HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-2004 Informal Opinion: Opt-Out Provision for Municipal ElectionsJul, 23 2004 5:OOPM HROWN,GRRGRNESE,WEISS a D 4074259596 p.2 BROWN, GARGANESE, WEISS & UAGRESTA, P.A. Attorneys at Lain Lisher L. Bra' Offices in Otlando, Kissimmee, Debra S. Babb-Nutrher Jeffrey P. Buak° Cocoa & Viera Joseph E. BUtch Suzanne D'A9resta° Anthony A. Garpanese° John harn, Jr. Lisa M.. Fletcher John H. Word • Katherine Latorre Jeffrey S. Weiss Melanie A. Mucario Michelle A. Reddin •Board Certifled Civil Trial Lawyer °Board Certified City, County & Local Government Law July 23, 2004 Via Facsimile Only Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Erin J. O'Leary J. W. Taylor Of Counsel Re: Informal Opinion: Opt -Out Provision for Municipal Elections Dear Andrea: Enclosed you will find an Informal Opinion that I requested from Maria I. Matthews, Asslstant General Counsel for the State of Florida, Department of State, regarding the early voting requirements under the Florida Election Code. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. A ours, Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney AAGAg Enclosure 225 East Robinson Street, Suile 660 - P.O. Box 2873 -Orlando, Florida 32802-2873 Orlando (407) 425-9565 Fax (407) 425.9586 - Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 - Cocoa & Vera (866) 425-9566 Webslte: www.arlandolaw.net • Email: firmQoriandolaw.net Jul 23 2004 5:OOPM BROWN,GRRGRNESE,WEISS sL D 4074259596 0723/ 2004 14: 25 050 DEPT OF STATE P.3 PAGE 02/02 JED BUSH Governor STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE July 23, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE Anthony A. Gaxganese, Esq. Brown, Garganese, Weiss dr D'Agresta, P.A. 225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660 Orlando, Florida 32802-2873 Re: Informal opinion; Opt -Out Provision for Municipal Elections Dear Mr. Garganese; GLENDA E. HOOD Serretary ojState This is in response to your request on behalf of four municipalities Cape Canaveral, Cocoa, Orchid and Winter Springs, for an informal opinion relating to municipal elections. You ask whether a city may, pursuant to section. 100.3605, Florida Statutes, opt out of the early voting process enacted recently under sections 9, 1.0, 111, 12 and. 13 of chapter law 2004-252, maws of Floride. Since 1995, the Florida Elections Code (Chapters 97 through 106, Florida Statutes) governs all aspects of municipal elections in the absence of an applicable special act, charter or ordinance. See section 100.3605, Florida Statutes; Chapter 95-178, Laws of Florida, see also DE 03-01. However, even where a municipality chooses to 'opt out,, of the elections code by virtue of a special act, charter, or ordinance, it will continue to be bound by those provisions of the code that expressly apply to municipalities. At this time, the statutory provision on early voting does not expressly apply to municipalities. Therefore, a municipality may opt out of this provision through the application of a special act or adoption of a charter or. ordinance. If the municipality chooses to provide early voting, it must comply with the statutory requirements for early voting under section 101.657, Florida Statutes. Res e % ews Assistant General Counsel MIM/ccat cc: Kne Lair me, Esq, offiee of the Secretary R. A. Gray Building s Sao South B►encupb Street a Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0230 Tekphooe; (830) 24"500 • Faoeimtla: (850) US-6125 . www: http://www,doe.state.1Lur Jui.23 2004 5:OOPM BROWN,GRRGRNESE,WEISS a D 4074259596 P.1 Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D 'Agresta, P.A. 225 East Robinson Street — Suite 660 Post Office Box 2873 Orlando, Florida 32802-2873 (407) 425-9566 (407) 425-9596 fax agarganese@orlandolaw.net Date: July 23, 2004 To: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk City of Winter Springs Fax: 407-327-4753 From: Anthony A. Garganese, Esq., City Attorney Pages (including this one): 3 COMMENTS., Please see attached If there are any questions regarding this fax, please call 4071425-9566. nti facsimile message is attorneyledient privileged material and is, accondingry, confidential. This message is intended only for the individual or entity named above. 91he receiver of this message is not the intended reciplent, please be advised that oily dissemination. distribution, or copying ofthis cmm►utication issiriellyprohibited. tfyou have received this communication in error, pleasenotous by telephone immediately and retarn the original message to either above address via the U.S. Alail. Aank you. FAX NO. :4075718123 Mar. 31 2005 08:55AM P2 03/07/2005 15:55 F•K4t . .Yv i e3 9004 4 s 54PM CITY OF LAKE MARY 4 94075718123 NO.745 D01 •�7''?GE1�! 360. 1_ �'Ot35 C�3�`.�+�ft P-, F'HX I A.1. : ail � � DROWN,GARSANESE,WFISS & a 40^4859386 P't+ )7 2312804 tJ:2K ow •� �1'1 f� STATE .ties sueu 080VAtar STATE OP Pi.CMIDA DEPAIRTMEM OP 5TA.TE July 23, 2004 VIA P,ACBII�,� rreft*w WSW* Anthtrfty A, Gault "e", Esq. ' Brown, Garganeoe, Webb & D',A,grests. P-A. 235 set 13nbbrutetl Street, Suite 60 Orlando, R odda 32IM-2e73 'Rr: 1worme1 Opifuun: Opt -Out Provision for M%micipal Electiam Deaf ;Kr. Garpveae: This 'sa in reeponm to your request on betwlf Of foot rnurtwvahtiev Cope Can aveltal, Cocoa, Oteltld end winter SWnp, for an iotOMWI OpUdon relttfinS t0 VUrAdpal dectiorRe, Yatj ask whether & city m0y, pursuant to mwdoo 100,W, Flo7rido gtatules, opt out of the Corny votinS procV" matted recently under sections 9, to, 11. 17 and 13 of chapter law 2006.252, tAws of lr1ot16e. Strata 2995, the Plarlde Ltecdoru Code (Chapters V throu h 106, Ploddo Statutes) goverm all mVccts of mur+kipal electionx in the absence of an a 1iQa�1s dal sct, charter or or+diname. See section IM3605, Florida Slatumaj Chap►t" 95-178, Laws of Florida, see also DE 03-01, kbwam. evert whore a municipality chooses to "opt ouf" of the 6lectfom code by virtue of a apedal act, chutes, of ordtname, it will continuo to be bound by those prwisiaaN of t2te code that expressly apply to municipautles. At this time, the statutory provision on early vvetog does not expressly reply 10 municipratitees. Therefore, a tntwidpatilry may opt out of this prttvfafon thmuO the lappfleatiotn oft epWal act as adoption of a charter or ordinance. if the mWelpelity chcoaes to provida early voting, it muar comply with thi statutory requk ernanh for early voting under WHOn 101AS7, Florid& Satutea- e'IA►i tselaleMl Ge:+t3at Counrial co: ltnw tAtorM VAq- ,,�� OtPh� s1 eMa SatMet�•7 a. �►. or'ay sallahW • 90 lauth larl%ame ilriert • Ta1141M1140, motor 00P-9050 't',Jut,a,•wet (eaoy:!!-6lOa •N1�1Mf (/!h yle.sl�4 s VF'Wgh 1►11ti�/hv..•+.is�.lblaA.1