HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&H Senesac Inc Biosolids Dewatering and Transportation Agreemenr - 3rd Addendum - EXECUTED 2019 07 29T111RD ADDENDUMN1,11)
AGREAMENT Mw -1 hkd Addmdum-) 1 imidc am! mucted W on this 011Q%3119. In,
P&H SINESM , a Vermont dam-pwofh corpomlion, whmcaWk"s 6 257 NNA Mmna Rd.,
Gq:,orpja, Vermont 0546N (hewin -1 rauMmwimiun (%Man"J. w! We M V (IF WK I FA,
SPRIM" a HoM munk4ml cnqxnavion, "Imso address is 1126 L. Stale Rxild 4,14, Wrwe�
"wkgn Fhwidu 32709 fhuichi -Souive FaciUly-),
WIILREAS� SOURX Mld 'I rMINJIM-Wfion ( 'I nnpal lily enlcrc(] inlit thu� ccirlain
INWAN WAInd" aml I nMwonMkn1 Agreenrew ') dai;cd V)lccenllbcr 10. MAfi,
I'm- lhtdewate6rq' and n'mlsport by "lU ransporiation ( omparly ol, bro'solids produced b)" Sormcc
FWAY wmewnwl hesmoo whowN h; a ohdTany "w"Wwww and tikposali fiacilhy' which
.Agreelnelfl has belen r(me%ked lwiicc h'ANa Adckutkurr dawd December 15, -1017 and tear Scicond
Addculdmin 4]"acd Dc'Cendwr 2MS' Nrs Aj.pccwenl"d.° 'and
MIEREAS TminquwMik"" harmy aml Owne 11651y have ugmed io coma& chnnges
in the dewalcHiq umt jewr(hy um as Ammy on LxWbA "A"' to the Alpeenwnil and tire chantelelt istics
or the M;Wgc to be, pro% ided ki'Frawwporllalllion Facifill and
NVIIE,IUAS, 'Fr,'.ursporlailion awt stwime wasy imw dem k) nunew the, wns, or oic
A'ViCt"MeW 10 Ilk, I6a.W4 ra wucrjqv m
isow ri i sm won E. in tv awwa w of a MUI Hal U MUMS 01011 LIMMA WRI AM'
!ocid i1irld %'a hlable considentfion. Oru I-cct"ifIt 0l SUMAOICY Of WCh MC h1MM0Cd12l,d.'
du.- puoic°s aboxe nanr,.°d hcrw.Jl" aur' -c as
6,0 1'hl: fecru'd's art. inc(qponrled heciao bret"Crt.nicc, as dwilgh fully selt
US behow.
2A) Source -42d"1.1 11QUOUMNAWS. SeCIAMI 2-2 of 1he ",'imr e
Facirity's responsibi1his is hcmhy modihed as Wows:
21 Sume Facilly shall provide hiosofids lin. ocalincla, Prior lo iwo
'Fronsporiallon ( Amwwy4 Aawbry waddrdd uwa w4w mi za w, or it(: cir\'"s wasiv
3-101 1w mewante finn (w per Dry I on- Ike W
IN= -A- or die yycemeta is ium, mo"i in is cwhay ami out hanvow is submiuku in
lQu lhmeoE
0ewateting Cost per Dry Ton for Wds equW to or greater, than 3.M $565.00/Dl-
sd&'MIUM to nr
Spliny" P&H Sellle-oc, 111C.
144W 1 01 2
Dewratering Cost per Dry Ton for Wids prays than 3.0% but greater
Oran 211%, $67408/D7'
Deviatering Cost per Dry 'I w) for solids 1"s than or equal to 2.0% $847,,62/Dl'
the wninOW of FORM * A- wh;H Tunmin avis "it mw o0c, nunhAvmkox
4M IM% J1 ... . .. .. . ... ... °. I hL' SOUR'116 Q W I mnNwom km C Ompany apt a: duo The new in, cs All -
t I le dcwalcri ng ct I let- dry ton sha H 1w appHed k) all in voices rvcci v ed by the Sonwe AcH h y A nu
TnmMmOWAn ( Ompang Wgilming W Apd 120 19 and thocana,
j 'r�'J0 1 i LLP 1–. L 1 m) —a I u, 1LS– j , -11(ry. PUrS(M eXeCja[jQ &IS I hial
ANKulur sm Whall Q'Itanspimu"On WWaq, hvwh�, ,md vawwnk ttwi, he B;i shc
has Ou" hlUp awhm,Ny lo sQ add Ihird Acklent"n Q 1YamqmdWKn (in," W h; AtHy hind
%nNwOwAm Cimpug h, to hnms am! "mlkms not 16A W this Wdrd AAWAn.
(0) Any odwr to M CIOMHOon of, the 'Fraiaspormtion
Agmunmi no cxpressly 11HAIVI by 1% 1101 Addmdwn shil rentaki in Nil Arco wid Abo
IN kk] [N[-:SrrS Vv'1HQFW dw pwlivs kith) hu%c cawk %docuniew, ttiv day and yeal fimt
ahove "Awn,
(IjaimMmmlad"n p Anpany) (Source Facility)
Shawn; ROVER ty'aint Uby Nimiago
Dow 1-7 n p "'i
2 kt
Phom,,° Nola .407-327-51A,V)
Fox Noi�
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