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2019 11 12 Planning and Zoning/LPA Regular Meeting Agenda
P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 1 O F 2 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/ LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 AT 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge Of Allegiance Approval Of The Agenda AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. Attachments: Minutes P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 O F 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Winter Springs Townhomes Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map 2. Exhibit 2 – Aesthetic Review 3. Exhibit 3 – Waiver Application 4. Exhibit 4 – Final Engineering Plans / Site Plan Approval 5. Exhibit 5 – Reports 6. Exhibit 6 – Developer’s Agreement REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. “If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based” - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 2019 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, October 2, 2019 of the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Kok Wan Mah in the Commission Chambers (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Kok Wan Mah present Vice-Chairperson Kevin McCann, present Board Member James Evans, absent Board Member Michael Ferrante, present Board Member Bart Phillips, present Assistant to the City Clerk, Christian Gowan, present Assistant to the City Clerk, Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 2, 2019 PAGE 2 OF 6 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 O F 6 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300. The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, May 23, 2019 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting Minutes. IN TERMS OF THE MAY 23, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES. “I MOVE THAT WE ACCEPT.” MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 301. The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes REGARDING THE JUNE 5, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, “MOTION TO APPROVE.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS. SECONDED BY VICE- CHAIRPERSON McCANN. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 2, 2019 PAGE 3 OF 6 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 3 OF 6 VOTE: CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. The Community Development Department Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing To Consider A Waiver For Northern Oaks, A 35-Lot Single-Family Residential Subdivision. Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department introduced himself and Ms. Marla Molina, Senior City Planner, Community Development Department. Presenting the Agenda Item for review, Mr. Schmidt mentioned that an updated Staff Report had been provided to the Board Members and noted, “We had done an initial review through engineering and then we did a second review which came in this morning from CPH, who we outsource to, then the stormwater calculations were adjusted accordingly. That’s why we amended our request and the Applicant is agreeable to our recommendation.” Ms. Molina spoke on the history of the project, and the rationale for the proposed lot coverage changes. Vice-Chairperson Kevin McCann inquired, “Does it change the number of units on the property?” Ms. Molina responded, “No. The number of units will remain the same, a total max[imum] of thirty-five (35) units.” Board Member Michael Ferrante asked if the setbacks would change to which Ms. Molina replied, “The setbacks will not change, it’s the lot coverage.” Brief discussion followed on setbacks and lot coverage. Chairperson Mah said, “When the two (2) original Waivers were requested back in March, this should have been part of that package…” Mr. Schmidt noted, “…Correct…” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 2, 2019 PAGE 4 OF 6 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 4 OF 6 Continuing, Chairperson Mah added, “Because, in order to build their homes with the setbacks that were requested, they would have needed to increase the lot coverage.” Mr. Schmidt stated, “Correct.” Discussion followed on Limited Administrative Waivers for a small number of homes. Mr. Dan Edwards, Vice President of Land – Central Florida Division, Dream Finders Homes, 8529 Southpark Circle, #130, Orlando, Florida: spoke briefly about the development and stated, “We’re good with the fifty percent (50%).” Board Member Bart Phillips said, “It seems like that property has a lot of problems with water, and there was like a river going through it - has that all been taken care of so we don’t have homes falling apart?” Ms. Molina pointed out, “We’ve had our Engineer take a look at the - floodplain and the stormwater. So, that’s what they reviewed today and - also the Final Engineering Plans. So, none of those issues came up with the Engineer today.” Board Member Phillips then asked, “So right now, the City’s Planning feels that it is comfortable having homes built in some of those locations?” Ms. Molina responded, “Yes.” Board Member Phillips then noted seeing some possible drainage problems when passing the site recently. In response to these concerns Mr. Schmidt stated, “The Final Engineering and Site Plan was approved previously. We had them look at the stormwater calc[ulation]s to make sure it could take the capacity of up to fifty percent (50%), which the Engineers assured us that it could. They submitted that to us. So - the site is in development right now; so there are going to be some issues because not all the infrastructure is locked in stone; but yes, we’ve been confirmed by the City Engineer that they’re good to go with regards to stormwater.” In reference to Board Member Phillips’ comments, Mr. Edwards mentioned that just recently, a Duke Energy Corporation subcontractor had hit a water main and that the City had responded and resolved the issue. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 2, 2019 PAGE 5 OF 6 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 5 OF 6 Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. There were no Speakers at this time. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. “I MAKE THE MOTION THAT WE APPROVE.” MOTION BY VICE- CHAIRPERSON McCANN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER FERRANTE: AYE BOARD MEMBER PHILLIPS: NAY VICE-CHAIRPERSON McCANN: AYE CHAIRPERSON MAH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA 500. Not Used 600. REPORTS Chairperson Mah reminded Committee Members and the public about the “2030 and Beyond” Survey and encouraged individuals to participate and share their input. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Mah opened “Public Input”. No one spoke. Chairperson Mah closed “Public Input”. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 2, 2019 PAGE 6 OF 6 P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N I N G B O A R D / L O C A L P L A N N I N G A G E N C Y R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 5 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 6 O F 6 ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. by Chairperson Mah. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the ______________, 2019 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. TITLE Winter Springs Townhomes SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the Planning and Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency hold a Public Hearing to consider the Aesthetic Review, Final Engineering Plans, multiple Waivers, and the Development Agreement for Winter Springs Townhomes located in the Town Center. The applicant DFH Land, LLC (Dream Finders Homes) is proposing a 114-unit townhome subdivision in the Town Center. The 8.35 acre parcel is located at the northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive (Exhibit 1). The site is bordered on the north and east by the Cross-Seminole Trail, on the west by Michael Blake Boulevard, and on the south by Tree Swallow Drive. The property is located in the T5 transect of the Town Center, which includes single-family attached units (townhomes) as a permitted use. General Information Applicant DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC (Dream Finders Homes) Property Owner(s) DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC Location Northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive Tract Size 8.35 Acres Parcel ID Number 26-20-30-5AR-0A00-007K Zoning Designation Town Center (T-C) | T5 Transect | Urban Center Zone FLUM Designation Town Center District Adjacent Land Use North: Cross-Seminole Trail East: Cross-Seminole Trail South: Tree Swallow Drive West: Michael Blake Boulevard Approved /Pending Development Permits (Conditional Use, Waivers, Or Variance) Pending Waivers PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 400 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 | REGULAR MEETING P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 OF 20 Development Agreement Pending Development Agreement Code Enforcement Not applicable City Liens Not applicable Aesthetic Review: Pursuant to Section 9-603, which sets forth guidelines and minimum standards for Aesthetic Review packages, staff has utilized the below criteria in Section 9-603 to determine the following. The attached Aesthetic Review package (Exhibit 2) includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustration all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. Aesthetic Review 1. The plans and speciflcations of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. The project is located east of the intersection on the northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive. The entrance area will be decorated with landscaping, and a landscaped median in front of the entrance. The design of the proposed townhomes includes 10 two-story townhomes, 10 three-story townhomes, and a single story cabana with a swimming pool, with a neutral complementary color scheme. The variation in angles, arches, and expression lines provide for variety amongst the townhomes, but together are complementary of each other and the surrounding area. The architecture is complementary to the diverse styles of architecture that have been provided in the Town Center. For example, the three-story townhome building at the roundabout of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow is designed as a feature building that will contain enhanced architectural and aesthetic elements. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 3 OF 20 2. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the city within the surrounding area. 3. The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within flve hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: a. Front or side elevations; b. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or c. Other signiflcant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The proposed units are designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are typical of the surrounding area. This project represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs Town Center. Signiflcant design features include architectural design elements such as columns, a variety of angles and shapes of roofiines, and varying colors and facades of stucco throughout the multiple variations of units. 4. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or signiflcantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural speciflcations and design features deemed signiflcant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the surrounding area. The City of Winter Springs is comprised of diverse architectural styles and, therefore, the proposed project represents a positive addition to this area of the City. 5. The proposed project has incorporated signiflcant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, wrought iron, columns and piers, porches, arches, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The proposed units are designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are typical of the surrounding area. This project represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs Town Center. Signiflcant design features include architectural design elements columns, a variety of P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 4 OF 20 angles and shapes of roofiines, and varying colors and facades of stucco throughout the multiple variations of units. Waiver Requirement: Section 20-34. – Waivers. (a) Any real property owner may flle a waiver application requesting a waiver for their real property from any term and condition of this chapter (except from the list of permitted, conditional and prohibited uses set forth in any zoning district category). (b) The Planning and Zoning Board shall be required to review all waiver applications and make a written recommendation to the City Commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the Board’s recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable waiver criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Board’s recommendation, the City Commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the City Commission determines that the Planning and Zoning Board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the City Commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation. (d) All waiver recommendations and flnal decisions shall comply with the following criteria: Waiver criteria set forth in Subsection 20-34(d) are as follows: 1. The applicant clearly demonstrates that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development. 2. The proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with this chapter and in compliance with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed development plan will signiflcantly enhance the real property. 4. The proposed development plan serves the public health, safety, and welfare. 5. The waiver will not diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 5 OF 20 6. The waiver granted is the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term or condition under this chapter. 7. The proposed development plan is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood. 8. Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. Waivers Description/Justification 1. On Building 4 at the corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road, requesting a portion of the building to have a setback of 12.6’, which is outside of the 0' – 8' setback in the T5 transect code. A majority of the building meets the setback requirement, but due to the shape of the right- of-way around the roundabout and physical limitations within the building footprint, the west portion of the building will be outside of the 8’ setback. Justiflcation: 1) This waiver request is due to the peculiar shape of the right-of-way and proposed structure. Granting this waiver will allow for a prominent corner building to be constructed on the main view corridor of the roundabout area and add to the urban nature of the town center. Imposing the 8’ maximum setback would create an illogical or unreasonable result because the feature corner building could not otherwise be achieved. 2) This waiver request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building on that corner without compromising the rear access of the residents. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. A 4.6’ increase to the setback is the minimum necessary to achieve the feature corner building that is desired to create an aesthetically pleasing view corridor. City Code: Per Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) (2) Dimensional requirements. Lot Design Guidelines Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane | 0 ft.—8 ft. max (from front property line). P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 6 OF 20 2. For the amenity building at the pool, requesting a 1-story elevation, which is less than the minimum requirement of 2 stories for accessory structures. The amenity building will have a small footprint of about 1,100 square feet and adding a second story will impede upon the view corridor of the park area between Streets B & C. Justiflcation 1) This waiver request is due size, location, and intended use of proposed structure. Granting this request will allow for a proportional design elevation for the pool amenity building. 2) This waiver request is necessary to allow the amenity building to be constructed adjacent to the pool and be a suitable proportion to the footprint. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Code: Sec. 20-325. Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) (2) Dimensional requirements. Lot Design Guidelines. Building height 2 stories min., 5 stories max. 3. For proposed Streets A and B, requesting to have the 6’ sidewalk located adjacent to the parallel parking spaces, which is the opposite conflguration from the Town Center Street thoroughfare requirements in the Transect Zone Design Standards. The purpose of this request is to allow the 6’ landscape portion of the right-of-way to be adjacent to the townhomes side wall and provide a graded buffer between the wall and the sidewalk. Furthermore, having the sidewalk adjacent to the parallel parking stall also allows for an easier transition for car passengers to exit/enter the parked vehicles without crossing a landscape area. Justiflcation 1) This waiver request is due to the layout of the buildings relative to the proposed rights-of-way and will still flt within the nature of the town center in that the landscape and sidewalk elements are still be proposed, just in a different conflguration, to allow people parking in an on-street space to step out of their vehicles onto a safe, stable, concrete sidewalk instead of into a grassy green space. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 7 OF 20 2) This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the construction of the buildings at a 0-foot setback on the right-of-way, while still meeting the other requirements of the regulations, such as minimum flnish fioor grades. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Code: 20-325(c)(4) Thoroughfare Standards. 4. For proposed Streets B and C, requesting to have the 6’ sidewalk located adjacent to the parallel parking spaces and the landscape area on the opposite side of the drive lane, as opposed to the typical one-way variation of the Town Center Street thoroughfare requirements in the Transect Zone Design Standards. The purpose of this request to allow for more landscape area adjacent to the central greenspace/park area. Furthermore, having the sidewalk adjacent to the parallel parking stall also allows for an easier transition for car passengers to exit/enter the parked vehicles without crossing a landscape area. Justiflcation 1) This waiver request is due to the layout of the buildings relative to the proposed rights-of-way and will still flt within the nature of the town center in that the landscape and sidewalk elements are still be proposed, just in a different conflguration, to allow people parking in an on-street space to step out of their vehicles onto a safe, stable, concrete sidewalk instead of into a grassy green space. 2) This waiver request is necessary to allow for the construction of a park / amenity area central to the proposed development. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Code: 20-325(c)(4) Thoroughfare Standards. 5. For Buildings 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20; requesting to have a maximum building set back of 11’ - 22’ adjacent to the Seminole County Trail right-of- way, which is outside of the 0’ – 8’ setback in the T5 transect code. For the buildings facing the Seminole County Trail, the area between the building P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 8 OF 20 Trail right-of-way must include a set of stairs, 6’ sidewalk, and retaining wall and the additional setback space is to allow for this for these features to flt within that space. The typical setback would be 11’ and only expands up to 22’ along Buildings 12, 14, and 16 as the right-of-way line angles out east, away from the internal alignment of the buildings. Justiflcation 1) This waiver request is due to the peculiar shape of the right-of-way and proposed layout of the site. Granting this request will allow for townhomes that face the scenic Seminole County Trail. 2) This waiver request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building in these locations, while have the front of the building face the trail and provide standard internal sidewalk access. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Code: Sec. 20-325. Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) (2) Dimensional requirements. Lot Design Guidelines Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane | 0 ft.—8 ft. max (from front property line) 6. A waiver from the City’s Code of Ordinances prohibiting common yards in the Town Center T5 Transect. Buildings 2 and 3 by their orientation have their primary facades facing an open space tract and not a public right-of- way thus creating a common yard condition. Justiflcation 1) This waiver request is due to the orientation of Buildings 2 and 3 not facing a public right-of-way. The area directly in front of these buildings is intended to be community open space and provide a continuous landscape corridor from the amenity building to Michael Blake Blvd. 2) This Waiver Request is necessary to facilitate the continuous landscape corridor from the amenity building to Michael Blake Blvd. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. City Code: Sec. 20-325. - Transect standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) (2) Dimensional requirements. Lot Design Guidelines. Private frontages - Common yard – Prohibited. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 9 OF 20 In evaluation of the above six (6) proposed waiver requests, the applicant has satisfled the eight (8) speciflc criteria required for waivers in the City Code of Ordinances. Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Home Rule Powers Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Town Center District Code City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Background Data: The 8-acre site is part of a larger parcel of approximately 46-acres that was previously owned in its entirety by Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. (IBEW). Winter Springs Holdings sold portions of the property to other entities, including Catalyst Development Partners, currently building an apartment project on the west side of Michael Blake Boulevard. The 8-acre property is subject to a Developer’s Agreement which includes the following applicable provisions: After the Catalyst Apartment Project (currently under construction), no additional apartment units are permitted anywhere on the 46-acre property; Parcels fronting S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road must be developed with a commercial use; and The property is served by a master stormwater treatment facility that is currently under construction as part of the Catalyst Apartment Project. P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 10 O F 20 Proposed Layout / Unit Type: The Final Engineering Plan proposes townhomes consisting of 10 two-story and 10 three-story buildings, for a total of 20-buildings ranging in size from 3 to 10 units per building, and a cabana including a swimming pool. The Final Engineering Plan for the subdivision features a grid of public streets and private alleys, consistent with the Town Center Code. Townhome units along the perimeter of the development will front Tree Swallow Drive, Michael Blake Boulevard, and the Cross-Seminole Trail. The internal buildings will all face public streets. All units have two-car garages accessed from alleys at the back of the buildings. Site Amenities: The central area of the subdivision includes a pool, cabana, and green space/park area. A main feature of the subdivision will be the immediate access to the Cross-Seminole Trail, with the ability for residents to use the trail for access to nearby shopping, schools, parks, and other community destinations. Water and Sewer: Water and sewer facilities are available to the site in Michael Blake Boulevard. A lift station is being built at the northwest corner of the property that will serve both the Catalyst Apartment project and the proposed Dream Finders townhome subdivision. The City has water and sewer plant capacity to serve the 114-unit townhome development. Stormwater: Winter Springs Townhomes will be served by a master stormwater pond currently being constructed as part of the Catalyst Apartments project. No additional onsite stormwater treatment is required. Onsite stormwater collection and piping facilities will route stormwater to the pond located on the east side of the Trail Bridge. Transportation: Winter Springs Townhomes will be accessed from both Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive. The existing and future Town Center street network provides multiple options for residents to reach their desired P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 11 OF 20 destinations. At the SR 434/Michael Blake Boulevard intersection, a trafflc signal will be constructed by the City when it meets the applicable trafflc warrants. Parking: The proposed Winter Springs Townhomes project consists of 114 townhome units, which requires 228 spaces. All townhome units will have two-car garages and per City Code, each 2-car garage is counted as 1 space, giving 114 garage spaces. Developments within the Town Center do not have a speciflc parking ratio requirement. However, this development had been designed to meet the City’s parking code outside of the Town Center which is 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit, LDC Section 9-277(2). The remainder of the development provides 115 surface parking along streets and pockets of parking area, distributed throughout the development, resulting in a total of 229 parking spaces, or a 2.01 space per dwelling unit ratio. Reports: The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property. Reports 2018 Fire Flow August 27, 2018 Civil Site Specs October 1, 2018 School Capacity Availability Letter of Determination (SCALD) November 14, 2018 Ecological Study (listed species) November 21, 2018 Geotechnical Engineering December 2018 Trafflc Study January 21, 2019 Stormwater Report March 7, 2019 Parking Analysis March 8, 2019 Roadway Underdrain Evaluation July 29, 2019 Water and Sewer Analysis P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 12 O F 20 The Applicant has agreed to speciflc conditions of approval for the Plan and Waivers as negotiated in the Developer’s Agreement. Pursuant to Section 20-29 of the City Code, all applications for waivers and development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 shall be required to be memorialized in a binding development agreement executed by the City and the property owner. Community workshops are required for all new residential subdivisions of ten (10) or more lots under Section 20-29.1. The 114 townhome lots shall be individually owned, requiring a subdivision, though the flnal plat will be reviewed separately from the Final Engineering Plans. A community workshop was held on July 30, 2019. The draft Development Agreement is enclosed as Exhibit 6 hereto. The Development Agreement has been drafted to address several important issues regarding the proposed Final Engineering Plans and the eventual platting of this Project. The primary issue that has been tentatively resolved in the draft Development Agreement is related to the conveyance of two small neighborhood squares. A full and detailed history of the requirement to convey two small neighborhood squares may be found in the City Commission Agenda Item titled “Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #5” from the September 23, 2019 City Commission meeting. An abbreviated history is included herein. A lengthy series of development agreements has encumbered the DFC Property, beginning in June 2000. These development agreements included the requirement that, at the time of development, two small neighborhood squares, referred to as Small Neighborhood Square #4 and #5, would be conveyed to the City. The flrst relevant development agreement was entered into on June 26, 2000 with Schrimsher Land Fund (the “Original Schrimsher Agreement”). The Original Schrimsher Agreement was intended to establish the vision for the future appearance and qualities of the Town Center Community and implement the traditional urban design conventions, such as a palette of squares, parks, and street types as mentioned above. Through this P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 13 OF 20 Agreement, Schrimsher consented to the adoption of the Town Center District Code and its applicability to the Schrimsher Property. The Original Schrimsher Agreement established the open spaces that Schrimsher would convey to the City and to the State of Florida. Schrimsher agreed to convey to the City title to Magnolia Park, Lake Trail Park, and Wetland Park, in addition to several “Small Neighborhood Squares,” known as #2, 3, 4, and 5. The Agreement established the size of each Small Neighborhood Square as follows: #5 - .44 acres #4 - .42 acres #3 - .44 acres #2 - .45 acres Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #5 are depicted in Exhibit A of the Original Schrimsher Agreement and, it is the City’s belief that they are located on what is now the DFC Property, though DFC has disputed this claim. In consideration for these conveyances, the City agreed that it would perform certain obligations, including stubbing-out utilities to the boundaries of the Schrimsher property at the City’s expense. The Original Schrimsher Agreement was eventually terminated due to the flnancial crisis and economic recession of 2007 and 2008. However, the City maintained in subsequent development agreements with different developers of the property that the requirement to convey two neighborhood squares would remain binding. Speciflcally, in the November 10, 2010, Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. entered into a “Future Development Commitment Agreement,” recorded in the Seminole County Offlcial Records at Book 7486, Page 146. The Future Development Commitment Agreement restated the existing commitment of the owner to convey Small Neighborhood Square #4 and #5, at the time the City determined the squares would be needed in conjunction with the future development of the Property. The location of the Neighborhood Squares was depicted in an Exhibit to the Agreement, which utilized the same Exhibit that had been attached to the Original Schrimsher Agreement from 2000. In anticipation of considering the Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, and Waivers, the City Commission was asked to review the obligation to P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 14 OF 20 convey the small neighborhood squares at its September 23, 2019 City Commission meeting. The City Commission requested that the City staff attempt to negotiate with DFC to flnd an acceptable alternative to the conveyance of the two small neighborhood squares, which has been memorialized via the draft Development Agreement. The primary obligations of the Development Agreement are as follows: Developer will, at its expense, design, permit and construct the townhome subdivision in a manner consistent with the Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers contained in the application flle. Developer consents to the following speciflc conditions of approval for the Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers: o Planting Elm and Crepe myrtle trees along the northern boundary of the Project and within the Cross-Seminole Trail right-of-way, provided that should Seminole County object to the plantings, Developer shall be excused from this condition. Trees shall be alternating and maximum of 15’apart on center and at least 2.5” caliper. The trees shall be maintained by the Developer for the flrst two years after planting; o Installing irrigation for the trees above, which shall be maintained as part of the future Project’s community irrigation system, provided that should Seminole County object to the installation, Developer shall be excused from this condition; o Installing a minimum of flve (5) dog stations at locations spread throughout the Project, which shall consist of doggie-bag stations to be stocked with baggies and maintained by the Homeowner’s Association in perpetuity; o Conveying the following land to the City: The northwest corner of the townhome Property, consisting of approximately 0.3 acres and surrounding, but not including, the lift station property (the “Northwest Corner Property Conveyance”) The northern portion of the Detention Pond Property located east of the DFC townhome property, consisting of approximately 4.0 acres (the “Detention Pond Property Conveyance”) P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 15 OF 20 o Making a cash contribution of $125,000 to the City o Cooperating with the City to relocate the current stormwater open conveyance system currently located on the Northwest Corner Property by installing a replacement stormwater pipe at a location deemed acceptable to the City. The Development Agreement also grants the Developer permission to build flve (5) model homes in two townhome buildings, which may not be used for purposes of residential occupation prior to flnal plat approval. Should the Developer fail to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings within two years of the effective date of the Agreement, the City Commission has the option to terminate the Agreement. Final Development Plan Approval: The City Commission may approve Final Engineering Plans separately and prior to approval of the flnal plat as provided in Section 9-74 of the City Code. Fiscal Impact: Approval of the Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review allows the subject property to be developed into a 114-unit Townhome Community. Development of the subject property is anticipated to provide and increase to the City’s taxable value. The potential tax revenue of the proposed subdivision at buildout is estimate to be $60,000/year. Procedural History: August 31, 2018 Application Submittal Date January 3, 2018 Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency | Approval | Recommendation (Preliminary Engineering Plans) January 8, 2018 City Commission | Approval (Preliminary Engineering Plans) July 30, 2019 Community Workshop Meeting P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 16 OF 20 September 23, 2019 City Commission | Dream Finders Townhomes | Contract Obligation Meeting Communication Efforts: The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board / Local Planning Agency members and are available on the City’s Website, LaserFiche, and the City’s Server. The Agenda has been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff. Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner’s Associations on flle with the City, all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately flve hundred feet of the subject property, all individuals who have requested Agenda information, Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the general public. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the Aesthetic Review, Preliminary/Final Engineering Plans, multiple Waivers from the Town Center Code, and the Development Agreement for Winter Springs Townhomes, contingent upon the below conditions of approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Approval of the Final Engineering Plan, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers shall be contingent upon the execution of the Development Agreement and completion of all obligations contained therein. The following are conditions of approval speciflcally relating to the Final Engineering Plans: 1. Site Utility Notes #2 shall state that the contractor shall contact Sunshine 811 (by calling 800-432-4770 or 811) at least two (2) full business days before beginning any excavation or demolition to allow all utilities to mark their facilities and respond to the Positive Response System. The note shall also P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 17 OF 20 reference that the contractors are required to comply with FS 556 the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act. The plan sheet logo from the Sunshine 811 web site shall be placed on the drawings (Sheet C01.0). 2. Site Utility Notes #4 shall reference that potable water lines 3” and smaller shall be AWWA C901 and rated for 200 psi (Sheet C01.0). 3. Site Utility Notes #13 shall reference that the potable water mains shall be restrained in accordance with the Pipe Joint Restraint Detail in these plans (Sheet C01.0). 4. Site Utility Notes #18 shall reference that root shields shall also be required where the distance between the utility pipelines and the trees is at that 5 foot minimum (Sheet C01.0). 5. Site Utility Notes #20 shall reference the latest edition of the NFPA 24 code, not the 2007 edition (Sheet C01.0). 6. Site Grading Notes #2 may be deleted as the revised information is contained in Site Utility Notes #2. Should it be repeated then follow comment #1 above (Sheet C01.0). 7. In the Jurisdiction/Utilities box the Water Management reference shall be “SJRWMD” (Sheet C01.0). 8. Site Plan Notes #9 references a street lighting plan, include the street lighting in the flnal plan set (Sheet C01.0). 9. The plan shall state that the Contractor of Record is responsible for applying and obtaining a Notice of Intent from FDEP and for complying with the SJRWMD, FDEP, and EPA NPDES regulations for construction site control of sediment and erosion control and for the runoff from the project site (Sheet C05.0). 10. The plan shall state that the Contractor of Record is responsible for the preparation of a detailed SWPPP and for the submission to and approval from the City of Winter Springs (Sheet C05.0). P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 18 OF 20 11. The plan shall provide one street/alley plan and proflle plan for all streets and alleys (Sheet C07). 12. Storm structure STS11 is a confiict manhole, the manhole will need to be an FDEP approved this design. FDEP used to require that sanitary sewers passing through storm structures were required to be encased, and the joint of Ductal Iron Pipe should be lined with Protecto 401 or similar coating (not bitumastic) (Sheet C07.1). 13. All the storm structures that have 48 inch and 60 inch pipes connecting to them shall be at least 6 feet in diameter (Sheet C07.1) 14. A flre hydrant shall be provided on Tree Shallow Lane at Street A (Sheet C08.0). 15. The water main on Street A shall be extended to connect the water main on Alley B (Sheet C08.0). 16. Remove Utility Note referencing “OUC mains” (Sheet C08.0). 17. Shall provide garbage truck access route (Sheet C09.0). 18. Shall provide two one-inch lifts of SP 9.5. (Detail #5 - Sheet C12.0). 19. Southern Magnolia tree shall be relocated from the location Double Dector Check Assembly/Fire Department Connection for buildings 19 and 20 (Sheet L01.1). 20. General Notes #15 shall state that the contractor shall contact Sunshine 811 (by calling 800-432-4770 or 811) at least two (2) full business days before beginning any excavation or demolition to allow all utilities to mark their facilities and respond to the Positive Response System. The note shall also reference that the contractors are required to comply with FS 556 the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act and include the Sunshine 811 logo on the drawings (Sheet LI02.0). P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 19 OF 20 21. Shall provide the analysis to include the proposed 8-inch water main on Tree Swallow and its connection to the water main on Street D. Including this pipeline in the Hydraulic Analysis may help comment #2 below. 22. The flre fiow analysis for the 2450 gpm fiow from FH 3 and FH 4 shows a fiow velocity of almost 15 fps for the 8 inch pipe connecting to the existing 12 inch WM on Michael Blake Blvd and entering the development. This is excessive. The City allows size on size taps, so a 12 inch tap and 12 inch pipe from Michael Blake Blvd to the internal water main loop will lesson this excessive velocity. 23. Additionally, pipe P17 shall run to and connect to the 8 inch pipeline on Alley B. 24. This report references the existence of organic soils (Section 7.2.2) and recommends their removal. Shall provide organic soils on the grading plans. 25. In Section 9.1, UES references cut/flll in the range of 2 feet or less. Shall inform UES that the flll will be more along the depths of up to 5 feet along the perimeter of the development towards the Cross Seminole Trail. 26. In Section 9.7, UES references the potential for post-construction vertical settlement of 1 inch or less. Shall provide proof to the City Engineer that removal of the organic soils and the proposed flll (compacted) shall alleviate this potential settlement. 27. In Section 10.2.5, UES references the effects of ground water on the pavement section and recommends minimum separations from the SHGT to the bottom of the base course - depending upon the material used for the base course. An additional Underdrain Analysis was performed and underdrains are shown on Tree Swallow, Street A, and Street D as included in the plan set. Shall provide Plan and Proflles for the other streets and alleys, although they are referenced in the Underdrain Report. Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map 2. Exhibit 2 – Aesthetic Review P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M 4 0 0 | T U E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 20 OF 20 3. Exhibit 3 – Waiver Application 4. Exhibit 4 – Final Engineering Plans / Site Plan Approval 5. Exhibit 5 – Reports 6. Exhibit 6 – Developer’s Agreement RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for the Aesthetic Review, Preliminary/Final Engineering Plans, multiple Waivers from the Town Center Code, and the Development Agreement for Winter Springs Townhomes, contingent upon the below conditions of approval. Exhibit 1 Aerial Map of Winter Springs Townhomes Subject Property 43 4 TUSKAWILLAORAN G E FANN I N G MILKY MICHAEL BLAKEWOODED VINEMOHAWK NATURES TUSCORABU C K H OR N EAGLE WINDTR E E S W A L L O W SEFTONMCL EO D S BLUMBER G OL D F A R M ENDEAVOURAVERY LAKE T O R C A S O RUSHING RAPIDSEAGLE EDGESILVER MOON TRAI L H E A DBEAR SPRINGSSWIFT CREEK CITY TOWN PLA Z A VIEW POINT SPRING CREEK PAWNEE GAINERDANCING WATERA T R IUM HEA T H E R W O O D CHEOY LEE GULFSTAR BRIGHT STARJESUP SPRINGSGENTLE BREEZEOAK LAKEROBERTS FAMILYTREE H O U S EGEE HAMMOCKGRAC E F U L D O EPRIVADOBRAVE WOLFDANCING FIRECRAYS RISEB R A V E H U N T E R 434 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS UserCommunity AERIAL MAP Winter Springs Townhomes Legend Streets WaterBodies Parcels ²0 0.15 0.30.075 Miles 1 inch = 883 feet Exhibit 2 Aesthetic Review INDEXARCHITECTUREA000COVER PAGEAA1.1AMENITY BUILDINGAA2.1BUILDING TYPE 1 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA2.2BUILDING TYPE 1 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA2.3BUILDING TYPE 1 - ELEVATIONSAA3.1BUILDING TYPE 2 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA3.2BUILDING TYPE 2 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA3.3BUILDING TYPE 2 - 3RD LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA3.4BUILDING TYPE 2 - ELEVATIONSAA4.1BUILDING TYPE 3 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA4.2BUILDING TYPE 3 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA4.3BUILDING TYPE 3 - ELEVATIONSAA5.1BUILDING TYPE 4 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA5.2BUILDING TYPE 4 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA5.3BUILDING TYPE 4 - 3RD LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA5.4BUILDING TYPE 4 - ELEVATIONSAA6.1BUILDING TYPE 5 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA6.2BUILDING TYPE 5 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA6.3BUILDING TYPE 5 - ELEVATIONSAA7.1BUILDING TYPE 6 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA7.2BUILDING TYPE 6 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA7.3BUILDING TYPE 6 - ELEVATIONSAA8.1BUILDING TYPE 7 - 1ST LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA8.2BUILDING TYPE 7 - 2ND LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA8.3BUILDING TYPE 7 - 3RD LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANAA8.4BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATIONSAA8.5BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATIONSAA8.6BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATIONSAU1.1UNIT PLAN 1768AU2.1UNIT PLAN 1757AU3.1UNIT PLAN 2353AU4.1UNIT PLAN 2359AU5.1UNIT PLAN 2707AU5.2UNIT PLAN 2707A000WINTER SPRING TOWNHOMES & AMENITYWINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDAHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA1.1AMENITY BUILDING - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"AMENITY BUILDING - FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"AMENITY BUILDING - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Amenity BuildingAMENITY BUILDING - LEFT & RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW 7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW 7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW 2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW 6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW 7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD17262312767233WOMENMEN225888. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING. BRONZE FINISHHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA2.1Building Type 11st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 1 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"120'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA2.2BUILDING TYPE 1 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 12nd Level Bldg Flr Pln20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"120'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA2.3BUILDING TYPE 1 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 1ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 1 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 1 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 17578271746418211443538425367231UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 17576782213HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA3.1Building Type 21st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 2 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"120'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA3.2BUILDING TYPE 2 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"120'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359Building Type 22nd Level Bldg Flr PlnHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA3.3BUILDING TYPE 2 - 3rd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"120'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359Building Type 23rd Level Bldg Flr PlnHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA3.4Building Type 2ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 2 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 2 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 2 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"882721744614482721315315335152UNIT 2359UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 2359UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 23596712123271762123HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA4.2BUILDING TYPE 3 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 32nd Level Bldg Flr Pln20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA4.3BUILDING TYPE 3 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 3ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 3 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 3 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 175782717461821144353845367231UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 17576782213HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA5.1Building Type 41st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 4 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA5.2BUILDING TYPE 4 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359Building Type 42nd Level Bldg Flr PlnHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA5.3BUILDING TYPE 4 - 3rd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2359UNIT 235350'-0"58'-0"8'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359Building Type 43rd Level Bldg Flr PlnHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA5.4Building Type 4ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 4 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 4 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 4 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"88272174464482721315135152UNIT 2359UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2359ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 2359UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 2353UNIT 23596712123271762123UNIT 2353HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA6.1Building Type 51st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 5 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"80'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA6.2BUILDING TYPE 5 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 52nd Level Bldg Flr Pln20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"80'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA6.3BUILDING TYPE 5 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 5ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 5 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 5 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 175782717821143845367231UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757678221343HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA7.1Building Type 61st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 6 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"60'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA7.2BUILDING TYPE 6 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 62nd Level Bldg Flr Pln20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"60'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA7.3BUILDING TYPE 6 - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"Building Type 6ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 6 - SIDE ELEVATIONSSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 6 - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISHUNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 17578271782115384676782213UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 1757231HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED UNI T 1 7 5 7 AA8.1Building Type 71st Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 7 - 1st LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"59'-0"6'-0"65'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"20'-0"20'-0"2 0 ' - 0 " 6 0 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 "70°59'-0"6'-0"65'-0"UNI T 1 7 6 8UNI T 1 7 6 8UNIT 2707UNIT 2707ABCUNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757DEFGHHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 20'-0"20'-0"100'-0"57'-0"8'-0"65'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"2 0 ' - 0 "61'-0"4'-0"65'-0"6 0 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 "70°AA8.2Building Type 72nd Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 7 - 2nd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757UNI T 1 7 5 7UNI T 1 7 6 8UNI T 1 7 6 8UNIT 2707UNIT 2707ABCDEFGHHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 70°AA8.3Building Type 73rd Level Bldg Flr PlnBUILDING TYPE 7 - 3rd LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 2707UNIT 2707ABCDEFGHHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED UNIT 1768UNIT 1757AA8.4Building Type 7ElevationsUNIT 2707BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'A'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'B'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'C'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"821UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 176814ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISH414351674352UNIT 1768UNIT 2707UNIT 2707UNIT 176874664111753813386644827171653842UNIT 2707UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1757HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED AA8.5Building Type 7ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'D'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'E'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'F'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"UNIT 1757UNIT 2707ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISH671233382216UNIT 1768UNIT 2707UNIT 2707UNIT 1768822161673332322117788766UNIT 1768UNIT 1768HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED UNIT 1757UNIT 1768UNIT 2707AA8.6Building Type 7ElevationsBUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'G'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BUILDING TYPE 7 - ELEVATION 'H'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"ELEVATION COLOR LEGEND1. SIDING - SW7043 WORLDLY GRAY2. TRIM - SW7009 PEARLY WHITE3. STUCCO - SW2819 DOWNING SLATE4. SIDING - SW6234 UNCERTAIN GRAY5. DOOR/ACCENT - SW7020 BLACK FOX6. WINDOWS - BRONZE7. SHINGLES - WEATHERED WOOD8. 2 3/4" DIA. WROUGHT IRON RAILING.BRONZE FINISH8221633822167623763UNIT 1768UNIT 1768UNIT 1768767HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 1768 SQUARE FOOTAGES---1st FLOOR6862nd FLOOR1082SUBTOTAL17682 CAR GARAGE433PORCH181TOTAL2382AU1.1Interior Unit Plan 17681st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN20'-0"57'-0"20'-0"65'-0"PORCHFAMILY ROOM 2 CAR GARAGE LOFTMASTER SUITE BEDROOM 2W.I.C.FOYERCAFEBATH 2BEDROOM 3KITCHENPANTRYPWDR.M. BATHLLAUND8'-0"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 1757 SQUARE FOOTAGES---1st FLOOR6862nd FLOOR1071SUBTOTAL17572 CAR GARAGE433PORCH181TOTAL2371AU2.1MASTER SUITE W.I.C.M. BATHW.I.C.BEDROOM 2W.I.C.LOFTBATH 2LAUNDRYBEDROOM 320'-0"65'-0"PORCH2 CAR GARAGE FOYERPANT.PWDR.57'-0"20'-0"57'-0"8'-0" 8'-0" 57'-0"8'-0"FAMILY ROOM CAFEKITCHENEnd Unit Plan 1757SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLANHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 2353 SQUARE FOOTAGES---1st FLOOR4682nd FLOOR9443rd FLOOR941SUBTOTAL23532 CAR GARAGE516PORCH176TOTAL3045AU3.120'-0"PWDR.2 CAR GARAGE FOYERDEN/OPT BR. 4PORCH50'-0"20'-0"CAFEKITCHENPANT.PWDR.FAMILY ROOM50'-0"20'-0"MASTER SUITE BEDROOM 2W.I.C.BATH 2BEDROOM 3M. BATHLLAUND.L8'-0" 50'-0"8'-0" 8'-0"Interior Unit Plan 2353SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLANHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 2359 SQUARE FOOTAGES---1st FLOOR4512nd FLOOR9553rd FLOOR953SUBTOTAL23592 CAR GARAGE533PORCH176TOTAL3068AU4.1End Unit Plan 2359SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"20'-0"PWDR.2 CAR GARAGE FOYERDEN/OPT BR. 4PORCH50'-0"20'-0"CAFEFAMILY ROOMKITCHENPWDR.PANT.M/K50'-0"20'-0"MASTER SUITE W.I.C.M. BATHBEDROOM 2BATH 2BEDROOM 3LAUND.L8'-0" 8'-0"STOR.L50'-0"8'-0" 50'-0"20'-0"MASTER SUITE W.I.C.M. BATHBEDROOM 2LAUND.8'-0"BATH 2W.I.C.LLOFT1st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"OPT 3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLANHOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED SQUARE FOOTAGES---1st FLOOR5502nd FLOOR10783rd FLOOR1079SUBTOTAL27072 CAR GARAGE599PORCH200BALCONIES200TOTAL3706FAMILY ROOMCAFEKITCHENBEDROOM 31 CAR GARAGE 1 CAR GARAGE 1 1 ' - 4 1 / 2 "7'-5 1/4"41'-0"25'-0"BATH 3PWDR.PANT.L.A/CFOYERPORCHW.I.C.BALCONY34'-4"25'-0"7'-5 1/4"1 1 ' - 4 1 / 2 " 8'-0"5'-0" 8'-0"5'-0"AU5.1Corner Unit Plan 2707SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN41'-0"34'-4"HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED BEDROOM 2LOFTMASTER SUITE M.BATHLAUND.BATH 2W.I.C.41'-0"25'-0"7'-5 1/4"1 1 ' - 4 1 / 2 "L.5'-0"8'-0"L.AU5.2Corner Unit Plan 2707SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN34'-4"HOUSING DESIGN MATTERS11512 LAKE MEAD AVENUESUITE 102JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256TELEPHONE 904.572.1505DATE:D R E A M F I N D E R S W I N T E R S P R I N G T O W N H O M E S A N D A M E N I T Y B U I L D I N G SDRAWN BY:PROJECT :18010ZSDERYL L. PATTERSONFL LIC. No. AR11419SUBMITTAL SETNOT VALID UNLESS WETSIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL06.18.1907.15.19 REVISED07.31.19 REVISED 3-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Front Elevation3-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 3-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 4-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Front Elevation4-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 4-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 5-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Front Elevation5-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 5-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 6-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Front Elevation6-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 6-Unit 2-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 5-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Front Elevation5-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 5-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 6-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Front Elevation6-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Side Elevation 6-Unit 3-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 07-31-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 6-Unit 2 Story TH Assembly Color Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 06-18-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 6-Unit 3 Story TH Assembly Color Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-4 AA26002897 06-18-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 10-Unit 2 & 3-Story Colonial- Front Elevation 10-Unit 2 & 3-Story Colonial- Rear Elevation Front Elevation Rear Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-5 AA26002897 08-02-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters 10-Unit 2 & 3-Story Colonial- Left Side Elevation 10-Unit 2 & 3-Story Colonial-Right Side Elevation Right Side Elevation Left Side Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-5 AA26002897 08-02-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters Pool Cabana Front Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18074-1 AA26002897 06-17-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters Pool Cabana - Front Elevation Pool Cabana -Left Side Elevation Pool Cabana - Rear Elevation Pool Cabana - Right Side Elevation WINTER SPRING TH 18011-5 AA26002897 08-02-19 ©2019 Housing Design Matters Exhibit 3 Waiver Applications CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 1 of 5 The Community Development Director reserves the right to determine whether this application is complete and accurate. An incomplete application will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant. The application shall be reviewed per Chapter 20 – Zoning Sec. 20-34. The processing time may take up to ten (10) business days. Applicants are responsible for posting notice (provided by the city) on the site at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) meeting at which the matter will be considered. Said notice shall not be posted within the City right-of-way. All applicants shall be afforded minimal due process as required by law, including the right to receive notice, be heard, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by a duly authorized representative. Applicants are further advised that a Waiver is quasi-judicial in nature. Therefore, APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES, by signing below, that he or she: • May be sworn-in as a witness in order to provide testimony to the City Commission; • Shall be subject to cross-examination by party intervenors (if requested); and • Shall be required to qualify expert witnesses, as appropriate. Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Chapter 2 – Administration Sec. 2-30 of the Winter Springs City Code relating to Quasi-Judicial Rules and Procedures of the City Commission. All Waiver recommendations shall be based from the required information/documentation provided, the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan (to the extent applicable). The City Commission (CC) shall render all final decisions regarding Waivers and may impose reasonable conditions on any approved Waiver to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. All formal decisions shall be based on competent substantial evidence and the applicable criteria as set forth in Chapter 20, Zoning. Applicants are advised that if, they decide to appeal any decisions made at the meetings or hearings with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Florida Statute 286.0105. A Waiver which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two (2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the Waiver, is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the Waiver shall be deemed expired and null and void, per Chapter 20 – Sec.20-36. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED INFORMATION: Applicant(s): Date: Mailing address: Email: Phone Number: Property Owner(s): Mailing Address: Email: Phone Number: Project Name: Property Address: Parcel ID(s): Parcel Size: Existing Use: Future Land Use: Zoning District: Waiver that is being requested? Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 3 of 5 Will the proposed development plan significantly enhance the real property? Will the proposed development plan serve the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Winter Springs? Will the waiver diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood? Is the waiver request the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term or condition under Chapter 20 – Zoning? Is the proposed development plan compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood? Has the applicant agreed to a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the City Commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code? Yes No CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 4 of 5 List all witnesses that the applicant intends to present to the City Commission to provide testimony: Describe with specificity any evidence which the applicant intends to present to the City Commission, including oral factual testimony, maps, photographs, records or reports and/or expert testimony: Attach all documentary evidence which the applicant intends to present to the city commission to the back of this application. The Applicant has a continuing duty to update the list of witnesses, description of evidence, and documentary evidence throughout the application process. Additional witnesses or evidence will not be admitted at the city commission hearing if not submitted at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (PDF): ___ A complete Application and Fee ($500.00*) ___ A general description of the relief sought under this division ___ A brief explanation, with applicable supporting competent substantial evidence and documents, as to why the application satisfies the relevant criteria set forth in this division ___ A Legal Description accompanied by a certified survey or the portion of the map maintained by the Seminole County Property Appraiser reflecting the boundaries of the subject property (To scale). ___ An Excel mailing list with the names and addresses of each property owner within 500 ft. of each property line, along with the HOA Associations within 1/2 mile of each property line. ___ For all new commercial development and new residential subdivisions of ten (10) or more lots or existing commercial buildings being altered by 50 percent or greater of the original floor plan or seating capacity and requiring a modified site plan, or development agreements process under section 20-28.1 of the City Code, or as otherwise deemed applicable by the city to relevantly and competently examine an application for compliance with the city code and the affect and impact the proposed use will have on neighborhood and surrounding properties, applicants shall be required to submit with the following additional information referenced in Chapter 20 – Zoning Sec.20.29 Applications (7) – (11). * Fees are as shown above plus actual costs incurred for advertising or notification, and for reimbursement for technical and/or professional services which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the city’s consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. Waivers Requested: 1. On Building 4 at the corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road, requesting a portion of the building to have a setback of 12.6’, which is outside of the 0’ – 8’ setback in the T5 transect code. A majority of the building meets the setback requirement, but due to the shape of the right-of-way around the roundabout and physical limitations within the building footprint, the west portion of the building will be outside of the 8’ setback. 2. For the amenity building at the pool, requesting a 1-story elevation, which is less than the minimum requirement of 2 stories for accessory structures. The amenity building will have a small footprint of about 1,100 square feet and adding a second story will impede upon the view corridor of the park area between Streets B & C. 3. For proposed Streets A and B, requesting to have the 6’ sidewalk located adjacent to the parallel parking spaces, which is the opposite configuration from the Town Center Street thoroughfare requirements in the Transect Zone Design Standards. The purpose of this request is to allow the 6’ landscape portion of the right-of-way to be adjacent to the townhomes side wall and provide a graded buffer between the wall and the sidewalk. Furthermore, having the sidewalk adjacent to the parallel parking stall also allows for an easier transition for car passengers to exit/enter the parked vehicles without crossing a landscape area. 4. For proposed Streets B and C, requesting to have the 6’ sidewalk located adjacent to the parallel parking spaces and the landscape area on the opposite side of the drive lane, as opposed to the typical one-way variation of the Town Center Street thoroughfare requirements in the Transect Zone Design Standards. The purpose of this request to allow for more landscape area adjacent to the central greenspace/park area. Furthermore, having the sidewalk adjacent to the parallel parking stall also allows for an easier transition for car passengers to exit/enter the parked vehicles without crossing a landscape area. 5. For Buildings 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20; requesting to have a maximum building set back of 11’ - 22’ adjacent to the Seminole County Trail right-of-way, which is outside of the 0’ – 8’ setback in the T5 transect code. For the buildings facing the Seminole County Trail, the area between the building Trail right-of-way must include a set of stairs, 6’ sidewalk, and retaining wall and the additional setback space is to allow for this for these features to fit within that space. The typical setback would be 11’ and only expands up to 22’ along Buildings 12, 14, and 16 as the right-of-way line angles out east, away from the internal alignment of the buildings. 6. Requesting the removal of one (1), specimen tree within the project site. The existing tree is a 24” oak tree, which is defined as a specimen tree in the City code. 7. A waiver from the City’s Code of Ordinances prohibiting common yards in the Town Center T5 Transect. Buildings 2 and 3 by their orientation have their primary facades facing an open space tract and not a public right-of-way thus creating a common yard condition. Waiver Request 1: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due to the peculiar shape of the right-of-way and proposed structure. Granting this waiver will allow for a prominent corner building to be constructed on the main view corridor of the roundabout area and add to the urban nature of the town center. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building on that corner without compromising the rear access of the residents. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 2: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due size, location, and intended use of proposed structure. Granting this request will allow for a proportional design elevation for the pool amenity building. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow the amenity building to be constructed adjacent to the pool and be a suitable proportion to the footprint. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 3: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due to the layout of the buildings relative to the proposed rights-of- way and will still fit within the nature of the town center in that the landscape and sidewalk elements are still be proposed, just in a different configuration. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the construction of the buildings at a 0-foot setback on the right-of-way, while still meeting the other requirements of the regulations, such as minimum finish floor grades. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 4: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due to the layout of the buildings relative to the proposed rights-of- way and will still fit within the nature of the town center in that the landscape and sidewalk elements are still be proposed, just in a different configuration. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the construction of a park / amenity area central to the proposed development. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 5: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due to the peculiar shape of the right-of-way and proposed layout of the site. Granting this request will allow for townhomes that face the scenic Seminole County Trail. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the construction of the building in these locations, while have the front of the building face the trail and provide standard internal sidewalk access. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 6: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due the current grade of the site. The site will drain into a master pond system, which requires the grade of the property to be raised by 3-4 feet in the area of the existing tree. Furthermore, the existing tree is located where a proposed retaining wall is needed at the interface between the raised project site and existing Seminole County Trail. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to allow for the raising of the site grades and construction of a retaining wall. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Waiver Request 7: 1. Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? This Waiver Request is due to the orientation of Buildings 2 and 3 not facing a public right-of- way. The area directly in front of these buildings is intended to be community open space and provide a continuous landscape corridor from the amenity building to Michael Blake Blvd. 2. Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? This Waiver Request is necessary to facilitate the continuous landscape corridor from the amenity building to Michael Blake Blvd. The proposed development plan is otherwise in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Exhibit 4 Final Engineering Plan MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ATWINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMESENGINEEROWNER / APPLICANTDFC SEMINOLE CROSSING, LLC14701 PHILIPS HWY, STE 300JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256DAN EDWARDSNV5, INC. 201 S. BUMBY AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803FRANKLIN A. PORTER, P.E.407-896-3317AERIAL PHOTOVICINITY MAPNTSPLANS PROJECTLOCATIONCONSULTANTSLANDSCAPE:SITE PLAN NOTES:1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CITY OF WINTERSPRINGS REGULATIONS AND CODES AND O.S.H.A. STANDARDS.2. CONTRACTORS MUST BE FDOT PREQUALIFIED IN THE WORK CLASSES OF GRADING,DRAINAGE, AND FLEXIBLE PAVING TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC ROW OFTHIS PROJECT. THE PAVING SUBCONTRACTOR, IF APPLICABLE, MUST ALSO BE FDOTPREQUALIFIED IN FLEXIBLE PAVING. ALL PAVEMENT SLOPES, SIDEWALKS SHALL BE PER THEAPPROVED FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. BUILDING ENTRANCE ELEVATIONS PER THEARCHITECTURAL PLANS SHALL BE CHECK AGAINST THE FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS.3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL, SEED,MULCH AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS ESTABLISHED.SEE 02900 SPECIFICATION.4. ALL ISLANDS WITH CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE LANDSCAPED, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED. THOSE ISLANDS ARE TO HAVE CONC. CURB.5. ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.6. EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE TO BE MODIFIEDAS NECESSARY. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, (UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALLUTILITIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETC. ASREQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNINGAUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONSAND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASEBID.8. THE SITE WORK FOR THE PROJECT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE "SITESPECIFIC SPECIFICATIONS".9. LIGHTING ELECTRICAL PLANS TO BE PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. ALL SITE LIGHTING IS TOBE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SITE ACCEPTANCE. CITY APPROVAL OFTHE DUKE STREET LIGHTING PLAN IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINALIZATION AND WILL BE PARTOF THE ENGINEERING SUBMITTAL. POLES AND FIXTURES ARE REQUIRED TO BE DECORATIVE10. ALL SIGNAGE AND STRIPING TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHMUTCD (LATEST EDITION) STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL SIGNAGE IS TO BEDECORATIVE. ALL STRIPING TO BE THEREMOPLASTIC.11. ALL CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTERS TO BE WASTE PRO, NO EXCEPTIONS. DUMPSTERS ARE TOBE LOCATED A MIN. OF 100' FROM ANY SITE BOUNDARY.12. NO ONSITE BURNING IS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME.13. ALL ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS MUST BE HAULED OFFTHE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSED.14. PAYMENT OF THE 1% SITE INSPECTION FEE IS DUE PRIOR TO BREAKINGGROUND. FEE IS 1% OF THE TOTAL SITEWORK CONSTRUCTION COST, NOTINCLUDING ITEMS COVERED BY A BUILDING PERMIT.15. PROVIDE A VIDEO INSPECTION OF ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, SANITARYSEWER LATERALS, AND ALL STORMWATER PIPES. PROVIDE THE CITY WITHA DVD COPY OF ALL VIDEO INSPECTIONS.16. ALL WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE FDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE INACCORDANCE WITH 2017 DESIGN STANDARDS, 2017 STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, AND 2010 UTILITYACCOMODATION MANUAL.17. A 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH EITHER GREEN OR BLACK OPAQUE PRIVACY SCREEN ISREQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER PRIOR TO SITE WORK.18. A REFUNDABLE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CASH DEPOSIT OR LETTEROF CREDIT FOR THE LESSER OF 1% OF THE SITE CONSTRUCTION COST OR $5,000 ISREQUIRED AT THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES INCLUDING REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTINGUTILITIES SERVING THE STRUCTURE.2. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTINGUTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES, ANDWHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON ASBEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST72 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THEPROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.3. ALL CUT OR FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 4:1 OR FLATTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.4. PRECAST STRUCTURES MAY BE USED AT CONTRACTORS OPTION.5. EXISTING AND NEWLY INSTALLED PIPES TO BE CLEANED OUT TO REMOVE ALL SILT AND DEBRIS.6. STORM PIPE SHALL BE PER MASTER SITE SPECIFICATIONS (ADS HP STORM OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)7. IF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES TO REMAIN ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION IT SHALL BE THECONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE THE EXISTING STRUCTURE AS NECESSARY TORETURN IT TO EXISTING CONDITIONS OR BETTER.8. ALL STORM PIPE ENTERING STRUCTURES SHALL BE GROUTED TO ASSURE CONNECTION AT STRUCTURE ISWATERTIGHT9. ALL STORM SEWER MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT, AND SHALL HAVETRAFFIC BEARING RING & COVERS. MANHOLES IN UNPAVED AREAS SHALL BE 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. LIDSSHALL BE LABELED "STORM SEWER".10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE GENERAL N.P.D.E.S.PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.11. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST AND/OR CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE A SMOOTH FITAND CONTINUOUS GRADE.12. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS FOR ALL NATURAL AND PAVED13. ALL UNSURFACED AREAS DISTURBED BY GRADING OPERATION SHALL RECEIVE 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL.CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY STABILIZATION FABRIC TO ALL SLOPES 3H:1V OR STEEPER. CONTRACTOR SHALLSTABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL A HEALTHY STANDOF VEGETATION IS OBTAINED.14. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES AND BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAME.15. ALL STORM STRUCTURES SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH UNIFORM POURED MORTAR INVERT FROM INVERT IN TO INVERT OUT.16. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS TAKEN FROM A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY LAND SURVEYOR CONSULTANT. IF THE CONTRACTORDOES NOT ACCEPT EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THEN THE CONTRACTORSHALL SUPPLY, AT THEIR EXPENSE, A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR TO THE OWNERFOR REVIEW.17. ALL EXISTING MANHOLE RIMS TO BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL MANHOLE RISERS ORADJUST EXISTING FRAMES AS NECESSARY.18. EXISTING GRATE ELEVATIONS TO REMAIN. WHERE PAVEMENT OVERLAY IS TO BE PLACED, FEATHER OVERLAY TOMATCH EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION TO FORM A SMOOTH TRANSITION.19. SPOT ELEVATIONS ADJACENT TO CURBS REPRESENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, TOP OF CURB SHOULD BE CONSIDERED 6" HIGHER.20. CONTRACTOR TO MATCH EXISTING GRADE AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, AS DEPICTED ON SWPPP SITE MAPS21. STRIP THE SURFICIAL ORGANIC SANDS AND IMPORT A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET OF PRE-APPROVED ENGINEERED FILLWITHIN THE LIMITS OF PROPOSED BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND PAVEMENT.22. AFTER STRIPPING IS COMPLETE, THE EXPOSED SUBGRADE SHALL BE OBSERVED, TESTED AND PROOF-ROLLED WITHA MINIMUM OF 10 PASSES WITH A HEAVY VIBRATORY ROLLER IN PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS.23. FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED IN LIFTS NO THICKER THAN 9 TO 12 INCHES IN LOOSE THICKNESS, WITH EACH LIFT COMPACTEDTO AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF THE SOILS MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY, (ASTM D-1557), AT A DEPTH OF 1 FOOT BELOWTHE COMPACTED SURFACE, AS DETERMINED BY IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS.24. FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MATERIAL'S MAXIMUM MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY25. IMPORTED FILL OR BACKFILL SHOULD CONSIST OF FINE SAND WITH LESS THAN 15 PERCENT PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE, FREE26. MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE FILL SHALL BE WITH IN +/-2 PERCENT OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT ASESTABLISHED IN ASTM D-1557.27. ONE FIELD DENSITY TEST SHALL BE CONDUCTED PER 2,500 SQUARE FEET (OR FRACTION THEREOF) PER LIFT, IN THE BUILDING AREA,28. ALTHOUGH THE EXPOSED SUBGRADE IS ANTICIPATED TO BE RELATIVELY STABLE UPON INITIAL EXPOSURE,UNSTABLE SUBGRADE CONDITIONS COULD DEVELOP DURING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS IF THE SOILS AREWETTED AND/OR SUBJECTED TO REPETITIVE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC.SITE GRADING NOTES:GEOTECH:407-423-0504ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328113532 MAGGIE BLVD.UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES407-695-4800MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751601 S. LAKE DESTINY RD, SUITE 200WATER MANAGEMENT:SITEWORK CONSTRUCTIONJURISDICTION / UTILITIESWATERWINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 327081126 EAST STATE ROAD 434CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA407-327-2669S.J.W.M.D.WASTEWATERELECTRIC:OVIEDO, FLORIDA 327652801 WEST STATE ROAD 426DUKE ENERGY800-700-8744TELEPHONE:ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801AT&T407-351-8190CABLE:ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328103767 ALL AMERICAN BLVD.BRIGHTHOUSE407-291-2500SURVEYOR:407-896-3317FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803201 SOUTH BUMBY AVENUENV5, INC.CIVIL ENGINEER:ARCHITECT:DAVID YUNG, AIA, LEED AP BD+CATLANTA, GEORGIA 30346115 PERIMETER CENTER PLACE, SUITE 950THE PRESTON PARTNERSHIP, LLC770-396-7248LEGAL DESCRIPTIONDAVID YUNG, AIA, LEED AP BD+CATLANTA, GEORGIA 30346115 PERIMETER CENTER PLACE, SUITE 950THE PRESTON PARTNERSHIP, LLC770-396-7248SITE UTILITY NOTES:1. ALL FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE IN PLACE, AND COMPACTED BEFORE INSTALLATION OFPROPOSED UTILITIES.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PROPER UTILITIES AUTHORITIES 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANYUTILITIES CONSTRUCTION.3. SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS:- 8" PVC SDR35 PER ASTM D 3034, FOR PIPES LESS THAN 10' DEEP- 8" PVC SDR26 PER ASTM D 3034, FOR PIPES MORE THAN 10' DEEP- 6" PVC SDR 35 PER ASTM D30344. WATER LINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS, UNLESS OTHERWISE DEPICTED ON PLANS:- 3" AND SMALLER, PVC ASTM D 221, WITH SDR 21 RATING, CONTINUALLY MARKED WITHMFR'S NAME PIPE SIZE, CELL CLASSIFICATION, SDR RATING, AND ASTM D1748 MAT. CLASS- 4" TO 16", PVC, AWWA C900, RATED DR18 (CLASS 150), CONTINUALLY MARKED AS REQ'D- 4" TO 16", DIP, AWWA C151, PRESSURE CLASS 350 (4-12"), PRESSURE CLASS 250 (14-16")5. MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE 2 FEET.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" COVER ON ALL WATERLINES ANDSANITARY SEWER.7. LINES UNDERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY CITYOF WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC WORKS/UTILITIES BEFORE BACKFILLING. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEA MINIMUM 48 HOURS NOTICE.8. TOPS OF EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE RAISED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITHPROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, AND TO BE SIX INCHES ABOVE UNPAVED GROUNDELEVATIONS WITH WATER TIGHT LIDS.9. EXISTING UTILITIES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED, HOWEVER, EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BERE-VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY NEW LINES. THE EXISTING SANITARYSEWER SIZE, LOCATION, AND ELEVATION SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONAND DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS.10. REFER TO INTERIOR PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR TIE-IN OF ALL UTILITIES.11. ALL NECESSARY INSPECTIONS AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY CODES AND/ORUTILITY SERVICE COMPANIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO ANNOUNCED BUILDINGPOSSESSION AND THE FINAL CONNECTION OF SERVICES.12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR INSTALLATIONREQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS.13. ALL WATER JOINTS ARE TO BE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS.14. IN THE EVENT OF A VERTICAL CONFLICT BETWEEN WATER LINES, SANITARY LINES, STORMLINES AND GAS LINES (EXISTING AND PROPOSED), THE SANITARY LINE SHALL BE DUCTILEIRON PIPE WITH MECHANICAL JOINTS AT LEAST 10 FEET ON BOTH SIDES OF CROSSING, THEWATER LINE SHALL HAVE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE AMINIMUM OF 18" CLEARANCE. MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI A21.10 OR ANSI 21.11 (AWWAC-151) (CLASS 50).15. ALL SANITARY LATERALS (LESS THAN 6" DIAMETER) SHALL BE SLOPED AT A MINIMUM OF 1.00%.16. CONTRACTOR SHALL TURN OFF THE CORPORATION STOPS AT THE METERS FOR ALL WATERSERVICES THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED.17. WHEN ANY ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING LAND CLEARINGAND/OR GRADING OF THE SITE THE ROOTS MUST BE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN SHARPPRUNING TOOLS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO TREE ROOT SYSTEM.18. A MINIMUM OF 5 FT SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES AND ANY PROPOSED LARGE CANOPY TREES.19. UNDERGROUND FIRE MAINS AND FIRE HYDRANTS WILL BE PUBLIC AND MUST BE INSTALLEDBY A LICENSED FIRE CONTRACTOR CLASS I, II, III, IV. COMBINATION FIRE MAINS (SHAREDDOMESTIC AND FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE) AND FIRE HYDRANTS UP TO THE DEDICATEDFIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM "POINT OF SERVICE" CAN BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSEDUNDERGROUND UTILITY/EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OR PLUMBINGCONTRACTOR.20. UNDERGROUND FIRE MAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHNFPA 24-2007 EDITION. STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE FIRE SERVICEMAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES.21. IN PAVED AREAS, ALL CLEANOUT COVERS AND VALVE BOXES SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED ANDFLUSH WITH TOP OF PAVEMENT.22. ALL SANITARY MANHOLES SHALL HAVE INCLUDE TROWEL-FINISHED CONCRETE BENCHING.407-896-3317CHRIS LABERG, P.E.ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803201 SOUTH BUMBY AVENUELOCHRANE ENGINEERING, INC.WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 327081126 EAST STATE ROAD 434CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA407-327-1800WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 327081126 EAST STATE ROAD 434CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA407-327-26691 TEST PER 5,000 SQUARE FEET IN PAVEMENT AREAS.OF RUBBLE, ORGANICS, CLAY, DEBRIS, AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL.29. LANDSCAPED AREAS BETWEEN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND SIDEWALKS ALONG PUBLIC ROADS SHALL BE SLOPED SUCH THAT THEEXPOSED FOOTER OF THE BUILDING IS A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT AND MAXIMUM OF 2.5 FEET.30. PER TOWN CENTER CODE ALL RESIDENTIAL FINISHED FLOORS MUST BE 2 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK GRADE.GEOTECHNICAL DATA:CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BYUNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, UES REPORT NO. 1626718, DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2018PLEASE REFER TO CHAPTERS: 9.8 FLOOR SLABS11.0 SITE PREPARATION12.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONSNOTE: THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT INCLUDES OBSERVATIONS OF ORGANIC SOILS FROM EXISTINGGRADE TO 2.5' BELOW GRADE. ORGANIC CONTENT GREATER THAN 5% IS UNSUITABLE FORSTRUCTURE PLACEMENT AND GREATER THAN 10% IS UNSUITABLE FOR PAVEMENT PLACEMENT.REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE ORGANICS SOILS AND REPLACEMENT WITH COMPACTEDBACKFILL.PROJECTLOCATIONSITE INFORMATION:TOTAL AREA: 8.35± AC(EXCLUDES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD AND INCLUDESTREE SWALLOW ROAD EAST EXTENSION)ZONING: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)SETBACKS:FRONT MINIMUM:0 FTFRONT MAXIMUM:8 FTREAR3 FTSIDE MINIMUM:0 FTSIDE MAXIMUM:24 FTBUILDING HEIGHT:2 STORIES MINIMUM, 5 STORIES MAXUNIT MIX:TEN (10) - 2-STORY BUILDINGS, MAX. 6 UNITSTEN (10) - 3-STORY BUILDINGS, MAX. 6 UNITSTOTAL 114 UNITSPARKING RECAP:LOT 1:STREET PARKING: 115GARAGE PARKING:(2 CAR GARAGES) 228 X 0.5 = 114 SPACESTOTAL: 229PARKING RATIO:229 SPACES / 114 UNITS: 2.01A PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK "A", D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKEJESSUP, SAID LANDS LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, ACCORDING TO THEPLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLECOUNTY, FLORIDA; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 434 AND TUSKAWILLA ROAD (PER FLORIDADEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, SECTION 77070-2516, SHEET 10 OF 13, P.I.STATION 600+32.11); THENCE RUN S38°23'34"E, A DISTANCE OF 1320.11 FEET ALONG THE BASELINEOF SURVEY AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BASELINE, RUNN51°36'26"E, A DISTANCE OF 94.94 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINEOF THE AFORESAID STATE ROAD 434, AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, FOR THE POINT OFBEGINNING, THENCE RUN ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434AND EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MICHAEL BLAKE BOULEVARD (AS RECORDED IN OFFICIALRECORD BOOK 7486, PAGE 138) THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: RUN N24°10'06"W ADISTANCE OF 48.66 FEET; THENCE RUN N38°43'16"W A DISTANCE OF 246.60 FEET TO THE POINT OFCURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; AND A CHORDBEARING OF N06°16'44"E, THENCE RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH ACENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 39.27 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUNN51°16'44"E A DISTANCE OF 389.87 FEET; THENCE RUN N53°37'06"E A DISTANCE OF 71.07 FEET TOTHE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET ANDA CHORD BEARING OF N74°09'35"E; THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVETHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41°04'59" A DISTANCE OF 10.76 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE RUN S85°17'55"E A DISTANCE OF 22.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVECONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF S64°11'16"E;THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42°13'19" ADISTANCE OF 11.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN S43°04'36"E A DISTANCE OF31.18 FEET; THENCE RUN N51°24'49"E A DISTANCE OF 63.63 FEET; THENCE RUN N34°23'22"W ADISTANCE OF 27.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING ARADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N16°43'25"W; THENCE RUN NORTHERLY ALONGTHE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35°19'54" A DISTANCE OF 9.25 FEET TO THEPOINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN N00°56'32"E A DISTANCE OF 51.24 FEET TO THE POINT OFCURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORDBEARING OF N17°39'17"E; THENCE RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGHA CENTRAL ANGLE OF 33°25'31" A DISTANCE OF 8.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUNN34°22'03"E A DISTANCE OF 70.51 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLYHAVING A RADIUS OF 1030.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N32°18'59"E; THENCE RUNNORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07°15'46" ADISTANCE OF 130.56 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVESOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 944.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N35°29'59"E; THENCERUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13°37'45" ADISTANCE OF 224.55 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF ACQUISITION PARCEL B (THE RAILS TO TRAILSCORRIDOR) AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4092, PAGE 0164, PUBLIC RECORDS OFSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MICHAELBLAKE BOULEVARD, RUN S46°13'52"E ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 145.09 FEET;THENCE RUN S32°50'43"E A DISTANCE OF 662.97 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTHERLYLINE AND THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID ACQUISITION PARCEL B; THENCE RUN S50°31'58"WALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 468.43 FEET; THENCE N38°32'29"W A DISTANCEOF 606.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.SITEWORK SPECIFICATIONS:CIVIL ENGINEERING SITEWORK SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTEGRAL TO THIS PLAN SET AND INCLUDED IN THE FINALPERMIT SET OF DOCUMENTATION FROM THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ACOPY THROUGH THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLINE PERMITTING PORTAL OR BY CONTACTING NV5.VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 COVER SHEETC01.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC Sheet List TableSheet Number Sheet TitleC01.0 COVER SHEETC02.0 DEMO PLANC02.1 TREE PLANC03.0 SWPPP PHASE 1C04.0 SWPPP PHASE 2C05.0 SWPPP DETAILS AND NOTESC06.0 SITE LAYOUT PLANC06.1 SIGHT TRIANGLESC07.0 GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGEC07.1 STRUCTURES DATAC07.2 PLAN & PROFILE TREE SWALLOWC07.3 PLAN & PROFILE STREET AC07.4 PLAN & PROFILE STREET DC08.0 WATER AND SEWER LAYOUTC09.0 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS PLANC10.0 WATER DETAILSC11.0 WASTEWATER DETAILSC12.0 GENERAL DETAILS 1C13.0 GENERAL DETAILS 2S01.0 BOUNDARY SURVEYL01.0 LANDSCAPE PLANLI01.0 IRRIGATION PLANLI02.0IRRIGATION DETAILSPARCEL ID: 2620305AR0A00007KCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: ZP2018-00000022GROUND SURFACES.SEMINOLE COUNTY FIRE NOTES:1) FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS PROVIDED AT THE START OF A PROJECT AND SHALL BEMAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. (NFPA 1, 16.1.4).2) A WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION, EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT, SHALL BEMADE AVAILABLE AS SOON AS COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL ACCUMULATES. THIS APPLIES TOBOTH COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. (NFPA 1, WHERE UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND HYDRANTS ARE TO BE PROVIDED, THEY SHALLBE INSTALLED, COMPLETED, AND IN SERVICE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WORK. (NFPA 1, FIRE FLOW TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 291,RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR FIRE FLOW TESTING.5) A 36 IN. CLEAR SPACE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF FIREHYDRANTS AND A CLEAR SPACE OF NOT LESS THAN 60 IN. (1524 MM) SHALL BE PROVIDED INFRONT OF EACH HYDRANT CONNECTION HAVING A DIAMETER GREATERTHAN 21⁄2 IN. NFPA 1, SHALL BE MARKED WITH A BLUE REFLECTOR THAT IS PLACED’6’’ IN THE ROADWAYIN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 1, CHAPTER 18.5.10 (2015).Exhibit 4 SAN WATER PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION20'77334124245514222588'12' 6'20'20'20'100'120'6 0 °20'8'SWSL/4"10'6' 6 0 ° 1 8 ' R .D20'20'3'R. 60' 5'6'6'5' 20'20'8'6'6'1 5 ' R .15'R.DDFFF39'LLLLLLF18'R.32'R.36'R.12'12'50'R.15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.20'30'20'14.88'20'20'20'20' 9'18'20'20'SWSL/12"CCCCCC6'6'18'R.A13'R.10'R.5620'20'5.5'8.5'6'M37.07'4'25'8'20'6'8'8'20'26.29'80'21.89'19.59'18.55'15.37'10'R.70'R.15'R.3'R.3'R.F3'R.F3' R .3'R.20' 1 5 ' R .3'R.1 8 'R . 3'R . 3'R . 1 8 ' R .6'6'55'10'20'20'20'58' 65'58'58'20'65'20'65'65'60'100'100'65'20'20'20'20'65'58'58'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'20'16'16'16'16' 16'16'16'16'16'16'5'5'6'6'6'6'1' 6' 1'6'2'6'6'5'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'12.55'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'EEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNDFDDDDDDDJJ8'6'6'6'6'6'SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"34'34'34'30'QQRPPPSSSSSSSSSSS7.28'O7.2865'120'DPKHKKKKKKKKKKNKCCCCCDEDESTSTPEDESTRIANCROSSWALK(TYP.)W11-2R1-2 W16-7P 18'69'3'R.6'6'8' 5'20202020202'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"HSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTEPSW/HANDRAIL46.57'SDNNSTEPSW/HANDRAIL69.39'8'6'5' 6'6'10'6'6'6'6'6' 6' 6'16.25'15.69'19.22'120'65'15'R.1 5 ' R .2015'R.C1 5 ' R .15'R.15'R.15'R.18'R.STKSYSL/6"R6-1R T15'R.15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.15'R .CS1 8 ' R .20USSS2020EXISTINGLIFT STATIONVES20'20'8' 8'5520'5520'D20'6'9'18'D20'22OM11.91' 11.93' 11.93' 11.96' 11.96' 11.99' 11.99' 12.02' 0.85'2.73'J6'"PARK PARCEL DEDICATED TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS"0.32 AC.60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAIL AND EDGE PROTECTIONCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.). (SEEDETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE LAYOUT PLANC06.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSSIGN NOTE: ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET FDOT AND MUTCDSPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION AND HEIGHT. POLES AND SIGNFRAMES ARE TO BE DECORATIVE AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF THE WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER CODE, SEC.20-327.1SITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VEND OF SIDEWALK SIGNEND OF ROADWAY, TYPE 4 OBJECT MARKERPER LATEST EDITION OF M.U.T.C.D. MANUAL(NOTE: AREA SHOULD BE PROPERLY ILLUMINATED)POST-MOUNTED DOG WASTE BAG DISPENCER WITHTRASH RECEPTACLE AND SIGNAGEY PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION20'75'IP2IP1CEIP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP1IP1IP2IP1IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP2IP1IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP1IP1FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092PHASE 2 SWPPP PLANC04.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC 60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHLEGENDIP1SFCESFIP2LIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCELIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCEFOR SWPPP DETAILS AND NOTESSEE SHEET C05.0SILT FENCE PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION20'77334124245514222588'12' 6'20'20'20'100'120'6 0 °20'8'SWSL/4"10'6' 6 0 ° 18 ' R .D20'20'3'R. 60' 5'6'6'5' 20'20'8'6'6'1 5 ' R .15'R.DDFFF39'LLLLLLF18'R.32'R.36'R.12'12'50'R. 1 5 ' R . 1 5 ' R .15'R.20'30'20'14.88'20'20'20'20' 9'18'20'20'SWSL/12"CCCCCC6'6'18'R.A13'R.10'R.5620'20'5.5'8.5'6'M37.07'4'25'8'20'6'8'8'20'26.29'80'21.89'19.59'18.55'15.37'10'R.70'R.15'R.3'R.3'R.F3'R.F3' R .3'R.20' 1 5 ' R .3'R.1 8 'R . 3'R . 3'R . 1 8 ' R .6'6'55'10'20'20'20'58' 65'58'58'20'65'20'65'65'60'100'100'65'20'20'20'20'65'58'58'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'20'16'16'16'16' 16'16'16'16'16'16'5'5'6'6'6'6'1' 6' 1'6'2'6'6'5'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'12.55'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'EEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNDFDDDDDDDJJ8'6'6'6'6'6'SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"34'34'34'30'QQRPPPSSSSSSSSSSS7.28'O7.2865'120'DPKHKKKKKKKKKKNKCCCCCDEDESTSTPEDESTRIANCROSSWALK(TYP.)W11-2R1-2 W16-7P 18'69'3'R.6'6'8' 5'20202020202'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"HSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTEPSW/HANDRAIL46.57'SDNNSTEPSW/HANDRAIL69.39'8'6'5' 6'6'10'6'6'6'6'6' 6' 6'16.25'15.69'19.22'120'65'15'R.1 5 ' R .2015'R.C1 5 ' R .15'R.15'R.15'R.18'R.STKSYSL/6"R6-1R T15'R.15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.1 5 'R .15'R.15 'R .CS1 8 ' R .20USSS2020EXISTINGLIFT STATIONVES20'20'8' 8'5520'5520'D20'6'9'18'D20'22OM11.91' 11.93' 11.93' 11.96' 11.96' 11.99' 11.99' 12.02' 0.85'2.73'J6'60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAIL AND EDGE PROTECTIONCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.). (SEEDETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE LAYOUT PLANC06.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSSIGN NOTE: ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET FDOT AND MUTCDSPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION AND HEIGHT. POLES AND SIGNFRAMES ARE TO BE DECORATIVE AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF THE WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER CODE, SEC.20-327.1SITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VEND OF SIDEWALK SIGNEND OF ROADWAY, TYPE 4 OBJECT MARKERPER LATEST EDITION OF M.U.T.C.D. MANUAL(NOTE: AREA SHOULD BE PROPERLY ILLUMINATED)POST-MOUNTED DOG WASTE BAG DISPENCER WITHTRASH RECEPTACLE AND SIGNAGEY PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATIONSWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"2'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"SYSL/6"EXISTINGLIFTSTATION60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAIL AND EDGE PROTECTIONCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.). (SEEDETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SIGHT TRIANGLESC06.1GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSSIGN NOTE: ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET FDOT AND MUTCDSPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION AND HEIGHT. POLES AND SIGNFRAMES ARE TO BE DECORATIVE AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF THE WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER CODE, SEC.20-327.1SITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VEND OF SIDEWALK SIGNEND OF ROADWAY, TYPE 4 OBJECT MARKERPER LATEST EDITION OF M.U.T.C.D. MANUAL(NOTE: AREA SHOULD BE PROPERLY ILLUMINATED) PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION31.45F.F. 28.3928.8429.3429.4430.0029.8030.9431.7230.3929.1128.6128.0028.4027.1827.6827.6727.4027.2027.1827.2029.2428.7428.2529.2429.3026.3926.3825.8827.6626.0025.6025.80RIM26.0027.5829.3529.0028.6825.6025.7026.1029.4527.5926.8327.3327.3324.4824.4824.4826.1924.8624.1323.5023.3023.0023.0422.3223.30GRT.22.00RIM22.4023.1823.27GRT.24.1024.3519.5419.42RIM 25.2525.4926.3226.3628.3228.6128.0127.5628.0629.0028.8830.3527.3927.6226.9427.1127.2327.4627.50F.F. 28.15 26.7426.6926.2926.1526.2426.5026.2326.0026.5424.7325.2024.4727.8528.8728.8528.8528.7729.2029.2030.1129.4329.5728.8628.8031.6031.1231.0030.9231.2531.4431.1231.0029.9629.9628.0428.7329.2325.2022.8122.7422.8022.9021.88SIDEWALK TO BEFLUSH WITHPAVEMENT21.8822.4722.4522.7523.0322.4022.8822.7023.6023.6023.4823.2623.2623.6023.4823.5525.3125.0425.0325.0325.0425.3124.26GRT.23.28FL.23.8623.6623.9823.3123.8024.7024.50GRT.24.2524.3523.1522.781781011121945444331.96404142GRT.29.00292324222735343330687847495060SAW CUTEXIST. EOPAND MATCHTO LINEAND GRADESAW CUT EXIST.EOP AND MATCHTO LINE AND GRADE13172026213139384669AF.F. 28.39AF.F. 29.72CF.F. 29.72AF.F. 31.05CF.F. 31.05AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68A25.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.7026.6026.8027.2527.6628.3328.9929.5630.3227.0827.1827.1027.4627.7028.2028.3228.2128.8228.9429.4429.5730.0729.8725.6425.6025.4425.4025.2425.2025.2025.2425.4025.4425.3026.00RIM25.50GRT25.0025.7526.0025.6026.1026.6029.7129.96F.F.C30.79F.F.B30.12F.F.B30.12F.F.C28.79F.F.B29.8129.1428.6327.8129.3329.4128.9629.0328.5928.6627.8128.0127.1228.0026.5126.1525.8025.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.95F.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68A25.7025.9025.9525.8425.8025.7525.7925.9025.9525.7825.7425.7025.9526.1626.0428.16F.F.C28.16F.F.C27.49F.F.B27.49F.F.B26.82F.F.C26.6726.6726.5126.2826.0925.5925.7425.7825.7826.0026.2026.2526.2126.2026.1726.5926.9026.7226.1326.0626.1726.7926.12AAF.F.30.73AF.F.30.7330.0030.00F.F. 32.88CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 33.05C30.8930.8930.8930.8931.5630.4430.4030.2430.2031.4831.4830.0430.6029.8329.8033.06F.F.C32.39F.F.C32.39F.F.C34.39F.F.CF.F. 33.72A31.5732.9932.9932.9032.9031.4130.9029.4729.5029.3229.3529.5429.5829.7229.7629.2029.1030.4027.7329.3928.5231.6231.5031.7227.6227.6128.3529.08F.F.AF.F.CABF.F.B29.67F.F.B29.67F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.C29.3329.33F.F. 28.0027.3328.7128.7128.0428.0427.5027.8428.6027.2727.0226.3527.8027.9128.4527.2227.3826.7426.8426.2026.3125.6928.4527.8027.9127.2227.3826.7426.8426.1526.3126.0025.6025.6725.9525.7025.0324.6224.3723.86F.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68BF.F. 26.01BF.F. 25.35AF.F. 25.35BF.F. 25.35C23.5025.3525.2824.9624.8924.5724.5024.1824.1123.7923.7225.4024.8924.8124.5024.4224.1124.0323.7223.6423.3323.2523.3726.48F.F.B25.81F.F.BAF.F. 25.14B24.47F.F.A25.5024.8324.4124.1623.74F.F. 25.1424.47F.F.B23.5423.3523.7723.3523.1023.1022.5922.59F.F. 24.75BF.F. 24.08AF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08CF.F. 24.08C22.1823.1923.1522.9922.9522.7922.7522.5022.4622.3022.2623.2522.8723.3023.1623.1623.0023.2422.8424.1022.9022.7022.13F.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25A23.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.5223.5220.0022.0322.5022.9822.9022.7422.7022.7022.7022.1022.3022.3023.0023.1223.2723.3023.4524.2323.5623.5624.2323.4023.4023.6523.65CBACF.F. 24.38F.F. 24.38F.F. 25.05F.F. 25.7223.2323.2523.2823.3023.4023.5223.6524.52F.F. 26.00CBABCB24.5225.0225.0225.2725.2725.0225.0224.5124.5125.0225.0223.6024.7424.7024.2024.2424.5024.5424.7024.9825.1224.2824.4223.90F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.0025.2225.2725.0225.0225.2724.5124.5125.0225.02BCBA24.8024.7624.4024.3024.5024.6024.80A24.8424.9725.2725.27F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.0024.5024.7024.7019.54RIM19.55RIM19.5024.95F.F. 25.68AABBAA24.9524.9524.9524.7024.7024.7024.9524.9524.9524.9519.7724.5024.5024.6024.7024.8024.8424.9024.6524.6024.8424.8024.95F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68GRT.24.3024.8424.8024.6524.6024.5024.5024.6024.70C24.8024.84F.F. 26.7825.2925.2924.9523.2523.6523.7023.5623.4423.81RIM24.50GRT.24.81GRT.24.8124.0324.0624.06C28.19F.F.CCCCB28.19F.F.27.52F.F.26.86F.F.27.52F.F.27.52F.F.26.6926.6926.5426.0226.0225.3625.1325.1425.1425.1425.1424.4024.4424.2624.3423.7823.8323.9125.12GRT.24.7424.2724.27F.F.A25.55F.F. 25.5525.2224.9624.9224.9225.1425.1024.4024.4424.2624.3423.70F.F.25.55F.F.25.37F.F.25.37F.F. 25.55AAABC25.2225.2225.2224.3423.8323.8323.91GRT.29.49RETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL & EDGE PROTECTIONRETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL3130303126.2026.1823.9522.522.025.525.026.024.525.5923.4823.9825.026.5026.0027.028.9027.0T.O.W.=24.00B.O.W.=24.0023.6824.00292922232424F.F. 28.0029.9730.4029.9029.9030.5130.3930.4030.3730.1727.5229.3028.1222.7524.4522.63T.O.W.=20.80B.O.W.=20.8024.0022.9325.703736GRT.26.21GRT.26.2118FL.27.47GRT.29.0024.1622.3023.0015.10T.O.W.=22.18B.O.W.=22.18CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN/REVISE THE EXISTING SWALETO KEEP THE ORIGINAL DRAINAGE PATTERN.31.0431.8831.7231.8431.06FL.28.32FL.28.3231.5731.7729.4229.3828.8029.1029.8027.9227.9227.5527.4026.9127.0026.5026.3626.4028.1928.07FL.27.5927.0027.0028.8630.0030.0029.9029.4229.62GRT.26.2930.1723.76GRT.23.5524.33FL.23.9024.7824.06RIM23.5323.4823.3823.32GRT.22.54GRT.22.2022.7427.2127.3325.8225.7025.0924.9326.7628.9727.7327.8927.85RIM27.6027.2227.2827.6428.7328.7326.9328.79F.F.30.7327.2426.0026.0626.1725.9726.1626.10RIM27.24FL.25.9726.0426.6326.2626.1826.3426.3826.40RIM26.44GRT.25.67GRT.25.50GRT.23.8724.0024.2624.8224.7624.1024.0722.5823.1423.0822.4223.8721.7522.3122.2521.9122.4721.7522.1021.75GRT.21.402521.6721.8621.6121.7422.0022.3022.1822.1022.3022.2622.7622.8822.1921.9321.7922.0721.8721.9722.0321.6421.8422.3621.6021.5622.2722.9522.1823.10GRT.24.30GRT.23.3522.2822.4822.6723.1623.4523.00GRT.23.384822.8023.0023.2523.4624.00GRT.22.00GRT.21.50525123.2022.9823.5023.6622.8825.0024.00923.80GRT.23.50GRT.24.4067GRT.24.4066GRT.24.3065GRT.24.4064GRT.24.4063GRT.23.5559GRT.23.1058GRT.22.1855GRT.21.8056GRT.21.8057GRT.24.306224.6824.8024.6824.8024.6824.8024.4824.6824.8024.6824.8024.6824.8024.4822.3024.6824.8023.6523.7723.3523.4723.3523.4723.2822.2621.8822.3822.5022.0822.2022.0822.2022.0822.20GRT.21.505322.2522.4022.2522.35GRT.22.007522.25GRT.22.007422.2522.2522.40GRT.22.007322.2524.25GRT.23.807224.0024.0024.25GRT.23.807124.0024.0024.2523.2019.92T.O.W.=18.72B.O.W.=18.72GRT.19.507020.0623.7523.6824.00GRT.23.407724.0023.6824.00GRT.23.407624.0024.0028GRT.22.2524.7324.9224.002FL.24.793RIM 30.60GRT.26.50141516GRT.21.5532RIM 31.48RIM 31.94546131303030292931.529.503130303131.53029293030.6530.15AA29.529.530.05RETAINING WALLWITH HANDRAIL &EDGE PROTECTIONFL.27.5938A25.9525.5125.0123.5223.7023.7523.9024.7024.9024.9023.4824.2023.8622.8522.9021.50F.F.22.5324.1821.9322.4723.0829.52CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.7825.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2930.123.8428.0023.9824.1827.69T.O.W.=18.72B.O.W.=18.7218.72TOP OF WALL EL. 24.80, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 22.50, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 23.77, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 22.50, BTM OF WALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 24.50, BTM OF WALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 24.50, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADE27.9326.3523.0422.6523.5023.4823.866" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO6" CO6" CO6" CO 6" CO6" CO 6" CO 6" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0 24252526425.5025.50FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGEC07.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC 60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR STORM SEWER SCHEDULESEE SHEET C07.1STORM STRUCTURE (SEESCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURE TYPEPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE DIVIDESYMBOLS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS32.50PROPOSED STORM SEWER PIPINGDRAINAGE STRUCTURE INDICATOREXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOUREXISTING STORM SEWER PIPING29NOTES:1. ALL SITE WORK SHOWN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR.2. SOIL DENSITY TESTING, SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND ALL OTHER GEOTECHNICAL ACTIVITY ONSITE SHALL BE SUPERVISED AND CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.3. FOR DETAILED STORM STRUCTURES SEE SHEET C13.0MATCH EXISTING GRADEMEGSLOPE ARROWA(1) - 4" STEP W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% B(1) - 7" STEP W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% C(2) - 7" STEPS W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMALTERNATE FOUNDATION DESIGN. DEPTH 12" BELOW GRADE SHOWN(ALL OTHER FOUNDATIONS 18" BELOW FINISHED GRADE)HANDRAIL AT STEPSGEOTECHNICAL DATA:CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BYUNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, UES REPORT NO. 1626718, DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2018PLEASE REFER TO CHAPTERS: 9.8 FLOOR SLABS11.0 SITE PREPARATION12.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONSNOTE: THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT INCLUDES OBSERVATIONS OF ORGANIC SOILS FROM EXISTINGGRADE TO 2.5' BELOW GRADE. ORGANIC CONTENT GREATER THAN 5% IS UNSUITABLE FORSTRUCTURE PLACEMENT AND GREATER THAN 10% IS UNSUITABLE FOR PAVEMENT PLACEMENT.REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE ORGANICS SOILS AND REPLACEMENT WITH COMPACTEDBACKFILL.SEE CROSS SECTION "A - A" ON SHEET C07.1 S50°31'58"W 1033.48'S46°13'52"E177.70' (F)S32°50'43"E 662.97' (F)S50°31'58"W 997.88' (F)PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYMDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION315467914131210151116WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC SAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVCWM 8 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST. PUBLICLIFTSTATION8SAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC2WM 8 PVCSANITARY SEWER SCHEDULESTRUCTURENUMBERSAN 1SAN 2SAN 3SAN 4SAN 5SAN 6SAN 7STRUCTURETYPEEXIST. RECEIVING MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHCONFLICT MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHRIM EL26.0525.9027.0025.5026.0524.1422.51DOWNSTREAMSTRUCTURESAN 1SAN 2SAN 3SAN 4SAN 5SAN 6INVERTSIN15.40' SE15.58' S15.84' SE15.84' SW16.37' SE16.72' SE16.72' SW17.65' SE18.58' SW18.58' NEINVERTSOUT15.48' NW15.74' N16.37' NW16.62' NW17.55' NW18.48' NWDOWNSTREAMPIPE LENGTH19.51'39.99'132.64'63.09'206.70'206.70'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVCSLOPE0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%SAN 8SAN 9SAN 10SAN 11SAN 12SAN 13SAN 14SAN 15SAN 16TYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MH22.5030.5130.5129.0624.4824.5123.7028.4026.89SAN 7SAN 7SAN 3SAN 10SAN 11SAN 12SAN 13SAN 11SAN 517.16' SE17.62' SE17.62' SW18.52' SE19.47' SW17.35' S18.77' SW19.40' NE17.06' NE17.52' NW18.42' NW19.37' NW20.03' NE18.17' NE17.25' NE48.35'204.51'304.21'90.84'199.29'211.74'138.83'137.91'131.28'8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHUTILITY LEGENDELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER PAD. REFER TO PLANS BYDUKE ENERGY FOR FINAL LOCATIONS.FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. (SEE DETAIL 3, SHEET C10.0)12"X8" WET TAP WITH 8" GATE VALVE(NOTE: CHECK WITH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS UTILITIESABOUT POSSIBLITY ISOLATING THIS LINE TO UTILIZE A TEEINSTEAD OF A WET TAP)8" GATE VALVE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C10.0)8" TEE8"X6" TEE8" CROSS2" BLOWOFF VALVE (SEE DETAIL 8, SHEET C10.0)IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTIONTEMPORARY BYPASS (SEE DETAIL 4, SHEET C10.0)BLUE RPM2" BLOW OFF12"X8" WET TAP WITH 8" GATE VALVE15' PROPOSED UTILITY & PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT"NO PARKING FIRE HYDRANT" SIGNEXISTING FIRE HYDRANT8"X2" TEE2" IRRIGATION METER AND BACKFLOW, IRRIGATION P.O.C.4" GV (POS), 4" DDCVA, 4" FDC - FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLYPIPE CROSSING NOTE:ATHE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATEBELL AND SPIGOT OF EACH PIPE SEGMENTAWAY FROM PIPE CROSSING. PIPE CROSSINGELEVATIONS REPRESENT OUTSIDE WALLTHICKNESSES AND DOES NOT INCLUDE BELLAND SPIGOT WIDENINGS.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVEROVER ALL PROPOSED WATER, WASTEWATER,AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES. ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED AT ALLPOINTS OF CONNECTION TO AND AT ALLAREAS OF CONFLICT WITH OCU MAINSUTILITY NOTE:VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 WATER AND SEWER LAYOUTC08.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCSYMBOL LEGEND:SINGLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)DOUBLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPFOR DETAILED CONFLICT STRUCTURE 4 & MANHOLE DETAILS SEE SHEET C11.0QRS PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUPT2001000T TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATIONAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKFHFHFHFHFHFH60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS PLANC09.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 IRRIGATION DETAILSLI02.0JSL LWS FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCLARRY W. SPADE, ASLAFL. REG. LA #0000707LARRY@ LA RR Y S P ADE .COMPHONE 4 0 7 .896 . 3 9 04 CLASS 200 PURPLE PVC MAINLINE-2 1/2"POINT OF CONNECTION TO A 2" POTABLE WATER METER. REFER TO THEUTILITY PLAN FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND DETAILS.USE HUNTER MP ROTATOR NOZZLESREFER TO THE RECLAIMED WATER NOTESLEGENDCCLASS 200 PVC PURPLE LATERAL LINE- SIZE AS SHOWN UNTIL A SMALLER SIZE ISSHOWN. MINIMUM SIZE OF 3/4" (EXCEPT RISERS AND FLEX PIPE) NOT ALL PIPE SIZESARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SIZE PIPE TO KEEP VELOCITY UNDER 5' PER SECOND.SCH. 40 SLEEVE (MINIMUM OF 24" DEPTH AND 2 SIZES LARGER THAN THEPIPE SIZE OR AS LABELED ON THE PLAN) NOT ALL SLEEVES ARE MARKEDOR LABELED. SLEEVE UNDER ALL PAVEMENT, WALKS, ETC.HUNTER PRS40 SPRAY SERIES 6" POP-UPHUNTER PRS40 SHRUB ADAPTER ON RISERCONTROLLER- HUNTER ICC2. WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. INSTALL WITH AHUNTER WIRELESS MINI-CLIK RAIN SENSOR. GROUND WITH A MINIMUM 8'COPPER CLAD ROD. SLEEVE TO AS REQUIRED.PHUNTER ICV ELECTRIC VALVE. SIZE AS SHOWN BELOW. INSTALL VALVE IN A11"X17" PURPLE VALVE BOX AND COVER0-25 GPM=1"26-50 GPM=1 1/2"51 AND HIGHER GPM=2"HUNTER PRS40 SPRAY SERIES 12" POP-UPTWO HUNTER AFB ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS PER TREE.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER ALL LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES. PROVIDE ANDINSTALL ALL REQUIRED RECLAIMED WATER SIGNS. COORDINATE PLACEMENT AND TYPE WITH THE RECLAIMED WATERPROVIDER.7)THE VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE POTABLE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 18". THISSEPARATION SHALL BE VERIFIED AND DOCUMENTED IN A SET OF AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. THEHORIZONTAL SEPARATION SHALL BE 5' CENTER TO CENTER AND 3' OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE IF VERTICAL MINIMUM OF 18" ISNOT MET. REFER TO THE SPECIFIC CODE IF THESE SEPARATIONS CAN NOT BE MET.ALL CROSSINGS OF IRRIGATION PIPING AND POTABLE WATER LINES SHALL HAVE THE VERTICAL CLEARANCE VISUALLYVERIFIED AND THIS VERIFICATION MUST BE SHOWN ON THE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS BY DOCUMENTING THE VERTICALMEASUREMENT SEPARATING THE PIPES.ALL PIPE SHALL BE THE PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER TYPE.RECLAIMED WATER REQUIREMENTSALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL HAVE PURPLE INDICATORS.ALL MANUAL AND ELECTRIC VALVES SHALL HAVE TAGS TO INDICATE RECLAIMED WATER.ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE WITH PURPLE LIDS TO INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER.5)6)2)4)3)1)13) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER, WELL OR PUMP SHALL BE PROVIDED TOA JUNCTION BOX OR DISCONNECT AT THE EQUIPMENT LOCATION BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ORBY OWNER WHEN IT IS NOT PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. CONFIRM THE LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER WITH THE OWNER ORGENERAL CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY INSTALLATION.HEAD DETAILOR ELBOWPVC TEE SXSXSLATERAL LINESPRAY HEADS USE 1/2" ONVARTEK PIPE GRADEFINISH6"SIDEWALK, CURBETC.BODY ASSEMBLY PVC STREET ELLSEE CHARTSPRINKLER NOZZLEGENERAL NOTES3/4" ON ROTORSMIN. 18" LENGTH* ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" AWAYFROM ANY BUILDING.1) REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS WHEN TRENCHING TO AVOID TREES AND SHRUBS. HAND DIG AROUND ANY EXISTING TREES. DO NOT CUT ANY ROOTS OVER 2" IN DIAMETER. 2) ALL MAINLINE PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" OF COVER. ALL LATERAL PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12" OF COVER. 6) ALL CONTROL WIRE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN VALVE BOXES USING 3M DBR-Y WIRE CONNECTORS AND SEALANT WITH WIRE NUTS. 8) ALL VALVES, GATE VALVES AND QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES. THE VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE WHEN USING RECLAIMED WATER.9) ANY PIPING SHOWN OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE OR RUNNING OUTSIDE A LANDSCAPE AREA IS SHOWN THERE FOR CLARITY ONLY. ALL LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY AND INSIDE THE LANDSCAPE AREAS OR INSIDE A SCH. 40 SLEEVE.11) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE ANY EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE REPAIRS AND COST OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR WORK. 12) ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN EQUIPMENT AND WORKMANSHIP OR AS OUTLINED IN THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS.14) IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCALE THE PLAN AND CHECK NOZZLE TYPES TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT SPACING OF THE HEADS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SPACE THE HEADS FURTHER APART OR USE LESS HEADS THAN SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ANY CHANGES TO THE HEAD SPACING OR LAYOUT, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER, SHALL HOLD THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY OF THE PLANTS AND OR SOD IN THESE AREAS.15) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING, CALL 1-800-432-4770 (SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL CENTER)7) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AN AS-BUILT DRAWING SHOWING ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLATION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NEATLY MARK IN RED INK ON A WHITE BOND PAPER COPY OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN ANYINSTALLATION THAT DEVIATES FROM THE PLAN. THE AS-BUILT DRAWING SHALL ALSO LOCATE ALL MAINLINE AND VALVESBY SHOWING EXACT MEASUREMENTS FROM HARD SURFACES. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE MARKED ON THE PLAN EVENWHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED IN THE EXACT LOCATION AS THE PLAN. PROVIDE THE OWNER A PDF OF THE AS-BUILTPLAN.5) ALL RISERS SHALL BE PAINTED BLACK OR A COLOR CHOSEN BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND SHALL BE STAKEDWITH A STEEL ANGLE AND SECURED WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. LEAVE THE BOTTOM 12' OF THE PIPE PURPLE ONRECLAIMED SYSTEMS.TWO HUNTER AFB ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS.ADJUST TO .5 GPM OR AS REQUIRED. PLACE OVERTHE ROOTBALL AND A MINIMUM OF 8" FROM THE TREETRUNK.WITH DRIP TUBING CLAMPSSTABLE FLUSH TO GRADEGRADEFINISH1/2' FLEX PIPESTREET ELLMAXIMUM LENGTH OF 3'OR ELBOWLATERAL LINEPVC TEE SXSXTTREE BUBBLER DETAIL10) ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM ANY WALL AND A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM ANY SIDEWALK, PATIOOR ROAD. (MINIMUM OF 2'-0" WHERE THERE ARE NO BUMPER STOPS) THE EXACT HEIGHT OF ANY 12" POP-UP THAT ISSHOWN IN A SHRUB BED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN THE FIELD. INSTALL THE 12" POP-UPHIGHER WHERE BLOCKED BY TALL SHRUBS.LATERALEXISTING SOILCOMPACT THEBACKFILL TO AVOIDSETTLINGTRENCHING DETAILOR MAINLINECONTROL WIRES12" FORLATERAL PIPEAND 18" FORTHE MAIN.ELECTRICAL VALVE* ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE MARKED INSIDEWITH THE ZONE NUMBER ON PLASTIC CHRISTYTAGS OR AS PER THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS.* DO NOT MANIFOLD THE VALVES. EACH VALVE SHALL BEON A SEPARATE TEE ON THE MAIN. ALL VALVES SHALL BEA MINIMUM OF 6' APART AND INSTALLED IN THE SODAREA.LABEL LID (IRRIGATION)45 OR 903M DBR/YCONNECTORSFINISH GRADECABLEEXPANSION SURGEVALVE45 OR 90 6" MIN.11"X17" VALVE BOXTEEPLACE CONTROLWIRES UNDER MAINTO LATERAL LINEMAINLINESOIL SEPARATOR FABRICPLACE A BRICKUNDER EACHCORNERSLEEVE DETAILIRRIGATION SLEEVES(EACH END OF SLEEVES)LABEL "IRRIGATION SLEEVES"WOOD STAKE WITH YELLOW RIBBONCAP (UNGLUED)SCH. 40 SLEEVE GREEN SPACE24" BELOW ROADSMINIMUM OF:CAP (UNGLUED)ROADWAY48" FROMMIN. OFCURB(SEE PLAN FOR SIZES)MIN. OF 30"ABOVE GRADEIRRIGATION SLEEVES18" BELOW SIDEWALKSRAIN SENSORCONTINUATION TOSEE INSERT FORCONTROLLERRAIN SENSORELECTRICAL CONDUIT 120 V. EXTEND PAST EVE OF BLDG.BUILDINGWALL OF * PLACE THE RAIN SENSOR TO RECEIVE RAINFROM ALL DIRECTIONS.CONTROLLER DETAIL* WIRE AS PER LOCAL CODEGROUND WITH 5/8" X 8' COPPER COATEDRODS TO 10 OHM'S OR LESS. MAKECONNECTION WITH CADWELD PLUS ONESHOT.PVC CONDUIT TO THE START OF THEMAINLINE. PLACE WIRES UNDER MAINLINEOR INSIDE CONDUIT.VALVE BOX/GROUND RODS. INSTALL AMIN. 0F 8' FROM CONTROLLER AND 8'APART.CADWELD PLUS ONE SHOT.GROUND RODATTACH TOBUILDING WITHCOATED SCREWSPVC GRAY CONDUITTO CONTROLLERSTAINLESS STEELCLAMPSSEE LEGENDTWO STREET ELLS6" PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLEREDUCED CONNECTION.PVC TEE W/THREADED12" POP-UP RISER DETAILPVC SCH. 40 ELBOWSEE DETAIL BELOWLATERAL LINEMULCHWALL, CURB, PLANT BED OR STRUCTURE12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD(MIN. 24")12"12"6"COMPACT SOIL AROUND PIPE30"MINIMUM OF 12" DEEP12" PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLEATTACH A 1"X1" STEEL ANGLEWITH ULTRA VIOLET PROTECTIVEPVC CLAMPS IF THE HEADSNEEDS TO BE HIGHER FORPROPER COVERAGEPAINT BLACKFOR TALLER SHRUBS WHERE 12" HEADS ARE SHOWNSHRUB RISER DETAILINSTALL RISER 6" ABOVEINSTALLED PLANT MATERIALPVC CLAMPSPVC TEE OR ELBOWPVC SCH. 40 RISERULTRA-VIOLET PROTECTIVE1"X1" STEEL ANGLEWALL OR STRUCTURE (SEE NOTES)MINIMUM 24" (18" FROM A SIDEWALK OR CURB)MULCH* COORDINATE PLACEMENT WITH THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. INSTALLRISERS IN THE CENTER OF THE FIRST ROW OF PLANTS. (MINIMUM OF18" FROM A CURB OR SIDEWALK)* PAINT THE RISERS BLACK OR AS PER REQUEST OF THE OWNER. (IFALLOWED BY CODE) REUSE SYSTEMS MAY REQUIRE PURPLE RISERSBY CODE.SHRUB ADAPTER3) ALL POP-UP ROTORS AND SPRAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING AN 18" PVC FLEX PIPE CONNECTION. DO NOT USEPOLYETHYLENE PIPE. USE WELDON 737 WITH A PURPLE PRIMER OR RED HOT CHRISTY'S BLUE GLUE ON ALL CONNECTIONS.4) ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO REDUCE WATER WASTE ON HARD SURFACES, WINDOWS AND BLDG. WALLS. THROTTLE ALLVALVES ON SHRUB LINES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT FOGGING. USE ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES WHERE REQUIRED TO AVOIDANY WATER ON BUILDING WINDOWS.16) INSTALL THREE EXTRA CONTROL WIRES TO EACH TERMINATION OF THE MAIN. ALL CONTROL WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLEDINSIDE OF SCH. 40 GRAY PVC CONDUIT WHERE THEY CANNOT BE UNDER THE MAIN.NOZZLE CHARTEOZNLMPLANTG.P.M.(FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE CONNECTION TO RECLAIMED WATER)HUNTER PGP ULTRA ROTOR HEAD - 3 GPMHUNTER PGP ULTRA ROTOR HEAD - 6 GPM FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 IRRIGATION DETAILSLI02.0JSL LWS FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCLARRY W. SPADE, ASLAFL. REG. LA #0000707LARRY@ LA RR Y S P ADE .COMPHONE 4 0 7 .896 . 3 9 04 CLASS 200 PURPLE PVC MAINLINE-2 1/2"POINT OF CONNECTION TO A 2" POTABLE WATER METER AND BACKFLOWPREVENTER. REFER TO THE UTILITY PLAN FOR THE EXACT LOCATION ANDDETAILS.USE HUNTER MP ROTATOR NOZZLESREFER TO THE RECLAIMED WATER NOTESLEGENDCCLASS 200 PVC PURPLE LATERAL LINE- SIZE AS SHOWN UNTIL A SMALLER SIZE ISSHOWN. MINIMUM SIZE OF 3/4" (EXCEPT RISERS AND FLEX PIPE)SCH. 40 SLEEVE (MINIMUM OF 24" DEPTH AND 2 SIZES LARGER THAN THEPIPE SIZE OR AS LABELED ON THE PLAN) ALL PIPES UNDER PAVEMENTSHALL BE SLEEVED. ALL SLEEVES ARE NOT MARKED AND LABELED.HUNTER PRS40 SPRAY SERIES 6" POP-UPHUNTER PRS40 SHRUB ADAPTER ON RISERCONTROLLER- HUNTER ICC2. WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. INSTALL WITH AHUNTER WIRELESS MINI-CLIK RAIN SENSOR. GROUND WITH A MINIMUM 8'COPPER CLAD ROD. SLEEVE TO AS REQUIRED.PHUNTER ICV ELECTRIC VALVE. SIZE AS SHOWN BELOW. INSTALL VALVE IN A11"X17" PURPLE VALVE BOX AND COVER0-25 GPM=1"26-50 GPM=1 1/2"51 AND HIGHER GPM=2"HUNTER PRS40 SPRAY SERIES 12" POP-UPTWO HUNTER AFB ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS PER TREE.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER ALL LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES. PROVIDE ANDINSTALL ALL REQUIRED RECLAIMED WATER SIGNS. COORDINATE PLACEMENT AND TYPE WITH THE RECLAIMED WATERPROVIDER.7)THE VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE POTABLE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 18". THISSEPARATION SHALL BE VERIFIED AND DOCUMENTED IN A SET OF AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. THEHORIZONTAL SEPARATION SHALL BE 5' CENTER TO CENTER AND 3' OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE IF VERTICAL MINIMUM OF 18" ISNOT MET. REFER TO THE SPECIFIC CODE IF THESE SEPARATIONS CAN NOT BE MET.ALL CROSSINGS OF IRRIGATION PIPING AND POTABLE WATER LINES SHALL HAVE THE VERTICAL CLEARANCE VISUALLYVERIFIED AND THIS VERIFICATION MUST BE SHOWN ON THE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS BY DOCUMENTING THE VERTICALMEASUREMENT SEPARATING THE PIPES.ALL PIPE SHALL BE THE PURPLE RECLAIMED WATER TYPE.RECLAIMED WATER REQUIREMENTSALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL HAVE PURPLE INDICATORS.ALL MANUAL AND ELECTRIC VALVES SHALL HAVE TAGS TO INDICATE RECLAIMED WATER.ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE WITH PURPLE LIDS TO INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER.5)6)2)4)3)1)13) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER, WELL OR PUMP SHALL BE PROVIDED TOA JUNCTION BOX OR DISCONNECT AT THE EQUIPMENT LOCATION BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ORBY OWNER WHEN IT IS NOT PART OF THE BID PACKAGE. CONFIRM THE LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER WITH THE OWNER ORGENERAL CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY INSTALLATION.HEAD DETAILOR ELBOWPVC TEE SXSXSLATERAL LINESPRAY HEADS USE 1/2" ONVARTEK PIPE GRADEFINISH6"SIDEWALK, CURBETC.BODY ASSEMBLY PVC STREET ELLSEE CHARTSPRINKLER NOZZLEGENERAL NOTES3/4" ON ROTORSMIN. 18" LENGTH* ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" AWAYFROM ANY BUILDING.1) REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS WHEN TRENCHING TO AVOID TREES AND SHRUBS. HAND DIG AROUND ANY EXISTING TREES. DO NOT CUT ANY ROOTS OVER 2" IN DIAMETER. 2) ALL MAINLINE PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" OF COVER. ALL LATERAL PIPING SHALL BE BURIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12" OF COVER. 6) ALL CONTROL WIRE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN VALVE BOXES USING 3M DBR-Y WIRE CONNECTORS AND SEALANT WITH WIRE NUTS. 8) ALL VALVES, GATE VALVES AND QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES. THE VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE WHEN USING RECLAIMED WATER.9) ANY PIPING SHOWN OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE OR RUNNING OUTSIDE A LANDSCAPE AREA IS SHOWN THERE FOR CLARITY ONLY. ALL LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY AND INSIDE THE LANDSCAPE AREAS OR INSIDE A SCH. 40 SLEEVE.11) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE ANY EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE REPAIRS AND COST OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR WORK. 12) ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE AGAINST ALL DEFECTS IN EQUIPMENT AND WORKMANSHIP OR AS OUTLINED IN THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS.14) IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCALE THE PLAN AND CHECK NOZZLE TYPES TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT SPACING OF THE HEADS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SPACE THE HEADS FURTHER APART OR USE LESS HEADS THAN SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ANY CHANGES TO THE HEAD SPACING OR LAYOUT, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER, SHALL HOLD THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY OF THE PLANTS AND OR SOD IN THESE AREAS.15) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING, CALL 1-800-432-4770 (SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL CENTER)7) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AN AS-BUILT DRAWING SHOWING ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLATION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NEATLY MARK IN RED INK ON A WHITE BOND PAPER COPY OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN ANYINSTALLATION THAT DEVIATES FROM THE PLAN. THE AS-BUILT DRAWING SHALL ALSO LOCATE ALL MAINLINE AND VALVESBY SHOWING EXACT MEASUREMENTS FROM HARD SURFACES. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE MARKED ON THE PLAN EVENWHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED IN THE EXACT LOCATION AS THE PLAN. PROVIDE THE OWNER A PDF OF THE AS-BUILTPLAN.5) ALL RISERS SHALL BE PAINTED BLACK OR A COLOR CHOSEN BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND SHALL BE STAKEDWITH A STEEL ANGLE AND SECURED WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. LEAVE THE BOTTOM 12' OF THE PIPE PURPLE ONRECLAIMED SYSTEMS.TWO HUNTER AFB ADJUSTABLE FLOOD BUBBLERS.ADJUST TO .5 GPM OR AS REQUIRED. PLACE OVERTHE ROOTBALL AND A MINIMUM OF 8" FROM THE TREETRUNK.WITH DRIP TUBING CLAMPSSTABLE FLUSH TO GRADEGRADEFINISH1/2' FLEX PIPESTREET ELLMAXIMUM LENGTH OF 3'OR ELBOWLATERAL LINEPVC TEE SXSXTTREE BUBBLER DETAIL10) ALL HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF 24" FROM ANY WALL AND A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM ANY SIDEWALK, PATIOOR ROAD. (MINIMUM OF 2'-0" WHERE THERE ARE NO BUMPER STOPS) THE EXACT HEIGHT OF ANY 12" POP-UP THAT ISSHOWN IN A SHRUB BED SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN THE FIELD. INSTALL THE 12" POP-UPHIGHER WHERE BLOCKED BY TALL SHRUBS.LATERALEXISTING SOILCOMPACT THEBACKFILL TO AVOIDSETTLINGTRENCHING DETAILOR MAINLINECONTROL WIRES12" FORLATERAL PIPEAND 18" FORTHE MAIN.ELECTRICAL VALVE* ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE MARKED INSIDEWITH THE ZONE NUMBER ON PLASTIC CHRISTYTAGS OR AS PER THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS.* DO NOT MANIFOLD THE VALVES. EACH VALVE SHALL BEON A SEPARATE TEE ON THE MAIN. ALL VALVES SHALL BEA MINIMUM OF 6' APART AND INSTALLED IN THE SODAREA.LABEL LID (IRRIGATION)45 OR 903M DBR/YCONNECTORSFINISH GRADECABLEEXPANSION SURGEVALVE45 OR 90 6" MIN.11"X17" VALVE BOXTEEPLACE CONTROLWIRES UNDER MAINTO LATERAL LINEMAINLINESOIL SEPARATOR FABRICPLACE A BRICKUNDER EACHCORNERSLEEVE DETAILIRRIGATION SLEEVES(EACH END OF SLEEVES)LABEL "IRRIGATION SLEEVES"WOOD STAKE WITH YELLOW RIBBONCAP (UNGLUED)SCH. 40 SLEEVE GREEN SPACE24" BELOW ROADSMINIMUM OF:CAP (UNGLUED)ROADWAY48" FROMMIN. OFCURB(SEE PLAN FOR SIZES)MIN. OF 30"ABOVE GRADEIRRIGATION SLEEVES18" BELOW SIDEWALKSRAIN SENSORCONTINUATION TOSEE INSERT FORCONTROLLERRAIN SENSORELECTRICAL CONDUIT 120 V. EXTEND PAST EVE OF BLDG.BUILDINGWALL OF * PLACE THE RAIN SENSOR TO RECEIVE RAINFROM ALL DIRECTIONS.CONTROLLER DETAIL* WIRE AS PER LOCAL CODEGROUND WITH 5/8" X 8' COPPER COATEDRODS TO 10 OHM'S OR LESS. MAKECONNECTION WITH CADWELD PLUS ONESHOT.PVC CONDUIT TO THE START OF THEMAINLINE. PLACE WIRES UNDER MAINLINEOR INSIDE CONDUIT.VALVE BOX/GROUND RODS. INSTALL AMIN. 0F 8' FROM CONTROLLER AND 8'APART.CADWELD PLUS ONE SHOT.GROUND RODATTACH TOBUILDING WITHCOATED SCREWSPVC GRAY CONDUITTO CONTROLLERSTAINLESS STEELCLAMPSSEE LEGENDTWO STREET ELLS6" PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLEREDUCED CONNECTION.PVC TEE W/THREADED12" POP-UP RISER DETAILPVC SCH. 40 ELBOWSEE DETAIL BELOWLATERAL LINEMULCHWALL, CURB, PLANT BED OR STRUCTURE12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD(MIN. 24")12"12"6"COMPACT SOIL AROUND PIPE30"MINIMUM OF 12" DEEP12" PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLEATTACH A 1"X1" STEEL ANGLEWITH ULTRA VIOLET PROTECTIVEPVC CLAMPS IF THE HEADSNEEDS TO BE HIGHER FORPROPER COVERAGEPAINT BLACKFOR TALLER SHRUBS WHERE 12" HEADS ARE SHOWNSHRUB RISER DETAILINSTALL RISER 6" ABOVEINSTALLED PLANT MATERIALPVC CLAMPSPVC TEE OR ELBOWPVC SCH. 40 RISERULTRA-VIOLET PROTECTIVE1"X1" STEEL ANGLEWALL OR STRUCTURE (SEE NOTES)MINIMUM 24" (18" FROM A SIDEWALK OR CURB)MULCH* COORDINATE PLACEMENT WITH THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. INSTALLRISERS IN THE CENTER OF THE FIRST ROW OF PLANTS. (MINIMUM OF18" FROM A CURB OR SIDEWALK)* PAINT THE RISERS BLACK OR AS PER REQUEST OF THE OWNER. (IFALLOWED BY CODE) REUSE SYSTEMS MAY REQUIRE PURPLE RISERSBY CODE.SHRUB ADAPTER3) ALL POP-UP ROTORS AND SPRAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING AN 18" PVC FLEX PIPE CONNECTION. DO NOT USEPOLYETHYLENE PIPE. USE WELDON 737 WITH A PURPLE PRIMER OR RED HOT CHRISTY'S BLUE GLUE ON ALL CONNECTIONS.4) ADJUST ALL NOZZLES TO REDUCE WATER WASTE ON HARD SURFACES, WINDOWS AND BLDG. WALLS. THROTTLE ALLVALVES ON SHRUB LINES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT FOGGING. USE ADJUSTABLE NOZZLES WHERE REQUIRED TO AVOIDANY WATER ON BUILDING WINDOWS.16) INSTALL THREE EXTRA CONTROL WIRES TO EACH TERMINATION OF THE MAIN. ALL CONTROL WIRES SHALL BE INSTALLEDINSIDE OF SCH. 40 GRAY PVC CONDUIT WHERE THEY CANNOT BE UNDER THE MAIN.NOZZLE CHARTEOZNLMPLANTG.P.M.(FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE CONNECTION TO RECLAIMED WATER) PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUPT1000T T19 ALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATIONPGGGGMMFGGGGGGGGGMMMGGGGFFDDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFDDGDDDDDFFGMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGFFDDDDFFGDDDDDDFFMDDFFFFDDGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDFFMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGDFFFFDDDMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMGMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMGFFMMMGGMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMGMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMGGGGGGGGFFMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGFFDDDDDDDDGGGGGGMMGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMMMMGGGGMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMGGGGGGGDDFFFFDDMGGGMMMMMMFFDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFDDMMDDFFGGMMMFDDDDDGMMMMMMMMMMMMFDDGDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDMMDDDDDDDDMFFDDDDFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGMMGGMMMMMMDGGGGMCGGGGMMMMMMMMMMGGGGFDDDDGDDDDDDGGGGGGGGMMMGDDDDDDDDFFMGGGGGMGGMGGGGGMMMMGMMDDDDDDFFMMMGGGGGGFFGFFMGGGGFFFDDDDDDMMMMGGGGGMMMMGGGGGGGGMMMGGGMMMMMMMMMMGGMGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGMMGMMMGGFFFDGGMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMGGGGFFFFDDDDDDDDGGGGMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMGMMMMGGGMMDDDDDDDDGGGGGMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGMMMMGGGGFFDDDDDDDDDDDDFFGGGGGMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGMGMMMGDGGGGGGMMDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFGMGGMFFDDFMGMMMGGGGGGMGGMGMMMGGMGGGMGMMMMGGGGGMMMGGGMMMGMGFDGGFFFDDFFGMGGMDDDDDDVWGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGMMMGGGMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGMMMMMGGMDFFGGFDDDDGGFMGGGGGGMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMMMMGGMMMMMMDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGDDDDFFFFDDDDDDDDGGGGGMFFDDDGMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGMMMMMMMMMDDGGGGGGFFGGGGGGGGGMGGGGGGGGGGFMMMMGFGMMMMMMGGGGMMMMMMGGGGMFFFDDFFVVGGDVWWAAFFFFDDDGGMMMMMMMGMGFFGGMGGGMMGMMMGGGGMGGGMMMMFGGMFFGGDDDDGVVVVWWWWWFFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDMMMMMMDFGFDDDGMMMDGGMMMM4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVES4" & 2"SLEEVESFGDZDMMMGGGFMMMMFFFMMMMGGMFDDDDDDDDDDFFGGDMMFDDDFDDD3/4"3/4"3/4"1 1/2"1"1"GGGGMMGGMMVVVVVVGGMGGGGGGGMDGGMMGGGGMMGGGGVVVVWWGGGMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGDFFFFDDDDDDDDGGMMMMDDGFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 IRRIGATION PLANLI01.0JSL LWS FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTH LARRY W. SPADE, ASLAFL. REG. LA #0000707LAR R Y@ L ARR YS PADE .COMPHONE 407 . 8 9 6 .390 4 CLASS 200 PVC PURPLE LATERAL LINE- SIZE AS SHOWN UNTIL A SMALLER SIZE ISSHOWN. MINIMUM SIZE OF 3/4" (EXCEPT RISERS AND FLEX PIPE) NOT ALL PIPE SIZESARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SIZE PIPE TO KEEP VELOCITY UNDER 5' PER SECOND.SCH. 40 SLEEVE (MINIMUM OF 24" DEPTH AND 2 SIZES LARGER THAN THEPIPE SIZE OR AS LABELED ON THE PLAN) NOT ALL SLEEVES ARE MARKEDOR LABELED. SLEEVE UNDER ALL PAVEMENT, WALKS, ETC. NOTES:*5'4"PARKING LOT STRIPING DETAILSNTSACCESS ISLE5' (STD.ACCESSIBLE)HANDICAP PARKING SIGNAGE18"12"6"1. ALL LETTERS ARE 1" SERIES "C". PER MUTCD.2. TOP PORTION OF SIGN SHALL HAVE REFLECTORIZED(ENGINEERING GRADE) BLUE BACKGROUND WITH WHITEREFLECTORZED LEGEND AND BORDER.3. BOTTOM PORTION OF SIGN SHALL HAVE AREFLECTORIZED (ENGINEERING GRADE) WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACKOPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDER.4. ONE (1) SIGN REQUIRED FOR EACH PARKING SPACE.5. INSTALLATION HEIGHT OF SIGN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 24-23 OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD).USE OF PAVEMENT SYMBOL INHANDICAPPED PARKINGSPACES IS OPTIONAL. WHENUSED, THIS SYMBOL SHALL BE3 TO 5 FEET HIGH AND WHITE INCOLOR.SYMBOL ASDETAILED BELOW(TYP.)SIGN20'12'NOTES:1. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE UTILIZED AT HAZARDOUSVEHICULAR AREAS AND SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS SURFACE 36" WIDEAS MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE RAMP.2. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL CONSIST OF:EXPOSED AGGREGATE, SUCH AS 58" SMOOTH RIVER ROCK,MIXED INTEGRAL WITH THE CONCRETE.3. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE MATERIAL SHALL CONTRAST INCOLOR AND TEXTURE WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACES BYAT LEAST 70%. CONTRAST SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THEDIFFERENCE IN LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUE (LRV) OF EACHMATERIAL.ON-SITE ADA RAMPSNTSCURB RETURN RAMPIN-LINE RAMPFLARED RAMPSIDEWALK5' MIN.5' M IN . 6' MIN.1:12 MAX.6" CURBDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE, SEE NOTES2' R. (TYP.)1:12 MAX.1:12 MAX.DETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE, SEE NOTES6" CURB2% MAX.SIDEWALK5' MIN.3'DETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE, SEE NOTES6'1:12MAX.1:10 MAX.1:10 MAX.6" CURB6" CURBSIDEWALK 5' MIN.5' MIN.5' MIN.124ASPHALT SECTION:PAVEMENT SECTION WITHIN CITY ROW ISTO BE 2.0" OF SP 9.5 WITH 8" OF CRUSHEDCONCRETE (LBR 150). CONTRACTOR TOPROVIDE LBR TESTING RESULTS TO CITYFOR VERIFICATIONCONTRACTOR TO LAY ASPHALT IN TWO1.0" LIFTSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 GENERAL DETAILS 2C13.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC PROPOSEDTYPE F CURB60' PUBLIC R/W8'10'10'2' VALLEYGUTTERNTSPARALLELPARKING5.5'6.5'CONC.SDWK8'PARALLELPARKING5.5'6.5'CONC.SDWK2' RIBBONCURB33' PUBLIC ROW2' VALLEYGUTTERNTS8'PARALLELPARKING6.5'CONC.SDWKTYPE DCURB10'NTS30' PRIVATE ROW2' VALLEYGUTTER2' VALLEYGUTTER10'10'VARIESVARIES1.0-2.0%1.0-2.0%* NOTE: SLOPES VARY SEE GRADING PLAN C07.0 FOR EXACT GRADES, SLOPES AND WIDTHS****ASPHALT SECTION:PAVEMENT SECTION WITHIN CITY ROW ISTO BE 2.0" OF SP 9.5 WITH 8" OF CRUSHEDCONCRETE (LBR 150). CONTRACTOR TOPROVIDE LBR TESTING RESULTS TO CITYFOR VERIFICATIONCONTRACTOR TO LAY ASPHALT IN TWO1.0" LIFTS8'PARALLELPARKINGTYPE C INL AND GRATE3TYPE V INLET5TYPE 9 INLET8TYPE 5 & 6 CURB INLET6724" MIN.18"12"UNDERDRAIN DETAILNTSBOTTOM OF ROADBASE MATERIALFILTER FABRIC6" DIA. PERFORATEDCOARSE AGGREGATE(WASHED NO. 57 STONEOR PER FDOT INDEX 286)1.ROADWAY UNDERDRAINS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED WITHA MINIMUM 6-INCH DIAMETER UNDERDRAIN PIPE, WRAPPED WITHFILTER FABRIC (ADS “DRAINGUARD,” OR EQUIVALENT) ORSMOOTH WALL HDPE PIPE WITHOUT FILTER SOCK.2.UNDERDRAINS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG BOTHSIDES OF THE ROADWAYS FOR THE PORTIONS REQUIRINGUNDERDRAINS TO PROVIDE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE BOTTOMOF THE BASE COURSE AND THE SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATERLEVEL.3.THE BOTTOM OF THE UNDERDRAIN PIPING SHOULD BEPLACED A MINIMUM OF 24-INCHES BELOW THE BOTTOM OF BASECOURSE.4.THE UNDERDRAINS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED IN ATRENCH A MINIMUM OF 18-INCHES WIDE, WITH THE UNDERDRAINCENTERED IN THE TRENCH. FURTHER, THE UNDERDRAIN TRENCHSHOULD EXTEND 6-INCHES BELOW THE INVERT OF THEUNDERDRAIN PIPING.5.BACKFILL PLACED IN THE UNDERDRAIN TRENCH SHOULDCONSIST OF “CLEAN” FILTER SAND MEETING FDOTSPECIFICATIONS FOR FILTER SAND (FDOT SPECIFICATION 902-4).FILTER SAND BACKFILL SHOULD EXTEND TO 12 INCHES ABOVETHE TOP OF THE UNDERDRAIN PIPE. BACKFILL ABOVE THE FDOTFILTER SAND MAY CONSIST OF CLEAN NATIVE MATERIAL,PROVIDED THESE MATERIALS CONTAIN LESS THAN 10 PERCENTSOIL FINES.6.PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF UNDERDRAIN PIPING ORFILTER SAND BACKFILL, THE PERIMETER OF THE UNDERDRAINTRENCH SHOULD BE LINED WITH FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N, OREQUIVALENT) TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL FOR INTRUSION OFSOIL FINES FROM THE SURROUNDING SUBGRADE. THE FILTERFABRIC SHOULD COMPLETELY LINE THE PERIMETER OF THEUNDERDRAIN TRENCH AND OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHESAT THE TOP OF THE FILTER SAND BACKFILL.7. UNDERDRAINS SHOULD BE ROUTED TO A POSITIVEOUTFALL.8. UNDERDRAINS SHOULD INCLUDE CAPPED AND SEALEDINSPECTION AND CLEAN-OUT PORTS EXTENDING TO THEGROUND SURFACE AT SPACING NO GREATER THAN 300 FEET, ATEVERY BEND OR 45 DEGREES OR GREATER, AND AT THETERMINUS OF EACH UNDERDRAIN SEGMENT. WE ALSORECOMMEND THAT A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BE STABLISHEDTO FLUSH AND INSPECT THE UNDERDRAINS ON A PERIODICBASIS. PLEASE NOTE THAT WITHOUT A PROPER MAINTENANCEPROGRAM, THE INTENDED PERFORMANCE OF THE UNDERDRAINSMAY BE COMPROMISED.SEE DETAIL 5SHEET C12.0FOR PAVEMENTCROSS-SECTION TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAILN.T.S.A SECTION A-APLAN VIEWEXTEND JOINT FILLER FULL DEPTH OF SIDEWALK5.0'5.0'5.0'5.0'B 5.0'4" (TYP.)5.0'4" (TYP.)SECTION B-BVARIESB NOTE:PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSIONJOINT BETWEEN SIDEWALKAND ALL FIXED OBJECTS.4" AGGREGATE BASE COURSECOMPACTED TO 90% STD. PROCTOR (TYP.)1/2" RADIUS TOOLED JOINT OR1" DEEP SAWED JOINT (TYP.)1/4" THICKNESS PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINTFILLER SPACED @ 35' O.C. MAX.SLOPE 14"/FTMAX.SEE TYPICALPAVEMENTSECTIONSECTION B-B (THICKENED EDGE)4"8"10" 6"6'-0"4" (TYP.)A 1/2" R(TYP.)SLOPE 1/4"/FT. MAX.4,000 PSICONCRETEMIN. (TYP)1/2" R(TYP.)ALL SIDEWALKS TO COMPLY WITHFDOT INDEX 310PROFILEPLANFLARED ENDSTRAIGHT ENDPROFILEPLANCURB AND GUTTER ENDINGS DETAILN.T.S.18" CURB AND GUTTER DETAILN.T.S.P.C.CONC.ASPHALT PAVINGNTSPUBLIC ROWS(INCL. ROADS AND PARKING)P.C.CONC.ALLEYS,PARKING AREAS &PRIVATE ROADSTHERMOPLASTIC PAINTPER FDOT SPECIFICATIONSDIRECTIONAL ARROW1'-6"2'1'-6"5'-6"2'-6"1'-6"2'-6"2'-6"1'-6"1'-6"2'-0"DIRECTIONAL ARROW DETAILSN.T.S.RESERVEDPARKINGVANACCESSIBLE1'-6"GROUND/PAVING 3"SURFACE2'-0" 7'-0" (MIN)$250 FINESLOPE TOP OF CONCRETENOTE: THE MIN. HEIGHT OF THEBOTTOM OF THE LOWEST SIGNSHALL BE 7'-0". BICYCLE PARKINGSIGN TO BE 8'-0".F.S. 316.008 (4)BLACK COLORDECORATIVE POSTSIGN MOUNTING DETAILN.T.S.SEE BREAK AWAY CHANNELPOST WHEN PIPE BOLLARDIS NOT REQUIRED3500 P.S.I.P.C. CONCRETEBLUE PAVEMENTREFLECTOR(LOCATE IN MIDDLEOF LANE)PAVEMENTCURBFIRE HYDRANT /FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION3'-5'PAVEMENT MARKING AT FIRE HYDRANT / FDC DETAILN.T.S.SIGN TO BEPLACED ATABOUT THELEADING/TRANSVERSELINES OF THECROSSWALK PERTHE SITE PLAN4' MIN.(TYP.)12" WHITE STRIPESEE SITE PLANVARIES (6' MIN.)(SEE SITE PLAN)SIGN TO BE PLACEDAT ABOUT THELEADING/TRANSVERSE LINESOF THE CROSSWALKPER THE SITE PLANPRIVATE CROSSWALK STRIPING DETAILN.T.S.TYPICAL CURBAND GUTTERNOTE:12" WHITE STRIPENOTE:1. PAVEMENT STOP BARS ARE TO BE THERMOPLASTIC WHITE PAINT. ALL SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH U.S. DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION'S "MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", LOCALCODES AND AS SPECIFIED. MOUNT SIGNS TO POST IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.STOP BAR DETAILN.T.S.CROSS WALKSTOP BAR2'-0"CONCRETE PAVINGNTS1231045678911FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 GENERAL DETAILS 1C12.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: SIGN TO BE DECORATIVEFDOT TYPE A MEDIAN CURBPER FDOT INDEX 520-001NTS2' VALLEYNTS PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLEPLAN AND SECTIONAPPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. CONNECTION DETAILS. 24" OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8" THRU 24"NOTES: D4' 0"2' 0"DETAILSSEE MANHOLECONNECTIONCONCRETE BENCHINGTROWEL-FINISHEDBENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS1"12"APPROVED BY THE CITY.THE ENGINEER ANDDETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BYREINFORCEMENT AND JOINTBEDDING ROCKCAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE BASE9"9"EPOXY COAL TAR COATINGS PER SPECIFICATIONSUNPAVED AREAS.ELEVATIONS SHOWN INPAVED AREAS & ATSET COVERS FLUSH IN3'-0" MAX. 1'-6" MIN.5"3.CONCRETE BASESL O P ESLOPESLOPESLOPE 2.1.SQUEEZE-OUTBE REMOVED)(WRAPPER TOWRAPPERPROTECTIVESEALER WITHPLASTIC JOINTPRE-MOLDEDJOINT SURFACESPRE-PRIMEDOUTSIDE WALL0.8 D VARIES AS REQ'DPRECAST MONOLITHIC BASE9"9"MIN.6"2" MIN.8" MIN.SQUEEZE-OUTJOINT WITHCOMPLETED4 COURSES (MAX.)2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.)FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR(SEE STANDARD DETAIL)MANHOLE FRAME & COVER5" MIN.REQ'D VARIES AS VARIES AS JOINT SURFACESPRE-PRIMEDINSIDE WALLREQ'DN.T.S.6" MINIMUMSEWER MAINSIZE VARIES"DOWNSTREAM"LOT LINEAS REQUIREDNOTE:"Y" BRANCH WITH SPUR30° CURVESEWER MAINSIZE VARIESGROUND LEVELSERVICE CONNECTION DETAILSSHOWN IS FOR A DOUBLE PVCSERVICE A SINGLE WYE WOULDBE USED FOR A SINGLE SERVICE5' MAX6"X 4' DOUBLE WYE WITH 6"CLEAN OUT INSTALLED TO 3'ABOVE GROUND SURFACE3' MIN.3' MINClean Out is tobe placed at ground level afterTV inspection & acceptance by the utility department.NON-PAVED AREASEASEMENT,PROPERTY ORRIGHT-OF-WAY LINESEWER BRANCH WYEFLOWMINIMUM SLOPE6" SANITARY LATERAL45° BENDPROVIDE CLEAN-OUT ON SEWERLATERALS AT UTILITY EASEMENTLIMITS. SEE PLANS18" x 18" x 6" CONCRETECOLLAR; (2) #4 BARSCONTINUOUSAND (4) #4 BARS DIAGONAL12" MAXIMUMWITHINRIGHT-OF-WAYLINE34" EXPANSIONJOINT AROUND CAPFLUSH WITH SLABCLEANOUT COVERS IN PAVEDAREAS SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED.3'-0"6'-0"48" " HPSTORM6"TOP OF PIPECONFLICT MANHOLENTSRIM EL. 25.50INV. 14.92EL. 19.4020' LF OF SAN 8 DIPCENTERED ON STRUCTUREFOR EXACT ANGLES OFPIPES SEE SHEETS C07.0 & C08.0INV. AT CENTER OF STR. EL.16.3720 LF OF SAN 8 DIP123105678911124FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 WASTEWATER DETAILSC11.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCFDOT PEDESTRIAN RAILING PER INDEX 515-062FDOT PEDESTRIAN RAILING SECTION PER INDEX 515-062 W.S. DETAIL 6-9-00 BY DT16" AB0VE PIPETRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, PER TYPE "A" BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO FDOT NO. 57 AGGREGATE.15" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24".WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION.ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW.BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE A 4" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS UP TO 12" AND 6" MINIMUM(SEE NOTE 2) TRENCH BACKFILL 12" LIFTS MAXIMUM W/ SIZE OF PIPEVARIESSEE NOTE 4PIPE O.D.COMMON FILLBEDDING MATERIAL12" (TYP.)UNDISTURBED EARTHFINISHED GRADETRENCH WIDTHSELECT COMMONFILLINITIALBACKFILL(SEE NOTE 1) (SEE NOTE 3)HAUNCHINGBEDDING(SEE NOTES 7 & 8)AASHTO T-180. DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BY AN APPROVED LAB.24" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER.FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16" AND LARGER.DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCKBELOW THE PIPE. UTILITIES SHALL DETERMINE (IN THE FIELD) THE REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION.FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLEREGULATIONS OF THE GOVERNING AGENCIES.NOTES: & TRENCHING - TYPE ANTSPIPE JOINT RESTRAINT DETAILNTSPIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE15" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS LESS THAN 24".24" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 24" AND LARGERWATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION.ALL PIPES ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION(SEE NOTE 2) TRENCH BACKFILL W/ SIZE OF PIPEVARIESSEE NOTE 4PIPE O.D.COMMON FILL12" (TYP.)FINISHED GRADETRENCH WIDTHSELECT COMMONFILLINITIALBACKFILL(SEE NOTE 1)HAUNCHING12" LIFTS MAXIMUMUNDISTURBED EARTH(SEE NOTE 3)WITH TYPE "A" BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTEDBY UTILITIES.OF THE FLOW.FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLEREGULATIONS OF THE GOVERNING AGENCIES.NOTES: BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, PER AASHTO T-180. DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BY AN APPROVED LAB.BEDDING & TRENCHING - TYPE BNTS1231145671210FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 WATER DETAILSC10.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC98 PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUPT2001000T TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATIONAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKAUTO TURN FIRE TRUCKFHFHFHFHFHFH60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS PLANC09.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC STORM SEWER SCHEDULESTR NO.STS 1STS 2STS 3STS 4STS 7STS 8STS 9STS 10STS 11STS 12STS 13STS 14STS 15STS 16STS 17STS 18STS 19STS 20STS 21STS 22STS 23STS 24STS 25STS 26STS 27STS 28STS 29STS 30STS 30.1STS 31STS 32STS 33STS 34STS 35STS 36STS 37STS 38STS 38ASTS 39STS 40STS 41STS 42STS 43STS 44STS 45STS 46STS 47STS 48STS 49STS 50STS 51STS 52STS 53STS 54STS 55STS 56STS 57STS 58STS 59STS 60STS 61STS 62STS 63STS 64STS 65STS 66STS 67STS 68STS 69STS 70STS 71STS 72STS 73STS 74STS 75STS 76STS 77STS 78STR TYPETYPE VG INLTYPE 5 INLTYPE VG INLTYPE I MHTYPE 6TYPE C INLYARD DRAINTYPE C INLCONFLICT MHTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE 5 INLTYPE I MHTYPE 9 INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE VGTYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE C INL* TYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE I MHTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE C INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE C INLTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE C INLTYPE C INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLTYPE I MHYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE I MHGRATE/RIM/EOPELEV24.6824.7626.2925.2526.0026.5023.5025.0025.5026.1225.6725.9725.9727.1029.4927.4727.5522.5422.2022.2521.4021.4021.5523.8723.5323.5524.1923.2823.2823.8623.9024.5024.8124.8126.2126.2127.5927.5929.0028.3228.3229.0031.9431.4830.6024.2524.1023.3822.4022.0022.0021.5021.5023.3522.1821.8021.8023.1023.5524.3025.5024.3024.4024.4024.3024.4024.4024.3019.5519.5023.8023.8022.0022.0022.0023.4023.4020.63DOWNSTREAMSTR NO.STS 4STS 1STS 2STS 7STS 10STS 7STS 7STS 11STS 12STS 14STS 12STS 16STS 14STS 19STS 16STS 17STS 20STS 21STS 22STS 27STS 22STS 23STS 24STS 25STS 46STS 27STS 28STS 27STS 30STS 30STS 31STS 32STS 31STS 34STS 34STS 36STS 36STS 38STS 38STS 38STS 40STS 41STS 40STS 43STS 44STS 69STS 46STS 47STS 48STS 49STS 50STS 51STS 52STS 50STS 54STS 55STS 56STS 55STS 58STS 54STS 60STS 61STS 62STS 63STS 64STS 65STS 66STS 46STS 78STS 69STS 70STS 71STS 72STS 73STS 74STS 77STS 78INVERTSIN19.82' SW19.87' SW15.45' NW15.16' NW21.41' SW18.58' NE14.98' NW14.92' N14.77' N21.23' E14.70' NE21.64' SE14.51' NE21.99' NW22.37' NW14.44' NE14.12' NW13.85' NW13.77' NW16.60' NE16.84' NW16.91' NW17.00' NW13.56' NE13.56' SW18.87' NW19.00' NW16.03' W16.03' NW16.23' SW16.29' NW16.17' SW17.62' NW20.24' SW19.43' NW21.63' SW20.72' NW23.00' NE22.90' SW22.30' NW20.85' SW20.93' SW22.62' N22.76' NE13.33' NW15.11' NE19.77' SW15.34' NE15.65' NE15.86' NW15.92' NW16.78' NE16.95' NE17.41' SE16.33' NE17.41' NW17.10' SE17.10' NW17.60' SE18.68' NW17.61' NW17.83' NE18.60' NW19.10' NW19.50' NW20.00' NW20.50' NW13.16' NW15.28' E15.44' NE16.10' NE16.50' NE17.16' NE17.60' NE17.80' SW13.13' N15.00' SWINVERTSOUT15.51' SE19.87' NE20.20' NE15.45' SE15.16' SE21.50' NE19.25' SW14.98' S14.92' S14.77' SW21.42' W14.70' SW21.70' NW14.51' SW22.37' SE22.71' SE14.44' SE14.12' SE13.85' SE13.77' SW16.84' SW16.90' SE17.00' SE18.12' SE13.56' SE19.00' SE19.35' SE13.65' NE16.25' SE16.23' E16.35' NE16.22' NE17.62' SE20.31' NE19.43' SE21.70' NE20.72' SE23.00' NE24.50' SW20.85' SE20.93' NE21.00' NE22.62' SE22.76' S22.93' SW13.33' SE15.34' SW15.65' SW15.86' SW15.92' SE16.95' SW17.41' SW17.75' NW16.33' SE17.10' SW17.60' NW18.00' NW18.68' SE19.75' SE17.61' SE17.83' SE18.60' SW19.10' SE19.50' SE20.00' SE20.50' SE20.90' SE20.00' NE13.16' S15.44' W16.10' SW16.50' SW17.16' SW17.60' SW18.00' SW19.00' NE16.35' NE13.12' SEDSPIPELENGTH25'18'111'126'79'29'70'26'66'32'63'84'22'34'127'114'146'120'39'95'81'22'28'113'104'43'118'31'22'68'37'16'80'22'109'22'78'35'108'45'26'25'106'46'56'77'77'102'71'21'17'46'34'138'77'50'40'50'33'66'74'77'50'40'50'50'40'77'17'16'66'40'66'44'40'40'45'65'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL48" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC48" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP30" HP STORM PP24" HP STORM PP24" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP12" PVC12" PVC12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC60" HP STORM PPSLOPE0.22%0.30%0.30%0.23%0.23%0.32%0.97%0.22%0.22%0.22%0.30%0.22%0.27%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.22%0.22%0.20%0.22%0.30%0.27%0.31%0.99%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.30%1.00%0.30%0.32%0.32%1.66%0.30%1.66%0.30%1.66%0.28%1.39%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%3.16%3.27%0.30%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%0.30%0.18%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%3.00%3.00%3.45%FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 STRUCTURES DATAC07.1GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUM98.00F.F.100.00P/LEXISTING TRAILPROPOSED DECORATIVE HAND RAILWITH EDGE PROTECTIONPROPOSED DECORATIVESPLIT-FACE RETAINING WALLCOLOR TO MATCH DEVELOPMENTWITH ANTI-GRAFITI COATINGPROPOSED SIDEWALK TOHAVE POSITIVE SLOPE TOAREA YARD DRAIN. SEESHT. C07.098.12FRONT SIDEWALK ELEVATIONTO BE A MIN. OF 2' BELOWFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONYARD DRAINCROSS SECTION "A - A"NTSNOTE: ELEVATIONS VARY THROUGHOUT, SEE GRADING PLAN C07.0 FOR EXACT FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS, YARD DRAINS LOCATIONS, WALL HEIGHT AND GRADESSTRUCTURE DETAILS:NAMEREFERENCETYPE VG INL 2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 221TYPE I MH2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 201TYPE 5 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 211TYPE 6 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 211TYPE 9 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 214TYPE C INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 232YARD DRAIN NYLOPLAST 12" DOME INLETNOTE: STRUCTURES 2A, 5 AND 6 ARE NO LONGER IN USE S50°31'58"W 1033.48'S46°13'52"E177.70' (F)S32°50'43"E 662.97' (F)S50°31'58"W 997.88' (F)PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYMDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION315467914131210151116WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC SAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVCWM 8 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST. PUBLICLIFTSTATION8SAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC2WM 8 PVCSANITARY SEWER SCHEDULESTRUCTURENUMBERSAN 1SAN 2SAN 3SAN 4SAN 5SAN 6SAN 7STRUCTURETYPEEXIST. RECEIVING MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHCONFLICT MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHRIM EL26.0525.9027.0025.5026.0524.1422.51DOWNSTREAMSTRUCTURESAN 1SAN 2SAN 3SAN 4SAN 5SAN 6INVERTSIN15.40' SE15.58' S15.84' SE15.84' SW16.37' SE16.72' SE16.72' SW17.65' SE18.58' SW18.58' NEINVERTSOUT15.48' NW15.74' N16.37' NW16.62' NW17.55' NW18.48' NWDOWNSTREAMPIPE LENGTH19.51'39.99'132.64'63.09'206.70'206.70'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVCSLOPE0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%SAN 8SAN 9SAN 10SAN 11SAN 12SAN 13SAN 14SAN 15SAN 16TYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MH22.5030.5130.5129.0624.4824.5123.7028.4026.89SAN 7SAN 7SAN 3SAN 10SAN 11SAN 12SAN 13SAN 11SAN 517.16' SE17.62' SE17.62' SW18.52' SE19.47' SW17.35' S18.77' SW19.40' NE17.06' NE17.52' NW18.42' NW19.37' NW20.03' NE18.17' NE17.25' NE48.35'204.51'304.21'90.84'199.29'211.74'138.83'137.91'131.28'8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%0.40%60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHUTILITY LEGENDELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER PAD. REFER TO PLANS BYDUKE ENERGY FOR FINAL LOCATIONS.FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. (SEE DETAIL 3, SHEET C10.0)12"X8" WET TAP WITH 8" GATE VALVE(NOTE: CHECK WITH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS UTILITIESABOUT POSSIBLITY ISOLATING THIS LINE TO UTILIZE A TEEINSTEAD OF A WET TAP)8" GATE VALVE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C10.0)8" TEE8"X6" TEE8" CROSS2" BLOWOFF VALVE (SEE DETAIL 8, SHEET C10.0)IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTIONTEMPORARY BYPASS (SEE DETAIL 4, SHEET C10.0)BLUE RPM2" BLOW OFF12"X8" WET TAP WITH 8" GATE VALVE15' PROPOSED UTILITY & PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT"NO PARKING FIRE HYDRANT" SIGNEXISTING FIRE HYDRANT8"X2" TEE2" IRRIGATION METER AND BACKFLOW, IRRIGATION P.O.C.4" GV (POS), 4" DDCVA, 4" FDC - FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLYPIPE CROSSING NOTE:ATHE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATEBELL AND SPIGOT OF EACH PIPE SEGMENTAWAY FROM PIPE CROSSING. PIPE CROSSINGELEVATIONS REPRESENT OUTSIDE WALLTHICKNESSES AND DOES NOT INCLUDE BELLAND SPIGOT WIDENINGS.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVEROVER ALL PROPOSED WATER, WASTEWATER,AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES. ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED AT ALLPOINTS OF CONNECTION TO AND AT ALLAREAS OF CONFLICT WITH OCU MAINSUTILITY NOTE:VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 WATER AND SEWER LAYOUTC08.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCSYMBOL LEGEND:SINGLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)DOUBLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPFOR DETAILED CONFLICT STRUCTURE 4 & MANHOLE DETAILS SEE SHEET C11.0QRS STREET DMAIL KIOSK6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 176 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 13BLDG 15BLDG 11DOG STATION24.8624.1323.5023.3023.0022.3223.30GRT.22.0022.8122.7422.8022.9021.88SIDEWALK TO BEFLUSH WITHPAVEMENT21.8822.4722.4522.7522.8822.7023.6023.6023.4823.2623.2623.6023.4823.5524.26GRT.23.28FL.23.8623.6623.9823.3123.8024.7024.5024.3523.1523242227333050213124.3723.86F.F. 25.35BF.F. 25.35C23.5023.7923.7223.7223.6423.3323.2523.37F.F. 25.1424.47F.F.A24.1623.7424.47F.F.B23.5423.3523.7723.3523.1023.1022.5922.59F.F. 24.75BF.F. 24.08AF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08CF.F. 24.08C22.1823.1923.1522.9922.9522.7922.7522.5022.4622.3022.2623.2522.8723.3023.1623.1623.0023.2422.8422.7022.1322.1022.3024.2323.5623.5624.2323.4023.4023.6523.65CBACF.F. 24.38F.F. 24.38F.F. 25.05F.F. 25.7223.2323.2823.4023.6525.2725.0225.0225.2724.5124.5125.0225.02BCBA24.30A25.2725.27F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.0024.70CF.F. 26.7825.2925.2923.2523.6523.7023.5623.4423.81RIM24.50GRT.24.81GRT.24.8124.0324.0624.06CCC27.52F.F.26.86F.F.27.52F.F.26.0226.0225.3624.4024.2624.3423.7823.8323.9124.2724.2724.2624.3423.70F.F.25.37F.F.25.37F.F. 25.55ABC25.2224.3423.8323.8323.9123.9522.522.02424.1623.76GRT.23.5524.33FL.23.9024.7824.06RIM23.5323.48GRT.22.2021.7522.3122.2521.9122.4721.7522.1021.75GRT.21.402521.6721.8621.6121.7422.0022.3022.1822.1022.3022.2622.7622.8822.1921.9321.7922.0721.8721.9722.0321.6421.8422.3621.6021.5622.2722.9522.1823.10GRT.23.3522.2822.4822.6723.1623.4523.00GRT.22.00GRT.21.505223.2022.9823.5023.6622.8828GRT.22.2524.73GRT.21.55325425.5123.4824.2023.8622.8522.9021.50F.F.22.5321.9322.47CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.7825.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2930.123.8423.9824.1823.0422.6523.5023.4823.866" CO6" CO6" CO6" CO6" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 PLAN & PROFILE STREET DC07.4GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC NORTH40200SCALE: 1" = 20' ALLEY CSTREET A5 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY10 UNITS, 3 STY5 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 4BUILDINGAMENITY30.0029.8030.3929.1128.6128.0028.4027.1827.6827.6727.4027.2027.1827.2029.2428.7428.2529.2429.3025.6025.7026.1029.4527.5926.8327.3327.3327.3927.6226.9427.1127.2327.4627.50F.F. 28.1526.7426.6926.2926.1526.2426.5026.2326.0026.5427.8528.8728.8528.8528.7729.2029.2030.1129.4329.5728.8628.8031.6031.0030.9231.2531.4431.0029.9629.9628.0428.7329.2310111219404142GRT.29.00SAW CUT EXIST.EOP AND MATCHTO LINE AND GRADE13393825.9525.9525.9525.4425.4025.2425.2025.2025.2425.4025.4425.3026.00RIM25.50GRT25.0025.7526.0025.6026.1026.6030.79F.F.B30.12F.F.B30.12F.F.C28.79F.F.B29.8129.1428.6327.8129.3329.4128.9629.0328.5928.6627.8128.0127.1228.0026.5126.1525.8025.9525.9525.9525.95F.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68A25.9025.9525.8425.8025.7525.7925.9025.9525.7025.9526.1626.0428.16F.F.C28.16F.F.C26.6726.6726.2526.2126.2026.1726.5926.9026.7226.1326.0626.1726.7926.12AAF.F.30.73AF.F.30.7330.0030.0030.4430.4030.2430.2031.4831.4830.0429.8329.8033.06F.F.C32.39F.F.C32.39F.F.C34.39F.F.C31.5732.9932.9932.9032.9031.4130.9029.4729.5029.3229.3529.5429.5829.7229.7629.2029.1030.4027.7329.3928.5231.5031.7227.6227.6128.3529.08F.F.AF.F.C29.67F.F.B29.67F.F.B29.3329.3328.7128.7127.8428.6027.8027.9128.4527.2227.3828.4527.8027.913130303126.20292930.4029.9027.5229.3028.12GRT.29.0031.06FL.28.32FL.28.3231.5731.7729.4229.3828.8029.1029.8027.9227.9227.5527.4028.1928.07FL.27.5927.0027.0028.8630.0030.0029.9029.4229.6227.2127.3328.9727.7327.8927.85RIM27.6027.2227.2827.6428.7328.7326.9328.79F.F.30.7327.2426.0026.0626.1725.9726.1626.10RIM27.24FL.25.9726.0426.6326.2626.1826.3426.3826.40RIM26.44GRT.25.67141516FL.27.5938A29.5228.0027.6927.9326.356" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" CO6" CO6" CO6" CO6" COFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 PLAN & PROFILE STREET AC07.3GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC NORTH40200SCALE: 1" = 20' ZONED: TCALLEY B5 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY10 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 5BLDG 4BLDG 11DOG STATION30.9431.7230.3929.1128.6128.0028.4027.1827.6827.6727.4027.2027.1827.2029.2428.2529.3026.1924.8624.1329.2030.1129.4329.5728.8031.6031.1231.0030.9231.2531.4431.1231.0029.9629.9628.0428.7329.2323.6023.4823.4823.5525.3125.0425.0325.0325.0425.3124.26GRT.23.28FL.23.8623.6623.9823.3123.8045444331.96404142GRT.29.002935343330SAW CUT EXIST.EOP AND MATCHTO LINE AND GRADE3138F.F. 33.05C31.4833.06F.F.C32.39F.F.C32.39F.F.C34.39F.F.CF.F. 33.72A31.5732.9932.9932.9032.9031.4130.9029.5029.3529.3928.5231.6231.5031.7229.67F.F.B29.67F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.C28.7128.7128.0428.0427.5028.4527.8027.9127.2227.3826.7426.8426.1526.3126.00CF.F. 26.7823.7023.5623.4423.81RIM24.50GRT.24.81GRT.24.8124.0324.0624.06C28.19F.F.CCCCB28.19F.F.27.52F.F.26.86F.F.27.52F.F.27.52F.F.26.6926.6926.5426.0226.0225.3625.1325.1425.1425.1425.1424.4024.4424.2624.3423.7823.8323.9124.7424.2724.273130303126.5026.0027.02929243736GRT.26.21GRT.26.2124.1631.0431.8831.7231.8431.06FL.28.32FL.28.3231.5731.7729.4229.3828.8029.1029.8027.9227.9227.5527.4026.9127.0026.5026.3626.4028.1928.07FL.27.5927.0027.0028.8623.7624.33FL.23.9024.7824.06RIM 30.6032RIM 31.48RIM 31.94FL.27.5938A25.9525.5125.0129.52CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.7830.123.8423.9824.1827.6927.9323.4823.866" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" CO 6" CO 6" CO6" CO6" CO6" CO 6" CO6" CO 6" CO 6" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0 FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 PLAN & PROFILE TREE SWALLOWC07.2GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC NORTH40200SCALE: 1" = 20' STORM SEWER SCHEDULESTR NO.STS 1STS 2STS 3STS 4STS 7STS 8STS 9STS 10STS 11STS 12STS 13STS 14STS 15STS 16STS 17STS 18STS 19STS 20STS 21STS 22STS 23STS 24STS 25STS 26STS 27STS 28STS 29STS 30STS 30.1STS 31STS 32STS 33STS 34STS 35STS 36STS 37STS 38STS 38ASTS 39STS 40STS 41STS 42STS 43STS 44STS 45STS 46STS 47STS 48STS 49STS 50STS 51STS 52STS 53STS 54STS 55STS 56STS 57STS 58STS 59STS 60STS 61STS 62STS 63STS 64STS 65STS 66STS 67STS 68STS 69STS 70STS 71STS 72STS 73STS 74STS 75STS 76STS 77STS 78STR TYPETYPE VG INLTYPE 5 INLTYPE VG INLTYPE I MHTYPE 6TYPE C INLYARD DRAINTYPE C INLCONFLICT MHTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE 5 INLTYPE I MHTYPE 9 INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE VGTYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE C INL* TYPE VG INLTYPE 9 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE I MHTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE VG INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE C INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE 6 INLTYPE C INLTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE C INLTYPE C INLTYPE C INLTYPE I MHTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLTYPE C INLYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE C INLTYPE I MHYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINYARD DRAINTYPE I MHGRATE/RIM/EOPELEV24.6824.7626.2925.2526.0026.5023.5025.0025.5026.1225.6725.9725.9727.1029.4927.4727.5522.5422.2022.2521.4021.4021.5523.8723.5323.5524.1923.2823.2823.8623.9024.5024.8124.8126.2126.2127.5927.5929.0028.3228.3229.0031.9431.4830.6024.2524.1023.3822.4022.0022.0021.5021.5023.3522.1821.8021.8023.1023.5524.3025.5024.3024.4024.4024.3024.4024.4024.3019.5519.5023.8023.8022.0022.0022.0023.4023.4020.63DOWNSTREAMSTR NO.STS 4STS 1STS 2STS 7STS 10STS 7STS 7STS 11STS 12STS 14STS 12STS 16STS 14STS 19STS 16STS 17STS 20STS 21STS 22STS 27STS 22STS 23STS 24STS 25STS 46STS 27STS 28STS 27STS 30STS 30STS 31STS 32STS 31STS 34STS 34STS 36STS 36STS 38STS 38STS 38STS 40STS 41STS 40STS 43STS 44STS 69STS 46STS 47STS 48STS 49STS 50STS 51STS 52STS 50STS 54STS 55STS 56STS 55STS 58STS 54STS 60STS 61STS 62STS 63STS 64STS 65STS 66STS 46STS 78STS 69STS 70STS 71STS 72STS 73STS 74STS 77STS 78INVERTSIN19.82' SW19.87' SW15.45' NW15.16' NW21.41' SW18.58' NE14.98' NW14.92' N14.77' N21.23' E14.70' NE21.64' SE14.51' NE21.99' NW22.37' NW14.44' NE14.12' NW13.85' NW13.77' NW16.60' NE16.84' NW16.91' NW17.00' NW13.56' NE13.56' SW18.87' NW19.00' NW16.03' W16.03' NW16.23' SW16.29' NW16.17' SW17.62' NW20.24' SW19.43' NW21.63' SW20.72' NW23.00' NE22.90' SW22.30' NW20.85' SW20.93' SW22.62' N22.76' NE13.33' NW15.11' NE19.77' SW15.34' NE15.65' NE15.86' NW15.92' NW16.78' NE16.95' NE17.41' SE16.33' NE17.41' NW17.10' SE17.10' NW17.60' SE18.68' NW17.61' NW17.83' NE18.60' NW19.10' NW19.50' NW20.00' NW20.50' NW13.16' NW15.28' E15.44' NE16.10' NE16.50' NE17.16' NE17.60' NE17.80' SW13.13' N15.00' SWINVERTSOUT15.51' SE19.87' NE20.20' NE15.45' SE15.16' SE21.50' NE19.25' SW14.98' S14.92' S14.77' SW21.42' W14.70' SW21.70' NW14.51' SW22.37' SE22.71' SE14.44' SE14.12' SE13.85' SE13.77' SW16.84' SW16.90' SE17.00' SE18.12' SE13.56' SE19.00' SE19.35' SE13.65' NE16.25' SE16.23' E16.35' NE16.22' NE17.62' SE20.31' NE19.43' SE21.70' NE20.72' SE23.00' NE24.50' SW20.85' SE20.93' NE21.00' NE22.62' SE22.76' S22.93' SW13.33' SE15.34' SW15.65' SW15.86' SW15.92' SE16.95' SW17.41' SW17.75' NW16.33' SE17.10' SW17.60' NW18.00' NW18.68' SE19.75' SE17.61' SE17.83' SE18.60' SW19.10' SE19.50' SE20.00' SE20.50' SE20.90' SE20.00' NE13.16' S15.44' W16.10' SW16.50' SW17.16' SW17.60' SW18.00' SW19.00' NE16.35' NE13.12' SEDSPIPELENGTH25'18'111'126'79'29'70'26'66'32'63'84'22'34'127'114'146'120'39'95'81'22'28'113'104'43'118'31'22'68'37'16'80'22'109'22'78'35'108'45'26'25'106'46'56'77'77'102'71'21'17'46'34'138'77'50'40'50'33'66'74'77'50'40'50'50'40'77'17'16'66'40'66'44'40'40'45'65'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL48" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC48" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP48" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP15" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP36" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP30" HP STORM PP24" HP STORM PP24" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC18" HP STORM PP18" HP STORM PP12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC15" HP STORM PP60" HP STORM PP12" PVC12" PVC12" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC10" PVC60" HP STORM PPSLOPE0.22%0.30%0.30%0.23%0.23%0.32%0.97%0.22%0.22%0.22%0.30%0.22%0.27%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.22%0.22%0.20%0.22%0.30%0.27%0.31%0.99%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.30%1.00%0.30%0.32%0.32%1.66%0.30%1.66%0.30%1.66%0.28%1.39%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.22%0.30%0.30%0.30%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%3.16%3.27%0.30%0.30%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%0.30%0.18%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%3.00%3.00%3.45%FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 STRUCTURES DATAC07.1GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUM98.00F.F.100.00P/LEXISTING TRAILPROPOSED DECORATIVE HAND RAILWITH EDGE PROTECTIONPROPOSED DECORATIVESPLIT-FACE RETAINING WALLCOLOR TO MATCH DEVELOPMENTWITH ANTI-GRAFITI COATINGPROPOSED SIDEWALK TOHAVE POSITIVE SLOPE TOAREA YARD DRAIN. SEESHT. C07.098.12FRONT SIDEWALK ELEVATIONTO BE A MIN. OF 2' BELOWFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONYARD DRAINCROSS SECTION "A - A"NTSNOTE: ELEVATIONS VARY THROUGHOUT, SEE GRADING PLAN C07.0 FOR EXACT FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS, YARD DRAINS LOCATIONS, WALL HEIGHT AND GRADESSTRUCTURE DETAILS:NAMEREFERENCETYPE VG INL 2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 221TYPE I MH2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 201TYPE 5 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 211TYPE 6 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 211TYPE 9 INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 214TYPE C INL2017-2018 FDOT DESIGN STANDARD 232YARD DRAIN NYLOPLAST 12" DOME INLETNOTE: STRUCTURES 2A, 5 AND 6 ARE NO LONGER IN USE PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION31.45F.F. 28.3928.8429.3429.4430.0029.8030.9431.7230.3929.1128.6128.0028.4027.1827.6827.6727.4027.2027.1827.2029.2428.7428.2529.2429.3026.3926.3825.8827.6626.0025.6025.80RIM26.0027.5829.3529.0028.6825.6025.7026.1029.4527.5926.8327.3327.3324.4824.4824.4826.1924.8624.1323.5023.3023.0023.0422.3223.30GRT.22.00RIM22.4023.1823.27GRT.24.1024.3519.5419.42RIM 25.2525.4926.3226.3628.3228.6128.0127.5628.0629.0028.8830.3527.3927.6226.9427.1127.2327.4627.50F.F. 28.15 26.7426.6926.2926.1526.2426.5026.2326.0026.5424.7325.2024.4727.8528.8728.8528.8528.7729.2029.2030.1129.4329.5728.8628.8031.6031.1231.0030.9231.2531.4431.1231.0029.9629.9628.0428.7329.2325.2022.8122.7422.8022.9021.88SIDEWALK TO BEFLUSH WITHPAVEMENT21.8822.4722.4522.7523.0322.4022.8822.7023.6023.6023.4823.2623.2623.6023.4823.5525.3125.0425.0325.0325.0425.3124.26GRT.23.28FL.23.8623.6623.9823.3123.8024.7024.50GRT.24.2524.3523.1522.781781011121945444331.96404142GRT.29.00292324222735343330687847495060SAW CUTEXIST. EOPAND MATCHTO LINEAND GRADESAW CUT EXIST.EOP AND MATCHTO LINE AND GRADE13172026213139384669AF.F. 28.39AF.F. 29.72CF.F. 29.72AF.F. 31.05CF.F. 31.05AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68A25.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.7026.6026.8027.2527.6628.3328.9929.5630.3227.0827.1827.1027.4627.7028.2028.3228.2128.8228.9429.4429.5730.0729.8725.6425.6025.4425.4025.2425.2025.2025.2425.4025.4425.3026.00RIM25.50GRT25.0025.7526.0025.6026.1026.6029.7129.96F.F.C30.79F.F.B30.12F.F.B30.12F.F.C28.79F.F.B29.8129.1428.6327.8129.3329.4128.9629.0328.5928.6627.8128.0127.1228.0026.5126.1525.8025.9525.9525.9525.9525.9525.95F.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68A25.7025.9025.9525.8425.8025.7525.7925.9025.9525.7825.7425.7025.9526.1626.0428.16F.F.C28.16F.F.C27.49F.F.B27.49F.F.B26.82F.F.C26.6726.6726.5126.2826.0925.5925.7425.7825.7826.0026.2026.2526.2126.2026.1726.5926.9026.7226.1326.0626.1726.7926.12AAF.F.30.73AF.F.30.7330.0030.00F.F. 32.88CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 32.38CF.F. 33.05C30.8930.8930.8930.8931.5630.4430.4030.2430.2031.4831.4830.0430.6029.8329.8033.06F.F.C32.39F.F.C32.39F.F.C34.39F.F.CF.F. 33.72A31.5732.9932.9932.9032.9031.4130.9029.4729.5029.3229.3529.5429.5829.7229.7629.2029.1030.4027.7329.3928.5231.6231.5031.7227.6227.6128.3529.08F.F.AF.F.CABF.F.B29.67F.F.B29.67F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.B29.00F.F.C29.3329.33F.F. 28.0027.3328.7128.7128.0428.0427.5027.8428.6027.2727.0226.3527.8027.9128.4527.2227.3826.7426.8426.2026.3125.6928.4527.8027.9127.2227.3826.7426.8426.1526.3126.0025.6025.6725.9525.7025.0324.6224.3723.86F.F. 26.68AF.F. 26.68BF.F. 26.01BF.F. 25.35AF.F. 25.35BF.F. 25.35C23.5025.3525.2824.9624.8924.5724.5024.1824.1123.7923.7225.4024.8924.8124.5024.4224.1124.0323.7223.6423.3323.2523.3726.48F.F.B25.81F.F.BAF.F. 25.14B24.47F.F.A25.5024.8324.4124.1623.74F.F. 25.1424.47F.F.B23.5423.3523.7723.3523.1023.1022.5922.59F.F. 24.75BF.F. 24.08AF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08BF.F. 24.08CF.F. 24.08C22.1823.1923.1522.9922.9522.7922.7522.5022.4622.3022.2623.2522.8723.3023.1623.1623.0023.2422.8424.1022.9022.7022.13F.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25BF.F. 24.25A23.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.2723.5223.5220.0022.0322.5022.9822.9022.7422.7022.7022.7022.1022.3022.3023.0023.1223.2723.3023.4524.2323.5623.5624.2323.4023.4023.6523.65CBACF.F. 24.38F.F. 24.38F.F. 25.05F.F. 25.7223.2323.2523.2823.3023.4023.5223.6524.52F.F. 26.00CBABCB24.5225.0225.0225.2725.2725.0225.0224.5124.5125.0225.0223.6024.7424.7024.2024.2424.5024.5424.7024.9825.1224.2824.4223.90F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.0025.2225.2725.0225.0225.2724.5124.5125.0225.02BCBA24.8024.7624.4024.3024.5024.6024.80A24.8424.9725.2725.27F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.00F.F. 26.0024.5024.7024.7019.54RIM19.55RIM19.5024.95F.F. 25.68AABBAA24.9524.9524.9524.7024.7024.7024.9524.9524.9524.9519.7724.5024.5024.6024.7024.8024.8424.9024.6524.6024.8424.8024.95F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68F.F. 25.68GRT.24.3024.8424.8024.6524.6024.5024.5024.6024.70C24.8024.84F.F. 26.7825.2925.2924.9523.2523.6523.7023.5623.4423.81RIM24.50GRT.24.81GRT.24.8124.0324.0624.06C28.19F.F.CCCCB28.19F.F.27.52F.F.26.86F.F.27.52F.F.27.52F.F.26.6926.6926.5426.0226.0225.3625.1325.1425.1425.1425.1424.4024.4424.2624.3423.7823.8323.9125.12GRT.24.7424.2724.27F.F.A25.55F.F. 25.5525.2224.9624.9224.9225.1425.1024.4024.4424.2624.3423.70F.F.25.55F.F.25.37F.F.25.37F.F. 25.55AAABC25.2225.2225.2224.3423.8323.8323.91GRT.29.49RETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL & EDGE PROTECTIONRETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL3130303126.2026.1823.9522.522.025.525.026.024.525.5923.4823.9825.026.5026.0027.028.9027.0T.O.W.=24.00B.O.W.=24.0023.6824.00292922232424F.F. 28.0029.9730.4029.9029.9030.5130.3930.4030.3730.1727.5229.3028.1222.7524.4522.63T.O.W.=20.80B.O.W.=20.8024.0022.9325.703736GRT.26.21GRT.26.2118FL.27.47GRT.29.0024.1622.3023.0015.10T.O.W.=22.18B.O.W.=22.18CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN/REVISE THE EXISTING SWALETO KEEP THE ORIGINAL DRAINAGE PATTERN.31.0431.8831.7231.8431.06FL.28.32FL.28.3231.5731.7729.4229.3828.8029.1029.8027.9227.9227.5527.4026.9127.0026.5026.3626.4028.1928.07FL.27.5927.0027.0028.8630.0030.0029.9029.4229.62GRT.26.2930.1723.76GRT.23.5524.33FL.23.9024.7824.06RIM23.5323.4823.3823.32GRT.22.54GRT.22.2022.7427.2127.3325.8225.7025.0924.9326.7628.9727.7327.8927.85RIM27.6027.2227.2827.6428.7328.7326.9328.79F.F.30.7327.2426.0026.0626.1725.9726.1626.10RIM27.24FL.25.9726.0426.6326.2626.1826.3426.3826.40RIM26.44GRT.25.67GRT.25.50GRT.23.8724.0024.2624.8224.7624.1024.0722.5823.1423.0822.4223.8721.7522.3122.2521.9122.4721.7522.1021.75GRT.21.402521.6721.8621.6121.7422.0022.3022.1822.1022.3022.2622.7622.8822.1921.9321.7922.0721.8721.9722.0321.6421.8422.3621.6021.5622.2722.9522.1823.10GRT.24.30GRT.23.3522.2822.4822.6723.1623.4523.00GRT.23.384822.8023.0023.2523.4624.00GRT.22.00GRT.21.50525123.2022.9823.5023.6622.8825.0024.00923.80GRT.23.50GRT.24.4067GRT.24.4066GRT.24.3065GRT.24.4064GRT.24.4063GRT.23.5559GRT.23.1058GRT.22.1855GRT.21.8056GRT.21.8057GRT.24.306224.6824.8024.6824.8024.6824.8024.4824.6824.8024.6824.8024.6824.8024.4822.3024.6824.8023.6523.7723.3523.4723.3523.4723.2822.2621.8822.3822.5022.0822.2022.0822.2022.0822.20GRT.21.505322.2522.4022.2522.35GRT.22.007522.25GRT.22.007422.2522.2522.40GRT.22.007322.2524.25GRT.23.807224.0024.0024.25GRT.23.807124.0024.0024.2523.2019.92T.O.W.=18.72B.O.W.=18.72GRT.19.507020.0623.7523.6824.00GRT.23.407724.0023.6824.00GRT.23.407624.0024.0028GRT.22.2524.7324.9224.002FL.24.793RIM 30.60GRT.26.50141516GRT.21.5532RIM 31.48RIM 31.94546131303030292931.529.503130303131.53029293030.6530.15AA29.529.530.05RETAINING WALLWITH HANDRAIL &EDGE PROTECTIONFL.27.5938A25.9525.5125.0123.5223.7023.7523.9024.7024.9024.9023.4824.2023.8622.8522.9021.50F.F.22.5324.1821.9322.4723.0829.52CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.78CF.F. 26.7825.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2925.2930.123.8428.0023.9824.1827.69T.O.W.=18.72B.O.W.=18.7218.72TOP OF WALL EL. 24.80, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 22.50, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 23.77, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 22.50, BTM OF WALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 24.50, BTM OF WALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADETOP OF WALL EL. 24.50, BTM OFWALL TO MEET EXISTING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADET.O.W. VARIES TOMEET EXISTIING GRADE27.9326.3523.0422.6523.5023.4823.866" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.06" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO 6" CO6" CO6" CO6" CO 6" CO6" CO 6" CO 6" UNDERDRAINSEE DETAIL 8SHEET C13.0 24252526425.5025.50FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGEC07.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC 60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR STORM SEWER SCHEDULESEE SHEET C07.1STORM STRUCTURE (SEESCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURE TYPEPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE DIVIDESYMBOLS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS32.50PROPOSED STORM SEWER PIPINGDRAINAGE STRUCTURE INDICATOREXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOUREXISTING STORM SEWER PIPING29NOTES:1. ALL SITE WORK SHOWN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR.2. SOIL DENSITY TESTING, SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND ALL OTHER GEOTECHNICAL ACTIVITY ONSITE SHALL BE SUPERVISED AND CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.3. FOR DETAILED STORM STRUCTURES SEE SHEET C13.0MATCH EXISTING GRADEMEGSLOPE ARROWA(1) - 4" STEP W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% B(1) - 7" STEP W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% C(2) - 7" STEPS W/ 20' GARAGE SLOPED @ 2% VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMALTERNATE FOUNDATION DESIGN. DEPTH 12" BELOW GRADE SHOWN(ALL OTHER FOUNDATIONS 18" BELOW FINISHED GRADE)HANDRAIL AT STEPSGEOTECHNICAL DATA:CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BYUNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, UES REPORT NO. 1626718, DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2018PLEASE REFER TO CHAPTERS: 9.8 FLOOR SLABS11.0 SITE PREPARATION12.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONSNOTE: THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT INCLUDES OBSERVATIONS OF ORGANIC SOILS FROM EXISTINGGRADE TO 2.5' BELOW GRADE. ORGANIC CONTENT GREATER THAN 5% IS UNSUITABLE FORSTRUCTURE PLACEMENT AND GREATER THAN 10% IS UNSUITABLE FOR PAVEMENT PLACEMENT.REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE ORGANICS SOILS AND REPLACEMENT WITH COMPACTEDBACKFILL.SEE CROSS SECTION "A - A" ON SHEET C07.1 PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATIONSWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"2'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"SYSL/6"EXISTINGLIFTSTATION60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAIL AND EDGE PROTECTIONCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.). (SEEDETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SIGHT TRIANGLESC06.1GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSSIGN NOTE: ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET FDOT AND MUTCDSPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION AND HEIGHT. POLES AND SIGNFRAMES ARE TO BE DECORATIVE AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF THE WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER CODE, SEC.20-327.1SITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VEND OF SIDEWALK SIGNEND OF ROADWAY, TYPE 4 OBJECT MARKERPER LATEST EDITION OF M.U.T.C.D. MANUAL(NOTE: AREA SHOULD BE PROPERLY ILLUMINATED) PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION20'77334124245514222588'12' 6'20'20'20'100'120'6 0 °20'8'SWSL/4"10'6' 6 0 ° 18 ' R .D20'20'3'R. 60' 5'6'6'5' 20'20'8'6'6'1 5 ' R .15'R.DDFFF39'LLLLLLF18'R.32'R.36'R.12'12'50'R. 1 5 ' R . 1 5 ' R .15'R.20'30'20'14.88'20'20'20'20' 9'18'20'20'SWSL/12"CCCCCC6'6'18'R.A13'R.10'R.5620'20'5.5'8.5'6'M37.07'4'25'8'20'6'8'8'20'26.29'80'21.89'19.59'18.55'15.37'10'R.70'R.15'R.3'R.3'R.F3'R.F3' R .3'R.20' 1 5 ' R .3'R.1 8 'R . 3'R . 3'R . 1 8 ' R .6'6'55'10'20'20'20'58' 65'58'58'20'65'20'65'65'60'100'100'65'20'20'20'20'65'58'58'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'20'16'16'16'16' 16'16'16'16'16'16'5'5'6'6'6'6'1' 6' 1'6'2'6'6'5'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'12.55'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'EEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNDFDDDDDDDJJ8'6'6'6'6'6'SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"34'34'34'30'QQRPPPSSSSSSSSSSS7.28'O7.2865'120'DPKHKKKKKKKKKKNKCCCCCDEDESTSTPEDESTRIANCROSSWALK(TYP.)W11-2R1-2 W16-7P 18'69'3'R.6'6'8' 5'20202020202'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"HSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTEPSW/HANDRAIL46.57'SDNNSTEPSW/HANDRAIL69.39'8'6'5' 6'6'10'6'6'6'6'6' 6' 6'16.25'15.69'19.22'120'65'15'R.1 5 ' R .2015'R.C1 5 ' R .15'R.15'R.15'R.18'R.STKSYSL/6"R6-1R T15'R.15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.1 5 'R .15'R.15 'R .CS1 8 ' R .20USSS2020EXISTINGLIFT STATIONVES20'20'8' 8'5520'5520'D20'6'9'18'D20'22OM11.91' 11.93' 11.93' 11.96' 11.96' 11.99' 11.99' 12.02' 0.85'2.73'J6'60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAIL AND EDGE PROTECTIONCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.). (SEEDETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE LAYOUT PLANC06.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSSIGN NOTE: ALL SIGNS SHALL MEET FDOT AND MUTCDSPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION AND HEIGHT. POLES AND SIGNFRAMES ARE TO BE DECORATIVE AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOF THE WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER CODE, SEC.20-327.1SITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VEND OF SIDEWALK SIGNEND OF ROADWAY, TYPE 4 OBJECT MARKERPER LATEST EDITION OF M.U.T.C.D. MANUAL(NOTE: AREA SHOULD BE PROPERLY ILLUMINATED)POST-MOUNTED DOG WASTE BAG DISPENCER WITHTRASH RECEPTACLE AND SIGNAGEY N.T.S.CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESILT BARRIER DETAILN.T.S.GUTTER BUDDYCURB INLET PROTECTIONN.T.S.1'1'GUTTER BUDDYDISTRIBUTED BYACFENVIRONMENTALSIDEWALKGUTTERFLOWCURBINLETCURBROCK BAG(TYP.)N.T.S.INLET SEDIMENT FILTERSECTION VIEW-INSTALLED-WITH OPTIONAL CURB INLET DAMSPECIFIER CHARTMODEL NO.CATCH BASIN IDInside Dimension(inch x inch)CURB DAMOPTION(YES / NO)FG-TB24NOYESFG-TB24DFG-TB2436FG-TB2436DFG-TB36FG-TB36D24 x 2424 x 2424 x 3624 x 3636 x 3636 x 36NOYESNOYESFG-TB-0001P.O. Box 6419, Santa Rosa, CA 95406Ph: 800.579.8819, Fax: 707.524.8186, www.kristar.comKriStar Enterprises, Inc.N/R T-BAGfTEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION DEVICEd3456213. MAINTENANCE:1.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST WEEKLY. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALLBE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEYREACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER.2.INLETS SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND ANYREPAIRS SHALL BE PERFORMED IMMEDIATELY.3.BARE AREAS OF THE SITE THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY SEEDED SHALL BE RE-SEEDEDPER MANUFACTURES' INSTRUCTIONS.4.MULCH AND SOD THAT HAS BEEN WASHED OUT SHALL BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY.ALL MEASURES ON THIS SITE MAP, AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIONPLAN, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN FULLY FUNCTIONAL CONDITION UNTIL NO LONGERREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETED PHASE OF WORK OR FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE.CONTROLS ARE TO BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED IF IN A SUBSTANDARD CONDITION. ALLMAINTENANCE MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE NOTED, ON PLANS, AS THEY OCCUR.4. INSPECTIONS:A QUALIFIED INSPECTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL POINTS OF DISCHARGE INTO SURFACEWATERS OF THE STATE AND MS4 (CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS & FDOT); DISTURBED AREASOF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED; AREAS USEDFOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO PRECIPITATION; STRUCTURALCONTROLS; AND, LOCATIONS WHERE VEHICLES ENTER OR EXIT THE SITE, AT LEAST ONCEEVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM THAT IS0.50 INCHES OR GREATER. A REPORT SUMMARIZING THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE AND RETAINED IN THE CONSTRUCTION TRAILER AS PART OF THESTORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION5. NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES:IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THE FOLLOWING NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES MAY OCCURFROM THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD:1.WATER FROM LINE FLUSHINGS2.PAVEMENT WASH WATER (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUSMATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED)3.SITE WATERING, TO ALLEVIATE FUGATIVE DUST4.ROUTINE EXTERNAL BUILDING WASHDOWN WHICH DOES NOT USE DETERGENTS5.IRRIGATION DRAINAGEIF SAID DISCHARGES DO OCCUR, THEY WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE TEMPORARY EROSIONCONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO DISCHARGE6. CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION:ALL CONTRACTOR(S) AND SUBCONTRACTOR(S) IDENTIFIED ABOVE MUST SIGN THEFOLLOWING CERTIFICATION: "I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND,AND SHALL COMPLY WITH, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDAGENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALLCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND THIS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANPREPARED THEREUNDER."BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SEQUENCE1. SITE DESCRIPTIONA. CONSTRUCTION OF 20 MULTIFAMILY TOWNHOME BUILDINGS, PUBLIC ROADS, AND SURFACE PARKING AREAS.B. SEQUENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE:(1) INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS.(2) PREPARE SITE.(3) CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED AREA.(4) INSTALL PROPOSED UNDERGROUND STORMWATER AND UTILITIES.(5) INSTALL CONCRETE CURB, CONCRETE SIDEWALK. AND PAVEMENT(6) STABILIZE SITE.C.TOTAL SITE AREA:8.4± ACRESDISTURBED SITE AREA:8.4± ACRESD. SOILS: VERY LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE FINE SAND WITH VARIOUS AMOUNTSOF SILT.E. DRAINAGE AREA FOR EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:16.2± ACRESDRAINAGE AREA FOR PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:16.2± ACRESF.LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 43.8" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 32.1" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING WETLANDSLATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 43.8" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 32.1" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING WETLANDS2. CONTROLSA. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS:(1) STABILIZATION PRACTICES:1.TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE RYE GRASS APPLIED AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO ANY DISTURBEDAREAS THAT ARE INACTIVE FOR SEVEN DAYS.2.MULCHING PRACTICES AND SOD SHALL BE APPLIED TO PARKING LOT ISLANDS.(2) STRUCTURAL PRACTICES:1.PRIOR TO CLEARING, A SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE, AS SHOWN HEREIN.2.DURING THE CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND SITE GRADING STAGES, AREAS TO BE LEFT DISTURBED MORE THAN 7 DAYSSHALL BE STABILIZED WITH RYE GRASS APPLIED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. AFTER SEEDING, EACHAREA SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 4,000 POUNDS OF STRAW PER ACRE.3.AFTER ALL INITIAL SITE GRADING WORK, ALL PROPOSED INLETS/OUTFALLS, ONCE INSTALLED, SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT RUNOFF BY THE USE OF THE INLET PROTECTION DESIGNATED ON THESITE MAP. DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE PERMANENTLY CEASEDSHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED OR SOD AS INDICATED ON THE SITE MAP NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE LASTCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. SEEDING SHALL BE THE SAME AS IN TEMPORARY SEEDING.4.ALL INSTALLATION SHALL BE COMMENCED AS DEPICTED ON THE SITE MAPS AND EROSION CONTROL DETAIL SHEET.5.IF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DEVIATE FROM THE PLANS THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SHALL BENOTIFIED.B. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS:1.CATCH BASINS AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM ON-SITE TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF THE ENTIRE SITE TO THEDISCHARGE POINT.C. CONTROLS FOR OTHER POLLUTANTS:1.WASTE DISPOSAL: ALL WASTE WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROPRIATE LEGAL MANOR, AND COMPLY WITH CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS ORDINANCES FOR WASTE DISPOSAL AND COMMERCIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT.2.VEHICLE TRACKING: OFF SITE VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS AND DUST GENERATION WILL BE MINIMIZED VIA BESTPOSSIBLE PRACTICES, DAILY SWEEPING AND THE USE OF WATER TO KEEP DUST DOWN.3.FERTILIZERS, HERBICIDES, AND PESTICIDES: FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES WILL BE USED AT A MINIMUM AND INACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS' SUGGESTED APPLICATION APPLICATION RATES. THE FERTILIZERS ANDPESTICIDES SHALL BE STORED IN A COVERED SHED.4.TOXIC SUBSTANCES: ALL PAINTS AND OTHER CHEMICALS WILL BE STORED IN A LOCKED COVERED SHED.5.OTHER: PORT-O-LETS WILL BE PLACED AWAY FROM THE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AND STORM INLETS. NO VEHICLEMAINTENANCE SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON-SITE. A WASHDOWN AREA SHALL BE DESIGNATED AT ALL TIMES AND WILLNOT BE LOCATED IN ANY AREA THAT WILL ALLOW FOR THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTED RUNOFF. A SMALL VEGETATEDBERM SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE WASHDOWN AREA.FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SWPPP DETAILS AND NOTESC05.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITYDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION20'75'IP2IP1CEIP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP1IP1IP2IP1IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP2IP1IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP2IP1IP1IP1FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092PHASE 2 SWPPP PLANC04.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC 60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHLEGENDIP1SFCESFIP2LIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCELIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCEFOR SWPPP DETAILS AND NOTESSEE SHEET C05.0SILT FENCE S50°31'58"W 1033.48'S46°13'52"E177.70' (F)S32°50'43"E 662.97' (F)S50°31'58"W 997.88' (F)PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 T20'75'CEIP1IP160300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHLEGENDIP1SFCESFIP2LIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCELIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCEFOR SWPPP DETAILS AND NOTESSEE SHEET C05.0LIMITS OF DISTURBANCESILT FENCEFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SWPPP PHASE 1C03.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC NOTE: A 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH EITHERGREEN OR BLACK OPAQUE PRIVACY SCREENIS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AROUND THEPROJECT PERIMETER PRIOR TO SITE WORK. PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPTDOG STATIONDOG STATIONDOG STATION DOG STATIONDOG STATION1 234 5 6 78 910 11 121314 15161718 1920212223 24 2526 2728 29 3031 323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455 565758 59 60 6162636465666768697071727374 75 7677 787980 81 82 83 848586878889 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107108 109 110111112 113 114 115 116 117 118119120121 122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137 138139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146147 148 149 150151 152 153 154 155156 157 158159 160 161162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208209210 211 212213 214 215 216 217218 219220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230231 232233 234 235 236237238239 240 241242243244 245 246 247 248 249 250251 252 253 254255 256 257 258 259 260261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302303 304 305 306 307 308309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365366 367 368 369 370 371 372373 374 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 TREE PLANC02.1GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC TREE CHART1 - 17" PALM2 - 12" PALM3 - 10" PALM4 - 14" PALM5 - 12" PALM6 - 16" PALM7 - 14" PALM8 - 7" GUM9 - 5" GUM10 - 4" GUM11 - 7" BAY12 - 11" PALM13 - 11" PALM14 - 6" GUM15 - 2-5" BAY16 - 4" GUM17 - 6" BAY18 - 4" BAY19 - 2-13" OAK20 - 6" GUM21 - 12" GUM22 - 11" GUM23 - 17" OAK24 - 5" BAY25 - 20" OAK26 - 12" OAK27 - 20" OAK28 - 8" GUM29 - 5" GUM30 - 4" GUM31 - 7" MAPLE32 - 6" GUM33 - 4" MAPLE34 - 5" GUM35 - 4" GUM36 - 8" BAY37 - 6" BAY38 - 8" BAY39 - 9" GUM40 - 6" GUM41 - 5" GUM42 - 4" GUM43 - 4" BAY44 - 8" GUM45 - 6" BAY46 - 6" BAY47 - 5" BAY48 - 5" GUM49 - 5" BAY50 - 5" BAY51 - 6" GUM52 - 4" PINE53 - 5" BAY54 - 5" BAY55 - 5" BAY56 - 9" BAY57 - 4" BAY58 - 20" BAY59 - 12" MAPLE60 - 5" PINE61 - 8" PINE62 - 12" GUM63 - 5" GUM64 - 2-4" BAY65 - 7" OAK66 - 5" BAY67 - 6" OAK68 - 8" OAK69 - 5" BAY70 - 5" BAY71 - 5" GUM72 - 5-" CHINA BERRY73 - 8" GUM74 - 5" GUM75 - 6" GUM76 - 5" BAY77 - 5" BAY78 - 4" OAK79 - 5" GUM80 - 5" BAY81 - 5" BAY82 - 19" GUM83 - 6" BAY84 - 6" BAY85 - 6" BAY86 - 6" GUM87 - 5" BAY88 - 8" PINE89 - 6" BAY90 - 5" GUM91 - 6" GUM92 - 5" BAY93 - 8" BAY94 - 5" GUM95 - 5" BAY96 - 8" PINE97 - 9" GUM98 - 5" BAY99 - 9" BAY100 - 7" GUM101 - 5" GUM102 - 8" GUM103 - 19" BAY104 - 11" GUM105 - 12" PALM106 - 11" PALM107 - 13" PALM108 - 12" GUM109 - 11" PALM110 - 10" PALM111 - 13" PALM112 - 12" PALM113 - 6" GUM114 - 7" GUM115 - 13" GUM116 - 5" GUM117 - 2-7" OAK118 - 7" GUM119 - 5" GUM120 - 5" OAK121 - 5" GUM122 - 8" PINE123 - 5" GUM124 - 6" PINE125 - 8" PINE126 - 5" GUM127 - 7" GUM128 - 5" GUM129 - 5" GUM130 - 5" GUM131 - 3-6" OAK132 - 6" OAK133 - 5" BAY134 - 6" PINE135 - 6" PINE136 - 19" PINE137 - 2-5" GUM138 - 5" BAY139 - 2-5" BAY140 - 5" BAY141 - 4" GUM142 - 4" GUM143 - 15" GUM144 - 14" BAY145 - 6" BAY146 - 5" OAK147 - 5" BAY148 - 5" GUM149 - 5" GUM150 - 5" OAK151 - 6" BAY152 - 6" GUM153 - 6" GUM154 - 7" GUM155 - 4" GUM156 - 4" OAK157 - 10" GUM158 - 6" GUM159 - 6" BAY160 - 7" MAPLE161 - 10" MAPLE162 - 7" GUM163 - 8" OAK164 - 5" MAPLE165 - 10" PALM166 - 5" GUM167 - 19" GUM168 - 7" BAY169 - 4" BAY170 - 9" GUM171 - 6" BAY172 - 7" BAY173 - 7" GUM174 - 5" GUM175 - 5" GUM176 - 11" GUM177 - 5" GUM178 - 7" GUM179 - 5" BAY180 - 5" GUM181 - 5" GUM182 - 5" GUM183 - 6" GUM184 - 6" GUM185 - 4" GUM186 - 6" GUM187 - 5" GUM188 - 2-5" GUM189 - 9" PINE190 - 8" GUM191 - 6" BAY192 - 14" OAK193 - 13" OAK194 - 12" GUM195 - 9" GUM196 - 9" GUM197 - 6" GUM198 - 14" GUM199 - 12" GUM200 - 8" GUM201 - 5" GUM202 - 11" GUM203 - 8" GUM204 - 12" PALM205 - 24" OAK206 - 16" GUM207 - 8" GUM208 - 11" PALM209 - 11" GUM210 - 11" PALM211 - 14" GUM212 - 7" GUM213 - 6" GUM214 - 4" BAY215 - 6" GUM216 - 6" BAY217 - 6" BAY218 - 4" BAY219 - 5" BAY220 - 4" BAY221 - 4" BAY222 - 2-5" GUM223 - 6" BAY224 - 5" GUM225 - 6" GUM226 - 6" GUM227 - 4" GUM228 - 10" GUM229 - 10" GUM230 - 11" GUM231 - 7" BAY232 - 9" GUM233 - 5" PINE234 - 4" GUM235 - 6" GUM236 - 2-10" OAK237 - 20" PINE238 - 8" PALM239 - 20" PALM240 - 10" PALM241 - 10" PALM242 - 12" PALM243 - 8" PALM244 - 13" PALM245 - 12" PALM246 - 12" PALM247 - 12" PALM248 - 11" PALM249 - 10" PALM250 - 9" PINE251 - 11" PALM253 - 8" PALM254 - 14" PALM255 - 12" PALM256 - 13" PALM257 - 8" PALM258 - 7" GUM259 - 5" GUM260 - 21" OAK261 - 18" OAK262 - 15" OAK263 - 14" PALM264 - 9" PALM265 - 12" PALM266 - 10" PALM267 - 5" GUM268 - 13" PALM269 - 8" GUM270 - 6" GUM271 - 6" GUM272 - 7" GUM273 - 9" PALM274 - 10" OAK275 - 16" PALM276 - 12" PALM277 - 10" PALM278 - 12" PALM279 - 10" GUM280 - 16" OAK281 - 10" OAK282 - 9" PALM283 - 8" OAK284 - 12" PALM285 - 10" PALM286 - 6" GUM287 - 5" GUM288 - 5" GUM289 - 5" GUM290 - 10" GUM291 - 11" PALM292 - 11" PALM293 - 13" PALM294 - 12" PALM295 - 11" PALM296 - 12" PALM297 - 13" PALM298 - 13" PALM299 - 11" PALM300 - 11" PALM301 - 12" PALM302 - 11" PALM303 - 12" PALM304 - 9" PALM305 - 13" OAK306 - 12" GUM307 - 21" OAK308 - 7" GUM309 - 6" GUM310 - 7" GUM311 - 14" GUM312 - 11" GUM313 - 16" GUM314 - 9" OAK315 - 9" OAK316 - 9" OAK317 - 15" GUM318 - 8" MAGNOLIA319 - 7" GUM320 - 6" GUM321 - 8" GUM322 - 5" GUM323 - 8" GUM324 - 6" OAK325 - 6" BAY326 - 2-5" OAK327 - 2-5" OAK328 - 12" GUM329 - 6" BAY330 - 7" GUM331 - 12" GUM332 - 11" GUM333 - 6" BAY334 - 5" GUM335 - 7" CAMPHOR336 - 5" BAY337 - 8" BAY338 - 6" OAK339 - 5" OAK340 - 8" OAK341 - 6" OAK342 - 13" GUM343 - 12" PALM344 - 13" GUM345 - 6" GUM346 - 2-16" MAPLE347 - 8" OAK348 - 2-14" GUM349 - 6" GUM350 - 17" OAK351 - 6" OAK352 - 11" GUM353 - 5" BAY354 - 5" OAK355 - 14" GUM356 - 5" OAK357 - 6" OAK358 - 15" GUM359 - 5" OAK360 - 3-6" OAK361 - 9" BAY362 - 7" CAMPHOR363 - 6" CAMPHOR364 - 17" GUM365 - 7" OAK366 - 5" OAK367 - 6" BAY368 - 5" BAY369 - 6" OAK370 - 8" GUM371 - 8" BAY372 - 6" BAY373 - 10" GUM374 - 12" GUM376 - 12" GUM377 - 8" GUM378 - 6" GUM379 - 8" GUM380 - 7" GUM381 - 12" GUM382 - 11" OAK383 - 11" GUM384 - 9" GUM385 - 9" GUMNOTE: ALL TREES TO BE REMOVED DUE TOPROPOSED GRADE CHANGE ON THE SITE PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 T60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITED PERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, A REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORD DRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 DEMO PLANC02.