HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 01 15 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Agenda TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Incorp iaated9 W E D N ES DAY, JAN UARY 15, 2020 AT 5:15 P M CITY HALL-COMMISSION CHAMBERS •• 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434,WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Al leg iance Approval of the Agenda REGULAR AGENDA - PART 1 500. Election for Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2020 501. Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2020 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item orsubject matter will need to fill out a "Public Input"form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners'associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of Minutes from the Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Attachments: BEAUTIFICATIONTUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND DISTRICT ADVISORYCOMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 1 PAGE I OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502. FY 2019-2020 YTD First Quarter Expenditure Report (12.31.19) Attachments: Expenditure Report 72.37.79 503. Grounding Proposals and Landscape Updates Attachments: Newberg Proposal BrightView Proposal 1(07/70/2079) BrightView Proposal (07/24/2079) BriahtView Proposal3(07/24/2079) Winter Springs Boulevard Median Plant List REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agendo Item or subject matter will need to fill out a "Public Input"form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners'associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission,agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board,agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. BEAUTIFICATIONTUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND DISTRICT ADVISORYCOMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 1 PAGE 2 OF CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOP IDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 16, 2019 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, October16,2019 of t h e Tuscawi I I a Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Tom Vagnini at 5:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present Vice-Chairperson Elaine Johnson, present Committee Member Terri Bivona, present Committee Member Ellen Paul, present Committee Member Jesse Phillips, present Assistant to the City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Assistant to the City Clerk Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Christian Gown, Assistant to the City Clerk, addressed a change that was made to the agenda: "There is going to be one item added to the Agenda, it will be 502 and it will just be a discussion on landscaping." AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-OCTOBER 16,2019 PAGE 2OF4 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Vagnini opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Vagnini closed "Public Input". CONSENT 300. Approval of Minutes from the Wednesday, July 24, 2019 (Rescheduled From July 17, 2019) Regular Meeting REGARDING THE JULY 24, 2019 TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES, "I WILL MAKE THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ELAINE JOHNSON. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON TOM VAGNINI VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER BIVONA: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON JOHNSON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 500. FY 2018-2019 YTD Expenditure Detail (9.30.19 Unaudited) and FY2019- 2020 Adopted Budget Ms. Kelly Balagia, Director, Finance Department discussed the unaudited recap of the 2018-2019 Fiscal year expenditure details. Ms. Balagia shared that all expenses fell within budget and invited questions. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-OCTOBER 16,2019 PAGE 3OF4 Comments followed on a repair and a water leak adjustment that occurred. Ms. Balagia discussed the 2020 Fiscal year budgets; informing the Committee of the RFP (Request for Proposal) that had been posted for landscaping and that the Bids for the maintenance contracts would be closing soon. In addition Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT & Administrative Services informed the Committee that staff sent out an addendum to the RFP with date changes due to the Monday, October 281" City Commission meeting being cancelled and advised recommendations will be brought to the City Commission during the Monday, November 181" meeting. 501. Discuss Grounding of Irrigation Lines Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Urban Beautification Division, IT & Administrative Services Department addressed the lightning protection for the irrigation lines that the Committee had requested. Discussion ensued on criteria, warranties, and options on what various companies could potentially do. A suggestion was made to have an electrical contractor review the possible contracts. Mr. Maddox responded, "Yes, that is something we can definitely look into. Running the - suggested by an electrical contractor and see what their thoughts on it are." 502. ADD-ON: Discussion on Landscaping Discussion on landscaping, maintenance of lighting, and lighting options, specifically around the fountains and the flagpole. Committee Members thanked Mr. Maddox for the work on the fountains. Mr. Jorge Ochoa, Account Manager, Brightview Landscape Service Inc., 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, Florida thanked the Committee for the opportunity to do business with the City. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-OCTOBER 16,2019 PAGE 4OF4 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Vagnini opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Vagnini closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Vagnini adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:42 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO TH E CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2020 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. TLBD Maintenance Fund Quarterly Meeting-January 15,2020 Select Expense Accounts FY2020-YTD thru 12.31.19 Account Vendor Date Amount Fountains 545210-001 Budget $16,900.00 FLORIDA WATER FEATURES INC 12/30/2019 2,613.20 Oct fountain maint,lamp replacement and installation of holiday lens,fill basin YTD Expense Total $2,613.20 Encumbered $0.00 End Balancel $14,286.80 Grounds 545270 Budget $187,350.00 BRIGHTVIEW 10/30/2019 4,204.73 WS Blvd repair 3"main line on median 14,tree pruning and irrigation maintenance 12/06/2019 17,198.16 Oct,Nov maint,replacement of the decoders YTD Expense Total $21,402.89 Encumberedi 0.00 End Balancel $165,947.11 Signs/Walls 545270-004 Budget $500.00 YTD Expense Total $0.00 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $500.00 Contract Admin 530341 Budget $6,400.00 YTD Expense Total $0.00 Encumbered $6,000.30 NBS Contract End Balance $399.70 Utilities 540430 Budget $61,200.00 SEMINOLE COUNTY (Irrigation for Howell Creek/Deer Run)10/23/2019 28.60 11/18/2019 28.60 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 10/11/2019 797.54 Seneca-Shetland-Dyson-Medians 21,22,23-Fountain (Irrigation) 10/31/2019 1237.41 Vista willa/Planter L&RTBBD,Tuscora/434,WSB/Tuska,Tusk/Trotwood 11/13/2019 1171.38 Seneca-Shetland-Dyson-Medians 21,22,23-Fountains 11/20/2019 917.73 Vista willa/Planter L&R TLBD,Tuscora/434,WSB/Tuska,Tusk/Trotwood 12/11/2019 916.45 Seneca-Shetland-Dyson-Medians 21,22,23-Fountains 12/23/2019 879.59 Vista willa/Planter L&R TLBD,Tuscora/434,WSB/Tuska,Tusk/Trotwood DUKE ENERGY 10/25/2019 2,546.57 Low voltage entrance lighting-October 12/11/2019 2,875.04 Low voltage entrance lighting-November 12/17/2019 2,391.86 Low voltage entrance lighting-December YTD Expense Total $13,790.77 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $47,409.23 Streetlights 540434 Budget $232,200.00 DUKE ENERGY 10/25/2019 19,210.26 Streetlights-October 12/11/2019 19,210.26 Streetlights-November 12/17/2019 19,210.26 Streetlights-December YTD Expense Total $57,630.78 Encumberedi $0.00 End Balancel $174,569.22 Price Quotation Newberg ] R R I G A T 1 0 N 3336 36TH.AVEN.6 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33713 ST. PETERSBURG (727) 521-6620 ♦ FAX(727) 521-0230 Web Site www.irrigationnet.com DATE: 10-16-2019 PROJECT: WINTER SPRINGS BOULEVARD 2-WIRE RE-GROUNDING& SPLICING PLANS DATED: N/A SPECIFICATIONS: SHEETS: ADDENDA NOTED: # DESIGNED BY: SCALE: Newberg Irrigation, Inc. proposes to provide all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to install the irrigation system for the project referenced above. The products will be as specified and/or detailed in the approved plans. IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROPOSAL ........................................................................ S 35,810.00 NOTES INCLUDES: LOCATE EXISTING 2-WIRE PATH,DECODERS, CONTROL VALVES& SPLICE BOXES. NEW GROUNDING EVERY 1000' OR LESS ALONG THE 2-WIRE PATH LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WINTER SPRINGS BLVD WITH HUNTER INLINE SURGE SUPPRESSORS&ANY DEAD-END WIRE PATH DECODER ALL WITH COPPER GLAD GROUND RODS,6 AWG BARE COPPER WIRE&CLAMPS OR CAD-WELD. REPLACING ALL EXISTING DECODER SPLICES&CONTROL VALVE SPLICES. NOTES ALL DECODERS TO BE EXISTING(ICD-100,200,400 OR 600 SERIES) NOTES IT IS ASSUMED ALL EXISTING 2-WIRE IS INSTALLED IN EXISTING CONDUIT. . ALL GROUNDING TO MANUFACURES SPECIFICATIONS. . Sleeves not included.Price based on plans dated 2-9-10 IR-1 Thm ID-13 . Redline As-Built not provided. . All Inline Surge Suppressors and Ground Rods to be Installed in New Boxes. All Splice Kits to be 3M DBRY-6. . Main Line not included. . Lateral piping not included. . ALL Electrical distribution&connections, 120 V or higher,by OTHERS. Irrigation Contractor will only coordinate connections to controllers,at plan locations,to existing fused power supplies. . All Taps,Backflows,Master Valves,Cla-Val,Meters,Reuse Meters&Meter Assembly Devices by Others. . Landscape,Hardscape and Sod repairs by OTHERS. . 