HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2004 2004 Campaign Treasurer Report - Peporting PeriodsFZECEIVED AUG 10 2004 BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS & D-AC V*vRg Altorne at Law 1.�F& Usher L. Brown' Jeffrey P. Buak" Suzanne D'Agresta" Anthony A. Garganese" John H. Ward' Jeffrey S. Weiss 'Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer "Board Certified City, County & Local Government Law VIA FACSIMILE and U.S. MAIL Offices in Orlando, Kissimmee, Debra S. Babb-Nutcher" Cocoa & Viera Joseph E. Blitch John U. Biedenharn, Jr. Lisa M. Fletcher Amy J. Goddard Katherine Latorre Melanie A. Mucario Michelle A. Reddin Erin J. O'Leary J. W. Taylor Of Counsel August 6, 2004 Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Re: 2004 Campaign Treasurer Report - Reporting Periods City of Winter Springs - General Our File No.: 1193 Dear Andrea: This correspondence is in response to Necur facsimile dated August 6, 2004, regarding the above -referenced matter. This should verify that candidates, as defined in Section 106.011, Florida Statutes (2003),' are required to file campaign reports on the following dates: September 17, 2004, October 1, 2004, October 15, 2004, and October29, 2004. Additionally, all candidates must file a termination report no later than January 31, 2005. Please note all reports shall be filed with the filing officer not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day designated, unless postmarked by midnight of the same day. These reports shall contain information of all previously unreported contributions received and expenditures made as of the preceding Friday, except that the report filed on the Friday Definition of candidate from Section 106.011, Florida Statutes (2003). Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC, City Clerk City of Winter Springs August 6, 2004 Page 2 immediately preceding election shall contain information of all previously unreported contributions received and expenditures made as of the day preceding the designated due date. Section 106.07(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2003). If, of course, a candidate is unopposed, the candidate need only to file a report within ninety (90) days after the date such candidate became unopposed, as well as the final termination report. See Section 106.07(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2003). As to your second question and as referenced above, any person who has open to campaign account would necessarily under Chapter 106 be considered a candidate and would be required to file campaign reports as indicated herein. If during any reporting period there were no monies received and no expenditures paid out the candidate may simply indicate in writing to you on or before the time limit that no campaign report will be forthcoming due to the fact there were no receipts or expenditures. We trust the foregoing is helpful to you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our offices. Very truly yours, Jeh- fferyak Assistant City Attorney JPB/eah Enclosure: Section 106.011, Florida Statutes GADocslCity of Winter Springs )Correspondence\Lorenzo-Luaces,Andrea12004CampalgnTreasurerReports_Ltr080804.wpd ,n OVith the candidacy for reteti s statement to that effect With' Ihet shall begin filing reports as an ant to s. 106.07, 49; s. 38, ch. 77-175; s. 3, ch. 89-152; g ,,, . 99.355. cal activity in behalf of a cand nited.— al party or partisan political a e, support, or assist any cares Oection to judicial office. ;on who knowingly, in an in officer of an organization, viol section is guilty of a misderhi Iree, punishable as provide 5.083. 49; S. 38, ch. 77-175; S. 635, ch. 95.147. ,ability of election Code.— If 4pter is in conflict with any othe the provision of this chaptersh -49; S. 38, ch. 77.175. t of revision of county c d.—No county court judl )lection that approves any )unty court judges shall be f office. Any county judge quent term will be elected i 'nethod of election or self y court judges in effect in l ceding the end of the judg, 355. t of revision of circuit coi .—No circuit court judge elei on that approves any revises court judge shall be affectec Any circuit court judge w luent term will be elected or nethod of election or seiec court judges in effect inthe c 1ding the end of the judge's 155. CAMPAIGN FINANCING CHAPTER 106 CAMPAIGN FINANCING 11; Definitions. Campaign treasurers; deputies; primary and secondary depositories. t3 Statement of candidate. ;Campaign fund raisers. j Registration of political committees. Committees of continuous existence. Deposit of contributions; statement of cam- paign treasurer. Valuation of in -kind contributions. Treasurer to keep records; inspections. Reports; certification and filing. Independent expenditures; reports; dis- claimers. !r. Elected officials; report of loans made in year preceding election; limitation on contributions to pay loans. Contributions; limitations on. `.ry ;Commissioner of Agriculture candidates; campaign contribution limits. . Independent expenditures; unfair surprise prohibited; notice requirements; penalty. 1 independent expenditures; contribution limits; restrictions on political parties, political committees, and committees of continuous existence. Cash contributions and contribution by cashier's checks. Expenses of and expenditures by candi- dates and political committees. Petty cash funds allowed. Credit cards; conditions on use. Utilities; deposits; prior authorization. 15 Use of campaign funds. Disposition of surplus funds by candidates. 4 Political advertisements circulated prior to election; requirements. 