HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDP Northern Oaks, LLC - Subdivision and Site Plan Maintenance Bond for Infrastructure Improvements - 2019 12 09 SUBDIVISION AND SITE PLAN
That we HDP Northern Oaks LLC, whose address is 14701 Phillips Highway,, Suite
300 Jacksonville FL. 32256 hereinafter referred to as "Principal" and NGM Insurance
Company, whose address is 4601 Touchton Road East, Suite 3400 Jacksonville FL. 32245,
hereinafter referred to as "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF WINTER
SPRINGS, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1126 East SR 434,
Winter Springs,Florida 32708,hereinafter referred to as "City", in the sum of$4�6,903.88 for the
payment of which we bind ourselves, heirs, executors, successors, and assigns, jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS PRINCIPAL has constructed certain infrastructure improvements for
Northern Oaks Subdivision. Improvements include: water and sanitary sewers stems per
attached Exhibit "A" to BondI for that certain subdivision described as Northern Oaks, a plat
of which is recorded in Plat Book 83 Pa es 41-44, Pubic Records of Seminole County, Florida;
WHEREAS, the aforesaid improvements were made pursuant to certain plans and
specifications dated 10/24/2017 and filed with the City; and
WHEREAS,PRINCIPAL,is obligated to protect City against any defects resulting from
faulty materials or workmanship of said improvements and to maintain said improvements for a
period of two (2)years from 12/9/19 and filed with the City; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall
promptly and faithfully protect City against any defects resulting from faulty materials or
workmanship of the aforesaid improvements and maintain said improvements for a period of two
(2)years from 12/9/19,then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full
force and effect.
The City shall notify the Principal in writing of any defect for which the Principal is
responsible and shall specify in said notice a reasonable period of time within which Principal shall
have to correct said defect.
The Surety unconditionally covenants and agrees that if the Principal fails to perform,
within the time specified, the Surety, upon thirty (30) days written notice from City, or its
authorized agent or officer, of the default will forthwith correct such defect or defects and pay the
cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs. Should the
Surety fail or refuse to correct said defects, City, in view of the public interest, health, safety,
welfare and factors involved, and the consideration in approving and filing the said plans shall
have the right to resort to any and all legal remedies against the Principal and Surety and either,
both at law and in equity, including specifically, specific performance to which the Principal and
Surety unconditionally agree.
The Principal and Surety further jointly and severally agree that City, at its option, shall
have the right to correct said defects resulting from faulty materials or workmanship, or, pursuant
to public advertisement and receipt of bids, cause to be corrected any defects or said defects in
case the Principal shall fail or refuse to do so, and in the event City should exercise and give effect
to such right, the Principal and the Surety shall be jointly and severally hereunder to reimburse
City the total cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs,
together with any damages either direct or consequent which may be sustained on account of the
failure of the Principal to correct said defects.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Principal and Surety have executed these presents this
9th day of December, 2019.
HDP Northern Oaks, LLC
By. �. ...., .
� ..:..
(Printed Naie&Title)
NGM nsurancemm ..°. .
iaany_.. ....
David'11. Shick,Attorney-In-Fact and
Licensed FL Resident A ,ent#A241176
-- — _.... .__.n_.. .... _. . .,_,.,..._.
(Printed Name&Title)
e ® 0 no=
City of Whiter Springs Exhibit°A°to Bond
Community Development Department
l l 26 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Total Construction ,Costs
Northern Oa.cs Subdivision
City of Winter Springs Project ZP2016-00000033
Appian Engineering, L.L,Cr, is pleased to provide the following ing,Total Construction Costs for the work on the
project referenced above to be under the ownership and maintenance of the City of Winter Springs.
The following itemization represents the cost of the completed work. This itemization costs are based per
coordination with City staff on the below valises agreed upon. The costs are taken from Lee Crest; L:LaC Pay
Application #€-1.1 on August 31, 2018 and Jr. Davis Construction Pay Application # 9 on October 31, 201
contract for the project provided by Lee Crest on October 11,2017.
1. Sanitary Sewer--Lee Crest $ 207.072.49
_ $ 166;l l2. Q
... y Sanitary
Sewer Total
Davisvis Consti�ucaion ..... . ._,.. ,�.... ^p� �$ ......
373,1fig,(4# 9'
2. Potable Water System—Lee Crest 55.727.36
otable Water SN stein—Jr Davis Construction 40,126.90
I'gtaliie�Water System
__ .._�_.�....
3� Total 95, 5 .26
Grand Total of Cost to Complete Public Improvements: S 469,038.75
Should you Have any questions regarding the contents of the Total Construction Costs,or if we can be of
further assistance,please do not hesitate to contact our office.
