HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 02 05 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular MeetingP L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 1 OF 2 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/ LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2020 AT 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge Of Allegiance Approval Of The Agenda AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of the Minutes from the Wednesday, January 8, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting Attachments: Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Accessory Dwelling Unit – Nancy S. Freeman and John W. McHale III Attachments: Exhibit 1 – Vicinity and Aerial Maps Exhibit 2 – Conditional Use Application (September 27, 2019) Exhibit 3 – Variance Application (September 27, 2019) Exhibit 4 – Amended Variance Application (September 27, 2019) Exhibit 5 – Plans (Survey, Elevations, Floor Plans, Photos) Exhibit 6 – Sketch of Location of Trees by City of Winter Springs (December 2019) Exhibit 7 – Declaration of Restrictions Exhibit 8 – Public Input P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 2 OF 2 401. Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant - Final Engineering Review and Aesthetic Review Attachments: Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map Exhibit 2 – Aesthetic Review Plans Exhibit 3 – Final Engineering Plans Exhibit 4 – Traffic Review Exhibit 5 – Waiver Application Exhibit 6 – Development Agreement REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. “If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based” - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 08, 2020 CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Wednesday, January 08, 2020 of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:40 p.m. by Chairperson Kok Wan Mah in the Commission Chambers (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Kok Wan Mah present Vice-Chairperson Kevin McCann, present Board Member James Evans, present Board Member Michael Ferrante, present Board Member Bart Phillips, present Senior City Attorney Kristin Eick, present Assistant to the City Clerk Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA – PART l 500. Election for Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency for Calendar Year 2020 Chairperson Kok Wan Mah opened nominations for the Chairperson position of the Calendar year 2020. Vice-Chairperson Kevin McCann nominated Chairperson Mah to remain Chairperson. No more nominations were given. Chairperson Mah closed nominations. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING – JANUARY 08, 2020 PAGE 2 OF 5 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 OF 5 VOTE: VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: Mah BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: Mah CHAIRPERSON MAH: Mah BOARD MEMBER EVANS: Mah BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: Mah 501. Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency for Calendar Year 2020 Chairperson Mah opened nominations for the Vice-Chairperson position of the Calendar year 2020. Chairperson Mah nominated Vice-Chairperson McCann to remain Vice- Chairperson. No more nominations were given. Chairperson Mah closed nominations. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON MAH: McCann VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: McCann BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: McCann BOARD MEMBER EVANS: McCann BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: McCann AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING – JANUARY 08, 2020 PAGE 3 OF 5 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 3 OF 5 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one spoke. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300. The Office of the City Clerk requests that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency review and approve the Wednesday, December 04, 2019 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. REGARDING THE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, “I MOVE TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 4TH MINUTES.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER JAMES EVANS. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KEVIN MCCANN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER EVANS: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Development of Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant #12660 Staff asked for the item to be tabled until the February 5, 2020 Planning and Zoning Board Regular meeting. The applicant was present and agreed with moving the item to the next meeting. “I SO MOVE TO TABLE THIS [ITEM 400] FOR FURTHER DICUSSION ON FEDRUARY 5TH”. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER EVANS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING – JANUARY 08, 2020 PAGE 4 OF 5 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 4 O F 5 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER EVANS: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA – PART ll 500. Not Used REPORTS Board Member Evans:  Stated it was nice to be back and looks forward to the New Year. Board Member Phillips:  No Report Vice-Chairperson McCann:  Echoed Board Member Evans’s sentiments. Board Member Ferrante:  No Report Chairperson Mah:  Shared thanks for being involved and having productive conversations. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING – JANUARY 08, 2020 PAGE 5 OF 5 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 5 OF 5 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one spoke. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Mah adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:48 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the __________, 2020 Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 400 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2020 | REGULAR MEETING TITLE Accessory Dwelling Unit – Nancy S. Freeman and John W. McHale III SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit and two (2) Variances for a 1,161 square foot (SF) Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). General Information Applicant(s) Nancy S. Freeman and John W. McHale III Property Owner(s) Nancy S. Freeman and John W. McHale III Location 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Tract Size ± 1.40 Acres (60,966 SF) Parcel ID Number 13-21-30-5CX-0000-2190 Zoning Designation Winter Springs Planned Unit Development (PUD) Subdivision Winter Springs Unit 3 FLUM Designation Rural Residential | Density up to 1 du/gross acre Adjacent Land Use North: Winter Springs (PUD) South: Winter Springs (PUD) East: Winter Springs (PUD) West: Winter Springs (PUD) Setbacks Front: 40 ft. Rear: 20 ft. Side: 20 ft. Corner: 25 ft. Development Standards Minimum Living Area: 2,000 SF Minimum Lot Area: 40,000 SF Minimum Lot Width: 100 ft. Lot Coverage: 40% Development Agreement Declaration of Restrictions | Pending Code Enforcement Not Applicable City Liens Not Applicable Request: The Community Development Department received a Conditional Use Permit application to construct a detached one-story Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and an application requesting two (2) Variances. The applicants/owners are proposing to build a detached 796 SF ADU with two bedrooms, one bathroom, full kitchen, and an attached 237 SF garage (accessory building), for a cumulative total of 1,161 SF. The request also includes a driveway separate from the principal structure, the requested ADU and driveway are proposed to be located on Morgan Street. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 2 O F 12 Background: The subject property is a lot of record located at 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida 32807 at the corner of Morgan Street and Dyson Drive. According to the Seminole County Property Appraiser’s website, the residence was built in 1979, and the home has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The cumulative square footage of the principal structure is 3,015 SF (2,075 SF living). The principal structure is constructed with concrete block with a stucco flnish. The residence is located in the Winter Springs Unit 3 subdivision. The single-family residences within this neighborhood are built on larger lots greater than a half-acre. The applicant stated that the subject property is not in a mandatory homeowner’s association and there are no mandatory Homeowner’s Association (HOA) covenants on the property. Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately flve-hundred feet (500) of the subject property and all Homeowner’s Associations on flle with the City Winter Springs (125 notices). The City of Winter Springs has received public input from local residents see Exhibit 8. Accessory Dwelling Unit Requirement: An Accessory Dwelling Unit is ancillary or a secondary dwelling unit that is clearly subordinate to the principal dwelling and provides complete independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons, which includes provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. An ADU is located on the same parcel or lot as the principal residence and shall be subject to the required setbacks of the principal structure and may be either attached to or detached from the principal dwelling. Accessory dwelling units (ADU’s) must conform to the standards as outlined below. Accessory Dwelling Unit criteria set forth in Sec. 6-85 are as follows: a. Zoning district. A property owner may request a conditional use approval to allow one (1) accessory dwelling unit in any of the following zoning districts: R-1AAA Single-Family Dwelling District R-CI Single-Family Dwelling District R-1AA and R-1A One-Family Dwelling District R-1 One-Family Dwelling District Planned Unit Development District b. Existing development on lot. A single-family dwelling shall exist on the lot or will be constructed in conjunction with the ADU. c. Location. The ADU may be attached to or detached from the principal dwelling. d. Owner occupancy required; declaration of restrictions. The property owner shall occupy either the principal structure or the ADU. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of an ADU, an applicant shall record in the public records of Seminole County a declaration of restrictions containing a reference to the legal description of the property and the deed under which the property was conveyed to the present owner stating that: 1. The ADU shall not be sold or conveyed separate from the principal residence; P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 3 OF 12 2. The ADU is restricted to the approved size; 3. The use permit for the ADU shall be in effect only so long as either the principal residence or the ADU is occupied by the owner of record as their principal residence; 4. The declarations shall run with the land, shall be binding upon any successor in ownership of the property and that noncompliance shall be cause for code enforcement and/or revocation of the conditional use permit; 5. The deed restrictions shall only be removed with the express, written approval of the city, but shall lapse upon removal of the accessory unit; and 6. The ADU shall not be used for commercial purposes other than being leased for residential purposes. e. Number of ADU’s per lot or parcel. Only one (1) ADU shall be allowed for each lot or parcel. f. Setbacks. The ADU shall meet the front, side and rear yard regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. g. Building height and stories. The ADU shall meet the building height regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. h. Lot coverage. The sum of the principal dwelling and the ADU shall meet the lot coverage regulations for the zoning district in which they are located. i. Parking and access. A minimum of one (1) parking space shall be provided on- site for the ADU in addition to the required off-street parking spaces required for the principal residence. The ADU shall be served by the same driveway as the principal dwelling. j. Water and wastewater services. An ADU is required to connect to the central water and sewer system where available. An ADU may be separately metered for utilities subject to all applicable ordinances and utility policies. Where central water and sewer service is not available, the septic system and well shall meet the capacity requirements. k. Other code requirements. The ADU shall comply with all applicable building codes. l. Lot size, minimum; principal residence minimum. A minimum lot size of six thousand six hundred (6,600) square feet is required and the principal residence shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) square feet of air conditioned area. m. Unit size. The living area of the ADU shall be a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence or eight hundred (800) square feet, whichever is less. However, the ADU shall contain no less than four hundred (400) square feet of air conditioned area. ADUs that utilize alternative green construction methods that cause the exterior wall thickness to be greater than normal shall have the unit square footage size measured similar to the interior square footage of a traditional frame house. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 4 O F 12 n. Design. The ADU shall replicate the design of the principal dwelling by use of similar exterior wall materials, window types, door and window trims, roofing materials and roof pitch. The design is subject to the minimum community appearance and aesthetic review standards to ensure residential compatibility and harmony (see section 9-600 et. seq.). o. Privacy. Privacy and screening of adjacent properties is of utmost importance in the orientation of the ADU. Entrance and windows of the ADU shall face the interior of the lot and/or public street as much as possible. Windows which do face the adjoining property shall be designed to protect the privacy of neighbors. Landscaping shall be used to further provide for the privacy and screening of adjacent properties. p. Expiration. As with all conditional use approvals, if a building permit has not been issued within two (2) years for the ADU, the approval becomes null and void (see section 20-36). q. Approval process. The conditional use/aesthetic review approval of an ADU is subject to a public hearing. A notice will be sent to all property owners within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the subject property. An ADU will not be approved if prohibited by the declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions of a homeowners' association. The city commission may impose reasonable conditions of approval to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the city code and comprehensive plan (see section 20- 27 and section 20-33). In evaluation of the standards outlined above, the applicant’s request has not conformed to the following standards:  Per Sec. 6-85(d) Owner occupancy required; declaration of restrictions. The applicant has not submitted the executed Declaration of Restrictions.  Per Sec. 6-85(i) Parking and access. The applicant has not submitted plans that shows the accessory dwelling unit will be served by the same driveway as the principal dwelling. In several attempts by staff, the applicant has refused to comply with this section of the Code.  Per Sec. 6-85(m) – Unit size. The applicant is deviating thirty-eight point three (38.3) percent from the Code requirements. The applicant is proposing a 796 SF (under air conditioning) ADU. The living area of the ADU shall be a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence or eight hundred (800) square feet, whichever is less. According to the Seminole County Property Appraiser the air conditioned area of the principal residence is 2,075 SF. Thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence is 622.5 SF. The applicant has failed to demonstrate a hardship related to the deviation in size of the accessory dwelling. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 5 OF 12  Per Sec. 6-85(n) – Design. The applicant has not submitted color renderings to ensure the ADU will replicate the design of the primary dwelling. The applicant supplied photos of the primary residence and stated that once the ADU is permitted and constructed the primary residence will be renovated to match the façade of the proposed ADU, painted beige stucco. Variance Requirements: Variances are required if you need to depart from the provisions of the zoning ordinance. Variances relate to setbacks, lot size and frontage requirements, but do not involve the actual use of the structure. The applicant must demonstrate the hardship is unique to the property and not to other properties in the same zoning district. The applicant is requesting that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency consider the two (2) variance requests below: Variance Request/Justification 1. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow a 796 SF accessory dwelling unit in lieu of 622.5 SF. The cumulative total of the ADU and the attached garage (accessory building 237 SF allowed) is 1,161 SF. According to the Seminole County Property Appraiser the air conditioned area of the principal residence is 2,075 SF and thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence is 622.5 SF. Applicant Justiflcation: The applicant wishes to construct an accessory dwelling unit to house her aging mother. City Code: Per Sec. 6-85 (m) Unit size. The living area of the ADU shall be a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the air conditioned area of the principal residence or eight hundred (800) square feet, whichever is less. However, the ADU shall contain no less than four hundred (400) square feet of air conditioned area. ADU’s that utilize alternative green construction methods that cause the exterior wall thickness to be greater than normal shall have the unit square footage size measured similar to the interior square footage of a traditional frame house. 2. The applicant is requesting a requested a secondary driveway to alleviate the distance of walking for aging mother. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 6 OF 12 Applicant Justiflcation: The applicant has requested a secondary driveway to alleviate the distance for walking for aging mother. City Code: Per Sec. 6-85 (i) Parking and access. A minimum of one (1) parking space shall be provided on-site for the ADU in addition to the required off-street parking spaces required for the principal residence. The ADU shall be served by the same driveway as the principal dwelling. All variance recommendations and flnal decisions shall be based on an afflrmative flnding as to each of the following requirements: Variance requirements as set forth in subsection 20-32 (d) as follows: 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: No, the applicant has not listed special conditions and circumstances that are applicable to the land justifying the variances requested, and staff has not identified any special conditions of the land or buildings that would preclude utilizing the existing driveway or designing a smaller ADU. The applicant has cited the fact that 10 large oak trees may have to be removed if the ADU were located such that the existing driveway could be utilized, but the tree inventory appears to show multiple locations on the lot which would accommodate an ADU. 2. That special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant or applicant's predecessor in title. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: There are no special circumstances identified by the applicant or staff which would justify the variances as described above. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 7 OF 12 3. That literal interpretation of this chapter would work an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and other applicable building and land development codes of the city. Applicant See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: No, the applicant has not provided an undue hardship and the denial of the request does not deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and other applicable building and land development codes of the City. The applicant did not supply staff with a tree survey indicating the location of the trees. The Landscape Manager provided a cursory review at the subject site, providing a sketch of the location of trees on-site. This analysis demonstrates that the proposed ADU could be placed in a different location at the rear and closer to the primary structure with minimal, if any tree removal. That the lot could support a larger ADU is not relevant; the City Commission has established applicable sizing regulations. It will not deprive the owner of reasonable use of her property to build an ADU meeting the applicable sizing and driveway requirements. 4. That the special conditions and circumstances referred to in subsection (d)(1) of this section do not result from the actions of the applicant. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: See Section 2 above. 5. That approval of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: An approval of the variances requested does confer on the applicant a special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Other property owners must comply with the applicable sizing and driveway requirements for ADU’s. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 8 OF 12 6. That the requested variance is the minimum variance from this chapter necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: No, the requested variance is not a minimal variance request. The applicant is deviating thirty-eight point three (38.3) percent from the Code requirements. The applicant is proposing a 796 SF (under air conditioning) ADU. Per Sec. 6-85(m) Unit size: The living area of the ADU shall be a maximum of thirty (30) percent of the air-conditioned area of the principal residence or eight hundred (800) square feet, whichever is less. According to the Seminole County Property Appraiser the air conditioned area of the principal residence is 2,075 SF. Thirty (30) percent of the air-conditioned area of the principal residence is 622.5 SF. 7. That approval of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Finding: One accessory dwelling serving a single resident will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. However, the design and location of this ADU with a separate driveway will present the impression of a divided lot thus, not in conformance with the surrounding properties. 8. Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by the city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. Applicant: See Exhibits 3 and 4, for the applicants’ responses. Staff: The terms and conditions are outlined in the Declaration of Restrictions as required in Sec. 6-85(d). In evaluation of the eight (8) variance requirements, staff did not flnd an afflrmative of each of the requirements, as listed above in staff comments. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 9 OF 12 Conditional Use Requirement: All conditional use recommendations and flnal decisions shall be based on the following criteria to the extent applicable: Conditional uses criteria set forth in subsection 20-33(d) are as follows: 1. Whether the applicant has demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed density, height, scale and intensity, hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, parking and trafflc-generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the conditional use, and other offsite impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. 2. Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufflcient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off- street parking, safe and convenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. 3. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental flscal impact, employment, and property values. 4. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and fiood hazards. 5. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. 6. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, flre, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. 7. Whether the trafflc report and plan provided by the applicant details safe and efflcient means of ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood and adequately address the impact of projected trafflc on the immediate and neighborhood, trafflc circulation pattern for the neighborhood, and trafflc fiow through immediate intersections and arterials. 8. Whether the proposed use will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 10 OF 12 9. Whether the proposed use avoids signiflcant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent lands regarding refuse collection, service, parking and loading signs, lighting, and other sire elements. 10. Whether the applicant has provided an acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood, if applicable. 11. Whether the applicant provided an acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than 20,000 square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood, if applicable. 12. Whether the applicant has demonstrated that the conditional use and associated site plan have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. 13. If the proposed conditional use is a residential use, whether the elementary, middle and high schools (K- 12) that will be initially assigned to the residential project by the School District at the time the city commission considers flnal approval of the conditional use have both sufflcient capacity, are in close proximity to the project so as to make each of the assigned schools accessible and convenient (e. g., walking distance travel time, private and public transportation, and quality of route environment) to the majority of the school population that will be drawn from the project, and promote and support the integration of future residents of the project into the existing city of Winter Springs community in a sustainable manner. 14. Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code. In evaluation of the proposed conditional use request, it appears that the request does not satisfy all fourteen (14) speciflc criteria as required for a Conditional Use in the City Code of Ordinances. The request to allow a Conditional Use Permit does not conform to the requirements as listed below.  Per Sec. 20-33(d)(1). The applicant has not demonstrated the conditional use, including its proposed scale and intensity, building design, parking under the conditional use impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. The ADU, as proposed with the addition of a second driveway and the increased scale, would essentially create the appearance of a second single-family residence on the property, which is not ancillary or subordinate to the primary residence and is not compatible with adjacent land uses. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 11 OF 12 Per Sec. 20-33(d)(8) While ADUs are a well-recognized option for providing alternative and affordable housing choices, the City Commission has permitted ADUs only in certain limited circumstances where neighborhood quality will not be compromised. Staff does not believe the speciflc criteria for ADUs has been satisfled and, therefore, the proposed ADU may have an adverse impact on neighborhood quality. Procedural History: September 27, 2019 Variance and Conditional Use Applications Submittal November 18, 2019 Variance Application Resubmittal Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Home Rule Powers City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Ch6, Sec. 6-85. Accessory Dwelling Units. Ch6, Sec. 6-84. Accessory Buildings. Ch9, Sec. 9-5. - Variances. Ch9, Sec. 9-277 (2). Off-street parking requirements. Ch9, Sec. 9-607. Residential compatibility and harmony regulations. Ch20, Sec. 20-1. Deflnitions. Ch20, Sec-32 Variances. Ch20, Sec. 20-33. Conditional Uses. Ch20, Sec. 20-353. Standards for planned unit developments. Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.1.6 Housing Element, Policy 1.4.6 Housing Element, Policy 2.4.7 Fiscal Impact: Development of the subject property is anticipated to provide an increase to the City’s taxable value. The potential tax revenue of the proposed project will be dependent on the change in tax-assessed value as determined by the Seminole County Property Appraiser.rocedural History: Communication Efforts: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board / Local Planning Agency members and are available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner’s Associations on flle with the City, all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately flve hundred feet of the subject property (125 notices mailed), all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 12 OF 12 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency forward a recommendation of denial to the City Commission for the Conditional Use and the two (2) Variances. The size of the proposed ADU is 38.3%, which is not a minimal variance request. The addition of a second driveway for the proposed ADU would essentially create a single-family residence, which is not ancillary or subordinate to the primary residence. In addition, the proposed ADU will be out of character with the neighborhood due to the proposed location of the ADU and the size of the lot. The applicants/owners did not present an undue hardship on the land. Exhibit 1 Vicinity and Aerial MapƐ   3URMHFW6LWH '\VRQ'ULYH:LQWHU6SULQJV)/ 3DUFHO,'&;  ^h:d WZKWZdz Aerial   Exhibit 2 Conditional Use Application Z 'P20 \ C\ ~oo \ 'P CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspri ngsn .org Application -Conditional Use I ADU will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Florida Statute 286.0 I 05. If the Conditional Use approval is granted, PR10R to receiving a building permit, the APPLICANT must file a Declaration of Restrictions with the Seminole County Clerk of the Cowt public records containing a reference to the legal description of the property and the deed under which the property was conveyed to the present owner stating: I. The ADU shall not be sold or conveyed separate from the principal residence; 2. The ADU is restricted to the approved size; 3. The use permit for the ADU shall be in effect onl y so long as either the principal residence or the ADU is occupied by the owner of record as their principal residence; 4. The declarations shall run with the land, shall be binding upon any successor in ownership of the property and that noncompliance shall be cause for code enforcement and/or revocation of the conditional use permit; 5. The deed restrictions shall only be removed with the express written approval of the City but shall lapse upon removal of the accessory unit; and 6. The ADU shall not be used for commercial purposes other than being leased for residential purposes. A Conditional Use which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two (2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the Conditional Use, is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the Conditional Use shall be deemed expired and null and void, per Chapter 20 -Sec.20-36. REQUIRED INFORMAT ION: Applicant(s): Nancy S. Freeman and W. John McHale Ill Date: 09/27/19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mailing address: 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Email: nfreeman@nfreemanlaw.com Phone Number: 407-312-4532 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Property Owner(s): Nancy S. Freeman and W. John McHale Ill Mailing Address: 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Email: nfreeman@nfreemanlaw.com 2019110 Page 2 of7 Phone Number: Project Name: Property Address: Parcel IO(s): Parcel Size: Existing Use: Future Land Use: Zoning District: 407-312-4352 ADU CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringstl.org Application -Conditional Use I ADU 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 13-21-30-5CX-0000-2190 1.4 acres Residential Rural residential PUD Community Workshop Date: ----------------------------- Conditional Use that is being requested? _A_D_U_-_a_c_c_e_s_s_o_ry_d_w_e_l_li_n_g_u_n_it ____________ _ How is the Conditional Use (density, height, scale and intensity, hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refu se, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other em issions parking and traffic generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the conditional use, and other offsite impacts) compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses? The ADU is a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties in this residential neighborhood. There will be one occupant of the ADU, the property owner's mother. The combined square footage of the ADU and primary dwelling will be less than those of most surrounding properties. Will the Conditional Use adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity? If no, why not? No. The ADU will be a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties. There will be no impact on land use activities in the immediate vicinity. The materials, colors, and textures on the ADU and primary residence will complement each other and the surrounding properties. Demonstrate the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, safe and co nvenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. See attached preliminary site plan. The ADU will be located far behind the setback lines. All impervious surfaces for both the ADU and primary dwelling will cover only nine percent (9%) of the lot, far below the maximum allowed coverage. 2019/10 Page 3 of7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspri ngsn .org Applicati on -Conditional Use I ADU Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on Lhe local economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values? l f no, why not? No. The ADU will be a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties. Construction, materials, colors, and textures will be in keeping with those of the surrounding properties and will complement those of the primary dwelling on the property. Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards? If no, why not? No. The ADU will be a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties. There will be only a single occupant of the ADU, the property owner's mother. Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on historic, scenic and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic re sources? If no, why not? No. The ADU will be a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties. There will be only a single occupant of the ADU, the property owner's mother. Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian fac ilities? If no, why not? No. The ADU will be a residential use of the property, the same as all of the surrounding properties. There will be only a single occupant of the ADU, the property owner's mother. Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including a variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality? If no, why not? No. The ADU will complement the primary dwelling on the property and the surrounding residences. The primary dwelling on the property is one of the smallest in the area. The addition of the ADU, and updating of the facade on the primary dwelling to match the ADU, will improve the appearance of the subject property and its "fit" with surrounding properties. Will the proposed use avo ids significant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent and surrounding lands regarding refuse collection, service delivery, parking and loading, signs, lighting, and other sire elements? If no, why not? No. The ADU will be a small residence for a single occupant. There will be no impact on surrounding properties. 2019110 Page 4 of7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Conditional Use I ADU Demonstrate that the conditional use and associated sile plan have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. The ADU will be a small residence for a single occupant that will not adversely impact adjacent or surrounding uses or properties. If the proposed conditional use is a residential use, whether the elementary, middle and high schools (K-12) that will be initially assigned to the residential project by the School District at the time the city commission considers final approval of the conditional use have both sufficienl capacity, are in close proximity to the project so as to make each of the assigned schools accessible and convenient (e.g., walking di stance, travel time, private and public transportation, and quality of route environment) to the majority of the school population that will be drawn from the project, and promote and support the integration of future residents of the project into the existing city of Winter Springs community in a sustainable manner. The ADU will be a small residence for a single occupant that will not adversely affect surrounding schools. Has the applicant agreed to a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the City Commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code? Yes NIA No _N_tA __ List all witnesses that the applicant intends to present to the City Commission to provide testimony: Presently, the property owner and owner's mother (the intended ADU occupant) Describe with specificity any evidence which the applicant intends to present to the City Commission, including oral factual testimony, maps, photographs, records or reports and/or expert testimony: Site plan, elevation, floor plan, maps of surrounding area, photos and oral factual testimony regarding the existing structure and property and intended structure placement and use Attach all documentary evidence which the applicant intends to present to the city commi ssion to the back of this application. The Applicant has a continuing duty to update the list of witnesses, description of evidence, and documentary evidence throughout the application process. Additional witnesses or evid ence will not be admitted at the city commission hearing if not submitted at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing_ 2019/10 Page 5 of7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Conditional Use I ADV REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (PDF): A complete Application and Fee ($500.00*) A general description of the relief sought under this division A brief explanation, with applicable supporting competent substantial evidence and documents, as to why the application satisfies the relevant criteri a set forth in th is division A Legal Description accompanied by a certified survey or the p01tion of the map maintained by the Seminole County Property Appraiser reflectin g the boundaries of the subject property (To scale). Site plan illustrating location of buildings, vehicular circulation, and onsite parking Floor plan of ADU with dimensions Building elevations (color) illustrating both primary residence and ADU from all sides Tdenti fication of materials, textures, & colors on both primary residence and ADU Verification OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (Jf Applicable); An Excel mailing list with the names and addresses of each property owner within 500 ft. of each property line, along with the HOA Associations within 1/2 mile of each property line. An acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood. An acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than 20,000 square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood. For al I new commercial development and new residential subd ivisions of ten (10) or more lots or existing commercial bu ildings being altered by 50 percent or greater of the orig inal floor plan or seating capacity and requiring a modified site plan, or development agreements process under section 20-28.l of the City Code, or as otherwise deemed applicable by the city to relevantly and competently examine an application for compliance with the city code and the affect and impact the proposed use will have on neighborhood and surrounding properties, applicants shall be required to submit with the following additional information referenced in Chapter 20 -Zoning Sec.20.29 Applications (7) -(11). * Fees are as shown above plus actual costs incurred for advertising or notification, and for reimbursement for technical and/or professional services which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the c ity's consultant), payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. 2019/10 Page 6 of7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP ARTME T 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 cuslomerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Conditional Use I ADU CITY LIMITED RIGHT OF ENTRY: By submitting this Application you hereby grant temporary right of entry for City Officials to enter upon the subject property for purposes of evaluating this Application and posting on the subject property. APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZATION: I desire to make Application for a Conditional Use for the aforementioned project and have read and agree to the terms contained herein. In addition, if the Applicant is a corporate entity, the undersigned hereby represents and warrants that he/she is authorized to act on behalf of, and bind, the corporate entity. Date: 1/zCz /fJ Applicant Name (Print): NM~ S. FNU\OiA. ApplicantSignature: ;r1~'5:-£ Business Name: -------------------------------- Address: $b'"D by~().,. STATE OF ftxtdCA COUNTY OF S Q~,rc/ o .WWW.- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J(o'f-day of__,,\5 .... o ...... p...,......[_. ____ , 2o_fl_, by NQ..nc~ S, £Cff 01Cl!) who is personally known to me or wbg has produced --===================:aas-s-«id:M:e:1in~tiJ;JfiLCcaiat~iG~R and who did/did not take an oath. Note: The Properly Owner shall sign and have their signatmc notarized below if the Applicant is not the owner of the subject property. ~-.A~~ Property Owner's Name (Print): ---"~"'----""---=-"--..;..,7/~"""""'-~--"'-..._ ______________ _ Property Owner Signature: Date ------- STATEOF~~~COUNTYOF_~~~~~~- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ________ , 20 __ , by who is personally known to me or who has produced ____________ as identification and who did/did not take an oath. _________________ Date:-------------(seal): Notary Public Signature: My Commission expires: ---------------------- 20 l 9/10 Page 7 of7 the subject property. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Conditional Use APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZATION: I desire to make Application for a Conditional Use for the aforementioned project and have read and agree to the terms contained herein. In addition, if the Applicant is a corporate entity, the undersigned hereby represents and warra ts that he/she is authorized to act on behalf of, and bind, the corporate entity. Applicant Name (Print): _..x;...;___,,e......,,.qe--='--~.,,e:::._--'--'....1...-~..::;_-------------- Applicant Signature: --+ir-r~s.,....c...-----------Date:. _________ _ Business Name: ------<~--------------------------- Address: -------------------Parcel ID.:....:------------ STATEOF ____ COUNTYOF _______ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ________ , 20 __ , by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. ------------ ________________ Date:------------(seal): Notaiy Public Signature: ---------------------- My Commission expires: ---------------------- Note: The Property Owner shall si Applicant is n ,, t a have their signature notarized below if the owner of the subjec Property Owner's Name (Print): -t,.DL~~~~..::::::::=---L..-~_1'...::.._.=:;:::-=:___--------- Property Owner Signature: ---~~~:::::::::__ _________ _ Date :J--b ~p ZD t CZ STATEOF =fL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2b day of,_~5$.::::.::::-::...;f:__ ___ , 2011_, by w(' So\rW MC \-\A L-who is personally known to me or who has produced \l Ol~ M2qo ~tao-ha,. '{IJ,-D as identification and who did/did not take an oath. c!),6 5 Af> 2 C?\ 9 t (seal): LJ1!~D~=1 Notary Public Signature: --=--11v7LJ-:~ .... A~~~"':'""~~---""-~::...:-'--~--------~~~=~~~~=~~~ My Commission expires: ___ ..:;.>=--=()'-,.!....M---"-A.-'-"'\-,,,__ I~ ~-.:::fD...:2-=-<...,..._ _______ __,.~,,~~~···· VIK A AM B HAI PATEL \ ,.,. :~~~Notary Public-State of Florida !• •f Commission# GG 336617 ~/., <!:~~ My Commission Expires '11/,f:,,',~•''' May 20, 2023 2019/10 Page 6 of6 Exhibit 3 Variance Application ZP20\C\-oo\1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Variance REQUIRED INFORMATION: Applicant(s): Nancy S. Freeman and W. John McHale Ill Date: 09/27/19 -----------------------~ Mailing address: 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Email: nfreeman@nfreemanlaw.com Phone Number: 407-312-4532 Property Owner(s): Nancy S. Freeman and W . John McHale Ill Mailing Address: 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Email: nfreeman@nfreemanlaw.com Phone Number: 407-312-4532 Project Name: ADU Property Address: 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Parcel ID(s): 13-21-30-SCX-0000-2190 Parcel Size: 1.4 acres Existing Use: Residential Future Land Use: Rural residential Zoning District: PUD Community Workshop Date: ---------------------------- variance that is being requested? 1. ADU area over 800 square feet, 2. separate driveway What special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculi ar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district? 1. The very large size of the lot relative to size of the existing dwelling. The combined impervious area for both ADU and primary dwelling will be only 9% of the lot area. 2. The location of the existing dwelling and driveway near the west lot line. If ADU were located to use existing driveway, it would crowd the west side lot line and require removing 10 large oak trees. Are these special conditions and circumstances the result of actions by the applicant or applicant's predecessor? How will a literal interpretation of this chapter would work an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning di strict under the terms of this chapter and other applicable building and land development codes of the city? 1. ADU would be smaller than the lot can easily support in keeping with surrounding properties. Deed restriction 2019110 Pagel ofS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservicc@winterspringsfl.org Application -Variance will address any concerns over future lot split request. 2. To use the existing driveway, the ADU would have to be located on the west side of existing house. That would require removing 10 large oak trees and crowding the west lot line. Will granting the variance, confer any special privilege that is denied to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district? No. Residential use will be the same as all surrounding properties. Is the variance, as requested, the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure? Yes. 1. Area 880 sq ft is minimal variance, 10% of ordinance maximum area (800 sq ft). That is still a small house, clearly subordinate to primary house, creating only 9% impervious coverage, less square footage than surrounding properties. 2. A driveway on Morgan St. will not affect surrounding properties and will avoid crowding neighbors to west and losing 1 O trees. How is the variance in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning district? 1. Residential use maintained. Adding the ADU and updating the primary house facade will improve the subject property in keeping with surrounding properties. 2. Driveway will allow use of open space for ADU, preserve trees and not crowd neighbors to west. Will granting the variance be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? No. There will be a single resident of the ADU. A driveway for one person onto Morgan St. will not affect traffic. The ADU will not block any view or otherwise impact anyone's use of surrounding properties or roads. Has the applicant agreed to a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the City Commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code? Yes~ No _NJ_A_ List all witnesses that the applicant intends to present to the City Commission to provide testimony: Presently, property owners and owner's mother (the intended ADU resident) Describe with specificity any evidence which the applicant intends to present to the City Commission, including oral factual testimony, maps, photographs, records or reports and/or expert testimony: Site plan, floor plan, elevations, maps of surrounding area, photos and oral factual testimony regarding the existing structure and property and intended structure placement and use 2019/10 Page J ofS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ll 26 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Variance Attach all documentary evidence which the applicant intends to present to the city commission to the back of this application. The Applicant has a continuing duty to update the list of witnesses, description of evidence, and documentary evidence throughout the application process. Additional witnesses or evidence will not be admitted at the city commission hearing if not submitted at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing_ REQUTRED DOCUMENTATION (PDF): A complete Application and Fee ($500.00*) A proposed site plan and building elevations. A Legal Description accompanied by a certified survey or the portion of the map maintained by the Seminole County Property Appraiser reflecting the boundaries of the subject property (To scale). A map showing adjacent streets, FLU Designations, Zoning Districts on adjacent properties. An Excel mailing list with the names and addresses of each property owner within 500 ft. of each property line, along with the HOA Associations within l/2 mile of each property line. * Fees are as shown above plus actual costs incurred for advertising or notification, and for reimbursement for technical and/or professional services which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the city's consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. 2019110 Page 4 ofS • I r CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Variance CITY LIMITED RIGHT OF ENTRY: By submitting this Application you hereby grant temporary right of entry for City Officials to enter upon the subject property for purposes of evaluating this Application and posting on the subject property. APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZATION: I desire to make Application for a Variance for the aforementioned project and have read and agree to the terms contained herein. In addition, if the Applicant is a corporate entity, the undersigned hereby represents and warrants that he/she is authorized to act on behalf of, and bind, the corporate entity. Applicant Name (Print): ~· r~""- Applicant Signature: ~ ~ Business Name: -------------------------------~ Address: 'f~ Oy~ ])_c. Parcel ID: STATEOF fL COUNTY OF Som \Galo The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 'J(: day of So.pi , , 2019_, by Norr>../ 5 . £CeeUPvn who is personally known to me Gf-_w.......,hoo.L._ __ ha .... s.__-t<l2roduced I s-ideffiifieation and who did/did not take an oath. Note: The Property Owner shall sign and ha ve their signature notarized below if the Applicant is not the owner of the subject property. Property Owner's Name (Print): 5 '4"Ce a..s ~ ~ ~ Date Property Owner Signature: ------------------------- STATEOF ___ COUNTYOF _______ _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of _______ _, 20_, by who is personally known to me or who has produced ____________ as identification and who did/did not take an oath. ________________ Date:------------(seal): Notary Public Signature: ---------------------- My Commission expires: ---------------------- 2019/10 Page S ofS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application -Variance CITY LIMITED RIGHT OF ENTRY: By submitting th is Application you hereby grant temporary right of entry for City Officials to enter upon the subject property for purposes of evaluating this Application and posting on the subject property. APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZATION: I desire to make Application for a Variance for the aforementioned project and have read and agree to the terms contained herein. In addition, if the Applicant is a corporate entity, the undersigned hereby represents and warrants that he/she is authorized to act on behalf of, and bind, the corporate entity. Appl~antNameWrinQ: ______ ~----~--~---------------~ Applicant Signature: ------------------Date: _________ _ Busi ness Name: -------------------------------- Address: Parcel ID: ------------------~ ~------------ STATEOF~~-COUNTYOF~~~~~~~- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ________ , 20 __ , by who is personally known to me or who has produced ____________ as identification and who did/did not take an oath. ________________ Date:------------(seal): Notary Public Signature: ---------------------- My Commission expires: ---------------------- Note: The Property Owner sh al I sign and I their signature notarized below if the 1 r of the subject prope1ty. Property Owner's Name (Print): ___..u.c... _ __,,<--,.oo<rr-.,.....=----:.----------------- Property Owner Signature: ----~~~.:::;;_ _________ _ STATEOF rL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 9 b day of S € P ~. ·:sot\f\J MC. \-\AL.. who is personally known to me or who , 20J1, by Fotr f\I\ zqo-&to-64~ 3d•v as identification and who did/did not take an oath. has produced '2 v\ (seal): Notary Public Signature: __ __.:._...r.....:~::::::::::::::=~~~:::=-+----------r:~~~~~~~~~~~ ''""'111 VIKRAMBHAI PATEL My Commission expires: ---'-"c-=.-'--.>.>....>.-=t-----1,-""""....o.::::::::o""'-----------~ ~~~-;;Notary Public-State of Florida ~. •f Commission# GG 336617 ;..\~ ~~~ My Commission Expires '11111':,:,\•"' Mey 20, 2023 2019/10 Pages of5 Exhibit 4 Amended Variance Application Exhibit 5 Plans (Survey, Elevations, Floor Plans, Photos)   Primary Residence Front      Primary Residence Rear      Primary Residence (Morgan Street)               Proposed Location of ADU on Morgan Street       Proposed Location of ADU on Morgan Street     Proposed Location of ADU on Morgan Street     View of Rear of Primary Residence off of Morgan Street       Proposed Location of ADU on Morgan Street   Q 13'-10" x 10'-4" 12'-0" x 21'-0" Q 17'-8" x 14'-4" 14'-4" x 5'-4" 10'-0" x 5'-4" 11'-0" x 10'-4" 11'-4" x 10'-4" 6'-0" x 12'-4" ROOF VENTS REQUIREDFIBER GLASS INSULATION TO BEUSED PER ENERGY CALCULATIONSROOF VENTS REQUIREDFIBER GLASS INSULATION TO BEUSED PER ENERGY CALCULATIONS ROOF VENTS REQUIREDFIBER GLASS INSULATION TO BEUSED PER ENERGY CALCULATIONS Exhibit 6 Sketch of Location of Trees by City of Winter Springs Exhibit 7 Declaration of Restriction Declaration of Restrictions Accessory Dwelling Unit Page 1 of 3 Prepared by and return to: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708     DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS (“Declaration”) is made this day of , 2020 , by Nancy S. Freeman and W. John McHale III, whose address is 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida, 32708 (“Owner”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner is the present owner of certain real property located in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, more particularly and legally described herein in Paragraph 2 (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Owner and/or persons acting on behalf of Owner proposed to construct an accessory dwelling unit on the Property; and WHEREAS, Section 6-85, Accessory Dwelling Units, Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, conditions the issuance of a building permit for construction of an accessory dwelling unit (hereinafter, “ADU”) as provided herein; and NOW THEREFORE, Owner hereby declares that the Property described herein is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants set forth herein as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The Property. The real property subject to the terms of this Declaration is legally described as follows: Lot 219, Winter Springs Unit 3, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 89-90 of the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida. 3. Restrictive Covenants. Owner hereby agrees that the Property shall be subject to and bound by the following restrictive covenants: (a) The ADU shall not be sold or conveyed separate from the principal residence. (b) The ADU is restricted to the size approved by the City. (c) The use permit for the ADU shall be in effect only so long as either the principal residence or the ADU is occupied by the owner of record as their principal residence. (d) The ADU shall not be used for commercial purposes other than being leased for residential purposes. Declaration of Restrictions Accessory Dwelling Unit Page 2 of 3 Prepared by and return to: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708     4. Third Party Beneficiary. Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs has imposed certain conditions upon its approval of the ADU, and that Owner has voluntarily entered into this Declaration to memorialize the conditions of approval as covenants running with the land. Further, Owner hereby designates the City of Winter Springs as a third party beneficiary to this Declaration and as such, the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Declaration in the event the Owner, or any assignee or successor in interest of Owner, fails to adequately maintain the restrictive covenants set forth herein to the satisfaction of the City. 5. Termination; Amendment. Owner agrees that this Declaration shall not be terminated or amended without the express written consent of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, except that this Declaration shall automatically lapse upon removal of the ADU. Said termination or amendment shall be in recordable form and recorded in the same manner as provided in Section 8 herein. 6. Declaration Runs with the Land. This Declaration shall be a covenant that runs with the land and shall bind and inure to the benefit of heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each present and future owner of the real property described herein. 7. Noncompliance with Declaration. Failure to comply with this Declaration may be cause for code enforcement and/or revocation of the conditional use permit. 8. Recordation. Owner shall record this instrument in a timely fashion in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida, and may re-record it at any time as may be required to preserve the restrictive covenants contained herein. (Signature Page Follows) Declaration of Restrictions Accessory Dwelling Unit Page 3 of 3 Prepared by and return to: City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708     DONE AND EXECUTED on the date first written above. OWNER: Nancy S. Freeman STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Day of , 2020, by Nancy S. Freeman, an individual [ ] who is/are personally known to me, or [ ] who have produced as identification. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission expires: OWNER: W. John McHale III STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Day of , 2020, by W. John McHale III, an individual [ ] who is/are personally known to me, or [ ] who have produced as identification. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission expires: Exhibit 8 Public Input To: Planning and Zoning members and City Commissioners,    My Name Is Bob Ruebusch and Phyllis Ruebusch is my wife. We live at 930 Dyson Drive and have lived here since  1992. In 2000 we renovated our house at a significant cost and are proud of our home and love our  neighborhood. When we renovated and added on we adhered to all the codes and covenants and asked for no  special treatment. We chose to live on Dyson Drive in Winter Springs for good reason; the huge lots, well‐kept,  uniquely styled homes, and natural beauty.  It was open, lush, we could breathe, and it was only minutes from  most services needed.  It’s been a great home for 28 years.    Our lot is about 1.75 acres a natural habitat for wildlife to enjoy.  It offers privacy, peace and quiet. We have  plenty of space for our grandchildren to come and play and to have friends over to just enjoy the space without  being confined.  What I’m describing are the unique characteristics of Winter Springs Unit 3 and what makes it so exclusive.  One  can find new subs where the ground was scraped bare, and then houses built practically on top of each other, but  I’ve yet to find another treasure like our neighborhood.  Is it any surprise that our home values continue to rise  despite an abundance of new home inventory for sale?    We know about ADUs firsthand because we planned one for Phyllis’ sister who is now 86, but before we decided  to act we evaluated the benefits vs the downsides and decided against it. Our plan was to construct it according  to the codes and covenants, one driveway and within the allowable square footage One downside is ”what do you  do when the person you build it for passes away?”.  Maybe rent is the financially good thing to do rather than  have an empty building, but this is not what our neighborhood is. We believe that in‐law accommodations should  be provided for within the building code – no doubt.      So, each time approval is given for an ADU with significant variances, it’s an attack on those unique  characteristics, that exclusivity and the home values we enjoy. Having been a Certified  General Contractor for  over 30 years and Phyllis a Real Estate Agent for the same we have seen the impact of variances first hand.  Buyers, and existing homeowners, want to be confidant when they buy in a single‐family development that it will  remain single family, and true to character, so they don’t have to worry about what might be built next door.   There’s an adage, “You don’t buy the house, you buy the neighborhood.”  If this project is permitted, then no one  can predict the future of this neighborhood because anything could be built anywhere! We like ADUs, but we also  like following rules, and based on that view, the 900 Dyson proposal of adding a second driveway and garage and  a footprint that exceeds the allowable square foot requirement does not work in our neighborhood.  We wish the applicants well in solving their problem but ask the planning and zoning board to decide in all our  best interests.  Specifically, we don’t like that it’s detached and calls for a second driveway and we wonder what  the intended use of this second residence will be over time – rental, subdivided and sold?  It doesn’t comply with  Chapter Six, section 6‐85 in any way, and what about compliance with current zoning?      Therefore, we respectfully request that you deny approval for this proposal in its current form.  Thank you for your attention to our concerns.    Robert & Phyllis Ruebusch  930 Dyson Drive Winter Springs Fl    1 Marla Molina From:Spenser Kisby <skisby@cfl.rr.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:53 AM To:Ted Johnson; Marla Molina Cc:kmccann@winterspringsfl.org; kmah@winterspringsfl.org; mferrante@winterspringsfl.org; bphillips@winterspringsfl.org; jevans@winterspringsfl.org Subject:900 Dyson Drive ADU Proposal EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Dear Sir or Madam,  We chose to live on Dyson Drive in Winter Springs for good reason; the huge lots, well‐kept, uniquely styled homes, and  natural beauty.  It was open, lush, we could breathe, and it was only minutes from most services needed.  It’s been a  great home for 23 years.    Our lot is 1.67 acres and about 60% woods – a natural habitat for wildlife to enjoy too.  It offers privacy, peace and quiet,  and it’s a great buffer against high winds – hurricanes.  We’re surrounded by trees, but no wind‐driven debris has ever  hit the house, pool screen, or damaged the roof, despite intense storms over the years.  We love our wooded paradise!  What I’m describing are the unique characteristics of Winter Springs Unit 3 and what makes it so exclusive.  One can find  new subs where the ground was scraped bare, and then houses built practically on top of each other, but I’ve yet to find  another treasure like our neighborhood.  Is it any surprise that our home values continue to rise despite an abundance  of new home inventory for sale?  A quick Google search showed 199 nearby communities with homes priced in the  $250,000 range to over $1,000,000: See at this link: https://www.newhomesource.com/communities/fl/orlando‐ area/seminole‐county   We know about ADUs firsthand because we planned one for our mom/mom‐in‐law, but before we could act, the need  went away.  We believe that in‐law accommodations should be provided for within the building code – no doubt.      Even so, each time approval is given for an ADU with significant variances, it’s an attack on those unique characteristics,  that exclusivity and the home values we enjoy.  In our opinion, other additions to existing homes can have the same  negative effect, particularly if they have a commercial look to them, rather than residential, and bear little resemblance  to the existing primary residence.     Buyers, and existing homeowners, want to be confidant when they buy in a single‐family development that it will remain  single family, and true to character, so they don’t have to worry about what might be built next door.   There’s an adage, “You don’t buy the house, you buy the neighborhood.”  If this project is permitted, then no one can  predict the future of this neighborhood because anything could be built anywhere! Who would buy under those  uncertain conditions?  We like ADUs, but we also like following rules, and based on that view, the 900 Dyson proposal  has little merit.    We wish the applicants well in solving their problem but ask the planning and zoning board to decide in all our best  interests.  Specifically, we don’t like that it’s detached and calls for a second driveway and we wonder what the intended  use of this second residence will be over time – rental, subdivided and sold?  It doesn’t comply with Chapter Six, section  6‐85 in any way, and what about compliance with current zoning?      2 Therefore, we respectfully request that you deny approval for this proposal in its current form.  Thank you for your attention to our concerns.    Spenser & Cynthia Kisby  855 Dyson Drive  Winter Springs, Florida 32708    1 Marla Molina From:Peter Brennan <pbrennan53@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 28, 2020 3:28 PM To:Ted Johnson; Marla Molina Cc:skisby@cfl.rr.com; kmccann@winterspringsfl.org; kmah@winterspringsfl.org; mferrante@winterspringsfl.org; bphillips@winterspringsfl.org; jevans@winterspringsfl.org; Cathy Brennan Subject:Conditional use permit 900 Dyson Dr., Feb. 5, 2020 Plannings and Zoning Board Agenda EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Good afternoon. My name is Peter J. Brennan. My wife Catherine and I have owned our home at 601 S. Pinto Ct., Winter Springs, FL for 30 years this month. A long standing Wednesday evening commitment conflicts with the meeting on February 5 so I am sending this email to go on the record. We moved to Tuskawilla Estates because we loved the large lots, unique individual home designs, the, then developing, local amenities and the planned school expansions. Our property and all the properties in the community are zoned for single family residential homes. For the most part those homes have been well maintained and have supported the privacy and life style we enjoyed as we raised our family. Now we have come to the stage in life where the grand kids like to come over in run in a big yard. My understanding of the proposed variance at 900 Dyson Drive is that a second complete, if smaller, dwelling unit is proposed on this property with its own driveway on to Morgan St. I don't know why the property owners want to build such a structure. It could be for family members or it could be for an income producing Airbnb type short term rental or it could be for future subdivision and resale. Regardless of their plans and intentions, future owners may not share them and could implement any use for the structure. If the owner's are building the property for elderly family or some such use I find the intention laudable but not at the expense of the property values and use and enjoyment of other property owners in the community. The lot in question is large enough to add on to the existing structure for a family apartment if that is the reason for the variance. Granting this variance, despite avoiding various Code requirements, sets a bad precedent in this community. Our lot is 2.2 acres and the rear boundary is S. Citrus Ave. There is plenty of room in my back yard to build an entire house. What's to keep me or a future owner from making a variance request if separate dwelling units are permitted on existing properties by this variance? Before we lived in Tuskawilla I used to drive out here to get meat at Hi Flavor Meats, it was where the new Pulte Subdivision is being constructed on Tuscawilla Rd., and was a long way on two lane roads from my then home in Orlando. I remember driving into the development and checking out the developer's advertising as homes were being built. There were to be bridle trails, boat docks, community pools, etc. etc. Well, some of that never happened but it Tuskawilla was 2 marketed as "The Last of the Great Splendors" I don't know if it ever lived up to that billing but it was and is a very nice, clean, SINGLE FAMILY neighborhood and we want to keep it that way. I ask that you deny the requested variance. Peter J. Brennan 1 John W. Cooper From:lnadrowski@cfl.rr.com Sent:Tuesday, January 7, 2020 1:45 PM To:John Cooper Subject:RE: Freeman requested variance on Dyson drive EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] John    Thank you for your help and information  Could you provide me with the link to the ordinance of what is allowed for my future reference?  