16. Usage and removal of political campaign advertisements. 7,;:; Miscellaneous advertisements. Endorsements or opposition by certain groups and organizations. Telephone solicitation; disclosure require- ments; prohibitions; exemptions; penal- ties. 5 Telephone solicitation; registered agent requirements; penalty. Disclosure of on-line computer solicitation. Certain acts prohibited. Limitation on certain rates and charges. Air time available at the lowest unit rate. Polls and surveys relating to candidacies. + When a candidate's name to be omitted from ballot. "r& Violations by candidates, persons con- nected with campaigns, and political committees. 91, Signatures gathered for initiative petition; effect of ch. 97-13. 106 106.21 Certificates of election not to be issued upon conviction. 106.22 Duties of the Division of Elections. 106.23 Powers of the Division of Elections. 106.24 Florida Elections Commission; member- ship; powers; duties. 106.25 Reports of alleged violations to Florida Elections Commission; disposition of findings. 106.26 Powers of commission; rights and respon- sibilities of parties; findings by commis- sion. 106.265 Civil penalties. 106.27 Determinations by commission; legal dis- position. 106.28 Limitation of actions, 106.29 Reports by political parties; restrictions on contributions and expenditures; penal- - ties. 106.295 Leadership fund. 106.30 Short title. 106.31 Legislative intent. 106.32 Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. 106.33 Election campaign financing; eligibility. 106.34 Expenditure limits. 106.35 Distribution of funds. 106.353 Candidates voluntarily abiding by election campaign financing limits but not requesting public funds; irrevocable statement required; penalty. 106.355 Nonparticipating candidate exceeding lim- its. 106.36 Penalties; fines. 106.37 Willful violations. 106.011 Definitions. —As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1)(a) "Political committee" means: 1. A combination of two or more individuals, or a person other than an individual, that, in an aggregate amount in excess of $500 during a single calendar year: a. Accepts contributions for the purpose of making contributions to any candidate, political committee, committee of continuous existence, or political party; b. Accepts contributions for the purpose of expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candi- date or the passage or defeat of an issue; C. Makes expenditures that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a candidate or the passage or defeat of an issue; or d. Makes contributions to a common fund, other than a joint checking account between spouses, from which contributions are made to any candidate, political committee, committee of continuous existence, or polit- ical party. 2. The sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment by initiative who intends to seek the signa- tures of registered electors. 106 (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the followin entities are not considered political committees for pu poses of this chapter: 1. Organizations which are certified by the Depart ment of State as committees of continuous existenc pursuant to s. 106.04, national political parties, and th state and county executive committees of political par ties regulated by chapter 103. 2. Corporations regulated by chapter 607 or chap ter 617 or other business entities formed for purpose other than to support or oppose issues or candidates if their political activities are limited to contributions t candidates, political parties, or political committees o expenditures in support of or opposition to an issue from corporate or business funds and if no contribu- tions are received by such corporations or business entities. (2) "Committee of continuous existence" means any group, organization, association, or other such entity which is certified pursuant to the provisions of s. 106.04. (3) "Contribution" means: (a) A gift, subscription, conveyance, deposit, loan, payment, or distribution of money or anything of value, including contributions in kind having an attributable monetary value in any form, made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election. (b) A transfer of funds between political commit- tees, between committees of continuous existence, or between a political committee and a committee of con- tinuous existence. (c) The payment, by any person other than a candi- date or political committee, of compensation for the personal services of another person which are ren- dered to a candidate or political committee without charge to the candidate or committee for such services. (d) The transfer of funds by a campaign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer between a primary depository and a separate interest -bearing account or certificate of deposit, and the term includes any interest earned on such account or certificate. Notwithstanding the foregoing meanings of "contribu- tion," the word shall not be construed to include ser- vices, including, but not limited to, legal and accounting services, provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or political committee. This definition shall not be construed to include editorial endorsements. (4) "Expenditure" means a purchase, payment, dis- tribution, loan, advance, transfer of funds by a cam- paign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer between a primary depository and a separate interest -bearing account or certificate of deposit, or gift of money or any- thing of value made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election. However, "expenditure" does not include