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2019 08 12 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
CITY COMMISSIO I REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WTv,, r ,�, ,. CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA The Regular Meeting of Monday, August 12,2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present Interim City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Regarding adopting the Agenda, Mayor Lacey asked, "May we adopt the Agenda without objection?" Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon asked to speak on Consent Agenda Item "305" and Commissioner Geoff Kendrick had a comment related to Consent Agenda Item "307," Concluding this, Mayor Lacey noted, "Without further objection, the Agenda is adopted." 100. Optimist Club Award Presentation to Police Department Personnel Mr. Phil Kaprow with the Winter Springs' Optimist Club recognized individuals for their contributions to law enforcement with their "Pespect the Law" program and the City of Winter Springs and commended: Police Explorer Tyler Pierce, (Citizen on Patrol) Nick Visalli, and Officer Pat Donovan, Winter Springs Police Department, for their contributions to Law Enforcement and the community, 101. Presentation of Awards Recognizing Specific Camp Sunshine Campers i the Camp Sunshine Camp Program for their Outstanding Character Traits :I Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Pecreation Department spoke of the City's Camp Sunshine program and recognized Ms. Melissa Sileo, Program Coordinator, Special Events and Pecreation Programs, Parks and Pecreation Department and Mr. Mike Barclay, Pecreation Superintendent, Parks and Pecreation Department who were involved with this program. 11CAL, ITI1. �,_ p*IntT#-UW.==7Me outstanding cnaracter traits associated with this program were courage, integrity, kindness, perseverance, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, cleanliness, and forgiveness. Mr. Caldwell then recognized the participants in thisyear's Camp Sunshine Summer Camp Program, and Certificates were presented to the following participants who were in attendance: Pose Braun, Audrey Butche, Michaela Diaz, Kenneth Luker, lzander Munger, Sam Pearson, and Trenton Sizemore. 200. Current Development Projects Update 201. New Recreation Management Software Mr. Mork Hoefling, 7607 Wildcat Court, Winter Springs, Florida: asked if the City Commission could assist with getting AT&T to provide fiber optic internet service to his residence and commented on some of the issues he has had with SG service. Deputy Mayor Cannon said he was supportive of this endeavor. Mayor Lacey also agreed with the concerns as noted and mentioned that he was in support of this, and suggested that he could write a letter on the City's behalf. Deputy Mayor Cannon pointed out that AT&T had a petition process and hoped that Staff could look into this issue. Commissioner Ted Johnson agreed and thought we should reach out to see what the status was. Mayor Lacey noted, "I suggest that we ask Staff to make some inquiries about it at the Staff level and come back as an Agenda Item with a report on what the real situation is and what they have discovered would be the pressure points." Deputy Mayor Cannon thought this should be expedited and added that if a Pesolution or Proclamation would help, to do that; and/or if this could be included in the upcoming Survey for input from residents and businesses. Mayor Lacey remarked, "If we are going to ask Staff to do something, I need to have Consensus from the Commission." Commissioner Kendrick said, "Absolutely." Commissioner TiAnna Hale and other Commissioners nodded in agreement. No objections were voiced. Ms. Gino Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida: mentioned some of the comments that residents suggested at the recent Visioning Session held for residents, such as setbacks, parking, Pickleball courts, some alternative uses for the former property known as the Winter Springs Golf Course, and applying for Grants. Mr. Pon Lighthort, 7036 Winding Waters Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the merits of Interim Manager Shawn Boyle and spoke of a former City Manager and Pension Plans. 300. Surplus Assets 301. TLBD Landscape Project Supplemental Appropriation mm��* 211 302. FY 2019-2020 Assessment Rolls There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. 303. Asphalt Street Resurfacing Agreement 30,. NRCS Sediment Removal Project Additional Funding Request 305. Resolution 2019-18 - Agreement with Traffic Technology Services, Inc. to Access Traff ic Signal Data Discussion ensued on traffic, technology, and cut -through traffic. Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that the Agenda Item be approved and recommended that Traffic Technology Services, Inc. be invited to return to the City Commission with City Staff in a year to explain how this was benefiting our City and residents. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon commented on the City being more engaged and inquired, "Can our City Engineer for example or if we have as a Consultant, a Traffic Engineer, will they and our Police Department be able to get more real time access to the data points?" Mr. Kris Milster, P.E, PTOE, Director of Government Accounts, Traffic Technology Services, Inc., 779.353 NVV Evergreen [-)/ac'e, St-titc, 240, 13(-,aaverton, Oregon: addressed the City Commission and stated, "Yes. You will be able to get the information from the County systems where the software resides." Concluding the comments under this Agenda Item, Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested there should be improved synchronization of traffic flowing through Winter Springs. 306. Parks and Pecreation Fees 307. Trotwood Park Fitness Zone Addressing Mr. Caldwell, Commissioner Kendrick spoke of the earlier Parks and Recreation Department "Awards and Presentations", the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, this Agenda Item and noted, "I just wanted to recognize you, recognize Shawn (Boyle), and our previous City Manager for all of the hard work and focus that we have put on our parks. We have the best parks in Seminole County and they are only getting better." With further comments, Commissioner Kendrick said to Mr. Caldwell, "I do want to recognize you, and I appreciate your service!" - *, «.»-«M <ITEWTV■ 09. Acceptance of Donation for Police f Purchase 2 310. Minutes from«vim Monday, y 8, 2 01* ? 2 ? ? , w Meeting 2 Commission « Regular * »,*. : «¥ VOTE: ?#°^AYOANNON°? S2*:#dd?#S:+ DEPUTYR ;*« COMM©S IO « ». .�O y} : AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: Al COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE OTIO CARRIED. 400. Public Adoption Herd«¥ and � ?+cork Reading of Ordinance 2019-0 Hearing . 7 EAR f »<+ amendments m «r< <# h Comprehensive la ? related to th- Intergovernmental regardingCoordination Element and transmit to he Department 4< Economic Opportunity and other eviewig genci*. City Attorney Anthony A. G arga n ese read Ordinance 201g-OG by `Title" Only a n d offered a few remarks. Deputy Mayor Cannon asked how City Staff keeps track of all Interlocal Agreements. Remarks ensued. RELATED TO ORDINANCE 2019-06, "MOTION TO APPROVE ON SECOND READING." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER s• AYE COMMISSIONER AAYE COMMISSIONER ! AYE DEPUTY•,r CANNONAYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. • • City ManagerPosition • - •-ice .,, • • ♦.r •. Attorney Garganese gave a brief overview of the Application process and the Applications that had been submitted. Commissioner Hale spoke of the procedures, and suggested Interim Manager Boylt be Appointed as City Managerand noted that she was willing to offer a Motion. Commissioner Johnson also commented on the process. Next, Commissioner Jean Hovey mentioned a complaint from a resident and recommended the City Commission go through Interview procedures. Deputy Mayor•• of • process, -• to hiring, and noted he was supportive of a Motion to appoint Shawn Boyle as City Manager. Commissioner Kendrick also remarked about his interest in appointing Shawn Boyle to the position of City Manager. "I MAKE THE MOTION TO CHANGE SHAWN BOYLE FROM INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO - CITY MANAGER EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND ASK THAT ANTHONY BENEFICIAL FOR BOTH THE RESIDENTS OF WINTER SPRINGS AND MR. BOYLE.11 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE.•ND .• BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AY COMMISSIONER H"• NAY COMMISSIONER AYE MOTION CARRIED. I Discussion ensued on the planned Special Meeting set for August 21, 2019 and whether the Special Meeting was still needed. Mayor Lacey asked if there was agreement that the August 21, 2019 Special Meeting be canceled, Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "I agree." Commissioner Kendrick noted, "Agreed." Mayor Lacey then inquired, "Any objection?" With brief comments, this was agreed to, as no objections were voiced. 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Gargam' anese, Esquire MEN =0 601. Interim City Manager Shawn Boyle a Continuing his Report, Manager Boyle spoke of improving communications related to past Hurricanes; and pointed out that Staff would be bringing back an Agenda Item at the next meeting on this matter. Manager Boyle added that there was a specific webpage and there were plans to have a telephone number for residents to call during and after a Hurricane which would be staffed to take calls regarding debris. Manager Boyle noted that the Police Department was hosting "Coffee with a Cop" with one scheduled for tomorrow morning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Dunkin' in Winter Springs. Manager Boyle commented about a Grand Opening at Central Winds Park planned for Friday, August 301h , 2019 at 6:00 p.m. which will showcase new playground equipment unique to the area. Next, Manager Boyle complimented Ms. Sileo, Mr. Barclay, and Mr. Caldwell as well as Parks staff for the great Summer Camp program. Officer Tracy Fugate with the Police Department was commended for her work with all of the Volunteers for the Community Youth Outreach program. Manager Boyle spoke highly of the Volunteers and the Police Department who put more than 200 bags of school supplies together. 