2-Wire Decoder Cable to be Existing. Installation of New 2-Wire will be at an Additional cost. . No Core Drilling performed. . No Jack&Bore or Cut&Patch included. . No Traffic Control Provided. . No ROW Permit provided. . ALL other Permits by OTHERS. . Layout& Survey by OTHERS. . Landscape Architect/Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for the layout of ALL landscape beds,prior to irrigation system layout,to facilitate installation. Proposal shall remain valid for a 30 day period from published date hereon Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. H. Joel Newberg j oel_newbergAirrigationnet.corn Proposal shall remain valid for a 30 day period from published date hereon `, July 10,2019 Bright View ieW Page 1 of 2 7 Landscape Services Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Property Name Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Contact Kevin Maddox Property Address District Maintenance Winter To Winter Springs City of Springs&Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs , FL 32708 Billing Address Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Rd 434 Winter Springs , FL 32708 Project Name Tuscawilla Project Description Install grounding plates and rods on the main blvd for the Hunter 2 wire system. Scope of Work Details for installing the grounding for the 2 wire system on the main blvd. Controller-1 grounding rod, 1 grounding plate Island 1 and 23 there will be 1 grounding plate at each end total of 2. Islands 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,and 21 will have 1 grounding rod each. There will be a 10"round box for each grounding rod. Each grounding plate gets 2 bags of 501b power sets total of 6. Total grounding plates 3 Total grounding rods 11 Total 10'round boxes 11 We will be using machinery to help install the grounding rods. Labor 2 techs total of 25 hours. If approved we will need to call in locates. QTY UoM/Size Material/Description Unit Price Total ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.00 EACH Materials 11 Grounding rods,3 grounding plates, 11 10" $3,853.00 $3,853.00 round boxes,6 power set 501b bags,misc parts. 1.00 EACH Machinery to do the work. $600.00 $600.00 1.00 EACH Labor $2,250.00 $2,250.00 For internal use only SO# 6944905 JOB# 460400196 Service Line 150 Total Price $6,703.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc. 4777 Old Winter Garden Road,Orlando,FL 32811 ph.(407)292-9600 fax(407)291-4966 July 10,2019 Page 2 of 2 TERMS & CONDITIONS 14. Cancellation Notice of Cancellation of work must be received in writing before the crew is dispatched to their location or Client/Owner will be liable for 1. The Contractor shall recognize and perform in accordance with written terms, a minimum travel charge of$150.00 and billed to Client/Owner. written specifications and drawings only, contained or referred to herein. All materials shall conform to bid specifications. The following sections shall apply where Contractor provides Customer with tree 2. Work Force: Contractor shall designate a qualified representative with care services: experience in landscape maintenance/construction upgrades or when applicable in tree management.The workforce shall be competent and qualified, 15. Tree&Stump Removal:Trees removed will be cut as close to the ground as and shall be legally authorized to work in the U.S. possible based on conditions to or next to the bottom of the tree trunk.Additional charges will be levied for unseen hazards such as, but not limited to concrete 3. License and Permits:Contractor shall maintain a Landscape Contractor's brick filled trunks,metal rods,etc.If requested mechanical grinding of visible tree license, if required by State or local law, and will comply with all other license stump will be done to a defined width and depth below ground level at an and permit requirements of the City, State and Federal Governments, as well additional charge to the Client/Owner. Defined backfill and landscape material as all other requirements of law. may be specified. Client/Owner shall be responsible for contacting Underground Service Alert to locate underground utility lines prior to start of work.Contractor is 4. Taxes: Contractor agrees to pay all applicable taxes,including sales tax where not responsible damage done to underground utilities such as but not limited to, applicable on material supplied. cables,wires,pipes,and irrigation parts.Contractor will repair damaged irrigation lines at the Client/Owner's expense. 5. Insurance: Contractor agrees to provide General Liability Insurance, Automotive Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation Insurance, and any 16. Waiver of Liability:Requests for crown thinning in excess of twenty-five percent other insurance required by law or Client/Owner, as specified in writing prior to (25%)or work not in accordance with ISA(international Society of Arboricultural) commencement of work. If not specified, Contractor will furnish insurance with standards will require a signed waiver of liability. $1,000,000limit of liability. Acceptance of this Contract 6. Liability: Contractor shall indemnify the Client/Owner and its agents and Contractor is authorized to perform the work stated on the face of this Contract. employees from and against any third party liabilities that arise out of Payment will be 100% due at time of billing. If payment has not been received by Contractor's work to the extent such liabilities are adjudicated to have been BrightView within fifteen(15)days after billing, BrightView shall be entitled to all costs caused by Contractor's negligence or willful misconduct. Contractor shall not of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees and it shall be relieved of any be liable for any damage that occurs from Acts of God are defined as those obligation to continue performance under this or any other Contract with Client/Owner. caused by windstorm, hail,fire,flood,earthquake, hurricane and freezing,etc. Interest at a per annum rate of 1.5% per month (18% per year), or the highest rate Under these circumstances, Contractor shall have the right to renegotiate the permitted by law,may be charged on unpaid balance 30 days after billing. terms and prices of this