a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, or gift of money or anything of value made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election when made by an organization, in existence prior to the time during which a candidate qualifies or an issue is placed on the ballot for that election, for the purpose of printing or distributing such organization's newsletter, r g containing a statement by such organization in suppo, - of or opposition to a candidate or issue, which newslet• ter is distributed only to members of such organization, - (5)(a) "Independent expenditure" means 4 e expenditure by a person for the purpose of advocating e the election or defeat of a candidate or the approval or rejection of an issue, which expenditure is not con• trolled by, coordinated with, or made upon consultation _ with, any candidate, political committee, or agent of s such candidate or committee. An expenditure for such purpose by a person having a contract with the candi, o date, political committee, or agent of such candidate or r committee in a given election period shall not be deemed an independent expenditure. (b) An expenditure for the purpose of advocating the election or defeat of a candidate which is made by the national, state, or county executive committee of a political party, including any subordinate committee of a national, state, or county committee of a political party, or by any political committee or committee of continuous existence, or any other person, shall not be considered an independent expenditure if the commit. tee or person: 1. Communicates with the candidate, the candi. date's campaign, or an agent of the candidate acting on behalf of the candidate, including any pollster, media consultant, advertising agency, vendor, advisor, or staff member, concerning the preparation of, use of, or pay. ment for, the specific expenditure or advertising cam- paign at issue; or 2. Makes a payment in cooperation, consultation, or concert with, at the request or suggestion of, or pur- suant to any general or particular understanding with the candidate, the candidate's campaign, a political committee supporting the candidate, or an agent of the candidate relating to the specific expenditure or adver- tising campaign at issue; or 3. Makes a payment for the dissemination, distri- bution, or republication, in whole or in part, of any broadcast or any written, graphic, or other form of cam- paign material prepared by the candidate, the candi- date's campaign, or an agent of the candidate, includ- ing any pollster, media consultant, advertising agency, vendor, advisor, or staff member; or 4. Makes a payment based on information about the candidate's plans, projects, or needs communi- cated to a member of the committee or person by the candidate or an agent of the candidate, provided the committee or person uses the information in any way, in whole or in part, either directly or indirectly, to design, prepare, or pay for the specific expenditure or advertis- ing campaign at issue; or 5. After the last day of qualifying for statewide or legislative office, consults about the candidate's plans, projects, or needs in connection with the candidate's pursuit of election to office and the information is used in any way to plan, create, design, or prepare an independent expenditure or advertising campaign, with: a. Any officer, director, employee, or agent of a national, state, or county executive committee of a political party that has made or intends to make expenditures in connection with or contributions to the candidate; or 834 ,.�yr {,rN1Y1PN1\71Y r•IIYNIYtr11Y{1 Ch. 106 r r, 1741 7 `' nt by such organization in :andidate issue, Any person whose professional services have day on which any person, including a write-in candi- or which ne to members � retained by a national, state, or county executive that has date, may qualify, is without opposition in the election of such organ• ,' ee of a political party made or intends dent expenditure' in at which the office is to be filled or who is without such mean expenditures connection with or contribu- opposition after such date as a result of any primary son for the purpose of adv to the candidate; or t of a candidate or the appres �,-After the last day of qualifying for statewide or election or of withdrawal by other candidates seeking the same office. A candidate is not an unopposed can- a,which expenditure is nota office, retains the professional services of d with, or made upon consultrson also providing those services to the candi- didate if there is a vacancy to be filled under s. 100.111(4), if there is a legal proceeding pending political committee, or agey >mmittee. An expenditure mconnection with the candidate's pursuit of elec- regarding the right to a ballot position for the office for*;>� i having a contract with the ca office; or .,,Arranges, coordinates, or directs the expendi- sought by the candidate, or if the candidate is seeking re n as a justice or judge. ttee, or agent of such cand' r- en election period shall N any Way, with the candidate or an agent of the (16 `Candidate" means any person to whom any dent expenditure. i ire for the purpose of te, " y primary p . , � "Election means an rima election, special o more of the following apply: (a) Any person who seeks to qualify for nomination adv of a candidate a ry election, general election, special election, or or election by means of the petitioning process. which e r county executive committee ling al election held in this state for the purpose of sting or electing candidates to public office, (b) Any person who seeks to qualify for election as a write-in candidate. any subordinate committee: r county committee of a litical committee or corn "'"n dale ates to the national nominating conven- 9 g g of political parties, or submitting an issue to the (c) Any person who receives contributions or makes expenditures, or consents for any other person M or any other person, shall no k lendent expenditure if the rs for their approval or rejection. 