HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-2007 Lon Miller, 1314 Deer RunRDCRIVED BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS & D'AGRESTA, Mro 5 2007 Debra S. Babb-Nutcher° Joseph E. Blitch Usher L. Brown' Suzanne D'Agresta° Anthony A. Garganese° J.W. Taylor Jeffrey S. Weiss 'Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer °Board Certified City, County & Local Government Law 'Board Certified Appellate Practice Attorneys at Law Offices in Orlando, Kissimmee, Cocoa, Ft. Lauderdale & Tampa October 12, 2007 Michael Jones, Esquire Michael D. Jones and Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 196130 Winter Springs, Florida 32719-6130 Re: Lon Miller, 1314 Deer Run Dear Mr. Jones: Tara L. Barrett Vivian P. Cocotas Scott J. Domstein Mitchell B. Haller Katherine W. Latorre Terri E. Oster Amy J. Pitsch Erin J. O'Leary' Catherine D. Relschmann° William E. Reischmann, Jr. O/ Counsel Your letter to Joan Brown dated October 10, 2007 was forwarded to me for a response. In response to your inquiry, the current issue involving Lon Miller does not involve a code board violation. The issue pertains to a fence permit that was issued in error by a member of city staff. Fence permit applications are subject to aesthetic review pursuant to Ordinance No. 2007-21. A copy of Ordinance No. 2007-21 is attached to this letter. Under that ordinance the City Manager is required to complete an aesthetic review of the fence permit application. In this case, a staff member issued a permit before the City Manager could conduct an aesthetic review of the application. Upon learning of the mistake, the City Manager then conducted the aesthetic review and it was his opinion that the fence permit application did not comply with Ordinance No. 2007-21. The City Manager issued a letter to Mr. Miller explaining such on August 29, 2007. Thereafter, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2007-21, Mr. Miller filed an appeal of the City Manager's decision. The appeal will be heard by the City Commission. 225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660 - P,O. Box 2873 -Orlando, Florida 32802-2873 Orlando (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596 - Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 - Cocoa (866) 425-9566 - Ft. Lauderdale (954) 670-1979 Website: www.orlandolaw.net - Email: firm®oriandolaw.net October 12, 2007 Page 2 I presume from reading your correspondence to the City, you will be representing Mr. Miller in that appeal before the City Commission. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me. Sinc I , Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney AAG/jf CC: Ronald McLemore, City Manager Page I of ORDINANCE NO. OW21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OR TILE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AUNIMUM COMMUNITYAPPEARANCE AND AESTHETIC REVIEW STANDARDS FORINDIVIDUAL SINGLE FANULY RESIDENCES; ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 9.607 OF THE CITY CODE; ADOPTING} CONFORMING AND RELATED AMIitNDMENTS TO THE CITY CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RUSOLUI`IONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W I&REAS,-the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIll of the State Constitution, to exercise any power fbr municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the maintenance of the character of residential neighborhoods is a proper Purpose of zoning, See Village of Euclid x Ambler Co.. 2,72 U.S. 345 (1926); Miller v, Board of Public Works, 234 P. 381 (Cal. 1925); and WHEREAS, through tho yaws, numerous dredrestrieted residential communities have been permitted and developed within the City of Winter Springs; and WIMREAS, it is apparent from reading the various deed restdotions recorded in thspublio records of Seminole County, Florida that the deed restrictions were intended, In part, to protest the character of the residential communities by prohibiting uses and struetutus that are incompatible with residential areas; and WHEREAS, over the years, the My has telied on these private deed restrictions to provide homeowners with regulatory protection that proservee the chametermui harmony of residential areas; and WHEREAS, because of this reliance, the City has not historically had reason to impose numerous other legislative. land use restrictions on existing residential communities within the City, especially in older existing subdivisions that are designated Planned Unit Development like Tuacawilla and Oak Forest; and WHEREAS, in particular and by way of exantplo of this relianoo, the City Commission has previously exempted erxiotitng single family residerices from the Minimum Community and Aesthetic Review Standards Bet forth in sections 9-600 et, seq., Winter Springs Code, because of the existence City of Wither Springs A_Jt....��.wnww A• ittp://webiink.winterspringsfl.org/weblink7/ImageDisplay.aspx?cache=yes&sessionkey=WLImageDispia... 