agreement within sixty(60)days. Any illegal trespass, claims and/or damages resulting from work requested that is not on property NOTICE: FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT WHEN DUE FOR COMPLETED WORK ON owned by Client/Owner or not under Client/Owner management and control CONSTRUCTION JOBS, MAY RESULT IN A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE TITLE TO shall be the sole responsibility of the Client/Owner. YOUR PROPERTY 7. Subcontractors: Contractor reserves the right to hire qualified Customer subcontractors to perform specialized functions or work requiring specialized equipment. Landscape Manager Signature Title 8. Additional Services: Any additional work not shown in the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon signed written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Kevin Maddox July 10, 2019 Printed Name Date 9. Access to Jobsite: Client/Owner shall provide all utilities to perform the work. Client/Owner shall furnish access to all parts ofjobsite where Contractor BrightView Landscape Services, Inc. "BrightView" is to perform work as required by the Contract or other functions related thereto, during normal business hours and other reasonable periods of time. Contractor will perform the work as reasonably practical after the owner makes Manager, Irrigation the site available for performance of the work. signature 10. Invoicing:Client/Owner shall make payment to Contractor within fifteen(15) days upon receipt of invoice. In the event the schedule for the completion of Eric Javier Cedeno July 10, 2019 the work shall require more than thirty (30) days, a progress bill will be Prr,t.dNa Dar. presented by month end and shall be paid within fifteen(15)days upon receipt of invoice. 11. Termination:This Work Order may be terminated by the either party with or Job#: 460400196 Proposed Price: CPUd 6,703.00 without cause,upon seven(7)work days advance written notice. Client/Owner will be required to pay for all materials purchased and work completed to the SO.#' 6944905 date of termination and reasonable charges incurred in demobilizing. 12. Assignment: The Owner/Client and the Contractor respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assignees and legal representative to the other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the Owner/Client nor the Contractor shall assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other provided, however, that consent shall not be required to assign this Agreement to any company which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Contractor or in connection with assignment to an affiliate or pursuant to a merger,sale of all or substantially all of its assets or equity securities, consolidation, change of control or corporate reorganization. 13. Disclaimer:This proposal was estimated and priced based upon a site visit and visual inspection from ground level using ordinary means, at or about the time this proposal was prepared. The price quoted in this proposal for the work described, is the result of that ground level visual inspection and therefore our company will not be liable for any additional costs or damages for additional work not described herein, or liable for any incidents/accidents resulting from conditions, that were not ascertainable by said ground level visual inspection by ordinary means at the time said inspection was performed. Contractor cannot be held responsible for unknown or otherwise hidden defects. Any corrective work proposed herein cannot guarantee exact results. Professional engineering, architectural, and/or landscape design services ("Design Services") are not included in this Agreement and shall not be provided by the Contractor. Any design defects in the Contract Documents are the sole responsibility of the Owner. If the Client/Owner must engage a licensed engineer, architect and/or landscape design professional, any costs concerning these Design Services are to be paid by the Client/Owner directly to the designer involved. `, July 24,2019 Bright View leW Page 1 of 3 7 Landscape Services Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Property Name Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Contact Kevin Maddox Property Address District Maintenance Winter To Winter Springs City of Springs&Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs , FL 32708 Billing Address Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Rd 434 Winter Springs , FL 32708 Project Name Tuscawilla Project Description Install grounding plates and rods on the main blvd for the Hunter 2 wire system. Scope of Work Details for installing the grounding for the 2 wire system on the main blvd. Controller- 1 grounding rod, 1 grounding plate Island 1 and 23 there will be 1 grounding plate at each end total of 2. Islands 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19, and 21 will have 1 grounding rod each. There will be a 10" round box for each grounding rod. Each grounding plate gets 2 bags of 501b power sets total of 6. Install 3 way 2 wire splitters out in the field. Total grounding plates 3 Total grounding rods 11 Total 10' round boxes 11 Total 2 wire splitters 27 We will be using machinery to help install the grounding rods. Labor 2 techs total of 33 hours. If approved we will need to call in locates. QTY UoM/Size Material/Description Unit Price Total .