HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Department of Law Enforcement - Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Monitoring - 2017-JAGD-SEMI-9-R3-248 - 2017 11 07 Y u a Ir�:� olf�
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NOV 0 7 2017
Honorable Charles Lacey
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Contract No.2017-JAGC-SEMI-9-R3-248
Dear Mayor Lacey:
This letter confirms our receipt and acceptance of all financial and programmatic reports applicable to the referenced
project. While this concludes active administration of the subgrant agreement by the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement,you are reminded that all supporting records must be maintained for a period of not less than five years
from termination date for audit and examination. An audit performed in accordance with OMB Circular No.A-133 must
also be conducted and submitted to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants, Florida Department of Law Enforcement,
2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
All non-expendable property acquisitions must be accounted for and maintained for as long as the equipment is in
service. The Department must be notified prior to any disposition of non-expendable property and must be advised
immediately of any lost or stolen items.
Any further inquiries relative to this project should be directed to your grant manager at 850-617-1250.
Sincerely, '
b// _,f etrina Tuttle Herring
/ Bureau Chief
cer Mattthew A.Tracht, Projipct Director,Winter Springs Police Department
Iusiiiuraeu s 101
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I Iost Office Box 1,489,�I a"s all a ws,ee, IIII 3Z:102-1489
(850)a "'1 71250
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Justice Assistance Grant - County-wide
Desk Monitoring Report
Contract No: 2017-JAGC-SEMI-9-R3-248
Project Director: Mattthew A. Tracht
Telephone No: 407-327-7997
Subgrantee: City of Winter Springs
Other Person(s) Contacted:
Monitoring Date: 09/19/2017
Project Monitored By: Krista M Sanders
Report Number: 1
Date Written Report Complete: 09/19/2017
Date of Approval:
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Report Sum rv.
Category : Administration
1. Is the grant file in order and all items secured in the tabs?
2. Are all organization officials in SIMON current and correct?
3. Are project staff aware of and familiar with the Standard Conditions section of the approved contract?-
4. Are project staff familiar with the USDOJ/OJP Financial Guide? —
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Report# 1 Page 1 of 6
5, Does the financial officer/project director understand that only costs incurred between the beginning an—d
ending dates of the contract are eligible for reimbursement and that an invoice must have been paid
prior to the expenditure being reported to the FDLE?
6. Do project staff understand the procedure for requesting a grant adjustment and the due date for
adjustment requests? E-
7. If subgrantee has delegated signature authority for submitting grant adjustments in SIM—ON, do th ey E:N=/A
have written documentation of this in their file?
8. Do project staff understand the reporting requirements? Are project staff aware of the reporting proces-s[=Y
and which roles may submit transactions in SIMON?
9. Have audits been submitted as required by the grant agreement for this and prior years and have—audit
finding and recommendations been addressed when applicable? F—=Y
10. Have all conditions been cleared? If not, provide the status and type of conditions that are outstanding. E=
11 Has the grant manager made phone contact or contact via email with the subgrantee? Provide the
name of the person contacted. (Desk only)
Fc-ategory . Civil Rights
1. Is the subgrant recipient in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) Plan
requirement? Please indicate the status of the EEO plan.
2. Is the implementing agency in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO)--P—lan
requirement? Please indicate the status of the EEO plan.
& Did the subgrantee provide any documentation related to civil rights compliance?
4. Is the subgrantee in compliance with the civil rights requirements?
Monitoring Finding/Recommendation:
Recommendations: The City cJ Winter Springs ie currently in compliance with Office of
Civil Rights(OCR) requirements. However, it is noted the City of
Winter Springs does not have Limited English Pmfioienoy(LEP)
Plan, policies or procedures in place to provide services to non-
English opookingpomonn. A|| reuipiontaandnubmoipienteoffedona|
funding must comply with the provisions of the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. It is advised that the City of
Winter Springs develop evvhU*n LEP Plan, For additional
information, please see aubawerd Standard Condition, Section ||
#14.0. www]*p.gov.
^".,-°,GC'ocm/-v-no-2*o 9/20/// u:oo PM �
Report# 1 Page2 of
5. Did the implementing agency provide any documentation related to civil rights compliance?
6. Is the implementing agency in compliance with the civil rights requirements?----
Fc-ategory Compliance Issues
1- Do project staff understand and are they complying with the records retention requirements? T7��
2. For state agencies, is there a Certification Regarding Lobbying on file, and is the agency complying with
the stipulations of that certification?
3. Is the subgrantee's SAM registration current?
4 If travel expenses are being charged to the grant, does the subgrantee/implementing agency have a
written travel policy? If not, are they using the state policy?
5. If grant funds are used for bulletproof vests, does the implementing agency have a written"mandatory
wear"policy in effect?