10/12/200'. Page 1 of of the private, deed restrictiona; and WHEREAS. it, has comp to the attention ofthe City Commission that some of the older deed restricted residential communities, Including Unit h of Tuscawilla, have inadvertently allowed their doed restrictions to expire under the Florida Market Record Title Act; and WHER&A5, theexpiration 0ftheprivaterestriotionshave left some residential communities without any significant regulatory mechanism to protect and preserve the residential character of Such communities, especially with respect to additions, modifications, and expansions of existing single family residences; and WHEREAS, as a result, the expired private restrictions have potentially exposed some residential eonununitiea to buildings scud structures that are incompatible to existing single &tally neighborhoods and afth incompatible buildings and stru.otures may have an adverse irnpaat on the quality ofrestdential areas and upon property values; and WHEREAS, having considered the possible wide range negative impacts of expired private deed restrictions on the residential chuuter of some areas within the City of Winter Springs, the City Commission adopted emergency Ordinance 2006.08 on May 22, 2006, establishing interim regulations to be applied until the City Staff and C.fty Attorney could prepare a comprehensive regulatory scheme requiring all additions, modifications, and expansione of structures within residential areas be aesthetically compatfble and in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood and with the residential character thereof; and WHEREAS, the sunset provision set forth in Ordinance 2006.08 was extended by the City Commission purstmtto the adoption ofOrdinance 2006-22 on November 13, 2006 and Ordinance 200-7- 19 on April 23, 2007; and WHEREA66 over the oourse of the last year, City Staff has processed applications for aesthetic review of single•fhmily residences pursuant to the interim procedure set forth in emergency ordimmm 2006.08; and WHEREAS, City Stab recommends permanently adopting said interim procedure as set forth herein; and WHRR.EAS, the aty Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the beat interests of the public health, safly, and welfare of the citizene of Winter Springs, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS, City itf Winter Springs ittp://weblink.winterspringsfl.org/weblink7/ImageDisplay.aspx?cache=yes&sessionkey=W LImageDispla... 10/ 12/200' Page 1 of sect Recitelb. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference as leilllative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. sect Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code Chapter 9, Land Development, is hereby amended as follows (undue typo indicates additions and shikoent type indicates deletions, while, asterisks (*so) indicate a deletion ftom the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 9. it is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set fortis In this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prier to adoption of this ordinance); CHAPTER 9. LAND DEVELOPMENT ARTICLE XII. MINIMUM COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AND ABSTH=IC REVIEW STANDARDS Sec. 9.600•'Stxtement of flndinp and purpose. APi* N It is the Intent and purpose of this article to apply to all new commercial, industriai, instftudonat, multi -family, and residential subdivision development projects and major alterations thereto. It la not intended to apply to individual single-family residanees, ex gW as flied In section 9-607. City bmintar Sprinjp nnnw nr ►ttp://weblink.winterspringsfl.org/weblink7/lmageDisplay.aspx?cache=yes&sessionkey=WLImageDispla... 10/12/200' Page 1 of 1 1 in•� • } � • a1 .1 � } ♦ c 1t • 1 } :.,c • • r • M ■ • • ! 1 • � _ : 1 • 1 •mil • !: lion. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Orainanca and Resolutions. All prior ineonsisitent ordinaam and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts o f prior ordinmms and resolution$ in conflict herewith, ue hereby repealed to ft extent of the conflict. Section 4• Incorporation Into Code. Me Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as nacassary to effectuate the foregoing, Grammatical, typogmphioal, and like arrors may be corre+oW and additions, alteratiow, and omissions, not affecting the constnwtion or meaning of this Ordinance and the City Code may be freely mods. fiction S. Neverability, If any section, subeeotion. sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for sub*.ntivo, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall bo deemed a separate, distinct and indepeudent provision, and such holding shall not of act the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 9ecti� Effective Date, This Ordinance shall beoome offecdve immediately upon adaption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Garter. City of Winter 5prinip n_J!.____.