Thanks again    Larry Nadrowski      From: John Cooper <jcooper@winterspringsfl.org>   Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 11:41 AM  To: 'lnadrowski@cfl.rr.com' <lnadrowski@cfl.rr.com>  Subject: FW: Freeman requested variance on Dyson drive    Mr. Nadrowski,      As discussed, I have attached the application for the variance for 900 Dyson Drive.    Please note that this item is not on the agenda for January 8 and is pending for February 5ths hearing.    Thanks,    John    John Cooper City Planner P: (407)327-5977 F: A: Winter Springs, Florida 32708 From: <lnadrowski@cfl.rr.com>   Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 4:02 PM  2 To: Marla Molina <mmolina@winterspringsfl.org>  Cc: 'Connie Greenspon Nadrowski, CFP' <connie@finfreedom.com>; 'Spenser Kisby' <skisby@cfl.rr.com>; 'Cynthia kisby'  <cynthiakisby@gmail.com>  Subject: Freeman requested variance on Dyson drive    EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Marla    We are in receipt of your notice regarding the freeman requested variance – see attached PDF file  I have also see a blank copy of the following form for conditional use  https://www.winterspringsfl.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community_development/page/2711/20 191001_application_‐_conditional_use_adu.pdf    Please send a copy of the completed application for conditional use for the freeman requested variance to this  email  lnadrowski@cfl.rr.com     Thank you    Lawrence J Nadrowski  915 Dyson Drive  Winter Springs Fl 32708  407 310 7315      Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you.  1 Marla Molina From:Spenser Kisby <skisby@cfl.rr.com> Sent:Tuesday, January 7, 2020 4:50 PM To:Marla Molina Subject:Request for Variance 900 Dyson Drive EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Dear Ms. Molina,    I have received the notice sent re: a request to consider a Conditional Use Permit and Variances for an Accessory  Dwelling Unit located at 900 Dyson drive, Winter springs, Florida, 32708, Parcel ID # 13‐21‐30‐5CX‐0000‐2190.    There was no indication in your notice of the nature of the variances being requested, and that’s what I want.  Can you  please send any forms submitted or any other information you have that will help me understand the Freeman request  and variances.       I am a 23 year resident at 855 Dyson drive, just down the street from the proposed project, and I want to be totally  informed about what’s going on there, in an effort to try and evaluate how it might affect my affairs and interests in this  neighborhood going forward.     Thank you for your attention to my request.    Best regards,    Spenser Kisby  855 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida 32708  Mobile: 407‐461‐9112     1 Marla Molina From:Jason & Danielle Young <djnoles92@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, December 30, 2019 10:26 AM To:Marla Molina Subject:[BULK] Letter re: 900 Dyson Drive Importance:Low EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Good morning, Last week I received a letter from you regarding a resident near my home that wants to build an "accessory dwelling". I was hoping you could tell me what the dwelling is and where on their property they are wanting to build it. Thank you, Danielle Young 614 Morgan Street TITLE Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant - Final Engineering Review and Aesthetic Review SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider Aesthetic Review, Final Engineering Plans, multiple Waiver requests, and the Development Agreement for a 2,183 square foot (SF) Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant, a permitted use within the Town Center. General Information Applicant Inflnity Engineering Group, LLC Property Owner(s) JDBS Winter Springs, LLC (JDBS) Location 1218 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Tract Size ±.59 Acres Parcel ID Number 06-21-31-507-0000-0020 Zoning Designation Town Center (T-C) | T5 Transect | Urban Center Zone FLUM Designation Town Center District Adjacent Land Use North: Town Center District East: Town Center District South: Town Center District West: Town Center District Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane: 0 ft.-8 ft. max (from front property line) Rear: 3 ft. (from rear property line) Side: 0 ft. min, 24 ft. max. (from side property line) Frontage buildout: 80% min. (at front setback) Development Standards Lot Width: 18 ft. min., 180 ft. max. Lot Depth: 30 ft. min., 160 ft. max. Lot Coverage: 100% max. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2020 | REGULAR MEETING P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 2 O F 17 Development Permits Not applicable | Vacant Development Agreement Development Agreement | Pending Code Enforcement Not applicable City Liens Not applicable Aesthetic Review Plans: Pursuant to Section 9-603, which sets forth guidelines and minimum standards for Aesthetic Review packages, staff has utilized the below criteria in Section 9-603 to determine the following. The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustration all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 3 O F 17 Aesthetic Review 1. The plans and speciflcations of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The proposed project consists of one two-story restaurant building (faux second-story) that provides a drive-thru lane and service window. The building has a tan, sand flnish stucco façade, as well as cedar wood composite siding on covered patio the sides of the building. The building utilizes a neutral color scheme and various yet highly compatible materials. The neutral color scheme, chosen materials, and proposed landscaping make the design harmonious with the surrounding Town Center developments. 2. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. The proposed project is designed to signiflcantly contribute to the architectural styles that are in line with previously approved and future commercial developments within the Winter Springs Town Center. The proposed building represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs, and is a high-quality, unique design that is harmonious with its surroundings and will add value to the proposed location. 3. The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within flve hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: a. Front or side elevations; b. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 4 O F 17 c. Other signiflcant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The front of the building which faces SR 434, features the “Wendy’s” trademark logo in a graphic format afflxed to the faux second-story, including a covered outdoor patio and seating area which leads to an entrance/exit to the building, the design features pre-flnished decorative metals and cedar wood composite siding on covered patio the sides of the building. The front also showcases glass windows from the ground fioor to the top of the roof line. The building incorporates a tan sand flnish stucco façade. The east side of the building, which will face Eagle Edge Lane, features the drive-thru area, which is screened by a six foot (6) landscape buffer. This side of the building features, the Wendy’s trademark logo in white, a view of the outdoor patio, a strip of glass windows from the ground to the top of the building, and stucco decorated textured walls with earth tone colors. The rear of the building, which will face Sea Hawk Cove, features a “Wendy’s” sign in text, and another “Drive-Thru” directional sign, menu and intercom system for ordering food. A parking lot drive-thru lane encompasses the north, east and south sides of the building. The west (vacant) side of the building features a parking lot, the drive-thru pickup windows, the Wendy’s trademark logo in white text, a view of the outdoor patio, lighting features, stucco decorated walls with texture and earth tone colors. The features listed above are compatible with existing buildings within 500 ft. of the proposed fast food restaurant. 4. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or signiflcantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural speciflcations and design features deemed signiflcant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the surrounding area. The design incorporates architectural features that are both modern and more traditional to serve as a transition between the Blake and the Town Center shopping. The City of Winter Springs is comprised of diverse architectural styles. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 5 O F 17 5. The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center guidelines, SR 434 design speciflcations) and other applicable federal, state or local laws. The proposed building is designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are typical of the surrounding area. This project represents enhanced landscaping, security guard rails, expression line to delineate the division between the flrst story the faux second story reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete with stucco for consistently and compatibly within Town Center. 6. The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite-resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The proposed project is designed to contribute significantly to the quality architectural styles that are typical of the Winter Springs Town Center and the surrounding area. The proposed building represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs, and is a high-quality, unique design that is harmonious with its surroundings and will add value to the proposed location. Waiver Requirement Section 20-34. – Waivers. (a) Any real property owner may flle a waiver application requesting a waiver for their real property from any term and condition of this chapter (except from the list of permitted, conditional and prohibited uses set forth in any zoning district category). (b) The Planning and Zoning Board shall be required to review all waiver applications and make a written recommendation to the City Commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the Board’s recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable waiver criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Board’s recommendation, the City Commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the City Commission determines that the Planning and Zoning Board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the City Commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation. (d) All waiver recommendations and flnal decisions shall comply with the following criteria: P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 6 O F 17 Waiver criteria set forth in Subsection 20-34(d) are as follows: 1. The applicant clearly demonstrates that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development. 2. The proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with this chapter and in compliance with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed development plan will signiflcantly enhance the real property. 4. The proposed development plan serves the public health, safety, and welfare. 5. The waiver will not diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 6. The waiver granted is the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term or condition under this chapter. 7. The proposed development plan is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood. 8. Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. The applicant requests that the Planning and Zoning Board consider the nine (9) waiver requests below: Waivers Request/Justification 1. The applicant requests a waiver to increase the front setback from S.R. 434, maximum to approximately ±54.6 feet, in lieu of a maximum of 8 feet. Justiflcation: This waiver necessary based on the inclusion of a number of enhancements in front of the building, including an outdoor patio dining area, landscaping, and an access lane that functions as a frontage road for Wendy’s and the adjacent commercial lot to the east. Imposing the 8’ maximum setback would create an illogical or unreasonable result because the feature corner building could not otherwise be achieved. This waiver request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building on that corner without compromising the drive thru lane and pedestrian safety. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 7 O F 17 City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane- 0 ft.—8 ft. max (from front property line) 2. The applicant requests a waiver from the required minimum of zero (0)-foot and maximum of twenty-four-foot (24)-foot maximum side principle plane setback for the building with a side principle plane setback of ±91.44 feet from the western property line. Justiflcation: This waiver request is due lot size, location, and intended use of proposed structure need for on-site parking and pedestrian connections. City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. Lot Design Guidelines Table. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Principle building setbacks (from property line) Side - 0 ft. min, 24 ft. max. (from side property line) 3. The applicant requests a waiver to reduce the 80% frontage buildout at the front setback required in the T5 transect to approximately ±25 percent frontage. Justiflcation: This Waiver request is necessary that it would be highly impractical for a small stand-alone fast food restaurant building on a ±.59-acre lot to achieve an 80% frontage buildout at the front setback, while still providing adequate parking, access, landscaping, and pedestrian facilities. To offset the frontage buildout reduction, the site includes enhanced landscaping, and a 6-foot wide sidewalk along the S.R. 434 frontage. City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. Lot Design Guidelines Table. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Frontage buildout - 80% min. (at front setback) 4. The applicant requests a waiver to locate the drive-thru service window on the west side of the building rather than the rear of the building. Justiflcation: Since the drive-thru lane is not to the rear of the building and will be visible from S.R. 434, intensifled landscaping shall be provided between the drive- thru lane, which effectively blocks the view of vehicles in the drive-thru lane from the surrounding streets and sidewalks. Adjacent parking is proposed along the area adjacent to the two (2) drive-thru windows. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 8 O F 17 City Code: Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 6. Drive-throughs. Drive-through service windows are only permitted in the rear in and alley accessed locations provided they do not substantially disrupt pedestrian activity or surrounding uses. 5. The applicant requests a waiver to allow 10 parking spaces between landscaping islands in lieu of requiring landscaping islands every six (6) parking spaces. Justiflcation: This waiver request is due small lot size and the need for adequate parking on site. City Code: Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 8. f. Parking lot landscaping requirements. 6. The applicant requests a Waiver to reduce the off-street parking lot setback from S.R. 434 from a required minimum setback of 50-feet to approximately 40-feet. Justiflcation: Based on the relatively small sized lot and location of the off-street parking, plus the inclusion of landscaping along the S.R. 434 frontage, it is impossible to meet the minimum setback and to provide adequate screening of the off- street parking lot and provide key pedestrian connections. City Code: Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 8c. Off-street surface parking lot placement. Off-street surface parking lots shall be set back a minimum of flfty (50) feet from the property line along the main street to accommodate liner buildings. 7. The applicant requests a waiver for Commercial Area: (A) 6’ sidewalk in lieu of a 12’ sidewalk and (B) Greenspace to maintain 12’ planting area (green space) in lieu of 15’ greenspace. Justiflcation: There is not enough room on the site and adjacent to the right-of-way to construct a side walk larger than 6’ wide. The design is in harmony with current and proposed developments located on S.R. 434. City Code: Sec. 20-325 Transect T5 (Urban Center Zone) (c) Thoroughfare standards. (3) SR 434 Street Edge P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 9 O F 17 8. The applicant requests a waiver for Commercial Area: (A) To not provide a sidewalk along Sea Hawk Cove in lieu of a 6’ sidewalk, (B) Not to provide 6’ optional greenspace, and to not include on-street parallel parking on Sea Hawk Cove. Justiflcation There are storm inlets, above ground meters, and a required dumpster enclosure on the site. There is insufflcient space on the site to construct a 6 ft. wide sidewalk and the current thoroughfare (Sea Hawk Cove) is privately owned. The greenspace is not required, it is optional. City Code Sec. 20-325 Transect T5 (Urban Center Zone) (c) Thoroughfare standards. (4) Town Center Street 9. The applicant requests a waiver to include a permanent menu board sign and internal lighting. At this time, only temporary menu board signs are permitted subject to the restrictions and uniform design standards set forth in this Town Center Code. The Town Center Code requires that signs shall be externally lit. The menu board sign requires internal lighting. Justiflcation A waiver is required to construct a menu sign and internal lighting for the operation of the Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant. City Code Sec. 20-325 Transect T5 (Urban Center Zone) Sec. 20-327.1. - Signs. (a) In evaluation of the above eight (8) proposed waiver requests, the applicant has satisfled the eight (8) speciflc criteria as required. The setbacks, frontage buildout, and signage waivers are consistent with the surrounding developments and will be compatible and harmonious with the surrounding area. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Home Rule Powers Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Town Center District Code City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 10 O F 17 Background Data JDBS Winter Springs, LLC (The Ocean Bleu Group) is proposing to construct a Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant in the Winter Springs Town Center. The proposed 2,183 SF one two-story (faux second-story) building is located on a ±.59-acre parcel on the north side of S.R. 434, east of Tuskawilla Road, west of Michael Blake Boulevard, and directly in front of The Blake Apartments. The Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant includes; a drive-thru pickup window, 28 indoor and 20 outdoor seating areas, on-site and on-street parking, bicycle parking, pedestrian access, enhanced landscaping, 6-ft. wide sidewalks, and a decorative aesthetic design package to both the building and surrounding site improvements. Final Engineering Plans Criteria, Sec. 20-33.1: (a) Site and flnal engineering plans and the subdivision of land shall also be subject to the technical requirements set forth in Chapter 9 of the City Code. It is the intent of this section to apply to applications for site and flnal engineering plans and to any subdivision of land requiring a plat, if applicable, and does not include review and approval of a lot split application. Please see discussion below regarding technical requirements of Chapter 9. The Final Engineering Plans have been reviewed by the City’s contract engineer, concluding that the Plans satisfy the technical requirements provided the conditions of approval set forth below are met. (b) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, the planning and zoning board shall be required to review all site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board's recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board's recommendation, the city commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board's recommendation. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 11 O F 17 (d) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, all site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision recommendations and flnal decisions shall be based on whether the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land complies with all the technical requirements set forth in chapter 9 of the City Code and the following criteria to the extent applicable: (1) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land, including its proposed density, height, scale and intensity, hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, parking and trafflc- generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the plan, and other off-site impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. The proposed scale and intensity of the structure as depicted in the Final Engineering Plans requires waivers as listed above in the Staff Report, in order to be consistent with previously approved developments along the SR 434. The proposed daily hours of operation are as follows; the drive-thru will be open from 6:30 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. and the dining room will be open from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Impacts related to noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions are anticipated to be negligible given the nature of the project. Parking and transportation are addressed thoroughly below. A fast food restaurant is a permitted use within the Town Center, T5 Transect. The development is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. (2) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the site and flnal engineering plan requested. The site shall be of sufflcient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, safe and convenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 12 O F 17 The size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate the proposed development. The development will be accessed from Sea Hawk Cove. The single access has been reviewed by Seminole County Fire and has been approved. The existing and future Town Center street network provides multiple options for residents to reach their desired destinations. The internal circulation plan consists of public streets and a private road for access to the fast food restaurant. The on-site improvements include landscaping buffers, landscape screening for the trash receptacle, bicycle parking, and pedestrian paths to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. (3) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental flscal impact, employment, and property values. The fast food restaurant is a permitted use in the T5 Transect of the Town Center and is not expected to have an adverse impact on the local economy. The proposed use is and expected to generate 30 to 35 new direct jobs, within the fast food restaurant, and 30 to 35 indirect jobs, such as landscapers, construction workers, etc., during the construction of the building. The restaurant will also provide ad valorem taxes to the City of Winter Springs. (4) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and fiood hazards. The applicant contracted with ECS Capital Services, PLLC and the report did not identify adverse impacts on the natural environment, as the site is vacant, graded and currently maintained. (5) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. It is not anticipated that the Final Engineering Plans will have an adverse impact on any historic or cultural resources, including views and vistas. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 13 O F 17 (6) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, flre, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. See below for discussion regarding impact on public services. (7) Whether the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land, and related trafflc report and plan provided by the applicant, details safe and efflcient means of ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood and adequately addresses the impact of projected trafflc on the immediate neighborhood, trafflc circulation pattern for the neighborhood, and trafflc fiow through immediate intersections and arterials. See below for discussion regarding impact on regarding trafflc circulation. (8) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. The proposed development is not anticipated to have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, as the proposed use is a fast food restaurant. (9) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land avoids signiflcant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent and surrounding lands regarding refuse collection, service delivery, parking and loading, signs, lighting, and other sire elements. It is not anticipated that the proposed commercial development will emit odors, glares, or vibrations that will adversely impact adjacent property. They have provided an adequate refuse enclosure. (10) Whether the applicant has provided an acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment to be located on the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood, if applicable. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 14 O F 17 The ground-fioor along the building frontage includes a semi-transparent storefront with windows covering no less than flfty (50) percent of the wall area. The fast food restaurant faces SR 434, which includes doors or entrances with public access for the safety and security needs of the establishment, its users, and employees to minimize potential security impacts. (11) Whether the applicant has provided on the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land an acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood, if applicable. Not applicable. (12) Whether the applicant has demonstrated that the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. The Final Engineering Plans, in conjunction with the Development Agreement, address adverse impacts. Primarily, the Development Agreement and Plans include enhanced tree landscaping along SR 434 to and ensure the passage of open space to the City. (13) Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. The binding Development Agreement is attached hereto as an Exhibit. Stormwater The site’s stormwater is master planned into The Blake Apartments master stormwater pond, which is located east of the Cross Seminole Trail. The pond is complete and it complies with the applicable St. Johns River Water Management District and the City of Winter Springs permit requirements. Water and Sewer Wendy’s will connect to City of Winter Springs water and sewer facilities along Sea Hawk Cove. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 15 O F 17 Transportation/Traffic Analysis Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant will be accessed to and from the site from a driveway connection located on Sea Hawk Cove. Sea Hawk Cove is accessible from Michael Blake Boulevard and Eagle Edge Lane. Trafflc Planning and Design, Inc. prepared a Trafflc Impact Analysis for the subject property. The trip generation of the proposed development was calculated with the use of trip generation rates obtained from the 10th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. The proposed development is projected to generate 158 new net daily trips, of which 87 will occur in the A.M. peak hour and 71 will occur in the P.M. peak hour. Adequate Level of Service (LOS) at all roadway segments will continue at all segments. Intersections to continue to operate at acceptable LOS. The results of the intersection capacity analysis indicate that the all study intersections operate at satisfactory overall Levels of Service except for southbound approach at the intersection of SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road. Michael Blake Boulevard will increase LOS with signalization. The proposed Wendy’s is 2,183 square feet which is consistent with the trip generation calculations presented in the trafflc analysis and therefore the results of the trafflc analysis remain consistent with the proposed development. The proposed projected trafflc is consistent and comparable with the approved Starbucks development located east of the subject property. Parking A parking lot is located on the west side of the building. Developments within the Town Center do not have a speciflc parking ratio requirement. However, this development had been designed to meet the City’s parking Code outside of the Town Center which is 1.0 spaces per 100 SF, Land Development Code Section 9- 277(26). In addition, a drive-thru lane encompasses the north, east and south sides of the building, and site has seventeen (17) on-site, flve (5) on-street parking spaces, and two (2) handicap spaces, for a total of 24 parking spaces. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 16 O F 17 Fiscal Impact: Development of the subject property as a Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant is anticipated to provide an increase to the City’s taxable value, as well as provide a catalyst for future commercial development in the surrounding area. Impact Fees/Unit > Based on total SF (square footage), GFA (gross fioor area) unless noted otherwise – Non-Residential. Wendy’s ~2,183 SF (Fast Food Restaurant w/ Drive-thru) Commercial Transportation/Road: $ 19,216.00/1,000 SF GFA = $ 41,948.53 Fire: $ 320.00/1,000 net SF = $ 698.56 Police: $ 0.156 per SF = $ 340.55 Parks & Recreation: N/A City Impact Fees (Wendy’s) Total = $ 42,987.64 Reports The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property. Reports March 2019 Trafflc Impact Analysis April 23, 2019 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment March 7, 2019 Parking Analysis September 2019 Tree Affldavit September 2019 Economic Impact September 2019 Parking Study September 2019 Water Management Permit Submittal 2019 Piping Sizing Calculations P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 1 | W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 2 0 | P A G E 17 O F 17 Procedural History: March 8, 2019 Combined Preliminary/Final Site Plan | Application Submittal | Under Review April 23, 2019 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment May 7, 2019 Aesthetic Review Application September 16, 2019 Waiver Application December 12, 2019 Waiver Application - Revised December 17, 2019 Community Workshop Meeting January 8, 2020 Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency | Continued Final Development Plan Approval: The City Commission may approve Final Engineering Plans separately and prior to approval of the flnal plat as provided in Section 9-74 of the City Code. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the Aesthetic Review, Final Engineering Plans, multiple Waivers from the Town Center Code, and the Development Agreement for a 2,183 SF Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant. Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map Project Site 1218 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Parcel ID 06-21-31-507-0000-0020 SUBJECT PROPERTY Exhibit 2 Aesthetic Review Plans     B.O. CANOPY COLLECTOR BOX & DOWNSPOUT PREFINISHED TO MATCH PEX-12. DOWNSPOUT CONNECTED TO STORM WATER SYSTEM. REFER TO 12/A4.4 FOR ATTACHMENT DETAILS. 9' - 4" 1FRONT ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" 3REAR DRIVE-THRU ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB 22' - 3" T.O. PARAPET M-7 E-7 M-1 SF-1 M-5 BL-1 EQ EQ 8"3'-0"2'-0"4'-4"CL CLCL 4WIRING HOLE PLACEMENT DIAGRAM 1/2" = 1'-0" M-1 M-4 M-7 SF-1 M-5 BL-1 E-8 E-7 B.O. CANOPY T.O. CONC. SLAB T.O. BLOCK BLADE BEYOND 22' - 0" VINYL/ PVC CONTROL JOINT, TYP. PRE-MANUFACTURED CANOPY. 9' - 4" 0" LADDER RECEIVER W/ SAFETY GATE. REFER TO DETAIL 1/A4.4 ROOF LINE WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE TYP. SERVICE DOOR, REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE. PAINT PEX-1. USED COOKING OIL SYSTEM AND ENCLOSURE. PRE-FINISHED PEX-1 BY VENDOR. REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS. 2REAR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A3.2 4 A3.3 2 A3.2 VINYL/ PVC CONTROL JOINT, TYP. KW-1 PRE-MANUFACTURED CANOPY. 