. 770666
�1,1101111I f 11a 0�6�
Attac snits:
1. Public Improvements Cost Breakdown
2. Lee Crest,LL C Pay Application#11 dated August 31,201
3. Jr Davis Construction,LL.C;Pay Application#9 dated October 31,2019
PAGE 1 sir 1
Northern Oaks Public Improvements Cost Breakdown
Description Units Quantity Unit Price Subtotal
8"SDR-35(0-6) LF 465 $ 16.85 $ 7,835.25
8"SFR-35(8-10) LF 473 $ 19.30 $ 9,128.90
Manhole(0-6) Each 1.77 $ 2,920.00 $ 5,168.40
Manhole(6-8) Each 1.72 $ 3,535.00 $ 6,080.20
Manhole(10-12) Each 0.97 $ 4,415:00 $ 4,260.48
Drop M.H.Assy. Each 2 $ 950.00 $ 1,500.00
Single Service Each 4.55 $ 405.00 $ 1,842.75
Sanitary Sewer Double Services Each 11.9 $ 500.00 $ 5,950.00
Lee Crest LiftStation LS 0.71 $ 206,125.00 $ 146,617,51
Lamp,Clean&TV Inspection LS 0 $ 7,955.00 $ -
Dewatering LS 0.8 $ 22,365.00 $ 9,892 00
6"X4"Wet Tap Assy, Each 0 $ 3,215.00 $ -
4"Dips SDR-11 LF 176 $ 43.75 $ 7,700.00
Plug Valave. Each 0.35 $ 1,140.00 $ 399.00
Fittings&Pressure Test IS 0.4 $ 745.00 $ 298.OD
� ..�
Sanitary Sewer Subtotal $ 207 012.49
8"SDR-35(0-6) LF 756 $ 24.00 $ 18,144.00
Manhole(0-6) Each 2 $ 2,400.00 $ 4,800,00
Double Services Each 7 $ 577.00 $ 4,039.00
Single Service Each 5 $ 35100 $ 1,755.00
Sanitary Sewer Testing LS 1 $ 51200.00 $ 5,200.00
Jr Davis Construction Connect to Existing 6"Forcemain LS 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000;00
4"DR-11 Pipe LF 151 $ 80A0 $. 12,080;00
4"Plug Valve Each 1 $ 64500 $ 645.00.
Fittings LS 1 $ 449.00 $ 449.00
Lift Station LS 1 $ 112,000.00 $ 112,000,00
_.._ .��.
Sanitary Sewer Subtotal. $ 166,112,00
Sanitary Sewer Total $ 373,194.49
12"x8"Tap ASSY Each 0 $ 4,175.00 $
8"DR-18 LF 680 $ 13.05 $ 8,874.00
4"DR-18 LF 1037 $ 5.95 $ 6,170.15
Gate Valve(4"&8"Included) Each 2.8 $ 1,465.00 $ 4,102.00`
Fire Hydrant Each 1.45 00
Water Main �� $ 3,875. $ 5,618,75
Lee Crest 2 Temp Jumper Each 0.5 $ 1,845 00 $ 922:56
:DBL.SVC.(Potable&Irrig.) Each 30.1 $ 655.00 $ 19,715.50
1"SVC.W/1"RPZ to Lift Station Each 033 $ 1,.130.00 $ 824.90.
Fittings LS 0 $ 2140000 $ -
Chlorination&Testing LS 0.90 $ 10,520 00 $ 9 499,56
Water Main Subtotal btotal $ 55,11 727.36
Connect to Existing 12"Watermain Each 1 $300.00 $ 4,300.00'
8"C-900 DR-18 PVC LF 488 $ 9.50 $ 4,636:00
4"C-900 DR-18 PVC LF 929 $ 7.10 $ 61595.90
8"Gate Valve Each 3 $ 1,730.00 $ 5,19000
Water Main 4"Gate Valve Each 1 $ 1,320.00 S 1,320.00
Jr Davis Construction Fire Hydrant Assembly Each 1 $ 1,785.00 $ 1,7850Q
Temporary Jumper Assembly Each 1 $ 1;100.00 $ 1,,100.00
Double Services Each 12 $ 500.00 :$ 6,000.00
Fittings LS 1 $ 6,200.00 $ 6,200.00
'resting ......... 1 .�$ 3,Og0.00 $ ..... 3,000.00
Water Main Subtotal $ 40,126.90
N ����, Water Main Total $ 05,854.26
��•� 4 '� RAND TOTAL
J� •`�CENS' S $ 469,038.75
�• . 0
01_ w -
= Luke M CCITasssonn,rP.E. -
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A Wlklbar of The M.,,SW.1 A,.ek=Ckmp 061- 02996804
its principa
KNOVV ALL, MEN BY,THESE PRESENTS.-. That'NGM lns'nraace:Cowpalay,a Florida,wlppraiioia haviiig, f
office its the City of Jacksonville,Stateof flonida,pursuant to Article Rf,Section 2 of the By-Laws of said Company,to wit:
11'Ailicle IV, Section 2. U-teboard of 41-rectors, the president any vice president,,secretary., or,the treasurer
shall have the power and I authorflytoappoint afforneys-in-fact and to, authorize,thm.to exec,ute on.behalf Of
the company and affix die seal of the company the' reto- bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity "or
writings obligatoiy in the nature of aborid,recogniZanCe Or conditional undertaking and to remove any such
attoa,nleys-in-fact at ai-13,tinicand revoke the,power and authority given to them.