+ww n-w- ittp://weblink.wintersprinp,sfl.org/weblink7/ImageDisplay.aspx?cache=yes&sessionkey=WLImageDispla... 10/ 12/200'. Page 1 of fttion ? Sunset Review. Ona (1) YOU siler the effective date of this Ordfruce, the City Manager is hereby Instructed to place this Ordinance on the City Commission agenda far review at a regularly scheduled Commission meeting. The agenda item shall contain background information regarding dz application of this Ordinenoo during the previous one year. At the meeting, the City Commission will diseues tha affectiveness of this Ordinance and wbether or not the Ordinance should remain the some or be modifiod or repealed. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs; Florida, In a, regular meeting asgtanbled on the 9th day of July, 2007. M 14. Y OHN F. R Mayor . Ts ANDMA LORENZO-LUACES City Clerk APPR AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FO TV OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGA1r B City Attorney First l wckg: Seoond R.es4ing: Mective Date of Ordinance: June 25, 2007 Judy 9, 2007 July 9, 2007 pity of Wintar 5pxingo ittp://weblink.winterspringsfl.org/weblink7/ImageDispl ay.aspx?cache=yes&sessionkey=WLImageDispia... 10/12/200' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SPECIAL MEETING — OCTOBER 2, 2007 100207_Special_Meeting_Regul ar_601 _LM i I ler_Permit_Appeal COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 601 October 2, 2007 Special eettng Consent Informational Public Hearing MgA I Dept. Aut orization X REQUEST: The City Manager requesting the City Commission to hear an appeal from Mr. Lon Miller of 1314 Deer Run regarding an improperly issued fence permit. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Commission to hear an appeal from Mr. Lon Miller of 1314 Deer Run regarding an improperly issued fence permit, and render a decision based upon the record of this matter. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 27, 2007 Mr. Miller was issued a fence permit which did not receive the required aesthetic review. After completion of the aesthetic review it was determined that the chain link gate approved in the permit did not satisfy the compatibility provisions of Section 9-607 of the City Code and Policy 1.2.13 of the Comprehensive Plan. This agenda item was originally scheduled for September 10, 2007 and rescheduled to this date at the request of Mr. Miller due to a medical issue. FUNDING: The City Manager has agreed to reimburse Mr. Miller $400 in out-of-pocket costs. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Commission hear Mr. Miller's appeal and render whatever decision it deems appropriate based upon the record of this matter. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Manager Letter of August 29, 2007 2. Lon Miller Letter of September 5, 2007 COMMISSION ACTION: Ronald W. McLemore City Manager August 29, 2007 Mr. Lon Miller 1314 Deer Run Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Miller: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 I am song to inform you that fence permit Number 200701826 issued to you on July 27, 2007 to construct a gate on Northern Way was issued by the City in error. As a result, I must provide you notice that this permit is null and void and has been revoked effective this date. You have five (5) days from receipt of this letter to appeal my decision to the City Commission. Therefore, if you desire to appeal my decision, you must provide me with written notice of your desire to appeal. Due to the error involved, the City is willing to reimburse you for your out-of-pocket costs for installing the gate, provided these costs are reasonably documented. Your permit establishes the value of the gate project at $400. There are two issues involved with respect to my decision stated herein as follows: First; Section 9-607 of the City Code provides that the City Manager or his designee will perform an aesthetic review of all permits of this type prior to issuance of the permit. The purpose of the review is to determine if the proposed project will be compatible with the physical characteristics of your property and the surrounding the area. An aesthetic review of this fence permit was not performed prior to issuance of the permit as required by the City Code. Once this matter was brought to my attention, I performed the required aesthetic review under the criteria set forth in section 9-607. Based on my review of your proposed gate project, I have concluded that the chain link gate section that was installed pursuant to the erroneously issued permit is not compatible and not in harmony with existing buildings and structures on your property and with the surrounding neighborhood. For example, the chain link gate is entirely inconsistent with the balance and materials used for your existing wooden fence, and other suitable fences along road rights of ways in your area. Also, the chain link gate, in comparison to the existing wooden fence and other suitable fences in the area, is completely out of