;i/;rr,'t� tm� ,w r ' �v.. �b sir �" ✓2�� �� I I v� ,��rt t � �! '' �umal��;1C�" r y � , ,/�y, � �+ n w ✓ a :C � e� ✓b u lir �n7y✓r Ga� y) � ��.: ta�re,t`� � � � O � r� f ��l/i r w j-w'r�f ' �y a� ,�rYdM i6s� ") i ane � 4r ra�,� � r � Y✓ Y!m✓ /'k 'f l�>i� ;vm'` aW� ✓ i�7rwMd 1' '' d ./ a, � a TI R f"* i '�, a r r f j. V re' '` ✓ � `,,,re�" "�� ,�a` � ��,"�� III �I�rr� �" ��,."df a� �; �h�lir', �;�y ,V � 4 "�W r� ,. re;r '�✓ ���,`�,�r Y ��� a n; �;: k %'re{ r � #k s �b .�ti� re�**P"�y..,� i+7 � .+"�(ti� �w''7�,� � ✓; �W` �� /�� re;r fi'y 4 �' re I 6r� a$rt upilr'r� v arf rer", aX i�� ,re f �,fV qqr r f � m§-r w dr �um rre 'I� � � f f��,r z r W aw 7✓',�i f re� J�' ` "ire; � � r�mr� ��j �` e ' � �r � �' i ��re�Yy+ a fur � �mn W f ri z y '�fy q✓ 4 mt iH ,°'f a �' Q 4 ✓r P v w � ,n n s O N i 0 co F /' � t f u f�'' 4 r'i✓ ,;w;m, I¢] f �I k, f i y Z .. U �;� 'a /� �' r ��4�i h- a��� �qa' f ,� gym. '� ; ,'� i„ar'3 q� �m,✓ � Q �, � is w f �/ r{. l✓,'' a Y" r m Y p N �'' ^� r m i hum �� ,ry 9 r /✓, ,/ "`�r � �;.a;)" t .y. h �� 1 Ir�"r ",r r � 'qa a �NY m`%� � `// //�^js.' , �a� �^ i a �x �.,a r'•r � .rf t,. - ii �/, ✓ i' /%�� artv�>,aaa sr4 +;dl I �✓w��)�n��U rc f ,,{I��� f M � h u r i N 0 N N (n „;.., Ol/ %/ Im ✓Ir� Nr �r Igor l� nz F F- F- z r a re rM t rere - F F F z re ' r ;rlaa;,r �✓ I`� a yre�,r���� i ���/�� d% ✓J"c �r r',k rest m fy'�W, r �'' � kr''�`# �u 1 JiWH � x„ f/�/i%�� ,. � / �.7 vvn��w �,. ib : �'r �,,,," Y� ����'�w"� oY` � u r+ '"r✓, �`, � ";,f � � ���arr a d"; � �/ r "�' " r re 5��t, ° " ➢e 6a� �a+r�r" 1�.. rri:; w+�°r,� a � ,� r r � � � p f ,rr '� y"® I✓a� hi�r4p wG .ov , ,✓,re rr& r ✓ �.". .. m , � w' v � 1 arel re ✓%f r st a '✓tm r ` J it'> °an Iwre4aJ m' ✓ h � � � > S a r��"b;"µ'as ✓ M"r�a 1 ✓ �Vldi ; � Y �' ,'�'"ref 4`r hi l I �rj, dr a, o ui y t�� ✓ fl � ya t�l yn� % a/wY�yirf " r m ar n r Frt� � "°rf u � m � ���a x�"Ni'2w„�� a (a � ri m, m✓� � r��Do � o o C) a in City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-10 6.3 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the East WRF Site 6.3.1 General An evaluation of the consolidation of treatment processes was performed on the East WRF site.A preliminary site plan layout showing the new configuration of treatment processes is provided as Figure 6-4, East Water Reclamation Facility — 3.0 MGD Option. 6.3.2 Treatment Improvements and Upgrades For the East WRF —3.0 MGD alternative, we recommend the installation of two new plants. Plant number one is of inadequate size to be considered for reconstruction and we believe that it requires a complete replacement. The new facility under this scenario would be a 3.0 MGD biological nutrient removal (BNR)facility meeting advanced wastewater treatment(AWT).This is an important upgrade. If the East WRF — 3.0 MGD alternative is chosen, it is recommended to proceed with a BNR facility, since the biological and clarification systems will be completely new. The following items would be required: pu 1�, i, tem . ���y������1111111111«<lllll»lllll iii giiiu�����111111111r1fffff 1) A new ele ted re ent s� sting a mechani bar screen and grit removal. T p pretre �� �� will ch e b I1001 into th surge tank. ; lllllllllllllfff1111111111 , � 2) A surge to i of 387 of us a�a -foot v , ;ki h water depth �ovides approximately 1»JJJ1�1111111111!l11 r f 500,000 ga ons or approximately 1 percent of .0 GD. 3) A pumping system with variable speed pumps from the surge tank to the treatment plants, based on an AADF of 3.0 MGD. Use two (2) with a flow range of 1500 to 3000 gpm at a head condition of 25 to 30 feet TDH would be used to meet flow conditions. 4) Surge tank aeration system. If blowers are used, then turbo blowers on variable frequency drives or positive displacement blowers are required to achieve flow and head conditions change. The positive displacement blowers will require sound enclosures. If mixers are used,variable speed capability is recommended in a sequenced capability for low tank and full tank volume to adjust oxygen input and provide the necessary mixing to prevent solids settling. 5) Provide mixing in the surge tank to prevent solids settling. If blowers are used to provide aeration,then additional mixers are required in the surge tank to provide the mixing needed to prevent settling of biological solids and to prevent too much oxygen in the surge tank.As noted above, using only mixers can provide both functions. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-11 6) A return activated sludge line into the surge tank to provide biological activation is recommended. 7) Construction of completely new BNR AWT treatment units and clarifiers. 8) New disk filtration system of 3.0 MGD. 9) Expansion of the chlorine contact chambers by doubling the existing system. We recommend a new tank parallel to the existing CCC. 10) New transfer pumps in the existing effluent wet well. Table 6-3, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — East WRF — 3.0 MGD Capacity, shows the estimated cost to construct the treatment facilities at the East WRF. I IIII III III IIII I III IIII III ,III, � III IIIIII III(IIII Pre-Treatment Fai itiesl j $5,63 00 Two BNR AWT FE Ps / // $18,9 1595 Mobilization Offf, $1,06 1765 Planning Contingency (20%); Engineering Design (7%); Construction Services (10%); $11,393,050 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $36,995,410 6.3.3 Transfer of flows from the West side to the East The East collection and transmission system would remain and be unchanged to pump to the new pretreatment system at the East WRF. LS 1 E would be replaced because it is a "can" station and should be replaced with a submersible pump system due to accessibility issues. LS 1W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W pump flow directly to the West WRF. LS 1W, LS 2W and LS 20W pump into the 20-inch forcemain at SR 434 and the West WRF entrance. LS 6W and City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-12 LS 3W pump directly to the West WRF. These lift stations (LS 1 W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W)would be re-directed to LS 7W via the 24-inch and 20-inch forcemain going to the West WRF. Therefore,we recommend that these stations remain unchanged.All other lift stations in the West system pump to or flow by gravity to LS 7W. LS 7W would be re-constructed to accommodate all the West system flows to the East WRF. LS 7W would become the master pump station for all West system flows and pump stations. The West Service Area has an existing AADF of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF. Pumping capacity would be approximately 1.5 MGD with a peaking factor of 3.0 (4.5 MGD—3,125 gpm).The triplex pump station would consist of three (3)— 1,560 gpm pumps on variable frequency drives and would utilize two (2) pumps for pumping the flow conditions and the third pump would serve as a back-up pump. A forcemain of 18-inch diameter would be required to carry the flow across Winter Springs to the East WRF. The preliminary alignment is shown in Figure 6-5, Transfer of Flow from West Water Reclamation Facility to the East Water Reclamation Facility. llllllNIIIIIIIIIII Table 6-4, Summa — Preli n �� � Of P Cor Illl�yppgn Cost East WRF—3.0 MGD Project, shows thE stimat , 'co I to c°r truc % �� 3.Q1 GD WRF P, ect. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO�(l � � �j%i,,. IIIIIIII . e III III III ��� III IIII IIII III (IIIIIIII IIIIIIII III IIII (IIIIIIII IIII Treatment Facilities $36,995,410 Collection Transmission Facilities -West to $14,176,804 East Transfer Total Estimated Project Cost $51,172,214 // � r ( ��i r'%' � yiUf/'� 1 u r ✓l/Errn� �y ✓i r� '� .r n„�. al ly I l�- ,d,";'JYlutt ialr np � r // ✓ // // � rr+wQ�!,= , �;� r � muf"E Xr r/��r r rIM I rlJrr r✓���/i�/n� / / // r/ / , I�, /�� I�ry i✓/r a� � l� E"nr,�r r �Iy,� w � � nflr � r Q r U r / Q J M J W � I h c <O W < o W ¢✓7/rr,w J� Z CO rJ" / n Eks r w o y i 0 0 Q CD w w D > � F en r f o � o �wI o° it � as IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OQ W �p,Iluuuumuuuuuu uuW ilu iiiiiiiuu um uuuu u r a ,� r r �°rV' %� r���"�" `/✓r/,r,Y//// rl' z m � r;n' /. . !��rr�r�sn"✓ � , Yi w �r a *✓✓ /pia%r � � � v. /, � G r r r ,fra�r� Y '!b) "° '%�� i �E�i��Ear �x ✓ °° o ' i r H"'y YMV' ru"mw rll:w ii IL z raa _— ui — ✓ r I i✓/PI I� O r J`'r� r i '-,� �� `w c o x .•.m. Vu ryd aw / - �r %� y r 5 E Q� r /l ✓r 4 r nun: r r r /iiiiiiii%%%%r// �, / � — r r r y Er ` ,.�,�'� ✓r ry i r u�y%IlI /� � (D d r an ��r yeti ,I r r �'iv✓3n ' ,� (7 r VVUV I 4E i Sri r d �9eu,r IE� }fr, �i� ?� � � n a I✓(old/Uy r r /,,, 0 n VJ 'r et�i �"✓ rrr � I r r"7t'Ir� � ��/% V U° iu ➢air r A 0 0 rrr w (7 g(7 Y rol imnl r / r O O /r✓� �m i r ���, r� m ¢� ¢� +rwE r"nr a � � � r /yl } f�f� V n m w rn� �w�� y "' ,� �U ✓b� rye V' / r �� r y ! /� . � i �J/✓Y �aEE 0� ' �a Ercl r ��n a�a r {'Nlar-,""E^ o � r ✓ /i r 4 W� � wU"" ,�1 3 r,,i9ori r^nl rr/a r / r l�yr E w r yjaa m / rir/ , m I nr u ro � o C9 ry 6 ZQ N � N N f/ c 1 fPFf i �1/ br /l / yv �/ %� y Oyu JI rifr o o v a in yy, ��%i ,% m^ � �l� �� / ryl, y,: r i,,� 4y✓,,, ry,, '%y; rz. hr�,,, vat �a„) ,� �pn,lr , d., v^ Y;:^✓r �;," 1„ fir fir,„, it-i a ? re r r , W",n.b J,G, �✓ 1, Y. � N Y�fl p // /l^ (6 — r i"'wr l"rl d r 1! r� I„ ,r' rn C',i�` °!1 %�"7�i'� ✓��l'y w G i :. b 1:6a�'�i��"' `Y�"'r r„ r' /ulr�'� r`� "� ;� P b " �j+IWN( 'Y {✓ �fr w/�y w, q �r r € m 1 Q "(,/ir �,rt r.a-.,flr'S' 7" f I, 1,,�.. � u �,�, u,: '✓,t-� ��1, i .,rr�," � / rr�.... ,�, 1Y i,:.ir:d�r,✓�r 1, �, q,. JN:"d:H .,r+ �„iw i ,� )..,. U f�,'�"i 1.,,,r >F rr/l?.Y',�7:I ,r�,� ;:,<(r✓ ,' <,„ �:r" w,,,,� J, r a„� r,.; f a i o Irr r 'A'!F.,.r � , -uwrm r.rtiw. � l I ,y✓.*k r ,4.,r,, f f ri (�( ��/d,'�"d���r'",' �I�;,. �:�. l� ':rvC�1 P�`g, �4� ,• i., Sri, �""°y/ ,rrr �/!'i, O ' rl 'y, ,r.^�� 'V I ''r�, M fb /!sir ';�ws:✓ r �,wy "�"rr^�I CN r^`..a�,I war"4s':k W�"'T1'i;iib, nh' 's <Q d'P';d^i'Pr ' 4 -f�(����t "J I < 1 /"'`":✓..li, i ° Ar!,"�.:a ,�„ ryy d w;1 NrP,diri,. i ,h u J'wP% Q LL Z 'ar"'ht�� tih r ".k hi 1 �,� �' d ,�i,�rr!✓,�,+, ,� W i,,,ui�,� ir +� w„b, 4, "im ,, ""'"'p,; U Z (>)Q P ' w. 0 (7 s d�s',, NY;h�,r i ✓h �,r.0 r,1 P �r ur�' d,j,n r �w ,y� d,aY. r ro,jpl` v� 'w r;r ,,. E — IL W /i r w n1+ u(r f;ire vNi bY; Ursa �l� . QLLI k, ��� c' t f,� o ! /P,la� '.,%,/,x< r ^„ rr "rnrr + r h r y $ ` i:r" r PY' k 1 W rcw rl� ���,"✓,'� r „' rr" �'+aMrrv''r�ry fl� ° Mf Y9�/rd�""dn r"✓�rn I I ow ' INF �✓ §Mr���' /, ��qpw`��.w r 1 ,c Y is „' �. '�� "��''�'��I y�,d'�'^,', ,p I J`, °u, µ I°+i '�. "'� �x ",'"°`"� rv,e'n' Q J 0' T M �r/^�i' .,, ^,ryr r I yPP;, lr 1 l 11�4i?r�s ra ,x1 Y. F'w fi r+, w,,�Y,'wY, U �i ^, l� r • r" 1 ;>��ru ar^o �� ��� r r w w w ey.^�.,� yrPP bl Ir`d�41� 1 Z U)U W LL O W "r Q� y i r d r ri Yal NWi u }F— � F Q r �" ///i ;p J'w F✓ i�'I 1,d'4'r� r i"I ,n,k/ pi ulcd H:' aJk ,;; fi 'tA ✓ r« °d" m ( Q O 0 W � ruP1rl i/oi l;✓, ri �y7 d aJ,Jh �i 1' ryk,"'ryF alit if .r li kl�rt11,9 �I^ y'.Iy�;g, �,' r ":V"y I" ,, �'�, � �r r r�! ,,r�' yr: J W 7�mww�u!�`Y �`'� �, � �,�i ��'"+ .Ir ar 11J r Ir r l/� eV ✓w4:!' ;w 1, F� v',Yi�YX'ah I ," '�1 '°'^v' LL F r ,, �d � , r d pis aJ :i yidur rtr q LL 00 K F— LU ,!� /V p Y7 IJ .k�l N�/rrr%��jPi"(•fr(6 fd�°y�lY r ✓rrv.�r l� 'N',rP " �/'.r /�J� ,f�iY/ r �" ruu�Yr;, .�/. LL U) ry v�f��,i� ,1 �rea�'+n±� �F''��r" � «+r���dr„r p�u%�„,.�I�, ,r✓w�� o- ;� �` i� �.�Ir I� r �Nr d 'i� 6�`; F wrw/ rki�t J d �r�P a✓4lu P l Nv� ,,;;�? I y fir" '`'�, At i, ,a,,, P.h rtluv r, ro�.Y V r„'r',� ��r,„'d�� ,rdl����d��� ( �,� ,: a N � � l v�"r W iP r.�,'� ,;.:' ,•,lr „d`iq, r �Y Y r°,. �� "��,d � r, 3w,n,.°M�N d, m �"' �e� Oi ✓P W; r �'DYn�r P ,� y 1v�P�N�d h�� � ri^ ou I� �, y Pkr Y�� o � ys � �� � ✓��% �f r r 6.r`f�� �I 46 aPJr �P;'�drT'i{il'R�' � W y�� p f, !. w d �f^ ti * ��.;^� '�r�J�xY � ,i ! ^: ����z°z3� v 2 0 0��z a`a�'' ��� ✓ � M i� u�a ��r^`w l�J,Nvrr u � � �� y, �� a� rm� u P/�l di a �� t'' a%�'F��;" �� M1° a ih tray INiy "k 'G0 'u t � Vvid' axtbwd^1i✓� f � � �w � d ��„� �t r r r r•i; Im i� �o-r/" NINON� %�r l 3 v i�N '! 4 N >F 9 dry �e �� �. r °�;���m r�?4�, r��4 I� ,� P I n ;� �^4 q�'1 dw 4 i �j"��II1ri , Yrf(DI/// ar✓ � ' �Y�y M�'� rfwh �, k "i ;,rp�✓r a kl� d�� u� �lJ 11 1 i a i �/r ��qr/ ���+i ;,�'�NK�uI. R u u LL a U 1 / ,� ° r � �� P�J r ✓� hold r a iN �y'rIJ �N r, � / O . . y" fi ✓ ,tir 1/ a �+ w z N ri '✓ 1 ra t � �d r1 1 r r it r 'd'� �N�;r„ ru i'a "':- 'IN,� � lyi J d n,�",�N'r,�l°7J r �� ✓�w"Nr"rr,,�uv�'Pr li;. �'; ° �P� � d P I / � GI � ��Iry � � P J �I i���rlr�"� p6J +rw�;; �%I �, d1� m'�u� 1,. � "' ✓// � �/ii �// ,t Ni .� _^� � r ,P1 ahR��''�N 'nyd ��,. i�/,6u e r1 ��e { tG4'tih � ���� re � 9Y l/%P/�i %oit/i / i ed/1;"✓'!�.. i � .. a� i� r r � 4!a✓ i r r f�Wl,4 d � ru r w r Y � d n /� � IIII�IIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII r ✓��r� I xrr Y � w i o r /✓ rt rN 4VNpii�P Ir✓Nidr JNP�INW M '�Nu �r �i :�O¢ / lr s u �-��1�'+��N�,;'"�` �f / °,� " � w`a_ C I /7 aV ✓w�"�r! h�'" .� a I�I VH^w r�w r P�, � rI�i4F41�4rj✓�° � �ii i n / IiJ,� ���, � W' �� //A� „i 4{ � :J "i > i� �I}�V P�a��@ Yr 4bY$!�r''w, 'W�.9✓//frf �.,� d�`^ � r A,tN� �P, 'v,e,'` ✓/�,���S z /��,� ,qr, a y u wul ,,,�;k✓r �"aNl fit ,' <��... ta'�rt""b� iC„ aw N� O r ¢ > ! �' II II� r N"w rIN u , ,� Ir 4r� P ^ "' r ' • r u o r, r I,,. �I�� ;;.rn �Nfirt �„� Pi �� �,.✓. zJp� + i��' pk'ri / �, r,,,r P� u'M1� ry dr '�Nu"; 1,� �"ym, 3 � J''4 / / rl, �4 I hu < I �✓I�rs,O„rr' N N p""�r,� ,� k %9f;3. 7�! �,h � �-' a? Z is w�� f!+r// /�. d / ���r. �r Y✓�r h� r�� d/�'���r��N � ', i,w � � '� 1 iN,z � ,,='�; N m o ar N�r✓�e'�����. 9 � % ��Y, ./ ��r �. �" � r r,)" ! ,' h '� � a ,v aw l�' a�r3 g7 � / //?, /ii i r e �d 1 a'a k � ✓.�" r 'P r N N N o (n F-- z flwl k Y✓ i G t( a ° tP k J au,�' °a Iror' l) � ✓ h � Q � ar � Y , q dd! w � rr&�"� �Ns ✓ �'da f � �Vd!i/r 'd' Y � �� B`� �hr 1 I ,� dk ar Y � m r N�i / fl �w yea trYl rr� % a/wY�yirf " r o o a n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-15 6.4 Construct New 3.0 MGD Facility at the Oak Forest Spray Irrigation Site 6.4.1 General An evaluation of the consolidation of treatment processes was performed on the Oak Forest Spray site.A portion of the existing sprayfield (currently used as regular disposal site and can be used as an alternate site disposal site during extreme rain events)would have to be removed to make room for a new wastewater treatment facility at this location.A preliminary site plan layout is provided as Figure 6-6, Oak Forest Water Reclamation Facility — 3.0 MGD Option. 6.4.2 Treatment Improvements and Upgrades The Oak Forest WRF site involves the installation of two new plants and associated treatment facilities. The following items would be required: 1) A new elevated pre-treatment system consisting of a mechanical bar screen and grit removal. The pretreatment system will discharge by gravity into the surge tank. 2) A surge to foot r "'��ygq@pp,$a 15-fo kin , es approximately r�llf ll��� � r �((( �� I'rr� I�rIV'E 500,000 g ns or or imately per f 3. GD. 3) A pumping . stem, peed � �ro Page tan the treatment plants, based on of 3. !MGD. e o (2) � low range of 00 to 3000 gpm at a o(((( ( �i �t. head condition of 25 to 30 feet TDH. 4) Surge tank aeration system. If blowers are used, then positive displacement blowers are required and will need a sound enclosure. If mixers are used, variable speed capability is recommended in a sequenced capability for low tank and full tank volume to adjust oxygen input and provide the necessary mixing to prevent solids settling. 5) Provide mixing in the surge tank to prevent solids settling. If blowers are used to provide aeration,then additional mixers are required in the surge tank to provide the mixing needed to prevent settling of biological solids and to prevent too much oxygen in the surge tank.As noted above, using only mixers can provide both functions. 6) A return activated sludge line into the surge tank to provide biological activation as needed. 7) Construction of new BNR AWT treatment units and clarifiers. 8) New disk filtration system of 3.0 MGD. 9) New chlorine contact chambers of 3.0 MGD AADF. 10) New transfer pump station. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-16 11) New 40 foot by 60 foot operations building. 12) New electrical systems. 13) New SCADA and instrumentation systems. 14) New 3.0 MG reject storage pond. 15) Re-use of the 3.0 Million Gallon reclaimed water ground storage tank. 16) Re-use of the reclaimed water pumping systems with modifications as required for any additional pumping capacity needed. 17) Re-use of the reclaimed water ground storage tanks at the West and East WRF. Utilize these tanks as an off-line system. 18)A detailed site plan showing the configuration of the new treatment facilities is Figure 6-8, Oak Forest WRF —3.0 MGD. Table 6-5, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — Oak Forest WRF — 3.0 MGD Capacity, shows the estimated cost to construct the treatment system of the Oak Forest WRF. 111111111111J1JJ%/��, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)yy��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !llllllllllffffffffff(I IIIIIIIIIIIl11�JJ �1�� � % IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiii III II��IIIIIIII i e � � „ Pre-Treatment Facilities $5,635,000 Two BNR AWT FETPs and other Treatment $21,157,010 Mobilization $1,164,870 Planning Contingency (20%); Engineering Design (7%); Construction Services (10%); $12,440,811 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $40,397,691 6.4.3 Transfer of flows from the East side and the West side to the Oak Forest Site The majority of the East side collection and transmission system of the East WRF culminates into City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-17 two primary lift stations, LS 1 E and LS 5E. LS 1 E is located at the southern end of the East WRF site and collects flow from the Tuscawilla golf course area; the Oak Forest area (to the west of the golf course); and, the area south and north of Trotwood Park. LS 1 E also collects flow from LS 7E and 11 E, which are east of the East WRF. LS 1 E pumps directly to the flow equalization tank of WWTP #2. LS 5E is located just north of the East WRF site along Winter Springs Boulevard and predominantly collects flows to the north of Winter Springs Boulevard and east of Trotwood Park. The area on the northeast quadrant of SR 434 and SR417 also flows to LS 5E. LS 22E, LS 24E, LS 25 E and LS 26E pump, via connected forcemains, flow to the 10-inch force main in front of LS 5E. The combined flow is pumped directly to the flow equalization tank of WWTP #2 of the East WRF. Under the transfer "�� `�" �, e ' cemai ' ' m LS ��" 1t "�' ' '' �' j the d prings Boulevard would be extende LS 1 E'�° a D ��g W T 2)_ I I �Igf1111111�1,,l statio ouId be located at the ��Di /%%ff e� existing East WR ite to r �ac S 1���A n � �� fa; emain would ' constructed from LS 1 E to the Oak For site. a East 8b Ce Area s existing AA of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF (4.5 MGD peak —3,125 gpm). The new LS 1 E triplex pump station would consist of three (3)—1,560 gpm pumps and would utilize two(2)pumps for flow conditions and the third pump as a back-up. The remaining east system lift stations within the east service would remain as they currently exist and operate in their current status and configuration. LS 1W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W pump flow directly to the West WRF. LS 1W, LS 2W and LS 20W pump into the 20-inch forcemain at SR 434 and the West WRF entrance. LS 6W and LS 3W pump directly to the West WRF. These pump stations (LS 1W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W)will need to be resized with higher head pumps to pump to the East WRF. Therefore,we recommend that these stations remain unchanged and that LS 7W be reconstructed to accommodate all the West system flows to the East WRF. LS 7W would become the master pump City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-18 station for all West flows. All other lift stations in the West system pump to or flow by gravity to LS 7W.The West Service Area has an existing AADF of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF (4.5 MGD peak—3,125 gpm). LS 7W receives approximately two-thirds of the West area flows. As a new master pump station, LS 7W would pump all West system flows. Pumping capacity would be approximately 1.5 MGD with a peaking factor of 3.0. A triplex pump station would consist of three (3)—1,560 gpm pumps on variable frequency drives and would utilize two (2) pumps for flow and the third pump as a back-up.A forcemain of 18-inch diameter would be required to carry the flow across Winter Springs to the Oak Forest WRF. The preliminary alignment is shown in Figure 6-7, Transfer of Flow from West and East Water Reclamation Facilities to the Oak Forest Water Reclamation Facility. Table 6-6, Summary- Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—Oak Forest WRF—3.0 MGD Project, shows the estimated cost to construct the Oak Forest WRF Project. 111111111111J1JJ%/��, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)yy��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !llllllllllffffffffff(I IIIIIIIIIIIl11�JJ ®r � % IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII e e m uuu e Treatment Facilities $40,397,691 Collection Transmission Facilities —Transfer $15,427,398 Flow from East and West to Oak Forest Total Estimated Project Cost $55,825,089 olk, YU z z U)< CD D-�L,—j U)< LL,0 LLJ Lu z cn T < Lu 2 C) LL < LLI CO LU 0 LL < < C, 0 U)(6 .�(D zw U w OM w D 0 U)0 c 84 I j�7 . z .2.2 w t; 0 . - -5, iz 0 o E.z; iL E 0 0 u OVI, u LU Of N N N F z or 2 am E2 <�I n m�, „j '�� ks:� - ,M ,iu,,, ',Y wfu. w, 1', y !"i b ✓ di✓i ' 'i�� LL M�,x:�%✓,,I�� "il� I r ��✓.�- alb., N ��:` � � r ,, I o lk r 1 `, :. � ,�. ,, Mrs „•� , aa. a ,. Y y ��✓�;'j�:v,�.r,�kYX ���,�✓,I�+��w. `✓� � V �.m�'Ir���r .I IM r9� %&J �:w f"rl�� r 1) ,"✓rr� I„ ;r rn�`,�^Y�`✓ m �I,ryrr,mr�r YSm t✓��IG w k � .�ii G, Z P H :i , .t.,.. ,ia, ie�, � '� y a^; �u,. N✓9.� "` , .£, vi dr,a,"w' a G�' J m Q l//Ir n✓l�.ww....f�^r'Syr�r ,1�..,, i,. � , ,,, ".,. ,^ :q:,.�r,, � ,.r� fP*'r)`,"4""i�q � ✓ rr�.;;,:' ; Q �' r„ .✓ ;-�„ell' ;n �') `.;X✓, U'rt o ';,A.; !, NI„�;,i„ �/ Yrhn', ,�, r s,-u,< � ;���, ,✓/. N ,,, a .s„� //r���✓d✓,,;r. t{n�F,,'I �N�� r � �r�} 4 ,N����' � �4'J I 9 ,y4✓ �I MW�";+ia1'; ` �i+ m�"i�i✓;;, U z Nr �r'��1�'r�r I 1�- �:�. ll -;,v{Cr1�, e 4f w"�w r �r�'r ' n 4✓ ✓r mr�� � W O I ✓^ r +r fi p J � P �Vl` m v l f J i ,.7 n Aa�,!, ✓r r i) �, r^ j '�Vtir.; rt'` rr;f^ r2 �S �/f�f��r"" � r„e v� ! I ) %, �u m {,� r rnF .m',,r r- ✓ ✓ i r of F r ✓ J�4' r 6��.�` ,,hl fb r'r r , � I��`,�� ��I$r�� N�m ,r�, �iii� ��� y��"�m�,y�' W fi;, ' ,. -rrillrlllht� Ii ,"`'"�'"%, ✓„ �s" 'rA "r.�r ,�e� IXrmj.,n u, r ✓"qs, r �'(, n 4 ' F 'ar1.4 a ✓ t.k, n n , a �' g d!".n m✓,„s, yr-;, rwir r,. r7r„ ) „i N 'yY,°,,,:n ��"' Q z rf � r✓ M road rr ""�a"�'k�r��l�!✓ �"��^ r,,�ul'� � /�,�,:o® ;��y �� l� i:ad%w"m '" �y"S'- �CJ (n Q „w,r;)' Y r ✓^ ✓„ p. ' ^,rl f �' �' "I ;m LL m`I ,«rl. a 1 � ro 2°;% f! +m 'SF%P`e W U`z a- $ frr' �11 1 P m J ,9r ✓ r /r A) F �y,�„ " � r � r'"`,Y sr�°�� F��m�"J'�� . ! Nd, y�!✓9��w��^.°I uJI✓� ° � �� � N�`ar✓., �» , � � W;ohw'"' ✓✓,,✓ rr,�d.. fny�ljs� b - 'r ',a, ","��i'. ��!rvr''� ^' a�" �'4�I,r ¢ '�.* Q W ' fl � r W�9 1,� 6 a ',, �w � ; m r m W F Q ✓ /n .wr I � ' m �� z Q ,^zS' ^ n/// �w rJ r`^.. I °spy;".' 1r, ,%, �4�r rH '„1,+`"" m. 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J���i r!'�"ry��/lht ti f;v�✓✓ f� p�mlr� ,�"✓"�, „jr�J� %�S � az�"�d d ao�z° gvz ry ✓.'Ni1e��k ��M1 �S'-.FIWIld Ni;yw N'" �0 'u 1 '✓ d+° Y,� ywtbw+'II, � +�p�. ��1N�at^Y�rm d'�" r" ui 1f �a ,I'w�� � � � mul�a , ro � d� �r r �, la � r 1� v✓ �� nm,�I a � � y: � �, r r+C ��. � �� �+✓»rm1 mr>�fmu ✓ r r. M�'� rrr 1 k $ rp�✓a ✓u kl � um �/J I I 1 i s I ��I N/�rl lm y �npurKumur. R u u N E fr fi ifs,( r �'.� 9 m w G ✓ ✓ ✓rmi " r� i ,.,. " � N! .. 1 I e a ✓ i :! r '� r Ifr fir. m;,�l,"�'�m;� � i � r( a � �=u c a J rµP�^°o� �' '� �'`fi�I,����'lrj1, r�✓n ,i I �!�� .�� � jirv'"�.'�e 4� � ly �r a� W v1�1, V"' jllftil A O w A y h v 4 N r ewk � J I.,.1J�!"q V,r+ n�r�,.,� ✓a gym;. t 1° " r w ° °0 w4mr �"'+>4 ,w✓ �i �`n�iC wl�Y�,✓m1 '� '�a ,i r ! d" Ll' m i '; 1 r N w m m 0 , m r �✓ ,� ° r §� �✓ s�'J n r� i✓ld r u i W Vim,r� �m�. r, �^`' r � a �aZ550 g it r wl ���'"� rN i'a "':- 'I�,m I lyi t '�u,�""",�N'r,�l°7J r,�� ✓�w"(P"ri',�m''�'✓ °li;. �'; ' ° �P� � � ✓ f`/ (,:� � GI o- ;� r �J< ,�,;r m W ��ht1,� / +��' h A;u; � �r r,bb'�, ' /✓✓ ✓;ii � I� rr r r C1 " o Ir If I ^,I�(d� '! ! wa r,w S '4`�f i dh -,. klw� ! I G� cy I�%j/�%%%oi ��z.: ?' r ✓, "'. �� 17 I krj it e h''` it, / ✓ I I s w ' ) ,. rev✓ym � ��l�, M,����'�m �'��� �'✓ r%: o�. " e rr 9Y ✓� ✓i ,z,, � 1 / p� w � "'�E a of 4J d��Yl.rw" v r �� L; z w b r I,,, y '+r / G✓ I f _�' f I + Ira — >r r � r ru r r Y � J n LL � ✓� ���IIII��II��II�IIII ✓��� I xrr Y � w i o � Z a Y✓ �/t;.� itf'if !lyd"�,"�✓fr'',�(r J�r1�IwW�; � '4' � l �¢ w s n ���:��� '(`^� io �I�� �' J �l � kr a�,�����'i,'" rPi Am�'2p �+ � ���rr r ,� �� r`a�, trYl➢fW,r� �nN e'�m✓//Srr:s�� d�� � o- ,)''V' E a a ° 1;rr�f"� r°r�c� Fi✓✓" y� J� ��"�I �, v� 'I� r ,�� lw f��,�pl��,i,l�, t�n� � tl fir, w„'` '.✓/� �4z ��,�Qq° mbu wlir i�;k><r meaPl - i f +�� � I ta ,r� � �' , //l1 r d w j ,,,�''[,��y'dJ' „� k N e 4/ rx ,u w ` Y✓ Y!m✓ I✓k ' l/yid ¢ �W n Sr ""' !�' d l 3 d ,a u T I r R "* f, .. 0 O 'Mi� b, N� I � � p�,,� �YI�b T: ��` ��(%� , ` '� �lY IG .�6 /Nv��U,. l / ✓� ni '✓rr�' m✓4 %' r '� ��i�um ,✓� �m�;✓ ,� I xr� .✓�l� �W''7i,� �' 1: ��e �� 0� N o-;r fi'y C. ra°' ,r ��, �� I � a rr?�z �u " �I m�N�w{ � ji mp""fr�'w ti.� � � N' ✓��i ;mk r I o r, i,,: ��✓ ;;.rn ,�fir+mrvu"r Pi �� ,>w✓ � z J p�G + � i�!;XR'Ha' �i� aL, /. qr,.'r r� m M1� Y dr '�Nu"; I,✓ ��m, 3 �✓ �, , ,/,� ,�! 0l r.,¢w � I�",,.,��'r,ISrj�)k',�,I,.,I'�ry J ���r�; Y+ �%�, IW�r s�l+f rj `�,�P�r�" few, I,dp' r ,I�e�, F �✓'� s� ru m W aw ,,�"� I s � ✓ n,1� � ' � r t �(r� 3 �✓✓ 4+h i , M �xwi, O � lr` Y,dr�gj(S z M v /,� "� 1 yj u� ;m s r �nn):Y9 O w Fl✓V Ir�� r(f %/i a N'Fr`tl ef) ) ,A o 1 , 0 � Q hum �r�l�✓ M ��% �%� �'`��/i �!� �a�y�mr mt r a�"rhr,'i�.abl, l�s ✓�"rr�' '-,r✓ �, i. ' 0 � iL ,q3 ✓✓ ��'1mm ✓ % �/%/��f✓4 � ;�� �.,,�,>^ ,' a +m �,o r'•s ;If s,. Si Nr����ij; )✓r� ���"'i 3Nd�>,aaa it✓ x;��lr I,��✓w�nmr r.�--," r p � ,��� r �' mf m c'�, r � � � F ✓err r 0��% //i,,,Jrii/�ilr��l I " ;s m �,y,MN.'� V i I r�k�'J�, u U }' f ANY �wm ,' P F- F- z r!` ym4i�r' -. /� i / J�,w"� �� r✓ � r �y ,� I�� �nI +✓ °#✓W � " k`)'� 1 Ji"Wr i �4 m i' i ✓rlm^�;,r G h / a r�,) r y ���;�i� ,d% ��'� � r^� Ns� 3 �N�;� r��`'' r # �u � � i✓ it / / J (� �w��+ � V� : ✓ f�..,"p o& � "N tieY" q0'. � � r, �"'� ��jmrr mlrr r � ,.l ! �' " r ,c 5��NI ° " ➢e 6i,� �m e r�F� 1�.. r✓if ',�,r,� N r � ,�� I � I '� I p rr ,rr '� fp� ISa� hi�rlp wG .o r I "r,,,r& r ✓ �.". .. �. flwl ml o m v tm k v' r�In wh S) ✓ p � Q � aw .m � , q �✓ e' a � rr&�b.„�,µ�4s S "��a g �V /9 qP Y �' ,' B,�i h+� 1 I rj, d� a, Y o uj r��/ ✓ fl ya r ldyir7'" S mr S ' I ✓ �d N � E2 aw n m o o C) a in ✓ er r",AI "r Y. l ,�, i ,i a NG, ,,c,, /70✓ City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-21 6.5 Transport all Flow to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility 6.5.1 General The Orlando Easterly 201 Facility Plan, 1977, included the Winter Springs area into the proposed Regional facility currently known as Iron Bridge Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility. The plan called for the flows from Winter Springs to connect to the South Seminole North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority forcemain system. This entity was established by the State of Florida Legislature as part of the regional authority to transmit wastewater in the northern area to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility. The problem in 1977 was that the two (2) wastewater utilities in Winter Springs were privately owned and these private companies had no desire or incentive to be absorbed by a regional authority without adequate compensation for their existing facilities. Not only would the wastewater systems need to be connected and the existing facilities abandoned, but new capacity at the Regional Facility needed to be purchased. Federal funding did not cover the incorporation of private wastewater systems. Therefore,the City of Winter Springs was a member of the authority, but not a member with any flow capacity as Winter Springs � ii iiii iiiu»llu���, l�i »lllllllllliiu�l, did not own any f lities he e. i r Sp did n purchase a ,capacity in either the ����0� SSNOCWTA syst or theo � � egio I W�' �er �i�tion Fa Pity. Ultimately, Winter %lllllllllll ffflfl1!fj, Springs did purch the t pri to util no ca cit Nas available r purchase at the Iron 11IIJJ11DDDDDDIIIIIIIIIff1J�l� ��i,,, f �ir ����� Bridge Regional Water clama ion Facile y. Chapter 78-671 FAC, Senate Bill No. 1341, is the act that created the South Seminole North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority in July 1978. Provision Section 6 (9) reads in - part, as follows: "To require connection to the authority's transmission system and to require all wastewater from the public and operating facilities located within the authority's boundaries to discharge their collected sewage directly orindirectly into the authority's system fortransmission by the authority to the regional sewage treatment plant. As for and exception, it is specifically noted that the Facility Plan, Orlando Easterly 201 Planning Area, July, 1977, does not call for the connection of Winter Springs to the Authority's system until Winter Springs East plant reaches an average annual daily flow of 1.00 MGD and Winter Springs West plant reaches and annual average daily flow of 0.75 MGD ...". City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-22 Shortly after opening, a sewer connection moratorium was instituted at the IBRWRF at a time where significant growth was occurring in the Seminole County planning area. In January 1985, the Casselberry and Winter Springs Facility Plan was produced.This document was an amendment to the Orlando Easterly 201 Facility Plan. This document was produced as a response to the flow/connection moratorium at the IBRWRF. The two Cities needed a method to handle and treat wastewater flows. The recommended Alternative was in Section 6.2.4, Alternative III — Regional Facility and Other Facilities — Plants, of the Casselberry and Winter Springs Facility Plan. Under Alternative III, the City of Orlando would maintain the 24 MGD IBRWRF capacity; the City of Casselberry would re-activate their 1.5 MGD treatment plant for a future capacity of 1.2 MGD with excess flows going to IBRWRF; Winter Springs West (the City purchased the system in 1984) would be allowed to operate up to 1.5 MGD with excess flows going to IBRWRF; Winter Springs East would be allowed to operate to 1.0 MGD with excess flows going to IBRWRF (not purchased by the City until April 1990); Orange County Easterly Subregional plant would be allowed a capacity of 12.0 MGD; the ter J re-a te a 0 cility with excess flows going to IBR i RF; Se n fllllllllllllo 1J " oul fii tain �f l llll l dent ca city of 1.3 MGD at the T "" Consumers Plant th exc fl s goi to I �i� n Conserve I u� Id have a capacity of 7.5 MGD. Currento erst -dthatMN nd and 1n Park both h agreements to send sewerage flow to the Altamonte Springs Facility in addition to their flow capacities at IBRWRF. The Casselberry and Winter Springs Facility Plan was submitted to all entities, reviewed and accepted. The document was submitted to both Cities and Public Hearings were held in each jurisdiction.The Facility Plan was accepted and submitted to FDEP SRF in Tallahassee and Step 2 plus 3 Grants were issued for Casselberry and Winter Springs to improve the wastewater facilities to Public Access Reclaimed water standards (filtration and High Level Disinfection. The Cities of Casselberry and Winter Springs (West WRF) implemented the program and the facilities were fully operational by 1987. This alternative looks at the IBRWRF connection as a whole. In other words, sending all flow to the IBRWRF via SSNOCWTA. If the decision is made to pursue this alternative, or it is required that the City of Winter Springs connect and utilize this alternative, we recommend that data be provided to City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-23 SSNOCWTA for an analysis on their forcemain model to analyze the impacts of the existing piping system and the associated/connected lift stations. 6.5.2 Capacity at Iron Bridge Regional Water Reclamation Facility Recently, (May 2018), the Executive Director of SSNOCWTA questioned why Winter Springs was not connected in accordance with the enabling legislation. A lengthy discussion ensued.The issue was left unresolved for the primary reason that no capacity is available at the IBRWRF to send the Winter Springs wastewater flows. The current capacities and associated ownership are shown in Table 6-7, Iron Bridge Partners and Capacities. Table 6-7 reveals that only Orlando and Seminole County have remaining capacities large enough to handle a 3.0 MGD AADF flow from the City of Winter Springs. We contacted each of the member entities of SSNOCWTA and the City of Orlando to determine if the option existed t ny ca ity at d ', llllllll ? owing responses were received: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIl11�J���� � � IIIII IIII 1) The City o rlando aff tate t th /w t to sell any '��their capacity. 2) The City o A, fffffff ark ted th did no a to sell any o 11 eir capacity. 3) The City of Casselberry stated that they did not want to sell any of their capacity at this time. 4) The City of Maitland stated that they did not want to sell any of their capacity at this time. 5) Seminole County did not respond.We assume that they do not have capacity for sale in the quantity needed. 6) Orange County stated that they may be interested in selling excess capacity (details to be discussed later by the parties). This is equivalent to approximately 0.375 MGD AADF. A copy of the received emails is included in Appendix B. Based on the above responses, no capacity at IBRWRF is available and therefore the transfer of flow to IBRWRF is not considered to be a feasible alternative. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-24 e IIIIIL IIIIII o. IN uuuuu III Illiilllll V V VV V V VVV VV V V VVVVVV VVVV I II e IIIIV e e Winter Maitland Casselberry Seminole Orange Seminole Orlando Park County (1) County County (2) AADF 3.696 0.688 2.275 2.926 0.000 1.903 20.428 2018/2017 Maximum Allowable 5.962 1.100 3.395 8.506 0.375 N/A 40.000 Flow U11�� llJJ11��j ������rrrtffffffffffi Available r Capacity 2.26 0.4�� Uy�J ;� 3 ;;7 (3 filllllllll �75 N/A 19.572 (Approx.) 1U, Ali, r Jll� 1. Includes flow from of Ovied .' 2. Flows from Seminole County but not delivered via SSNOCWTA. 3. Add both flows of Seminole County and subtract from the"limit'of 8.506 MGD. 6.5.3 Potential Capacity and Treatment Costs Related to the SSNOCWTA Connection The City of Oviedo is not a member entity of the SSNOCWTA or IBRWRF. They purchase treatment capacity at the IBRWRF and transmission capacity via Seminole County lines through an interlocal agreement with Seminole County. The City of Oviedo pays an impact fee of $2,229.00/ERU (300gpd)to purchase capacity at the IBRWRF from Seminole County.At this rate, the 3.0 MGD capacity for Winter Springs would cost$22,290,000.00. At the time of this report, the City of Oviedo pays a treatment rate of $4.45 per 1000 gallons of flow. At this rate, the City of Winter Springs would expect to pay $13,350/day ($4,872,759.00/year) for a flow rate of 3.0 MGD AADF. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-25 The City of Casselberry is a member entity of SSNOCWTA and IBRWRF. They pay a rate of $1.89/1000 gallons for treatment at the IBRWRF and approximately$60,000 per month average to SSNOCWTA (fee is not flow based). The City of Casselberry has a "purchased and allocated capacity" of 3.395 MGD. Based on this information, the City of Winter Springs (with a 3.0 MGD capacity)would expect to pay$2.07 million per year for treatment of the sewage flow and$636,000 per year for the SSNOCWTA transmission component, for a total of $2.7 million per year for transmission, treatment and operations to SSNOCWTA and IBRWRF. 