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLC NOTE: A 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH EITHERGREEN OR BLACK OPAQUE PRIVACY SCREENIS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AROUND THEPROJECT PERIMETER PRIOR TO SITE WORK.REMOVED MITERED ENDSECTION AND RIP-RAPREMOVED MITERED ENDSECTION AND RIP-RAPAS PART OF THISDEVELOPMENT, SWALEMUST BE FILLED. SWALE ISCURRENTLY CONVEYINGWATER FROM THE EXISTINGTOWN CENTER AND MUSTREMAIN ACTIVE UNTILPROPOSED STORM SYSTEMIS COMPLETE.LAYOUT OF PROPOSEDSTORM LINE TO REPLACESWALE. CONTRACTORTEMPORARILY RE-REOUTESWALE TO ACCOMODATECONSTRUCTION OFPROPOSED STORM LINESAND STRUCTURES. COPYRIGHT © 1986 - 2017, ACCURIGHT SURVEYSACCURIGHT SURVEYS OF ORLANDO INC., LB 44752012 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida 32803www.AccurightSurveys.netACCU@AccurightSurveys.netPHONE: (407) 894-6314O:\17063.20\CONST\17063.20 S01.0 BOUNDARY SURVEY.dwg - Oct 31, 2019DRAWN BY: JOB #47812SUBDIVISION NAME:CF#SCALE: 1" = FIELD DATE: 10/12/17PREPARED FOR:LOCATION:17063.20 S01.0 BOUNDARY SURVEYLOCHRANEBY:REVISIONDATE:JOB #4/10/18BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE:per 5J-17.051(3)(b)3 Florida Administrative CodeLEGENDD.R. MITCHEL'SNE CORNER MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD & E. STATE ROAD434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDABOUNDARY AND TREE SURVEYTHIS SURVEY MEETS THE "STANDARDS OF PRACTICE" ASREQUIRED BY CHAPTER 5J-17 FLORIDA BOARD OF LANDSURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 OF THEFLORIDA STATUTES.JAMES D. BRAY, PSM 6507"NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISEDSEAL OF THIS FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER."ORTHE DIGITAL SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WASAUTHORIZED BY JAMES D. BRAY, PSM 6507.30'-BB-- BOTTOM OF BANK- BACK FLOW PREVENTERBM- BENCHMARKBWF- BARBED WIRE FENCE- BOLLARD-E-- BURIED ELECTRIC LINE- CABLE TV RISERCALC- CALCULATEDC&M- CALCULATED & MEASUREDΔ- CENTRAL ANGLECBW- CONCRETE BLOCK WALL-C-- CABLE TV LINECC- COVERED CONCRETECCR- CERTIFIED CORNER RECORDCF- CONCRETE FLUMECLF- CHAIN LINK FENCE- CENTERLINECM- CONCRETE MONUMENTCMP- CORRUGATED METAL PIPE- CLEAN OUTCONC- CONCRETECOVD- COVEREDCP- CONCRETE PADCW- CONCRETE WALKWAYD&M- DESCRIBED & MEASUREDDB- DEED BOOKDE- DRAINAGE EASEMENTDESC- DESCRIBED- DOT INLETDP- DUMPSTER PADDW- DRIVEWAY- EASEMENT NUMBER- ELECTRIC METER- ELECTRICAL BOXEL- ELEVATIONESMT- EASEMENTEP- EDGE OF PAVEMENT-X-- FENCE LINEFIRM- FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPFFE- FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION- FIRE HYDRANT-FM-- FORCE MAIN LINEFND- FOUND-F-- FIBER OPTIC CABLE LINE- FLAG POLE-G-- GAS LINE- GAS METER- GREASE TRAP MANHOLE- GUY WIRE ANCHOR- HANDICAP PARKINGHDPE- HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENEINV- INVERT ELEVATIONIP- IRON PIPEIR- IRON RODL- ARC LENGTHLB- LICENSED BUSINESS- LIGHT POLELS- LICENSED SURVEYORLSA- LANDSCAPED AREAMEAS- MEASUREDMF- METAL FENCE- MITERED END SECTION- MONITORING WELLN&D- NAIL & DISKNAVD- NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUMNGVD- NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUMNTS- NOT TO SCALEORB- OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK-OW-- OVERHEAD WIREPB- PLAT BOOKPC- POINT OF CURVATUREPCC- POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATUREPEP- PER ENGINEERING PLANSPF- PLASTIC FENCEPG- PAGEPI- POINT OF INTERSECTIONP&M- PLAT & MEASUREDPOB- POINT OF BEGINNINGPOC- POINT OF COMMENCEMENTPRC- POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE# PS- PARKING SPACESPLS- PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORPSM- PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPERPT- POINT OF TANGENCYPVC- PLASTIC PIPER- CURVE RADIUSRCP- REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE-R-- REUSE WATER LINE- REUSE WATER METER- REUSE WATER VALVER/W- RIGHT-OF-WAY- SANITARY MANHOLE-S-- SANITARY LINESF- SQUARE FEET-D-- STORM/DRAIN LINESDO- SHOWN FOR DIRECTION ONLYSN- SIGNSWF- STOCK WIRE FENCE- SEWER VALVEx00.00- SPOT ELEVATION- STORM MANHOLE-T-- TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINE- TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANHOLE- STORM INLET-TB-- TOP OF BANK- TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE- TRAFFIC SIGN- TRANSFORMER/JUNCTION BOX- TELEPHONE RISER- TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOXTSW- TRAFFIC SIGNAL WIRETYP- TYPICALUE- UTILITY EASEMENT- UTILITY POLE-W-- WATER LINEWF- WOOD FENCEWS- WOOD SHED- WATER VALVE- WATER METERTVCO#EMEBFHFPGMGSVTTPTTRTSBUPACCURIGHTSHEET 1 OF 1ADDED LIFT STATION EASEMENT FROM ITEM 1310/17/174781204/10/1847460UPDATE BOUNDARY & ADD TREE LOCATIONGLTCOS38°23'34"E 1320.11' DESCN51°36'26"E94.94' DESCN24°10'06"W48.66' DESC N38°43'16"W 246.60' DESC N51°16'44"E 389.87' DESCN53°37'06"E71.07' DESCCURVE DATAΔ = 41°04'59"R = 15.00'L = 10.76'CHORDN74°09'35"E10.53' DESCCURVE DATAΔ = 42°13'19"R = 15.00'L = 11.05'CHORDS64°11'16"E10.81' DESCEϱϭΣϮϰΖϰϵΗ63.63' D&MCURVE DATAȴсϯϱΣϭϵΖϱϰΗR = 15.00'L = 9.25'CHORDEϭϲΣϰϯΖϮϱΗt9.10' D&MCURVE DATAȴсϯϯΣϮϱΖϯϭΗR = 15.00'L = 8.75'CHORDEϭϳΣϯϵΖϭϳΗ8.63' D&MEϯϰΣϮϮΖϬϯΗ70.51 ' D&M^ϰϲΣϭϯΖϱϮΗ145.09' D&M^ϯϮΣϱϬΖϰϯΗϲϲϮ͘ ϵ ϳ Ζ Θ DS50°31'58"W 997.88' DESCN38°43'16"W 357.65' DESC CURVE DATAȴсϬϳΣϭϱΖϰϲΗR = 1030.00'L = 130.56'CHORDEϯϮΣϭϴΖϱϵΗ130.47' D&MCURVE DATAȴсϭϯΣϯϳΖϰϱΗR = 944.00'L = 224.55'CHORDEϯϱΣϮϵΖϱϴΗ224.02' D&M^ϱϬΣϯϭΖϱϴΗtϰϲϴ͘ϰϯΖΘDEϯϴΣϯϮΖϮϵΗtϲϬϲ͘ϬϯΖΘD PRCNTPTPCEϯϰΣϮϯΖϮϮΗt27.14' D&MEϬϬΣϱϲΖϯϮΗ51.24' D&MS85°17'55"E22.68' DESCS43°04'36"E31.18' DESC P TPCPC PTCURVE DATAΔ = 90°00'00"R = 25.00'L = 39.27'CHORDN06°16'44"E35.36' DESCEϬϯΣϯϳΖϰϵΗ33.85' MEASXXXX#################################1.7'######################0.6'SECLF 0.4'NWBWF 0.7'SE CLF 1.8'17.4'6.3'0.6'SW10.1'10.1'10.7'8.2'20.3'CW, 0.7'SE23.1'18.5'4.6' 8.7' 22.6'FND N&DLB# 2856REPLACEDWITHSET N&DPRM LB #4475CONC6' CW6' CWASPHALTEPASPHALTEP FND 1" IPTINKLEPAUGHLB #3778REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 1" IPTINKLEPAUGHLB #3778REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475ASPHALTEPASPHALTEPEP14.1' 13.4'13.7'13.8'ASPHALTEPASPHALTEP4' BWF4' BWF4' BWF6' CLFEϮϰΣϬϳΖϬϯΗt48.62' MEAS EϯϴΣϰϯΖϮϳΗtϮϰϲ͘ϲϯΖD^EϱϭΣϭϲΖϭϴΗϯϵϮ͘ϬϬΖD^^ϱϬΣϯϭΖϮϴΗtϵϵϳ͘ϳϱΖD^EϯϴΣϰϯΖϮϲΗtϯϱϳ͘ϳϳΖD^CONCHEADWALLHAND RAILCONCHEADWALLHAND RAILFND 1/2" IRLB #4475REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 1" IP"TINKLEPAUGH"LB #3778FND 5/8" IRLB #2856FND 5/8" IRNO #REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 5/8" IRLB #2856FND 5/8" IRLB #2856OFFSET 1.47'S, 1.62'WPART OF LOTS 7 & 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 7486, PG 138PART OF LOTS 7 & 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 7486, PG 138PART OF LOTS 7 & 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 7486, PG 138ACQUSITION PARCEL "B"PART OF PB 1, PG 35-38AND PART OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075OWNER: TIITF/GREENWAYS & TRAILSWINTER SPGS TOWN CEN LAND EXCHPARCEL ID: 26-20-30-5AR-0A00-006BEASEMENT 1CROSS ACCESS, UTILITYAND PEDESTRIAN ESMTPART OF LOT 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075EASEMENT 2CROSS ACCESS, UTILITYAND PEDESTRIAN ESMTPART OF LOT 7BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075EASEMENT 3CROSS ACCESS, UTILITYAND PEDESTRIAN ESMTPART OF LOT 7BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 107511.8'EASEMENT 4CROSS ACCESS, UTILITYAND PEDESTRIAN ESMTPART OF LOT 6BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075EASEMENT 1CROSS ACCESS, UTILITYAND PEDESTRIAN ESMTPART OF LOT 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075BUMP MATT1' CURB & GUTTERPART OF PARCEL 007KUNDER CONSTRUCTIONVACANT (NO BUILDINGS)ACQUSITION PARCEL "B"PART OF PB 1, PG 35-38AND PART OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8BLOCK "A", PB 1, PG 5ORB 3988, PG 1075OWNER: TIITF/GREENWAYS & TRAILSWINTER SPGS TOWN CEN LAND EXCHPARCEL ID: 26-20-30-5AR-0A00-006BMICHAEL BLAKE BLVD(VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W)FND 5/8" IRLB #2856FND 5/8" IRLB #2856FND 5/8" IRLB #2856REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 5/8" IRILLEGIBLEREPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 5/8" IRILLEGIBLEREPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 5/8" IRILLEGIBLEREPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475FND 5/8" IRILLEGIBLEREPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475STATE ROAD 434(VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W)POCINSERSECTION SR 434AND TUSKAWILLA ROADFDOT R/W MAP, SECTION 77070-2516BASE LINE R/W MAP SECTION 77070-2516NE'RLY R/W LINE(BEARING BASIS)EASTERLY R/WEASTERLY R/WPTP C PTPC S'ERLY LINEACQUISITION "B"ORB 4092, PG 164S'ERLY LINEACQUISITION "B"ORB 4092, PG 164NW'ERLY LINEACQUISITION "B"ORB 4092, PG 164POBFND 5/8" IRNO #REPLACEDWITHSET 4"X4" CMLB#4475TEMPORARYDRAINAGE ESMTORB 7699, PG 20011TEMPORARYDRAINAGE ESMTORB 7699, PG 20011DETENTION POND AREAORB 8871, PG 98(SHADED)13SANITARY SEWER ANDLIFT STATION ESMTSHOWN PER SHEET C27.0LIFT STATION SHEETPROVIDED BY LOCHRANECONSULTING ENGINEERSSURVEYORSORB 8871, PG 98(SHADED)13S52°50'51"E39.01' CALCS37°09'09"W41.00' CALCN52°50'51"W38.7' CALC CURVE CHART CENTRAL ARC CHORD CHORDNO. ANGLE RADIUS LENGTH BEARING DISTANCEC1 06°46'55" 944.00' 111.74' N32°04'33"E 111.67'C2 02°29'20" 944.00' 41.00' N36°42'40"E 41.00'C3 04°21'31" 944.00' 71.81'N40°08'06"E 71.79'C2C3C4123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372 373374376377378379380381382383384385PLAT OF SURVEYNESW60'GRAPHIC SCALE1" = 30'90'15'0'30'TREE CHART1 - 17" PALM2 - 12" PALM3 - 10" PALM4 - 14" PALM5 - 12" PALM6 - 16" PALM7 - 14" PALM8 - 7" GUM9 - 5" GUM10 - 4" GUM11 - 7" BAY12 - 11" PALM13 - 11" PALM14 - 6" GUM15 - 2-5" BAY16 - 4" GUM17 - 6" BAY18 - 4" BAY19 - 2-13" OAK20 - 6" GUM21 - 12" GUM22 - 11" GUM23 - 17" OAK24 - 5" BAY25 - 20" OAK26 - 12" OAK27 - 20" OAK28 - 8" GUM29 - 5" GUM30 - 4" GUM31 - 7" MAPLE32 - 6" GUM33 - 4" MAPLE34 - 5" GUM35 - 4" GUM36 - 8" BAY37 - 6" BAY38 - 8" BAY39 - 9" GUM40 - 6" GUM41 - 5" GUM42 - 4" GUM43 - 4" BAY44 - 8" GUM45 - 6" BAY46 - 6" BAY47 - 5" BAY48 - 5" GUM49 - 5" BAY50 - 5" BAY51 - 6" GUM52 - 4" PINE53 - 5" BAY54 - 5" BAY55 - 5" BAY56 - 9" BAY57 - 4" BAY58 - 20" BAY59 - 12" MAPLE60 - 5" PINE61 - 8" PINE62 - 12" GUM63 - 5" GUM64 - 2-4" BAY65 - 7" OAK66 - 5" BAY67 - 6" OAK68 - 8" OAK69 - 5" BAY70 - 5" BAY71 - 5" GUM72 - 5-" CHINA BERRY73 - 8" GUM74 - 5" GUM75 - 6" GUM76 - 5" BAY77 - 5" BAY78 - 4" OAK79 - 5" GUM80 - 5" BAY81 - 5" BAY82 - 19" GUM83 - 6" BAY84 - 6" BAY85 - 6" BAY86 - 6" GUM87 - 5" BAY88 - 8" PINE89 - 6" BAY90 - 5" GUM91 - 6" GUM92 - 5" BAY93 - 8" BAY94 - 5" GUM95 - 5" BAY96 - 8" PINE97 - 9" GUM98 - 5" BAY99 - 9" BAY100 - 7" GUM101 - 5" GUM102 - 8" GUM103 - 19" BAY104 - 11" GUM105 - 12" PALM106 - 11" PALM107 - 13" PALM108 - 12" GUM109 - 11" PALM110 - 10" PALM111 - 13" PALM112 - 12" PALM113 - 6" GUM114 - 7" GUM115 - 13" GUM116 - 5" GUM117 - 2-7" OAK118 - 7" GUM119 - 5" GUM120 - 5" OAK121 - 5" GUM122 - 8" PINE123 - 5" GUM124 - 6" PINE125 - 8" PINE126 - 5" GUM127 - 7" GUM128 - 5" GUM129 - 5" GUM130 - 5" GUM131 - 3-6" OAK132 - 6" OAK133 - 5" BAY134 - 6" PINE135 - 6" PINE136 - 19" PINE137 - 2-5" GUM138 - 5" BAY139 - 2-5" BAY140 - 5" BAY141 - 4" GUM142 - 4" GUM143 - 15" GUM144 - 14" BAY145 - 6" BAY146 - 5" OAK147 - 5" BAY148 - 5" GUM149 - 5" GUM150 - 5" OAK151 - 6" BAY152 - 6" GUM153 - 6" GUM154 - 7" GUM155 - 4" GUM156 - 4" OAK157 - 10" GUM158 - 6" GUM159 - 6" BAY160 - 7" MAPLE161 - 10" MAPLE162 - 7" GUM163 - 8" OAK164 - 5" MAPLE165 - 10" PALM166 - 5" GUM167 - 19" GUM168 - 7" BAY169 - 4" BAY170 - 9" GUM171 - 6" BAY172 - 7" BAY173 - 7" GUM174 - 5" GUM175 - 5" GUM176 - 11" GUM177 - 5" GUM178 - 7" GUM179 - 5" BAY180 - 5" GUM181 - 5" GUM182 - 5" GUM183 - 6" GUM184 - 6" GUM185 - 4" GUM186 - 6" GUM187 - 5" GUM188 - 2-5" GUM189 - 9" PINE190 - 8" GUM191 - 6" BAY192 - 14" OAK193 - 13" OAK194 - 12" GUM195 - 9" GUM196 - 9" GUM197 - 6" GUM198 - 14" GUM199 - 12" GUM200 - 8" GUM201 - 5" GUM202 - 11" GUM203 - 8" GUM204 - 12" PALM205 - 24" OAK206 - 16" GUM207 - 8" GUM208 - 11" PALM209 - 11" GUM210 - 11" PALM211 - 14" GUM212 - 7" GUM213 - 6" GUM214 - 4" BAY215 - 6" GUM216 - 6" BAY217 - 6" BAY218 - 4" BAY219 - 5" BAY220 - 4" BAY221 - 4" BAY222 - 2-5" GUM223 - 6" BAY224 - 5" GUM225 - 6" GUM226 - 6" GUM227 - 4" GUM228 - 10" GUM229 - 10" GUM230 - 11" GUM231 - 7" BAY232 - 9" GUM233 - 5" PINE234 - 4" GUM235 - 6" GUM236 - 2-10" OAK237 - 20" PINE238 - 8" PALM239 - 20" PALM240 - 10" PALM241 - 10" PALM242 - 12" PALM243 - 8" PALM244 - 13" PALM245 - 12" PALM246 - 12" PALM247 - 12" PALM248 - 11" PALM249 - 10" PALM250 - 9" PINE251 - 11" PALM253 - 8" PALM254 - 14" PALM255 - 12" PALM256 - 13" PALM257 - 8" PALM258 - 7" GUM259 - 5" GUM260 - 21" OAK261 - 18" OAK262 - 15" OAK263 - 14" PALM264 - 9" PALM265 - 12" PALM266 - 10" PALM267 - 5" GUM268 - 13" PALM269 - 8" GUM270 - 6" GUM271 - 6" GUM272 - 7" GUM273 - 9" PALM274 - 10" OAK275 - 16" PALM276 - 12" PALM277 - 10" PALM278 - 12" PALM279 - 10" GUM280 - 16" OAK281 - 10" OAK282 - 9" PALM283 - 8" OAK284 - 12" PALM285 - 10" PALM286 - 6" GUM287 - 5" GUM288 - 5" GUM289 - 5" GUM290 - 10" GUM291 - 11" PALM292 - 11" PALM293 - 13" PALM294 - 12" PALM295 - 11" PALM296 - 12" PALM297 - 13" PALM298 - 13" PALM299 - 11" PALM300 - 11" PALM301 - 12" PALM302 - 11" PALM303 - 12" PALM304 - 9" PALM305 - 13" OAK306 - 12" GUM307 - 21" OAK308 - 7" GUM309 - 6" GUM310 - 7" GUM311 - 14" GUM312 - 11" GUM313 - 16" GUM314 - 9" OAK315 - 9" OAK316 - 9" OAK317 - 15" GUM318 - 8" MAGNOLIA319 - 7" GUM320 - 6" GUM321 - 8" GUM322 - 5" GUM323 - 8" GUM324 - 6" OAK325 - 6" BAY326 - 2-5" OAK327 - 2-5" OAK328 - 12" GUM329 - 6" BAY330 - 7" GUM331 - 12" GUM332 - 11" GUM333 - 6" BAY334 - 5" GUM335 - 7" CAMPHOR336 - 5" BAY337 - 8" BAY338 - 6" OAK339 - 5" OAK340 - 8" OAK341 - 6" OAK342 - 13" GUM343 - 12" PALM344 - 13" GUM345 - 6" GUM346 - 2-16" MAPLE347 - 8" OAK348 - 2-14" GUM349 - 6" GUM350 - 17" OAK351 - 6" OAK352 - 11" GUM353 - 5" BAY354 - 5" OAK355 - 14" GUM356 - 5" OAK357 - 6" OAK358 - 15" GUM359 - 5" OAK360 - 3-6" OAK361 - 9" BAY362 - 7" CAMPHOR363 - 6" CAMPHOR364 - 17" GUM365 - 7" OAK366 - 5" OAK367 - 6" BAY368 - 5" BAY369 - 6" OAK370 - 8" GUM371 - 8" BAY372 - 6" BAY373 - 10" GUM374 - 12" GUM376 - 12" GUM377 - 8" GUM378 - 6" GUM379 - 8" GUM380 - 7" GUM381 - 12" GUM382 - 11" OAK383 - 11" GUM384 - 9" GUM385 - 9" GUMCONTAINS 364,300 SQUARE FEET OR 8.363 ACRES MORE OR LESS.AREA SUMMARYLEGAL DESCRIPTIONA PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK "A", D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKEJESSUP, SAID LANDS LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, ACCORDING TO THEPLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLECOUNTY, FLORIDA; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 434 AND TUSKAWILLA ROAD (PER FLORIDADEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, SECTION 77070-2516, SHEET 10 OF 13, P.I.STATION 600+32.11); THENCE RUN S38°23'34"E, A DISTANCE OF 1320.11 FEET ALONG THE BASELINEOF SURVEY AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP; THENCE DEPARTING SAID BASELINE, RUNN51°36'26"E, A DISTANCE OF 94.94 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINEOF THE AFORESAID STATE ROAD 434, AS SHOWN ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, FOR THE POINT OFBEGINNING, THENCE RUN ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434AND EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MICHAEL BLAKE BOULEVARD (AS RECORDED IN OFFICIALRECORD BOOK 7486, PAGE 138) THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: RUN N24°10'06"W ADISTANCE OF 48.66 FEET; THENCE RUN N38°43'16"W A DISTANCE OF 246.60 FEET TO THE POINT OFCURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; AND A CHORDBEARING OF N06°16'44"E, THENCE RUN NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH ACENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 39.27 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUNN51°16'44"E A DISTANCE OF 389.87 FEET; THENCE RUN N53°37'06"E A DISTANCE OF 71.07 FEET TOTHE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET ANDA CHORD BEARING OF N74°09'35"E; THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVETHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41°04'59" A DISTANCE OF 10.76 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE RUN S85°17'55"E A DISTANCE OF 22.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVECONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF S64°11'16"E;THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42°13'19" ADISTANCE OF 11.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN S43°04'36"E A DISTANCE OF31.18 FEET; THENCE RUN N51°24'49"E A DISTANCE OF 63.63 FEET; THENCE RUN N34°23'22"W ADISTANCE OF 27.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING ARADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N16°43'25"W; THENCE RUN NORTHERLY ALONGTHE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35°19'54" A DISTANCE OF 9.25 FEET TO THEPOINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUN N00°56'32"E A DISTANCE OF 51.24 FEET TO THE POINT OFCURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET AND A CHORDBEARING OF N17°39'17"E; THENCE RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGHA CENTRAL ANGLE OF 33°25'31" A DISTANCE OF 8.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE RUNN34°22'03"E A DISTANCE OF 70.51 FEET TO A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLYHAVING A RADIUS OF 1030.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N32°18'59"E; THENCE RUNNORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07°15'46" ADISTANCE OF 130.56 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE CONCAVESOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 944.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N35°29'59"E; THENCERUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13°37'45" ADISTANCE OF 224.55 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF ACQUISITION PARCEL B (THE RAILS TO TRAILSCORRIDOR) AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4092, PAGE 0164, PUBLIC RECORDS OFSEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MICHAELBLAKE BOULEVARD, RUN S46°13'52"E ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 145.09 FEET;THENCE RUN S32°50'43"E A DISTANCE OF 662.97 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTHERLYLINE AND THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID ACQUISITION PARCEL B; THENCE RUN S50°31'58"WALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 468.43 FEET; THENCE N38°32'29"W A DISTANCEOF 606.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.9. RESTRICTION AS TO THE NEARBY PROPERTY ONLY, AND NO OTHER RESTRICTION, AS DEFINED INAND SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH 18.02(C) OF THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASERECORDED IN BOOK 6265, PAGE, 934, AS EVIDENCED BY THAT CERTAIN LEASE DATEDOCTOBER 19, 2001, BY AND BETWEEN CAPITAL GREEN I, LLC, A GEORGIA LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY (“LANDLORD”) AND PUBLIC SUPER MARKETS, INC., A FLORIDACORPORATION (“TENANT”) AS EVIDENCED BY THAT CERTAIN MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDEDSEPTEMBER 27, 2002 IN BOOK 4539, PAGE 651; AS AMENDED BY FIRST ADDENDUM TOMEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, 2003 IN BOOK 4713, PAGE 1200; FURTHERAMENDED BY SECOND AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED JUNE 9, 2005 IN BOOK5759, PAGE 833; AS FURTHER AMENDED BY THIRD AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASE MAY30, 2006 IN BOOK 6265, PAGE 934; AS FURTHER AMENDED BY FOURTH AMENDMENT TOMEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED MAY 30, 2006 IN BOOK 6265, PAGE 944; AS FURTHERAMENDED BY FIFTH AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED FEBRUARY 11, 2013 INBOOK 7962, PAGE 1505. (CONTAINS NO EASEMENTS TO DEPICT.)10. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGSHOLDINGS INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA RECORDEDNOVEMBER 29, 2010 IN BOOK 7486, PAGE 146. (CONTAINS NO EASEMENTS TO DEPICT.)11. TEMPORARY PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS INC., ADELAWARE CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA RECORDED JANUARY 18,2012 IN BOOK 7699, PAGE 200. (AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY, SHOWN HEREON.)12. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (MULTI-FAMILY/MIXED USE APARTMENT PROJECT-S.R. 434), BY ANDBETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA AND WINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS INC., ADELAWARE CORPORATION, RECORDED APRIL 9,2015 IN BOOK 8446, PAGE 1131; AS MODIFIED BYTHAT CERTAIN FIRST MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS, A FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND WINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS, INC., ADELAWARE CORPORATION, DATED JANUARY 9, 2017, RECORDED JANUARY 31, 2017 IN BOOK 8852,PAGE 1719. (CONTAINS NO EASEMENTS TO DEPICT.)13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS CONTAINED IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OFCONDITIONS, COVENANTS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGSHOLDINGS, INC., A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS, LP,A DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, DATED AS OF MARCH 1, 2017, RECORDED MARCH 3, 2017 INBOOK 8871, PAGE 98; AS AMENDED BY THAT CERTAIN FIRST AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OFCONDITIONS, COVENANTS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGSHOLDINGS, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION, TUSKAWILLA RETAIL PARTNERS, LLC, A FLORIDALIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS, LP, A DELAWARE LIMITEDLIABILITY PARTNERSHIP, DATED AS OF JULY 31, 2017, RECORDED AUGUST 3, 2017 IN OFFICIALRECORDS BOOK 8964, PAGE 1579. (BLANKET TYPE EASEMENT, NOT PLOTTABLE. ALSO DETENTIONPOND AREA, SANITARY SEWER AND LIFT STATION EASEMENT SHOWN HEREON.)SCHEDULE B-2 - EXCEPTIONS1. BEARING STRUCTURE IS ASSUMED AND BASED ON THE MONUMENTED NORTHEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434 (SECTION 77070-2516) BEING N38°43'16"W (PERRIGHT-OF-WAY MAP.)2. THIS SURVEY REFLECTS ONLY MATTERS OF RECORD AS PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT OR CLIENTSREPRESENTATIVE.3. THIS SURVEY WAS MADE ON THE GROUND. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEENLOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NOGUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THEAREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THEUNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOESCERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE.THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES.4. THIS BUILDING/LOT LIES IN ZONES "X", BASED ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO.12117C0160F, COMMUNITY NO. 120295, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA,DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 2007.5. ACCORDING TO FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 472.025, A LAND SURVEYOR SHALL NOT AFFIX HISSEAL OR NAME TO ANY PLAN OR DRAWING WHICH DEPICTS WORK WHICH HE IS NOT LICENSED TOPERFORM OR WHICH IS BEYOND HIS PROFESSION OR SPECIALTY THEREIN. THEREFORE, WE AREUNABLE TO CERTIFY AS TO MUNICIPAL ZONING COMPLIANCE, INTERPRETATION OF ZONING CODESOR THE DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS THEREOF.6. THIS SURVEY WAS MADE WITH BENEFIT OF TITLE FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY'SCOMMITMENT NO. 2037-3811937(C1), EFFECTIVE AUGUST 22, 2017. (SUBJECT PROPERTY IS APORTION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT).7. THIS SURVEY IS VALID ONLY FOR THE PARTIES TO WHOM IT IS CERTIFIED.8. THIS SURVEY EXCEEDS THE ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES.9. SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS NO PARKING SPACES, UNDER CONSTRUCTION.10. ZONING INFORMATION WAS NOT PROVIDED AT THE TIME OF SURVEY.11. SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT TIME OF SURVEY.12. NO DELINEATED WETLANDS WERE OBSERVED.NOTES Exhibit 5 Reports 201 South Bumby Avenue | Orlando, FL 32803 | www.NV5.com | Office 407.896.3317 | Fax 407.896.9167 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL Winter Springs Town Center - Townhomes Fire Flow Study Introduction: The proposed development is the construction 20 townhome buildings with a mixture of 2 and 3 story elevations. The 3 story buildings will include internal fire sprinklers and the 2 story buildings will not and rely upon the nearby fire hydrants for a fire water supply. The water supply will connect to an existing 12” public watermain along Michael Blake Boulevard. The following analysis to examine the proposed fire flow capacity at both the worst-case fire hydrant location and the base of riser pressure for the worst-case fire sprinkler. Requirements: Fire Hydrants 2 story building, largest Building GFA = 15,600 SF FFPC Table (Type V(111)) = 2,250 gpm @ 2 hours Minimum hydrant pressure = 20 psi Fire Sprinkler 3 story units, max. GFA = 3,036 SF / unit 3,036 SF x 0.1 gpm/SF = 304 gpm + 250 gpm hose demand = 553 gpm @ 35 psi Fireflow Test A fireflow test was conducted by Wayne Automatic on 11/27/2018. The test resulted in the following: Static Pressure = 74 psi Residual Pressure = 64 psi @ 1,350 gpm Analysis: The project demands and supply were modelled in WaterCAD and applied two scenarios: Scenario 1: Fire sprinkler demand of 553 gpm applied at the unit furthest from the water supply. Scenario 2: Two hydrants with a total demand of 2,250 gpm (1,200 gpm and 1,050 gpm) on two hydrants furthest from the water source. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL In both scenarios, the water supply was adjusted to the appropriate pressure per the fire flow graph. Also, a residential domestic demand was placed on all the units: 1 units = 350 gpd = 0.24 gpm 0.24 gpm * 2.5 (peak hout factor) = 0.6 gpm / unit Results: For the hydrant flow, the worst case scenario is to flow both hydrant FH3 and FH4 with a total demand of 2,250 gpm. Fire Hydrant, FH3 = 1,200 gpm @ 29.7 psi Fire Hydrant, FH4 = 1,050 gpm @ 28.5 psi For the sprinkler flow, the worst case scenario is to flow the sprinkler located in Building 12 with a total demand of 553 gpm. Building 12, BLDG 12, = 556.6 gpm @ 70.4 psi Summary: As indicated in the above results, the proposed watermain system capable of supplying adequate water flow for both fire and domestic demands. Respectfully Submitted, Franklin A. Porter, PE Managing Technical Director / Civil Engineering | VP NV5, Inc. Florida P.E. Lic. No. 69092 Scenario: Base P -8 P-13 P -1 5P -17 P -2 0 P -2 2P-2 3 P-24 P -25 P -2 7P-28 P-3 7 P -40 P -4 2 P -4 4 P -4 5 P-4 6 P -63 P -64 BLDG 8 BLDG 7 FH5 FH4 FH3 FH2 FH1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 4 BLDG 3 BLDG 5 BLDG 6 BLDG 10 BLDG 9 BLDG 11 BLDG 12 BLDG 14 BLDG 13 BLDG 15 BLDG 16 BLDG 17 BLDG 18 BLDG 19 BLDG 20 J-2 J-3 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 J-9 J-10 J-11 J-12 J-13 J-14 J-17 J-18 J-20 J-21 J-22 J-1 R-3 Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-166611/28/2018 Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3) []Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL.wtg RESERVOIR FH1 BLDG 20 BLDG 19 BLDG 7 BLDG 8 BLDG 18 BLDG 17 BLDG 15 BLDG 13 BLDG 14 BLDG 12 BLDG 11 BLDG 9 BLDG 10 BLDG 6 BLDG 5 BLDG 3 BLDG 4 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 FH2 FH3 FH4 FH5 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J22 J7 J8 J18 J17 J10 J11 J12 J20 J13 J14 J21 BLDG 16 FlexTable: Junction Table (WATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg) Current Time: 0.000 hours Pressure (psi) Hydraulic Grade (ft) Demand (gpm) ZoneElevation (ft) LabelID 44.5124.850.00<None>21.94J-128 38.4111.320.00<None>22.48J-229 37.0108.020.00<None>22.53J-331 36.1106.450.00<None>22.99J-433 33.498.240.00<None>21.00J-535 33.897.720.00<None>19.59J-637 33.095.740.00<None>19.56J-739 32.594.480.00<None>19.25J-841 32.794.810.00<None>19.21J-943 32.495.890.00<None>20.93J-1045 32.495.890.00<None>21.00J-1147 31.695.880.00<None>22.78J-1249 34.3104.850.00<None>25.63J-1351 34.2104.850.00<None>25.78J-1453 31.895.890.00<None>22.48J-1758 32.694.810.00<None>19.41J-1860 33.1106.800.00<None>30.29FH562 36.1106.800.00<None>23.45J-2063 36.6108.050.00<None>23.41J-2165 32.995.740.00<None>19.59J-2271 34.4108.020.00<None>28.45FH1113 31.197.720.00<None>25.94FH2115 29.793.801,200.00<None>25.08FH3117 28.594.701,050.00<None>28.85FH4119 36.6107.363.60<None>22.82BLDG 20125 35.4104.673.60<None>22.87BLDG 19128 34.1100.023.60<None>21.16BLDG 18131 33.597.983.60<None>20.55BLDG 17134 32.995.613.60<None>19.54BLDG 16137 32.794.773.60<None>19.28BLDG 14140 32.794.873.00<None>19.29BLDG 13143 32.994.813.60<None>18.78BLDG 12146 32.994.813.60<None>18.71BLDG 11149 32.395.883.60<None>21.29BLDG 9152 32.295.883.60<None>21.44BLDG 10155 32.297.523.00<None>23.14BLDG 6158 32.598.603.00<None>23.52BLDG 5161 33.0102.506.00<None>26.24BLDG 4164 32.6101.521.80<None>26.20BLDG 3167 36.2107.433.00<None>23.76BLDG 2170 35.8106.783.60<None>24.03BLDG 1173 32.995.422.40<None>19.42BLDG 15176 35.3103.793.00<None>22.13BLDG 7179 34.4100.753.60<None>21.16BLDG 8182 Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1/19/2019 Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3) []Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg FH3 & FH4 BOTH GREATER THAN 20 PSI FlexTable: Pipe Table (WATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg)Current Time: 0.000 hoursVelocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Stop NodeStart NodeLength(ft)LabelID14.802,318.40150.0PVC8.0J-2J-1108P-1304.37685.37150.0PVC8.0J-3J-232P-2323.39531.86150.0PVC8.0J-7J-630P-6404.35-680.74150.0PVC8.0J-9J-817P-8444.39-687.94150.0PVC8.0J-10J-9120P-9460.2234.77150.0PVC8.0J-11J-1012P-10480.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-14J-13104P-13540.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-10J-17151P-15590.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-20FH5108P-17643.77590.20150.0PVC8.0J-4J-2048P-206810.42-1,633.03150.0PVC8.0J-2J-2173P-21694.61722.71150.0PVC8.0J-10J-5259P-22700.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-7J-2249P-23720.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-3FH19P-241140.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-6FH28P-2511613.62-1,200.00150.0PVC6.0J-8FH39P-2611811.91-1,050.00150.0PVC6.0J-12FH419P-2712014.802,318.40150.0PVC8.0J-1R-371P-281244.37685.37150.0PVC8.0BLDG 20J-364P-291264.35681.77150.0PVC8.0J-4BLDG 20102P-301278.121,271.98150.0PVC8.0BLDG 19J-465P-311298.031,258.18150.0PVC8.0J-5BLDG 1867P-341333.42535.46150.0PVC8.0BLDG 17J-545P-351353.39531.86150.0PVC8.0J-6BLDG 1743P-361363.39531.86150.0PVC8.0BLDG 16J-716P-371383.31519.26150.0PVC8.0J-8BLDG 1457P-401423.34522.86150.0PVC8.0BLDG 14BLDG 138P-421450.05-7.20150.0PVC8.0J-9BLDG 1265P-441480.000.00150.0PVC8.0BLDG 11J-1861P-451500.02-3.60150.0PVC8.0BLDG 12BLDG 1117P-461510.2234.77150.0PVC8.0BLDG 9J-1157P-471530.2031.17150.0PVC8.0BLDG 10BLDG 925P-491560.1827.57150.0PVC8.0J-12BLDG 1069P-501576.53-1,022.43150.0PVC8.0BLDG 6J-1256P-511596.55-1,025.43150.0PVC8.0BLDG 5BLDG 617P-531626.61-1,036.23150.0PVC8.0J-13BLDG 4100P-561666.56-1,028.43150.0PVC8.0BLDG 3BLDG 5142P-57168Page 1 of 227 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-16661/19/2019Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3)[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg FlexTable: Pipe Table (WATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg)Current Time: 0.000 hoursVelocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Stop NodeStart NodeLength(ft)LabelID6.58-1,030.23150.0PVC8.0BLDG 4BLDG 310P-581693.77-590.20150.0PVC8.0BLDG 2J-2088P-591713.79-593.20150.0PVC8.0J-21BLDG 286P-601726.641,039.83150.0PVC8.0BLDG 1J-2151P-611746.611,036.23150.0PVC8.0J-13BLDG 196P-621753.37528.26150.0PVC8.0BLDG 15BLDG 1630P-631773.36525.86150.0PVC8.0BLDG 13BLDG 15115P-641788.101,268.38150.0PVC8.0BLDG 7BLDG 1924P-651808.081,265.38150.0PVC8.0BLDG 8BLDG 7124P-671838.051,261.78150.0PVC8.0BLDG 18BLDG 817P-68184Page 2 of 227 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-16661/19/2019Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3)[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg FlexTable: Reservoir Table (WATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg) Current Time: 0.000 hours Hydraulic Grade (ft) Flow (Out net) (gpm) ZoneElevation (ft) LabelID 129.602,318.40<None>129.60R-3123 Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1/19/2019 Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3) []Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL HYDRANTS.wtg ELEVATION IS BASED ON 47 PSI FROM FLOW GRAPH + 21' PHYSICAL ELEVATION FlexTable: Junction Table (WATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg) Current Time: 0.000 hours Pressure (psi) Hydraulic Grade (ft) Demand (gpm) ZoneElevation (ft) LabelID 70.4184.590.00<None>21.94J-128 69.7183.500.00<None>22.48J-229 69.5183.240.00<None>22.53J-331 69.3183.090.00<None>22.99J-433 69.8182.370.00<None>21.00J-535 70.4182.300.00<None>19.59J-637 70.3182.060.00<None>19.56J-739 70.4181.900.00<None>19.25J-841 70.4181.870.00<None>19.21J-943 69.8182.240.00<None>20.93J-1045 69.8182.260.00<None>21.00J-1147 69.1182.420.00<None>22.78J-1249 68.1183.010.00<None>25.63J-1351 68.0183.010.00<None>25.78J-1453 69.1182.240.00<None>22.48J-1758 70.1181.490.00<None>19.41J-1860 66.1183.130.00<None>30.29FH562 69.1183.130.00<None>23.45J-2063 69.2183.240.00<None>23.41J-2165 70.3182.060.00<None>19.59J-2271 67.0183.240.00<None>28.45FH1113 67.6182.300.00<None>25.94FH2115 67.8181.900.00<None>25.08FH3117 66.4182.420.00<None>28.85FH4119 69.4183.183.60<None>22.82BLDG 20125 69.3182.933.60<None>22.87BLDG 19128 69.8182.523.60<None>21.16BLDG 18131 70.0182.333.60<None>20.55BLDG 17134 70.3182.043.60<None>19.54BLDG 16137 70.4181.933.60<None>19.28BLDG 14140 70.4181.943.00<None>19.29BLDG 13143 70.4181.49556.60<None>18.78BLDG 12146 70.4181.493.60<None>18.71BLDG 11149 69.7182.323.60<None>21.29BLDG 9152 69.6182.353.60<None>21.44BLDG 10155 69.0182.523.00<None>23.14BLDG 6158 68.8182.593.00<None>23.52BLDG 5161 67.8182.856.00<None>26.24BLDG 4164 67.7182.791.80<None>26.20BLDG 3167 69.0183.183.00<None>23.76BLDG 2170 68.8183.153.60<None>24.03BLDG 1173 70.3182.022.40<None>19.42BLDG 15176 69.5182.863.00<None>22.13BLDG 7179 69.8182.583.60<None>21.16BLDG 8182 Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1/19/2019 Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3) []Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg FlexTable: Pipe Table (WATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg)Current Time: 0.000 hoursVelocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Stop NodeStart NodeLength(ft)LabelID3.97621.40150.0PVC8.0J-2J-1108P-1301.23193.41150.0PVC8.0J-3J-232P-2321.17184.05150.0PVC8.0J-7J-630P-6401.09171.45150.0PVC8.0J-9J-817P-8442.48-388.75150.0PVC8.0J-10J-9120P-9461.50-235.27150.0PVC8.0J-11J-1012P-10480.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-14J-13104P-13540.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-10J-17151P-15590.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-20FH5108P-17641.05165.12150.0PVC8.0J-4J-2048P-20682.73-427.99150.0PVC8.0J-2J-2173P-21690.98153.48150.0PVC8.0J-10J-5259P-22700.000.00150.0PVC8.0J-7J-2249P-23720.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-3FH19P-241140.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-6FH28P-251160.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-8FH39P-261180.000.00150.0PVC6.0J-12FH419P-271203.97621.40150.0PVC8.0J-1R-371P-281241.23193.41150.0PVC8.0BLDG 20J-364P-291261.21189.81150.0PVC8.0J-4BLDG 20102P-301272.27354.93150.0PVC8.0BLDG 19J-465P-311292.18341.13150.0PVC8.0J-5BLDG 1867P-341331.20187.65150.0PVC8.0BLDG 17J-545P-351351.17184.05150.0PVC8.0J-6BLDG 1743P-361361.17184.05150.0PVC8.0BLDG 16J-716P-371381.09171.45150.0PVC8.0J-8BLDG 1457P-401421.12175.05150.0PVC8.0BLDG 14BLDG 138P-421453.58-560.20150.0PVC8.0J-9BLDG 1265P-441480.000.00150.0PVC8.0BLDG 11J-1861P-451500.02-3.60150.0PVC8.0BLDG 12BLDG 1117P-461511.50-235.27150.0PVC8.0BLDG 9J-1157P-471531.52-238.87150.0PVC8.0BLDG 10BLDG 925P-491561.55-242.47150.0PVC8.0J-12BLDG 1069P-501571.55-242.47150.0PVC8.0BLDG 6J-1256P-511591.57-245.47150.0PVC8.0BLDG 5BLDG 617P-531621.64-256.27150.0PVC8.0J-13BLDG 4100P-561661.59-248.47150.0PVC8.0BLDG 3BLDG 5142P-57168Page 1 of 227 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-16661/19/2019Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3)[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg FlexTable: Pipe Table (WATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg)Current Time: 0.000 hoursVelocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Stop NodeStart NodeLength(ft)LabelID1.60-250.27150.0PVC8.0BLDG 4BLDG 310P-581691.05-165.12150.0PVC8.0BLDG 2J-2088P-591711.07-168.12150.0PVC8.0J-21BLDG 286P-601721.66259.87150.0PVC8.0BLDG 1J-2151P-611741.64256.27150.0PVC8.0J-13BLDG 196P-621751.15180.45150.0PVC8.0BLDG 15BLDG 1630P-631771.14178.05150.0PVC8.0BLDG 13BLDG 15115P-641782.24351.33150.0PVC8.0BLDG 7BLDG 1924P-651802.22348.33150.0PVC8.0BLDG 8BLDG 7124P-671832.20344.73150.0PVC8.0BLDG 18BLDG 817P-68184Page 2 of 227 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-16661/19/2019Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3)[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg FlexTable: Reservoir Table (WATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg) Current Time: 0.000 hours Hydraulic Grade (ft) Flow (Out net) (gpm) ZoneElevation (ft) LabelID 185.00621.40<None>185.00R-3123 Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1/19/2019 Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 3) []Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterWATER MODEL SPRINKLERS.wtg ELEVATION IS BASED ON 71 PSI FROM FLOW GRAPH + 21' PHYSICAL ELEVATION S50°31'58"W 1033.48'S46°13'52"E177.70' (F)S32°50'43"E 662.97' (F)S50°31'58"W 997.88' (F)PEDESTRIAN TRAILUPUP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET ASTREET DSTREET DALLEY BSTREET C ALLEY D STREET B POOLCABANA MAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STYEX. STS 60" HP STORM3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY2153678141312911104WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVC WM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCWM 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVCSAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVC SAN 8 PVCWM 8 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST WM 12 PVCEXIST. PUBLICLIFTSTATIONSANITARY SEWER SCHEDULESTRUCTURENUMBERSAN 1SAN 2SAN 3SAN 4SAN 5SAN 6SAN 7STRUCTURETYPEEXISTING LIFT STATIONTYPE I MHCONFLICT MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHRIM EL26.0027.0025.6826.5926.1524.2221.08DOWNSTREAMSTRUCTURESAN 1SAN 2SAN 5SAN 3SAN 5SAN 6INVERTSIN15.50' SE15.77' SE15.77' SW16.25' SE16.53' SE16.53' SW17.23' SE17.93' SWINVERTSOUT15.67' NW16.15' NW16.91' NE16.43' NW17.13' NW17.83' NWDOWNSTREAMPIPE LENGTH57.47'132.64'131.28'63.09'206.70'206.70'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVCSLOPE0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULESTRUCTURENUMBERSAN 8SAN 9SAN 10SAN 11SAN 12SAN 13SAN 14STRUCTURETYPETYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHTYPE I MHCLEAN OUT WITHAT GRADE COVERRIM EL24.3429.9328.7728.1024.5024.6619.63DOWNSTREAMSTRUCTURESAN 7SAN 2SAN 9SAN 10SAN 10SAN 12SAN 13INVERTSIN16.75' SE17.11' SE17.11' SW17.79' SE18.50' SWINVERTSOUT18.44' NE16.65' NE17.01' NW17.51' NE17.69' NW18.40' NW18.90' NEDOWNSTREAMPIPE LENGTH176.35'304.21'90.84'137.91'199.29'211.74'138.83'PIPE SIZE/MATERIAL8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVCSLOPE0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%0.29%60300SCALE: 1" = 30' NORTHUTILITY LEGENDELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER PAD. REFER TO PLANS BYDUKE ENERGY FOR FINAL LOCATIONS.FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. (SEE DETAIL 3, SHEET C10.0)12"X8" WET TAP WITH 8" GATE VALVE.8" GATE VALVE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C10.0)8" TEE8"X6" TEE8" CROSS2" BLOWOFF VALVE (SEE DETAIL 8, SHEET C10.0)IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTIONTEMPORARY BYPASS (SEE DETAIL 4, SHEET C10.0)BLUE RPMPIPE CROSSING NOTE:ATHE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATEBELL AND SPIGOT OF EACH PIPE SEGMENTAWAY FROM PIPE CROSSING. PIPE CROSSINGELEVATIONS REPRESENT OUTSIDE WALLTHICKNESSES AND DOES NOT INCLUDE BELLAND SPIGOT WIDENINGS.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVEROVER ALL PROPOSED WATER, WASTEWATER,AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES. ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED AT ALLPOINTS OF CONNECTION TO AND AT ALLAREAS OF CONFLICT WITH OCU MAINSUTILITY NOTE:VERTICAL DATUM:ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGVD 1929 VERTICAL DATUMFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 WATER AND SEWER LAYOUTC08.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCSYMBOL LEGEND:SINGLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 12, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)DOUBLE POTABLE/FIRE WATER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 9, SHEET C10.0)SINGLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)DOUBLE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C11.0)BCDEFGHIJKexisting hydrantexisting hydrant1350 GPMStatic 74psi Residual 64psi x Test: Static: 74 psi Test: Residual: 64 psi @ 1,350 gpm 11/27/18 WSTC TOWNHOMES 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 Proposed Hydrant: Hydrant Flow: 2,250 gpm Domestic: 68 gpm 2,318 gpm @ 47 psi Proposed Sprinkler: Sprinkler Flow: 553 gpm Domestic: 68 gpm 621 gpm @ 71 psi WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES SITEWORK SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Division Section Title DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02220 Site Demolition 02230 Site Clearing 02300 Earthwork 02318 Rock Excavation 02340 Soil Stabilization 02375 Stone Protection (Rip-rap) 02510 Water Distribution 02532 Sewage Lift Station 02535 Sanitary Sewage Systems 02536 Sewer Manholes, Frames, And Covers 02555 Natural And Propane Gas Distribution 02630 Storm Drainage 02715 Base Course 02740 Asphaltic Concrete Paving 02751 Concrete Paving 02765 Pavement Markings 02770 Curbs And Sidewalks 02787 Seal Coat 02812 Site Irrigation System 02822 Chain Link Fences And Gates (Site) 02890 Traffic Signs And Signals 02900 Planting END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OF RECORD Frank Porter, P.E. Lochrane Engineering, Inc. 201 S. Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 ____________________________________ _________ Frank Porter, P.E. Date 69092 02220-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02220 - SITE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Demolition of structures, paving, and utilities. 2. Filling voids created as a result of removals or demolition. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02230 - Site Clearing: Clearing of trees and other plant vegetation 2. Section 02300 - Earthwork: Placement of fill material 1.2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable State and local codes for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust con- trol, runoff control, and pollution prevention. B. Obtain required permits and licenses from appropriate authorities. Pay associated fees including disposal charg- es. C. Notify affected utility companies before starting work and comply with their requirements. D. Do not close or obstruct public or private roadways, sidewalks, or fire hydrants without appropriate permits or written authorization. E. If hazardous, contaminated materials or other environmental related conditions are discovered, stop work im- mediately and notify the Engineer of Record for action to be taken. Do not resume work until specifically au- thorized by the Engineer of Record. F. Test soils around buried tanks for contamination. Coordinate notification for mobilization to site and required observation of tank removal with Engineer of Record. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of capped utilities and subsurface obstructions that will remain after demolition. Submit record as part of closeout submittals. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Structures to be demolished will be discontinued in use and vacated prior to start of work. B. Owner assumes no responsibility for condition of structures to be demolished. C. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by Owner as reasonably practi- cal. Variations within structures may occur by Owner's removal and salvage operations prior to start of demoli- tion work. 02220-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 D. Unless otherwise indicated in Contract Documents or specified by the Owner, items of salvageable value to Con- tractor shall be removed from site and structures. Storage or sale of removed items on site will not be permit- ted and shall not interfere with other work specified. E. Explosives shall not be brought to site or used without written consent of authorities having jurisdiction. Such written consent will not relieve Contractor of total responsibility for injury to persons or for damage to property due to blasting operations. Performance of required blasting shall comply with governing regulations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FILL MATERIALS A. Fill material shall be aggregate fill materials as specified in Section 02300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Provide, erect, and maintain erosion control devices, temporary barriers, and security devices at locations indi- cated on Construction Drawings. B. Protect existing landscaping materials, appurtenances, and structures, which are not to be demolished. Repair damage to existing items to remain caused by demolition operations. C. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring as necessary. D. Mark location of utilities. Protect and maintain in safe and operable condition utilities that are to remain. Pre- vent interruption of existing utility service to occupied or used facilities, except when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities as acceptable to governing authorities and Owner. E. Notify adjacent property owners of work that may affect their property, potential noise, utility outages, or other disruptions. Obtain written permission from adjacent property owners when demolition equipment will trav- erse, infringe upon, or limit access to their property. Coordinate notice with Owner. 3.2 GENERAL DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct demolition to minimize interference with adjacent structures or pavements to remain. B. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. Notify authority having jurisdiction. Do not resume operations until directed by authority. C. Conduct operations with minimum of interference to public or private access. Maintain ingress and egress at all times. D. Sprinkle work with water to minimize dust. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose. E. Comply with governing regulations pertaining to environmental protection. F. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing prior to start of work. 3.3 DEMOLITION 02220-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Demolish site improvements designated to be removed as shown on the drawings. Site improvements shall in- clude but not be limited to structures, retaining walls, foundations, pavements, curbs and gutters, drainage structures, utilities, signage or landscaping. B. Disconnect and cap or remove utilities to be abandoned as shown on the drawings. C. Fill or remove underground tanks, piping, and appurtenances as shown. D. Demolish buildings completely and remove from site using methods as required to complete work within limita- tions of governing regulations. Small structures may be removed intact when acceptable to Owner and authori- ties having jurisdiction. E. Locate demolition equipment and remove materials to prevent excessive loading to supporting walls, floors, or framing. F. Demolish concrete and masonry in small sections. Break up concrete slabs-on-grade that are 2-feet or more be- low proposed subgrade to permit moisture drainage. Remove slabs-on-grade and below grade construction within 2-feet of proposed subgrade. 3.4 FILLING BASEMENTS AND VOIDS A. Completely fill below grade areas and voids resulting from demolition or removal of structures, underground fuel storage tanks, wells, cisterns, etc., using aggregate fill materials consisting of stone, gravel, or sand free from debris, trash, frozen materials, roots, and other organic matter. B. Areas to be filled shall be free of standing water, frost, frozen or unsuitable material, trash, and debris prior to fill placement. C. Place fill materials in accordance with Section 02300 unless subsequent excavation for new work is required. D. Grade surface to match adjacent grades and to provide flow of surface drainage after fill placement and compac- tion. 3.5 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Remove from site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations. Leave areas of work in clean condition. B. No burning of any material, debris, or trash on-site or off-site will be allowed except when allowed by appropri- ate governing authority and Owner. If allowed as stated above, burning shall be performed in manner pre- scribed by governing authority. Attend burning materials until fires have burned out and have been completely extinguished. C. Transport materials removed from demolished structures with appropriate vehicles and dispose off-site to areas that are approved for disposal by governing authorities and appropriate property owners. END OF SECTION 02230-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02230 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Cleaning site of debris, grass, trees, and other plant life in preparation for site or building earthwork. 2. Protection of existing structures, trees, or vegetation indicated on the Construction Drawings to remain. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02220 – Site Demolition: Demolition and removal of structures, paving, utilities and other im- provements. 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Stripping and removal of topsoil. 3. Section 02370 - Erosion And Sedimentation Control (Including SWPPP) 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Construct temporary erosion and sediment control systems as shown on Construction Drawings and as directed by the "Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan" (SWPPP) to protect adjacent properties and water resources from erosion and sedimentation. B. In event that sitework on this project will disturb one or more acres, starting work shall be strictly governed by the sequence of construction as specified in Section 02370 and SWPPP site maps. Contractor shall not begin construction without "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System" (NPDES) permit governing discharge of storm water from site for entire construction period. NPDES permit requires SWPPP to be in place during con- struction. C. Clearing and grubbing shall commence in the proper sequence as stated in Section 02370 and on the SWPPP site map and subsequent to the halt in construction for performance of the inspection and certification of BMPs as stated. D. Contractor shall conduct storm water management practices in accordance with the project SWPPP and applica- ble NPDES permit and shall enforce action taken or imposed by Federal or State agencies, including cost of fines, construction delays, and remedial actions resulting from Contractor's failure to comply with provisions of NPDES permit. 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by Owner as reasonably practi- cal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Identify existing plant life that is to remain and verify clearing limits are clearly tagged, identified, and marked in such manner as to ensure their protection throughout construction operations. 02230-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.2 PROTECTION A. Locate, identify, and protect existing utilities that are to remain. B. Protect trees, plant growth, and features designated to remain as part of final landscaping. C. Conduct operations with minimum interference to public or private accesses and facilities. Maintain ingress and egress at all times and clean or sweep roadways daily as required by SWPPP or governing authority. Dust control shall be provided with sprinkling systems or equipment provided by Contractor. D. Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by a licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, in kind. E. Provide traffic control as required, in accordance with the US Department of Transportation's "Manual on Uni- form Traffic Control Devices" and applicable state highway department requirements. 3.3 EQUIPMENT A. Material shall be transported to and from the project site using well-maintained and operating vehicles. Trans- porting vehicles operating on site shall stay on designated haul roads and shall not endanger improvements by rutting, overloading, or pumping. 3.4 CLEARING A. Clear areas required for access to site and execution of work. B. Unless otherwise indicated on Construction Drawings, remove trees, shrubs, grass, other vegetation, improve- ments, or obstructions interfering with installation of new construction. Removal includes digging out stumps and roots. Depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations shall be filled to subgrade elevation to avoid ponding of water. Satisfactory fill material shall be placed in accordance with Section 02300. C. Remove grass, trees, plant life, stumps, and other construction debris from site to dump site that is suitable for handling such material according to state laws and regulations. D. Cut heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping and topsoil removal and remove cuttings with remainder of cleared vegetative material. END OF SECTION 02300-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02300 (31 2000) - EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavation, filling, and backfilling for structures, pavement, and outparcels. 2. Trenching and backfilling for utilities. 3. Dewatering. 4. Boring under crossings. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02318 - Rock Excavation. 2. Section 02340 - Soil Stabilization. 3. Section 02370 - Erosion Control and Sedimentation. Temporary and permanent erosion control. 4. Section 02375 - Stone Protection. Rip-rap stone for slope protection. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM) 1. ASTM D422 - Particle Size Analysis of Soil. 2. ASTM D698 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN.m/m3)). 3. ASTM D1557 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 Kn.m/m3)). 4. ASTM D2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). 5. ASTM D2488 - Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures). 6. ASTM D4318 - Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. 7. ASTM D6938 – In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). C. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 1. AASHTO T 88 - Particle Size Analysis of Soils. D. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT): 1. Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials. E. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. F. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 1. AWWA C200 - Standard for Steel Water Pipe - 6 In. (150 mm) and Larger. 2. AWWA C206 - Field Welding Of Steel Water Pipe. 1.3 DEFINITIONS 02300-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Satisfactory Materials: ASTM D2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, SM, ML, CL, [CH,] [MH,] [SC,][GC,] or a combination of these group symbols. 1. Fill material shall further conform to the plasticity index and liquid limits (PI and LL) specified in Paragraph FILLING hereinafter. 2. Satisfactory materials shall be free of rock or gravel larger than allowed for fill or backfill material as specified hereinafter or as shown on the drawings. 3. Satisfactory materials shall contain no debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. 4. Unless specifically stated otherwise in the Drawings, the following table stipulates maximum allowable values for plasticity index (PI) and liquid limit (LL) of satisfactory materials to be used as fill in specified areas: Location PI LL Building area (below upper four feet) 20 50 Building area (upper four feet) 12 40 Areas outside the building pad including outparcels (Below upper two feet) 20 50 (Upper two feet, except for depth to receive topsoil) 15 40 (References to depth are to proposed subgrade elevations) B. Unsatisfactory Materials: Materials which do not comply with the requirements for satisfactory materials are unsatisfactory. 1. Unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills; trash; refuse; backfills from previous construction; and material classified as satisfactory materials which contains root and other organic matter or frozen material. The Engineer of Record shall be notified of any contaminated materials. 2. Unsatisfactory materials also include satisfactory materials not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. C. Rock: Rock shall be as defined in Section 02318. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit 30-pound sample of each type of off-site fill material that is to be used at the site in airtight containers to the independent testing laboratory or submit gradation and certification of aggregate material that is to be used at the site to the independent testing laboratory for review upon request by Owner. B. Submit name of each material supplier and specific type and source of each material upon request by Owner. Change in source throughout project requires approval of Owner. C. Submit Dewatering Plans upon request by Owner. D. Shop drawings or details pertaining to excavating and filling are not required unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or if contrary procedures to Construction Documents are proposed. E. Shop drawings or details pertaining to site utilities are not required unless required by regulatory authorities or unless uses of materials, methods, equipment, or procedures that are contrary to The Drawings or Specifications are proposed. Do not perform work until Owner has accepted required shop drawings. F. Contact utility companies and determine if additional easements will be required to complete project. Provide written confirmation of the status of all easements to Owner at time of Preconstruction Conference or no later than 90 days prior to certificate of occupancy. 02300-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL AND ROCK MATERIALS A. Fill and Backfill. Satisfactory materials excavated from the site. B. Imported Fill Material: Satisfactory material provided from offsite borrow areas when sufficient satisfactory materials are not available from required excavations. C. Trench Backfill: ASTM D2321 unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings. D. Bedding: Aggregate Type as indicated on the plans or naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D2940; except with 100 percent passing a 1- inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No.200 sieve. E. Drainage Fill: Washed, narrowly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2- inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No.8 sieve. F. Filter Material: Narrowly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 67; with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No.4 sieve. G. Topsoil: Topsoil shall consist of stripping material excavated from the site. Topsoil shall consist of organic surficial soil found in depth of not more than 6-inches. Topsoil shall be as further defined in Section 02900 – Planting. 2.2 APPURTENANT MATERIALS A. Stabilization fabrics and geogrids: As specified in Section 02340. B. Filter and drainage fabrics: As specified in Section 02340. C. Steel Casing Pipe: Comply with AWWA C200 minimum grade B, size, and wall thickness as indicated on The Drawings. D. Trench Utility Locator Tape: Heavy duty 6" wide underground warning tape. Tape shall be made from polyethylene material, 3.5 mils thick, with a minimum tensile strength of 1,750 psi. Place the tape at one-half the minimum depth of cover for the utility line or a maximum of 3 feet, whichever is the less, but never above the top of subgrade. Color of tape shall be determined by as follows: 1. Natural Gas or Propane – Yellow. 2. Electric – Red. 3. Telephone – Orange. 4. Water – Blue. 5. Sanitary Sewer – Green. 2.3 EQUIPMENT A. Transport off-site materials to project using well-maintained and operating vehicles. Once on site, transporting vehicles shall stay on designated haul roads and shall at no time endanger improvements by rutting, overloading, or pumping. 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 02300-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Perform Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) tests in outparcels and areas to receive pavement for each type of material that is imported from off-site. LBR value shall be equal to or above pavement design subgrade LBR value indicated on Construction Drawings. B. Following tests shall be performed on each type of on-site or imported soil material used as compacted fill: 1. Moisture and Density Relationship: ASTM D698 or ASTM D1557. 2. Mechanical Analysis: AASHTO T88 or ASTM D422. 3. Plasticity Index: ASTM D4318. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, datum, elevations, and grades necessary for construction as shown on the drawings. B. Notify utility companies to remove or relocate public utilities that are in conflict with proposed improvements. C. Protect plant life, lawns, fences, existing structures, sidewalks, paving, and curbs, unless otherwise noted on the drawings from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. D. Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same. E. Remove from site, material encountered in grading operations that is unsatisfactory material or undesirable for backfilling, subgrade, or foundation purposes. Dispose of in manner satisfactory to Owner and local governing agencies. Backfill areas with layers of satisfactory material and compact as specified herein. F. Prior to placing fill in low areas, such as previously existing creeks, ponds, or lakes, perform following procedures: 1. Drain water out by gravity with ditch having flow line lower than lowest elevation in low area. If drainage cannot be performed by gravity ditch, use adequate pump to obtain the same results. 2. After drainage of low area is complete, remove muck, mud, debris, and other unsatisfactory material by using acceptable equipment and methods that will keep natural soils underlying low area dry and undisturbed. 3. All muck, mud, and other materials removed from low areas shall be dried on-site by spreading in thin layers for observation. Material shall be inspected and, if found to be satisfactory for use as fill material, shall be incorporated into lowest elevation of site filling operation, but not under building subgrade or within 5'-0" of perimeter of building subgrade, paving or outparcel subgrade. If, after observation, material is found to be unsatisfactory, it shall be removed from site. G. Locate and identify utilities that have previously been installed and protect from damage. H. Locate and identify existing utilities that are to remain and protect from damage. I. Maintain in operating condition existing utilities, previously installed utilities, and drainage systems encountered in utility installation. Repair surface or subsurface improvements shown on the Drawings. J. Verify location, size, elevation, and other pertinent data required making connections to existing utilities and drainage systems as indicated on the Drawings. K. Over excavate and properly prepare areas of subgrade that are not capable of supporting proposed systems. Stabilize these areas by using acceptable geotextile fabrics or aggregate material placed and compacted as specified in Section 02340. 02300-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.2 DEWATERING A. General: 1. Dewatering activities shall conform to applicable provisions in 02370. 2. Provide dewatering systems as required for excavations. 3. Design and provide dewatering system using accepted and professional methods consistent with current industry practice to eliminate water entering the excavation under hydrostatic head from the bottom or sides. Design system to prevent differential hydrostatic head, which would result in floating out soil particles in a manner, termed as a “quick” or “boiling” condition. System shall not be dependent solely upon sumps or pumping water from within the excavation where differential head would result in a quick condition, which would continue to worsen the integrity of the excavation’s stability. 4. Provide dewatering system of sufficient size and capacity to prevent ground and surface water flow into the excavation and to allow Work to be installed in a dry condition. 5. Control, by acceptable means, all water regardless of source. Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of the water. 6. Control groundwater in a manner that preserves strength of foundation soils, does not cause instability or raveling of excavation slopes, and does not result in damage to existing structures. Where necessary, lower water level in advance of excavation utilizing wells, wellpoints, jet educators, or similar positive methods. The water level as measured by piezometers shall be maintained a minimum of 3 feet below prevailing excavation level. 7. Commence dewatering prior to any appearance of water in excavation and continue until Work is complete to the extent that no damage results from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other causes. 8. Open pumping with sumps and ditches will be allowed provided it does not result in boils, loss of fines, softening of the ground, or instability of slopes. 9. Install wells or wellpoints, if required, with suitable screens and filters so that continuous pumping of fines does not occur. Arrange discharge to facilitate collection of samples by the Owner. During normal pumping and upon development of wells, levels of fine sand or silt in the discharge water shall not exceed 5 ppm. Install sand tester on discharge of each pump during testing to verify that levels are not exceeded. 10. Control grading around excavations to prevent surface water from flowing into excavation areas. 11. No additional payment will be made for any supplemental measures to control seepage, groundwater, or artesian head. B. Design: 1. Designate and obtain the services of a qualified dewatering specialist to provide dewatering plan as may be necessary to complete the Work. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings, design data, and operational records required. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and any failure of any component of the system. C. Damages: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair any damage to work in place, other contractor’s equipment, utilities, residences, highways, roads, railroads, private and municipal well systems, adjacent structures, natural resources, habitat, existing wells, and the excavation. Contractor responsibility shall also include, damage to the bottom due to heave and including but not limited to, removal and pumping out of the excavated area that may result from Contractor’s negligence, inadequate or improper design and operation of the dewatering system, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the dewatering system. 2. Remove subgrade materials rendered unsatisfactory by excessive wetting and replace with approved backfill material at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Maintaining Excavation in Dewatering Condition: 1. Dewatering shall be a continuous operation. Interruptions due to power outages or any other reason will not be permitted. 02300-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Continuously maintain excavation in a dry condition with positive dewatering methods during preparation of subgrade, installation of pipe, and construction of structures until the critical period of construction or backfill is completed to prevent damage of subgrade support, piping, structure, side slopes, or adjacent facilities from flotation or other hydrostatic pressure imbalance. 3. Provide standby equipment on site, installed, wired, and available for immediate operation if required to maintain dewatering on a continuous basis in the event any part of the system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of dewatering system, perform such work as may be required to restore damaged structures and foundation soils at no additional cost to Owner. 4. System maintenance shall include but not be limited to 24-hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system components and any other work required to maintain excavation in dewatered condition. E. System Removal: Upon completion of the work, remove dewatering equipment from the site, including related temporary electrical service. F. Wells shall be removed or cut off a minimum of 3 feet below final ground surface, capped, and abandoned in accordance with regulations by agencies having jurisdiction. 3.3 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A. Cut heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping and remove cuttings with remainder of cleared vegetative material. B. Strip topsoil to a depth of not less than 6 inches from areas that are to be filled, excavated, landscaped, or re-graded to such depth that it prevents intermingling with underlying subsoil or questionable material. C. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas shown on The Drawings or where directed by Owner. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles as required to prevent windblown dust. Dispose of unsuitable topsoil as specified for waste material, unless otherwise specified by Owner. Remove excess topsoil from site unless specifically noted otherwise on the Drawings. 3.4 GENERAL EXCAVATION A. Classification of Excavation: The Contractor shall assure himself by site investigation or other necessary means that he is familiar with the type, quantity, quality, and character of excavation work to be performed. Excavation shall be considered unclassified excavation, except as indicated in the Contract Documents. B. When performing grading operations during periods of wet weather, provide adequate dewatering, drainage and ground water management to control moisture of soils. C. Shore, brace, and drain excavations as necessary to maintain excavation as safe, secure, and free of water at all times. D. Excavate building areas to line and grade as shown on the Drawings being careful not to over excavate beyond elevations needed for building subgrades. E. Place satisfactory excavated material into project fill areas. F. Unsatisfactory excavated material shall be disposed of in manner and location that is acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. G. Perform excavation using capable, well-maintained equipment and methods acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. 02300-7 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.5 ROCK EXCAVATION A. Rock excavation (if required) is specified in Section 02318. 3.6 TRENCHING EXCAVATION FOR UTILITIES A. Contact local utility companies before excavation begins. Dig trench at proper width and depth for laying pipe, conduit, or cable. Cut trench banks vertical, if possible, and remove stones from bottom of trench as necessary to avoid point-bearing. Over-excavate wet or unstable soil, if encountered, from trench bottom as necessary to provide suitable base for continuous and uniform bedding. Replace over-excavation with satisfactory material and dispose of unsatisfactory material. B. Trench excavation sidewalls shall be sloped, shored, sheeted, braced, or otherwise supported by means of sufficient strength to protect workmen in accordance with applicable rules and regulations established for construction by the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and by local ordinances. Lateral travel distance to exit ladder or steps shall not be greater than 25 feet in trenches 4 feet or deeper. C. Perform trench excavation as indicated on the Drawings for specified depths. During excavation, stockpile materials suitable for backfilling in orderly manner far enough from bank of trench to avoid overloading, slides, or cave-ins. D. Remove excavated materials not required or not satisfactory as backfill or embankments and waste off-site or at on-site locations approved by the Owner and in accordance with governing regulations. Dispose of structures discovered during excavation as specified in Section 02220. E. Prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other excavations by temporary grading or other methods, as required. Remove accumulated water in trenches and other excavations as specified. F. Open cut excavation with trenching machine or backhoe. Where machines other than ladder or wheel-type trenching machines are used, do not use clods for backfill. G. Accurately grade trench bottom to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on bedding material at every point along entire length except where necessary to excavate for bell holes, proper sealing of pipe joints, or other required connections. Dig bell holes and depressions for joints after trench bottom has been graded. Dig no deeper, longer, or wider than needed to make joint connection properly. H. Trench width below top of pipe shall not be less than 12 inches nor more than 18 inches wider than outside surface of pipe or conduit that is to be installed to designated elevations and grades. Other trench width for pipe, conduit, or cable shall be least practical width that will allow for proper compaction of trench backfill. I. Trench depth requirements measured from finished grade or paved surface shall meet the following requirements or applicable codes and ordinances, whichever is more stringent: 1. Water Mains: 30 inches to top of pipe barrel or 6 inches below frost line, established by local building official, whichever is deeper. 2. Sanitary Sewer: Elevations and grades as indicated on the drawings and as specified in Section 02535. 3. Storm Sewer: Elevations and grades as indicated on the Drawings. 4. Electrical Conduits: 24 inches minimum to top of conduit or as required by NEC 300-5, NEC 710-36 codes, or local utility company requirements, whichever is deeper. 5. TV Conduits: 18 inches minimum to top of conduit or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 6. Telephone Conduits: 18 inches minimum to top of conduit, or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 02300-8 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 7. Gas Mains and Service: 30 inches minimum to top of pipe, or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 3.7 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. Scarification and Compaction: Areas exposed by excavation or stripping and on which subgrade preparations are to be performed shall be scarified to minimum depth of 8 inches and compacted as specified hereinafter. B. Proofrolling: Subgrades shall be proofrolled to detect areas of insufficient compaction and soft pocket, or areas of excess yielding. Proofrolling shall be accomplished by making minimum of two complete passes with fully-loaded tandem-axle dump truck with a minimum weight of 20 tons, or approved equal, in each of two perpendicular directions. Limit vehicle speed to three mph. Areas of failure such as soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting shall be excavated and re-compacted as specified herein. Continual failure areas shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 02340 at no additional cost to Owner. Subgrade exposed longer than 48 hours or on which precipitation has occurred shall be re-proofrolled. Document proofrolling procedure, specific locations, deficiencies, and corrective measures for review by Owner or Engineer of Record upon request. 3.8 FILLING A. Fill areas to contours and elevations shown on the Drawings with materials deemed satisfactory. B. Place fills in continuous lifts specified herein. C. Fill within proposed building subgrade, paving subgrade, and outparcel subgrades shall not contain rock or stone greater than 6 inches in any dimension. D. Unless otherwise specified for rock fill, rock or stone less than 6-inches in largest dimension may be used in fill below structures, paving, outparcels, and graded areas, up to 24 inches below surface of proposed subgrade or finish grade of graded areas when mixed with satisfactory material. Rock or stone less than 2 inches in largest dimension may be used in fill within the upper 24 inches of proposed subgrade or finish grade of graded areas when mixed with satisfactory material. E. Fill materials used in preparation of subgrade shall be placed in lifts or layers not to exceed 8 inches loose measure and compacted as specified hereinafter. F. Material imported from off-site shall have LBR value equal to or above pavement design subgrade LBR value indicated on The Drawings. G. Building area subgrade pad shall be that portion of site directly beneath and 5 feet beyond building and appurtenances, including limits of future building expansion areas as shown on the Drawings. 3.9 ROCK FILL A. Rock fill shall include on-site excavated material classified as rock excavation as specified in Section 02318. Rock fill may be utilized in fill up to 48 inches below top of subgrade or finish grade of graded areas outside the proposed building, paving, and outparcel areas. Rock fill shall consist of rock having a maximum dimension not greater than 12 inches in any dimension. Rock fill shall be placed in successive horizontal layers of loose material having a thickness of approximately the maximum size of the larger rock in the lift, but not greater than 12 inches. Each layer of material shall be spread uniformly, completely saturated, and compacted. Shot rock shall not be dumped into place, but shall be distributed in horizontal lifts by blading and dozing in such a manner as to ensure proper placement into final position in the embankment. Voids shall be filled with finer material including shot rock fines and limited soil fines during the spreading operation. Successive layers shall not be placed until all voids of the current lift are filled and the lift is compacted. Each successive layer of material shall 02300-9 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 adequately bond to the material on which it is placed. Compaction shall be accomplished with vibratory compactors, heavy rubber-tired rollers, or steel-wheeled rollers. Compaction shall be by uniform passes of compaction equipment in sufficient number of passes, but not less than two passes, such that no further consolidation is evident. 3.10 PIPE BEDDING A. Excavate trenches for pipe or conduit to 4 inches below bottom of pipe and to the width as specified herein. Place 4 inches of bedding material, compact in bottom of trench, and shape to conform to lower portion of pipe barrel. B. Place geotextile fabric as specified on the Drawings and in accordance with Section 02340. 3.11 TRENCH BACKFILLING A. Materials used for trench backfill shall comply with requirements as specified herein. B. Backfill and compact in accordance with fill and compaction requirements in ASTM D2321 unless otherwise shown on the drawings. C. Do not backfill trenches until required tests are performed and utility systems comply with and are accepted by applicable governing authorities. D. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations shown on the Drawings. E. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen, or spongy subgrade surfaces. 3.12 BORINGS AND CASINGS UNDER ROADS, HIGHWAYS, AND RAILROAD CROSSINGS A. When indicated by the Drawings, street, road, highway, or railroad crossings for utility mains installed by jacking and boring method shall be in accordance with area specifications and governing authorities. B. Excavation of approach pits and trenches within right-of-way of street, road, highway, or railroad shall be of sufficient distance from paving or railroad tracks to permit traffic to pass without interference. Tamp backfill for approach pits and trenches within right-of-way in layers not greater than 6-inches thick for entire length and depth of trench or pit. Compact backfill to 98 percent of maximum density in accordance with ASTM D698, (or 95 percent of maximum density, in accordance with ASTM D1557) obtained at optimum moisture as determined by AASHTO T180. Mechanical tampers may be used after cover of 6 inches has been obtained over top of barrel of pipe. C. Accomplish boring operation using commercial type boring rig. Bore hole to proper alignment and grade. Bore hole shall be within 2 inches of same diameter as largest outside joint diameter of pipe installed. Install pipe in hole immediately after bore has been made and in no instance shall hole be left unattended while open. D. In event subsurface operations result in failure or damage to pavement or railroad tracks within 1 year of construction, make necessary repairs to pavement or railroad tracks. If paving cracks on either side of pipe line or is otherwise disturbed or broken due to construction operations, repair or replace disturbed or broken area. E. Clean, prime, and line interior and exterior of casing pipe with two coats of asphalt coating in accordance with and governing authorities. F. Butt weld steel casing. Welds shall be full penetration single butt-welds in accordance with AWWA C206. 02300-10 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 G. Install casing and utility pipe with end seals, vent pipe, and other special equipment in accordance with area specifications and governing authorities. 3.13 COMPACTION A. Compact as follows: Percent of Maximum Laboratory Density Location ASTM D698 ASTM D1557 Subgrade & Fill below Structures, Pavement and Outparcels 98 95 Subgrade & Fill in All other Areas 95 92 B. Maintain moisture content of not less than 1 percent below and not more than 3 percent above optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. C. Exercise proper caution when compacting immediately over top of pipes or conduits. Water jetting or flooding is not permitted as method of compaction. D. Corrective Measures for Non-Complying Compaction: Remove and recompact deficient areas until proper compaction is obtained. Continual failure areas shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 02340 at no additional cost to Owner. 3.14 MAINTENANCE OF SUBGRADE A. Verify finished subgrades to ensure proper elevation and conditions for construction above subgrade. B. Protect subgrade from excessive wheel loading during construction, including concrete trucks, dump trucks, and other construction equipment. C. Remove areas of finished subgrade found to have insufficient compaction density to depth necessary and replace in manner that will comply with compaction requirements by use of material with LBR equal to or better than that specified on the drawings. Surface of subgrade after compaction shall be firm, uniform, smooth, stable, and true to grade and cross-section. D. Construct temporary ditches and perform such grading as necessary to maintain positive drainage away from subgrade at all times. 3.15 BORROW AND SPOIL SITES A. Comply with NPDES and local erosion control permitting requirements for any and all on-site and off-site, disturbed spoil and borrow areas. Upon completion of spoil or borrow operations, clean up spoil or borrow areas in a neat and reasonable manner to the satisfaction of Owner or off-site property owner, if applicable. 3.16 FINISH GRADING A. Check grading of building subgrades by string line from grade stakes (blue tops) set at not more than 50-foot centers. Allowable tolerance shall be plus or minus 0.10 feet from plan grade. Provide engineering and field staking as necessary for verification of lines, grades, and elevations. B. Grade areas where finish grade elevations or contours are indicated on the Drawings, other than paved areas, outparcels, and buildings, including excavated areas, filled and transition areas, and landscaped areas. Graded areas shall be uniform and smooth, free from rock, debris, or irregular surface changes. Ground surfaces shall vary uniformly between indicated elevations. Grade finished ditches to allow for proper drainage without 02300-11 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 ponding and in manner that will minimize erosion potential. For topsoil, sodding, and seeding requirements refer to Section 02900. C. Correct settled and eroded areas within 1 year after date of completion at no additional expense to Owner. Bring grades to proper elevation. 3.17 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compliance with Contract requirements. 3.18 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TESTING AND INSPECTION (T&I) A. The General Contractor will perform testing and inspection (T & I) but only as a means of quality control performance. B. Testing and inspection shall be either continuous or periodic in accordance with Section 01458 and as follows: 1. Continuous: Perform in areas supporting a structure including, but not limited to, building pad area, retaining walls, etc. When continuous testing and inspection is in progress, conduct testing and inspection in areas outside building pad or structure at the frequencies stated herein. This shall include, but not limited to, proofrolling documentation to assure correctness and completeness of proofrolling and any associated corrective actions taken by the Contractor. 2. Periodic: In addition to continuous inspections specified above, perform periodic testing as follows when continuous testing is not being performed as described above: a. Two days during the first week when earthwork starts in a paved area. b. Two days each week thereafter until earthwork is complete. C. Test Frequency: 1. Number of tests to be taken shall be the test frequencies stated based on quantities or occurrences which have accumulated up to, in between, or during each periodic visit. 2. Not less than one specified test shall be conducted each periodic visit when material has been placed since last visit. 3. In addition, at least one specified test shall be conducted on work being placed during each periodic visit. D. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and the Engineer of Record. E. Work shall be performed by a Special Inspector – Technical I unless specified otherwise. Report of testing and inspection results shall be made upon the completion of testing. F. Classification of Materials: Perform test for classification of materials used and encountered during construction in accordance with ASTM D2488 and ASTM D2487. G. Laboratory Testing Of Materials: Perform laboratory testing of materials (Proctor, Sieve Analysis, Atterberg Limits, Consolidation Test, etc.) as specified. H. Proofrolling: Document and explain proofrolling inspection procedures and results in the laboratory inspection report. I. Field Density Tests 1. Building Subgrade Areas, Including 5'-0" Outside of Exterior Building Lines: In cut areas, not less than one compaction test for every 2,500 sq. ft and at locations along all continuous wall footings with intervals not exceeding 100 feet and at each column spread footing. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch 02300-12 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 lift, measured loose and at locations along continuous wall footings with intervals not exceeding 100 feet and at each column spread footing. a. Density tests on top of building subgrade shall be performed within 48 hours prior to placement of overlying materials. If inclement weather occurs after testing, retest prior to placement of overlying materials. 2. Paving Areas and other Areas of Construction Exclusive of Building Subgrade: a. In cut areas, not less than one compaction test for every 10,000 sq. ft. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift, measured loose. b. Outparcels: In cut areas, not less than one compaction test for every 2,500 sq. ft. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift, measured loose. c. Utility Trench Backfill: Intervals not exceeding 200-feet of trench for first and every other 8-inch lift of compacted trench backfill. 3. Test Method: In-place nuclear density, ASTM D6938. J. Observation and Inspection: 1. Observe all subgrades/excavation bases below footings and slabs and verify design bearing capacity is achieved as required. Work shall be performed by a Special Inspector – Technical II. 2. Observe and document presence of groundwater within excavations. 3.19 RETESTING AND RE-INSPECTION A. General Contractor will conduct retesting and re-inspection as necessary until corrections are fully completed by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02340-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02340 (31 3200) - SOIL STABILIZATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavation, treatment, and backfilling of subgrade for lime, cement, fly ash, or bridge lift stabilization. 2. Geotextile fabric and geogrid for stabilization of subgrade. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. 2. ASTM C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. 3. ASTM C977 - Quicklime and Hydrated Lime for Soil Stabilization. 4. ASTM D1633 - Compressive Strength of Molded Soil-Cement Cylinders. C. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M216 - Lime for Soil Stabilization. D. National Lime Association (NLA): 1. NLA Bulletin 326 - Lime Stabilization Construction Manual. E. State Department of Transportation (DOT): 1. Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials. 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install mixed materials in wind in excess of 10 mph or when temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit 30-pound sample of each material to be used at the site in airtight containers to the Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) or submit gradation and certification of material that is to be used to the CTL for review. B. Submit name of each materials supplier and specific type and source of each material. Obtain approval of Owner prior to change in source. C. Submit mix designs, materials mix ratio, and laboratory test data to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record 4 weeks prior to beginning stabilization activities. Certify materials and mix ratios will achieve the specified re- quirements as indicated in the Construction Documents or as specified by state and local agencies for soil stabili- zation if not stated in the Construction Documents. 02340-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 D. Submit approved mix designs, materials mix ratio, and laboratory test data to the CTL prior to commencing stabi- lization activities. PART 2 PRODUCTS 1.5 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide products from one of the following manufacturers as specified in the Materials paragraph below: 1. TenCate Geosynthetics North America (Mirafi), Pendergrass, GA., (706) 693-2226, www.tencate.com 2. Hanes Geo Components (WEBTEC), Winston Salem, NC. (336) 747-1600, www.hanesgeo.com 3. Tensar International Corp., Atlanta, GA. (888) 828-5126, www.tensarcorp.com 4. Thrace-LINQ Inc., Summerville, SC (843) 873-5800, www.thracelinq.com 5. DuPont (Typar). Summerville, SC (843) 832-6860, www.typargeo.com 6. Synteen Technical Fabrics, Lancaster, SC (800) 796-8336, www.synteen.com 1.6 MATERIALS A. Soil Treatment Materials: 1. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C977 or AASHTO M216. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I. 3. Fly Ash: ASTM C618. B. Aggregate: 1. Coarse Aggregate: Crushed carbonate, crushed gravel, crushed air-cooled slag, granulated slag, a mixture of crushed and granulated slag, or other types of suitable material meeting the following gradation re- quirements: Sieve Size Percent Passing 2 inches 100 1 inch 70-100 3/4 inch 50-90 No. 4 30-60 No. 30 7-30 No. 200 0-5 2. Fine Aggregate: Sand – Natural river or bank sand; washed; free of silt, clay, loam, friable or soluble mate- rials, and organic matter meeting the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size Percent Passing No. 4 90-100 No. 50 7-40 No. 200 0-5 C. Subsoil: Existing to be reused. D. Bridge Lift Material: Surge stone, granular fill, or shot rock fill. 1.7 ACCESSORIES A. Curing Seal: Asphalt Emulsion Primer. B. Geotextile Fabric for Stabilization: Provide one of the following: 1. Mirafi HP 370 or HP 570, by TenCate. 2. SF40 or SF65, by DuPont. 02340-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3. GTF-200 or 300, by Thrace-LINQ. 4. TerraTex HD, by Hanes. C. Geogrid for Stabilization: Provide one of the following: 1. Biaxial Geogrid Type 1 (formerly BX 1100), by Tensar. 2. Biaxial Geogrid Type 2 (formerly BX 1200), by Tensar. 3. Mirafi BXG 11, by TenCate. 4. Mirafi BXG 12, by TenCate. 5. SF 11, by Synteen. 6. SF 12, by Synteen PART 3 EXECUTION 1.8 PREPARATION A. Obtain approval of mix design before proceeding with placement. B. Start stabilization only when weather and soil conditions are favorable for successful application of proposed ma- terial. C. Proofroll subgrade to identify areas in need of stabilization. 1.9 EQUIPMENT A. Perform operations using suitable, well maintained equipment capable of excavating subsoil, mixing and placing materials, wetting, consolidating, and compacting of material. 1.10 EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil to depth sufficient to accommodate soil stabilization. B. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock that interfere with achieving uniform subsoil conditions. C. Do not excavate within normal 45 degree bearing splay of any foundation. D. Notify Engineer of Record of unexpected subsurface conditions. Discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. E. Correct areas over-excavated in accordance with Section 02300. F. Remove excess excavated material from site. 1.11 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AND/OR GEOGRID A. Place geotextile fabric and/or geogrid over subsoil surface, lap edges and ends in accordance with manufactur- er’s recommendations in those areas that are shown on Construction Drawings or in those areas that need addi- tional stabilization prior to placement of base course. Bridge lift sections may require the use of geotextile fabric and/or geogrid for stabilization prior to placement of fill. B. Place geotextile fabric and/or geogrid in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 1.12 SOIL TREATMENT AND BACKFILLING 02340-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Lime Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with hydrated lime in accordance with state highway department specifications. B. Cement Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with Portland cement in accordance with state highway department specifications. C. Fly Ash Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with fly ash in accordance with state highway department specifications. D. Bridge Lifts: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared sub- grade by application of a bridge lift. Bridging over existing soils shall be acceptable only when approved in writing by the Owner. Place geotextile fabric or geogrid over existing soils to be bridged. The geotextile fabric or geogrid selected shall be appropriate for the bridge lift material being placed. Place bridge lift over geotextile fabric or geogrid. Surge stone and shot rock will be approved by the Owner’s representative on a submittal basis. The Owner and the Owner’s representative shall have sole discretion as to the acceptability of all submittals. E. Backfill and compaction of treated subsoil shall be in accordance with Sections 02300. F. Maintain optimum moisture of mixed materials to attain required stabilization and compaction. G. Finish subgrade surface in accordance with Section 02300. H. Remove surplus mix materials from site. 1.13 CURING A. Immediately following compaction of mix, seal top surface with curing seal. B. Do not permit traffic for 72 hours after sealing top surface. 1.14 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compli- ance with Contract requirements. Owner T&I specified below shall not be considered a substitute for the Con- tractor’s responsibility to perform similar routine, necessary, and customary testing and inspection of the meth- ods and frequency suitable for the type of work involved. 1.15 OWNER TESTING AND INSPECTION (T&I) A. The Owner may perform testing and inspection (T & I) but only as a means of verification to the Owner of Con- tractor quality control performance. END OF SECTION 02510-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02510 (33 1000) - WATER DISTRIBUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Site water piping and fittings including domestic potable waterline and fire protection system supply wa- terline, valves, and fire hydrants. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Trenching, backfill, and compaction for utilities. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. ASME B 16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM B88 - Seamless Copper Water Tube. 2. ASTM D1784 - Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. 3. ASTM D2241 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR-Series). 4. ASTM D2564 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Solvent Cement. 5. ASTM D2672 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Integrally Molded Bell Ends For Solvent - Cemented Pipe Joints. 6. ASTM D3139 - Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes using Flexible Elastomeric Seals. 7. ASTM F477 - Elastomeric Gaskets And Lubricant. 8. ASTM F656 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Cement Primer. D. American Water Works Association (AWWA): 1. AWWA C104 - Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water. 2. AWWA C105 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Piping for Water and other Liquids. 3. AWWA C116 - Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile- Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Watersupply Service. 4. AWWA C151 - Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water or Other Liquids. 5. AWWA C153 - Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service. 6. AWWA C504 - Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves. 7. AWWA C509 - Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service. 8. AWWA C550 - Protective Interior Coatings for Valves And Hydrants. 9. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Appurtenances. 10. AWWA C605 - Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water. 11. AWWA C651 - Disinfecting Water Mains. 12. AWWA C900 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 Inches Through 12 Inches, for Water Distribution. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish 1 copy of results of meter test and hydrostatic pressure test to Owner, Owners Civil Engineering Consult- ant (CEC), and utility company upon completion of water distribution backfilling operations. 02510-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Project Record Documents: 1. Disinfection report: Record the following: a. Type and form of disinfectant used. b. Date and time disinfectant injection start and time of completion. c. Test locations. d. Initial and 24 hour disinfectant residuals (quantity in treated water) in ppm for each outlet tested. e. Date and time of flushing start and completion. f. Disinfectant residual after flushing in ppm for each outlet tested. 2. Bacteriological report: Record the following: a. Date issued, project name, testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number. b. Time and date of water sample collection. c. Name of person collecting samples. d. Test locations. e. Initial and 24 hour disinfectant residuals in ppm for each outlet tested. f. Coliform bacteria test results for each outlet tested. g. Certification that water conforms, or fails to conform, to bacterial standards. h. Bacteriologist’s signature and authority. 3. Accurately record actual locations of piping mains, valves, connections, and top of pipe elevations. 4. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions and location of uncharted utilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE A. Pipe sizes 3-inches and smaller for installation below grade and outside building shall comply with one or combi- nation of following: 1. Seamless Copper Tubing: Type "K" soft copper, ASTM B88. a. Fittings: Wrought copper (95-5 Tin Antimony solder joint), ASME B 16.22. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe: Pipe, ASTM D 2241, with SDR 21 rating, continually marked with manufacturer's name, pipe size, cell classification, SDR rating, and ASTM D1784 material classification. a. Pipe joints: Integrally molded bell ends, ASTM D2672. b. Cement primer: ASTM F656. c. Solvent cement: ASTM D2564. B. Pipe sizes 4 to 16 inches for installation below grade and outside building shall comply with one or combination of following: 1. Ductile Iron Water Pipe: AWWA C151, Pressure class 350 (4-12”) Pressure Class 250 (14-16”). a. Fittings: Either mechanical joint or push-on joint, AWWA C153, and shall be coated with a 6-8 mil nominal thickness fusion bonded epoxy conforming to the requirements of AWWA C550 and C116, or cement mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104. b. Elastomeric gaskets and lubricant: ASTM F477. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe: Pipe, AWWA C900, rated DR 18 (Class 150), continually marked as required. a. Elastomeric gaskets and lubricant: ASTM F477 for smaller pipes. b. Pipe joints: Integrally molded bell ends, ASTM D3139. 2.2 VALVES A. Gate Valves, 2-Inches and Larger: 1. Manufacturer and Model: Mueller Resilient Wedge Gate Valves or approved equal. 02510-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. AWWA C509, iron body, non-rising stem with square nut, single wedge, resilient seat, flanged or mechani- cal joint ends, control rod, post indicator where indicated on Construction Drawings, extension box and valve key. B. Ball Valves, 2-Inches and Smaller: 1. Manufacturer and Model: Mueller Oriseal or approved equal. 2. Brass body, teflon coated brass ball, rubber seats and stem seals, Tee stem pre-drilled for control rod, AWWA compression inlet end, compression outlet with electrical ground connector, with control rod, ex- tension box and valve key. C. Butterfly Valves, From 2-Inch to 24-Inch: AWWA C504, Iron body, bronze disc, resilient replaceable seat, water or lug ends, infinite position lever handle. D. Check Valves, Post Indicator Valves, And Backflow Preventers: Refer to Section 13900 - Fire Suppression. E. Mark manufacturer's name and pressure rating on valve body. 2.3 FIRE HYDRANTS A. Fire Hydrants: Type as required by utility company/Local Fire Department and as shown on Construction Draw- ings. B. Hydrant Extensions: Fabricate in multiples of 6-inches with rod and coupling to increase barrel length. C. Hose and Steamer Connections: Match sizes with utility company, with two hose nozzles, one pumper nozzle. D. Finish: Apply primer and 2 coats of enamel or special coating to color as required by utility company. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Thrust Blocking: Place 2500 psi concrete to provide sufficient bearing area to transmit unbalanced thrust from bends, tees, caps, or plugs to undisturbed soil without loading undisturbed soil in excess of 2,500 pounds per square foot when water main pressure is 100 psi. MINIMUM THRUST BLOCKING BEARING AREAS Pipe Tees 90 Bend 45 Bend 22½ Bend 11¼ Bend 5 5/8 BendCap/Plug Diameter Sq. Ft Sq. Ft Sq. Ft Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 3" 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 4" 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 6" 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 8" 2.5 3.5 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 10" 4.0 5.5 2.8 1.5 1.0 1.0 6.0 12" 6.