1 A3.2 3 A3.4 1 A3.5 2 A3.24 A2.1 EQ EQ CL 8"M-4 E-9 M-7 PEX-11 SF-1 M-3 E-3 COL-1 0" T.O. GLAZING ROOF LINE. WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP. 25' - 0" 22' - 3" 11' - 6" T.O. BLADE FRAMING T.O. PARAPET T.O. CONC. SLAB FLUSH MOUNT WENDY'S SIGNAGE TO BE PROVIDED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. VINYL/ PVC CONTROL JOINT, TYP. PRE-MANUFACTURED CANOPY SURFACE-MOUNT SPEAKER, CENTER ON DOOR. STREET NUMBER TO BE LOCATED PER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 6" HIGH NON-REFLECTIVE NUMERALS, U.N.O. M-5 LED UPLIGHT, REFER TO ELECTRICAL 6'-3"6'-3"T.O. TOWER FRAMING 22' - 0" B.O. CANOPY 9' - 4" M-5 PEX-11 COLUMNS & DOWNSPOUTS KW-1 PARGE COAT (GREY) AT ALL EXPOSED CMU, TYP. M-5 B.O. GLAZING 14' - 2" T.O. GLAZING 19' - 8"6'-3"T.O. DINING PARAPET 20' - 8" M-4 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-9 E-8 E-8 EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE PUW PICK-UP WINDOW TO MATCH STOREFRONT E-2 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "WENDY'S RED" E-7 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "DARK GREY" E-8 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "TAN" KW-1 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "LIGHT OAK" PEX-6 PRE-FINISHED WALK-IN FREEZER / COOLER DARK BRONZE (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-3 PRE-FINISHED DARK BRONZE SIGN CABINETS (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-1 PAINT - DARK BRONZE (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) SF-1 STOREFRONT - "DARK BRONZE" M-1 PARAPET CAP/ BRAKE METAL - "DARK BRONZE" M-3 EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "BRIGHT RED" EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "SILVER METALLIC"M-4 M-5 BRAKE METAL- "CLEAR ANODIZED" M-7 EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "CUSTOM DARK GREY" KW-2 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "KNIGHTS ARMOUR" KW-3 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "BRITE RED MATT" BL-1 BOLLARD SLEEVE - "YELLOW" PEX-10 PAINT / POWDER COAT - BLACK (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-12 PAINT- DARK GREY (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) E-9 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "HOMESTEAD BROWN" COL-1 PAINTED STEEL COLUMN E-7 SEAL DESCRIPTIONDATEREV. ISSUE DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER SITE NUMBER: BASE MODEL: OWNER: BASE VERSION: DRAWING RELEASE: PROJECT YEAR: ASSET TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: UPGRADE CLASSIFICATION: FURNITURE PACKAGE: PROJECT TYPE:HartleyPurdy0QTVJ*KOGU#XGPWG6CORC(NQTKFC2JÄ(CZÄ9GD5KVGYYYJCTVNG[RWTF[EQOC COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDHARTLEY+PURDY ARCHITECTURE, INC. AA-0003276 NEW 2018 2019 NEW BUILD 2018 NEW FRANCHISEE 12660 MICHAEL MUROFF 10.04.19 1801.19 MM MM EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.1 AR 92344 2019 1LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" 2RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE PUW PICK-UP WINDOW TO MATCH STOREFRONT E-2 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "WENDY'S RED" E-7 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "DARK GREY" E-8 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "TAN" KW-1 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "LIGHT OAK" PEX-6 PRE-FINISHED WALK-IN FREEZER / COOLER DARK BRONZE (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-3 PRE-FINISHED DARK BRONZE SIGN CABINETS (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-1 PAINT - DARK BRONZE (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) SF-1 STOREFRONT - "DARK BRONZE" M-1 PARAPET CAP/ BRAKE METAL - "DARK BRONZE" M-3 EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "BRIGHT RED" EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "SILVER METALLIC"M-4 M-5 BRAKE METAL- "CLEAR ANODIZED" M-7 EXCEPTIONAL METALS - "CUSTOM DARK GREY" KW-2 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "KNIGHTS ARMOUR" KW-3 KNOTWOOD PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM SIDING MATERIAL "BRITE RED MATT" BL-1 BOLLARD SLEEVE - "YELLOW" PEX-10 PAINT / POWDER COAT - BLACK (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) PEX-12 PAINT- DARK GREY (SEE PAINT SCHEDULE) FLUSH-MOUNT WENDY'S SIGNAGE (WHITE LETTERS) PROVIDED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED.E-2 3 A3.3 2 A3.3 1 A3.3 2 A3.5 T.O. BLADE FRAMING 25' - 0" T.O. GLAZING 11' - 6" WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP. LED UPLIGHT, REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS M-5 E-8 M-4 VINY/ PVC CONTROL JOINT, TYP. FLUSH-MOUNT WENDY'S SIGNAGE (WHITE LETTERS) PROVIDED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. C/T CABINET & ELECTRIC METER BEHIND CMU SCREEN WALL, PEX-1 WALL HYDRANT, REF. PLUMBING SHEETS. EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ2'-6"11'-6", TYP.EQ 2'-0" 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB ROOF LINE BEYOND LADDER RECEIVER W/ SAFETY GATE, PAINT PEX-10. REFER TO DETAIL 1/A4.4 22' - 0" T.O. BLOCK M-4 E-8 USED COOKING OIL SYSTEM AND ENCLOSURE. PRE-FINISHED BY VENDOR PEX-1. REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS. M-5 PEX-11 KW-1 COLUMNS & DOWNSPOUTS PEX-11 COLUMNS/ DOWNSPOUTS (PATIO ONLY) 1 A3.1 SF-1 2 A3.1 KW-1 WALL HYDRANT, REF. PLUMBING SHEETS. 0" T.O. GLAZING FLUSH-MOUNT WENDY'S SIGNAGE PROVIDED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 25' - 0" 11' - 6" T.O. BLADE FRAMING T.O. CONC. SLAB WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE PRE-MANUFACTURED CANOPY VINYL/ PVC CONTROL JOINT, TYP. ROOF LINE COLLECTOR BOX & DOWNSPOUT PREFINISHED TO MATCH PEX-12 (TYP.) DOWNSPOUT CONNECTED TO STORM WATER SYSTEM. REFER TO 12/A4.4 FOR ATTACHMENT DETAIL. FLUSH-MOUNT WENDY'S SIGNAGE (WHITE LETTERS) PROVIDED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE M-1 M-3 E-2 M-5 M-7 E-8 M-4 M-6 BL-1 BL-1 E-8 E-7 E-7 M-4 "THANK YOU" SIGN BY SIGN SUPPLIER PRE-MANUFACTURED CANOPY. 5 A3.3 1 A3.1 1 A3.4 2 A3.1 2 A3.4 2 A3.5 M-1 T.O. BLOCK B.O. CANOPY 10' - 0" 22' - 0" USED COOKING OIL SYSTEM AND ENCLOSURE. PRE-FINISHED BY VENDOR PEX-1. REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS. 1 A3.4 EQ 11'-6", TYP.EQ6'-2" CL EQEQ 1'-8"EQ EQ 7'-4"11'-6"LED UPLIGHT, REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS B.O. LVL 8' - 10" M-5 KW-1 PEX-11 COLUMNS & DOWNSPOUTS KW-1 M-5 M-5 6'-2 3/4"6'-3"12 A4.2 6'-2 3/4"6'-3"SF-1 PARGE COAT (GREY) AT ALL EXPOSED CMU, TYP. B.O. GLAZING 14' - 2" T.O. GLAZING 19' - 8" B.O. GLAZING 14' - 2" T.O. GLAZING 19' - 8" 2'-6 1/2" EQ EQ T.O. DINING PARAPET 20' - 8" T.O. DINING PARAPET 20' - 8" E-9 E-8 6'-8"E-9 E-9 COL-1 E-9 CEMENTITIOUS FINISH - "HOMESTEAD BROWN" COL-1 PAINTED STEEL COLUMN SEAL DESCRIPTIONDATEREV. ISSUE DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER SITE NUMBER: BASE MODEL: OWNER: BASE VERSION: DRAWING RELEASE: PROJECT YEAR: ASSET TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: UPGRADE CLASSIFICATION: FURNITURE PACKAGE: PROJECT TYPE:HartleyPurdy0QTVJ*KOGU#XGPWG6CORC(NQTKFC2JÄ(CZÄ9GD5KVGYYYJCTVNG[RWTF[EQOC COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDHARTLEY+PURDY ARCHITECTURE, INC. AA-0003276 NEW 2018 2019 NEW BUILD 2018 NEW FRANCHISEE 12660 MICHAEL MUROFF 10.04.19 1801.19 MM MM EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.2 AR 92344 2019 NSS#: 90013444 WM 25 4200 Lyman Court Hilliard Ohio, 43026 800.544.6726 614.850.2540 sales@natsignsys.com MONUMENT MATERIALS & SPECS Cabinet - 12” deep extruded aluminum with 2” aluminum retainers Face - (2) 1” deep thermoformed .177” acrylic with ” deep embossed copy 3 ground pole at 5’ - ” long Actual: 29.56 | Nearest Rectangle: 40.29 PMS 439c - outline 6’ - 6” Grade 1’ - 7” 1’ - ” 3’ - 0” 3’ - 8” 7’ - 7” 1’ - 7” 3’ - 0” NSS#: 90013696 WM 40 4200 Lyman Court Hilliard Ohio, 43026 800.544.6726 614.850.2540 sales@natsignsys.com MONUMENT MATERIALS & SPECS Cabinet - 12” deep extruded aluminum with 2” aluminum retainers Face - (2) 1” deep thermoformed .177” acrylic with ” deep embossed copy 4 ground pole at 5’ - 1” long Actual: 47 | Nearest Rectangle: 56.47 PMS 439c - outline 6’ - 6” 1’ - 7” 1’ - ” 8’ - 9” 10’ - 4” 3’ - 8” 2’ - 8” 1’ - 7” Grade 9’ - ” 7’ - 2”4’ - 2” 4200 Lyman Court Hilliard Ohio, 43026 800.544.6726 614.850.2540 sales@natsignsys.com EXTERIOR SIGNAGE NSS#: 90012910 RM5200 MATERIALS & SPECS Actual: 55.88 *Total electrical load: 6.72 amps. Requires (1) 20 amp circuit @ 120V/60Hz (all components UL listed) Cover doors - locking side hinged doors and scratch/mar resistant faces 1’ - 8” rev 6/17 Optional removable metal blackout liner available if breakfast is not being served. Will not warp or fade. NSS#: 90012164 1SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0"2SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0"3SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" A.SEAL EXTERIOR WALL AND ROOF PENETRATIONS AND JOINTS BETWEEN DISSIMILAR MATERIALS TO ENSURE A COMPLETELY WEATHER-TIGHT SEAL. SEALANT LOCATIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO : LIGHT FIXTURE MOUNTS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, FASCIA EDGES, SIGNAGE MOUNTS, CONDUIT PENETRATIONS, SCUPPERS, ELECTRICAL OUTLETS, HOSE BIBS, AND UTILITY SERVICE ENTRANCES. REFER TO JOINT TREATMENT SCHEDULE. B.PROVIDE CONTINUOUS WEATHER BARRIER BEHIND ALL EXTERIOR FINISHES. UTILIZE COMMERCIAL GRADE BUILDING WRAP. UTILIZE FLUID APPLIED WEATHER BARRIER AT METAL SIDING, AND EIFS. LAP & TAPE ALL SEAMS. LAP OVER ALL FLASHING. COORDINATE TRANSITIONS PER MFR'S RECOMMENDATIONS. APPROVED ALTERNATE: PROVIDE FLUID APPLIED OR SELF ADHERING WEATHER BARRIER BEHIND ALL EXTERIOR FINISHES. C.EXTERIOR SIDEWALKS AND PAVING ARE SHOWN FOR DESIGN INTENT ONLY. G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING SCOPE OF WORK WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR CIVIL DRAWINGS. D.GRADES SHALL BE 2" MIN. BELOW FLOOR SLAB AND SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING @ 5% SLOPE EXCEPT @ PEDESTRIAN PATHS WHICH SHALL BE SLOPED AWAY FROM BUILDING @ 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. AND 1/4" PER FOOT MAX. E.REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLAN AND DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL FRAMING REQUIREMENTS. F.VAPOR RETARDER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONTINUOUS SHEETS FROM FLOOR TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK. ALL SEAMS AND PENETRATIONS SHALL BE SEALED PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTION. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS CLASS 1 OR CLASS 2 VAPOR RETARDER ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF THE WALL FRAMING AND BEHIND APPLIED WALL FINISH SHEATHING IN ASHRAE ZONES MARINE 4 AND 5 THROUGH 8. LAP AND TAPE ALL SEAMS TO ACHIEVE CONTINUOUS COVERAGE OVER THE ENTIRE UNFENESTRATED BUILDING ENVELOPE. G.INSULATION AND VAPOR RETARDER IN EXPOSED AREAS TO HAVE A FLAME SPREAD OF 25 AND A SMOKE DEVELOPMENT OF 450 OR BETTER. SECTION GENERAL NOTES FINISH CEILING, REF. TO REFLECTED CEILNG PLAN 1X4 WOOD TRIM, PAINTED. REF. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD 2X4 FRAMING @ 16" O.C. 1X4 WOOD TRIM, PAINTED. REF. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS TILE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. BASE, REF TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. FLOOR FINISH, REF. TO FINISH PLAN. 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS. BASE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. TILE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. 1/2" CEMENT BOARD 2X4 FRAMING @16" O.C. 2X4 WOOD BLOCKING TILE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. FINISH CEILING, REF. TO REFLECTED CEILNG PLAN FINISH CEILING, REF. TO REFLECTED CEILNG PLAN 4SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" 2X4 FRAMING @16" O.C. CL SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF TAPERED INSULATION RIGID ROOF INSULATION, REF. INSULATION SCHEDULE STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. 2X8 FRAMING REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. DOWNSPOUT. CONNECT TO UNDERGROUND STORM SYSTEM. STEEL COLUMN - REFER TO STRUCT. DWGS. SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF ROOF DRAIN, ZURN Z180 4-1/2" DIAMETER CORNICE DRAIN WOOD BEAM REFER TO STRUCTURAL. PRE-FINISHED TWO-PIECE METAL COMPRESSION EDGE WITH DRIP EDGE LVL, REF. STRUCTRUAL SHEETS. STRUCTURAL SHEATHING, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS. BRAKE METAL, M-5 2X P.T. WOOD SILL PLATE OVER SILL SEALER. REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR ANCHORING REQUIREMENT. 5SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" 6SECTION DETAIL 1-1/2" = 1'-0" 6 A3.4 CONCRETE FOOTING, REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS KNOT WOOD 2 PIECE ALUMINUM BATTENS- FASTEN TO COLUMN W/ #10 1"-1/4" SELF TAPPING GALVANIZED DIPPED SCREW. CAP ALL OPEN ENDS. DOWNSPOUT BOOT TO TIE INTO STORM SYSTEM, REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS STEEL COLUMN/BEAM - REFER TO STRUCT. DWGS STEEL COLUMN - REFER TO STRUCT. DWGS. DOWNSPOUT. SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF STRUCTURAL SHEETS GRADE 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB B.O. LVL 8' - 10" 1'-214" 1'-0"214" 9" 5 A4.1 6 A4.1 11 A4.1 METAL FLASHING W/ DRIP 1" INSULATED GLASS IN ALUMINUM STOREFRONT FRAME, REF. WINDOW SCHEDULE CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF STRUCTURAL SHEETS CONCRETE CURB, REF. TO CIVIL SHEETS CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF STRUCTURAL SHEETS FLOOR FINISH, REF. TO FINISH PLAN. BASE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. FINISH CEILING, REF. TO REFLECTED CEILING PLANS LEDGER & HANGER, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. I-JOIST, REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. RIGID ROOF INSULATION, REF. INSULATION SCHEDULE P.T. WOOD BLOCKING, FULL DEPTH OF INSULATION. SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD ON R-4.3 AL-FOIL INSULATION ON 1x FURRING ON 8" CMU, TYP., SEE FINISH SCHEDULE AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR FINISH OPP. SIM. JOIST BEARING (BOH) 11' - 6" T.0. CMU 22' - 0" REF. STRUCTURAL 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB CONCRETE FOOTING, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS 8" CMU - GROUT SOLID WHERE INDICATED ON STRUCTURAL, REF. TO STRUCTURAL 12 A4.1 5 A4.1 13 A4.1 SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF RIGID ROOF INSULATION, REF. INSULATION SCHEDULE 1 1/2" METAL STUDS ON 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD ON R-4.3 AL-FOIL INSULATION ON 1x FURRING ON 8" CMU MINERAL WOOL INSULATION. REFER TO INSULATION SCHEDULE. 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD. WALL FINISH, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. FLOOR FINISH, REF. TO FINISH PLAN. CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF STRUCTURAL SHEETS OPP. SIM. 0" JOIST BEARING T.O. CONC. SLAB 22' - 0" 11' - 7" T.O. CMU REF. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOOTING, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS P.T. WOOD BLOCKING, FULL DEPTH OF INSULATION. I-JOIST, REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF 10 A4.1 9 A4.1 WEATHER BARRIER SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE ROOF RIGID ROOF INSULATION, REF. INSULATION SCHEDULE I-JOIST, REFER TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. TILE, REF. TO FINISH PLAN & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. VAPOR RETARDER FLOOR FINISH, REF. TO FINISH PLAN. CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, REF STRUCTURAL SHEETS MOUNTED WENDY'S SIGNAGE TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. STRUCTURAL SHEATHING, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS. LEDGER & HANGER, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. CONCRETE FOOTING, REF. STRUCTURAL SHEETS REF. STRUCTURAL 25' - 0" T.O. BLADE FRAMING ALTERNATE BLADE LIGHTING 1/2" CEMENT BOARD 1X4 WOOD TRIM, PAINTED. REF. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1X4 WOOD TRIM, PAINTED. REF. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 0" T.O. CONC. SLAB 2x8 FRAMING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. 8 A4.4 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD ON R-4.3 AL-FOIL INSULATION ON 1x FURRING ON 8" CMU, TYP., SEE FINISH SCHEDULE AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR FINISH CEMENTITIOUS FINISH OVER 8" CMU CEMENTITIOUS FINISH OVER 8" CMU CEMENTITIOUS FINISH OVER 8" CMU LEDGER & HANGER, REF. TO STRUCTURAL SHEETS. WEATHER BARRIER CEMENTITIOUS FINISH, REF. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. CEMENTITIOUS FINISH, REF. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. BATT INSULATION, REF. INSULATION SCHEDULE 22' - 3" T.O. PARAPET 22' - 3" T.O. PARAPET MOUNTED WENDY'S SIGNAGE TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY SIGN SUPPLIER. PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. B.O.HEADER 11' - 6" 13'-0" T.O. DECORATIVE BAND SEAL DESCRIPTIONDATEREV. ISSUE DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER SITE NUMBER: BASE MODEL: OWNER: BASE VERSION: DRAWING RELEASE: PROJECT YEAR: ASSET TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: UPGRADE CLASSIFICATION: FURNITURE PACKAGE: PROJECT TYPE:HartleyPurdy0QTVJ*KOGU#XGPWG6CORC(NQTKFC2JÄ(CZÄ9GD5KVGYYYJCTVNG[RWTF[EQOC COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDHARTLEY+PURDY ARCHITECTURE, INC. AA-0003276 NEW 2018 2019 NEW BUILD 2018 NEW FRANCHISEE 12660 MICHAEL MUROFF 10.04.19 1801.19 MM MM WALL SECTIONS A3.4 AR 92344 2019 Exhibit 3 Final Engineering Plans AERIAL MAPPROPERTY OWNER:JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLC10931 N DALE MABRY HIGHWAYTAMPA, FLORIDA 33618-4112PH: (813) 760-2621EMAIL:BSCHULTZ@OCEANBLEUGROUP.COMSURVEYORS:ACCURIGHT SURVEYS OF ORLANDO INC.2012 E ROBINSON STREETORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803PH: (407) 894-6314EMAIL:ACCU@ACCURIGHTSURVEYS.NETARCHITECT:HARTLEY + PURDY ARCHITECTURE, INC.1711 N. HIMES AVE.TAMPA, FL 33607PH: (813) 353-0035CONTACT: MICHAEL MUROFFCIVIL ENGINEER:INFINITY ENGINEERING GROUP, LLC1208 EAST KENNEDY BOULEVARDSUITE 230TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602PH: (813) 434-4770CONTACT: NISIT SAPPARKHAOPROPERTY DEVELOPER:JAE RESTAURANT GROUP LLC1100 PARK CENTRAL BOULEVARD #3300POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33064PH: (561) 997-6002 EXT. 131EMAIL: SLUGO@JAERESTGROUP.COMWENDY'S STORE NO. 126601218 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708IEG JOB NO. 135-84.00INFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 27889PROJECT TEAMKnow what's below.Call before you dig.SITEEAGLE EDGE LANESTATE R O A D 43 4 SEA H A W K C O V E VICINITY MAPSITEDRAWING INDEXLOT 2, WSTC OCEAN BLEU, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 84,PAGES 37-38 , PUBLIC RECORDS OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDALEGAL DESCRIPTION 1DETAILSDETAILSPHOTOMETRIC PLANIRRIGATION DETAILSIRRIGATION PLANLANDSCAPE DETAILSLANDSCAPE PLANSWPPP GENERAL REQUIREMENTSEROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILSUTILITY PLANGRADING PLANSITE PLANDEMOLITION PLANCIVIL SPECIFICATIONSCOVER SHEETSHEET TITLEC12.02C12.01PH01.01IR-02IR-01LP-02LP-01C06.01C05.01C04.01C03.01C02.01C01.01C00.01CS00.01SHEET NO.BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY1 OF 1DETAILSC12.03PARCEL ID: 06-21-31-507-0000-0020SECTION: 6, TOWNSHIP: 21 S, RANGE: 31 ESEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDAANY VARIATION FROM WINTER SPRINGS CITY CODE MINIMUM STANDARDS REPRESENTED ONTHIS PLAN THAT HAVE NOT BEEN EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION AREINVALID.NOTEFINAL ENGINEERING PLANS FOR:3Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:48:19 -05'00' 08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204GENERAL NOTE1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE EXECUTED AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ANYREVISIONS AND/OR DEVIATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OFRECORD AND MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL PERMITTING EFFORTS THROUGH THERELATED PERMITTING AGENCY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE THATREVISIONS AND/OR DEVIATIONS MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL PERMITTINGREQUIREMENTS AND POSSIBLY AFFECT SCHEDULING OF WORK.2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS, OR WITHIN THE PROJECTSPECIFICATIONS, ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BE INACCORDANCE WITH DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS OF THEPERMITTING AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION; THE LOCALLY ADOPTED BUILDINGCODE; AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE CODES AND ORDINANCES.3. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THECONTRACTOR IS TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND SECURE ALL PERMITS ANDINSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.4. THIS PARCEL OF LAND MAY BE SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL RECORDED (ANDPOSSIBLY UNRECORDED) EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND COVENANTS.5. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALLUTILITY COMPANIES FOR VERIFICATION OF UTILITIES WITHIN THE LIMITS OFCONSTRUCTION. CALL AREA ONE CALL SYSTEM 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANYEXCAVATION.6. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OFCONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEERIN A TIMELY MANNER.7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO PROTECTEXISTING PERMANENT SURVEY MONUMENTS AND BENCHMARKS FROMDISTURBANCE. SURVEY MONUMENTS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BEREPLACED AND ADJUSTED VIA A LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATEFOR WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WORK EFFORTS WITH THE OWNER TOMINIMIZE TRAFFIC INTERFERENCE AND OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITIES.9. NO BLASTING OR BURNING IS ALLOWED ON THE PROJECT, UNLESS OTHERWISEDIRECTED OR NOTED BY THE ENGINEER.10. IT IS NOT EXPECTED THAT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE ENCOUNTERED.HOWEVER IF MATERIALS SUSPECTED OF CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIALSARE ENCOUNTERED, DO NOT DISTURB; IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER ANDOWNER. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE REMOVED BY OWNER UNDER ASEPARATE CONTRACT.REGULATORY STANDARDS ANDREQUIREMENTS1. COMPLY WITH HAULING AND DISPOSAL REGULATIONS OF AUTHORITIES HAVINGJURISDICTION.2. COMPLY WITH ANSI A10.6, “SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ANDDEMOLITION.”3. COMPLY WITH NFPA 241, “SAFEGUARDING CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION ANDDEMOLITION OPERATIONS.”DEMOLITION AND CLEARING1. DEMOLITION AND CLEARING OPERATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLEREGULATIONS RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS DISPOSAL OFDEBRIS, BURNING OF DEBRIS ON SITE, AND USE OF HERBICIDES.2. DEMOLITION WASTE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A LEGAL MANNER. REMOVEDDEMOLITION WASTE MATERIALS FROM PROJECT SITE AND DISPOSE OF WASTEIN AN EPA-APPROVED LANDFILL ACCEPTABLE TO AUTHORITIES HAVINGJURISDICTION. DO NOT BURY OR BURN DEMOLITION WASTE ON-SITE.3. HISTORIC ITEMS, RELICS, ANTIQUES, AND SIMILAR OBJECTS, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO CORNERSTONES AND THEIR CONTENTS, COMMEMORATIVEPLAQUES AND TABLETS, AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST OF VALUE TO OWNERTHAT MAY BE UNCOVERED DURING DEMOLITION REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THEOWNER.4. ARRANGE DEMOLITION SCHEDULE SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH OWNER'SON-SITE OPERATIONS OR OPERATIONS OF ADJACENT OCCUPIED BUILDINGS.5. CONDUCT BUILDING DEMOLITION AND DEBRIS REMOVAL OPERATIONS TOENSURE MINIMUM INTERFERENCE WITH ROADS, STREETS, WALKWAYS, ANDOTHER ADJACENT OCCUPIED AND USED FACILITIES. DO NOT CLOSE OROBSTRUCT STREETS, WALKS, WALKWAYS, OR OTHER ADJACENT OCCUPIED ORUSED FACILITIES WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM OWNER AND AUTHORITIESHAVING JURISDICTION.6. AUTHORITY FOR PERFORMING SITE CLEARING INDICATED ON PROPERTYADJOINING OWNER'S PROPERTY MUST BE OBTAINED BY OWNER PRIOR TOCOMMENCEMENT OF CLEARING. DO NOT PROCEED WITH WORK ON ADJOININGPROPERTY UNTIL DIRECTED BY ENGINEER.7. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION OPERATIONS:a. VERIFY THAT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, IF PRESENT, HAVE BEEN REMEDIATED.b. REVIEW PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS OF EXISTING BUILDING AND EXISTINGSITE IMPROVEMENTS.c. INVENTORY AND RECORD THE CONDITION OF ITEMS TO BE REMOVED ANDSALVAGED. TAKE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEO OF PROJECT SITE ANDSURROUNDING PROPERTIES, INCLUDING EXISTING ITEMS TO REMAIN DURINGCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, RECORD CONDITIONS THAT MIGHT BEMISCONSTRUED AS DAMAGE CAUSED BY SALVAGE OPERATIONS.d. CLEAN, PACK, IDENTIFY, AND TRANSPORT SALVAGED ITEMS TO STORAGEAREA DESIGNATED BY OWNER.e. REMOVE REFRIGERANT FROM THE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ACCORDING TO40 CFR 82 AND REGULATIONS OF AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION.f. COORDINATE ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DEMOLISHING ORRELOCATING SITE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ITEMS WITH OWNER ANDOTHER AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION.g. ASSURE THAT ANY REQUIRED INITIAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLMEASURES ARE INSTALLED AND IN WORKING ORDER.h. LOCATE, IDENTIFY, DISCONNECT, AND SEAL OR CAP-OFF EXISTING UTILITIESSERVING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED. CUT ANDREMOVE PIPE OR CONDUIT A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES BELOW GRADE. CAP,VALVE, PLUG AND SEAL REMAINING PORTION OF PIPE OR CONDUIT.i. DO NOT START DEMOLITION WORK UNTIL UTILITY DISCONNECTION ANDSEALING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND VERIFIED IN WRITING.8. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF SITE CLEARING OPERATIONS, VERIFY THEFOLLOWING:a. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE IN PLACEAND IN WORKING ORDER.b. UTILITY LOCATOR SERVICE HAS DETERMINED AND FLAGGED THE LOCATIONOF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES.c. EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND UTILITIES TO REMAIN HAVE BEENPROTECTED.d. BENCHMARKS AND SURVEY CONTROL POINTS HAVE BEEN PROTECTED FROMDISTURBANCE.e. TREES AND VEGETATION TO REMAIN (OR TO BE RELOCATED) HAVE BEENLOCATED AND CLEARLY FLAGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TREE PROTECTIONAND TRIMMING REQUIREMENTS.9. COORDINATE UTILITY DEMOLITION AND ABANDONMENT WITH UTILITY COMPANYOR AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION.10. IN THE EVENT BUILDINGS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE DEMOLITION AREAWILL BE OCCUPIED, CONDUCT SITE DEMOLITION SO OPERATIONS OF OCCUPIEDBUILDINGS WILL NOT BE DISRUPTED. MAINTAIN ACCESS TO AND FROM EXISTINGWALKWAYS, EXITS, AND OTHER FACILITIES USED BY OCCUPANTS OF ADJACENTBUILDINGS.11. PROTECT EXISTING FACILITIES AND ADJACENT WALKWAYS, LOADING DOCKS,BUILDING ENTRIES, AND OTHER BUILDING FACILITIES DURING DEMOLITIONOPERATIONS. MAINTAIN EXITS FROM EXISTING BUILDINGS.12. ERECT TEMPORARY PROTECTION, SUCH AS WALKS, FENCES, RAILINGS,CANOPIES, AND COVERED PASSAGEWAYS, AS NECESSARY, AND AS REQUIREDBY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. REMOVE TEMPORARY BARRIERS ANDPROTECTIONS WHERE HAZARDS NO LONGER EXIST. WHERE OPENEXCAVATIONS OR OTHER HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS REMAIN, LEAVE TEMPORARYBARRIERS AND PROTECTIONS IN PLACE.13. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES FROM DAMAGE DURING DEMOLITION OPERATIONS.MAINTAIN OPERATION OF UTILITY SERVICES TO REMAIN. PROVIDE AT LEAST 72HOURS' NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OF AFFECTED BUILDINGS IF SHUTDOWN OFSERVICE IS REQUIRED.14. IF REMOVAL, RELOCATION, OR ABANDONMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES WILLAFFECT ADJACENT OCCUPIED BUILDINGS, MAINTAIN CONTINUITY OF SERVICE TOADJACENT BUILDINGS BY PROVIDING TEMPORARY UTILITIES THAT BYPASSBUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED. TEMPORARY BYPASSSERVICES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UTILITY COMPANY ORAUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION.15. TEMPORARY SHORING: PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN INTERIOR AND EXTERIORSHORING, BRACING, OR STRUCTURAL SUPPORT TO PRESERVE STABILITY ANDPREVENT UNEXPECTED MOVEMENT OR COLLAPSE OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTSBEING DEMOLISHED. ALL SHORING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY ALICENSED PROFESSIONAL AND INSTALLED PER OSHA REQUIREMENTS.16. DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURAL FRAMING MEMBERS SHALL PROCEEDSYSTEMATICALLY, FROM HIGHER TO LOWER LEVEL. COMPLETE BUILDINGDEMOLITION OPERATIONS ABOVE EACH FLOOR OR TIER BEFORE DISTURBINGSUPPORTING MEMBERS ON THE NEXT LOWER LEVEL. REMOVE DEBRIS FROMELEVATED PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING BY CHUTE, HOIST, OR OTHER DEVICETHAT WILL CONVEY DEBRIS TO GRADE LEVEL IN A CONTROLLED DESCENT.17. CLEAN ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF DUST, DIRT, ANDDEBRIS CAUSED BY BUILDING DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. RETURN ADJACENTAREAS TO CONDITION EXISTING BEFORE BUILDING DEMOLITION OPERATIONSBEGAN.18. CLEARING AND GRUBBING:a. REMOVE OBSTRUCTIONS, TREES, SHRUBS, GRASS, AND OTHER VEGETATIONTO PERMIT INSTALLATION OF NEW CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT REMOVE TREES,SHRUBS, AND OTHER VEGETATION INDICATED TO REMAIN OR TO BERELOCATED.b. CUT MINOR ROOTS AND BRANCHES OF TREES INDICATED TO REMAIN IN ACLEAN AND CAREFUL MANNER AND ONLY WHERE SUCH ROOTS ANDBRANCHES OBSTRUCT INSTALLATION OF NEW CONSTRUCTION.c. CLEAR UNDERGROWTH AND DEADWOOD WITHOUT DISTURBING SUBSOIL.d. GRIND STUMPS AND REMOVE ROOTS, OBSTRUCTIONS, AND DEBRISEXTENDING TO A DEPTH BELOW EXPOSED SUBGRADE AS FOLLOWS:xFOOTINGS, SLABS ON GRADE AND BOTTOM SLABS OF STRUCTURES: 36INCHES.xROADS AND PAVEMENT AREAS: 18 INCHES.x AREAS TO BE GRASSED OR LANDSCAPED: 8 INCHES.x AREAS TO BE FILLED: 12 INCHES.e. USE ONLY HAND METHODS FOR GRUBBING WITHIN TREE PROTECTION ZONES.f. CHIP REMOVED TREE BRANCHES AND DISPOSE OF OFF-SITE.g. UNLESS FURTHER EXCAVATION OF EARTHWORK IS INDICATED, FILLDEPRESSIONS CAUSED BY CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS WITHSATISFACTORY SOIL MATERIAL. PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN HORIZONTAL LAYERSNOT EXCEEDING A LOOSE DEPTH OF 8 INCHES, AND COMPACT EACH LAYERTO A DENSITY EQUAL TO ADJACENT ORIGINAL GROUND.19. TOPSOIL STRIPPING:a. REMOVE SOD AND GRASS BEFORE STRIPPING TOPSOIL.b. STRIP TOPSOIL TO WHATEVER DEPTHS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN A MANNER TOPREVENT INTERMINGLING WITH UNDERLYING SUBSOIL OR OTHER WASTEMATERIALS. REMOVE SUBSOIL AND NON-SOIL MATERIALS FROM TOPSOIL,INCLUDING TRASH, DEBRIS, WEEDS, ROOTS, AND OTHER WASTE MATERIALS.c. STOCKPILE TOPSOIL MATERIALS AWAY FROM EDGE OF EXCAVATIONSWITHOUT INTERMIXING WITH SUBSOIL. GRADE AND SHAPE STOCKPILES TODRAIN SURFACE WATER. COVER TO PREVENT WINDBLOWN DUST. LIMITHEIGHT OF TOPSOIL STOCKPILES TO 72 INCHES. DO NOT STOCKPILE TOPSOILWITHIN TREE PROTECTION ZONES. STOCKPILE SURPLUS TOPSOIL TO ALLOWFOR RESPREADING DEEPER TOPSOIL.20. SITE IMPROVEMENTS:a. REMOVE EXISTING ABOVE- AND BELOW-GRADE IMPROVEMENTS AS INDICATEDAND AS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE NEW CONSTRUCTION. REMOVE SLABS,PAVING, CURBS, GUTTERS, AND AGGREGATE BASE AS INDICATED.b. UNLESS EXISTING FULL-DEPTH JOINTS COINCIDE WITH LINE OF DEMOLITION,NEATLY SAW-CUT LENGTH OF EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN BEFOREREMOVING EXISTING PAVEMENT. SAWCUT ALL FACES VERTICALLY.c. PAINT CUT ENDS OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN CONCRETE TO REMAIN TOPREVENT CORROSION.21. DISPOSAL:a. REMOVE SURPLUS SOIL MATERIAL, UNSUITABLE TOPSOIL, OBSTRUCTIONS,DEMOLISHED MATERIALS, AND WASTE MATERIALS, INCLUDING TRASH ANDDEBRIS, AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF THEM OFF OWNER'S PROPERTY.b. REMOVE AND TRANSPORT DEBRIS AND RUBBISH IN A MANNER THAT WILLPREVENT SPILLAGE ON STREETS OR ADJACENT AREAS. CLEAN UP SPILLAGEFROM STREETS AND ADJACENT AREAS.c. COMPLY WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL HAULING AND DISPOSALREGULATIONS.d. SEPARATE RECYCLABLE MATERIALS PRODUCED DURING SITE CLEARINGFROM OTHER NON-RECYCLABLE STORE OR STOCKPILE WITHOUTINTERMIXING WITH OTHER MATERIALS AND TRANSPORT THEM TO RECYCLINGFACILITIES.TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING1. INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCING AROUND TREE PROTECTION ZONES TO PROTECTTREES AND VEGETATION DESIGNATED TO REMAIN FROM CONSTRUCTIONDAMAGE. MAINTAIN TEMPORARY FENCING AROUND TREE PROTECTION ZONES.AND REMOVE WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE.2. KEEP TREE PROTECTION ZONES FREE OF WEEDS AND TRASH.3. DO NOT STORE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, DEBRIS, OR EXCAVATED MATERIALINSIDE TREE PROTECTION ZONE; OR PERMIT VEHICLES OR FOOT TRAFFICWITHIN TREE PROTECTION ZONE, OR ALLOW FIRES WITHIN TREE PROTECTIONZONE.4. PROTECT TREE ROOT SYSTEMS FROM THE FOLLOWING:a. DAMAGE CAUSED BY RUNOFF OR SPILLAGE OF NOXIOUS MATERIALS WHILEMIXING, PLACING, OR STORING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS;b. DAMAGE CAUSED BY PONDING, ERODING, OR EXCESSIVE WETTING FROMDEWATERING OPERATIONS.5. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, DO NOT EXCAVATE WITHIN TREE PROTECTIONZONES. WHERE EXCAVATION FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION IS UNAVOIDABLE, HANDCLEAR AND EXCAVATE TO MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO ROOT SYSTEMS.6. WHERE UTILITY TRENCHES ARE UNAVOIDABLE WITHIN TREE PROTECTIONZONES, TUNNEL UNDER OR AROUND ROOTS BY DRILLING, AUGER BORING, PIPEJACKING, OR DIGGING BY HAND. DO NOT CUT MAIN LATERAL ROOTS ORTAPROOTS.7. PROMPTLY REPAIR TREES DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WITHIN 24HOURS. TREAT DAMAGED TRUNKS, LIMBS, AND ROOTS ACCORDING TOARBORIST'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS.8. TREE PRUNING: PRUNE TREES ACCORDING TO ANSI A300 (PART 1), 'TREE,SHRUB, AND OTHER WOODY PLANT MAINTENANCE - STANDARD PRACTICES(PRUNING)."EROSION AND SEDIMENTATIONCONTROL1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CLEARING AND EXCAVATION WITHIN AWORK AREA, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BEINSTALLED AND IN WORKING ORDER.2. PERFORM WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE ANDFEDERAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES)PERMIT.3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROL FEATURES TO PREVENT AND CONTROL SEDIMENT-LADEN RUNOFFFROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS AND ENTERING EXISTINGSTORMWATER FACILITIES AND SURFACE WATERS. ADDITIONAL MEASURESBEYOND THOSE SHOWN WITHIN THESE PLANS MAY BE NECESSARY DURINGCONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE MEASURES ANDINSTALLATION OF OTHER SILT TRAPPING MEASURES.4. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO ADJUST THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROLS AS NECESSARY AND AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS: AND ADDADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES AS REQUIRED TO INSURE THE SITE MEETSALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLREQUIREMENTS.5. ALL BEST MANAGEMENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BEINSPECTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAYTO DAY OPERATIONS; OR SOMEONE APPOINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, ATLEAST EVERY OTHER WEEK AND FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT OF 0.5 INCHES ORGREATER.6. ALL BEST MANAGEMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED IN GOODWORKING ORDER; IF A REPAIR IS NECESSARY, IT WILL BE INITIATED WITHIN 24HOURS OF REPORT.EARTHWORK1. IN THE EVENT OF ANY UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS THAT ARE ENCOUNTERED ANDNOT COVERED BY THESE NOTES DURING GRADING OPERATIONS, THE ENGINEERSHALL BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED FOR DIRECTION.2. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM ALL NECESSARYCUTS AND FILLS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT AND RELATED OFF-SITEWORK 50 AS TO ESTABLISH THE DESIRED SUBGRADE, FINISH GRADES ANDSLOPES SPECIFIED WITHIN THE PLANS.3. ADEQUATE SHORING IS TO BE DESIGNED AND PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTORTO PREVENT UNDERMINING OF ANY ADJACENT FEATURES OR FACILITIESAND/OR CAVING OF THE EXCAVATION. ALL SHORING AND ASSOCIATEDTEMPORARY STRUCTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONALAND INSTALLED PURSUANT TO OSHA REQUIREMENTS.SOIL MATERIALS:1. UNSATISFACTORY SOILS CONSIST OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION GROUPS ML, OL, CH,MH, OH, AND PT, OR A COMBINATION OF THESE GROUPS. UNSATISFACTORYSOILS ALSO INCLUDE SATISFACTORY SOILS NOT MAINTAINED WITHIN 3 PERCENTOF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AT TIME OF COMPACTION.2. SATISFACTORY SOILS: ASTM D 2487 SOIL CLASSIFICATION GROUPS ASIDENTIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS, OR A COMBINATION OF THESE GROUPS; FREEOF ROCK OR GRAVEL LARGER THAN 3 INCHES IN ANY DIMENSION, DEBRISWASTE, FROZEN MATERIALS, VEGETATION, AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL. SUBGRADE INSPECTION:1. PROOF-ROLL SUBGRADE BELOW THE BUILDING SLABS AND PAVEMENTS WITHHEAVY PNEUMATIC-TIRED EQUIPMENT TO IDENTIFY SOFT POCKETS AND AREASOF EXCESS YIELDING. DO NOT PROOF-ROLL WET OR SATURATED SUBGRADES.a. COMPLETELY PROOF-ROLL SUBGRADE IN TWO DIRECTIONS, REPEATINGPROOF ROLLING IN DIRECTION PERPENDICULAR TO FIRST DIRECTION. LIMITVEHICLE SPEED TO 3 MPH,b. PROOF-ROLL WITH A LOADED 10-WHEEL, TANDEM-AXLE DUMP TRUCKWEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 15 TONS.c. EXCAVATE SOFT SPOTS, UNSATISFACTORY SOILS. AND AREAS OF EXCESSIVEPUMPING OR RUTTING, AS DETERMINED BY ENGINEER AND REPLACE WITHCOMPACTED BACKFILL OR FILL AS DIRECTED.2. RECONSTRUCT SUBGRADES DAMAGED BY FREEZING TEMPERATURES, FROST,RAIN, ACCUMULATED WATER, OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AS DIRECTED BYENGINEER, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION.BACKFILL:1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE AND COMPACT BACKFILL IN EXCAVATIONSPROMPTLY, BUT NOT BEFORE COMPLETING THE FOLLOWING:a. CONSTRUCTION BELOW FINISH GRADE INCLUDING, WHERE APPLICABLE,SUBDRAINAGE, DAMPPROOFING, WATERPROOFING, AND PERIMETERINSULATION.b. SURVEYING LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES FOR RECORDDRAWINGS.c. TESTING AND INSPECTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES.d. REMOVING CONCRETE FORMWORK.e. REMOVING TRASH AND DEBRIS.f. REMOVING TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING, AND SHEETING.g. INSTALLING PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY HORIZONTAL BRACING ONHORIZONTALLY SUPPORTED WALLS.COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS:1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE BACKFILL AND FILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS NOTMORE THAN 8-INCHES IN LOOSE DEPTH FOR MATERIAL COMPACTED BY HEAVYCOMPACTION EQUIPMENT, AND NOT MORE THAN 4-INCHES IN LOOSE DEPTH FORMATERIAL COMPACTED BY HAND-OPERATED TAMPERS.2. PLACE BACKFILL AND FILL SOIL MATERIALS EVENLY ON ALL SIDES OFSTRUCTURES TO REQUIRED ELEVATIONS, AND UNIFORMLY ALONG THE FULLLENGTH OF EACH STRUCTURE.3. COMPACT SOIL MATERIALS TO NOT LESS THAN THE PLAN SPECIFIEDPERCENTAGES OF MAXIMUM DRY UNIT WEIGHT ACCORDING TO ASTM D 698 ORASTM D 1557. (SEE CIVIL DETAILS FOR SUMMARY OF TRENCH BACKFILL ANDBEDDING MATERIALS AND PLACEMENT SPECIFICATIONS).GRADING:1. GENERAL: UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS TO A SMOOTH SURFACE. FREE OFIRREGULAR SURFACE CHANGES. COMPLY WITH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTSAND GRADE TO DETAILED/INDICATED CROSS-SECTIONS. LINES, AND ELEVATIONSINDICATED IN PLANS. PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION BETWEEN ADJACENTEXISTING GRADES AND NEW GRADES. CUT OUT SOFT SPOTS, FILL LOW SPOTS,AND TRIM HIGH SPOTS TO COMPLY WITH REQUIRED SURFACE TOLERANCES.2. SITE GRADING: SLOPE GRADES TO DIRECT WATER AWAY FROM BUILDINGS ANDTO PREVENT PONDING. FINISH SUBGRADES TO REQUIRED ELEVATIONS WITHINTHE FOLLOWING TOLERANCES:a. LAWN OR UNPAVED AREAS: PLUS OR MINUS ONE (1) INCH.b. WALKS: PLUS OR MINUS ONE (1) INCH.c. PAVEMENTS: PLUS OR MINUS ONE-HALF (112) INCH.d. GRADING INSIDE BUILDING LINES: FINISH SUBGRADE TO A TOLERANCE OFONE-HALF (112) INCH WHEN TESTED WITH A 10-FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE.3. SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES:a. PLACE SUBBASE AND BASE COURSE ON SUBGRADES FREE OF MUD, FROST,SNOW, OR ICE.b. PLACE SUBBASE AND BASE COURSE 6 INCHES OR LESS IN COMPACTEDTHICKNESS IN A SINGLE LAYER.c. PLACE SUBBASE AND BASE COURSE EXCEEDING 6 INCHES IN COMPACTEDTHICKNESS IN LAYERS OF EQUAL THICKNESS, WITH NO COMPACTED LAYERMORE THAN 6 INCHES THICK OR LESS THAN 3 INCHES.4. COMPACT SUBBASE AND BASE COURSE AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TOREQUIRED GRADES, LINES. CROSS SECTIONS. AND THICKNESS ACCORDING TOASTM D 698 OR ASTM D 1557, AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWING DETAILS.FIELD QUALITY CONTROL:1. THE TESTING AGENCY WILL INSPECT AND TEST SUBGRADES AND EACH FILL ORBACKFILL LAYER. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROCEED WITH SUBSEQUENTEARTHWORK ONLY AFTER TEST RESULTS FOR PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED WORKCOMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS.2. FOOTING SUBGRADE: AT FOOTING SUBGRADES, AT LEAST ONE TEST OF EACHSOL STRATUM WILL BE PERFORMED TO VERIFY DESIGN BEARING CAPACITIES.SUBSEQUENT VERIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF OTHER FOOTING SUBGRADESMAY BE BASED ON A VISUAL COMPARISON OF SUBGRADE WITH TESTEDSUBGRADE WHEN APPROVED BY ENGINEER.3. THE TESTING AGENCY WILL TEST COMPACTION OF SOILS IN PLACE ACCORDINGTO ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, ASTM D 2922, AND ASTM D 2937, AS APPLICABLE.TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS AND FREQUENCIES:a. PAVED AND BUILDING SLAB AREAS: AT SUBGRADE AT EACH COMPACTED FILLAND BACKFILL LAYER, AT LEAST 1 TEST FOR EVERY 10,000 SQ. FT. OR LESS OFPAVED AREA OR BUILDING SLAB, BUT IN NO CASE FEWER THAN 3 TESTS.b. FOUNDATION WALL BACKFILL: AT EACH COMPACTED BACKFILL LAYER, ATLEAST 1 TEST FOR EACH 100 FEET OR LESS OF WALL LENGTH, BUT NO FEWERTHAN 2 TESTS.c. TRENCH BACKFILL: AT EACH COMPACTED INITIAL AND FINAL BACKFILL LAYER,AT LEAST 1 TEST FOR EACH 150 FEET OR LESS OF TRENCH LENGTH, BUT NOFEWER THAN 2 TESTS.4. IF THE TESTING AGENCY REPORTS THAT SUBGRADES, FILLS, OR BACKFILLSHAVE NOT ACHIEVED DEGREE OF COMPACTION SPECIFIED, SCARIFY ANDMOISTEN OR AERATE, OR REMOVE AND REPLACE SOIL TO DEPTH REQUIRED;RECOMPACT AND RETEST UNTIL SPECIFIED COMPACTION IS OBTAINED.5. ALL FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TESTS THAT FAIL TO MEET THE SPECIFIEDCOMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER.GENERAL UTILITY NOTES1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALLUTILITY COMPANIES FOR VERIFICATION OF UTILITIES WITHIN THE LIMITS OFCONSTRUCTION. CALL THE AREA ONE CALL SYSTEM 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANYEXCAVATION.2. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OFCONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER.3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WORK EFFORTS WITH THE OWNER TOMINIMIZE TRAFFIC INTERFERENCE AND OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITIES.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO PROTECTEXISTING PERMANENT SURVEYING MONUMENTS AND BENCHMARKS FROMDISTURBANCE. SURVEY MONUMENTS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BEREPLACED AND ADJUSTED VIA A LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATEFOR WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED.5. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN HEREIN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE RECORDS ANDFIELD INVESTIGATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY HORIZONTAL ANDVERTICAL LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION WITHIN WORKAREAS. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED UPON DISCOVERY OF ANYDISCREPANCIES THAT WILL AFFECT INSTALLATION OF WORK OR DISCOVERY OFUNCHARTED UTILITIES WHICH MAY REQUIRE RELOCATION. NOTIFICATION SHALLBE DONE IN A TIMELY MANNER.6. WHERE APPLICABLE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL FENCING, SIGNS,DETOURS, FLAGMEN, SIGNALS, ETC., FOR ANY OPEN TRENCHES, HOLES OR PITS.ALL TRENCHES, HOLES OR PITS SHALL BE CLOSED OR PROTECTED BYBARRICADES AT THE END OF THE DAY.7. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THECONTRACTOR IS TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND SECURE ALL PERMITS ANDINSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN RECORD DRAWINGS DURINGCONSTRUCTION WHICH SHOW THE CONSTRUCTED CONDITIONS OF ALL WORKINSTALLED. SEE "AS-BUILT” REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.9. ALL VALVE BOXES, METER BOXES, VAULTS, CLEANOUTS, HOLE COVERS, FIREHYDRANTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THAT ARE TO REMAIN IN SERVICEWITHIN THE PROJECT AREA SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO CONFORM TO FINISHEDGRADE.10. AS-BUILT SURVEY: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER, SEWER, GAS,POWER, AND TELECOM BY PROVIDING AN "AS-BUILT” SURVEY OF CONSTRUCTEDCONDITIONS FROM A LICENSED SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OFPROJECT LOCATION. THE "AS-BUILT” SURVEY SHALL INCLUDE VERTICAL ANDHORIZONTAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE UTILITYSYSTEMS. DATUM ELEVATION AND BENCHMARK LOCATIONS SHALL BEINDICATED. INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IS AS FOLLOWS:a. PIPE TYPE, SIZE. VOLTAGE (WHERE APPLICABLE) AND INVERT ELEVATIONS.b. LOCATION OF MANHOLE, VALVE, POST INDICATOR, FIRE HYDRANT, JUNCTIONBOX.c. ELEVATIONS FOR MANHOLE. ELEVATIONS SHOULD INCLUDE RIM, BOTTOM,WEIR ELEVATION AND PIPE INVERTS.STORM DRAINAGE1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS, ALL PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALLCONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING:a. PVC SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS, NPS 15-INCH AND SMALLER ASTM D 3034,SDR 35, WITH BELL-AND-SPIOT ENDS FOR GASKETED JOINTS USING ASTM F477, ELASTOMERIC SEALS.b. PVC SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS, NPS 18-INCH AND LARGER: ASTM F 679, T-1WALL THICKNESS, WITH BELL-AND-SPIGOT ENDS FOR GASKETED JOINTSUSING ASTM F 477, ELASTOMERIC SEALS.c. PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE WATER-TIGHT.2. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, ALL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEAND FITTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING:a. ASTM C 76, WITH BELL-AND-SPIGOT OR GROOVE AND TONGUE ENDS ANDGASKETED JOINTS WITH ASTM C 443 RUBBER GASKETS.b. RCP PIPE SHALL BE CLASS III, WALL B.c. WHEN LOCATED IN TRAFFIC AREAS WITH LESS THAN 2 FEET OF COVER, REPPIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV, WALL B.d. WHEN LOCATED UNDER AIRCRAFT RAMPS OR RAILROAD OPERATIONS, REPPIPE SHALL BE CLASS V, WALL B WITH O-RING JOINTS.e. PIPE CLASS SHALL BE CLEARLY "STAMPED" ON EACH SEGMENT OF REP PIPEDELIVERED TO THE PROJECT.f. PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE WATER-TIGHT.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HANDLE AND STORE PIPE, FITTINGS, GASKETS, ANDRELATED APPURTENANCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S WRITTENRECOMMENDATIONS.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL HANDLE MANHOLES. DROP INLETS, CURB INLETS, PIPE ENDCOMPONENTS AND RELATED APPURTENANCES ACCORDING TOMANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN RIGGING INSTRUCTIONS.5. PVC PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL NOT BE STORED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT.6. ALL PIPE. FITTINGS, GASKETS, AND SEALS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DIRTAND DAMAGE.7. ALL STORM SEWER LINES SHALL BE TELEVISED AND THE VIDEO REPORTSSUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW.a. VIDEO REPORTS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED ON CD-ROM OR DVO COMPACT DISKS.b. ALL LINES MUST BE FLUSHED AND CLEANED WITH POTABLE WATER PRIOR TOTELEVISING.c. FOR SUBMERGED SYSTEMS, POND WATER LEVELS SHALL BE LOWERED(PUMPED DOWN) BELOW THE LOWEST PIPE ENTRANCE INVERT.d. VIDEO REPORTS WILL BE USED TO VIEW THE CONDITION OF THE STORMSEWER PIPE PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE. WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANLINESS OFTHE INSTALLATION WILL BE CHECKED.8. AS-BUILT SURVEY: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY STORM SEWERIMPROVEMENTS ALIGNMENT BY PROVIDING AN "AS-BUILT” SURVEY OFCONSTRUCTED CONDITIONS FROM A LICENSED SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THESTATE OF PROJECT LOCATION. THE "AS-BUILT” SURVEY SHALL INCLUDEVERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE INSTALLATIONOF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PIPING AND STRUCTURES. DATUM ELEVATIONAND BENCHMARK LOCATIONS SHALL BE INDICATED. INFORMATION TO BEINCLUDED IS AS FOLLOWS:a. PIPE TYPE, SIZE. AND INVERT ELEVATIONS.b. MANHOLE, DROP INLET, CURB INLET, YARD DRAIN, AND POND CONTROLSTRUCTURE LOCATIONS WITH ELEVATIONS OF BOTTOM, RIM OR GRATEELEVATION SHOWN.c. POND CONTROL STRUCTURES: SHOW INFORMATION ON ALL FLOW CONTROLAPPURTENANCES AND OUTLET PIPING. ASPHALT PAVING1. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE BARRICADES, SIGNS, FLASHERS, AND FLAGPERSONNEL AS NECESSARY TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF WORKERS ANDVISITORS. ALL CONSTRUCTION SIGNING, BARRICADING, AND TRAFFICDELINEATION IS TO CONFORM TO THE "MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROLDEVICES: LATEST EDITION.2. ALL ASPHALT PAVING MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, AND INSTALLATIONREQUIREMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OF THESTATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (D.O.T.) FOR THE STATE IN WHICHTHE WORK OCCURS WITH SOME EXCLUSIONS. THE DOT PAYMENT PROCEDURESAND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SHALL GENERALLY NOT APPLY.a. COARSE AGGREGATE. FINE AGGREGATE AND MINERAL FILLERS: INACCORDANCE WITH D.O.T. MATERIAL STANDARDS AND ASSOCIATEDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.b. ASPHALT BINDER, ASPHALT CEMENT, PRIME COAT, AND TACK COAT: INACCORDANCE WITH D.O.T. MATERIAL STANDARDS AND ASSOCIATEDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS.c. JOINT SEALANT: ASTM 0 6690 OR AASHTO M 324. TYPE II OR III, HOT APPLIED,SINGLE COMPONENT, POLYMER-MODIFIED BITUMINOUS SEALANT.d. PAVEMENT-MARKING PAINT: IN ACCORDANCE WITH D.O.T. MATERIALSTANDARDS AND ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. COLORS ASINDICATED.3. DO NOT APPLY ASPHALT MATERIALS IF SUBGRADE IS FROZEN, WET, OREXCESSIVELY DAMP; OR IF RAIN IS IMMINENT OR EXPECTED BEFORE TIMEREQUIRED FOR ADEQUATE CURE. APPLY ONLY AT D.O.T. RECOMMENDEDSURFACE TEMPERATURE.4. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES:a. PAVEMENT THICKNESS: THE AVERAGE OF THE MEASURED THICKNESS OF THEPAVEMENT LAYERS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE REQUIRED THICKNESS FORTHOSE LAYERS, AND THE MINIMUM THICKNESS IN ANY ONE AREA SHALL NOTBE LESS THAN 0.25 INCHES BELOW THE REQUIRED THICKNESS.b. PAVEMENT SURFACE SMOOTHNESS: COMPACT EACH COURSE TO PRODUCE ASURFACE SMOOTHNESS WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TOLERANCES ASDETERMINED BY USING A 10-FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE APPLIED TRANSVERSELYOR LONGITUDINALLY TO PAVED AREAS:xBASE COURSE: 1/4 -INCHxSURFACE COURSE: 1/4 -INCHc. CROWNED SURFACES: TEST WITH CROWNED TEMPLATE CENTERED AND ATRIGHT ANGLE TO CROWN. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE VARIANCE FROM TEMPLATEIS 1/4 -INCH.5. PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE MADE WITH NON-THERMOPLASTIC ACRYLICMARKING PAINT MEETING THE DOT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. ALLOW PAVINGTO AGE FOR 30 DAYS BEFORE STARTING PAVEMENT MARKING. PROCEED VV1THPAVEMENT MARKING ONLY ON CLEAN, DRY SURFACES. SWEEP AND CLEANSURFACE TO ELIMINATE LOOSE MATERIAL AND DUST. APPLY PAINT WITHMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO PRODUCE PAVEMENT MARKINGS, OF DIMENSIONSAND COLORS INDICATED, WITH UNIFORM, STRAIGHT EDGES. APPLY ATMANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATES TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM WET FILMTHICKNESS OF 15 MILS AND ONLY AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDEDAMBIENT AND SURFACE TEMPERATURES.AS-BUILT SURVEY1. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE SITE WORK SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALLRETAIN THE SERVICES OF A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR TO PERFORM AN“AS-BUILT" SURVEY. THE "AS-BUILT" SURVEY SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION ANDELEVATION DATA FOR ALL CONSTRUCTED IMPROVEMENTS. SPECIFICINFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE SURVEY SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS:a. ALL PAVEMENT SURFACES INCLUDING CURBS, WALKS, RAMPS, PADS, ETC.b. ALL SANITARY SEWERc. ALL STORM SEWERd. ALL STORM DETENTION, RETENTION, AND WATER QUALITY POND GRADINGe. EMBANKMENT AND LAWN AREA GRADINGf. BUILDING FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONg. BUILDING CORNER LOCATIONSh. OUT BUILDINGS, IF APPLICABLEi. WATER, GAS, BURIED ELECTRIC AND BURIED TELECOM LINESj. LIGHT POLE LOCATIONSk. STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGSl. TREE LOCATIONS WITH SIZE AND SPECIESPUBLIC WORKS NOTES:1. ALL ROLL OFF CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTER'S SHALL BE FURNISHED BY WASTEPRO, PER THE CITY'S SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT.2. NO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OPERATION BETWEEN 10 PM AND 7 AM, PERTHE CITY NOISE ORDINANCE.3. ALL SANITARY AND STORM PIPING SYSTEMS SHALL BE VIDEO INSPECTED PRIORTO SITE ACCEPTANCE.4. A COPY OF THE VIDEO AND REPORT ARE TO BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FORREVIEW.5. NO ON-SITE BURNING IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS.6. A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS NOTICE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ALL INSPECTIONS.7. THIS PARCEL'S SHARE OF THE ARBOR MITIGATION FEE WILL BE REQUIREDPRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.1Know what's below.Call before you dig.Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:48:38 -05'00' LOT 3 0.67 ACSTARBUCKS2,500 SFwmwmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X XXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNORTHEASTERLY R/W LINESTATE ROAD 434,BEARING BASISSFHDDststststEBEBEBPULL BOXsansansanTSBueueueueueueueueueueueuewmwmwm2" PVC PIPEIN GROUND(UNKNOWNUTILITY)TOP=37.72NE INV=26.72SE INV=26.92W. INV=27.05SSILTSILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILTSILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SIL T SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILTSILTSILTSILTSILTS38°30'33"E 357.15' PLATS51°31'43"W 287.21' PLATS51°31'43"W 286.80' PLATLOT 5PB 82, PG 63L4N38°43'16"W 158.0L31 STORY BLOCKADDRESS #1220ASPHALTASPHALTLOT 1 - VACANTPARCEL: 6213150700000020OWNER: JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLCADDRESS: STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.59ZONE:T540394138384038394138394041414141403839LOT 4PB 82, PG 63-66PARCEL: 06213150600000020WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: MICHAEL BLAKE BLVDWINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.54ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150600000050OWNER: WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: EAGLE EDGE LN WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.19ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150700000030OWNER: 968 SHREWSBURYAVENUE CORPADDRESS: SR 434, WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.67ZONE: T5EAGLE EDGE LANE(62' R/W PER ORB 9329, PG 443)STATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)(R/W WIDTH VARIES)SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "D"PER PB 82, PG 63-66N51°31'43"E174.97' D&MN38°43'16"W 146.98'S51°31'43"W 174.42'SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "B"PER PB 82, PG 63-66S38°30'33"E 146.98' D&Mwmwmwmwmwmwmwm12112222324545377668444999999115'X15' UEPB 82, PG 63VISIBILITY TRIANGLEEXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND RAMPS TO BE SAWCUT AND REMOVED.EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO BE SAWCUT AND REMOVED.EXISTING STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE TO REMAIN.EROSION CONTROL / SILT FENCE.LIMITS OF DEMOLITION.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION MEASURE TO PREVENTSEDIMENT FROM ENTERING INLET.6' FENCE WITH GREEN OR BLACK OPAQUE FABRIC.CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESIDEWALK CLOSED SIGN, PER FDOT.123456789SCALE: 1" =0' 20'20'40'REFERENCENORTHLEGEND:DEMOLITION NOTES:KEYED NOTES:1. CONTRACTOR TO DEMOLISH AND REMOVE ALL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN LIMITS OFDEMOLITION SHOWN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2. CONTRACTOR TO ESTABLISH AND PROPERLY FLAG PROPERTY LINES PRIOR TODEMOLITION.3. ALL ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND HARDWARE, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS TO BEDISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY REQUIREMENTS.4. UTILITIES TO BE PLUGGED SHALL BE FILLED WITH A MINIMUM 1.0 CUBIC FT. OFNON SHRINK GROUT OR AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ENGINEER.5. TREES SHOWN TO REMAIN SHALL MAINTAIN PROTECTIVE BARRIERS DURINGDEMOLITION. THESE BARRIERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENTLOCAL MUNICIPALITY STANDARDS.6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING UTILITIESWITH THE OWNER OF SAID UTILITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TOWATER, SEWER, GAS, CABLE TV, POWER AND TELEPHONE.7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE SUITABLE EROSION CONTROL DURINGDEMOLITION, SEE "EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS" ON SHEET C5.01.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO DEMOLITIONAND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE OF ANY ON-SITE OR OFF-SITEUTILITIES THAT ARE NOT A PART OF THIS PROJECT OR ARE NOT IDENTIFIED TOBE REMOVED.9. ALL DISTURBED AREA WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY WILL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINALOR BETTER CONDITION BY GRADING AND SODDING THE AREA DISTURBED.10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO FDOT INDEX 600 1-12, 602, 603, AND 605 FORCONSTRUCTION OF STREETSIDE PARKING ON SEAHAWK COVE AND EAGLE EDGELANE.108.05'stsantelueohwmEXISTING CONCRETEPAVEMENT TO REMAINEXISTING CONCRETETO BE REMOVEDEXISTINGTO REMAINEXISTINGTO BE REMOVEDEXISTINGSTORMEXISTINGSANITARYEXISTINGTELEPHONEEXISTING UNDER-GROUND ELECTRICEXISTINGOVERHEAD LINEEXISTINGWATEREXISTINGCONTOUREXISTING TREETO BE REMOVEDEXISTING GRADE ELEVATIONPROPERTY LINESCALEDEMOLITION PLANAS NOTED-EXISTING ASPHALTPAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/20411111Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:48:50 -05'00' 18LOT 3 0.67 ACSTARBUCKS2,500 SFNO PARKING FIRE LANESFHDDEBEBEBPULL BOXTSBueueueueueueueueueueueuePICK UPWINDOWPICK UPWINDOW6'1818196'SR10'R3'R10'R25'R20'R10'R10'R10'R10'R20' R10'R10'R5'R18'R15'R18' R12'R10'10' TRANSITION FROM ATGRADE CONCRETE TOELEVATED CONCRETE6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER10 STANDARDSPACESTS51°31'43"W 287.21' PLATS51°31'43"W 286.80' PLATL4N38°43'16"W 158.0L31 STORY BLOCKADDRESS #1220ASPHALTASPHALTLOT 1 - VACANTPARCEL: 6213150700000020OWNER: JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLCADDRESS: STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.59ZONE:T5PARCEL: 06213150600000020WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: MICHAEL BLAKE BLVDWINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.54ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150600000050OWNER: WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: EAGLE EDGE LN WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.19ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150700000030OWNER: 968 SHREWSBURYAVENUE CORPADDRESS: SR 434, WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.67ZONE: T57 STANDARDSPACESEAGLE EDGE LANE(62' R/W PER ORB 9329, PG 443)STATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)(R/W WIDTH VARIES)SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "D" PER PB 82, PG 63-66N51°31'43"E174.97' D&MN38°43'16"W 146.98'S51°31'43"W 174.42'SEA HAWK COVE(62' R/W) TRACT "B"PER PB 82, PG 63-663' BUILDING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACKS38°30'33"E 146.98' D&M6' LANDSCAPE BUFFER45'TRASH ENCLOSURE CLEARANCE6'12'22'18'3'11'22'18'11'37.6'2.5'11'6.8'9'9'12'5'12'3'6'5'5'6'5.1'24' DRIVEWAY24' DRIVEWAY10.1'1.5'8.7'64.1'8.5'CROSSWALK22.8'6'6'20'11'22'DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE21.8'6'18'6.4'23'1233334444555566665712121314141414141515161616161617171918820182110810222221202224236'25112.8'27'8.5'8.5'15'X15' UEPB 82, PG 635AA57.9'VISIBILITY TRIANGLE6'7.7'8BUILDING SETBACK93'526268'LANDSCAPE6'SIDEWALKSR 434PROPERTY LINEON-SITE CURB & PAVEMENT7.8' +/-LANDSCAPENEW BUILDING (SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS)NEW DOUBLE MASONRY TRASH ENCLOSURE FINISHED TO MATCH THE BUILDING (SEEARCHITECTURAL DRAWING)NEW 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE PLAN FOR WIDTH. SEEDETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW 6" X 18" VERTICAL CURB, 3-FOOT CURB TRANSITION AT PATHWAYS. SEEDETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW "VALLEY" CURB. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW ADA RAMP. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW 2-STALL BICYCLE RACK. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01. (TYPICAL OF 2)NEW DETECTABLE WARNING. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW AREA LIGHT POLE. SEE ELECTRICAL SITE PLANS.NEW 6-INCH "WHITE" PARKING/AISLE STRIPE (CONTINUOUS PAINT)HANDICAP PARKING SPACES AND ACCESS AISLE TO BE SIGNED AND MARKED. SEEDETAILS, SHEET C12.01.NEW 24-INCH "WHITE" STOP BAR (CONTINUOUS PAINT)6-FOOT WIDE PAVER CROSSWALK, 12-INCH "WHITE" STRIPE @ 36" O.C.(CONTINUOUS PAINT)NEW "WHITE" DIRECTIONAL ARROW (CONTINUOUS PAINT) (TYPICAL OF 15).NEW HANDICAP PARKING SIGN(S) WITH BOLLARD (TYPICAL OF 2). SEEDETAILS, SHEET C12.02.NEW 30" R1-1 "STOP" SIGN (TYPICAL OF 5). SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.02.NEW 30" R5-1 "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN (TYPICAL OF 2). SEEDETAILS, SHEET C12.02.25' RADIUS CLEAR ZONE.SITE VISIBILITY TRIANGLEPEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNSNEW 6" BOLLARD(S) (TYPICAL OF 6). SEE DETAIL, SHEET C12.02.NEW 12"x18" "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" SIGN (TYPICAL OF 1).NEW 6-INCH "WHITE" PARKING STRIPE, CONTINUOUS THERMOPLASTIC PAINT (INPUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY)NEW STANDARD WENDY'S SAFETY HANDRAIL. SEE DETAILS, SHEET C12.03.1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526SCALE: 1" =0' 20'20'40'REFERENCENORTHSITE PLAN GENERAL NOTESKEYED NOTES:LANDSCAPE NOTE:LEGEND:gassantelueohwmEXISTING CONCRETEPAVEMENT TO REMAINPROPOSED CONCRETELESS THAN 6"PROPOSED CONCRETEPAVEMENT 6" OR GREATERPROPOSED ASPHALTMILL/OVERLAYEXISTING TO REMAINPROPOSED PAVEMENTEXISTING GASEXISTING SANITARYEXISTING TELEPHONEEXISTING UNDER-GROUND ELECTRICEXISTINGOVERHEAD LINEEXISTING WATEREXISTING CONTOURPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED ASPHALTPAVEMENTPROPOSED LANDSCAPE(SOD GROUNDCOVER)SCALESITE PLANAS NOTED-08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204SITE DATA1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB. BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TOFACE OF BUILDING.2. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ARE TAKEN FROM BOUNDARY &TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY.3. BUILDING AND SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF WALL4. ALL TIES TO THE PROPERTY LINE ARE BASED ON THE BOUNDARY &TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY.5. ALL CURB RADIUS ARE 3' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDSITE AREASxCONTRACTOR TO RE-GRADE SURROUNDING GRADE ELEVATION AND RE-SOD ASNEED TO MEET PROPOSED TOP OF SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS.xCONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ALL DISTURBED LANDSCAPING TO MATCHEXISTING.xCONTRACTOR SHALL TIE INTO EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND EXTEND NEWDRIP IRRIGATION AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE NEW CONSTRUCTION.EXISTING AREAS SF / ACREPERCENTGROSS AREA = 25,677 SF / 0.59 AC 100.0%PERVIOUS AREA = 25,677 SF / 0.59 AC 100.0%IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0 SF / 0.00 AC 00.00%BUILDING AREA: = 0 SF / 0.00 AC 00.00%PROPOSED AREASGROSS SITE AREA = 25,677 SF / 0.59 AC 100.0%PERVIOUS AREA = 5,957 SF / 0.14 AC 23.20%BUILDING AREA: = 2,163 SF / 0.05 AC 8.42%xSIDEWALK/PAVEMENT= 16,924 SF / 0.39 AC 65.92%xTRASH ENCLOSURE= 633 SF / 0.01 AC 2.46%IMPERVIOUS AREA=19,720 SF / 0.45 AC76.80%SJRWMD ERP # 95027-011 ALLOWS FOR 80% IMPERVIOUS AREA ONLOT #2. SITE IS COMPLIANT WITH MASTER DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS.111111111STORM WATER NOTE:THIS SITE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE MASTER ERP FROM THE SJRWMD.ERP# 95027.011.SITE AREA TABLE ABOVE.MASTER PERMIT ALLOWS FOR 80% IMPERVIOUS SITE PROPOSES 76.8% < 80%SITE ADDRESS: 1218 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FLPARCEL NUMBER: 06-21-31-507-0000-0020SITE AREA: 0.59 ACRES / 25,677 SQ FTBUILDING AREA: 2,183 SQ FTEXISTING ZONING: T-5 TOWN CENTER DISTRICTEXISTING LAND USE: T-5 TOWN CENTER DISTRICTFUTURE LAND USE: TOWN CENTER DISTRICTPARKING DATATOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 1 SPACES PER /100 SF PATRON USE AREA 541 SF/ 100 SF = 6 SPACESTOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: ON-STREET PARKING = 5 SPACESSTANDARD PARKING = 17 SPACESHANDICAP PARKING = 2 SPACESTOTAL PARKING = 24 SPACESBICYCLE PARKING REQUIREDPROVIDED NO SPECIFICATIONS 4 SPACESBUILDING SETBACK REQUIREDPROVIDEDNORTH (REAR) = 3 FT = 56 FT(BUILDING)WEST (SIDE) = 0 FT = 66 FT(BUILDING)EAST (SIDE) = 0 - 24 FT = 20 FTSOUTH (FRONT) = 0 - 8 FT = 54.6 FTLANDSCAPE BUFFERS REQUIREDPROVIDEDLANDSCAPE SETBACK NORTH = 6 FT = 6 FTLANDSCAPE SETBACK EAST = 6 FT = 6 FTLANDSCAPE SETBACK WEST = 6 FT= 0 FTLANDSCAPE SETBACK SOUTH = 0 FT = 8 FTFRONTAGE BUILDOUT REQUIREDPROVIDED80% 26%FLOOD ZONE:THIS BUILDING/LOT LIES IN ZONE "X", BASED ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO,12117C0160F, COMMUNITY NO, 120295, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 28, 2007,LEGAL:LOT 2, WSTC OCEAN BLEU, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLATBOOK 84, PAGES 37-38 , PUBLIC RECORDS OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLECOUNTY, FLORIDAGEOTECH REPORT ECS FLORIDA 05/02/19SECTION A-A34444 LOT 3 0.67 ACSTARBUCKS2,500 SFNO PARKING FIRE LANEwmwmSFHDDTOP=39.73NE INV=36.83SW INV=36.93ststststTOP=41.44SE INV=37.34SW INV=36.47W. INV=37.34NW INV=35.85TOP=37.12BOTTOM=31.37(STRUCTURE INACCESSIBLEDUE TO CONSTRUCTION)EBEBEBPULL BOXTSBueueueueueueueueueueueuePICK UPWINDOWPICK UPWINDOW WWWWWwmwmwmWWWWWWWWSSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN 10'TRANSITION FROM ATGRADE CONCRETE TOELEVATED CONCRETE6' LANDSCAPE BUFFERTS51°31'43"W 287.21' PLATS51°31'43"W 286.80' PLATL4N38°43'16"W 158.0L31 STORY BLOCKADDRESS #1220ASPHALTASPHALTLOT 1 - VACANTPARCEL: 6213150700000020OWNER: JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLCADDRESS: STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.59ZONE:T537.7541.941.338.739.841.641.041.138.638.240.139.939.239.438.241.140.941.240.240.639.937.940.441.840.938.5038.1038.2538.2737.9238.3937.6837.2637.1437.3137.1137.7137.6137.2137.2037.5737.7637.9537.52 38.0538.1238.2437.8138.1439.6839.7339.1339.6239.4540.8240.7640.7540.2840.6640.8841.4541.5141.2241.3241.1441.1341.1741.5441.1441.0341.4141.0441.0041.4041.3740.9841.1541.6341.2741.4741.3740.8841.2641.4141.4941.5040.9541.3441.4541.5541.8341.7641.6541.2641.4341.8041.9342.0040.5141.3341.4141.5541.1841.7140394138384038394138394041414141403839PARCEL: 06213150600000020WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: MICHAEL BLAKE BLVDWINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.54ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150600000050OWNER: WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: EAGLE EDGE LN WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.19ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150700000030OWNER: 968 SHREWSBURYAVENUE CORPADDRESS: SR 434, WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.67ZONE: T5EAGLE EDGE LANE(62' R/W PER ORB 9329, PG 443)STATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)(R/W WIDTH VARIES)SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "D" PER PB 82, PG 63-66N51°31'43"E174.97' D&MN38°43'16"W 146.98'S51°31'43"W 174.42'SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "B"PER PB 82, PG 63-66HPHPHPMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGMEGHPHPMEGHPMEGMEG3' BUILDING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACKS38°30'33"E 146.98' D&M6' LANDSCAPE BUFFERwmwmwmwmwmwmwm15'X15' UEPB 82, PG 63ST-2ST-1EX-1ST-10ST-7ST-1ST-3ST-9ST-11ST-12ST-13ST-8ST-15ST-1441.5541.5541.9040.8541.5041.5041.5041.8341.9040.2840.9540.4541.0040.0040.5040.0040.5040.4039.9040.4539.5040.0539.5540.1039.9039.4039.9539.1339.5539.0539.6039.4538.9539.5038.5039.1038.6039.1538.9538.4539.0038.6038.1038.6541.4542.5042.0041.4541.4041.4541.5041.1741.0441.4041.3042.0041.5041.7041.2041.7041.2041.3040.5040.0042.2041.7042.2041.7040.8040.3041.6041.6039.7539.2541.4040.9041.5040.8542.0041.5041.4541.5541.5541.4041.9041.9041.7041.9041.9041.3041.1040.6042.2541.7540.4141.8541.7041.7041.9541.4541.4542.0041.8041.9041.5541.1541.7541.4541.4538.0041.9541.4542.0037.9042.0040.5040.0041.2540.7542.0041.50337.81141.4041.40112222212241.6041.1041.6041.6042.3041.8039.1013241.5541.0541.2540.7540.7041.2040.7041.6541.6542.1541.6541.2542.0041.5040.7040.9540.9540.1040.3540.3542.0041.5041.5041.5041.9041.4041.9041.4041.6041.1041.5041.0041.0040.5040.25ST-6ST-537.8838.0338.9538.8538.9538.8538.50ST-17ST-1638.75ST-441.4541.4541.9041.40VISIBILITY TRIANGLE41.8341.903BUILDING SETBACKSCALE: 1" =0' 20'20'40'REFERENCENORTHEROSION CONTROL MEASURE NOTES:REQUIRED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NEEDED ANDMUST REMAIN INTACT THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. FAILURE TO INSTALL ORPROPERLY MAINTAIN THESE BARRICADES WILL RESULT IN ENFORCEMENT ACTIONWHICH MAY INCLUDE CITATIONS, AND INITIATION OF CIVIL PENALTY PROCEDURES.ADA ACCESSIBILITY NOTES1. ALL HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES AND ACCESS AISLES ADJACENT TO THEHANDICAP PARKING SPACES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 2% SLOPE IN ALLDIRECTIONS (THIS INCLUDES RUNNING SLOPE AND CROSS SLOPE).2. AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FROM THE PUBLIC STREET OR SIDEWALK TO ALL BUILDINGENTRANCES MUST BE PROVIDED. THIS ACCESS ROUTE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF48" WIDE. THE RUNNING SLOPE OF AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5%AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2%.3. SLOPES EXCEEDING 5% BUT LESS THAN 8% WILL REQUIRE A RAMP AND MUSTCONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR RAMP DESIGN (HANDRAILS, CURBS,LANDINGS). NO RAMP SHALL EXCEED AN 8% RUNNING SLOPE OR 2% CROSSSLOPE.4. IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THATTHE HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, ACCESSIBLE ROUTES, ANDSIDEWALK/CROSSWALKS ARE CONSTRUCTED TO MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS.5. ANY REQUIREMENTS LISTED ABOVE THAT CAN NOT BE MET SHALL BE BROUGHTTO THE ENGINEER'S ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. ANYTHING NOT BUILT TO THEABOVE STANDARDS WILL REQUIRE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF THE NONCOMPLIANT AREAS AT THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS COST.SCALEGRADING PLANAS NOTED-EXISTING CONCRETEPAVEMENT TO REMAINPROPOSED CONCRETELESS THAN 6"PROPOSED CONCRETEPAVEMENT 6" OR GREATERPROPOSED ASPHALTPAVEMENTEXISTING TO REMAINPROPOSED PAVEMENTPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED LANDSCAPE(SOD GROUNDCOVER)SURFACE SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 2.00% ALL DIRECTIONS.SURFACE SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 5.00% RUNNING AND 2.00% CROSS SLOPES.SURFACE SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 8.33% RUNNING AND 2.00% CROSS SLOPES.123KEYED NOTES:08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204CONTROL BENCHMARKSELEVATIONS BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY BENCHMARK #4733701, HAVING ANELEVATION OF 44.4500 FEET, (NAVD 88).NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO ESTABLISH CONTROL BENCHMARKS BEYOND LIMITS OFDEMOLITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.PAVING AND GRADING GENERAL NOTES1. SEE GENERAL NOTES SHEET FOR EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL ALONGWITH GENERAL NOTES.2. SEE SITE PLAN SHEET FOR SITE DATA.3. SEE BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR TEMPORARY BENCH MARK (TBM)LOCATIONS.