HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 07 24 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Distrcit Advisory Committee Regular Meeting AgendaT U S C A W I L L A L I G H T I N G A N D B E A U T I F I C A T I O N D I S T R I C T A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U LY 2 4 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 1 O F 2 TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2019 AT 5:15 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Approval of the Agenda AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval Of Minutes From The Wednesday, April 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Attachments: Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used T U S C A W I L L A L I G H T I N G A N D B E A U T I F I C A T I O N D I S T R I C T A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E R E G U L A R M E E T I N G | W E D N E S D A Y , J U LY 2 4 , 2 0 1 9 | P A G E 2 O F 2 REGULAR AGENDA 500. FY 2018-2019 YTD Expenditure Detail and FY2019-2020 Proposed Budget Attachments: FY 2018-2019 YTD Expenditure Detail FY2019-2020 Proposed Budget 501. Discuss Quotes and Recommendations for Wholesale Replacement of North and South Fountains Attachments: Sunburst Quote Nature’s Care Quote Brightview Quote 502. Discuss Needs and Quote for Grounding of Irrigation Lines Attachments: None 503. Discuss Information Regarding Landscaping Throughout The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Attachments: None REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. “If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based” - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 17, 2019 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, April 17, 2019 of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Tom Vagnini at 5:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present Vice-Chairperson Elaine Johnson, present Committee Member Terri Bivona, present Committee Member Ellen Paul, present Committee Member Jesse Phillips, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia DeJesus, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 17, 2019 PAGE 2 OF 5 PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Vagnini opened “Public Input”. No one spoke. Chairperson Vagnini closed “Public Input”. CONSENT 300. Office of the City Clerk Approval of Minutes from the Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Regular Meeting MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2019 REGULAR MEETING. MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BIVONA. DISCUSSION. CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BIVONA: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON JOHNSON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSSED SIMULTANEOUSLY, AS DOCUMENTED.  REGULAR AGENDA 500. Discuss the FY 2018-2019 Year-To-Date Expense Report As Well As Provide Input Regarding the Budgetary Needs for the Next Fiscal Year CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 17, 2019 PAGE 3 OF 5 501. Discuss Information Regarding Landscaping Throughout The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Ms. Kelly Balagia, Interim Director, Finance Department, introduced the Agenda Item and referenced a budget document. With comments on streetlight funds to which Ms. Balagia noted that funds could be moved from other funds if needed. Comments followed on costs for mulch, how mulch is installed, overgrown plants and how the boulevard has not looked great. Mr. Jorge Ochoa, BrightView Landscape Development, Inc., 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, Florida: said he understood the concerns and that there was a plan to be more proactive and more consistent and added, “We’re going to be more careful next time.” With further discussion, Mr. Ochoa spoke of how leaves are blown onto the beds. Comments ensued on mulch, and new plantings. Mr. Guy Meyers, Construction Project Manager, Urban Beautification Services mentioned how some grasses had been failing and that those plants were being replaced with more appropriate plants. Continuing, Mr. Meyers stated, “We’re headed in the right direction, that’s the targeted area right now, are all the medians; and something else we’re going to do is kind of your front door, right there at Winter Spring Boulevard and Tuskawilla (Road), we’re going to make sure that is pristine, every week.” Plantings at the fountains were addressed next and Mr. Meyers explained they would be enhancing the area and focusing on the elevated beds. Mr. Ochoa mentioned that a soil test could be conducted prior to new plantings to ensure that the enhancements will be able to last and so new plants can perform well. Discussion followed about leaves being topped with mulch, when was the best time of the year to mulch, and the need to clean leaves out of the beds before mulch was laid down, Mr. Ochoa stated, “Moving forward we’re going to make sure we make sure that the leaves are cleaned up.” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 17, 2019 PAGE 4 OF 5 Regarding alternative types of mulch such as rubber mulch, Mr. Meyers and Mr. Ochoa said they could look at pricing options for the Committee to consider. Comments followed that island 23 looks terrible with tree branches down for quite a while, and overall, how the services did not seem to match what funds have been paid out. The Committee continued to discuss high costs of maintenance and level of service. Mr. Ochoa said he would be more involved and more active. Mr. Meyers then said he would provide information to the Committee on their grading program. Remarks followed on sprinklers, that monthly inspections are done by Brightview Landscape Development, Inc., staffing, and how long it took to do the different tasks, and it would be appreciated if debris and trash could be picked up by workers. Discussion followed on a warranty program for which Mr. Meyers would be coding plants to keep track of what grows well and what does not. Pressure washing was briefly addressed next. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Vagnini opened “Public Input”. Ms. Loretta Ames, 305 3rd Street, Winter Springs, Florida: commented about the recent cutting down of a lot of plants near the Tusca Oaks subdivision. Chairperson Vagnini spoke of the responsibilities of this Committee is responsible for the medians and that this question was better suited for the City Commission. Mr. Kevin McCann, 1109 Pheasant Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: as the President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association thanked Chairperson Vagnini for spending time with him, spoke of City Staff changes, noted his confidence in Mr. Meyers, and commented on past issues with the fountains and damaged lights. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 17, 2019 PAGE 5 OF 5 Chairperson Vagnini closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Vagnini adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:09 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CHRISTIAN GOWAN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK AND _____________________________________ ANTONIA DEJESUS ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the ______________________________, 2019 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. Quarterly Meeting ‐ July 24, 2019 Select Expense Accounts FY2019 ‐ YTD thru 06.30.2019 Account Vendor Date Amount Fountains      545210‐001 Budget $12,094.00 11/05/2018 25.00 Install new capacitor (North and South) 12/10/2018 650.00 Monthly maint October  12/04/2018 800.00 Monthly maint November; bulb replacement 01/22/2019 100.00 Monthly maint December 01/02/2019 650.00 Monthly maint January 02/04/2019 140.00 Bulb and hose replacements 02/04/2019 650.00 Monthly maint February 03/08/2019 650.00 Monthly maint March 04/05/2019 650.00 Monthly maint April 05/06/2019 650.00 Monthly maint May YTD Expense Total $4,965.00 Encumbered $4,355.00 End Balance $2,774.00 Grounds                  545270 Budget $167,900.00 BRIGHTVIEW 11/19/2018 16,573.44 Oct/Nov monthly maint; irrigation repair 01/11/2019 9,199.02 Dec monthly maint; irrigation repair 02/22/2019 44,195.88 Jan/Feb monthly maint; mulch installation 02/26/2019 1,990.79 Fall flower rotation 03/08/2019 8,081.72 March monthly maint 04/29/2019 25,389.04 April monthly maint, irrigation repair, grass replacement on WS Blvd  06/03/2019 9,345.12 May monthly maint, irrigation repair (550 ft of 14 gauge 2‐wire) 06/25/2019 8,081.72 June monthly maint 06/04/2019 1,102.00 Pressure washing of brick pavers along WS Blvd 04/15/2019 300.00 Certified Arborist ‐ Oak 06/03/2019 319.97 Red Robin Cedar trees (4) ‐ installation 04/01/2019 2,800.00 Removal of dead pine trees (12) 05/13/2019 2,400.00 Removal of two dead trees (Laurel Oak, Pine) as well as pine tree limbs 06/04/2019 450.00 Removal, stumpgrinding