HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDM Smith, Inc. Gee Creek Flood Evaluation Task Authorization #3 (Hurricane Irma) TASK AUTHORIZATION NO. 3 FOR GEE CREEK FLOOD EVALUATION—CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFICATION This Task Authorization,when executed,shall be incorporated in and become part of the Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Winter Springs(CITY), and CDM Smith Inc. (ENGINEER),dated February 26,2015 hereafter referred to as the Agreement. I. PROJECT BACKGROUND As a result of Hurricane Irma which occurred on September 101h&11th, 2017,the CITY received close to 14 inches of rainfall in a 10-hour period and experienced significant flooding along Gee Creek,which flows through portions of the CITY(Figure 1) and is a tributary to Lake Jesup. Based on discussion and field visit with the CITY,the areas of concern where flooding occurred appear to include the following: 1. Moss Park—Gee Creek crossing at Moss Road near Dolphin Avenue 2. Alton Road-Gee Creek crossing at Alton Road near Lido Road 3. Northern ends of Lido Road, Holiday Road,and Mockingbird Lane 4. Flooding at 109 Lido Road (low point in road) S. Hacienda Village Mobile Home Park—Gee Creek crossing at Costa Rica Drive near Casa Grande Drive and intersection of Costa Rica Drive and La Vista Drive 6. North end of Holiday Lane(end of city right-of-way) 7. Gee Creek crossings at Murphy Road, Edgemon Avenue, Hayes Road,Shore Road and State Road 434 8. Little Lake Howell Creek at Winding Hollow Blvd The CITY would like to evaluate potential structural improvements and operation and maintenance (0&M)activities(if any)to improve the flooding level-of-service(LOS) provided by the CITY in the Gee Creek Basin.This Task Authorization includes an assessment to evaluate potential causes of flooding based on existing information and identify conceptual solutions to alleviate the flooding along areas in Gee Creek. II. SCOPE OF WORK The following tasks define the Scope of Work for the Gee Creek Flood Study. The tasks to be provided by the ENGINEER include data collection,field reconnaissance, identification of potential causes of flooding and identification of conceptual alternatives that can be considered to alleviate flood stages for the eight identified flood problem locations(listed above). %Wtkh Page 1 of 6 11/1/2017 Legand i r T `.w'E ,JVM BW� S SEE CN@IEE'RC J / 9 r ii hUF.R@I; t,Y M'KA'PMYM LAKE II Figure 1 Gee Creek TASK 1-FIELD DATA COLLECTION AND REVIEW Subtask 1.1- Data Compilation The ENGINEER will compile and review available data related to the Gee Creek Basin as well as areas upstream and downstream of the eight flooding locations previously identified. The focus of the evaluation will be on the areas within the City limits. Topographic Data and Digital Elevation Model(DEM) Development—The ENGINEER will compile topographic data and create an initial DEM based on 1-foot topographic data available from the St. Johns River Water Management District.The ENGINEER will compile topographic data consisting of contours into a project geodatabase.All vertical elevations will reference the North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD88).The horizontal datum for all deliverables will reference NAD 83 State Plane Florida East. mi Geographic Information System (GIS) Data-The ENGINEER will compile existing GIS data including CITY parcels, roads, land use, political boundaries,soils,watersheds, hydrography,and Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)floodzone map data.The CITY will provide the requested existing GIS base files. is Aerial Photography-The ENGINEER will compile available aerial photography provided by the CITY and other free-of-charge government agencies(e.g., FDOT). "Uth Page 2 of 6 ii/1/zov b Environmental Resource Permit(ERP) Documents—The ENGINEER will compile ERP documents available from the St.Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD) related to the project flooding locations.This will be limited to an internet search and download using the online ERP mapping tool (i.e., no onsite file review). In particular, previous modeling data,drainage maps, grading plans, pond detail, control structure detail sheets, and geotechnical reports will be reviewed for pertinent data. in Plans Review-The ENGINEER will compile and review available as-built drawings and construction plans provided by the CITY related to the project flooding locations. This includes plans data for subdivisions and major roads at the three areas of concern. is Hydrologic Data-The ENGINEER will compile and review available hydrologic data (i.e., rainfall and water surface elevation data)from the SJRWMD and Seminole County, FL related to the Hurricane Irma event. in Existing Studies-The ENGINEER will review completed studies for the Gee Creek Basin provided by the CITY. Additionally,the ENGINEER will review the Gee Creek Basin Engineering Study and Drainage Inventory(1996) previously obtained from the Seminole County website by the ENGINEER. This will include review of the Gee Creek hydrologic and hydraulic model results presented in the report. Subtask 1.2- Field Reconnaissance The ENGINEER will perform a two-day field reconnaissance to visit each of the identified flooding locations and walk portions of the upstream and downstream system. The ENGINEER will take photographs and note any obvious deficiencies and maintenance concerns along the creek. The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CITY to get permission to access areas within and behind residential areas. TASK 2- CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVES Subtask 2.1- Conceptual Alternatives Identification Based on review of the data compiled under Task 1,the ENGINEER will then evaluate each of the flooding areas to identify potential causes of flooding for each. The ENGINEER will recommend