HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 02 24 Problem Gambling Awareness Month t o� I ,7., ,0N., OFFICE OF THE MAYOR SPRINGS,WINTER W1l`-1ERE::.AS, problenl gambIling its a serious Ip ublpi ° health issue which Turn pacts farniiy, friends, and businesses with sig nifi aint societal and e °orriomic costs, affecting more tl1han one irrilillioin II lorldians of all ages, races, r1nd eti ini Ibackgrounds in all ourn muillities; and 1=-1r llli..:. g it is estinnated that iririoure than sip million people nationwide of every age, race, etpli n6i it , and sooio econoirio status suffeur firs uin piroblpei°mri ganrmbiin „ and need trreatirrnent; an i IEREAS, e t.ioatir the III,3 bii aboi::it 11how 11 rolll iem gaiTibling affects everyone in the oor ninunity, includfirig yol,sth,olden adjults,and families, is essential if we are to be Iproactive about this i uroblllem; and i°°ill[;IpP pf;;;;;; any in i i uai, Ip r-o'��essionai, r� orgar�mi ation, edi -ate to assisting. those in need, cairn par°ti participate in raising awareness f pp robiern gai-rmbllling and a aiialll llle rresot.vir es I1by i rornotin tllhe statewide 2 -hour onfi ei-dialll, rmultiiiinguai III-geii Lurie, 888 A111 iT:,,,,Ip'r; and i 'plf�ii; E, , the City of Winter Slll rings can Participate ii ate ii t this nationally irecogni e awareness rnoi th thirough declairation of tllhis i roclarnation of the month of Mardi 1 202 as rolblern Ganrilbling Awareness Moiritt-i in the City of Winter Sp rirlgs. t� T E: FO �::::::-1 1, Cha f ies Lacey, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, Florida do hereby Proclaim the rr•nonth of March 2020 as "PROBLEM ?n;' GAMBLINGW N MON Y� 0i f in the City ner Springs. �arex"P,rm"letrr �imrsr/rrv�r/c rrler/ i1 a/f-6P - dn/ eG.Ya 2020. w rya, CHARLES if CEO MAYOR � ATTEST: INTERIM CITY CLERK Charles Lacey Mayor Jean 'o vey Cannon Ted Johnson TiAnna Hale Geoff Kendrick Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner