HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlorida Department of Law Enforcement - Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Monitoring - 2015-JAGD-SEMI-5-E6-162 - 2016 05 16 FDLE
Florida Deparlornent of Business Support Rick Scott, Governor
Law Enforcement Office of Criminal Justice Grants Pam Bondi,Attorney General
Post Office Box 1489 Jeff Atwater, Chief Financial Officer
Richard L. Swearingen Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489 Adam Putnam, Commissioner of Agriculture
Commissioner (850)617-1250
May 17, 2016
The Honorable Charles Lacey
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Subject: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Monitoring
Dear Mayor Lacey:
This letter reports the results of the recent desk monitoring for the Edward Byrne Memorial
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), grant number 2015-JAGD-SEMI-5-E6-162 completed via
correspondence questionnaire. Our grant manager, Tennille Robinette, reviewed the
questionnaire and accompanying documentation submitted by your agency.
The monitoring revealed your agency is operating grant activities in compliance with the
agreement. We wish to thank you and members of your agency for continuing efforts
associated with the JAG federal grant program.
Please contact your grant manager, Tennille Robinette or me at (850) 617-1250 with any
questions or for additional assistance.
z T
Petrina T. Herring
Bureau Chief
cc: Chief Kevin Brunelle, Project Director, Winter Springs Police Department
Service - Integrity - Respect ® Quality
Justice Assistance Grant - Direct
Desk Monitoring Report
Contract No: 2015-JAGD-SEMI-5-E6-162
-Project Director: Kevin P. Brunelle
Telephone No: 407-327-1000
Subgrantee: City of Winter Springs
Other Person(s) Contacted:
Monitoring Date: 04/29/2016
Project Monitored By: Tennille E Robinette
Report Number: 1
Date Written Report Complete: 04/29/2016
Date of Approval:
Approved By:
Report Summary:
lCategory - Administration
1. Is the FDLE/OCJG grant file in order and all items secured in the tabs? Y
2. Are all organization officials in SIMON current and correct?
3. Are project staff aware of and familiar with the Standard Conditions section of the approved contract?
4. Is the staff familiar with the USDOJ/OJP Financial Guide?
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5. Do the financial officer and project director understand that only costs incurred between the beginning
and ending dates of the contract are eligible for reimbursement and that an invoice must have been
paid prior to the expenditure being reported to FDLE?
6. Does the project staff understand the procedure for requesting a grant adjustment and the due date for
adjustment requests?
7If the subgrantee has delegated signature authority for submitting grant adjustments in SIMON, do they
have written documentation of this in the file?
8. Does project staff understand the reporting requirements? Is project staff aware of the reporting process
and which roles may submit transactions in SIMON?
9. Have audits been submitted as required by the grant agreement for this and prior years, and have audit
finding and recommendations been addressed when applicable?
ICategory : Civil Rights
1. Is the subgrant recipient in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) Plan
Indicate status ofplan.
2. Is the implementing agency in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) Plan
Indicate status ofplan.
3. Did the subgrantee provide documentation related to civil rights compliance?
4. Is the subgrantee in compliance with civil rights requirements?
5. Did the implementing agency provide documentation related to civil rights compliance?
6. Is the implementing agency in compliance with civil rights requirements?
7Does the agency utilize the Florida Law Enforcement Basic Abilities Test (LE BAT) score to help rank
order or otherwise select among candidates for any law enforcement officer position?
[Category : Compliance Issues
1. Do project staff understand and all complying with the records retention requirements? Y
2. For state agencies, is there a Certification Regarding Lobbying on file, and is the agency complying with
the stipulations ofthat certification?
4. If the travel expenses are being charged to the grant, does the agency have a written travel policy? If
not, are they using state policy?
5. If the grant funds are used for bulletproof vests, does the agency have a written "mandatory wear"
policy in effect?
6. Have the types of vests funded by the grant been tested and found to comply with applicable National
Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are the vests American-made?
category : Performance
1. Have quarterly performance reports been submitted as required by the grant agreement? Y
2. Is the grant accomplishing activities as set forth in the project summary?
3. Are project target groups, activities, geographic areas and location consistent with those included in t
lCategory : Financial Management _F__Y
1. Do project staff know how to access financial reports in SIMON to confirm financial status?
2. Are system controls adequate to account for reciept, obligation and expenditure of project funds, and
are financial records at the subgrantee, implementing agency and service provider(if applicable)
consistent with each other?
3. Is the project expending funds at a rate that will allow for total expenditure of project funds within the
grant period?
4. Have Project Expenditure Reports been submitted as required by the grant agreement?
5. Does the backup documentation support expenditures reflected in in the PER selected for review?
6. Did the PER reviewed included only costs incurred during the approved contract period?
7. Did the PER reviewed include only invoices paid prior to submittal to FDLE for reimbursement?
8. If the budget is based on unit cost, did available clocumantation support the number of units reported n
the PER submitted for reimbursement?
�Category , Purchasing
1. Does the recipient have sole source documentation on file and does it meet the requirements? N/A
2. Does recipient have written purchasing procedures?
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3. Does documentation of procurement indicated these procedures were followed?
Category : OCO/Expenses
1. Have expense and/or OCO items outlined in the current approved budget been ordered/received? Y
2. Were any expense and/or OCO items that had been received available for review?
3. Is equipment purchased with grant dollars being used as described in the contract?
4. Are property management records being maintained in accordance with contract requirements?
lCategory : Salaries and Benefits
1. Does recipient have a current Policy/Procedure manual or clearly defined staff rules including a written
overtime policy, a written leave and fringe benefits policy, and written job descriptions as applicable?
2. If S&B is included in the budget,was documantation provided to support a net increase in staff resulted
due to grant funds? If funds are used to retain positions that would have been laid off but for the
availability of federal funds, documentation must substantiate the certification that these positions have
been cut only because of a funding shortfall affecting the entire unit of government.
3. Do all personnel paid by the project, including personnel only receiving overtime, have timesheets that NIA
document all hours charged to the project were worked on the project?
4. Have all personnel who are assigned to work soley on the grant completed semi-annual certiications N/A
that they worked solely on the grant?
JCategory : Contractual Services
1. If contractual services are included in the approved budget, has the proposed agreement format and N/A
executed contract been reviewed by FDLE? Please list all contracts reviewed?
2. Are effective dates of the contract consistent with the grant period?
3. Are all parties to the contract clearly identified and consistent with the grant contract?
4. Were all subcontracted activities identified in the approved grant contract?
5. Are LISDOJ compliance requirements passed through by contract provisions and are the subgrant
standard conditions included by reference?This would include resolution of disputes, reporting, patents,
rights in data and copyrights, examination of records, cleanair and water, EEO, and termination of
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