HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 05 24 Districting Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 24,2019 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Friday, May 24,2019 of the Districting Commission was called to Order at 5:00 p.m. by City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese in the Commission Chambers (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese gave a brief introduction of what would be addressed during this meeting. Roll Call: Mr. Zoltan "Skip" Arok, Jr., present Mr. James Evans, present Mr. Robert Henderson, present Ms. Mary Hoffman-Hughes, present Mr. Maurice Kaprow, present Ms. Joanne M. Krebs, present Mr. David Withee, present, City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present Assistant to the City Clerk Christian Gowan, present REGULAR AGENDA-PART I 500. Orientation For The 2019 Districting Commission Members Attorney Garganese led the official Oath of Office that all Districting Commission Members took. Next, Attorney Garganese noted that the City Clerk would provide the Oath of Office documents for everyone to sign. 501. Election For Chairperson Of The 2019 Districting Commission Districting Commission Member Robert Henderson suggested for the Position of Chairperson, "I w ould Nominate Joanne Krebs." No other Nominations were made. CITY OF W INTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -MAY 24,2019 PAGE 20F7 Attorney Ga rganese t hen suggested a Motion be made for t he Appointment of a Chairperson. "I SO MOVE." MOTION BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER KAPROW. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 502. Election For Vice-Chairperson Of The 2019 Districting Commission FOR THE POSITION OF VICE-CHAIRPERSON, "I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE RABBI MAURICE KAPROW." THERE WERE NO FURTHER NOMINATIONS VOICED. MOTION BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER EVANS. SECONDED BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON KREBS: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER AROK, JR.: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HENDERSON: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER WITHEE: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER EVANS: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HOFFMAN-HUGHES: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -MAY 24,2019 PAGE 3 OF 7 •: .. :• AGENDA NOTE: THE REST OF THE AGENDA WAS DISCUSSED IN THE ORDER, AS DOCUMENTED. •: .. :• CONSENT AGENDA 300. Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA-PART II 500. Presenting The Districting Commission With A Recommendation For The 2019 City Commission District Boundaries, Reflecting the 2010 Census Population And Updated Development Data Since The 2010 Census Was Completed. The Districting Commission Must Forward A Recommendation To The City Manager For His Consideration By May 27, 2019. Attorney Garganese gave an overview and pointed out, "Pursuant to the City Charter, Section 4.02, the City Commission is required to Appoint every three (3) years a Districting Commission whose sole purpose -is to review the City Commission's Districts and to make a recommendation to the City Commission regarding whether or not the District boundaries have to be modified." Continuing, Attorney Garganese explained that for Winter Springs, each of the five (5) Commissioners are required to reside in a specific District. Further comments followed on the timeline and process related to this current Districting Commission, boundaries, the traditional guidelines that should be followed when carving out the various Districts, and the criteria related to balancing population numbers, especially the "VAP" (Voting Age Population). Attorney Garganese pointed out that overall, this was a very "Statistically driven process." Remarks continued. Mr. PJ Smith, AICP, Senior GIS Analyst, Urban Designer, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, 455 North Garland Avenue, Orlando, Florida: addressed the Districting Commission Members. CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS, FLORI DA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -MAY 24,2019 PAGE 40F7 •!••!• AGENDA NOTE: THE REST OF THE AGENDA WAS DISCUSSED IN THE ORDER, AS DOCUMENTED. •!• •:• PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Krebs opened "Public Input". No one addressed the Districting Commission at this time. Chairperson Krebs closed "Public Input". REGULAR AGENDA-PART II (CONTINUED) 500. Presenting The Districting Commission With A Recommendation For The 2019 City Commission District Boundaries, Reflecting the 2010 Census Population And Updated Development Data Since The 2010 Census Was Completed. The Districting Commission Must Forward A Recommendation To The City Manager For His Consideration By May 27,2019. A document entitled, "City Commission District Realignment May 2019" was provided to the Districting Commission Members to which Mr. Smith reviewed the different pages and various aspects, criteria, and data. Continuing, Mr. Smith noted, 'The Districts have two (2) primary criteria from a population and 'VAP' (Voting Age Population) perspective. The largest District can't be ten percent (10 %) larger than the small