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.00 EACH Materials 11 Grounding rods,3 grounding plates, 11 10" $3,853.00 $3,853.00 round boxes,6 power set 501b bags,misc parts. 1.00 EACH Machinery to do the work. $600.00 $600.00 27.00 EACH Install a 3 way splitter on the 2 wire path before each $284.37 $7,678.00 island with DBY connectors. 33.00 EACH Labor to install all grounding. $110.00 $3,630.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc. 4777 Old Winter Garden Road,Orlando,FL 32811 ph.(407)292-9600 fax(407)291-4966 7. July 24,2019 Brig)LtVlew Page 2 of 3 Landscape Services Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti For internal use only SO# 6988111 JOB# 460400196 Service Line 150 Total Price $15,761.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc. 4777 Old Winter Garden Road,Orlando,FL 32811 ph.(407)292-9600 fax(407)291-4966 July 24,2019 Page 3 of 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS 14. Cancellation Notice of Cancellation of work must be received in writing before the crew is dispatched to their location or Client/Owner will be liable for 1. The Contractor shall recognize and perform in accordance with written terms, a minimum travel charge of$150.00 and billed to Client/Owner. written specifications and drawings only, contained or referred to herein. All materials shall conform to bid specifications. The following sections shall apply where Contractor provides Customer with tree 2. Work Force: Contractor shall designate a qualified representative with care services: experience in landscape maintenance/construction upgrades or when applicable in tree management.The workforce shall be competent and qualified, 15. Tree&Stump Removal:Trees removed will be cut as close to the ground as and shall be legally authorized to work in the U.S. possible based on conditions to or next to the bottom of the tree trunk.Additional charges will be levied for unseen hazards such as, but not limited to concrete 3. License and Permits:Contractor shall maintain a Landscape Contractor's brick filled trunks,metal rods,etc.If requested mechanical grinding of visible tree license, if required by State or local law, and will comply with all other license stump will be done to a defined width and depth below ground level at an and permit requirements of the City, State and Federal Governments, as well additional charge to the Client/Owner. Defined backfill and landscape material as all other requirements of law. may be specified. Client/Owner shall be responsible for contacting Underground Service Alert to locate underground utility lines prior to start of work.Contractor is 4. Taxes: Contractor agrees to pay all applicable taxes,including sales tax where not responsible damage done to underground utilities such as but not limited to, applicable on material supplied. cables,wires,pipes,and irrigation parts.Contractor will repair damaged irrigation lines at the Client/Owner's expense. 5. Insurance: Contractor agrees to provide General Liability Insurance, Automotive Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation Insurance, and any 16. Waiver of Liability:Requests for crown thinning in excess of twenty-five percent other insurance required by law or Client/Owner, as specified in writing prior to (25%)or work not in accordance with ISA(international Society of Arboricultural) commencement of work. If not specified, Contractor will furnish insurance with standards will require a signed waiver of liability. $1,000,000limit of liability. Acceptance of this Contract 6. Liability: Contractor shall indemnify the Client/Owner and its agents and Contractor is authorized to perform the work stated on the face of this Contract. employees from and against any third party liabilities that arise out of Payment will be 100% due at time of billing. If payment has not been received by Contractor's work to the extent such liabilities are adjudicated to have been BrightView within fifteen(15)days after billing, BrightView shall be entitled to all costs caused by Contractor's negligence or willful misconduct. Contractor shall not of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees and it shall be relieved of any be liable for any damage that occurs from Acts of God are defined as those obligation to continue performance under this or any other Contract with Client/Owner. caused by windstorm, hail,fire,flood,earthquake, hurricane and freezing,etc. Interest at a per annum rate of 1.5% per month (18% per year), or the highest rate Under these circumstances, Contractor shall have the right to renegotiate the permitted by law,may be charged on unpaid balance 30 days after billing. terms and prices of this agreement within sixty(60)days. Any illegal trespass, claims and/or damages resulting from work requested that is not on property NOTICE: FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT WHEN DUE FOR COMPLETED WORK ON owned by Client/Owner or not under Client/Owner management and control CONSTRUCTION JOBS, MAY RESULT IN A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE TITLE TO shall be the sole responsibility of the Client/Owner. YOUR PROPERTY 7. Subcontractors: Contractor reserves the right to hire qualified Customer subcontractors to perform specialized functions or work requiring specialized equipment. Landscape Manager Signature Title 8. Additional Services: Any additional work not shown in the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon signed written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Kevin Maddox July 