HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 07 24 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTEP SPPINGS, FLOPIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE PEGULAP MEETING J U LY 24, 2019 (PESCHEDULED FPOM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, July 24, 2019 (Pescheduled from Wednesday, July 17, 2019) of theTuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Tom Vagnini at 5:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Poad 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present Vice -Chairperson Elaine Johnson, present Committee Member Terri Bivona, present Committee Member Ellen Paul, present Committee Member Jesse Phillips, present Assistant to the City Clerk Christian Cowan, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWIL.LA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -JULY 24,2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) PAGE 2OF8 Chairperson Vagnini opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Vagnini closed "Public Input". BEAUTIFICATION300. Approval Of Minutes From The Wednesday, April 17, 2019 Regul Meeting I REGARDING THE APRIL 17, 2019 TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AN s ADVISORY COMMITTEEt . THE MOTIONTO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM MOTION COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON. SECONDED BIVONA. DISCUSSION. TOTE: COMMITTEEPHILLIPS:AYE CHAIRPERSON COMMITTEE• : AYE MEMBERVICE-CHAIRPERSON JOHNSON: AYE COMMITTEE PAUL: MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JULY 24,2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY17,2019) PAGE 3 OF 8 500. FY 2018-2019 YTD Expenditure Detail and FY2019-2020 Proposed Budget Ms. Kelly Balagia, Director, Finance Department introduced the Agenda item and reviewed expenditures. Next, Ms. Balagia was commended, and it was mentioned that the descriptions in the margins were helpful. Pelated to the Capital Budget, Ms. Balagia said that potential landscaping enhancements for the fountain and grounding of the irrigation could possibly be eligible for Capital Expenditures. Ms. Balagia added, "After the discussion tonight, we would be potentially taking a Consent Agenda Item forward to the Commission for the August 12 1h Meeting to do a Supplemental Appropriation from this Fund for FY (Fiscal Year) [20]'19 for those two (2) projects, depending upon how the discussion goes tonight." Continuing Ms. Balagia added that another project which would involve refinishing the north and south fountains could possibly also be considered for the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Remarks continued on the Capital Fund, grounding irrigation lines, the long- term outlook of the Maintenance Fund, guidelines that the Finance Department uses, and unexpected costs. 501. Discuss Quotes and Recommendations for Wholesale Replacement of North and South Fountains Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Urban Beautification Division, IT & Administrative Services Department introduced himself to the Committee and then presented the Agenda Item for discussion. Photographs were shown of renderings and comments followed on the extent of the work including plant removal, regrading of beds, pressure washing, new plantings, the fountains, maintenance efforts, and a diseased palm tree. Mr. Tom Enright, Branch Manager, Brightview Landscape Services, Inc., 4777 Old Winter Gorden Road, Orlando, Florida: suggested, I would leave it for now and see how long you can get out of it." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -JULY 24, 2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) PAGE 4 OF 8 There was further discussion about the plant selections to which several Committee Members noted their apprehension that there would not be enough color. Remarks followed on maintenance and the choice of plants. Mr. Enright addressed the concerns of Committee Members regarding maintenance requirements and expressed confidence that his team could handle the work. Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT and Administrative Services noted, "So what we're looking for is direction on where to go from here. Do you want us to look at some other quotes with some other plant material, if you don't like the plant material that is there? We can try to get some additional quotes but then we're looking at bringing that back to you at the next meeting." Discussion continued on expenses, plant selections, as well as quotes and plans that had been submitted. Photographs and a video provided by Nature's Care were referenced, followed by further discussion. Several Committee Members expressed their dislike for the proposed rocks, noted their preference for flowers, and comments ensued on how wet this area gets. Regarding how long such a project might take, Mr. Enright pointed out, "It depends on how many crews we were to put on it. If we loaded it up with a couple of crews, probably a week; if it was one (1) crew, two (2) weeks. Something like this, I would get with my Enhancement Manager and say, `We need to load this up with as many people as we can to get it knocked out because it's your front entrance'." Continuing, Mr. Enright added, "So, we just have to be careful. It's a busy intersection, we're going to have to bring clumpsters in to get rid of the dirt, so logistically there are some challenges that go along with this, but it would be my goal to get this done as quickly as we possibly could." Further discussion continued on mulch, and that less mulch than in the past would be needed. Mr. Enright said, "In the specs that we bid, it was twice a year and that's what we've been performing. Now, again, I think there's some cost savings there for everybody, if we consider going to once a year." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -- JULY 24,2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2019) PAGE SOF8 With further remarks, Mr. Enright suggested maybe adding some extra around the holidays. Discussion followed. Ms. Howard inquired, "Do you want us to move forward with this proposal? Did you want us to switch out some plants? Based on your recommendation today, we'll bring it to the next Commission Meeting as a Consent." 