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 8.5 14" 8.0 11.0 5.5 3.0 2.0 1.5 12.0 16" 10.0 14.2 7.0 4.0 3.0 2.5 15.0 18" 21.0 21.0 12.0 6.0 4.0 3.5 24.0 B. Locked mechanical joint fittings shall be installed where vertical changes in direction are required and, if ap- proved by Owner and governing authority, can be installed in lieu of above thrust blocking requirements. 02510-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 C. Polyethylene Encasement: Single layer of two ply cross-laminated high density polyethylene encasement per AWWA C105, Section 4.1.2, Type III, Class C (Black), Grade 33, tensile strength 5,000 psi minimum, elongation 100 percent, thickness nominal 0.004 inch (4 mil). D. Trace Wire: Magnetic detectable conductor, (#12 Copper) brightly colored plastic covering imprinted with “Wa- ter Service” in large letters. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that building service connection and municipal utility water main size, location, and depth are as indicated on Construction Drawings. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends and remove burrs. B. Remove scale and dirt, on inside and outside, before assembly. C. Prepare pipe for connections to equipment with flanges or unions. D. Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same. 3.3 TRENCHING AND BEDDING A. Excavate pipe trench and place bedding material in accordance with Section 02300. 3.4 INSTALLATION – GENERAL A. Perform installation in accordance with utility company or municipality requirements which shall take prece- dence over requirements stated herein when difference exists. 3.5 INSTALLATION - PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Maintain separation of water main from sanitary and storm sewer piping in accordance with state or local codes. B. Install ductile iron pipe and fittings in accordance with AWWA C600. C. Install PVC pipe and fittings in accordance with AWWA C605. D. Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be installed with polyethylene encasement around the pipe for the entire length of the project except where water main is within steel casing or is concrete encased. Install polyethylene encasement in accordance with AWWA C105, Method A. E. Install pipe to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe or joints or as specified by pipe manu- facturer. F. Install access fittings in accordance with local codes to permit disinfection of water system performed under this Section. 02510-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 G. Connections with Existing Pipelines: Where connections are made between new work and existing piping, make connection using suitable fittings for conditions encountered. Make each connection with existing pipe at time and under conditions with least interference with operation of existing pipeline and in compliance with local util- ity company. H. Form and place concrete for thrust blocks or other specified methods of retainage at each change of direction or end of pipe main. I. Place pipe to depth in accordance with Section 02300. J. Backfill trench in accordance with Section 02300. K. Install trace wire continuous over top of non-metal pipe. Bury a minimum of 6 inches below finish grade, and above pipeline. 3.6 INSTALLATION - VALVES AND HYDRANTS A. Install gate valves as indicated on Construction Drawings. Support valve on concrete pads with valve stem verti- cal and plumb. Install valve boxes in manner that will not transmit loads, stress, or shock to valve body. Center valve box over operating nut of valve vertical and plumb. Securely fit valve box together leaving cover flush with finished surface. B. Install fire hydrant assemblies as indicated on Construction Drawings in vertical and plumb position with steam- er/pumper nozzle pointed perpendicular to traffic where hydrant is adjacent to street, roadway, or parking lot drive or toward protected building unless otherwise directed by local authorities. Support hydrant assembly on concrete pad and firmly brace on side opposite inlet pipe against undisturbed soil and concrete blocking. Place minimum of 6-cubic feet of crushed stone or gravel around hydrant base and barrel after thrust blocking has cured at least 24 hours. Maintain vertical position of hydrant backfilling and compacting. 3.7 DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM A. Perform disinfection of potable lines in accordance with AWWA C651. B. Disinfect distribution system with chlorine before acceptance for domestic operation. Chlorine dosage shall be not less than 50 parts per million. Flush lines before introduction of chlorinating materials and after contact pe- riod of not less than 24 hours. Flush with clean water after contact period until residual chlorine content is not greater than 1.0 part per million. Flush water discharged from water supply lines or hydrants shall not be al- lowed to discharge directly onto exposed soil or turf which could result in erosion of soil. If potential for erosion exists at discharge point, measures shall be taken to prevent erosion. Open and close valves in lines being disin- fected several times during contact period. After disinfection, take water sample and bacteriological test in ac- cordance with AWWA C651. Do not place distribution system in service until approval is obtained from local governing authorities. C. Provide a means of neutralizing the super-chlorinated water before releasing into the environment. This may be accomplished by either a method of dechlorinization, direct release into a detention area approved by Wal-Mart, or any method acceptable to federal, state, and local codes. Direct release to open ground shall not be allowed, unless contained within an onsite detention facility with 6" permanent storage. In this case, the Contractor shall time the release to assure that no rainstorms are imminent. The intent of this condition is to allow the majority of the chlorine to evaporate into the atmosphere before a rainstorm has the opportunity to wash the residual downstream. Contractor shall not release super-chlorinated water directly into the sanitary sewer system, pri- vate or public, nor any storm drain system not directly discharging into the detention facility. 3.8 SERVICE CONNECTIONS 02510-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Provide water service connection in compliance with utility company requirements including reduced pressure backflow preventer (if required) and water meter with by-pass valves and sand strainer. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test water distribution system pipe installed below grade and outside building in accordance with the following procedures: 1. Perform testing of pipe materials, joints, and other materials incorporated into construction of water mains and force mains to determine leakage and water tightness. In the event state or local code re- quires more stringent test, more stringent test shall take precedence. 2. Conduct piping tests before joints are covered and after concrete thrust blocks have hardened sufficient- ly. Fill pipeline 24 hours before testing and apply test pressure to stabilize system. Use only potable wa- ter. Test at not less than one-and-one-half times working pressure for two hours. Increase pressure in 50- psig increments and inspect each joint between increments. Hold at test pressure for 1 hour; decrease to 0 psig. Slowly increase again to test pressure and hold for 1 more hour. Maximum allowable leakage shall be 2 quarts per hour per 100 joints. Remake leaking joints with new materials and repeat test until leak- age is within allowed limits. B. Prepare reports of testing activities. END SECTION 02532-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02532 (33 3213) - SEWAGE LIFT STATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Exterior submersible pre-packaged sewage lift station and wet well. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Excavation, backfill, and compaction. 2. Section 02535 - Sanitary Sewer Systems. Force mains. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Pre-packaged duplex lift station unit with a fiberglass wet well and all components including pumps, guide rail system, controls and other accessories and components providing a complete working lift station. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Commercial Testing of Pumps: 1. Visually inspect pumps to confirm conformance with drawings and specifications as to horsepower, volt- age, phase and hertz. 2. Megger the motor seal and housing chambers for infinity to test for moisture content or insulation de- fects. 3. Allow pumps to run dry to check for proper rotation. 4. Measure amp readings in each leg with discharge piping attached and the pump submerged in water to check for an imbalanced stator winding. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Provide dimensional shop drawings of equipment items. B. Certification: Provide certification of satisfactory start-up performance. C. Project Record Documents: 1. Record Drawings: a. Accurately record submit actual sewer inlet invert elevations at the wet well, wet well bottom ele- vation, pump on/off level switch elevations, and high level alarm elevation. b. Identify and describe all approved modifications. 2. O&M Manual: Furnish one copy of Lift Station Operation and Maintenance Manual to Owner’s Director of Maintenance and Warranty. Include, in addition to installation and general operating procedure, the operation, maintenance, and servicing procedures of the major individual components provided with the lift station. Include parts lists of components and a troubleshooting guide. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Provide printed manufacturer’s warranty certificate for warranty of the total package lift station for a period of two years from the date of start-up. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 02532-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2.1 LIFT STATION A. Manufacturer: As shown on Construction Drawings or as approved by Engineer of Record. B. Provide lift station and components as shown and specified on the drawings. C. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 NAMEPLATES A. Pumps: Show manufacturer's name, pump model number, and electrical information stamped on the motor nameplate. B. Valves: Show manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. 2.3 PAINTING A. Protect metal surfaces coming into contact with the pump, other than stainless steel or brass, with a factory ap- plied fused polymer coating on the exterior of the pump. B. Repair painted surfaces damaged during handling or construction with primer and paint compatible with the base material and original painted finish. 2.4 GUIDE RAIL SYSTEM A. Install pumps on lift-out rail systems as shown to allow for easy removal without requiring entry into the wet well. B. The pump shall be automatically connected to the discharge connection elbow when lowered into place, and shall be easily removed for inspection or service. A simple linear downward motion of the pump shall accomplish sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge connection elbow without the need of O-rings. 2.5 CONTROLS A. Assemble and test the motor control panel in accordance with UL Standard 508 for industrial controls. B. Provide alarm system producing a signal that is compatible with remote building alarm system. Install conduit and signal wire from the pump station control panel to the NOVAR Panel area of the store in accordance with the construction documents. C. Provide color coded interrnal wiring, each wire being a different color or stripe (except for ground). D. Provide electrical components and assembly in accordance with applicable sections in Division 16. E. Float switches or level controls shall be adjustable for level setting from the surface. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that building sewer service pipe size, location, and elevation are as indicated on Construction Drawings. 3.2 INSTALLATION 02532-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Install in accordance with the lift station manufacturer's recommendations. B. Comply with Section 02300 for excavation, backfill, and material testing for wet well installation unless otherwise shown on the Lift Station drawings and instructions. 3.3 Place top of wet well slab not less than 1 foot above the surrounding area. Taper surrounding grading up to meet the base of the top slab to provide positive drainage away from the station. A. Obtain approval of the Engineering Consultant prior to modifications resulting from field variations. 3.4 START-UP A. After lift station has been installed and wired, complete the following startup procedures and provide certifica- tion of satisfactory performance to the Owner’s Engineering Consultant: 1. Megger stator and power cables. 2. Check seal lubrication. 3. Check for proper rotation. 4. Check power supply voltage. 5. Measure motor operating load and no load current. 6. Check level control operation and sequence. END OF SECTION 02535-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02535 (33 3000) - SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Sanitary sewer drainage piping, fittings, accessories, cleanouts, and bedding. 2. Connection of site sanitary sewer system to municipal sanitary sewer systems. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Trenching, backfill, and compaction for utilities 2. Section 02536 - Sewer Manholes, Frames, and Covers 3. Section 03310 – Cast-in-place Structural Concrete 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A74 - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 2. ASTM A746 - Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe 3. ASTM C425 - Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Fittings 4. ASTM C564 - Rubber Gaskets for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 5. ASTM C700 - Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Standard Strength, and Perforated 6. ASTM D2241 - Poly (vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR Series) 7. ASTM D2657 - Heat-Joining Polyolefin pipe and Fittings 8. ASTM D3034 - Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings 9. ASTM D3035 - Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals 10. ASTM D3139 - Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals 11. ASTM D3261 - Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings For Polyethylene Plastic Pipe And Tubing 12. ASTM F477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe 13. ASTM F1417 - Standard Test Method for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low- Pressure Air. C. American Water Works Association (AWWA): 1. AWWA C111 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings 2. AWWA C600 - Ductile-Iron Water Mains And Their Appurtenances 3. AWWA C900 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 In. Through 12 In, For Water Distribution 4. AWWA C901 - Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe, Tubing And Fittings 1/2 Inch Through 3 Inches, For Water Distribution 5. AWWA C906 - Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe And Fittings, 4 Inch Through 63 Inch, For Water Distribu- tion 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: 1. Accurately record actual locations of pipe runs, connections, cleanouts, and invert elevations. 2. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions and location of uncharted utilities. 02535-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate work with termination of sanitary sewer connection outside building and connection to municipal sewer utility service. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SEWER PIPE, FITTINGS, AND JOINTS A. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC): ASTM D 3034, rated SDR 35 unless otherwise specified by the utility company. Pipe shall be continually marked with manufacturer's name, pipe size, cell classification, SDR rating, and ASTM D 3034 classification. 1. Pipe joints: Integrally molded bell ends, ASTM D 3034, Table 2, with factory supplied elastomeric gaskets and lubricant. B. Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP): ASTM C700: Use only if required by local jurisdiction. 1. Fittings: ASTM C700 2. Joints: ASTM C425 3. Gaskets: ASTM C425. Gaskets shall be manufactured from high grade, properly vulcanized elastomeric compound consisting of either basic natural or synthetic rubber. Gasket manufacturing tolerances shall comply with Rubber Manufacturer's Association tolerances for gaskets. 4. Lubricant: Suitable for lubricating joint components; no deteriorating effects on gasket or pipe material, will not support growth of fungi or bacteria, and shall be of type recommended by gasket manufacturer. C. Force Main: 1. High-Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE): AWWA C901 and C906, ASTM D3035, SDR 11 for 150 psi pressure rating. a. Fittings: Molded, AWWA C901 or C906. b. Joints: Butt fusion, ASTM D2657, flanged gasket joints at interface 2. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC): For less than 4 inches in diameter, ASTM D2241 for push-on or solvent weld joints, and for pipe 4 inches in diameter and larger, AWWA C900, Class 150 with push-on joints. a. Joints/Fittings: Push-on, ASTM D3139 with ASTM F477 gaskets. b. Solvent Cement: ASTM D2564. 3. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP): ASTM A746, Class 50, inside nominal diameter as shown on the drawings, bell and spigot end. a. Ductile Iron Pipe Joint Device: AWWA C111, rubber gasket joint devices. 2.2 PIPE ACCESSORIES A. Pipe Joints: Mechanical clamp ring type, stainless steel expanding and contracting sleeve, neoprene-ribbed gas- ket for positive seal. B. Fittings: Same material as pipe molded or formed to suit pipe size and end design, in required tee, bends, el- bows, cleanouts, reducers, traps, etc. 2.3 CLEANOUTS AND MANHOLES A. Manholes shall conform to Section 02536. B. Lid and Frame: Provide in accordance with Section 02536. Provide traffic grade and rated covers and frames where cleanouts and manholes are within pavement, with the letters “SSCO” or “SANITARY SEWER” respectively cast into the cover. 02535-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 C. Shaft Construction: Cast iron shaft of internal diameter as specified on Construction Drawings with 2500 psi con- crete collar for cleanouts. 2.4 APPURTENANCES A. Trace Wire: Magnetic detectable conductor (#12 copper), brightly colored plastic covering, imprinted with “Sani- tary Sewer Service” in large letters. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that trench cut and excavation is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions, and elevations are as indicated on Construction Drawings. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Hand trim excavations to required elevations. Correct over excavation with bedding material. B. Remove large stones or other hard matter that could damage pipe or impede consistent backfilling or compac- tion. 3.3 BEDDING A. Excavate trench and place bedding material in accordance with Section 02300. 3.4 INSTALLATION - PIPE A. Install type and class of pipe as shown on the drawings. Pipes shall be laid and maintained to the required line and grade with necessary fittings, bends, manhole risers, cleanouts and other appurtenances placed at the re- quired locations. The pipe shall be installed with uniform bearing under the full length of the barrel of the pipe. The pipe shall be inspected for defects and cracks before being lowered into the trench. Defective, damaged or unsound pipe, or pipe that has had its grade disturbed after laying shall be taken up and replaced. Commence installation at lowest point with the bell end upgrade. B. No pipe shall be laid in water or when trench conditions are unsuitable for work. C. Pipe connecting to manholes or other structures shall terminate flush inside of the structure wall. D. Joints for PVC and CISP shall be thoroughly lubricated with an approved lubricant before pipe sections are slipped together. Open ends shall be fully protected with a stopper to prevent earth or other material from en- tering the pipe during construction. Carefully free interior of the pipe from dirt, cement and other deleterious material as the work progresses. E. Maintain separation of potable water main from sewer piping at crossings a minimum of 10 feet horizontal and 18 inches vertical. F. Install HDPE piping and fittings to AWWA C901 and C906. Butt fusion welded per ASTM D3261. G. Route pipe in straight line parallel to roads, buildings and adjacent utilities and as shown on the drawings. H. Establish elevations of buried piping with sufficient cover as recommended by pipe manufacturer to ensure not less than 3 feet of cover, except as noted on drawings. 02535-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 I. Form and place concrete for thrust blocks at each elbow of pipe force main. See construction drawing for details of construction. J. Backfill trench in accordance with Section 02300. K. Install trace wire continuous over top of non-metal pipe. Bury 6 inches minimum below finish grade, above pipe- line. 3.5 INSTALLATION – CLEANOUTS AND MANHOLES A. Form bottom of excavation clean and smooth to correct elevation. B. For cleanouts, form and place cast-in-place concrete base pad with provision for sanitary sewer pipe to be in- stalled to proper elevations. C. For manholes, construct inverts according to the following guidelines: 1. Invert channel shall be smooth and accurately shaped to a semicircular bottom to match with the inside of the adjacent sewer section. 2. Invert channels and structure bottoms shall be shaped with mortar and lean concrete. 3. Changes in size and grade of invert shall be made gradually and evenly. 4. Changes in the direction of the sewer entering branch or branches shall have a true curve of as large a ra- dius as the manhole will permit. D. For manholes, provide manhole rings, frame, and cover as shown on the construction drawings. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be conducted by the Contractor in accordance with Section 01452. B. Pipes and joints shall not be completely backfilled until after inspection, testing, and approval by the Owner and local jurisdiction. C. Prior to testing for leakage, the pipe trench shall be backfilled to at least the spring line of the pipe. If required to prevent pipe movement during testing, additional backfill shall be added leaving the pipe joints uncovered to permit inspection. D. Exfiltration Test 1. Each section of sewer line between successive manholes shall be tested by closing the lower end of the sewer to be tested and the inlet sewer of the upper manhole, using stoppers. 2. Fill the manhole and pipe with water to a point which produces a maximum of 3 feet of head above the invert of the sewer at the center of the upper manhole; or if groundwater is present, 3 feet of head above the average adjacent groundwater level. 3. The allowable leakage shall be 200 gal/inch of pipe diameter/mile/day E. Infiltration Test 1. If excessive ground water is encountered in the construction of a section of the sewer, the exfiltration test shall not be used. 2. The upper and lower ends of the sewer to be tested shall be closed sufficiently to prevent the entrance of water. 3. Pumping of ground water shall be discontinued for at least 3 days; then infiltration shall be tested. 4. Infiltration into each section of sewer between adjoining manholes shall not exceed that allowed for the exfiltration test, except that head conditions shall be a maximum of 6 feet. 02535-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. The Exfiltration Test may be limited to the manholes only when the authority having jurisdiction does not require the test and the Engineer of Record waives the test. The Infiltration Test will always be required when excessive ground water is encountered in addition to the air test. G. Air Test: Gravity systems shall be air tested between manholes at 3.5 psi for 5 minutes per ASTM F1417 for plas- tic pipes. H. Deflection Test: 1. Deflection tests shall be conducted on all plastic pipe using a mandrel with a diameter equal to 95 percent of the inside diameter of the pipe. The test shall be performed without mechanical pulling devices. 2. Allowable Deflection: Maximum allowable pipe deflection shall not exceed 5 percent of nominal inside diameter. 3. Mandrel: Mandrel, go/no-go, device shall be cylindrical in shape and constructed with either 9 or 16 evenly spaced arms or prongs. Mandrels with fewer arms will be rejected as not sufficiently accurate. Contact length of mandrel's arms shall equal or exceed nominal inside diameter of sewer to be inspected. Critical mandrel dimensions shall carry tolerance of 0.01-inch maximum. Contractor shall provide man- drel and necessary equipment for mandrel test. 4. Procedure: Mandrel shall be hand-pulled through flexible pipe sewer lines no earlier than 30 days after trench has been completely backfilled. Sections of sewer not passing mandrel shall be uncovered and rebedded, rerounded, or replaced to satisfaction of Owner or governing agency. Repaired section shall be retested. I. Hydrostatic Test: Force main piping shall be hydrostatically tested at 150 psi in accordance with AWWA C 600. J. Provide measuring devices, meters, water, materials, and labor for making the required tests. K. Tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer of Record or his designee. Test data shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. END OF SECTION 02536-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02536 (33 3913) - SEWER MANHOLES, FRAMES, AND COVERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY 1.2 Section Includes: 1. Monolithic concrete, modular precast concrete, masonry, and precast polyethylene manhole assemblies. 1.3 Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork. Excavation, backfill, and compaction 2. Section 02535- Sanitary Sewer Systems 3. Section 02630 - Storm Drainage 1.4 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A48 - Gray Iron Castings. 2. ASTM C55 - Concrete Building Brick. 3. ASTM C94 - Ready Mixed Concrete. 4. ASTM C478 - Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. 5. ASTM C990 - Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants 6. ASTM D1248 - Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials. 7. ASTM D2412 - Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading. C. International Masonry Industry All-Weather Council (IMIAC): 1. Recommended Practices and Guide Specification for Cold Weather Masonry Construction. D. State Department of Transportation (DOT), Construction and Material Specifications. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate reference to Construction Drawings of manhole locations, elevations, piping with sizes, locations, and elevations of penetrations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANHOLES A. Cast-In-Place Concrete: Nonreinforced cast in place concrete barrel. 1. Concrete: 3500 psi concrete conforming to ASTM C94. 2. Forms: Steel sheet accurately shaped and fabricated of sufficient strength to form dense watertight walls to true dimensions. B. Precast Concrete: Reinforced precast concrete barrel. 1. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. 02536-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Joints and Joint Sealant: Joint between manhole barrel sections shall conform to ASTM C990 using pre- formed flexible joint sealant. 3. Pipe Connection Sealant: Joint material between manhole barrel and adjoining pipe shall be as shown on the drawings. 4. Construct manholes of precast concrete sections as required by Construction Drawings to size, shape, and depth indicated. C. Concrete Brick: ASTM C55, Grade N Type I-moisture controlled, normal weight, of same grade, type and weight as block units, nominal modular size of 3 5/8-inches x 7 5/8-inches x 2 1/4-inches. D. Precast Polyethylene: 1. Manufacturer: Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) or approved equal. 2. Precast polyethylene in accordance with ASTM D1248. Nominal cylinder internal diameter shall be 48- inches and shall be designed to accept concrete filled polyethylene manhole lids and standard cast iron frames with lid or grate. 3. Manholes shall have compressive strength that meets ASTM D2412 standards. E. Mortar and Grout: Mortar for finishing and sealing shall be Class "C". Honeycombing less than 2-inches deep shall be repaired using Class "D" mortar. F. Brick Transition Reinforcement: Formed steel 8-gauge wire with galvanized finish. G. Configuration: 1. Barrel Construction: Concentric with eccentric cone top section. 2. Shape: Cylindrical. 3. Clear Inside Dimensions: 48-inches diameter minimum or as indicated on Construction Drawings. 4. Design Depth: As indicated on Construction Drawings. 5. Clear Lid Opening: 22-inches minimum. 6. Pipe Entry: Provide openings as indicated on Construction Drawings. 7. Main and Lateral Pipes: Neatly cut off main and lateral pipes flush with inside of manhole or inlet where they enter structure walls. Point up irregularities and rough edges with nonshrinking grout. H. Inverts: Shape inverts for smooth flow across structure floor as indicated on Construction Drawings. Use con- crete and mortar to obtain proper grade and contour. Finish surface with fine textured wood float. 2.2 COMPONENTS A. Lid and Frame: 1. Manufacturer: One of the following or approved equal: a. Bass & Hays Foundry. b. Deeter Foundry, Inc. c. East Jordan Iron Works. d. Neenah Foundry. e. U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing 2. ASTM A48, Class 30B minimum, heavy duty cast iron construction, machined flat bearing surface. 3. Removable lid, closed or open as indicated on Construction Drawings, with sealing gasket. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify items specified by other Sections are properly sized and located. 02536-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Verify that built-in items are in proper location and ready for roughing into work. C. Verify that the excavation for manholes is correct. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Coordinate placement of inlet and outlet pipe or duct sleeves as indicated on Construction Drawings. 3.3 PRECAST MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION A. Place base pad to proper elevation and location and trowel top surface level for placement of manhole barrel. B. Place manhole barrel plumb and level to correct elevations and anchor to base pad. 1. After completion of slab foundation, lower first joint of manhole barrel into position, grooved end first, and set level and plumb on concrete base. Align and adjust to proper grade prior to placing and forming invert. Pour invert immediately after setting of first section of manhole barrel. 2. Prior to setting subsequent manhole barrel sections, apply primer to tongue and groove ends and allow to set in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Place joint sealant on tongue end. Lower next section into position, and remove excess material from interior of structure. Add additional material on exterior of joint, if necessary, for completely watertight joint. C. Set cover frames and lids level without tipping, to correct elevations. Utilize pre-cast rings or brick and mortar to achieve final rim elevation. Maximum limit, 4 courses. 3.4 CAST-IN-PLACE MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION A. Cast-in-place concrete shall conform to the applicable requirements of concrete in Division 3. Utilize steel forms. B. Place base pad to proper elevation and location and pour monolithically with invert. Base shall support pipe to first joint. C. Deposit concrete in evenly distributed layers of about 18 inches, with each layer vibrated to bond to preceding layer. D. Place gasket between all joints and paint exterior of manhole within 5 inches of the joint with mastic waterproof- ing. E. Place precast concrete cone. F. Set section cover frames and lids level without tipping, to correct elevations. Utilize pre-cast rings or brick and mortar to achieve final rim elevation. Maximum limit, 4 courses. 3.5 MASONRY MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION A. Maintain masonry courses to uniform dimension. Form vertical and horizontal joints of uniform thickness. B. Lay masonry units in running bond. Course 3 brick units and 3 mortar joints to equal 8 inches. C. Form flush mortar joints D. Lay masonry units in full bed of mortar, with full head joints, uniformly jointed with other work. E. Install joint reinforcement 16 inches on center 02536-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. Place joint reinforcement in first and second horizontal joints above base pad and below lid frame opening G. As work progresses, build in fabricated metal items H. Cut and fit masonry for pipes as specified herein I. Set cover frames and covers level to correct elevations without tipping. END OF SECTION 02630-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02630 (33 4000) - STORM DRAINAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Storm sewer drainage piping, fittings, and accessories. 2. Storm drainage structures. 1.2 Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Excavation, trenching, backfill, and compaction. 2. Section 02370 – Erosion and Sedimentation Control (Including SWPPP). 3. Section 02536 - Sewer Manholes, Frames, and Covers. 4. Division 3- Concrete: See Architectural / Building Specifications. 1.3 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M 170 – Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe. 2. AASHTO M 190 - Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Arches. 3. AASHTO M 198 - Joints for Circular Sewer and Culvert Pipe Using Flexible Watertight Gaskets. 4. AASHTO M 252 - Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing, 3 to 10 Inch Diameter. 5. AASHTO M 294 - Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing, 12 to 60 Inch Diameter. C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A 74 - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. 2. ASTM A 185 - Steel welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. 3. ASTM A 615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. 4. ASTM A 746 - Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe. 5. ASTM A 760 - Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated For Sewers And Drains. 6. ASTM A 796 - Structural Design Of Corrugated Steel Pipe, Pipe-Arches, And Arches For Storm And Sanitary Sewers And Other Buried Applications. 7. ASTM A 798 - Factory-Made Corrugated Steel Pipe For Sewers And Other Applications. 8. ASTM A 929 - Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated By The Hot-Dip Process For Corrugated Steel Pipe. 9. ASTM C 76 - Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. 10. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement. 11. ASTM C 206 - Finished Hydrated Lime. 12. ASTM C 443 - Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets. 13. ASTM C 564 - Rubber Gasket for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. 14. ASTM C 924 - Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method. 15. ASTM C 969 - Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines. 16. ASTM C 990 - Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants. 17. ASTM D 3034 - Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. 18. ASTM D 3212 - Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals. 19. ASTM F 477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe. 02630-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 20. ASTM F 949 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe with Smooth Interior and Fittings. 21. ASTM F 1417 - Installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air. 22. ASTM F 2306 - 12 to 60 Annular Corrugated Profile Engineer of Recordl Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Gravity-Flow Storm Sewer and Subsurface Drainage Applications. D. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings. E. UNI-Bell PVC Pipe Association: 1. UNI-B-6 – Recommended Practice for Low-Pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer Pipe. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: 1. Accurately record actual locations of pipe runs, connections, catch basins, cleanouts, and invert elevations. 2. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions and location of uncharted utilities. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate work with termination of storm sewer connection outside building including connection to municipal storm sewer system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe and joint materials specified below for storm drainage shall be strictly limited to the extent shown or al- lowed on the drawings or as specified in Part 3 hereinafter. B. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP): ASTM C 76, Class III unless noted otherwise on Drawings. 1. Joint Material: Provide joints to the extent allowable in Part 3 Joints. a. Rubber O-ring Gasket: AASHTO M 198, Type B or ASTM C 443. b. Bitumen or Butyl-Rubber Sealant: ASTM C990. 2. Flared End Sections: ASTM C 76 or, for sections with toe Engineer of Recordl, AASHTO M 170. C. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP): ASTM A 746. 1. Fittings: Cast iron, ASTM A 74. 2. Joint Material: Rubber Gasket, ASTM C 564 for compression joints. D. High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE): AASHTO M 252 Type S, M 294 Type S, or ASTM F 2306 smooth interi- or/annular exterior. Use only where specifically indicated on Drawings. 1. Joint Material: a. Rubber Gasket. 1) ADS N-12 WT by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 2) ADS N-12 ST by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 3) BLUE SEAL by Hancor, Inc. 4) Sure-Lok by Hancor, Inc. b. Corrugated Coupling Bands. 1) Hi-Q by Hancor, Inc. 2) ADS N-12 by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. c. PE Wrap. 02630-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 E. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: ASTM D 3034, rated SDR 35, or ASTM F 949 for Profile Pipe, continually marked with manufacturer's name, pipe size, cell classification, SDR rating, and ASTM D3034 classification. Only permit- ted when specifically indicated on Drawings. 1. Pipe joints conforming to ASTM D 3212. 2. Joint Material: Restrained Gasket, ASTM F 477. F. Corrugated Steel (Metal) Pipe (CSP or CMP): ASTM A 760, pipe gauge shall be as shown on the drawings. Galva- nized, aluminized (Type 1R), or bituminous coated as specified on Drawings. Use only where specifically indicat- ed on Drawings. Corrugated steel pipe may be round pipe, arch pipe, or slotted drainpipe as indicated on Draw- ings. Slotted drainpipe shall have 1.75-inches wide drain waterway openings and 6 inches minimum height drain guide. 1. CSP, bands and appurtenances shall be uniformly coated inside and outside with a 0.05 inch minimum thickness bituminous coating in accordance with AASHTO M 190. 2. CSP shall be supplied with paved inverts or fully lined to provide a smooth interior, smooth flow lining only as indicated on the drawings. 3. Joint Material: a. Semi-corrugated “Hugger” type bands and “O” ring gaskets. b. Semi-corrugated “Hugger” type bands. G. Spiral Rib Metal Pipe: ASTM A760 Type 1R or Type IIR. Coatings shall meet requirements of ASTM A 929 and shall be galvanized, aluminized, or bituminous coated as specified on Drawings. Use only where specifically indicated on Drawings. 1. Pipe gauge shall be as shown on the construction drawings. Standard corrugated steel pipe (CMP or CSP) shall not be substituted for Spiral Rib Metal Pipe. 2. Acceptable manufacturers: Provide the following or approved equal: a. Ultra Flo or Ultra Flo II by Contech, Inc. b. Max Flow by Southeast Culvert, Inc. c. Max Flow by St. Regis Culvert, Inc. d. Max Flow by Thompson Culvert, Inc. 3. Joint Material: Provide joints to the extent allowable in Part 3 Joints. a. Semi-corrugated “Hugger” type bands and “O” ring gaskets. 4. Semi-corrugated “Hugger” type bands. H. Subdrains: Perforated, PVC or flexible corrugated plastic pipe as specified herein of the size indicated on the drawings. 2.2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A. Manholes: Conform to Section 02536. B. Grates and Frames: Provide in accordance with details shown on Drawings or equivalent by one of the accepta- ble manufacturers. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. Bass & Hays Foundry. b. Deeter Foundry, Inc. c. East Jordan Iron Works. d. Neenah Foundry. e. U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing. 2. Standard Grates and Frames: Heavy duty grates, with maximum slot width of 1-1/8”. 3. Siphonic Break Manhole Grate and Frame: Heavy duty grate with maximum slot width of 1/2" and minimum net open area of 1.5 square feet. Provide one of the following a. Model R-2750 Grate and Frame by Neenah. b. Model 2212 Grate and Frame by Deeter. 02630-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 c. Model 1480M1 Grate and 1480Z Frame by East Jordan. C. Cast-In-Place concrete for drainage structures including manholes, inlets, catch basins, collars, support blocks, headEngineer of Recordls and paved ditches shall conform to ACI 301. 1. Compressive Strength: 3500 psi at 28 days. 2. Reinforcement: ASTM A 615, grade 60 deformed reinforcing bars, and ASTM A 185 for wire fabric. D. Cement Mortar used for paving inverts, filling lift holes, joints, patching and anchoring castings shall consist of one part Portland cement, type I, ASTM C 150, 1/4 part hydrated lime, ASTM C 206 and 2-1/2 parts clean, well- graded sand and water free of suspended matter, alkali, and containing no industrial or domestic waste. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that trench cut and excavation is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions, and elevations are as indicated on Drawings. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Hand trim excavations to required elevations. Correct over-excavation with bedding material. B. Remove large stones or other hard matter that could damage piping or impede consistent backfilling or compac- tion. C. Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same. 3.3 INSTALLATION – PIPE A. Install type of pipe shown on the drawings. Where type of pipe material is not shown or restricted on the draw- ings, provide only RCP or DIP. Installation provisions herein shall apply to the extent as applicable to the pipe and joints allowed. B. Inspect pipe for defects and cracks before being lowered into the trench, piece by piece. Remove and replace defective, damaged or unsound pipe or pipe that has had its grade disturbed after laying. Protect open ends with a stopper to prevent earth or other material from entering the pipe during construction. Remove dirt, ex- cess water, and other foreign materials from the interior of the pipe during the pipe laying progress. C. Excavate pipe trench and place bedding material in accordance with Section 02300. D. Install pipe in accordance with manufacturer’s written recommendations. E. Corrugated or Spiral Rib Metal Pipe: Install as indicated on the drawings, as recommended by the manufacturer, and in accordance with ASTM A 798 and A 796 as they apply. F. HDPE Pipe: Install pipe in accordance with pipe manufacturer's installation Guidelines for Culvert Storm Drain- age Applications and as indicated on the drawings. G. Commence installation at the lowest point for each segment of the route. Lay RCP with the groove or bell end upstream. Place riveted CSP with the inside circumferential laps pointing downstream. Repair damaged bitumi- nous coating on CSP by applying bituminous material conforming to AASHTO M190. 02630-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 H. Lay pipe to the required line and slope gradients with the necessary fittings, bends, manhole, risers and other appurtenances placed at the required location as noted on Drawings. I. Do not displace or damage pipe when compacting. J. Do not place pipe in water or when trench conditions are unsuitable for such work. K. Joints: Construct joints as described herein and in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. Provide pipe joint type for soiltight, silttight, or watertight only silttight or watertight only watertight joint performance in accordance with the following table. The table applies only to the extent as applicable to the pipe and joint type and the joint performance as shown or specified. Pipe and Joint Type Joint Performance Watertight Silttight Soiltight RCP Rubber O-Ring Gasket x x x Bitumen or Butyl Rubber Sealant x DIP Rubber Gasket x x x HDPE Rubber Gasket Hancor BLUE SEAL x x x ADS N-12 WT x x x Hancor Sure-Lok x x ADS N-12 ST x x Corrugated Coupling Bands Hancor Hi-Q x ADS N-12 x PE Wrap x PVC Restrained Gasket x x x CMP or Spiral Rib Aluminum Pipe Hugger Band w/ O Ring Rubber Gasket x x Hugger Band x 3.4 INSTALLATION – MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INLETS, AND JUNCTION BOXES A. Construct drainage structures in accordance with details shown on Drawings and in accordance with Section 02536 as applicable. B. Precast Sections: 1. Install precast section with bases in accordance with Section 02300 and 02536 or as shown on drawings. 2. Align pipe openings to that of the pipe entering and leaving the manhole, etc. Properly Pipe with connections to manholes, etc. as shown on the drawings. C. Construct Cast-In-Place sections as shown on the drawings and in accordance with Section 03300. 1. Form bottom of excavation clean and smooth to correct elevation. 02630-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Form and place cast-in-place concrete base pad, with provision for storm sewer pipe to be placed at proper elevation. 3. Form and place cast-in-place concrete Engineer of Recordls, sleeved at proper elevation to receive storm sewer pipe in accordance with details shown on Drawings. D. Invert channels shall be smooth and accurately shaped to a semicircular bottom conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. Shape invert channels and structure bottoms with cement mortar. Changes in size and grade of invert shall be made gradually and evenly. Changes in direction of the sewer entering branch or branches shall have a true curve of as large a radius as the manhole will permit. E. Frames and Covers: 1. Set frames and covers to the proper elevation. Firmly embed frames in mortar approximately 1 inch thick and align to fit the top section of the structure. 2. Limit bricks set in mortar and used to adjust the frame to finished grade to no more than four courses. 3. Adjustment rings used to make adjustments in grade shall be made with the initial ring embedded in mortar and the exterior of the rings parged with mortar not less than 1/2 inch thick. No adjustment made in this manner shall exceed 8 inches. F. Construct concrete cradles as shown on the drawings and as needed when crossing over and under sewer pipe or utility lines. Concrete shall be 3000 psi mix with a minimum thickness of 6 inches. 3.5 SUBDRAINS A. Install subdrains in accordance with the details and at the locations shown on the drawings. 3.6 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. General: 1. Clean, inspect, and test Storm sewer systems and culverts, upon completion or at such time as directed. The system or culvert shall have a true grade and line. Actual elevations shall be within 0.08 feet of the elevations given on the drawings. 2. After completion of the Work, or any part thereof, the job shall be tested to determine that it has been installed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. In general, the Work shall prove to be in good condition, installed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and ready for use. B. Cleaning and Testing: 1. Visibly inspect and remove all debris and obstructions from storm pipe. 2. Test for infiltration and exfiltration by hydrostatic testing per ASTM C 969. Manholes and pipe shall conform to ASTM C 969 leakage criteria. 3. Test watertight joints in accordance with the requirements of jurisdictional authorities, UNI-B-6 and the following: a. Option: Test plastic piping according to ASTM F 1417. b. Option: Test concrete piping according to ASTM C 924. C. Alignment Test: After backfill has been placed and compacted to a depth not less than one foot above top of pipe, a visual inspection shall be made by flashing a light between manholes. Correct displacement or misalign- ment of invert. END OF SECTION 02715-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02715 (32 1100) - BASE COURSE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Aggregate base for asphaltic concrete including sand/shell base and hot-mix sand asphalt base. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01458 - Testing Laboratory Services. Testing by Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory. 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Pavement subgrade. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D698 – Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbs/ft³ (600 kN-m/m³)). 2. ASTM D1557 – Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbs/ft³ (2,700 kN-m/m³)). 3. ASTM D6938 – In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). C. Asphalt Institute. D. State Highway Department Standard Specifications. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit materials certificate to the Owner’s Civil Engineering Consultant and the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory, signed by materials producer and Contractor, certifying that materials comply with, or exceed, requirements specified herein or on the Construction Drawings. B. Submit certification of base course materials and placement as specified in Parts 2 and 3 hereinafter. 1.4 WEATHER LIMITATIONS A. Do not place aggregate when base surface temperature is less than 40 degrees F, nor when air temperature is below 45 degrees F. Do not place aggregate when surface is wet or frozen. Do not place aggregate when weather conditions are unfavorable otherwise. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BASE COURSE MATERIAL A. Aggregate Base Course: Aggregate base course shall consist of a well graded, durable aggregate uniformly moistened and mechanically stabilized by compaction. Base course may consist of a granular base (crushed slag, stone, or gravel, etc), sand/shell base material, or a hot-mix sand asphalt base. 02715-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Base course shall be as shown on the drawings, or when not shown, shall be as specified herein. C. Aggregate base material requirements from State or other local highway agency specifications may be used for aggregate base course for roads, streets, or similar use pavements if the following conditions are met: 1. Percentage of material by weight passing the No. 200 sieve will not exceed 10. 2. Portion of the material passing the No. 40 sieve must have a liquid limit not greater than 25 and a plasticity index not greater than 5. D. Aggregate shall consist of clean, sound, durable particles of crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel, angular sand, or other approved material. Aggregate shall be free of lumps of clay, organic matter, and other objectionable materials or coatings. The portion retained on the No. 4 sieve shall be known as coarse aggregate; that portion passing the No. 4 sieve shall be known as fine aggregate. 1. Coarse aggregates shall be angular particles of uniform density. 2. Fine aggregates shall be angular particles of uniform density. Fine aggregate shall consist of screenings, angular sand, crushed recycled concrete fines, or other finely divided mineral matter processed or naturally combined with the coarse aggregate. E. Gradation: The specified gradation requirements shall apply to the completed base course. The aggregates shall have a maximum size of 2 inches and shall be continuously well graded within the following limits: GRADATION OF AGGREGATES Percentage by Weight Passing Square-Mesh Sieve Sieve Designation No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 2 inch 100 ---- ---- 1-1/2 inch 70-100 100 ---- 1 inch 45-80 60-100 100 1/2 inch 30-60 30-65 40-70 No. 4 20-50 20-50 20-50 No. 10 15-40 15-40 15-40 No. 40 5-25 5-25 5-25 No. 200 0-10 0-10 0-10 NOTE: Particles having diameters less than 0.0008 inch shall not be in excess of 3 percent by weight of the total sample tested. F. Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases: Asphalt Institute Type VI, VII, or VIII Mixes for Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases. Hot-Mix base shall be used only under asphaltic concrete surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Contractor shall verify to the Owner in writing that the subgrade has been inspected, tested, and gradients and elevations are correct, dry, and properly prepared in accordance with Section 02300. 3.2 CONSTRUCTION A. Perform base course construction in accordance with the applicable State standard specifications or as shown or specified. B. Perform base course construction in a manner that will drain the surface properly and prevent runoff from adjacent areas from draining onto base course construction. 02715-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 C. Compact base material to not less than 98 percent of optimum density as determined by ASTM D698 or 95 percent of optimum density, as determined by ASTM D1557 unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. D. Construct to thickness indicated on Construction Drawings. The minimum base thickness as shown on drawings shall be achieved throughout all pavement areas. 1. Granular Base: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 8-inches, measured loose. 2. Sand/Shell Base: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 4-inches, measured loose. 3. Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 3-inches, measured loose. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compliance with Contract requirements. Owner T&I shall not be considered a substitute for the Contractor’s responsibility to perform similar routine, necessary, and customary testing and inspection of the methods and frequency suitable for the type of work involved. B. Mandatory Testing and Inspection: 1. Measure base course tolerances no more than 25 ft. on center with a rod and level or stringline. 2. Certify in writing to the Owner that base course placement is in accordance with Contract Document requirements prior to subsequent work thereon. C. Testing and inspection shall be during unannounced visits on a periodic basis as follows: 1. One day when placement begins. 2. One day when placement is approximately 25% complete. 3. One day when placement is approximately 50% complete. D. Field testing, observation, and inspection shall be conducted only during the periodic site visits. 1. Test frequencies stated shall be based on quantities or occurrences which have accumulated up to, in between, and during each periodic visit. 2. Not less than one specified test shall be conducted each periodic visit when material has been placed since last visit. 3. In addition, at least one specified test shall be conducted on work being placed during each periodic visit. E. Field tests for in-place materials will be performed in accordance with the following: 1. Density: Nuclear Method, ASTM D6938. One test in each lift for each 20,000 sq. ft. of in-place base material area. 2. Base Material Thickness: One test for each 20,000 sq. ft. of in-place base material area. All areas tested for thickness shall meet or exceed the base thickness shown on the drawings. 3. Verify Contractor’s measurements of base course elevation F. Prepare and distribute test reports to Engineer of Record. 3.4 RETESTING AND RE-INSPECTION A. CTL will conduct retesting and re-inspection as necessary until corrections are fully completed by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02740-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02740 (32 1216) - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Asphalt concrete binder and surface course. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork. 2. Section 02715 - Base Course. 3. Section 02765 - Pavement Markings. 4. Section 02770 - Curbs and Sidewalks. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. The Asphalt Institute (AI): 1. MS-2 - Mix Design Methods For Asphalt Concrete And Other Hot-Mix Types. C. State Highway Department Standard Specifications 1. Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials – Local in the state where project is located. D. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D1188 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Coated Sam- ples. 2. ASTM D2041 - Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures. 3. ASTM D2950 - Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by the Nuclear Methods. 4. ASTM D2726 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Non-Absorptive Compacted Bituminous Mixture. 5. ASTM D5444 - Mechanical Size Analysis of Extracted Aggregate. E. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M017 - Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures. 2. AASHTO M140 - Emulsified Asphalt. 3. AASHTO M208 - Cationic Emulsified Asphalt. 4. AASHTO M320 - Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder 5. AASHTO M323 - Superpave Volumetric Mix Design 6. AASHTO T164 - Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Binder from Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) 7. AASHTO T166 - Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixtures Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens 8. AASHTO T209 – Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) 9. AASHTO T245 - Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus. 10. AASHTO T275 - Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Spec- imens 11. AASHTO T308 - Asphalt Content of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) by the Ignition Method. 12. AASHTOT312 - Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor. 02740-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 13. AASHTO T331 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method F. National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA): 1. IS 123 – Recycling Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements 2. IS 128 - HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-installation Meeting: Convene a pre-installation meeting at the site at least two weeks prior to commencing work of this Section. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section, including, but not lim- ited to, the Owner's representative, CTL’s representative and inspector, Contractor, paving sub-contractor and job foreman. 1. Contact Engineer of Record three weeks prior to pre-installation conference to confirm schedule. 2. Record discussions of meeting and decisions and agreements (or disagreements) reached, and furnish copy of record to each party attending. Review foreseeable methods and procedures related to paving work, including the following: a. Review preparation and installation procedures and coordinating and scheduling required with re- lated work. b. Review proposed sources of paving materials, including capabilities and location of plant that will manufacture hot-mix asphalt. c. Tour, inspect and discuss condition of subgrade, drainage structures, and other preparatory work. d. Review requirements for protecting paving work, including restriction of traffic during installation period and for remainder of construction period. e. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. f. Review paving requirements (drawings, specifications and other contract documents). g. Review required submittals, both completed and yet to be completed. h. Review required inspections, testing procedures. i. Review weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions. j. Review safety precautions relating to placement of paving. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit mix designs to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record at least 30 days prior to beginning asphalt pav- ing operations. Mix designs over one year old will not be accepted by Owner. Mix design submittal shall follow the format as recommended by Asphalt Institutes Manual MS-2 and include the following: 1. Type and Name of mix. 2. Gradation Analysis. 3. Optimum asphalt content. 4. Grade of asphalt binder. 5. Volumetric properties. 6. References to local State Highway Department Specification for each material when applicable. B. Submit approved mix designs and laboratory test results to CTL signed by the materials producer and Contractor certifying materials and mix ratios conform to the requirements specified herein. C. Submit certification of asphalt placement as specified in Field Quality Control. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: 02740-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. Apply tack coat when ambient or base surface temperature is above 40 F, and when temperature has been above 35 F for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is wet, contains excess moisture, during rain, or when frozen. 2. Construct asphalt concrete paving when ambient temperature is above 40 F. B. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize tempo- rary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aggregate: Use locally available materials and gradations that meet local State Highway Department Specifica- tions and exhibit satisfactory records of previous installations. All aggregate requirements, including those for quality, shall meet those in AASHTO M323 for the specified traffic level. B. Asphalt Binder: Asphalt binder shall be a performance-graded (PG) binder, meeting the requirements of M 320, which is appropriate for the climate and traffic-loading conditions at the site of the paving project and in compli- ance with the local State Highway Department Specifications for that location, or as specified by the contract documents. 1. Design reliability shall be 85% for the high- and low-temperature performance. 2. The minimum required PG binder shall be that which satisfies the required design reliability using the pavement temperature data determined. 3. The high-temperature grade shall be increased by one grade equivalent to accommodate low traffic speeds. C. Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt; AASHTO M140 or AASHTO M208, SS-1h, CSS-1, or CSS-1h, may be diluted with up to 1 part water to 1 part asphalt. D. Mineral Filler: Rock or slag dust, hydraulic cement, or other inert material complying with AASHTO M17, if rec- ommended by local State Highway Department Specifications. E. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP): RAP may be used in amounts not to exceed 20% by wt. The mix design shall contain the percentage of RAP that is to be used in the production. Production procedures using RAP mate- rial shall conform to NAPA IS 123. Additional RAP provisions shall be as follows: 1. Material-handling machinery shall not drive on the RAP stockpiles. 2. RAP maximum top size aggregate introduced into the mix shall be 1-1/2 inches. 3. Dust (fines) in the RAP, when added to the virgin aggregate, shall not exceed the requirements of the vir- gin mix design. 4. Moisture content shall be monitored to assure that the material can be thoroughly dried as it is pro- cessed. 5. Stockpiles shall be left uncovered or stored under the roof of an open-sided building. 6. Material handling front-end loader operators shall be experienced in handing RAP materials. 7. RAP shall be loaded in the cold feed bins in small consistent quantities without causing the material to compact in the bin. 8. RAP shall not be held in the bin for extended periods of time, especially on hot, humid days. 9. During production, RAP material shall not be allowed to contact open flame. 2.2 AGGREGATE SIZE REQUIREMENTS - SUPERPAVE MIX A. Nominal Maximum Size: The combined aggregate shall have a nominal maximum aggregate size of 4.75 to 19.0 mm for surface courses and no larger than 25 mm for subsurface courses in accordance with Table 3 of AASHTO 02740-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 M323. Selection of the appropriate nominal maximum aggregate size mixture shall be in accordance with NAPA IS 128. B. Gradation Classification The combined aggregate gradation shall be classified as coarse-graded when it passes below the Primary Control Sieve (PCS) control point as defined in Table 4 of AASHTO M323. All other gradations shall be classified as fine-graded. 2.3 ASPHALT-AGGREGATE MIXTURE A. Superpave Mix: 1. The initial, design, and maximum number of gyrations shall conform to the following: Superpave Gyratory Compaction Effort Design ESALs Compaction Parameters (Million) Ninitial Ndesign Nmax < 0.3 6 50 75 0.3 < 3 7 75 115 2. The design, when compacted in accordance with T 312, shall meet the relative density, VMA, VFA, and dust-to-binder ratio requirements specified in the following table. Air voids at N (design) shall be 4.0 per- cent. 02740-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 Superpave HMA Design Requirements Design ESALsa (Million) Required Relative Density, Percent of Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA) Percent Minimum VFA Range, Percent Dust- to- Binder Ratio Rangeb Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size, mm Ninitial Ndesign Nmax 25.0 12.5 9.5 4.75 <0.3 91.5 96.0 98.0 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 70-80c 0.6-1.2 0.3 to <3 90.5 96.0 98.0 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 65-78 0.6-1.2 a Design ESALs are the anticipated project traffic level expected on the design project over a 20-year period. Regardless of the actual design life of the project, determine the design ESALs for 20 years. b For the 4.75-mm nominal maximum size mixtures, the dust-to-binder ratio shall be 0.9 to 2.0. c For the 25.0-mm nominal maximum size mixtures, the specified lower limit of the VFA range shall be 67 percent for design traffic levels < 0.3 million ESALs. 3. Aggregate gradation and asphalt content tolerances for acceptance of plant produced mix shall be as fol- lows: Property Maximum toler- ance for any one sample Average of sam- ples for given mix for four or more samples 3/4” (19mm) ±7.0 ±4.0 1/2” (12.5 mm) ±7.0 ±4.0 #4 (4.75mm) ±6.0 ±3.5 #8 (2.36mm) ±6.0 ±3.5 #50 (0.3mm) ±4.0 ±2.3 #200 (0.075mm) ±2.0 ±1.2 Asphalt Content ±0.4 ±0.3 Air Voids ±2.0 ±1.2 VMA > Min. > Min. B. Marshall Mix: 1. The design shall meet the requirements specified in the following table. Marshall HMA Design Requirements Design ESALsa (Million) Compac- tion Effortb (Blows) Design Air Voids, Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA), Per- cent Minimum VFA Range, Percent Minimum Stability, pounds Flow, inches 1 in 3/4 in. 1/2 in. 3/8 in. < 0.3 50 3-5 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 70-82 1000 0.08 – 0.16 0.3 < 3 75 3-5 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 20-82 1500 0.08 – 0.16 a Design ESALs are the anticipated project traffic level expected on the design project over a 20-year period. Regardless of the actual design life of the project, determine the design ESALs for 20 years. bFlat-foot, static base hammer. 2. Aggregate gradation and asphalt content tolerances for acceptance of plant produced mix shall be as fol- lows: 02740-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 Property Maximum toler- ance for any one sample Average of sam- ples for given mix for four or more samples 3/4” (19mm) ±7.0 ±4.0 1/2” (12.5 mm) ±7.0 ±4.0 #4 (4.75mm) ±6.0 ±3.5 #8 (2.36mm) ±6.0 ±3.5 #50 (0.3mm) ±4.0 ±2.3 #200 (0.075mm) ±2.0 ±1.2 Asphalt Content ±0.4 ±0.3 Air Voids ±2.0 ±1.2 VMA > Min. > Min. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that the prepared base material has been inspected, tested, and gradients and elevations are correct, dry, and properly prepared in accordance with Section 02715. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Proof roll prepared base material surface to check for unstable areas in accordance with Section 02300 including documentation and re-proof rolling as required. Paving work shall begin only after unsuitable areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. B. Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. C. Cover the surfaces of curbs, gutters, manholes and other structures on which the asphalt concrete mixture will be placed, with a thin, uniform coat of liquid asphalt. Where the asphalt concrete mixture will be placed against the vertical face of an existing pavement, clean the vertical face to remove foreign substances and apply a coat- ing of liquid asphalt at a rate of approximately 0.25 gallons per square yard. D. Density Control Strips. 1. Prior to beginning placement of asphalt, construct asphalt concrete density control strips. 2. Source and type of material, material requirements, and laydown and compaction equipment used for compaction shall be the same as that to be used in the project. 3. The subgrade or pavement layer upon which the control strip is constructed shall tested prior to construc- tion of the control strip. 4. The control strip shall be a minimum of 250 linear feet long and one paver width wide. 5. Rolling the control strip shall continue until no appreciable increase in density is obtained by additional coverages. 6. Upon completion of rolling, the Contractor shall use a nuclear testing device to establish the mean density of the control strip. The mean density will be based on 10 tests taken at randomly selected sites within the control strip area. The nuclear gauge will be calibrated with the average of 3 cores taken from the same area. The average of the cores shall meet the specified density requirements. The calibration factor between the average nuclear density and average core density shall be applied to the Contractor’s nucle- ar gauge for Contractor’s density monitoring. E. Equipment: 1. Equipment necessary for the paving of asphalt concrete shall be on the project prior to beginning paving operations. 02740-7 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Maintain equipment in satisfactory operating condition and correct breakdowns in manner that will not delay or be detrimental to the schedule of paving operations. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Tack Coat: 1. Apply to contact surfaces of previously constructed asphalt concrete base courses or Portland cement concrete and surfaces abutting or projecting into asphalt concrete or into asphalt concrete pavement. 2. Apply tack coat to asphalt concrete base course or sand asphalt base course. Apply emulsified asphalt tack coat between each lift or layer of full depth asphalt concrete and sand asphalt bases and on surface of bases where asphalt concrete paving will be constructed. 3. Apply at rate which produces a residual of asphalt cement between 0.04 and 0.06 gal per sq. yd of sur- face. 4. Allow drying until at proper condition to receive paving. 3.4 ASPHALT CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Place asphalt concrete mixture on completed, compacted underlying surface, spread, and strike off. Spread mix- ture at the minimum ambient temperature that will allow the required density to be achieved. B. Whenever possible, spread pavement by finishing machine; however, inaccessible or irregular areas may be placed by hand methods. Spread hot mixture uniformly to required depth with hot shovels and rakes. After spreading, carefully smooth hot mixture to remove segregated course aggregate and rake marks. Rakes and lutes used for hand spreading shall be type designed for use on asphalt mixtures. Do not dump loads faster that they can be properly spread. Workers shall not stand on loose mixture while spreading. C. Placement and routing of hauling and placing equipment shall be conducted in a manner to avoid tire tracking of bituminous material onto existing paved surfaces. D. Paving Machine Placement: Apply successive lifts of asphalt concrete in transverse directions except when plac- ing within small areas, parallel lifts may be placed when considered more practical. Joints of successive parallel lifts shall be offset a minimum of 2 feet. Place surface course parallel to flow of traffic. Place asphalt paving in typical strips not less than 10'-0" wide. Asphalt concrete pavement, including base and surface course, shall be placed in two or more lifts as indicated on drawings. Pavement thicknesses shall be thickness shown on the drawings for each course but not less than 1-1/2 inch nor more than 3 inches for each lift. 3.5 ROLLING AND COMPACTION A. After being spread, mixture shall be compacted by rolling as soon as it will bear the weight of rollers without un- due displacement. Number, weight, types of rollers, and sequences of rolling operations shall be such that the required density and surface are consistently attained while the mixture is in workable condition. B. Compact mixture with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers. C. Breakdown Rolling: Perform breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of joints and outside edge. Check surface after breakdown rolling and repair displaced areas by loosening and filling with hot material. D. Intermediate Rolling: Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible while mixture is hot. Continue second rolling until mixture has been thoroughly compacted as follows: 1. Minimum Average Density: 93 percent of theoretical maximum density according to AASHTO T209 or ASTM D2041, with no individual test less than 91 percent nor greater than 97 percent. 02740-8 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 E. Finish Rolling: Perform finish rolling while mixture is still warm enough for removal of roller marks. Continue roll- ing until roller marks are eliminated and course has attained maximum density. F. Patching: Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials and defective areas. Cut out such areas and fill with fresh, hot asphalt concrete. Compact by rolling to maximum surface density and smoothness. G. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked. Any masked or marred finish surfaces shall be repaired or smoothed. H. Compaction at Unsupported Edges of Pavements: Start the first roller pass 12-15 inches from the unsupported edge. Allow the uncompacted asphalt to act as a dike to hold the mat in place. The final pass over the uncom- pacted dike should not slough off if the roller is supported on the compacted mat. 3.6 JOINTS A. General: Place each asphalt paving layer as continuous as possible to keep the number of joints to a minimum. Create joints between old and new pavement, between successive days work, and where the mixture has be- come cold (less than 140 degrees F). Make these joints in such a manner as to create a continuous bond between the old and new pavement construction courses. B. Construction joints shall have same texture, density, and smoothness as other sections of asphalt concrete course. C. Transverse Joints: If placing of material is discontinued or if material in place becomes cold, make a joint running perpendicular to the direction traveled by the paver. Before placement continues, trim the edge of the previous- ly placed pavement to a straight line perpendicular to the paver and cut back to expose an even vertical surface for the full thickness of the course. When placement continues, position the paver on the transverse joint so that sufficient hot mixture will be spread in order to create a joint after rolling that conforms to the required smooth- ness. If the temperature of the previously placed pavement material drops below 140 degrees F before paving is resumed, give the exposed vertical face a thin coat of liquid asphalt just before paving is continued. D. Longitudinal Joints: Coat longitudinal joints that are not completed before the previously laid mixture has cooled to a temperature below 140 degrees F, with liquid asphalt just before paving is continued. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compli- ance with Contract requirements. Owner T&I shall not be considered a substitute for the Contractor’s responsi- bility to perform similar routine, necessary, and customary testing and inspection of the methods and frequency suitable for the type of work involved. B. Mandatory Testing: 1. Pavement Thickness: Measure pavement thickness behind the paver at the beginning of and during pavement placing operations to assure proper thickness. 2. Field Density Test For In-Place Materials: In-place density tests by nuclear method in accordance with ASTM D2950. Nuclear density shall be correlated with ASTM D1188 or D2726 or AASHTO T166, T275, T331 as applicable. a. Density tests on subgrades and aggregate base courses to be overlaid by pavements shall be per- formed within 48 hours prior to placement of the pavement lift. If inclement weather occurs after testing, retest prior to placement of next lift. Testing frequencies shall be as specified in Sections 02300 and 02715 respectively. 02740-9 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 C. Coring holes remaining from cores taken by the CTL shall be immediately filled by the Contractor with full depth, hot-mix asphalt concrete or non-shrink grout tinted to match the surrounding pavement. D. Obtain test samples for volumetric testing from the truck at the asphalt plant. Mixture samples shall be taken at least 2 times for every 8 hour day. Deliver samples to the CTL for testing by the CTL: E. Areas of deficient paving, including compaction, smoothness, thickness, and asphalt mixture, shall be delineated, removed, and replaced in compliance with specifications requirements. Alternative remedial or corrective measures for repair of deficient paving may be allowed provided a plan of corrective action is submitted in the form of a Request For Information (RFI) and the plan is approved by the CEC. F. Provide certification in writing that asphalt placement is in accordance with specification requirements. G. Provide documentation to the CTL of proof rolling and of subgrade and aggregate base compaction testing prior to pavement placement each day in the areas to be paved including the density control strip H. The testing and inspection shall be on a periodic basis as follows: 1. One day on the day when the density control strip is placed. 2. One day when pavement placement is approximately 25% complete. 3. One day when pavement placement is approximately 50% complete. I. Field testing, observation, and inspection shall be conducted only during the periodic site visits except as re- quired for subgrade testing for density control strip specified in PREPARATION paragraph above. 1. Number of tests to be taken at each site visit shall be the test frequencies stated based on quantities or occurrences which have accumulated up to, in between, or during each periodic visit. 2. Not less than one specified test shall be conducted each periodic visit when material has been placed since last visit. 3. In addition, at least one specified test shall be conducted on work being placed during each periodic visit. J. Core Sampling and Testing: Asphalt surface and base courses shall be randomly cored at minimum rate of 3 cores per day’s placement per mix type, but not less than 3 cores in light duty areas and 3 cores in heavy-duty areas shall be obtained. In addition to cores taken during periodic site visits, sampling shall be performed at the rate of one sample per 1000 sq. yds., or fraction thereof, of pavement placed during the absence of the CTL. As- phalt concrete pavement samples shall be tested for conformance with density and thickness requirements. Cores shall be cut from minimal loading areas representative of project. K. Surface Smoothness Test: In areas of obvious depressions or bumps, suspect areas of each lift shall be checked with a 10’-0” straightedge both parallel with, and at right angles to, centerline of the paved area. The variation of the surface between two contact points shall not exceed 1/4-inch. L. Pavement Thickness: The CTL will measure thickness of each core sample taken. At each core location, the thick- ness of the course shall meet or exceed the thickness shown. If the thickness of a lower course of asphalt is less than the thickness shown, it shall be identified as a deviation and recorded. The Contractor shall either remove and replace the deficient pavement or increase the thickness of the upper course so that the total thickness of the pavement meets or exceeds the design thickness, provided that the specified compaction of the lower lift is achieved. M. Field Density Test For In-Place Materials: 1. Density tests shall be conducted on each core sample taken in accordance with ASTM D1188 or D2726 (AASHTO T166, T275, T331) as applicable. N. Volumetric Properties: Perform testing as follows on samples provided by the Contractor: 02740-10 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. Superpave Mix: Compact into specimens in accordance with AASHTO T312. Test each specimen for de- termination of relative density, VMA, VFA, and dust-to-binder ratio. 2. Marshall Mix: Compact into specimens using compactive blows equal to mix design per side with the Mar- shall hammer as described in AASHTO T245. Temperature shall be equal to temperature at paving ma- chine with reheating. Test each specimen for determination of laboratory air voids, Marshall stability, and flow. O. Asphalt Content and Aggregate Gradation: Asphalt content extraction and gradation of extracted aggregate test- ing shall be performed in accordance with AASHTO T 308 or AASHTO T164 and ASTM D5444 respectively and lo- cal State Highway Department Specifications requirements. At least one asphalt content and one gradation test shall be taken for each 2000 tons or each day pavement is placed. 3.8 RETESTING AND RE-INSPECTION A. CTL will conduct retesting and re-inspection as necessary until corrections are fully completed by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 02751-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02751 (32 1313) - CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Preparation and placement of Portland cement concrete parking areas. 2. Preparation and placement of Portland cement concrete roads and entrances. 3. Aggregate base below slab. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures: 2. Section 01458 - Testing Laboratory Services. Procedures for inspection, testing, and documentation by Owner furnished testing laboratory. 3. Section 02300 - Earthwork: Excavation, backfill, compaction for subgrades. 4. Section 02765 - Pavement Markings. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 117 - Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary. 2. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete. 3. ACI 305.1- Hot Weather Concreting. 4. ACI 306.1- Cold Weather Concreting. 5. ACI 308.1 - Curing Concrete. 6. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and Commentary. C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM A 36 - Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A185 - Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. 3. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel for Concrete Reinforcement. 4. ASTM C31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 5. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates. 6. ASTM C 39 - Comprehensive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. 7. ASTM C42 - Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete. 8. ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. 9. ASTM C138 - Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravemetric) of Concrete. 10. ASTM C143 - Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. 11. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. 12. ASTM C172 - Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 13. ASTM C231 - Air-Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method. 14. ASTM C260 - Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 15. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 16. ASTM C403 - Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance 02751-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 17. ASTM C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. 18. ASTM C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants. 19. ASTM C989 - Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars. 20. ASTM C1064 - Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Concrete Cement. 21. ASTM C1218 - Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete. 22. ASTM C1602 - Mixing Water used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. 23. ASTM D98 - Calcium Chloride 24. ASTM D 698 - Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5 lb. (2.49 Kg) Hammerand 12-in (305 mm) Drop. 25. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous). 26. ASTM D1241 - Materials for Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base and Surface Courses 27. ASTM D1751 - Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non- extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). 28. ASTM D1752: Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Struc- tural Construction. 29. ASTM D2628 - Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements. 30. ASTM D3575: Standard Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials Made From Olefin Polymers. D. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS HH-F-341 - Fillers, Expansion Joint: Bituminous (Asphalt & Tar) E. International Code Council, Inc.: 1. International Building Code (IBC). F. State Highway Department Standard Specifications. G. National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association: 1. NRMCA Inspection Standards 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Obtain ENGINEER OF RECORD approval for Mix Design and Pavement Joint and Placement Plan prior to com- mencement of work. B. Submit submittal items required within this section in a single submittal. C. Sieve Analysis for Aggregate Base: Submit current sieve analysis report, sampled and tested within the last 60 days of submittal date, for aggregate base and choker material. D. Concrete Batch Plant Certifications: Submit name and address of the concrete supplier’s batch plant and plant certification(s) by National Ready-Mix Concrete Association and/or State Department of Transportation. E. Mix Design: 1. Submit three copies of each proposed mix. 2. Submit separate mix design for concrete to be placed by pumping in addition to the mix design for con- crete to be placed directly from the truck chute. 3. Submit mix design to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record and the Construction Testing Laboratory, 4. Include applicable information and the following: a. Proportions of cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggregate, and water. 02751-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 b. Water-cementitious material ratio, 28-day compressive design strength, slump, and air content. c. Type of cement, fly ash, slag and aggregate. d. Aggregate gradation. e. Type and dosage of admixtures. f. Special requirements for pumping. g. Range of ambient temperature and humidity for which design is valid. h. Special characteristics of mix which require precautions in mixing, placing, or finishing techniques to achieve finished product specified. 5. Materials and methods for curing concrete. F. Attachments to Concrete Mix Design: Submit the following as attachments to be included with the Concrete Mix Design: 1. Cementitious materials mill test reports for the following: a. Portland cement b. Fly ash c. Slag 2. Designation, type, quality, and source (natural or manufactured) of coarse and fine aggregate materials. 3. Sieve Analysis Reports: Provide separate sieve analysis of percentages passing for coarse and fine aggre- gate. Show values for each sieve size shown on the mix design form. Do not leave any line blank. Sieve analysis sampling and testing for each aggregate source shall be conducted within 60 days of concrete submittal date. 4. Aggregate Supplier Statement: a. Stating if aggregate is possibly alkali-reactive based on tests or past service. b. Stating if aggregate can possibly cause pop-outs, “D” cracking, or other disruptions due to moisture gain, freezing, or other mechanisms, based on tests or past service. 5. Product data for the following concrete materials admixtures: a. Water reducing b. Set retarding c. Set accelerating d. Data indicating chloride ion content information for each admixture 6. Concrete compressive strength data as required by ACI 318. 7. Concrete supplier approval of mix design. 8. Chloride-Ion Content: Measured water-soluble chloride-ion content (percent by weight of cementitious materials) in accordance with ASTM C1218. 9. Time of Initial Setting: Initial setting time in accordance with ASTM C403. G. Product Data: Submit certified laboratory test data or manufacturer’s certificates and data for the items listed below certifying that materials are in conformance requirements specified herein. Submit to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record and the Construction Testing Laboratory for review and approval and within 7 calendar days after receipt of Notice-to-Proceed. 1. Portland cement concrete mix design(s) 2. Type and source of Portland cement, fly ash, and slag 3. Aggregate gradations 4. Joint back-up material 5. Soft preformed joint filler 6. Pavement joint sealant 7. Dowel bars 8. Tie bars 9. Reinforcing steel bars 02751-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 10. Welded wire fabric 11. Air entraining admixtures 12. Water-reducing, set-retarding, and set-accelerating admixtures (if used) H. Pavement Joint and Placement Plan: For projects with all-concrete parking lots, provide a placement plan identi- fying the items listed below. 1. Concrete truck access location. 2. Extent of placements including width, length, slab placement area and volume. 3. Locations of construction joints. 4. Location of sawn contraction joints if different from those shown on the civil drawings. I. Pre-Slab Installation Meeting: 1. Provide record of notification of pre-slab meeting including company name, persons contacted, and date and method of contact. 2. Provide meeting minutes to all participants and Engineer of Record including sign-in sheet. J. Delivery Tickets: 1. Copies of delivery tickets for each load of concrete delivered to site. 2. Indicate information required by ASTM C 94 on each ticket including additional information required for slabs. 3. Information on ticket shall include quantities of material batched including the amount of free water in the aggregate and the quantity of water that can be added at the site without exceeding the maximum water cementitious ratio of the approved mix design. Aggregate moisture corrections shall be based on ASTM definitions of aggregate moisture content and absorption. 4. Mix identification number on ticket shall match number on submitted and approved mix design. 5. Submit copies to Testing Laboratory with each concrete delivery. K. Installation Certification: Submit certification in writing that final placement is in accordance with specification requirements. L. Statement of Approval of Concrete Supplier: Submit statement with information specified in Quality Assurance paragraph below. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete Truck Inspection: 1. Conform to ASTM C94, NRMCA, and Department of Transportation standards in state where project is lo- cated. 2. Perform inspections immediately before starting concreting operations. 3. Record acceptable truck numbers. 4. Record the identification numbers of those trucks found to be acceptable on the basis of inspections. 5. Do not bring on site for concreting operations, any truck whose identification numbers are not recorded as acceptable. Notify Testing Lab if non-conforming trucks are used to deliver concrete for slabs and pavements. B. Tolerances: 1. Conform to most stringent requirements of ACI 117 and ACI 301 except as specified herein. 2. Conform to ACI 117 thickness tolerances for slabs-on-ground. C. Concrete Supplier Approval: 02751-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. The concrete supplier shall be fully approved and acceptable by the concrete subcontractor as the pro- ducer of concrete for which the subcontractor is to place and finish. Prepare Statement of Approval of Concrete Supplier stating project name, name of concrete supplier, along with the statement of approval and the signatures of the Contractor and concrete pavement subcontractor. D. Pre-installation Meeting: Convene a pre-installation meeting at the site at least two weeks prior to commencing work of this Section. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section, including, but not lim- ited to, the Owner's representative, CTL’s representative and inspector, Contractor, concrete sub-contractor and job foreman, concrete supplier, and base fine grading contractor. 1. Contact Engineer of Record Thirty days prior to pre-installation conference to confirm schedule. 2. Record discussions of meeting and decisions and agreements (or disagreements) reached, and furnish copy of record to each party attending. Review foreseeable methods and procedures related to paving work, including the following: 3. CTL’s testing and inspection procedures. 4. Concrete finishes and finishing. 5. Cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures. 6. Curing procedures. 7. Concrete design mixture and examine procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. 8. Proposed sources of concrete materials, including capabilities and location of plant that will manufacture concrete. 9. Tour, inspect and discuss condition of subgrade, drainage structures, and other preparatory work. 10. Requirements for protecting concrete work, including restriction of traffic during installation period and for remainder of construction period. 11. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials. 12. Concrete paving requirements (drawings, specifications and other contract documents). 13. Required submittals, both completed and yet to be completed. 14. Weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions. 15. Safety precautions relating to placement of concrete. 16. Changes to the contract documents from recommendations or discussions at the Pre-Construction meet- ing shall be approved in writing by the Engineer of Record prior to implementation. 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Concreting in Hot, Dry, or Windy Weather: 1. Employ precautions to avoid cracking when the concrete rate of evaporation exceeds 0.1 pounds per square foot per hour or when any combination of concrete materials and weather conditions are favora- ble for the formation of plastic shrinkage cracks. 2. Maintain an accurate reading thermometer at the job site to check temperature of concrete. 3. Reject concrete if more than one slump adjustment, as defined in ASTM C 94, is required. 4. Do not place concrete when forms, subgrade, aggregate base, or reinforcing bars are more than 120 F or the temperature differential between the forms, aggregate base, or reinforcing bars and concrete will create conditions favorable for settlement cracks or thermal cracking. B. Concreting in Cold Weather: 1. Conform to ACI 306.1 when temperature and other environmental conditions are as noted therein. 2. Subgrade shall be thawed to depth of 12 inches immediately before placing concrete. 3. Measure and record concrete temperature during protection period in each placement at regular time in- tervals, but not less than 3 times per 24 hour period. 02751-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 4. Do not place slabs on subgrade or base that is more than 20F cooler than concrete. Warm subgrade or base to decrease temperature differential to 20 F or less 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize tempo- rary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Forms: Steel, wood, or other suitable material of size and strength to resist movement during concrete place- ment and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use straight forms, free of distortion and de- fects. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to form radius bends as required. Coat forms with non- staining type of coating that will not discolor or deface surface of concrete. B. Aggregate Base and Choker Materials: 1. Aggregate Base Material: a. Gradation: Conform to gradation shown on the Civil Drawings. b. Equivalent Gradation: Equivalent gradations may be used upon approval of the Civil Engineer of Record. Submit proposed equivalent gradation to the Architect for approval within 30 days after the award of contract. Equivalent gradation shall be one of the following. 1) Any state DOT approved road base material meeting the following gradation: Std. Sieve Size % Passing No. 1-1/2 100 No. 4 15-55 No. 200 5-12 2) Material conforming to the General Requirements and of the Gradation “A”, ”C”, or “D” re- quirements (with the modified allowance of 5% to 12% passing the No. 200 sieve) as de- fined by ASTM D1241 2. Aggregate Choker Material: Clean granular fill with less than 3% clay and/or friable particles. Use one of the following gradations: a. ASTM 448 No. 10 with 6% to 12% passing No. 200 sieve. b. Material meeting the following gradation: Std. Sieve Size % Passing No. 4 85-100 No. 8 75-95 No. 16 55-75 No. 50 22-45 No. 100 10-30 No. 200 6-12 C. Reinforcement: 1. Welded Wire Mesh: Welded plain cold-drawn steel wire fabric, ASTM A185. Furnish in flat sheets. 2. Reinforcing Bars: Deformed steel bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. 02751-7 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3. Joint Dowel Bars: ASTM A615, grade 40 minimum, smooth round plain steel bars, or ASTM A36, smooth round or square plain steel bars, cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. Epoxy coat per State Highway Department Standard Specifications. D. Cementitious Materials: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, Use only one brand throughout project. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F. Use only one type and source throughout project. 3. Slag: ASTM C989, Grade 100 or 120. Use only one type and source throughout project. E. Pavement Joint Materials: 1. Joint Back-up Material: Polyethylene foam, 100% closed cell 2. Soft Preformed Joint Filler: Flexible closed-cell non-extruding synthetic foam expansion joint strips. a. Ceramar Flexibe Foam Expansion Joint, by W.R. Meadows. b. Deck-O-Foam Expansion Joint Filler, by W.R. Meadows c. Expansion Joint Filler, by BASF Building Systems (Degussa) (Formerly Sonneborn Sonolastic). 3. Sealant: a. Dow 888, by Dow Corning. b. 301 NS by Pecora. c. Spectrum 800 or 900 by Tremco. F. Concrete Aggregate: 1. Conform to ASTM C33. 2. Aggregate shall contain no coal or lignite in concrete that will not be covered by soil. 3. Fine Aggregate: a. Conform to fine aggregate grading requirements as defined in section 6.1 of ASTM C 33 unless ap- proved by the Civil Engineer. b. If manufactured sand is used, blend with minimum 25% natural sand unless otherwise approved by Civil Engineer. 4. Coarse Aggregate: a. Nominal maximum coarse aggregate size shall be 1 inch for slabs ≤ 5-1/2 inch thick. b. The nominal maximum size of an aggregate is the smallest sieve size through which the major por- tion of the aggregate must pass, with a minimal amount retained on the maximum sieve size. Max- imum 4% shall be retained on the nominal maximum size sieve. 5. Adjust proportions of combined coarse, intermediate, and fine aggregates to provide the following parti- cle size distribution characteristics, unless otherwise approved: a. Coarseness Factor of 60 to 75%. 1) The Coarseness Factor (CF) is the percent of combined aggregate retained on the #8 sieve that is also retained on the 3/8” sieve. 2) The Coarseness Factor is calculated as follows: 3) CF = Aggregate retained on 3/8” sieve / Aggregate retained on #8 sieve. b. Adjusted Workability Factor 1) The Workability Factor (WF) is the percent of combined aggregate that passes the #8 sieve. 2) The Adjusted Workability Factor (Adj-WF) is calculated as follows: 3) Adj-WF = WF+[(Cementitious Material -564 lbs.)/37.6] 4) The range of accepted Adj-WF for a given CF is as follows: 5) Adj-WF = [(11.25 - .15 CF) + 33] ± 2.5 6) Combined percent retained on any given sieve size shall not exceed 24%. 6. Gradation requirement of ASTM C33 may be waived in order to meet ranges specified. 02751-8 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 G. Water: ASTM C 1602. H. Air Entrainment: ASTM C260. 1. Air-Mix or AEA-92, by Euclid. 2. MB-VR MB-AE 90, or Micro-Air, BASF. 3. Daravair or Darex Series, by W.R. Grace. 4. Equivalent approved products. I. Evaporation Retardant: Water-based polymer, sprayable. 1. Euco-Bar, by Euclid 2. Confilm, by BASF Admixtures (Master Builders) 3. Aquafilm, by Dayton Superior. J. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound: ASTM C 1315, Type I, Class A or B, 25% minimum solids con- tent, clear non-yellowing with no styrene-butadiene. 1. Water Based, VOC less than 350 g/l: a. Super Aqua Cure, by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. Kure 1315 by BASF. 2. Solvent Based (For use below 40F) a. Super Rez-Seal, by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. Kure-N-Seal 30 by BASF. K. Dissipating Curing Compound (For use below 40F): ASTM C 309 Type 1, Class A or B. 1. Solvent base, VOC less than 350 g/l: Cetri Vex EnvioCure 100 by Vexcon. 2.2 CONCRETE MIX A. Design mix shall produce normal weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials, aggregates, admixtures, and water to produce specified requirements. B. Geographical Weather Exposure Classification: Reference IBC Figure 1904.2.2. Uncertainty of classification due to a project location near a border of a classification shall be referred to Engineer of Record for clarification. C. Compressive Strength at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings: 1. Negligible exposure classification: 3,500 psi with a maximum water-cementitious ratio of 0.53. 2. Moderate exposure classification: 4,000 psi with a maximum water-cementitious ratio of 0.48. 3. Severe exposure classification: 4,500 psi with a maximum water-cementitious ratio of 0.45. D. Slump Range: 2”-4” for hand placed concrete, 1-1/4” to 3” for machine placed (slipform) concrete. E. Air Entrainment as shown below: Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate (Inch) Average Air Content (%) Negligible exposure Moderate exposure Severe exposure 3/8 4.5 6.0 7.5 1/2 4.0 5.5 7.0 3/4 3.5 5.0 6.0 02751-9 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1 3.0 4.5 6.0 1-1/2 2.5 4.5 5.5 F. Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM): 1. Concrete mix shall contain SCM at the amounts specified unless other amounts are approved by the Civil Engineer. Either fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) may be used for the SCM but shall not be used together to form a ternary mix. Use of fly ash or GGBFS in the concrete mix is mandato- ry. 2. Fly Ash: Substitute fly ash for Portland cement at 15% of the total cementitious content. a. If used to mitigate potential aggregate reactivity, only Type F fly ash may be used and shall have the following maximum properties: 1.5% available alkali and 8.0% CaO. When a maximum of 25% replacement is used, up to 10.0% CaO is permitted. 3. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS): Substitute GGBFS for Portland cement at 20% of the total cementitious content. a. If required to mitigate potential sulfate exposure or aggregate reactivity, up to 50% substitution of Portland cement is allowed. 4. Maintain air-entrainment at specified levels. G. Calcium Chloride: 1. Calcium chloride (Type L) may be used in solution form as part of the mixing water to accelerate concrete setting and early-strength development. 2. Amount of calcium chloride added shall not be more than necessary to produce the desired results and shall not exceed 2% by weight of cement. 3. The dosage range for the calcium chloride for the entire project shall not vary by more than 1%. Range is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum dosages of calcium chloride for the entire project. 4. Calcium chloride shall not be used in the following applications unless approved by the Civil Engineer: a. concrete containing embedded dissimilar metals or aluminum b. slabs supported on permanent galvanized steel forms c. concrete exposed to deicing chemicals d. prestressed or post-tension concrete e. concrete containing aggregates with potentially deleterious reactivity and concrete exposed to soil f. concrete exposed to soil or water containing sulfates. 5. Use calcium chloride in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. 6. Chloride-ion Concentration: Maximum water-soluble chloride-ion concentrations in hardened concrete at ages from 28 to 42 days contributed from the ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious ma- terials, and admixtures shall not exceed the following limits unless approved by the Civil Engineer: Type of Member Maximum water-soluble chloride ion (Cl-) content in concrete (percent by weight of cement) Prestressed concrete 0.06 Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service 0.15 Reinforced concrete that will be dry or protected from moisture in service 1.00 Other reinforced concrete construction 0.30 7. When using calcium chloride or other admixtures containing chlorides, measure water-soluble chloride- ion content (percent by weight of cement) per ASTM C 1218. Sample shall be from concrete representing the submitted mix design and maximum chloride dosage anticipated for the project. 02751-10 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2.3 MIXING A. Mix concrete and deliver in accordance with ASTM C 94. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Proofroll prepared base material surface to check for unstable areas in accordance with Section 02300 including documentation and re-proof rolling as required. Paving work shall begin only after unsuitable areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. B. Remove loose material from compacted base material surface to produce firm, smooth surface immediately be- fore placing concrete. 3.2 AGGREGATE BASE PLACEMENT A. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, place aggregate base as specified herein. B. Aggregate Base: 1. Install aggregate base where shown on Drawings. 2. Compact to final thickness shown in layers not exceeding 6 inches with minimum of 2 passes per layer with vibratory compactor. 3. Compact fill to 98% of aggregate’s Standard Proctor as determined by Method D of ASTM D698. 4. Leave base up to 2 inches low until just prior to concrete placement. C. Aggregate Base Fine Grading: 1. Compact to final thickness shown with 2 passes minimum vibratory compactor to produce smooth, flat, dense surface. 2. Do not allow excess moisture in or on base at time of placing concrete. 3. Level off aggregate base top surface with a maximum 3/4" thick aggregate choker material to achieve the following: a. To reduce surface friction and to meet specified fine grade tolerances specified below. b. To level areas exposed to rain, traffic, or excavations for buried utilities. c. At areas where aggregate base material does not have sufficient fine particles to produce a surface that is free of exposed aggregate or surface voids greater than 3/8” in size at time of slab installa- tion. 4. Construction Testing Laboratory shall verify adequate fines at surface immediately prior to concrete slab placement. 5. Provide dry, smooth, flat, dense surface 6. Proof-roll 48 hrs. maximum prior to concrete placement. Depression under a fully loaded ready mix truck shall not exceed 1/2 inch. D. Pavement Aggregate Base Fine Grade Tolerance: +0 inch, -3/4 inch with transition no greater than 3/4 inch ver- tically to 8 inches horizontally. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Form Construction 1. Set forms to required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. 02751-11 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continuance of work and so that forms remain in place mini- mum of 24 hours after concrete placement. 3. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to following tolerances: a. Top of forms not more than 1/8-inch in 10'-0". b. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than 1/4-inch in 10'-0". 4. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. B. Reinforcement: Fasten reinforcing bars or welded wire fabric (if required) accurately and securely in place with suitable supports and ties. Remove from reinforcement all dirt, oil, loose mill scale, rust, and other substances that will prevent proper bonding of the concrete to the reinforcement. C. Concrete Placement 1. Mix and place concrete when the air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat is a minimum of 35 degrees F and rising. Hot and cold weather concreting shall be in accordance with ACI 305.1 (hot weather) and 306.1 (cold weather). 2. Do not place concrete until base material and forms have been checked for alignment and grade. Con- crete shall not be placed around manholes or other structures until they are at required finish elevation and alignment. 3. Place concrete using methods that prevent segregation of mix. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, rein- forcement, or side forms. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. 4. Deposit and spread concrete in continuous operation between transverse joints, as far as possible. If in- terrupted for more than 1/2 hour, place construction joint. D. Contraction and Construction Joints: Construct contraction and construction joints straight with face perpendicu- lar to concrete surface. Construct transverse joints perpendicular to centerline, unless otherwise detailed. 1. Contraction Joints: Provide joints at spacing of 12'-0" on centers, maximum each way. Construct control joints for depth equal to at least 1/4 of the concrete thickness, as follows: a. Form tooled joints in fresh concrete by grooving top with recommended tool and finishing edge with jointer. b. Sawed Contraction Joints: 1) Use saws, blades, skid plates, and accessories by Soff-Cut International, Inc. or approved equal. 2) Start cutting sawed joints as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent raveling or dislodging of aggregates. This will typically be from 1 hour in hot weather to 4 hours in cold weather after completing finishing of slab in that joint location. 3) Provide at least two “Soff-Cut” saws on site with blades capable of achieving the required depth of saw cut. 4) Extend sawed joint to the slab boundaries and abutments, including columns, drains, and other penetrations in the path of a defined joint. Implement methods and timing of the saw cut beyond the limits of the Soff-Cut saw reach to provide a consistent depth of cut with minimal raveling of joint edges. 2. Construction Joints: Place construction joints at end of placements and at locations where placement op- erations are stopped for period of more than 1/2 hour. Construct joints in accordance with details shown. E. Isolation and Fixed Object Joints: Construct joint at locations and in accordance with details shown. 02751-12 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. Pavement Joint Materials: Place joint fillers, back-up material, and sealants at locations shown and in accord- ance with manufacturer’s instructions. 1. Soft Preformed Joint Fillers: Extend preformed joint fillers full-width and depth of joint, and not less than 1/2-inch or more than 1-inch below finished surface. Furnish preformed joint fillers in 1-piece lengths for full width being placed, wherever possible. Where more than 1 length is required, lace or clip preformed joint filler sections together in a single plane. 3.4 CONCRETE FINISHING A. After initial striking off and consolidating of concrete paving, smooth surface using either magnesium straight edge, wood, or magnesium channel float. B. Round edges of slabs and formed joints to 1/2-inch radius with edging tool. Eliminate tool marks on concrete sur- face. C. After completion of straightedge / floating and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, uni- formly finish surface to provide a coarse, nonslip finish by scoring surface with stiff-bristled broom perpendicular to flow of traffic so as to produce regular corrugations not over 1/16 of an inch deep. Initial nonslip finishing shall be approved by the Engineer of Record. D. Do not remove forms for 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean ends of joints and point up minor honeycombed areas. Remove and replace areas or sections with major defects, as directed by Owner. 3.5 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Protect and cure finished concrete paving using curing compound. Cure for a period not less than 7 days. B. Use solvent based curing compound when compound is applied below 40 F. 3.6 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING A. Sweep concrete pavement and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt, and other foreign material just prior to fi- nal inspection. B. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compli- ance with Contract requirements. Owner T&I shall not be considered a substitute for the Contractor’s responsi- bility to perform similar routine, necessary, and customary testing and inspection of the methods and frequency suitable for the type of work involved. B. Responsibilities and Duties Relative Testing Lab and Inspection: 1. Notify CTL in advance of concrete placements to allow sufficient time to prepare for a site visit. 2. Assist CTL in securing field specimens. 02751-13 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3. Provide and maintain for sole use of CTL, facilities for safe storage and proper curing of concrete test cyl- inders at project site as required by ASTM C31 and acceptable to Testing Laboratory. C. Correction of Deficient Work: 1. When directed by the Owner, remove and replace or repair concrete and related Work which does not conform to specified requirements including strength, tolerances, and finishes. 2. Bear cost of corrections or delays to other work affected by, or resulting from, corrections to concrete Work. 3. If results of compressive strength tests reveal deficiencies in concrete, meet requirements of ACI 318 and ACI 301. D. The testing and inspection shall be as follows: 1. One day when pavement placement begins. 2. One day when pavement placement is approximately 25% complete. 3. One day when pavement placement is approximately 50% complete. E. Field testing, observation, and inspection shall be conducted only during the periodic site visits. 1. Number of tests to be taken at each site visit shall be the test frequencies stated based on quantities or occurrences only as it occurs during each periodic visit. 2. In addition, at least one specified test shall be conducted on work being placed during each periodic visit. F. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and the Testing La- boratory. G. Review the Contractor's proposed materials and mix design for conformance with specifications. H. Perform testing in accordance with ACI 301 and testing standards listed herein. I. Strength Tests: 1. Secure composite samples in accordance with ASTM C172. Sample at regularly spaced intervals from mid- dle portion of the batch. Sampling time shall not exceed 15 minutes. 2. Mold and cure specimens in accordance with ASTM C31. a. A minimum of four concrete test cylinders shall be taken for every 100 cubic yards or less of each class of concrete placed each day and not less than once for each 5000 square feet of paved area. b. During the initial 24 hours (plus or minus 8 hours) after molding, the temperature immediately ad- jacent to the specimens shall be maintained in the range of 60 to 80 degrees F. Control loss of moisture from the specimens by shielding from the direct rays of the sun and from radiant heating devices. c. Specimens transported prior to 48 hours after molding shall not be demolded, but shall continue initial curing at 60 to 80 degrees F until time for transporting. d. Specimens transported after 48 hours age shall be demolded in 24 hours (plus or minus 8 hours). Curing shall then be continued but in saturated limewater at 73.4 degrees (plus or minus 3 degrees F) until the time of transporting. e. Wet cure cylinders under controlled temperature until testing. 3. Test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C39. a. Size of specimen test cylinder shall be 6" x 12" or 4” x 8”. b. Date test cylinders and number consecutively. Give each cylinder of each set an identifying letter (i.e. A, B, C, D). Prepare a sketch of the site plan for each test set identifying location of placed con- crete. 02751-14 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 c. Test one cylinder (A) at 7 days for information.. d. Test two cylinders (B and C) at 28 days and the average of the breaks shall constitute the compres- sive strength of the concrete sample. e. Retain fourth cylinder (D) for further testing if needed, but do not retain cylinder more than 90 days. 4. Evaluation and Acceptance: a. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the average of all sets of three consecu- tive strength tests equal or exceed specified strength and no individual strength test (average of two cylinders) results are below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. b. Complete concrete work will not be accepted unless requirements of ACI 301, have been met, in- cluding dimensional tolerances, appearance, and strength of structure. c. Where average strength of cylinders, as shown by tests is not satisfactory, Owner reserves the right to require Contractor to provide improved curing conditions of temperature and moisture to secure required strength. If average strength of laboratory control cylinders should fall so low as to cause portions of structure to be in question by Owner, follow core procedure set forth in ASTM C42. If results of core test indicate, in opinion of Owner, that strength of structure is inadequate, provide without additional cost to Owner, replacement, load testing, or strengthening as may be ordered by Owner. If core tests are so ordered and results of such tests disclose that strength of structure is as required, cost of test will be paid by Owner. J. Slump Test: Conduct slump test for each cylinder set taken in accordance with ASTM C143. Make additional slump tests for every other load from a stationary mixer or truck to test consistency. Sampling shall be in accord- ance with ASTM C172. K. Air Content: Conduct air content test for each cylinder set for concrete in accordance with ASTM C 231, ASTM C 173, or ASTM C 138. Indicate test method on report. Make test at same time as slump test. 1. Perform air content test for first and second truck for each class of concrete placed each day. If either test fails, perform air test on every truck until two consecutive air tests comply with the requirements of the project specifications. L. Unit Weight: ASTM C 138. M. Temperature Test: Conduct temperature test for each cylinder set taken in accordance with ASTM C1064. Test hourly when air temperature is 40 F and below or 80 F and above. Determine temperature of concrete sample and ambient air for each strength test. N. In addition to required information noted previously in this Section, record the following information on concrete compression reports: 1. Test cylinder number and letter. 2. Specific foundations or structures covered by this test. 3. Proportions of concrete mix or mix identification. 4. Maximum size coarse aggregate. 5. Specified compressive strength. 6. Tested compressive strength. 7. Slump, air-content. 8. Concrete plastic unit weight. 9. Concrete Temperature. 10. Elapsed time from batching at plant to discharge from delivery truck at project. 11. Date and time concrete was placed. 02751-15 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 12. Ambient temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity during concrete placement. 13. Name of technician securing samples. 14. Curing conditions for concrete strength test specimens (field and laboratory). 15. Date strength specimens transported to laboratory. 16. Age of strength specimens when tested. 17. Type of fracture during test. O. At the start of each day's mixing, report any significant deviations from approved mix design including tempera- ture, moisture and condition of aggregate. P. Review each delivery ticket of concrete. Report type of concrete delivered, amount of water added and time at which cement and aggregate were loaded into truck, and time at which concrete was discharged from truck Q. In Place Pavement Testing: 1. Randomly core pavement during periodic site visits. Sampling shall be performed at the rate of one sam- ple per 1000 sq. yds., or fraction thereof, of pavement placed during the absence of the CTL. Sample and test cores in accordance with ASTM C42. Core will be tested for thickness and quality of aggregate distri- bution. Core holes shall be patched by the Contractor immediately with Portland cement concrete and shall be finished to provide level surface as specified herein. 2. Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. 3. Check surface areas at intervals necessary to eliminate ponding areas. R. Additional Tests: Additional in-place tests shall be conducted as directed by the Engineer of Record when speci- fied concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained in the structures. END OF SECTION 02765-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02765 (32 1723) - PAVEMENT MARKINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Painting and marking of pavements, curbs, guard posts, and light pole bases. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M247 - Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints 2. AASHTO M248 - Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D4414 - Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notched Gauges. D. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS A-A-2886 - Paint, Traffic, Solvent Based (supersedes FS TT-P-85 and FS TT-P-115, Type I) 2. FS TT-B-1325 - Beads (Glass Spheres) Retro-Reflective 3. FS TT-P-1952 - Paint, Traffic And Airfield Marking, Waterborne 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Paint shall be waterborne or solvent borne, colors as shown or specified herein. Pavement marking paints shall comply with applicable state and local laws enacted to ensure compliance with Federal Clean Air Standards. Paint materials shall conform to the restrictions of the local Air Pollution Control District. B. Waterborne Paint: Paints shall conform to FS TT-P-1952. C. Solvent Borne Paint: Paint shall conform to FS A-A-2886 or AASHTO M248. Paint shall be non-bleeding, quick-drying, and alkyd petroleum base paint suitable for traffic-bearing surface and be mixed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions before application for colors White, Yellow, Blue, and Red. D. Glass Beads: AASHTO M 247, Type 1 or FS TT-B-1325, Type 1, Gradation A. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 02765-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Examine the work area and correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Sweep and clean surface to eliminate loose material and dust. B. Where existing pavement markings are indicated on Construction Drawings to be removed or would interfere with adhesion of new paint, a motorized abrasive device shall be used to remove the markings. Equipment em- ployed shall not damage existing paving or create surfaces hazardous to vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Within public rights-of-way, appropriate governing authority shall approve method of marking removal. C. New pavement surfaces shall be allowed to cure for not less than 30 days before application of marking materi- als. 3.3 CLEANING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Remove existing pavement markings which are in good condition but interfere or conflict with the newly applied marking patterns. Deteriorated or obscured markings that are not misleading or confusing or do not interfere with the adhesion of the new marking material do not require removal. Conduct grinding, scraping, sandblasting or other operations in such a manner that the finished pavement surface is not damaged or left in a pattern that is misleading or confusing. Use dust collection system when pavement preparation includes grinding, scraping or sandblasting of existing pavement markings. 3.4 APPLICATION A. Apply two coats of same color of paint as specified below, at manufacturer's recommended rate, without addi- tion of thinner, with maximum of 100 square feet per gallon or as required to provide a minimum wet film thick- ness of 15 mils and dry film thickness of 7 ½ mils per coat. Paint shall be applied for a total dry film thickness of 15 mils. Apply with mechanical equipment to produce uniform straight edges. At sidewalk curbs and crosswalks, use straightedge to ensure uniform, clean, and straight stripe. B. Install pavement markings according to manufacturer's recommended procedures for the specified material. C. Following items shall be painted with colors noted below: 1. Pedestrian Crosswalks: White 2. Exterior Sidewalk Curbs, Light Pole Bases, and Guard posts: Yellow 3. Fire Lanes: Red or per local code 4. Lane Striping where separating traffic moving in opposite directions: Yellow 5. Lane Striping where separating traffic moving in the same direction: White 6. ADA Symbols: Blue or per local code 7. ADA parking space markings as shown on the drawings. 8. Parking Stall Striping: Yellow, unless otherwise noted on Construction Drawings 9. Associate Parking Area: White, unless otherwise noted on Construction Drawings D. Apply glass beads at pedestrian crosswalk striping and at lane striping and arrows at driveways connecting to public streets. Broadcast glass beads uniformly into wet markings at a rate of 6 lb/gal. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compliance with Contract requirements. 02765-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.6 CLEANING A. Waste materials shall be removed at the end of each workday. Upon completion of the work, all containers and debris shall be removed from the site. Paint spots upon adjacent surfaces shall be carefully removed by ap- proved procedures that will not damage the surfaces and the entire job left clean and acceptable. END OF SECTION 02770-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02770 (32 1600) - CURBS AND SIDEWALKS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Portland cement concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks except sidewalks adjacent to building. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork: Preparation of subgrades. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting 2. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting 3. ACI 306.1 - Cold Weather Concreting. 4. ACI 308 - Curing Concrete C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A185 - Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. 2. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel for Concrete Reinforcement. 3. ASTM C31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 4. ASTM C39 - Comprehensive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. 5. ASTM C42 - Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete. 6. ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. 7. ASTM C138 - Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravemetric) of Concrete. 8. ASTM C143 - Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. 9. ASTM C231 - Air-Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method. 10. ASTM C172 - Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 11. ASTM C173 - Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method. 12. ASTM C260 - Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 13. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 14. ASTM C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. 15. ASTM C989 - Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars. 16. ASTM C1064 - Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Concrete Cement. 17. ASTM C1218 - Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete. 18. ASTM D98 - Calcium Chloride. 19. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous). 20. ASTM D1190 - Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot Poured, Elastic Type. 21. ASTM D1751 - Performed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextrud- ing and Resilient Bituminous Types). 22. ASTM D2628 - Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements. D. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS HH-F-341 - Fillers, Expansion Joint: Bituminous (Asphalt & Tar) E. State Highway Department Standard Specifications 02770-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Design: 1. Submit three copies of each proposed mix. 2. Submit separate mix design for concrete to be placed by pumping in addition to the mix design for concrete to be placed directly from the truck chute. 3. Submit mix design to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record and the Construction Testing Laboratory. 4. Include applicable information and the following: a. Proportions of cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggregate, and water. b. Water-cementitious material ratio, 28-day compressive design strength, slump, and air content. c. Type of cement, fly ash, slag and aggregate. d. Aggregate gradation. e. Type and dosage of admixtures. f. Special requirements for pumping. g. Range of ambient temperature and humidity for which design is valid. h. Special characteristics of mix which require precautions in mixing, placing, or finishing techniques to achieve finished product specified. i. Materials and methods for curing concrete. B. Submit certified laboratory test data or manufacturer’s certificates and data for the items listed below certifying that materials are in conformance requirements specified herein. Submit to the Engineering Consultant of Record and the Construction Testing Laboratory for review and approval and within 7 calendar days after receipt of Notice-to- Proceed. 1. Concrete mix design(s) 2. Type and source of Portland cement, fly ash, and slag 3. Aggregate gradations 4. Preformed expansion joint filler 5. Field molded/poured sealant 6. Dowel bars 7. Expansion sleeves 8. Tie bars 9. Reinforcing steel bars 10. Welded wire fabric 11. Air entraining admixtures 12. Water-reducing, set-retarding and set-accelerating admixtures (if used) C. Test Reports: Submit field quality control test reports. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize temporary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Forms: Steel, wood, or other suitable material of size and strength to resist movement during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use straight forms, free of distortion and defects. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to form radius bends as required. Forms shall be of depth equal to depth of curbing or sidewalk, and so designed as to permit secure fastening together at tops. Coat forms with non- staining type of coating that will not discolor or deface surface of concrete. B. Welded Wire Mesh: Welded plain cold-drawn steel wire fabric, ASTM A185. Furnish in flat sheets. 02770-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 C. Reinforcing Steel: Deformed steel bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. D. Portland Cement: Shall conform to ASTM C150, Type I. E. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or F. Use only one type and source throughout project. F. Slag: ASTM C989, Grade 100 or 120. Use only one type and source throughout project. G. Exterior Pavement Joint Materials 1. Joint Back-up Material: Polyethylene foam, 100% closed cell. 2. Sealant: a. Dow 888, by Dow Corning. b. 301 NS by Pecora. c. Spectrum 800 or 900 by Tremco. H. Aggregate: ASTM C33. I. Water: Clean and potable J. Dowel Bars: ASTM A615, grade 60, and plain steel bars. K. Air Entrainment: ASTM C260. . 1. Air-Mix or AEA-92, by Euclid Chemical Corp. 2. MB-VR MB-AE 90, or Micro-Air, by BASF. 3. Daravair or Darex Series, by W.R. Grace. 4. Equivalent approved products. L. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound: ASTM C1315, Type I, Class A or B, 25% minimum solids content, clear non-yellowing with no styrene-butadiene. 1. Water Based, VOC less than 350 g/l: a. Super Aqua Cure, by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. Kure 1315 by BASF. 2. Solvent Based a. Super Rez-Seal, by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. Kure-N-Seal 30 by BASF. M. Dissipating Curing Compound: ASTM C309 Type 1, Class A or B. 1. Solvent base, VOC less than 350 g/l: Cetri Vex EnvioCure 100 by Vexcon. 2.2 CONCRETE MIXING A. Mix concrete and deliver in accordance with ASTM C94. Design mix shall produce normal weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials, aggregates, admixtures and water to produce the follow- ing: 1. Compressive Strength: 3,500 psi minimum at 28 days unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. Slump Range: 2”-4” for hand placed concrete, 1-1/4” to 3” for machine placed (slipform) concrete. 3. Air Entrainment: 5 to 8 percent. B. Supplementary Cementitous Materials (SCM): 1. Concrete mix shall contain SCM at the amounts specified unless other amounts are approved by the Civil En- gineer. Either fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) may be used for the SCM but shall not be used together to form a ternary mix. Use of fly ash or GGBFS in the concrete mix is mandatory. 2. Fly Ash: Substitute fly ash for Portland cement at 15% of the total cementitious content. 02770-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 a. If used to mitigate potential aggregate reactivity, only Type F fly ash may be used and shall have the following maximum properties: 1.5% available alkali and 8.0% CaO. When a maximum of 25% replace- ment is used, up to 10.0% CaO is permitted. 3. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS): Substitute GGBFS for Portland cement at 20% of the total ce- mentitious content. a. If required to mitigate potential sulfate exposure or aggregate reactivity, up to 50% substitution of Portland cement is allowed. 4. Maintain air-entrainment at specified levels. C. Calcium chloride: 1. Calcium chloride (Type L) may be used in solution form as part of the mixing water to accelerate concrete set- ting and early-strength development. a. Amount of calcium chloride added shall not be more than necessary to produce the desired results and shall not exceed 2% by weight of cement. b. The dosage range for the calcium chloride for the entire project shall not vary by more than 1%. Range is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum dosages of calcium chloride for the entire project. c. Calcium chloride shall not be used in the following applications unless approved by the Civil Engineer: 1) concrete containing embedded dissimilar metals or aluminum 2) slabs supported on permanent galvanized steel forms 3) concrete exposed to deicing chemicals 4) prestressed or post-tension concrete 5) concrete containing aggregates with potentially deleterious reactivity and concrete exposed to soil 6) concrete exposed to soil or water containing sulfates. 2. Use calcium chloride in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. 3. Chloride-ion Concentration: a. Maximum water-soluble chloride-ion concentrations in hardened concrete at ages from 28 to 42 days contributed from the ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious material, and admixtures shall not exceed the following limits unless approved by the Civil Engineer: Type of Member Maximum water-soluble chloride ion (Cl-) content in concrete (percent by weight of cement) Prestressed concrete 0.06 Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service 0.15 Reinforced concrete that will be dry or protected from moisture in service 1.00 Other reinforced concrete construction 0.30 4. When using calcium chloride or other admixtures containing chlorides, measure water-soluble chloride-ion content (percent by weight of cementitious materials) per ASTM C1218. Sample shall be from concrete repre- senting the submitted mix design and maximum chloride dosage anticipated for the project. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Begin paving work only after unsuitable areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. B. Remove loose material from compacted base material surface to produce firm, smooth surface immediately before placing concrete. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Form Construction 02770-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. Set forms to required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. 2. Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continuance of work and so that forms remain in place minimum of 24 hours after concrete placement. 3. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to following tolerances: a. Top of forms not more than 1/8-inch in 10'-0". b. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than 1/4-inch in 10'-0". 4. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. B. Reinforcement: Fasten reinforcing bars or welded wire fabric (if required) accurately and securely in place with suita- ble supports and ties. Remove from reinforcement all dirt, oil, loose mill scale, rust, and other substances that will prevent proper bonding of the concrete to the reinforcement. C. Concrete Placement 1. Concrete shall be mixed and placed when the air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat is a minimum of 35 degrees F and rising. Hot and cold weather concreting shall be in accordance with ACI 305R (hot weather) and 306.1 and 306R (cold weather).Do not place concrete until base material and forms have been checked for line and grade. Moisten base material if required to provide uniform dampened condition at time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until set at required finish elevation and alignment. 2. Place concrete using methods that prevent segregation of mix. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. 3. Deposit and spread concrete in continuous operation between transverse joints, as far as possible. If inter- rupted for more than 1/2 hour, place construction joint. Automatic machine may be used for curb and gutter placement. Machine placement shall be at required cross section, line, grade, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and replace with formed concrete as specified herein. D. Joint Construction 1. Contraction Joints: Construct concrete curb or combination concrete curb and gutter, where specified on Con- struction Drawings, in uniform sections of length specified on Construction Drawings. Form joints between sections either by steel templates, 1/8-inch in thickness, of length equal to width of curb and gutter, and with depth which will penetrate at least 2-inches below surface of curb and gutter; or with 3/4-inch thick per- formed expansion joint filler cut to exact cross section of curb and gutter; or by sawing to depth of at least 2- inches while concrete is between 4 and 24 hours old. If steel templates are used, they shall be left in place un- til concrete has set enough to hold its shape, but shall be removed while forms are still in place. 2. Longitudinal Construction Joints: Tie concrete curb or combination concrete curb and gutter, where specified on Construction Drawings, to concrete pavement with 1/2-inch round deformed reinforcement bars of length and spacing shown on Construction Drawings. 3. Transverse Expansion Joints: Concrete curb, combination concrete curb and gutter, or concrete sidewalk shall have filler cut to exact cross section of curb, gutter, or sidewalk. Joints shall be similar to type of expansion joint used in adjacent pavement. E. Joint Fillers: Extend joint fillers full-width and depth of joint, and not less than 1/2-inch or more than 1-inch below finished surface where joint sealer is indicated. Furnish joint fillers in 1-piece lengths for full width being placed, wherever possible. Where more than 1 length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. F. Joint Sealants: Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.3 CONCRETE FINISHING A. After striking off and consolidating concrete, smooth surface by screeding and floating. Adjust floating to compact surface and produce uniform texture. After floating, test surface for trueness with 10'-0" straightedge. Distribute concrete as required to remove surface irregularities, and refloat repaired areas to provide continuous smooth finish. 02770-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Work edges of sidewalks, gutters, back top edge of curb, and formed joints with edging tool, rounding edge to 1/2- inch radius. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surface. After completion of floating and trowelling, when excess mois- ture or surface sheen has disappeared, complete surface finishing, as follows: 1. Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks: Broom finish by drawing fine-hair broom across surface perpendicular to flow of traffic. Repeat operation as necessary to produce fine line texture. C. Do not remove forms for 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean ends of joints and point up minor honeycombed areas. Remove and replace areas or sections with major defects as directed Owner. D. Check surface areas at intervals necessary to eliminate ponding areas. Remove and replace unacceptable work as di- rected by Owner. 3.4 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Protect and cure finished concrete paving using with curing compound or with acceptable moist-curing methods in accordance with "water-curing" section of ACI 308. Cure for a period not less than 7 days. B. Use solvent based curing compound when compound is applied below 40 F. 3.5 BACKFILL A. After concrete has set sufficiently, spaces on either side of concrete curb, combination concrete curb and gutter, or concrete sidewalk shall be refilled to required elevation with suitable material compacted in accordance with Section 02300. 3.6 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Sweep concrete pavement and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt, and other foreign material just prior to final inspection. B. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contractor as necessary to assure compliance with Contract requirements. END OF SECTION 02787-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02787 (32 1236) - SEAL COAT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Seal coats using a polymer-modified asphalt emulsion blended with fine aggregate. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02740 – Asphaltic Concrete Paving. 2. Section 02765 – Pavement Marking 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM) 1. ASTM C 136 – Method of Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate 2. ASTM D 217 – Method for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease 3. ASTM D 244 – Test Methods for Emulsified Asphalts 4. ASTM D 562 – Method for Consistency of Paints Measuring Krebs Unit (KU) Viscosity Using a Stormer-Type Viscometer 5. ASTM D 977 – Emulsified Asphalt 6. ASTM D 2397 – Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 7. ASTM D 2042 – Method for solubility of Asphalt Materials in Trichloroethylene 8. ASTM D 3910 – Practice for Design, Testing, and Construction of Slurry Seal 9. ASTM D 6690 – Joint and Crack Sealants, Hot Applied, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements 1.3 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Pre-installation Meeting: Convene a pre-installation meeting at the site at least two weeks prior to commencing work of this Section. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section, including, but not lim- ited to, the Owner's representative, CTL’s representative and inspector, Contractor, and job foreman. 1. Contact Engineer of Record three weeks prior to pre-installation conference to confirm schedule. 2. Record discussions of meeting and decisions and agreements reached, and furnish copy of record to each party attending. Review foreseeable methods and procedures related to paving work, including the fol- lowing: a. Review preparation and installation procedures and coordinating and scheduling required with re- lated work. b. Review proposed sources of materials. c. Tour, inspect, and discuss condition of existing pavement and other preparatory work such as patching, crack sealing, and oil spot priming/repair. d. Review requirements for protecting paving work, including restriction of traffic during installation and curing period. e. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. f. Review paving requirements (drawings, specifications, and other contract documents). g. Review required submittals, both completed and yet to be completed. 02787-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 h. Review required inspections, testing procedures. i. Review weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions. j. Review health and safety precautions relating to handling and placement of seal coat. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: The seal coat applicator shall have not less than 3 years documented experience in the application of emulsion seal coats. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit the manufacturer’s product information for oil spot primer. B. Certificates: 1. Submit manufacturer's certification that each consignment of emulsion shipped to the project meets the requirements of the applicable specification for the emulsion specified, except that the water content shall not exceed 50 percent. The certification shall also indicate the solids content of the emulsion and the date the tests were conducted. 2. Submit certification of placement in accordance with specification requirements as specified in Part 3 Field Quality Control. C. Qualification Statements: Submit contractor qualifications certification. D. Mix Design: 1. Submit mix design and emulsion properties to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record at least 30 days prior to beginning sealing operations. Mix designs over one year old will not be accepted. 2. Submit approved mix designs and laboratory test results to CTL signed by the materials producer and Con- tractor certifying materials and mix ratios conform to the requirements specified herein. E. Calibration Results: Submit report of spreading equipment calibration tests. 1.6 SITE CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Apply seal coat only under the following weather conditions: 1. The atmospheric temperature is between 50 and 90 F and is expected to remain above 50 F for 24 hours. 2. Pavement temperature is above 55 F. 3. Surface is dry and no moisture is expected within 24 hours. 4. Weather and wind conditions are such that overspray is preventable and will allow proper curing and opening to traffic within a reasonable time. B. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required by the Engineer of Record. Utilize temporary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aggregate: Aggregate shall be 100 percent passing the No. 16 (1.18 mm) sieve when tested in accordance with ASTM C 136. Aggregate shall consist of hard, washed, dry natural or manufactured particles free of dust, trash, clay, organic materials or other contaminants. 02787-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Asphalt Emulsion: Comply with ASTM D977 or ASTM D2397 for SS-1h or CSS-1h. The penetration of the residue from the distillation test shall be 20 to 60. Clay stabilized emulsion, with a ph not greater than 7.0, and solids content not less than 45 percent may be used. The polymer material shall be milled or blended into the asphalt or emulsifier solution prior to the emulsification process. The minimum amount and type of polymer modifier shall be determined by the laboratory performing the mix design. C. Coal Tar: Coal tar emulsion or coal tar/asphalt emulsion shall not be used as a substitute for asphalt emulsion. D. Water: Water shall be potable and free of harmful soluble salts or reactive chemicals and any other contami- nants and at least 50 F. E. Additives: Additives shall be included and approved as part of the mix design and be compatible with the other components of the mix. F. Crack Sealant: Crack sealant shall conform to ASTM D6690, Type II or higher and compatible with the specified seal coat emulsion. G. Oil Spot Primer: Oil spot primer shall be a quick drying latex emulsion with suitable admixtures manufactured specifically for the purpose of isolating the asphalt sealcoat from any residual oils, petroleum grease, and gaso- line stained pavement. The oil spot primer shall be certified for compatibility with the specified emulsion by the manufacturer of the emulsion. H. Pavement Primer/Tack Coat: Pavement primer/tack coat shall consist of one part SS1h emulsion diluted with four parts water applied at an undiluted emulsion rate of 0.05 to 0.10 gal/SY (diluted emulsion rate of 0.25 to 0.50 gal/SY). 2.2 COMPOSITION A. Composition. Seal coat shall consist of a mixture of the specified emulsion, water, aggregate, and additives and be proportioned to meet the requirements shown in the following Table 1. TABLE 1 – Undiluted Seal Coat Design Properties Method Minimum Maximum Weight (per gallon), ASTM D 244, lbs 9.0 Cone Penetration, ASTM D 217, mm 340 700 % Non-Volatile1 50 % Non-Volatile Residue Soluble in Trichloroethylene, ASTM D 2042 10 35 Wet Track Abrasion Loss, ASTM D 3910, g 35 Viscosity, ASTM D 562, KU 75 Dried Film Color Black 1Weigh 10 g of homogeneous product into a previously tared, small ointment can. Place in an oven at 325°F for 90 minutes. Cool, reweigh and calculate non-volatile residue as a percent of the original mass. 2.3 EQUIPMENT 02787-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Distributors. Distributors or spray units used for the spray application of the seal coat shall be self propelled and capable of uniformly applying 0.10 to 0.30 gallons per square yard of material over the required width of applica- tion. Distributors shall be equipped with tachometers, pressure gauges, and volume measuring devices. The mix tank shall have a mechanically powered, full sweep, mixer with sufficient power to move and homogeneously mix the entire contents of the tank. B. Spray Nozzles. Nozzles shall be free from clogs and debris and set at the same angle. C. Mixing Equipment. The mixing machine shall have a continuous flow mixing unit capable of accurately delivering a predetermined proportion of aggregate, water, and emulsion, and of discharging the thoroughly mixed product on a continuous basis. The mixing unit shall be capable of thoroughly blending all ingredients together and dis- charging the material without segregation. D. Spreading Equipment. Spreading equipment shall be a mechanical type squeegee/brush distributor attached to the mixing machine, equipped with flexible material in contact with the surface to prevent loss of slurry from the spreader box. It shall be maintained to prevent loss of slurry on varying grades and adjusted to assure uniform spread. There shall be a lateral control device and a flexible strike off capable of being adjusted to lay the slurry at the specified rate of application. The spreader box shall have an adjustable width. The box shall be kept clean. Emulsion and aggregate build up on the box shall not be permitted. E. Clean equipment with a petroleum solvent if previously used with a different material. F. Hand Squeegee or Brush Application. Hand spreading application shall be used only in places not accessible to the mechanized equipment or to accommodate neat trim work at curbs, etc. Material that is applied by hand shall meet the same standards as that applied by machine. G. Calibration. Spreading equipment shall be provided with a method of calibration by the manufacturer. Equip- ment shall be calibrated to assure that it will produce and apply a mix that conforms to the job mix formula. Cali- brations shall be made with the approved job materials prior to application of the seal coat. 2.4 PREPARATION A. A period of at least 60 days at +70 F daytime temperatures shall elapse between the placement of a hot mixed asphalt concrete surface course and the application of the seal coat except as permitted for remediation patch- ing below. B. Remediate distressed areas of existing pavement by saw-cutting and removing existing pavement, regrading and compacting the underlying base course and replacing with full depth asphalt at locations and as shown on the drawings. 1. Repairs not specifically shown on the plans but considered necessary by the CEC, the Geotechnical Engi- neer, or the CTL shall be identified and submitted as an RFI to the Engineer of Record (CM) prior to com- mencement of repairs. 2. Repairs submitted by RFI and approved shall be performed as directed by the CEC. Cost for such work di- rected and performed will be paid for in accordance with the “Changes in the Work” Clause of the General Conditions. 3. Repairs shall be completed 30 days prior to the application of the seal coat. C. Longitudinal and traverse cracks in excess of 0.25 inch, but less than 1 inch shall be sealed with a crack sealant. Cracks that contain weed or other live vegetable matter shall be treated with a locally approved, non-oil based sterilant prior to applying the crack filler. 02787-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 D. Existing crack sealants in the parking lot shall be evaluated for compatibility with the specified emulsion. Report to the Engineer of Record if appearance or performance of the seal coat will be compromised by the existing crack sealant materials. E. Remove oil drippings or grease buildup determined by the CEC to be detrimental to the subsequent seal coat performance by scraping excessive buildup and by steam cleaning. Prevent oil contaminated water from enter- ing storm sewer inlets. After cleaning, treat cleaned areas with the oil spot primer. F. Immediately prior to applying the primer and seal coat, the surface shall be cleared of all loose material, dirt, dust, grease, oil, vegetation and other objectionable material. If water is used, cracks shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before applying the seal coat. G. Protect existing manholes, inlets, vaults, valve boxes, meter boxes, etc. as necessary to maintain free accessibility upon completion of seal coat application. Surfaces adjacent to seal coat application areas such as sidewalks, curb and/or gutter, storefronts, etc. shall be protected by use of felt paper anchored with clean aggregate, or by shielding components with plywood during application. H. Apply a primer/tack coat at a rate of 0.05 to 0.10 gal/sq.yd. Remove loose gravel by sweeping prior to application of primer. I. Coordinate limits of seal coat application operations with Owner’s Engineer of Record and Store Manager to avoid interruption to store operations. Protect adjacent areas of the parking lot outside of current seal coat ap- plication limits to avoid tracking onto adjacent areas. Partition off limits of current seal coat operations until sur- face is traffic ready. J. Coordinate with Store Manager to deactivate lawn sprinkler systems least 48 hours prior to placing the seal coat and remain off for at least 24 hours after the seal coat application. 2.5 APPLICATION A. The Minimum/Maximum application rate shall be between 0.10 and 0.17 gal/SY per application. B. Dampen pavement with a fog spray of water if ambient temperatures exceed 80°F. No standing water shall re- main on the surface. C. Apply the first coat uniformly in a manner such that the combined application of the first and second coats equal the total rate specified above. D. Suspend application when the distribution tank has less than 100 gallons left and refill to prevent irregular pat- terns or misses. E. Each coat shall be allowed to dry and cure initially a minimum of 2-4 hours before applying any subsequent coats. The initial drying shall allow evaporation of water of the applied mixture, resulting in the coating being able to sustain light foot traffic. The initial curing shall enable the mixture to withstand vehicle traffic without damage to the seal coat. F. Apply the second coat in the same manner as outlined for the first coat. G. Apply additional coats if and where necessary as determined by the CEC. 1. Submit an RFI identifying extent of additional coats for approval prior to application. 2. Apply additional coats in accordance with RFI approval. Cost for such additional work directed and per- formed will be paid for in accordance with the “Changes in the Work” Clause of the General Conditions. 02787-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 H. The finished surface shall present a uniform texture with no streaks. I. The final coat shall be allowed to dry a minimum of eight hours in dry daylight conditions before opening to traf- fic, and initially cure enough to support vehicular traffic without damage to the seal coat. J. Where marginal weather conditions exist during the eight hour drying time, additional drying time shall be al- lowed. The length of time shall be as specified by the supplier. The surface shall be checked after the additional drying time for trafficability before opening the section to vehicle traffic. 2.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Certify in writing that the seal coat placement is in accordance with specification requirements. END OF SECTION 02812-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02812 (32 8400) – SITE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes 1. Underground, automatically controlled lawn and shrub bed irrigation system including electrical connec- tions, water main connections, and accessories. B. Related Requirements 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork. Trenching, backfill, and compaction for utilities. 2. Section 02510 - Water Distribution Systems. 3. Section 02900 - Planting. Extended Maintenance Service for Site Irrigation System. 4. Section 02370 - Erosion Control 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM) 1. ASTM D2239 - Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) Based on Controlled Inside Diameter. 2. ASTM D2241 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR-Series). 3. ASTM D2564 - Solvent Cement for poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. 4. ASTM D2609 - Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe. 5. ASTM D2855 - Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. B. National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). C. American Society of Safety Engineers 1. ASSE 1013 - Performance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers and Reduced Pressure Fire Protection Principle Backflow Preventers. 2. ASSE 1015 - Performance Requirements for Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittal process: Submit in accordance Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures. Submit required submittals with- in 30 days after contract award. Submittals shall be available at all times to the Construction Manager. B. Quality Assurance Submittals: 1. Irrigation Contractor Qualifications: Provide minimum of 3 references and list of similar projects with owner's names, addresses, and telephone numbers. C. Test Reports D. Closeout Submittals: 1. As-Built Drawings: Furnish two sets, noting exact locations of elements and changes to Construction Drawings. 2. Operation Manual: Furnish two copies, bound in 1 inch diameter three ring binders, indexed and tabbed for easy reference, and labeled on spine and cover. Manual shall include following: a. Approved submittals as specified herein. 02812-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 b. Installation instructions including mounting details for control valves. c. Operating Instructions: 1) Winterization procedures. 2) Recommended operation sequence, frequency, and length of operation cycle, as per rela- tionship to estimated absorption rate, evaporation rate, and anticipated flow. d. Maintenance Instructions: 1) Manufacturers' product data, installation, and maintenance instructions. 2) Copies of completed warranty information. Contractor to complete and mail necessary war- ranty registration information to manufacturer keeping copies for Owner. 3. Controller Chart: Prepare color coded chart reduced in size, mounted on the inside of the controller cabi- net, containing same plan information as as-built drawings, and laminated in plastic on both sides, with following specific information: a. Note routing of main line, control wires, and controller location. b. Identify valves as to size, station number shown on controller, and type of irrigation head (e.g. mi- cro spray head, rotary head) for each valve. c. Delineate each station's limits of coverage by color-coding, with each station having different color showing its zone with zone number designation. d. Size, type, and location of water source. 4. Meetings and Inspections Log. 5. Certification of Conformance: Provide certificate of satisfactory performance of irrigation system installa- tion signed by the Contractor and Landscape Architect or irrigation designer for attachment to CEC Con- formance Letter included at the end of Section 01456. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: Minimum of 3 consecutive years’ experience in area of project and having installed other jobs of similar size and scope including drip irrigation and ET Series Controllers. B. Pre-Work Meeting and Conference Call: Convene a pre-work meeting and conference call at the Project site pri- or to commencing subgrade preparation for site paving to review conditions of operations, procedures and coor- dination with related work. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section including but not limited to Contractor, irrigation contractor, site work contractor, Landscape Architect, or irrigation designer. 1. Discuss conditions of Project site. 2. Review approach and schedule for, but not limited to, the following items: a. Water source. b. Mainline routing and installation. c. Zone installation and site preparation. d. Material availability. e. Sleeve installation, installation of curb and paving markings for sleeve locations and coordination with site work contractor. f. Status of irrigation schedule g. Potential conflicts between irrigation and other site utilities h. Required Inspections. C. Meeting and Inspection Log: Maintain log of required meetings and inspections. Record the date; time; weather conditions; and a brief summary of the discussions, decisions, and agreements reached. Landscape Architect or Irrigation Designer will review and sign log at the conclusion of the meeting. Furnish copy of log to each party at- tending. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Visit site and become familiar with nature and location of work, existing conditions, and conditions that will exist during installation. 02812-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1.6 WARRANTY A. Guarantee Site Irrigation System for a period of 12-19 months following the Substantial Completion Date in ac- cordance with the Extended Maintenance/Warranty Chart included Section 02900 and as follows: 1. Defects in material, equipment, and workmanship. 2. Repair of damage to premises resulting from leaks or other defects in material, equipment, and workman- ship to satisfaction of Owner. 1.7 EXTENDED MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Extended Maintenance for Site Irrigation System is specified in Section 02900. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. Under provisions of Section 01640, Owner will furnish irrigation products for installation by Contractor as fol- lows: 1. Automatic Smart Controllers. 2. Rainfall / Freeze Sensor. 3. Flow Sensors. 4. Master Valves. 2.2 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable manufacturers shall include: 1. Hunter Industries, Inc., (800) 733-2823 2. Rain Bird Corporation Commercial Turf Division, (800) 724-6247. 3. The Toro Company - Irrigation Division, (888) 384-9939. 4. HydroPoint Data Systems, Inc. (707) 769-9696 ext 412, 5. Netafim USA, (888) 638-2346. 6. Ametek - Armor, (800) 348-7558. 7. Data Industrial, (800) 338-0312. 8. Creative Sensor Technology, (508) 763-8100. 9. Superior Controls Company, Inc, (661)-257-3533. 2.3 PIPE A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Pipe over 1 inch diameter shall conform to ASTM D224, SDR 21, and Class 200. B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Pipe 1 inch diameter and under shall conform to ASTM D2241, SDR 13.5, and Class 315. C. Flexible Polyethylene (PE): Pipe shall conform to ASTM D2239, SDR 11.5, PE23, rated at 100 PSI, National Sanita- tion Foundation (NSF) approved. Subject to approval of Owner, PE shall be used for laterals in areas where ground is subject to freezing for extended periods of time each year. D. Joints: 1. Pipe sizes 2 1/2 inch or smaller shall have bell and socket joints. 2. Pipe sizes larger than 2 1/2 inch shall have snap connections with rubber gasket joints. Thrust blocking shall be required in accordance with Section 02510. E. Pipe used for reclaimed water shall be appropriate color and marked as designated for such use. 02812-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. Fittings: 1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings: Fittings shall conform to ASTM D2241, Schedule 40, and Molded. 2. Flexible Polyethylene (PE) Lateral Line Fittings: Fittings shall conform to ASTM D2609, Type 1 PVC insert fittings designed for used with this type of pipe. Pipe and fittings shall be joined with stainless steel pinch clamps or worm gear clamps, including stainless steel screw. G. Risers above finished grade shall be black in color or receive 2 coats of black exterior semi-gloss enamel paint if a color other than black. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Sleeves: Sleeves for pipes passing beneath paving shall conform to ASTM D2241, Schedule 40. Minimum diame- ter of 2 inch or 2 sizes larger than pipe scheduled to pass through them. B. PVC Solvent Cement: Cement shall conform to ASTM D2564. C. Swing Joint Connections: Connections between heads and laterals shall be thick wall, flexible, polyethylene pipe, with fittings that have male barbs on one end and either male or female screw ends opposite. Glue fittings and female barb adapters are not allowed. 2.5 RECLAIMED WATER PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS A. Irrigation products used with reclaimed water shall be the appropriate color and marked as designated for such use. 2.6 CUTOFF OR ISOLATION VALVES A. 3 inches or Smaller: Provide full port brass ball valves with 600 WOG rating as manufactured by Red-White Valve Corporation, Carson, CA. B. Larger than 3 inches: Provide cast iron and bronze mechanical joint valves, fusion bonded epoxy coated exterior and interior, Resilient Wedge Valve as manufactured by Clow Valve Co., Oskaloosa, IA. C. Provide a valve key and cast iron cylindrical valve box with top with each valve. 2.7 QUICK COUPLER VALVES A. Provide one of following if shown on the plans: 1. Rain Bird model 44NP Valve with model 44K Key. 2. Hunter model HQ-44LRC with model HK-44 Key. 3. Toro model 100-SLVLC 470 Series Valve and 100-SLK Coupler Key. B. Provide each valve with key having 3/4 inch male top pipe threads for hose connection. 2.8 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES A. Provide one of the following: 1. Hunter ICV Series electric remote control valves and ICZ Drip Zone Control Kit. 2. Rain Bird PEB Series electric remote control valves and XCZ Drip Control Zone Kit. 3. Netafim Control Valve Kit. 4. Toro P220 Series plastic valves and DZK Drip Zone Valve Kit. B. Provide 3M DBY watertight connectors. 02812-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2.9 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Full or Part Circle Pop-Up Fixed Spray Sprinkler: 1. Acceptable Products: a. Hunter PRS40 with MP Rotators and check valve (CV) feature. b. Rain Bird 1800 Series Sprinklers with Rotary Nozzles including PRS and SAM features. c. Toro 570Z PRX Series with MPR Precision Series Spray Nozzles. B. Full or Part Circle Pop-up Gear Driven Rotor Sprinkler: 1. Acceptable Products: a. Rain Bird Rotor, 5000 Series plus MPR rotor nozzle with Seal-A-Matic (SAM) check valve. b. Toro Super T5P-COM, with check valve or Toro TR-XTP Series with factory installed check valve, tra- jectory adjustment, and X Flow Device. c. Hunter PGP and PGJ series pop-up rotors, with check valve. C. Pressure Compensating Micro-Spray Nozzles: 1. Acceptable Products: a. Rain Bird Micro Spray. b. Hunter Micro Spray. c. Toro Stream Spray and Stream Bubbler Nozzles with PC. 2.10 LOW VOLUME AND DRIPLINE IRRIGATION A. Hunter Professional Landscape Dripline with 0.4, 0.6, or 1.0 GPH built-in emitters. B. Netafim Techline with 0.4, 0.6, or 0.9 GPH dripper. C. Toro Drip-In PC drip tubing with 0.5 or 1.0 GPH emitter. Use only in groundcover and shrub beds with mulch. D. Rain Bird XFD (subsurface installation) or XFS (surface installation) drip tubing and components with 0.6 or 0.9 GPH emitter. 2.11 VALVE BOX A. Valve boxes shall be manufactured by Ametek, Plymouth Products Division, Sheboygan WI., RainBird Corporation or equal by acceptable manufacturer. No irrigation valve box shall be placed in pavement areas unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 1. When used with single valve, provide Economy Turf Box or Rain Bird model VB-RND with green colored snap fit cover labeled "Valve Box". 2. When used with 2 or more valves, provide Jumbo Box or Rain Bird model VB-STD with 20 inch x 14 inch cover opening with cover labeled "Control Valve". 2.12 MANUAL DRAIN VALVES A. Manual drain valves shall be provided by acceptable manufacturers specified above. 2.13 CONTROL WIRE A. Number 14-size minimum copper wire, U. L. approved for underground direct burial. 1. Colored wire shall have same color-coding as shown on controller. 2. Provide single wire from controller to each valve. 3. Provide common neutral from controller to each valve. 02812-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 4. Provide a minimum of two extra sets of wire, 2 control and 1 neutral, to each end of the main for future use. a. Loop Systems: Provide two spare control wires in each direction to halfway point of loop. 2.14 BACKFLOW PREVENTOR A. Comply with requirements and codes of local governing authority regarding backflow prevention. B. Provide the necessary materials, insulation/draining capabilities, and insulated fiberglass enclosure, dark green in color. C. Backflow preventers shall be type suitable for use in high hazard cross connection to potable water system as manufactured by one of the following manufacturer’s: Watts Regulator Company, Febco, or Wilkins. 1. Reduced pressure backflow preventers shall be ASSE # 1013 and labeled accordingly. 2. Double check valve assembly backflow preventers shall be ASSE # 1015 and labeled accordingly. 3. In absence of local codes or requirements, provide double check assembly backflow preventer installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 2.15 METER A. Meter and meter box shall conform to requirements of local utility company. 2.16 RAINFALL / FREEZE SENSOR (OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED) A. Rainfall Sensor: 1. Irritrol Wireless Rain Sensor, Model RS 1000. B. Rainfall / Freeze Sensor: 1. Irritrol Wireless Rain/Freeze Sensor, Model RFS 1000. 2.17 FLOW SENSOR (OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED) A. Data Industrial – Series 735PV or 228PV. B. Creative Sensor Technology – Series FSI. 2.18 MASTER VALVE (OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED) A. Superior Controls Company, Inc. – Angle or Globe 3100 Series. 2.19 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER (OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED) A. Controller shall have an integral weatherproof, lockable stainless steel pedestal cabinet with internal transform- er. 1. HydroPoint Weather-TRAK ET Pro2 Central Series Model: WtPro2C-XX-SPL where XX is the number of sta- tions. Include the following: a. One year WT.net subscription service b. Five year hardware warranty. c. On site controller training. d. Site Profile Worksheet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 02812-7 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.1 PREPARATION A. Pressure/Flow Test: Perform calculations according to the Irrigation Association’s 3-Step Method. Provide writ- ten calculations to the Owner’s CEC including the following site information: 1. Static or residual pressure at the POC. 2. Calculation of pressure for “worst case” sprinkler head. 3. Calculation of GPM per zone. B. Prior to installation, receive approval from General Contractor to proceed with construction. C. Contractor shall field verify all aboveground and underground utilities prior to start of work. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Trenching and Backfilling: 1. Trenching and backfilling shall conform to Section 02300 and 02370. 2. Excavate trench to proper depth as shown or specified. 3. Minimum trench width shall be 3 1/2 inches. 4. Over excavate trenches deeper than required in soils containing rock or other hard material that might damage pipe and backfill to proper depth with selected fine earth or sand. 5. Backfill and hand tamp over excavation prior to installing piping. 6. Keep trenches free of obstructions and debris that would damage pipe. 7. Irrigation piping shall not be installed in same trench as heating duct, electric ducts, storm and sanitary sewer lines, water and gas mains. B. Do not cut sidewalks, paved areas, or curb and gutter when trenching for piping unless otherwise noted on the Drawings. 1. Provide sleeves as specified in Part 2 above under paving prior to installation of paving. 2. Auger, bore, or tunnel under existing paving without disturbing pavement. Damaged pavement shall be removed and replaced in accordance with Section 02740 or 02751. 3.3 WATER METER A. Provide water meter box for irrigation system if required or shown on the Drawings. 3.4 PIPING INSTALLATION A. Minimum cover from top of piping to finished grade shall be provided as follows: 1. Lawn and planting areas: a. Mains and Control Valves: 18 inches. b. Laterals: 12 inches. 2. Drives or parking areas: 24 inches. B. Clearances: Maintain 3 inch minimum horizontal clearance between parallel lines in same trench or vertical clearance between lines crossing at angles. C. Special Requirements - PVC and PE pipe: 1. Snake pipe in trench at least 1 foot per 100 feet of pipe to allow for thermal expansion. 2. Pipe laterals shall be laid to drain to low point drains located at lowest elevations of each zone. D. Rest full length of pipe section on bed of trench, excavating recesses to accommodate joints. Do not lay pipe on unstable material or blocking, or when in opinion of Owner conditions are unsuitable. 02812-8 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 E. Threaded Plastic Pipe Jointing: 1. Do not use solvent cement on threaded joints. 2. Wrap joints with Teflon tape or use virgin Teflon lubricant. F. Bell and Socket Plastic Pipe Jointing: Cement joints in accordance with ASTM D2855. 3.5 QUICK COUPLER AND AUTOMATIC LOW POINT DRAIN VALVES A. Provide quick coupler valves as shown on the drawings to accommodate winterization. B. Provide automatic low point drain valves on all zones. Provide two valves at lowest point of each zone with each drain installed above a 12 inch by 12 inch by 12 inch deep area of coarse washed gravel. 3.6 SLEEVING A. Provide sleeves for both piping and control wiring where either passes under paved surfaces. 1. Depths of sleeves shall be same as that required for piping at each location or condition. 2. Extend sleeves 12 inches beyond paving at each end. 3. Install permanent benchmark at top of curbs for reference to sleeve locations. 3.7 VALVES A. Do not locate beneath paved surfaces. B. Install plumb to within 1/16 inch. C. Locate within valve box with 6 inch deep layer of coarse gravel beneath bottom of valve. D. Top of quick coupler valves shall be 6 inches to top of valve box. Top of gravel layer shall be 3 inches below top of valve. E. Master Valve (if required on the Drawings): 1. Locate immediately behind backflow preventer. 2. Valve shall be energized by master valve circuit on automatic controller. 3.8 SPRINKLERS A. Install plumb to within 1/16 inch with top collar, not nozzle, flush with finish grade. B. Provide swing joint with each sprinkler except where entire head is raised above grade and/or where rigid riser piping is required. C. Heads adjacent to paving and curb: Locate between 6 and 12 inches from edge of paving or back of curb to pre- vent car overhang to conflict with a fully extended sprinkler. 3.9 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND CONTROL WIRE A. Conform to the National Electrical Code (NEC) and local electrical codes. B. Provide electrical connection to system as designated on the Drawings and as specified herein. C. Wire Placement: 1. Do not run control and power supply wiring in same conduit. 02812-9 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 2. Provide continuous runs of wire between controller and valves. Splices shall be made with one of follow- ing: a. Watertight below ground electrical junction boxes. b. Water-tight connectors, such as utilized for valves, and located within valve box for ease of locat- ing. c. The location of electrical splices shall be shown on the As-Built drawings. 3. Bury control wire beside pipe in same trench. Bundle and tape together at not more than 10 ft intervals. D. Expansion Loops: Construct by wrapping wire around 1/2 inch diameter pipe to create coil. A 3 foot section of wire shall be used to create 12 inch coil with 6 foot section being used to create 24 inch coil. 1. Provide 12 inch coils at each wire splice, not including valves, and at each change of wire direction. 2. Provide 24 inch coils at each control valve and where each valve enters conduit for automatic controller. 3.10 BACKFILLING A. Sand or fine-grained soils shall be used for initial backfill to sufficient depth to prevent damage to pipe from rocks or other debris during compaction of subsequent backfill. B. Fill trench to within 3 inches of finish grade with excavated soil and compact in accordance with Section 02300. C. Fill top 3 inches with existing topsoil in planting or turf areas and wheel roll until compaction of backfill is same as surrounding soil. D. Grade backfilled trench uniform with surrounding grades. 3.11 BACKFLOW PREVENTOR A. Comply with local codes for installation of backflow preventer. In absence of local codes, install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 3.12 RAINFALL / FREEZE SENSOR A. Location and installation shall be as shown on the Drawings and per manufacturer’s written recommendations. 3.13 FLOW SENSOR A. Location and installation shall be as shown on the Drawings and per manufacturer’s written recommendations. 3.14 MASTER VALVE A. Location and installation shall be as shown on the Drawings and per manufacturer’s written recommendations. 1. Master valve normal operating position shall be open and shall be electronically actuated. 3.15 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Location and installation shall be as shown on the Drawings and approved by Owner prior to installation. B. Install rigid conduits for both power supply and control wiring. 1. Control wire conduit shall extend to 18 inches below grade. 2. Pull spare wires for future valves and extend to area outside paved surfaces. C. Install electrical grounding for controller in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 02812-10 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.16 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Irrigation Inspections: Conduct the following inspections during the course of the work in the presence of the Landscape Architect or irrigation designer to verify conformance to specification requirements. Notify CEC for observation of inspection by the Landscape Architect or irrigation designer. Correct noted deficiencies during each inspection prior to proceeding with subsequent work. After each inspection complete Irrigation Inspection Checklist included at the end of this Section signed by all signitors listed thereon. 1. Mainline Inspection: Inspect the installed main line, electronic control valves, wiring prior to backfilling main line. 2. Substantial Completion Inspection: Inspect all completed irrigation work. Landscape Architect or irrigation designer will develop a punch list of deficient or incomplete items and deliver to Contractor within 3 cal- endar days of inspection date. 3. Final Inspection: Within 30 days of project substantial completion date and subsequent to correction of punch list deficiencies, convene a final inspection of all irrigation work. 4. Warranty Inspections: Convene a warranty inspection 30 calendars days prior to expiration of warranty period specified in Part 3 of Section 02900. B. Inspection and Adjustments: Following installation and prior to Substantial Completion Inspection, make final adjustments to site irrigation including but not limited to the following: 1. Flush system completely, with nozzles and screens removed and drip lines ends open to extract debris. 2. Verify sprinkler operation and alignment for direction of throw. Correct as necessary. 3. Check pop-up rotor/rotator nozzling for proper arc of spray with no overthrow onto pavement. Adjust nozzles as necessary for proper throw and matched precipitation rate. 4. Ensure uniform distribution exists. 5. Ensure proper irrigation head operational after landscaping and/or sod installation. C. Main Line Inspection and Hydrostatic Tests: 1. Owner’s Landscape Architect or Irrigation Designer will observe testing. 2. Center load piping with small amount of backfill to prevent arching or slipping under pressure. 3. Install risers and caps on mainline and sub-main lines. Apply continuous and static water pressure of 75 psi for a minimum of 3 hours when welded plastic joints have cured at least 3 hours. 4. Allowable Leakage: a. Utilize the following formula to calculate the allowable leakage for O-ring gasket pipe. L=SD(P)0.5 133,200 In which: L=Allowable leakage in gallons per hour S=Length of pipe tested in feet D=Pipe diameter in inches P=Average test pressure in PSI gauge b. No allowable leakage shall be acceptable with solvent based mainline system. 5. Repair leaks and retest. D. Automatic Controller 1. Controller Activation: Activate controller manufacturer’s subscription service in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Documentation: Complete the Site Profile Worksheet included with controller. Submit to Owner’s Land- scape Consultant (SC&A) by email to Jennifer.wilson@sca-nr.com. Call to confirm receipt of email by call- ing (615) 469-0943. 3. Testing: Upon completion of irrigation system installation, perform a flow test with the controller in “Flow” mode in accordance with the Owner’s Manual. 4. Notification: Upon final inspection and again after warranty inspection, contact SC&A, Owner’s Landscape Consultant, by calling (615) 469-0943 to verify controller operation. 02812-11 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 E. Prepare inspection log in accordance with Paragraph Quality Assurance in Part 1. 3.17 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES. A. Demonstration: Following final adjustment, operate entire irrigation installation to demonstrate complete and successful operation of equipment. B. Training: Arrange and attend an onsite training of the controller system to be presented by the controller manu- facturer’s representative. Contact controller manufacturer to coordinate training time and date. END OF SECTION 02822-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02822 (32 3114) - CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES (SITE RELATED) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Chain link fences and gates associated with sitework. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 392 - Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric 2. ASTM C 94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete B. Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute (CLFMI) latest edition Product Manual 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of property perimeter posts relative to property lines and easements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this Section with minimum 3 years documented experience. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Steel Posts: Type I or II or roll formed "C" Section steel conforming to CLFMI and as specified hereinafter. B. Fabric: No. 9 gage (0.148 nominal) galvanized steel wire in 2 inch mesh; ASTM A 392, top and bottom selvages twisted and barbed, height as shown. Furnish 1-piece fabric widths. C. End, Corner, and Pull Posts: Minimum sizes and weights as follows: 1. Up to 13 Foot Fabric Height: Type I or II in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual. 2. 13 foot and over Fabric Height (If required): a. Type I Posts: Round; 4.0 inch outside diameter pipe, 9.10 lbs/lin ft. b. Type II Posts: 4.0 inch outside diameter pipe, 6.56 lbs/lin ft. D. Line (Intermediate) Posts: Minimum sizes and weights as follows: 1. Up to 8 Foot Fabric Height: Type I, II, or "C" Section in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual. 2. Over 8 Foot Fabric Height: a. Type I Posts: 1) Round: 2.875 inch outside diameter pipe, 5.79 lbs/lin ft. 2) Square: 2.5" x 2.5" outside dimension, 5.10 lbs/lin ft. b. Type II Posts: 2.875 inch outside diameter pipe, 4.64 lbs/lin ft. 02822-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 E. Gate Posts: Type I or II in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual. F. Top, Bottom, and Intermediate Rails: Type I or II in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual. 1. Manufacturer's longest lengths. 2. Couplings: Expansion type, approximately 6 inches long. 3. Attaching Devices: Means of attaching top rail securely to each gate, corner, pull, and end post. G. Sleeves: Galvanized steel pipe not less than 6-inches long with inside diameter not less than ½ inch greater than outside diameter of pipe. Provide steel plate closure welded to bottom of sleeve of width and length not less than 1 inch greater than outside diameter of sleeve. H. Tension Wire: 7 gauge galvanized steel conforming to CLFMI, Marcelled, located at bottom of fabric. I. Wire Ties: Class 1 galvanized steel, no less than 9 gage. J. Post Brace Assembly: Manufacturer's standard adjustable brace at end of gate posts and at both sides of corner and pull posts, with horizontal brace located at mid-height of fabric. Use same material as top rail for brace, and truss to line posts with 0.375-inch diameter rod and adjustable tightener. K. Post Tops: Galvanized steel, weather tight closure cap for each tubular post. Furnish caps with openings to per- mit passage of top rail. L. Stretcher Bars: Galvanized steel, 1 piece lengths equal to full height of fabric, with minimum cross-section of 3/16-inch x 3/4-inch. Provide one stretch bar for each gate and end post, and two for each corner and pull post. M. Stretch Bar Bands: Manufacturer's standard N. Gate Cross-bracing: 3/8-inch diameter galvanized steel adjustable length truss rods. O. Ready Mix Concrete: ASTM C94, mix design as follows: 1. Design mix to produce normal weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, aggregate, water-reducing admixture, air-entraining admixture, and water to produce following: a. Compressive Strength: 3,500 psi, minimum at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on Construction Drawings. b. Slump Range: 1 to 3 inches at time of placement c. Air Entrainment: 5 to 8 percent P. Swinging Gate Hardware: 1. Hinges: Size and material to suit gate size, non-lift-off type, offset to permit full 180-degree gate opening. Provide a pair of 1 1/2-inch hinges for each leaf over 6'-0" nominal height. 2. Latch: Forked type or plunger-bar type to permit operation from either side of gate, with padlock eye as integral part of latch. Q. Double Gates Hardware: Provide gate stops for double gates, consisting of mushroom type of flush plate with anchors set in concrete, to engage center drop rod or plunger bar. Include locking device and padlock eye as in- tegral part of latch, using 1 padlock for locking both gate leaves. R. Sliding Gate Hardware: Provide manufacturer's standard heavy-duty track, ball-bearing hanger sheaves, over- head framing and supports, guides, stays, bracing, and accessories as required. 2.2 GATE FABRICATION 02822-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. Fabricate swing gate perimeter frames of 1.90-inch OD pipe, galvanized steel. Provide horizontal and vertical members to ensure proper gate operation and attachment of fabric, hardware, and accessories. Space frame members maximum of 8'-0" apart. B. Assemble gate frames by welding or special fittings and rivets, for rigid connections. Install same fabric as for fence with stretcher bars at vertical edges. Install diagonal cross-bracing on gates as required ensuring rigid frame without sag or twist. Bars may be used at top and bottom edges. Attach stretchers to gate frame at 15 inches o.c. maximum. C. Attach hardware to provide security against removal or breakage. 2.3 FINISH A. Fabric, Framing, and Other Iron Parts: Hot dip zinc coated in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install chain link fence in accordance with CLFMI Product Manual unless otherwise specified herein. B. Comply with recommended procedures and instructions of fencing manufacturer. Provide secure, aligned instal- lation with line posts spaced at 10'-0" o.c. maximum. C. Methods for Setting Posts: 1. Grade-Set Posts: a. Drill or hand excavate to a depth approximately 3 inches lower than post bottom. Set post bottom not less than 36 inches below finish grade. b. Excavate each post hole to 12 inch diameter, or not less than four times diameter of post. c. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position during placement and finishing operations. Extend con- crete footing 2-inches above grade and trowel crown to shed water. d. Post shall be set plumb within 1/4" in 10 feet. 2. Sleeve Set Posts: Anchor posts by means of pipe sleeves preset and anchored into concrete. After posts have been inserted into sleeves, fill annular space between post and sleeve solid with nonshrink, non-metallic grout, mixed and placed to comply with grout manufacturer's directions. D. Top Rails: Run rail continuously, bending to form radius for curved runs. Provide expansion couplings as recom- mended by manufacturer. E. Center Rails: Provide center rails where indicated. Install in 1 piece between posts and flush with post on fabric side, using special offset fittings where necessary. F. Brace Assemblies: Install braces so posts are plumb when diagonal rod are under proper tension. G. Tension Wire: Install tension wires through post cap loops before stretching fabric and tie to each post cap with not less than 6 gauge galvanized wire. Fasten fabric to tension wire using 11 gauge galvanized steel hog rings spaced 24-inches o.c. H. Fabric: Leave approximately 2 inches between finish grade and bottom selvage. Pull fabric taut and tie to posts, rails, and tension wires. Install fabric on security side of fence, and anchor to framework so that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released. 02822-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 I. Stretcher Bars: Secure at end, corner, pull, and gate posts by threading through or clamping to fabric at 4 inches o.c. and secure to posts with metal bands spaced at 15 inches o.c. J. Tie Wires: 1. Use U-shaped wire, conforming to diameter of pipe to which attached, clasping pipe and fabric firmly when ends twisted at least 2 full turns. Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to persons or clothing. 2. Tie fabric to line posts with wire ties spaced 12 inches o.c. Tie fabric to rails and braces with wire ties spaced 24 inches o.c. Tie fabric to tension wires with hog rings spaced 24-inches o.c. 3. Manufacturer's standard procedure will be accepted if of equal strength and durability. K. Fasteners: Install nuts for tension bands and hardware bolts on side of fence opposite fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent removal of nuts. L. Gates: Install gates plumb, level, and secure for full opening without interference. Install ground-set items in concrete for anchorage. Adjust hardware for smooth operation and lubrication. 3.2 ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION PROVISIONS A. Use U-shape tie wires, conforming to the diameters of pipe, that clasp the pipe and fabric firmly with ends twist- ed at least 2 full turns. B. Bend ends of exposed wires to minimize hazards to persons or clothing. C. Install nuts for fasteners on tension bands and hardware bolts on the side of the fence opposite the fabric. The ends of bolts, once secure and checked for smooth operation, shall be peened to prevent removal of nuts. D. Repair coatings damaged in the field with methods and techniques as recommended by the manufacturer. END OF SECTION 02890-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02890 (34 4113) - TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Traffic control signs. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM A53 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless. 2. ASTM C94 - Ready Mix Concrete 3. ASTM D4956 - Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control. C. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration: 1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SIGNS A. Conform to US Department of Transportation MUTCD. Sign classification, type, size, and color shall be as shown on the drawings B. Retroreflectivity: Microprismatic type sheeting conforming to ASTM D 4956, Type VIII, IX, or XI. 2.2 POSTS A. Square Post: Square tubular steel sign post, galvanized, 12 ga, perforated full-length with 7/16 inch holes on four sides. Post size shall be as shown on the Drawings. B. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Type E (electric-resistance welded) or Type S (seamless), Grade B, Schedule 40, size as shown on the Drawings. 2.3 CONCRETE A. Mix concrete and deliver in accordance with ASTM C 94. B. Design mix to produce normal weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, aggregate, water-reducing admix- ture, air-entraining admixture, and water to produce following: 1. Compressive Strength: 3,500 psi, minimum at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. Slump Range: 1 to 3-inches at time of placement 3. Air Entrainment: 5 to 8 percent PART 3 - EXECUTION 02890-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 3.1 PREPARATION A. Field verify underground utilities prior to sign installation. Primary utilities of concern of shallow depths are lawn sprinkler systems, electric, telephone, fiber optic, cable and gas. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install signs as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with MUTCD and manufacturer's instructions. B. Install signs of the type and at locations shown on the Drawings. C. Install posts of the type as shown on the drawing. D. Where shown as painted, field paint steel pipe posts in accordance with Section 09900. END OF SECTION 02900-1 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) SECTION 02900 (32 9300) – PLANTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Planting of drought tolerant trees, shrubs, sod, seed, groundcover, and associated materials. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork. 2. Section 02370 - Erosion and Sedimentation Control. 3. Section 02812 - Site Irrigation System. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are refer- enced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. ANSI Z60.1 - American Standard for Nursery Stock. C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D5268 - Topsoil used for Landscaping Purposes. 2. ASTM C602 - Agricultural Liming Materials. D. Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC): 1. Standard Specification for Rolled Erosion Control Products. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittal Process: Submit in accordance with Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures. B. Submittals shall be available at all times to the Construction Manager. C. Grower / Nursery Information: Submit name, address, phone number and contact person for each Grower / Nursery 30 days prior to plant material selection meeting. D. Materials Test Reports: Submit topsoil borrow area test reports to Owner’s Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC) minimum 6 weeks prior to delivery to site. 1. Provide location of topsoil borrow area. 2. Provide name of independent soil testing laboratory. 3. Provide date of sampling and testing. E. Product Data: 1. Submit certification tags from trees, shrubs, sod, and seed verifying type and purity to Owner’s CEC. 2. Submit photographs of each species of tree specified. Photographs shall be taken at grower’s nursery pri- or to digging. Photographs shall contain tree with measuring rod in vertical position, showing overall height and spread with visual measurements, container size, root flair and rood condition inside the con- tainer, and trunk caliper. Submit 30 days prior to plant material selection meeting. F. Sample: Submit minimum one cubic foot representative sample of wood or mineral mulch to Owner’s CEC. 02900-2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 G. Quality Assurance Submittals: 1. Submit to Owner and Owner’s CEC a copy of the invoice for each shipment of plant materials to the Pro- ject site. Invoice shall include name and size of each type of plant material. 2. Tree Transplanting Contractor Qualifications: a. Provide statement of required qualifications of tree transplanting contractor. b. Provide Owner project names, addresses, project owner’s names and phone numbers for complet- ed projects of similar scope. c. Provide progress photographs of the tree transplanting process and final photographs taken at least 2 years after establishment. d. Provide evidence of the health of at least 10 trees transplanted 3 or more years ago on at least 3 different projects. Trees shall be of similar size, species, and conditions of the trees indicated on the Plans. H. Closeout Submittals: 1. Submit Meetings and Inspections Log prior to Final Completion of the Project. 2. Certification of Conformance: Provide certificate of satisfactory performance of planting operations signed by the Contractor and Landscape Architect for attachment to CEC Conformance Letter included at the end of Section 01456. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-Work Meeting: Convene a pre-work meeting minimum 30 days prior to commencing work on this Section. Review conditions of operations, procedures and coordination with related work. The pre-work meeting shall be set up as a conference call with the Landscape Architect. 1. Review planting schedule and maintenance. 2. Review required inspections, schedule of topsoil testing, and environmental procedures. B. A Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) selected and paid for by the Owner, will be retained to perform testing and analysis on in-place topsoil. 1. The CTL shall prepare test reports that indicate test location and test results. Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC), and Contractor shall be provided with copies of reports as follows: a. Topsoil Analysis – within 10 calendar days of sampling date. b. Topsoil Depth Inspection – within 3 working days of test completion. 2. In event that test performed fails to meet Specifications, the (CTL) shall notify Owner and Contractor im- mediately and record the deviations on the Observation Log. 3. Contractor shall provide free access to site for testing activities. C. Tree Transplanting Contractor Qualifications: Tree transplanting contractor shall meet the following qualifica- tions: 1. Certified Arborist on staff. 2. Local representation and offices in the state or an adjoining state where the work is to be performed. 3. Minimum five years of experience transplanting and establishing trees of the same size, species, and quantity as shown on the plans. D. Plant Material Selection: 1. Trees: Trees will be approved by the Landscape Architect at the tree grower nursery prior to purchase and delivery to the site. Approved tree plants will be tagged by the Contractor at the tree grower nursery. Trees delivered to the site shall be similar in size and quality to the approved tagged sample. 2. Shrubs: Deliver representative samples of each shrub variety and size to the Project site for verification of specification compliance. Mark shrubs with size, genus, species, cultivar, and variety. 3. Schedule and arrange meeting of landscape contractor and landscape architect for observation of plant material at the tree grower nursery. Tagging and observation will be based on compliance with require- ments for genus, species, variety, cultivar, size, and quality. 02900-3 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 4. Owner and landscape architect may observe trees and shrubs further for size and condition of balls and root systems, pests, disease symptoms, injuries, and latent defects. 5. Remove rejected trees or shrubs immediately from Project site. E. Plant Measurements: Measure according to ANSI Z60.1. Spread, height, or container sizes shown on the draw- ings are minimum acceptable sizes. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. If range of sizes is given, no plant shall be less than minimum size, and at least 50 percent of plants shall be as large as upper half of range specified. 1. Trees and Shrubs: Measure with branches and trunks or canes in their normal position. Take height measurements from or near the top of the root flare for field-grown stock and container grown stock. Measure main body of tree or shrub for height and spread. Do not measure branches or roots tip to tip. Take caliper measurements 6 inches above the root flare for trees up to 4-inch caliper size, and 12 inches above the root flare for larger sizes. 2. Other Plants: Measure with stems, petioles, and foliage in their normal position. F. Soil-Testing Laboratory Qualifications: 1. Multiresidue Herbicide/Pesticide Screen: A NELAC (National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Con- ference) certified independent soil testing laboratory with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated based on local conditions. 2. Topsoil Analysis: Independent soil testing laboratory employing a landscape or soil agronomist familiar with the final use of the material and construction practices for large earthwork sites. G. Quality Assurance Inspections: Conduct the following inspections during the course of the work in the presence of the Landscape Architect to verify conformance to specification requirements. Notify CEC for observation of in- spection by the Landscape Architect. Correct noted deficiencies during each inspection prior to proceeding with subsequent work. 1. Island Inspection: Inspect parking islands for excavation depth and soil conditions prior to installation of planting or irrigation. Obtain sample of planting soil mix. 2. Substantial Completion Inspection: Convene a substantial completion inspection to observe completed work. Landscape Architect will record the deficient or incomplete items on the deviation log within 3 cal- endar days of inspection date. 3. Final Inspection: Within 30 days of substantial completion date, convene a final inspection to observe that all work is completed as specified and shown on the drawings. 4. Warranty Inspections: Convene a warranty inspection 60 calendars days prior to expiration of warranty period specified in Part 3 herein. H. Meeting and Inspection Log: Maintain log of required meetings and inspections. Record the date; time; weather conditions; and a brief summary of the discussions, decisions, agreements (or disagreements) reached. Provide log to CEC for signature and review by Landscape Architect at the conclusion of each meeting. Furnish copy of log to each party attending. 