HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 08 06 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting AgendaP A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E R E G U L AR M E E T I N G | T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 6 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 1 OF 2 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2019 AT 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Approval of the Agenda AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Special Thanks to Lynn Dehlinger for Her 4 Years of Service on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. Attachments: Minutes 301. Approval of Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments: Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA Not Used 400. P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E R E G U L AR M E E T I N G | T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 6 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 O F 2 REGULAR AGENDA 500. Discuss Swishh Dreams Donation ($8,900) for Improvements to Moss Park Basketball Court Attachments Exhibit A 501. Discuss 2019 Summer Camp and New Recreation Programs Attachments None 502. Discuss New Recreation Software Attachments None REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. “If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based” - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (RESCHEDULED FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018) CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (Rescheduled From Tuesday, November 6, 2018) of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was called to Order by Vice-Chairperson Rick Lecky at 5:30 p.m., the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum, absent Vice-Chairperson Rick Lecky, present Committee Member Arsenio Calle, absent Committee Member Lynn Dehlinger, present Committee Member Art Gallo, present Committee Member Nancy Greenberg, present Committee Member Bob Osborne, present Committee Member Jim Van Kleunen, present Committee Member James Kennedy, present Assistant to the City Clerk Jessica Wright-Burnham, present A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no changes to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (RESCHEDULED FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018) PAGE 2 OF 5 PUBLIC INPUT Vice-Chairperson Lecky opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Vice-Chairperson Lecky closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Is Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee To Review And Approve The Tuesday, August 7, 2017 Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. Regarding the Minutes for consideration and approval, Committee Member Art Gallo pointed out, “One minor correction to the minutes, section 600. Where the notes mentioned I talked about lacrosse, but it wasn’t just lacrosse it was a rebound wall and the statues on that as well”. Discussion followed on the statues and placement on the rebound wall. “I MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OSBORNE. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG. DISCUSSION. ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK JESSICA BURNHAM CONFIRMED THAT THE APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES WOULD INCLUDE THE CORRECTION. NO OBJECTIONS WERE VOICED. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER DEHLINGER: AYE VICE- CHAIRPERSON LECKY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OSBORNE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KENNDEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER VAN KLEUNEN: AYE MOTION CARRIED.   CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (RESCHEDULED FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018) PAGE 3 OF 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500. Parks And Recreation Department The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss The New Playground And Park Improvements At Winding Hollow Park. Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation Department introduced the Agenda Item and gave a brief history of the Park Improvements Plan. Next, Mr. Caldwell gave an update on the Winding Hollow Park Project and stated, “We have eighty-five percent (85%) completion on this project right now.” Discussion followed on some additional improvements that had been added, the projects that had been completed, and a completion date. REGULAR 501. Parks And Recreation Department The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss Final Design of Trotwood Family Pavilion. For this Agenda Item, Mr. Caldwell update the Committee on the progress of the Family Pavilion at Trotwood Park and stated, “The Family Pavilion is on site now.” Brief comments followed on the steps to install the Pavilion and the timeline to finish the project. Next, Mr. Caldwell commented, “I’m looking for some ideas about landscaping around the pond. We want to do some improvements around the pond.” Discussion then followed on ideas for landscaping, walkways from the Pavilion, and lighting. REGULAR 502. Parks And Recreation Department CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (RESCHEDULED FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018) PAGE 4 OF 5 The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss 2019 Community Events Calendar. This Agenda Item began with Mr. Caldwell who pointed noted, “Our events are done at cost neutrality. Melissa (Sileo, Program Coordinator, Special Events and Recreation Programs, Parks and Recreation Department) does a great job at recovering a lot of our costs.” Mr. Caldwell then referenced the calendar and remarked, “We haven’t added anything to it. We have stayed with this calendar.” Brief comments ensued on the different events scheduled for the year. REGULAR 503. Parks And Recreation Department The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss Park Improvements At Central Winds Park Passive Area. Mr. Caldwell gave an overview of the project plan, the improvements that were planned; and then stated, “It’s a working park and we want to clean it up”. Discussion followed on the many different sports and activities that are held at Central Winds Park. 600. REPORTS Committee Member James Kennedy mentioned the City possibly hosting an Annual Cycling Ride. Discussion ensued on different ideas for hosting such an event. Next, Committee Member Gallo reported, “I made it a point to go out and visit every one of our eleven (11) parks all over Winter Springs. I have to tell you Chris (Caldwell), they really look good. There were just minor things that I saw. Mulch under swings where the kids are playing.” Discussion followed on mulch at parks and adding some things at Ranchland and Fruitwood Parks. Committee Member Gallo mentioned Pickleball and the possibility of bringing tournaments for this sport; to which Mr. Caldwell answered, “We have talked to the people that play at Trotwood and that are part of a club and are aware of them asking for more courts.” Brief comments followed on different locations for a Pickleball court. Continuing with Reports, Committee Member Robert Osbourne spoke highly of the speed limit signs and the pavement markings at the Senior Center. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (RESCHEDULED FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018) PAGE 5 OF 5 Committee Member Lynn Dehlinger thanked Chris (Caldwell) and Staff for the work they do and spoke highly of the City’s events. Furthermore, Committee Member Dehlinger talked about the possibilities of having more adult programs and inquired about the Seminole Trail. Mr. Caldwell noted, “The land in that section wasn’t City land so we had to do some trading of land which took a long time, but it’s all worked out now.” Brief comments followed on adult programs. Committee Member Nancy Greenberg mentioned the Senior Center’s floors were being stripped and waxed, and asked about the floors being wet mopped as opposed to being dried mopped. Mr. Caldwell explained, “The reason why we don’t wet mop as frequently is because we pick up the dirt more with the dry mop.” Lastly, Committee Member Greenberg inquired about the City looking into the possibility of having a lighting of a Menorah. PUBLIC INPUT Vice-Chairperson Lecky opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Vice-Chairperson Lecky closed “Public Input” ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairperson Lecky adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:33 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________ JESSICA WRIGHT-BURNHAM ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the ________________________, 2019 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2019 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, February 5, 2019 of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum, present Committee Member Arsenio Calle, present Committee Member Lynn Dehlinger, absent Committee Member Art Gallo, present Committee Member Nancy Greenberg, present Committee Member Bob Osborne, absent Committee Member Jim Van Kleunen, present (via telephone) Committee Member James Kennedy, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Jessica Burnham, present A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no changes to the Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA – PART I REGULAR 500. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Is Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Hold An Election For The Position Of Chairperson For Calendar Year 2019. “I NOMINATE ARNIE NUSSBAUM TO CONTINUE WITH HIS SERVICE THAT HE HAS DONE FOR EIGHT (8) YEARS.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CALLE. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 5, 2019 PAGE 2 OF 5 VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CALLE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER VAN KLEUNEN: AYE CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 501. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Is Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Hold An Election For The Position Of Vice-Chairperson For Calendar Year 2019. “I NOMINATE MR. (ART) GALLO. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CALLE. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CALLE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER VAN KLEUNEN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Nussbaum opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 5, 2019 PAGE 3 OF 5 Chairperson Nussbaum closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Is Requesting The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee To Review And Approve The Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (Rescheduled From November 6, 2018) Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. Assistant to the City Clerk Jessica Burnham distributed Resolution 2001-04 to the Committee Members regarding Minutes. Discussion followed on Robert’s Rules of Order and Minutes. “I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES RELATING TO 7 AUGUST 2018 AND THE CORRECTION WOULD BE VERY MINOR - IT WOULD SAY ONE MINOR CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES, SECTION ‘600’ WHERE THE NOTES MENTIONED THAT I TALKED ABOUT A LACROSSE REBOUND WALL, BUT IT WASN’T JUST FOR LACROSSE, IT WAS ALSO A REBOUND WALL FOR OTHER SPORTS, LIKE SOCCER AND TENNIS. I ASKED ABOUT THE STATUS TO MR. CALDWELL AND CHRIS (CALDWELL) RESPONDED THAT THE ISSUE WAS ABOUT THE LOCATION FOR THE REBOUND WALL; IT STILL REMAINS IN THE WORKS.” MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON GALLO. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON NUSSBAUM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CALLE: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON GALLO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER VAN KLEUNEN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 5, 2019 PAGE 4 OF 5 REGULAR AGENDA – PART II REGULAR REGULAR 502. Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss The Cross Seminole Trail Update. Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation Department introduced the Agenda Item and gave an update on the process of the Cross Seminole Trail and stated, “The Cross Seminole Trail has had a missing link to it for serval years. The Governor has just signed that we have purchase of the land now and it’s a complete deal.” Brief comments followed on completing the Cross Seminole Trail and the location of the Trail. Mr. Caldwell added, “As soon as they give me an update on the schedule, I’ll be glad to bring that to you as a Board.” REGULAR 503. Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss The Information Regarding Community Gardens. Ms. Julie Trujillo, Senior Center Manager, Parks and Recreation Department introduced herself and presented images of the proposed location and look for the Community Garden. Comments followed on how this plan has been received, landscaping, irrigation, and ideas of what could be planted including organic plantings. REGULAR 504. Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee The Parks And Recreation Department Requests The Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee Discuss Parking At City Special Events. This Agenda Item was introduced by Mr. Caldwell who offered a brief overview of Special Events and access to various City Events. Discussion ensued on the different parking areas, lighting for parking areas, coordinating partnerships for events, current challenges with finding parking, signage for parking, how shuttle buses could be sponsored by different organizations, having available parking to accommodate event attendees, and that area schools in the future may actually charge for any parking on their properties. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 5, 2019 PAGE 5 OF 5 With further remarks, a suggestion was offered that parking situations be considered three to five (3-5) years out. Discussion followed on having volunteers to help escort event goers to their cars, and whether there were options for more parking on the west side of the City. Mr. Caldwell noted that he would get with Staff regarding parking options for several years out. 600. REPORTS Mr. Caldwell gave a brief update on the new stage at Central Winds Park and showed some images of an improved stage platform at Central Winds Park. Next, discussion ensued on re-mulching some of the local playgrounds. Mr. Caldwell was asked if he could provide an update to the Committee to which Mr. Caldwell said he could. Committee Member Gallo commented on Sam Smith Park and complimented Mr. Caldwell on the parks in the City. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Nussbaum opened “Public Input”. No one spoke. Chairperson Nussbaum closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Nussbaum adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:26 pm RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK AND _____________________________ JESSICA BURNHAM ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were Approved at the _________________________, 2019 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. 110234567891 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 2 3 45 67 8 9 110112345678912131101123456789121314110234567891 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 2 3 45 67 8 9 110112345678912131101123456789121314[ MOSS PARK ] Winter Springs, FL