HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-2000 Introduction and Sunshine LawM
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Usher L. Brown
John H. Ward'
Gary S. Salzman°
Jeffrey S. Weiss
Suzanne D'Agmta
Anthony A. Garganesc
Scott D. Danahy
Jamul G. Vickaryous
Allison Carmine McDonald
Alfred Truesdell
Arthur R- "Randy" Brown, Jr.
' Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer
° Board Certified Business Litigation Lawyer
° Board Certified City. County & Local Government taw
September 26, 2000
Via Facsimile and U.S.
Charter Review Committee
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799
Re: Introduction and Sunshine Law
Members of the Charter Review Committee:
111 North Orange Avc., Suite 875
Post Office Box 2873
Orlando, FL 32802-2873
(407) 425-9566
(407) 425-9596FAX
Email: fimi@;rlandolaw.net
Website: www.orlandolaw.net
Congratulations on being appointed to the City of Winter Springs Charter Review Committee
C'Committee"). As members of the Committee, you are about to embark on a comprehensive review
of the City of Winter Springs Charter. Under the directive of the City Commission, you are required
to bring forth recommendations to update the City Charter consistent with Resolution No. 2000-27.
The Charter Review process is of extreme importance to the operation of the City's
governmental affairs. The City Charter is the organic law upon which the City of Winter Springs
government is established and is ultimately promulgated by the people of Winter Springs by
referendum to cover matters pertaining to the local civil government of the City. It is, therefore, a
tremendous honor and responsibility for you to be a member of the Committee and to recommend
changes to the City Charter. Your recommendations will have a profound impact on city
government in Winter Springs. I am confident that each Committee member's contribution to the
Committee will be extremely valuable to our community and, as the City Attorney, it is with great
pleasure and anticipation that I look forward to assisting the Committee.
As a member of the Committee, you should be aware that the Committee is subject to the
Florida Sunshine Law. Therefore, the discussions, deliberations, and formal actions of the
Committee and its members must be conducted during a public meeting in accordance with the
Charter Review Committee
September 26, 2000
Page 2
Sunshine Law. The Sunshine Law applies to any gathering, whether formal or casual, of two or
more members of the Commmittee to discuss some matter on which foreseeable action will be taken
by the Committee. Thus, all functions of the Committee and its members, which relate to the affairs
and duties of the Committee, must occur at a duly advertised and held public meeting of the
Committee. City Staff will. insure that proper notice is given of the Committee meetings.
Committee membeis, however, are not prohibited under the Sunshine Law from meeting
together socially, provided that matters which may come before the Committee are not discussed at
such meetings. Moreover, Committee members will normally be permitted to meet with members
of the technical advisory staff and other non -committee members individually to discuss Committee
business, but you should only do so when other Committee members are not present. I suggest the
Committee members follow this simple rule:
Members of the Committee should refrain from communicating
among themselves on issues pending before the Committee, unless
those communications occur at a duly held public meeting of the
Charter Review Committee.
Again, I wish to congratulate you on your appointment to the City of Winter Springs Charter
Review Committee. I look forward to assisting you in successfully accomplishing the task assigned
by the City Commission.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding the Sunshine
Law or any other issue relative to serving on the Charter Review Committee.
Anthony A. Garganese,
cc: Ronald McLemore, City Manager
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