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR LOCAL MUNICIPALITYAND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITH REGARD TOIMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE RIGHTS-OF-WAY.5. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO BE RETURNED TO MATCHEXISTING CONDITION.6. ALL CLEANOUT TOP ELEVATION SHALL MATCH FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE AROUND THEPERIMETER OF THE SITE AND MUST MAINTAIN THE SILT FENCE IN GOOD REPAIRUNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND THE AREA IS STABILIZED.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANYCONSTRUCTION IF ANY PROBLEMS OR DISCREPANCIES EXIST.EXISTING STORM STRUCTURE/PIPING DATAEX-1CURB INLETTOP = 37.12INV. = 31.37INV. (S) = 31.62 (18")STORM STRUCTURE/PIPING DATAST-1BUILDING DOWNSPOUT/CLEANOUTTOP TO BE SET AT GRADE(TYPICAL OF 2)IE = 36.69IE = 36.80ST-243 LF OF 8" PVC @ 1.00% SLOPEST-348 LF OF 8" PVC @ 1.00% SLOPEST-4TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 41.00IE = 35.90ST-584 LF OF 15" HDPE @ 1.00% SLOPEST-6TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 39.10IE (E) = 34.98 (15")IE (S) = 35.08 (15")IE (W) = 35.00 (15")ST-7105 LF OF 15" HDPE @ 2.6% SLOPEST-8TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 40.70IE (S) = 37.65IE (SW) = 38.25ST-9130 LF OF 15" HDPE @ 3.5% SLOPEST-10TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 40.00IE (N) = 33.00 (15")IE (S) = 33.00 (15")ST-1128 LF OF 15" HDPE @ 2.7% SLOPEST-12TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 38.10IE (N) = 32.00 (18")IE (S) = 32.25 (15")IE (W) = 32.25 (15")ST-1324 LF OF 18" HDPE @ 1.6% SLOPEST-14YARD DRAIN12" ADSGRATE = 41.65IE (S) = 38.50 (12")ST-1528 LF OF 8" HDPE @ 0.89% SLOPEST-1635 LF OF 15" HDPE @ 1.4% SLOPEST-17TYPE "C" CATCH BASINFDOT INDEX NO. 232GRATE = 38.50IE (E) = 35.50 (15")LEGENDFFERCPIETYPCOELMEGDS49.58SEHPST-2310.5010.0010.00PROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOURCURB INLETSUMP ELEVATIONREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEEXISTING ELEVATIONEDGE OF PAVEMENTTOP OF SIDEWALK/CURBDIRECTION OF PIPE FLOWPROPOSED SURFACESTORMWATER FLOWLESS THAN 12" STORMWATER PIPE12" OR GREATER STORMWATER PIPEBUILDING DOWN SPOUTMATCH EXISTING GRADEELEVATIONINVERT ELEVATIONTYPICALDITCH BOTTOM INLETEROSION CONTROLHIGH POINTPROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONSTORM SEWER STRUCTURE NUMBERFINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONCLEANOUT4 LOT 3 0.67 ACSTARBUCKS2,500 SFNO PARKING FIRE LANEwmwmSFHDDststststEBEBEBPULL BOXsansansanTSBueueueueueueueueueueueuePICK UPWINDOWPICK UPWINDOW WWWWWwmwmwmWWWWWWWW2" PVC PIPEIN GROUND(UNKNOWNUTILITY)TOP=37.72NE INV=26.72SE INV=26.92W. INV=27.058'SSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN EAGLE EDGE LANE(62' R/W PER ORB 9329, PG 443)STATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)(R/W WIDTH VARIES)SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "D" PER PB 82, PG 63-66N51°31'43"E174.97' D&MN38°43'16"W 146.98'S51°31'43"W 174.42'SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "B"PER PB 82, PG 63-66S38°30'33"E 146.98' D&Mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm15'X15' UEPB 82, PG 63s7s10w5s1w1w3s1s2s3w4w6CP-1s12s13w10w12w2w13w14s5s6s4CP-2s18w7w8w9s15s14w11w16w15s9s8s11CP-3CP-4VISIBILITY TRIANGLEWATERTIE INTO AND EXTEND EXISTING 10" WATER MAIN10"x2" REDUCER13 LF 2" HPDE (POLY SERVICE PIPE) INSTALLED UP TO PROPOSED METER94 LF - 1 1/2" POLY PIPE WATER SERVICE LATERALPOINT OF CONNECTION TO BUILDINGMETER AND BACKFLOW. SEE DETAIL (THIS SHEET)10"x10" CUT-IN TEE10" GATE VALVE131 LF 10" PVC (C900) WATER MAIN10" GATE VALVE2" BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY2" CAPEXISTING 10" WATER MAINEXISTING 10" GATE VALVE3/4" WATER SERVICE TO DUMPSTER WITH HOSE BIBDOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW PREVENTER REQUIRED AT DUMPSTER WATERSERVICESANITARY6-INCH SEWER STUBOUT FROM BUILDING (BY PLUMBING CONTRACTOR). REFERTO BUILDING PLUMBING PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION. CONSTRUCT SEWERCLEANOUT. CLEANOUT TOP ELEVATION SHALL MATCH PROPOSED GRADEELEVATION.INV. EL 39.00' (TYPICAL OF 2)8 LF - 6" SDR26 @ 1.0% SLOPE16 LF - 6" SDR26 @ 1.0% SLOPECONSTRUCT SEWER CLEAN OUT - IE. 38.8440 LF - 6" SDR26 @ 7.6% SLOPE750 GALLON GREASE TRAP WITH TWO-WAY CLEANOUTINLET IE. 38.84; OUTLET IE. 38.6740 LF - 6" SDR26 @ 1.0% SLOPECONSTRUCT SEWER CLEAN OUT - IE. 35.51CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 8x8 ADS YARD DRAIN IN CENTER OF DUMPSTER PAD.RIM = 40.65, INV = 29.1512 LF - 6" SDR26 @ 5.0% SLOPECONNECT TO SEWER LATERAL. INV = 28.65CORE DRILL 8" SEWER MAIN INTO EXISTING MANHOLE - TOP=38.78, E. INV=27.28,N. IE. 28.0018 LF - 8" SDR26 @ 0.625% SLOPENEW SANITARY MANHOLE , RIM = 38.00, SE INV. = 28.10, W INV. = 28.20149 LF - 8" SDR26 @ 0.45% SLOPENOT USEDNOT USEDNEW SANITARY MANHOLE , RIM = 39.60, INV. = 28.75ELECTRICTBDTBDTELEPHONETBDTBDw1w2w3w4w5w6w7w8w9w10w11w12w13w14w15w16s1s2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9s10s11s12s13s14s15s16s17s18e1e2t1t2SCALE: 1" =0' 20'20'40'UTILITY NOTES1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND ADVISE THE ENGINEER OFRECORD OF ANY CONFLICTS IMMEDIATELY.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AND COORDINATE WATER SERVICE WITH LOCALMUNICIPALITIES UTILITIES DEPARTMENT.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AND COORDINATE SEWER SERVICE WITH LOCALMUNICIPALITIES UTILITIES DEPARTMENT.4. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICEWITH LOCAL ELECTRIC COMPANY.5. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PVC CONDUIT FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE (TOPROPERTY LINE) AND COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF SERVICE WITH TELEPHONEOPERATIONS.6. SEE ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR LOCATION OF OTHER EXISTINGUTILITIES.7. SEE CIVIL SPECIFICATIONS AND REFERENCE DRAWING SHEETS FOR ADDITIONALUTILITY NOTES.8. ALL ON-SITE PVC WATER SERVICE AFTER METER SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 ORPRESSURE RATED HDPE (POLY PIPE).9. ALL CROSSINGS OF WATER AND SEWER LINES MUST MAINTAIN PROPERCLEARANCE (SEE CIVIL SPECIFICATIONS AND REFERENCE DRAWING SHEETS).10. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THECITY/TOWNS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY REQUIREMENTS.11. TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANTED WITHIN 10 FEET FROM THE WATER MAIN.12. ALL CLEANOUT TOP ELEVATION SHALL MATCH FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS.LEGENDwmohSANSANsanWWgasPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED SANITARY SERVICEPROPOSED WATEREXISTING SANITARY PIPEEXISTING WATER PIPEEXISTING OVERHEAD WIREEXISTING GAS LINEEPROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICETELPROPOSED TELEPHONE SERVICEtelEXISTING TELEPHONE LINEPROPOSED CONCRETE 6" OR LESSPROPOSED CONCRETE GREATER THAN 6"NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENTCP-16" SDR26 (SEWER) - EL. = 28.80'1.5" POLY PIPE (WATER) - EL. = 38.40'CLEARANCE - 9.10' (109.2")CP-26" SDR26 (SEWER) - EL. = 38.06'TOP OF 8" PVC (STORM) - EL. = 37.20'CLEARANCE - 0.86' (10.33")CP-36" SDR26 (SEWER) - EL. = 28.55'15" HDPE (STORM) - EL. = 33.55'CLEARANCE - 4.5' (54")CP-48" SDR26 (SEWER) - EL. = 28.26'15" HDPE (STORM) - EL. = 31.9'CLEARANCE - 2.97' (35.64")CP-51.5" POLY PIPE (WATER) - EL. = 36.80'15" HDPE (STORM) - EL. = 32.54'CLEARANCE - 3' (36")UTILITY CROSSINGREFERENCENORTHSCALEUTILITY PLANAS NOTED-08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204RPZRPZWW1" METER(POTABLE)PROPOSEDIRRIGATION LINE1" WATER METER(IRRIGATION)1" ELBOWPROPOSED 1.5"POTABLE SERVICEUTILITY SYSTEM DATASERVICE CONNECTION DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE)2" GATE VALVE1" GATE VALVE2"x1" REDUCER2"x1" REDUCER2"X2" TEEBACKFLOW PREVENTERBACKFLOW PREVENTERwmwmwmwmWW 2" GATE VALVE10"X10" CUT-IN TEE10" GATE VALVE2" WATER SERVICE10"x2" REDUCER10" GATE VALVEEXISTING 10" WATER MAIN 08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204GENERAL NOTES:1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING SILT FROM SITE IF NOT REUSABLE ON-SITEAND ASSURING PLAN ALIGNMENT AND GRADE IN ALL DITCHES AND SWALES AT COMPLETION OFCONSTRUCTION.2. THE SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING THE TEMPORARY EROSION ANDSEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND ONLY WHENAREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED.3. ADDTI0NAL PROTECTION - ON-SITE PROTECTION IN ADDITI0N TO THE ABOVE MUST BEPROVIDED THAT WILL NOT PERMIT SILT TO LEAVE THE PROJECT CONFINES DUE TO UNSEENCONDITIONS OR ACCIDENTS.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES. ETC. ARE CLEANEDOUT AND WORKING PROPERLY AT TIME OF ACCEPTANCE.5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES(BMP) AND MOST CURRENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES. THIS PLANINDICATES THE MINIMUM EROSION AND SEDIMENT MEASURES REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING ALL APPLICABLE RULES, REGULAll0NS ANDWATER QUALITY GUIDELINES AND MAY NEED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL CONTROLS.PRE-CONSTRUCTION SITE PROTECTION:6. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIERS SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO ALL WETLANDAREAS WHERE THERE IS POTENTIAL FOR DOWNSTREAM WATER QUALITY DEGRADAll0N. SEEDETAIL SHEET FOR TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION.7. ANY DISCHARGE FROM DEWATERlNG ACTIVITY SHALL BE FILTERED AND CONVEYED TO THEOUTFALL IN A MANNER WHICH PREVENTS EROSION AND TRANSPORTATION OF SUSPENDEDSOLIDS TO THE RECEIVING OUTFALL.8. DEWATERING PUMPS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE CAPACITY OF THAT WHICH REQUIRES ACONSUMPTIVE USE PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION.9. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. THEY MUST BEREMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS REACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-THIRD (1/3) THE HEIGHT OF THEBARRIER OR INLET. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA AND INSUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE.10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE STABILIZED THROUGH COMPACTION. SILT SCREENS,SYNTHETIC BALES, AND GRASSING. ALL FILL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER TO RECEIVE STAKEDSOLID SOD.SITE PROTECTION:11. THE FILTER BARRIER SHALL BE ENTRENCHED AND BACKFILLED PROPERLY. A TRENCH SHALLBE EXCAVATED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. BARRIER IS STAKED, THE EXCAVATED SOILOR GRAVEL SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED AGAINST THE FILTER BARRIER. USINGWIRE BACKING FOR SUPPORT IS DISCOURAGED DUE TO DISPOSAL PROBLEMS.12. WATER OR SLURRY USED TO CONTROL DUST SHALL BE RETAINED ON THE SITE AND NOTALLOWED TO RUN DIRECTLY INTO WATERCOURSE OR STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS.13. SPECIAL AREAS SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING AREAS ANDSUCH AREAS SHALL NOT ALLOW RUNOFF TO FLOW DIRECTLY INTO WATERCOURSE ORSTORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS.14. SILT FENCE BARRIERS ARE NOT TO BE USED WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOWS OF WATER AREANTICIPATED SUCH AS DRAINAGE DITCHES. AROUND INLETS OR ABOVE/BELOW WHERECULVERTS DISCHARGE.15. SYNTHETIC BALES, SANDBAGS OR OTHER APPROVED DEVICE FACED WITH FILTER FABRICSHALL BE USED IN HIGH VOLUME AREAS TO DECREASE THE RUNOFF VELOCITY AND SHALL BESECURELY ANCHORED.16. ALL DEVICES INCLUDING SILT FENCE. FILTER BARRIERS. SYNTHETIC BALES AND/OR SANDBAGSSHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURINGPROLONGED RAINFALL. CLOSE ATTENTI0N SHALL BE PAID TO THE REPAIR OF DAMAGEDBARRIERS. END RUNS AND UNDERCUTTING BENEATH BARRIERS.17. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY.18. SHOULD THE FABRIC ON A SILT FENCE OR FILTER BARRIER DECOMPOSE OR BECOMEINEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF THE EXPECTED USABLE LIFE AND THE BARRIER STILL BENECESSARY, THE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY.STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION:19. 2 INCH - 3 INCH COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC. THE DEPTHOF STONE SHALL BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES OVER THE ENTIRE INLET OPENING. THE STONE SHALLEXTEND BEYOND THE INLET OPENING AT LEAST 18 INCHES ON ALL SIDES.20. IF STONE FILTERS BECOME CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT SO THAT THEY NO LONGERADEQUATELY PERFORM THEIR FUNCTION, THE STONES MUST BE PULLED AWAY FROM THEINLET, CLEANED AND REPLACED.POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE PROTECTION:21. ALL DEWATERlNG, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL TO REMAIN IN PLACE AFTERCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTI0N AND REMOVED ONLY WHEN AREAS HAVE STABILIZED.22. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER TEMPORARY BARRIERS ARE. NOLONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPAREDAND SEEDED. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA IN SUCH AMANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE.23. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE GRASSED, FERTILIZED, MULCHED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL APERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED.24. SOD SHALL BE PLACED IN AREAS WHICH MAY REQUIRE IMMEDIATE EROSION PROTECTION TOENSURE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS ARE MAINTAINED.10' MAX. SPACINGWITH WIRE SUPPORT FENCE6' MAX SPACING WITHOUTWIRE SUPPORT FENCEFILTER FABRICMATERIALANCHORS CAN BE ATTACHEDTO PREVENT "BLOWOUTS"BACKFILLED TRENCHFILTER FABRIC SILT FENCEPOINTS A MUST BE 8" MIN. ABOVETHE FLOW-LINE AT POINT BPROPER PLACEMENT OFSILT FENCE IN DRAINAGE WAY3' MAXNOTES:1. 1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORMEVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY.2. 2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO ANAREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENTOFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED3. 3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPECONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCYPREASSEMBLED SILT FENCETOE-IN RECOMMENDEDBUILDING BLOCKLAID 6" FROM THROATWEB HORIZONTALFILTER FABRICMATERIAL OVERCONCRETEBLOCKROLL OF 12 1/2" GAUGEWELDED FENCE, 2"x2" MESH,8"-10" COURSE AGGREGATE ORAPPROVED ROLLED EROSIONCONTROL PRODUCT (RECPs)2"x4"SUPPORTNOTES:1. FIBROUS FILTER MATERIAL IN FRONT OF BLOCK PREVENTS GRAVEL FROMWASHING INTO STRUCTURE.2. 2"x4" BEHIND BLOCK AND ACROSS THROAT HELPS KEEP BLOCK IN PLACEPLACE IN OUTER HOLE OF SPACER BLOCK.3. FILTER FABRIC AND AGGREGATE, SIMILARLY PLACED, MAY ALSO BE USED.2"-3" COURSEAGGREGATE2"x4"SUPPORTCONCRETEBLOCK ORROCK BAGSFILTER FABRICMATERIALCONCRETESPACERBLOCKEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES2' MIN.20°±ATTACHING TWO SILT FENCES1. PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECONDFENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THEFIRST FENCE2. ROTATE BOTH POSTS AT LEAST 180DEGREES IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTIONTO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THEFABRIC MATERIAL3. DRIVE BOTH POSTS ABOUT 10 INCHESINTO THE GROUND AND BURY FLAP DIRECTION OFRUNOFF WATERSEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFFCOMPACTED SOIL TOPREVENT PIPINGSTACKED SILT FENCESTACKED AND ENTRENCHEDSYNTHETIC BALE1" x 2" STAKEFILTERED RUNOFFANGLE FIRST STAKETOWARD PREVIOUSLYLAID BALEBACKFILL ANDCOMPACT THEEXCAVATION SOILSYNTHETIC BALES MUSTBE TIGHTLY ABUTTINGWITH NO GAPSPROPER PLACEMENT OF SYNTHETIC BALEBARRIER IN DRAINAGE WAY12" MIN.APPROX. 8 INCHES OFFILTER FABRIC MATERIALEXTENDED INTO A TRENCHANCHORED WITH COMPACTEDBACKFILL MATERIALTRENCHING METHODTRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILLOR GRAVEL6"x6" TRENCH WITHCOMPACTED BACKFILLOR GRAVEL6"-12"RUNOFFFILTER FABRIC ATTACHSECURELY TO UPSTREAMSIDE OF POSTPONDING HT.FILTER FABRICMATERIAL SECURELYFASTENED TO THEPOSTS OR IF USEDTHE WIRE MESHSTEEL ORWOOD POST36" HIGH MAX.PONDING HT.RUNOFFFILTER FABRIC ATTACHSECURELY TO UPSTREAMSIDE OF POST8"-12"12" MIN.STAKE INSTALLEDAFTER COMPACTIONOF "SLICE"ALTERNATIVE SLICING METHODTRENCH WITH GRAVELNOTES:1. DROP INLET SEDIMENT BARRIERS ARE TO BEUSED FOR SMALL, NEARLY LEVEL DRAINAGEAREAS. (LESS THAN 5%)2. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORMEVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHENNECESSARY3. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED YOAN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENTOFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPECONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCYFILTER FABRICMATERIAL2"-3" COURSEAGGREGATEMIN. 6" THICKEXISTINGPAVED AREA2"-3" COURSEAGGREGATEMIN. 6" THICKGRATE WRAPPED WITHFILTER FABRICMATERIALINLETGRATE18" MINFILTEREDWATERNOTES:1. TURBIDITY BARRIERS ARE TO BE USED IN ALL PERMANENT BODIES OF WATER REGARDLESS OF WATER DEPTH.2. NUMBER AND SPACING OF ANCHORS DEPENDENT ON CURRENT VELOCITIES.3. DEPLOYMENT OF BARRIER AROUND PILE LOCATIONS MAY VARY TO ACCOMMODATE CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS.4. NAVIGATION MAY REQUIRE SEGMENTING BARRIER DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS.TURBIDITY BARRIERS FOR FLOWING STREAMS AND TIDAL CREEKS MAY BE EITHER FLOATING, OR STAKED TYPES OR ANYCOMBINATIONS OF TYPES THAT WILL SUIT SITE CONDITIONS AND MEET EROSION CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. THEBARRIER TYPE(S) WILL BE AT THE CONTRACTORS OPTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS. HOWEVER, PAYMENT WILL BEUNDER THE CONTRACT LUMP SUM PRICE ESTABLISHED IN THE BID PROPOSAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL POSTS IN STAKEDTURBIDITY BARRIERS TO BE INSTALLED IN VERTICAL POSITION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.1/4" GALVANIZEDCHAIND2D118 OZ. NYLONREINFORCEDPVC FABRIC(300 PSI TEST)WITH LACINGGROMMETSCLOSED CELL SOLID PLASTICFOAM FLOTATION (6" DIA. EQUIV.)(12 LBS. PER FT. BUOYANCY)FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERSTYPE II TYPE I18 OZ. NYLONREINFORCEDPVC FABRIC(300 PSI TEST)D1D2STRESSPLATECLOSED CELL SOLID PLASTICFOAM FLOTATION (6" DIA. EQUIV.)(12 LBS. PER FT. BUOYANCY)SLOTTED PVC CONNECTOR PIPE(METAL COLLAR REINFORCED)5/16" VINYL SHEATHED EAW STEELCABLE (9800 LBS. BREAKING STRENGTH)WITH GALVANIZED CONNECTORS (TOOLCOLLARREINFORCED)STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIERS5' OR MORE3'8"18"MIN6' MAX.POST (OPTIONS: 2"x4" OR2 12 MIN DIA. WOOD18 OZ. NYLON REINFORCEDPVC FABRIC (300 PSI TEST)2"x4" WOOD FRAMEGATHER EXCESSFABRIC AT CORNERSNOTES:1. DROP INLET SEDIMENT BARRIERS ARE TO BE USED FOR SMALL, NEARLY LEVEL DRAINAGE AREAS.(LESS THAN 5")2. USE 2"X4'" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT METAL STAKES. (3 FT. MIN. LENGTH)3. INSTALL 2"x 4" WOOD TOP FRAME TO INSURE STABILITY.4. THE TOP DF THE FRAME (PONDING HEIGHT) MUST BE WELL BELOW THE GROUND ELEVATIONDOWNSLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM BYPASSING THE INLET. A TEMPORARY DIKE MAY BENECESSARY ON THE DOWNSLOPE SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE.NOTES:1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLICRIGHTS-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING, REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT.2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF WAY.3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVEDSEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN.36" MAX12" MAX18" MAXTOP FRAME NECESSARYFOR STABILITY2"x4" WOOD FRAME4 SIDES OF D.I.ATTACH FILTER FABRICSECURELY TO 2"x4" WOODFRAME, OVERLAPPINGFABRIC TO NEXT STAKESECTION A-APONDING HT.EXISTING PAVEDROADWAYTEMPORARYEROSION CONTROLDIVERSION BERMDIVERSION RIDGE REQUIREDWHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2%2% OR GREATERSECTION A-AFILTER FABRICNOTES:USE SANDBAGS, SYNTHETIC BALES OROTHER APPROVED METHODS TOCHANELIZE RUNOFF TO BASIN ASREQUIRED.WHEN SYNTHETIC BALES ARE USED INTHIS APPLICATION, SILT FENCE SHALLBE USED AS SHOWN ON THE UPSTREAMSIDE OF THE SEDIMENT BARRIER.SEDIMENT BARRIER2"-4" ROCKMIN. 6" THICKEXISTING PAVED ROADWAY12' MINAS REQUIREDOPTIONALDIVERSION RIDGE50' MINPLANFLOWFLOW SUPPLY WATER TO WASHWHEELS IF NECESSARY20' R1.5' MAX.3' MIN.5/8" POLYPROROPE 600 LBBREAKING STRENGTHSCALETEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIERS SILT FENCE & SYNTHETIC BALESNTS1SCALETEMPORARY EROSION CONTROLFILTER FABRIC ALONG GRATE INLETNTS2SCALEPOST PAVEMENT EROSION CONTROLFILTER FABRIC OVER GRATE INLETNTS3SCALETEMPORARY TURBIDITY BARRIERSNTS4SCALETEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(SOIL TRACKING PREVENTION DEVICE)NTS5SCALEPRE-PAVEMENT SEDIMENT BARRIER AT GRATE INLETNTS608/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:49:44 -05'00' STABILIZATION PRACTICES EROSIONAND SEDIMENT CONTROLS* THE SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE INSPECTED FOR THE DEPTH OFSEDIMENT AND BUILT UP SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED WHEN ITREACHES 10 PERCENT OF THE DESIGN CAPACITY OR AT THE END OFTHE JOB, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.* TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANTING WILL BEINSPECTED FOR BARE SPOTS, WASHOUTS, AND HEALTHY GROWTH.* A MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT WILL BE MADE AFTER EACHINSPECTION. A COPY OF THE REPORT FORM TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE INSPECTOR IS ATTACHED. THE REPORTS WILL BE KEPT ON SITEDURING CONSTRUCTION AND AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TO THEOWNER, ENGINEER OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCYAPPROVING SEDIMENT AND AND EROSION PLANS, OR STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLANS. THE REPORTS SHALL BE MADE AND RETAINEDAS PART OF THE WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR AT LEASTTHREE YEARS FROM THE DATE THAT THE SITE IS FINALLY STABILIZEDAND THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION IS SUBMITTED THE REPORTS SHALLIDENTIFY ANY INCIDENTS OF NON-COMPLIANCE.* THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL SELECT UP TO THREE INDIVIDUALSWHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTIONS, MAINTENANCE ANDREPAIR ACTIVITIES, AND FILLING OUT THE INSPECTION ANDMAINTENANCE REPORT.* PERSONNEL SELECTED FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCERESPONSIBILITIES WILL RECEIVE TRAINING FROM THE SITE.SUPERINTENDENT. THEY WILL BE TRAINED IN ALL THE INSPECTIONAND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES NECESSARY FOR KEEPING THEEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS USED ONSITE IN GOOD WORKINGORDER.NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGESIT IS EXPECTED THAT THE FOLLOWING NON-STORMWATERDISCHARGES WILL OCCUR FROM THE SITE DURING THECONSTRUCTION PERIOD:* WATER FROM WATER LINE FLUSHING*PAVEMENT WASH WATERS (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS OF TOXICOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED).* UNCONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER (FROM DEWATERINGEXCAVATION).ALL NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGE WILL BE DIRECTED TO THESEDIMENT BASIN PRIOR TO DISCHARGE.I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND THE TERMSAND THAT AUTHORIZES THE STORM CONDITIONS OF THE FDEPGENERIC PERMIT WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIALACTIVITY FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IDENTIFIED AS PART OFTHIS CERTIFICATION.THESE PRACTICES ARE USED TO REDUCE THE RISKS ASSOCIATEDWITH HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.* PRODUCTS WILL BE KEPT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS UNLESS THEYARE NOT RESEALABLE.* ORIGINAL LABELS AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA WILL BERETAINED; THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION.* IF SURPLUS PRODUCT MUST BE DISPOSED OF, MANUFACTURER'SOR LOCAL AND STATE RECOMMENDED METHODS FOR PROPERDISPOSAL WILL BE FOLLOWED.PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRACTICES THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTSPECIFIC PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED ONSITE:PETROLEUM PRODUCTSALL ONSITE VEHICLES WILL BE MONITORED FOR LEAKS ANDRECEIVE REGULAR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TO REDUCE THECHANCE OF LEAKAGE. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WILL BE STORED INTIGHTLY SEALED CONTAINERS WHICH ARE CLEARLY LABELED. ANYASPHALT SUBSTANCES USED ONSITE WILL BE APPLIED ACCORDINGTO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS.FERTILIZERSFERTILIZERS USED WILL BE APPLIED ONLY IN THE MINIMUMAMOUNTS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. ONCEAPPLIED, FERTILIZER WILL BE WORKED INTO THE SOIL TO LIMITEXPOSURE TO STORMWATER. STORAGE WILL BE IN A COVEREDAREA. THE CONTENTS OF ANY PARTIALLY USED BAGS OFFERTILIZER WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO A SEALABLE PLASTIC BIN TOAVOID SPILLS.PAINTSCONTAINERS WILL BE TIGHTLY SEALED AND STORED WHEN NOTREQUIRED FOR USE. EXCESS PAINT WILL NOT BE DISCHARGED TOTHE STORM SEWER SYSTEM BUT WILL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OFACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS OR STATE ANDLOCAL REGULATIONS.CONCRETE TRUCKSCONCRETE TRUCKS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WASH OUT ORDISCHARGE SURPLUS CONCRETE OR DRUM WASH WATER ON THESITE.SPILL CONTROL PRACTICESIN ADDITION TO THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND MATERIALMANAGEMENT PRACTICES DISCUSSED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTIONSOF THIS PLAN, THE FOLLOWING PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWEDFOR SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP:MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDED METHODS FOR SPILL CLEANUPWILL BE CLEARLY POSTED ON SITE AND SITE PERSONNEL WILL BEMADE AWARE OF THE PROCEDURES AND THE LOCATION OF THEINFORMATION AND CLEANUP SUPPLIES.MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR SPILL CLEANUP WILLBE KEPT IN THE MATERIAL STORAGE AREA ONSITE. EQUIPMENTAND MATERIALS WILL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO BROOMS,DUST PANS, MOPS, RAGS, GLOVES, GOGGLES, LIQUID ABSORBENT(i.e. KITTY LITTER OR EQUAL), SAND, SAWDUST, PLASTIC AND METALTRASH CONTAINERS SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS PURPOSE.ALL SPILLS WILL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER DISCOVERY.THE SPILL AREA WILL BE KEPT WELL VENTILATED AND PERSONNELWILL WEAR APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TO PREVENTINJURY FROM CONTACT WITH A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE.SPILL OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL WILL BE REPORTED TOTHE APPROPRIATE STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY,REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE SPILL.THE SPILL PREVENTION PLAN WILL BE ADJUSTED TO INCLUDEMEASURES TO PREVENT THIS TYPE OF SPILL FROM REOCCURRINGAND HOW TO CLEAN UP THE SPILL IF THERE IS ANOTHER ONE. ADESCRIPTION OF THE SPILL, WHAT CAUSED IT, AND THE CLEANUPMEASURES WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED. THE SITE SUPERINTENDENTRESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY-TO-DAY SITE OPERATIONS, WILL BETHE SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP COORDINATOR. HE/SHE WILLDESIGNATE AT LEAST ONE OTHER SITE PERSONNEL WHO WILLRECEIVE SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP TRAINING. THESEINDIVIDUALS WILL EACH BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR A PARTICULARPHASE OF PREVENTION AND CLEANUP. THE NAMES OFRESPONSIBLE SPILL PERSONNEL WILL BE POSTED IN THE MATERIALSTORAGE AREA AND IF APPLICABLE, IN THE OFFICE TRAILERONSITE.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEPRACTICESTHE FOLLOWING ARE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICESTHAT WILL BE USED TO MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROLS.* NO MORE THAN 10 ACRES OF THE SITE WILL BE DENUDED AT ONETIME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ENGINEER.* ALL CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSPECTED BY THESUPERINTENDENT, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY TODAY SITE OPERATION OR SOMEONE APPOINTED BY THESUPERINTENDENT, AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND FOLLOWING ANYSTORM EVENT OF 0.25 INCHES OR GREATER.* ALL TURBIDITY CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED INGOOD WORKING ORDER; IF A REPAIR IS NECESSARY, IT WILL BEINITIATED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF REPORT.* BUILT UP SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM SILT FENCE WHEN ITHAS REACHED ONE-THIRD THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE.* SILT FENCE WILL BE INSPECTED FOR DEPTH OF SEDIMENT,TEARS, TO SEE IF THE FABRIC IS SECURELY ATTACHED TO THEFENCE POSTS, AND TO SEE THAT THE FENCE POSTS ARE FIRMLY INTHE GROUND.