1.5 MEETING AND EVENT NOTIFICATIONS A. Provide the following notifications to the Owner’s Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC) within the time period listed below. CEC will notify Owner, landscape architect, and other necessary sub consultants: 1. Pre-Work Meeting: Minimum 14 calendar days prior to meeting date. 2. Plant Material Selection Meeting at Grower: Minimum 14 calendar days prior to meeting date. 3. Planting Operations: 14 calendar days prior to commencing planting operations. 4. Island Inspection: 7 calendar days prior to inspection date. 5. Tree Transplanting: Minimum 7 calendar days in advance for transplanting of trees 8 inches in caliper or greater. 6. Substantial Completion Inspection: 7 calendar days prior to substantial completion date. 7. Final Inspection: 7 calendar days prior to Grand Opening. 8. Warranty Inspection: 14 calendar days prior to inspection date. 02900-4 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Provide notifications by email or other written means to show proof of delivery. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform work only during weather conditions favorable to landscape construction and to health and welfare of plants. Owner shall determine suitability of such weather conditions. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Guarantee plant material for a period of 12-19 months following the Substantial Completion Date in accordance with the Extended Maintenance/Warranty Chart included in Part 3 hereinafter. 1. A limit of one replacement of each plant shall be required, except for losses or replacements due to fail- ure to comply with requirements. 2. Remove from site any plant that is dead or unsatisfactory to Owner, Jurisdiction having Authority, or Landscape Architect. Replace plants during normal planting season. 1.8 EXTENDED MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Provide extended landscape maintenance beyond Substantial Completion as specified in Part 3 Paragraph “Ex- tended Maintenance” for a period as stated in the Extended Maintenance/Warranty Chart included therein. Pursuant to Paragraph 20.5 of the General Conditions, and the associated Performance Bond (Exhibit A) therein, the extended maintenance specified in this section shall be considered within the maintenance obligation of the bond. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 WOODY PLANT MATERIALS A. Furnish nursery-grown trees and shrubs complying with ANSI Z60.1 and the following requirements: 1. Provide plants with healthy root systems developed by transplanting or root pruning. 2. Provide well-shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and de- fects such as disfiguring knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, and disfigurement. 3. Provide selected specimen quality plants being exceptionally heavy, symmetrical, tight knit, so trained or favored in their development and appearance as to be superior in form, number of branches, compact- ness and symmetry. 4. Do not prune plants before delivery. 5. Trees with fresh cuts of limbs over 1 1/4-inch, which have not completely calloused, shall be rejected. 6. Provide plants typical of their species or variety and exhibiting a normal habit of growth and be legibly tagged with proper name. Provide plants grown under climatic conditions similar to those of site or have been acclimated to such condition for at least 2 years. 7. Root system of each plant shall be well-provided with fibrous roots. Parts shall be sound, healthy, vigor- ous, well-branched, and densely foliated when in leaf. 8. Plants designated ball and burlap shall be moved with root systems as solid units with balls of earth firmly wrapped with burlap and comply with the following: a. Diameter and depth of balls of earth shall be sufficient to encompass fibrous root feeding systems necessary for healthy development of plant. b. No plant shall be accepted when ball of earth surrounding its roots has been cracked or broken preparatory to or during process of planting. Balls shall remain intact during all operations. c. Heel-in plants that cannot be planted immediately by setting in ground and covering balls with soil or mulch and then watering. d. Hemp burlap and twine is preferable to treated. If treated burlap is used, twine shall be cut from around trunk and burlap shall be removed. 9. Provide single trunk trees growing from single unmutilated crown of roots. No part of trunk shall be con- spicuously crooked as compared with normal trees of same variety. 02900-5 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 10. Provide shrubs with thickness corresponding to trade classification "No.1". Single-stemmed or thin plants shall not be accepted. Side branches shall be generous, well-twigged, and plant as whole well-branched to ground. Plants shall be in moist condition, free from dead wood, bruises, or other root or branch inju- ries. 2.2 LAWN SEED A. Provide fresh, clean, new crop lawn seed mixture. Furnish to Owner dealers guaranteed statement of composi- tion of mixture and percentage of purity and germination of each variety. B. Seed Mixture: Provide seed of grass species and varieties, proportions by weight and minimum percentages of purity, germination, and maximum percentage of weed seed. Seed mixtures vary by region and season and shall comply with State DOT and Local Soil Conservation Service Standards for lawn turf. 2.3 SOD A. Provide sod species suitable as lawn turf for the region. Sod shall be strongly rooted, weed, disease, pest free and uniform in thickness. 2.4 GROUNDCOVER A. Provide groundcover established and well rooted in pots or similar containers and comply with ANSI Z60.1. Slopes steeper than a 3:1 shall receive one or more of the specific regional groundcovers listed below or as shown on the drawings. 1. SOUTHEAST Coronilla varia Crown Vetch Euonymous fortunei Wintercreeper Vinca minor Periwinkle 2.5 TOPSOIL A. ASTM D5268, natural, friable, fertile, fine loamy soil possessing characteristics of representative topsoil in the vi- cinity that produces heavy growth. Topsoil shall have a pH range of 5.5 to 7.4 percent, free from subsoil, objec- tionable weeds, litter, sods, stiff clay, stones larger than 1-inch in diameter, stumps, roots, trash, herbicides, toxic substances, or any other material which may be harmful to plant growth or hinder planting operations. Top soil shall contain a minimum of three percent organic material. B. Topsoil shall be tested in accordance with part 3 below. C. Salvaged or Existing Topsoil: Reuse suitable topsoil stockpiled on-site or existing topsoil undisturbed by grading or excavation operations. Clean topsoil of roots, plants, sod, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. D. Verify amount of suitable topsoil stockpiled if any, and supply additional imported topsoil as needed. E. Imported Topsoil: Supplement salvaged topsoil with imported topsoil from off-site sources when existing quanti- ties are insufficient. 1. Obtain topsoil displaced from naturally well-drained sites where topsoil occurs at least 6 inches deep; do not obtain from agricultural land, bogs, or marshes. 2. Verify borrow and disposal sites are permitted as required by state and local regulations. Obtain written confirmation that permits are current and active. 3. Obtain permits required by state and local regulations for transporting topsoil. Permits shall be current and active. 02900-6 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. Amend existing and imported topsoil as indicated in part 3 below. 2.6 ORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Manure: Well-rotted, unleached, stable or cattle manure containing not more than 25 percent by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding materials; free of toxic substances, stones, sticks, soil, weed seed, and material harmful to plant growth. B. Back to Nature Cotton Burr Compost or approved equivalent. C. Compost: Decomposed organic material including leaf litter, manure, sawdust, plant trimmings and/or hay, mixed with soil. D. Pecan Hulls: Composted pecan hulls for local source. E. Biosolids: Use Grade 1 containing lower pathogen levels. F. Worm Castings: Earthworms. 2.7 INORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Lime: ASTM C602, Class O agricultural limestone containing a minimum of 80 percent calcium carbonate equiva- lent with a minimum of 95 percent passing No. 8 sieve and minimum of 55 percent passing No. 60 sieve. B. Sulfur: Granular, biodegradable, containing a minimum of 90 percent sulfur, with a minimum of 99 percent pass- ing No. 6 sieve and a maximum of 10 percent passing No. 40 sieve. C. Iron Sulfate: Granulated ferrous sulfate containing a minimum of 20 percent iron and 10 percent sulfur. D. Agricultural Gypsum: Finely ground, containing a minimum of 90 percent calcium sulfate. E. Sand: Clean, washed, natural or manufactured, free of toxic materials. 2.8 PLANTING ACCESSORIES A. Non Selective Herbicide: Roundup-Pro, Finale or equivalent. B. Selective Post Emergent Herbicide: EPA registered and approved, of type recommended by manufacturer for application. C. Selective Pre-Emergent Herbicide: EPA registered and approved, of type recommended by manufacturer for ap- plication. 2.9 PLANTING SOIL MIX A. Planting medium containing 75 percent specified topsoil mixed with 15 percent organic soil amendments and 10 percent sharp washed sand. 2.10 FERTILIZER A. Commercial Fertilizer: Commercial-grade complete fertilizer of neutral character, consisting of fast- and slow- release nitrogen, 50 percent derived from natural organic sources of urea formaldehyde, phosphorous, and po- tassium. 02900-7 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. Composition: Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in amount required to remedy deficiencies identified in the results of the existing topsoil and in-place topsoil test performed by the geotechnical engineering company and the CTL. B. Slow-Release Fertilizer: Use one of the following: 1. Osmocote Standard Granular fertilizer by Scotts Company composed of 13 percent nitrogen, 13 percent phosphorous, and 13 percent potassium, by weight. 2. Multi-Cote All Purpose by Schultz composed of 17 percent nitrogen, 17 percent phosphorous, and 17 per- cent potassium, by weight. C. Deliver fertilizer, mixed as specified, in original unopened standard size bags showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Containers shall bear manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis, or manufacturer's cer- tificate of compliance covering analysis shall be furnished to Owner. Store fertilizer in such manner that it shall be kept dry. 2.11 MULCH A. Straw Mulch: Straw mulch shall used for seeding purposes only and shall be air-dry, clean, mildew and seed free, salt hay or threshed straw of wheat, rye, oats, or barley. B. Wood Mulch: Wood mulch shall be shredded hardwood or softwood mulch obtained from a local source har- vested in a sustainable manner and salt free and free from deleterious materials and suitable as a top dressing of trees and shrubs. Mulch shall have the characteristics of retaining moisture, forming a mat not susceptible to spreading by wind or rain, and providing a suitable growth medium for plants and shall be free of soil, rocks, weeds, sawdust, dirt, garbage, or other debris. 1. Hardwood Mulch: Shredded hardwood mulch shall consist of long fibrous interlocking strands. 2. Softwood Mulch: Softwood mulch shall be medium sized softwood material 1/2 to 3 inches with fines of 1/2 inches and below produced from douglas fir, hemlock, or red cedar. 3. Color: Natural. C. Mineral Mulch: Mineral mulch shall consist of decomposed granite, crushed rock, or gravel. Mulch shall be hard, durable stone, washed free of loam, sand, clay, and other foreign substances. 1. Where wood mulch is shown or specified, mineral mulch shall be used where regionally appropriate or where wood mulch is not readily available. 2. Size Range: 3/4 inch maximum 1/4 inch minimum. 3. Color: Readily available natural gravel color range. D. Pine Bark or Pine Needle Mulch shall not be used. 2.12 TREE STAKING A. Tomahawk Tree Stabilizer and Fertilization System manufactured by Border Concepts, Inc. (800)845-3343. 1. Part # 82100 – 42 inch Tomahawk 2. Part # 82101 – 32 inch Tomahawk 2.13 WATER A. Potable water, hose, and other watering equipment. 2.14 WEED MAT A. 4.1 oz., woven polypropylene, needle-punched fabric, weed barrier. 2.15 STEEL EDGING 02900-8 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 A. 1/8-inch x 4-inch interlocking steel edging, staked with metal stakes sufficiently to hold in place. 2.16 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET A. Rolled Erosion Control Products shall have current QDORTM (Quality Data Oversight and Review) status issued by the Erosion Control Technology Council and shall meet state or agency specific requirements. Evidence of QDORTM approval shall accompany the product shipped to the job site for ready identification by the contractor or an agency inspector. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. If project completion date prohibits in-season planting, prepare for out-of-season seeding or sodding so that lawns shall be completed and ready for acceptance at time of project completion. B. Unsuitable Subsoils: Locations containing unsuitable subsoil shall be treated by one or more of the following: 1. Where unsuitability is deemed by Owner to be due to excessive compaction caused by heavy equipment and where natural subsoil is other than AASHTO classification of A6 or A7, loosen such areas with spikes, discing, or other means to loosen soil to condition acceptable to Owner. Loosen soil to minimum depth of 12 inches with additional loosening as required to obtain adequate drainage. Contractor may introduce peat moss, sand, or organic matter into the subsoil to obtain adequate drainage. Such remedial measures shall be considered as incidental, without additional cost to Owner. 2. Where unsuitability is deemed by Owner to be due to presence of boards, mortar, concrete, or other con- struction materials in sub-grade and where natural subsoil is other than AASHTO classification of A6 or A7, remove debris and objectionable material. Such remedial measures shall be considered as incidental, without additional cost to Owner. 3. Where unsuitability is deemed by Owner to be because natural subsoil falls into AASHTO classification of A6 or A7 and contains moisture in excess of 30 percent, then installation of sub-drainage system or other means described elsewhere in Specifications shall be used. Where such conditions have not been known or revealed prior to planting time and they have not been recognized in preparation of The Drawings and Specifications, then Owner shall issue pricing order to install proper remedial measures. C. Unsuitable Topsoil: Locations containing unsuitable topsoil shall be treated by one or more of the following: 1. Where unsuitability is deemed by Owner to be because of presence of objectionable weeds; litter; sods; stiff clay; toxic substances; herbicides or other material which may be harmful to plant growth, then top- soil shall be removed from the site and disposed of in a legal manner. 2. Where unsuitability is deemed by Owner to be because of presence of the stumps, roots; stones larger than 1 inch in diameter; less than 3 percent organic material; low or high pH range, remove objectionable material and amend topsoil to meet the requirements specified in part 2 above. Such remedial measures shall be considered as incidental, without additional cost to Owner. D. Perform planting operations at steady rate of work unless weather conditions make it impossible to work. No plant material shall be planted in frozen ground. E. Tree and Shrub Preparation 1. Dig bare-rooted shrubs with adequate fibrous roots. Cover roots with uniformly thick coating of mud by being puddled immediately after they are dug, or packed in moist straw or moss. 2. Dig ball and burlap plants with firm natural balls of earth of diameter and depth to include fibrous roots. 3. Protect roots or balls of plants at all times from sun and drying winds. 4. Ball and burlap plants which cannot be planted immediately upon delivery shall be set on ground and pro- tected with soil, wet moss, or other acceptable material. Heel-in bare rooted plants that cannot be plant- ed immediately upon delivery. All shall be kept moist. 02900-9 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 5. Open and separate bundles of plants before roots are covered. Prevent air pockets among roots. During planting operations, cover bare roots with canvas, hay, or other suitable material. Plants shall not be bound with wire or rope which will result in damage to bark or branches. F. Sod and Seed Bed Preparation 1. Newly Graded Subgrades: a. Do not place topsoil until subgrade has been approved in accordance with Section 02300. b. Before placing topsoil, rake subsoil surface clear of stones, debris, and roots. Disk, drag, harrow, or hand rake subgrade to depth of 4 inches and remove stones larger than 1-1/2 inches to provide bond for topsoil. c. Spread topsoil to a depth of 4 inches but not less than required to meet finish grades after light rolling and natural settlement. Adjust depth of topsoil in areas adjacent to paved surfaces or curbs to allow for the placement of sod or seed. 2. Unchanged Subgrades: If lawns are to be planted in areas unaltered or undisturbed by excavating, grad- ing, or surface-soil stripping operations, prepare surface as follows: a. Remove existing grass, vegetation, and turf. Do not mix into surface soil. b. Disk, drag, or harrow surface soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. c. Remove stones larger that 1-1/2 inch in any dimension and sticks, roots, trash, and other extrane- ous matter. d. Legally dispose of waste material, including grass, vegetation, and turf. e. Adjust depth of topsoil in areas adjacent to paved surfaces or curbs to allow for the placement of sod or seed. 3. Incorporate soil amendments and commercial fertilizer into the top 4 inches of topsoil to achieve the specified topsoil requirements. Till soil to a homogenous mixture of fine texture. 4. Grade areas to finish grades, filling as needed or removing surplus topsoil. Float areas to smooth, uniform grade as indicated on the Drawings. Lawn areas shall slope to drain. 5. Where no grades are shown, areas shall have a smooth and continual grade between existing or fixed controls, such as walks, curbs, catch basin, steps, or buildings. Roll, scarify, rake, and level as necessary to obtain true, even lawn surfaces. Finish grades shall meet approval of Owner. 6. Sod and seed beds shall be firmed by rolling before seeding begins. G. Groundcover Bed Preparation: 1. Grade areas to finish grades, filling as needed or removing surplus topsoil. Float areas to smooth, uniform grade as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Set out and space groundcover 12 inches apart maximum. 3. Dig holes large enough to allow spreading of roots, and backfill with planting soil. 4. Remove groundcover from pots. 5. Work soil around roots to eliminate air pockets and leave a slight saucer indention around plants to hold water. 6. Water thoroughly after planting taking care not to cover plant crowns with wet soil. 7. Protect plants from hot sun and wind; remove protection when plants show evidence of recovery from transplanting shock. H. Island Preparation: 1. Excavate compacted soil to a depth of 24 inches. 2. Maintain required angles of repose of adjacent materials as shown on the Drawings. Do not excavate subgrades of adjacent paving, structures, hardscapes, or other new or existing improvements. 3. Scarify sides of excavation pit smeared or smoothed during excavation. 4. Subsoil or topsoil removed from islands shall not be used in planting soil mix. 5. Notify Owner’s CEC if subsoil conditions evidence unexpected water seepage or retention within excava- tion area. 6. Backfill islands in 9 inch lifts with planting soil mix specified herein. Tamp each lift lightly to prevent set- tling. 02900-10 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 7. Grade areas to finish grades, filling as needed to allow positive drainage. Float areas to a smooth, uniform grade as indicated on the Drawings. I. Raised Planter Preparation: 1. Excavate compacted soil and construction debris within raised planter to minimum 12 inches below finish grade of adjacent sidewalk. 2. Notify Owner’s CEC if subsoil conditions evidence unexpected water seepage or retention with the exca- vation area. 3. Scarify bottom of excavation and provide positive drainage to drainage pipe. 4. Install drainage pipe as shown in the drawings. 5. Backfill raised planter in 9 inch lifts with specified planting soil mix to within 1 inch of bottom edge of wall cap. Tamp each lift lightly to prevent settling. If settling occurs prior to planting add additional planting soil mix. 6. Grade areas to finish grades, filling as needed to allow positive drainage. Float areas to a smooth, uniform grade as indicated on the Drawings. 3.2 PROTECTION A. Topsoil which must be transported across finished sidewalks shall be delivered in such manner that no damage will be done to sidewalks. B. Before commencing work, trees and shrubs that are to be saved shall be protected from damage by placement of fencing flagged for visibility or some other suitable protective procedure approved by Owner. C. Trucks or other equipment shall not be driven or parked within drip line of any tree unless tree overspreads paved area. D. Use precautionary measures when performing work around trees, sidewalks, pavements, utilities, and other fea- tures either existing or previously installed. E. Adjust depth of earthwork and topsoil when working immediately adjacent to aforementioned features in order to prevent disturbing tree roots, undermining sidewalks and pavements, and damage in general to other features either existing or previously installed. F. Cover plants transported to project in open vehicles with tarpaulins or other suitable covers securely fastened to body of vehicle to prevent injury to plants. Closed vehicles shall be adequately ventilated to prevent overheating of plants. Evidence of inadequate protection following digging, carelessness while in transit, or improper han- dling or storage shall be cause for rejection. Plants shall be kept moist, fresh, and protected. Such protection shall encompass entire period during which plants are in transit, being handled, or are in temporary storage. G. Plants shall not be delivered to the site more than seven days prior to planting. Plants not planted within 48 hours of delivery, shall be healed in (covered with sawdust, soil or mulch), and the containers or balls protected from wind and temperature and kept moist until planting. H. Where excavation, fill, or grading is required within drip line of trees that are to remain, work shall be performed as follows: 1. Trenching: When trenching occurs around trees to remain, tree roots shall not be cut but trench shall be tunneled under or around roots by careful hand digging without injury to roots. 2. Raising Grades: a. Where fill not exceeding 16 inches is required, clean, washed gravel graded from 1 inch to 2 inches in size shall be placed directly around tree trunk. Extend gravel out from trunk on all sides mini- mum of 18 inches and finish approximately 2 inches above finished grade at tree. Install gravel be- fore any earth fill is placed. New earth fill shall not be left in contact with trunks of trees requiring fill. 02900-11 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 b. Where fill exceeding 16 inches is required, construct dry-laid tree well around trunk of tree. Tree well shall extend out from trunk on all sides minimum of 3 feet and to 3 inches above finish grade. Place coarse-graded rock directly around tree well extending out to drip line of tree. Place clean, washed gravel graded from 1 inch to 2 inches in size directly over coarse rock to depth of 3 inches. Place approved backfill material directly over washed gravel to desired finish grade. 3. Lowering Grades: Existing trees in areas where new finish grade is to be lowered shall have regrading work done by hand to elevation indicated on The Drawings. Roots as required shall be cut cleanly 3 inch- es below finished grade and scars covered with tree paint. 4. Trees marked for preservation that are more than 6 inches above proposed grades shall stand on broad rounded mounds and graded smoothly into lower level. Trees located more than 16 inches above pro- posed grades shall have dry-laid stone wall or other retaining structure as detailed on The Drawings con- structed minimum of 5 feet from trunk. Exposed or broken roots shall be cut clean and covered with top- soil. 3.3 PLANTING BED ESTABLISHMENT A. Prior to preparing planting beds, the area shall conform to the lines and grades shown on the plans and the con- dition of the subsoil shall be approved by the Owner. B. Contractor shall verify the location of any underground utilities on site. C. Planting beds where existing subsoil is determined by Owner to be unsuitable for plant growth in accordance paragraph Unsuitable Subsoil herein shall be excavated to a depth of 24 inches or as needed to provide adequate drainage. Replace excavated soil with planting soil mix. D. Planting beds where existing subsoil is acceptable by Owner shall be prepared as follows: 1. Seven days prior to commencing establishment of the planting areas, apply non selective herbicide. Re- move dead vegetation. 2. Loosen subsoil to a depth of 12 inches. Remove stones larger than 1 inch in any dimension, sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous matter and legally dispose of them off site. 3. Spread 3 inches of soil conditioner over the surface of the planting area and incorporate into the top 12 inches of the soil. Prior to spreading soil conditioner, add or remove topsoil as needed to accommodate addition of soil conditioner and to achieve finish grade. 4. Till planting soil mix to a homogenous mixture of fine texture. 5. Float areas to smooth, uniform grade providing positive drainage out of planting beds and away from structures or as indicated on the Drawings. E. Apply slow release fertilizer at a rate of 1-1/2 pounds per 100 square feet for beds areas or as recommended by manufacturer and incorporate into the top 8 inches. 3.4 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING A. Plants too large for 2 persons to lift in and out of holes shall be placed with sling. Do not rock trees in holes to raise. B. If rock or other underground obstruction is encountered, Owner may require plant pits to be relocated, pits en- larged, or plants deleted from project. C. Make adjustments in locations as directed. In event that pits or areas for planting are prepared and backfilled with planting soil mix or topsoil to grade prior to commencement of lawn operations, they shall be so marked that when planting proceeds, they can be readily located. In case underground obstructions such as ledges or utilities are encountered, change location under direction of Owner without charge. 02900-12 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 D. Holes for trees shall be at least 2 feet greater in diameter than spread of root system and at least 6 inches deeper than root ball or as shown on the Drawings. Holes for shrubs shall be at least 2 feet greater in diameter than the spread of root system and at least 2 feet deep or as shown on the Drawings. Holes for vines shall be at least 12 inches greater in diameter than the spread of rootball at least 12 inches deep. E. Backfill tree holes and shrub beds with planting soil mix. Apply slow release fertilizer at a rate of 1/4 pounds per caliper inch for trees. Incorporate fertilizer into the planting soil mix. F. Plants shall be planted at same depth as they had previously grown or as shown on the drawings. Backfill plant- ing soil mix in layers of not more than 8 inches and each layer watered sufficiently to settle before next layer is placed. Tamp planting soil mix under edges of balled plants. Use enough planting soil mix to bring surfaces to finish grade when settled. 1. Provide saucer around each plant as shown on The Drawings. 2. Soak plants with water twice within first 24 hours after time of planting. Apply water with low pressure so as to soak in thoroughly without dislodging topsoil. G. Tree Staking: Install Tomahawk Tree Stabilizer and Fertilization System as shown on the drawings. Use one size larger than required by manufacturer. 3.5 MISCELLANEOUS INSTALLATIONS A. Weed Mat: Place weed mat under planting areas that will not be seeded and in any other locations as shown on the Drawings. Cover weed mat with 4 inches of mulch and secure in place with soil staples. B. Mulch: Place 4 inches of mulch as a top dressing in planting beds. Mulch single trees or shrubs to outside edge of saucer. C. Peg sodded slopes greater than 3:1 to hold in place. D. Areas to be covered with erosion control blankets shall be properly prepared, fertilized, and seeded before blan- ket is applied. When blanket is unrolled, netting shall be on top and fibers in contact with soil. In ditches, apply blanket in direction of flow of water. On slopes, apply blankets vertically on slope. Overlap ends and sides 6 inches and staple per manufacturer's written instructions. 3.6 AREAS TO BE TURFED A. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, disturbed areas including out-lots shall be permanently sodded and seed- ed. B. Place 16-24 inch wide strip of solid slab sod adjacent to paved surfaces including sidewalks, curbs, walls, drainage structures, and vehicular pavement as shown on the drawings. C. Continually seed remaining disturbed areas until fully turfed with no bare spots. 3.7 SOIL STABILIZATION A. Provide one or more of the following techniques to prevent soil eroding from denuded areas and leaving the site. Refer to stabilization requirements in Section 02370. 1. Temporary Seeding or Stabilization. 2. Permanent Seeding, Sodding, or Mulching. 3.8 SEEDING A. Do not perform seeding in windy conditions. 02900-13 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 B. Seeding shall be dispersed in 2 directions at right angles to each other. C. Permanently seed and mulch cut and fill slopes as construction proceeds to extent considered desirable and practical. In the event it is not practical to seed areas, slopes shall be stabilized with straw mulch and tackifier, bonded fiber matrix, netting, blankets or other means to reduce the erosive potential of the area. D. Seed lawn areas by sowing evenly with approved mechanical seeder at rate of minimum of 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Culti-packer or approved similar equipment may be used to cover seed and to form seedbed in one operation. In areas inaccessible to culti-packer, lightly rake seeded ground with flexible rakes and roll with water ballast roller. After rolling mulch with straw mulch at the rate of 2 tons per acre. E. Surface layer of soil for seeded areas shall be kept moist during germination period. Water seeded areas twice first week to minimum depth of 6 inches with fine spray and once per week thereafter as necessary to supple- ment natural rain to equivalent of 6 inches depth. 3.9 SODDING A. Cut and lay sod on same day. Only healthy vigorous growing sod shall be laid. B. Lay sod across slope and tightly together to result in solid coverage free of gaps. C. Roll or firmly but lightly tamp new sod with suitable wooden or metal tamper sufficiently to set or press sod into underlying soil. D. All finished sodding shall be smooth and free of lumps and depressions. E. After sodding has been completed, clean up and thoroughly water newly-sodded areas. 3.10 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Begin maintenance operations immediately after each plant is planted and continue as required until ac- ceptance. Water, mulch, weed, prune, spray, fertilize, cultivate, and otherwise maintain and protect plants. Re- set settled plants to proper grade and position, restore planting saucers, and remove dead, diseased, or un- healthy plant material. Tighten and repair stakes and wires. Correct defective work as soon as possible after it becomes apparent and weather and season permit. B. Upon completion of the planting operations, clean up landscaped areas to be free of stones, containers, trash, and other waste and debris to leave area in a neat and well groomed appearance. C. Supplement rainfall as required to provide an equivalent of 1 inch of water per week until the plants have rooted and are established. D. Maintain all plant material in a healthy, vigorous growing condition. E. Make weekly inspections to determine moisture content of soil and adjust watering schedule established by irri- gation system installer to fit conditions. F. After grass growth has started, reseed or sod areas that fail to show uniform stand of grass in accordance with The Drawings and as specified herein. Continue Reseeding and sodding such areas repeatedly until areas are covered with satisfactory growth of grass. Perform removal and replacement or topsoil conditioning if required to facilitate establishment of grass. 02900-14 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 G. Water in such manner and as frequently as is deemed necessary by Owner to assure continued growth of healthy grass. Water areas of site in such a manner as to prevent erosion due to excessive quantities applied over small areas and to avoid damage to finished surface due to watering equipment. H. Provide water for execution and maintenance at no expense to Owner. Furnish portable tanks, pumps, hose, pipe, connections, nozzles, and any other equipment required to transport water from available outlets and ap- ply it to seeded areas in approved manner. I. Mowing: 1. Initiate mowing of turf grass areas when grass has attained height of 3 inches and roots are firmly estab- lished. Maintain turf grass height at 2 1/2 to 3 inches at subsequent cuttings depending on time of year. Remove no more than 1/3 of grass leaf at any cutting and cutting shall not occur more than 10 days apart. 2. Mow native grass areas no more than 3 times per year to a height of no less than 4 inches. J. Remove heavy cuttings to prevent destruction of underlying turf. If weeds or other undesirable vegetation threaten to smother planted species, such vegetation shall be mowed or, in case of rank growths, shall be up- rooted, raked and removed from area by methods approved by Owner. K. Remove weeds and other undesirable vegetation by applying herbicides as recommended by the manufacturer or by uprooting. Rake and remove uprooted vegetation from area by methods approved by Owner. L. Protect seeded area from pedestrian or vehicular trespassing while grass is germinating. Provide fences, signs, barriers, or other necessary temporary protective devices. Repair damage resulting from trespass, erosion, washout, settlement, or other causes. M. Remove fences, signs, barriers, or other temporary protective devices after final acceptance. N. Remove and replace diseased, distressed, dead, or rejected plants prior to Substantial Completion Date. O. Replacements shall be plants of same variety and size specified on The Drawings. Furnish and plant as specified herein. Replacements resulting from removal, loss, or damage due to occupancy of project in any part, vandal- ism, physical damage by animals, vehicles, etc., and losses due to curtailment of water by local authorities will be approved and paid for by Owner. P. Grassed areas damaged during process of work shall be restored or repaired to condition satisfactory to the Owner. Fill, grade, re-fertilize, replant, or mulch as required to restore to contract requirements. 3.11 FILED QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor in accordance with Section 01452. Except for specified mandatory testing, field quality control testing and inspection shall be at the discretion of the Contrac- tor as necessary to assure compliance with Contract requirements. Owner T&I specified below shall not be con- sidered a substitute for the Contractor’s responsibility to perform similar routine, necessary, and customary test- ing and inspection of the methods and frequency suitable for the type of work involved. B. Retain an independent soil testing laboratory to sample and test imported topsoil. The testing lab for the Multi- residue Herbicide/Pesticide Screen shall be NELAC certified. 1. Topsoil Analysis: Collect 5 random samples from the topsoil borrow area or areas. Combine samples and test as a composite for percentages of organic matter; presence of herbicides; percentage of sand, silt, and clay content; deleterious material; pH; and mineral and plant-nutrient content of topsoil. 2. Multiresidue Herbicide/Pesticide Screen: Perform a multiresidue herbicide/pesticide screen that includes the following herbicides and pesticides: Acetochlor, Alachlor, Atrazine, Butylate, Carbofuran, Clomazone, Cyanazine, Diazinon, Ethyl Chlorpyrifos, Ethyl Parathion, EPTC, Ethalfluralin, Fluchloralin, Fonofos, 02900-15 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 Isofenphos, Malathion, Methyl Parathion, Metolachlor, Metribuzin, Pebulate, Propachlor, Prometon, Pro- pazine, Pendimethalin, Simazine, Trifluralin, and Vernolate. 3. Submit topsoil borrow area test reports to Owner’s Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC) minimum 6 weeks prior to delivery to site. 3.12 OWNER TESTING AND INSPECTION (T&I) A. The Owner will perform testing and inspection (T & I) but only as a means of verification to the Owner of Con- tractor quality control performance. B. Owner T&I specified herein below will be performed by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) in ac- cordance with Section 01458 C. The CTL will perform topsoil testing for verification of depth of topsoil placement as follows: a. Open Lawn Areas: Test at 50 feet on center, minimum 1 inspection per area b. Parking Islands: One test per 200 square feet of sod and seed bed preparation area, minimum one per island. 2. Submit test reports in accordance with Section 01458. 3.13 EXTENDED MAINTENANCE A. Provide landscape maintenance for the site including stormwater conveyance systems as specified below. B. Comply with Federal, State, Local or other governmental requirements relating to the general upkeep and maintenance of Stormwater Conveyance Systems, Natural Areas, Natural and Created Wetlands. Failure to fol- low these standards will fall to the liability of the Contractor C. Commence Extended Maintenance immediately after Substantial Completion Date and continue as indicated on the following chart: D. EXTENDED MAINTENANCE / WARRANTY CHART Substantial Completion Date Extended Maintenance / Warranty Expiration Duration December July 19 months January July 18 months February July 17 months March July 16 months April July 15 months May July 14 months June July 13 months July July 12 months August August 12 months September September 12 months October October 12 months November November 12 months E. General Landscaping: Landscape maintenance shall include necessary watering, cultivation, weeding, pruning, wound dressing, disease and insect pest control, protective spraying, straightening plants which lean or sag, ad- justments of plants which settle or are planted too low, mowing, replacement of mulch that has been displaced, repairing and reshaping of saucers, and reseeding or replanting of those areas affected. Remove rubbish, waste, tools, and equipment used at end of each workday. 02900-16 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 F. Watering 1. Utilize the Owner’s irrigation system for watering. Failure of system does not relieve Contractor's respon- sibility of maintaining desired level of moisture necessary to maintain vigorous, healthy growth. 2. Apply water in quantities sufficient to penetrate soil to minimum depth of 8-inches in shrub beds and 6- inches in turf areas at rate that will prevent saturation of soil. 3. Supplemental on-site water will be furnished by Owner. Contractor shall furnish hose and other watering equipment as required for supplemental watering. G. Weeding: Maintain all shrub and groundcover areas free from weeds and undesirable grasses. H. Disease and insect pest control: Inspect plant material at least once each month to locate any disease or insect pest infestations. Upon discovery of infestation, nature or species of infestation shall be identified. Spray or treat as required to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. I. Supplement rainfall and irrigation system as required to provide adequate water for vigorous and healthy growth of trees. J. Pruning and Repair: Prune as required to remove dead or injured branches, to compensate for loss of roots as result of transplanting operations, and to maintain safety in traveled areas. Pruning shall not change the natural habit or attractive, balanced shape of plant. Cuts shall be made at the outside edge of the branch collar. K. Turf Maintenance: Maintain an establish lawn by watering, fertilizing, weeding, mowing, trimming, edging, re- planting and operations required to maintain full turf coverage. Roll, re-grade, re-mulch, and replant bare or eroded areas greater 1 square foot to produce a uniformly smooth lawn. Provide materials and installation tech- niques the same as those used in the original installation. 1. Mowing: a. Mow turf grass areas at regular intervals to keep turf height from exceeding 3-inches. Maintain turf grass height at 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches at subsequent cuttings depending on time of year. Re- move no more than 1/3 of grass leaf at any cutting. Mow turf grass at intervals of not more than 10 days during growing season. Mow in such manner as to prevent clippings from blowing onto paved areas and sidewalks. Cleanup after mowing shall include sweeping or blowing to clear mow- ing debris. b. Mow native grass areas no more than 3 times per year to a height of no less than 4 inches. 2. Edging: Mechanically edge turf areas adjacent to sidewalks, curbs and other paved surfaces with a blade type edger. Perform edging with each mowing interval. 3. Trimming: Trim grass around valve boxes, poles and other structures with string type trimmers. Do not trim grass around tree trunks with mechanical trimmer. Remove grass adjacent to tree trunk by methods that will not cause damage to trees. 4. Turf Fertilization: Apply balanced commercial grade fertilizer minimum 4 times annually. Adjust type, fre- quency, and quantity of fertilizer to provide lush and healthy turf at all times. Spilled or excess fertilizer shall be swept and properly disposed. Flushing into storm sewer is prohibited. 5. Turf Weed Control: Develop and maintain a broadleaf weed and foreign grass control program consisting of both post and pre-emergent chemical control. Maintain turf in a weed-free condition. L. Clean up: During course of maintenance, excess and waste materials shall be continuously and promptly re- moved at end of each workday. M. Maintenance report and schedule of activities: Utilizing the online Evoco Quickbase Landscape tracking applica- tion to provide monthly schedules and reports to Owner detailing previous and subsequent planned mainte- nance activities. Use the report form located at the end of this section. Include dated digital photographs in PDF format with each monthly report showing current and full clear views of entire landscaped and turf areas. Up- load maintenance report and photos to the Quickbase Landscape tracking application each month. N. General Irrigation: 02900-17 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 1. Contractor shall maintain the irrigation system in good operating condition and coordinate the operation of the system with the store manager through monthly inspections of system components and make re- pairs or replacement of parts as necessary. This includes checking and verifying operation in each zone including but limited to the following: head alignment, rain sensors, controller, cleaning and replacing fil- ters, observe drip emitters and tubing for problems, calibrate on-site weather station, and leak detection. 2. Optimize water usage and water conservation by adjusting programming to allow for weather changes and growth seasons. Irrigation shall be conducted between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless requested by Owner. 3. In the event of irrigation system failure, provide manual watering to keep the plant material in a vigorous, healthy condition until system is restored. 4. Comply with water rationing ordinances mandated by the jurisdictional authorities. O. Winterization: 1. When cold weather approaches and chance for freezing conditions exist, the irrigation system shall be drained after each use. 2. Winterization procedure shall include the following: a. Shut water off at main gate valve b. Open manual drain valves c. Blow out each section twice with compressed air d. Set controller to cycle through each section minimum time available, once each day through win- ter months. e. If backflow preventer is installed with unions, remove and store out of weather. P. Spring Start-up: Spring start-up procedure shall include the following: 1. Reinstall backflow prevention device. 2. Close manual drain valves. 3. Slowly turn water on. 4. Check for leaks and proper alignment of heads. 5. Check drip line and emitters for damage. 6. Repair and adjust system as required for proper operation. Q. Contractor’s Responsibility: Landscaped areas shall be maintained by Contractor: 1. Maintain areas adjacent to stormwater conveyances and collection areas as follows: a. Mow only to the top of bank, top of side slope, or the perimeter fence. 2. Perform limited maintenance including trash and debris removal only from stormwater conveyance sys- tems including swales, ditches, channels, dry detention and wet detention (retention) basins except for within open water areas. 3. Contractor shall not operate motorized equipment or perform maintenance activities including mowing, trimming, herbicide, pesticide or fertilizer applications within areas identified as stormwater conveyance or collection areas. 4. Evaluate and report overall condition of wetland areas and plant material on the monthly maintenance report provided below. Compliance testing, sampling and reporting including, but not limited to water samples and photos will be provided by others. 5. Determine applicable environmental laws and regulations regarding the use of chemicals adjacent to these areas and complying with all such applicable laws and regulations. Contractor shall not apply any chemicals directly or indirectly into stormwater conveyance or collection areas. 6. Comply with all Federal, state, local or other governmental requirements relating to the general upkeep of these areas. Failure to follow these standards will fall to the liability of the Contractor. R. No-Fault Repair and Correction: No fault repair and correction work shall consist of work to correct faults or re- pair damage existing through no fault of the Contractor, but which is necessary for the continued proper mainte- nance and operation of the landscape system including correction of sprinkler system, on-site utilities, equip- ment, landscape plants or materials damage, or other corrections necessary for the duration of the Extended Maintenance/Warranty Period specified above. No fault repair and correction shall not include work as other- 02900-18 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER TOWNHOMES 08/27/18 wise defined within the scope of Extended Maintenance. The Contractor shall perform such necessary work and shall bear costs up to an amount of $300 per month. This amount, multiplied by number of months of anticipat- ed warranty period, shall be included in the bid price. END OF SECTION November 14, 2018 Dan Edwards Dream Finders Homes 360 Corporate Way Orange Park, Florida 32073 Proj: Winter Springs Townhomes South Site – Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida Parcel ID: #26-20-30-5AR-0A00-007K Section 6, Township 21 South, Range 31 East (BTC File #900-06) Re: Environmental Assessment Report Dear Mr. Edwards: In November of 2018, Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. (BTC) conducted an environmental assessment of the approximately 8.34-acre Winter Springs Townhomes South Site. This site is located in the City of Winter Springs, just east of the intersection of East State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road; within Section 6, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida (Figures 1, 2, and 3). This environmental assessment included the following elements: • review of soil types mapped within the property boundaries; • evaluation of land use types/vegetative communities present; • field review for occurrence of protected flora and fauna; and, • permitting summary. SOILS According to the Soil Survey of Seminole County, Florida, prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), three (3) soil types exist within the site boundary (Figure 4). These soil types include the following: Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 2 of 9 • Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional (#11) • Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel mucks (#17) • St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands (#29) The following presents a brief description of the soil types mapped for the site: Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional (#11) are nearly level, very poorly drained soils found in depressions. Typically the surface layer of Basinger soil consists of black mucky fine sand about 5 inches thick. Typically the surface layer of Smyrna soil consists of black fine sand about 2 inches thick. During most years undrained areas of this soil unit are ponded for 6 to 9 months. The permeability of Basinger soil is rapid. The permeability of Smyrna soil is rapid in the surface and subsurface, moderate or moderately rapid in the subsoil, and rapid in the substratum. Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel mucks (#17) are nearly level and very poorly drained. These soils are in depressions and freshwater marshes and swamps. Undrained areas are ponded. The slopes are dominantly less than 1 percent. Undrained areas of the soils in this map unit are ponded for 6 to 9 months or more, except during extended dry periods. The permeability of Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel soils is rapid. The available water capacity is very high in the organic materials of these soils and is moderate to low in the sandy underlying material. The natural fertility and content of organic matter in these soils are very high. St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands (#29) are nearly level, poorly drained soils found on low broad plains on the flatwoods. Typically, St. Johns soil has a surface layer of black fine sand about 12 inches thick. EauGallie soil has a surface layer of black fine sand about 3 inches thick. During most years, the soils in this map unit have a seasonal high water table within 12 inches of the surface for 1 to 4 months. The permeability of St. Johns soil is rapid in the surface and subsurface layers and in the substratum, and is moderate or moderately slow in the subsoil. The permeability of EauGallie soil is rapid in the surface and subsurface layers. It is moderate or moderately slow in the sandy part of the subsoil, and slow or very slow in the loamy part of the subsoil. The Florida Association of Environmental Soil Scientists (FAESS) considers the main components in the Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional (#11) and Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel mucks (#17) soil types associated with the site to be hydric. The FAESS also considers inclusions present in all of the soil types associated with the site to be hydric. This information can be found in the Hydric Soils of Florida Handbook, Fourth Edition, March 2007. Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 3 of 9 LAND USE TYPES/VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES The Winter Springs Townhomes South Site currently supports four (4) land use types/vegetative communities. These land use types/vegetative communities were identified utilizing the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System, Level III (FLUCFCS, FDOT, January 2004) (Figure 5). The on-site upland land use types/vegetative communities are classified as Mixed Hardwoods (438) and Disturbed Lands (740). The on-site wetland/surface water land use types/vegetative communities are classified as Streams and Waterways (510) and Wetland Hardwood Forests (610). The following provides a brief description of these on-site land use types/vegetative communities. Uplands: 438 Mixed Hardwoods The northern and southern portions of the site contain forested uplands that are most consistent with the Mixed Hardwoods (438) FLUCFCS classification. Vegetative species identified within this community type included live oak (Quercus virginiana), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia), blackberry (Rubus spp.), American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), winged sumac (Rhus copallinum), hairy indigo (Indigofera hirsuta), broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica), greenbriar (Smilax spp.), caesarweed (Urena lobata), and muscadine grapevine (Vitis rotundifolia). 740 Disturbed Lands The site contains multiple areas that were cleared and had some initial site work done and these areas are most consistent with the Disturbed Lands (740) FLUCFCS classification. Vegetative species identified within this community type included saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia), broomsedge (Andorpogon virginicus), Peruvian primrosewillow (Ludwigia peruviana), blackberry (Rubus spp.), cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), beggar-ticks (Bidens alba), ceasarweed (Urena lobata), and dogfennel (Eupatorium leptophyllum). Wetland/Surface Water: 510 Streams and Waterways The site contains a man-made stormwater drainage ditch that extends off-site beyond the northern and southern site boundaries. This man-made stormwater drainage ditch is most Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 4 of 9 consistent with the Streams and Waterways (510) FLUCFCS classification. Vegetative species identified within this community type included Peruvian primrosewillow (Ludwigia peruviana), torpedograss (Panicum repens), marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata), soft rush (Juncus effusus), cattail (Typha spp.), spikerush (Eleocharis spp.), beakrush (Rhynchospora spp.), beggar-ticks (Bidens alba), dogfennel (Eupatorium leptophyllum), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), and water hyssop (Bacopa caroliniana). 610 Wetland Hardwood Forests Three (3) areas located within the site contain forested wetland areas that are most consistent with the Wetland Hardwood Forests (610) FLUCFCS classification. Vegetative species identified within this community type included laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana), water oak (Quercus nigra), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), Chinese tallowtree (Triadica sebifera), camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), tuberous sword fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia), swamp fern (Blechnum serrulatum), Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica), netted chain fern (Woodwardia areolata), and Peruvian primrosewillow (Ludwigia peruviana). All on-site wetland impacts that are proposed to occur as a result of this project were authorized and mitigated for under SJRWMD ERP No. 95027-2 via the purchase of a conservation easement over 120 acres of land within the Bergmann Mitigation Tract. WILDLIFE AND PROTECTED SPECIES Using methodologies outlined in the Florida’s Fragile Wildlife (Wood, 2001); Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity Standard Methods for Mammals (Wilson, et al., 1996); and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FFWCC’s) Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines (April 2008 - revised May 2017); an assessment for “listed” floral and faunal species was conducted at the site on November 8 and 12, 2018. This assessment included both direct observations and indirect evidence, such as tracks, burrows, tree markings, and vocalizations that indicated the presence of species observed. The assessment focused on species that are “listed” by the FFWCC’s Official Lists - Florida’s Endangered Species, Threatened Species and Species of Special Concern (May 2017) that have the potential to occur in Seminole County (Table 1). No plant species listed by either The Florida Department of Agriculture (FDA) or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) was identified on the site during the assessments conducted. The following is a list of wildlife species identified during the evaluation of the site: Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 5 of 9 Reptiles and Amphibians: brown anole (Norops sagrei) eastern racer (Coluber constrictor) green anole (Anolis carolinensis) southern toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) Birds: Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) Great Egret (Ardea alba) Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) Mammals: nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) None of the above species are listed in the FFWCC’s Official Lists - Florida’s Endangered Species, Threatened Species and Species of Special Concern (May 2017). The following provides a brief description of particular wildlife species as they relate to development of the site: Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) State protected by F.A.C. 68A-16.002 and federally protected by both the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (1940) In August of 2007, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) removed the Bald Eagle from the list of federally endangered and threatened species. Additionally, the Bald Eagle was removed from FFWCC’s imperiled species list in April of 2008. Although the Bald Eagle is no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act, it is still protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and FFWCC’s Bald Eagle rule (Florida Administrative Code 68A-16.002 Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leuchocephalus). In May of 2007, the USFWS issued the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. In April of 2008, the FFWCC adopted a new Bald Eagle Management Plan that was written to closely follow the federal guidelines. Under FFWCC’s new management plans, buffer zones are recommended based on the nature and magnitude of the project or activity. The recommended protective buffer zone is 660 feet or less from the nest tree, depending on what activities or structures are already near the nest. A FFWCC Eagle permit is not needed for any activity occurring outside of the 660-foot buffer zone. No activities are permitted within 330 feet of a nest during the nesting season, October 1 through May 15 or when eagles are present at the nest. Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 6 of 9 In addition to the on-site evaluation for “listed” species, BTC conducted a review for any FFWCC recorded Bald Eagle nests on or in the vicinity of the site. This review revealed two (2) Bald Eagle nests (IDs #SE-003 and #SE-087), through the 2016-2017 nesting season, located within one mile (1.0) of the site (see attached Bald Eagle nest data). According to FFWCC, these nests are located approximately 1,530 feet (east) and 2,585 feet (north) from the site’s boundary, respectively. Since the site is located outside of the 660-foot buffer zone for both of these nests, no further action should be required pertaining to Bald Eagle nests. Wood Stork (Mycteria Americana) Federally Listed as “Endangered” by USFWS This site is shown to be located within a Wood Stork Nesting Colony Core Foraging Area. The Wood Stork (Mycteria Americana) is listed as “Endangered” by both the FFWCC and the USFWS. Wood storks are large, long-legged wading birds, about 45 inches tall, with a wingspan of 60 to 65 inches. Their plumage is white except for black primaries and secondaries and a short black tail. The head and neck are largely unfeathered and dark gray in color. The bill is black, thick at the base, and slightly decurved. Wood Storks are birds of freshwater and estuarine wetlands, primarily nesting in cypress or mangrove swamps. They feed in freshwater marshes, narrow tidal creeks, or flooded tidal pools as well as roadside ditches. Particularly attractive feeding sites are depressions in marshes or swamps where fish become concentrated during periods of falling water levels. Based on our review of available databases, there is no record of a Wood Stork rookery on the site or within close proximity. The USFWS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers require that any impacts to on-site ditches and/or wetlands, which would eliminate a portion of the Wood Stork foraging habitat, be either mitigated through the purchase of mitigation credits or recreated elsewhere on-site so that there would be no net loss of Wood Stork foraging habitat. However, based on the permitted status of the site, it is not anticipated that any further action will be required pertaining to Wood Storks. USFWS CONSULTATION AREAS The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have established “consultation areas” for certain listed species. Generally, these consultation areas only become an issue if USFWS consultation is required, which is usually associated with permitting through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The reader should be aware that species presence and need for additional review are often determined to be unnecessary early in the permit review process due to lack of appropriate habitat or other conditions. However, the USFWS makes the final determination. Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 7 of 9 Consultation areas are typically very regional in size, often spanning multiple counties where the species in question is known to exist. Consultation areas by themselves do not indicate the presence of a listed species. They only indicate an area where there is a potential for a listed species to occur and that additional review might be necessary to confirm or rule-out the presence of the species. The additional review typically includes the application of species- specific criteria to rule-out or confirm the presence of the species in question. Such criteria might consist of a simple review for critical habitat types. In other cases, the review might include the need for species-specific surveys using established methodologies that have been approved by the USFWS. The following paragraphs include a list of the USFWS Consultation Areas associated with the site. Also included, is a brief description of the respective species habitat and potential for additional review. Everglade Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) Federally Listed as “Endangered” by USFWS The site falls within the USFWS Consultation Area for the Everglade Snail Kite. Currently the Everglade Snail Kite is listed as “Endangered” by the USFWS. Everglade Snail Kites are similar in size to Red-shouldered Hawks. All Everglade Snail Kites have deep red eyes and a white rump patch. Males are slate gray, and females and juveniles vary in amounts of white, light brown, and dark brown, but the females always have white on their chin. Everglade Snail Kites vocalize mainly during courtship and nesting. They may occur in nearly all of the wetlands of central and southern Florida. They regularly occur in lake shallows along the shores and islands of many major lakes, including Lakes Okeechobee, Kissimmee, Tohopekaliga (Toho) and East Toho. They also regularly occur in the expansive marshes of southern Florida such as Water Conservation Areas 1, 2, and 3, Everglades National Park, the upper St. John’s River marshes and Grassy Waters Preserve. Although a portion of the site contains wetlands, no Everglade Snail Kites were observed within the site during the wildlife survey conducted by BTC. As no suitable habitat exists within the limits of the site, it is not anticipated that a formal survey would be required by the USFWS or another agency to determine if any Everglade Snail Kites utilize any portions of the site. Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) Federally Listed as “Threatened” by USFWS Currently the Florida Scrub-Jay is listed as threatened by the USFWS. Florida Scrub Jays are largely restricted to scattered, often small and isolated patches of sand pine scrub, xeric oak, scrubby flatwoods, and scrubby coastal stands in peninsular Florida (Woolfenden 1978a, Fitzpatrick et al. 1991). Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 8 of 9 They avoid wetlands and forests, including canopied sand pine stands. Optimal Scrub-Jay habitat is dominated by shrubby scrub, live oaks, myrtle oaks, or scrub oaks from 1 to 3 m (3 to 10 ft.) tall, covering 50% to 90 % of the area; bare ground or sparse vegetation less than 15 cm (6 in) tall covering 10% to 50% of the area; and scattered trees with no more than 20% canopy cover (Fitzpatrick et al. 1991). No Florida Scrub-Jays were observed on the site during the wildlife surveys conducted by BTC. As little suitable habitat exists within the limits of the site, it is not anticipated that a formal survey would be required by the USFWS or another agency to determine if any Florida Scrub- Jays utilize any portions of the site. West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) Federally Listed as “Endangered” by USFWS The site falls within the USFWS Consultation Area for the West Indian manatee. Currently the West Indian manatee is listed as “Endangered” by the USFWS. Manatees are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which prohibits the take (i.e., harass, hunt, capture, or kill) of all marine mammals. Manatees are found in marine, estuarine and freshwater environments. The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), includes two distinct subspecies, the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus). While morphologically distinctive, both subspecies have many common features. Manatees have large, seal-shaped bodies with paired flippers and a round, paddle-shaped tail. They are typically grey in color (color can range from black to light brown) and occasionally spotted with barnacles or colored by patches of green or red algae. The muzzle is heavily whiskered and coarse, single hairs are sparsely distributed throughout the body. Adult manatees, on average, are about nine feet long (3 meters) and weigh about 1,000 pounds (200 kilograms). At birth, calves are between three and four feet long (1 meter) and weigh between 40 and 60 pounds (30 kilograms). Although the site falls within the USFWS West Indian manatee consultation area, no West Indian manatees were observed and no suitable habitat for this species exists within the site boundaries. No further action should be required pertaining to West Indian manatees. PERMITTING St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) An Environmental Resource Pemit (ERP) (Permit No. 95027-2) was issued by the SJRWMD on December 13, 2005 (expired on December 13, 2010) to authorize construction and operation of a Dan Edwards, Dream Finders Homes Winter Springs Townhomes South Site - Seminole County, Florida (BTC File #900-06) Environmental Assessment Report Page 9 of 9 stormwater management system for the Winter Springs Town Center, Phase II project. Subsequent SJRWMD ERPs issued for this project authorized transfers of ownership (95027-3, 95027-6) and Permit No. 95027-8 authorized a two-year extension of the permit duration. ERP No. 95027-9 was issued to Winter Springs Apartments, LP on February 20, 2017 (expires on February 20 2022) to authorize construction and operation of a stormwater management system for a 12.83-acre portion of the Winter Springs Town Center, Phase II project. As noted above, all on-site wetland impacts that are proposed to occur with this project were previously authorized and mitigated for under SJRWMD ERP No. 95027-2 via the purchase of a conservation easement over 120 acres of land within the Bergmann Mitigation Tract. The environmental limitations described in this document are based on observations and technical information available on the date of the on-site evaluation. This report is for general planning purposes only. The limits of any on-site wetlands/surface waters can only be determined and verified through field delineation and/or on-site review by the pertinent regulatory agencies. The wildlife surveys conducted within the subject property boundaries do not preclude the potential for any listed species, as noted on Table 1 (attached), currently or in the future. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (407) 894-5969. Thank you. Regards, Nathan Johnson Field Biologist Joseph Galletti Vice President attachments Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, EsriJapan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Project #: 900-06Produced By: JDHDate: 11/5/2018 Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteSeminole County, FloridaFigure 1Location Map 0.5 Miles² Legend Winter Springs Townhomes South Site Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Project #: 900-06Produced By: JDHDate: 11/5/2018 Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteSeminole County, FloridaFigure 22017 Aerial Map 150 Feet² Legend Winter Springs Townhomes South Site (± 8.34 Ac.) Project #: 900-06Produced By: JDHDate: 11/5/2018 Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteSeminole County, FloridaFigure 3USGS Topographic Map 1,000 Feet² Legend Winter Springs Townhomes South Site 29 17 11 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Project #: 900-06Produced By: JDHDate: 11/5/2018 Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteSeminole County, FloridaFigure 4SSURGO Soils Map 150 Feet² Legend Winter Springs Townhomes South Site Seminole County Soils 11: Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional 17: Brighton, Samsula, and Sanibel mucks 29: St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands 740740 740 438 610 438 740 610 610 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community Project #: 900-06Produced By: NTJDate: 11/12/2018 Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteSeminole County, FloridaFigure 5FLUCFCS Map 100 Feet² Legend Winter Springs Townhomes South SiteFLUCFCS 438 : Mixed Hardwoods 610 : Wetland Hardwood Forests 740 : Disturbed Lands 510 : Streams and Waterways 510 Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status State Status FISH Pteronotropis welaka bluenose shiner N ST REPTILES Alligator mississippiensis American alligator SAT FT(S/A) Drymarchon corais couperi Eastern indigo snake LT FT Gopherus polyphemus gopher tortoise C ST Lampropeltis extenuata short-tailed snake N ST Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Florida pine snake N SSC BIRDS Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida scrub-jay LT FT Egretta caerulea little blue heron N ST Egretta tricolor tricolored heron N ST Falco sparverius paulus southeastern American kestrel N ST Grus canadensis pratensis Florida sandhill crane N ST Haliaeetus leucocephalus bald eagle N ** Mycteria americana wood stork LT FT Pandion haliaetus osprey N SCC* MAMMALS Puma concolor coryi Florida Panther LE FE Sciurus niger shermani Sherman's fox squirrel N SSC Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee LE FE PLANTS Carex chapmanii Chapman's Sedge N T Centrosema arenicola Sand Butterfly Pea N E Cucurbita okeechobeensis Okeechobee Gourd LE E Dennstaedtia bipinnata hay scented fern N E Illicium parviflorum star anise N E Lechea cernua nodding pinweed N T Nolina atopocarpa Florida Beargrass N T Ophioglossum palmatum Hand Fern N E Pecluma plumula Plume Polypody N E Pteroglossaspis ecristata Giant Orchid N T Pycnanthemum floridanum Florida Mountain-mint N T Salix floridana Florida willow N E FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS Table 1: Potentially Occuring Listed Wildlife and Plant Species in Seminole County, Florida N-Not currently listed, nor currently being considered for listing as Endangered or Threatened. LE-Endangered: species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. LT-Threatened: species likely to become Endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. SAT-Endangered due to similarity of appearance to a species which is federally listed such that enforcement personnel have difficulty in attempting to differentiate between the listed and unlisted species. C-Candidate species for which federal listing agencies have sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threats to support proposing to list the species as Endangered or Threatened.XN-Non-essential experimental population. STATE LEGAL STATUS - ANIMALS STATE LEGAL STATUS - PLANTS FXN- Federal listed as an experimental population in Florida E-Endangered: species of plants native to Florida that are in imminent danger of extinction within the state, the survival of which is unlikely if the causes of a decline in the number of plants continue; includes all species determined to be endangered or threatened pursuant to the U.S. Endangered Species Act. T-Threatened: species native to the state that are in rapid decline in the number of plants within the state, but which have not so decreased in number as to cause them to be Endangered. N-Not currently listed, nor currently being considered for listing. N-Not currently listed, nor currently being considered for listing. **State protected by F.A.C.68A-16.002 and federally protected by both the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (1918) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (1940) FT(S/A)- Federal Threatened due to similarity of appearance ST- State population listed as Threatened by the FFWCC. Defined as a species, subspecies, or isolated population which is acutely vulnerable to environmental alteration, declining in number at a rapid rate, or whose range or habitat is decreasing in area at a rapid rate and as a consequence is destined or very likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future. SSC-Listed as Species of Special Concern by the FFWCC. Defined as a population which warrants special protection, recognition, or consideration because it has an inherent significant vulnerability to habitat modification, environmental alteration, human disturbance, or substantial human exploitation which, in the foreseeable future, may result in its becoming a threatened species. (SSC* for Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) indicates that this status applies in Monroe county only.) FE- Listed as Endangered Species at the Federal level by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service FT- Listed as Threatened Species at the Federal level by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 11/12/2018 Print Bald Eagle Nest Data https://public.myfwc.com/FWRI/EagleNests/PrintData.aspx 1/1 This report was generated using the bald eagle nest locator at https://public.myfwc.com/FWRI/EagleNests/nestlocator.aspx on 11/12/2018 3:26:44 PM. Search Entered: Within 1 miles of latitude 28.695978 and longitude -81.257258; All Search Results 2 record(s) were found; 2 record(s) are shown Bald Eagle Nest Map: Bald Eagle Nest Data Search Results:Results per page: All Nest ID County Latitude Longitude Town- ship Ran- ge Sec- tion Gaz Page Last Known Active Last Sur- veyed Act 13 Act 14 Act 15 Act 16 Act 17 Dist. (Mi) SE003 Seminole 28 41.70 81 15.16 21S 31E 37 80 2014 2014 * * Y * * 0.29 SE087 Seminole 28 42.17 81 15.57 20S 31E 38 80 2014 2014 * * Y * * 0.49 "Y" denotes an active nest "U" denotes a nest that was visited but status was undetermined "N" denotes an inactive nest "*" denotes a nest that was not surveyed "-" denotes an unobserved nest Map data ©2018 GoogleReport a map error DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA UES PROJECT NO. 0130.1800122.0001 UES REPORT NO. 1626718 PREPARED FOR: NV5, Inc. 201 South Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 PREPARED BY: Universal Engineering Sciences 3532 Maggie Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32811 (407) 423-0504 November 21, 2018 Consultants in: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences • Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection Offices in: • Orlando (Headquarters) • Daytona Beach • Fort Myers • Fort Pierce • Gainesville • Jacksonville • Miami • Ocala • Palm Coast • Panama City • Pensacola • Rockledge • Sarasota • St. Petersburg • Tampa • Tifton, GA • West Palm Beach • Atlanta, GA UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES 3532 Maggie Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32811 (407) 423-0504 Fax (407) 423-3106 www.UniversalEngineering.com LOCATIONS: Atlanta, GA Daytona Beach Fort Myers Fort Pierce Gainesville Jacksonville Miami Ocala Orlando (Headquarters) Palm Coast Panama City Pensacola Rockledge Sarasota St. Petersburg Tampa Tifton, GA West Palm Beach November 21, 2018 NV5, Inc. 201 South Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 Attention: Mr. Jason Mahoney, P.E. Managing Director / Civil Engineering VP Jason.Mahoney@nv5.com Reference: Design Level Geotechnical Exploration WSTC Townhomes Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 UES Report No. 1626718 Dear Mr. Mahoney: Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) has completed a geotechnical exploration at the above referenced site in Seminole County, Florida. The scope of our exploration was planned in conjunction with and authorized by you. This exploration was performed in accordance with UES Proposal No. 1618095, dated October 22, 2018 and with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. The following report presents the results of our field exploration with a geotechnical engineering interpretation of those results with respect to the project characteristics as provided to us. We have included soil and groundwater conditions at the boring locations and geotechnical recommendations for foundation design, pavement design and site preparation. The site was found to be suitable for the proposed Townhome development following the site preparation procedures presented in this report. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you should have any questions, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. Respectfully Submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. Certificate of Authorization No. 549 Zachary W.Adams, P.E. Ricardo C. Kiriakidis, Ph.D., P.E. Geotechnical Project Engineer Geotechnical Department Manager FL P.E. Registration No. 82935 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 SOIL SURVEY ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 TOPOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP ........................................................................................................ 5 4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................................................................. 5 5.0 FIELD EXPLORATION ............................................................................................................................... 5 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING ........................................................................................................................... 6 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 6 7.1 GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE ............................................................................................... 6 7.2 NOTABLE FINDINGS ............................................................................................................. 7 7.2.1 Shallow Groundwater Table and Potential for Artesian conditions ........................................................ 7 7.2.2 Shallow Organic Soils ............................................................................................................................. 7 8.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 7 8.1 EXISTING GROUNDWATER LEVEL ......................................................................................... 7 8.2 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL .............................................................................. 7 9.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 8 9.1 STRUCTURAL AND GRADING INFORMATION .......................................................................... 8 9.2 ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 9 9.3 BEARING PRESSURE ........................................................................................................... 9 9.4 FOUNDATION SIZE ............................................................................................................... 9 9.5 BEARING DEPTH ................................................................................................................. 9 9.6 BEARING MATERIAL ............................................................................................................ 9 9.7 SETTLEMENT ESTIMATES .................................................................................................... 9 9.8 FLOOR SLABS ................................................................................................................... 10 10.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 10 10.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 10 10.2 ASPHALTIC PAVEMENTS .................................................................................................... 10 12.2.1 Layer Components ............................................................................................................................. 10 10.2.2 Stabilized Subgrade ........................................................................................................................... 11 10.2.3 Base Course ....................................................................................................................................... 11 10.2.4 Surface Course .................................................................................................................................. 12 10.2.5 Effects of Groundwater...................................................................................................................... 12 10.3 CONCRETE “RIGID” PAVEMENTS ........................................................................................ 13 11.0 SITE PREPARATION ................................................................................................................................. 14 12.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................. 15 13.0 CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES .............................................................................................. 16 WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 2 14.0 LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................................................. 16 LIST OF TABLES Table I: Summary of Published Soil Data ..................................................................................... 4 Table II: Laboratory Methodologies .............................................................................................. 6 Table III: Generalized Soil Profile ................................................................................................. 6 Table IV: Minimum Asphaltic Pavement Component Thicknesses ............................................. 11 Table V: Minimum Concrete Pavement Thicknesses ................................................................. 13 APPENDICES APPENDIX A USGS Location Map ..................................................................................................... A-1 APPENDIX B Boring Location Plan ..................................................................................................... B-1 Boring Logs ................................................................................................................... B-2 Key to Boring Logs Sheet ............................................................................................. B-3 APPENDIX C GBC Document ............................................................................................................. C-1 Constraints and Restrictions ......................................................................................... C-2 WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 3 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed development will consist of developing an approximate 8-acre site for a new townhome development located at the north east corner (NEC) of SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard in Winter Springs, Florida in Winter Springs, Florida. We were provided with a site plan showing the proposed layouts of the townhome structures. The site plan identified twenty (20) 2- to 3-story structures totaling 114 units and associated paved roadway areas. UES previously completed a preliminary exploration of the subject site (UES Report No. 1556876, dated April 16, 2018). The results of our preliminary exploration have been used in conjunction with the current exploration to provide final design recommendations. We have assumed the site is part of a master stormwater system. Structural loading information was not provided by the client at the time of this report. We have assumed the townhome structures will have column loads on the order of 50 kips or less (if applicable) with wall loads on the order of 5 kips/ft. We anticipate that minimal (i.e. less than 2 feet of) structural fill will be necessary to achieve finished grades in the proposed building and pavement areas of the site. The recommendations presented within this report are based upon the above information and assumptions. If any of this information or assumptions is incorrect, please contact UES immediately so that we may review, and possibly amend the recommendations contained herein. No site or project facilities/improvements, other than those described herein, should be designed using the soil information presented in this report. Moreover, UES will not be responsible for the performance of any site improvement so designed and constructed. 2.0 PURPOSE The purposes of this exploration were: to explore and evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site with special attention to potential problems that may impact the proposed development, to provide our estimates of the seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations and to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for foundation design, pavement design and site preparation. This report presents an evaluation of site conditions on the basis of geotechnical procedures for site characterization. The recovered samples were not examined, either visually or analytically, for chemical composition or environmental hazards. We would be glad to provide you with a proposal for these services at your request. Our exploration was not designed to specifically address the potential for surface expression of deep geological conditions, such as sinkhole development related to karst activity. This evaluation requires a more extensive range of field services than those performed in this study. We would be pleased to conduct an exploration to evaluate the probable effect of the regional geology upon the proposed construction, if you so desire. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is located within Section 38, Township 21 South, Range 31 East in Seminole County, Florida. More specifically, the site is located at the NEC of SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard in Winter Springs, Florida. At the time of our exploration, the site consisted of a moderately vegetated, vacant property. 3.1 SOIL SURVEY There are four (4) native soil types mapped within the general area of the site according to the USDA NRCS Soil Survey of Seminole County. A brief summary of the mapped surficial (native) soil type(s) is presented in Table I. TABLE I SUMMARY OF PUBLISHED SOIL DATA Soil Symbol Soil Type Hydrologic Group Drainage Characteristics Depth of Published Seasonal High GWT (feet) 11 Basinger and Smyrna fine sands, depressional A/D Very poorly drained 0 17 Brighton, Samsula and Sanibel mucks A/D Very poorly drained 0 27 Pomellow fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes A Moderately well drained 2 to 3½ 29 St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands B/D Poorly drained ½ to 1½ We note that the majority of the site is mapped as St. Johns and EauGallie fine sands. Brighton, Samsula and Sanibel mucks are mapped along the northeastern corner of the property which based on aerial photographs appear to have been previously cleared and excavated. Please note that the SCS soil survey data is based on pre-developmental conditions. The native subsurface conditions depicted on the soil survey may have been altered due to development within the project vicinity and are not necessarily representative of the current subsurface conditions encountered during our exploration. 3.2 TOPOGRAPHY According to information obtained from the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) “Casselberry, Florida” quadrangle map, the native ground surface elevation across the site area ranges approximately +20 to +30 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The site is located 1/4-mile south of Lake Jessup. Based on review of the USGS map and the Seminole County Watershed Atlas, the normal high water elevation of Lake Jessup appears to be approximately +5 feet NGVD. A copy of a portion of the USGS Map is included in Appendix A. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 5 3.3 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP Based upon review of the St. Johns River Water Management District Potentiometric map (May 2009) of the Upper Floridian Aquifer for the project area, the potentiometric level at the site is estimated to be at elevation +25 to +30 feet, NGVD. The native ground surface elevation across the site area is approximately +20 to +30 feet NGVD. This indicates artesian groundwater levels near the existing ground surface across the site up to 10 feet above the existing ground surface. Therefore, excavations should not extend past 10 feet (or below the confining unit – whichever occurs first) without the approval of the geotechnical Engineer. 4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The services conducted by UES during our current geotechnical exploration were as follows: Drilled fifteen (15) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings within the proposed building areas to depths of 15 feet below existing grades. Secured samples of representative soils encountered in the soil borings for review, laboratory analysis and classification by a Geotechnical Engineer. Measured the existing site groundwater levels and provide an estimate of the seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations. Conducted laboratory testing on selected soil samples obtained in the field to determine their engineering properties. Assessed the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction. Prepared a report which documents the results of our exploration and analysis with geotechnical engineering recommendations. 5.0 FIELD EXPLORATION The fifteen (15) SPT borings, designated B-01 through B-15, as shown on the attached Boring Location Plan in Appendix B, were performed in general accordance with the procedures of ASTM D 1586 “Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils”. SPT sampling was performed continuously within the top 10 feet to detect variations in the near surface soil profile and on approximate 5 feet centers thereafter. The SPT soil borings were performed with an ATV-mounted drilling rig. UES located the test borings by using the provided site plan, measuring from existing on-site landmarks shown on an aerial photograph, and by using handheld GPS devices. No survey control was provided. Hence, the indicated test boring locations should be considered accurate to the degree of the methodologies used. The approximate boring locations are shown in Appendix B. Ground surface elevations at the boring locations would be beneficial to help us to identify any anomalies in our measured and estimated seasonal high groundwater levels, as well as improve the usefulness the groundwater information during the civil engineering design of the site. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 6 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING The soil samples recovered from the test borings were returned to our laboratory and visually classified in general accordance with ASTM D 2487 “Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes” (Unified Soil Classification System). We selected representative soil samples from the borings for laboratory testing to aid in classifying the soils and to help to evaluate the general engineering characteristics of the site soils. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B. A summary of the tests performed is shown in Table II. TABLE II LABORATORY METHODOLOGIES Test Performed Number Performed Reference Grain Size Analysis (#200 wash only) 10 ASTM D 1140 “Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75 - µm) sieve” Moisture Content 10 ASTM D 2216 “Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Mass” Organic Content 1 ASTM D 2974 (Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils) 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 7.1 GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE The results of our field exploration and laboratory analysis, together with pertinent information obtained from the SPT borings, such as soil profiles, penetration resistance and groundwater levels are shown on the boring logs included in Appendix B. The Key to Boring Logs, Soil Classification Chart is also included in Appendix B. The soil profiles were prepared from field logs after the recovered soil samples were examined by a Geotechnical Engineer. The stratification lines shown on the boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and may not depict exact subsurface soil conditions. The actual soil boundaries may be more transitional than depicted. A generalized profile of the soils encountered at our boring locations is presented in Table III. For detailed soil profiles, please refer to the attached boring logs. TABLE III GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE Stratum No. Typical Depth Soil Description Typical Range of SPT “N” Values (feet, bls) From To 1 0 15* Very loose to medium dense fine SAND with varying amounts of silt [SP, SP-SM, SM]. Local surficial organic sands were encountered within Boring B-10 and our previous borings B-06 and B-07 3 to 26 *Denotes maximum termination depth of the borings. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 7 7.2 NOTABLE FINDINGS 7.2.1 Shallow Groundwater Table and Potential for Artesian conditions Shallow seasonal high groundwater levels across the site will control site grading. Portions of the site may need to be raised to provide adequate separation above the ground water table. Depending upon final site grades, pavement underdrains may be necessary for portions of this site if the required separation is not met by grading. In addition, according to the SJRWMD Potentiometric map there is a potential for Artesian conditions up to 10 feet above the existing ground surface if the confining unit is breached. We recommend that any excavation on site be monitored by UES to assist in the eventuality that deeper (greater than 10 feet bls.) excavations are needed. 7.2.2 Shallow Organic Soils Organic soils were observed in three of the soil borings (B-06 & B-07 of the preliminary exploration and B-10 of current exploration), with relative low organic contents ranging from 6 to 10%. The slightly organic soils extended from existing grade to depths of approximately 2½ feet bls. Deeper deposits of organic soils may be found between the widely spaced borings. The general state of geotechnical practice is that soils with organic contents greater than about 5 percent are considered unsuitable to remain in-place to support structures and soils with organic contents greater than about 10 percent are considered unsuitable to remain in-place to support pavements. If encountered within the development areas, we recommend that the unsuitable organic soils be completely removed from the construction limits and replaced by compacted select backfill. Failure to properly remove and replace highly organic materials as recommended may lead to excessive settlement and potential cracking of structures and pavements within their useful life. We note that the slightly organic soils encountered were shallow in nature, and can likely be removed during the site preparation procedures. 8.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 8.1 EXISTING GROUNDWATER LEVEL We measured the water levels in the boreholes on November 14 & 15, 2018 during our drilling operations. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 2 to 4½ feet below existing site grades at the time of our exploration. Fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated throughout the year, primarily due to topographical relief, seasonal variations in rainfall, surface runoff, and other factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. 8.2 SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL Based on historical data, the rainy season in Central Florida is between June and October of the year. In order to estimate the seasonal high water level at the boring locations, many factors are examined, including the following: Measured groundwater level Drainage characteristics of existing soil types WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 8 Current & historical rainfall data Natural relief points (such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.) Man-made drainage systems (ditches, canals, retention basins, etc.) On-site types of vegetation Review of available data (soil surveys, USGS maps, etc.) Redoximorphic features (mottling, stripping, etc.) Based on the results of our field exploration and the factors listed above, we anticipate that the seasonal high groundwater level at our boring locations will likely form at depths ranging from at or near the existing ground surface to depths of approximately 3 feet below existing grades. The estimated seasonal high groundwater table at each boring location is shown on the attached boring logs in Appendix B. It should be noted that the estimated seasonal high water levels do not provide any assurance that groundwater levels will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Should the impediments to surface water drainage be present, or should rainfall intensity and duration, or total rainfall quantities, exceed the normally anticipated rainfall quantities, groundwater levels might exceed our seasonal high estimates. Further, it should be understood that changes in the surface hydrology and subsurface drainage from on-site and/or off-site improvements could have significant effects on the normal and seasonal high groundwater levels. 9.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made based upon a review of the attached soil test data, our understanding of the proposed construction, and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. The applicability of geotechnical recommendations is very dependent upon project characteristics such as improvement locations, and grade alterations. UES must review the final site and grading plans to validate all recommendations rendered herein. Additionally, if subsurface conditions are encountered during construction, which were not encountered in the borings, report those conditions immediately to us for observation and recommendations. 9.1 STRUCTURAL AND GRADING INFORMATION We understand that this project will consist of the construction of a new townhome development located at the northeast corner of State Route 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard in Winter Springs, Florida. We were provided with a site plan showing the proposed layouts of the townhome structures. The site plan identified twenty (20) 2- to 3-story structures totaling 114 units and associated paved roadway areas. Preliminary structural loading information was not provided by the client at this time. We have assumed that the maximum column loads will not exceed 50 kips and that maximum wall loads will not exceed 5 kips per lineal foot. Grading information was not provided at this time. We have assumed that cuts/fills on the order of 2 feet or less will be necessary to achieve finished grades in the proposed building and pavement areas of the site. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 9 Prior to finalizing any design, the structural/grading information outlined above should be confirmed by the project structural/civil engineer. This is crucial to our evaluation and estimates of settlements. If any of this information is incorrect or if you anticipate any changes, please inform Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. immediately so that we may review and modify our recommendations as appropriate. 9.2 ANALYSIS Based on the results of the soil borings, the near surface soils within the proposed building areas appear to be very loose to medium dense sands with varying amounts of silt to a depth of 15 feet below grade. It is our opinion that the proposed structures can be supported on properly designed and constructed shallow foundation systems. Provided that the site preparation recommendations outlined in this report are followed, and any loose surficial soils are properly densified, the parameters outlined below may be used for foundation design. 9.3 BEARING PRESSURE Provided our suggested site preparation procedures are followed, we recommend designing shallow footing foundations for a maximum allowable net soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). The allowable net bearing pressure is that pressure that may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. The allowable bearing pressure should include dead load plus sustained live load. Per the Florida Building Code (FLBC), the foundations should be designed for the most unfavorable effects due to the combinations of loads specified in the FLBC. 9.4 FOUNDATION SIZE The minimum width recommended for an isolated column footing is 24 inches. For continuous wall or slab on grade foundations, the minimum footing width should comply with the current FLBC, but under no circumstances should be less than 12 inches. Even though the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure may not be achieved, these width recommendations should control the size of the foundations. 