and debris hauling ‐ Pine behind fountain YTD Expense Total $130,228.70 Encumbered $26,085.42 End Balance $11,585.88 Signs/Walls 545270‐004 Budget $500.00 M&M FLAGS & BANNERS 11/28/2018 231.98 Two flags YTD Expense Total $231.98 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $268.02 Contract Admin  530341 Budget $7,770.00 03/04/2019 $1,475.00 1st quarter 03/31/2019 $1,475.00 2nd quarter 06/25/2019 $1,475.00 3rd quarter YTD Expense Total $4,425.00 Encumbered $1,475.00 End Balance $1,870.00 TLBD Maintenance Fund  FOUNTAIN DOCTOR (monthly fountain maint;  lightbulb replacement) Account Vendor Date Amount Utilities    540430 Budget $65,120.00 10/24/2018 18.34 11/14/2018 24.55 12/20/2018 38.04 01/23/2019 36.49 02/13/2019 37.65 03/19/2019 36.49 04/16/2019 37.46 05/15/2019 39.60 06/18/2019 39.21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 10/12/2018 965.51 Vistawilla‐Tuscora‐Trotwood‐Fountain (Irrigation) 10/17/2018 1,085.04 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountain 11/16/2018 1,114.05 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 12/04/2018 1,016.74 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 12/19/2018 1,151.64 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 12/19/2018 1,050.39 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 01/11/2019 1,570.03 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 01/28/2019 1,162.47 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 02/18/2019 1,446.97 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 02/20/2019 1,277.82 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 03/14/2019 1,635.57 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 03/26/2019 1,008.54 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 04/11/2019 1,544.26 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 04/22/2019 1,060.34 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 05/16/2019 1,550.79 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 05/28/2019 776.27 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains 06/14/2019 10,651.46 Vistawilla/Planter L&R TLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 06/14/2019 (9,205.80)Leak adjustment credit 06/24/2019 966.40 Seneca‐Shetland‐Dyson‐Medians 21, 22, 23‐Fountains DUKE ENERGY 11/27/2018 2,659.69 Low voltage entrance lighting‐October 11/28/2018 2,645.07 Low voltage entrance lighting‐November 12/27/2018 2,714.84 Low voltage entrance lighting‐December 01/29/2019 2,737.49 Low voltage entrance lighting‐January 02/26/2019 2,878.73 Low voltage entrance lighting‐February 03/26/2019 2,743.76 Low voltage entrance lighting‐March 04/26/2019 2,873.82 Low voltage entrance lighting‐April 05/28/2019 2,789.00 Low voltage entrance lighting‐May 06/25/2019 2,555.25 Low voltage entrance lighting‐June YTD Expense Total $46,733.97 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $18,386.03 Streetlights    540434 Budget $230,740.00 DUKE ENERGY 11/27/2018 19,210.79 Streetlights‐October 11/28/2018 19,210.79 Streetlights‐November 12/27/2018 19,263.39 Streetlights‐December 01/29/2019 19,233.10 Streetlights‐January 02/26/2019 19,214.02 Streetlights‐February 03/26/2019 19,209.23 Streetlights‐March 04/26/2019 19,209.23 Streetlights‐April 05/28/2019 19,209.23 Streetlights‐May 06/25/2019 19,209.23 Streetlights‐June YTD Expense Total $172,969.01 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $57,770.99 SEMINOLE COUNTY  (Irrigation for Howell Creek/Deer Run) CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Special Assessment - TLBD Maint 160 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Assess Rate/Unit -$120 Legal Maximum -$128 $120 $120 $120 $120 Original Revised Account FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 Number Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SOURCES 325200 Charges for Services $509,452 $509,599 $507,549 $507,549 $507,548 369301 Settlement Insurance Proceeds $2,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100/361300 Investment $2,712 $4,463 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 Total Revenues $514,564 $514,062 $510,049 $510,049 $510,548 381262 From TLBD II DS $0 $1,856 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $0 $1,856 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL SOURCES $514,564 $515,918 $510,049 $510,049 $510,548 APPLICATIONS 530340 Other Svcs $2,532 $2,396 $2,560 $2,560 $2,650 530341 Other Svcs - Contract / Admin $9,007 $9,203 $9,170 $9,170 $9,400 540430 Utilities $38,439 $52,053 $51,720 $51,720 $64,200 540434 Streetlights $228,522 $230,013 $232,440 $232,440 $232,200 545210 R&M Infra - Fountains $22,954 $14,453 $14,394 $14,394 $16,900 545270 R&M Infra - Grounds $206,610 $176,559 $176,400 $176,400 $181,850 555480 Promotional / Advertising $0 $0 $150 $150 $0 Total Operating $508,064 $484,677 $486,834 $486,834 $507,200 591001 To General Fund $36,415 $37,444 $53,583 $53,583 $52,211 591410 To Water Sewer Utility $25,485 $25,680 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $61,900 $63,124 $53,583 $53,583 $52,211 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL APPLICATIONS $569,964 $547,801 $540,417 $540,417 $559,411 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 $310,924 $255,524 $209,965 $223,641 $193,273 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($55,400)($31,883)($30,368)($30,368)($48,863) FUND BALANCE - September 30 $255,524 $223,641 $179,597 $193,273 $144,410 106 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Special Assessment - TLBD I Capital/DS 261 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget BB&T Bank Note Final Year FY 2030 Assess Rate/Unit -$36 Legal Maximum -$43 $36 $36 $36 $36 Original Revised Account FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 Number Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SOURCES 325100 *Capital Improvement $85,506 $89,572 $138,655 $138,655 $138,655 325300 Prepayments $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 369900 *Misc Revenue $6,525 $5,354 $0 $0 $0 361100/361300 *Investment $48,040 $45,591 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 Total Revenues $140,071 $140,517 $139,655 $139,655 $140,655 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL SOURCES $140,071 $140,517 $139,655 $139,655 $140,655 APPLICATIONS 530340 Other Svcs $691 $653 $750 $750 $750 530341 Other Svcs - Contract / Admin $3,293 $3,404 $3,620 $3,620 $3,620 Total Operating $3,984 $4,057 $4,370 $4,370 $4,370 591001 To General Fund $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Total Transfers $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 570710 Principal $85,506 $89,572 $93,385 $93,385 $97,062 570720 Interest $47,161 $44,316 $41,350 $41,350 $38,260 Total Debt Service $132,667 $133,888 $134,735 $134,735 $135,322 560650 Construction In Progress $20,993 $14,952 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $20,993 $14,952 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL APPLICATIONS $158,144 $153,397 $139,605 $139,605 $140,192 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 $142,211 $124,138 $72,891 $111,258 $111,308 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($18,073)($12,880)$50 $50 $463 FUND BALANCE - September 30 $124,138 $111,258 $72,941 $111,308 $111,771 *Due to the structure of this debt service instrument, the FY2017 and FY2018 special assessment revenues are required by GASB to have the distinctive accounting treatment represented herein. 107 QUOTATION Quantity Item Description Unit Price Amount ***LANDSCAPING ENHANCEMENTS ALONG TIERED WALLS OF BOTH SIDES OF SUBDIVISION AT TUSKAWILLA ENTRY.INCLUDES LOWERING PLANT BED ELEVATION ALONG TIERED WALLS.*** 146.00 SNOW BUSH SNOW BUSH 16.25 2,372.50 61.00 DIPLADENIA DIPLADENIA 13.75 838.75 72.00 CROTON MAMMY CROTON MAMMY 13.75 990.00 145.00 CROSSANDRA CROSSANDRA 14.78 2,143.10 53.00 TI PLANT TI "XEROX"13.75 728.75 15.00 IRIS APOSTLE IRIS 16.25 243.75 109.00 DURANTA DURANTA #3 14.78 1,611.02 46.00 ARBORICOLA ARBORICOLA 14.78 679.88 47.00 JASMINE MINIMA JASMINEMINIMA 5.75 270.25 4,000.00 SOD SQ. FT. ST. AUGUSTINE 0.75 3,000.00 80.00 PINE BARK CUBIC YARDS OF PINE BARK 54.75 4,380.00 1.00 PREP WORK LANDSCAPE PREP/LABOR/EQUIPMENT 10,596.00 10,596.00 USAGE/DEBRIS REMOVAL NOTE (IRRIGATION)+++PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE IRRIGATION INSTALLATION/ADJUSTMENTS THAT MIGHT BE NEEDED TO COVER NEW PLANT MATERIAL.+++ Quote Number:3341 Quote Date:Jul 11, 2019 Sales Rep Quoted To: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Good Thru 8/10/19 CustomerID Payment Terms Page: CITY OF WINTER SPRIN C.O.D. 1 TOTAL 27,854.00 Sales Tax Subtotal 27,854.00 SUNBURST TREES & LAWNCARE, INC. P.O. BOX 520085 LONGWOOD, FL 32752 USA Voice: Fax: 407-767-0077 407-767-9877 Jaime Beaulieu President / CEO Direct: (407) 562-6193 E-Mail: Jaime@NaturesCareOrlando.com Landscape | Lawn Maintenance | Irrigation | Fertilization 747 Commerce Circle, Suite A | Longwood, Florida 32750 Office Phone: (407) 362-1649 | Office Fax: (321) 285-2151 http://www.naturescareorlando.com Page | - 1 of 2 - Enhancement Proposal For CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fountain Area Enhancement North and South Side of Tuskawilla Road Fountain Option 1 Winter Springs and Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 To: Robert Maddox From: Jaime Beaulieu and Stefan Beaulieu Date: Thursday, July 11, 2019 Description of Work: This proposal is generated to demo existing plant material around fountains, and tiered plantings and install new plant material to beautify the entrance of Tuskawilla and Winter Springs Blvd interchange. Scope of Work: • Mobilization of equipment, tools, and labor • North Side Plantings List o 1 Gallon Material ▪ (100) 4" Annuals ▪ (46) Liriope Emerald Goddess ▪ (10) Society Garlic o 3 Gallon Material ▪ (1) Bromeliad Deep Orange / Yellow ▪ (2) Bromeliad 'Malbec' ▪ (99) Dwarf Podocarpus ' Pringles' ▪ (60) Gold Mound Duranta ▪ (21) Variegated Arboricola ▪ (60) Giant Apostles Iris ' Regina' ▪ (9) Hawaiian Ti 'Pringle' o Trees ▪ (6) Double Reobellini - 8' ht o Supply and installation of (3) Pallets of St. Augustine Sod o Supply and installation of (3.5) Tons River jack 4"-5" o Supply and installation of (3) Florida Field Stone Boulder 2x2x2 (1.5) estimated tons • South Side Plantings List o 1 Gallon Material ▪ (100) 4" Pot Annuals ▪ (68) Liriope Emerald Goddess ▪ (30) Society Garlic o 3 Gallon Material ▪ (60) Giant Apostles Iris ' Regina' ▪ (108) Dwarf Podocarpus ' Pringles' ▪ (60) Gold Mound Duranta o Trees ▪ (5) Double Reobellini - 8' ht o Supply and installation of (2) Pallets of St. Augustine Sod • Supply and Installation of (2) cubic yards of planting soil in annual bed areas • Supply and Installation of (25) cubic yards of mulch in planting areas • Demo of all existing plantings in tiered planting beds and removal of existing Holly and Blueberry trees Jaime Beaulieu President / CEO Direct: (407) 562-6193 E-Mail: Jaime@NaturesCareOrlando.com Landscape | Lawn Maintenance | Irrigation | Fertilization 747 Commerce Circle, Suite A | Longwood, Florida 32750 Office Phone: (407) 362-1649 | Office Fax: (321) 285-2151 http://www.naturescareorlando.com Page | - 2 of 2 - • Regrade, remove, and haul excess soil from planting beds to establish proper grade • Irrigation Labor, parts, and pieces to provide proper adjustments and coverage to new plantings • Labor for general clean-up of work areas Proposal Notes and Clarifications: • Irrigation system to be in proper working condition with sufficient volume and pressure prior to installation of plant material. No repair of connections or valves or controllers is included in this proposal. • Season annuals included for this proposal only. • Mulching included In this proposal is for new planting areas only. Total Project Costing: $28,269.38 / / Proposal Accepted By Date Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Should you approve of this proposal, please sign and email approved proposal to Contracts@NaturesCareOrlando.com. Proposals not received through this email may be subject to delay. By signing this proposal, I hereby agree to pay all statements and/or invoices within ten (10) days of receipt and interest on any statements and/or invoices not paid within such period at the rate of 1 ½ percent (1 ½ %) per month until paid in full and I further agree to be responsible for any and all costs and fees, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and court costs incurred Nature’s Care, Inc. in collecting any amounts due and owing under this contract.     Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautifing Winter Springs, FL (Option 1) Landscape Enhancement Proposal                   Page 1 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 June 21, 2019 City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Landscape Enhancement Proposal for Tuscawilla South Fountain Dear Kevin Maddox, Thank you for the opportunity to present you with a landscape enhancement proposal for your property. We hereby propose to furnish in the utmost professional manner, all necessary labor and materials to perform the following work, as per BrightView Landscape Maintenance scope of work & specifications noted in the following pages. BrightView Landscape Maintenance’s main objective is to exceed our customer’s expectations and greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property. This Landscape Enhancement Proposal Includes Services For the Following: Landscape demolition of materials not to remain for the proposed design Installation of materials noted in the following pages (i.e. plants, mulch, sod etc.) Irrigation Fees associated with mobilization, delivery & disposal of materials. A post planting fertilizer application for all new plantings.                   