6.5.4 Connectinq the East WRF to SSNOCWTA The connection point for the East WRF is located at the intersection of East Lake Drive and Tuscawilla Road. The SSNOCWTA forcemain changes from a 24-inch line to a 30-inch line at this location. The SSNOCWTA report, Hydraulic Model Update and Field Verification, dated April 2018 by Reiss Engineering, indicates on Figure 6-2 of their report, that the 30-inch line at this location has a maximum flow velocity of less than 1 foot per second. This maximum flow velocity indicates IIIIIIIIIIIIII�»»ly��� �l �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�� that there is flow c achy ila in thi ctio a line owever, sou of this location where a 20-inch line ente the 30 ch �ow v oci , in a rest the way to the gravity �o�, lrrrrrrrrrrrrrlrll�ll�»l �j , � interceptor on Dea �Road to angel -8 et per co .This higher Iue is an indication of IIIIII I I D1111I1 1 i, / full capacity in these sections. Discharge oft e East W � a this location ould add a flow rate of approximately 1.5 MGD AADF (1,040 gpm AADF/3,125 gpm peak). A new lift station would be located at the existing East WRF site to replace LS 1 E. For the SSNOCWTA connection, we recommend that there only be one station connected to the SSNOCWTA system for proper flow measurement. Therefore, we recommend that LS 5E force main be disconnected from the surge tank; connected to the existing 12-inch from the Old LS 1 E; and, send flows to the new LS 1 E.A new 18-inch forcemain from a new LS 1 E would run out of the East WRF site from the north side of the site to Winter Springs Boulevard. The 18-inch will run west along Winter Springs Boulevard to Tuscawilla Boulevard. When the 18-inch forcemain reaches Tuscawilla Boulevard, it will run south to Lake Drive and connect to the existing SSNOCWTA forcemain.The East Service Area has an existing AADF of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF. Lift station 1 E would be approximately 4.5 MGD in capacity based on a peaking factor of 3.0. A triplex (3) pump station would consist of three (3)— 1,560 gpm pumps and City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-26 would utilize two (2) pumps for flow and the third pump as a back-up. It is likely that Winter Springs may have to dedicate the lift station and the forcemain to SSNOCWTA, but still be required to maintain the lift station and forcemain. SSNOCWTA would like to own all the lift stations connected to their forcemain system. The existing east side sewerage collection and transmission facilities would remain as they operate today and a new master pump station (LS 1 E) would be constructed at the south end of the East WRF site, see discussion above.The existing operations building,the electrical feed/control system and the generator system would be used for the new LS 1 E. An 18-inch diameter forcemain would be required from the East WRF to the SSNOCWTA connection point. The distance to the connection point is approximately 17,000 lineal feet. Figure 6- 8, East Side Forcemain to SSNOCWTA, shows the forcemain route from the East WRF site to the SSNOCWTA connection location on Lake Drive and Tuscawilla Road. 111111111111J1JJ%/��, !llllllllllfffff11 IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� DJ�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���� iaii��rrrrrrrrrrrJlll�ll�f �P � � � �"f zzu��¢fwF✓'�d t� f `sr � ✓ n � ✓'fir sm�' �� fir ✓ G ��, � yC✓ r�j ��'�" f ��'( ''� r i 'rr �dv � r )ryo;, a :,J v v � Fr' �r/ � �w V � "� A9�rvr�//wr✓�7�i�°� ?� �l f e i h✓ W N � ry'%'�/I��W��� °✓4;t Fz � A+�1!��f ✓ '�� ° 1, f i � '� �u�l',��;r✓� �„ � ,��"N�' f i � is�r�'y F 3f ! /�' �� ��"r� ',r;/r i rl r�fy I � �'��✓� r/ a✓ "" '�E,�y!(, 'v r r �y/j,h .M��, p) � �„� ( � �'. � �;��4 I� �A� 6� �F �r+J k � ✓Y�Y +� II,�J' f� ��w/ f LL d ✓pia�r� � � f-�^'�.. l '�I rJ r r r�" (r f i r,✓ p � r 9 ta,1�r/( f" � � m a✓ t✓ 7 / / r � z , r w O/ ,+ MaU.J, �^ / i e t n✓ r a� � M or � w � �n�wi'i v, F � '"'�I,w',+r^✓%� �"��`� s'i 'W /i%, � i � � j' 1Yiim"i 9('€'� �"r,'' ���" ✓ " ,i � ,,. � m� ���� � 7 k r%F"i'd'�,F an i�, � �/ ,�i✓r✓✓'I,u�✓ , a w `� � '� � "1�^ +,W u�r *` r ��'', !� / w y"nd it iv p w Tq r %r fr o�4 z' r�i ✓ `„�r ri i'� y zi kid a,""1�� '✓ �i ' ............. ��,'��� "�.,.� tw 'zr 4jr�� r!r d� r ;� ,v�J�w�,�„rl'' ! �Y,✓%� ¢ ., '+'nr�jvrr�,'�'� ,✓✓- z / ' < � rn z, � � "' � ✓ � ✓ rt ,v "1'i r v/ s + °,'� ,'� ✓ d ✓ 4 N o ? w � 7 r i � r i r v�+r �✓ �i rr �y�,.� Q l%-, f Alh�s� nli U„ L Ir r o w v � r fif ,7 f �r ;p 'r r" Y �'upiJv;1'1v' s'Wf '✓���/� /v,uuf U Z r O w J,✓ '6'J ,b r r ,6 d z" ry ahw �' s � q � U � EP �ZJO a /� � ' f' , w C � '///�� r +uJr'�rV �� l�� p ✓✓ .�it/ �f �a w: r � r r ' O � � ,��+��!� '` � �' f�"�4XLL� �l 1 M�� �/ ✓9',,�@;�✓�� f". ;1/� I I�ag � �� } pjr�v.'�,n��^ 1�',��i.�{�'h� ~ �Q CO p,�;l+ r✓ � ����i�,ro l �%ri ,,""I;.;1+ ✓'///%1' ii;, � ^,� r� r ; p /„ � H r 1�1�6�'r, llrK,,,,,,' �1 O w M� i/ � � � �f�' ��g:<, � � ,� /' i�'V ��„,,,, ;✓ ��� ✓, � g H F ��ru ffi" ///�Gb' n,J i / w Z(n " " � LLLL 55 � yw �11 ✓-,6 �, ,X� / �,�';� ,�,�, "o-s�9��tlDlr f /ii�r/o,✓, /r r w %. 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W� �U w 1r,� N, �.✓ W6 ✓ � Y rj�r�h m iz Fd� � � If rir; , f )'m. �yf O rq ✓t''.; O � �� �1 ��k�, 1 1�.. 8 �! `Yr„ M M� hw 1 r N„up,��e y ✓�ey� � UPI r i i r w�p ✓ rw,F„?/„ C. w f i � i ✓�.'�a , �`�� �m r gyp✓. p w r i d,,i � r✓,� � 3 r ��'y ,by r' ��i°� f.; .yui � r a r'M'�T'kw, �' i,. ✓�"�" � � � f P z 9', p" �„ ��fi'�f'&d�`�Y r � Fr s' �"rv, � ✓' � �s J9'F�'��r dF�w '�i ��,F" "�" ,�Fivr F s vv /b r, � u� s�e tTr "/" ,� `" d M,r'� �' �` ���p �� `��I k a -.�h 4� v�� f f �`; ✓/ ' /rl' r4 � v w F�1�w�,"u�.., ,� ._ 6 s m w�Jr fvr�;T F "'�(r'f� ,' �x 'z k 7 vi„'�"i,,4i sy„y, �,% ��9 l� ku, � ✓,.� p ✓ a�l o � � � o �, r ,s i � � f ,z a r � s�Vt r r �'�''�°'k d'✓t�^uwF ffS4K u m�Gp �'"s" � �;�h.,5= it '� f�✓ �', ,F,�✓'��' 1��G�„tik � � '���a' u� �"�+'� �`.%<tV '° '�; ��+t d �������,�„p�,�///� �''; ;f �„.�, o ii '� f ¢4 Q,�" rr i Fr z ✓) ii f b✓� /s" r 1 h 1 ✓ o i✓,% m N N N E ✓ i � � f r"�' 4 � , N J✓%' y; 3GF�'� F� r ��!F r�,�o �� '�'� ✓'FU :�Q rla p ridl� F F F z m b a �✓ � �/ � w � � ��'IIII����.uV�` 'r��r°i""'�rsfu V �� . � y u k wp� � i City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-28 6.5.5 Connectinq the West WRF to SSNOCWTA The connection point for the West WRF is located at the intersection of Seminola Boulevard and Lake Drive in Casselberry. The SSNOCWTA forcemain is a 24-inch DIP line at this location. The SSNOCWTA report, Hydraulic Model Update and Field Verification, dated April 2018 by Reiss Engineering, indicates, on Figure 6-2 of their report, that the 24-inch line at this location has a maximum flow velocity of 1 to 2 feet per second all the way east to Tuscawilla Boulevard where it turns into a 30-inch line which has a maximum flow velocity of less than 1 foot per second. These low maximum flow velocities indicate that there is flow capacity available in these sections of the line (24-inch and the 30-inch). However, south of the intersection of Tuscawilla Boulevard and Lake Drive, where a 20-inch line enters the 30-inch line (Dike Road and Tuscawilla Road), the flow velocities increase the rest of the way to the gravity interceptor on Dean Road up to a range of 7-8 feet per second.This higher value is an indication of full capacity in these sections. Discharge of the West WRF at Seminola Boulevard and Lake Drive would add a flow rate of approximately 1.5 MGD AADF (1,040 gpm AADF/3,125 gpm peak).Then at Lake Drive and Tuscawilla Boulevard,the East 11111111111111U111111y�Jphy1111111111111111111111D1111�j //�% Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli II DDDDDDDDDDJI WRF would add a w ra a I roxima y 1.5 AA (1 ,040 gpm DF/3,125 gpm peak) for a total addition 3.0 M ��� iia��rrrrrrrrrrlll»l�f A flow rate of approximately 1.5 GD AA would be required from the est WRF service area. LS 1W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W pump flow directly to the West WRF. LS 1W, LS 2W and LS 20W pump into the 20-inch forcemain at SR 434 and the West WRF entrance. LS 6W and LS 3W pump directly to the West WRF. These pump stations (LS 1 W, LS 2W, LS 3W, LS 6W and LS 20W)will pump wastewater flows to LS 7W. These lift stations would remain configured to the 20-inch forcemain, but the flow would be directed to LS 7W. All other stations in the West system pump to or flow by gravity to LS 7W. LS 7W was the original location for the transfer of flows in the Orlando Easterly 201 Facility Plan. LS 7W would be the sole lift station to pump to SSNOCWTA from the west side. LS 7W would be re-constructed and the pumps sized (a triplex station)to direct flow to SSNOCWTA via an 18-inch forcemain from LS 7W south along Edgemon to Murphy Road and then south to Seminola Boulevard, then west to Lake Drive and connect to the 24-inch SSNOCWTA forcemain. The West Service Area has an existing AADF of approximately 1.0 MGD with a projected flow of 1.5 MGD AADF. LS 7W would become the master pump station for the West area flows. Therefore, LS 7W would be approximately 4.5 MGD in capacity based on a City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-29 peaking factor of 3.0. A triplex (3) pump station would consist of three (3) - 1560 gpm pumps and would utilize two (2) pumps for flow and the third pump as a back-up. The distance from LS 7W to the SSNOCWTA connection is approximately 6,500 lineal feet. Figure 6-9,West Side Forcemain to SSNOCWTA, shows the forcemain route from LS7W site to the SSNOCWTA connection location approximately at Seminola Boulevard and Lake Drive. It also shows the existing 24/20-inch force main from the Wets WRF to LS 7W. It is likely that Winter Springs may have to dedicate the lift station and the new forcemain to SSNOCWTA, but still be required to maintain the lift station and forcemain. SSNOCWTAwould like to own all the lift stations connected to their forcemain system. Table 6-8, Summary - Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — SSNOCWTA Connection Project, shows the estimated cost to construct the SSNOCWTA Connection Project. h West Side Connection $3,622,500 East Side Connection $7,245,000 Mobilization $543,375 3 MGD AADF Capacity at IBRWRF $22,290,000 Planning Contingency (20%); Engineering Design (7%); Construction Services (10%); $5,077,839 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $38,778,714 Note: No reclaimed water (from a WRF) would be available without additional costs for pipelines and purchase of volume from either Sanford, Seminole County or IBRWRF. .; ✓�' r a �l Jl r�' r�n r� MY"""�'' � uN� 8' tvu�° $ r M; � r '1 u rti 5" w 7 vua;:( wwr' t t5 Syr r ! �, r r✓ r r Ir �✓ �r/ �� � r�n' ` l � rr �r , � r a/ ✓(! rdr v��b � % I u �� fh w.�ymke ��I�/>'iU�f Yl ��, �/ b�r JNq r I u dVV rrti. i, w bV � l�4yw,V q fan' u)J Cl) d COU' Z� � — �H y� / r JI �1, / r ✓ r„ qm U)LLI / wr S w �m 1 r ��f� " an�asn r fi d u z_¢ O w Y w w �� UU) w W r r/ r / rrGs✓" +�%ru ,, r i � � 'j � o ��+H°-( I/ f p �g �/ /�%,,,,, +Gl M V >hV f � r zz�� =dau z° /AEG,; '✓�,1 r p Y � "/ � l��>�1� � � Vj � '�.' �p wn�l r r ) a fi rn O ;� � f /w w // �� �I Pi S�k /� ° �,� `r u d�.✓• ..rn ' P�` � —y wz p r� Q n �i , ✓ Rr �'� �r�i'l G r v I ��`u V�ru rmi f r � Y'r»w �r��I f �� r%a �l ��r ',)` mi r° P/r �i//✓v /rJ I r'�r x R �'? my "q t)✓jl;'S(r',roo�I a r r I/:� � u I (wl� I Vj � �Y' '' I ��� rJ��w'n vkm,v!��,� I ✓ LK"�Jn 9" E'�ri.N r � Q lulvrj 1rr �I III a mr / u.. I ,l?rr a° v %i� 7ff,.,.Yor 1 r'�rPn,,.11�f �E I" P O �(waii h+1 O O r irii a r Ty ul � r 0 6 N Z LL p r h, h/ �aa ''. / I b � � � � ➢ r�/a /Y �, N N N (!) " � a F-- F-- z t > or r , a City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-31 6.5.6 Loss of Reclaimed Water A disadvantage to the Regional connection plan (aka SSNOCWTA)is that the City would no longer have a source of reclaimed water under their direct supervision and control. The loss of reclaimed water would have a significant impact on the City of Winter Springs utility system. The loss of reclaimed water would impact the Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) of the City of Winter Springs. Since this source would be "gone", potable water would be required to operate the irrigation systems within the reclaimed service area.A CUP Permit modification would be required to obtain the additional water. The City would lose the SJRWMD favorable status now held because reclaimed water is used as an "alternate source" of water. The City would still retain the capabilities of the Lake Jesup augmentation facility. However, additional treatment facilities would be required for the Lake Jesup waters to maintain a continuous supply of reclaimed water during low flow conditions when the Lake experiences algal blooms. IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111J111�// Illlllllllllllllllll�y��j %////j IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� �lllllllllllffffffff(ffi Alternate sources f Red a ater y be IT/Ts,able om the Iron edge Regional Water �1 r /" 14 u l /Reclamation Facili (IBRW ofS t +he clo st reclaimed line from IBRWRF is locate ilfff oleunty alte�� RWR B ge Road). It is 34,000�34 and Iron lineal feet from the IBRWRF to the East WRF. Assuming a 16-inch line at $300 per linear foot (inclusive of design, construction, permitting, engineering services, etc.), this would cost approximately$10.2 million plus the cost of pumping and normal operating fees for purchase of the flow capacity(wholesale cost). From the Sanford Airport WRF,the distance is approximately 45,000 lineal feet to the Winter Springs West WRF. 6.6 Maintain Separate Facilities and Re-construct the East and West Facilities 6.6.1 General This alternative explores the cost to repair/re-habilitate the two existing facilities to like new condition.This option does not require transmission system changes and maintains the current flow conditions.The existing facilities will be re-used to the greatest extent possible.Table 6-9 shows the opinion of probable construction cost for rehabilitation. We have also included the cost to provide City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-32 new Field Erected Treatment Plants(FETP). Table 6-10 shows the opinion of probable construction cost for re-construction with using the new FETPs. 6.6.2 West WRF The following process items will be re-used: 1) Chlorine contact chamber and associated chlorine feed equipment 2) Filtration system 3) Effluent pumping system 4) Reclaimed storage and pumping system 5) Reject storage pond and return pumping system 6) Percolation ponds 7) Reclaimed water distribution system 8) West Collection and transmission system g �`° �r �'� ring t `� ��� �� �, e City contracted The existingring s will litated to remove accumu ted soli a it f�,� the t, �k ng t , and the aeration bays. ;, Il lif((��I�IIII�igeste 1 The City had obta ' d a gr t f F th ed a City $72,8 of a total contract of $145,700 (West rr� 70 nd Eas�f - $60,10 his project s successful. It was a prudent first step towards the restoration of the operational capability of the plants. However, we believe that some other preliminary work is also required prior to the re-construction of the plants.A recent visit to the facility revealed that the existing facilities are incapable of treating the existing flow (approximately 1.0 MGD AADF) without both plants operational. At higher flows, the plants exhibit a low dissolved oxygen rate and inadequate treatment of the BOD. More sludge is generated at the West facility than the East facility which indicates a lower degradation of solids. We believe this is due to inadequate aeration Loss of air in the supply piping and degraded diffuser performance). Our initial thought was that it might be possible to repair each diffuser individually, causing minimal disruption to the treatment process. We have been advised that the existing diffusers cannot be removed without taking the tank(s)out of service. They are"restricted" in place by a bracket that prevents the diffuser assembly from banging into the inner wall. This prevents easy removal while the plant is operational. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-33 Since this option anticipates the re-habilitation of the plants, the next step should be the replacement of the blowers and the air pipeline to the plants in an attempt to increase operational capability of the existing systems.We believe that the pipe gaskets have dried out and that the air is leaking through the gaskets before it gets to the diffusers. It is also possible that there is a degradation of the actual pipeline that has created holes in the pipe. This is the less likely scenario as the air in the pipeline is usually at 150 to 200 degrees and the air has a low corrosivity (water stays in a vapor form at these temperatures). The air line, 20-inch diameter, runs from the blowers to WWTP 1 approximately 225 feet.At WWTP 1, a 16-inch line splits over to WWTP 2, and runs for about 70 feet. Based on recent numbers from a neighboring city, it would cost approximately $250,000 to perform the work needed to re-line this air line. Another option exists. We recommend that the City replace the existing blowers with new high efficiency variable speed blowers. This option also requires the installation of new fine bubble diffusers in the aeration bays (phase 2 — see below). First, the blowers would be designed and installed in a new I' �'��ose �l r tmen /�' ° nts. N „ %/'�� ��� Pry t 'fold controls would be required. We omme t �,,,,II �b ers �n it Tin �flllllli�ll�(IIIIIII�(lgnfigur such that there are separate Tines fron the blo 1 rs Wf 1 a, � 2. =hree blowers �ould be required with/� f one feeding each ll one = back- a �ra��, separ Tines would vide more efficient air flow to each of the WWTPs and allow better air control to each plant. Dissolved oxygen probes in the aeration bays could be used with air flow control valves to more efficiently regulate air flow to the plants in accordance with the oxygen needs of the treatment plant. This option would cost approximately$500,000.There would be reduced electrical costs provided by the greater efficiency of new blowers and reduced horsepower requirements. At 8 cents per kilowatt hour, there could be savings of$70,000 per year. This represents a pay-back of 7.14 years. Assuming that the blower scenario is implemented and provides the increased air,we can proceed with the re-construction of the WWTPs. If the air line and blowers do not solve the dissolved oxygen issue, temporary additional aeration can be provided to one of the plants to meet the operational requirements by either surface aeration or the Aire-0-2 injection system. The Aire-0-2 can be mounted on the wall or the platform of the plant. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-34 We anticipate the following re-construction for the plants: 1) Remove either plant from service, while the remaining plant stays in full operation. 2) Drain the plant. 3) Sandblast the existing steel, interior and exterior. 4) Repair the tank, interior walls, top walls, railings and walkways as necessary to achieve a "like new" condition. 5) Handrails, if not aluminum, shall be upgraded to aluminum. 6) Walkway grating, if not aluminum, shall be upgraded to aluminum. 7) Walkway cross-members and other supports shall be replaced with new materials. 8) Recoat all surfaces, interior and exterior. 9) Replace clarifier scraper blades. 10) Repair the scum removal system. 11) Repair/replace the clarifier effluent launderers and weirs. 12)Level the effluent weirs. 13 Re air/re � f flue",���� rs. j p p 9/0 14 Install fine bble di s on fltr of I?Illlgffggtion ba la ,15) Install new iffuser � t �dige � r ba fuff 16) Install pum mf return ed% aste act��at sludge. This recommendation to improve the treatment operation. Pumping provides a better and more accurate control of the activated sludge flow/process. The current air lift return sludge is an inaccurate way to provide return activated sludge to the incoming sewage flow. This system should be integrated with the plant SCADA system. 17) Install connecting air piping from the blowers to the diffusers. 18) Place plant back in service. 19) Repeat for the second plant. Figure 6-10,West Water Reclamation Facility Rehabilitation,shows the position of new blowers on the existing site. All other equipment is to remain. � l„ L l� / .:% 1 ➢/j I,,r f /� // � ✓e 1,! P - Oi /c/M..'VJI ,...,� •/ ,/ ,1/r G.../, </ell / ,,.� ,i -,//r.^/� //, V�. 1 „ ', Jr. ./� -r. ,� Ir'='' ll�ji// / ////�;fv///���/��/�j� � .; r„r %l�, (� ✓J 0,// ,r- f // r /i/..: //�////���//,./r. ////�.///ir /// /i/��%/ ,, (�fir•- I /° /r r _I/ ' '' — // U)� Z z Z � a.m �M I e V f f h / w � dH v) i�%// v//�by,/".A�'° '�r 1"'• V' ,i"'� Jr' �.. ' � I' ;I: ��//J//��///�j%/ 1����%�j� 'Y� Q Q W W Z W W Q 3—Q = �w O M i' m LLI w w IMy �; r%i/����r/�//f/ ��� fi.../r / /! ✓ '' /,, /. i r Ir�(�%���� S'd0 / Il��i ly/r91/r%/�✓�r o�/��irii/'AV �fi/i/� ¢ r� %mom /i, n;y // re� ���//�i/�/// / r LL IrrrV//�////// mww IM ��//� �. far,` f i F ",/� �/„.r c7 ,,� IJ //%'; 'w f✓ / �� �/% �,/�/aV� �o�J� �� m° /// / �j i t lrir�ii/ / � 0 1f��/i• F / St 0 5 I/ ;� r% „ / ////fI1VIINA➢rrl ➢ll, ,/,�/��I/I�JI/ %%lO/%////�.. II//', j%%���i /n/ //�I li N'O- C 5 N � a f r�ra m ui / r fo m rri Ir y ,v M1r+ ® w Ji dllllHd Q' r Il/il �/ o / O II r�i /C 1➢ o/ p,,l r o o w N cl N No A 4 ',t Of �✓ / 'HI � � / G�ii I y/ r�rV'� `'�S�!sJ U/ «�,,./ « r 1 ''M'f at��f'��f/%/'�' (i � � / o y ➢� Q � Q f'° ,M/�a �b l�fy� `�✓J I,r�/ /l %�"r" l��r / r,,r, �r frl �''r r/�6„ ar � � of 0 U Q (O City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-36 6.6.3 East WRF The following process items will be re-used: 1) Chlorine contact chamber and associated chlorine feed equipment 2) Filtration system 3) Digester—Thickener and thickened sludge tank 4) Effluent pumping system 5) Reclaimed storage and pumping system 6) Reject storage pond and return system 7) Percolation ponds 8) Reclaimed water distribution system 9) East Collection and transmission system The existing ring steel plant number 2 (1.44 MGD)will need to be re-constructed.The existing ring steel plant (1.0 M be d � d. D u r iiiii the pa � ylllllrrP II � ity contracted to Jlll(I �� J . remove accumula, solid�� d -�it from a thi g tarp the digester nd the aeration bays. ��1JJJJ/J J The City had obta d a gr fr tha t 141sed ' �� $72, 8 of a total contract of � JJJ/oj,, /o�, 1 $145,700 (West i llll�l t 0 � nd Ea /rr - $60, ��0 his project s successful. It was a prudent first step towards the restoration of the operational capability of the plants. We recommend that the first phase of the East re-construction be the construction of a new ring steel plant of approximately 1.5 MGD capability to replace the old 1.0 MGD plant which will be demolished because re-build is not an option. This would be a new plant to match the capacity of plant number 2, but not include a surge tank. The design characteristics of plant number 2 are shown in Chapter 3. The new plant would be constructed and placed into operation. Then, we would start re-construction on plant number 2 and demolition of plant number 1. Because of the proposed location of the new tank on the site, we recommend that it be mostly a stand-alone system. The plant would need separate blowers, surge pumps, new RAS/WAS pumps, and other ancillary equipment.We also recommend a separate disk filter dedicated to the new plant.The new plant would be located such that the existing chlorine contact chamber would continue to be used. Effluent would be routed to the existing effluent transfer pump station. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-37 Upon completion of the new plant, both existing plants 1 and 2 would be placed out of service. Plant 1 would be demolished and plant 2 would be re-constructed. The following equipment would be located in the new plant: We anticipate the following re-construction of plant number 2: 1) Complete the new plant. 2) Remove plants 1 and 2 from service. 3) Demolish plant 1. 4) Drain plant 2. 5) Sandblast the existing steel, interior and exterior. 6) Repair the tank, interior walls, top walls, railings and walkways as necessary to achieve a "like new" condition. 7) Recoat all surfaces, interior and exterior. 8) Replace clarifier scraper blades. 9) Repair the v �q � the c ier. !llllllllllffff11 10) Repair/repl a the rife � aun Ye�jandf�lflifllllllllll �IIIIII�IIIII��� '� 11)Level the e uent wf s. j %l/%O U1111JDDJlIIIj 12) Repair/rep 'nflue launder G 0% 13) Install fine bubble diffusers in a grid on the floor of the aeration bays. 14) Install new diffusers in the digester bays. 15) Install new diffusers in the surge tank. 16) Install pumping system for return and waste activated sludge. This is a recommendation to improve the treatment operation. Pumping provides a better and more accurate control of the activated sludge flow/process. The current air lift return sludge system is an inaccurate way to provide return activated sludge to the incoming sewage flow.This system should be integrated with the plant SCADA system. 17) Provide the capability to feed RAS into the surge tank as a pre-treatment method and get the bugs working early.The tank is aerated anyway and can be used for biological capacity. 18) Install connecting air piping from the blowers to the diffusers. 19) Install new blowers for plant number 2. See the discussion below concerning new blowers. 20) Place plant number 2 back in service. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-38 We recommend that the City replace the existing blowers with new high efficiency variable speed blowers. This option also requires the installation of new fine bubble diffusers in the aeration bays (see above). The blowers for plant number 2 can be placed in the existing location and connected to the electrical supply.Two blowers would be required with one feeding plant number 2 and one for back-up. Dissolved oxygen probes in the aeration bays could be used with air flow control valves to more efficiently regulate air flow to plant number 2 in accordance with the oxygen needs of the treatment plant. There would be reduced electrical costs provided by the greater efficiency of new blowers and reduced horsepower requirements of fine bubble diffusion.At 8 cents per kilowatt hour, there could be savings of$70,000 per year. This represents a pay-back of 4 years. Figure 6-11, East Water Reclamation Facility Rehabilitation, shows the position of new WWTP and filters on the existing site. All other equipment is to remain. Table 6-9, Prelilllllll �inio �� r���� lablestructi � Tf�lll d East WRF — Rehabilitation, sho s the =m d cos rec s c 9 capt th xistin a ,lities of the West and J 1 East WRFs. ///ll1011lllfU11111DD�1111 II„II III,,,II III IIIIIIIII II III . IIII I I IIII IIIIII�I I III IIII IIII IIIIII I III III IIIII II III III III Illi II III IIII II�� IIIIIII IIII I I III e IIIIIIIII III II IIII�IIII , IIIIII IIIII IIII IIII I,,,, IIII IIII II IIIII III,,,,,,,, IIIII IIII Pre-Treatment Facilities -West $5,635,000 Rehab of WWTPs —West $6,037,500 Mobilization —West and East $868,950 Pre-Treatment— East Existing/included below Rehab of WWTPs — East $8,313,350 Planning Contingency (20%); Engineering Design (794o); Construction Services (10%); $9,280,386 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $30,135,186 // � r �( �i r'%' � 21Uii°, r ✓l/ qn ✓r rrr '� n /�r/l y '1 r i �i/'np r'""i, �rl� m�.., Q�tll�����)l i �cM1l if 4 � �/���/iy�"ro ✓'r,�6 f'r r r%/ r � ;.r / r ��„ r "�ulrmn r I (,;„.r✓mn�jr ////i r�� INr � / r� /�/ n�Ir v,rr w /ice//%%i��r r fN f/r /fi ✓��ii /Y��" //i /�/' "1�/�� %// � ' / r,"'WF� y >r m"✓ur4V% m /N i/i r�rIN' lP r,'NI,I� n��i//n r t '' �W i IUr/��r,Ji✓ r�G�k lr r �-/ ( �� 4G` ,r`I �1�1 � y /G �r ✓/r a� �" r.�, 1 b w ✓ rn it r r ✓a,, / "� .. 03 �flr � r Q r U r / Q J M J W � I h lY (n U IJJ w n 0 Q�/�/I Q z , / 9',, m z CO RlC z . LL r/ jll i l z LLI LL rU � O C, �" W Y H a p w I o° yrr U Q �bM l`UOdN3� /;_ .� (a o �' rn .Jr ;✓ a,p Cl) h r / a f // pllllllllllllllllllll muuuuu W m �� �V� �/"nY� f r �� z� J�r ��✓+/ ,a na`�ybr� Wf �l,r r rr r l �O M"'rlR i 1� � / � � ✓� �zQ � V /r/ii /i � r ✓N'r��f P'� rF" w ✓° r/ /✓ Ice y m4 / � Yi 1✓ �r ya `�/✓✓ /�iii �r� � % � r '7rJ�r� Y '/b) "' ra �'` ;u�Q� r y 4, rn� f ✓� III Z e°drozz° G/ A,k✓ (�, w fY r C9 II y ir'"'"' 1, rV ��%, �� II ,:aN,,,r r a y o a I, fir,✓ rn �/� %�i% , >,! -'% jam,,Jl.,. �,, ((✓a°,h v / a ar( ""'✓r r l r v ��//ri/i/i/ r o w fi n?' � II � � ra r �� �r��i// / // w r�7r/ � �z� � �'✓ ui w a` �F�p �r r d �yP' >'v''"1��/ „y�'✓ �' ' %% r �O w a ✓i / Y r/r � r� o�� u ✓ y fj r «' ✓ 0 5 ( q rr r ✓uu !'vyrJ� r` �w ✓ Ur b f (e �¢z�,,, r � // � �O " `—'v w A r lrj r r Xt ,, I z ri/N r r r w 0 A ✓ 1 4 ¢ 0''�l'9 ," Q O d r %// //// r M1 � l y .'_' o A y 0 a a U /i - / y 1 y'b Ny q a� r� «t y l r/ /✓� r��� /� 5 m ✓ /1 � m e r /rii//r !r r 7 rYr/ �i Ff�r r? � ✓i / //// �fo � ' 4�i - �r�� Y ✓ ��* pl yyr � r r� �� � IIV dlJl�llr riiir%///// r/%//�/rii/� %%// � �� r/ I � n /p: rr"r i ";( ';r r ;' I✓rr%%% „,, r rii�%i rani rr / � '� Z �� ,,. r ,,, f ✓ j�^�r ✓�r ', // ricer//yi// /r /// / a //a � m w�c u E a� r 1,. I��✓r is� pt�� r riaiiii/%%%%r/r ���i//i%i//i% �y/%/ij r r r, � r r '�(j' r ✓ / //�/rN/ / // j rN/r 1 Z wa r/ 9e,�,r rNY Hr I� ?� � n a ✓N;�n��2y r /i / O m r"' / Ili ✓4 r ru7 111 "nr ��%fir u Ilul✓rr f � r ✓ �ra I rp(J �o� - > G o� r % � C. %u M1 ra rf M1 rrr w�( (7 g(7�, %' tol Im�l 1 / r 0 I WV 9 I r l ✓ � � � � a"„bra � r ® /r ��✓✓ 1�'m ��n ,. �+ � �r �� � � ,ti. � " � ��✓pp ���� � 1 �r ;fji r a r f N2i b N N N � o ///ii I �G f �, /r ✓' Im a II ��l " �I,� �/ .. ��d, 1/ �� /Giily ✓ tl „� ll '�(?ni r„,, r p., r ry�r 1,�N I r „?;�/ 1, ✓ it r 1 I a�✓ � �� ��ja ✓�/W� ,n' r" � ���Xo� i��/ r��fra, �dp i4 w'i Jf � I� �n" ✓ m r �'r r V i� � �j ✓/ r, �''�° f rr!�G //// ��y o��� If.�r✓ fY r�. � � � > I nl r, / ��/i r //i a.r ;�,, r�✓ ( : 1 I �lurc{r �� d r n' � o �� c 1 /N '•/r r fPFf�� �/�/ 6� r��l� -� Y / � I �� � d n m /�I e I//r%I % 'y / ✓ r �r'/6 �>' �/ i j� r n� /I n�rl r rr ,,�. �r rilr,,n, o o () a in City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-40 Table 6-10, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — West and East WRF — Reconstruction, shows the estimated cost to reconstruct the existing capabilities of the West and East WRF by using new Field Erected Treatment Plants (FETPs). B111111111IMilII I Pre-Treatment Facilities -West $5,635,000 New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — FETPs-West $7,855,650 Mobilization —West and East $998,500 Pre-Treatment Facilities - East (included in WWTP #2 below) New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — FETPs- East $9,474,850 Planning Conting y (2 E0 ineeri j Design (7%); Con uction rv� ','�',, �; $10,6E 980 ���/ /IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1Jj Administrative Co ` (7.5 Total Estimated Project Cost $34,627,980 Table 6-11, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost — West and East WRF — New Facilities 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment Each Site—FETP Advance Wastewater Treatment (AWT) Technology, shows the estimated cost to reconstruct the existing capabilities of the West and East WRF by using Contact Stabilization (CS) technology and new pretreatment facilities. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-41 IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIII IIIIIII III III III III III III IIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIII III IIIII III IIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIII IIII III IIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIII III III III III IIIII III IIII III IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII III III III III Pre-Treatment Facilities -West $5,635,000 New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — FETPs-West $12,069,480 Pre-Treatment Facilities - East $5,635,000 New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — FETPs- East $11,505,980 Mobilization $1,515,020 Planning Contingency 20%); En ineering �� �J 11111111111111Uff111i J IIIII�IIIIIIu111111111J1J���, �� IIIIIIIIIIIIII II � Design (7%); Con uctiory s (10�� �1116,1 �,414 ° 11�r Administrative Co (7.5/° ��� Total Estimated P 'ect % j $52,5 ,894 I11111 Table 6-12, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West and East WRF — New 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment Each Site — Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology, shows the estimated cost to reconstruct the existing capabilities of the West and East WRF by using new SBR technology and new pretreatment facilities. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-42 IIII IIIIIII III IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII (IIIIIIII IIIII IIII � IIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIII I IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIII,,,,,,,, III „III IIIIIIII III„IIIIII III„ ,,,,,III III,,,,,, IIII IIIII„IIII, II II I I III IIIII III II Pre-Treatment Facilities -West $5,635,000 New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — SBR -West $11,590,972 Pre-Treatment Facilities - East $5,635,000 New WWTP #1 and WWTP #2 — SBR - East $11,590,972 Mobilization — East and West $1,497,910 Planning Conting y (2 E -ineen -( Design (7%); Con uction �� rv� ','�',, �; $15,9 685 ���/ /IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1Jj Administrative Co ` (7.5 � Total Estimated Project Cost $51,947,539 Figure 6-12, Field Erected Treatment Plant 3.0 MGD Configuration, shows a typical layout of a new AWT FETP and surge tank (pretreatment) treatment system. O �M Z �� m m Ir w ¢r w r F UU �m Qa _M V w� w0 m Zg (nQ w Qo C7d o LL 0 z m Q F w W O (n Q W J Z � W U � 0 o~ <w3 Z� U Q Q�- w w <w e w a� �H Na W i d w O _ tc� S m q 'e'e v=o dorm= L- E'S m � o �p�hlV@11 p - o s � O N mLL - 4 - = T - � w m U - Im a y N o - � a � m _a F s 3 a a ¢� Q w� 0 L 3 _ W p LL (O N Z O � Q N 0 O LL N N N a 0 o m 0 0 0 Q n City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-44 6.7 Temporary Interim Facilities 6.7.1 General The staff of Winter Springs recently investigated the possibility of leasing a "package" treatment system to operate while one of the plants is out of service for repair or re-construction. The temporary package plant quoted was a 1.35 MGD plant using the modified Ludzack Ettinger process and the system is equipped with filtration and high level disinfection to provide public access quality effluent. Two options are shown for the "Temporary Interim Facilities" based on the 1.35 MGD capacity. The first option is shown in Table 6-13, Leasing Option 1 —Lease - 1.35 MGD Capacity Treatment. This is a lease arrangement for two different leasing periods. The second option is shown in Table 6-14, Leasing Option 2 — Direct Purchase — 1.35 MGD Capacity Treatment. This is a direct purchase of the equipment. JJ%,ok IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-45 RIIIP 8111111 m� iiII1111111 Mlilill IIIIIIII III III IIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII„ IIII IIIII IIIIIIII,,,,,„IIIIIIIIII IIIII Installation Budget (either option) $350,000 60 — month lease (cost shown for the entire $4,800,000 period) 36 — month lease (cost shown for the entire $3,960,000 period) Total Estimated Project Cost -60 month $5,150,000 Total Estimated P ,Oect Cost -36 month $4 310 000 �lllllllll l �IIIIIIIIIIII Notes: IIIIIIII Electrical fI � ' lll2) Site d fo t r of in R111111"IIffjffflllll lll 3) Piping fro in prcem ;, the j inl f i treatment u Its and piping from the chlorine contact chamber to the East WRF effluent transfer pumps is not included. 4) City is responsible for draining and cleaning the tanks at the end of the lease.This cost has not been included. 5) No contingency; administrative costs; engineering; permitting, etc. costs have been added. The following alternative, shown in Table 6-14, Leasing Option 2 — Direct Purchase — 1.35 MGD Capacity Treatment, is based on the quote received for purchase and permanent installation of the 1.35 MGD package plant. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-46 . IIIIII IIIIII III e e ui IIIIIL IIIIIIIII � IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII,,,,,,, IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII mull III IIIIII IIII III I Equipment Purchase $5,750,000 Installation Budget $350,000 Total Estimated Project Cost -60 month $6,100,000 Notes: 1 Electrical v PAD clu ��� y�� llllllIIIIffffff1 2) Site and fo� datio �- or 'of incl U. IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 3 Piping fro he inco 'n s to e i t of ent u s and piping from the chlorine c act chaff be o �ast �'llllent ans er pump not included. 4) No conting {g�' a , nis tive c ��,,s; f ginee rmitting, etc. � sts have been added. ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOf( i In order to compare this purchase alternative on an equal footing with the other alternatives, we prepared a planning level estimate of this option using the same basis as the other options for the two separate facilities, East WRF and West WRF. We prorated the flow to 1.5 MGD per WRF (based on the 1.35 MGD quote). We also added pre-treatment facilities such as automatic screening, grit removal and flow equalization. We added electrical, site work, contingency and engineering/administrative services to the Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.This option is summarized in Table 6-15, Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost—West and East 1.5 MGD Capacity Treatment Each Site - Pre-fabricated. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 6-47 III Q III IIIIIII III IIII IIII III III III III III IIIIII III IIIIIIII IIII IIII IIII III III III III IIII (IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIII (IIII III,,,,,,,, IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIII IIII Pre-Treatment Facilities -West $5,635,000 New Prefab West WRF $14,405,590 Pre-Treatment Facilities - East $5,635,000 New Prefab East ������� y�� �f111J1 ' Mobilization // $1,74 60 Planning Contin ncy ( ��% � Enf�l� erin - llllllllllllllllllllll �j ° � S „ ices Design (7/o)-, C $18,61 j,608 Administrative Costs (7.5%) Total Estimated Project Cost $60,435,448 City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 7-1 CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF WASTEWATER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES 7.1 General In this chapter, we summarize the nine (9) alternatives for sewerage treatment. The nine (9) alternatives are: 1) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the West WRF site; Contact Stabilization Facility. 2) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the East WRF site; Advanced Wastewater Treatment. 3) Construct a new 3.0 MGD facility at the Oak Forest site;Advanced Wastewater Treatment. 4) Transport all sewerage flow(3.0 MGD)to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility via SSNOCWTA; No Reclaimed alternative or replacement included in the estimate. ������rrrtfffffUlJ�Q))"P& �����rrrrtffffffffflllll 11 � J�JJJlll lllllll1111111� 1Jl)))))111111111111f 1J)111111111)JJJJIIII� 5) Maintain t exi� arse cilitie �d re i i a e t e s and West Water Reclamati ,� Faciliti ( � f� ly 1 M ea 1 1/lllll1181% 6) Maintain t exis s arat � cil lllsl����l���an re nstruct the st and West Water fri ' O Reclamation 1111�1JJJaJci' ijties (approxima e1�1.5 MGD ea 1�). 7) Maintain the existing separate facilities and new construction of the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities (approximately 1.5 MGD each) as FETP advanced wastewater facilities. 8) Maintain the existing separate facilities and reconstruct the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities (approximately 1.5 MGD each) as Sequencing Batch Reactors advanced wastewater facilities. 9) Maintain the existing separate facilities and reconstruct the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities (approximately 1.5 MGD each) as pre-fabricated Lutzak-Ettinger advanced wastewater facilities. Table 7-1, Summary of Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost, compares the total project cost of each of the alternatives. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 7-2 I RIIIP RIIIIII III 1 I I Ay y y EMU West WRF — 3.0 MGD - Contact Stabilization With transmission $36,845,592 East WRF —3.0 MGD - Advanced Wastewater Treatment $51,172,214 Oak Forest—3.0 MGD -Advanced $55,825,089 Wastewater Treatment SSNOCWTA—3.0 MGD (No Reclaimed) $38,778,714 Rehabilitation of East and West WRF — Class 1 - 2.0 MGD Each — New West Pre-treatment $30,135,186 Reconstruction of East and West WRF — Class 1 -2.0 MGD Each FETP — Contact Stabilization $34,627,980 New West Pre-treatment New construction of East and West WRF — 1.5 MGD Each Facility - FETP—Advanced $52,540,894 Wastewater Treatment—Total 3.0 MGD City Wide New East and West WRF — 1.5 MGD Each Facility—Sequencing Batch Reactor - Advanced Wastewater Treatment—Total 3.0 $51,947,539 MGD City Wide— New Pre-treatment New East and West 1.5 MGD Capacity $60,435,448 Treatment Each Site - Pre-fabricated City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 7-3 7.2 Observations and Recommendations As can be seen by the above data,the least expensive alternative is to re-habilitate the two facilities and maintain the two operational sites. This alternative maintains the existing reclaimed water service and operations as they exist today with the exception of increased SCADA which could allow the consolidation of operators into one location with only periodic visits to the other facility. The base of operations could be chosen by the City. A complete re-habilitation would provide another 20 years of service life at the facilities. The second least expensive alternative is to re-construct the two facilities and maintain the two operational sites.This alternative maintains the existing reclaimed water service and operations as they exist today with the exception of increased SCADA which could allow the consolidation of operators into one location with only periodic visits to the other. The base of operations could be chosen by the City. In this alternative, the existing plants would be demolished and reconstructed from the slab up. T- Id beg, Aftwith ne veryth a cost difference amounts to an inc i,lase o pr imatel 5 p e 41 A c plete re-con V uction would provide j r ff another 40 to 50 y rs of s is aciliti � 0 /i>7>(llUllU11111D1111111J�j/ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�(� We believe that the reconstruction provides increased value greater than the cost difference and we recommend the Re-construction with New Tanks Alternative. Grant funds or financial assistance may be available to increase the water quality produced by the wastewater treatment facilities. If the City decides that they want increased treatment capabilities, such as pretreatment(grit and screenings removal)and advanced wastewater treatment levels of 5- 5-3-1 and funding is available, we recommend that the plants remain separate (but combined by SCADA) and that the City construct 1.5 MGD Advanced Treatment Units at each Water Reclamation Facility. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 8-1 CHAPTER 8 SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8.1 Scheduled Capital Improvements Table 8-1, Budgeted Capital Improvements,Wastewater Systems shows the capital improvements currently scheduled by the City of Winter Springs. III m m . uuu uuiulie IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII.IIII II III IIIII ,,,,III, IIII II IIII IIII Electrical Panels; LS 2E, 4E, 4W and 10W $106,000 �i Permanent emerg � �i, ss 3E, 9j $320 00 14E, 22E and 4W �k Iso Sep a � 9 LS 7W replaceme � $450 00 LS 10W relocate a ves $38, �00 Control upgrades West WRF $300,000 Sewer pipe re-lining $250,000 The City has established a goal of upgrading all lift stations with the capability of either back-up power or back-up pumping systems during emergencies. We believe that this program can be implemented over a 10-year period. The following lift stations are currently equipped with emergency power generators: WEST 1) LS 1 W — 156 Cory Lane 2) LS 3W —600 Sheoah Boulevard 3) LS 7W —607 South Edgemon 4) LS 10W — 800 Alton Road City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 8-2 5) LS 12W — 1000 State Road 434 6) LS 17W — 100 Windsor Court EAST 1) LS 1 E — 1560 Winter Springs Boulevard (Connected to the main generator at the EWRF) 2) LS 2E — 872 Chokecherry Drive 3) LS 5E — 800 Austin Court There are currently 17 lift stations in the west system and 24 lift stations in the east system without back-up capability; providing a total of 41 lift stations for the program. To meet the ten (10) -year goal, the City would need to install approximately four (4) new back-up systems per year. With a back-up pump system, each lift station is provided with a 100% redundancy. If the power goes out,the back-up pump system comes on. If the pumps in the lift station are clogged with rags, the back-up pump om 01" a floa ' f the J 4*111 to"M (((fffl fie back-up pump system comes on reback phaf sep to "t of IIIIIt �I.IIIIIIIPhree m es of failure and three IIIIIIIhffII01JJ�t ��, back-up response �In addi bap p ���j I charge the ADA system batteries allowing the contir SC A data" ', mittal. A, Each lift station has particular installation requirements based on location, access and available space.Therefore,the cost to perform the work will vary by location.We estimate an average cost of $80,000 per lift station. The entire project is estimated to cost $3,280,000 at $80,000 per lift station. All property information and easements should be verified before any construction takes place. It may be advisable to engage a contractor,who is experienced in back-up pump installations,for the installation of the back-up pump systems on a long term contract that allows flexibility for the peculiarity of each site. Every site needs to have sound attenuated enclosures. Table 8-2, Back-up Pump Installations—Capital Improvements Five (5) Year Plan, shows the four lift stations programmed for the current fiscal year(FY)2018/2019 and the succeeding four years. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 8-3 LS 3E does not appear to have any issues. LS 4W does not appear to have any issues. LS 14E is on a confined site with limited available space. LS 22E is a very shallow lift station. Therefore, if the pumps fail or power is lost, it is a very short time before the lift station overflows into the Lake Jesup drainage basin. The lift station is the lowest point in the system. It is unlikely that any home will be in danger of a sewage back-up due to failure. FDEP has a zero discharge tolerance for sewer and lift station overflows to protect the environment from degradation. LS 22 E also experiences high flow during rain events. It appears that LS 22E is getting rainwater inflow from the driveway access area.We recommend drainage improvements in the area to divert stormwater runoff away from the lift station compound. JJ%'Ok IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 8-4 III III II III III III III III III III III LS 3E — 728 Sybillwood Circle 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 4W —870 Sheoah Circle 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 14E — 160 Nandina Terrace 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 22E — Fanning Drive —Winter Springs Village 2018/2019 $80,000 LS 14W — 130A Tuskawiila Road 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 16W —222 Torcaso Court 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 2W — David Street 2019/2020 $80,000 LS 20E — 361 Pa % VMNY10 $80,000 LS 5W —51 East L Vista D e � 1 1 $80,000 will LS 6W —710 Tan woods °ad jj %/ 20/2021 $80,000 LS 4E — 611 Tuscany Place 20/2021 $80,000 LS 11 E- 1839-B Seneca Boulevard 2020/2021 $80,000 LS 15W — 137-B Seville Chase Circle 2021/2022 $80,000 LS 20W — 398 Harbor Winds Court 2021/2022 $80,000 LS 13E — 590 Vistawilla Drive 2021/2022 $80,000 LS 19E — 1599 Wrentham Court 2021/2022 $80,000 LS 13W —2501 Shepard Road 2022/2023 $80,000 LS 19W —4201 SR 419 2022/2023 $80,000 LS 10E — 1163 Trotwood Boulevard 2022/2023 $80,000 LS 18E — 310 Tuskawilla Road 2022/2023 $80,000 Note: these will all be four (4) — inch pumps. City of Winter Springs—Master Wastewater Plan Page No. 8-5 We recommend that the City provide for the future installation of an 8-inch forcemain in the Eastern sewage collection system as discussed in Section 3.10.4 on page 3-103. This forcemain would be used to by-pass the Bear Creek gravity system and LS 5E and go directly to the East WRF. The forcemain route is approximately 7500 lineal feet in length and would cost approximately $1,000,000. Please see the discussion in Chapter 3. n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)yy��� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !llllllllllffffffffff(I IIIIIIIIIIIIII)))�J� dl�� �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iaii rrrrrrrrrrrJlllI M APPENDIX A OPERATING 111111111\01\0111\111 �� � I11�00111110 11\111111\11\111 1111011111111' e p a` Florida Department of Rick Scott Governor Environmental Protection °* Carlos Lopez-Cantera Central District Lt. Governor 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 ` Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Jonathan P. Steverson Secrets ry NOTICE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE Sent via email: klo6.C_Uf �uus.aA.oj �, Kipton Lockcuff, Utility/Public Works Director City of Winter Springs 1560 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs, FL, 32708 Seminole County-DW Winter Springs - East WTF Enclosed is Permit Number FLA011068 to operate a domestic wastewater facility issued under Section(s)403.087 and 403.0885 of the Florida Statutes. Monitoring r is a �i� errnit effecti �i�� Ill� till�il0�i0ti'l such time, the pennittee shall con ue to n ito d repo r acc e with •eviously effec e pen-nit requirements. »� � ��aoo �oo��o The Departin is pro ed ge ction �0��111 om In unless a imely petition for an administrative hearg is fil nd ectror 20. and 1 57 the Florida St tes before the deadline for filing a petition �cedur for petit for a he, e set forth bel .A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth'below and must be tiled(received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail. Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Petitions by the applicant or any of the parties listed below must be filed within fourteen days of receipt. of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under section 1.20.60(3) of the Florida Statutes must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of`receipt of the written notice,whichever occurs first.. Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of such notice,regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition within the appropriate tirne period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative detennination (hearing)under sections 1.20.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention(in a proceeding initiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. tr,rww. :,tale,"fl erg A petition that disputes the material facts oil which the Department's action is based must contain the following information: (a)The name,address, and telephone number of each petitioner;the name,address,and telephone number of the petitionei's representative, if any; the Department permit identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; (b)A statement of]low and when each petitioner received notice of the Department action; (c) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department action; (d)A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none,the petition must so indicate-, (e)A statement of facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department action; (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief, and (g)A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wants the Department to take. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Department have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. Mediation un( sectio 0. 3 ofthe orida a, es is ii available for tl proceeding. This action is Dal on d t G f tl Department uT ss a petition is filed in accordance with th Pon of a pe n is order will nc e effective until further order of tile Departi I Any party to the order has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, Mail Station 35, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,Tallahassee,Florida, 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Executed in Orlando, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAI..,PROTECTION Christianne C. Ferraro, P. Administrator Pen-nitting and Waste Cleanup Program -Wastewater 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Filed,on this date,pursuant to Section 120.52,F.S.,with the designated Department Clerk,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. � . ., October 3,2016 Clerk Tate CCFfc.rl. Enclosures: Pennit,DMR and SOB Copies furnished to: David Smicherko,DEP CAP, r.V ma Christine Daniel, DEP, (-,I Yl laaa� i)e (BAaa,uaa^ rya(Iefra,a�,c hliaaa ,.,� Mary Ann Kraus,DEP Groundwater, nia i y ShabbirRizvi, DEP, JuObi.jL ri se III.uu, Charles LeGros, Phil Kane, DEP, jj� i .1 al��a.�«� Kim Rush, I ANRIFI INNER CER" NINE, E OF S V 11 This is to certify that this NOTICE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE and all copies were availed before close of business on October 3, 2016. to the listed persons,by Florida Department of Rick Scott Governor Environmental Protection Carlos Lopez-Cantera Central District Lt. Governor 0 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Jonathan P. Steverson Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMIT PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1068 City of Winter Springs FILE NUMBER. FLAOI 1068-024-DWIP EFFECTIVE DATE: March 14,2017 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: EXPIRATION DATE. March 13,2022 Mr Kipton Lockcuff"PE,Utility/Public Works Director 11.26 E State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2715 (407)327-5989 FACILITY; Winter Springs/East WRF 1560 Winter Springs Blvd Winter Springs,FL 32708-3803 Seminole County Latitude:28'40'3148"N This permit is issued and( jd Ites applicab rules of the Florida Administrative Code(F.P i i tioi o discharge vast ater other than as expressly stated in this permit, The e accordance with the docurnents attached hereto an specifically es ribed as 0 'ows: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: An existing 2.012 MGD annual average daily flow(AADF)permitted capacity contact stabilization domestic wastewater treatment plant consisting of flow equalization,influent screening,contact and re-aeration, secondary clarification, filtration, chlorination,aerobic digestion and dewatering of residuals(vacuum assisted and sand drying beds). REUSE OR DISPOSAL: Land Application R-001: An existing 2.012 MGD AADF permitted capacity slow-rate public access system. R-001 is a reuse system which consists of a 3,0 MG reclaimed water storage tank, a 5.61 MG lined reject/wet weather storage pond,a 40 acre restricted access sprayfield(the Oak Forest Spray Field)having a capacity of 0.201 MGD AADF,a 6.8 acre restricted access rapid infiltration basins(RIB)having a capacity of 0.610 MGD AADF,and public access irrigation within the permitted reuse service area,to the major users identified in Condition TV of this permit,with a permitted capacity of 1,720 MGD. Because a common transmission main is used for the reuse sites,the public access effluent limitations apply to all of the land application sites. The existing supplemental supply well at the golf course,which discharges into the existing reclaimed water storage tank, may be used to augment the supply of reclaimed water. IN ACCORDANCE WITH. The limitations,monitoring requirements,and other conditions set forth in this cover sheet and Part I through Part IX on pages 1 through 22 of this permit. PI RMIT'FLL: City Of Winter SpfillgS PERIVIFF NUMBER: FLAO I 1008 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPI RAI]ON DATE March 13,2022 1. RECI,AIMEI)WA'I'EIZANI)EFFLUENT 1,]MII'A'I'IONSANI)MONI'I'ORINGREQUIREMENI'S A, Reuse and Land Application Systems 1. During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit,the perinitice is authorized to supplement reclaimed water with ground water and direct recluirried water to Reuse System R-001. Stich reclaimed water shall be limited and monitored by the pernlittee as specified below and reported in accordance with Permit Condition Reclaimed Water Linurations Monitoring Requirements Frequency of Monitoring Partimeter units maximill Limit Statistical Basis Analysis Sample I ype Site N urn bcr Notes Flow(To I riscawilli Golf Max Report Monthly Average Recording 171,W Course) MGD Conlintrous Meterwilli FLW-2 See LAA Max Report Annual Average Totalizer' Flow(To Tr()iwood Vark) max ,1 ,,r Recording Flow FLW-3 See LAA Monthly on,',A 1, Flow(To Oak Forest s ...... M . I u &JIM c c ordii - l ow ).201 nnual ag prayfield� ninuous Mete fli Fl.W-4 See LAA ssik(rlily crag Told t Flow jo R113s) oI10 Annu Recordii -low D X ePort Nk"Ol Averapitinutrus Mete th FLW-5 SeeI.A.4 Tola r Flow(SupplencnaI ground 6 Recordi low water) MGD Max Report Annual Average Continuous Meter with FI.W-b See LA.4 I otalizer BOD,Carbonaceom 5—day, Max 20.0 Annual Average 20C nigil Max 30.0 Monthly Average Weekly I 0-hr FPC EFA-t Max 45A Weekly Average Max 60.0 Sin ale Sample Solids,]oral Suspended mg Max 5XI Single Sample 4 Days!Week Grab EFB-1 Colifonn,Fecal W100111L, Max 25 Single Sample 4 DaysiWcck Grab FFA-1 Colifonn,Fecal(Supplemental W100IT11, Max Report Single Sample Quarterly Grob mu-j ground water) I - Coliftlml,Fecal,%Icss than percent mill 75 Monthly Foral 4 Days/Week Calculated FF A-[ See 1A,5 detection PH Min 6.0 Single Sample S.U. Max 8.5 Single Sample Continuous Meier LFA-I See I.A.3 Chlorine,`fatal Residual Wor Min 1. Sample Condryllous Meter FFA-I See I.X6 Disinfection) Ing/l, 0 Single Sa and LA,9 'Turbidity N TU Max Report Single Sample Colleinuous Meter EFB-I See LA 7 and I.A.0 2 PERMITTEE: City ol'Winter Springs PERMH NUMBER: FLAOI W68 FACILI TY: Winter Springs East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 Reclaimed Water Limitations Monitoring Requirements Trxguen y of Monitoring Parameter Units maxlmin Limit Statistical Basis Analysis Sample Type Site Number Notes 77r—ogen,Nitrate,I-otal(as N) se. Ing/L Max 12 Single Sajnplv Weekly 16-hi FPC EFA-l, I.A.1 I Nitrogen,Total Ing"L Max Report Annual Average'' Weekly 16-hr FPC rf:A-I See Max Report. 'month IV Average I.A.l 2 Phosphorus,Total{as PL lng1- Max Report Annual Average Weekly 16-hr FPC EFA-1 See Max Repon Moruld Average LA,12 (}fardia Bi-annuallv� See ever La" cysts1001, Max Report Single Sample ' ' Grab EFA-1 IA.10 o ys1,11001 Max Report Single Sample �i an ears Ty Grah F17AA Se L=p-l"),idien, —"cry 2 years �11�1 �1 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 2. Reclaimed water samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I.A.I and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of Monjtorin Site FLW-2 Flow meter at Tuscawilla Golf Course FLW-3 Flow meter at TTotwood Park FLW-4 Flow meter at Oak Forest spraysite FLW-5 Flow meter at RlBs FLW-6 Supplemental groundwater flows to reuse s1stern EFA I Chlorine contact chamber effluent EFB-I Filter effluent prior to chlorination 0TI1-I Ground water 3. Hourly measurement of pH during the period of required operator attendance may be substituted for continuous measurement. [62-600.660(1)] 4. A recording flow meter with totalizer shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least once every 12 months. [62-60Q200(25)] 5. To report the"%less than detection," count the number of fecal coliforin observations that were less than detection,divide by the total number of fecal coliform observations in the month,and multiply by 100%(round to the nearest integer). [62-600.440(6)(a)] 6. The minim u total c' � ine ideal sh be lira descri d in the approve 4 perating protocol,such that tile permit li tation fo ca oliform feria 1 b chiev In no case shal e total chlorine residual be less than LC g/L. [62 J0. 7. The maxim shall limite d ribed in t ap 7vedoperating p ocol,such that the permit limitations or ota suspencle solids and eca coliforms w'l e achieved 162 .403(2)J R. The treatment facilities shall be operated in accordance with all approved operating protocols. Only reclaimed water that meets the criteria established in the approved operating protocol(s)may be released to system storage or to the reuse system. Reclaimed water that fails to meet the criteria in the approved operating protocol(s)shall be directed to reject storage for subsequent additional treatment or disinfection. 162-610,320(6)and 62- 610.463(2)l 9. Instruments for continuous On-line Monitoring of total residual chlorine and turbidity shall be equipped with an automated data logging or recording device. [62-610.463(2)] 10. Intervals between sampling for Giardia and Cryptosporidium shall not exceed two years. [62-610.472(3)(d)] H. Nitrate nitrogen(NO3)concentration in the water discharged to the land application system shall not exceed 12.0 mg/L,or as required to comply with Rule 62-610.5 10,F.A.C. [62-610.5 10] 12. Monitoring for total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP)are required as allowed by Rule 62-600.650(3), FAC,to evaluate impacts of reclaimed water to ground and surface waters in an impaired water basin. [62- 600 650(3)] 4 P171INirrm-': Cityol'WinterSprings PFRMFI NUMPIM FLAO I 106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRAFION DATE: March 03,2022 B. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Reporting Requirements I. Dming the period beginning on the effective date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit,the treatment facility shall be limited anti monitored by the perminve as specified below and reported in accordance with condition I.B.8.: Unnunions Monsrerting Requirements Frequency of Monkoring Parameter Units max"Min Lond SlaliStical Basis Anal si�s 'a jnXi le FvZe Site NUmber Notes ... _ _ Flow(`Tota I plant Max 2.012 Annual Average Recording Flow 'See LBA llow) Max Report Mont lily Average C011611UOLIS McIcr with f FIN-I M(X) Max Re can. Quarterl Avera�c 1(malizer Percent Capacity, (I'MADF/Perniftted pet-cent Maw RcFon Monthly Average Month[), Calculated CAA L-11 Capacity)X 100 BOO,CaTbonaccous n, Re l Lmmmo Single Sar*\\\\ INF-I See 1 B.3 ,5 day,20C(Influcm) g/l. 1111101111 RIMINI, Solids,Total Re, g S in le , y le Weekl 16 FPC INF-I Scc LB-I Sus unded(Influent) in+L Max PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 2. Samples shall betaken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition LBJ, and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of Monitoring Site FLW-1 Master flow incter at v-notch weir in final chlorination tank CAI.,-1 Calculate using FLW-I INF-1 Raw influent to surge tank 3. Influent samples shall be collected so that they do not contain digester supernatant or return activated sludge,or any other plant process recycled waters. 162-600.660(4)(a)] 4, A recording flow meter with totalizer shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least once every 12 months, [62-600,200(25)] 5. Sampling results for giardia and cryptosporidiurn shall be reported oil DEP Form 62-610.300(4)(a)4,Pathogen Monitoring,which is attached to this permit. ]'his form shall be Submitted to the Department's Central District Office and to DEP's Reuse Coordinator in Tallahassee. [62-610.300(4)(a)] 6. The sample collection,analytical test methods and method detection limits(MDLs)applicable to this permit shall be conducted using a sufficiently sensitive method to ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards and effluent limitations and shall be in accordance with Rule 62-4.246,Chapters 62-160 and 62-600, F.A.C., and 40 CFR 136,as appropriate. The list of Department established analytical methods,and corresponding MDLs(method detection limits)and PQLs(practical quantitation limits),which is titled"FAC 62-4 MDL/PQL Table(April 26,2006)" is available at http!://www.dep.state.fl.us/]ab:s/iibi-ary/index.liti-n. The MDI.s and PQLs as described in this list shall constitute the minimum acceptable MDL/PQL Values and the Department shall not accept results far which the laboratory's MDLs or PQLs are reater than those described 'rea r above unles DI-s have b 00 pecific� a rnent for this permit. Any metho eluded j to I for g as I g as it meets the ]owing requirements: a. The lab tory's re ec v e p� 11 thod mj� be equal or less than the corresp ding me V� ent pproved MDL PQL list; n, b. The lab o-ted L for th 11 fieparam i. I ss than or equal the permit limit or the applicable water quality criteria,if any,stated in Chapter 62-302,F.A.C. Parameters that are listed as ,,report only" in the permit shall use methods that provide an MDL,which is equal to or less than the applicable water quality criteria stated in 62-302,F.A.C.;and c. If the MDLs for all methods available in the approved list are above the stated pert-nit firnit or applicable water quality criteria for that parameter,then the method with the lowest stated MDL shall be used. When the analytical results are below method detection or practical quantitation limits,the permittee shall report the actual laboratory MDL and/or PQL values for the analyses that were performed following the instructions oil the applicable discharge monitoring report. Where necessary,the permittee may request approval of alternate methods or for alternative MDI-s or PQLs for any approved analytical method, Approval of alternate laboratory MDLs or PQLs are not necessary if the laboratory reported MDLs and PQLs are less than or equal to the permit limit or the applicable water quality criteria,if any,stated in Chapter 62-302,F.A.C. Approval of an analytical method not included in the above- referenced list is not necessary if the analytical method is approved in accordance with 40 CFR 136 or deemed acceptable by the Department. [62-4.246, 62-160] 7. The pertnittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative samples which are required by this permit. [62-600.650(2)] S. Monitoring requirements under this permit are effective on May 1,2017.Until such time,the permittee shall continue to monitor and report in accordance with previously effective permit requirements. During the period of operation authorized by this permit,the permittee shall complete and submit to the Department Discharge Monitoring Reports(DMRs) in accordance with the frequencies specified by the REPORT type(ix, monthly,quarterly, semiannual,annual,etc.)indicated on the DMR forms attached to this pen-nit.Unless specified otherwise in this permit,monitoring results for each monitoring period shall be submitted in accordance with the associated DMR due dates below.DMRs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including periods of no discharge. 6 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 REPORT Typc on DMR Monitoring Period Mail orElectronically Submit by Monthly first day of month-last day of month 28`1 day of following month Quarterly January I -March 31 April 28 April I -June 30 July 28 July I -September 30 October 28 October I December 31 JanuaKy 28 Semiannual January I June 30 July 28 July I -December 31 January 28 Annual January I - December 31 January 28 The permittee may submit either paper or electronic DMR forms(preferred). If submitting paper DMR forms, the permittee shall make copies of the attached DMR forms.without altering the original format or content unless approved by the Department,and shall mail the completed DMR forms to the Department's Central District Office at the address specified in Permit Condition I.B.13.by the twenty-eighth(28th)of the month following the month of operation. If submitting electronic DMR forms,the permittee shall use the electronic DMR system(s)approved in writing by the Department and shall electronically submit the completed DMR forms to the Department by the twenty- eighth(28th)of the month following the month of operation. Data submitted in electronic format is equivalent to data submitted on signed and certified paper DMR forms. The EzDMR system shall be used in accordance with Condition V1. 1.of this permit,unless alternative arrangements are approved by the Central District's Wastewater Permitting Section. Register for the new system by visiting the DEP Business Portal at littp://www.fldepportal.com/go/. For more information,contact at EzDMRAdmin&)del2.statc.f1.us. [62-620.610(18)j 9. During the o eratto d by this p nit,recla` a I be monitored annually ot and 1 -550,F.A.C.,(except for asbestos olor,odo nd erosivity Thes o ritag ults shall be rep d to the Department annually on e DMR. ri a pe tt is t rend ificatio tating that no new non- domestic w,, ewater d' iar e last reclaimed water or effluent ana 'is was due tnay b br ed in lie f L eport. The ann reclaimed water or effluent analysis rep i )c 71 shal pleted an bi ted in a timely ner so as to be received by the Department at the address identified on the DMR by January 28 of each year. Approved analytical methods identified in Rule 62-620.100(3)(i),F.A.C., shall be used for the analysis. If no method is included for a parameter, methods specified in Chapter 62-550,F.A.C.,shall be used. [62-600.660(Z)and(3)(d)][62- 600.680(2)][62-610.300(4)] 10. Tile permittee shall submit an Annual Reuse Report using DEP Form 62-610.300(4)(a)2.on or before January I of each year. [62-610.870(3)] 11, Operating protocol(s)shall be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure continuous compliance with the minimum treatment and disinfection requirements.Updated operating protocols shall be submitted to the Department's Central District Office for review and approval upon revision of the operating protocol(s)and with each permit application. [62-610.320(6)][62-610.463(2)] 12. The permittee shall maintain an inventory of storage systems. The inventory shall be submitted to the Department's Central District Office at least 30 days before reclaimed water will be introduced into any new storage system. The inventory of storage systems shall be attached to the annual submittal of the Annual Reuse Report, [62-610.464(5)] 13. Unless specified otherwise in this permit,all reports and other information required by this permit,including 24-hour notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to,as appropriate,the Department's Central District Office at the address specified below: Electronic submittal is preferred,by sending to D1 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Central District Office 3319 Maguire Blvd Suite 232 Orlando,Florida 32803-3767 7 PERMITTEE: City of'Winter Springs PERMITNUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13, 2022 Phone Number-(407)897-4100 [62-620.30.5] 14, All reports and other information shall be signed in accordance with the requirements of Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C.[62-620,305] 11. B10SOLIDS MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Basic Requirements I. Biosolids generated by this facility may be land applied,transferred to Environmental Ag Products BTF,or disposed of in a Class I solid waste landfill.'Transferring biosolids to an alternative biosolids treatment facility does not require a permit modification. However, use of an alternative biosolids treatment facility requires submittal of a copy of the agreement pursuant to Rule 62-640.880(1)(c),F.A.C,,along with a written notification to the Department at least 30 days before transport of the biosolids. [62-620.320(6), 62- 640.880(1)] 2. The perinittee shall monitor and keep records of the quantities of biosolids generated, received from source facilities,treated,distributed and marketed, land applied,used as a biofuel or for bioenergy,transferred to another facility,or landfilled.These records shall be kept for a minimum of five years, 1'62-640,650(4)(a)] 3. Biosolids quantities shall be monitored by the permittee as specified below. Results shall be reported on the permittee's Discharge Monitoring Report for Monitoring Group RMP-Q in accordance with Condition 1.13.8. A110h ME- 11 s 1-finit ons Mom taring Requirements llfrequcjic� anip c Monitoring ;ax/# """I'll"jStat! 1! of Analysi Type Site tons i n IL" B� s Number o ly B i,o s o I i d s Monthly Calculated RMP-1 (LandMlied) Totally Biosolids Quantity dry tons Max Report Monthly Monthly Calculated RMp-1 (Transferred) Total Biosolids Quantity dry tons Max Report Monthly Monthly Calculated RMP-I (Landfilled) Total [62-640.650(.5)(a)]] 4. Biosolids quantities shall be calculated as listed in Permit Condition 11.3 and as described below: Monitoring,Site N uniber � Description of'Monitoring Site Calculations RMP-1 I Based on weight and estimated percent solids, 5. The treatment,management,transportation,use,land application,or disposal of biosolids shall not cause a violation of the odor prohibition in subsection 62-296.320(2),F.A.C. [62-640.400(6)] 6. Storage of biosolids or other solids at this facility shall be in accordance with the Facility Biosolids Storage Plan, [62-640.300(4)] 7. Biosolids shall not be spilled from or tracked off the treatment facility site by the hauling vehicle. [62- 640.4(0 9)] B. Treatment and Monitoring Requirements 8. The pennittee is authorized to produce Class B biosolids. 