does hereby make,constitute and appolit David B —-------—--------
its true and lawfal Attorneys-in-fact,to make,execute, seal and deliver foi-and on its behalf,and as.its act and deed, bonds,
widertakrags,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,or other writings obligatory in nature,of a bond sakject to the following
1. No one and to exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.Ott)
and to,bind NGM Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the same.extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly
8i1thorired officers Of NGNI Insurlauce Colupany,the acts of id Attorney are hereby ratified and confirmed.
'This p�aawer of attorney is signed and scaied by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution adopted by
the Directors of NGM hisuiance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 2nd day of December 1977.
Vot-.4.-ThatMae signature of nyoffie r authorized by the Bi-Laws and the�company seal may be affixed by facsimile to
any power of attorney or special power of attorney or rerfification of either given for the execation of any bond,
undertaking, recognizanre or other written obligation in the nature thereof, such signature and seal,when so used being
hereby adopted Iby the copapajiy as the original signature of such office and the original scat of the company,'to be valid
and binding upon the r.OMP-any with the satne fbrci-,and effect as tboughmanually affixed.
IN WITA103S WHFREOF, NGM Insurance cownpanybas caused these.presents,v.)be signed by its Vice Presiden ll
Cokinsel.seed Se��:i�u .
etajv and�its corporate sea].to be bereft)a1fixed this 8th day of Jan-may,2016,
1.1.14SURANCE COMPA114Y By�'�
"Brace R Fox
'Vice, President,General
Counsel and Secretary
,State of.Florida,
Comity of Duval.
On this January, 8,2016,before the subscriber a Notary Public of State of Florida in and for the County of Duval duly commissioned an
qualifiedv came Brace R_TO of NGM Insurance Company, to me personally known to be the of(ficerdescdbed herein, and who executed�
the preceding insirument, and he ack-nioMedged the execution of same, and being by ate fully sworn,deposed and said that lie is an office
of said Company,aforesaid-that the seal affixed to the preceding instniment is the corporate seal of said Company,and the said cos rate
seal and her signarure as officer were duly affixed and subscribed R.,o the said instninient by the authonty and direction sat'the said
Company;tbat.Ailicle IV,Sectipn 2 of the By-Laws of said Compapyis now in force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,T haw,hereunto set my,hand and affixed any official sear at Jacksonvillejlorida this Sth day of January,
20 163.
coiTert copy of as Power of Attorney executed by said Company which is still in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS'WHERE017,1 have bereunto set ray hand and affixed the'seal of said Compagy at Jacksonville,Florida this
__2fty Of DRCMUL,.
W,ARNM:Any unauthnrizzd Proilibixed.
v�, D pwase,call J-W-225-5(i46.
TO SUBMITA CIAM Send ail wmspondenot;'o 95 We-st Sheet;V�xene,W1 H 03431 Sian;Bond Clainis
City o1'Whiter Springs
C''onmrrRnnity Development Department:
1.126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 1270
Re- "I'otal Construction Costs
Northern Oaks Subdivision
t::ity ot"' inter Springs Pro.ect P2016mm00000033
Appian Engineering, LLC, is pleased to provide the following Total Construction Costs for the work on the
project referenced above to be mender the ownership and maintenance of the City of Winter Springs.
The following itemization represents the cost of the completed work. This itemization costs are based per
coordination with City staff on the below values agreed upon. The costs are taken from Lee Crest, L,LC Pay
Application #11 on August 31, 2018 and Jr. Davis Construction Pay Application # 9 on October 31, 2019
contract for the project provided by Lee Crest on October 11,2017.