24,2019 Panted Name Date 9. Access to Jobsite: Client/Owner shall provide all utilities to perform the work. Client/Owner shall furnish access to all parts of jobsite where Contractor BrightView Landscape Services,Inc."BrightView' is to perform work as required by the Contract or other functions related thereto, during normal business hours and other reasonable periods of time. Contractor will perform the work as reasonably practical after the owner makes Manager,Irrigation the site available for performance of the work. Signature Tide 10. Invoicing:Client/Owner shall make payment to Contractor within fifteen(15) Eric Javier Cedeno July 24,2019 days upon receipt of invoice. In the event the schedule for the completion of the work shall require more than thirty (30) days, a progress bill will be Prr,tedNa Data presented by month end and shall be paid within fifteen(15)days upon receipt of invoice. 11. Termination:This Work Order may be terminated by the either party with or Job#: 460400196 Proposed Price: $15,761.00 without cause,upon seven(7)work days advance written notice. Client/Owner will be required to pay for all materials purchased and work completed to the SO# 6988111 date of termination and reasonable charges incurred in demobilizing. 12. Assignment: The Owner/Client and the Contractor respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assignees and legal representative to the other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the Owner/Client nor the Contractor shall assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other provided, however, that consent shall not be required to assign this Agreement to any company which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Contractor or in connection with assignment to an affiliate or pursuant to a merger,sale of all or substantially all of its assets or equity securities, consolidation, change of control or corporate reorganization. 13. Disclaimer:This proposal was estimated and priced based upon a site visit and visual inspection from ground level using ordinary means, at or about the time this proposal was prepared. The price quoted in this proposal for the work described, is the result of that ground level visual inspection and therefore our company will not be liable for any additional costs or damages for additional work not described herein, or liable for any incidents/accidents resulting from conditions, that were not ascertainable by said ground level visual inspection by ordinary means at the time said inspection was performed. Contractor cannot be held responsible for unknown or otherwise hidden defects. Any corrective work proposed herein cannot guarantee exact results. Professional engineering, architectural, and/or landscape design services ("Design Services") are not included in this Agreement and shall not be provided by the Contractor. Any design defects in the Contract Documents are the sole responsibility of the Owner. If the Client/Owner must engage a licensed engineer, architect and/or landscape design professional, any costs concerning these Design Services are to be paid by the Client/Owner directly to the designer involved. `, July 24,2019 Bright View leW Page 1 of 3 7 Landscape Services Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Property Name Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Contact Kevin Maddox Property Address District Maintenance Winter To Winter Springs City of Springs&Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs , FL 32708 Billing Address Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Rd 434 Winter Springs , FL 32708 Project Name Tuscawilla Project Description Install grounding plates and rods on the main blvd for the Hunter 2 wire system. Scope of Work Details for installing the grounding for the 2 wire system on the main blvd. Controller- 1 grounding rod, 1 grounding plate Island 1 and 23 there will be 1 grounding plate at each end total of 2. Islands 2 through 22 will have 1 grounding rod each. There will be a 10" round box for each grounding rod. Each grounding plate gets 2 bags of 501b power sets total of 6. Install 3 way 2 wire splitters out in the field. Total grounding plates 3 Total grounding rods 21 Total 10' round boxes 21 Total 2 wire splitters 27 We will be using machinery to help install the grounding rods. Labor 2 techs total of 55 hours. If approved we will need to call in locates. QTY UoM/Size Material/Description Unit Price Total .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.00 EACH Materials 22 Grounding rods,3 grounding plates,22 10" $4,938.00 $4,938.00 round boxes,6 power set 501b bags,misc parts. 1.00 EACH Machinery to do the work. $600.00 $600.00 27.00 EACH Install a 3 way splitter on the 2 wire path before each $284.37 $7,678.00 island with DBY connectors. 55.00 EACH Labor to install all grounding. $110.00 $6,050.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc. 4777 Old Winter Garden Road,Orlando,FL 32811 ph.(407)292-9600 fax(407)291-4966 7. July 24,2019 Brig)LtVlew Page 2 of 3 Landscape Services Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti For internal use only SO# 6988198 JOB# 460400196 Service Line 150 Total Price $19,266.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services,Inc. 4777 Old Winter Garden Road,Orlando,FL 32811 ph.(407)292-9600 fax(407)291-4966 July 24,2019 Page 3 of 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS 14. Cancellation Notice of Cancellation of work must be received in writing before the crew is dispatched to their location or Client/Owner will be liable for 1. The Contractor shall recognize and perform in accordance with written terms, a minimum travel charge of$150.00 and billed to Client/Owner. written specifications and drawings only, contained or referred to herein. All materials shall conform to bid specifications. The following sections shall apply where Contractor provides Customer with tree 2. Work Force: Contractor shall designate a qualified representative with care services: experience in landscape maintenance/construction upgrades or when applicable in tree management.The workforce shall be competent and qualified, 15. Tree&Stump Removal:Trees removed will be cut as close to the ground as and shall be legally authorized to work in the U.S. possible based on conditions to or next to the bottom of the tree trunk.Additional charges will be levied for unseen hazards such as, but not limited to concrete 3. License and Permits:Contractor shall maintain a Landscape Contractor's brick filled trunks,metal rods,etc.If requested mechanical grinding of visible tree license, if required by State or local law, and will comply with all other license stump will be done to a defined width and depth below ground level at an and permit requirements of the City, State and Federal Governments, as well additional charge to the Client/Owner. Defined backfill and landscape material as all other requirements of law. may be specified. Client/Owner shall be responsible for contacting Underground Service Alert to locate underground utility lines prior to start of work.Contractor is 4. Taxes: Contractor agrees to pay all applicable taxes,including sales tax where not responsible damage done to underground utilities such as but not limited to, applicable on material supplied. cables,wires,pipes,and irrigation parts.Contractor will repair damaged irrigation lines at the Client/Owner's expense. 5. Insurance: Contractor agrees to provide General Liability Insurance, Automotive Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation Insurance, and any 16. Waiver of Liability:Requests for crown thinning in excess of twenty-five percent other insurance required by law or Client/Owner, as specified in writing prior to (25%)or work not in accordance with ISA(international Society of Arboricultural) commencement of work. If not specified, Contractor will furnish insurance with standards will require a signed waiver of liability. $1,000,000limit of liability. Acceptance of this Contract 6. Liability: Contractor shall indemnify the Client/Owner and its agents and Contractor is authorized to perform the work stated on the face of this Contract. employees from and against any third party liabilities that arise out of Payment will be 100% due at time of billing. If payment has not been received by Contractor's work to the extent such liabilities are adjudicated to have been BrightView within fifteen(15)days after billing, BrightView shall be entitled to all costs caused by Contractor's negligence or willful misconduct. Contractor shall not of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees and it shall be relieved of any be liable for any damage that occurs from Acts of God are defined as those obligation to continue performance under this or any other Contract with Client/Owner. caused by windstorm, hail,fire,flood,earthquake, hurricane and freezing,etc. Interest at a per annum rate of 1.5% per month (18% per year), or the highest rate Under these circumstances, Contractor shall have the right to renegotiate the permitted by law,may be charged on unpaid balance 30 days after billing. terms and prices of this agreement within sixty(60)days. Any illegal trespass, claims and/or damages resulting from work requested that is not on property NOTICE: FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT WHEN DUE FOR COMPLETED WORK ON owned by Client/Owner or not under Client/Owner management and control CONSTRUCTION JOBS, MAY RESULT IN A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE TITLE TO shall be the sole responsibility of the Client/Owner. YOUR PROPERTY 7. Subcontractors: Contractor reserves the right to hire qualified Customer subcontractors to perform specialized functions or work requiring specialized equipment. Landscape Manager Signature Title 8. Additional Services: Any additional work not shown in the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon signed written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Kevin Maddox July 24,2019 Panted Name Date 9. Access to Jobsite: Client/Owner shall provide all utilities to perform the work. Client/Owner shall furnish access to all parts of jobsite where Contractor BrightView Landscape Services,Inc."BrightView' is to perform work as required by the Contract or other functions related thereto, during normal business hours and other reasonable periods of time. Contractor will perform the work as reasonably practical after the owner makes Manager,Irrigation the site available for performance of the work. Signature Tide 10. Invoicing:Client/Owner shall make payment to Contractor within fifteen(15) Eric Javier Cedeno July 24,2019 days upon receipt of invoice. In the event the schedule for the completion of the work shall require more than thirty (30) days, a progress bill will be Prr,tedNa Data presented by month end and shall be paid within fifteen(15)days upon receipt of invoice. 