HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-2002 Financial Disclosure - Arbor CommitteeBROWN, WARD, SALZMAN & WEISS, P.A.
Usher L. Brown'
Suzanne D'Agresta°
Anthony A. Garganese°
Gary S. Salzman"
John H. Ward'
Jeffrey S. Weiss
'Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer
*Board Certified Business Litigation Lawyer
'Board Certified City, County & Local Government Law
Attorneys at Law
Offices in Orlando, Kissimmee,
Cocoa & Viera
October 28, 2002
Sent Via Facsimile & U.S. Mail
Mr. Ron McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL
Re: Financial Disclosure - Arbor Committee
City of Winter Springs - General
Our File No.: 1193
Dear Ron:
Debra S. Babb
Jeffrey P. Buak
John U. Biedenharn, Jr.
Joseph E. Butch
Scott D. Danahy
Jennifer A. Michael
Todd K. Norman
Vincent E. Scarlatos
Erin J. O'Leary
Of Counsel
o C T z 8 20UZ
At Monday evening's Arbor Committee meeting a question was raised as to whether
members of the City of Winter Springs Tree (Arbor) Ordinance Review Advisory Committee
("Arbor Committee") have an obligation to file a financial disclosure statement in
accordance with Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes. In addition, one member (Marshall
Allen) indicated an unwillingness to serve on the committee if he was required to file such
a financial disclosure statement.
In short, Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes, is unclear. Pursuant to a recent
opinion by the Florida Commission on Ethics (CEO 00-19), one could argue that a
committee member is not required to file the financial disclosure statement. However,
absent case law, another Commission on Ethics' opinion directly addressing the issue, or
a policy established by the City Commission by resolution, the safest and more
conservative position would be for each member of the Arbor Committee to file the
financial statement.
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660 • P.O. Box 2873. Orlando, Florida 32802-2873
Orlando (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596 - Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 • Cocoa & Viera (866) 425-9566
Website: www.orlandolaw.net - Email: firm@orlandolaw.net
Ron McLemore, City Manager
October 28, 2002
Page 2
Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes, requires any "local officer" as defined therein
to provide a disclosure of financial interests not later than July 1 of each year. Section
112.3145(1)(a)2.e., Florida Statutes, includes as a "local officer" any member of "a
planning or zoning board, board of adjustment, board of appeals, or other board having
the power to recommend, create, or modify land planning or zoning within the political
subdivision, except for citizen advisory committees, technical coordinating committees, and
such other group who only have the power to make recommendations to planning or
_zoning boards." (emphasis added).
Interpreting this section, the Florida Commission on Ethics has previously opined
that advisory committee members to a community redevelopment agency were not
required to file the financial statement, even where that committee made recommendations
regarding land -planning and zoning. CEO 00-19; see also CEO 01-11. The commission
reasoned that Section 112.3145(1)(a)2.e., Florida Statutes, as amended by Chapter2000-
243, Laws of Florida, specifically removed citizen advisory committees to land -planning
and zoning agencies from the list of local officers required to file financial disclosures,
unless the appointing authority imposes the filing obligation by resolution.
In this case, Resolution 2002-24, of the City of Winter Springs City Commission,
establishes the Arbor Committee and defines its responsibilities as
working with the technical resource team and the legal
resource team in reviewing the City's existing Arbor Ordinance
and providing recommendations to the City Commission for
improving the existing ordinance in order to be consistent with
established practices of urban forest management and law.
As such, the Arbor Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission on
arguably land -planning issues (land -clearing and tree conservation). Further, the
Resolution does not require committee members to file the financial statement. Therefore,
similar to the CRA advisory committee identified in CEO 00-19, one could argue that the
Arbor Committee members are not required to file the financial statement. However, I
would note that CEO 00-19 does not specifically address whether an advising Arbor
Committee member appointed by a city commission must file the financial statement.
Furthermore, because Section 112.3145(1)(a)2.e., Florida Statutes, is not clearly
written, I can not opine with any certainty whether the Arbor Committee is required to file
the Form 1 Financial Statement. The beginning of that section states that a member of a
planning board having the power to "recommend" land planning and zoning is considered
a local officer, while on the other hand, citizen advisory committees who have the power
to make "recommendations" to planning orzoning boards are not considered local officers.
Thus, it is not clear which advisory board or committee with planning functions must file
the Form 1 Financial Statement.