1�11emarks continued on - plans and •. • • A . • • i PROPOSAL • cN FOUNTAINS."MOTION• : MEMBER PHILLIPS. MEMBERCOMMITTEE • • ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK CHRISTIAN GOWAN ASKED FO CLARIFICATION AND INQUIRED, "YOU'VE MOVED TO ACCEP • • • • • • • c • • • a • • • .. • • * " BY • • COMMMITEE MEMBER PHILLIPS CLARIFIED HIS ORIGINAL MOTION AND STATED, "I MOVE THAT WE MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE COMMISSION • PROCEED r• • ',.' • COMMITTEECHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE VICE-CHAIPPEPSON JOHNSON: AYE • ` i COMMITTEE• PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Regarding when this project would commence once approved by the City Commission, Mr. Enright said, "Our August is very light right now, that could change very quickly - I can have our Enhancement Manager - pencil it in for the end of August." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TOSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING --JULY 24, 2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) PAGE 6 OF 8 Mr. Maddox mentioned that scheduling would have to take in to account planned pressure washing, to which Mr. Enright said, "We'll tentatively put it on the schedule for the third or last week of August." With further remarks on coordinating schedules, Mr. Maddox added, "I think that we'll be able to coordinate it enough to where, say they demo the north side, and while they're working on the south side, they're pressure washing the north side and then - vice versa." It was noted that in the first island along the entranceway, there was a palm tree that has some ferns growing out of a side of it, that this had been brought up at previous meetings, though, nothing had been done about it. Mr. Jorge Ochoa, Account Manager, Brightview Landscape Service Inc., 4777 Old Winter Gorden Road, Orlando, Florida said, "Personally, I'll be there tomorrow to make sure that we take care of that." Brightview Landscape Service Inc., was commended for the work they have done since the last meeting, however, it was mentioned that some plants in the area of islands 17 and 18 needed some help. 0 , CAMIL411199"MAI-t Mr. Eric Soleno, Irrigation Manager, Brightview Landscape Service Inc., 4777 Old Winter Gorden Road, Orlando, Florida: addressed irrigation systems and the frequency of system replacements due to lightning strikes. Photographs of recent electrical damage were then shown to the Committee. Discussion followed on costs, system replacements, the cost of proposed options, lightning strikes, that this has been an on-going problem, and mitigating risks. Interim Manager Boyle was asked for his input towhich he addressed concerns and suggested, "We can expedite it - make sure that we're getting some value for the money that you're about to spend; and we can do it in an expeditious way and come back to you with a recommendation." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMIT -TEE REGULAR MEETING - JULY 24, 2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) PAGE 7 OF 8 With continued remarks, Interim Manager Boyle said, "We do have some folks on staff that could review it and we certainly have the names of a couple of folks that we've used in the past. We ground stuff all the time. We've got really expensive pump stations and things like that that we ground constantly, and I'd like to look into that." Members of the Committee noted their agreement. No objections were voiced. Comments ensued. Chairperson Vagnini stated, "We will have this brought up again, at the next Meeting with a recommendation from the City and Brightview, working together." 503. Discuss Information Regarding Landscaping Throughout The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District This Agenda Item began with comments from Ms. Howard who asked if the Committee "Would like us to earmark some money from the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year [20]'20 for rejuvenating the fountains? If that is something that you guys are interested in, do you want us to go ahead and earmark that money and then we can bring it up at a later date, or just bring it up at a later date?" Ms. Howard added, "The enhancements would be the plantings and the flower beds. What I'm talking about is what Kelly (Balagia) mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, where she was talking about draining the fountains, doing the acid wash, because one is beautiful and blue and the other is not." Discussion followed on past fountain related repairs. Mr. Maddox noted that he has been in contact with several fountain repair companies who recommended draining, acid washing, sealing cracks, and then painting, which seemed to be the best plan. Mr. Maddox was asked why a finish like "Pebble Tec" could not be considered for the fountains to which Mr. Maddox responded, "That is something we could look at." With no objections, Chairperson Vagnini pointed out, "That is another Agenda Item for the next meeting." No objections were voiced. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -JULY 24, 2019 (RESCHEDULED FROM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17,2019) PAGE 8 OF 8 Mr. Maddox then shared his thoughts on future efforts going forward and explained, "We are planning on starting at one direction, probably on the Tuskawilla side, and moving back on the more severe islands." I �20 Irmo Mr. Maddox remarked, "One of my top priorities is to rejuvenate some of those islands." Chairperson Vognini opened "Public Input". Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon thanked the Committee Members for their service, and said that he hoped they would be attending the upcoming Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner. Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned a sight line distance issue related to a median in front of the Tuscawilla Country Club and hoped this could be checked out. Chairperson Vagnini asked Mr. Maddox if he could look into this to which Mr. Maddox said he would. Chairperson Vognini closed "Public Input". Further remarks. Chairperson Vagnini adjourned the Pegular Meeting at 6:58 p.m. PESPECT11ULLYSL)'BMITTED: CHPISTIAN COWAN ASSISTANT TO THE -'CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 16, 2019 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.