11. Termination:This Work Order may be terminated by the either party with or Job#: 460400196 Proposed Price: $19,266.00 without cause,upon seven(7)work days advance written notice. Client/Owner will be required to pay for all materials purchased and work completed to the SO# 6988198 date of termination and reasonable charges incurred in demobilizing. 12. Assignment: The Owner/Client and the Contractor respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assignees and legal representative to the other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the Owner/Client nor the Contractor shall assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other provided, however, that consent shall not be required to assign this Agreement to any company which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Contractor or in connection with assignment to an affiliate or pursuant to a merger,sale of all or substantially all of its assets or equity securities, consolidation, change of control or corporate reorganization. 13. Disclaimer:This proposal was estimated and priced based upon a site visit and visual inspection from ground level using ordinary means, at or about the time this proposal was prepared. The price quoted in this proposal for the work described, is the result of that ground level visual inspection and therefore our company will not be liable for any additional costs or damages for additional work not described herein, or liable for any incidents/accidents resulting from conditions, that were not ascertainable by said ground level visual inspection by ordinary means at the time said inspection was performed. Contractor cannot be held responsible for unknown or otherwise hidden defects. Any corrective work proposed herein cannot guarantee exact results. Professional engineering, architectural, and/or landscape design services ("Design Services") are not included in this Agreement and shall not be provided by the Contractor. Any design defects in the Contract Documents are the sole responsibility of the Owner. If the Client/Owner must engage a licensed engineer, architect and/or landscape design professional, any costs concerning these Design Services are to be paid by the Client/Owner directly to the designer involved. SPRINGSWINTER BOULEVARD MEDIAN ll iidl&lia Median#1—Liriope, Croton "Petra',Jasmine Minima,Walters Viburnum, Society Garlic, Variegated Shell Ginger, Hawaiian Ti, Green Ligustrum "Shrub form", Arboricola "Trinette",Thryallis, Holly"Burford", Plumbago "Imperial Blue", Viburnum Suspensum, Crinum Lily, Coontie Palm Median#2—Flax Lily,Agapanthus,Jasmine Minima, Holly"Burford", Crinum Lily, Green Ligustrum "Shrub form",Viburnum Suspensum, Coontie Palm, Arboricola "Trinette", Hawaiian Ti,Thryallis, Duranta "Gold Mound" Median#3—Green Ligustrum "Shrub form",Jasmine Minima, Ilex Schilling, Viburnum Suspensum, Liriope Median#4—Jasmine Minima, Viburnum Suspensum, Agapanthus, Liriope, Coontie Palm, Arboricola "Trinette" Median#5—Agapanthus, Holly"Burford", Flax Lily, Liriope, Muhly Grass, Crinum Lily, Boston Fern, Hawaiian Ti, Cast Irion Plant, Viburnum Suspensum Median#6—Jasmine Minima,Variegated Shell Ginger, Hawaiian Ti, Copperleaf, Liriope,Arboricola "Trinette",Thryallis, Plumbago "White", Coontie Palm, Agapanthus Median#7—Variegated Shell Ginger, Viburnum Suspensum, Hawaiian Ti, Liriope, Muhly Grass Median#8—Liriope, Muhly Grass, Hawaiian Ti, Variegated Shell Ginger, Viburnum Suspensum, Holly "burford", Crinum Lily Median#9—Jasmine Minima, Viburnum Suspensum, Flax Lily Median#10—Arboricola "Trinette", Ligustrum "Jack Frost", Viburnum Suspensum, Liriope, Azalea, Jasmine Minima Median#11—Liriope,Jasmine Minima, Crinum Lily, Boston Fern, Holly"Burford", Hawaiian Ti, Agapanthus, Palmetto "Silver saw", Ligustrum "Jack Frost", Viburnum Suspensum, Ilex Schilling SPRINGSWINTER BOULEVARD MEDIAN PLANT LIST 19A Median#12—Jasmine Minima, Liriope, Viburnum Suspensum Median#13—Viburnum Suspensum,Thryallis, Fakahatchee "Dwarf", Green Ligustrum "Shrub form", Firebush, Arboricola 'Trinette",Jasmine Minima Median#14—Jasmine Minima, Arboricola "Trinette", Green Pittosporum, Viburnum Suspensum, Flax Lily, Crinum Lily, Azalea,Thryallis, Society Garlic, Green Ligustrum "Shrub form", Ligustrum "Jack Frost", Liriope Median#15—Jasmine Minima, Liriope,Thryallis, Coontie Palm, Flax Lily, Podocarpus,Viburnum Suspensum, Holly"Burford", Azalea,Arboricola 'Trinette", Hawaiian Ti, Cast Iron Plant, Green Ligustrum "Shrub Form",Variegated Shell Ginger Median#16—Jasmine Minima,Variegated Shell Ginger, Green Ligustrum "Shrub Form", Coontie Palm, Crinum Lily, Walters Viburnum, Ligustrum "Jack Frost", Lantana "Yellow" Median#17—Jasmine Minima, Liriope, Arboricola "Trinette", Firebush,Thryallis, Podocarpus, Flax Lily, Azalea, Gardenia, Variegated Shell Ginger, Ilex Schilling Median#18—Liriope, Firebush, Ilex Schilling, Green Pittosporum, Arboricola 'Trinette", Plumbago "White",Jasmine Minima, Holly"Burford", Flax Lily Median#19—Jasmine Minima, Ligustrum "Jack Frost", Green Pittosporum, Flax Lily, Ilex Schilling Median#20—Jasmine Minima, Arboricola "Trinette", Firebush, Holly"Burford", Green Pittosporum Median#21—Flax Lily, Ilex Schilling, Arboricola 'Trinette", Plumbago "Imperial Blue" Median#22—Flax Lily, Firebush, Ilex Schilling, Arboricola 'Trinette", Green Ligustrum "Shrub Form", Jasmine Minima,Walters Viburnum Median#23—Flax Lily, Ilex Schilling, Arboricola 'Trinette", Viburnum Suspensum, Firebush