HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 05 28 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 28,2019 The Regular Meeting of Tuesday, May 28, 2019 of the Code Enforcement Board was called to Order by Chairperson Matthew Criswell at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Roll Call: Chairperson Matthew Criswell, present Vice -Chairperson Greg Poero, present Board Member Michael Burns, present Board Member Carole Giltz, absent [Excused] Board Member Maurice Kaprow, present Board Member Dennis Robinson, present Senior City Attorney Jennifer Nix, present, Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia DeJesus, present M�� W Assistont to the City Clerk Antonia DeJesus swore in those who would be providing Testimony during tonight's Meeting. ff•#1#11ff tlry Yr MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD r4,,. REGULAR MEETING - MAY r ,2019 PAGE 2 OF 5 CONSENT ® Unapproved Minutes from Meeting • ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS PUBLISHED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROERO. DISCUSSION. i.'r it • �' r�,;r� MINUTES CODE •- BOARD REGULAR MEETING - MAY 28,2019 PAGE 3 OF 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 500. Code Enforcement Division - Police Department CASE #2019CE000977 PanamaKimberly A. France 315 FloridaWinter Springs, 32708 City Code: 6-87. - Temporary Storage Structures. (Permit Required) Inspector: Matthew Tracht, Code Enforcement Bureau, Police Department, introduced the Case and then testified, "n April 10, 2019, on patrol, I noticed that there was a PO (Portable On Demand Storage) on the front yard of this house. A POD is a specific brand, but this brand was Container on Wheels." Continuing, Captain Tracht stated, "Conducted a record check through our permitting soft are hich revealed no permit on file which was then double checked with permitting (sta ." Captain Tracht referenced the City Code section citing the Violation. Continuing, Captain Tracht stated, "As a result, I mailed Certified/Peturned Receipt a Notice of Code Violation; outlined in the Violation gave • e of rril 24, 2019. Everything was tracked through the United States Postal Service; it went out for delivery on the + • -•recipient . On April 16, it was still on scene; May 3, it was still on scene; May 6, still on scene - still no permit obtained. On May 6, 1 posted on property and via Certified Mail a Notice of the Code Board Hearing that we were going to have today. That letter went out for delivery on May 10 and still was not accepted at the postal service. With that being said, I recommend that they are afforded until June 7 - ten (10) days from now to obtain proper permit which is thirty dollars ($30.00), pay the permit Fine of an additional thirty dollars ($30.00) - hich is double the Fee." CI I Y UF WIN I ER r i= fir, MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENTBOARD REGULAR MEETING - MAY 28,2019 PAGE 4 OF S Captain Tracht mentioned if the Respondent remained in Violation, they would be brought back for a Non -Compliance Hearing. A photograph as shown of the Violation as of that morning. Discussion followed on the permitting process, noticing procedures, and issuing a Finding of Fact. Board Member Michael Burns inquired how long a storage container as allowed to be on a property. Captain Tracht confirmed seventy-two (72) hours with a permit was permissible. VICE -CHAIRPERSON ROERO BEGAN, "I MOVE TO FIND THE [RESPONDENT] IN VIOLATION OF CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT THE RESPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL..." BOARD MEMBER KAPROW ADDED, "...JUNE 7..." VICE-CHAI R PERSON ROERO CONTINUED, "...JUNE 7 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE [RESPONDENT] FAILS TO COMPLY BY THE DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF A HUNDRED DOLLARS r ($100.00) SHALL BE IMPOSEDFOR EACH DAY VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER." MR •", BY VICE- CHAIRPERSON DISCUSSION. • • BOARD MEMBER KAPROW: AYE CHAIRPERSON R I AYE BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON.' AYF VICE -CHAIRPERSON • r AYE BOARD MEMBER BURNS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Further discussion followed on storage containers and the allowable time frame and specific location that the containers could be present on a property. <.F ,N!NTCP 77_0,R:'__ -. !"AMES ,,_._ 5 OF 1; -..�-....ha _ i`J`.., Greg eg i.°.-. .�,_� _ indicated -....-`....2 .-.a 4} !u > iiie was r resigning from LL �-� r Board ,�r��-�.� ted, .d' been i .. a real honor to serve on this Board and h_.3e a concerned citizen." Vice -Chairperson Poem went on to express hiss sincere gratitude to his fellow Board Members, Senior City Attorney jennifer Nix, and staff, Chairperson i -ET thanked Vice-Chairpersont_+_ _- for his service followed by comme,­,ts of appreciation. r-rii other Board -z9 Mem ers. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA- Not Used PEGULAP AGENDA 700. Not Used AMOURNMENT Chairperson ; ers Criswell adjourned the Pegi_flCr Meeting g tit- 5 C -.m N