Ron McLemore, City Manager
October 28, 2002
Page 3
Consequently, absent case law or an opinion from the Commission on Ethics
specifically exempting an advisory Arbor Committee member from the financial disclosure
requirements, the safest and more conservative position for each member of the Arbor
Committee is to file the financial statement with the Supervisor of Elections.
By filing the financial statement, the Arbor Committee members can avoid the
potential consequences if it is later determined they should have filed and they did not.
Failure to file these forms when required by law may result in a fine of $25.00 per day for
each day late up to a maximum of $1,500.00, plus additional civil penalties such as
impeachment, removal from office, public censure, reprimand and/or a civil penalty not to
exceed $10, 000.00.
The filing requirement is the personal obligation of each board member. I would
appreciate your forwarding this letter to each of them as soon as possible so that they can
each determine whether or not they desire to file the financial statement.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to call me.
V t ly yours,
Anthony A. Garganese
City Attorney
CEO 00-19
cc: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk (w/encls)
F:\Docs\City of Winter Springs\OrdinancesArbor Ordinance\McLemore_ArborCommFinDisclose.wpd
CEO 00-19 -- October 10, 2000
ntTp://www.etnics.state.II.us/opinions/00/CEO%2000-01 9.fi
To: William J. Cea, Esquire, (Winter Haven)
As of January 1, 2001--the effective date of Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida --advisory
committee members to the Winter Haven Community Redevelopment Agency are no
longer subject to the financial disclosure requirements of Section 112.3145, Florida
Statutes. Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida, amended the definition of "local officer" in
Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes, to remove appointed members of citizen advisory
committees, even where advisory committees to community redevelopment agencies make
recommendations regarding land -planning and zoning.
Are members of advisory committees to a community redevelopment agency subject to the
financial disclosure requirements of Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes, as amended by
Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida?
Your question is answered in the negative.
In your letter of inquiry, you explain that the City of Winter Haven has established a Community
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes,
and that members of the City Commission also serve as the Community Redevelopment Agency Board
of Commissioners. The CRA recently established two advisory committees for the purpose of studying
redevelopment issues and making recommendations to the CRA for two areas within the City. The
redevelopment plan for each area includes issues such as future land use and zoning in conjunction with
establishing a framework for community redevelopment. Although the members of the advisory
committees are presently required to file financial disclosure under the rationale of CEO 91-35, you
question whether recent legislative changes to Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes, will affect this
Section 3 of Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida, amends the definition of "local officer" in Section
112.3145(1)(a)2, Florida Statutes, to include:
Any appointed member of any of the following boards, councils,
commissions, authorities, or other bodies of any county, municipality,
school district, independent special district, or other political subdivision
of the state:
a. The governing body of the political subdivision, if appointed;
b. An expressway authority or transportation authority established by
general law;
c. A community college or junior college district board of trustees;
d. A board having the power to enforce local code provisions;
e. A planning or zoning board, board of adjustment, board of appeals, or
other board having the power to recommend, create, or modify land
planning or zoning within the political subdivision, except for citizen
1 of 2 10/23/2002 4:38 PN
i $ N http://www.ethics.state.t].us/opinions/00/CEO0/o2000-019.ht
advisory com_ , technical coordinating committees, and such other
groups who only have the power to make recommendations to planning or
zoning boards;
f. A pension board or retirement board having the power to invest pension
or retirement funds or the power to make a binding determination of one's
entitlement to or amount of a pension or other retirement benefit; or
g. Any other appointed member of a local government board who is
required to file a statement of financial interests by the appointing authority
or the enabling legislation, ordinance, or resolution creating the board.
f e.s.)
Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida, takes effect January 1, 2001.
As you note, in CEO 91-35, we opined that members of CRA advisory boards were required to file
financial disclosure because of their land -planning or zoning responsibilities due to their roles in the
community redevelopment plan process. However, with the enactment of Chapter 2000-243, Laws of
Florida, citizen advisory committees to land -planning and zoning agencies were specifically removed
from the list of local officers required to file financial disclosure, unless the appointing authority (in this
case, the CRA) imposes the obligation on its advisory committee members by adopting a resolution to
that effect.
Accordingly, as of January 1, 2001, when Chapter 2000-243, Laws of Florida, takes effect, members of
advisory committees to community redevelopment agencies no longer will be considered "local officers"
who are required to file statements of financial interest pursuant to Section 112.3145, Florida Statutes.
ORDERED by the State of Florida Commission on Ethics meeting in public session on October 5, 2000
and RENDERED this 1 Oth day of October, 2000.
Howard Marks
10/23/2002 4:38 PM