8 PERMiTTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAW 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRIF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 9. The perrilittee shall achieve Class B pathogen reduction by meeting the Pathogen reduction requirements in section 503,32(b)(3)(Use of PSRP(Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens)-Aerobic Digestion)of Title 40 CFR Part 503. 162-640.600(l)(b)] 10. The permittee shall achieve vector attraction reduction for Class A or'B biosolids by meeting tile vector attraction reduction requirements in section 503,33(b)(1)(Reduce the mass of volatile solids by a minimum Of 18%)of Title 40 CFR Part 503. 162-640.600(2)(a)) It. Mean cell residence time shall be routinely monitored to demonstrate compliance with pathogen reduction requirements specified in Rule 62-640.600,F.A.C. [62-640.650(3)(0)2] 12. The percent of volatile solids reduction shall be routinely monitored to demonstrate compliance with vector attraction reduction requirements specified in Rule 62-640.600,F.A.C.[62-640,650(3)(a)2] 13, Treatment of liquid biosolids orseptage for the purpose of meeting the Pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction requirements set forth in Rule 62-640.600, F.A.C.,shall not be conducted in the tank of a hauling vehicle. Treatment of biosolids or septage for the purpose of meeting pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction requirements shall take place at the permitted facility. [62-640400(7)] 14. Class B biosolids shall comply with the limits and be monitored by the permittee as specified below.Results shall be reported on the permittee's Discharge Monitoring Report in accordance with Permit Condition 1.13.8. Biosolids shall not be land applied if a single sample result for any parameter exceeds the following: Biosolids Limitations Monitoring Requirements Sample Monitoring Para ter lU Ma UIZ 6Statists Basis of Anal] is Type Site Number Nitrogen,S ge,Tot, Pei nt mglc AnnUk. Grab R.MP-B Dry Wt as Phosphorus int Max k ie, Inple An n w 141 Grab R.MP-B Tot,Dry Wt(as P) Pe Al lllie'��\"port IN, Potassium,Sludge,Tot, percent Max Report Single Sample Annually Grab RMP-B Dry Wt(as K) Wei Arse oral,glit, nic Dry e nig/kg Max 75.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Sludj� Cadmium,Sludge,Tot. Ing/kg Max 85,0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Dry Weight(as Cd) Copper,Sludge,Tot. ing/kg Max 4300M Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Dry Wt.(as Cu) ...................... Lead,Dry Weight, mg/kg Max 840.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Sludge Mercury,Dry Weight, ing/k- Max -57.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RM11-13 Slud c I Molybdenum,Dry ino;/kg Max 75.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Weight,Sludge Nickel.Dry Weight, mg/kg Max 420.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Sludge Selenium Sludge Solid nig/kg Max 100.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Zinc,Dry Weight, mg/kg Max 7500.0 Single Sample Annually Composite RMP-B Sludge PH S.ul Max Report Single Sample Annually Grab RMP-B Solids,Total,Sludge, percent Max Report Single Sample Annually Grab RMP-B Percent [62-640.650(3)(a)(3)and 62-640.700(S)(o)] 9 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 15. Sampling and analysis shall be conducted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 503.8 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication-PQTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document,August 1989. In cases where conflicts exist between 40 CFR 503.8 and the POTW Slud2e Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document,the requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.8 will apply. 162-640.650(3)(a)IJ 16. All samples shall be representative and shall be taken after final treatment of the biosolids but before land application or distribution and marketing. 162-640.650(3)(")5] 17. Biosolids samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition 11.14 and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of'Monitoring Site I RMP-13 1_Class B biosolids after final treatment C. Land Application at Permitted Sites 18. Land application of biosolids at the site shall be in accordance with the site permit,the Nutrient Management Plan,and the requirements of Chapter 62-640,F.A.C, [62-640] 19, The biosolids from this facility shall only be land applied at sites identified on the Treatment Facility Biosolids Plan, orm 62-640.210(2)(a),submitted with the permit application or revised in accordance with condition 11.20 below, which is incorporated as part of this permit. [62-640.300(2)] 20. The permittee shall notify the Department at least 24 hours before beginning biosolids application at a site not listed in the .21 e g;# ;AWJI, , me jjj�j, , t nt Facility c Biosolicis P] sub le ithin 30 days Of using the site,The wised bt rne part of the ti tillent facility permit. [62-640.30( 1pillilll 21, Land applic 64 F.A.C.,is only z wed if specifically addressed ii ;l Ma Bement pproved �tl -Ae where the of r solids will be applied.162- 640.86Q1 21 The permittee shall maintain hauling records to track the transport of biosolids,between the treatment facility and the application site. The hauling records for each party shall contain the following information: Treatment Facility Permittee Site Permittee I. Date and time shipped and shipment ID I. Date and time received and shipment ID 2. Amount of biosolids shipped 2. Name and ID number of treatment facility frorn which biosolids are received 3. Concentration of parameters&date of 3. Signature of hauler analysis 4. Name and ID number of permitted 4. Signature of site manager application site 5. Class of biosolids shipped 6. Signature of certified operator or designee 7. Signature of hauler and name of hauling firm A copy of the treatment facility hauling records for each shipment shall be provided upon delivery of the biosolids to the biosolids site manager. The permittee shall report to the Department within 24 hours of discovery of any discrepancy in the delivery of biosolids leaving the treatment facility and arriving at the permitted application site.Treatment facility permittees shall notify the Department, site manager,and site permittee within 24 hours of discovery of sending biosolids that did not meet the requirements of Rule 62- 640.600, F.A.C.,or subsection 62-640.700(5),F.A.C.,to a land application site. [62-640.650(4) & (5)] 10 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 23, The permittee shall maintain copies of the Biosolids,Application Site Annual Summaries,received from site peri-nittees in accordance with 62-640.650(5)(e),,F.A.C., indefinitely. [62-640 650(40)] 24. The permittee shall submit a Treatment Facility Biosolids Annual Surninary to the Department's Central District Office on Department Form 62-640,210(2)(b).The Summary shall include all biosolids shipped during the period January I through December 31 and shall be submitted to the Department by February 19 of the year following the year of application. [62-640.650(5)(e)] 0. Disposal 25. Disposal of biosolids, septage,and "other solids" in a solid waste disposal facility,or disposal by placement oil land for purposes other than soil conditioning or fertilization,such as at a monofill, surface impoundment,waste pile,or dedicated site, shall be in accordance with Chapter 62-701,F.A.C. [62-640.L00(6)(6) & (c)j E. Transfer 26. The permittee shall not be held responsible for treatment and management violations that occur after its biosolids have been accepted by a permitted biosolids treatment facility with which the source facility has an agreement in accordance with subsection 62-640.880(1)(c),F.A.C., for further treatment,management or disposal. 1'62-640.880(1)(6)] 27. The permittee shall keep hauling records to track the transport of biosol ids between the facilities. The hauling records shall contain the following information: Source F 1� Rios Treatment Facility L, Date a time )pc s s p d a I e and time rece d 2. Arno t of bios 1 ount of biosoli eceived 3. Degr of treaty t(i 3. ID num of source facility 4. Nam nd ID N be treaty t foci mature of haule 5. Sig `iinsi party at r achlity Tnature of respoi ble party at treatment facility 6. Sig]a ure o auler an name 11""ng firril A copy of the source facility hauling records for each shipment shall be provided upon delivery of the biosolids to the biosolids treatment facility or treatment facility.The treatment facility permittee shall report to the Department within 24 hours of discovery any discrepancy in the quantity of biosolids leaving the source facility and arriving at the biosolids treatment facility or treatment facility. [62-640,880(4)1 F. Receipt 28. If the permittee intends to accept biosolids from other facilities., a permit revision is required pursuant to paragraph 62-640,880(2)(d), F.A.C. [62-640.880(2)(d)] 111, GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS I. The permittee shall give at least 72-hour notice to the Department's Central District Office,prior to the installation of any monitoring wells. [02-520.600(6)(h)] 1 Before construction of new ground water monitoring wells,a soil boring shall be made at each new monitoring well location to properly determine monitoring well specifications such as well depth,screen interval,screen slot,and filter pack. 162-520.600(6)(g)] 3. Within 30 days after installation of a monitoring well,the permittee shall submit to the Department's Central District Office well completion reports and soil boring/lithologic logs on the attached DEP Form(s)62- 520.900(3),Monitoring Well Completion Report. [62-520.600(6)0)and.900(3)] PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 4. All piezometers and monitoring wells not part of the approved ground water monitoring plan shall be plugged and abandoned in accordance with Rule 62-532.500(5),F.A.C.,unless future use is intended. 162-532.500(5)l 5. For the Part III Public Access system,, all ground water quality criteria specified in Chapter 62-520,F.A.C., shall be met at the edge of the zone of discharge. The zone of discharge shall extend horizontally 100 feet from the application site(s)or to the property boundaries, whichever is less,and vertically to the base of the surficial aquifer. [62-520.200(27)][02-520.4651 6, The ground water ininimU111 criteria specified in Rule 62-520.400 F.A.C.,shall be met within the zone of discharge. [62-520.400 and 62-520.420(4)] 7. If the concentration for any constituent listed in Permit Condition 111.10. in the natural background quality of the ground water is greater than the stated maximum, or in the case of pH is also less than the mmirrmin,the representative background quality shall be the prevailing standard. [62-520.420(2)] 8. During the period of operation authorized by this permit,the peri-nittee shall continue to sample ground water at the monitoring wells identified in Permit Condition 111.9.,below in accordance with this permit and the approved ground water monitoring plan prepared in accordance with Rule 62-520.600,VA,C. [62-520.600] [62-610.463] 9. The following monitoring wells shall be sampled for Reuse System R-001. Monitoring Alternate Well Name and/or Latitude Longitude Well ID Description of Monitoring Depth AquifQr Now or cation e I I Md red Existing Al) MWB-3-1 §�,kg oun"2111hpnito !9 ell &8-401 81°15' Surficial icla Existing MWB-4-1 kground Init c L18.40' h,10131 13 Surficial Existing MWC-3-3 111pliance iffinto 2804 -t Y 00002111 1 NINE 15 Surficial Existing On ito g well. , 11 MWC-3-4 mpliance n 80 28" V1,4 15 Surficial Existing -4-3 t, �g well. 4 Tv 8 11 MWC 1101"hionitol, 3 11 Surficial Existing MWC-4-4 Compliance monitoring well 28040'55" 81'13'36" 15 Surficial Existing MWI-3-2 Well located downgradient 2804012311 8 1 0 151 13" 11 Surficial Existing from a pollution source and within the zone of discharge. MWl- Well located downgradient 2804015411 8 1 0 13'46" 15 Surficial Existing from a pollution source and within the zone of discharge. MWC=Compliance; MWB=Background;MWI=Intermediate; MWP=Piezorneter [62-520.600][62-610.463] 10. The following parameters shall be analyzed for each monitoring well identified in Permit Condition 111.9.: Parameter Compliance Units SampleType Monitoring Well Limit 1 i Frequency Water Level Relative to NGVD Report ft In Situ Quarterly Nitrogen,Nitrate,Total(as N) 10 mgj. Grab Quarterly Solids,Total Dissolved(TDS) 500 nng/L Grab Quarterly Chloride(as Q 250 mE/L Grab Quarterly, Cohl'orm,Fecal 4 #/1001yfl- Grab QuarterlX PH 6.5-8.5 S.U. Grab I Quarterly Turbidity Report NTU Grab Quarterly 162-520.600(11)(1))_l[62-600.670][62-600.650(3)][02-520.310(5)] 11. Water levels shall be recorded before evacuating each well for sample collection. Elevation references shall include the top of the well casing and land surface at each well site(NA VD allowable)at a precision of plus or minus 0.01 foot. [62-520.600(11)(c)][62-610.463(3)(a)] 12 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT'NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 12. Ground water monitoring wells shall be purged prior to sampling to obtain representative samples. [62- ,160.210] [62-600.670(3)] 13. Analyses shall be conducted on unfiltered samples,unless filtered samples have been approved by the Department's Central District Off-ice as being more representative of ground water conditions. [62-520.310(5)] 14. Ground water monitoring test results shall be submitted oil Part D of Form 62-620.910(10) in accordance with Permit Condition I.B.8. [62-520,600(11)(b)][62-600.670][62.600,800(1)][62-620.610(18)] 15. If any monitoring well becomes inoperable or damaged to the extent that sampling or well integrity may be affected,the permittee shall notify the Department's Central District Office within two business days from discovery,and a detailed written report ,hall follow within ten days after notification to the Department. The written report shall detail what problem has occurred and remedial measures that have been taken to prevent recurrence or request approval for replacement of the monitoring well.All monitoring well design and replacement shall be approved by the Department's Central District Office before installation.[62- 520.600(6ffl)�l IV. ADDITIONAL REUSE AND LAND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Part III Public Access Systein(s) I Use of reclaimed water is authorized within(lie general service area identified in the attached map. The following uses of reclaimed water are authorized within this general service area: Athletic Co i d Park I I RIMINI, 11111111 Golf Coursc Other Land. pe Irriga Residential veloprne 11011111111, [62-620.63 R111 2. This reuse system includes the following major user(s)of reclaimed water(i.e., using 0.1 MGD or more)and general service area(s): Site Number User Name User Type: Capacity(MGD) Acreage PAA-001A R-00 I site Tuseawilla Golf Golf Courses 1.083 155 Course PAA-001 B R-001 site'frotwood Park Athletic Complexes and Parks 0.118 9 and Roadwg,Median Total 1.201 164 [62-610,800(5)][62-620,630(1(�)(I,))] 3. New major users of reclaimed water(i.e., using 0.1 MGD or more) may be added to the reuse system using the general permit described in Rule 62-610.890,F.A.C,, if the requirements in this rule are complied with. Application for use of this general pen-nit shall be made using Form 62-610.300(4)(a)1. [62-610.890] 4. Cross-connections to the potable water system are prohibited. [62-610469(7)] 5. A cross-connection control program shall be implemented and/or remain in effect within the areas, where reclaimed water will be provided for use and shall be in compliance with the Rule 62-555.360,F.A.C. [62- 610.469(7)] 6. The perillittee shall conduct inspections within the reclaimed water service area to verify proper connections,to minimize illegal cross-connections,and to verify both the proper use of reclaimed water and that the proper backflow prevention assemblies or devices have been installed and tested. Inspections are required when a 13 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILIM Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DAM March 13,2022 customer first connects to the reuse distribution systern. Subsequent inspections are required as specified in the cross-connection control and inspection program. [02-610.469(7)(h)] 7, If an actual or potential(e.g. no dual check device on residential connections served by a reuse system)cross- connection between the potable and reclaimed water systems is discovered,the peri-nittee shall: a. Immediately discontinue potable water and/or reclaimed water service to the affected area if an actual cross-connection is discovered. b. If the potable water system is contaminated,clear the potable water lines. c. Eliminate the cross-connection and install a backflow prevention device as required by the Rule 62- 555.360.F.A.C. d. Test the affected area for other possible cross-connections. e. Within 24 hours,notify the Department's Central District Office's domestic wastewater and drinking water programs. f. Within 5 days of discovery of an actual or potential cross-connection, submit a written report to the Department',,Central District Office detailing: a description of the cross-connection, how the cross- connection was discovered,the exact date and time of discovery, approximate time that the cross- connection existed,the location,the cause, steps taken to eliminate the cross-connection, whether reclaimed water was consumed,and reports of possible illness,whether the drinking water system was contaminated and the steps taken to clear the drinking water system,when the cross-connection was eliminated,plan of action for testing for other possible cross-connections in the area,and an evaluation of the cross-connection control and inspection prograrn to ensure that future cross-connections do not occur. [62-555.35(, 3 S. Maximum ainable s rata e water lines all be provided and the minimums( e �,A,C.,shall be I vided.Reuse facilities shall be color co 1 nufactured of m I or concrete shall be color coded using Pantone Purple 522C using light stable colorants.Underground metal and concrete pipe shall be color coded or marked using purple as the predominant color. 162-610.469(7)] 9. In constructing reclaimed water distribution piping,the peri-nittee shall maintain a 75-foot setback distance from a reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply wells. No setback distances are required to other potable water supply wells or to any nonpotable water supply wells. 162-610.471(3)] 10. A setback distance of 75 feet shall be maintained between the edge of the wetted area and potable water supply wells, unless the utility adopts and enforces an ordinance prohibiting potable water supply wells within the reuse service area. No setback distances are required to any nonpotable water supply well,to any surface water, to any developed areas,or to any private swimming pools,hot tubs, spas, saunas,picnic tables,barbecue pits,or barbecue grills. [62-610.47](1), (2), (5), and(7)] 11. Reclaimed water shall not be used to fill swimming pools,hot tubs,or wading pools. [62-610.469(4)] 11 Low trajectory nozzles,or other means to minimize aerosol formation shall be used within 100 feet from outdoor public eating,drinking, or bathing facilities. [62-610.471(6)] 13, A setback distance of 100 feet shall be maintained from indoor aesthetic features using reclaimed water to adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities. [62-610.47](8)l 14. The public shall be notified of the use of reclaimed water.This shall be accomplished by posting of advisory signs in areas where reuse is practiced,notes on scorecards,or other methods. [62-610.468(2)] 15. All new advisory signs and labels on vaults,service boxes,or compartments that house hose bibbs along with all labels on hose bibbs, valves,and outlets shall bear the words"do not drink" and "no beber" along with the 14 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13, 2022 equivalent standard international symbol. In addition to the words"do not drink" and "no beber," advisory signs posted at storage ponds and decorative water features shall also bear the words"do not swim" and "no nadar" along with the equivalent standard international symbols. Existing advisory signs and labels shall be retrofitted, modified,or replaced in order to comply with the revised wording requirements.For existing advisory signs and labels this retrofit,modification,or replacement shall occur within 365 days after the date of this permit. For labels on existing Vaults,service boxes,or compartments housing hose bibbs this retrofit, modification,or replacement shall occur within 730 days after the date of this permit. 162-610.468, 62- 610.469] 16. Tile permittee shall ensure that users of reclaimed water are informed about the origin,nature,and characteristics of reclairned water;the manner in which reclaimed water can be safely used; and limitations on the use of reclaimed water. Notification is required at the time of initial connection to the reclaimed water distribution system and annually after the reuse system is placed into operation. A description of on-going public notification activities shall be included in the Annual Reuse Report. [02-610.468(6)1 17. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of storage pond embankments and access areas are required. [62-610.414(8)] 18. Overflows frorn emergency discharge facilities on storage ponds shall be reported as abnormal events in accordance with Permit Condition IX,20. [62-610.800(9)j Supplemental Water Supplies-Ground Water 19. An approved backflow prevention device,as described in Rule 62-555.360, F.A.C., shall be provided on the pipe from e ortrlect eclairned er s stet �j 4 20. The suppler I color coded an arked to differentiate them from the rec C MW,J11 21. Facilities u claimed water d ribution system shall be I ted in tf record d-a for the r s tern. [62 610,47 7)] V. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Staffing Requirements 1, During the period of operation authorized by this permit,the wastewater facilities shall be operated under the supervision of operators certified in accordance with Chapter 62-602,F.A.C. In accordance with Chapter 62- 699,F.A.C.,this facility is a Category 11,Class B facility and,at a minimum,operators with appropriate certification must be on the site as follows: A Class C or higher operator 8 hours/day for 7 days/week. The lead/chief operator must be a Class B operator, or higher. [62-620.630(-3)][62-699.310] [62-610.462] 2, The lead/chief operator may supervise the operation of two plants(Winter Springs East and West)located in close proximity or multiple plants connected to a domestic collection system when such plants are under an electronic control system. The lead/chief operator's time shall be allocated between or among the plants and electronic control system based upon the size and complexity of the plants and availability of the electronic control systems for the plants. [62-699.311(10)] 3. An operator meeting the lead/chief operator class for the plant shall be available during all periods of plant operation."Available" means able to be contacted as needed to initiate the appropriate action in a timely manner. [62-699.311(1)] 15 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRT EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 B. Capacity Analysis Report and Operation and Maintenance Performance Report Requirements 1. The application to renew this permit shall include an updated capacity analysis report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.405,F.A.C. [62-600.405(5)] 2. The application to renew this permit shall include a detailed operation and maintenance performance report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600,735,F,A.C. [62-600.735(l)] C. Recordkeeping Requirements I The permittee shall maintain the following records and make them available for inspection on the site of the permitted facility. a. Records of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation,including,if applicable,a copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory,for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was,taken-, b. Copies of all reports required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared; c. Records of all data, including reports and documents, used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed., d. Monitoring information,including a copy of the laboratory certification showing the laboratory certification number, related to the residuals use and disposal activities for the time period set forth in Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., for at least three years from the date of sampling or measurement; e. A copy of the current permit; f. A copy it op I 11bAWN1 '2"600,F.A,G; g. A copy any req d r h, Copies the I icen of i Copies id s( n nd equipment rn[tenance for three years from Jules. T 1J' shall,a nation the dat 0 1 or se a n� um, ication of the plant;the signature and license number of the operator(s)and the signature of the person(s) making any entries, date and time in and out;specific operation and maintenance activities,including any preventive maintenance or repairs made or requested;results of tests performed and samples taken,unless documented on a laboratory sheet; and notation of any notification or reporting completed in accordance with Rule 62-602,650(3), F.A.C. 'The logs shall be maintained on-site in a location accessible to 24-hour inspection,protected from weather damage,and current to the last operation and maintenance performed;and j Records of biosolids quantities,treatment, monitoring,and hauling for at least five years. [62-620.350, 62-602,650, 62-640,650(4)] VI. SCHEDULES 1. The following improvement actions shall be completed according to the following schedule: Improvement Action Completion Date 1.Remove mats in SUTgC tank, A ril 1.2017 2.Replace to ring(V.proximately 100 linear feet)on Plant 42. April 1,2017 3.Replace partial metal on stir tank wall(approximately 100 square feet)on Plant#2 April 1,2017 4.Re lace nine sections of failing weir plates on Plant#2 July 1,2017 .Replace elbow,pipe inlet box and 20 linear feet of inlet trou2b on Plant#1. July 1,2017 6.Repair separation wall(approximately 30 square feet)between digester and air bay in October 1,2017 Plant#1 7.Repair small leak in wall of Digester ft I As soon_aspossiblc [62-620 320(0)] 16 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 2. The permittee is not authorized to discharge to waters of the state after the expiration date of this permit,unless: a. The permittee has applied for renewal of this permit at least 180 days before the expiration date of this permit using the appropriate forms listed in Rule 62-620.910,F,A.C., and in the manner established in the Department of Environmental Protection Guide to Permitting Wastewater Facilities or Activities Under Chapter 62-620,F.A.C., including Submittal of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.; or b. The permittee has made complete the application for renewal of this permit before the permit expiration date. [62-620.335(l)- (4)1 VII. INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM REQUIREM ENTS I. This facility is not required to have a pretreatment program at this time. [62-625.500] Vill. OTHER SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. The permittee shall comply with all conditions and requirements for reuse contained in their consumptive use permit issued by the Water Management District, if such requirements are consistent with Department rules. [62-610.800(10)] 2. In the event that the treatment facilities or equipment no longer function as intended,are no longer safe in terms Of public health and safety,or odor,noise,aerosol drift,or lighting adversely affects neighboring developed areas at the levels prohibited by Rule 62-600,400(2)(a),F.A.C., corrective action(which may include additional maintenance or modifications of the permitted facilities)shall be taken by the permittee. Other corrective action rnay to en nee with s of the I, the treatment, rnanagernen se or app Is of cau! a Vic,anon 0 t I' or prohibition in Rule 62- 296,320(2), A.C. [6 00.- I, The deliber introduc n o nto( e' 01' transinis: n systems designed solely for the intro ction(a on, I " tewater;or the d berate introduction of storinwater ri/tn mission designe r introduction Tornveyance of combinations of storm and domestic/industrial wastewater in amounts which may reduce the efficiency of pollutant removal by the treatment plant is prohibited,except as provided by Rule 62-610.472,F.A.C. 1'62-604.130(3)j 4. Collection/transmission system overflows shall be reported to the Department in accordance with Permit Condition IX.20. [62-604.550]162-620.610(20)] 5, The operating authority of a collection/transmission system and the permittee of a treatment plant are prohibited from accepting connections of wastewater discharges which have not received necessary pretreatment or which contain materials or pollutants(other than normal domestic wastewater constituents): a. Which may cause fire or explosion hazards; or b� Which may cause excessive corrosion or other deterioration of wastewater facilities due to chemical action or pli levels; or c. Which are solid or viscous and obstruct flow or otherwise interfere with wastewater facility operations or treatment;or d. Which result in the wastewater temperature at the introduction of the treatment plant exceeding 40°C or otherwise inhibiting treatment;or e. Which result in the presence of toxic gases,vapors,or furnes that may cause worker health and safety problems. [02-604.130(5)] 6. The treatment facility,storage ponds for Part It systems, rapid infiltration basins, and/or infiltration trenches shall be enclosed with a fence or otherwise provided with features to discourage the entry of animals and unauthorized persons. [62-600.400(2)(b)] 17 PERMITTEE; City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 7, Screenings and grit removed from the wastewater facilities shall be collected in suitable containers and hauled to a Department approved Class I landfill or to a landfill approved by the Department for receipt/disposal of screenings and grit. [62-701.300(1)(a)] 8. Where required by Chapter 471 or Chapter 492, F.S,,applicable portions of reports that must be submitted under this permit shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a professional geologist,as appropriate. [02-620,310(4)] 9. The permittee shall provide verbal notice to the Department's Central District Office as soon as practical after discovery of a sinkhole or other karst feature within an area for the management or application of wastewater, wastewater residuals(sludges),or reclaimed water. The permittee shall immediately implement measures appropriate to control the entry of contaminants,and shall detail these measures to the Department's Central District Office in a written report within 7 days of the sinkhole discovery. 162-620.320(6)] jo. The permittee shall provide notice to the Department of the following: a. Any new introduction of pollutants into the facility from an industrial discharger which would be subject to Chapter 403, F.S.,and the requirements of Chapter 62-620,F.A.C.,if it were directly discharging those pollutants; and b. Any substantial change in the volume or character of'pollutants being introduced into that facility by a source which was identified in the permit application and known to be discharging at the time the permit was issued. Notice shall include iril'brination on the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the facility and any anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent or reclaimed water to be discharged from th [02-620.62J IX. GENERAL CONDIONS ����� -e binding and I. The terms,con i'o'n' s,"requirements, limy restl set forth in this rmit ai enforceable pursuant to Chapter 403,Florida Statutes, Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of Chapter 403,Florida Statutes, and is grounds for enforcement action,permit termination,permit revocation and reissuance,or permit revision. [62-620.610(1 1)] 1 This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviations from the approved drawings,exhibits,specifications,or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. [62- 620.610(2)] 3. As provided in subsection 403.087(7),F.S.,the issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights.,nor authorize any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit, [62-620.610(3)] 4. This permit conveys no title to land or water,does not constitute state recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leaschold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. [62-620.610(4)] 5. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability and penalties for hari-n or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life,or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source;nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized by an order fi-orn the Department, The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge, reuse of reclaimed water,or residuals use or disposal in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. [62-620,610(5)] 18 PERMITTEL City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1068 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 6, If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after its expiration date,the permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit, [62-020.610('6)] 7. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control, and related appurtenances,that are installed and used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. This provision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systerns when necessary to maintain or achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. 162-620,610(7)] & This permit may be modified,revoked and reissued,or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit revision, revocation and reissuance, or termination,or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. [62-620,610(8).1 9. The permittee, by accepting this permit,specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel,when applicable, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law,and at reasonable times,depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated, to: a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, system,or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit; b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this permit; c. Inspect the facilities,equipment,practices,or operations regulated or required Linder this permit; and d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. 162-620.61( 10. In acceptin is permit e I ords, no monitoring data, and other information lacing to CJ itted source whi( are submitted to the Department by Depart 7t vidence an nforcement cas volving the permitted source arising and 1. I'l a Stat s or Dep t rules,ex t such use is pros bed by Section 403.111, F.S.,or Rule 62-620.302,VA,C. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules. [62-620.610(10)1 IL When requested by the Department,the permittee shall within a reasonable time provide any information required by law which is needed to determine whether there is cause for revising,revoking and reissuing,or terminating this permit,or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also provide to the Department upon request copies of records required by this permit to be kept. If the permittee becornes aware of relevant facts that were not submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department,such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections promptly reported to the Department. [62-620.610(11,)] 12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in Department rules,the permittee, in accepting this permit,agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance;provided, however,the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules, A reasonable time for compliance with a new or amended surface water quality standard,other than those standards addressed in Rule 62-302.500,F.A.C.,shall include a reasonable time to obtain or be denied a mixing zone for the new or amended standard. [62-620610(12)] 13, The permittee, in accepting this permit,agrees to pay the applicable regulatory program and surveillance fee in accordance with Rule 62-4.052,F.A.C. [62-620.610(13)] 14. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 62-620,340,F.A.C. The permittee shall be liable for any noncompliance of the permitted activity until the transfer is approved by the Department. [62-620.610(14)] 19 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13, 2022 15. The permittee shall give the Department written notice at least 60 days before inactivation or abandonment of a wastewater facility or activity and shall specify what steps will be taken to safeguard public health and safety during and following inactivation or abandonment. [62-620,610(15)] 16. The permittee shall apply for a revision to the Department permit in accordance with Rules 62-620.300,F.A.C., and the Department of Environmental Protection Guide to Permitting Wastewater Facilities or Activities Under Chapter 62-620,F.A.C.,at least 90 days before construction of any planned substantial modifications to the permitted facility is to commence or with Rule 62-620.325(2),F.A.C.,for minor modifications to the permitted facility• A revised permit shall be obtained before construction begins except as provided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62-620 610(10)1 17. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements.The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information: a. A description of the anticipated noncompliallCe, b, 'File period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and times;and c. Steps being taken to prevent future Occurrence of the noncompliance, [62-620.610(1 7)] I& Sampling and monitoring data shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246 and Chapters 62-160,62-600,and 62-610,F.A.C,,and 40 CFR 136,as appropriate. a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a Di 11 iitori D orm W elsewhere in the permit, permit. m 'e Fcalc� b. If the p nittee m or: nt re ntl red by permit, using Department st nlaiAh 11l !s f th, approvi test proc re, 1! 1 1 be included in I calculation and reporting of the dat, i the JMR.5 c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this permit. d. Except as specifically provided in Rule 62-160.300, F.A.C.,any laboratory test required by this permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by the Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Certification Program(DOH ELCP). Such certification shall be for the matrix,test method and analyte(s)being measured to comply with this permit. For domestic wastewater facilities,testing for parameters listed in Rule 62-160.300(4),F.A.C.,shall be conducted tinder the direction of a certified operator. e. Field activities including on-site tests and sample collection shall follow the applicable standard operating procedures described in DEP-SOP-001/01 adopted by reference in Chapter 62-160,F.A.C. f. Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved in accordance with Rules 62-160.220,and 62-160,330, F.A.C. 1'62-620.610(18)] 19. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620.610(.19)] 20. The permittee shall report to the Department's Central District Office any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware,of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within five days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain: a description of the noncompliance and its cause;the period of noncompliance including exact dates and time, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected,the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. 20 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1 106 8 FACILITY: Winter Springs/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 a. The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hours under this condition: (1) Any unanticipated bypass which causes any reclaimed water or effluent to exceed any permit limitation or results in ail unpermitted discharge, (2) Any upset which causes any reclaimed water or the effluent to exceed any limitation in the permit, (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants specifically listed in the permit for such notice,and (4) Any unauthorized discharge to surface or ground waters. b. Oral reports as required by this subsection shall be provided as follows: (1) For unauthorized releases or spills of treated or untreated wastewater reported pursuant to subparagraph (a)4.that are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident,or where information indicates that public health or the environment will be endangered,oral reports shall be provided to the STATE WATCH OFFICE TOLL FREE NUMBER(800)320-0519,as soon as practical,but no later than 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge. The permittee,to the extent known, shall provide the following information to the State Watch Office: (a) Name,address,and telephone number of person reporting; (b) Name, address,and telephone number of permittee or responsible person for the discharge; (c) Date and time of the discharge and status of discharge(ongoing or ceased); (d) Characteristics of the wastewater spilled or released(untreated or treated,industrial or domestic wastewater); (c) Estimated amount of the discharge; (f) Location or address of the discharge, (g) Source and cause of the discharge; (h) Whether the discharge was contained on-site,and cleanup actions taken to date; (i) e affected,if any; and 0) (2) Or h i uant to subparag. ph bJ above,shall be PR ours fro the time the permittee be t c, If the o Is bee eceived 4 hours,0 n Foompliance has 1: n corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or the environment,the Department's Central District Office shall waive the written report. [62-620.610(20)] 21 The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Permit Conditions IX.17.,IX.1 8., or IX.19.of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted. This report shall contain the same information required by Permit Condition IX.20. of this permit, [62-620.610(21)] 22. Bypass Provisions. a. "Bypass" means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment works. b. Bypass is prohibited,and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that: (1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life,personal injury,or severe property damage; and (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime Or preventive maintenance; and (3) The permittee submitted notices as required under Permit Condition IX.22.c. of this permit. c. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department,if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within 24 hours of learning about the bypass as required in Permit Condition IX.20. of this permit. A notice shall include a description of the bypass and its cause, the period of the bypass, including exact dates and times; if the bypass has not been corrected,the anticipated time it is expected to continue;and the steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and prevent recurrence of the bypass. 21 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 8 FACILITY: Winter Spring,,/East WRF EXPIRATION DATE: March 13,2022 d, The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass,after considering its adverse effect,if tile perinittee demonstrates that it will meet the three conditions listed in Permit Condition IX.22.b.(1)through(3)of this, permit. e. A perillittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause reclaimed water or effluent limitations to be exceeded if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of Permit Condition IX.22.b.through d.of this permit. [62-6-20.610(22)] 23. Upset Provisions. a. "Upset" rneans an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. (1) An upset does not include noncompliance caused by operational error,improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities,lack of preventive maintenance,careless or improper operation. (2) An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations if the requirements Of upset provisions of Rule 62-620.610,F.A.C., are met. b. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs,or other relevant evidence that: (I) An upset occurred and that the pervilittee can identify the cause(s)of the upset; (2) The permitted facility was at the tune being properly operated; (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Permit Condition IX.20. of this perinit;and (4) Thi -omp &I'Val Ikeodition IX.5.of this Pe T t. c, In any c reemen oc s iffiftthe occu rice of an upset rests with ,c made t oi( ) Fe duri [he Department review of the pert tee. cl� Before F�0,, ent p, 11 1; ation made duril claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset is final agency action subject to judicial review. [62-020,610(23)] Executed in Orlando,Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Christianne C.Ferraro,P.E. Administrator Permitting&Waste Cleanup Program-Wastewater PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2016 Attachment(s): Discharge Monitoring Report "Pathogen Monitoring" Form Monitor Well Completion Report Map of the General Reuse Service Area 22 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTA L PROTECTION F,a( K / ,w c CENTRAL DISTRICT 3319 MAGUIRE BOULEVARD.SUITE 232 p16_k £,?'tBk 'I VM :AHD rR- ORLANDO,Ft..,ORIDA 32.803 S (`Nw C 1,A k V NOTICE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE Sent via email: CITY OF WIlw1TER SPRINGS - WEST 1000 WEST SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 ATTENTION KIPTON LOCKCUFF PE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Seminole County- DW Winter'Springs West WWTF Enclosed is bey Q111 �i to o e a d1� 11�) s \1�Ility issued under Section(s)403.087 d 403. 5 he Flory Stat s 1�00�1\0�\�1\�1�0�11�� Monitoring re irement nd this p it ar n t first day of the cond month following the effective date ��� it. til suc !� the peri to hall continue monitor and report in accordance with previous . effective pennit requirements,i any. The Department's proposed agency action shall become final unless a timely petition for an administrative hearing is filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida;Statutes before the deadline for filing a petition. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the infor►nation set forth below and must be filed(received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee,Florida 32399-3000. Petitions by the applicant or any of the parties listed below must be filed within fourteen days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of receipt of the written notice,whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of such notice,regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination(hearing) under sections 1.20.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention(in a proceeding initiated by another party) -,a.oE_ .;t .. � ,_,.f I � ., Winter Springs West WWTT January 21,2014 Page 2 of 3 will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code, A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following information: (a) The name, address,and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any; the Department permit identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; (b)A statement of how and when each petitioner received notice of the Department action; (e) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department action; (d)A statement of all disputed issues of material fact, If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A statement of facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department action; (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief; and (g)A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wants the Department to take. A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106,301. Because the a ive It ess is dew ed to f 11 tion, the filing of a petition means th t ie rtrn is ina tion i e diff nt rom the pc ion taken by it in (his notice. Persons wl e subst ial terests 1 be ec bya such final de( ion of the Department have the right to pe ion to be in E e with t requirements set forth above. ������h� �� Mediation under section 120.573 of the Florida Statutes is not available for this proceeding. This action is final on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above. Upon the timely filing of a petition this order will not be effective until further order of the Department. Any party to the order has the right to seek Judicial review of the order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, Mail Station 35, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the final order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Executed in Orlando, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Christianne C. Ferraro, P.E. Administrator Water Permitting Program 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando, FL 32803-3767 Phone: (407)897-4100 Winter Springs West WWTF January 21,2014 Page 3 of 3 Filed, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. January 21, 2014 Clerk Date CCF/crl/cs Enclosures: Permit,DMR and SOB Copies furnished to: David Smicherko, DEP CAP(via email) Anil Desai,DEP Groundwater(via email) Shabbir Rizvi, DEP WW(via email) Scott Breitenstein,PE(sent via email: shr �,Qt cphcnomck:T�,cw 1�00�\\�1\�\�\\\\�\\�\�\\11�1 00\�0�0�0�\�1\�0�1�\\\��1 T11 E R V I E IIIIIIIIIIIII NIMMONS` '�gl This is to certify t TIC F PE SUAN all copies wer nailed before Close Of business on January 21, 2014 to the listed persons,by a�kC11a1 LORIIIA SPAR TMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Central District Bl 1 ,;t BVV�V_"l II`( V1 "ivtjl; ,. . „, /%i; '%,;;; 3319 Maguire Boulevard,Suite 232. Orlando,Florida32803-3767 S � I ARF)JR `;VC Kl 1 AR'V STATE OF FLORIDA DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMIT PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLA011067 City of Winter Springs FILE DUMBER: FLA011067-024-DWIP EFFECTIVE HATE: January 21,2014 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 Kipton Lockcuff PE 1126 East Sr 434 Winter Spritngs,Florida 32708 (407)327-5989 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West 1000 West Sr-434 Winter Springs,FL 32708 Seminole County Latitude:28"42' 16.69"N Longitude: 81°1.9' 12,87"W This permit is issued and ovisions 403,Flori �itatutes of the Florida Administrative Code(F. t\\ ermi � stitute rizatio ry, g ther than as expressly stated in this permit. Theove nat pe ittee is h by au r d too ate the facilities accordance with the documents attached here nd sped 11 folk 10011\0�\�000�111�\ WASTEWATER TRF411E11D11101�i \� �\ An existing 2.07 MGD annual average daily flow(AADF)pennitted capacity dual-train contact stabilization domestic wastewater treatment plant(2.5 MGD design capacity for all units except the filters)consisting of influent screening, aeration,secondary clarification,filtration, chlorination,and aerobic digestion and dewatering of biosolids. REUSE OR DISPOSAL: Land Application R-001:An existing 2.07 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity slow-rate public access reuse system. .R-001 is a reuse system which consists of a 3.0 MG reuse storage tank and pump station shared with Winter Springs East,a 2.2 MG on site.storage pond,a 2.0 MG reclaimed water tank,and two ponds at the golf course that hold a total of 1A MG.Reclaimed water that does not meet public access criteria is either sent to the 1.3 MG reject pond for additional treatment or it may be diverted to the other reuse systems,R002 or R003. The following surface water sources may be used to augment the supply of reclaimed water:Lake Jesup. Land Application R-002: An existing 0.200 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity slow-rate restricted public access reuse system.. R-002 is a reuse system which consists of spray field having a capacity of 0.2 MGD located approximately at latitude 28*41' 17"N, longitude 81'16' 13" W. Wet-weather storage is also provided at the treatment plant, as noted above. Land Application R-003: An existing 0.740 MGD annual average daily flow permitted capacity rapid infiltration basin (RIB)system. R-003 is a reuse system which consists of the Dayton RIBS having a capacity of0,530 MGD located approximately at latitude 28042'41"N,longitude 81018"461"W,the Mt.Greenwood RiBs having a capacity of 0.110 MGD located approximately at latitude 28°41'28"N, longitude 8I°IT 3"W,and Site 17 RIBs having a capacity of 0.100 MGD located approximately at latitude 28°41'27"N,longitude 81°17'21"W. IN ACCORDANCE WITH: The limitations,monitoring requirements,and other conditions set forth in this cover sheet and Part I through Part IX oil pages I through 26 of this permit. PERMITITR City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FL,A0 11067 FACILTTY'. Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 1. RltiCj,AIMVI)WATER AND EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQ uIREMENTS A. Reuse and Land Application Systems I. During Ilic period beginning on the effective(late and lasting through the wpiration date of this permit,the perrintice is authorized to supplement reclaimed water with surface water and direct reclaimed water to Reuse System R-001. Such reclaimed water shall be limiled all(]monitored by the PCrunittee as specified below and reported in a"ordance with Permit Condition I.B.S.: Reclaimed Water LUTIllahOlIS Monitoring ReqUIUCHICUtS VrequenQN of Monitoring PdIA11101C] Units Mav'Mill Lullit Statistical Basis Analysis Sample TYPC Site Number Notes Flow(Public Access Max 2,()7 Annual Awcrage Recording Flow RCUSC) MGD COI)IhILIOUS Meter with Fl..W-2 See LA 4 Max Report Monthly Average Totalizer Flow(to Centi-il Winds) MGD Max 0.136 Annual Average Continuous Meter F"l-W-4 I imomm lommou Monthly Ammae M ..............How(front distribinjon Annual COnti]ILIDLIS Meter ITIN-5 Pun MCiiED Max : asIlk M C)I I I I I I 'e 1� Flow(to residential and Max A M61) .MaxOtt Iculated FLW-6 other) .Avers BOD,Carbortaccous 5 day, Ant 1 20(' Maxx, 0 Mo y Average Ing/l, Weekly lir FP(' FFA-I 0 �y Average L .0 ,Sample It Solidi,Total Suspended ing,']. Max 5.0 Single Salliple Daily;24 hours Grab ErB-I Colilbrill.Fecal W I 00niL Max 25 Single Sample Daily;24 hours Grab EFA-1 Colil'orni,Fecal,%I"s than detection pet-Celli Min 7$ Monthly otal Daily;24 hour,,, Calculated ETA-1 See FA-5 PH S.U. Min &0 Single Sample Continuous Meter FIFA-1 See I A 3 Max 8.5 Single Sample CliloHno,Total Residual See LA,0 (For Disinfection) and.Mill I'0 Single Sample Continuous Meter FFA-1 and I A.9 Turbidity ........... NTU Max Report Single Sample Continuous Meter FFB-1 See LA.7 I and LA.9 Giiirdia cystr4001 Max Report Single Sample Bi-annually: Grab UFA-I See LA 10 n,cry 2 nears ("ryptosporidruill oo(v%W100L Max Report Single Sample Bi-annually; Grail FFA-1 See LA.10 every 2 years Nitrogen.Total Max Report Annual Average Weekh, l6-hr FPC EFA-1 I nlgI I Max Report Monthly Average Phosphorus.Total (as P) Max Report V, IC,-hr FPC EFTA-I lug/L Max Repoli 2 PERMITTEF: City ofWinlcr Springs VFRMIT NUMBF-R: FLAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter springs/west 1A1 RATION DATE January 15,2024 Reclaimed Water Limitations Monitoring ReqUirellWntS Frvqucnct of Monitoring Parameter Units MaNiMm I filut Statistical Bars Analy,is sample Type Si Ic Number Notes Flow(Sorl'ace Water) Max Report Annual Averldge Recording Flow MG D Continuous Meier With F'LW-I I Marx Report Monthly Average 1,011lizer Sldrds.J'Otal Suspended Ing/L Max 5.0 Single Sample Daily;24 hours Grab EFB-3 (Surface Water) Coliforin,Fecal(Surface 4/100int. Max, 25 Single sample Daily;24 hours Grab EFA-2 Water) Colifonn,Fecal,%less than detection(Surface Percent Min 75 Monthly'Votal Daily;24 hours Calculated FFA-2 See I.A.5 Water) 'Norine,"Foral Residual (I or Disinfection)(Surfue ing/L Mill Repoil Single Sample ContilluOus Meter FFA-2 Water) Turbidity Single 111, NIII El B-3 See LA 7 N I'1) #1 \,,,", I 1\111191111 011 and I.A.9 Giardia(Surface Water) cysts110( Max )n singi 111P lit-annually: Grab IJ A-2 See I.A.10 ars CrypioNporidium(SLU-filCe Oucysts1H Max nt Sin Grah, EFA-2 See LAAO Water) eve] 2 years Flow(to Wcst WRF,reuse) MGD 3 A&I F LW-12 Ort M Average C'ondnnons Meter 3 P17RMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1067 FACII-ITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 2. Reclaimed water samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I.A.I.and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of Monitoring Site FLW-2 Flow to public access reuse,calculated by adding FLW-4 and 6 FLW-4 Flow to Central Winds public access FLW-5 Flow from reclaimed water distribution PL11112 station FLW-6 Flow to residential irrigation and other,FLW-6 equals FLW-5 minus 4,8,9, 10,and 7 EFA-1 Chlorine contact chamber effluent EFB-1 Filter effluent prior to chlorination FLW-I I Flow(at Lake Jesup Intel)minus water used 110T backwashing filters FFB-3 Solids,Total Suspended(Lake water) EFA 2 Total Residual(for Disinfection)after High Pressure Service PuMEs, FLW-12 Flow to West WRF Reclaimed Water Distribution System minus any rc-2umped water 3. Hourly measurement of pH during the period of required operator attendance may be substituted for continuous measurement, [Chaj?fer 62-601, Figure 2] 4. A recording now meter with totalizer shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least once every 12 months. [62-601.200(17)and.500(0)] 5. To report the less than detection," count the number of fecal coliform observations that were less than detection, totalecal colif observ° T Itiply by 100%(round to the neare ntege 2-6 .440( 6. The minim total chl to i I be li ed a, escri l�llilWapprovei perating protocol,such that the permit I itation f ca liforr cterii iev In no case shal he total chlorine residual be less than 1. 00. 0 1 11 460(2);It 6 10.463(2)] 7. The maximum turbidity shall be limited as described in tile approved operating protocol,such that the permit limitations for total suspended solids and fecal coliforms will be achieved. 162-610,463(2)] 8. The treatment facilities shall be operated in accordance with all approved operating protocols. Only reclaimed water that meets the criteria established in the approved operating protocol(s)may be released to system storage or to the reuse system. Reclaimed water that fails to rneet the criteria in the approved operating protocol(s)shall be directed to reject storage for subsequent additional treatment or disinfection. [62-610.320(6)and 62- 610.463(2)] 9. Instruments for continuous on-line monitoring of total residual chlorine and turbidity shall be equipped with all automated data logging or recording device, [62-610.463(2)] 10, Intervals between sampling for Giardia and Cryptosporidium shall not exceed two years. [62-610.472(3)(d)] 11. Monitoring for total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP)are required as allowed by Rule 62-601.300(6), FACT,to evaluate impacts of reclaimed water to ground and surface waters in an impaired water basin. [62- 601.300(6)] 4 PF'R M ITTE E f": City of Springs IIFRMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West l"APIRATION DATF: January 15,2024 12, During the period beginning oil the efibctive date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit,the permince is authorized to direct reclaimed water to Reuse System R-002. Such reclaimed water shall be limited and monitored by the permiUcc as specified below and reported in accordance with Permit Condition I.B.S.: Reclaimed 'atcr Limitations Monitoring Requirements Frequency of Monitoring Palanietel Units Max 'Mill LlMIT Statistical Basis Analysis --iE ale LVE Site Number Notes flow(to sprayfield Site Max 0.200 Annual Average Recording Flow MGD Max Report Monthly Average Continuous Meter with FLW-7 See I A,15 1 olalizcr ROE),Carbonaceous 5 day, Max 20.0 Annual Average 20C O lngd� Max 30� Monthly Average Weekly 16-hi FPC H-A-1 Max 40.0 Weekly Average Max 0.0 Single Sarrlplc Solids,Total Susper ded x Annual A "e y 111101, rr F FA-I 6111111\1 Monthly Ing], MaxMa '41kii, 0 ,A,, Max,� 0 114, Colifoll,FCC,I Max k�ggq I nobly ibly�lGk Ik NO Gmb 7— IRA-I See LA.164/100111 Max Max si JAI S Sample 6eS, liinuous Meter EFA-I SeeLA.14 Chlorine,Total Residual ng/L Mill 0.5 Single Sample Continuous Meier EFA-1 and LAA4 See LA.17 (For Disinfection) " 5 PERMIT'TEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA011.067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 13. Reclaimed water samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition LA.12. and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of Monitoring Site F L,W-7 Site 16 S rayfield EFA-1 Chlorine contact ehamber effluent 14. Hourly measurement of pH and total residual chlorine for disinfection during the period of required operator attendance may be substituted for continuous measurement. [Chapter 02-601,Figure 2] 15. A recording flow meter with totalizer shall be utilized to measure flaw and calibrated at least Once every 12 months. j62-601.200(17)and.500(6)] 16. The effluent limitation for the monthly geometric mean for fecal coliform is only applicable if'10 or more values are reported. If fewer than 10 values are reported,the monthly geometric mean shall be calculated and reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report. (62-600.440(4)(ey 17. Total residual chlorine must be maintained for a minimum contact time of 15 minutes based on peak hourly flow. 1'62-610.410, 600.440(4)(h)and(5)(b)J �111111111\01\01\\�111 1�0��0�01�\11�1��0�\1�\\0\� \ ' �111111111\1`�11�1�\\�\l�\l�\l�\�� 11�11\111111\11\111 111111111111111111111111111 11\11\1111\11\�\�11�011111� ��`�111�, �� 6 PERMITITE: City ll!Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBF11: ITAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE.: January 15,2024 18. During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting,through the expiration date of this permit,the perm i[tee is authorized to direct reclaimed water to Reuse Sysicin R-003. Such reclaimed water shall be limited and monulored by the permiltee as specified below and reported III accordance with Permit Condition LB.S.: RCLIanned Watct Limitations Monitoring Requirements I 1equellcy of Monitoring Parameter Units MaX"Min Linut Statistical Basis Mollito!in Sanx It 1'v3e _5rtc Numher Notes Flow(Davron RIB) Recording Flow MGD Max 0.530 Annual Average Continuous Meter Willi FLW-8 S"VA 21 Max Repon Monthly Average I otalizer Flow(Mt Greenwood NIGID Max 0.110 Annual Avenge Continuous Meter FLW-9 RIB) - Max Report Monthly Average I-low(Site 17 RIP) MGD Max 0 100 Annual Average Continuous Meier FLW-10 may, Repon Monthly Average BOD,Carbonaceous 5 1 Average day,20C lily Av,,'# y EFA-1 Max A ,1 Max 6 Sato pIcAl r Solids,I otal max 2( 011 ontli1v A� lal A' "T Suspended Max 3 Weekly 1),i'K: EPA-1 nig'l, Max 4� Max 6( Sat Coliforin,Fecal 2m At.ft,)Wage P/1001111, Max 200 monthly Geometric Mean Weekly Grab EFA-I See I.A.22 Max 800 Single Sample ..................... Pit s.0 In 0 Single Sample Max 8.5 Single Sample Continuous Meter EFA-I See 1,A.20 Chlorine,1,0141 See LA 23 Residual(For ingA.. Min 0.5 Single Sample Continuous Mete] FFA-1 and I.A.20 Disinfection) Nitrogen,Nitrate,rmal IngT Max 12.0 Single Sample Weekly 16-hr FIT (as N) 7 PERM. ITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA 0 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 19. Reclaimed water samples shall betaken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I.A.18.and as described below: Monitoring Site Number Description of Wivitorina Site FLW-8 Flow to Dayron percolation ponds FLW-9 Flow to Mt,Greenwood percolation ponds FI,W-10 Flow to Site 17 percolation ponds EFA-1 Chlorine contact chamber effluent 20. Hourly measurement of pH and total residual chlorine for disinfection during the period of required operator attendance may be substituted for continuous measurement. [Chapter 62-601, Figure 2] 21. A recording flow meter with totalizer shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least once every 12 months. 162-601.200(17)and.500(0)1 22. The effluent limitation for the monthly geometric mean for fecal coliform is only applicable if 10 or more values are reported. If fewer than 10 values are reported,the monthly geometric mean shall be calculated and reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report. [62-600.440(4)(c)] 23. Total residual chlorine must be maintained for a minimurn contact time of 15 minutes based on peak hourly flow. 162-610.510, 62-600.440('4)(b)and(5)(b)] 24. Nitrate nitrc corice e water harged t bo", "#gyajg�jpy 'S"ation system shall not exceed 12.0 g/L,or equ d to co with 2-610 0, F.A.C.[62-6, 5101 \�IMMERSION` PERMIT'I LE: City ol'Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: F L AOI 1067 FACILITY: wind springs/west EXPIRATION DAI I..': January 15,2024 11. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 1, Diving The period beginning on the effective date and lasting through the expiration date of this.pennit,the tieatmetil facility shall be limited Lind monitored by the pennittce as specified below and reported in accordance with condition LBX: Drintatiom MOnnOlifig lieyoireuaents Hequene)of Monitoring Pararnetei Units Max,Mill Lima Stausii�al Basis Anal sis SaIll le I'N)e Site Number Notes Flow(total through Max 2.0)7 Annual Average Recording],'to" See I.B.4 _p Plain) MG I) Max Repoli Monthly Average Continuous Meter with 11'W-I I e Percull Capacity, Max RE Quarterly Average l'otalizer (I'MADF/Permitted percent Max Report Mantlity Average Monthly Calculated FLW-1 CELacitx)X100__1111111 I I I 1101),CarbonacCOURS Repe i I I g I C S a I I�[A i i\ See 113.3 day,20C(Influelit) ln'el� Immis�Jwmm Suspended Max Rept lu"IC Sal 4 Weekly hr FIIC INF-I See I.I3.3 I s, Ikk 9 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 1 Samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I.B.1, and as described below: Monitonng Site Number I Description of VlonitorinL Site - FI.W-1 -[77ow from chlorine contact chamber INF-1 I Raw influent to aeration tank 3. Influent samples shall be collected so that they do not contain digester supernatant or return activated sludge,or any other plant process recycled waters. [62-601.500(4)j 4. A recording flow meter with totalizer steal I be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least once every 12 months. [62-601,200(17)and,500(6)] 5. Sampling results for giardia and cryptosporidiurn shall be reported on DEP Form 62-61 0.300(4)(a)4,Pathogen Monitoring,which is attached to this permit. This form shall be submitted to the Department's Central District Office and to DEP's Reuse Coordinator in Tallahassee. [62-610,300(4)(ti)] 6. The sample collection,analytical test methods and method detection limits(MDLs)applicable to this permit shall be conducted using a sufficiently sensitive rnethod to ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards and effluent limitations and shall be in accordance with Rule 62-4.246,Chapters 62-160 and 62-601, F.A.C.,and 40 CFR 136,as appropriate. The list of Department established analytical methods,and corresponding MDLs(method detection limits)and PQI-s(practical quantitation limits), which is titled "FAC 62-4 MDI-/PQL Table(April 26,2006)" is available at littp://www,dep.state.fl.us/Iabs/library/index.htm. The MDLs and I ribe( I e#61111 8WQL values and the Department all not a pt r Ls or PQLs arc reater than those described above unles Iternate Ls have en ciflc ed by th epartment for this permit. Any methoc eluded i ie I g as i meets the flowing requirements: i a. The lab rtec met hod ethod in be equal or less than the corresp ethod v es speci I , 'in-the Depart nt pproved MDL ' PQL list; b. The laboratory reported MDL for the specific parameter is less than or equal to the permit limit or the applicable water quality criteria,if any,stated in Chapter 62-302,F.A.C. Parameters that are listed as "report only" in the permit shall use methods that provide an MDL, which is equal to or less than the applicable water quality criteria stated in 62-302., F.A.C.;and c. If the MDLs for all methods available in the approved list are above the stated permit limit or applicable water quality criteria for that parameter,then the method with the lowest stated MDL shall be used. When the analytical results are below method detection or practical quantitation limits,the permittee shall report the actual laboratory MDL and/or PQL values for the analyses that were performed following the instructions on the applicable discharge monitoring report. Where necessary,the permittee may request approval of alternate methods or for alternative MDLs or PQLs for any approved analytical method. Approval of alternate laboratory MDLs or PQLs are not necessary if the laboratory reported MDLs,and PQLs are less than or equal to the permit firnit or the applicable water quality criteria,if any, stated in Chapter 62-302,F.A.C. Approval of an analytical method not included in the above- referenced list is not necessary if the analytical method is approved in accordance with 40 CFR 136 or deemed acceptable by the Department. 162-4.246, 62-160] 7. The permittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative influent, reclaimed water,and effluent samples which are required by this permit, [02-601.500(5)] 8, Monitoring requirements under this permit are effective on the first day of the second month following the effective date of the permit.Until such time,the permittee shall continue to monitor and report in accordance with previously effective permit requirements,if any. During the period of operation authorized by this pen-nit, the permittee shall complete and submit to the Department Discharge Monitoring Reports(DMRs)in 10 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 accordance with the frequencies specified by the REPORT type(i.e. monthly,quarterly,semiannual,annual, etc.)indicated on the DMR forms attached to this permit.Unless specified otherwise in this permit,monitoring results for each monitoring period shall be submitted in accordance with the associated DMR due dates below. DMRs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including periods of no discharge. REPORT Type on DMR Monitoring Period Mail or Electronically Submit by Monthly first day of month-last day of month 28'day of following month Quarterly January I -March 31 April 28 April I -June 30 July 28 July I -September 30 October 28 October I -December 31 January 28 Semiannual January I -June 30 July 28 Julv I -December 31 January 28 Annual January I -December 31 Jarrua 213 The permittee may subrnit either paper or electronic DMR forms.If submitting paper DMR forms,the pert-nittee shall make copies of the attached DMR forms,without altering the original format or content unless approved by the Department,and shall mail the completed DMR forms to the Department's Central District Office at the address specified in Permit Condition I.B.]3.by the twenty-eighth(28th)of the month following the month of operation. If submitting electronic DMR forms,the permittee shall use the electronic DMR systern(s)approved in writing by the Department and shall electronically submit the completed DMR forms to the Department by the twenty- eighth (28th)of the month following the month of operation.Data submitted in electronic format is equivalent to data submitted on signed and certified paper DMR forms. ROBINS, 162-62R616 ot 9. During the iod of op do ecla e wa er or e M L t shall be monitored annually fo e prima nd ondar ini water s dar contained in Ch lei-62-550, F.A.C,,(except for asbestos and rrosivi y e monito r Its shall be rep d to the Department annually on the DMR. During years when a permit is not renewed,a certification stating that no new non- domestic wastewater dischargers have been added to the collection system since the last reclaimed water or effluent analysis was conducted may be submitted in lieu of the report. The annual reclaimed water or effluent analysis report or the certification shall be completed and submitted in a timely manner so as to be received by the Department at the address identified on the DMR by June 28 of each year. Approved analytical methods identified in Rule 62-620,100(3)(j),F.A.C.,shall be used for the analysis. If no method is included for a parameter,methods specified in Chapter 62-550,F.A.C.,shall be used, [62-601.300(4)][02-601,500(3)][62- 610,300(4)] 10, The pertnittee shall submit an Annual Reuse Report using DIP Form 62-610.300(4)(a)2.on or before January 1 of each year. [62-610.870(3)] 11. Operating protocol(s)shall be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure Continuous compliance with the minimum treatment and disinfection requirements.Updated operating protocols shall be submitted to tile Department's Central District Office for review and approval upon revision of the operating protocol(s)and with each permit application. [62-610.320(6)][62-610.463(2)] 12. The permittee shall maintain an inventory of storage systems. The inventory shall be submitted to the Department's Central District Office at least 30 days before reclaimed water will be introduced into any new storage system. The inventory of storage systems shall be attached to the annual submittal of the Annual Reuse Report. [62-610.464(5)] 13. Unless specified other-wise in this permit, all reports and other information required by this permit,including 24-hour notifications,shall be submitted to or reported to,as appropriate,the Department's Central District Office at the address specified below: PERMITTEL City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACII-ITY: Winter Springs/West EXPTRATION DATE: January 15, 2024 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Central District Office 3319 Maguire Blvd Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Phone Number-(407)897-4 100 FAX Number-(850)412-0467 (All FAX copies and e-mails shall be followed by original copies.) 