up to two general types of improvements at each location that may be implemented to help reduce flood stages.These can be of a structural or non-structural nature and may include regional projects, retrofits, expansion or modification of existing stormwater facilities,or other projects as appropriate. These improvements will be conceptually sited for each of the areas of concern. For each recommended project,the ENGINEER will prepare a conceptual sketch and project description using the GIS software Arcview. Each recommended conceptual improvement will be shown in plan view on a 11"x 17" project base map showing the general location and details of the proposed improvements.This conceptual sketch will include approximate dimensions and locations of the recommended improvement. The conceptual improvement plan will be submitted to the CITY for review and comment. The CITY's review comments will be incorporated into the final conceptual improvement plan. The conceptual improvement plan will not be used as final design and/or construction documents. Detailed hydrologic/hydraulic(H/H) modeling will not be performed as part of the conceptual improvement plan. Vkh Page 3 of 6 11/1/2017 Subtask 2.2- Conceptual Cost Estimates For each recommended alternative identified in Subtask 1.2,the ENGINEER will prepare an Engineer's Opinion of the Probable Construction Cost,which will include the estimated probable cost of construction,engineering, permitting,and appropriate contingencies. TASK 3-TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM The ENGINEER will document the results of Tasks 1 and 2 in a technical memorandum (TM).The TM will summarize the data collection and evaluation effort,field reconnaissance,and recommended conceptual improvement plan.The ENGINEER will provide the technical memorandum (TM) in Adobe PDF format.The ENGINEER will meet with the CITY to discuss the results of the Draft TM. Based on comments received from the CITY,the ENGINEER will work to incorporate review comments and finalize the TM. TASK 4- MEETINGS AND PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Activities performed under this task consist of those general functions required to maintain the project on schedule,within budget,and that the quality of the work products defined within this scope is consistent with ENGINEER's standards and CITY's expectations.Specific activities included are identified below: Subtask 4.1- Project Kick-Off and Progress Meetings The ENGINEER will prepare for and conduct a kick-off meeting for the project.The ENGINEER will prepare and distribute summary meeting notes for the kick-off meeting.This task also includes two project status review management meetings.The first is a project status meeting to discuss conceptual recommended alternatives(Task 2)and the second is a meeting after the submittal of the TM (Task 3)to discuss the CITY's review comments. ENGINEER will prepare meeting notes for each meeting as appropriate. Subtask 4.2- Project Quality Management The ENGINEER maintains a quality management system (QMS)for CITY projects performed by ENGINEER.Technical reviews of deliverables are budgeted for and will be performed to review various milestone submittals. Subtask 4.3- Project Status Reports ENGINEER's project manager will prepare and submit monthly written status reports for an anticipated project life of four months. DATA OR COORDINATION ASSISTANCE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY 1. Existing GIS shape files. 2. Existing modeling reports and files. 3. ERP or other design/construction/as-built drawings. 4. Known issues of concern. W, Ith Page 4 of 6 11/1/2017 III. ASSUMPTIONS The above described engineering services have been based upon the following assumptions: 1. This Task Authorization does not include detailed H/H modeling or LOS evaluations. 2. Flood reduction benefits will not be quantified as part of the conceptual improvements. 3. The conceptual improvements will not be used as final design and/or construction documents. 4. No design or permitting services are included in the Task Authorization. 5. Surveying and geotechnical services are not included in this Task Authorization. IV. DELIVERABLES ENGINEER will provide the following deliverables to the CITY: 1. Meeting to discuss conceptual alternatives(Task 2) 2. Draft and Final TM and one meeting with CITY to discuss TM (Task 3). 3. One compact disk containing final project deliverables(Task 3). 4. Meeting notes from project kickoff/status meeting with the CITY(Subtask 4.1). 5. Project status reports(subtask 4.3). V. TIME OF COMPLETION SCHEDULE The total duration for completing the ENGINEER's services required under this Task Authorization is four months from the date of the Notice to Proceed. A tentative schedule is attached and will be updated based on when the Notice to Proceed is issued. VI. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT The CITY agrees to pay the ENGINEER for completed tasks on a lump sum in the amount of$50,420 as shown in Table 1.The CONSULTANT will invoice monthly as a percentage of the lump sum based on the percentage of work completed during the billing period. W.h, Page 5of6 ii/1/zov , e The above is agreed upon by: CDM Smith Inc. Date �T City + Winter S�urrgs Date Page 6 of 6 ii/i/zov It o j 1 t LL 1f fill rill 1 h IN i a o / E E d r J Jf �y a aM r n .i 00 w w14 Ln wwei cO \CCCCco ccCNCw N mz a c c c C rN O dOO .2 S Z C LLIL LL IL LL C �"� LL G M C lL G C M L C IVI C C M C M',. � w w oo � w oo .+ m C N C C .-I C •'I C e-I C N C C 01 c O O c m c C C C rl C .� c rl C ei' N O O O O\ O\ O\ O\ ® I N lT0 A R N T T m T > T A N N N m N m v a s m a m a a m a m m m a m a a M N N O O a M " a o a a a w i.-1 w ID N rl N M M rl "l m 00 00 w w o Q �_ m O J vl y� C•� 3 u 2• `.,• N_ c UvE 'uaZO yy w mayi CY� c �nw c fdZ «E _T. 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