9.5 BEARING DEPTH The base of all footings should be at least 12 inches below finished grade elevation in accordance with the FLBC. We recommend stormwater and surface water be diverted away from the building exterior, both during and after construction, to reduce the possibility of erosion beneath the exterior footings. 9.6 BEARING MATERIAL The bearing level soils should exhibit a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557 (Modified Proctor) to a depth of at least 2 feet below foundation level as described in this report. In addition to compaction, the bearing soils must exhibit stability and be free of "pumping" conditions. 9.7 SETTLEMENT ESTIMATES Post-construction settlement of the structure will be influenced by several interrelated factors, such as (1) subsurface stratification and strength/compressibility characteristics of the bearing WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 10 soils to a depth of approximately twice the width of the footing; (2) footing size, bearing level, applied loads, and resulting bearing pressures beneath the foundation; (3) site preparation and earthwork construction techniques used by the contractor, and (4) external factors, including but not limited to vibration from offsite sources and groundwater fluctuations beyond those normally anticipated for the naturally-occurring site and soil conditions which are present. Our settlement estimates for the structure are based upon adherence to our recommended site preparation procedures presented in this report. Any deviation from these recommendations could result in an increase in the estimated post-construction settlement of the structures. Furthermore, should building loads change from those assumed by us, greater settlements may be expected. Due to the sandy nature of the surficial soils, following the compaction operations we expect the majority of settlement to be elastic in nature and occur relatively quickly, on application of the loads, during and immediately following construction. Using the recommended maximum allowable bearing pressure, the assumed maximum structural loads, and the field and laboratory test data which we have correlated into the strength and compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils, we estimate the total post-construction vertical settlement of the proposed structure to be on the order of 1 inch or less. Differential settlement results from differences in applied bearing pressures and the variations in the compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils. Assuming our site preparation recommendations are followed, we anticipate post-construction differential settlement of less than ½ inch. 9.8 FLOOR SLABS Conventional floor slabs may be supported upon the compacted fill and should be structurally isolated from other foundation elements or adequately reinforced to prevent distress due to differential movements. For the slab design, we recommend using a subgrade modulus (k) of 100 pounds per cubic inch, which can be achieved by compacting the subgrade soils as recommended in this report. We recommend using a sheet vapor barrier (in accordance with Florida Building Code requirements) beneath the building slab-on-grade to help control moisture migration through the slab. 10.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 GENERAL We assume that a combination of flexible asphaltic and rigid concrete pavement sections will be used for the pavement areas on this project. Our recommendations for both pavement types are listed in the following sections. We assume that the roadway will be designed and constructed in accordance with the Seminole County Transportation Standards. Our recommendations for design of the roadway are listed in the following sections. 10.2 ASPHALTIC PAVEMENTS 12.2.1 Layer Components We recommend using a three-layer pavement section for the proposed roadway consisting of stabilized subgrade, base course, and surface course. The Seminole County Roadway Design WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 11 Standards has divided the pavement requirements for urban roadways into two categories (Commercial/Industrial and Local). Table IV summarizes the minimum pavement component thicknesses for roadway design. TABLE IV MINIMUM ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT COMPONENT THICKNESSES Function Layer Component (inches) Surface Course Base Course Stabilized Subgrade Local 1½ 6 12 Commercial/Industrial 2 8 12 10.2.2 Stabilized Subgrade We recommend that the stabilized subgrade materials immediately beneath the base course exhibit a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) of 40, as specified by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The stabilized subgrade should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557) value. Stabilized subgrade can be imported materials or a blend of on-site and imported materials. If a blend is proposed, we recommend that the contractor perform a mix design to find the optimum mix proportions. Please note, Seminole County does not allow the use of plastic clay to stabilize the subgrade. Crushed limerock or recycled concrete aggregate base material could be used to stabilize the subgrade soils to meet the recommended LBR value stated previously. Compaction testing of the stabilized subgrade should be performed to full depth at a frequency of at least one (1) test per 10,000 square feet, or a minimum of 4 tests, whichever is greater 10.2.3 Base Course Based on review of the Seminole County roadway design standards, the base course may be either limerock or soil-cement. As an alternative, we have provided recommendations for recycled crushed concrete base if deemed acceptable by local municipality standards. For a limerock base, the base course should be compacted to a minimum density of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density and exhibit a minimum LBR of 100. The limerock material should comply with the latest edition of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Road and Bridge Construction specifications. For a soil-cement base, the base shall be designed to have minimum in-situ strength of 350 pounds per square inch (psi). Seven-day laboratory design compressive strength shall be a minimum of 500 psi for mixed in-place and 450 psi for plant mixed. Place soil-cement in a loose condition for its full depth and compact in-place to a minimum density of 98 percent of the maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180). The moisture density requirements shall be determined by the methods prescribed in AASHTO T-135. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 12 Place and finish the soil-cement according to Portland Cement Association requirements. Final review of the soil-cement base course should include manual "chaining" and/or "soundings" seven days after placement. Shrinkage cracks will form in the soil-cement mixture and you should expect reflection cracking on the surface course. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) may provide a cost-effective alternative material in lieu of a limerock base course. Local availability, along with municipality standards, typically governs the use of crushed concrete use as an alternative base course material. The advantages of using recycled concrete aggregate as a pavement base course include its high strength (stronger than limerock), resistance to groundwater related distress, and lack of reflection cracking caused by thermal expansion and contraction. If a RCA base is used, the base course material should be sourced from an FDOT approved supplier. The base should be compacted to a minimum density of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density and exhibit a minimum LBR of 150. The base material should comply with the gradation criteria listed in the latest edition of the FDOT Road and Bridge Construction Specifications. In an effort to ensure consistency of the crushed concrete material, additional LBR and sieve gradation tests should be performed at a minimum frequency of one test per 10,000 square feet, and for each visual change in material. Compaction testing of the base course should be performed to full depth at a frequency of at least one test per 10,000 square feet, or every 500 lineal feet of roadway, whichever is greater. 10.2.4 Surface Course For the pavements, we recommend that the surfacing consist of FDOT SuperPave (SP) asphaltic concrete. The surface course should consist of FDOT SP-9.5 fine mix for light-duty areas and FDOT SP-12.5 topped with SP-9.5 fine mix for heavy duty areas. The asphalt concrete should be placed within the allowable lift thicknesses for fine Type SP mixes per the latest edition of FDOT, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The asphaltic concrete should be compacted to an average field density of 93 percent of the laboratory maximum density determined from specific gravity (Gmm) methods, with an individual test tolerance of +2 percent and -1.2% of the design Gmm. Specific requirements for the SuperPave asphaltic concrete structural course are outlined in the latest edition of FDOT, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Note: If the Designer (or Contract Documents) limits compaction to the static mode only or lifts are placed one-inch thick, then the average field density should be 92 percent, with an individual test tolerance of + 3 percent, and -1.2% of the design Gmm. After placement and field compaction, the wearing surface should be cored to evaluate material thickness and density. Cores should be obtained at frequencies of at least one (1) core per 10,000 square feet of placed pavement, or a minimum of two (2) cores per day’s production. 10.2.5 Effects of Groundwater One of the most critical influences on the pavement performance in Central Florida is the relationship between the pavement base course and the seasonal high groundwater level. Sufficient separation will need to be maintained between the bottom of base course and the WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 13 anticipated seasonal high groundwater level. We recommend that the seasonal high groundwater and the bottom of the base course be separated by at least 12 inches for soil cement and crushed concrete base course, and at least 18 inches for a limerock base course. Based on the anticipated seasonal high groundwater conditions, it appears that some portions of the site may need to be raised to achieve the required separation. The separation should be confirmed by reviewing the final site grading and paving plan. If the separation is not provided by grading, the installation of underdrains will be required. 10.3 CONCRETE “RIGID” PAVEMENTS Concrete pavement is a rigid pavement that transfers much lighter wheel loads to the subgrade soils than a flexible asphalt pavement; therefore, requiring less subgrade preparation. Concrete pavement is recommended under the dumpster area, and 10 feet in front of the trash enclosures, at a minimum. We recommend using the existing surficial sands or approved structural fill densified to at least 98 percent of Modified Proctor test maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557) without additional stabilization under concrete pavement, with the following stipulations: 1. Prior to placement of concrete, the subgrade soils should be prepared as recommended in Section 11.0 of this report. 2. The surface of the subgrade soils must be smooth, and any disturbances or wheel rutting corrected prior to placement of concrete. 3. The subgrade soils must be moistened prior to placement of concrete. 4. Concrete pavement thickness should be uniform throughout, with exception to the thickened edges (curb or footing). 5. The bottom of the pavement should be separated from the seasonal high groundwater level by at least 12 inches. Based on review of the Seminole County construction standards and the FDOT Rigid Pavement Design Manual, our recommended minimum concrete pavement design is shown in Table V. TABLE V MINIMUM CONCRETE PAVEMENT THICKNESSES Service Level Minimum Pavement Thickness Maximum Control Joint Spacing Recommended Saw Cut Depth Light Duty 6 inches 12 feet x 12 feet 2 inches Heavy Duty 7 inches 14 feet x 14 feet 2⅓ inches We recommend using concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000 pounds per square inch. Layout of the Saw cut control joints should form square panels, and the depth of saw cut joints should be ⅓ of the concrete slab thickness. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 14 We recommend allowing UES to review and comment on the final concrete pavement design, including section and joint details (type of joints, joint spacing, etc.), prior to the start of construction. For further details on concrete pavement construction, please reference the "Guide to Jointing of Non-Reinforced Concrete Pavements" published by the Florida Concrete and Products Association, Inc., and "Building Quality Concrete Parking Areas", published by the Portland Cement Association. Specimens to verify the compressive strength of the pavement concrete should be obtained for at least every 50 cubic yards, or at least once for each day’s placement, whichever is greater. 11.0 SITE PREPARATION We recommend normal, good practice site preparation procedures for the new construction areas. These procedures include: removing organic topsoils (up to 2½ feet), stripping/clearing of the site to remove existing vegetation, roots, debris, etc. Following stripping, the exposed subgrade soils should be proof-rolled, and all subgrade and subsequent fill/backfill soils should be properly densified. A more detailed description of this work is presented in this section. 1. Prior to construction, existing underground utility lines and other below grade structures within the construction area should be located. Provisions should be made to relocate interfering utilities to appropriate locations. It should be noted that if underground improvements are not properly removed or plugged, they may serve as conduits for subsurface erosion which may lead to excessive settlement of overlying structures. 2. Perform any necessary remedial dewatering prior to any earthwork operations. Dewatering should be performed to a depth of at least 2 feet below the bottom of any excavations or compacted surface. 3. Strip the proposed construction limits of vegetation, topsoil, roots, organics, debris and other deleterious materials within and 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the new construction areas. Expect clearing and grubbing to depths of 6 to 24 inches particularly in areas near boring B-10 and our previous borings B-06 and B-07 (other areas may also require additional grubbing depending on field observations during earthwork). We strongly recommend that the stripped/excavated surfaces be observed and probed by representatives of UES. 4. Proof-roll the exposed subsurface soils under the observation of UES, to locate any soft areas of unsuitable soils, and to increase the density of the shallow loose fine sand soils. If deemed necessary by UES, in areas that continue to "yield", remove any deleterious materials and replace with a clean, compacted sand backfill. 5. After approval of the stripped surface, within the building areas, compact the upper 2 feet of the exposed subgrade soils (including the 5 feet margin) to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor test maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 15 6. Place fill as necessary. All fill should consist of clean sand with less than 10 percent soil fines and be free of organics, debris and other deleterious materials. Fill soils containing between 5 and 10 percent fines may require strict moisture control. Place fill in maximum 12-inch loose, uniform lifts and compact each lift at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. 7. Within the pavement areas, the upper 12 inches of subgrade beneath the base course or concrete slabs (sub-base) should be stabilized and compacted to at least 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. 8. Test the subgrade and each lift of fill for compaction at a frequency of not less than one test per 2,500 square feet in the building areas and one test per 10,000 square feet in the pavement areas, with a minimum of 4 tests in each area. 9. Prior to the placement of reinforcing steel and concrete, verify compaction within the footing trenches to a depth of 2 feet. We recommend testing every column footing and at least one test every 100 feet of wall footing, with a minimum of 4 tests per building. Re- compaction of the foundation excavation bearing level soils, if loosened by the excavation process, can typically be achieved by making several passes with a walk-behind vibratory sled or jumping jack. Stability of the compacted soils is essential and independent of compaction and density control. If the near surface soils or the structural fill experience “pumping” conditions, terminate all earthwork activities in that area. Pumping conditions occur when there is too much water present in the soil-water matrix. Earthwork activities are actually attempting to compact the water and not the soil. The disturbed soils should be dried in place by scarification and aeration prior to any additional earthwork activities. Vibrations produced during vibratory compaction operations at the site may be significantly noticeable within 100 feet and may cause distress to adjacent structures if not properly regulated. Provisions should be made to monitor these vibrations so that any necessary modifications in the compaction operations can be made in the field before potential damages occur. Universal Engineering Sciences can provide vibration monitoring services to help document and evaluate the effects of the surface compaction operation on existing structures. It is recommended that large vibratory rollers remain a minimum of 50 feet from existing structures. Within this zone, the use of a static roller or small hand guided plate compactors is recommended. 12.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS Based on the groundwater level conditions encountered, dewatering will likely be required for the successful construction of this project. Where excavations will extend only a few feet below the groundwater table, a sump pump may be sufficient to control the groundwater table. Deeper excavations may require well points and/or sock drains to control the groundwater table. Regardless of the method(s) used, we recommend drawing down the water level at least 2 feet below the bottom of the excavation. The actual method(s) of dewatering should be determined by the contractor. The design and discharge of the dewatering system must be performed in accordance with applicable regulatory criteria (i.e. WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 16 water management district, etc.) and compliance with such criteria is the sole responsibility of the contractor. Excavations should be sloped as necessary to prevent slope failure and to allow backfilling. As a minimum, temporary excavations below 4-foot depth should be sloped in accordance with OSHA regulations. Where lateral confinement will not permit slopes to be laid back, the excavation should be shored in accordance with OSHA requirements. During excavation, excavated material should not be stockpiled at the top of the slope within a horizontal distance equal to the excavation depth. Provisions for maintaining workman safety within excavations is the sole responsibility of the contractor. 13.0 CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES We recommend the owner retain UES to provide inspection services during the site preparation procedures for confirmation of the adequacy of the earthwork operations. Field tests and observations include verification of foundation and pavement subgrades by monitoring earthwork operations and performing quality assurance tests of the placement of compacted structural fill courses. The geotechnical engineering design does not end with the advertisement of the construction documents. The design is an on-going process throughout construction. Because of our familiarity with the site conditions and the intent of the engineering design, we are most qualified to address site problems or construction changes, which may arise during construction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. 14.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of NV5, Inc. and other designated members of their design/construction team associated with the proposed construction for the specific project discussed in this report. No other site or project facilities should be designed using the soil information contained in this report. As such, UES will not be responsible for the performance of any other site improvement designed using the data in this report. This report should not be relied upon for final design recommendations or professional opinions by unauthorized third parties without the expressed written consent of Universal Engineering Sciences. Unauthorized third parties that rely upon the information contained herein without the expressed written consent of Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. assume all risk and liability for such reliance. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan and from other information as referenced. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the boring locations. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until the course of construction. If variations become evident, it will then be necessary for a re-evaluation of the recommendations of this report after performing on-site observations during the construction period and noting the characteristics of the variations. Borings for a typical geotechnical report are widely spaced and generally not sufficient for reliably detecting the presence of isolated, anomalous surface or subsurface conditions, or reliably estimating unsuitable or suitable material quantities. Accordingly, UES does not WSTC Townhomes UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0001 Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Report No. 1626718 17 recommend relying on our boring information for estimation of material quantities unless our contracted services specifically include sufficient exploration for such purpose(s) and within the report we so state that the level of exploration provided should be sufficient to detect anomalous conditions or estimate such quantities. Therefore, UES will not be responsible for any extrapolation or use of our data by others beyond the purpose(s) for which it is applicable or intended. All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for UES to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects or identify any other potentially hazardous conditions that may exist at the site during the course of this exploration. Therefore, no attempt was made by UES to locate or identify such concerns. UES cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects or environmental hazards which may be subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. We can provide this service if requested. During the early stages of most construction projects, geotechnical issues not addressed in this report may arise. Because of the natural limitations inherent in working with the subsurface, it is not possible for a geotechnical engineer to predict and address all possible problems. An Association Geotechnical Business Council (GBC) publication, "Important Information About This Geotechnical Engineering Report" appears in Appendix D, and will help explain the nature of geotechnical issues. Further, we present documents in Appendix D: Constraints and Restrictions, to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. APPROX. SITE LOCATION R.K.S. AS SHOWN A-1 U.S.G.S. SITE LOCATION MAP 0 SCALE (FT.) 2000 SOURCE: USGS QUADRANGLE MAP OF "CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA". 11 - 16 - 18 0130.1800122.0001 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA 18-0676-01WSTC TOWNHOMES Z.W.A.11 - 20 - 18 1626718 ZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET ASTREET DSTREET DALLEY BS T R E E T C A L L E Y D STREET BPOOLCABANA MAI L K I O S K BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYB-02B-03B-05B-07B-08B-04B-06B-01B-14B-10B-12B-02B-11B-09B-13B-03B-04B-01B-15B-06B-07B-05B-08GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA SOIL BORING LOCATION PLAN NV5, INC. R.K.S.11 - 16 - 18 AS SHOWNAPPROX. STANDARD PENETRATION TESTLEGEND0SCALE (FT.)100BORING LOCATION PERFORMED 11/14 & 11/15 /18WSTC TOWNHOMES B-118-0676-01 THIS DRAWING CREATED USING PLAN PROVIDED BY CLIENT.0130.1800122.0001PREVIOUS STANDARD PENETRATION TESTBORING LOCATION PERFORMED 4/4/18Z.W.A.11 - 20 - 18 1626718 8 24 3-5-6 5-6-3 8-13-11 6-5-6 3-4-4 3-3-3 3-2-3 11 9 24 11 8 6 5 Medium dense very dark brown fine SAND with silt& roots [SP-SM] -- loose, brown, no roots Medium dense gray fine SAND [SP] Loose grey fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Loose grey fine SAND [SP] -- gray BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 4.5 11/15/18 3.0 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.1 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-01 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 2-2-3 3-4-4 8-11-10 8-6-4 4-3-3 3-4-3 2-4-3 5 8 21 10 6 7 7 Loose gray brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] -- brown -- medium dense Loose gray fine SAND [SP] -- gray brown BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 11/15/18 2.0 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.2 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-02 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 8 23 2-3-3 8-6-4 3-2-2 4-7-9 7-7-5 5-4-3 2-3-3 6 10 4 16 12 7 6 Loose gray brown fin fine SAND [SP] Very loose red brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Medium dense brown fine SAND [SP] -- with gray -- loose BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 4.0 11/15/18 2.5 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.3 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-03 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 6 25 2-2-4 4-6-5 3-3-4 8-13-11 8-6-6 3-4-4 2-3-4 6 11 7 24 12 8 7 Loose dark brown fine SAND with silt & roots[SP-SM] Medium dense light tan to brown fine SAND [SP] Loose brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Medium dense brown fine SAND [SP] -- gray -- loose BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 11/14/18 2.0 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.4 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-04 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 7 16 2-3-3 3-5-4 3-2-2 4-8-6 6-5-5 4-3-4 2-2-3 6 9 4 14 10 7 5 Loose gray brown fine SAND with roots [SP] Loose light grey brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Very loose brown fine SAND [SP] Medium dense brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Loose gray fine SAND [SP] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 11/15/18 2.0 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.5 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-05 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 4-6-7 8-8-9 9-7-4 3-2-1 1-2-2 3-4-6 4-5-4 13 17 11 3 4 10 9 Medium dense dark red brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] Medium dense orange red brown fine SAND [SP] -- dark brown Very loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] -- loose Loose dark brown fine SAND [SP] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 11/14/18 2.0 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.6 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-06 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 6 16 8-9-10 10-10-15 8-7-6 2-2-2 1-2-5 5-5-7 4-4-6 19 25 13 4 7 12 10 Medium dense dark red brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] -- orange, red-brown Medium dense brown fine SAND [SP] Very loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] -- loose -- medium dense Loose brown fine SAND [SP] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 4.5 11/14/18 3.0 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.7 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-07 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 4-4-5 5-5-6 5-7-8 5-5-4 3-2-2 1-2-3 3-3-3 9 11 15 9 4 5 6 Loose red brown silty fine SAND [SM] Medium dense red brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] -- brown Loose brown fine SAND [SP] -- very loose, dark brown Loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] -- gray brown BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED,, PERCHED SHGWT N.S. 4.0 11/14/18 0.0 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.8 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-08 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 8 23 8-11-9 8-7-6 2-2-4 4-4-5 4-5-7 5-5-5 4-3-3 20 13 6 9 12 10 6 Medium dense red brown fine SAND with silt &roots [SP-SM] -- brown -- loose, no roots Medium dense gray fine SAND [SP] -- loose -- light gray BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 11/14/18 1.5 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.9 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-09 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 8 22 6 5-7-6 6-5-5 3-2-1 1-2-2 3-4-4 4-5-5 5-6-3 13 10 3 4 8 10 9 Medium dense very dark red brown fine SAND withorganics [SP-OL] Loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] -- very loose, brown, with roots Very loose brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose -- gray BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 2.0 11/14/18 0.5 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.10 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-10 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 6 30 2-4-6 7-7-8 8-8-8 5-5-4 2-2-2 2-3-5 3-3-3 10 15 16 9 4 8 6 Loose dark red brown fine SAND with silt & roots[SP-SM] -- medium dense -- loose, brown -- very loose -- loose -- gray brown BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/14/18 ORL-JB/DM/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 2.0 11/14/18 0.5 11/14/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.11 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-11 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 8 25 2-3-3 4-5-5 11-12-14 5-6-7 4-5-4 3-3-3 3-3-3 6 10 26 13 9 6 6 Loose gray brown fine SAND [SP] loose brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Medium dense brown fine SAND [SP] -- gray -- loose Loose brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Loose brown fine SAND [SP] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 4.0 11/15/18 2.5 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.12 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-12 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 3-4-6 10-9-7 4-5-5 7-10-10 4-4-5 3-4-4 3-3-3 10 16 10 20 9 8 6 Loose gray fine SAND [SP] Medium dense brown to red brown to brown fineSAND with silt [SP-SM] -- loose Medium dense light brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose, light tan brown -- light gray tan BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 11/15/18 2.0 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.13 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-13 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 2-3-4 3-4-5 4-5-5 5-6-5 5-4-4 4-3-4 4-3-3 7 9 10 11 8 7 6 Loose brown fine SAND with silt & roots [SP-SM] -- no roots Medium dense gray brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose, gray BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 11/15/18 1.5 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.14 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-14 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 7 24 3-4-4 3-5-4 5-6-6 5-6-5 4-4-4 3-4-4 3-3-4 8 9 12 11 8 8 7 Loose brown fine SAND with silt & roots [SP-SM] -- medium dense, no roots Medium dense gray brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose, gray Loose grey fine SAND with silt [SP-SM[ BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FT. 11/15/18 ORL-JB/DM/DK ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 11/15/18 1.5 11/15/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): NV5, INC. (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-10188.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.15 0130.1800122.0001 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WSTC TOWNHOMES PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-15 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1626718 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 4 31 4-3-5 4-3-5 5-8-10 6-8-9 7-9-9 5-4-5 2-2-2 4-4-4 8 8 18 17 18 9 4 8 Loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Loose brown fine SAND [SP] -- medium dense, shade lighter -- light grey brown -- loose -- very loose Loose grey brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 4/4/2018 0.5 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.1 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-01 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 2-4-6 5-5-7 8-9-12 6-8-8 6-6-5 4-3-4 2-3-3 5-5-6 10 12 21 16 11 7 6 11 Loose brown fine SAND [SP] Medium dense dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Medium dense brown fine SAND, trace roots[SP] -- light brown -- loose -- grey BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 4/4/2018 0.5 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.2 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-02 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 5-5-8 5-9-9 11-11-9 5-6-4 3-2-2 2-3-2 2-3-4 13 18 20 10 4 5 7 Medium dense light brown fine SAND [SP] -- shade darker -- loose -- very loose -- loose, shade darker Loose grey brown silty fine SAND [SM] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 2.5 4/4/2018 0.0 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.3 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-03 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 6 29 3 2-3-7 5-3-3 3-3-5 7-7-7 4-3-3 3-2-2 2-2-3 5-5-6 10 6 8 14 6 4 5 11 Loose grey brown fine SAND [SP] Loose dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM], trace organics & wood -- grey brown -- no organics -- medium dense Loose light grey brown fine SAND [SP] -- very loose Loose grey brown silty fine SAND [SM] -- medium dense BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.0 4/4/2018 0.5 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.4 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-04 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 5 24 5-6-6 4-5-5 5-7-10 6-7-9 5-7-5 2-3-2 3-5-6 12 10 17 16 12 5 11 Medium dense grey brown fine SAND, traceroots [SP] -- loose -- dark brown -- medium dense Medium dense dark brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] Medium dense light brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose Medium dense light brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 3.5 4/4/2018 1.0 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.5 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-05 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 5 42 6 1-2-3 2-3-6 4-6-4 2-2-3 4-5-7 7-5-5 3-3-4 5 9 10 5 12 10 7 Loose dark brown organic fine SAND with wood[SP-OL] Loose dark brown silty fine SAND [SM] -- medium dense -- loose -- brown BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 2.5 4/4/2018 0.0 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.6 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-06 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 6 41 10 3-6-5 2-4-9 6-7-8 3-3-3 1-2-1 1-1-2 4-6-7 11 13 15 6 3 3 13 Medium dense dark red brown organic fineSAND [SP-OL] Medium dense dark brown fine SAND with silt [SP-SM] Medium dense dark brown fine SAND [SP] -- loose -- very loose, shade darker -- medium dense, grey BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED N.S. 2.0 4/4/2018 0.0 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.7 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-07 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) 3 26 1-2-2 2-4-5 6-6-7 3-3-4 3-4-5 5-5-4 4-5-7 4 9 13 7 9 9 12 Very loose red brown fine SAND, trace roots [SP] -- brown -- dark red brown -- medium dense, shade lighter -- loose Loose dark red brown fine SAND with silt[SP-SM] Medium dense brown fine SAND [SP] BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 4/4/18 ORL - JB/CM ASTM D 1586 CLIENT: LOCATION: REMARKS: G.S. ELEVATION (ft): WATER TABLE (ft): DATE OF READING: DATE STARTED: DATE FINISHED: DRILLED BY: TYPE OF SAMPLING: SEE BORING LOCATION PLAN SHGWT = SEASONAL HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE, N.S. = NOT SURVEYED, N.R. = NOT RECORDED N.S. 3.5 4/4/2018 1.0 4/4/18 EST. SHGWT (ft): LOCHRANE ENGINEERING (FT/ DAY) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA W-09875.GPJ1 of 1 0 5 10 15 20 W.T. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -200 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES B-2.8 0130.1800122.0000 (%) MC (%) ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PI GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PROJECT:SHEET: SECTION:TOWNSHIP:RANGE: DEPTH K (FT.) SAMPLE BLOWS B-08 INCREMENT BORING LOG PER 6" PROJECT NO.: REPORT NO.: PAGE: 1556876 BORING I.D.: N BLOWS / FT ORG.CONT.(%) ENGINEERING SCIENCES UNIVERSAL KEY TO BORING LOGS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOLS TYPICAL NAMES GW Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines CLEAN GRAVELS GP Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines GM Silty gravels and gravel-sand-silt mixtures GRAVELS 50% or more of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve GRAVELS WITH FINES GC Clayey gravels and gravel-sand-clay mixtures SW** Well-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines CLEAN SANDS 5% or less passing No. 200 sieve SP** Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines SM** Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures COARSE GRAINED SOILS More than 50% retained on the No. 200 sieve* SANDS More than 50% of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve SANDS with 12% or more passing No. 200 sieve SC** Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures ML Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean clays SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid limit 50% or less OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diamicaceous fine sands or silts, elastic silts CH Inorganic clays or clays of high plasticity, fat clays OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity FINE-GRAINED SIOLS 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve* SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid limit greater than 50% PT Peat, muck and other highly organic soils *Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75 mm) sieve ** Use dual symbol (such as SP-SM and SP-SC) for soils with more than 5% but less than 12% passing the No. 200 sieve RELATIVE DENSITY (Sands and Gravels) Very loose – Less than 4 Blow/Foot Loose – 4 to 10 Blows/Foot Medium Dense – 11 to 30 Blows/Foot Dense – 31 to 50 Blows/Foot Very Dense – More than 50 Blows/Foot CONSISTENCY (Silts and Clays) Very Soft – Less than 2 Blows/Foot Soft – 2 to 4 Blows/Foot Firm – 5 to 8 Blows/Foot Stiff – 9 to 15 Blows/Foot Very Stiff – 16 to 30 Blows/Foot Hard – More than 30 Blows/Foot RELATIVE HARDNESS (Limestone) Soft – 100 Blows for more than 2 Inches Hard – 100 Blows for less than 2 Inches MODIFIERS These modifiers Provide Our Estimate of the Amount of Minor Constituents (Silt or Clay Size Particles) in the Soil Sample Trace – 5% or less With Silt or With Clay – 6% to 11% Silty or Clayey – 12% to 30% Very Silty or Very Clayey – 31% to 50% These Modifiers Provide Our Estimate of the Amount of Organic Components in the Soil Sample Trace – Less than 3% Few – 3% to 4% Some – 5% to 8% Many – Greater than 8% These Modifiers Provide Our Estimate of the Amount of Other Components (Shell, Gravel, Etc.) in the Soil Sample Trace – 5% or less Few – 6% to 12% Some – 13% to 30% Many – 31% to 50% SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION N-Value No. of Blows of a 140-lb. Weight Falling 30 Inches Required to Drive a Standard Spoon 1 Foot WOR Weight of Drill Rods WOH Weight of Drill Rods and Hammer Sample from Auger Cuttings Standard Penetration Test Sample Thin-wall Shelby Tube Sample (Undisturbed Sampler Used) RQD Rock Quality Designation Stabilized Groundwater Level Seasonal High Groundwater Level (also referred to as the W.S.W.T.) NE Not Encountered GNE Groundwater Not Encountered BT Boring Terminated -200 (%) Fines Content or % Passing No. 200 Sieve MC (%) Moisture Content LL Liquid Limit (Atterberg Limits Test) PI Plasticity Index (Atterberg Limits Test) NP Non-Plastic (Atterberg Limits Test) K Coefficient of Permeability Org. Cont. Organic Content G.S. Elevation Ground Surface Elevation Geotechnical-Engineering Report Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and ProjectsGeotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor — a construction contractor — or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical- engineering study is unique, each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not even you — should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full ReportSerious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on a Unique Set of Project-Specific FactorsGeotechnical engineers consider many unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client’s goals, objectives, and risk-management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was:• not prepared for you;• not prepared for your project;• not prepared for the specific site explored; or• completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it’s changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light-industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse;• the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure;• the composition of the design team; or• project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes—even minor ones—and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can ChangeA geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the study. Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or natural events, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional OpinionsSite exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ — sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report’s Recommendations Are Not FinalDo not overrely on the confirmation-dependent recommendations included in your report. Confirmation-dependent recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report’s confirmation-dependent recommendations if that engineer does not perform the geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the recommendations’ applicability. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to MisinterpretationOther design-team members’ misinterpretation of geotechnical-engineering reports has resulted in costly Important Information about This Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. problems. Confront that risk by having your geo technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team’s plans and specifications. Constructors can also misinterpret a geotechnical-engineering report. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing geotechnical construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer’s LogsGeotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Constructors a Complete Report and GuidanceSome owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give constructors the complete geotechnical-engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions CloselySome clients, design professionals, and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled “limitations,” many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers’ responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical-engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with MoldDiverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold-prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, many mold- prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical- engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services performed in connection with the geotechnical engineer’s study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold prevention. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer for Additional AssistanceMembership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineer for more information. 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301/565-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2015 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, or its contents, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBA’s specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. WARRANTY Universal Engineering Sciences has prepared this report for our client for his exclusive use, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices, and makes no other warranty either expressed or implied as to the professional advice provided in the report. UNANTICIPATED SOIL CONDITIONS The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between these borings. The nature and extent of variations between borings may not become known until excavation begins. If variations appear, we may have to re-evaluate our recommendations after performing on-site observations and noting the characteristics of any variations. CHANGED CONDITIONS We recommend that the specifications for the project require that the contractor immediately notify Universal Engineering Sciences, as well as the owner, when subsurface conditions are encountered that are different from those present in this report. No claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans, specifications, and those found in this report, should be allowed unless the contractor notifies the owner and Universal Engineering Sciences of such changed conditions. Further, we recommend that all foundation work and site improvements be observed by a representative of Universal Engineering Sciences to monitor field conditions and changes, to verify design assumptions and to evaluate and recommend any appropriate modifications to this report. MISINTERPRETATION OF SOIL ENGINEERING REPORT Universal Engineering Sciences is responsible for the conclusions and opinions contained within this report based upon the data relating only to the specific project and location discussed herein. If the conclusions or recommendations based upon the data presented are made by others, those conclusions or recommendations are not the responsibility of Universal Engineering Sciences. CHANGED STRUCTURE OR LOCATION This report was prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this project and to assist the architect or engineer in the design of this project. If any changes in the design or location of the structure as outlined in this report are planned, or if any structures are included or added that are not discussed in the report, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions modified or approved by Universal Engineering Sciences. USE OF REPORT BY BIDDERS Bidders who are examining the report prior to submission of a bid are cautioned that this report was prepared as an aid to the designers of the project and it may affect actual construction operations. Bidders are urged to make their own soil borings, test pits, test caissons or other investigations to determine those conditions that may affect construction operations. Universal Engineering Sciences cannot be responsible for any interpretations made from this report or the attached boring logs with regard to their adequacy in reflecting subsurface conditions which will affect construction operations. STRATA CHANGES Strata changes are indicated by a definite line on the boring logs which accompany this report. However, the actual change in the ground may be more gradual. Where changes occur between soil samples, the location of the change must necessarily be estimated using all available information and may not be shown at the exact depth. OBSERVATIONS DURING DRILLING Attempts are made to detect and/or identify occurrences during drilling and sampling, such as: water level, boulders, zones of lost circulation, relative ease or resistance to drilling progress, unusual sample recovery, variation of driving resistance, obstructions, etc.; however, lack of mention does not preclude their presence. WATER LEVELS Water level readings have been made in the drill holes during drilling and they indicate normally occurring conditions. Water levels may not have been stabilized at the last reading. This data has been reviewed and interpretations made in this report. However, it must be noted that fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature, tides, and other factors not evident at the time measurements were made and reported. Since the probability of such variations is anticipated, design drawings and specifications should accommodate such possibilities and construction planning should be based upon such assumptions of variations. LOCATION OF BURIED OBJECTS All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for Universal Engineering Sciences to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects during the course of this exploration and that no attempt was made by Universal Engineering Sciences to locate any such buried objects. Universal Engineering Sciences cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects which are subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. TIME This report reflects the soil conditions at the time of exploration. If the report is not used in a reasonable amount of time, significant changes to the site may occur and additional reviews may be required. CONSTRAINTS & RESTRICTIONS The intent of this document is to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS LOT 5 TOWNHOMES @ WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Prepared for: NV5, INC. 201 South Bumby Ave Orlando, Florida 32803 Prepared by: Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. 535 Versailles Drive Maitland, Florida 32751 407-628-9955 December 2018 TPD № 5060 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am a Professional Engineer properly registered in the State of Florida practicing with Traffic Planning & Design, Inc., a corporation authorized to operate as an engineering business, EB-3702, by the State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Professional Engineers, and that I have prepared or approved the evaluations, findings, opinions, conclusions, or technical advice attached hereto for: PROJECT: Lot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center LOCATION: Winter Springs, Florida CLIENT: NV5, INC. I hereby acknowledge that the procedures and references used to develop the results contained in these computations are standard to the professional practice of Transportation Engineering as applied through professional judgment and experience. NAME: Turgut Dervish, P.E. P.E. No.: 20400 DATE: December 5th, 2018 SIGNATURE: TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 EXISTING ROADWAY ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 4 Roadway Segment Analysis Intersection Analysis PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND TRIP GENERATION .......................................................... 8 Trip Generation Trip Distribution/Trip Assignment PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ...................................................................................... 11 Roadway Segment Analysis Intersection Analysis Turn Lane Analysis STUDY CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 18 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 19 A Seminole County Traffic Count/ LOS Sheet B Intersection Counts and Signal Timing Data C HCS7 Capacity Analysis Worksheets Existing Conditions D Model Distribution Plot E Approved Development Traffic Volumes F Trends Analysis G HCS7 Capacity Analysis Worksheets Projected Conditions TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Existing Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis .................................................................... 4 Table 2 Existing A.M./P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis .......................................... 5 Table 3 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis ......................................................................... 7 Table 4 Trip Generation Summary .............................................................................................. 8 Table 5 Projected Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis ................................................................ 11 Table 6 Projected A.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis ............................................... 12 Table 7 Projected P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis ............................................... 12 Table 8 Projected Intersection Capacity Analysis ..................................................................... 13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Project Location Map ..................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Proposed Site Plan ........................................................................................................ 3 Figure 3 Existing A.M./P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ............................................................. 6 Figure 4 Project Trip Distribution ................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5 Project Trip Assignment ............................................................................................... 10 Figure 6 Projected A.M. Peak Hour Intersection Volumes ......................................................... 14 Figure 7 Projected P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Volumes ......................................................... 15 Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 1 INTRODUCTION This traffic analysis was performed to assess the impact of a proposed Townhouse development in the City of Winter Springs, Florida. Located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road, the proposed development will consist of 114 units to be completed within one-year. Figure 1 depicts the location of the project site and the roadways. Access to the site will be provided via access driveways from Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road. Figure 2 depicts the proposed site plan. The analysis considers the project’s impacts on the following roadways and intersections in the property vicinity: Roadways SR 434 Central Winds Drive to Tuskawilla Road Tuskawilla Road to Michael Blake Boulevard Michael Blake Boulevard to Tuscora Drive Tuskawilla Road Trotwood Boulevard to SR 434 SR 434 to Blumberg Boulevard Michael Blake Boulevard SR 434 to Tuskawilla Road Intersections SR 434 & Bear Springs Drive SR 434 & Tuskawilla Road SR 434 & Michael Blake Boulevard Data used in this analysis consists of site plan/development information provided by the Project Engineers, daily traffic volume data obtained from the Florida DOT and Seminole County and A.M./P.M. peak hour traffic counts obtained by Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. TuscoraDrSite LocationLot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project №Figure 1NTSNSITE Proposed Site PlanFigure 2NTSNLot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 4 EXISTING ROADWAY ANALYSIS Capacity analyses were performed for the study roadway segments and intersections for the existing traffic in order to establish their current operating conditions. The roadway segments were analyzed for daily conditions and the intersections for A.M. and P.M. peak hour conditions. Roadway Segment Analysis The study roadway segments were analyzed by comparing their existing traffic volumes with their respective capacities at the adopted LOS standard. The daily traffic volumes and capacities were obtained from the Seminole County 2017 Roadway Segment Counts and Roadway Concurrency information sheets. The Seminole County data sheets are included in Appendix A. The A.M./P.M. peak hour volumes along the roadway segments were determined from counts made at the study intersections. Summaries of the daily and A.M./P.M. peak hour roadway capacity analyses are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 Existing Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lanes LOS Standard Daily Capacity (1) Existing Daily Volume (2) LOS SR 434 Central Winds Dr to Tuskawilla Rd 4LD E 48,000 37,172 C Tuskawilla Rd to Michael Blake Blvd 4LD E 48,000 37,172 C Michael Blake Blvd to Tuscora Dr 4LD E 48,000 27,172 C Tuskawilla Road Trotwood Blvd to SR 434 4LD E 42,560 18,992 C SR 434 to Blumberg Blvd 2LU D 17,800 5,600(3) C Michael Blake Boulevard SR 434 to Tuskawilla Rd 2LU D 17,800 830(3) C (1) Based on Concurrency Roadway (2) Obtained from Florida Traffic Information DVD (3) Estimated from the intersection counts with the use of K=0.09 Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 5 Table 2 Existing A.M./P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lanes Adopted A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Standard Daily Capacity (1) Volume (2) Peak Dir LOS Volume Peak Dir LOS SR 434 Central Winds Dr to Tuskawilla Rd 4LD E 2,000 1,474 WB C 1,604 EB C Tuskawilla Rd to Michael Blake Blvd 4LD E 2,000 1,148 WB C 1,262 EB C Michael Blake Blvd to Tuscora Dr 4LD E 2,000 1,180 WB C 1,224 EB C Tuskawilla Rd Trotwood Blvd to SR 434 4LD E 2,100 724 NB C 749 SB C SR 434 to Blumberg Blvd 2L D 830 150 NB C 248 SB C Michael Blake Blvd SR 434 to Tuskawilla Rd 2L D 830 72 SB C 80 NB C (1) Based on Seminole County Service Volume (2) Estimated from the intersection counts The existing conditions analysis reveals that the study segments currently operate satisfactorily within their adopted LOS standards. Intersection Analysis A capacity analysis was conducted for each study intersections using HCS7software in accordance with the procedures of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The capacity analysis was performed using the existing intersection geometries, A.M./P.M. peak hour traffic volumes and signal timings. The A.M./P.M. peak hour volumes were determined from turning movement counts obtained by TPD and are included in Appendix B along with signal timing sheets provided by Seminole County. The existing intersection volumes are displayed in Figure 3. The intersection capacity analysis results are summarized in Table 3 and the HCS7 analysis worksheets are included in Appendix C. Existing A.M./P.M.Peak Hour Traffic VolumesFigure 3NTSNLegend:PM Peak HourAM Peak HourBear Springs DrSR 434Tuskawilla RdSR 43420 (36)150 (139)109 (127)48 (62)997 (848)108 (182)39 (48)774 (926)438 (574)476 (459)134 (126)149 (150)Michael BlakeBlvd11 (15)69 (16)11 (69)1,181 (1,086)30 (24)1,041 (1,189)00 (00)40 (41)0 (0)26 (39)44 (25)1,447 (1,336)7 (25)58 (128)1,323 (1,833)4 (11)19 (10)0 (4)9 (11)Lot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 7 Table 3 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection Control Period EB WB NB SB Overall Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS SR 434 & Bear Spring Dr Signal A.M. 11.9 B 15.7 B 67.1 E 67.4 E 15.6 B P.M. 18.2 B 14.6 B 67.2 E 67.5 E 18.3 B SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd Signal A.M. 36.2 D 37.1 D 58 E 82.2 F 45 D P.M. 48 D 32.3 C 57.7 E 83.5 F 48.2 D SR 434 & Michael Blake Blvd STOP A.M. 12.1 B 10.8 B - - 38.1 E -- -- P.M. 11.6 B 11.5 B - - 19.4 C -- -- The results of the intersection capacity analysis indicate that the study intersections operate at satisfactory overall Level of Service. Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 8 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND TRIP GENERATION The proposed development will consist of 114 Townhouse units. To determine the impact of this development, an analysis of its trip generation characteristics was conducted. This included the determination of the trips to be generated as well as their distribution and assignment to the area roadways. Trip Generation The trip generation of the proposed development was calculated with the use of trip generation rates obtained from the 10th Edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 4 provides a summary of the trip generation calculation. Table 4 Trip Generation Summary ITE Code Land Use Size (DU) Daily A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Rate Trips Rate Enter Exit Total Rate Enter Exit Total 220 MF Housing 114 7.20 821 0.47 12 42 54 0.58 42 24 66 Totals 821 12 42 54 42 24 66 The proposed development is projected to generate 821 daily trips, of which 54 will occur in the A.M. peak hour and 66 will occur in the P.M. peak hour. Trip Distribution/Trip Assignment The proposed distribution pattern was estimated using the 2040 OUATS model with 2020 interpolation. The model generated distribution is shown in Figure 4 and a model distribution plot is included in Appendix D. With this distribution pattern, the project trips were assigned to the area roadways as shown in Figure 5. TuscoraDrTrip DistributionFigure 4NTSN35%SITE39%18%43%57%8%35%Lot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № TuscoraDrTrip AssignmentFigure 5NTSN000A.M. Peak Hour Trips(000)P.M. Peak Hour Trips000 Daily TripsLegend:4(15)15 (8)2875(16 ) 320 15 (8)4 (15)8(4)2(8)1483 (2)1 (3)6616 ( 9 )28724 (14) 7 (24 ) 468SITE 5 (18)18 (10)353Lot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 11 PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Projected traffic conditions for the project buildout were analyzed using daily traffic volumes for the roadway segments and A.M./P.M. peak hour traffic volumes for the intersections. The projected traffic volumes used in the analysis consisted of background traffic volumes and project trips. Background traffic volumes were estimated with the use of a growth factor of 1.02 for a one-year growth plus traffic from approved developments identified by the city. Approved development traffic volumes are included in Appendix E. A review of the historical traffic volumes on SR 434 in the project vicinity revealed a 1.71 annual growth during the last eight years. Therefore, a minimum annual growth of 2% was used in the background traffic estimation. The trends analysis sheet is included in Appendix F. Roadway Segment Analysis A roadway segment analysis was performed for the study roadway segments by comparing the projected traffic volumes of the segments with their respective capacities at the adopted LOS standards. The daily, A.M. and P.M. peak hour analyses are summarized in Tables 5, 6 and 7. Table 5 Projected Daily Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lns Adopted Projected Daily Volume Proj. LOS LOS Stnd Daily Capcity Future Vol* Committed Trips Pro. Trips Total Catalyst Apartments Integra Tuskawilla Crossings Towncenter Commercial SR 434 Central Winds Dr to Tuskawilla Rd 4LD E 48,000 37,915 890 1,809 1,567 911 320 43,412 E Tuskawilla Rd to Michael Blake Blvd 4LD E 48,000 37,915 1,020 3,214 1,828 1,332 468 45,777 E Michael Blake Blvd to Tuscora Dr 4LD E 48,000 27,715 390 3,214 1,828 864 353 34,364 D Tuskawilla Rd Trotwood Blvd to SR 434 4LD E 42,560 19,372 427 605 1,306 421 148 22,279 C SR 434 to Blumberg Blvd 2LU D 17,800 5,712 148 495 522 0 0 6,877 A Michael Blake Blvd SR 434 to Tuskawilla Rd 2LU D 17,800 847 1,224 220 266 140 0 2,697 A * Existing Volume X 1.02 The results of the analysis show that the study roadway segments will continue to operate at adequate LOS in the projected conditions. Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 12 Table 6 Projected A.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lns Adopted Projected A.M. PHPD Volume Proj. LOS LOS Stnd Daily Capacity Future Vol* Committed Trips Proj. Trip Total Catalyst Apartments Integra Tuskawilla Crossings Towncenter Commercial Outparcels SR 434 Central Winds Dr to Tuskawilla Rd 4LD E 2,000 1,503 55 43 65 44 16 1,726 D Tuskawilla Rd to Michael Blake Blvd 4LD E 2,000 1,171 63 68 49 64 24 1,439 C Michael Blake Blvd to Tuscora Dr 4LD E 2,000 1,204 24 68 49 47 5 1,397 C Tuskawilla Rd Trotwood Blvd to SR 434 4LD E 2,100 738 26 25 50 23 2 864 B SR 434 to Blumberg Blvd 2L D 830 153 9 2 17 0 0 181 A Michael Blake Blvd SR 434 to Tuskawilla Rd 2L D 830 73 75 1 4 8 0 161 A *Existing Volume X 1.02 Table 7 Projected P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis Roadway Segment No. of Lns Adopted Projected P.M. PHPD Volume Proj. LOS LOS Stnd Daily Capacity Future Vol* Committed Trips Proj.t Trip Total Catalyst Apartments Integra Tuskawilla Crossings Towncenter Commercial Outparcels SR 434 Central Winds Dr to Tuskawilla Rd 4LD E 2,000 1,636 54 60 78 37 16 1,881 E Tuskawilla Rd to Michael Blake Blvd 4LD E 2,000 1,287 62 92 60 54 24 1,579 D Michael Blake Blvd to Tuscora Dr 4LD E 2,000 1,248 24 93 72 31 10 1,478 C Tuskawilla Rd Trotwood Blvd to SR 434 4LD E 2,100 764 26 36 52 15 4 897 B SR 434 to Blumberg Blvd 2L D 830 253 9 3 13 0 0 278 A Michael Blake Blvd SR 434 to Tuskawilla Rd 2L D 830 82 74 1 3 5 0 165 A * Existing Volume X 1.02 Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 13 Intersection Analysis To assess the projected operating conditions at the study intersections, intersection capacity analyses were conducted using projected traffic volumes. The intersections were analyzed using the HCS7 Software in accordance with the procedures of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. Projected peak hour volumes were similarly calculated by applying a growth factor to existing volumes plus approved development trips and project trips. Figures 6 and 7 show the projected peak hour intersection turning volumes for the study intersections. The projected Levels of Service are summarized in Table 8. Table 8 Projected Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection Control Period EB WB NB SB Overall Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS SR 434 & Bear Springs Dr Signal A.M. 13.4 B 19.2 B 67.1 E 67.5 E 17.9 B P.M. 24.9 C 17.0 B 67.2 E 67.6 E 22.9 C SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd Signal A.M. 57.6 E 66.8 E 65.4 E 87.1 F 64.9 E P.M. 86.9 F 63.1 E 82.0 F 82.0 F 78.2 E SR 434 & Michael Blake Blvd STOP A.M. 16.3 C 11.6 B - - 183 F -- -- P.M. 18.0 C 12.2 B - - 68.9 F -- -- Michael Blake Blvd & Site Access Roundabout A.M. 4.0 A 3.4 A 3.8 A 4.5 A 4.1 A P.M. 3.9 A 3.9 A 5.1 A 3.8 A 4.6 A The analysis shows that the study intersections will operate at acceptable overall Levels of Service in the projected conditions except for southbound left turns at Michael Blake Boulevard and SR 434. This is due to delays caused by the stop sign which will continue to prevail until a signal becomes warranted and installed. Detailed printouts of each intersection capacity analysis are included in Appendix G. Projected A.M. Peak HourTraffic VolumesBear Springs DrSR 434Tuskawilla RdMichael Blake BlvdTree Swallow Road[8]81+/75/+<1>+{2}+(24)=183[7][74][97]42+/18/+<1>+{4}+(7)=72(5)41027451,476+/55/+<43>+{65}+[44]+(16)=1,6997591,349+/13/+<52>+{24}+[50]+(5)=1,4934200920+/9/=29153+/9/+{17}=179111+<2>=11349+<2>=511,017+/46/+<43>+{43}+[44]+(16)=1,209110+/17/+<22>+{4}+[20]+(8)=18140+/2/=42789+/11/+<52>+{16}+[50]+(5)=923447+{8}=455486+{22}=508137+/2/+{17}=156152+/4/+<25>+{11}+[23]+(2)=21711+/51/++[32]+(24)=118{2}70+/24/+<1>+[42]+(18)=15511+/3/+<1>+[24]+(5)=441,205+/3/+<68>+{37}+[23]=1,336{12}31+/15/+[73]+(7)=1261,062+<80>+{23}=1,165{4}Legend:00+/00/+<00>+{00}+[00]+(00)=00Total TrafficProject TrafficTown Center Commercial OutparcelTuskawilla Crossings TrafficIntegra Winter Springs TrafficCatalyst AptBackground Traffic(Existing X 1.02){11}{4}{32}SR 434Figure 6NTSNSite Access 2SiteSite Access 1(18)Lot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № Projected P.M. Peak HourTraffic VolumesSR 434Tuskawilla RdMichael Blake Blvd[6]59+/40/+{5}+(14)=118[5][54]=103[72]157+/74/+{3}+(24)=258(18)42040261,363+/29/+<73>+{49}+[32]+(10)=1,556261311,870+/54/+<60>+{78}+[37]+(16)=2,115111041137142+/5/+{13}=160130+/5/+<3>=13863+<3>=66865+/24/+<73>+{33}+[32]+(10)=1,037186+/9/+<36>+{13}+[15]+(4)=26349+/9/=58945+/45/+<60>+{52}+[37]+(16)=1,155585+{26}=611468+{16}=484129+/9/+{13}=151153+/17/+<29>+{8}+[17]+(8)=23215+/27/+[23]+(14)=79{5}16+/13/+<1>+[31]+(10)=7170+/12/+<1>+[18]+(18)=1191,108+/12/+<113>+{38}+[17]=1,288{38}24+/62/+[54]+(24)=1641,062+<92>+{47}=1,201{13}{8}{3}{25}SR 434Figure 7NTSNLegend:00+/00/+<00>+{00}+[00]+(00)=00Total TrafficProject TrafficTown Center Commercial OutparcelTuskawilla Crossings TrafficIntegra Winter Springs TrafficCatalyst AptBackground Traffic(Existing X 1.02)SiteSite Access 1Site Access 2Tree Swallow Road(10)Bear Springs DrLot 5 Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center5060Project № Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 16 Turn Lane Analysis Turn lane analyses were conducted at the intersection of SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard as follows: a) Westbound right turn lane on SR 434 A right tun lane of 274 feet has recently been constructed at this location. The adequacy of this turn lane length was checked as follows: Left Turn Lane Length (TL) = Deceleration Distance (DD) + Queue Length (QL) DD = 240 feet for 50 mph (As per FDOT Index 301) There is no queue length required since right turning vehicles do not stop. Therefore, the existing right turn at this location has an adequate length. b) Eastbound left turn lane on SR 434 This is an existing left turn lane with a total length of 390 feet. The adequacy of this left turn lane was checked as follows: Left Turn Lane Length (TL) = Deceleration Distance (DD) + Queue Length (QL) DD = 240 feet for 50 mph (As per FDOT Index 301) QL = 1.8 * 25 = 45 feet (From HCS Analysis) TL = 240 + 45 = 285 feet The existing left turn lane length is 390 feet and is adequate for the projected left turns at this location. Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 17 c) Southbound turn lanes on Michael Blake Boulevard This is an existing right-turn with a total length of 115 feet. The adequacy of this right-turn was checked as follows: Right Turn Lane Length (TL) = Deceleration Distance (DD) + Queue Length (QL) DD = 145 feet (As per FDOT Index 301, design speed of 30 mph) QL = 1.5 * 25 = 37.5 feet (from HCS7 Analysis) TL = 145 + 37.5 = 182.5 feet The distance between Sea Hawk Cove and SR 434 is adequate to provide a length of approximately 180 feet and this has been provided. The left turn lane on Michael Blake Boulevard is an extension of the southbound through lane where it intersects with SR 434. Therefore, no additional length will be required to accommodate the projected southbound left turn volumes. Lot 5 – Townhomes @ Winter Springs Town Center Project № 5060 Page 18 STUDY CONCLUSIONS This traffic analysis was performed to assess the impact of the proposed townhome development located in the northeast quadrant of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road in Winter Springs, Florida. The proposed development will consist of 114 units to be completed in one year. Access to the site will be provided via access driveways at Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Road. The results of the study as documented herein are summarized below: o The proposed development will generate a total daily traffic volume of 821 vehicle trips, of which 54 will occur in the A.M. peak hour and 66 will occur in the P.M. peak hour. o The study roadway segments currently operate at adequate Levels of Service and will continue to operate at satisfactory Levels of Service when project trips are added. o The study roadway intersections currently operate at satisfactory overall Levels of Service and will continue to operate at adequate Levels of Service in the projected conditions with the completion of the proposed development except for the southbound left turns from Michael Blake Boulevard to SR 434. This is due to delays caused by the stop control at this location. o At the SR 434 and Michael Blake Boulevard intersection, a southbound right turn lane of approximately 180 feet is required and the distance between SR 434 and Sea Hawk Cove is adequate for this purpose. The lengths of the existing eastbound left turn lane and Westbound right turn lane on SR 434 are adequate for the projected traffic volumes. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Seminole County Traffic Count/ LOS Sheet Sta ID Rdway Name Segment Limits 2016 AADT 2017 AADT 284 SR 426 Dean Rd to Chapman Rd 26,621 29,297 285 SR 426 Chapman Rd to Red Bug Lake Rd 29,103 30,160 286 SR 426 Red Bug Lake Rd to Winter Springs Blvd 23,344 24,909 287 SR 426 Winter Springs Blvd to Lake Jesup Ave 16,588 17,339 288 SR 426 Lake Jesup Ave to SR 434 14,849 15,266 289 SR 434 Orange County Line to Chapman Rd 47,852 49,689 290 SR 434 Chapman Rd to Alafaya Woods Blvd 38,633 39,556 291 SR 434 Alafaya Woods to Mitchell Hammock Rd 34,203 34,955 292 SR 434 Mitchell Hammock Rd to SR 426-CR 419 13,037 12,507 293 SR 434 SR 426-CR 419 to DeLeon St 19,183 18,955 294 SR 434 DeLeon St to E-W Expressway 24,056 24,092 295 SR 434 E-W Expressway to Springs Ave 25,977 26,109 296 SR 434 Springs Ave to Tuskawilla Rd 25,682 27,212 297 SR 434 Tuskawilla Rd to SR 419 37,075 37,172 298 SR 434 SR 419 to Belle Ave 24,444 25,749 299 SR 434 Belle Ave to US 17-92 33,431 35,336 300 SR 434 US 17-92 to CR 427 27,789 28,136 301 SR 434 CR 427 to Rangeline Rd 41,825 42,868 302 SR 434 Rangeline Rd to Palm Springs Dr 43,886 46,856 303 SR 434 Palm Springs Dr to Raymond Ave 41,493 45,491 304 SR 434 Raymond Ave to I-4 50,987 50,900 305 SR 434 I-4 to Douglas Ave 57,583 59,290 306 SR 434 Douglas Ave to Wekiva Springs Rd 56,481 55,312 307 SR 434 Wekiva Springs Rd to Sand Lake Rd 38,706 39,910 308 SR 434 Sand Lake Rd to SR 436 38,954 39,479 309A SR 434 SR 436 to W. Town Pkwy 45,780 46,134 309B SR 434 W. Town Pkwy to Trailwood Dr 51,975 50,391 309C SR 434 Trailwood Dr to SR 414 46,521 47,090 310 SR 436 Orange County Line to Howell Branch Rd 51,425 56,914 311 SR 436 Howell Branch Road to Lake Howell Rd 59,672 57,731 311A SR 436 Lake Howell Rd to Red Bug Lake Rd 59,680 67,103 312 SR 436 Red Bug Lake Rd to US 17-92 69,041 76,335 313 SR 436 US 17-92 to CR 427 (Longwood Ave) 47,223 49,654 314 SR 436 CR 427 (Longwood) to CR 427 (Maitland) 54,560 60,081 315 SR 436 CR 427 (Maitland) to Palm Springs Dr 58,756 59,856 316 SR 436 Palm Springs Dr to Northlake Blvd 60,391 76,693 317 SR 436 Northlake Blvd to I-4 East Ramp 69,807 75,221 318 SR 436 I-4 East Ramp to Wymore-Douglas 55,325 56,354 319 SR 436 Wymore-Douglas to Lynchfield Ave 58,859 57,826 320 SR 436 Lynchfield Ave to Montgomery Rd 58,030 66,028 320A SR 436 Montgomery Rd to SR 434 58,535 64,771 321 SR 436 SR 434 to Bear Lake Rd 53,893 54,861 322 SR 436 Bear Lake Rd to Hunt Club Blvd 56,678 57,749 323 SR 436 Hunt Club Blvd to Orange County Line 50,013 49,504 324 Tangerine Ave Howell Branch Rd to Orange County Line 3,940 4,202 325 Triplet Lake US 17-92 to N. Triplet Lake Dr 2,571 2,159 Sta ID Rdway Name Segment Limits 2016 AADT 2017 AADT 326 Tuskawilla Rd SR 434 to Trotwood Blvd 19,383 18,992 327 Tuskawilla Rd Trotwood Blvd to Winter Springs Blvd 19,751 19,732 328 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs Blvd to Dyson Dr 22,925 23,656 329 Tuskawilla Rd Dyson Dr to E Lake Dr 27,006 30,336 330 Tuskawilla Rd E Lake Dr to Eagle Blvd 34,965 35,885 331 Tuskawilla Rd Eagle Blvd to Red Bug Lake Rd 35,737 36,271 332 Tuskawilla Rd Red Bug Lake Rd to Dike Rd 32,744 34,275 333 Tuskawilla Rd Dike Rd to SR 426 28,691 30,847 334 Upsala Rd SR 46 to Coastline Rd 8,830 8,482 335 Upsala Rd Coastline Rd to Central Park Dr 6,945 7,539 336 Upsala Rd East 90 Turn to CR 46A 11,659 11,785 337 US 17-92 Orange County Line to Lake of the Woods 53,750 57,894 338 US 17-92 Lake of the Wood to SR 436 52,476 55,022 339 US 17-92 SR 436 to Triplet Lake Dr 53,042 58,256 340 US 17-92 Triplet Lake Dr to Seminola-Dogtrack 49,705 49,493 341 US 17-92 Seminola-Dogtrack to SR 434 50,226 51,229 341A US 17-92 SR 434 to Shepard Rd 36,433 39,268 342 US 17-92 Shepard Rd to General Hutchison Pkwy 35,003 36,498 342A US 17-92 General Hutchison to CR 427/SR 419 42,843 44,231 343 US 17-92 CR 427-SR 419 to CR 427 38,912 344 US 17-92 CR 427 to Lake Mary Blvd 32,002 345 US 17-92 Lake Mary Blvd to Airport Blvd 41,057 40,941 346 US 17-92 Airport Blvd to CR 46A 22,822 24,044 347 US 17-92 CR 46A to SR 46 25,673 27,513 348 US 17-92 SR 46 to Seminole Blvd 13,964 13,973 349 US 17-92 Seminole Blvd to Oak Dr 15,948 17,002 350 US 17-92 Oak Dr to CR 15 (Upsala Rd) 17,101 18,335 351 US 17-92 CR 15 (Upsala Rd) to Volusia County Line 26,367 32,317 352 US 441 Orange County Line to Orange County Line 31,698 30,670 353 Wekiva Springs Ln SR 434 to Wekiva Springs Rd 3,712 3,505 354 Wekiva Springs Rd Orange County Line to Hunt Club Blvd 16,240 16,364 355 Wekiva Springs Rd Hunt Club Blvd to Fox Valley Dr 21,079 21,558 356 Wekiva Springs Rd Fox Valley Dr to E Lake Brantley Dr 25,721 26,520 357 Wekiva Springs Rd E Lakre Brantley Dr to SR 434 28,956 28,298 358 West Lake Brantley (E) Sand Lake Rd to SR 436 5,409 5,221 359 West Lake Brantley (W) Sand Lake Rd to Jennifer Hope Blvd 4,378 4,172 360 West Lake Brantley (W) Jennifer Hope Blvd to Westwood Dr 2,733 2,525 361 W Wekiva Trl Hunt Club Blvd to Canterclub Trail 4,371 4,138 362 W Wekiva Trl Canterclub Trail to Hunt Club Blvd 2,272 2,228 363 Winter Park Dr SR 436 to Wilshire Blvd 12,084 11,947 364 Winter Park Dr Wilshire Blvd to Queen's Mirror Cir 11,770 11,628 365 Winter Park Dr Queen's Mirror Cir to Crystal Bowl Cir 12,540 12,598 366 Winter Park Dr Crystal Bowl Cir to Seminola Blvd 12,781 12,374 367 Wymore Rd SR 436 to Westmonte Dr 14,276 13,926 368 Wymore Rd Westmonte Dr to Spring Lake Hills Dr 16,734 16,913 369 Wymore Rd Spring Lake Hills Dr to Lake Destiny Rd 13,615 13,188 RKEY Roadway Name From To S3435 S.R. 434 Raymond Ave I-4 East Ramp Committed Trips 173,802 Net Available Capacity -181,502 Current Traffic Count 55,700 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3440 S.R. 434 Palm Springs Dr Raymond Ave Committed Trips 122,305 Net Available Capacity -106,455 Current Traffic Count 44,150 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 S3445 S.R. 434 C.R. 427 Palm Springs Dr Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 607 Current Traffic Count 47,393 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3450 S.R. 434 U.S. 17-92 C.R. 427 Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 21,447 Current Traffic Count 26,553 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3455 S.R. 434 Moss Rd U.S. 17-92 Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 12,796 Current Traffic Count 35,204 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3460 S.R. 434 S.R. 419 Moss Rd Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 21,570 Current Traffic Count 26,430 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3465 S.R. 434 Tuskawilla Rd S.R. 419 Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 8,348 Current Traffic Count 39,652 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3470 S.R. 434 S.R. 417 Tuskawilla Rd Committed Trips 293 Net Available Capacity 18,663 Current Traffic Count 29,044 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 S3475 S.R. 434 DeLeon Ave S.R. 417 Committed Trips 293 Net Available Capacity -7,717 Current Traffic Count 25,694 Roadway Link Capacity 18,270 Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Page 22 of 30 This information has been provided by Tony Nelson, P.E. at Seminole County Engineering and is current information as of the above referenced date. RKEY Roadway Name From To TSK90 Tuskawilla Rd S.R. 434 Winter Springs Blvd Committed Trips 0 Net Available Capacity 21,850 Current Traffic Count 20,710 Roadway Link Capacity 42,560 U1700 U.S. 17-92 Lake of the Woods Blvd Orange County Line Committed Trips 392 Net Available Capacity 4,771 Current Traffic Count 54,837 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1705 U.S. 17-92 S.R. 436 Lake of the Woods Blvd Committed Trips 629 Net Available Capacity 3,961 Current Traffic Count 55,410 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1710 U.S. 17-92 Triplett Lake Dr S.R. 436 Committed Trips 44 Net Available Capacity -933 Current Traffic Count 60,889 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1715 U.S. 17-92 Dog Track Rd/Seminola Blvd Triplett Lake Dr Committed Trips 15 Net Available Capacity 6,608 Current Traffic Count 53,377 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1720 U.S. 17-92 S.R. 434 Seminola-Dogtrack Rd Committed Trips 50 Net Available Capacity 3,371 Current Traffic Count 56,579 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1725 U.S. 17-92 Shepard Rd S.R. 434 Committed Trips 120 Net Available Capacity 22,078 Current Traffic Count 37,802 Roadway Link Capacity 60,000 U1728 U.S. 17-92 S.R. 419/C.R. 427 Shepard Rd Committed Trips 105 Net Available Capacity 2,414 Current Traffic Count 45,481 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 U1730 U.S. 17-92 C.R. 427 S.R. 419/C.R. 427 Committed Trips 105 Net Available Capacity 13,752 Current Traffic Count 34,143 Roadway Link Capacity 48,000 Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Page 28 of 30 This information has been provided by Tony Nelson, P.E. at Seminole County Engineering and is current information as of the above referenced date. APPENDIX B Intersection Counts and Signal Timing Data TRUE DATE:CITY: LATITUDE:FALSETRUE LOCATION:COUNTY:LONGITUDE:FALSE 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND N/S EASTBOUND WESTBOUND E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 6 0 4 0 10 20 0 6 0 26 36 29 282 1 0 312 0 289 14 0 303 615 651 07:15 AM 2 0 8 0 10 23 1 9 0 33 43 7 308 1 0 316 0 391 15 0 406 722 765 07:30 AM 6 0 12 0 18 9 0 8 0 17 35 3 291 2 2 298 1 393 6 0 400 698 733 07:45 AM 10 0 3 1 14 2 0 9 0 11 25 18 318 0 0 336 1 350 6 1 358 694 719 TOTAL 24 0 27 1 52 54 1 32 0 87 139 57 1,199 4 2 1,262 2 1,423 41 1 1,467 2,729 2,868 08:00 AM 3 0 0 0 3 8 0 12 0 20 23 7 321 0 1 329 0 382 4 1 387 716 739 08:15 AM 2 0 3 0 5 8 0 8 0 16 21 19 307 2 1 329 1 377 18 0 396 725 746 08:30 AM 3 0 3 0 6 8 0 11 0 19 25 12 377 2 0 391 1 338 16 2 357 748 773 08:45 AM 4 1 4 0 9 10 0 5 0 15 24 7 277 0 2 286 2 257 4 2 265 551 575 TOTAL 12 1 10 0 23 34 0 36 0 70 93 45 1,282 4 4 1,335 4 1,354 42 5 1,405 2,740 2,833 04:00 PM 0 1 1 0 2 9 1 1 0 11 13 10 313 3 0 326 1 325 11 6 343 669 682 04:15 PM 1 0 0 0 1 6 0 7 0 13 14 16 361 3 0 380 2 321 8 6 337 717 731 04:30 PM 5 0 5 0 10 5 0 9 0 14 24 21 394 2 0 417 7 324 9 8 348 765 789 04:45 PM 5 1 8 0 14 2 0 10 0 12 26 18 407 4 0 429 4 302 7 5 318 747 773 TOTAL 11 2 14 0 27 22 1 27 0 50 77 65 1,475 12 0 1,552 14 1,272 35 25 1,346 2,898 2,975 05:00 PM 4 2 5 0 11 12 0 8 0 20 31 36 451 3 0 490 4 329 7 1 341 831 862 05:15 PM 3 1 1 0 5 8 0 6 0 14 19 30 466 5 0 501 3 327 6 4 340 841 860 05:30 PM 1 0 2 0 3 9 0 18 0 27 30 33 465 1 0 499 3 349 7 4 363 862 892 05:45 PM 2 1 3 0 6 10 0 9 0 19 25 29 451 2 0 482 3 331 5 3 342 824 849 TOTAL 10 4 11 0 25 39 0 41 0 80 105 128 1,833 11 0 1,972 13 1,336 25 12 1,386 3,358 3,463 AM Peak 0.963 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM PM Peak 0.971 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM 1AM14 PM 41 0 39 0MID14PM22AM400260 2 4 4 1Daily2M AM PM44 251,447 1,336 3 13 N 4 1202O128561,833 1,323 11 4 PM AM L 1 4 4 2 1 18 0 9 AM 243214010411PM41Bears Springs DrNorthboundBears Springs DrWestboundEastboundSR 434 SR 434 25 12 1,386 3,358 3,463 Southbound North 1,833 11 0 1,972 13 1,3360410801051281041102539 44 4 1,498 2,883 2,977 Peak Hour Factor: 1,323 4 2 1,385 3 1,4470400669456180912826 Bears Springs Dr Bears Springs Dr SR 434 SR 434 Peak Hour Factor: 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Cars and Trucks) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 Bears Springs Dr & SR 434 Seminole County 0 DATE:CITY: LATITUDE: LOCATION:COUNTY:LONGITUDE:0 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME N/S E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 0 8 0 0 8 21 21 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 5 0 7 0 0 7 12 13 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 5 0 0 5 16 16 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 8 1 0 9 17 17 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 37 0 0 37 0 28 1 0 29 66 67 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 7 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 5 13 14 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 7 0 0 7 19 19 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 9 0 0 9 16 16 08:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 6 0 0 6 17 17 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 37 0 0 38 0 27 0 0 27 65 66 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 6 9 9 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 9 0 0 9 11 11 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 8 0 0 8 11 11 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 4 6 6 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 26 1 0 27 37 37 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 6 7 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 3 4 4 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 5 5 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 7 0 10 0 0 10 17 18 AM Peak 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM PM Peak 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM 187010001011070000000001017 0 30 65 6613400350 WESTBOUND 0 0 0 0 0 Bears Springs Dr & SR 434 Seminole County Bears Springs Dr Bears Springs Dr SR 434 SR 434 0 0 1 0 1 1 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 29 1 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Trucks Only) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 TRUE DATE:CITY: LATITUDE:FALSETRUE LOCATION:COUNTY: LONGITUDE:FALSE 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND N/S EASTBOUND WESTBOUND E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 122 80 21 0 223 24 54 4 0 82 305 17 171 102 0 290 20 196 28 1 245 535 840 07:15 AM 112 25 35 0 172 28 59 8 0 95 267 4 206 141 0 351 35 291 6 1 333 684 951 07:30 AM 133 13 50 0 196 23 21 4 0 48 244 10 192 101 1 304 34 281 2 2 319 623 867 07:45 AM 109 16 43 0 168 34 16 4 0 54 222 7 205 94 0 306 14 229 12 1 256 562 784 TOTAL 476 134 149 0 759 109 150 20 0 279 1,038 38 774 438 1 1,251 103 997 48 5 1,153 2,404 3,442 08:00 AM 127 17 36 0 180 15 19 8 0 42 222 16 182 120 0 318 36 229 6 3 274 592 814 08:15 AM 127 17 34 0 178 16 17 13 0 46 224 11 191 117 0 319 44 273 14 1 332 651 875 08:30 AM 116 19 45 0 180 21 23 4 0 48 228 9 205 149 1 364 33 198 10 0 241 605 833 08:45 AM 97 25 62 0 184 25 25 3 0 53 237 7 174 150 1 332 44 177 17 1 239 571 808 TOTAL 467 78 177 0 722 77 84 28 0 189 911 43 752 536 2 1,333 157 877 47 5 1,086 2,419 3,330 04:00 PM 133 23 38 0 194 31 31 11 0 73 267 7 198 124 0 329 33 202 15 3 253 582 849 04:15 PM 129 31 30 0 190 16 26 8 0 50 240 11 232 125 0 368 26 193 13 1 233 601 841 04:30 PM 144 26 39 0 209 31 41 6 0 78 287 6 268 134 0 408 30 195 18 2 245 653 940 04:45 PM 100 30 43 0 173 35 35 18 0 88 261 16 222 162 0 400 44 191 17 1 253 653 914 TOTAL 506 110 150 0 766 113 133 43 0 289 1,055 40 920 545 0 1,505 133 781 63 7 984 2,489 3,544 05:00 PM 115 29 37 0 181 33 32 10 0 75 256 16 247 116 3 382 50 222 16 3 291 673 929 05:15 PM 118 27 24 0 169 22 30 1 0 53 222 7 237 141 1 386 38 214 13 2 267 653 875 05:30 PM 126 40 46 0 212 37 42 7 0 86 298 5 220 155 0 380 41 221 16 3 281 661 959 05:45 PM 119 32 43 0 194 28 37 6 0 71 265 4 225 150 0 379 35 193 14 2 244 623 888 TOTAL 478 128 150 0 756 120 141 24 0 285 1,041 32 929 562 4 1,527 164 850 59 10 1,083 2,610 3,651 AM Peak 0.905 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM PM Peak 0.959 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM 1AM 1 4 PM 36 139 127 0MID 1 4PM 2 2 AM 20 150 109 0 2441 Daily 2 AM PM 48 62997 848103 173594144 38 926 774 574 438 PM AM 1442 0 476 134 149 AM 2432140 459 126 150 PM 41Tuskawilla RdNorthboundTuskawilla RWestboundEastboundSR 434 SR 434 62 9 1,092 2,640 3,677 Southbound North 926 574 4 1,548 173 848139 36 0 302 1,037 44459 126 150 0 735 127 48 5 1,153 2,404 3,442 Peak Hour Factor: 774 438 1 1,251 103 997150 20 0 279 1,038 38476 134 149 0 759 109 Tuskawilla Rd Tuskawilla Rd SR 434 SR 434 Peak Hour Factor: 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Cars and Trucks) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 Tuskawilla Rd & SR 434 Seminole County 0 DATE:CITY: LATITUDE: LOCATION:COUNTY: LONGITUDE:0 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME N/S E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 20002 00000205409 160071618 07:15 AM 10102 00000205308 160071517 07:30 AM 00000 10001105409 040041314 07:45 AM 10001 10001203508 091010 18 20 TOTAL 40105 20002701816034 2251 028 62 69 08:00 AM 20103 00101405106 040041014 08:15 AM 20002 0000021102 013 240061921 08:30 AM 40004 00000407209 070071620 08:45 AM 30003 000003164011 240061720 TOTAL 1101012 00101132289 039 4190 023 62 75 04:00 PM 30003 11002503104 04004813 04:15 PM 20103 00000302103 0101 011 14 17 04:30 PM 10001 00000107108 190010 18 19 04:45 PM 11002 00000203003 0400479 TOTAL 71109 11002110153 018 1271 029 47 58 05:00 PM 00000 00000006006 040041010 05:15 PM 00000 00000001001 0200233 05:30 PM 20002 00000201001 0200235 05:45 PM 00000 00000000000 0000000 TOTAL 20002 00000208008 080081618 AM Peak 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM PM Peak 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM 27110120 012040110031004000023 0 2862690 18 16 0 34 2 WESTBOUND 40105 Tuskawilla Rd & SR 434 Seminole County Tuskawilla Rd Tuskawilla Rd SR 434 SR 434 200027 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 25 1 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Trucks Only) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 TRUE DATE:CITY: LATITUDE:FALSETRUE LOCATION:COUNTY:LONGITUDE:FALSE 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND N/S EASTBOUND WESTBOUND E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 2 0 17 17 4 204 0 1 209 0 255 3 0 258 467 484 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 1 0 14 14 2 273 0 2 277 0 333 5 0 338 615 629 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 17 17 3 258 0 5 266 0 318 0 1 319 585 602 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 3 0 19 19 4 269 0 3 276 0 262 1 0 263 539 558 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 6 0 67 67 13 1,004 0 11 1,028 0 1,168 9 1 1,178 2,206 2,273 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 7 0 30 30 3 241 0 8 252 0 268 5 0 273 525 555 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 3 0 10 10 0 227 0 2 229 0 331 4 0 335 564 574 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 1 296 0 2 299 0 252 0 0 252 551 556 08:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 2 0 16 16 1 250 0 4 255 0 233 5 0 238 493 509 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 12 0 61 61 5 1,014 0 16 1,035 0 1,084 14 0 1,098 2,133 2,194 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 7 7 6 255 0 2 263 0 253 8 0 261 524 531 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 5 7 271 0 3 281 0 235 12 0 247 528 533 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 4 4 3 342 0 2 347 0 247 8 0 255 602 606 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 3 0 8 8 7 292 0 3 302 0 250 2 0 252 554 562 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 11 0 24 24 23 1,160 0 10 1,193 0 985 30 0 1,015 2,208 2,232 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 5 5 1 321 0 1 323 0 279 10 1 290 613 618 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 9 9 6 277 0 3 286 0 266 14 0 280 566 575 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 10 10 6 305 0 2 313 0 286 26 0 312 625 635 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 7 7 5 286 0 0 291 0 255 19 0 274 565 572 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 15 0 31 31 18 1,189 0 6 1,213 0 1,086 69 1 1,156 2,369 2,400 AM Peak 0.932 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM PM Peak 0.945 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM 1AM14 PM 15 0 16 0MID14PM22AM110690 2 4 4 1Daily2M AM PM11 691,181 1,086 0 0 N 1 1618O18121,189 1,041 0 0 PM AM L 1 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 AM 2432140000PM41 Michael Blake Bv SR 434 SR 434 Peak Hour Factor: 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Cars and Trucks) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 Michael Blake Bv & SR 434 Seminole County 0 0 11 0 80 80 120000069 11 1 1,193 2,264 2,344 Peak Hour Factor: 1,041 0 18 1,071 0 1,181 0 15 0 31 31 180000016 69 1 1,156 2,369 2,400 Southbound North 1,189 0 6 1,213 0 1,086 NorthboundMichael Blake BvWestboundEastboundSR 434 SR 434 DATE:CITY: LATITUDE: LOCATION:COUNTY:LONGITUDE:0 10 11 12 2 3 4 14 15 16 6 7 8 TIME N/S E/W GRAND BEGIN L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL L T R U-turn TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 2 2 0 4 11 11 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 7 0 0 7 12 12 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 6 15 15 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 6 0 9 1 0 10 16 16 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26 0 0 27 0 24 3 0 27 54 54 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 7 0 0 7 0 4 1 0 5 12 13 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 5 15 15 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 7 0 0 7 13 13 08:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 8 0 0 8 14 14 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 29 0 0 29 0 24 1 0 25 54 55 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 5 5 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 11 0 0 11 17 17 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 13 0 0 13 20 20 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 4 7 7 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 31 0 0 31 49 49 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 3 7 7 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 3 0 0 3 8 8 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 4 5 5 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 10 20 20 AM Peak 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM PM Peak 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM 15 MINUTE TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS (Trucks Only) October 31, 2018 (Wednesday)Winter Springs 0 WESTBOUND 0 0 0 0 0 Michael Blake Bv & SR 434 Seminole County Michael Blake Bv SR 434 SR 434 0 0 1 0 1 1 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND 26 2 0 28 55 5612600270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 201001000100001000 Name IP Direction WL ET ST EL WT NT Gate Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Phase/OL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 4 6 8 Type VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH OLP OLP OLP OLP PED PED PED PED Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 7 8 Min Grn 6 15 6 6 6 15 6 6 6 6 6 6 Passage 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 6 10 10 6 Max 1 15 70 50 65 15 70 65 50 65 65 65 65 Max 2 15 70 50 65 15 70 65 50 65 65 65 65 Yel Clr 4.8 4.9 4.8 3.4 4.9 4.9 3.4 4.8 4.8 3.4 3.4 4.8 Red Clr 2.6 2 3.9 4.1 2.4 2 4.1 3.9 3.9 4.1 4.1 3.9 Walk 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ped Clr 33 40 21 41 40 41 Red Rvrt 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Added Init Max Initial Max3 Limit Max3 Step Time B-4 Cars B-4 Time to Reduce By Min Gap Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Assign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Enable X X X X X X X X Max2 Min ®X X Max Inh Max ®Cnf Ph 7 8 3 4 Ped ® Soft ®Assign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lock Call X X X X X X Max2 Flash Ent X X Max Inh Flash Exit X X 7 8 3 4 Dual Entry X X X X X X Sim Gap X X Assign Cond Serv Max2 Reservice Max Inh Cnf Phase 7 8 3 4 Grn Yel Red Overlap - A 1 4.5 2 Overlap - B 2 4.5 2 Overlap - C 3 4.5 2 Overlap - D 4 4.5 2 Overlap - E 5 4.5 2 Overlap - F 6 4.5 2 Overlap - G 7 4.5 2 Overlap - H 8 4.5 2 Overlap - I 9 4.5 2 Overlap - J 10 4.5 2 Overlap - K 11 4.5 2 Overlap - L 12 4.5 2 Overlap - M 13 4.5 2 Overlap - N 14 4.5 2 Overlap - O 15 4.5 2 Overlap - P 16 4.5 2 X Enbl Trk Grn Min Dwl Pre Run 1 OFF Pre Run 2 OFF Pre Run 3 ON 3 8 1 5 Pre Run 4 ON 4 7 1 5 Pre Run 5 ON 2 5 2 6 Pre Run 6 ON 1 6 2 6 Seminole County Traffic Engineering Timing Sheet Intersection: SR 434 @ 35-Tuskawilla Rd #2392 SR434 Tuskawilla SR434 Tuskawilla Mask Port #5083 Com ID #1365Ph Mode STD8 Node #2392 Date 7-Feb-17 Done By EPrincipe Free Seq 9 Phase Times Alt Phase Times 1 Assign Min Grn Passage Max 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr Walk Ped Clr Alt Phase Times 2 Assign Min Grn Ped Clr Phase Options Alt Phase Opt 1 Passage Max 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr Walk Alt Phase Opt 2 Cnf Ph Alt Phase Opt 3 Cnf Ph Included Phase Modifier Phase NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL Track Phase Track Overlap Dwell Phase Dwell Overlap Exit Phase 1 2392 TS SR 434 @ Tuskawilla Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evnt Hr Min Act Split 1 27 67 58 28 18 76 28 58 Sun 1 99 Mon 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 10 8 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 10 30 18 D 3 6 45 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 11 8 A 4 7 10 21 Split 2 18 49 33 30 18 49 30 33 Y 5 12 30 18 Y 5 7 30 1 Coord Ph X 6 13 8 6 9 30 2 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 19 30 99 P 7 13 30 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 14 15 13 Split 3 19 54 43 24 18 55 24 43 A 9 A 9 14 45 3 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 16 4 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 19 5 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 12 2 12 20 30 99 Split 4 23 82 40 25 18 87 25 40 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 5 18 48 28 26 18 48 26 28 Tue 1 99 Wed 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 6 30 1 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 6 45 11 D 3 6 45 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 7 10 21 A 4 7 10 21 Split 6 18 49 28 25 18 49 25 28 Y 5 7 30 1 Y 5 7 30 1 Coord Ph X 6 9 30 2 6 9 30 2 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 13 30 3 P 7 13 15 13 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 14 15 13 L 8 13 45 3 Split 7 A 9 14 45 3 A 9 16 4 Coord Ph X N 10 16 4 N 10 19 5 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 19 5 11 20 30 99 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 12 20 30 99 4 12 Split 8 18 49 28 25 18 49 25 28 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 9 Thur 1 99 Fri 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 6 30 1 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 6 45 11 D 3 6 45 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 7 10 21 A 4 7 10 21 Split 10 Y 5 7 30 1 Y 5 7 30 1 Coord Ph X 6 9 30 2 6 9 30 2 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 13 30 3 P 7 13 30 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 14 15 13 L 8 14 15 13 Split 11 23 45 78 34 20 48 34 78 A 9 14 45 3 A 9 14 45 3 Coord Ph X N 10 16 4 N 10 16 4 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 19 5 11 19 5 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 12 20 30 99 6 12 20 30 99 Split 12 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 13 20 42 30 48 18 44 48 30 Sat 1 99 Spc 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 8 6 Plan 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 20 99 D 3 6 45 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 7 10 21 Split 14 Y 5 Y 5 7 30 1 Coord Ph X 6 6 9 30 2 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 11 15 13 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 12 2 Split 15 A 9 A 9 13 30 3 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 16 4 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 19 5 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 12 8 12 20 30 99 Split 16 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Coordination Splits 1-16 Day Plans 1-8 2 2392 TS SR 434 @ Tuskawilla Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 17 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 18 18 34 28 40 18 34 40 28 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 19 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 12 10 12 Split 20 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 21 20 49 55 56 20 49 55 56 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAX NON NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 22 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 23 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 12 12 Split 24 13 13 Coord Ph X OFF 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 25 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 26 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 27 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 12 14 12 Split 28 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 29 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 30 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 31 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 12 16 12 Split 32 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXNON NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Coordination Splits 17-32 Day Plans 9-16 3 2392 TS SR 434 @ Tuskawilla on Act C O SP Seq TM OPT Det CIR Sh Lng No S No S Yld Mx2 Flt R Hld In1 In2 In3 In4 In5 In6 In7 In8 YINH Pattern - 1 1 180 176 1 5 1 12 22 X Pattern - 2 2 130 80 2 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 3 3 140 92 3 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 4 4 170 77 4 5 2 12 22 X X Pattern - 5 5 120 11 5 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 6 6 120 41 6 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 7 7 7 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 8 8 120 41 8 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 9 9 9 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 10 10 10 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 11 11 180 147 11 5 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 12 12 12 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 13 13 140 92 13 9 2 12 22 X X Pattern - 14 14 14 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 15 15 15 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 16 16 16 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 17 17 17 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 18 18 120 41 18 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 19 19 19 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 20 20 20 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 21 21 180 176 21 9 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 22 22 22 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 23 23 23 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 24 24 24 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 25 25 25 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 26 26 26 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 27 27 27 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 28 28 28 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 29 29 29 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 30 30 30 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 31 31 31 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 32 32 32 9 1 12 22 X Pattern - 33 33 32 9 1 1 Pattern - 34 34 9 Pattern - 35 35 9 Pattern - 36 36 9 Pattern - 37 37 9 Pattern - 38 38 9 Pattern - 39 39 9 Pattern - 40 40 9 Pattern - 41 41 9 Pattern - 42 42 9 Pattern - 43 43 9 Pattern - 44 44 9 Pattern - 45 45 9 Pattern - 46 46 9 Pattern - 47 47 9 Pattern - 48 48 9 Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Detector 1 1 6 17 33 49 Detector 2 2 18 34 50 Detector 3 2 19 35 51 Detector 4 4 20 36 52 Detector 5 4 21 37 53 Detector 6 5 2 22 38 54 Detector 7 6 23 39 55 Detector 8 6 24 40 56 Detector 9 6 25 41 57 Detector 10 6 26 42 58 Detector 11 8 27 43 59 Detector 12 8 28 44 60 Detector 13 8 29 45 61 Detector 14 30 46 62 Detector 15 31 47 63 Detector 16 32 48 64 4 2392 TS SR 434 @ Tuskawilla P6 P6 6 1 P6 P6 P8 P4 W E 5 6 4 1 2 2R 8 5 P2 P2 P8 P4 2 P2 P2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 P6 P6 6 1 P6 P6 P4 P8 5 6 4 1 2 2R 8 5 P2 P2 P4 P8 2 P2 P2 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8Ring 2 Ring 1 Ring 2 Tuskawilla Rd S.R. 434 Seq 9 Ring 1 N Tuskawilla Rd S.R. 434 S Cabinet Seq 5 Intersection Notes T.O.D Notes Intersection set as concurent sides. But operates as Q-Seq due to Intersection re-timed January 2017. set up of controller (phases enabled and conflicting phases).Patterns 11,13 & 21 are used for High School AM rush with Alt Time Plan 1. Phases 1 + 5 are 5-sect. and Det. Switched.Alt Time Plan 1 to allow higher extend times to phase 4 for PM school 2R hardwired to Phase 8.rush time. 5 2392 TS SR 434 @ Tuskawilla Name IP Direction WL ET ST EL WT SL NT Gate Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Phase/OL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 Type VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH VEH OLP OLP OLP OLP PED PED PED PED Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Min Grn 6 15 8 6 15 6 8 Passage 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 Max 1 30 70 25 30 70 20 20 Max 2 30 70 20 30 70 20 20 Yel Clr 4.8 4.8 3.4 4.8 4.8 3.4 3.4 Red Clr 2.3 2 3.8 2.4 2 2.9 3.8 Walk 7 7 7 7 Ped Clr 19 32 19 31 Red Rvrt 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Added Init Max Initial Max3 Limit Max3 Step Time B-4 Cars B-4 Time to Reduce By Min Gap Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Assign 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Enable X X X X X X X Max2 Min ®X X Max Inh Max ®Cnf Ph Ped ® Soft ®Assign 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Lock Call X X X X Max2 Flash Ent X X Max Inh Flash Exit X X Dual Entry X X X X Sim Gap X X Assign Cond Serv Max2 Reservice Max Inh Cnf Phase Grn Yel Red Overlap - A 1 4.5 2 Overlap - B 2 4.5 2 Overlap - C 3 4.5 2 Overlap - D 4 4.5 2 Overlap - E 5 4.5 2 Overlap - F 6 4.5 2 Overlap - G 7 4.5 2 Overlap - H 8 4.5 2 Overlap - I 9 4.5 2 Overlap - J 10 4.5 2 Overlap - K 11 4.5 2 Overlap - L 12 4.5 2 Overlap - M 13 4.5 2 Overlap - N 14 4.5 2 Overlap - O 15 4.5 2 Overlap - P 16 4.5 2 X Enbl Trk Grn Min Dwl Pre Run 1 OFF Pre Run 2 OFF Pre Run 3 ON 8 4 8 Pre Run 4 ON 4 7 4 8 Pre Run 5 ON 2 5 2 6 Pre Run 6 ON 1 6 2 6 Seminole County Traffic Engineering Timing Sheet Intersection: SR 434 @ 34-Doran Dr #12076 SR 434 Bear Spgs SR 434 Bear Spgs Mask Port #5082 Com ID #1360Ph Mode STD8 Node #12076 Date 7-Feb-17 Done By EPrincipe Free Seq 1 Phase Times Alt Phase Times 1 Assign Min Grn Passage Max 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr Walk Ped Clr Alt Phase Times 2 Assign Min Grn Ped Clr Phase Options Alt Phase Opt 1 Passage Max 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr Walk Alt Phase Opt 2 Cnf Ph Alt Phase Opt 3 Cnf Ph Included Phase Modifier Phase NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL Track Phase Track Overlap Dwell Phase Dwell Overlap Exit Phase 1 12076 TS SR 434 @ Doran Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evnt Hr Min Act Split 1 18 117 45 18 117 18 27 Sun 1 99 Mon 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 10 8 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 19 30 99 D 3 9 30 2 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 13 30 3 Split 2 18 75 37 20 73 18 19 Y 5 Y 5 14 20 13 Coord Ph X 6 6 14 45 3 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 15 15 13 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 15 45 3 Split 3 18 85 37 19 84 18 19 A 9 A 9 16 4 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 19 5 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 20 30 99 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 12 2 12 Split 4 18 115 37 24 109 18 19 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 5 20 63 37 20 63 18 19 Tue 1 99 Wed 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 6 30 1 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 9 30 2 D 3 9 30 2 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 13 30 3 A 4 13 15 3 Split 6 18 65 37 19 64 18 19 Y 5 14 20 13 Y 5 14 20 13 Coord Ph X 6 14 45 3 6 14 45 3 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 15 15 13 P 7 15 15 13 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 15 45 3 L 8 15 45 3 Split 7 A 9 16 4 A 9 16 4 Coord Ph X N 10 19 5 N 10 19 5 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 20 30 99 11 20 30 99 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 12 4 12 Split 8 18 65 37 19 64 18 19 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 9 Thur 1 99 Fri 1 99 Coord Ph X 2 6 30 1 2 6 30 1 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 9 30 2 D 3 9 30 2 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 13 30 3 A 4 13 30 3 Split 10 Y 5 14 20 13 Y 5 14 20 13 Coord Ph X 6 14 45 3 6 14 45 3 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 15 15 13 P 7 15 15 13 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 15 45 3 L 8 15 45 3 Split 11 A 9 16 4 A 9 16 4 Coord Ph X N 10 19 5 N 10 19 5 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 20 30 99 11 20 30 99 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 12 6 12 Split 12 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 13 18 85 37 19 84 18 19 Sat 1 99 Spc 1 Coord Ph X 2 8 6 Plan 2 Mode NON MAX OMT NON NON MAX NON NON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 20 99 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 14 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 15 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 12 8 12 Split 16 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Coordination Splits 1-16 Day Plans 1-8 2 12076 TS SR 434 @ Doran Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 17 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 18 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 19 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 12 10 12 Split 20 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 21 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 22 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 23 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 12 12 Split 24 13 13 Coord Ph X OFF 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 25 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 26 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 27 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 12 14 12 Split 28 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Evt Hr Min Act Evt Hr Min Act Split 29 Spc 1 Spc 1 Coord Ph X Plan 2 Plan 2 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT D 3 D 3 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A 4 A 4 Split 30 Y 5 Y 5 Coord Ph X 6 6 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT P 7 P 7 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L 8 L 8 Split 31 A 9 A 9 Coord Ph X N 10 N 10 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 11 11 Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 12 16 12 Split 32 13 13 Coord Ph X 14 14 Mode NON MAXOMT NONNONMAX NONNON OMT OMTOMT OMTOMT OMT OMTOMT 15 15 Coordination Splits 17-32 Day Plans 9-16 3 12076 TS SR 434 @ Doran on Act C O SP Seq TM OPT Det CIR Sh Lng No S No S Yld Mx2 Flt R Hld In1 In2 In3 In4 In5 In6 In7 In8 YINH Pattern - 1 1 180 57 1 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 2 2 130 92 2 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 3 3 140 109 3 1 2 12 22 X X Pattern - 4 4 170 114 4 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 5 5 120 12 5 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 6 6 120 52 6 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 7 7 7 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 8 8 120 52 8 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 9 9 9 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 10 10 10 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 11 11 11 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 12 12 12 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 13 13 140 102 13 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 14 14 14 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 15 15 15 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 16 16 16 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 17 17 17 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 18 18 18 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 19 19 19 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 20 20 20 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 21 21 21 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 22 22 22 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 23 23 23 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 24 24 24 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 25 25 25 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 26 26 26 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 27 27 27 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 28 28 28 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 29 29 29 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 30 30 30 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 31 31 31 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 32 32 32 1 1 12 22 X Pattern - 33 33 1 Pattern - 34 34 1 Pattern - 35 35 1 Pattern - 36 36 1 Pattern - 37 37 1 Pattern - 38 38 1 Pattern - 39 39 1 Pattern - 40 40 1 Pattern - 41 41 1 Pattern - 42 42 1 Pattern - 43 43 1 Pattern - 44 44 1 Pattern - 45 45 1 Pattern - 46 46 1 Pattern - 47 47 1 Pattern - 48 48 1 Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Det Call Swt Dly Lck Src Detector 1 1 6 17 33 4 13 49 Detector 2 2 18 34 50 Detector 3 2 19 35 51 Detector 4 2 20 36 52 Detector 5 2 21 37 53 Detector 6 8 22 38 54 Detector 7 4 8 23 39 55 Detector 8 5 2 24 40 56 Detector 9 6 25 41 57 Detector 10 6 26 42 58 Detector 11 6 27 43 59 Detector 12 6 28 44 60 Detector 13 7 29 45 61 Detector 14 8 8 30 46 62 Detector 15 31 47 63 Detector 16 32 48 64 4 12076 TS SR 434 @ Doran P6 P6 P4 6 4 7 1 P6 P6 5 6 P4 W E P4 P8 1 2 4 5 P2 P2 8 2 P4 P8 P2 P2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ring 1 Ring 2 Bear Springs Dr. Mc Leod's Way N SR 434 S Cabinet Seq 1 Intersection Notes T.O.D Notes Intersection set up with concurent sides.Intersection re-timed January 2017. Phases 1 & 5 are 5_sec and use Det switching. Phase 7 extended with sourcing if no call on 8. 