602. City ClerkAndrea s - • 603. Seat Five Commissioner -•" Kendrick WinterCommissioner Kendrick congratulated Manager Boyle and stated, "I am very proud of the work that you have done - not just six (6) months, ten (10) years and it is going to be an honor and a privilege to serve with you moving forward. Job well done and I am looking forward to, as well as the citizens, should look forward to the future of Springs under your leadership ♦ • staff of COMMISSIONER • • AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: COMMISSIONER N D RAYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Text, Commissioner Kendrick noted school was back in session, and asked that everyone be careful. Commissioner Kendrick thanked the Clerk's staff for the Board and Committe-. Appreciation Dinner. Commissioner Kendrick added, "It is a great time to recognize all of our Advisory Board Volunteers - they mean so much to our City and we appreciate all of their input and all of their service." Lastly, Commissioner Kendrick noted that last Thursday evening, he was contacted by a resident whose neighbor was having some kind of a back-up at their home. Commissioner Kendrick said that he immediately called Ms. Lena (Rivera, P.E., D.WPE, Director, Public Works and Utilities Departments, Manager Boyle, and Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department to have them check on this situatios. Commissioner Kendrick said it ended up not being an issue and thanked Ms. Rivera, Manager Boyle, and Mr. Schmidt as well as Mr. Clifton Mullis, Supervisor, Public Works Department for their immediate attention to this concern. 604. Mayor Charles Lacey Mayor Lacey offered his thanks to the City Clerk and her staff for the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner. To Manager Boyle, Mayor Lacey said, "Congratulations to you. I look forward to the next few years." Third, Mayor Lacey congratulated Attorney Garganese on being named Municipal Attorney of the Year. Mayor Lacey added, "Congratulations to all our Charter Officers for a job well done," 605. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey First, Commissioner Hovey briefly addressed the City's Voting Delegate for the Florida League of Cities' Annual Conference. Secondly, Commissioner Hovey asked Chief of Police Chris Deisler about the Communications Center going to Seminole County, to which Chief Deisler said there were not any immediate plans. Third, Commissioner Hovey spoke of traffic concerns as schools were back in session. 606. Seat Two Comm issioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon i1ext, Deputy Mayor Cannon noted that he attended recent Seminole County Commission Work Sessions which addressed lake regulations, and Land Use. Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke of participating with a project organized by Commissioner Hale at Indian Trails Middle School. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon referenced school attendance numbers and mentioned that Indian Trails Middle School was at capacity, and suggested we need to think of this when residential projects are approved. The Tuskawilla Crossings project was referred to as an example. Lastly, Deputy Mayor Cannon commended the City Clerk and her staff putting the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner together, Deputy Mayor Cannon also recognized IT staff for their work securing City data. 607. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson Commissioner Johnson thanked the City Clerk and her staff for their efforts putting on the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner for the Mayor and City Commission. Next, Commissioner Johnson then recognized Ms. Rivera and Mr. Len Hartman, Public Works Supervisor, Public Works Department for their work repairing sidewalks around the City and remarked how quickly they do their work. Commissioner Johnson noted that he was pleased to be going through the Leadership Seminole program and thanked the City for the opportunity. Further, Commissioner Johnson applauded Commissioner Hale for her vegetable planter project at Indian Trails Middle School. Commissioner Johnson commented that he also attended the July 30th Seminole County Work Sessions and commended Commissioner Amy Lockhart for her work with an Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County Public Schools. 608. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale Commissioner Hale thanked everyone who came out to help build vegetable planters at Indian Trails Middle School. Next, Commissioner Hale complemented the City Clerk and her staff for the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner, and added, "I am hoping that all of our Volunteers know how much we truly appreciate everything that they do -you are what makes Winter Springs, Winter Springs and I appreciate it and hope you felt our gratitude." Commissioner Hale then offered her thanks to Chief Deisler for his assistance with Highlands Elementary School and a speed trailer. Further regarding the project at Indian Trails Middle School, Commissioner Hale commended Mr. Mullis and his son who came out three (3) times on Sundayto shovel a lot of mulch, and commented how much they helped her. Commissioner Hale added, "Our Staff here, a lot of them live here in Winter Springs and they care so much about our community. I just appreciate everyone here in Winter Springs." Next, Commissioner Hale said, "Congratulations Shawn (Boyle)." Furthermore, Commissioner Hale pointed out, "I appreciate everything. I have watched you just take the lead and to have your experience, your leadership, skills; and watching you motivate our staff to not just get a job done, but to get the job done well and right the first time is hands down, very admirable. And I will enjoy working with you." Commissioner Johnson added that he found out that the only school in Winter Springs that could take on new students was Winter Springs Elementary School. Comments followed on Leadership Seminole and taserm Deputy Mayor Cannon asked Chief Deisler if he could look at the students leaving Winter Springs Elementary School along State Road 434 in terms of children crossing across State Road 434 and to ensure their safety as he did not think there was a School Crossing Guard there. Commissioner Hale spoke of the Florida League of Cities' Annual Conference, that she would bring back information and resources, and spoke of the merits of the League's App. 1190111INVITO Mr. Pon Lighthart, 7036 Winding Waters Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: congratulated Manager Boyle, spoke of Pension Plans and a former City Manager and spoke about nuclear fusion reactors. Ms. Gino Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida: commented that there was no yellow sign posted for the Dreamfinders project; how she had contacted the Department of Transportation (DOT) about changing speed limits along State Road 434 near the Blake Apartments, and she would appreciate the City's help with speeding drivers on State Road 417. Next, Ms. Shafer congratulated Manager Boyle, said that she and her family were Voters, and that it says a lot when someone is promoted from within, and asked Manager Boyle if he would look into Grant money for the City. Commissioner Johnson agreed that that part of State Road 434 needed the City's 'Y assistance with traffic lights. Deputy Mayor Cannon concurred and suggested needing traffic improvement measures at the intersection of Tuscora Drive and State Road 434, as well as the Michael Blake Boulevard intersection with State Road 434 and thought the signals along this stretch up to Bear Springs Drive were not coordinated well and would like to have an independent Traff ic Engineer consult with City Staff. Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon thought Staff should bring back an Agenda Item on this topic for the City Commission to consider. Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I just would like to see it on an Agenda and see what our options are." Ms. Sheila Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida: congratulated Manager Boyle, mentioned she had seen conflicting information on Facebook about Winter Springs, had attended every community workshop with Developers, and suggested we promote these more. Ms. Benton added that she felt the Developers seemed to be enjoying these interactions with residents and that there was another community workshop tomorrow evening. Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked that he suggested that a yellow sign be erected on any applicable property and hoped the same could be done for community workshops when held. Mr. Maurice Koprow, Post Office Box 79S233, Winter Springs, Florida: commended Manager Boyle on his Appointment, offered his thanks for the Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner and thanked the Mayor and City Commission for holding these events. Mr. Kaprow then complimented Ms. Pivera and the Public Works Staff for looking • a possible issue that involved the • sewers where Ocelot Court met Howell Creek • as he was concerned a car • end up there. Mr. Kaprow closed • • he was very pleased to live in a City where staff were • responsive. Mr. Mott Benton, 474 Cedorwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida: thanked Ms. Shafer for her earlier comments on the Resident Visioning Meeting, and also mentioned how the Business Visioning Meeting went. Mr. Benton congratulated Manager Boyle, Mayor Lacey adjourned the Pegular Meeting at 8:29 p.m. A AI\IbP"�A L'OREN270-LUACES, MMC CITY CLERK MAY . OP CHAPLES ACt V. NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the September 9, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting,