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WHEREAS, Winter Springs Development Corporation, a Florida
. corporation, as nominee for Winter Springs Venture, a joint venture,
hereinafter called Developert is the owner of land in the County of
Seminole, State of Fiorida, more particularly described as follows:
All of the lots i Tuscawilla Un; -, according to the
plat thereof as recorde in P at Book .-2.:) , pages61y.5J"
of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.
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WHEREAS, Developer desires that all of the above described m
real property be subject to like restrictions for the mutual benefit ~
and protection of itself and all persons, both real and corporate, who ~
hereafter may purchase or acquire said property or any part thereof, or r
any interest in or lien upon sa1d property or any part thereof.
. NOW, THEREFORE9 in consideration of the premises, Developer
does hereby declare said real property to be subject to the following
restrictions, reservations and conditions, binding upon said Develop2r
and upon each and every person, both real and corporate9 who or which
shall acquire hereafter said real propErty or any part thereof, and their
respective heirs9 personal representatives, successors and assigns, said
restrictions, reservations and conditions being as follows:
1. No lot shall be. used except for residential purposes. No
building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any
lot other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed two and
one-half stories in height. Each house shall have a private garage for
at least two and not more than four cars. All garages constructed shall
have a side or rear entry only. Garage doors shan front the closest
SlG~ lot line or rear lot 1 ine only; ~o garaQe door m~.l~ f~~~ any ~tr:.:J'
" 2. No building or structure shall be erected, placed or altered
on any.lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan
showing'the location of the building or structure have been approved by
the Architectural Control Committee as to quality of workmanship and
materials, harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to
location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation.
3. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of Roy T. Dye,
Charles H. True and Arthur M. Barr, .all of 861 Dou~las Avenue,
longwood, Fla., 32750. A majority of the commfttee may designate a
representative to act for it. In the event of death or resignation of any
member of the cowmittee, the remaining members shall have full authority
. to designate a successor. Neither the members of the committee, nor its
designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for
services performed pursuant to this covenant. At any time, the then
record owners of , a majority. of the lots shall have the power through a
duly recorded written instrument to change the merrbership of the committee
.or to withdraw from the committee or restore to it any of its power and
4. The committee's approval or disapproval as required in these
covenants shall be in writing. In the event the cowmittee or its designated
representative, fails to approve or disapprove within 30 days after" plans
and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit
to enjoi n the constructi on hds been commenced prior to comp 1 et'j on thereof,
approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed
to have been fully complied with.
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5 . Except-for res i dences, cons tructed on co rner lots, the
rear and both sides of all other residences may have exterior
construction of concrete block, wood frame or similar construction
detail. On corner lots, all residences including detached structures
may use stanJard concrete block or wood frame only on the side of the
structure not facing a street; the exterior construction on the front
".of all residences and' on the side of'resiaences.lo.cated .on corner lots
that do face the street, shall either be small concrete block, brick
stucco, frame, stone or combination thereof, except that a large concrete
block may be used if the same is of a type' designed'to simulate wood
siding. The ground floor area, exclusive of open porches an9 garages,
shall be not less than 1500 square feet of living area for a one-story
dwelling, nor less than 800 square feet of living area on the ground
level for a two or two and one-half story dwelling, provided said dwelling
~as a minimum of 1500 square feet of living area over all.
6. No dwelling shall be constructed on a plot having an area
of less than 15,000 square feet, and such plot shall be not less than
80 feet in width at the front building set-back line. No dwelling shall
'be erected nearer than 35 feet to the front lot line nor farther than 60
feet from the front lot line. . No dwelling shall be erected nearer than
30 feet to the rei.! J" lQt]; ne. No dwell i ng s ha 11 be erected nea rer than
10 feet to any side lot line. The minimum distance between any and all
dwellings shall be 20 feet. On cprner lots, no dwelling shall _be .erected
nearer than 25 feet to a lot lin.e .fa.cj,ng a str.eet.' . .-
7. No structure of a temporary character~ trailer, basement,
tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot
a.t. any time, as ar.esi.dence eith.~r ~em~o.rari)y or '~ermanently. g
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8. Any temporary building such as a utility shed, green house,~
etc. shall be constructed of materials similar to the house construction:
Any temporary building must also receive the Architectural Control
Committee's approval, as per paragraph #2.
.' . 9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be
raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household
pets may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for
any commercial purpose.
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13. No fence or wall, other than a split-rail fence
shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to any
street than the minimum building set-back line. Prior
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_c:to cons tructi o-n of any fence.. or watl,.. ..ownersha 11 obta i napprova 1 of
_-lila_n.s for fence or wan from. the..-Archi-tectura 1-- Contro l-Commi ttee.
j!le maximum height of any fence or-wall shall be 8 feet. .
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14. Any sWinming pool constructed on any lot shall be subject
.. to the following restrictions, reservations and co.".~_i_tions:
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(1) Construction-may-be only~of concrete~or a concrete
_:~ type material. ; . - . .: ..''": ::: - =:-::< :: :.
. (2) The outside edge of any pool wall may~riot be closer
. than 4 feet to the rearward extenslorr:of-the sidelines
of said dwelling.. .::_ _
(3).'No pool wall may.be conrtructed.'~-piaced closer than
.15 feet to the sides and rear lot'ltne~.
(4)~ No pool may be constructed within (re~orded) designated
. utility'or drainage"easements. .-
(5): No screening of pool may be constructed or placed beyond
the rearward extension .of the sidelines of said
dwelling and 10 ft...to the rear lot line.
14A. No air conditioning units, either central or wall units,
shall be placed on the front of any dwelling or otherwise place or locate
so as to be visible to or from any public street., -If said units placed
to the side or rear of any such -dwelling, but is still visible to or
from any public street, it shall be permissable to so locate said unit
if same is screened or othe~Jise appropriately concealed.
. . .15. Tree nouses- or platf-onns' of-'a like kina-or nature shall not
be constructed on any part of a lot.
16. Once a' lot has been sold by the said Deve10per~tne;same,
whether improved or not, shall be maintained in goodcappearance and
free from overgrown weeds and from rubbish. In the event any lot is not
so maintained, then the said Developer, its successors and/or assigns,
shall have the right to enter upon said lot for the purpose of cutting
and removing such overgrown weeds and rubbish and the expense thereof
shall be chargedto and pai d by the Q\'mer of such lot. " If not pai d by
said owner within (thirty) 30 days after being provided with a written
notic"e .of such charge, the same shall become a lien UpOll said lot until
. paid and may be collected by an action to foreclose said lien, or by an
action at law, at the discretion of said Developer, its successors and/
or assigns.
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17. All' clotheslines shall be placed at the rear of and within
the area encompassed by a rearward extension of the sidelines of said
dwell ing.
18. No inoperative cars, trucks, trailers or other types of
vehicles shall be allowed to remain either on or adjacent to any lot for
a period in excess of forty-eight (48) hours, provided, however, this
provision shall not apply to any such vehicle being kept in an enclosed
garage. There shall be no major repair performed on any motor vehicle
on or adjacent to, any lot in the subdivision. Recreational vehicles,
such as campers, boats, motor homes, shall be kept in the rear or side of
the house and shall be adequately screened from view from all adjacent
properties, as well as from the street fronting said property.
19. Easements for installations and maintenance of utilities
and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat.
Within these easements, no structure, planting or other material shall
be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the
installation and maintenance of utilities, or which may change the
direction of a flow of drainage channels in the easements, or which may
obstruct or retard the flow of water through drainage channels in the
easements. The easement area of each lot and all improvements in it shall
be maintained continuously by the owner of the lot, except for those
improvements for which a public authority or utility company is responsible.
20. Where a building has been erected or the construction thereof
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is substantially advanced and it is situated on any lot in such a manner
that same constitutes a violation or violations of any of the above
covenants, said Developer, its successors and/or assigns, shall have the
right at any time to release such lot or portions thereof from such part
of the provisions of any of said covenants as are violated, provided,
however, that said Developer, its successors and/or assigns, shall not
release a violation or violations or any said covenants except as to
violations they, in their sole discretion, determine to be minor, and the
power to release any such lot or portion thereof from such a violation or
violations shall be dependent on a determination by them that such violation
or violations are minor.
21. 'Lots 89 thru 100 and 120 thru 127 will have a drainage and utility.
easement along the rear and side portion of said lots for the purpose of draln-
age and utilities. There shall be no structures of any kind, includin~ f~nces,
patios, pools, maintenance sheds or any other structures constructed wlthln
this easement. Within this easement, all trees and all natural ground cover
shall remain, and only minor hand-clearing will be allowed within this
easement. This rear easement shall not be sodded or planted in grass or
otherwise maintained as part of the developable yard of the owner of the lot.
At least 90% of each 10t1s width within this easement shall remain in its
natural state. The City of Winter Springs and utility companies will have
the right to enter said easement to maintain the drainage or other utility
faci 1 iti es.
22. At any time the then owners of at least fifty-one percent (51%)
of the lots may change these covenants in whole or in part by executing a
written instrument making said changes and have the same duly recorded in
the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. However, any such amendment
shall not apply to any lots owned by Developer unless Developer has joined
in said amendment. The above shall not apply however, as same pertains to
set-back lines from any front, interior, side, rear, or side street lot line,
and the said Developer, specifically reserves unto itself and its successors
and/or assigns the authority to change said set-back lines at any time prior
to the construction of a residence dwelling, regardless of the number of lots
owned by it in said subdivision.
23. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding .~
on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of thirty ~2
years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said ~
covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 year~ __
unless an instrument be signed by a majority of the then owners of the lot~ __
has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in,whole or in part. .
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24. Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity
against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant
either to restrain violation or to recover damages.
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It is expressly understood and agreed that all costs, including
reasonable attorney's fees incurred by any moving party in any legal
proceedings which result in the successful enforcement of any covenant or
restriction contained in this Notice shall be borne in full by the defendant
in such proceedings.
25. Invalidation of anyone of these covenants by judgment or
court order shall in no way effect any of the other provisions which shall
remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this
'22 day of In ~ ' 19~.
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I HEREBY CERTI~Y that on this day before me, an officer duly
.. authorized in the State and County aforesaid to tak,e acknowl edgments,
. personally appeared CHARLES H. TRUE and A. E; BLA11f, we.ll known to .me
to be the Vice-President and Secretary re'sp.ecti'Vely of Hi,nte~Splin'gs
Development Corporation, and that they severall acknowledged executing
the aforesaid instrument in the presence of subscribing witnesses,
freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said
Corporation, and that the seal affixed thereto in the true Corporate
seal of the corporation.
, WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State
. aforesaid this d'2--?.,d/day of ~?7Z"(CI , 19,r/ /.
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