5 12076 TS SR 434 @ Doran APPENDIX C HCS7 Capacity Analysis Worksheets Existing Conditions HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period A.M. Peak Hour (Existing) PHF 0.96 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2018 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Doran Drive File Name SR 434 & Doran Dr.xus Project Description Lot 5-Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 58 1323 4 7 1447 44 19 0 9 26 0 40 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 1.5 4.0 93.3 7.4 5.4 0.0 4.8 0.0 4.8 3.4 3.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 11.0 11.0 Phase Duration, s 12.6 104.1 8.6 100.1 12.6 14.6 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.2 6.8 7.1 6.8 7.2 7.2 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.4 4.5 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 3.4 2.2 3.5 5.5 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 Phase Call Probability 0.90 0.25 0.68 0.93 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 60 691 691 7 779 774 20 9 27 42 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1870 1868 1795 1870 1851 1795 1598 1795 1598 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 1.4 25.0 25.0 0.2 33.4 33.6 1.5 0.8 2.0 3.5 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 1.4 25.0 25.0 0.2 33.4 33.6 1.5 0.8 2.0 3.5 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.71 0.70 0.70 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 264 1300 1299 269 1246 1233 70 62 96 85 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.229 0.532 0.532 0.027 0.625 0.628 0.284 0.151 0.283 0.490 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)23.8 375.1 368.9 3.1 493.5 484.6 33.7 15.8 44.8 71.3 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)0.9 14.8 14.8 0.1 19.4 19.4 1.3 0.6 1.8 2.8 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 11.2 10.3 10.3 9.3 13.4 13.4 65.4 65.1 63.7 64.4 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.4 1.6 1.6 0.0 2.4 2.4 2.2 1.1 1.6 4.3 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 11.7 11.9 11.9 9.3 15.7 15.8 67.6 66.2 65.3 68.7 Level of Service (LOS)B B B A B B E E E E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 11.9 B 15.7 B 67.1 E 67.4 E Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 15.6 B Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.87 B 1.88 B 2.33 B 2.32 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.68 B 1.77 B 0.54 A 0.60 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 8:51:53 AM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period A.M. Peak Hour (Existing) PHF 0.91 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Tuskawailla R…File Name SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd.xus Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 39 774 438 108 997 48 476 134 149 109 150 20 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 4.9 2.7 57.6 14.5 29.9 0.0 4.9 0.0 4.9 3.4 4.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.0 4.1 3.9 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 10.0 12.0 Phase Duration, s 12.2 64.5 14.9 67.2 38.6 22.0 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.3 6.9 7.4 6.9 8.7 7.5 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 5.1 5.0 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 3.9 7.3 26.3 14.1 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 3.6 0.4 Phase Call Probability 0.81 0.99 1.00 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 43 851 481 119 579 570 523 311 160 146 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1781 1598 1795 1870 1840 1743 1722 1817 1836 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 1.9 25.8 35.5 5.3 35.7 35.7 19.4 24.3 12.1 10.9 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 1.9 25.8 35.5 5.3 35.7 35.7 19.4 24.3 12.1 10.9 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.45 0.41 0.41 0.47 0.43 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.10 0.10 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 194 1466 658 296 806 793 745 368 188 190 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.221 0.580 0.732 0.401 0.718 0.718 0.702 0.845 0.852 0.771 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)37.1 422 526 102.4 596.4 580.6 336.4 432.7 278.3 243.6 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)1.5 16.6 20.9 4.1 23.5 23.2 13.3 17.2 11.1 9.7 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 26.8 31.8 34.7 24.4 32.8 32.8 50.9 52.8 61.7 61.1 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.6 1.7 7.1 0.9 5.5 5.5 2.3 13.1 25.8 15.4 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 27.3 33.5 41.7 25.2 38.3 38.4 53.3 65.9 87.5 76.5 Level of Service (LOS)C C D C D D D E F E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 36.2 D 37.1 D 58.0 E 82.2 F Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 45.0 D Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.28 B 1.92 B 2.33 B 2.46 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.62 B 1.53 B 1.86 B 0.74 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 9:47:18 AM HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection SR 434 & Michael Blvd Agency/Co.TPD, Inc.Jurisdiction Seminole County Date Performed 12/04/2018 East/West Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 North/South Street Michael Blvd Time Analyzed A.M. Peak Hour (Exis.)Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L T L T R L R Volume (veh/h)0 30 1041 0 0 1181 11 69 11 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)1 1 1 1 1 1 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left + Thru 3 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 4.1 7.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.12 4.12 7.52 6.92 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.21 2.21 3.51 3.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)32 0 74 12 Capacity, c (veh/h)543 626 169 424 v/c Ratio 0.06 0.00 0.44 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.2 0.0 2.0 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)12.1 10.8 42.0 13.7 Level of Service (LOS)B B E B Approach Delay (s/veh)0.3 0.0 38.1 Approach LOS E Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ TWSC Version 7.6 Generated: 12/5/2018 11:14:05 AM SR 434 & Michael Blvd.xtw HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period P.M. Peak Hour (Existing) PHF 0.97 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2018 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Doran Drive File Name SR 434 & Doran Dr.xus Project Description Lot 5-Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 128 1833 11 25 1336 25 10 4 11 39 0 41 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.8 2.3 92.9 7.7 5.1 0.0 4.8 0.0 4.8 3.4 3.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 11.0 11.0 Phase Duration, s 13.2 102.0 10.9 99.7 12.3 14.9 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.2 6.8 7.1 6.8 7.2 7.2 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.4 4.5 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 5.3 2.6 3.1 5.6 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 Phase Call Probability 0.99 0.63 0.63 0.96 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 132 951 950 26 703 700 14 11 40 42 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1870 1866 1795 1870 1858 1820 1598 1795 1598 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 3.3 46.3 46.5 0.6 28.4 28.5 1.1 1.0 3.0 3.6 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 3.3 46.3 46.5 0.6 28.4 28.5 1.1 1.0 3.0 3.6 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.71 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.66 0.66 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 306 1271 1269 180 1241 1233 66 58 98 88 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.431 0.748 0.749 0.143 0.567 0.568 0.219 0.196 0.408 0.482 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)54.4 652.7 645 13 430 422.2 24.5 19.3 67.4 72 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)2.2 25.7 25.8 0.5 16.9 16.9 1.0 0.8 2.7 2.9 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 10.9 14.6 14.6 15.4 12.7 12.7 65.5 65.5 64.0 64.2 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 1.0 4.1 4.1 0.4 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.6 2.7 4.1 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 11.9 18.7 18.7 15.7 14.6 14.6 67.2 67.1 66.7 68.3 Level of Service (LOS)B B B B B B E E E E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 18.2 B 14.6 B 67.2 E 67.5 E Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 18.3 B Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.88 B 1.88 B 2.33 B 2.32 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 2.16 B 1.67 B 0.53 A 0.62 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 10:20:09 AM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period P.M. Peak Hour (Existing) PHF 0.96 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Tuskawailla R…File Name SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd.xus Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 48 926 574 182 848 62 459 126 150 127 139 36 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 5.1 6.0 55.3 14.9 28.3 0.0 4.9 0.0 4.9 3.4 4.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.0 4.1 3.9 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 10.0 12.0 Phase Duration, s 12.4 62.2 18.5 68.2 37.0 22.4 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.3 6.9 7.4 6.9 8.7 7.5 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 5.3 5.2 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 4.3 10.6 24.5 14.5 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 3.9 0.3 Phase Call Probability 0.86 1.00 1.00 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 50 965 598 190 480 468 478 288 165 150 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1781 1598 1795 1870 1825 1743 1717 1812 1804 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 2.3 31.5 50.7 8.6 27.2 27.2 17.7 22.5 12.5 11.3 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 2.3 31.5 50.7 8.6 27.2 27.2 17.7 22.5 12.5 11.3 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.43 0.39 0.39 0.48 0.44 0.44 0.20 0.20 0.11 0.11 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 254 1406 631 293 819 799 705 347 192 192 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.197 0.686 0.948 0.647 0.586 0.586 0.678 0.828 0.857 0.781 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)44.4 504 792.1 169.6 465.3 449.2 319.8 410.4 292.2 255.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)1.8 19.8 31.4 6.7 18.3 18.0 12.7 16.3 11.7 10.2 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 25.4 35.2 41.0 26.8 29.8 29.8 51.6 53.5 61.5 61.0 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.4 2.7 25.1 2.4 3.1 3.1 1.9 11.3 27.0 16.9 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 25.7 37.9 66.1 29.2 32.8 32.9 53.5 64.8 88.5 77.9 Level of Service (LOS)C D E C C C D E F E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 48.0 D 32.3 C 57.7 E 83.5 F Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 48.2 D Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.29 B 1.92 B 2.33 B 2.46 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.82 B 1.43 A 1.75 B 0.75 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/28/2018 11:08:19 AM HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection SR 434 & Michael Blvd Agency/Co.TPD, Inc.Jurisdiction Seminole County Date Performed 12/04/2018 East/West Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 North/South Street Michael Blvd Time Analyzed P.M. Peak Hour (Exis.)Peak Hour Factor 0.94 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L T L T R L R Volume (veh/h)0 24 1189 0 0 1086 69 16 15 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)1 1 1 1 1 1 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left + Thru 3 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 4.1 7.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.12 4.12 7.52 6.92 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.21 2.21 3.51 3.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)26 0 17 16 Capacity, c (veh/h)569 551 194 462 v/c Ratio 0.04 0.00 0.09 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)11.6 11.5 25.3 13.1 Level of Service (LOS)B B D B Approach Delay (s/veh)0.2 0.0 19.4 Approach LOS C Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ TWSC Version 7.6 Generated: 12/4/2018 8:41:50 AM TWSC1.xtw APPENDIX D Model Distribution Plot Trip Distribution (Licensed to Traffic Planning and Design)C:\FSUTMS\D5\OUATS2040\Base\CF2020\P4887\Output\HRLDXY_C20.NET 3/10/2017 OUATS YEAR 2020 LRTP21 2 0080004 013101005743 1318151522183 91843353535143539353930117 17 0 0 0 0 303017 0 170 0 0 00 0 300 0 0 1301517 001111143390 0 0 139393900 0 00 0 11171700 APPENDIX E Approved Development Traffic Volumes 49 1117+(60)=1177 552 97+(3)=100 1038+(73)=1111 171+(36)=207 566126131+(29)=1600158134+(3)=137SR 434 @Tuskawilla Rd 16 1422+(92)=1514 33+(1)=34 1327+(113)=1440517+(1)=18SR 434 @Michael Blake Blvd 3 1329+(93)=1422 64 1316+(113)=1429 72+(11)=83 3732+(9)=41SR 434 @Tuscora Dr SR 434 @Creek's Run Way/Project Access 1 1237+(142)=1379 121+(11)=132 1274+(115)=1389 199 127+(9)=13653SR 434 @Vistawilla Dr 139+(18)=157 1350+(70)=1420 147 870+(57)=927 507+(44)=515213SR 434 @SR 417 NB Ramps 1062+(88)=1150 333+(54)=387 1163+(87)=1250 26588+(13)=101130SR 434 @SR 417 SB Ramps (102) 1069 12 (62) 1082+(25)=1107 21 509(100)(0)(153)1079+(153)=1232 (62) 1102+(62)=1164 SR 434 @Project Access (RIRO)(25)Figure IV-2Project TrafficAssignment, PM Peak Project Site Intersections Analysis 0 1,500 3,000750Feet Background + (Project Trips) = Total Volume 52 1038+(52)=1090 516 40+(2)=42 1120+(43)=1163 175+(22)=197 61285155+(25)=18028872+(2)=74SR 434 @Tuskawilla Rd 27 1256+(80)=1136 7+(1)=8 1321+(68)=13892955+(1)=56SR 434 @Michael Blake Blvd 14 1243+(81)=1324 37 1317+(68)=1385 36+(7)=43 57110+(8)=118SR 434 @Tuscora Dr SR 434 @Creek's Run Way/Project Access 6 1293+(85)=1378 118+(7)=125 1146+(100)=1246 172 136+(8)=144152SR 434 @Vistawilla Dr 260+(11)=271 832+(42)=874 362 1181+(49)=1230 286+(38)=32449SR 434 @SR 417 NB Ramps 961+(53)=1014 562+(32)=594 1163+(87)=1250 26588+(13)=101130SR 434 @SR 417 SB Ramps (88) 1281 1 (54) 1297+(15)=1312 3 14023(60)(0)(92)1302+(92)=1394 (54) 1300+(54)=1354 SR 434 @Project Access (RIRO)(15)Figure IV-1Project TrafficAssignment, AM Peak Project Site Intersections Analysis 0 1,500 3,000750Feet Background + (Project Trips) = Total Volume Projected A.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Winter Springs Apartments 4531.1Project № Figure 6 NTS NCentral Winds DrSR 434 Heritage Park St142433130 1,180+(55)=1,235 25 222 926+(13)=939 45 343540Doran DrSR 43480917 1,472+(55)=1,527 5 7 1,242+(13)=1,255 3 17015Tuskawilla RdSR 4342+(9)=1178+(9)=876535 990+(46)=1,036 155+(17)=172 46+(2)=48 917+(11)=928 456 54175+(2)=77137+(4)=141Michael BlakeBlvdSR 434 SR 434 Tuscora Dr1,165+(6)=1,171 32 13 1,099+(24)=1,123 33 5097Perimeter Rd(3) 1,194+(51)=1,245 Tuskawilla RdTree Swallow Rd 14210(2)(9) 0 (18)49159(4)Legend: 000 + (000) = 000 Total Traffic Project Traffic Background Traffic26+(51)=7749+(24)=736+(3)=9 1,168+(3)=1,171 24+(15)=39 1,110(12)10 0 55 1,134+(15)=1,149 Projected P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Winter Springs Apartments 4531.1Project № Figure 7 NTS NCentral Winds DrSR 434 Heritage Park St1001157128 1,489+(29)=1,518 51 146 1,542+(54)=1,596 44 412750Doran DrSR 43435287 1,342+(29)=1,371 13 11 1,446+(54)=1,500 16 709Tuskawilla RdSR 4340140+(5)=145118+(5)=12386 917+(24)=941 151+(9)=160 43+(9)=52 987+(45)=1,032 488 500113+(9)=122117+(17)=134Michael BlakeBlvdSR 434 4+(27)=3115+(13)=2829+(12)=41 1,173+(12)=1,185 54+(62)=116 1,258 SR 434 Tuscora Dr1,163+(24)=1,187 65 3 1,175+(13)=1,188 57 3328Perimeter RdTuskawilla RdLegend: 000 + (000) = 000 Total Traffic Project Traffic Background Traffic (12) 1,177+(27)=1,204 41198(9)(5) 0 (10) 13 0 166 110181(18)(6)1,312+(62)=1,374 Tree Swallow Rd Projected A.M. Peak HourTraffic VolumesDoran DrSR 434Tuskawilla RdMichael Blake BlvdSite Access 2(8)150+{2}=152(7)[76]+(74)=150[110]+(97)=20748+{4}=52809171,527+<43>+{65}+(44)=1,679571,255+<52>+{24}+(50)=1,3813170151187+{17}=10465+<2>=6735+<2>=371,037+<43>+{43}+(44)=1,167172+<22>+{4}+(20)=21848928+<52>+{16}+(50)=1,046456+{8}=464541+{22}=56377+{17}=94141+<25>+{11}+(23)=20077+[25]+(32)=134{2}73+<1>+[51]+(42)=1679+<1>+[28]+(24)=621,171+<68>+{37}-[28]+(23)=1,271{12}39+[55]+(73)=1671,110+<80>+{23}-[55]=1,158{4}Site Access 13+[27]+(23)=531,245+<68>+{48}-[27]+(32)=1,36612+[26]+(32)=701,149+<80>+{27}+(73)=1,329Legend:00+<00>+{00}+[00]+(00)=00Total TrafficProject TrafficPass-by TrafficTuskawilla Crossings TrafficIntegra Winter Springs TrafficBackground Traffic(Existing X 1.04 + Catalyst Apt){11}{4}{32}SR 434Winter Springs Town Center Commercial Outparcels4887Project №Figure 6NTSN Projected P.M. Peak HourTraffic VolumesDoran DrSR 434Tuskawilla RdMichael Blake BlvdSite Access 2(6)59+{5}=64(5)[49]+(54)=103[75]+(72)=147157+{3}=160352871,371+<73>+{49}+(32)=1,52513111,500+<60>+{78}+(37)=1,675167090145+{13}=158123+<3>=12686+<3>=89941+<73>+{33}+(32)=1,079160+<36>+{13}+(15)=224521,032+<60>+{52}+(37)=1,181488+{26}=514500+{16}=516122+{13}=135134+<29>+{8}+(17)=18831+[16]+(23)=70{5}28+<1>+[33]+(31)=9341+<1>+[38]+(18)=981,185+<113>+{38}-[38]+(17)=1,315{38}116+[37]+(54)=2071,258+<92>+{47}-[37]=1,360{13}Site Access 112+(17)=291,204+<113>+{46}+(23)=1,3866+[17]+(24)=471,347+<92>+{60}+(54)=1,553Legend:00+<00>+{00}+[00]+(00)=00{8}{3}{25}SR 434Winter Springs Town Center Commercial Outparcels4887Project №Figure 7NTSNTotal TrafficProject TrafficPass-by TrafficTuskawilla Crossings TrafficIntegra Winter Springs TrafficBackground Traffic(Existing X 1.04 + Catalyst Apt) APPENDIX F Trends Analysis FIN#0Location1YearCount* Trend**2009 23500 227002010 23500 231002011 23500 235002012 23500 238002013 22500 242002014 23500 246002015 25500 250002016 26500 254002017 26000 258002019 N/A 265002020 N/A 26900383 2021 N/A2730056.68%1.71%1.45%13-Nov-18Highway:Traffic Trends - V3.0SR 434 -- ON SR 434, 0.618 MI E OF TUSKAWILLA RDCounty:Station #:Straight Line Growth Option*Axle-Adjusted2021 Design Year TrendTRANPLAN Forecasts/Trends** Annual Trend Increase:Trend R-squared:Trend Growth Rate (2017 to Design Year):Printed:Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate:Seminole (77)0Traffic (ADT/AADT)2020 Mid-Year TrendSR 4342019 Opening Year Trend050001000015000200002500030000350002009 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034Average Daily Traffic (Vehicles/Day)YearObserved CountFitted Curve APPENDIX G HCS7 Capacity Analysis Worksheets Projected Conditions HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period A.M. Peak Hour (Projected) PHF 0.96 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2018 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Doran Drive File Name SR 434 & Doran Dr.xus Project Description Lot 5-Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 59 1493 4 7 1699 45 20 0 9 27 0 41 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 1.5 4.1 93.1 7.5 5.5 0.0 4.8 0.0 4.8 3.4 3.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 11.0 11.0 Phase Duration, s 12.7 104.0 8.6 99.9 12.7 14.7 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.2 6.8 7.1 6.8 7.2 7.2 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.4 4.5 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 3.5 2.2 3.6 5.6 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 Phase Call Probability 0.91 0.25 0.69 0.94 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 61 780 779 7 909 907 21 9 28 43 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1870 1869 1795 1870 1853 1795 1598 1795 1598 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 1.5 30.6 30.6 0.2 44.4 45.0 1.6 0.8 2.1 3.6 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 1.5 30.6 30.6 0.2 44.4 45.0 1.6 0.8 2.1 3.6 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 211 1299 1297 224 1244 1233 71 63 96 85 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.292 0.601 0.601 0.033 0.731 0.736 0.294 0.149 0.293 0.500 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)34.8 446 439.4 3.2 635.1 629.5 35.4 15.8 46.6 73.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)1.4 17.6 17.6 0.1 25.0 25.2 1.4 0.6 1.8 2.9 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 15.8 11.2 11.2 10.4 15.3 15.4 65.3 65.0 63.7 64.4 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.8 2.1 2.1 0.1 3.8 3.9 2.3 1.1 1.7 4.5 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 16.6 13.3 13.3 10.4 19.1 19.3 67.6 66.0 65.4 68.9 Level of Service (LOS)B B B B B B E E E E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 13.4 B 19.2 B 67.1 E 67.5 E Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 17.9 B Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.87 B 1.88 B 2.33 B 2.32 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.82 B 1.99 B 0.54 A 0.60 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 10:30:57 AM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period A.M. Peak Hour (Projected) PHF 0.91 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Tuskawailla R…File Name SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd.xus Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 42 923 455 181 1209 51 508 156 217 113 179 29 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 5.0 7.2 46.6 16.1 34.7 0.0 4.9 0.0 4.9 3.4 4.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.0 4.1 3.9 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 10.0 12.0 Phase Duration, s 12.3 53.5 19.5 60.7 43.4 23.6 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.3 6.9 7.4 6.9 8.7 7.5 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 5.1 5.0 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 4.3 11.9 35.3 16.0 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 Phase Call Probability 0.83 1.00 1.00 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 46 1014 500 199 696 688 558 410 185 168 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1781 1598 1795 1870 1843 1743 1706 1824 1823 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 2.3 37.2 42.5 9.9 51.1 51.4 20.1 33.3 14.0 12.6 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 2.3 37.2 42.5 9.9 51.1 51.4 20.1 33.3 14.0 12.6 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.37 0.33 0.33 0.43 0.38 0.38 0.25 0.25 0.11 0.11 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 117 1186 532 244 719 708 865 423 209 209 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.395 0.855 0.939 0.815 0.969 0.972 0.645 0.968 0.882 0.803 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)48.1 608.5 695.4 224.8 931.2 911.8 343.2 630.1 323.1 279.4 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)1.9 24.0 27.6 8.9 36.7 36.5 13.6 25.0 12.9 11.2 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 36.4 43.5 45.3 32.9 42.3 42.3 47.1 52.1 61.0 60.4 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 2.2 8.0 26.6 15.4 26.8 27.5 1.9 35.6 32.2 20.0 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 38.5 51.5 71.9 48.3 69.1 69.9 49.0 87.6 93.3 80.4 Level of Service (LOS)D D E D E E D F F F Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 57.6 E 66.8 E 65.4 E 87.1 F Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 64.9 E Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.30 B 1.93 B 2.33 B 2.46 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 1.77 B 1.79 B 2.09 B 0.78 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 11:24:39 AM HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection SR 434 & Michael Blvd Agency/Co.TPD, Inc.Jurisdiction Seminole County Date Performed 12/04/2018 East/West Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 North/South Street Michael Blvd Time Analyzed A.M. Peak Hour (Pro.)Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Configuration L T TR L T R L T R Volume (veh/h)0 126 1165 4 0 12 1336 44 155 2 118 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left + Thru 3 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.12 4.12 7.52 6.56 6.92 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.21 2.21 3.51 4.03 3.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)135 13 167 2 127 Capacity, c (veh/h)454 555 116 98 374 v/c Ratio 0.30 0.02 1.44 0.02 0.34 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)1.2 0.1 11.7 0.1 1.5 Control Delay (s/veh)16.3 11.6 309.3 42.6 19.5 Level of Service (LOS)C B F E C Approach Delay (s/veh)1.6 0.1 183.0 Approach LOS F Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ TWSC Version 7.6 Generated: 12/4/2018 8:43:19 AM SR 434 & Michael Blvd.xtw HCS7 Roundabouts Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection Micheal Blvd & Site Acces Agency or Co.TPD, Inc.E/W Street Name Site Acces(Tree Swallow R Date Performed 11/15/2018 N/S Street Name Micheal Blvd Analysis Year 2018 Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Time Analyzed A.M. Peak Hour (Pro.)Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Project Description Lot5-Townhomes Jurisdiction Seminole County Volume Adjustments and Site Characteristics Approach EB WB NB SB Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Number of Lanes (N)0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Lane Assignment LTR LTR LTR LTR Volume (V), veh/h 0 7 0 74 0 18 0 0 0 97 72 5 0 0 183 8 Percent Heavy Vehicles, %1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow Rate (vPCE), pc/h 0 8 0 81 0 20 0 0 0 106 79 5 0 0 201 9 Right-Turn Bypass None None None None Conflicting Lanes 1 1 1 1 Pedestrians Crossing, p/h 0 0 0 0 Critical and Follow-Up Headway Adjustment Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Critical Headway (s)4.9763 4.9763 4.9763 4.9763 Follow-Up Headway (s)2.6087 2.6087 2.6087 2.6087 Flow Computations, Capacity and v/c Ratios Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Entry Flow (ve), pc/h 89.00 20.00 190.00 210.00 Entry Volume veh/h 88.12 19.80 188.12 207.92 Circulating Flow (vc), pc/h 221 193 8 126 Exiting Flow (vex), pc/h 5 115 87 302 Capacity (cpce), pc/h 1101.49 1133.40 1368.78 1213.57 Capacity (c), veh/h 1090.59 1122.18 1355.23 1201.55 v/c Ratio (x)0.08 0.02 0.14 0.17 Delay and Level of Service Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Lane Control Delay (d), s/veh 4.0 3.4 3.8 4.5 Lane LOS A A A A 95% Queue, veh 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.6 Approach Delay, s/veh 4.0 3.4 3.8 4.5 Approach LOS A A A A Intersection Delay, s/veh | LOS 4.1 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Roundabouts Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 11:49:45 AM Micheal Blvd & Site Access.xro HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period P.M. Peak Hour (Projected) PHF 0.97 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Doran Drive File Name SR 434 & Doran Dr.xus Project Description Lot 5-Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 131 2115 11 26 1556 26 10 4 11 40 0 42 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.9 2.2 92.9 7.7 5.1 0.0 4.8 0.0 4.8 3.4 3.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 140.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 4.0 1.1 4.0 11.0 11.0 Phase Duration, s 13.2 101.8 11.0 99.7 12.3 14.9 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.2 6.8 7.1 6.8 7.2 7.2 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.4 4.5 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 5.3 2.7 3.1 5.7 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 Phase Call Probability 0.99 0.65 0.63 0.96 Max Out Probability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 135 1096 1096 27 817 814 14 11 41 43 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1870 1867 1795 1870 1859 1820 1598 1795 1598 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 3.3 63.6 63.9 0.7 36.5 36.7 1.1 1.0 3.1 3.7 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 3.3 63.6 63.9 0.7 36.5 36.7 1.1 1.0 3.1 3.7 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.71 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.66 0.66 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 253 1270 1267 139 1241 1233 66 58 99 88 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.535 0.863 0.865 0.193 0.658 0.660 0.219 0.196 0.417 0.493 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)77.7 885.9 874.6 21.4 535.8 526.9 24.5 19.3 69.2 73.8 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)3.1 34.9 35.0 0.8 21.1 21.1 1.0 0.8 2.7 2.9 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 15.1 17.4 17.5 23.8 14.1 14.1 65.5 65.5 64.0 64.3 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 1.8 7.9 8.0 0.7 2.7 2.8 1.7 1.6 2.8 4.2 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 16.8 25.3 25.5 24.5 16.8 16.9 67.2 67.1 66.8 68.5 Level of Service (LOS)B C C C B B E E E E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 24.9 C 17.0 B 67.2 E 67.6 E Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 22.9 C Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 1.88 B 1.88 B 2.33 B 2.32 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 2.41 B 1.86 B 0.53 A 0.63 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 11:33:18 AM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency TPD, Inc.Duration, h 0.25 Analyst TPD, Inc.Analysis Date 11/15/2018 Area Type Other Jurisdiction Seminole County Time Period P.M. Peak Hour (Projected) PHF 0.96 Urban Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection SR 434 & Tuskawailla R…File Name SR 434 & Tuskawilla Rd.xus Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 58 1155 611 263 1037 66 484 151 232 138 160 37 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 5.5 1.8 50.1 16.9 31.9 0.0 4.9 4.8 4.9 3.4 4.8 0.0 2.4 2.6 2.0 4.1 3.9 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cycle, s 144.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 5 2 1 6 8 4 Case Number 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 10.0 12.0 Phase Duration, s 12.8 57.0 22.0 66.2 40.6 24.4 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 7.3 6.9 7.4 6.9 8.7 7.5 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 5.3 5.2 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 5.1 16.6 33.9 16.3 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 Phase Call Probability 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Max Out Probability 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 60 1203 636 274 580 568 504 399 183 166 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 1795 1781 1598 1795 1870 1831 1743 1700 1814 1810 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 3.1 47.9 50.1 14.6 38.1 38.1 18.9 31.9 14.3 12.9 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 3.1 47.9 50.1 14.6 38.1 38.1 18.9 31.9 14.3 12.9 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.39 0.35 0.35 0.46 0.41 0.41 0.22 0.22 0.12 0.12 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 184 1239 556 239 771 754 774 377 212 212 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.329 0.971 1.145 1.146 0.753 0.754 0.652 1.058 0.861 0.784 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)61.9 808.7 1147. 5 582.4 640.7 620.8 338.8 721.9 318.5 278.4 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)2.5 31.8 45.5 23.1 25.2 24.8 13.4 28.6 12.7 11.1 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 31.9 46.2 47.0 44.5 36.1 36.1 51.0 56.0 62.4 61.8 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 1.0 19.5 85.0 103.1 6.7 6.9 2.2 62.5 24.4 14.9 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 32.9 65.8 132.0 147.6 42.8 43.0 53.2 118.5 86.9 76.7 Level of Service (LOS)C E F F D D D F F E Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 86.9 F 63.1 E 82.0 F 82.0 F Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 78.2 E Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.29 B 1.93 B 2.33 B 2.46 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 2.06 B 1.66 B 1.98 B 0.78 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Streets Version 7.6 Generated: 11/28/2018 11:11:37 AM HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection SR 434 & Michael Blvd Agency/Co.TPD, Inc.Jurisdiction Seminole County Date Performed 12/04/2018 East/West Street SR 434 Analysis Year 2019 North/South Street Michael Blvd Time Analyzed P.M. Peak Hour (Projecte)Peak Hour Factor 0.94 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Lot5 - Townhomes Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Configuration L T TR L T R L T R Volume (veh/h)0 164 1201 13 0 38 1288 119 71 5 79 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left + Thru 3 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.12 4.12 7.52 6.52 6.92 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.21 2.21 3.51 4.01 3.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)174 40 76 5 84 Capacity, c (veh/h)449 538 93 54 393 v/c Ratio 0.39 0.08 0.81 0.10 0.21 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)1.8 0.2 4.3 0.3 0.8 Control Delay (s/veh)18.0 12.2 126.3 79.6 16.6 Level of Service (LOS)C B F F C Approach Delay (s/veh)2.1 0.3 68.9 Approach LOS F Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ TWSC Version 7.6 Generated: 12/4/2018 8:44:57 AM SR 434 & Michael.xtw HCS7 Roundabouts Report General Information Site Information Analyst TPD, Inc.Intersection Micheal Blvd & Site Acces Agency or Co.TPD, Inc.E/W Street Name Site Acces(Tree Swallow R Date Performed 11/15/2018 N/S Street Name Micheal Blvd Analysis Year 2018 Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Time Analyzed P.M. Peak Hour (Pro.)Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Project Description Lot5-Townhomes Jurisdiction Seminole County Volume Adjustments and Site Characteristics Approach EB WB NB SB Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Number of Lanes (N)0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Lane Assignment LTR LTR LTR LTR Volume (V), veh/h 0 5 0 103 0 10 0 0 0 72 258 18 0 0 118 6 Percent Heavy Vehicles, %1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow Rate (vPCE), pc/h 0 5 0 113 0 11 0 0 0 79 283 20 0 0 130 7 Right-Turn Bypass None None None None Conflicting Lanes 1 1 1 1 Pedestrians Crossing, p/h 0 0 0 0 Critical and Follow-Up Headway Adjustment Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Critical Headway (s)4.9763 4.9763 4.9763 4.9763 Follow-Up Headway (s)2.6087 2.6087 2.6087 2.6087 Flow Computations, Capacity and v/c Ratios Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Entry Flow (ve), pc/h 118.00 11.00 382.00 137.00 Entry Volume veh/h 116.83 10.89 378.22 135.64 Circulating Flow (vc), pc/h 141 367 5 90 Exiting Flow (vex), pc/h 20 86 288 254 Capacity (cpce), pc/h 1195.14 949.09 1372.98 1258.96 Capacity (c), veh/h 1183.31 939.69 1359.38 1246.49 v/c Ratio (x)0.10 0.01 0.28 0.11 Delay and Level of Service Approach EB WB NB SB Lane Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Left Right Bypass Lane Control Delay (d), s/veh 3.9 3.9 5.1 3.8 Lane LOS A A A A 95% Queue, veh 0.3 0.0 1.1 0.4 Approach Delay, s/veh 3.9 3.9 5.1 3.8 Approach LOS A A A A Intersection Delay, s/veh | LOS 4.6 A Copyright © 2018 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™ Roundabouts Version 7.6 Generated: 11/15/2018 11:47:54 AM Micheal Blvd & Site Access.xro DFC SEMINOLE CROSSING LLC January 21, 2019 St. Johns River Water Management District Maitland Service Center 601 South Lake Destiny Road, Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 RE: Winter Springs Town Center – Townhomes Environmental Resource Permit – Minor Modification To whom it may concern, DFC Seminole Crossings LLC is the owner of 8.35± acres of land within the Winter Springs Town Center and is proposing to construct 114 townhome units within 20 buildings along with the associated sidewalks and roadway infrastructure. The site is currently undeveloped, but falls entirely within a previously approved master storm Environmental Resource Permit, 95027-2. The master permit also included St. John’s River Water Management District and Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional wetlands that were mitigated for in the Bergmann Mitigation Tract. Several developments have been previously approved and are currently under construction within the master permit area and the master storm treatment area / pond has been fully constructed. The master permit was approved with a total land area of 38.43 acres, with a total proposed impervious area of 30.01 acres. The following construction project modifications have been approved: Permit # Project Name Total Area Impervious Area 95027-9 Winter Springs Town Center, Phase II (Apts) 12.83 ac 9.211 ac 95027-10 Starbucks – WSTC PH2 Commercial 2.79 ac 0.738 ac 95027-11 WSTC Public Parking Lot 2.196 ac 1.222 ac 17.82 ac 11.216 ac Project Name Total Area Impervious Area Ratio Master Approved Permit 38.43 ac 30.01 ac 78.1% Previously Approved Projects 15.74 ac* 11.216 ac 62.9% Remaining Areas within Permit Area 22.69 ac 18.79 ac 82.8% * Area reduced to accommodate additional 2.08 acres of potential development within the permit area This area was previously only mass graded. 17.82 ac – 2.08 ac = 15.74 ac In the above calculations, there is about 18.79 ac of impervious area (approx. 82.8%) still available for development. The current Townhome project proposed 6.35 acres of impervious area (approx. 76.1%). Adding this project area into the overall calculation results in the following: Project Name Total Area Impervious Area Ratio Master Approved Permit 38.43 ac 30.01 ac 78.1% Previously Approved Projects 15.74 ac 11.216 ac 62.9% Townhome Project 8.35 ac 6.35 ac 76.1% Remaining Areas within Permit Area 14.34 ac 12.44 ac 86.8% As demonstrated in the above table, the proposed Townhome project meets the impervious area requirements of the master permit. Furthermore, the remaining impervious area percentage of 86.8% exceeds the original ratio of 78.1%, resulting in future flexibility for the remainder of the master project buildout. Respectfully Submitted, Engineering Consultant on behalf of DFC Seminole Crossing LLC Franklin A. Porter, PE Managing Technical Director / Civil Engineering | VP NV5, Inc. Florida P.E. Lic. No. 69092 PEDESTRIAN TRAILUP UP1000 TZONED: TCZONED: TCZONED: TCALLEY AALLEY CALLEY BSTREET BSTREET CALLEY BSTREET D ALLEY D STREET A POOLMAIL KIOSK RAMPCONC BLDG 20BLDG 85 UNITS, 3 STY3 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 2 STY5 UNITS, 2 STY4 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY10 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 186 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 17BLDG 19BLDG 95 UNITS, 2 STYBLDG 66 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBLDG 10BLDG 13BLDG 5BLDG 15BLDG 12BLDG 16BLDG 14BLDG 1BLDG 3BLDG 2BLDG 7BLDG 4BLDG 115 UNITS, 2 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STY6 UNITS, 3 STYBUILDINGAMENITY20'773341242488113222588'12' 6'20'20'20'100'120' 6 0 °20'8'SWSL/4"11'6' 6 0 ° 18' R .D20'20'3'R. 60' 5'6'6'5' 20'8'20'8'6'6'15 ' R . 15' R .DDFFF39'LLLLLLFF18'R.20'32'R.36'R.12'12'50'R.15'R.15'R.50'R.50'R. 15 ' R . 10'R.15'R.15'R.20'30'20'14.88'20'20'20'20' 9'18'20'20'SWSL/12"CCCCCC6'4'6'18'R.A20'C10'R.10'R.5620'20'6'9'6'M37.07'4'25'8'20'6'8'8'20'26.29'80'21.89'19.59'18.55'15.37' 10'R.70'R.15'R.3'R.3'R.F3'R.F3' R .3'R.20'15 ' R .3'R.1 8 ' R . 3'R. 3'R . 1 8 ' R .6'6'55'10'20'20'20'58' 65'58'58'20'65'20'65'65'60'100'100'65'20'20'20'20'65'58'58'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'4'20'20'16'16'16'16' 16'16'16'16'16'16'6'6'6'6'6'6'1' 6' 1'6'2'6'6'6'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'12.55'5'5'5'5' 5' 5' 5'EEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNDFDDDDDDDDJJJ8'6'6'6'6'6'SWSL/4"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"SWSL/12"34'34'34'30'QQRRPPPSSSSSSSSSSSS7.27'O7.2865'120'DPKHKKKKKKKKKKNKCCCCCDEDESTSTPEDESTRIANCROSSWALK(TYP.)W11-2R1-2W16-7P 18'69'3'R.6'6'6' 6'C6'20202020202'x4' SWSK/6"WHITEYIELDLINESYSL/18"SYSL/6"SWSL/6"HCSSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTEPSW/HANDRAIL46.57'SDNNSTEPSW/HANDRAIL69.39'8'6'5' 6'6'11'6'6'6'6'6' 6' 6'16.25'15.69'19.22'120'100'65'15'R.1 5 ' R .2015'R.C1 5 ' R .15'R.15'R.15'R.18'R.STKSYSL/6"R6-1R T15'R.15'R.1 5 ' R .15'R.15 ' R .15'R.15'R .CS15 ' R .20USSS2020EXISTINGLIFTSTATIONV60300SCALE: 1" = 30'NORTHBDGHACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C13.0).PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CROSSWALK PARALLEL SWSL/12 STRIPING. 6' WIDE WITH STOP BARSOTHERWISE 8' WIDE.TYPE F CURB. PER FDOT INDEX 520-00112" RIBBON CURBING PER FDOT INDEX 520-0016' CONCRETE SIDEWALK. (SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C12.0).CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C12.0)CROSS WALK TO MATCH EXISTING "ENNIS FLINT TRAFFIC PATTERNS"DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS AT ROUNDABOUT.FDOT INDEX 522-002 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TYP). (SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).MATCH PROPOSED SIDEWALK TO EXISTING SIDEWALK TO LINE AND GRADEEFICAJLSWSL/24 STOP BAR (SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C12.0)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRONPAVEMENT FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK2' VALLEY GUTTER PER FDOT INDEX 520-0014'X25' MAIL KIOSK LOCATION. DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT.DECORATIVE RETAINING WALL WITH DECORATIVE HANDRAILCOLOR AND MATERIAL TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTSTYPE A MEDIAN CURB PER FDOT INDEX 520-001SAWCUT EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADEFDOT INDEX 304 HANDICAP RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.).(SEE DETAIL 2, SHEET C13.0).THE HOA WILL NEED TO INCLUDE IN THE RESTRICTIONS THAT NO PARKING IN THEDRIVEWAYS WILL BE PERMITTED (NOT CONSTRUCTION RELATED)THREE (3) REMOVABLE DECORATIVE BOLLARDS (VESTIL BOL-OR-40-BK OR EQUIV.)MKNOPQRSFOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: ENGINEER: ENGINEER ENGINEER: RECORD DRAWING THIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANS INDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. FL LIC. # AT FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE LAYOUT PLANC06.0GCR RID FAP 17063.20WINTER SPRINGS TOWNHOMES MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DREAM FINDERS HOMES LLCNOTE: ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WITHIN THE STREETS ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTICSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESTOP SIGN (R1-1) DECORATIVE HIGH REFLECTIVEACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNSINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 12" WIDESWSL/24"SWSL/12"DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDEDYSL/6"SINGLE YELLOW SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESYSL/6"DO NOT ENTER SIGNSYMBOL LEGENDSWSL/4"INTENSITY W/ NAMED STREET SIGNSNOTE: ALL SIGNAGE POSTS ARE TO BE DECORATIVE BLACK ANDMATCHING THEME OF THE NEIGHBORING DEVELOPMENTSSITE CALLOUT LEGEND20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN SINGLE WHITE 6" WIDE (2-4 SKIP)SWSK/6"WHITE YIELD LINESINGLE YELLOW SOLID 18" WIDE (@ 10')SYSL/18"REFER TO DETAIL 3, SHEET C13.0 FORPUBLIC STREET CROSS-SECTIONSTU10' CONCRETE PATH TO BE 6" OF FIBERMESHREINFORCED CONCRETE.VLegendLayerQuantityUnitPERVIOUS87,133sf5,334 sf17 sf264 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf264 sf264 sf264 sf264 sf264 sf264 sf264 sf1,546 sf1,545 sf1,542 sf36 sf1,097 sf97 sf1,593 sf970 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf36 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf15 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf38 sf268 sf268 sf268 sf268 sf268 sf268 sf2,227 sf1,092 sf819 sf907 sf2,482 sf147 sf147 sf150 sf147 sf147 sf147 sf147 sf147 sf147 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf26 sf671 sf101 sf656 sf2,532 sf1,434 sf91 sf171 sf68 sf37 sf65 sf3,537 sf1,526 sf1,019 sf2,036 sf148 sf485 sf72 sf506 sf99 sf51 sf122 sf122 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf17 sf266 sf268 sf266 sf266 sf498 sf120 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf37 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf62 sf76 sf46 sf60 sf15 sf1,469 sf76 sf78 sf78 sf78 sf78 sf78 sf78 sf72 sf72 sf72 sf72 sf72 sf75 sf72 sf1,664 sf524 sf108 sf128 sf52 sf106 sf106 sf106 sf9,902 sf271 sf57 sf91 sf743 sf63 sf118 sf14 sf1,277 sf52 sf121 sf117 sf759 sf118 sf118 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf14 sf101 sf809 sf117 sf1,115 sf75 sf8 sf6 sf6 sf6 sf6 sf316 sf2,127 sf101 sf529 sf1,984 sf8 sf75 sf75 sf75 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf13 sf2,260 sf20 sf139 sf149 sf535 sf32 sf5 sf5 sf33 sf266 sf62 sf450 sf312 sf44 sf266 sf35 sf66 sf55 sf55 sf55 sf2,138 sf40 sf1,602 sf13 sf13 sf15 sf19 sf40 sf113 sf131 sf7 sf131 sf126 sf4,793 sf285 sf tlrflctAt HllME Bulr.0tR 0r I}lE JAcKs0itvtil.E JASUARS Dnreu FnDERS March 7,2019 Mr. Bryant Smith; PE City Engineer City of Winter Springs 1126East State Road 434 RE: Winter Springs Town Center Torrrnhomes - Parking Requirements Dear Bryant: For our townhomes projects with 2-car garage components we have found that a parking count of 2 spaces per townhome unit is adequate to service the development. The proposed Winter Springs Torrrnhomes project consists of 114 townhome units, which would require 228 spaces. Per City code, each 2-car gange is counted as I space, giving lI4 garage spaces. The remainder of the development provides 1 15 spaces of surface parking along streets and pockets of parking areas distributed through the project area, resulting in a total of 229 parking spaces, or a2.01 ratio. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may provide additional information or be of any assistance in any manner. Sincerely, Dan Edwards Vice President of Land - Central Florida 3532 Maggie Blvd. - Orlando, Florida 32811 - (407) 423-0504 - Fax (407) 423-3106 www.UniversalEngineering.com LOCATIONS: Atlanta, GA Daytona Beach Fort Myers Fort Pierce Gainesville Jacksonville Miami Ocala Orlando (Headquarters) Palm Coast Panama City Pensacola Rockledge Sarasota St. Petersburg Tampa Tifton, GA West Palm Beach March 8, 2019 NV5, Inc. 201 South Bumby Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 Attention: Mr. Frank Porter, P.E. Managing Technical Director/Civil Engineering | VP Frank.Porter@nv5.com Reference: Roadway Underdrain Evaluation WSTC Townhomes Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida UES Project No. 0130.1800122.0002 UES Report No. 1654596 Dear Mr. Porter: At the request of NV5, Inc., Universal Engineering Sciences Inc. (UES) has completed the roadway underdrain evaluation for the above-referenced project located in Winter Springs, Florida. The scope of our services was planned in conjunction with and was authorized by you per UES Proposal No. 1650537 dated February 22, 2019. Our findings, together with our assumptions and conclusions, are presented in the following paragraphs. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of a new townhome residential development located in Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida. UES has previously issued a geotechnical report for this project (UES Report No. 1626718, dated November 21, 2018). The results of the previous exploration were used for this analysis. 2.0 ROADWAY UNDERDRAIN EVALUATION In accordance with Winter Springs Engineering Standards, the required separation between the estimated seasonal high water table and the bottom of the base course (RCA) is 12 inches. If this separation criterion is not met by grading, roadway underdrains are required. Where the estimated seasonal high water table will be greater than 12 inches below the bottom of the base course, underdrains will not be required. Based on the Roadway Plan and Profile sheets provided to us by NV5, Inc. (Sheets C07.2 through C07.4, dated March 7, 2019) a comparison was made between the finished pavement grades and the plot of the estimated seasonal high groundwater elevation contours in order to determine those areas of the proposed pavements where the estimated seasonal high groundwater elevation will be within 12 inches of the estimated bottom of the base course elevation. We note that we were only requested to review Tree Swallow, “Street A” & “Street D” of the proposed development. UES understands that a majority of the site will be filled, but we recommend the remainder of the Plan & Profile sheets be reviewed to ensure that underdrains will not be required. Roadway Underdrain Evaluation – WSTC Townhomes UES Project No.: 0130.1800122.0002 UES Report No.: 1654596 Page 2 Accounting for the thickness of the proposed roadway base course and surface course, the required seasonal high water table separation, and the approximate roadway cross-slope, underdrains will be required where the estimated seasonal high water table occurs within approximately 2.0 feet of the finished pavement surface grades, based on the roadway sections provided by NV5, Inc. (including a 2% crown). 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS For all areas where the estimated seasonal high water table is expected to form within 12 inches of the bottom of the base course, underdrains will be required. The recommended underdrain locations are presented in Table 1. TABLE I RECOMMENDED UNDERDRAIN LOCATIONS Roadway From Station To Station Tree Swallow 999+75 1004+00 “Street A” 2000+00 2001+25 “Street D” 3000+00 3001+25 Total Length of Roadway Underdrain (includes both sides of roadways) 1,350 All other roadway sections within the provided plan and profile sheets were found to meet the minimum separation from the seasonal high water table prescribed by Seminole County. 4.0 TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN DESIGN GUIDELINES The following underdrain design guidelines are typically used in the industry in order to provide adequate separation between the pavement grades and the estimated seasonal high groundwater levels. 1. Roadway underdrains should be constructed with a minimum 6-inch diameter underdrain pipe, wrapped with filter fabric (ADS “Drainguard,” or equivalent) or smooth wall HDPE pipe without filter sock. We note that local municipalities may require a larger diameter underdrain pipe. We recommend consulting with the local jurisdiction. 2. Underdrains should be constructed along both sides of the roadways for the portions requiring underdrains to provide separation between the bottom of the base course and the seasonal high groundwater level. 3. The bottom of the underdrain piping should be placed a minimum of 24-inches below the bottom of base course. 4. The underdrains should be constructed in a trench a minimum of 18-inches wide, with the underdrain centered in the trench. Further, the underdrain trench should extend 6-inches below the invert of the underdrain piping. 5. Backfill placed in the underdrain trench should consist of “clean” filter sand meeting FDOT specifications for filter sand (FDOT Specification 902-4). Filter sand backfill should extend to 12 inches above the top of the underdrain pipe. Backfill above the FDOT filter sand may Roadway Underdrain Evaluation – WSTC Townhomes UES Project No.: 0130.1800122.0002 UES Report No.: 1654596 Page 2 consist of clean native material, provided these materials contain less than 10 percent soil fines. 6. Prior to the placement of underdrain piping or filter sand backfill, the perimeter of the underdrain trench should be lined with filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, or equivalent) to minimize the potential for intrusion of soil fines from the surrounding subgrade. The filter fabric should completely line the perimeter of the underdrain trench and overlap a minimum of 12 inches at the top of the filter sand backfill. 7. Underdrains should be routed to a positive outfall. 8. Underdrains should include capped and sealed inspection and clean-out ports extending to the ground surface at spacing no greater than 300 feet, at every bend or 45 degrees or greater, and at the terminus of each underdrain segment. We also recommend that a maintenance program be established to flush and inspect the underdrains on a periodic basis. Please note that without a proper maintenance program, the intended performance of the underdrains may be compromised. 9. We recommend installing landscape drains along all medians, landscape areas and along all roadways where irrigation is present to protect the underdrains from excess fines deposits. Please understand that landscape drains are functionally different than roadside underdrains, in that it is intended mostly to handle or capture excess irrigation that could migrate laterally onto the pavement components and eventually compromise the roadway underdrain. 10. We further recommend that all underdrains be installed under the full-time observation of a representative of Universal Engineering Sciences. 5.0 CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to be working with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you should have any questions, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. Respectfully Submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. Certificate of Authorization No. 549 Zachary W. Adams, P.E. Ricardo C. Kiriakidis L., Ph.D., P.E. Geotechnical Project Manager Geotechnical Department Manager Florida Registration No. 82935 Cc: Client Mr. Dan Edwards – Dream Finders Homes Exhibit 6 DreamFinders Townhomes Development Agreement DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 1 of 19 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss, D'Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425-9566 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Dream Finders Townhomes THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and executed this ______ day of _________________, 2019, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (“City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and DFC SEMINOLE CROSSING, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, whose address is 14701 Philips Highway, Suite 300, Jacksonville, Florida 32256- 3743. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of approximately 8.33 acres, more or less, of real property located in the Winter Springs Town Center, T5 Transect, generally east of the intersection of Tree Swallow Drive and Michael Blake Boulevard, Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described herein (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Developer is also the owner of approximately 10.37 acres, more or less, of real property located in the Winter Springs Town Center upon which a master detention pond facility has been constructed, more particularly described herein (the “Detention Pond Property”); and WHEREAS, Developer has applied for Final Engineering/Site Plan Approval, Aesthetic Plan Approval, and certain Waivers from the Town Center Code in order to construct a 114- townhome unit subdivision on the Property and further intends to apply for final plat approval at a later date; and WHEREAS, Preliminary Engineering Plans were approved by the City Commission on January 8, 2018; and FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Exhibit 6 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 2 of 19 WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 Zoning, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-29.1 of the Winter Springs City Code (“City Code”), a community workshop for the Project was held on July 30, 2019; and WHEREAS, Section 20-29(c) of the City Code requires that all site plans and waivers shall be binding on the use of the subject property and, further, that as a condition of approval by the City Commission, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 of the City Code shall be required to be memorialized in a binding development agreement; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement shall be recorded against the property so that the terms and conditions of approval related to the Project shall run with the land; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 The Property. The real property subject to this Agreement has a tax parcel identification number of 26-20-30-5AR-0A00-007K and is legally described in EXHIBIT “A”, attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference (“Property”). In addition, the Detention Pond Property shall also be subject to this Agreement, having a tax parcel identification number of 26-20-30-5AR-0A00-007F and legally described in EXHIBIT “B.” (“Detention Pond Property”). 4.0 Project Description and Requirements. Developer shall, at its expense, design, permit and construct a townhome subdivision on the Property, not-to-exceed 114 townhome units on individually-platted lots with related improvements, in the City of Winter Springs Town Center. The townhomes, public and private project infrastructure, and all amenity buildings and structures shall be constructed in a single phase. The Developer is specifically required to develop the Project to include certain amenities, including the swimming pool and related improvements, which shall be of adequate size to service the intended number of residential units, and is incorporated into the Final Engineering/Site Plan. (Hereinafter the project description and requirements are referred to as the “Project”). The Developer shall construct the Project in a manner consistent with the approved Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers that are on file with the City with the following file numbers and consistent with the requirements contained in this Agreement: File No: ZP2018-00000023 - W.S. TOWNHOMES FINAL SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 3 of 19 Specific conditions of approval for the above-referenced Plans and Waivers include the following, which are otherwise addressed in further detail in Sections 6.0 and 7.0 herein: A. Planting Elm and Crepe myrtle trees along the northern boundary of the Project and within the Cross-Seminole Trail right-of-way, provided that should Seminole County object to the plantings, Developer shall be excused from this condition. Trees shall be alternating and maximum of 15’apart on center and at least 2.5” caliper; B. Installing irrigation for the trees above, which shall be maintained as part of the future Project’s community irrigation system, provided that should Seminole County object to the installation, Developer shall be excused from this condition; C. Installing a minimum of five (5) dog stations at locations spread throughout the Project, which shall consist of doggie-bag stations to be stocked with baggies and maintained by the Homeowner’s Association in perpetuity; D. As more specifically described in Section 6.0, conveying the following land to the City by special warranty deed, free and clear of all mortgages, liens, and other encumbrances that are not deemed by the City to be permitted exceptions that will interfere with the City’s intended purpose and use for the land: 1. The northwest corner of the Property, consisting of approximately 0.32 acres and surrounding, but not including, the lift station property (the “Northwest Corner Property Conveyance”); and 2. The northern portion of the Detention Pond Property bounded on the south by the bottom of the berm of the existing stormwater detention pond, approximately where the tree line begins, on the north by the northern boundary of the Detention Pond Property, on the west by the Cross-Seminole Trail right-of-way, and on the east by the eastern boundary of the Detention Pond Property, consisting of approximately 3.1 acres (the “Detention Pond Property Conveyance”); and E. Making a cash contribution of $125,000 to the City. F. Cooperating with the City to relocate the current stormwater open conveyance system currently located on the Northwest Corner Property by installing a replacement stormwater pipe at a location deemed acceptable to the City. The City shall grant a stormwater easement over, under and through the Northwest Corner Property upon its conveyance to the City in a width sufficient to accommodate the stormwater pipe and maintenance thereof and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney to allow for installation and maintenance of the replacement stormwater pipe. 5.0 Future Permitting. Pursuant to Section 9-74 of the City Code, the Developer has elected to request approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plans separately and prior to DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 4 of 19 approval to record a final plat for the Project. Consistent with Section 9-74, the Developer shall be required to record a Final Plat within two (2) years of approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plan. Under no circumstances shall any townhome units or lots be conveyed and a sale closed for the purposes of residential occupation prior to recording the Final Plat. Sales of land prior to recording of the final plat shall be in accordance with Section 31.0 below. Developer further shall be required to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 6.0 Neighborhood Square; Conveyance of Property. The Developer acknowledges that Section 2.1 of that certain Future Development Commitment Agreement with the City of Winter Springs, dated November 10, 2010 and recorded in Seminole County Official Records Book 7486, Page 146, requires the conveyance to the City of two small neighborhood square parks of a minimum of 0.44 acres and 0.42 acres each. The Developer has disputed its obligation to convey such neighborhood squares to the City. Without conceding that the Developer is required to do so, the Developer agrees that in lieu of such neighborhood square conveyances, the Developer consents and agrees to the specific conditions of approval set forth in Section 4.0 above, including the conveyances described in Section 4.0(D). The Developer acknowledges and agrees that the approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plan is and shall be conditioned upon the conveyances as provided Section 4.0, and further described in this Section. A. Timing of Conveyances. The Northwest Corner Property Conveyance shall occur after the final plat has been recorded. The Northwest Corner of the Property shall be graded in accordance with the Final Engineering Plans, the relocation of the current open stormwater conveyance system shall be complete, and landscaping required in the Final Engineering Plans (Landscape Plans) shall be complete at the time of conveyance as described in Section 4.0(F). The City shall not issue any certificates of occupancy for the Project until after the Closing Date for the Northwest Corner of the Property and such conveyance has occurred, provided that certificates of occupancy shall not be unreasonably withheld if the City has delayed the Closing Date for reasons unrelated to the Developer having to cure defects in title. The Detention Pond Property Conveyance shall occur prior to final plat approval. The Developer shall, within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, submit an application for a Lot Split for the Detention Pond Property, which the City shall process in a timely fashion. The City shall waive the application fee for the Lot Split. Upon completion of the Lot Split, the Developer shall initiate the conveyance as provided in Subsection C below. The City shall not approve the final plat for recording until after the Closing Date and the Detention Pond Property conveyance has occurred, provided that final plat approval shall not be unreasonably withheld if the City has delayed the Closing Date for reasons unrelated to the Developer having to cure defects in title. B. Legal Status of Covenants. The City and the Developer acknowledge and agree that the Northwest Corner Property and portion of the Detention Pond Property that shall be conveyed to the City shall be used for a public purpose and will not be subject to the terms, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 5 of 19 covenants, conditions, restrictions, assessments, indemnity obligations, and possible liens created by and set forth in that Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded in the Seminole County Official Records Book 8871, Page 98, as amended by the First Amendment in Seminole County Official Records Book 8964, page 1579 (“Covenants”), pursuant, in part, to Ryan v. Town of Manalapan, 414 So.2d 193 (Fla. 1982). The Developer shall use its best faith efforts to provide, and likewise obtain from the other owners of property subject to the Covenants, an estoppel letter in favor of the City acknowledging such and record such estoppel letters prior to the Closing Date for any required conveyance. C. Procedure for Conveyances. No later than thirty (30) days after the completion of the Lot Split, the Parties shall commence and then diligently complete the Closing for the Detention Pond Property Conveyance. No later than thirty (30) days after the recording of the Final Plat, the Parties shall commence and then diligently complete the Closing for the Northwest Corner Property Conveyance. In conjunction with the commencement of the Detention Pond Property Conveyance and Northwest Corner Property Conveyances, Developer must provide, at its expense, the survey and legal description, prepared by a duly registered and professional surveyor and certified to the City and Title Insurance Company, to be used for the subject Closing. In addition, at the commencement of each of the Closings mentioned above, Developer shall provide the City with a commitment for an Owner’s Title Insurance Policy (ALTA FORM B-1970) from a title insurance company (“Title Company”) acceptable to the City, at the Developer’s expense, agreeing to insure the City’s title to the property to be conveyed to the City upon closing in an amount equal to the greater of $75,000 or the prorated assessed value of the land, based on acreage, as determined from the total assessed value of the property from the Seminole County Property Appraiser’s database at the time of closing. If a Title Commitment reflects matters other than the standard exception for ad valorem real estate taxes for the current year and those matters which will be discharged by the Developer at or prior to Closing, then the City shall have twenty (20) days to examine the commitment and tender any objections thereto. If the title commitment discloses unpermitted exceptions or matters that render the title non- marketable or unacceptable to the City for its intended purposes and proposed land uses, the Developer, at its option, shall have forty-five (45) days from the date of receiving written notice of defects from the City within which to have the exceptions removed from the commitment or the defects cured to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. If the Developer fails to have the commitment exceptions removed or the defects cured within the specified time, the City may terminate this Agreement or the City may elect, upon notice to the Developer within ten (10) days after the expiration of the forty-five (45) day curative period, to take title as it then is notwithstanding such exceptions or title defects. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, the Developer shall be required to pay and discharge any liens and obtain partial releases of any mortgages affecting the title status of the property to be conveyed. Each Conveyance shall be by special warranty deed, free and clear of all mortgages, liens, and other encumbrances that are not permitted exceptions. For the purposes of this Agreement, all matters and exceptions reflected in the Title Commitment that are either (a) contemplated or authorized DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 6 of 19 by this Agreement or (b) accepted by the City covered by such Title Commitment, shall be collectively referred to as “Permitted Exceptions.” At closing, Title Company shall provide the City standard “gap” coverage in the custom as established by title insurance practices in Florida. Subsequent to closing, Title Company, at the Developer’s expense, shall provide an owner’s title policy showing title up to and including the recording of the deed delivered at closing, said policy showing the continuation of good and marketable title in the Developer to the moment of recording the special warranty deed and subject only to the permitted exceptions accepted by the City and any matters created at closing. In such event, the time of closing shall be thirty (30) days after delivery of the commitment or the time expressly specified in this Agreement, whichever is later. The Developer shall pay for the cost of recording any necessary curative instruments, the title insurance commitment, and the Owner’s policy if issued, and recording of the deed. Each party shall pay their respective attorney’s fees. 7.0 Additional Special Development Conditions. The following additional development conditions shall apply to the Project: A. Cash Contribution. The cash contribution required in Section 4.0(E) shall be made within fifteen (15) days of approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, and Waivers. The City shall not issue any building permits or clearing and grading permits until such funds are paid. B. Landscaping and Irrigation. Installation of the Elm and Crepe myrtle trees along the northern boundary of the Project and within the Cross-Seminole Trail right-of-way (“Trail Trees”) and irrigation to support the Trail Trees shall be completed by Developer prior to the issuance of any final certificates of occupancy being issued for the Project to the City’s satisfaction. Such Trail Trees shall be subject to the obligation of ongoing maintenance and replacement for the first two years following planting, at the Developer and/or Homeowner Association’s expense, if the City determines, after reasonable inspection, that any tree has become severely diseased or damaged to the point that the viability of the tree has been significantly compromised. Because the irrigation facilities to support the Trail Trees will be connected with the community’s irrigation system, such irrigation facilities shall be subject to the obligation of ongoing maintenance and payment of water utility costs at the Developer and/or Homeowner Association’s expense. Developer and Homeowner’s Association shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder until such time that the Developer has closed out the Project by completing the development of the entire Project and fully turning over the Project to the Homeowner’s Association. At such time the Project is fully turned over to the Homeowner’s Association, the Homeowner’s Association shall be fully responsible for the landscaping and irrigation requirements set forth in this subparagraph. In the event that Developer and/or the Homeowner’s Association fails to perform the necessary maintenance, repairs or replacements of any of the Trail Trees or irrigation facilities and equipment, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to conduct said maintenance, repairs or replacements and recover the actual cost thereof from the Developer and/or Homeowner’s Association. Prior to exercising that right, the DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 7 of 19 City shall provide the Developer and/or Homeowner’s Association written notice and an explanation of the specific default and at least thirty (30) days in which to cure the default. If Developer and/or Homeowner’s Association fails to cure the default by the end of the cure period, the City may exercise its rights to maintain and replace at any time thereafter. The Developer shall additionally submit a Landscape Performance and Maintenance Bond in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to obtaining any clearing and grading permits, ensuring planting and installation of the Trail Trees and irrigation should the Project be abandoned after the Property has been cleared and proper maintenance of the trees for two (2) years after planting. C. Sidewalks, Roads and Infrastructure. No later than final plat approval, public pedestrian access easements shall be dedicated or granted over private sidewalks. 8.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto. Upon acquisition of the Property by the Developer and the recording of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Agreement shall be a binding obligation upon the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding himself and the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 9.0 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property and the Homeowner’s Association, and shall run with title to the same upon being duly recorded against the Property by the City. 10.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue of any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida or, for federal court actions, in Orlando, Florida. 11.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 12.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersede any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contain the entire agreement between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 8 of 19 13.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 14.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 15.0 Recordation. Upon full execution by the Parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida by the City. The Developer shall be responsible for all recording fees associated with this Agreement. 16.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 17.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of sovereign immunity and other applicable limitations on City liability whenever deemed applicable by the City. Therefore, notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 18.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 19.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 20.0 Third-Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third-party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 21.0 Specific Performance. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 9 of 19 by this Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. 22.0 Attorney's Fees. In connection with any arbitration or litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. 23.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement in accordance with the criteria of the City Code and the requirements of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City’s police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building, trailer, structure or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement. 24.0 Default. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non-defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, an action for specific performance and/or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non-defaulting party prior to filing said action. 25.0 Termination. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if Developer fails to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the effective date of this Agreement. The Developer may apply to the City Commission for an extension of this Agreement, which may be granted upon good cause shown. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement if Developer permanently abandons construction of the Project, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 24 above. If the City terminates this Agreement, the City shall record a notice of termination against the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. However, as described in Section 4.0, the Trail Tree planting obligation, cash contribution obligation, Detention Pond Property Conveyance, and Northwest Corner Property Conveyance including the relocation of the open stormwater conveyance system shall survive the termination of this Agreement if not already completed prior to the termination of this Agreement. 26.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Developer shall be solely responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating and maintaining this Project. As such, Developer hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 10 of 19 (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by Developer and Developer’s contractor’s and subcontractor’s performance of design, permit and construction, and maintenance activities in furtherance of constructing the Project and maintaining the improvements of this Project including, but not limited to, the Trail Trees and irrigation facilities and equipment. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 27.0 Force Majeure. The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period (“Time Period”) constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to any unforeseeable or unpredictable event or condition beyond the control of such party, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the City’s own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions (“Uncontrollable Event”), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Uncontrollable Event. The extended time period shall be agreed to in writing by the parties and said agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party. 28. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, notice shall be sent by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to: For the City: Shawn Boyle, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 With additional notice to: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 For Developer: Robert Riva, Vice President DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC 14701 Philips Highway, Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32256-3743 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 11 of 19 With additional notice to: Robert Rosen Burr & Forman, LLP 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 800 Orlando, FL 32801 Either party may freely modify their respective contact person and address contained in this Paragraph by providing written notice of the modification to the other party. Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 29.0 Assignment. Prior to completing the construction of the Project and reaching final build-out of the Project, Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. Such assignment shall also require the written approval of the City by amendment to this Agreement, which shall not require a public hearing and shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, Developer shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity in which Developer or its members are members or interest holders without City consent, provided that the City is given notice of such assignment in accordance with Section 28.0 herein. Any assignment authorized by this subparagraph shall require the assignee to be a formal signatory to this Agreement and fully assume all of Developer’s obligations, commitments, representations, and warranties under this Agreement. In any assignment, the rights and obligations contained herein shall be binding on successors in interest to the Property, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any respective successors and assigns. 30.0 Homeowner’s Association. In conjunction with the approval of the final subdivision for the Project, the Developer shall create a mandatory homeowner’s association to govern the Project in accordance with Chapter 720, Florida Statutes. The association shall also be governed by the covenants and restrictions created and recorded against the Property by the Developer as required by this Agreement. A copy of the association’s articles of incorporation, by-laws and recorded covenants and restrictions shall be provided to the City prior to the approval of the final subdivision. The homeowner’s association shall be responsible for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all common areas and amenities constructed for the Project, shall govern the Project in accordance with the requirements of Florida law including the recorded covenants and restrictions and by-laws of the association, have the power to levy assessments and collect HOA fees, which are used to pay for the maintenance of the community common areas and any other designated areas that are detailed in the covenants and deeds applicable to the Project. 31.0 Model Homes. The City agrees to allow the Developer or Developer’s chosen homebuilder(s) (hereinafter referred to in this Section as “Builder”) for the Project to construct both a sales office and up to five (5) model homes in two townhome buildings to be DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 12 of 19 used for the customary temporary marketing and sales activities of the Builder. The Builder shall have the right to utilize two garages in two model home units as the temporary sales office. The City represents that such marketing and sales activities shall be permitted through buildout of the Project. The City agrees to permit early construction of the model homes prior to or after plat approval, provided that, prior to construction of the model homes, stabilized access to the model home lots and adequate means of fire protection from a City-approved source of water are completed and the following conditions, which are deemed acceptable to Builder, are adhered to: (a) The model homes shall remain under Builder’s ownership and control until such time as a final certificate of occupancy for each model home unit is issued under the conditions set forth below. In other words, the Builder shall not contract for sale, sell, or lease, for the purposes of residential occupation, any of the individual model home units until such time as the City issues a final certification of occupancy for each model home unit. The City agrees that nothing in this Section shall be construed as restricting or preventing the Builder from selling or conveying, prior to final plat approval, any land that is intended to coincide with the eventual location of the model home lots as will be depicted and legally described on the final plat or other land within the Project, provided the following conditions are met: (1) the land in such sale shall be legally described by metes and bounds without reference to the intended lot numbers that will be used in the final plat; (2) the buyer of the land shall be required to sign and join the final plat and shall be considered a co-developer of the Project; and (3) the provisions of Section 29.0 are followed. After the final plat is recorded but prior to the time a final certificate of occupancy is issued for a model home, the Builder shall further be permitted to engage in sale and leaseback transactions of the model homes, provided they continue to be used for the customary temporary marketing and sales activities of the Builder and not for residential occupation purposes. (b) The model homes shall be constructed on existing or proposed lots approved by the City, and any associated parking, pedestrian activity and other activities conducted by sales staff or the general public shall be adequately segregated from construction activities to ensure safety. Parking for the model homes shall be provided in a temporary parking lot to be located in an area approved by the City, which may consist of a mulch surface. Prior to a final certificate of occupancy being issued on the last remaining model home, the mulch surface shall be removed and the area shall either be prepared for home construction, open space or recreational amenity or seeded. (c) The model sales office shall comply with all applicable state and city regulations regarding accessibility. In addition, Builder shall provide a minimal level of access to all model homes for potential homebuyers with disabilities by providing physical access (via ramp or lift) to the primary level each model home and making photographs of other levels within each home available to the customer. (d) Prior to construction, the model homes shall be duly permitted by the City in accordance with the City’s Code. As part of the building permit application, the Builder shall submit, along with all construction plans for the units, a duly certified boundary survey which DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 13 of 19 shall depict the location and legal description of each individual model lot. The Builder acknowledges and agrees that this legal description is intended to coincide with the eventual location of the lots as depicted and legally described on the final plat. The Builder shall assume full and complete responsibility in the event that said legal descriptions do not conform to the lot lines required by the City in the final plat. The Builder fully understands the construction of model homes before final plat is approved by the City may pose a risk to the Builder if the approved plat is not consistent with the layout of model home on the subject property, and that such risk may require modification or removal of the model home based on the approved plat before a final certificate of occupancy can be issued for the model home. The Builder agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from and against any and all damages, losses or claims arising from the layout and construction of the model home under this Agreement prior to preliminary and final plat approval as provided further in Section 26.0 of this Agreement. (e) At such time as the City Building Official completes and approves a final inspection of the model homes, the City will issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. Said temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for each model home as a whole. Occupancy of the model home units shall be limited to the sales and marketing efforts for the Project until a final certificate of occupancy is issued for such model home units. It is intended that the model homes can be shown by sales staff to prospective buyers as long as the Building Official has issued the temporary certificate of occupancy and the model is not staffed continuously. (f) Following completion of all required plat improvements, at the request of the Builder or at such time as the Project development is completed, whichever occurs sooner, the model home units shall be converted into permanent residential units and the City shall issue final certificates of occupancy for each model home unit, provided, that the City Building Official determines that such units are suitable for permanent residential occupancy and in compliance with the City Codes. Nothing in this Section shall cause to limit the number of inventory homes (pre-sale, spec homes) that may be constructed on the Property. Violation of this Section will also constitute a violation of the City Code of Ordinances, and the provisions of this Section may also be enforced as provided therein. Any Builder desiring to construct a model home pursuant to this Section, other than Developer, shall be provided a copy of this Section by the Developer if Builder is not the owner of the subject property on which the model home will be constructed and shall automatically be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions herein as a condition of the issuance of a building permit by the City even if they are not the owner or have not consented, in writing, to the term and conditions of this Section. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 14 of 19 Charles Lacey, Mayor ATTEST: By: Andrea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CITY SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 15 of 19 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC Print name and title: ________________________ Date: _______________ STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______ day of ___________, 2019, by____________________, the __________________of____________________________., a__________________________. He is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 16 of 19 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Insert Legal DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 17 of 19 EXHIBIT B DETENTION POND PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 18 of 19 JOINDER AND CONSENT For and in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, and conditions and restrictions contained herein, together with other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Varde Private Debt Opportunities Fund (Onshore), L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, as holder of that certain Mortgage, Security Agreement, Assignment of leases and Rents and Fixture Financing Statement (hereinafter referred to as the “Mortgage”) which is recorded in Official Records Book 9342, Page 1701 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, hereby joins in and consents to the foregoing Development Agreement by and between the City of Winter Springs, a Florida municipal corporation, and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and further acknowledges and agrees that its Mortgage shall be subordinated to such Development Agreement and the obligations contained therein. Dated this _______ day of ______, 2019. Signed and sealed in the presence of: Print Name: Print Name: The Varde Private Debt Opportunities Fund (Onshore), L.P. By: ___________________________________ Name: Title : STATE OF _______________ ) ) SS.: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. Page 19 of 19 COUNTY OF ______________ ) Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for said State and County, duly commissioned and qualified, _________________________, with whom I am personally acquainted, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, and who, upon oath, acknowledged themselves to be the ____________________ of the Varde Private Debt Opportunities Fund (Onshore), L.P., on behalf of the corporation, and that he/she as such ____________________, and being fully authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument, for the purposes therein contained by signing the name of the corporation by themselves as such officers. WITNESS my hand and seal this _____ day of _______________, 2019. Notary Public My Commission Expires: _______________