162-620.305] 14. All reports and other information shall be signed in accordance with the requirements of Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C.[62-620.3051 11. BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS I. Biosolids generated by this facility may be transferred to Sanford/South WRF or disposed of in a Class I solid waste landfill.Transferring biosolids to an alternative biosolids treatment facility does not require a permit modification.However, use of an alternative biosolids treatment facility requires submittal of a copy of the agreement pursuant to Rule 62-640.880(l)(c),F.A.C.,along with a written notification to the Department at least 30 days before transport of the biosolids. 162-620.320(6), 62-640,880(1)] 2. The permittee shall monitor and keep records of the quantities of biosolids generated,received from source facilities,treated,distributed and marketed,land applied,used as a biofuel or for bioenergy,transferred to another faci filled. hall ept fora 2-640.650(4)(q)] 3. Biosolids qL titics sha e nitored p itt as spe ied below. Rest s shall be reported on the permittee's I 'charge itc icon groul in accor nce with Condition I.B.S. B io,;olid%\%,m IN ions onnoinig Requirements Frequency Sample Monitoring Parameter LJnits Max,/ Limit Statistical Basis of Analysis Type Site Min Number Biosolids Quantity ton(d) Max Report Monthly Total Monthly Calculated RMP-1 (Transferred) ..............- Biosolids Quantity ton(d) Max Report Monthly Total Monthly Calculated R1MP-1 (Landfilled) [62-640.650(5)(a)11 4. Biosolids quantities shall be calculated as listed in Permit Condition 11.3 and as described below: Monitoring te Number I Desciiption of Monitoring Site Calculations RMP-1 I After final treatment 5. The treatment,management,transportation,use,land application,or disposal of biosolids shall not cause a violation of the odor prohibition in subsection 62-296.320(2).,F.A.C. [62-640.400(6)] 6. Storage of biosolids or other solids at this facility shall be in accordance with the Facility Biosolids Storage Plan. [62-640.300(4)] 7. Biosolids shall not be spilled froin or tracked off the treatment facility site by the hauling vehicle. [62- 640.400(9)] 12 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 7 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 8. Disposal of biosolids, septage,and"other solids"in a solid waste disposal facility,or disposal by placement on land For purposes other than soil conditioning or fertilization, such as at a irionofill,surface impoundment,waste pile,or dedicated site, shall be in accordance with Chapter 62-701,F.A.C. [62-640.100(0)(h)& (c)] 9. The perillittee shall not be held responsible for treatment and management violations that occur after its biosolids have been accepted by a permitted biosolids treatment facility with which the source facility has an agreement in accordance with subsection 62-640.880(1)(c),F.A.C., for further treatment, management,or disposal. [62-640.880(1)(1))] 10. The permittee shall keep hauling records to track the transport of biosolids between the facilities. The hauling records shall contain the following information: Source Facility Biosolids Treatment Facility or Treatment Facility 1. Date and time shipped 1. Date and time received 2. Amount of biosolids shipped 1 Amount of biosolids received 3. Degree of treatment(if applicable) 3. Name and ID number of source facility 4. Narne and ID Number of treatment facility 4. Signature of hauler 5. Signature of responsible party at source 5, Signature of responsible party at treatment facility facility 6. Signature of hauler and narne of hauling firril A copy of the source facility hauling records for each shipment shall be provided upon delivery of the biosolids to the biosolids treatment facility or treatment facility.The treatment facility permittee shall report to the Department hours, 11 any discr ncy in t 0 ving the source facility and arrivin llt c I ids i ity or t ent fac Y. 162-640.886 ........... 11, if the permi o ac Q fr ier a "tie a Permit FCV1S10l required pursuant to ]Oso paragraph 6 (2)(d),1-.A, . [6 80 111. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS A. Construction Requirements Section Construction Requirements is not applicable to this facility. B. Operational Requirements 1. For the Part III and Part IV Land Application Systern(s), all ground water quality criteria specified in Chapter 62-520, F.A.C., shall be met at the edge of the zone of discharge. For major users of reclaimed water (ix,, using 0.1 MGD or more), the zone of discharge for Land Application Site(s) shal I extend horizontally 100 feet from the application site and vertically to the base of the surficial aquifer. For other users,the zone of discharge shall extend horizontally to the boundary of the general service area identified in the attached inap and vertically to the base of the surficial aquifer. [62-520,200(27)][62-520.465] 2. The ground water minimurn criteria specified in Rule 62-520,400 F.A.C., shall be met within the zone of discharge. 162-520,400 and 62-520.420(4).l 3. During the period of operation authorized by this pert-nit,the permittee shall sample ground water in accordance with this permit and the approved ground water monitoring plan prepared in accordance with Rule 62-520,600, F.A.C. [62-520.600]1'62-610.463] 4, The following monitoring wells shall be sampled quarterly. Sampling must be reasonably spaced to be representative of potentially changing conditions. 13 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 Facility Permit MW Name Builder WAFR GI%IS# Depth Aquifer Well Type New or MW ID ID (Feet) Monitored Existing (R-003)Dayron Ponds MW-2A I MWC-2 6867 3059AI3259 16.5 Surficial Compliance Existing MW-3A MWC-3 6969 3059A13257 20 Surficial Compliance Existing MW-4A MWC-4 6865 3059A13261 15 Surficial Compliance Existing MW-5A MWI-5 6863 3059AI3263 17 Surficial Intermediate Existing (R-001)Winter Springs Golf Course MW-5 I MWC-5 1 687= 3059AI0626 1 34.15 Surficial Compliance I Existing Now Under this reduced monitoring plan,the monitoring wells that are not sarnpled shall be considered"inactive"and shall NOT be plugged and abandoned at this time. MW13=Background Well;MW('=Compliance Well [62-520.600][62-610,463] 5. The following parameters shall be analyzed for each of the monitoring well(s) identified in Permit Condition(s) Ill. B.4: Parameter Compliance Units Sample Type Monitoring Well Limit Frequency Water Lev Fe Rgft\ LIfffl"\ \........11 Quarterly Nitrogen, Crate,Tolk(as g/L G* Quarterly Solids,To Dissolve T 00 G Quarterly Chloride G Quarterly .,o i on G Quarterly PH 6,5-8.5 =S U Grab Quarterly Turbidity, Lab.-.Nephelometric Report NTU Grab Quarterly *Mq),,be greater if nu other parameter is e�vceeded. [62-520.600(11)(h)]1'62-601.300(3), 62-601.700, and Figure 3 of 62-601]1"62-601.300(o)][62-520.300(9)] 6. If the concentration for any constituent listed in Permit Condition 111.B, 5. in the natural background quality of the ground water is greater than the stated maximum, or in the case of pl-I is also less than the minimum, the representative natural background quality shall be the prevailing standard. 162-520.420(2)] 7. In accordance with Part D of Form 62-620.910(10), water levels shall be recorded before evacuating wells for sample collection. Elevation references shall include the top of the well casing and land surface at each well site(Feet,NGVD)at a precision of plus or minus 0.01 foot, 1"62-520,600(11)(C)]162-610.463(3)(a)] 8. Ground water monitoring wells shall be purged prior to sampling to obtain representative samples. [62- 601.700(5)][62-160.210] 9. Analyses shall be conducted on unfiltered samples, unless filtered samples have been approved by the Department's Central District, Ground Water Section as being more representative of ground water conditions, [02-520,310(5)] 10. Ground water monitoring parameters shall be analyzed in accordance with Chapter 62-601, F.A.C. [62- 620.610(18).l 11, Ground water monitoring test results shall be submitted on Part D of Form 62-620.910(10). A completed Certification Page shall accompany each quarter of monitoring data. For reuse or land application prQjects, the 14 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1,067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 quarterly ground water monitoring results shall be submitted with the DMR as shown in the following schedule, [62-520.600(10)and(11)(b)] 162-601300(3), 62.601.700, and Figure 3 of 62-6011[02-620.610(18)] SAMPLE PERIOD REPORT DUE DATE January-March April 28 April-June July 28 July-September October 28 October-December January 28 12. If any monitoring well becomes damaged or cannot be sampled for some reason, the permittee shall notify the Department's Central District,Ground Water Section immediately and a written report shall follow within seven days detailing the circumstances and remedial measures taken or proposed.Repair or replacement of monitoring wells shall be approved in advance by the Department's Central District, Ground Water Section. [62- 520 600][62-4.070(3)] 13. The Pen-nittee shall provide verbal notice to the Department's Central District, Ground Water Section as soon as practical after discovery of a sinkhole within an area for the management or application of wastewater, wastewater residuals (sludges), or reclaimed water. The Permittee shall immediately implement measures appropriate to control the entry of contaminants, and shall detail these measures to the Department's Central District,Ground Water Section in a written report within 7 days of the sinkhole discovery. 162-4,070(3)] 14. Intermediate well MWI-5 (WAFR # 6863, located at the Dayron Ponds) and compliance well MWC-5 (WAFR # 6876, located at the Winter Springs Golf Course Site) shall be sampled for all Primary and Secondary I . water met prior tu d the results of these analysis mi besu tea per newal p ication. IV. ADDITIONAL RE! E AND NI REN A. Part 11 Slow-R d A ss,ys 1. Advisory signs shall be posted around the site boundaries to designate the nature of the project area. [62- 610.418(1)] 2. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of storage pond embankments and access areas are required. [62-610.414(8)] 3. The maximum annual average loading rate to the spray field shall be limited to 1.39 inches per week. The hydraulic loading rate shall not produce surface runoff or ponding of the applied reclaimed water. [62- 610.423(3)and(4)] 4. The crops or vegetation shall be periodically harvested and removed from the project area. [62-610.310(-3)(d) and 62-610.419(1)(b)] 5. Dairy cattle whose milk is intended for human consumption shall not be allowed on the project area for a period of 15 days after the last application of reclaimed water. No restrictions are imposed on the grazing of other cattle. [62-610.425] 6. Irrigation of edible food crops is prohibited. [62-610.420] 7. Overflows from emergency discharge facilities on storage ponds shall be reported as abnormal events in accordance with Permit Condition IX.20, [62-610.800(9)] B. Part III Public Access System(s) 15 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FI.,A01 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 1. Use of reclaimed water is authorized within the general service area identified in the attached snap. The following uses of reclaimed water are authorized within this general service area: Athletic Complexes and Parks Golf Courses Other Landscape Irrigation Residential Developments [62-620,630(10)(a)1 2. This reuse system includes the following major user(s)of reclaimed water(i.e., using 0.1 MGD or more)and general service area(s): Site Number T User Name User Type C'apacity(MGD) Acreage PAA-1 Central Winds Park Other Landscape Irrigation �O.136 35_ Total 0.136 35 [02-610.800(5)][6 52-620.630(10)(b)] 3. New major users of reclaimed water(i.e., using 0.1 MGD or more)may be added to the reuse systern using the general pennit described in Rule 62-610.8,90,F.A.C.,if the requirements in this rule are complied with. Application for use of this general permit shall be made using Form 62-610.100(4)(a)l, [62-610.890] 4. Cross-cone( potE d. 9 5. A cross-con ction con I piand in effec Kithira the areas where reclaimed w r will be ovi )p] ice with the Rul 2-555.360, F.A.C. [62- 6.10.469('7)] AM, 6. The permittee shall conduct inspections within the reclaimed water service area to verify proper connections,to minimize illegal cross-connections,and to verify both the proper use of reclaimed water and that the proper backflow prevention assemblies or devices have been installed and tested. Inspections are required when a customer first connects to the reuse distribution systern. Subsequent inspections are required as specified in the cross-connection control and inspection program. [62-610469(7)(h)] 7. If an actual or potential (e.g. no dual check device on residential connections served by a reuse systern)cross- connection between the potable and reclaimed water systems is discovered,the pen-nittee shall:. a. Immediately discontinue potable water and/or reclaimed water service to the affected area if an actual cross-connection is discovered. b. If the potable water system is contaminated,clear the potable water lines. c. Eliminate the cross-connection and install a backflow prevention device as required by the Rule 62- 555,360,F.A,C. d, Test the affected area for other possible cross-connections. e. Within 24 hours, notify the Department's Central District Office's domestic wastewater and drinking water programs. f. Within 5 days of discovery of an actual or potential cross-connection, submit a written report to the Department's Central District Office detailing: a description of the cross-connection,how the cross- connection was discovered,the exact date and time of discovery,approximate time that the cross- connection existed,the location,the cause,steps taken to eliminate the cross-connection,whether reclaimed water was consumed, and reports of possible illness,whether the drinking water system was contaminated and the steps taken to clear the drinking water system,when the cross-connection was eliminated.,plan of 16 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 action for testing for other possible cross-connections in the area,and an evaluation of the cross-connection control and inspection program to ensure that future cross-connections do not occur. [62-555,350(3)and 62-555.360]162-620.610(20)] S. Maximum obtainable separation of reclaimed water lines and potable water lines shall be provided and the minimum separation distances specified in Rule 62-610.469(7),F.A.C.,shall be provided.Reuse facilities shall be color coded or marked. Underground piping which is not manufactured of metal or concrete shall be color coded using Paritone Purple 522C using light stable colorants.Underground metal and concrete pipe shall be color coded or marked using purple as the predominant color. 162-6)0.469(7)] 9. In constructing reclaimed water distribution piping,the pert-nittee shall maintain a 75-foot setback distance from a reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply wells. No setback distances are required to other potable water supply wells or to any nonpotable water supply wells. [62-610.471(3)] 10, A setback distance of 75 feet shall be maintained between the edge of the wetted area and potable water supply wells,unless the utility adopts and enforces an ordinance prohibiting potable water supply wells within the reuse service area. No setback distances are required to any nonpotable water supply well,to any surface water, to any developed areas,or to any private swimming pools,hot tubs,spas,saunas,picnic tables,barbecue pits,or barbecue grills. 162-610.471(1), (2), (5), and(7)] 11. Reclaimed water shall not be used to fill swimming pools, hot tubs,or wading pools. [62-610.469(4)] 11 Low trajectory nozzles,or other means to minimize aerosol formation shall be used within 100 feet from outdoor Pub rinkir 13. A setback d'i nce of I fe hall be ntain r ndoo esthetic features ing reclaimed water to adjacent ind r public ng 14. The public.. ed o all beaccomph ed by posting of advisory signs in areas w ere reuse is practiced,no es on scorecar S,or o her methods. [6- 610.468(2)] 15. All new advisory signs and labels on vaults,service boxes,or compartments that house hose bibbs along with all labelson,hose bibbs, valves,and Outlets shall bear the words"do not drink" and "no beber"along with the equivalent standard international symbol. In addition to the words"do not drink" and "no beber," advisory signs posted at storage ponds and decorative water features shall also bear the words"do not swim"" and "no nadar"along with the equivalent standard international symbols. Existing advisory signs and labels shall be retrofitted,modified,or replaced in order to comply with the revised wording requirements. For existing advisory signs and labels this retrofit, modification,or replacement shall occur within 365 days after the date of this permit. For labels on existing vaults,service boxes,or compartments housing hose bibbs this retrofit, modification,or replacement shall occur within 730 days after the date of this permit. [62-610.468, 62- 610,4691 16. The permittee shall ensure that users of reclaimed water are informed about the origin,nature,and characteristics of reclaimed water;the manner in which reclaimed water can be safely used;and limitations on the use of reclaimed water. Notification is required at the time of initial connection to the reclaimed water distribution system and annually after the reuse system is placed into operation. A description of on-going public notification activities shall be included in the Annual Reuse Report. [62-610.468(6)] 17. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of storage pond embankments and access areas are required. [62-610.414(8)] 18. Overflows frorn emergency discharge facilities on storage ponds shall be reported as abnormal events in accordance with Permit Condition IX.20. [62-610.800(>)] 17 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1067 FACIL,ITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 Supplemental Water Supplies-Surface Water 19. The mixture of reclaimed water and Surface water shall not harm vegetation or crops grown in the reuse systern. [62-610.4 72(3)] 20. A one-way flow device shall be provided on each surface water supply line to prevent backflow of reclaimed water into the surface water or into the stormwater treatment facilities. [62-610,472(3)] 21. The supplemental water supply pipes and appurtenances shall be color coded and marked to differentiate them from the reclaimed water and potable water facilities. [62-610.472(3)] 22, Facilities used to connect supplemental water supplies into the reclaimed water distribution systern shall be located and documented in the record drawings for the reuse systern. 162-610.472(7)j C. Part IV Rapid Infiltration Basins 1, Advisory signs shall be posted around the site boundaries to designate the nature of the project area. [02- 610.518] 2. The maximum annual average loading rate to the Dayton RIBS shall be limited to 6.8 inches per day(as applied to the entire bottom area). The maximum annual average loading rate to the Mt.Greenwood RIBS shall be limited to 5.16 inches per day(as applied to the entire bottorn area). The maximum annual average loading rate to the Site 17 RIBs shall be limited to 1,47 inches per day(as applied to the entire bottom area). [62- 610,523(3)] 'n )y s 0 3. The Dayron IB I for o Mt. Greenwood RIBS normally shlb bade d z The Site 17 R s normally shall be loaded 0 oa C or for 7 days ai shall hal I be' ted riches sh be allowed to dry during the resting porti of the c e.ff a Ion shah 1 �lx 4. Rapid infiltr i6h awns shall e routinely maintained tour vegetation grow and to maintain percolation capability by scarification or removal of deposited solids.Basin bottoms shall be maintained to be level. 162- 610.523(6)and(7)] 5. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of storage pond embankments and access areas are required. [62-610.514 and 62-610.414] 6. Overflows from emergency discharge facilities on storage ponds or on infiltration ponds,basins,or trenches shall be reported as abnormal events in accordance with Permit Condition IX,20. [62-610.80019)1 V. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Staffing Requirements 1. During the period of operation authorized by this permit,the wastewater facilities shall be operated under the supervision of a(n)operator(s)certified in accordance with Chapter 62-602,F.A.C. In accordance with Chapter 62-699,F.A.C.,this facility is a Category 1,Class B facility and, at a minimum,operators with appropriate certification must be on the site as follows: A Class C or higher operator 8 hours/day for 7 days/week. The lead/chief operator must be a Class B operator, or higher. [62-620.630(3)][62-699.310]162-610.4621 2. The lead/chief operator shall be employed full time, "Full time"shall mean at least 4 days per week,working a minimum of 35 hours per week, including leave time. A licensed operator shall be on-site and in charge of each required shift for periods of required staffing time when the lead/chief operator is not on-site, An operator 18 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15, 2024 meeting the lead/chief operator class for the treatment plant shall be available during all periods of plant operation. "Available" means able to be contacted as needed to initiate the appropriate action in a timely manner, [62-699.31.1(1 Q), (6)and(1)] 3. The lead/chief operator may supervise the operation of two plants(Winter Springs East and West)located in close proximity or multiple plants connected to a domestic collection system when such plants are under an electronic control system. The lead/chief operator's time shall be allocated between or among the plants and electronic control system based upon the size and complexity of the plants and availability of the electronic control systems for the plants. 162-699.31](70)] 4. Reclaimed water may be released to the system storage or reuse system during periods when the operator is not in attendance, in compliance with the approved operating protocol,provided all automatic diversion, notification and monitoring equipment is functional. [62-610.462(3)] [] B. Capacity Analysis Report and Operation and Maintenance Performance Report Requirements I. Submit an updated capacity analysis report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.405,F,A.C., five years from the date of issuance of this permit.[62-600.405(5)] 2. The application to renew this permit shall include an updated capacity analysis report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.405, F.A.C. 1'62-600.405(5)] 3. The application to renew this permit shall include a detailed operation and maintenance performance report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.735,F.A.C. [62-600.735(1)] C. Recordkeeping ents 10 \111\11 1\ 1\1�,"1 111111 .................... 1, The peri-nitti shal I ma in recur ai nake t rn available for i pection on the site of the permitted fa ity. a. Record! f all coi ian( in i ti n lud all calibration maintenance records and 11 instrumentations eluding,if applicable,a all orig art re dings o 11 s rno ri instrumentation copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory,for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken; b. Copies of a]I reports required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared; c. Records of all data, including reports and documents, used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed; d. Monitoring information, including a copy of the laboratory certification showing the laboratory certification number,related to the residuals use and disposal activities for the time period set forth in Chapter 62-640,F.A.C., for at least three years from the date of sampling or measurement; c. A copy of the Current permit; f. A copy of the current operation and maintenance manual as required by Chapter 62-600,F.A.C.; g. A copy of any required record drawings; h. Copies of the licenses of the current certified operators; i. Copies of the logs and schedules showing plant operations and equipment maintenance for three years from the date of the logs or schedules. The logs shall,at a minimum, include identification of the plant;the signature and license number of the operator(s)and the signature of the person(s)making any entries; date and time in and out; specific operation and maintenance activities,including any preventive maintenance or repairs made or requested;results of tests performed and samples taken,unless documented on a laboratory sheet;and notation of any notification or reporting completed in accordance with Rule 62-602,650(3), F.A.C. The logs shall be maintained on-site in a location accessible to 24-hour inspection,protected from weather damage,and current to the last operation and maintenance perforined; and j. Records of biosol ids quantities,treatment,monitoring,and hauling for at least five years. 19 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1067 FACILITY: Winter springs/west. EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 [62-620.350, 62-602.650, 62-640.650(4)] VI. SCHEDULES 1. The following improvement actions shall be completed according to the following schedule: Improvement Action Completion Date 1. Address corrosion in uppermost sections of the ring plants May 1,2016 2. Submit an updated capacity analysis report,per permit condition V.13.1. Within 5 years of permit issuance [62-620.320(6)] 2. The permittee is not authorized to discharge to waters of the state after the expiration date of this permit,unless: a. The permittee has applied for renewal of this permit at least 180 days before the expiration date of this permit using the appropriate forms listed in Rule 62-620.910,F.A.C.,and in the manner established in the Department of Environmental Protection Guide to Permitting Wastewater Facilities or Activities Under Chapter 62-620,F.A.C.,including submittal of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.;or b. The permittee has made complete the application for renewal of this permit before the permit expiration date. [62-62 (4)1 VH. INDUSTRIAL PRBEAT' N ItUar RE MEN' 1. This facility not reqL d t� atn n at is time.[62-625. 0] VIII. OTHER SPECK' rio ��1161, L �111 0011 1. The permittee shall comply with all conditions and requirements for reuse contained in their COnSUIllptiVe use permit issued by the Water Management District, if such requirements are consistent with Department rules. [02-610.800(10)] 2. In the event that the treatment facilities or equipment no longer function as intended,are no longer safe in terms of public health and safety,or odor,noise, aerosol drift,or lighting adversely affects neighboring developed areas at the levels prohibited by Rule 62-600.400(2)(a),F.A.C.,corrective action(which may include additional maintenance or modifications oftbe permitted facilities)shall be taken by the permittee. Other corrective action may be required to ensure compliance with rules of the Department. Additionally,the treatment, management, use or land application of residuals shall not cause a violation of the odor prohibition in Rule 62- 296320(2), F.A.C. [62-600.410(8)and 62-640.400(6)] 3. The deliberate introduction of stormwater in any amount into collection/transt-nission systems designed solely for the introduction(and conveyance)of domestic/industrial wastewater;or the deliberate introduction of stormwater into collection/transmission systems designed for the introduction or conveyance of combinations of storm and domestic/industrial wastewater in amounts which may reduce the efficiency of pollutant removal by the treatment plant is prohibited,except as provided by Rule 62-610.472,F.A.C. [62-604.130(3)] 4. Collection/transmission system overflows shall be reported to the Department in accordance with Permit Condition IX.20. [62-604.5501 162-620,610(20)] S. The operating authority of a collection/transmission system and the permittee of a treatment plant are prohibited from accepting connections of wastewater discharges which have not received necessary pretreatment or which contain materials or pollutants(other than normal domestic wastewater constituents): a. Which may cause fire or explosion hazards,or 20 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 b. Which may cause excessive corrosion or other deterioration of wastewater facilities due to chemical action or pH levels; or c. Which are solid or viscous and obstruct flow or otherwise interfere with wastewater facility operations or treatment; or cl. Which result in the wastewater temperature at the introduction of the treatment plant exceeding 400C or otherwise inhibiting treatment;or e. Which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors,or fumes that may cause worker health and safety problems. [02-604.130(S)] 6. The treatment facility, storage ponds for Part 11 systems,rapid infiltration basins,and/or infiltration trenches shall be enclosed with a fence or otherwise provided with features to discourage the entry of animals and unauthorized persons. [62-610.418(1); 62-610.518(l),-and 62-600-400(2)(h)j 7. Screenings and grit removed from the wastewater facilities shall be collected in suitable containers and hauled to a Department approved Class I landfill or to a landfill approved by the Department for receipt/disposal of screenings and grit. [62-701.300(l)(a)] 8. Where required by Chapter 471 or Chapter 492,F.S.,applicable portion,,,of reports that must be submitted under this permit shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a professional geologist, as appropriate. [62-620.310(4)] 1� 1 con as practical after 9. The permitt 'de D ment's I rM discovery o sinkhol t of i rea to he management application of wastewater, wastewater 'iduals(s ge! 'I penn d ��t�jirnrnedia y implement measures appropriate control t ent of co inert 16 deu these measures I he Department's Central District 0 in a j n re of the si ol( iscovery. [62-6. 320(6).l 10. The permittee shall provide adequate notice to the Department of the following: a. Any new introduction of pollutants into the facility from an industrial discharger which would be subject to Chapter 403,F.S.,and the requirements of Chapter 62-620,F.A.C., if it were directly discharging those pollutants; and b. Any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into that facility by a source which was identified in the permit application and known to be discharging at the time the permit was issued. Adequate notice shall include information on the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the facility and any anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent or reclaimed water to be discharged from the facility, [62-620.625(2)] JX. GENERAL CONDITIONS I. The terns,conditions, requirements,limitations,and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to Chapter 401,Florida Statutes. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of Chapter 403,Florida Statutes, and is grounds for enforcement action,permit termination,pen-nit revocation and reissuance,or permit revision. [62-620.610(1)] 2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviations from the approved drawings,exhibits,specifications,or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. [62- 620.610(2)] 21 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 11067 FACILITY' Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 3. As provided in subsection 403.087(7),F.S.,the issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights,nor authorize any infringement of federal.state,or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. [62-620.610(3)] 4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute state recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. [62-620.610(4)] 5. 'This permit does not relieve the peri-nittee from liability and penalties for harm or injury to human health or welfare,animal or plant life,or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source;nor does it allow the permince to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules,unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. The perinittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge,reuse of reclaimed water,or residuals use or disposal in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting hurnan health or the environment. It shalt not be a defense for a peri-nittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit, [62-020,610(5)] 6, If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after its expiration date,the perrilittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit. [62-620.610(6)] 7. The permittee shall at all times property operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control, and related cl grice with the a conditions c I v ac up or aux a acilities or similar systems wh necessar rn i the conditions o lie permit. [62-620.610(7)j ,I, I�111",,,'111 1 8, This permit ay be m red d for cause, Th iling of a request by the peri-nittee f t runation,or a,ni ication of planned changes or anticipat mplianc oe not st permit c l,iti" . [62-620�6 9. The perritittee,by accepting this permit,specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel,when applicable,upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law,and at reasonable times,depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated,to: a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility,systern,or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit; b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this permit; c. Inspect the facilities,equipment,practices,or operations regulated or required under this permit;and d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. [62-620.610(9)] 10. In accepting this permit,the perrnittee understands and agrees that all records,notes, monitoring data,and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department rules,except as such use is proscribed by Section 403.111, F.S.,or Rule 62-620.302,F,A-C Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules. 1"62-620.6 10(1())] I I. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time provide any information required by law which is needed to determine whether there is cause for revising, revoking and reissuing,or terminating this permit,or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also provide to the 22 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 Department upon request copies of records required by this permit to be kept. If the permittee becomes aware of relevant facts that were not submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections promptly reported to the Department. [62-620.610(11)] 12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in Department rules,the permittee,in accepting this permit,agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance;provided, however,the perinittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules. A reasonable time for compliance with a new or amended surface water quality standard,other than those standards addressed in Rule 62-302.500,F,A.C,,shall include a reasonable time to obtain or be denied a mixing zone for the new or amended standard. (62-620,610(12)] 13, The permittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to pay the applicable regulatory program and surveillance fee in accordance with Rule 62-4.052,F.A.C. [62-620.610(13)] 14. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 62-620.340,F.A.C. The permittee shall be liable for any noncompliance of the permitted activity until the transfer is approved by the Department. [62-620.610(14)] 15. The permittee shall give the Department written notice at least 60 days before inactivation or abandonment of a wastewater facility or activity and shall specify what steps will be taken to safeguard public health and safety during and following inactivation or abandonment. 162-620.610(15)] 16. The permittee shall apply fora revision to the Department permit in accordance with Rules 62-620,300, F.A.C., and the De p Envir r 181 . . s 01,Activities Under 41111 a' te Chapter 62- le ry p anne'IsINS t Winodifications to the permitted fa ity is to M, A.C.,for minor odifications to the permitted 0 facility. A i ised pern sh, ceps as vided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62- 0.610(1 17, The peimitt N liv adv e notice ic epartmen f planned changiii'n the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements.The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information: a. A description of the anticipated noncompliance; b. The period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and times; and c. Steps being taken to prevent future occurrence of the noncompliance. [02-020.610(17)] 18. Sampling and monitoring data shal I be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246 and Chapters 62-160,62-60 1,and 62-610,F.A.C., and 40 CFR 136,as appropriate. a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report(I)MR),DEP Form 62-620.91 0(l 0),or as specified elsewhere in the permit. b. If the permittee monitors any contaminant more frequently than required by the permit,using Department approved test procedures,the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR. c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this permit. d. Except as specifically provided in Rule 62-160.300,F.A.C.,any laboratory test required by this permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by the Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Certification Program(DOH ELCP), Such certification shall be for the matrix,test method and analyte(s)being measured to comply with this permit. For domestic wastewater facilities,testing for 23 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO 1106 7 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 parameters listed in Rule 62-160.300(4),KA.C., shall be conducted under the direction of a certified operator. e. Field activities including on-site tests and sample collection shall follow the applicable standard operating procedures described in DEP-SOP-001/01 adopted by reference in Chapter 62-160,F.A.C. f. Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved in accordance with Rules 62-160.220,and 62-160.330,F.A.C. [62-620.610(18)] 19. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with,or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620,610(19)] 20. The permittee shall report to the Department's Central District Office any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the firne the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within five days of the time the permittee becornes aware of the circumstances, The written submission shall contain:a description of the noncompliance and its cause;the period of noncompliance including exact dates and time,and if the noncompliance has not been corrected,the anticipated tune it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. a. The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hours under this condition: (1) Any unanticipated bypass which causes any reclaimed water or effluent to exceed any permit lim sults (2) An pset w cai a c uent to exceed at limitation in tile permit, (3) Vi( ion of a xii fc e pollut, s specifically listed in the per t for sucl oti( (4) An nautho d df'. har at t b, oral re uired this subs I shall be pil@*id as follows: (1) For unauthorized releases or spills of treated or untreated wastewater reported pursuant to subparagraph(a)4. that are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident,or where information indicates that public health or the environment will be endangered,oral reports shall I be provided to the STATE WARNING POINT TOLL FREE NUMBER(800)320-0519,as soon as practical,but no later than 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge.The permittee,to the extent known, shall provide the following information to the State Warning Point: (a) Narne,address,and telephone number of person reporting; (b) Name, address,and telephone number of permittee or responsible person for the discharge; (c) Date and time of the discharge and status of discharge(ongoing or ceased), (d) Characteristics of the wastewater spilled or released(untreated or treated,industrial or domestic wastewater); (c) Estimated amount of the discharge; (f) Location or address of the discharge; (g) Source and cause of the discharge; (h) Whether the discharge was contained on-site,and cleanup actions taken to date; (i) Description of area affected by the discharge, including narne of water body affected, if any;and (j) Other persons or agencies contacted. (2) Oral reports,not otherwise required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph b.1 above, shall be provided to the Department's Central District Office within 24 hours frorn the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. c. If the oral report has been received within 24 hours,the noncompliance has been corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or the environment,the Department's Central District Office shall waive the written report. [62-620,610(20)] 24 PERM1TTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLAOI 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 21. The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Permit Conditions IX.1 7.,IX.I 8., or IX.19.of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted. This report shall contain the same information required by Permit Condition IX.20. of this permit. [62-620.610(21)] 22. Bypass Provisions. a. "Bypass" means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment works. b. Bypass is prohibited, and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that: (1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life,personal injury,or severe property damage; and (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes,or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance;and (3) 'The permittee submitted notices as required under Permit Condition IX,22.c.of this permit. c. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department,if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within 24 hours of learning about the bypass as required in Permit Condition IX.20.of this permit A notice shall include a description of the bypass and its cause;the period of the bypass, including exact dates and times;if tile bypass has not been corrected,the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and prevent recurrence of the bypass. d. The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass,after considering its adverse effect, if tile permittee demon. nditi s listed ii n .(I)through (3)of this permit. oto e. A per occur is oes III claimed ter or effluent limitations to be exce -e of Wation. ese bypasses are not subject to the p vi ions e.n1 d, this pennit. [02-620.610(2)] 23. Upset Provisions. a. "Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. (1) An upset does not include noncompliance caused by operational error,improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation. (2) An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of upset provisions of Rule 62-620,610,F.A.C., are met. b. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate,through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs,or other relevant evidence that: (1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s)of the upset; (2) The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Permit Condition IX.20.of this permit;and (4) The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under Permit Condition IX.5.of this permit. c, In any enforcement proceeding,tile burden of proof for establishing the occurrence of an upset rests with the permittee. d. Before an enforcement proceeding is instituted, no representation made during the Department review of a claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset is final agency action subject to judicial review. [02-620.610(23)] 25 PERMITTEE: City of Winter Springs PERMIT NUMBER: FLA01 1067 FACILITY: Winter Springs/West EXPIRATION DATE: January 15,2024 Executed in Orlando,Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Christianne C.Ferraro,P.Y, Administrator Water Permitting Program Pen it Issuance Date:Januajy,.2,.1,,,20l4 Attachment(s): Discharge Monitoring Report "Pathogen Monitoring"Form Map of the General Reuse Service Area I 1111k 11 11111111111111111111111111 I I V 26 APPENDIX IBRWRF Capacity ails �111111111\01\0111�111 1�01�0�0\�\1�11�0�\1�\\0\� \ ' �111111111\1�11�1�\\�\1\\1\\1\\�� 11�11\111111\11\111 111111111111111111111111111 Zaudtke, 'der fl. (P.E.) From: Andres.Salcedo@ocf1.net Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2018 4:31 PM To: Zaudtke, Terry M. (P.E) Cc: Mahler, David E. (P.E.); Michael.Hudkins@ocfl.net Subject: RE: Orange County Capacity at Iron Bridge Yes. We may be interested on selling excess capacity. Details can be discussed later. Andres Salcedo, P.E. Assistant Director Orange County Utilities 9150 Curry Ford Road Orlando FL32825 Direct(407)254-9719 Cell:(321)-229-2304 andres.salcedoCcDoO aet Website UTIL11Y UNITEDTHROUGH EL,LEI"qCE From: Zaudtke, Terry M. (P, zap.Sent. Thursday, August 09, MTo., Hudkins, Michael; Salce(Cc: Mahler, David E. (P.E.) �or Subject: RE: Orange County Capacity at Iron Bridge Hi Mike: Do you or Andres have an answer to my question below. Either a yes, no or a maybe is all that I need at this point in the planning. From:Todd.Swingle@ocfl.net [mailto:Todd.Swingle@ocfl.net] Sent:Tuesday, July 31, 2018 11:31 AM To: Zaudtke,Terry M. (P.E.)<tzaudtke@cphcorp.com> Cc: Mahler, David E. (P.E.) <dmahler@cphcorp.com>; Michael.Hiud kins@ocf 1.net; Andres.Salcedo@ocfl.net Subject: RE: Orange County Capacity at Iron Bridge Mike Hudkins and Andres Salcedo are the appropriate individuals for you to contact. Both are cc'd on this email. Todd Todd Swingle, P.E. Deputy Director Orange County Utilities 9150 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825 407-254-9880 Todd.Swingle((j)ocfl.net Fromm: Lena Rivera <|river @wim1er pdngsfborg> Sent Tuesday, August 2l, 20182:39PK4 To: David LZusi Cc: Zamdtke, Terry K4. (F.Ej Subject: RE� 5SN(}[VVTA and IBRVVRFCapacity Thank you David for your response 10 this inquiry. Kind regards, Lena Lena Rivera, PE, D.WRE Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Winter Springs 1%26 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL32788 00[ice: 407.327.5989 | CeU: 321.438.5061 Email: III Subject: RE: SSNOCWTA an pail I I Ell MINE' Lena, Approximately 2/3 of our service area is in unincorporated Orange County and aa such w/e have little if any say in how it. is,developed. Due to this, we are not in a position to sell any nfour wastewater treatment capacity at |BRWRF. Dave Zusi Director Water 6kWastewater Utility Department From: Lena Rivera < > Sent:Tuesday, August 21, 2O18 9:25*M To: David LZuai > Cc:Zaudtke,Terry K1. (P.EJ< > Subject: RE: SS0OCWT4 and |8RVVRFCapacity Hello D�avid- | was touching base w/ regards t"this email from [PHto see if you had any questions, If so, | would be happy to meet and discuss further. Thanks, Lena Rivera 1 From: David J Bass Sent:Thursday,July 13, 2017 6:00:53 PM To: Zaudtke,Terry M. (P.E.); Paul K Deuel Cc: Kipton Lockcuff(kiockcuff@winterspringsfl.org) Subject: Re: Winter Springs Possible connection to IBRWRF I believe these are the percentages,...Paul Deuel (Asst. Division M&,r.) might know something I don't and can maybe get with you if I'm wrong, but they should be in the ballpark: Orlando 51.66% (20.664 MGD) Seminole County 21.26% (8.504 MGD) Winter Park 14.90% (5.96 MGD) Casselberry 8.49% (3.396 MGD) Maitland 2.75% (1.100 MGD) Orange County 0.94% (0.376 MGD) I believe Paul told rne that Orange County is looking to sell theirs, but that's only 0.94%, or about 0.376 MGD Your 3 MGD request would be about 7.5% David J. Bass, P.E. Water Reclamation Division Manager City of Orlando 51oo L.B. McLeod Road Orlando, Florida 32811 (P) 407-246-3221 (c) 321-229-oo84 From: Zaudtke,Terry M. (P. Dna 111,11 1 El...11.1.... Sent:Thursday,July 13, 2017 5:34:35 PM To: David J Bass; Paul K Deuel Cc: Kipton Lockcuff(klockcuff0winterspringsfl.oirg) Subject: RE: Winter Springs Possible connection to IBRWRF David, Could you provide us with a list of the capacity holders and their associated capacity. That Would be helpful. I think that maybe only Semin6le County would have such an amount. Thank you. From: David J Bass [ma i Ito:DAVI D.BASS gcityoforla ndo.net] Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 5:24 PM To: Zaudtke, Terry M. (P.E.); Paul K Deuel Cc: Kipton Lockcuff(klockcuff0winterspringsfl,Qrg) Subject: Re: Winter Springs Possible connection to IBRWRF Terry, the City is not interested in, selling any of its excess capacity at the plant since we want to control/own at least 51%, which is about where we are now...perhaps one of the partners would be willing to work out something with Winter Springs to sell some of their excess capacity... David J. Bass, P.E. Water Reclamation Division Manager City of Orlando 51oo L.B. McLeod Road Orlando, Florida 32811 2 Zaudtke, Terry M. (P.E.) From: Lamoureux, Tara <tlamoureux@casselberry-org> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:50 AM To: Zaudtke, Terry M. (P,E) Cc: Swailes, Dawn Subject: Casselberry Allocation with Iron Bridge Categories: SSNOCWTA Terry, The City of Orlando Iron Bridge Regional WRF allocated 3.395 MGD for the City of Casselberry. It looks like in the past few years our peak usage is about 2.6-2.7 IVIGQ. With all the new development in the works we would not feel comfortable at this time sellling a portion of our allocation. However, we may be willing to reconsider in the future depending on future circumstances. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Tara Lamoureux, E.I. Interim Water Resources Manager City of Casselberry 95 Triplet Lake Drive Casselberry, FL 32707 (407) 262-7725, ext. 1228 tlamoureux casselberry.or 11k D R PLEASE NOTE : .Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your E-mail communications niay be subject to public disclosure. Zaudtke, TerrX M. (P.E.) From: Morris, Jay(P.E.) Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 7:04 AM To: Zaudtke, Terry M. (P.E.) Subject: Fwd: City of Matiland Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "David M. Gonzalez" <dgonzalez@itsmVmaitland.com> Date:August 15, 2018 at 7:00:25 AM EDT To: "Morris,Jay(P.E.)" <jmorris@cp,hcor,p..com> Subject: RE:City of Matiland Jay, I don't believed, selling capacity is under consideration until all projects are completed and new developments are at full capacities. I will ask for John Peters opinion on Monday. Thank you. David Gonz; �ez UtiNies Superintend( t 1827 Fennell Street, aifl 32 407-875-1143 R111111611111 11\1 11111k, From: Morris, Jay (P.E.)<imorris@c,phcorp.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:14 PM To: David M. Go,inzal'ez <dgonzalez@itsmymaitland.com> Cc:Zaudtke,Terry M. (P.E.) <tzaudtke(2cphcorp.com> Subject: FW: City of Matiland David, Here is the email we discussed this afternoon. From our conversation it sounds like the City may look at selling off some of the capacity but until current diversion projects are complete the City is not ready to make this determination at this time. Is that correct? Thanks, Jay Morris, P.E. CPH, Inc. Phone: (4-07) 425-0452 Ext.2021 Cell: (407) 797-6211 APPENDIX LAND USE T �111111111\01\0111�111 1�01�0�0\�\1�11�0�\1�\\0\� \ ' �111111111\1�11�1�\\�\1\\1\\1\\�� 11�11\111111\11\111 111111111111111111111111111 W w w m a r N z �"' a ao z z a U w z 0 0 w o cn w ache a u cr F z z U U a a `M m U U w w aK 7 W J 0 Z a �a s w a a c c zcl w W J zw llJ a zo w u 6 6 w Z 0 uj a o w wFW- J w 0< a 4 OLz a z +n b r= � z gg•, Wl`�\1�\1� ��11 ot r xf rcw�+ d ok 2.L'j. ter .0,0 wo t� am .= vo � n va ftl ,O W N N N +✓1 Z � � a N A m N m p exi � a ua LU v W w d � z �( w � � z A O w Q W m W LL U Z � LL r1I SE� II�`U'"}I �....v' L7 II,,,,,..,..J Z Q w J z Q Q Ld.O a,11d W W Z / �'Q R w N O 0 F Ld F O O 0 o O u z U4 ce 11\11\111\01\01 111 11111 100\1\0\1\ $ s p j Z j �11U1 v ap a fL Rry V1�19 u if �y �`�1,�1�`�1�\���`����� p �'•" it by T4 O C 90 Q In in go 0900 W� m K i I Z m � a w � v m � c APPENDIX D OPINIONS OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION AND NEW FETP DESCRIPTIONS REHABILITATIONAND I I �111111111\01\0111\111 1�01�0�01�\11�11�0�\1�\\0\� \ ' �11\111111\1`�11�1�\\�\l�\l�\l�\�� 11�11\111111\11\111 111111111111111111111111111 11\11\1111\11\1\�11�011111� ��`�111�, �� Rehabilitation of West WWTP#1 Plant#1scope. • Clarifier internals including weir trough and scum baffle assemblies and new influent pipe. • Peripheral air header assembly * Diffuser assemblies • Air |n|etp|pefromnuterwaUtonevvperiphena| airheaderto |ndwdenevv16° va|ve • Peripheral walkway assembly • R43 piping and box assembly • WAS piping and box assembly w Replace top 36° of clarifier wall • Repair or replace bridge beam asrequired m Install truss handrails om bridge assembly spanning clarifier w SupermateassemNy • Replace top 36° on bulkheads • Install manvvaysin each zone • New/ Drive assembly for spare/counter clockwise. Can be used for either plant. m Remove one of the bulkheads creating the CL2 zone and reinforce existing bulkhead as required. • Install clarifier effluent pipe from clarifier to outer wall. • Blast and paint plant • Customer is responsible for having tank drained and clean. on Rehabilitation of Plaint#2scope. • Clarifier in | ssembUes and w influent pipe. • Peripheral ssed�h|y w Diffuser assemblies • Airin|etpipefromouterwa||tVmevvperlphera| airheudertoinc|udenevv16" wa|ve m Peripheral walkway assembly • RAS/WAS piping and ap||tter box assembly m Top 36° of clarifier wall • Repair or Replace bridge beam asrequired • Install truss handrails on bridge assembly spanning clarifier • Superna1e assembly ~ Replace top 36° onbulkheads • Install manwayoin each zone • Remove one uf the bulkheads creating the CL2 zone and reinforce existing bulkhead asrequired. • Install clarifier effluent pipe from clarifier to outer wall. • Stairway with landing • Wind girder around outer wall in digester zone • Blast and paint plant • Customer is responsible for having tank drained and clean. NOTE:The base ring is leaking around the outer wall in the digester zone. I would assume this is because of raising and lowering the water level numerous times over the years it's been in operation or caused by high wind when the water level was down. It may require some additional work on the base ring, outer wall and bulkheads in that zone. | would include an allowance uf$180,O80to make these repairs. Rehabilitation ofEast WWTP#2 Existing Davco Plant Rehab, East VVVVTP#2 w Clarifier internals including weir trough and scum baffle assemblies and new influent pipe. • Peripheral air header assemblies • Diffuser assemblies/ Non removable • Two Air inlet pipes from outer wall to new peripheral air header • Peripheral walkway brackets w RAS/WAS piping and box assembly w Replace top outer wall plate asneeded * Replace top 36" of clarifier wall & and trim channel w Repair or replace truss handrails on bridge assembly spanning clarifier as needed • Supernateossemb|y m Replace top of bulkheads asneeded w Install nmam*voysin each zone • New Drive assembly for spare. • Replace support piping and structural onbeadworksaoneeded • Replace pump p�ip|ngnmheadvvnrks • Replace headvvorks discharge piping • Replace aeration influent trough asneeded. Blast• d pa New 1.5 MGD Coir ct Sta za n Fi kEre I Items Included: IEEE 60 ft. Dia. hydrostatic steel inner tank wall (Clarifier) 124 ft. Dia. hydrostatic steel tank wall Two (2)-32ft. long hydrostatic steel bulkhead with center kick-braces One (1) —32ft. long non-hydrostatic steel bulkhead with bottom flnvv'thru port Three (3)-3O-imchDia. tank Access Mamvvays with davits 6"tank drain nozzles with flanged connections 304SSimflment box with 3O4SS manual clean bar screen & 3O4SS drying deck Plant air distribution system with 304SS drop-pipes Nnm'removab|e0ne bubble flexible membrane diffusers for contact& reaeratinn zones @04SSCB diffusers for digester Zone 24" Dia. Sch. 1O steel rotating clarifier influent stilling well Steel clarifier effluent launderer and scum baffle 14° Dia. 6ch. 10 steel plant effluent pipe with flanged connection Clarifier scum control system w/surfane skimmer arm, scum collection trough &4" scum airlift Bridge supported Clarifier sludge collector mechanism Y2 HP direct drive unit with torque indicator and alarm & cut-off torque switches 8~ diameter, Soh. 40 steel torque shaft Steel truss sludge scraper arms with steel scraper blades and PVC squeegees 26" diameter x16" deep steel sludge sump 12" RAS/VVAS airlift pumping system with 3O4S6R4S/VVASsp|[tter/measwringbox 6" Digester supernatural decanting airlift 3ft. wide Main Access 8r[dgew/a|umimunn handrails, toep|atex and bar grating 2 ft. wide equipment access walkways w/aluminum handrails, toeplates and bar grating 3ft. wide stn[rwayvv/mtermediate landing, aluminum handrails and stair treads Clarifier controls mounted in a NEMA4X 304S5 ULs1amped enclosure Site work with concrete slab (including slab design) and clarifier grout Interconnecting yard piping and valves Plant blowers 8' blower controls Piping from plant blowers tmVVVVTP air header connection Mechanical fine screen, grit removal system 8,controls Re-use Electrical Panels Re-use stand-by power New Contact Stabilization Field Erected Treatment Plant with Surge (WWTP#2 at East) The tank is larger, but will contain items as above along with a section for the surge tank and digester as in the existing tank, New 3.0 IVIGD BNR AW7FYe|d Erected Treatment Plant (FETP) with separate Surge Tank (FETP} and Separate Digester Tank /FETP\ Two (2) mirror image 1,500,000 GPD above ground S-Stage BNR AWT ring steel field erected WWTP's for a2Onmg/| BUD/2Omg/|TS5/3 mg/TN/1nng/| P effluent, plus a separate standalone 500,00O Gal. influent EOtank(70ft. Dia. x 20.S ftta|1), and a separate stand-alone 75O, }0O Gal. aerobic digester (I0-day5RT) (82 ft. D|a. x20.5 fttaN). Equipment included Hydrostatic steel Hydrostatic steel Eight (8) non-hydros d� Two (Z)—]U" Dia, a ays it av p |ant 3O46S Influent flow op[i(ter box (1 per project) Plant air distribution system with 304SS drop-pipes Nom'remnovab|ef|ne bubble flexible diffusers for aeration zone ofeach plant Nom-removable 304SScoarse bubble flexible diffusers for reaera1ion zone of each plant Clarifier influent support column pipe with influent stilling well per plant Clarifier effluent launderer and scum baffle per plant Clarifier scum control system w/surface skimmer arm, scum trough &4" scum airU[ft per plant Center column supported clarifier gear drive with alarm & cut-off torque switches per plant Tow-Bro sludge collector unit with torque cage, manifold & unitube header per plant RAS system with sludge airlift and a304SS sludge measuring box per plant WAS draw-off line to outer wall with flange connection per plant Three (3) dry pit submersible WAS pumps with VFD controls (I set for project) Duplex dry-pit submersible UR Pumps vv/VFDicmntro|o, piping Qva|ves per plant One /1\ submersible mixer with 304SS guide rail for De-Ox Zone per plant One (1) submersible mixer with ]D45S guide rail for each Anaerobic Zone per plant Two /2> submersible mixers with 3045G guide rail for each Pre'AnoxicZone per plaint Three (3) submersible mixers with 3O46S guide rails for Post Anoxic Zone per p|amt 3 ft. wide Main Access Bridge with aluminum handrails, teep|ates and grating per plant 2 ft. wide equipment access walkways with aluminum handrails, tnepKates /&grating per plant 3 ft. wide stairxvayw/in1ermediate landing, aluminum handrails and stair treads (1 per project) 3 ft. wide bridge between plants with aluminum handrails, toeplates and grating (1 per project) Clarifier controls mounted inuNEMA4X3046SUL stamped enclosure per plant Plant controls mounted imaNEK4Al2 painted UL stamped enclosure (1 per project) 7O ft. Dia. x28.5 ft. tall separate standalone influent E[l tank (5OO,0O0Gm|o.) 38" Dia. access manvvaV with davit for E[Ltank 3 ft. wide mixer access walkways with aluminum handrails, toeplates &grating for EQ tank 3 ft. wide stairway w/intermediate landing, aluminum handrails and stair treads for ECitank Four (4) submersible mixers with 3U4SS guide rails Ok controls for influent EOtank Three (]) dry pit submersible EC\pumps with VFDcontrols 82 ft. Dia. x 20.5 ft, tall separate standalone aerobic digester (750,000 Gals.) (30 days SRT) 30" Dia. access manvvaywith davit for digester 3 ft. wide observation platform with aluminum handrails, toep|ates &grating for digester 3 ft. wide stairway w/intermediate landing, aWnuinum handrails and stair treads for digester Non-removable digester air distribution system w/a 304S5 drop-pipe, headers QC8 diffusers Digester decanting pump w/304SS hoist &cable, flexible discharge hose &flanged connection 5itew/orkvwith concrete slabs (including slab design) and clarifier grout Interconnecting yard piping and valves Plant blowers & blower controls Interconnecting piping from plant blowers to each WWTP air header connection Mechanical fine screen and grit removal system Comminutor Digester blowers 8' blower controls Interconnecting pipi s d h Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 1 West WRF-3.0 MGD-Contact Stabilization System Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price 1 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $644,945.00 $644,945.00 Pre-treatment 1 Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit LS I $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00 removal in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000-00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000-00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls(10%) LS 1 $350,000-00 $350,000.00 ---j—Pre-treatment Subtotal 1 $4,900,000.00 Contractor r Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $735000001 $735,000.00' Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000.00 WWT@�9'%V*'pn L\��J...................11 1 aw I New Fii 'erected co ct st lization pat'e treat et t- a I replace nt with ne uip slab w' on-r vable 2 $725,000,00 $1,450,000.00 bubble users.Inclu dig er in s 2 New cc rete slab- (2)!! s at 12 i irk foot dia r CY 84 $1,000.00 $840,000.00 3 Clari fie LS 2 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 4 Installation estimate for WWTP above LS 2 $350,000.00 $700,000.00 5 Field painting LS 2 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 6 Demolition of existing WWTP tanks and concrete slabs LS 2 $150,000.00 $300,000.00 7 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 8 New disk Filtration for 3.0 MGD(in concrete tank) LS 1 $570,000.00 $570,000.00 9 Chlorine Contact Chamber expansion to 3,0 MGD LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 10 Demolition of old sand drying beds LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 11 Expansion of reject storage pond LS 1 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 12 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS 1 $450,000.00 $450,000-00 13 Miscellaneous air piping and connections LS 1 $125,000-00 $125,000.00 14 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $150,000.00 $150,000,00 15 Prevention,control&abatement of erosion and water pollution- LS 1 $3,500-00 $3,500.00 16 SCADA and controls(10%) is 1 $571,350.00 $571,350,00 17 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions- (30%) LS 1 $1,714,050.00 $1,714,050,00 WWTP Construction Subtotal $7,998,900-00 lContractor Overhead and Profit-15% L5 1 $1,199,835.00 $1,199,835.00 1WWTP Construction Costs $9,198,735.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $15,478,680,00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $3,095,736.00 Engineering design and permitting-7% $1,083,507Z01 u CEI Services-10% $1,547,868.01 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) 386,967.00 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $773,934..010 Total Estimated Project Cost $22,366,692.60 NOTE:This does not include off-site improvements to transfer flow from the East facility to the West. NOTE Pre-treatment is required to get a 3.0 MGD flow at this facility. NOTE:It is not possible to construct an AWT system at this site.The site cannot accommodate the larger size tanks, Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 2 East WRIF-3.0 IVIGD-BNR-AWT Systems Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $1,066,765,00 $1,066,765-00 Pre-treatment I Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit LS 1 $1,500,000,00 $1,500,000.00 removal in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,()00.00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the VVWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1'000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,00100 $35,000.00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050,00100 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls(10%) LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000-00 Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% 1 LS 1 1 $735,000.001 $735,000.00 Pre-tr%waUtsIs $5,635,000.00 , 102%ZHIM)ENI IN WW1JKfConstrn �ff........................... ...........I ............ I Two(2 ew Field er d 8 @111"age trea nt I with 8 $5,75G,000X0 $5,750,000.00 diamel clarifiers lete ept I" foro 2 New c( r 1 (2) satl in ick foot dia r CY 13 $1,00ozo $1,361,000.00 3 Clarifie I LS $75,000,00 $150'wo.00 4 Installation estimate for WWTP(included in item I above) LS 2 $0,00 $0.00 5 Field painting fincluded in item 1 above) LS 2 $0J00 $0.00 6 Demolition of existing tanks and concrete slabs LS 2 $100'000.00 $200,000,00 7 Site Work LS 1 $75,000Z0 $75,000.00 8 New disk Filtration for 3.0 MGD LS 1 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 9 Chlorine Contact Chamber expansion to 3.0 MGD LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 10 New digester for plants(re-use thickener digester) LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000,00 11 New digester blowers LS 1 $325,000,00 $325,000,00 12 Expansion of reject storage pond-Not Required LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 13 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS 1 $450,000.00 $450,000,00 14 New pumps in the transfer pump station LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000,00 15 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $150,000.00 $150'00uo 16 Prevention,control&abatement of erosion and water pollution LS 1 $3,500.00 $3,500,00 17 Replace the standby power system(generator only) LS 1 $450,000.00 $450,000.00 18 Replace LS IE LS 1 $500,000,00 $500,000,00 19 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $3,521,850.00 $3,521,850.00 20 SCADA and controls(10%) LS 1 $1,173,950.00 $1,173,950.00 WWTP Construction Subtotal $16,435,300.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 17�$1,461,295.00 $2,465,295.00 WWTP Construction Costs $18,900,595.00 1 —I TOTAL(Numeric) $25,602,360,00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $5,120,472.00 Engineering design and permitting-7% $1,792,165,20 CEI Services-10% $2,560,23&00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) 540,059:00 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $11.Liigl Total Estimated Project Cost $36,995,410.20 NOTE:This does not include off-site improvements to bring flow from the West to the East. Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 3 Oak Forest WRF-3.0 MGD BNR-AT Systems Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit(Price Extended Price 1 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $1,164,870.00 $1,164,870.00 Pre-treatment Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit 1 removal in a raised concrete structure LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,SOp,pOQ.pp Surge tarok,approximately 500,000gallons,including aeration by 2 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs LS 1 $1,750,000.00 $1,75p,Op0.p0 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on.grade-no special 3 CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system submersible(included in itern 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.w above) 5 Site Work _ LS 1 $75,000.00 _ $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%of 7 LS 1 $1,050A00.00 $1,050,00000 construction Items) 8 SCADA and controls upgrades(10%of construction items) LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000.00 Contractor overhead and Profit-15°k LS 1 $735,000.00 $735,000.00 Pre-treatment Costs $S,635 000.00 1 Two(2pwrif BN WT a treatm pla ith 80 LS���� 1 5,750,000.00 55,750,000.00 foot dimpl wars for en su 2 New c2)sl at 12 in ick 15 CY 1361 $1,000.00 $1,361,000.00 Clarifi LS 2 $75,000.00 $150,000.00 3 Install W ncluded in ove) LS 2 $0.00 $0,00 4 Field painting lincluded in item 1 above) LS 2 $0.00 $0.00 5 Demolition of existing tanks and concrete slabs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 6 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000,00 7 New disk Filtration for 3.0 MGD _ LS 1 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 8 New Chlorine Contact Chamber-3.0 MGD LS 1 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 9 New digester for plants LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00 10 New digester blowers LS 1 $325,000.00 $325,000.00 11 New reject storage pond LS 1 $375,000,00 $375,000.00 12 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS _ 1 $450,000.00 $450,000.00 13 New transfer pump station L5 1 $450,000.00 $450,000.00 14 Re-use existing GST and Pumps-Revise or add pumps as necessary LS 1 $100,000,00 $100,000.00 15 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $250,000,00 $250,000,00 16 Prevention,control&abatement of erosion and water pollution LS 1 $5,00uo $5,000,00 17 New Operations Building 40 by 60 SF 2400___ $250.00 $600,000.00 18 New standby power system LS 1 $550,000,00 $550,000.00 1,9 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(20%of LS 1 $3,942,300.00 $3,942,300.00 construction items) 20 ISCADA and controls-upgrades(10%of construction items) LS 1 $1,314,100.00 $1,314,100.00 WWTP Construction Subtotal $18,397,400.Qp Contractor overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $2,759,61p.Q0 $2,759,610.00 WWTP Construction Costs $21,157,010.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $27,956,880.00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $5,591,376.00 Engineering design and permitting-7% 51,956,981.60 CEI Services-10% $2,795,588.00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $698,922.00 Administrative,Legal and other'items-5% $1,397,844A0 Total Estimated Project Cost $40,397,691.6o NOTE:This does not include off-site improvements to bring flow from the East and West Systems. Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 4 SSNOCWTA and IBRWRF Connection-3.0 MGD Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity unit Price Extended Price Descr iption I M LS 1 $543,375.00 $543,375,00 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated construction costs West System I Construct new LS 7W LS 1 $1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 2—Construct new 18-inch forcemain LS 6500 $300.00 $1,950,000.00 West system Subtotal $3,150,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 1 $472,500.001 $472,500.00 West System Costs $3,622,500.00 East System 1 Construct new LS 1E LS 1 $1,200,000.00 $1,200,000.00 2 Construct new 18-inch forcemain LF 17000 $300-00 $S'100,000.00 East System Subtotal $6,300,00070 lContractor Overhead and Profit-154o LS I I $945'000d0C $945,000.00 East System Construction Costs $7,24S,000.00 Capacity Purchase I 11 Purcha 3 0 MGD Capacity from a member entity at the tBRWRF 10000 $2,229.00 $22,290,000,00 - 1 1d i i'min'1 ANIL i mom o Capac Purchase't Dial $22,290,000.00 Cont" r overhea P Capac Purc $22,290,000.00 hase C $2,282,175�00 All" All" TOT Numeric) $33,700,875-05 Conti�U't -nning el-only o *Wction Engineering design and permitting-7%only on construction $798,761-25 CEI Services-10%only on construction $1,141,087.50 Sales tax(estimated at 2,5%of total construction cost) $285,271.88 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $570,54,175 Total Estimated Project Cost $38,778,714.38 Note:The City loses all reclaimed availability from the WRFs for this alternative.Loss of reclaimed value is not shown. Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 5 West and East WRF-Rehabilitation-2.0 MGD Each Preliminary opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description unit Quantity li nit Price Extended Prfice 1 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $06F6,950,00 $868,96—.00 Pre-treatment West(new equipment not rehab) I Pre-treatment facilities-rnechanical screen,by-pass screen and Err LS I $1,500,000.0o $1,500,000r00 removal in a raised concrete structure 2 surge tank,approximately 5GG,GGG gallons,Including aeration byLS 1 00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feedthe WWTPS 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank Islab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.0 $140,000 00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item2 LS 1 $000 5000 above) 5 Site Work LS I $75,C00.00 $75,00000 6 Miscellaneous piping connections, revisions and new yard piping ITS 1 $35,000.00 $35,00000 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions fO%i IS 1 5 1,050,000.00 $1'GS0'00o.GC - 8 ISCADA and controls upgrades(10%) US I $350'C00.001 $350'000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000M West Rehabilitation I Rehab West WWTP#1 LS 1 $60C,000.00 '6007 007 7 Blasting and Field Painting LS 1 $250,000.00 3 Rehab West WWTP#2 LS 1 $700,000.00 $700,C00.00 4 Blasting and Field Painting LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,00000 5 Additional base ring and slab repalron WWTPft2 by the digester ITS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 6 Cleaning of existing WWTPs IS 2 $1l:0,000.00 $200,000.00 7 New aeratio T, UNION 8 Aeration p�lblow. W-T P 1 $50,00000 550, ac 9 Blower ebac I change�(will C.) 1 $50 000 OD $50, .00 IF New disk fill 2.0 MGD AAD L I $50o' 00 11 Re use CCC LS 0 Go 12 Re-use TPS�i armed CST�an 1 $0 OD 00 13 New 40 by perations 8 SF tio $250,00 $600, 00 1 14 Fler,tri-I m marts. xParisons(3 is 6krl" I R $1,125,DD100 S1,125 00 construction items) 15 SCADA and controls-upgrades 110%of construction items) LS 1 $375,000U 1 $375,00000 West Rehab Subtotal $5,250,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% I,S 1 $787,500.00 $787,500.00 West Rehab Project Costs $6,037,500.00 East Rehabilitation Construct new contact stabilization plant to replace WWTP 01 at a new LS 1 $725,000.00 $725,000.GU location on the,site-Field Erected Treatment Plant(FETP) 2 Field Installation/Erection ofFETP L$ 1 $350,00000 $3so'000.00 R Field Painting LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 4 Concrete Slab for new WWTP 91 124 foot diameter CY 450 $1,000 cc $450,000.100 5 Demolish WWTP 42-leave sled Ls 1 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 6 Rehab East WWTP#2(tank includes surge tank) L5 1 $850,000.00 $850,000.00 7 Biasing and Field Painting(Larger unit) 0 1 $300,000.60 $300,000.00 8 Cleaning of existing WWTPs ILS 2 $100,000,00 $200,000,00 9 Add separate d isk lifters for the now WWTP 41 15 MGD capacity IL5 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 30 New aeration blowers for both WWTPs 11.5 1 5450,00000 $450,000,00 11 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPa irs 1 $150'000.00 $150,000,00 12 Blower elect rli3O changes iwiring atc.) LS I $100,000 00 S100,00"o 33 New filters for WWTP 02 is I s350r000 00 $350,000 00 14 Re use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $000 15 Re-use TPS;reds imcd GST;and recta lmted distribution pumps,but replace EA 3 $20,000.00 $60,00000 pumps in the TPS 16 Re-use Thickened digester aind thickener LS D $000 $000 17 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250.0o $600,000.00 is Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%of LS 1 $1,,420,500 00 $1,420r500 00 construction items) 19 KADA and controls"upgrades(101A ofconstruction items) LS 1 $473,50000 $473,500 00 East Rehab Subtotal $7,229,000 00 Contractor Overhead and Profit 45% LS 1 $1,o84,350 00 $1,084,350.00. [East Rehab Project Costs $8,313,350.00 TOTAL Project JNumeric $20,854,813-0M Contingeng-20%Plan,i,g Level $4,170,960.0; Enium,isnrig design $1,459,836 00 CFJ Services-10% .00 Sales tax lostimated at 2.5%of total construction east:� M21,138070.0 Administrative,le at and other items-5% $A,042,740.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $30,135,186.00 NOTEr No off-site improvements are necessary for this.alternative, Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 6 West and East WRIF-Reconstruction-2.0 MGD Each Maintain Existing Capacity Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $998,500.00 5998,500-00 Pre-treatment West, new uipme nt not rehab) 1 Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000,00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by submersible IS; 1 $1,750,000.00 $1,750,000.00 mixers,and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 7C foot diameter surge tank Nab or grade-no special CY 140 $1,01 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0,00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS I 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050 0O 0 $1,050,000= 9 SCADA and controls-upgrades ilO%} LS 1 $350'000.00 $350,000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal 4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $735'000.00 $735,000.00 .............. Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,00040 West Reconstruction I New West WWTP#1 and WWTP#2-contact stabilization units;re-use LS 2 $725,000,00 51,450,000.00 concrete slabs 2 Field Installation/Erection LS 2 $350,000 OD $700,000,00 3 Field Painting LS 2 5250,00000 $500,000.00 4 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,00000 $200,000.00 5 Demolition of existing WWTPs-re-use slabs LS 2 $100,00000 $20C,000.00 F New aeration blowers for vVWTP$ LS 1 $4$0,00000 $45C,00100 7 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $150,00000 $150,000,00 8 Blower electricalchanges(wiring "gi 11" 11 11 1_1 $200,00 9 New disk filters-2.0 1 AAOF LS $500,00 500,000.00 11) Re-use CCC LS $ $0,00 11 Re-use TPS;Reclaimed GST;and aimed distribu LS 0 5 $000 12 Now 40 by 60 Op eratio ns Buildin Sr... '25 011149,000,00 ,n 23 1t0s) LS r'�' a 5,00 1 $1,485,COO,00 upgrades 14 SCADA and controls- of constru&B ems) L LS 1 6'00,j $396,000.00. 'l — 10111i III West Reconstruction Subtotal l Contractor Overhead and Profit.-15% LS 1 $1;024,650.00 $1,024,650.00 West Reconstruction Project Costs $7,855,650,00 East Reconstruction I Construct new 1.5 MGD contact stabilization plant to replace WWTP V1 at a LS 1 $725,000.00 $725,00000 new location on the site 2 Field installation/ErectionLS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000,00 3 Field Painting LS 1 $250,00000 $250,000.00 4 Concrete Slab for new WWTP 42-124 foot diameter CY 45C $1,000.00 $450,000 00 5 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,00000 $200,000.00 6 Demolish WVVTP#1-leave slab LS 1 $100,000,00 $101 7 Replace WWTP#2 in kind(re-use Slab);includes surge tank LS 1 $1,050,090.00 $1,050,000,00 8 Field Instaillatron/Erection LS 1 $350,00000 $350'000 00 9 Field Painting US I $250,000.00 $250,000.00 10 Add a separate disk filter for the new WWTP#1-1.5 MGD Capacity US 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 11 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS 1 $4501 $450,000.00 12 Aeration piping _5 a $150,000.00 $150,000.00 13 Blower electrical:.,.changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $200,00000 $200,000.00 14 New filters for WWTP#2(1.5 MC D)Total Filter capacity Class I is 2.0 1 Irs 1 $350,000 00 $350'000.010 15 Re-use CCC LS 0 $000 $O= 16 Re-use TIPS,but replace pumps in the TPS EA 3 520,006,00 $60,000.00 17 Re-use Thickened digester and thickener 1 0 5000 $000 18 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250,00 $600,01 19 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,765,500 00 $1,765,506.00 20 SCADA and controls-upgrades t ID'/.) LS 1 $588,500.00 $588,500.00 East Reconstruction Subtotal $8,239,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $1,235,850.00 East Reconstruction Project Costs $9,474,850.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $23,964,000.00 Contingency-2D%Planning Level $4,792,300-00 Engineering design $1,677,480.00 CEI Services-10% $2,396,400.00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%oftotal construction cost) $599'100.00 Administrative,Legal and other items- $1,198,200.001 Total Estimated Project Cost $94,627,980.00 NOTE:No off-site improvements are necessary for this alternative Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 7 West and East WRF- New FETP AWT- 1.5 MGD Each Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price 1 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $1,515,020,00 $1,515,020.00 Pre-treatment West FETP I Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000-00 $1,500,000.00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000.00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000-00 $75,000-00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000,00 $35,000-00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1'050'000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $350,000-00 $350,000-00 11............ Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead:and Profit-15% Ls I $735,000.001 $735,000.00 Pre-treatment Costs $S,635,000.00 West FETP I New West WWTP# d WWTP' -A� (2 FETP r ima LS 2 $987,500,00 $1,975,000.00 2 Field Installation/Er on 2 $350,000,00 $700,000.0 3 Field Painting CS 2 $250,000.00 $500,000,00 4 Concrete Slab for 15EI)Ter FE11slab on gr special 915 $1,000.00 $915,000,00 conditions) 5 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 6 Demolition of existing WWTPs including slabs LS 2 $200,000,00 $400,000.00 7 Digester FETP erection and painting included Ls 1 $850,000.00 $850,000-00 8 Concrete Slab for 85 foot diameter slab for digester(slab on grade-no CV 98 $1,000.00 $98,000.00 special conditions) 9 New aeration blowers for Digester LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000,00 10 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 11 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $55,000.00 $55,000,00 12 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS 1 $450,000.00 $450,000,00 13 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $150,000,00 $150,000.00 14 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000,00 is New disk filters-1.5 IVIGD AADF LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 16 Re-use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 17 Re-use TPS;Reclaimed GST;and,Reclaimed distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 18 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250.00 $600,000.00 19 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $2,120,400,00 $2,120,400.00 20 ISCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $706,800.00 $706,800-00 lWest Reconstruction Subtotal $10,495,200.00 Contractor overhead and Profit-1551. LS 1_ $1,574,280.00 $1,574,280,00 West Reconstruction Project Costs $12,069,480.00 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Pre-treatment East FETP 1 Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000,00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000,00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0,00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 _. $75,000.00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,Oa0.00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) _ LS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 1 $350,000.001 $350,000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $735,000.00 $735,000.00 Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000,00 East FETP AWT 1 New East WWTP#1 and WWTP#2-AWT(2 FETP Mirror image) LS 2 $987,500.00 $1,975,000.00 2 Field Installation/Erection L5 2 $350,000.00 $700,000.00 3 Field Painting _ LS 2 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 4 Concrete Slab for 155 foot diameter FETP(slab on grade-no special CY 915 $1,000.00 $915,000,00 conditions) 5 Gleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 6 Demolition of existing WWTPs including slabs LS 2 $200,000.00 $400,000.00 7 Digester FETP erects )tVVT incl ��110��0�1\�� 1 ��00������1101 IIF\� ��0��� II1\��0� a,aao.00 $850,000.00 Concrete Slab for 85 t dlab digester b on gr 8 CY 98 $1,000.00 $98,000,00 special conditions) 9 New aeration blows or D 1 $250,000,00 $250,000.00 10 Aeration piping-fro low LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 11 Blower electrical cha ti) .) �1, LS 1 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 12 New aeration blowers for WWTPs LS 1 $450,000.00 $450,000.00 13 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs _ LS 1 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 14 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 15 Re-use filters LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 16 Re-use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 17 Re-use TPS;Redaimed 6ST,and,Reclaimed distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 18 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250.00 $600,000.00 19 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $2,015,400.00 $2,015,400.00 20 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $671,800.00 $671,800.00 21 Re-use Thickened digester and thickener LS 0 $0.00, $0.00 East Reconstruction Subtotal $10,005,200,00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15°r LS 1 $1,500,78a.00 $1,500,780.00 East Reconstruction Project Costs 1 $1.1,505,980.00 TOTAL(numeric) $36,360,480.00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $7,272,096.00 Engineering design and permitting-7% $2,545,233.60 CEI Services-10% $3,636,048.00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $909,012.00 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $1,818,024.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $52,540,893.60 NOTE:No off-site improvements are necessary for this alternative. Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 8 West and East WRF-New SBR-1.5 MGD Capacity Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $1,497,910.60 $1,497,910.60 Pre-treatment West SBR I Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000,00 $1,500,000-00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000,00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000D0 $140,000.00 conditions) Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 4 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000,00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls-upgrades iio%.) LS 1 $350,000-00 $350,000-00 Pre-treatment Subtotal T $4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS $735,000.00 $735,OOD.OD Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000.00 West New SBR Replace two(2)existinj equipme ly .5 MGD-two prose LS $800,000-00 1 2 Installation of EqUipme LS $SC 00.00 $500,000.00 3 Concrete Slab for new'. fthl�i nks CY 414 00,00 $414,000.00 4 Concrete Walls for SBR et t a wo tanks c hi Cy 834 00.00 $1,251,000.00 F 5 Concrete Slab for new post equalization tank-80X30 by one foot thick CY 90 $1,000.00 $90,000.00 6 Concrete Walls for new post equalization tank-8Ox30 by 25 feet tali-18 CY 306 $1,500.00 $459,000.00 inches thick 7 Digester FETP erection and painting included LS 1 $1,500,000,00 $1,500,000.00 8 Concrete Slab for 58 foot diameter slab for digester(slab on grade-no CY 98 $1,000,00 $98,000 00 special conditions) 9 New aeration blowers for Digester LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 10 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 11 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc,) LS 1 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 12 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 13 Demolition of existing WWTPs-including slabs LS 2 $1S0,000.00 $300,000.00 14 New aeration blowers for SSRs(included in I above) LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 15 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,o00.00 16 New filter equipment-1.5 MGD capacity LS 1 $316,790.00 $316,790.00 17 Filter equipment installation LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 18 Concrete slab-filters CY 19 $1,000.00 $19,000.00 19 Concrete Walls-filters CY 62 $1,50o.00 $93,000.00 20 Re-use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 21 Re-use TPS;Reclaimed GST;and,Reclaimed distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 22 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250.00 $600,000.00 23 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $2,031,237.00 $2,031,237.00 24 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $677,079.00 $677,079.00 West New SBR Subtotal $10,079,106.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $1,511,865.90 $1,511,865.90 West New SBR Project Costs $11,590,971.90 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Pre-treatment East SBR Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00 1 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 . $1,750,000.00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 .conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) S site Work L5 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 7 Electricat modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000-00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS T i $735,000.00 $735,000-00 Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000.00 East New SBR 1 Replace two(2)existing WWTPs with one new SBR System-equipment only LS 1 $800,000.00 $800,000,00 -1.5 MGD-two process tanks;one post equalization tank 2 Installation of Equipment LS 1 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 3 Concrete Slab for new SBR-80X70 by one foot thick-two tanks CY 414 $1,000.00 $414,000.00 4 Concrete Walls for SBR 8000 by 25 feet tail two tanks 18 inches thick CY 834 $1,500.00 $1,251,000.00 5 Concrete Slab for new post equalization tank-80X30 by one foot thick CY 90 $1,000.00 $90,000.00 Concrete Walls for ne st aqua on to 80x30 b feet tall 6 inches thick C 306 00.00 $459,000.00 7 Digester FLIP erection d painting i ude 11\�����111�R. 1��� L �� ��������� � $1,5 00.00 $1,500,000.00 8 special Concrete Sllabifor 8 f diameter for ester(s n gra ���������� C 98 00.00 $'98,000.00 9 New aeration blowers D r ���' �L 1 $2 , 00.00 $250,000-00 10 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 11 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $55,000.00 $55,000,00 12 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 13 Demolition of existing WWTPs-including slabs LS 2 $150,000.00 $300,000.00 14 New aeration blowers for SBRs(included in 1 above) LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 15 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 16 New filter equipment-1.5 MGD capacity LS 1 $316,790,00 $316,790.00 17 Filter equipment installation LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00' 18 Concrete slab-filters CY 19 $1,000.00 $19,000,00 19 Concrete Walls-filters CY 62 $1,500.00 $93,000.00 20 Re-use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 21 Re-use TPS;Reclaimed GST,and,Reclaimed distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 21 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400_ _$250-00 $600,000.00 22 Electrical modifications,Improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1, $2,031,237,00 $2,031,237-00 23 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%)" LS 1 $677,079.00 $677,079.00 East New SBR Subtotal $1.0,079,106.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $1,511,865,90 $1,511,865.90 East New SBR Project Costs $11,590,971.90 TOTAL.(Numeric) $35,949,854,40 Contingency-20%Planning Level $7,189,970,88 Engineering design and permitting-7% $2,516,489.81 CEI Services-10% $3,594,985.44 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $8.98,746.36 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $1,797,492.72 Total Estimated Project Cost $51,947,539.61 NOTE:No off-site improvements are necessary for this alternative. Note:Filters in steel tanks would be less costly than placement in concrete tanks. NOTE:SBR Needs grit removal and screening. Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 12 West and East WRF-New Prefabricated-2.0 MGD Each Maintain Existing Capacity Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated costs LS 1 $1,742,660.00 $1,742,660-00 Pre-treatment West 1 Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal LS 1 $1,500,000,00 $1,500,000.00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000,00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank(slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WVVTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000-00 6 Miscellaneous Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000-00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) ILS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000-00 ................. Pre-treatment Subtotal $735,000.0j $4,900,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS $735,000.00 Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000-00 West Prefab I New West Prefabric� d tanks L to LS 1 $6,389,000,00 $6,389,000-00 2 Field Installation/ErE on" $350,000,00 $350,000M 3 Field Painting(inclu( LS 1 $0M $0,00 4 Concrete Slab for eq b on gr e-no spe b itions) CY 250 $1,000 o $250,000.00 5 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 6 Demolition of existing WWTPs including slabs LS 2 $20D,000.00 $400,000.00 7 Digester FETP erection and painting included LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 8 Concrete Slab for digester(slab on grade-no special conditions) CY 50 $1,000.00 $501000.00 9 New aeration blowers for Digester(included) LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 10 Aeration piping-from blowers to digesters LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 11 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $55,000.00 $55,000-00 12 New aeration blowers for WWTPs(included) LS 1 $0,00 $0,00 13 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $150,000.00 $150,000-00 14 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 15 New disk filters-2,0 IVIGD AADF LS 1 $500,000.00 $500,000-00 16 CCC-included LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 17 Re-use TPS;Reclaimed GST;and,Reciaiinned distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 New 40 by 60 Operations Building SF 2400 $250.00 $600,000.00 18 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS I $2,555,700.00 $2,555,700,00 19 ISCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $851,900.00 $851,900.00 West Reconstruction Subtotal $12,526,600.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% ILS I $1,878,990MI $1,878,990.00 lWest Reconstruction Project Costs =$14,405,590-00 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Pre-treatment East Pre-treatment facilities-mechanical screen,by-pass screen and grit removal 1 LS 1 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00 in a raised concrete structure 2 Surge tank,approximately 500,000 gallons,including aeration by LS 1 $1,750,000.00 $1,750,000.00 submersible mixers and submersible pumps to feed the WWTPs 3 Concrete Slab for 70 foot diameter surge tank+slab on grade-no special CY 140 $1,000.00 $140,000.00 conditions) 4 Surge tank to WWTP pumping system-submersible(included in item 2 LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 above) 5 Site Work LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 6 Miscellaneous(Piping connections, revisions and new yard piping LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 7 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $1,050,000.00 $1,050,000.00 8 1SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 Pre-treatment Subtotal $4,900,000.00 Contractor overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $735,000.00 $735,000.00 Pre-treatment Costs $5,635,000.00 East Prefab 1 New West Prefabricated tanks LE system LS 1 $6,389,000.00 $6,389,000.00 2 Field Installation/Erection LS 1 $350,000.00 $350,000.00, 3 Field Painting LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 4 Miscellaneous Concrete Slabs for equipment(stab on grade no special CY 250 $1,000.00 $250,000.00 conditions) 5 Cleaning of existing WWTPs LS 2 $100,000.00 $200,000.00 6 Demolition of existing WWTPs including slabs LS 2 $200,000.00 $400,000,00 7 Digester FETP erectii 1l ' g inct 1��10��0 $0.00 $0,00 8 Concrete Slab for di ter(slab rad no sped rnditio CY 50 $1,000,00 $50,000.00 9 New aeration blowe or Digeste 1 $0.00 $0.00 10 Aeration piping-fro lowers to est L ����� 1 $75,000.00 $75,000,00 __. 11 Blower electrical ch es(wirin ic.) LS 1 $55,000,00 $55,000.00 12 New aeration blowe ll�� s �1\, 111kLS 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 13 Aeration piping-from blowers to WWTPs LS 1 $150,000.00 $150,000,00 14 Blower electrical changes(wiring etc.) LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 15 New disk filters-2.0 MGD AADF _ LS 1 $500,000m $500,000.00 16 Re-use CCC LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 17 Re-use TPS; Reclaimed GST;and,Reclaimed distribution LS 0 $0.00 $0.00 18 New 40 by 60 operations Building SE 2400 $250,00 $600,000.00 19 Electrical modifications,improvements and expansions(30%) LS 1 $2,555,700,00 $2,555,700.00 20 SCADA and controls-upgrades(10%) LS 1 $851,900.00 $851,900.00 21 Re-use Thickened digester and thickener LS 0 $0.001 $0.00 East Reconstruction Subtotal $12,52fi,600.00 Contractor overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $1,878,990.00 $1,87$,990.00 East Reconstruction Project Costs $14,405,590.00 TOTAL.(Numeric) $41,823,840.00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $8,364,768.00 Engineering design and permitting-7% $2,927,668,90 CEI Services-10 'm $4,182,384.00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $1,045,596,00 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $2,091,192.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $60,435,448.80 NOTE: No off-site improvements are necessary for this alternative. Winter Springs Master Wastewater plan Cost Table 9 West WRF 3.0 MGD Transmission Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price 1 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated construction costs LS 1 $417,500.00 $417,500.00 East System Transmission to West WRF 1 Lift station upgrades to LS 1W,2W and 2OW LS 3 $75,000.00 S225,000.00 $8,350,000,00 2 Construct new LS I LS 1 51,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 3 Construct new 18-inch forcemain LF 25000 $285,00 $7,125,000.00 East System Subtotal $8,350,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 51,252,500.00 $1,252,500,00 East system Construction Costs $9,502,500.00 $8,350,000.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $10,02C,000.00 Contingency-20%Punning Level $2,004,000.00 Engineering design and permitting-7/ 5701,400.00 CEI Services-10% $1,002,,000,00 Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $250,500,00 Administrative,Legal and other,items-5% $501,000.00 $4,458,900.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $14,478,9W00 Note:The City loses all reclaimed availability from the WRFs for this aNternative.Loss of reclaimed value is not shown. �111111111\01\01\��111 1�0\�0�0\�\11�1\�0�\\�\\0\� \ ' �111111111\1`�11�1�\\�\l�\l�\l�\�� 11�11\111111\11\111 111111111111111111111111111 Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 10 East WRF-3.0 MGD Transmission Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated construction costs LS 1 $467,18750 $467,187.50 West System Transmission to East WRF I Construct new LS 7W LS 1 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,0 Gaoo $8,125,000.00 2 Construct new 18-inch forcemain LF 25000 $285.00 $7,1251000M West system Subtotal $8,125,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $1,218,750,00 218,75000 West System Transmission Costs $9,543,750.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $9,810,937.50 $8,125,000.00 Contingency-20%Planning Level $1,962,187,50 Engineering design and permitting-7% $686,765.63 CEI Services-10% $981,0933S Sales tax(estimated at 2.5%of total construction cost) $245,273.44 Administrative,Legal and other items-5% $490,546,88 54,365,867.19 Total Estimated Project Cost $14,176,804.69 Note:The City loses all reclaimed availability from the WRFs for this alternative.Loss of rectaimed value is not shown. R„ 11 Winter Springs Master Wastewater Plan Cost Table 11 Oak Forest WRF-3.0 IVIED Transmission Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost-Planning Level item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extended Price I LS 1 $444,850.00 $444,850.00 Mobilization-approximately 5%of project estimated construction costs iWest System Transmission to Oak Forest WRF I I Construct new LS 7W LS 1 1,000,000-00 $1,000,000.00 2 Construct new 18-inch forcemain LS 9200 $285.00 $2,622,000.00 West system Subtotal $3,622,000.00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 $543,300-00 $543,300,00 West System Costs $4,165,300.00 East System Transmission to Oak Forest WRF I Construct new LS IE LS 1 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 2 Construct new 18-inch forcemain LF 15000 $285.00 $4,275,000.00 East System Subtotal 1 $5,275,000,00 Contractor Overhead and Profit-15% LS 1 1 $791,250.001 $791,250.00 East System Construction Costs $6,066,250.00 TOTAL(Numeric) $10,676,400,00 Contingency-20%Planning Level-only on construction $2,135,280.00 Engineering design an"�MOP,g-7 Y- actionANIN $747,348.00 '�f% on $1,067,640.00 CEI Services-10%o on con tti "I"Ilk Al" Sales tax(estimated 2�5%of tolva co uction"A", $266,910.00 Administrative,Lega d other it s- $533,820.00 Total Estimated Proj Cos 111T, Fue,,no $15,427,398.00 Note:The City loses a va i 1111 t 1� y fr for this al ati Loss of reclaimed t shown. m APPENDIX E MODELING INFORMATION This appendix contains the SewerCad modeling information. Modeling Scope The scope for this modeling work is as follows: "Collection and Transmission System Modeling and Analysis A SewerCad model of the existing City of Winter Springs Eastern wastewater transmission system (NE Corridor) was previously developed. We will expand this model to include the remaining eastern service area and add the Western service area. This will provide the City with one complete sewer system model. The City will be able to analyze any part of their system and see how new projects integrate with their existing system. The purpose of the modeling described herein is to analyze various options for the re-routing of the City's wastewater to a single wastewater treatment facility. The modeling process is a major art of this Malster Wastewater Plan. CPH will take the data 11 EIIIIII a va ilable and prep e a Se rC mod r the aste i ter transmi&s n system. This system shall also contain wn d g ned to me ufied b e City for inclusion in the analysis. CP ill r re mode p /e of 1 'ng a 24-ho simulation. City shall ),111)1,I)I�,�,�)��11),I�,�,�)��11),I�,�,�)��11),I�,�,�)��11),I,��11),I�,Rh 61 IIIIKKII\illk��`0 provide data to assist the Engineer in the development of a diurnal flow curve. The City shall provide all pertinent data and lift station pump curves. This includes: 1) Number of pumps per station; 2) Wet well diameter; 3) Variable speed pumps and locations,' 4) Size, type and brand of each pump at each associated lift station and a pump curve for each pump; 5) F6rcemain and gravity system sizes. The gravity size only applies to gravity sections required for re-pump situations. For these gravity sections that receive a lift station discharge and the flow continues on to another lift station (re-pump), we need to have the invert elevations at each manhole or at least the total drop and total length from the initial discharge manhole to the lift station; this will be used to determine gravity sewer capacity. 6) Pump station run times or flow data; 7) Float elevations at each lift station; 8) Relative elevations(based on USGS datum) of the top and bottom of the lift stations (these can be obtained from record drawings and do not need to be surveyed unless the City wants that degree of accuracy); 9) Wet well influent line invert or depth from the top. The City shall identify and provide the lift station basin areas. The City shall provide the number of single family and multi-family units and commercial flows within each lift station basin. The following item i re i ec Is endi 1) CPH deter r ned, id ifii I1ti����Ovide tat areas ith their in-house staff. S 2) CPH base .-tio si n n the maps. 3) CPH identified the number of single family lots based on the City GIS Subdivision maps. 4) CPH determined multi-family units and commercial equivalent use based on City Planning Department spreadsheet for development. 5) CPH obtained data (record drawings; shop drawings and other information)from:the City on the lift stations and interconnecting gravity sewers as described above in the scope of work and as available. 6) Residential gravity collection sewers to the individual lift stations were not provided as described in the scope. 7) No surveys were provided on the collection/transmission systems. 8) A diurnal flow curve was developed based on the West WRF data. The East WRF data was not acceptable because of the surge tank influence. 9) G IS maps were used as the basis of the collection/transmission layout and connection.The most recent lift stations of 23E; 24E; 25E; 26E; and, 27E were added into the database based on drawings received from the City. 10)Modeling was based on a 3.0 MGD AADF flow. 11)A 24-hour extended flow simulation was performed for the scenarios analyzed. 12)No lift station drawdown tests were performed or provided. 13)No individual lift station flow data was provided or analyzed. System Flows The Winter Springs wastewater system flows have changed little over the last ten years. However, there has been a recent growth spurt occurring in the Northeast Quadrant of the City along the SR 434 corridor. Pump Station Data There are 23 lift stations in the west service area and 27 lift stations in the east service area. In addition, there are fourteen (14) private lift stations in the Winter Springs system. The private lift stations were not included in the model. The lift station dot, in tv this endix. Drawdown Tests, s Fill We recommend that the City perform drawdown/pressure tests on their lift stations to measure actual performance versus the factory pump curve information. We did not analyze the system for inflow or infiltration conditions. The City should monitor flows and pump run times to determine potential areas of concern. This will take an effort to gather several years of flow data for further analysis. Lift Station Conditions Survey We recommend that the City of Winter Springs Staff prepare a conditions survey of each lift station. Such a survey would consist of the following: 1) Age of lift station 2) Analysis of electrical (pump panel) 3) Analysis of instrumentation (pump panel and interconnection to main: SCADA) 4) Pump-out details and capabilities 5) Back-up power capability/connection 6) Condition of the concrete structure 7) Condition of hatches 8) Condition of piping 9) Condition of incoming sewer lines 10)Condition of the force mains 11)Pump run times 12)Flows from each station. 13)Pictures of the facilities to gauge aging of the system over time. Force Main Parameters Generally, the two critical force main velocities are a minimum of two(2)feet per second sometime in a 24-hour perio l city one (1) atper , nd a maximum of five(5)feet per se nd. Lo eN ties pr de fa posit n of solids(cicging of pipes)and high velocities create e essive ai 9 Is L Overall System Capacity The system was run at the 3.0 MGD AADF capacity. VNI. F �;W� F. 1 7 a2113m n � n 4 11111�11111�10Ilry T �'11111��'� �� �I II 'I 1�11�011� 11111�11�11111111111�111 1111�11���1��1��1��1��1� IIII��1 ij, LW �tl i 2d d d gl d'd d ald M�-it-.1ml. . . . H I ldll H M RJ fw c � - m a ld8 441-d G: , F, a s 3 Us � Y � m aa - - p - oaa - - T � � �. � � � a © � ooaa � € � -1 8 dd J-� �t 11- - - R o v