1. Sanitary Seaver—Lee Crest $ 207,072.4
Sanitary Sc®vem Jr Davis Construction 166,112.00
Sanitary Seiner Total S 373 184.4
2. Potable Water System—Lee Crest $ 55.727.36
Potable Water SYstern—Jr Davis Construction � $ 40,126.90
Potable Water System°...Total
._ $ 95, 54®2 .........-°
Grand Total of Cost to Complete Public Improvements: S 469,038.75
Should you have any questions regarding the contents of the Total Construction Costs,or if we can be of
further assistance,please do not hesitate to contact our office.
u, II ,
Luke l
P'rincily�' lager
1. Public Improvements Cost Breakdown
2. Lee Crest,LL,C Pay Application#1.1 dated August 31,201
3. Jr Davis Construction,L,L,C Pay.Application.#9 dated October 31,201
Northern Oaks Public Improvements Cost Breakdown
Description Units Quantity Unit Price Subtotal
8"SDR-35(0-6) LF 465 $ 16.85 $ 7,835.25
8 SFR-35(8-10) LF 473 $ 19.30 $ 9,128.90
Manhole(0-6) Each 1.77 $ 2,920.00 $ 5,168.40
Manhole(6-8) Each 1.72 $ 3,535.00 $ 6,080.20
Manhole(10-12) Each 0.97 $ 4,415.00 $ 4,260.48
Drop M.H.Assy. Each 2 $ 950.00 $ 1,900.00
Single Service Each 4.55 $ 405.00 $ 1,842.75
Sanitary Sewer Double Services Each 11.9 $ 500.00 $ 5,950.00
Lee Crest Lift Station LS 0.71 $ 206,125.00 $ 146,617.52
Lamp,Clean&TV Inspection LS 0 $ 7,955.00 $ -
Dewatering LS 0.8 $ 12,365.00 $ 9,892.00
6"X4"Wet Tap Assy. Each 0 $ 3,215.00 $ -
4"Dips SDR-11 LF 176 $ 43.75 $ 7,700.00
Plug Valave Each 0.35 $ 1,140.00 $ 399.00
Fittings&Pressure Test LS 0.4 $ 745.00 $ 298.00
_ Sanitary Sewer Subtotal $ 207,072A9
8"SDR-35(0-6) LF 756 $ 24.00 $ 18,144.00
Manhole(0-6) Each 2 $ 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00
Double Services Each 7 $ 577.00 $ 4,039.00
Single Service Each 5 $ 351.00 $ 1,755.00
Sanitary Sewer Testing LS 1 $ 5,200.00 $ 5,200.00
Jr Davis Construction Connect to Existing 6"Forcemain LS 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00
4"DR-11 Pipe LF 151 $ 80.00 $ 12,080.00
4"Plug Valve Each 1 $ 645.00 $ 645.00
Fittings LS 1 $ 449.00 $ 449.00
Lift Station LS 1 5 112,000.00 $ 112000.00
Sanitary Sewer Subtotal $ 166,112.00
Sanita Sewer Total $ 373,284.49
12"x8"Tap ASSY Each 0 $ 4,175.00 $ -
8"DR-18 LF 680 $ 13.05 $ 8,874.00
4"DR-18 LF 1037 $ 5.95 $ 6,170.15
Gate Valve(4"&8"Included) Each 2.8 $ 1,465.00 $ 4,102.00
Water Main Fire Hydrant Each 1.45 $ 3,875.00 $ 5,618.75
Lee Crest 2"Temp Jumper Each 0.5 $ 1,945.00 $ 922.50
DBL.SVC.(Potable&Irrig.) Each 30.1 $ 655.00 $ 19,715.50
1"SVC.W/1"RPZ to Uft Station Each 0.73 $ 1,230.00 $ 824.90
Fittings LS 0 $ 2,400.00 $ -
Chlorination&Testing LS 0.90 $ 10,520.00 $ 9,499.56
Water Main Subtotal $ 55,727.36
ect to Existing 12"Watermain Each 1 $ 4,300.00 5 4,300.00
900 DR-18 PVC LF 488 $ 9.50 $ 4,636.00
DR-18 PVC LF 929 $ 7.10 $ 6,595.90
ate Valve Each 3 $ 1,730.00 $ 5,190.00
Water Main 4"Gate Valve Each 1 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,320.00
Jr Davis Construction,Fire Hydrant Assembly Each 1 $ 1,785.00 $ 1,785.00
Temporary Jumper Assembly Each 1 $ 11100.00 $ 1,100'00
Double Services Each 12 $ 500.00 $ 6,000.00
Fittings LS 1 $ 6,200.00 $ 6,200.00
Testing LS 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Water Main Subtotal S EEE40,126.90
Water Main Total $ ,854.26
01�� �G�E MS'•q.S'���'�, GRAND TOTAL $ 469,038.75
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Luke M.�CI Ts�so�n{�P.E.
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