'Issue" means any proposition which is required s to receive contributions or make expenditures, with a view to bring about his or her nomination or election to, as with the candidate, the '' $late Constitution, by law or resolution o, the ure,` or by the charter, ordinance, or resolution `political or retention in, public office. (d) Any person who appoints a treasurer and desig- an agent of the candidate acts ' late including an ,g g y pollster, met# subdivision of this state to be submitted electors for their approval or rejection at an elec- nates a primary depository. (e) Any person who files qualification papers and g agency, , vendor, advisor, orb y drany proposition for which a petition is circulated " rto have such proposition placed on the ballot at subscribes to a candidate's oath as required by law. the preparation of, use of, or " c expenditure or advertisingzo e�clion. However, this definition does not include any candidate means an individual or a corporation, for a political party executive committee. ment in cooperation, consu Lion, firm, partnership, joint venture, joint stock (17) "Political advertisement" means a paid expres- e request or suggestion of, ot° ►I or particular understanding ' , ny, club, organization, estate, trust, business Syndicate, or other combination of individuals sion in any communications media prescribed in sub- section (13), whether radio, television, newspaper, candidate's campaign, a g collective capacity. The term includes a political magazine, periodical, campaign literature, direct mail, ig the candidate, or an agent of, ;. Political committee, or committee of continuous or display or by means other than the spoken word in i the specific expenditure or adi ssue; or e' ."Campaign treasurer" means an individual direct conversation, which shall support or oppose any candidate, elected public official, or issue. However, fment for the dissemination, rated by a candidate or political committee as pro- political advertisement does not include: rtion, in whole or in part, d' , in this chapter. "Public (a) A statement by an organization, in existence tten, graphic, or other form of l) office" means any state, county, munici- prior to the time during which a candidate qualifies or ared by the candidate, the `er school or other district office or position which is an issue is laced on the ballot for that election, in su P P- an agent of the candidate, i Jia consultant, advertising age by vote of the electors. I)Campaign fund raiser" means any affair held to funds to be in for port of or opposition to a candidate or issue, in that organization's newsletter, which newsletter is distrib- staff member; or �ment based on information used a campaign public office. � "Division" means the Division of Elections of the uted only to the members of that organization. (b) Editorial endorsements by any newspaper, , ns, projects, or needs com of the committee or person by1w) rtment of State. " Communications media' means broadcasting radio or television station, or other recognized news medium. ant of the candidate, provided ' n uses the information In any ne, newspapers, ma azines, outdoor advertising - .g g �$+-Printers, direct mailing companies, advertlS History.—s. 1, ch. 73-128• s. 1, ch. 74.200; s. 1, ch. 77.174; s. 39, ch 77.175; s. 2 ch. 79-157; ss. 6 17. ch 79-365; s. 1 ch 79-378 s. 22, ch. 81-304• S. 34, ch. 84.302; s. 4, ch 65-226: s. 2, ch. 89-256;'s. 1, ch. 89.537; s. 24, ch. 90.315; s. 9, ither directly or indirectly, to he specific expenditure or ad., ' flgencies, and telephone companies; but with tto telephones, an expenditure shall be deemed ch. 91-107; S. 636, ch. 9&147, s. 2, ch. 97-13; s 7, ch 99-355; s. 1, ch. 2002-197. ue; or an expenditure for the use of communications 106.021 Campaign treasurers; deputies; primary t day of qualifying for stat fly if made for the costs of telephones, paid onlists, or automatic telephone equipment to be and secondary depositorles.— (1)(a) Each candidate for nomination or election to nsults about the candidate's �n connection with the candi, , b1' a candidate or a political committee to commu- office and each political committee shall appoint a cam- office and the information is with Potential voters but excluding any costs of paign treasurer. Each person who seeks to qualify for n, create, design, or prepare! � nes incurred by a volunteer for use of tele- nomination or election to, or retention in, office shall iditure or advertising camp by such volunteer. Filing officer" means the person before whom appoint a campaign treasurer and designate a primary campaign depository prior to qualifying for office. Any director, employee, or agent county executive committee s date qualifies, the agency or officer with whom at committee registers, or the agency by whom person who seeks to qualify for election or nomination to any office by means of the petitioning process shall has made or intends to nection with or contributions ittee of continuous existence is certified. 1b) °uno pposed candidate" means a candidate for appoint a treasurer and designate a primary depository on or before the date he or she obtains the petitions. Syr ation or election to an office who, after the last Each candidate shall at the same time he or she desig- 835