est District, in terms of population and 'VAP' (Voting Age Population), and then also for 'VAP' (Voting Age Population) and population, if you were to take t he total population and divide it by five (5), that's really the optimal population for each District. No District can be greater or less than five percent (5%) greater than that va lue as well." Additionally, Mr. Smith explained, "You'll see in the summary, disproportionate population growth on the eastern side of the City is really going to force those boundaries just a little b it to the west. From a pragmatic perspective, my goal and our goal when doing this analysis was to really simplify-to do as small a number of edits as possible, and to keep those edits contiguous with roadways or rivers, just primary linear aspects of your City and I think you'll see that we've done that; and even consolidated one of your Districts in particular, quite well -so that could actually be a District improvement." Further comments. CITY OF W INTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -MAY 24,2019 PAGE SOF7 On page 8, referring to the "Realignment Summary", it w as noted that a reference was mislabeled. Attorney Garganese pointed out, '"3E' should be '3D'. Furthermore, Attorney Garganese suggested, "On the recommendation, we can clean that up. It's only on the map that it says '3E', you have '3D' everywhere else. The charts and the title is correct." Referring to the different Districts, Mr. Smith explained, "One of the major reasons why we added the Town Center down to the south, into that District, I believe, District Five (5), is because this major roadway right here is a very nice boundary; that's a very good contiguous boundary and kind of similar to the District over to the west, there weren't the proper number of units in any of those developments to move them over w ithout it looking a little bit awkward. So, that's why that Tow n Center piece w ent dow n to the south and southwest." Vice-Chairperson Maurice Kaprow referred to the top of page 9 and said, 'The wording reads, 'The following population counts, VAP counts and deviations resulted from the five alterations made to the voting district.' There were not f ive, there were only four." Mr. Smith agreed with this. Discussion continued. Regarding some property on the east side of Tuskaw illa Road w hich w as currently under d evelopme nt, Mr. Smith was asked if that had been included in this Districting Report or would it be for the next Districting Commission. Mr. Smith explained he had a cut-off deadline and that particular development would be included next time, and added, "I can get you the date of that.'' Comments continued that with the proposed modifications, the current Commissioners would still reside in their current D istricts. "I WOULD MOVE THAT THIS COMMISSION RECOMMENDS TO THE CITY COMMISSION THE ADOPTION OF THIS PROPOSAL AS PRESENTED." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER WITHEE: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW: AYE CHAIRPERSON KREBS: AYE CITY OF WINTER SPRI NGS, FLORI DA MINUTES DISTRICTINC COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -MAY 24,2019 PAGE 6 OF7 DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HOFFMAN-HUGHES: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER EVANS: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HENDERSON: AYE DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER AROK, JR.: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Smith was complimented for the work he did. Attorney Garganese said to Chairperson Krebs, "Since the board has made its recommendation, I would ask that this Commission -authorize you to execute the Minutes of this meeting, because there will no longer be a reason for the Commission to meet; and it wi ll have done its' job and be dissolved as of this evening. So, I would ask that the Members authorize you to Approve and sign the Minutes." "I WOULD MOVE TO SO AUTHORIZE THAT THE CHAIRPERSON JOANNE KREBS, BE AUTHORIZED TO GO AHEAD AND SIGN THE MINUTES." MOTION BY DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEMBER HENDERSON. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Krebs then asked Attorney Garganese if he would be changing the couple of scrivener's errors before the Report goes to the City Commission. Attorney Garganese responded, "We'll go ahead and correct those scrivener's errors in the Report. In addition, we w ill take our standard Ordinance that we have used to adopt the map, because the map has to be adopted by Ordinance; so, we'll take the final map, we'll attach it to the Ordinance and then the Ordinance w ill be presented to the City Commission for consideration." 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Krebs opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Chairperson Krebs closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES DISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING-MAY 24,2019 PAGE 7 OF7 Chairperson Krebs adjourned the Regular Meeting at approximately 5:38p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ~io-LUACES CITY CLERK APPROVED: -NOTE: These Minutes were approved on,r-)'--~--'!'1-+-~-----· 2019 by Chairperson Joanne M. Krebs as delegated by the Districting Commission. /