* DIVERSION DIKES/SWALES WILL BE INSPECTED AND ANYBREACHES PROMPTLY REPAIRED.MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICESTHE FOLLOWING ARE THE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICESTHAT WILL BE USED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SPILLS OR OTHERACCIDENTAL EXPOSURE OF MATERIALS AND SUBSTANCES TOSTORMWATER RUNOFF.GOOD HOUSEKEEPINGTHE FOLLOWING GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES WILL BEFOLLOWED ONSITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. * AN EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO STORE ONLY ENOUGH PRODUCTREQUIRED TO DO THE JOB. * ALL MATERIALS STORED ONSITE WILL BE STORED IN A NEAT,ORDERLY MANNER IN THEIR APPROPRIATE CONTAINERSAND, IFPOSSIBLE, UNDER A ROOF OR OTHER ENCLOSURE. * PRODUCTS WILL BE KEPT IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONTAINERSWITHTHE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER'S LABEL. * SUBSTANCES WILL NOT BE MIXED WITH ONE ANOTHER UNLESSRECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. * WHENEVER POSSIBLE, ALL OF A PRODUCT WILL BE USED UPBEFORE DISPOSING OF THE CONTAINER. * MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER USE ANDDISPOSAL WILL BE FOLLOWED. * THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL INSPECT DAILY TO ENSUREMATERIALS ONSITE RECEIVE PROPER USE AND DISPOSAL.WASTE DISPOSALWASTE MATERIALS ALL WASTE MATERIALS EXCEPT LANDCLEARING DEBRIS SHALL BE COLLECTED AND STORED IN ASECURELY LIDDED METAL DUMPSTER. THE DUMPSTER WILL MEETALL LOCAL AND STATE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTREGULATIONS. THE DUMPSTER WILL BE EMPTIED AS NEEDED ANDTHE TRASH WILL BE HAULED TO A STATE APPROVED LANDFILL.ALL PERSONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED REGARDING THE CORRECTPROCEDURE FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. NOTICES STATING THESEPRACTICES WILL BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE BY THECONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT, THE INDIVIDUAL WHOMANAGES THE DAY-TO-DAY SITE OPERATIONS, WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THESE PROCEDURES AREFOLLOWED.HAZARDOUS WASTEALL HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN THEMANNER SPECIFIED BY LOCAL OR STATE REGULATION OR BY THEMANUFACTURER. SITE PERSONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED INTHESE PRACTICES AND THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT, THEINDIVIDUAL WHO MANAGES DAY-TO-DAY SITE OPERATIONS,WILLBE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THESE PRACTICES AREFOLLOWED.SANITARY WASTEALL SANITARY WASTE WILL BE COLLECTED FROM THE PORTABLEUNITS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT POSSIBLE SPILLAGE. THE WASTEWILL BE COLLECTED AND DEPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTATE AND LOCAL WASTE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS FORSANITARY SEWER OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS.OFFSITE VEHICLE TRACKINGA STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WILL BE PROVIDED TOHELP REDUCE VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS. THE PAVEDSTREET ADJACENT TO THE SITE ENTRANCE WILL BE SWEPT DAILYTO REMOVE ANY EXCESS MUD, DIRT OR ROCK TRACKED FROMTHE SITE. DUMP TRUCKS HAULING MATERIAL FROM THECONSTRUCTION SITE WILL BE COVERED WITH A TARPAULIN.AS INDICATED IN THE SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES, THE SILTFENCES AND HAY BALES, STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEAND SEDIMENT BASIN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TOCLEARING OR GRADING OF ANY OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SITE.STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON ASPRACTICAL IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED.ONCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CEASES PERMANENTLY IN ANAREA, THAT AREA WILL BE STABILIZED PERMANENTLY INACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS. AFTER THE ENTIRE SITE ISSTABILIZED, THE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVEDFROM THE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND THE EARTH DIKE/SWALES WILLBE REGRADED/REMOVED AND STABILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE EROSION & TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN.IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO IMPLEMENT THEEROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS AS SHOWN ON THE EROSIONAND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN. IT IS ALSO THE CONTRACTORSRESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THESE CONTROLS ARE PROPERLYINSTALLED , MAINTAINED AND FUNCTIONING PROPERLY TOPREVENT TURBID OR POLLUTED WATER FROM LEAVING THEPROJECT SITE. THE CONTRACTOR WILL ADJUST THE EROSIONAND TURBIDITY CONTROLS SHOWN ON THE EROSION ANDTURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN AND ADD ADDITIONAL CONTROLMEASURES, AS REQUIRED,TO ENSURE THE SITE MEETS ALLFEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLREQUIREMENTS. THE FOLLOWING BEST MANAGEMENTPRACTICES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR ASREQUIRED BY THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN ANDAS REQUIRED TO MEET THE EROSION AND TURBIDITYREQUIREMENTS IMPOSED ON THE PROJECT SITE BY THEREGULATORY AGENCIES.I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTSWERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLYGATHERED AND EVALUATED THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED. BASED ON MY INQUIRYOF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONSDIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATIONSUBMITTED IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE,AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FORSUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE ANDIMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS.IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS RELATED TO STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS, THE FOLLOWINGPERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED.DEP STANDARD GENERALSTORMWATER PERMIT NO.:DEP NPDES PERMIT NO.:1. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE: TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES MAYBE USED TO DIVERT RUNOFF THROUGH A SEDIMENT-TRAPPINGFACILITY.2. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP: A SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL BEINSTALLED IN AN DRAINAGEWAY AT A STORM DRAIN INLET OR ATOTHER POINTS OF DISCHARGE FROM A DISTURBED AREA. THEFOLLOWING SEDIMENT TRAPS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED EITHERINDEPENDENTLY OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH A TEMPORARYDIVERSIONDIKE:1. BLOCK & GRAVEL SEDIMENT FILTER - THIS PROTECTION ISAPPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY FLOWS AND/OR WHERE AN OVERFLOWCAPACITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDINGAROUND THE STRUCTURE.2. GRAVEL SEDIMENT TRAP - THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLEWHERE HEAVY CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EXPECTED, BUT NOTWHERE PONDING AROUND THE STRUCTURE MIGHT CAUSEEXCESSIVE INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENTSTRUCTURES & UNPROTECTED AREAS.3. DROP INLET SEDIMENT TRAP - THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLEWHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (S < 5%) ANDWHERE SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (Q < 0.5 CFS) ARE TYPICAL.THIS METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVINGCONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAYMEDIANS.4. OUTLET PROTECTION: APPLICABLE TO THE OUTLETS OF ALL PIPESAND PAVED CHANNEL SECTIONS WHERE THE FLOW COULD CAUSEEROSION & SEDIMENT PROBLEM TO THE RECEIVING WATER BODY.SILT FENCES & HAY BALES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELYDOWNSTREAM OF THE DISCHARGING STRUCTURE AS SHOWN ONTHE OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL.5. SEDIMENT BASIN: WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE COMMONDRAINAGE LOCATIONS THAT SERVE AN AREA WITH 10 OR MOREDISTURBED ACRES AT ONE TIME, THE PROPOSED STORMWATERPONDS (OR TEMPORARY PONDS) WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR USEAS SEDIMENT BASINS. THESE SEDIMENT BASINS MUST PROVIDE AMINIMUM OF 3,600 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE PER ACRE DRAINEDUNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE. THE 3,600 CUBIC FEET OFSTORAGE AREA PER ACRE DRAINED DOES NOT APPLY TO FLOWSFROM OFFSITE AREAS AND FLOWS FROM ONSITE AREAS THAT AREEITHER UNDISTURBED OR HAVE UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATIONWHERE SUCH FLOWS ARE DIVERTED AROUND BOTH THEDISTURBED AREA AND THE SEDIMENT BASIN. ANY TEMPORARYSEDIMENT BASINS CONSTRUCTED MUST BE BACKFILLED ANDCOMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS FORSTRUCTURAL FILL ALL SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN PERMANENT ORTEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS MUST BE REMOVED UPON FINALSTABILIZATION.THE MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES LISTED BELOW ARE EXPECTED TOBE PRESENT ONSITE DURING CONSTRUCTION:1. HAY BALE BARRIER: HAY BALE BARRIERS CAN BE USED BELOWDISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSIONWITH THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS:A. WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 33PERCENT.B. IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUMCONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN 2ACRES.C. WHERE EFFECTIVENESS IS REQUIRED FOR LESS THAN 3MONTHS.D. EVERY EFFORT SHOULD BE MADE TO LIMIT THE USE OFSTRAW BALE BARRIERS CONSTRUCTED IN LIVE STREAMSOR IN SWALES WHERE THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF AWASHOUT. IF NECESSARY, MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TOPROPERLY ANCHOR BALES TO INSURE AGAINST WASHOUT.2. FILTER FABRIC BARRIER: FILTER FABRIC BARRIERS CAN BEUSED BELOW DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILLEROSION WITH THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS:A. WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 33PERCENT.B. IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUMCONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN 2.ACRES.3. BRUSH BARRIER WITH FILTER FABRIC: BRUSH BARRIER MAYBE USED BELOW DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET ANDRILL EROSION WHERE ENOUGH RESIDUE MATERIAL ISAVAILABLE ON SITE.4. LEVEL SPREADER: A LEVEL SPREADER MAY BE USED WHERESEDIMENT-FREE STORM RUNOFF IS INTERCEPTED ANDDIVERTED AWAY FROM THE GRADED AREAS ONTOUNDISTURBED STABILIZED AREAS. THIS PRACTICE APPLIESONLY IN THOSE SITUATIONS WHERE THE SPREADER CAN BEAPPLIES ONLY IN THOSE SITUATIONS WHERE THE SPREADERCAN BE APPLIES ONLY IN THOSE SITUATIONS WHERE THESPREADER CAN BE CONSTRUCTED ON UNDISTURBED SOILAND THE AREA BELOW THE LEVEL LIP IS STABILIZED. THEWATER SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO RECONCENTRATEAFTER RELEASE.5. STOCKPILING MATERIAL: NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BESTOCKPILED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUNOFFDIRECTLY OFF THE PROJECT SITE INTO ANY ADJACENT WATERBODY OR STORMWATER COLLECTION FACILITY.6. EXPOSED AREA LIMITATION: THE SURFACE AREA OF OPEN,RAW ERODIBLE SOIL EXPOSED BY CLEARING AND GRUBBINGOPERATIONS OR EXCAVATION AND FILLING OPERATIONSSHALL NOT EXCEED 10 ACRES. THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BEWAIVED FOR LARGE PROJECTS WITH AN EROSION CONTROLPLAN WHICH DEMONSTRATES THAT OPENING OF ADDITIONALAREAS WILL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT OFF-SITE DEPOSITOF SEDIMENTS.7. INLET PROTECTION: INLETS AND CATCH BASINS WHICHDISCHARGE DIRECTLY OFF-SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROMSEDIMENT-LADEN STORM RUNOFF UNTIL THE COMPLETION OFALL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTESEDIMENT TO THE INLET.8. TEMPORARY SEEDING: AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTIONOPERATIONS AND THAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO BERE-EXCAVATED OR DRESSED AND RECEIVE FINAL GRASSINGTREATMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH A QUICKGROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLYCOVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT IS PLANTED ANDWILL NOT LATER COMPETE WITH THE PERMANENT GRASSING.9. TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING: SLOPES STEEPERTHAN 6:1 THAT FALL WITHIN THE CATEGORY ESTABLISHED INPARAGRAPH 8 ABOVE SHALL ADDITIONALLY RECEIVEMULCHING OF APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES LOOSE MEASURE OFMULCH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREAADEQUATE TO PREVENT MOVEMENT OF SEED AND MULCH.10. TEMPORARY GRASSING: THE SEEDED OR SEEDED ANDMULCHED AREA(S) SHALL BE ROLLED AND WATERED ORHYDROMULCHED OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS IF REQUIREDTO ASSURE OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITIONS FOR THEESTABLISHMENT OF A GOOD GRASS COVER. TEMPORARYGRASSING SHALL BE THE SAME MIX & AMOUNT REQUIRED FORPERMANENT GRASSING IN THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS.11. TEMPORARY REGRASSING : IF, AFTER 14 DAYS FROM SEEDING,THE TEMPORARY GRASSED AREAS HAVE NOT ATTAINED AMINIMUM OF 75 PERCENT GOOD GRASS COVER, THE AREAWILL BE REWORKED AND ADDITIONAL SEED APPLIEDSUFFICIENT TO ESTABLISH THE DESIRED VEGETATIVE COVER.12. MAINTENANCE: ALL FEATURES OF THE PROJECT DESIGNEDAND CONSTRUCTED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTSHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING THE LIFE OF THECONSTRUCTION SO AS TO FUNCTION AS THEY WEREORIGINALLY DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED.13. PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL: THE EROSION CONTROLFACILITIES OF THE PROJECT SHOULD BE DESIGNED TOMINIMIZE THE IMPACT ON THE OFFSITE FACILITIES.14. PERMANENT SEEDING: ALL AREAS WHICH HAVE BEENDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION WILL, AS A MINIMUM, BESEEDED. THE SEEDING MIX MUST PROVIDE BOTH LONG-TERMVEGETATION AND RAPID GROWTH SEASONAL VEGETATION.SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4:1 SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHEDOR SODDED.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT A MINIMUM IMPLEMENT THECONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED BELOW AND THOSEMEASURES SHOWN ON THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLPLAN. IN ADDITION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERTAKEADDITIONAL MEASURES REQUIRED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITHAPPLICABLE PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE WATER QUALITYSTANDARDS. DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF MATERIALS ANDMETHODS OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR MAY BEREQUIRED TO ADD FLOCCULANTS TO THE RETENTION SYSTEMPRIOR TO PLACING THE SYSTEM INTO OPERATION.THIS PLAN UTILIZES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO CONTROL EROSION ANDTURBIDITY CAUSED BY STORMWATER RUN OFF. AN EROSION AND TURBIDITY PLANHAS BEEN PREPARED TO INSTRUCT THE CONTRACTOR ON PLACEMENT OF THESECONTROLS. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL AND MAINTAINTHE CONTROLS PER PLAN AS WELL AS ENSURING THE PLAN IS PROVIDING THEPROPER PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS. REFERTO "CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY" FOR A VERBAL DESCRIPTION OF THECONTROLS THAT MAY BE IMPLEMENTED.STORMWATER MANAGEMENTSTORMWATER DRAINAGE WILL BE PROVIDED BY (DESCRIPTION:)MODIFIED COLLECTION, CONVEYANCE, TREATMENT & ATTENUATION SYSTEM FORTHE PROJECT. AREAS WHICH ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON, BUT WILL BEREGRADED SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER GRADING IS COMPLETE,WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. THE SITE DISCHARGES TO ANUNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM. WHERE PRACTICAL, TEMPORARY SEDIMENTBASINS WILL BE USED TO INTERCEPT SEDIMENT BEFORE ENTERING THEPERMANENT DETENTION BASIN. THE DRY DETENTION SYSTEM IS DESIGNED INACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY THE DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR THIS TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME ITWAS CONSTRUCTED.THE ORDER OF ACTIVITIES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:1. INSTALL STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE2. INSTALL SILT FENCES AND HAY BALES AS REQUIRED3. CLEAR AND GRUB FOR DIVERSION SWALES/DIKES ANDSEDIMENT BASIN4. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENTATION BASIN5. CONTINUE CLEARING AND GRUBBING6. STOCK PILE TOP SOIL IF REQUIRED7. PERFORM PRELIMINARY GRADING ON SITE AS REQUIRED8. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES AS SOON ASPRACTICABLE9. INSTALL STORM SEWER AND IRRIGATION.10. COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALL PERMANENTSEEDING/SOD AND PLANTING11. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM BASINS12. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THESITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE ANY TEMPORARY DIVERSIONSWALES/DIKES AND RESEED/SOD AS REQUIREDREFER TO " CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY" FOR THE TIMING OFCONTROL/MEASURES.CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITHFEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONSGENERALPROJECT NAME AND LOCATION:WENDY'S STORE NO. 126601218 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FLPROPERTY OWNER:JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLC10931 N DALE MABRY HIGHWAYTAMPA, FLORIDA 33618-4112SITE ADDRESS:1218 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FLDESCRIPTION:CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING AND PARKING LOT.MODIFY EXISTING SMS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE IMPROVEMENTSPER AUTHORITIES WITH JURISDICTION.SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL INCLUDE: RE-GRADING,CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITYSOILS:SEE SOIL REPORTSITE MAPS:* SEE ATTACHED GRADING PLAN FOR PRE & POST DEVELOPMENT GRADES,AREAS OF SOILS, DISTURBANCE, LOCATION OF SURFACE WATERS, WETLANDS,PROTECTED AREAS, MAJOR STRUCTURAL AND NONSTRUCTURAL CONTROLSAND STORMWATER DISCHARGE POINTS.* SEE ATTACHED EROSION & TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN FOR TEMPORARYSTABILIZATION PRACTICES, AND TURBIDITY BARRIERS* SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY ANDPERMANENT STABILIZATION.NAME OF RECEIVING WATERS:EXISTING INLETSSEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIESOWNER / OPERATORMAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROCEDURESINVENTORY FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANBUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESSOF CONTRACTOR & ALL SUBSRESPONSIBLE FOR/DUTIESMAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROCEDURESSITE DESCRIPTIONOWNER'S REQUIREMENTSOTHER CONTROLSCONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTSHAZARDOUS PRODUCTSSTRUCTURAL PRACTICESCONTROLSTIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURESCONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATIONSIGNATUREGENERAL CONTRACTORSUB-CONTRACTORSUB-CONTRACTORSUB-CONTRACTORSUB-CONTRACTORSIGNED:___________________________OWNER'S CERTIFICATIONTIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURESSPILL PREVENTIONCONTROLSDATED:____________________________ ConcreteAsphaltTarDetergents_______FertilizersPetroleum Based ProductsCleaning SolventsPaints_______ WoodMasonry BlocksRoofing MaterialsMetal Studs_______08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/20408/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:50:00 -05'00' 1. SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE AT ALL TIES TO CONCRETE OTHER THAN DRIVEWAYS. MAXIMUM SPACING SHALL BE50-FOOT.2. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE ASPHALT FIBER IMPREGNATED PREFORMED JOINT FILLER, TO FULL DEPTH OFCONCRETE.3. ALL SIDE WALKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 4 INCH THICK 4,000 PSI PORT LAND CEMENT CONCRETE AND SHALL BEINSTALLED OVER COMPACTED SUB-GRADE (LBR 40 MIN.)4. CONTROL JOINT MUST BE PERFORMED WITHIN 12 HOURS OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT DO A DEPTH NO LESS THAN1/4-INCH THE OVERALL CONCRETE DEPTH.4" (D)NORMAL 40'-0" WITH 4' WIDE SIDEWALKMAXIMUM 50'-0" WITH 5' OR WIDER SIDEWALKNOTES:14"(D)/46' MAX4" (D)EXPANSION JOINTCONTROL JOINTSCALEINTEGRAL CURB SIDEWALKNTS3SCALECONCRETE SIDEWALKNTS212"4"116"SLOPESIDEWALK WITH 6"X6"-1.4/1.4 W.W.M.PAVEMENTSURFACESTRUCK JOINTEXPANSION JOINT4" BASE COMPACTED TO98% AASSHTO T-1804"-6"1/2" EXPANSIONJOINT FULLDEPTHBROOMFINISHBROOMFINISHSUB-GRADECONCRETE4" 4,000 PSI FIBERMESH REINFORCED CONCRETE4"6"6 INCH COMPACTED SUB-GRADE TO 95% MIN. PER ASTM D1557CONCRETESUB-BASE2" RADIUSSCALEEXPANSION JOINTNTS512"12"12"BACKER ROD: ETHAFOAM "SM"SIKA FLEX 2-C SEALANTPRIMEREXP. JOINT FILLER: SEAL TITE FIBRESLAB1/4"1 1/2" OR 1/4 SLAB DEPTHFILL WITH SEALANT2"SCALESAWCUT CONTROL JOINTNTS6TOOLED TO 1/4" RADIUSELASTOMERIC JOINT FILLERSCALE6" X 18" VERTICAL CURBNTS46"6"1'-0"4" - 6"NOTE:TRANSVERSE JOINTS SHALL BE 1/2" FULL DEPTH ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FIBER EXP. JOINT RECESSED 1/4"IN FROM THE FRONT FACE AND TOP OF THE CURB @ 20'-0" MAXIMUM.1/2" R1/2" R4,000 PSI AIR ENTRAINEDCONCRETE CURBSUB-BASE (BY CONTRACTOR)PAVEMENTSURFACESCALEASPHALT PAVEMENTNTS9SCALETYPICAL HANDICAP PARKING STRIPINGNTS1SCALEEXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONNECTIONNTS7NEW SURFACEEDGE OF EXIST PAVEMENT2'LIMITS OF REMOVAL & NEW BASENEW ASPHALT PAVEMENTSAW CUTASPHALT MILL TO A THICKNESS OFFINAL LIFT. APPLY PRIME OR TACKMATERIALS AS NECESSARY6"6"1-1/2-INCH TYPE III ASPHALTIC CONCRETESTRUCTURAL BASE COURSE6-INCH LIMEROCK LBR 100 COMPACTEDTO 98% OF AASHTO T-180 (6" MINIMUMADJUST AS NECESSARY TO MEETREQUIRED GRADES)ASPHALTBASEPRIME COATASPHALT SURFACESUBGRADEBASE12-INCH COMPACTED SUB-GRADE LBR40 COMPACTED TO 98% AASHTO T-180(EXISTING TO REMAIN)SUB-GRADE6"2"6-INCHWHITE STRIPING6-INCHBLUE STRIPING6-INCH WIDE WHITEHANDICAP SYMBOL(3) 6-INCH WHITEDIAGONAL EQUALLYSPACED PER AISLEPROPOSEDAT-GRADESIDEWALK12'5'12'18'8"6"6"2"WHITEBLUEBLUE SIDEWALK60°SCALEON-STREET PARKING ASPHALT PAVEMENTNTS10SCALETYPICAL RAMP DETAILNTS8SCALEPAVEMENT MARKING DETAILNTS11NOTE:DIMENSIONS ARE TOCENTER OF WHITE STRIPES.08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204X/2BOLLARD WITHHANDICAPPARKING SIGN(TYP)8"6"WHITESCALECURB TRANSITION DETAILNTS13EDGE OF PAVEMENTPLAN3'TRANSITIONTOP OF CURBGUTTERPROFILESTRAIGHT END2'SCALEDETECTABLE WARNINGNTS12CAST IN PLACE REPLACEABLE TACTILE WARNING SURFACETILES TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEM BYADA SOLUTIONS, INC. (ADATILE.COM) OR APPROVED EQUAL.GC TO INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONCOLOR: YELLOWNEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK4"SCALECONCRETE PAVEMENTNTS14SUB-GRADECONCRETE 6" THICKNESS 4,000 PSI WITH 6"x6" W 1.4xW 1.4 WWF6" COMPACTED SUB-GRADE LBR 40 COMPACTED TO 98% AASHTO T-180CONCRETESUBGRADE6"4'6"SCALECROSSWALK WITH PAVERS SECTIONNTS156"X12" FLAT RIBBON CURBPAVERS1-#5 BAR CONTINUOUSSUBGRADECOMPACTED TO 98%4"CONCRETE BASE4,000 PSISAND LEVELING PAD6"6"1-1/2-INCH TYPE III ASPHALTIC CONCRETESTRUCTURAL BASE COURSE8-INCH CRUSHED CONCRETE LBR 100COMPACTED TO 98% OF AASHTO T-180(6" MINIMUM ADJUST AS NECESSARYTO MEET REQUIRED GRADES)ASPHALTBASEPRIME COATASPHALT SURFACESUBGRADEBASE12-INCH COMPACTED SUB-GRADE LBR40 COMPACTED TO 98% AASHTO T-180(EXISTING TO REMAIN)SUB-GRADEDigitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:50:13 -05'00' 7'-0"2'-0"3"12"FINISHED GRADESCALEMUTCD SIGNNTS3HEAVY DUTY GALVANIZEDU-CHANNEL SIGN POSTCONCRETESTOP08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/20430"X30" DO NOT ENTER (R5-1)(SEE SITE PLAN)30"X30" DO NOT ENTER (R5-1)(SEE SITE PLAN)30"X30" STOP SIGN (R1-1)(SEE SITE PLAN)NOTES:1. METAL POST TO BE GALVANIZED. ALL BOLTS, NUTS,WASHERS AND SCREWS MUST BE RUSTPROOF.2. CONCRETE FOR FOOTING SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENTAND HAVE A MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI IN28 DAYS.3. SIGN POST SHALL BE MIN. 2'-0" CLEAR FROM BACK OFCURB.4. ALL TRAFFIC SIGN INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER FDOTSPECIFICATIONS5. ALL TRAFFIC SIGN POSTS WITH THE COUNTYRIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE 2'x2' SQUARE BREAK-AWAY 14GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL WITH PUNCHED HOLES.6. THE TAPCO V-LOC VS1P-350 SYSTEM SHALL BE EMPLOYEDWHERE SIGN POSTS ARE INSTALLED IN PAVED AREAS.SCALETYPICAL BOLLARDNTS13'-6" IN SIDEWALK4'-0" IN PAVEMENT6"2'-0"FINISH GRADE15" DIAMETERHDPE BOLLARD SLEEVEWITH TWO (2) REDREFLECTIVE STRIPES6-INCH O.D. PRIMED STEELPIPE BOLLARD. FILL PIPEWITH 4,000 PSI CONCRETE.(TYPICAL)15" DIAMETER 4,000PSI CONCRETE6"NOTES:1. GC SHALL PLACE ORDERS IN A TIMELY FASHION -SHIP DATE IS TYPICALLY 24-48 HRS AFTERORDER IS PLACED.2. SLEEVES SHALL BE WARRANTED AGAINST FADINGOR COLOR CHANGE FOR FIVE YEARS FROM DATEOF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION.3. BOLLARD SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL.4. FILL CORES WITH CONCRETE AND STRIKE LEVELACROSS TOP OF PIPE.5. INSTALL COVER W/ INCLUDED FOAM STRIPS PERMANUFACTURER DIRECTIONS.6. APPROVED BOLLARD SLEEVE VENDORS1. ENCORE COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS, INC. SLEEVE COLOR: PMS 3c WWW.POSTGUARD.COM PH: 866.737.89002. INNOPLAST SLEEVE COLOR: LIGHT GRAY WWW.INNOPLAST.COM PH: 800.516.92873. BOLLARD COVER USA SLEEVE COLOR: LIGHT GRAY WWW.BOLLARDCOVERUSA.COM PH: 800.352.6609SCALESEMINOLE COUNTY GREASE INTERCEPTORNTS58" (MIN)3'-4"2'-0"2 1/4"2 1/4"8"8"4'-5"8"3'-1"8"3'-4"2"5 3/4"5 3/4"8"2'-3 5/8"2'-11 3/16"STEEL GRATEH-20 LOADINGALTERNATECAST IRON GRATEH-20 LOADINGPLANSECTION2'-0"5"TOP OF GRATENOTES:FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS SEE FDOT INDEX NO 201 & 232. BOTTOM & SIDE STEEL IS GRADE 40 #4 BARS @ 12"CTRS WITH 2" COVER. MAXIMUM DEPTH FOR THIS STRUCTURE IS 13'. MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE FOR 2'-0" WALL IS 18"CONCRETE PIPE. MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE FOR 3'-1" WALL IS 24" CONCRETE PIPE. ALL EXPOSED CORNERS ANDEDGES OF CONCRETE ARE TO BE CHAMFERED 3/4". CONCRETE SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTMC-478.SCALEFDOT INLET TYPE "C"NTS4FRAMESCALEHANDICAP PARKING SIGN WITHIN BOLLARDNTS2FINISH GRADE18"7'-0"12"VANACCESSIBLENOTES:1. METAL POST TO BE GALVANIZED. ALLBOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS AND SCREWSMUST BE RUSTPROOF.2. 7/16" HOLES ON 1" CENTERS.3. CONCRETE FOR FOOTING SHALL BEPORTLAND CEMENT AND HAVE AMINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF4,000 p.s.i.4. SIGNS WILL BE FABRICATED BY USINGREFLECTING COATING IN THE SYMBOL,MESSAGE AND BORDER APPLIED TO ASHEET ALUMINUM BACKING (.080) INTHICKNESS.5. MESSAGE LETTERING SHALL BE UPPERCASE (WHITE)(SERIES B) 2" HIGH INACCORDANCE WITH MANUAL ONUNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES.6. THE SYMBOL IS COMPOSED OF TWOELEMENTS, A WHITE WHEELCHAIRFIGURE (WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS FACERIGHT) ON A SQUARE BACKGROUND,INTERNATIONAL BLUE IN COLOR (FED.STD. 595a, COLOR #15180).7. SIGN POST SHALL BE MIN. 2'-0" CLEARFROM BACK OF CURB.PARKING BYDISABLEDPERMITONLYFINE $250 F.S. 318.14WHITE REFLECTIVE SYMBOL ONREFLECTIVE BLUE BACKGROUNDBLUE OPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDERON REFLECTIVE WHITE BACKGROUNDHANDICAP SIGNFDOT INDEX NO. 17355FINE $250 SIGNTHESE SIGNS AS REQUIRED FORSPECIFIC SITE2"X2"X10' SQUAREGALVANIZED POSTSEE BOLLARD DETAIL FORSLEEVE SPECIFICATIONS6-INCH O.D. PRIMED STEELPIPE BOLLARD. FILL PIPEWITH 4,000 PSI CONCRETE.(TYPICAL)15-INCH DIA 4,000PSI CONCRETE6"6"SCALESEMINOLE COUNTY PIPE LOCATING WIRENTS6BIKE HITCHSETBACKS 1. PARALLEL WALL SETBACK: A MINIMUM OF 30" SHOULD BE LEFT BETWEEN THE WALL AND THE RACK. 36" IS THERECOMMENDED SETBACK.2.DISTANCE BETWEEN RACKS: 24" IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN RACKS. 36" IS RECOMMENDED.3. STREET SETBACK: 24" IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE STREET AND THE RACK. 36" IS RECOMMENDED.4. THE FOOT MOUNTED BIKE HITCH HAS A 5.25" X 5.5" X .25” PLATE WHICH IS INSTALLED ONTO A CONCRETE BASEWITH 4 MASONRY ANCHORS. THE FOOT-MOUNTED BIKE HITCH IS GENERALLY LESS EXPENSIVE TO INSTALL ANDEASIER TO REMOVE THAN THE IN-GROUND MOUNTED MODEL, WHILE MAINTAINING THE SAME DEGREE OFSECURITY. 5. 3/8" ANCHORS ARE THE STANDARD ANCHORS SHIPPED WITH THIS RACK.6. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.DERO.COM.INSTALLATIONA.INSTALLATION METHOD: IN-GROUND MOUNT IS EMBEDDED INTO CONCRETE BASE. B.FLANGE MOUNT 5.5” X 5.25” X .25” FOOT - 4 ANCHORSC.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLER TO ENSURE THAT ALL BASE MATERIALS INTO WHICH THE RACK WILL BEINSTALLED CAN SUPPORT THE RACK AND WILL NOT BE DAMAGED BY ANY REQUIRED INSTALLATION PROCEDURES.SCALEBICYCLE RACKNTS77'-0"2'-0"3"12"FINISHED GRADEHEAVY DUTY GALVANIZEDU-CHANNEL SIGN POSTCONCRETE30"X30" YIELD HERE TOPEDESTRIANS (R1-5L OR R1-5R)(SEE SITE PLAN)YIELDHERETODigitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:50:29 -05'00' 08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204REVE7001-110-189DWG NO.1 OF 1SHEET1:20SCALEDWG SIZEA3130 VERONA AVEBUFORD, GA 30518PHN (770) 932-2443FAX (770) 932-2490www.nyloplast-us.com12 IN DRAIN BASIN QUICK SPEC INSTALLATION DETAILTITLEPROJECT NO./NAMEMATERIALDATEREVISED BY03-29-06DATEEBCDRAWN BY03-11-16NMH(5) ADAPTERANGLESVARIABLE 0° - 360°ACCORDING TOPLANS18" MIN WIDTH GUIDELINE8" MIN THICKNESS GUIDELINE(3) VARIABLE SUMP DEPTHACCORDING TO PLANS(6" MIN. BASED ONMANUFACTURING REQ.)4" MINMINIMUM PIPE BURIALDEPTH PER PIPEMANUFACTURERRECOMMENDATION(MIN. MANUFACTURINGREQ. SAME AS MIN. SUMP)(3) VARIABLE INVERT HEIGHTSAVAILABLE (ACCORDING TOPLANS/TAKE OFF)NYLOPLAST 12" DRAIN BASIN: 2812AG _ _ XWATERTIGHT JOINT(CORRUGATED HDPE SHOWN)(4) VARIOUS TYPES OF INLET & OUTLET ADAPTERS AVAILABLE:4" - 12" FOR CORRUGATED HDPE (ADS N-12/HANCOR DUAL WALL,ADS/HANCOR SINGLE WALL), N-12 HP, PVC SEWER (EX: SDR 35),PVC DWV (EX: SCH 40), PVC C900/C905, CORRUGATED & RIBBED PVC(1, 2) INTEGRATED DUCTILE IRONFRAME & GRATE TO MATCH BASIN O.D.THIS PRINT DISCLOSES SUBJECT MATTER IN WHICHNYLOPLAST HAS PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. THE RECEIPTOR POSSESSION OF THIS PRINT DOES NOT CONFER,TRANSFER, OR LICENSE THE USE OF THE DESIGN ORTECHNICAL INFORMATION SHOWN HEREINREPRODUCTION OF THIS PRINT OR ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN, OR MANUFACTURE OF ANYARTICLE HEREFROM, FOR THE DISCLOSURE TO OTHERSIS FORBIDDEN, EXCEPT BY SPECIFIC WRITTENPERMISSION FROM NYLOPLAST.1 - GRATES/SOLID COVER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A536 GRADE 70-50-05, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE BRONZE GRATE.2 - FRAMES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A536 GRADE 70-50-053 - DRAIN BASIN TO BE CUSTOM MANUFACTURED ACCORDING TO PLAN DETAILS. RISERS ARE NEEDED FOR BASINS OVER 84" DUE TO SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS. SEE DRAWING NO. 7001-110-0654 - DRAINAGE CONNECTION STUB JOINT TIGHTNESS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D3212 FOR CORRUGATED HDPE (ADS N-12/HANCOR DUAL WALL), N-12 HP, & PVC SEWER.5 - ADAPTERS CAN BE MOUNTED ON ANY ANGLE 0° TO 360°. TO DETERMINE MINIMUM ANGLE BETWEEN ADAPTERS SEE DRAWING NO. 7001-110-012.TRAFFIC LOADS: CONCRETE SLAB DIMENSIONS ARE FORGUIDELINE PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL CONCRETE SLAB MUST BEDESIGNED TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONS,TRAFFIC LOADING, & OTHER APPLICABLE DESIGN FACTORS.SEE DRAWING NO. 7001-110-111 FOR NON TRAFFIC INSTALLATION.THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE OR OTHERGRANULAR MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CLASS I,CLASS II, OR CLASS III MATERIAL AS DEFINED IN ASTM D2321.BEDDING & BACKFILL FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL BEPLACED & COMPACTED UNIFORMLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321.®©2013 NYLOPLASTSCALE12 INCH YARD DRAINNTS1SCALECLEANOUTNTS34-INCH ROCK BASE45° EL45° WYESDR 35 PVC PIPESTOPPER AS RECOMMENDEDBY THE PIPE MANUFACTURERCO PLUG & CO FITTINGBUILDERS FELTUSF 7610 HANDHOLERING & COVERCONCRETE PAD 16" SQ X 6"THICK WITHIN PAVED AREAS(4" THICK IN UNPAVED AREAS)TYPE BTYPE DTYPE ATYPE ETYPE FDROP CURBSHOULDER GUTTERSECTION CCSECTION BBSECTION AAPLANTYPE RAVALLEY GUTTERCONCRETE CURBTRAFFIC BEARING SECTION FOR USE INROUNDABOUT CENTRAL ISLAND CONSTRUCTIONAABBCCFuture Curb AndGutter ConstructionCurb And GutterValley Gutter12" Exp. Joint1'-10"1'-2"20' R Or As Shown On Plans1'-10"1'-2"34" R3 4" R 614"3'-0"712"712" Std.6" Min.**712" Std.6" Min.**34" R614"712"5'-0"8"6"1'-0"2" R3" R6"1'-6"1'-10"1'-2"1'-0"6"2" R6"1'-10"1'-2"3" R8"3'-6"614"34" R712" Std.6" Min.**712" Std.6" Min.**1'-6"9"11"134" R34" R3"5"34" R34" R2'-3"6"1'-6"3" R2" R6"1'-0"6"8"2'-0"34" R614"34" R 2'-0"10"1'-2"1'6"2'3"4"34" R 7"34" R7"3'-6"9"34" R3"1'-0"34" R 34" R9"2'-3"34" R6"2"R18"6"8"5"3"34" R134" R18"9"16"9"7"34" R134" R11"34" R34" R3"5"6"For details depicting usage adjacent toflexible pavement, see diagram right.Note: For use adjacent to concrete or flexible pavement, concrete shown. Expansionjoint, preformed joint filler and joint seal are required between curbs and concretepavement only, see Sheet 2.34" R712" Std.6" Min.*712" Std.6" Min.***Slope ToFit DrivewayNote: To be paid for as parent curb.Earth BermShoulder PavementStandard Shoulder LineCirculatingRoadway PavementTruck Apron SurfaceSpecified In The Plans2"118"RSame Slope AsAdjacent PavementJoint SealConcrete Pavement12" Exp. Joint AndPreformed Joint Filler34" RJoint Seal34" RConc. Pavt.12" Exp. Joint AndPreformed Joint FillerJoint SealConc. Pavt.12" Exp. Joint AndPreformed Joint Filler* When used on high side of roadways, the cross slope of the gutter shall match the cross slope ofthe adjacent pavement. The thickness of the lip shall be 6", unless otherwise shown on plans. Rotate entire section so that gutter cross slope matches slope of adjacent circulating roadwaypavement.For use adjacent to concrete or flexible pavement. For details depicting usage adjacent toflexible pavement, see Sheet 2. Expansion joint, preformed joint filler and joint seal are requiredbetween curb & gutter and concrete pavement only, see Sheet 2. SCALEFDOT INDEX 300 - CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERNTS4SCALEPRECAST CONCENTRIC CONCRETE MANHOLENTS2SCALEWENDY'S STANDARD SAFETY HANDRAILNTS5METAL RAILING (BLACK) SEESPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 5 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEESHEET G2.1 FOR SUPPLIERINFORMATIONSAFETY RAILING DETAILNO SCALE4"1'-0" (MIN.)OR FROST DEPTH4"(TYP.)4"2 1/4"(NOM.)3'-0"4"1 1/8"4'-0"8'-0" WHERE NOTEDSEE 04/AS2.2 FOR CONCRETESIDEWALK DETAIL (TYP.)PATIO RAILING DETAILNO SCALESEE 04/AS2.2 FOR CONCRETESIDEWALK DETAIL (TYP.)METAL RAILING (BLACK) SEESPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 5 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE SHEETG2.1 FOR SUPPLIER INFORMATION4"1'-0" (MIN.)OR FROST DEPTH4"2 1/4"(NOM.)3'-0"4"1 1/8"3 15/16"(TYP.)6'-0"/8'-0" O.C. (NOM.)4Digitally signed by Nisit Sapparkhao DN: c=US, cn=Nisit Sapparkhao, email=nisit@iegroup.net Date: 2020.01.03 11:50:45 -05'00' stsansansanueueueueueueueueueueueueWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANEAGLE EDGE LANE ststsansansansansansansanueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueWW WWWWWWWWWWWWwmwmwmwmwmwmwmW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WSTATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm66666666EAGLE EDGE LANE NO PARKING FIRE LANENORTHEASTERLY R/W LINESTATE ROAD 434,BEARING BASISSFHDDststststTSBPICK UPWINDOWPICK UPWINDOWS S38°30'33"E 357.15' PLATS51°31'43"W 287.21' PLATS51°31'43"W 286.80' PLATLOT 5PB 82, PG 63L4N38°43'16"W 158.0L31 STORY BLOCKADDRESS #1220ASPHALTASPHALTLOT 1 - VACANTPARCEL: 6213150700000020OWNER: JDBS WINTER SPRINGS LLCADDRESS: STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.59ZONE:T5LOT 4PB 82, PG 63-66PARCEL: 06213150600000020WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: MICHAEL BLAKE BLVDWINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.54ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150600000050OWNER: WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LPC/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLCADDRESS: EAGLE EDGE LN WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ARCES: 2.19ZONE: T5PARCEL: 06213150700000030OWNER: 968 SHREWSBURYAVENUE CORPADDRESS: SR 434, WINTERSPRINGS, FL 32708ACRES: 0.67ZONE: T5EAGLE EDGE LANE(62' R/W PER ORB 9329, PG 443)STATE ROAD 434(SANFORD - OVIEDO ROAD)(R/W WIDTH VARIES)SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "D" PER PB 82, PG 63-66N51°31'43"E174.97' D&MN38°43'16"W 146.98'S51°31'43"W 174.42'SEA HAWK COVE (62' R/W) TRACT "B"PER PB 82, PG 63-66S38°30'33"E 146.98' D&M0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.30.