Page 2 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 Work Area Map                   Page 3 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 Example of Proposed Enhancement (Agapanthus Option)                   Page 4 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 Example of Proposed Enhancement (Duranta Option)                   Page 5 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 Example of Proposed Enhancement (Dwarf Bottlebrush Option)                   Page 6 BrightView 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 Example of Proposed Enhancement (Phoenix roebelenii Option to replace Large Trees) Proposal for Extra Work at Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti June 21, 2019 Page 1 of 4 Winter Springs , FL 32708 Winter Springs , FL 32708 Urban Beautification Manager 1126 East State Rd 434 District Maintenance Winter Springs & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs City of Kevin Maddox Billing Address To ContactTuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Project Description Project Name Property Address Property Name Tuskawilla Road Fountain (Tuskawilla Road) (Option 1) Work Around Existing Landscape, Add New Plants & Materials Scope of Work If Client Decides to Go with Dwarf Bottlebrush VS. Either Agapanthus or Duranta, Then Price would go up @ = $30,600.98 TotalMaterial/DescriptionUoM/SizeQTY $10,935.23North Side / Plants & Misc. Materials Seasonal Annuals - 4" (Addition to Existing)EACH100.00 Bromeliad - Aechmea blanchetiana Deep Orange/Yellow - 10"EACH1.00 Bromeliad - Imperialis 'Malbec' - 9"EACH2.00 Liriope 'Emerald Goddess' - 1 Gal.EACH46.00 Society Garlic - 1 Gal.EACH10.00 Dwarf Podocarpus 'Pringles' - 3 Gal.EACH99.00 Agapanthus africanus or Duranta 'Gold Mound' - 3 Gal.EACH60.00 Variegated Arboricola - 3 Gal.EACH21.00 Giant Apostles Iris 'Regina' - 3 Gal. @ 24" O.C.EACH60.00 Hawaiian Ti 'Auntie Lou' - 3 Gal.EACH9.00 St. Augustine Sod - InstalledSQUARE FEET1,200.00 River Jacks 3-5" - Bulk InstalledTON3.50 Florida Fieldstone Boulder-(3 Boulders @ 2x2x2)TON1.50 Phoenix roebelenii "DOUBLE" - 6' B&BEACH6.00 $7,661.09South Side / Plant & Misc. Materials Seasonal Annuals - 4" (Addition to Existing)EACH100.00 Liriope 'Emerald Goddess' - 1 Gal.EACH68.00 Society Garlic - 1 Gal.EACH30.00 Giant Apostles Iris 'Regina' - 3 Gal. @ 24" O.C.EACH60.00 Dwarf Podocarpus 'Pringles' - 3 Gal.EACH108.00 Agapanthus africanus or Duranta 'Gold Mound' - 3 Gal.EACH60.00 St. Augustine Sod - InstalledSQUARE FEET800.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 ph. (407) 292-9600 fax (407) 291-4966 This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services, Inc. Page 2 of 4 June 21, 2019 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beauti Proposal for Extra Work at Phoenix roebelenii "DOUBLE" - 6' B&BEACH5.00 $5,827.00Labor & Misc. Enhancement Crew / Demo / Stump Removal of Hollies & Japanese Blueberries after Flush CutHOUR80.00 30/40 CUBIC YARD GREEN WASTE ONLY - Roll- Off/DumpsterLOAD1.00 Mulch Installed - Mini Pine Bark (For Newly Planted & Disturbed Areas Only)CUBIC YARD25.00 Seasonal Annual SoilCUBIC YARD2.00 $1,900.00Irrigation Irrigation RetrofitLUMP SUM1.00 $4,167.86Tree Removals / Grading Beds North and South Fountains Remove and grade excess of dirt on beds and haul it awayHOUR45.00 Flush Cut of (3) Holly & (2) Japanese blueberry on South Fountain. Flush Cut of (3) Holly & (3) Japanese blueberry on North Fountain. Includes debris haul off. LUMP SUM1.00 **Seasonal Annuals on this proposal are an ADDITION To the Existing Seasonal Annuals on Contract*** ****The irrigation Retro-Fit pricing stated in the proposal was based upon the existing system having sufficient pressure & volume to accommodate the new plantings. Any mainline, lateral supply lines, new valves, wire and or Controllers which may be necessary to provide sufficient coverage would be an extra price*** **Mulch Quantity Listed is for New planted or Disturbed areas ONLY** Service Line 460400196JOB# SO#6962805 130 For internal use only $30,491.18Total Price THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811 ph. (407) 292-9600 fax (407) 291-4966 This proposal is valid for 60 days unless otherwise approved by BrightView Landscape Services, Inc. June 21, 2019 Page 3 of 4 Exclusions And Qualifications Personnel/ Working Hours ·This Proposal is based upon personnel working normal daytime hours, 8 hour work day, 40 hour work week. Proposal excludes working in an ineffective manner (rain, unsafe working conditions, etc.) ·BrightView is an open shop contractor, non-signatory to any labor agreements. ·This Proposal is based on non-prevailing wage and non-union labor rates. ·This proposal is based on performing the work in one continuous operation and includes one mobilization of equipment, tools and resources to and from site. Utilities, Traffic Control, and Permitting ·BrightView excludes any permits or applicable fees in this proposal. Permits and fees, if required, are to be supplied and paid for by others including street closure and traffic control plans. ·Permanent or temporary Water meter fees, permits, installation and cost for water not included in proposal. ·BrightView Landscape Maintenance, Inc. is not responsible for underground or overhead utilities or their re- routing. ·BrightView is not responsible for unmarked private utilities. ·A minimum of (48) hour notice prior to mobilization must be provided for proper underground utility marking, etc. in public areas. ·The owner shall be responsible for identifying and marking all underground utilities within in the work site. ·BrightView shall accept no responsibility for damage to any unmarked underground utilities. Scope of Work/ Project Specifications ·No import or export soils are provided for in this proposal except as noted in the scope of work. All planting spoils to be used on-site. ·Equipment access roads and level crane pads are to be provided at the time of installation and approved by BrightView prior to mobilization. ·Any and all concrete or asphalt cutting, demolition, removal and replacement to be performed by others. ·Hardscape, electrical, surveying, metal work or waterproofing or any other scope not specified in this proposal are excluded. ·No demolition work is provided for in this proposal except as noted in the scope of work. ·BrightView will receive the site clean and free of weeds and construction debris and in finish graded condition (plus or minus 1/10th foot) ·Site is to be readily accessible by smooth bucket skip loader, forklift, and workmen with hand tools, semi- truck and trailer. ·Cutting, patching or penetration of planter walls is excluded. Coring of structures has not been included. All necessary penetrations into existing planters, sealing of these penetrations, etc. to be by others. ·Waterproofing, protection boards, and topping slabs shall be completed, in place and tested by others prior to mobilization. ·Specified plant materials are subject to availability at the time of construction. ·Design Concepts provided represent plant material at a 1-2 year growth maturity and NOT at time of install. Irrigation ·BrightView shall be given sufficient notice to place irrigation sleeves prior to paving, curbing or wall footings being poured. ·No hardscape (asphalt, concrete, etc.) cutting for purposes of installing irrigation piping, wires, etc. is provided in this proposal. ·Irrigation to be taken from provided point of connection. Water meter installation excluded. ·Irrigation to be installed per plan. Any necessary irrigation modifications to be billed at time and materials. ·Power (110v) P.O.C. for irrigation controller will be provided by the others. ·BrightView will warranty the irrigation system, with regards to material and workmanship for (90) days post- installation. ·The irrigation Retro-Fit pricing stated in the proposal was based upon the existing system having sufficient pressure & volume to accommodate the new plantings. Any mainline, lateral supply lines, new valves, wire and or Controllers which may be necessary to provide sufficient coverage would be an extra price Warranty ·BrightView shall Warranty all shrubs, ground cover and vines for a period of (90) days. Specimen trees for a period of one (1) year. Warranty will extend for as long as BrightView is retained as the maintenance provider. ·Warranty does not extend beyond the natural life cycle of the plant material. (E.G. annual color, perennials, biennials, etc.)