contrast and adversely affects the positive aesthetic balance and unity of the surrounding neighborhood. I also concluded that the proportion and scale of the chain link gate is out of character for your property and the area. Moreover, the texture of wood materials is far more compatible with the materials used for the existing fence on your property than the chain link gate. Further, the chain link gate section seriously compromises the opaque buffer offered by the remainder of your existing fence. i Additionally, I also want to emphasize that the scale of the gate section appears to be excessive. The excessive width of this gate section appears to be chosen to make it possible for vehicles to have access to the back yard and the newly constructed garage, which you have previously described to me to be a place for the storage of vintage vehicles. Policy 1.2.13 on page I1-46 of the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan clearly provides that no individual residential driveways will be permitted on collector roads or arterial roads. It further provides that individual driveways shall be located on local roads, which channel trips to the collector and arterial systems. The gate is located on Northern Way. Northern Way is a collector road. The Northern Way side of your lot cannot be utilized for vehicle access or egress for your property because your property already has existing access on a local road (Deer Run). Therefore, a gate of the magnitude contained in your proposed gate project does not appear to be warranted, especially in light of the City's Comprehensive Plan and other aesthetic issues discussed above. Unless my decision to declare this building permit null and void and revoked is appealed by you, and subsequently overturned by the City Commission in an appellate proceeding, you will be required to remove the chain link gate and re -install the opaque wooden fence that existed prior to the installation of the gate. The reinstallation of the opaque wooden fence shall be completed within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this letter, or as otherwise directed by the City Commission. Lastly, I wish to advise you that nothing contained in this letter prevents you from applying for another building permit for a gate section that meets the requirements of the City's Code including aesthetic review criteria. Sincerely, /�O,o-w U. 1'w C Ronald W. McLemore City Manager /JP cc: Mayor and Commission Community Development Director Code Enforcement Manager 082907 Permit #200701826 Revocation Page 2of2 I R " c ME D SEP 0 5 2007 CITY OF WNTfR sPRINGs City Manager September 5, 2007 Mr. Ronald McLemore City Manager Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. McLemore This letter is to inform you that I do wish to appeal your decision to the City Commission in regard to fence permit number 200701826 which you indicated was issued in error. Sincerely Lon Miller 1314 Deer Run Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 cc:CK W*dn"d". ft =T Amaia Onlirw Uwaw iajbr Pyc 1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Ronald W. McLemore City Manager September 28, 2007 COPY Michael D. Jones & Associates, P.A. P.O. Box 196130 Winter Springs, FL 32719-6130 RE: Lon Miller Appeal Dear Mr. Jones, In response to your letter of September 27, 2007, please be advised that your client's appeal has been rescheduled to the October 22, 2007 Commission meeting. Also, please be advised that the starting time of Commission meetings has been changed to 5:15 PM. Please advise your client of the change of dates. Sincerely, Ronald W. McLemore City Manager cc: Lon Miller F- A-X60 5 MA Vim. 7o.--j -7 1z-w /o'j 2 j zoD Fv- t MICHAEL D. JONES & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW P.O. Box 196130 Winter Springs, Florida 32719-6130 Telephone: 407/695-7666 September 27, 2007 Facsimile (407) 695.7157 Of Counsel: Kenneth M. Leffler Mr. Ronald McLemore City Manager, City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 RE: Lon Miller, 1314 Deer Run Dear Mr. McLemore: The above -referenced citizen has asked that I speak on his behalf at a meeting to be held before the City Commission. I am advised that you have asked Mr. Miller to advance the hearing date from October 8th as set out in your letter of September 12, 2007, to October 2n , as set out in your September 20th, 2007 letter. I understand Mr. Miller has approved your telephone request, however, I must respectfully ask for another date. I have not had time to adequately review this matter and have asked under separate cover for a public records request in order for me to be fully aware of what the City's position is on this matter. I would ask that you continue this matter for at least two weeks in order for the City to get the information together and for me to review the same. Please advise of the continuance at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, MDJ/jmh 4chael D. J nes Copy to: Lon Miller