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.60.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.71.0 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.3 2.2 3.5 5.0 6.4 6.5 4.6 2.6 1.6 1.3 1.4 2.1 3.9 6.0 5.2 4.82.9 1.7 1.2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.0 4.8 7.4 8.8 8.2 6.1 3.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 3.0 5.4 7.4 7.4 6.74.0 2.9 2.3 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.1 4.2 7.7 9.9 10.8 8.8 6.4 3.6 2.8 3.2 3.3 4.1 6.1 6.9 6.9 6.8 5.1 4.8 5.3 1.5 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.3 8.3 9.3 9.8 7.0 4.7 3.3 2.9 4.4 4.6 5.0 6.0 4.8 4.6 4.85.2 6.5 9.6 2.6 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.7 3.8 7.0 6.5 8.0 5.3 3.6 2.7 2.5 4.5 4.5 4.8 5.5 3.6 3.4 3.74.6 6.1 9.8 2.1 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.2 5.0 10.4 11.1 11.2 6.6 3.6 2.8 2.9 5.0 5.6 5.7 5.5 3.3 2.93.2 4.3 6.0 9.1 2.6 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.8 3.4 6.0 5.9 6.4 4.4 2.9 2.6 2.8 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 3.3 4.3 1.30.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.7 3.5 3.8 3.1 2.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.0 2.8 3.0 1.6 1.8 0.70.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.2 1.9 2.0 2.3 3.5 3.7 3.4 3.7 1.2 1.2 0.40.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 2.2 3.9 4.6 3.7 4.2 1.3 1.4 0.50.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 3.3 3.5 2.0 3.5 2.1 2.6 0.90.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.3 4.3 5.4 4.3 4.7 4.4 6.4 1.70.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.6 1.9 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.5 4.2 4.6 4.3 4.4 5.1 9.3 2.30.8 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.2 1.9 2.6 2.5 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.5 4.3 4.7 4.4 4.3 5.1 9.6 2.40.8 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.0 4.8 4.7 5.2 4.0 2.6 2.4 2.6 4.6 5.5 4.9 5.6 3.1 2.4 1.91.8 5.7 7.2 2.1 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.7 3.4 6.5 6.8 7.3 4.7 2.9 2.5 2.3 3.8 3.7 2.8 4.7 3.3 3.0 2.54.1 3.6 3.5 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.9 2.0 4.6 10.8 11.2 12.2 7.0 4.0 3.3 3.1 4.5 5.2 4.4 5.5 5.2 5.25.4 5.4 3.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 11.8 13.8 14.0 8.5 4.5 3.9 3.3 3.7 3.2 3.5 4.5 5.7 6.86.6 5.6 2.9 1.7 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.4 6.5 7.2 8.9 7.8 5.9 5.4 3.5 1.6 2.0 3.3 6.2 10.2 9.7 7.7 3.1 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 2.8 5.0 5.5 7.5 8.6 7.1 6.4 3.6 1.5 0.3 1.3 1.7 2.0 1.6 1.90.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 1.2 2.0 3.0 3.8 7.4 12.6 12.7 10.3 4.4 1.6 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.60.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.5 3.1 2.5 2.6 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.30.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.10.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0SCALE: 1" =0' 30'30'60'SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR POLE AND FOUNDATION SPECIFICATIONS.ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL CONFINE, TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE, ALL EMITTED LIGHT ONLY TO SUBJECT PROPERTY, ANDSHALL NOT BE DIRECTED SKYWARD. PARKING LOT LIGHTING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A 90-DEGREE ANGLE.ALL TIMERS/CONTROLS SHALL CONFORM TO 63.405.REFERENCENORTHSTEEL POLE DETAILNOTESCALESITE PLANAS NOTED-08/28/19WINTER SPRINGS, FL 327081218 EAST STATE ROAD 434SheetProject No.Project Name and AddressSheet TitleDateRevision/IssueNo.09/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 08/09/191NISIT SAPPARKHAO, P.E.FL REG. NO. 64085DateScaleAS NOTED135-84.00Client Name and AddressINFINITY ENGINEERINGGROUP, LLC1208 East Kennedy BoulevardSuite 230Tampa, Florida 33602[p]: 813.434.4770[f]: 813.445.4211www.iegroup.netFL Cert. of Auth. No. 278891100 PARK CENTRAL BLVD S SUITE3300, POMPANO BEACH, FL 3306410/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 10/04/19212/11/19Revisions Per City Comments Dated 11/19/19301/03/20Revisions Per City Comments Dated 01/02/204Luminaire ScheduleSymbolQtyLabelArrangementDescriptionLLDUDFLLFArr. Lum. LumensArr. Watts6ASINGLEXDLS-FT-LED-HO-CW-SINGLE-17' MH1.0001.0001.00089941063BSINGLEXDLS-5-LED-HO-CW-SINGLE-17' MH1.0001.0001.00085011062CD180°XDLS-FT-LED-HO-CW-D180-17' MH1.0001.0001.00017988212Calculation SummaryLabelCalcTypeUnitsAvgMaxMinAvg/MinMax/MinALL CALC POINTSIlluminanceFc1.5814.00.0N.A.N.A.INSIDE CURBIlluminanceFc4.5312.71.23.7810.58LED LIFESTYLE SMALL DECORATIVE AREA LIGHTS (XDLS)PRODUCT ORDERING INFORMATIONXDLSB 3 LED SS CW UE BLK CH S PCI120TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE:PrefixDistributionLEDACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATIONDescriptionFK120 Single Fusing (120V)FK277 Single Fusing (277V)DFK208, 240 Double Fusing (208V, 240V)Finish(Accessories are field installed)Order NumberFK1206FK2776DFK208, 240621-1/8”(536mm)15-1/4”(387mm)18-1/2”(470mm)SIDE ARM (SA4 S) - BELL SHADEMounting Style1,2MountingConfiguration1,2OptionsDescriptionDFK480 Double Fusing (480V)FK347 Single Fusing (347V)Order NumberDFK4806FK3476SingleD180°D90°T90°TN120°Q90°Note: Includes Bracket1. LIFESTYLE SMALL DECORATIVE AREA LIGHTS (XDLS)BUG LISTINGXDLS - TYPE 3HO CW 9603SS CW 7096XDLS - TYPE 5HO CW 8501NW 7779CW 6225SS NW 5685WW 5007Drive Current Color Temp.*XDLS - TYPE FTLumensHO CW 8994NW 7891CW 6543SS NW 5846WW 5171106.1 91 B2-U0-G271.4 99 B1-U0-G1106 80 B3-U0-G1104 75 B3-U0-G171 88 B3-U0-G171 80 B2-U0-G172 B2-U0-G170Watts LER BUG Rating106 85 B1-U0-G2104 76 B1-U0-G271 92 B1-U0-G271 83 B1-U0-G270 74 B1-U0-G1* Color Temperature: WW-3500K, NW-4000K, CW-5000KLIGHT OUTPUT - XDLSType 3 Type FT Type 5 (Nominal)WattsLumens (Nominal)SSHOSSHOSSHO710096006510881047906460654089905840789051706880622085005680778050106740LED Chips are frequently updated therefore values may increase.711067110671106US patent 7,828,456 8,002,428, 8,177,386 8,434,893 8,567,983 and US & int’l. patents pendingSMARTTEC™ - LSI drivers feature integral sensor which reduces drive current when ambienttemperatures exceed rated temperatureENERGY SAVING CONTROL OPTION - DIM - 0-10 volt dimming enabled with controls by others.BLS - Bi-level switching responds to external line voltage signal from separate 120-277Vcontroller or sensor (by others), with low light level decreased to 30% maximum drive current.LEDS - Select high-brightness LEDs in Cool White (5000K), Neutral White (4000K) or Warm White(3500K) color temperature. 70 CRI CW. 80 CRI NW and WW.DISTRIBUTION PATTERN - Types 3, FT and 5. Exceptional uniformity creates bright environment atlower light levels. Improved backlight cutoff minimizes light trespass.CROWN - Cast aluminum. Wiring emerges from crown through compression seal fitting to preventwater entry. One-piece silicone gasket seals crown to shade for water- and dust-tight construction.SHADES - Spun aluminum. Two shade styles available - A - Angle and B - Bell.OPTICAL UNIT - Optical unit and aluminum door frame recessed into shade and sealed withone-piece silicone gasket. Clear tempered flat glass lens sealed with silicone gasket to door frame(includes pressure-stabilizing breather). Optical unit is tethered and provides access to driver.Door frame retaining fasteners are captive.BRACKETS - Brackets are extruded and cast aluminum assemblies or fabrications. All decorativeelements are die cast or extruded aluminum.MOUNTING - Classic Hook (CH), Side Arm (SA - 4” O.D. minimum pole top required) and WallMount (W - for use with CH or SA style) available. See Steel Round Pole and Aluminum RoundPole data sheets for pole selection information. Side Arm pole mount requires 3” reduced drillingpattern. Classic hook mount requires a 4” O.D. pole or tenon.ELECTRICAL - Two-stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronicdriver) meets IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Location Category C. Available with universal voltage powersupply 120-277VAC (UE - 50/60Hz input), and 347-480 VAC. Optional button-type photocells(PCI) are available in 120, 208, 240, 277 or 347 volt (supply voltage must be specified).DRIVERS - Available in SS (Super Saver) and HO (High Output) drive currents (Drive currents arefactory programmed.). Components are fully encased in potting material for moisture resistance.Driver complies with FCC standards. Driver and key electronic components can easily beaccessed.OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F).FINISH - Each fixture is finished with LSI’s DuraGrip polyester powder coat process. The DuraGripfinish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling.WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5-year warranty.PHOTOMETRICS - Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industries.com for detailed photometric data.SHIPPING WEIGHT (IN CARTON) - 24 lbs. (10.8 kg)LISTINGS - UL listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. Suitable for wet locationsThis product, or selected versions of this product, meet the standards listed below. Please consultfactory for your specific requirements.WarmWhiteNeutralWhiteCoolWhiteDrive Current Color Temp.*LumensWatts LER BUG RatingDrive Current Color Temp.*LumensWatts LER BUG RatingFOOTNOTES:1.When ordering a multiple configuration (D180, etc.) order one fixture/bracket configura-tion per pole - i.e. order oneXDLSB 3 LED SS CW UE BLK CH D180 PCI120 to receive two fixtures and one CH D180 bracket (see drawing onthis page). See STEEL ROUND POLES and ALUMINUM ROUND POLES data sheets for pole ordering information.2. See Lifestyle Bracket ordering chart for Mounting Style/Configurations availability.3. 3" reduced drilling pattern required.4. For use with SA4 and SA5 mounting styles only.5. DIM and BLS cannot be ordered together.6. Fusing must be located in the hand hole of pole.LUMINAIRE EPA CHART - XDLSXDLSA1Angle ShadeXDLSB1Bell Shade3 - Type III5 - Type VFT - ForwardThrowSS - SuperSaverHO - HighOutputCW - CoolWhite (5000K)NW - NeutralWhite (4000K)WW - WarmWhite (3500K)UE - UniversalElectronic(120-277V)347-480UniversalVoltage(347-480V)BLK - BlackBRZ - BronzeWHT - WhiteGPT - GraphiteMSV - MetallicSilverPLP - PlatinumPlusSVG - Satin VerdeGreenCH - Classic HookSA4 - Side Arm Mount for4" O.D. Round Poles³SA5 - Side Arm Mount for5" O.D. Round Poles³S - SingleD180 - DoubleD90 - Double4T90 - Triple4TN120 - Triple4Q90 - Quad4W - Wall Mount (For use withCH or Side Arm MountingStyle)DIM - 0-10 Volt Dimming(from external signal)5 BLS - Bi-level Switching(from external 120-277V signal)5Button Type PhotocellsPCI120 - 120VPCI208-277V - 208-277VPCI347 - 347VLightSourceDriveCurrentColor TempInput Voltage Exhibit 4 Traffic Review       Memo Date: December 19, 2019 To: Christopher Schmidt Organization: City of Winter Springs From: Sandra Gorman, PE Re: Winter Springs Town Center Commercial Outparcels As requested, CPH has reviewed the traffic study for the Winter Springs Town Center Outparcels dated March 2019. It is our understanding that the traffic analysis was previously reviewed and has been submitted again to support the permitting of the Wendy’s restaurant. We have the following comments upon review of the traffic analysis: 1) The existing traffic volumes do not appear to be seasonally adjusted to reflect peak season conditions based upon the Seasonal Correction Factors published by FDOT. Based upon the previous acceptance of the traffic analysis, no revisions are required to the analysis based upon this comment, however, future analyses should reflect peak season conditions. 2) Trip Generation o The average rates from ITE Trip Generation 10th Edition were used to calculate the trip generation for all land uses, however, the equation should be used where appropriate. A review of the calculations indicates that only the daily traffic associated with the bank would be impacted significantly by the change (404 daily trips vs. 347 trips reported). However, based upon a review of the roadway analysis the change in calculation would not impact the outcome of the analysis therefore no revisions to the analysis are required. o Pass-by calculations should be checked for reasonableness to ensure they do not exceed 10% of the adjacent street traffic. Since this only impacts the driveway analysis, no revisions to the analysis are required. o No internal capture was assumed between uses or in conjunction with the adjacent apartments. This represents a conservative approach to the trip generation and it should be noted that the actual trip generation may be lower as a result of the interaction between uses and the adjacent residential development. 5601 Mariner Street Suite 105 Tampa, FL 33609 Phone: 813.288.0233 Fax: 813.288.0433       3) The signal timings were optimized between existing and future conditions in the Synchro analysis. Signal timings should remain constant between scenarios to better evaluate the actual impact of project traffic and optimization should be noted in the report. Seminole County’s dynamic signal system allows for this optimization therefore no revisions to the analysis are required, but should be noted in the future. 4) SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard o The traffic analysis recommends monitoring the intersection for future signalization if warrants are met. It should be noted that the intersection does not meet the minimum FDOT signal spacing standard for a Class 3 roadway. o A westbound right turn lane is proposed in the traffic study; however it is not reflected in the intersection analysis. Based upon the previous acceptance of the traffic study and the subsequent construction of the turn lane, no revisions to the analysis are required. However, upon evaluating the intersection for signalization, the length of the turn lane as recommended in the traffic analysis should be revisited to ensure adequate storage for queueing not required under an unsignalized condition. o Similar to the westbound right turn lane, the existing eastbound left turn lane should be re-evaluated upon potential signalization to verify that adequate queue storage is available. 5) The proposed Wendy’s is 2,163 square feet which is consistent with the trip generation calculations presented in the traffic analysis and therefore the results of the traffic analysis remain consistent with the proposed development. 6) The traffic analysis suggested monitoring the intersection of SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard for future signalization, based upon the traffic volume projected to use the intersection in the study, it is recommended that a timeframe be established to begin the traffic monitoring. It is recommended to conduct traffic counts and preliminary intersection analysis within 3-6 months of the opening of the proposed development to verify traffic conditions. If you have any questions concerning the trip generation review, or would like to discuss these items in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me. Exhibit 5 Waiver Application 1208 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 230, Tampa, FL 33602 T: (813) 434-4770 F: (813) 445-4211 January 14, 2020 Ms. Marla Molina Sr. Planner City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Project Name: Wendy’s Store No. 12660 Site Address: 1218 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Application No. ZP2019-00000007 Waivers Requested: 1. The applicant requests a waiver to increase the front setback from S.R. 434, maximum to approximately ±54.6 feet. in lieu of a maximum of 8 feet. Justification: This waiver necessary based on the inclusion of a number of enhancements in front of the building, including an outdoor patio dining area, landscaping, and an access lane that functions as a frontage road for Wendy’s and the adjacent commercial lot to the east. Imposing the 8’ maximum setback would create an illogical or unreasonable result because the feature corner building could not otherwise be achieved. This waiver request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building on that corner without compromising the drive thru lane and pedestrian safety. City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane- 0 ft.—8 ft. max (from front property line) 2. The applicant requests a waiver from the required minimum of zero (0)-foot and maximum of twenty-four- foot (24)-foot maximum side principle plane setback for the building with a side principle plane setback of ±91.44 feet from the western property line. Justification: This waiver request is due lot size, location, and intended use of proposed structure need for on-site parking and pedestrian connections. City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. Lot Design Guidelines Table. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Principle building setbacks (from property line) Side - 0 ft. min, 24 ft. max. (from side property line) 3. The applicant requests a waiver to reduce the 80% frontage buildout at the front setback required in the T5 transect to approximately ±25 percent frontage. Justification: This Waiver request is necessary that it would be highly impractical for a small stand-alone fast food restaurant building on a ±.59-acre lot to achieve an 80% frontage buildout at the front setback, while still providing adequate parking, access, landscaping, and pedestrian facilities. To offset the frontage buildout reduction, the site includes enhanced landscaping, and a 6-foot wide sidewalk along the S.R. 434 frontage. 1208 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 230, Tampa, FL 33602 T: (813) 434-4770 F: (813) 445-4211 City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. Lot Design Guidelines Table. T5 (Urban Center Zone) Frontage buildout - 80% min. (at front setback) 4. The applicant requests a waiver to locate the drive-thru service window on the west side of the building rather than the rear of the building. Justification: Since the drive-thru lane is not to the rear of the building and will be visible from S.R. 434, intensified landscaping shall be provided between the drive-thru lane, which effectively blocks the view of vehicles in the drive-thru lane from the surrounding streets and sidewalks. Adjacent parking is proposed along the area adjacent to the two (2) drive-thru windows. 5. The applicant requests a waiver to allow 10 parking spaces between landscaping islands in lieu of requiring landscaping islands every six (6) parking spaces. Justification: This waiver request is due small lot size and the need for adequate parking on site. 6. The applicant requests a Waiver to reduce the off-street parking lot setback from S.R. 434 from a required minimum setback of 50-feet to approximately 40-feet. Justification: Based on the relatively small sized lot and location of the off-street parking, plus the inclusion of landscaping along the S.R. 434 frontage, it is impossible to meet the minimum setback and to provide adequate screening of the off-street parking lot and provide key pedestrian connections. 7. The applicant requests a waiver for Commercial Area: (A) 6’ sidewalk in lieu of a 12’ sidewalk and (B) Greenspace to maintain 12’ planting area (green space) in lieu of 15’ greenspace. Justification: There is not enough room on the site and adjacent to the right-of-way to construct a side walk larger than 6’ wide. The design is in harmony with current and proposed developments located on S.R. 434. City Code Sec. 20-325 Transect T5 (Urban Center Zone) (c) Thoroughfare standards. (3) Urban Boulevard. City Code: Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 6. Drive-throughs. Drive-through service windows are only permitted in the rear in and alley accessed locations provided they do not substantially disrupt pedestrian activity or surrounding uses. City Code Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 8. f. Parking lot landscaping requirements. City Code Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. 8c. Off-street surface parking lot placement. Off-street surface parking lots shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the property line along the main street to accommodate liner buildings. 1208 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 230, Tampa, FL 33602 T: (813) 434-4770 F: (813) 445-4211 8. The applicant requests a waiver to include a permanent menu board sign and internal lighting. At this time, only temporary menu board signs are permitted subject to the restrictions and uniform design standards set forth in this Town Center Code. The Town Center Code requires that signs shall be externally lit. The menu board sign requires internal lighting. Justification: A waiver is required to construct a menu sign and internal lighting for the operation of the Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant. City Code Sec. 20-325 Transect T5 (Urban Center Zone) Sec. 20-327.1. - Signs. (a) Please do not hesitate to contact us at (813) 434-4770 with any comments or questions. Sincerely, Infinity Engineering Group, LLC. Nisit Sapparkhao, P.E. President Exhibit 6 Development Agreement DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 1 of 10 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss, D'Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425-9566 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT JDBS Winter Springs, LLC (Wendy’s) THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and executed this ______ day of _________________, 2020, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (“City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and JDBS WINTER SPRINGS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, whose address is 10931 N Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, Florida 32618-4112. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of approximately 0.59 acres, more or less, of real property located in the Winter Springs Town Center, T5 Transect, generally west of the intersection of Eagle Edge Lane and SR 434, Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described herein (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Developer has applied for Final Engineering/Site Plan Approval, Aesthetic Plan Approval, and certain Waivers from the Town Center Code in order to construct a Wendy’s Restaurant with a drive-through on the Property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 Zoning, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-29.1 of the Winter Springs City Code (“City Code”), a community workshop for the Project was held on December 17, 2019; and WHEREAS, Section 20-29(c) of the City Code requires that all site plans and waivers shall be binding on the use of the subject property and, further, that as a condition of approval by the City Commission, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 of the City Code shall be required to be memorialized in a binding development agreement; and FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 2 of 10 WHEREAS, this Development Agreement shall be recorded against the property so that the terms and conditions of approval related to the Project shall run with the land; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 The Property. The real property subject to this Agreement has a tax parcel identification number of 06-21-31-507-0000-0020 and is legally described in EXHIBIT “A”, attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference (“Property”). 4.0 Project Description and Requirements. Developer shall, at its expense, design, permit and construct a 2,183 square-foot fast food restaurant with a drive-through and outdoor patio on the Property, located in the City of Winter Springs Town Center. The restaurant and all public and private project infrastructure shall be constructed in a single phase. (Hereinafter the project description and requirements are referred to as the “Project”). The Developer shall construct the Project in a manner consistent with the approved Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers that are on file with the City with the following file numbers and consistent with the requirements contained in this Agreement: File No: ZP2019-00000007 - WENDY'S NO. 12660 Specific conditions of approval for the above-referenced Plans and Waivers include the following, which are also addressed in the staff report for the Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers: A. The Developer currently owns both the Property and the adjacent parcel, intended to be a future site of a Chase Bank, which will share a common driveway access. The common driveway access will be constructed to straddle the Property’s western property line. Therefore, should the Developer ever in the future sell or convey either the Property or the adjacent parcel, Parcel ID 06-21-31-507-0000-0010, the Developer shall be required to reserve an ingress and egress easement over the common driveway for the benefit of the remaining parcel. Should the parties ever mutually desire to terminate said ingress and egress easement over the common driveway, prior to executing such termination, the Parties shall seek and receive consent from the City of Winter Springs and obtain an amendment to the site plan. B. The Developer shall add a decorative railing for safety purposes along the sidewalk located between the parking lot and the drive-through window. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 3 of 10 C. The trees proposed to be planted in the public right-of-way by the Developer shall be subject to the obligation of ongoing maintenance and replacement for the first two years following planting, at the Developer’s expense. If the City determines, after reasonable inspection, that any tree has become severely diseased or damaged to the point that the viability of the tree has been significantly compromised, the Developer shall be required to replace the tree. In the event that Developer fails to perform the necessary maintenance, repairs or replacements of any of the trees, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to conduct said maintenance, repairs or replacements and recover the actual cost thereof from the Developer. Prior to exercising that right, the City shall provide the Developer written notice and an explanation of the specific default and at least thirty (30) days in which to cure the default. If Developer fails to cure the default by the end of the cure period, the City may exercise its rights to maintain and replace at any time thereafter. 5.0 Future Permitting. Developer shall be required to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 6.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto. Upon recording of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Agreement shall be a binding obligation upon the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding himself and the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 7.0 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property, and shall run with title to the same upon being duly recorded against the Property by the City. 8.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue of any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida or, for federal court actions, in Orlando, Florida. 9.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 10.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersede any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contain the entire DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 4 of 10 agreement between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 11.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 12.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 13.0 Recordation. Upon full execution by the Parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida by the City. The Developer shall be responsible for all recording fees associated with this Agreement. 14.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 15.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of sovereign immunity and other applicable limitations on City liability whenever deemed applicable by the City. Therefore, notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 16.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 17.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 18.0 Third-Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third-party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 5 of 10 19.0 Specific Performance. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided by this Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. 20.0 Attorney's Fees. In connection with any arbitration or litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. 21.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement in accordance with the criteria of the City Code and the requirements of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City’s police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building, trailer, structure or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement. 22.0 Default. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non-defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, termination of this Agreement, an action for specific performance, and/or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non-defaulting party prior to filing said action. 23.0 Termination. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if Developer fails to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the effective date of this Agreement. The Developer may apply to the City Commission for an extension of this Agreement, which may be granted upon good cause shown. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement if Developer permanently abandons construction of the Project, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 22 above. If the City terminates this Agreement, the City shall record a notice of termination against the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. 24.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Developer shall be solely responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating and maintaining this Project. As such, Developer hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by Developer and Developer’s contractor’s and subcontractor’s performance of design, permit and DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 6 of 10 construction, and maintenance activities in furtherance of constructing the Project and maintaining the improvements of this Project. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 25.0 Force Majeure. The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period (“Time Period”) constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to any unforeseeable or unpredictable event or condition beyond the control of such party, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the City’s own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions (“Uncontrollable Event”), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Uncontrollable Event. The extended time period shall be agreed to in writing by the parties and said agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party. 26. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, notice shall be sent by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to: For the City: Shawn Boyle, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 With additional notice to: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 For Developer: JDBS WINTER SPRINGS, LLC 10931 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL 33618 Attn: Bryan Schultz Phone: 813 760-2621 b.schultz@oceanbleugroup.com DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 7 of 10 copy to: Graham Legal Group, PLLC 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1200 3208C E. Colonial Drive, Box 292 Orlando, Florida 32803 Attn: Jesse E. Graham, Jr. Phone: 407-230-6449 Email: jgraham@grahamlegalgrp.com WEN-ACQUISITIONS, LLC 1100 Park Central Blvd. South, Suite 3300 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 Attn: Sauris Lugo / Jhonny Mercado Phone: 561-997-6002 Email: slugo@jaerestgroup.com / jmercado@jaerestgroup.com copy to: Raul Gastesi, Esq. Gastesi & Associates, P.A. 8105 NW 155th Street Miami Lakes, FI. 33016 Phone: 305-801-1292 Email: rgastesi@gastesi.com Either party may freely modify their respective contact person and address contained in this Paragraph by providing written notice of the modification to the other party. Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 27.0 Assignment. Prior to completing the construction of the Project and reaching final build-out of the Project, Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. Such assignment shall also require the written approval of the City by amendment to this Agreement, which shall not require a public hearing and shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, Developer shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity in which Developer or its members are members or interest holders without City consent, provided that the City is given notice of such assignment in accordance with Section 26.0 herein. Any assignment authorized by this subparagraph shall require the assignee to be a formal signatory to this Agreement and fully assume all of Developer’s obligations, commitments, representations, and warranties under this Agreement. In any assignment, the rights and obligations contained herein shall be binding on successors in interest to the Property, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 8 of 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: Charles Lacey, Mayor ATTEST: By: Christian Gowan, Interim City Clerk CITY SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 9 of 10 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness JDBS WINTER SPRINGS, LLC Print name and title: ________________________ Date: _______________ STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (___) physical presence or (___) online notarization, this ______ day of ___________, 2020, by____________________, the __________________of JDBS Winter Springs, LLC, a limited liability company, on behalf of the company, who is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and JDBS Winter Springs, LLC. Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Wendy’s 12660, 1218 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL LOT 2, WSTC OCEAN BLEU, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 84, PAGES 37 AND 38, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINS 25,677 SQUARE FEET OR 0.590 ACRES MORE OR LESS.