6. Have the type of vests funded by the grant been tested and found to comply with applicable National N/A
Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are the vests American-made? E=
Category Performance
1. Have quarterly performance reports been submitted as required by the grant agreement? Y
2. Is the grant accomplishing activities as set forth in the Project Summary? If not, provide an explanation
of project delays and a plan of action to bring the project up to date.
[category : Financial Management
1. Are all agencies receiving funds actively involved in the activities described in the grant?
2. Do project staff know how to access financial reports in SIMON to confirm financial status?
3. Are system controls adequate to account for the receipt, obligation and expenditure of project funds,
and are financial records at the subgrantee, implementing agency and service provider, if applicable,
consistent with each other?
4. Is the project expending funds at a rate that will allow for total expenditure of project funds within the
grant period?
5. Have Project Expenditure Reports been submitted as required by the grant agreement?
Monitoring Find
Recommendations: No Project Expenditure Reports requesting reimbursement were
available for review sA the time of the monitoring visit. Backup
documentation must be submitted by the City of
Winter Springs along with the first expenditure report requesting
reimbursement. Expenditures will ba reviewed at that time.
6. If budget is based on unit cost, did available documentation support the number of units reported on the=N�/��
PER submitted for reimbursement?
1. Does recipient have sole source documentation on file and does it meet the requirements? N/A
Z Does recipient have written purchasing procedures? E=
3. Does documentation of procurement indicate these procedures were followed? E:=Y
Category : OCO/Expenses
1. Have expense and/or OCO items outlined in the current approved budget been ordered/received? Y
2. Is equipment purchased with grant dollars being used as described in the contract? =Y
3. Are property management records being maintained in accordance with contract requirements?
Category : Salaries and Benefits
1, Does recipient have a current Policies and Procedures manual or clearly defined staff rules including a
written overtime policy, a written leave and fringe benefits policy, and written job descriptions, as
2. If Salaries and Benefits are included in the budget, was documentation provided to support that a net =N/A
increase in staff resulted due to the grant funds? If funds are used to retain positions that would have
been laid off but for the availability of federal funds, documentation must substantiate the certification
that these positions have been cut only because of a funding shortfall affecting the entire unit of
ICategory : Contractual Services
1. If contractual services are included in the approved budget, has the proposed agreement format and N/A
executed contract been reviewed by the FDLE? Please list all contracts reviewed.
2. Are effective dates of the contract consistent with the grant period?
3. Are all parties to the contract clearly identified and consistent with the grant contract?
4. Were all subcontracted activities identified in the approved grant contract?
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5. Are USDOJ compliance requirements passed through by contract provisions and are the subgrant
standard conditions included by reference?This would include resolution of disputes, reporting, patents,
rights in data and copyrights, examination of records, clean air and water, EEO, and termination of
-. Has the grant manager confirmed that-the ------`-'are not—'included —n -the federal government's
Excluded Parties List?
7. Did the contract with the service provider cover all of the activities included under contractual services in-
the aubgmntbudget? ---
[C�ate Do: Treatment
1. Were copies of any required current State of Florida License(s)for the treatment agency and treatment N/A
agency staff available for review and consistent with information provided in the approved contract?
2. Was a copy of the most recent Monitoring Report from the State of Florida licensing agency provided for
review, along with a copy of the treatment pmvido�oresponse 1oidmnhfied deficiencies, ifapplicable?
3. If services to clients were provided, were they provided only to clients meeting the selection/eligibility
criteria ae per the eubgmnL? —'------
Aultijurisdictional Task Forces
1. If this subgrant funds a multijurisdictional task force, have all required project staff attended the required
training? Training is required every four years; a new certification letter is required every year.
Category : Project Generated Income (PGI)
1. Have PGI reports been submitted as required by the grant agreement on any grant with a remaining ER/=A
balance of PGI?
2. Has the subgrantee requested approval to expend earned PGI on all projects with a remaining PGI
balance? |f no, discuss the need to expend PG| ina timely manner. -------'
3. Are system controls adequate to account for the receipt, obligation and expenditure of PGI? ENAI
lCategory : Confidential Funds
1. Is documentation of confidential funds adequate for the amount of expenditures made? N/A
2. Do project staff understand that the amount of confidential funds reported nn expenditure reports muat
mpreoentonly the amount actually spent, not the amount drevvndnvvn? -------�
3. Do financial records of confidential funds show adequate separation of accountability?
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4. Does the implementing agency's management of confidential funds meet the requirements outlined in [:=N=/A
the Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide?
5. Was the quarterly reconciliation report on the imprest fund available for review? N/A
vleth Labs
1. For projects including the investigation and closure of Methamphetamine Labs, is the
subgrantee/implementing agency documenting compliance with the Federal, State, and local
environmental health and safety laws and regulations applicable to the investigation and closure of such
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