HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-2004 Opt-out provision for municipal employeesFAX NO. :4075718123 M-ar. 31 2005 08:54AM P1 CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS City Clerk Department 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springy, FT, 32701 RE IE1VEE1 FAX TRANSMISSION MAR 3 12005 (407) 571-8120 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Receiver: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces Name of Person Department/Division Sender: 1'atsy wainri t Name of Person City Clerk Department 407 571-8122 Phone Number Number of Pages (Including this Page):_ Comments: Amdrea: Attached are the two informal opinions from the Assistant General Counscl — Department of State Vb'`1 yW 7 f U FROmi: 63107i2 005 15:55 FAX NO. :4075719123 Mar. 31 2005 08:5`Af1 P2 CITY OF LAKE MARY 4 9407S718123 N0.745 Doi F F'CJ 1 . F kN I A.J. tan. 1 _ �'0�3; l"u3: ` _+�+f•i F: .Iu1 Z3 2004 4j54PH E]ROWN,CARf3AN�eE,WEI38 b U 40;4P�A386 P,s; iW III `, �y: 13120tlA la; 3� 9So DEPT (I VATF. ••• PAGE 02/e2 STATR OF >pI.ONVA DEi'aiW MIENr OF 5T'AM .in RUNU aura. L XOM � c3owntor r my 17, ZOOd t�erel.py, q/Stau IA PACSIMI'L Anthony A• Garpneae, Esq. erowlt, Carpnere, Weise & D'Agresm, P.A. 225 Rapt Robbum Street, Suite 6m Orlando, Florda 32801-2873 Re: lnFomal Opirvon: Opt -Out Provwion for Mtmicipal Electiom Dear `blt. Gartrar,em TNs 'w in response to your regtmt on behalf of fottr n+uni Felines Cape Canaval;at, Cocoa, Or+ehid end WInter'IlWnp, ;for an intormei opUdon yelatfng to runidyai elections, You ask whtcher & city WAY, pumu,ant to MKton 100,J6W, Florid# $tatuhrs, opt out of dw early voting proeeft enacted recendy under sections 9. 10, 11. 12 And 13 of cltaprei law 2004-232,1.sws of Flodde. 9tnce 1995, the ylaride L'lecdons Code (Chaptsis 99 through 106, Flodde Statutes) governs al! aspects of murtkipsil elections in the abmice of an appubbit spedal ect, charter or onUnmue. See section l00.31103, Florida StatuMaj Chapt" 95_110, Lows of Rlorlda, see also DE 03-01. Wwavw. even where a municipality chooses to "opt out" of rho electoons code by vtrtin of a epedal act, chatter, at ordinance, it will continue to be bound by dMa provfalmj of the code hat expr*ssty apply to murnirtipaUtiee. At this HMO, the 1110Woty provWon on early v"Rg dtaee not expressly apply to municipalities. icipalities. Therefore, a n LWjC1Paiity May opt out of fHj pravhWon thmugh the application of a specW act or adoption of a charter or ordirnance. If the MMUC(praltty chooses to provide early vo", it must comply with the statutory rt'qull watnh for early voting under section 101,07, Florida StAtutes- R � itwa Assistant G"Cra l Counsel "M /cm cm Kill l0011%. t;Iq. ORMt of the Setftfefv a. A. Cray 15oil4hIg • '.W#f 3 u1h IverNr & etriers • 7s11atMAifaf, UTorwi If±!}WAf '171j"60"e, (4�0)tIt!-Sloe • xlfegerMr ( Zlt•�1L4 . Vb'WWt 1►IIpJ/.v..wr.ie�.fWaA.flr �-_ f FRQMti: FAX NO. :4075718123 Mar. 31 2005 08:55AM P3 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OFSTATE Glenda E. Hood Secretary of Stbte DIVISION OF FLEC1'IONS 22 March 2005 Via Facsimile and U.S, Mail Patsy Wainright, CMC, City Clerk City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701-3697 Pc: Informal Opinion, Opt -(hut Provision for Municipal Elections Dear Ms. Wainright; You have requested an informal opinion for guidance from the Division of Elections on whether a municipality can opt out of early voting as provided in section 101.657, Florida Statutes. The short answer is yes if the municipality opts out by virtue of a special act, charter or ordinance provision. Since 1995, the Florida Elections Code (Chapters 97 through 106, Florida Statutes) has applied to municipal elections. See section •100.3605, Florida Statutes; Chapter 95-178, Laws of Florida; DE 03-01. However, under section 100.3605, Florida Statutes, a municipality can "opt out" of certain provisions of the elections code by virtue of a special act, charter or ordinance provision, A municipality can not "opt out' if the statutory provision expresshy applies to municipalities (for example, a municipality could not opt out of section 100.361, Florida Statutes, because it expressly applies to municipal recalls). In conclusion, a municipality can "opt out' of the early voting provision in section '101.657, Florida Statutes, because it is applicable generally to all elections, in order to "opt out" the municipality must enact a special act, charter or ordinance. In opting out, the municipality can choose to offer its own variation of early voting or choose not to offer Carly voting at all. If the municipality does nut opt out, the municipality must comply with all of the statutory requirements for early voting under section] 01.657, Florida Statutes. I hope this clarifies matters for you. Res M M the s Assidta t General Counsel The 14-A. Gray Huilding, Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 FAX: 1.650) 245-6260 a AVWW AddreHH: 9 r-\tail: n„-�fcvri.,ns<cfldu,.,lara.�l.ns